n«: , rtn Piefut >•? 7''>»ri "i. .1 OntM ; /] I**'!"' i .., tb ■t‘- u r^'es hih #'s(-■ luIJv /■■'^eDt; I ■ "^'Una MS; an.J [ 'It til, V “’an- l^befure p py ‘'- its . ---.is,... fni \ ., '“’85 : ibif f [■•‘Otii Ji'tt ;ri! !: ’.■ n I. \1 'i Vk. Mfh til. ■W[J l.'^h Ar. ,ri- cj, Ui 1 . I'r ■ ur • t If s-, Ml !’ . f •■ I-. - . ■ t .. ; l> F .V V 1.1 ; .; cfl r IR. at Jjftir. ,n ON, Water St., ,.. t. th« ■ N!ivai f a:. „,1 j:us- JJAbt . ..i. 1- Th. Kvt*. I .Iv L-ii'i- t ! >1 'use- i’4 - " V Ki.IllSliWi B-jok; A son- 8 E M I-W E E K I. Y. \Ol.. VII.] FAYKTTFA ILT.K, N. C., MAKCH IS, 1858. [NO. G?)5.] \rri> '.I.»Nl*AVS and TMUIlSi'XVS "U \l -> .1. IIALi: i SON. : kly Obskrvkr 0(' if paid in ^ ■ if p li.l the y*‘>ir of siihscriji- r . 1 'ift r the \ *‘111 Irts exi.il'vil, \ ■ iKsi.iivKU !"’i-:iiniuiii, if in II ij paiil hii iiig the veiir '>f siil)stnji- > , ('I' rifti'i- tin' ye:ir has expirril ,il I'Ml.NTS iiisrrtO'1 f.T sixty cents per 11 - !\»r i!u-iir->t,'Uiil thirt} I't'nts fi>r eHfli i aii u- itii.ii Vc.'iily :i lv.'i-tisfinei;t>. >)_v spp- •V I, t', ill r:itfs. Ailvtrtisei > sire 't;iii‘ tin’ iiinnticr i>f iiir-oi tioiis ilesirod. or M*' t .( li'l i‘‘m. hl.i. iin.l I’hai'fii-'l iii’foril- rf ;enu iit> T" I'C in''fi'tfil iiis-i/e, 00 per . \tr.i. a SS ZC • Sfprhif/ imporiatioit* , - I -r. ni A r, ei\iti^ out- Spritig piurhuses of ^ f •! • r i,\ UOOI'S. HA’l'S, !U)XXK l'S, , ;,nriiL\:. i;o(trs. shoks, it'-. o a' .te tin' uttem’'>n of liiiver!- in this Mar- STAKi; .v‘ WILLIAMS. .,1 '.'iJtf .IA>1KS KYU: 11 \v ri'i’fiving: his S[>rinp supply of DRY G-OODS. r !i ., li lire— B^rint'., Liiwns, and l?nlUtvntes; I'l'lM ami Crick Silks: Irish Liiiei;-! an'l iMnpfis: t-'-iriiier's Linen. Twiileil an'l Plain; ('n.-'liii. re aiiil Merino Twills: 'Vhite ;tnJ Curd {'ottuu Hcs«; I’.i'Uinp: riotlis. No U to !•; Silk niiij >traw JSounets: ,Vc. .. , 111' t t‘Vi-ry article in the I»ry (.iooJs line: all of . . liecn purchaseii by the package at the late ;n NfW \ ork antJ I’hiladelphia: \\ill be otl'ereti ; : r iiir'li or on tiiue to paying customers \| ■, :i 1 1'''^. Wtf ’ir.iMU c.ipy. FRL'S/f .S77.7AV; CiH/pS II. K. .1. Lir.rv t .,^. r. w jicuinjr a large and general assortment UM»1>S, embracing a great variety > \1’LK V KA.\-:’V UKV GOODS, HATS, HoN- . ; Ml’.llKLLAS. .'cc. > - ■ :it l'.M* (,’fis‘_s 150OTS i SJIoKS well »s- ... 'f wliich '.ve propo:*e selling at reasonable - • r • t'h au'i tij prumpt paying customers on the ■ nil- ; Ue earnestly re'iuest all persons in arrears . . • [ :iv up ur in part at least. If i K. J. L. . 1 ; '«8-6t IJ A T vS. Spring Style for 1858. >i n-i 'I superior ('ASSniKKK, r.i • HANAN. WKr.STKK STRAW. KLTLAND STUAW, .''ingle and Uoutile Virim LEGH()RN, PANAMA and I'ALMLKAK, Xc. &c., h ive - n hand and continue to manufacture the I'l. :k I KAt i tioN HAT: Sui .’ih Rabbit aud K\t{MLK S HAT. ■ . .super;.'r W( >0L. DAVID GEE. ■ !i 1;. l*;i-:itpd A PKOCr.AMA riox, lit/ his K.r('iJlt'nci/, 'ril(»>l.\.s I>|{A(i(i. doirnior of yorth (’nr')fiiia JiHliK.\S, if (i.i.s bc.'fi represented to me tnat » f one .ArcliibiiM McDmigald. hitc of the Covinty • if ('iitiiberland, did on tlic l27th day of Kebrunrv Intst, in Sail! ('oiinty, kill and murder one Thoina.s Munroe. find [h'it the said McDmigald is a fugitive fn'm justicf, .'iiiil lias escaped beyond tiic limits of this .State. Ni'W, to the en I th.it the said Archibald McDnugald may Ve iiriestcd and brouglit to tiial for hi.s s:iid of teni-,'. I lit) hereby issue this ni\ Pr"clamation. ctreriiig a Kt wiird of T\\i> Hiin'ired Dull.irs for his apprehen sion ind delivery to the Sherill'(if ('uuiberl ir.d ('uniity DKS.'iliPTION M 'l'iiiigald i- about tifty yetirs of age. of light hair and -unipK-xioii, b'u; eyes, of (uick si eech, h is i scftr ('11 the face near one of hi^ /pnvs, weighs atiout lii") or I7* ['(luiids, is :iddicted to intoxicatim, aiid while drunk is turlnileiit and troulilesome. (liven under my iinnd and the Great Se il ot [l s.]the State, it Haleigh, thi.s the Si\th day ol March, A. l». l,s;."),s 15y the Govcrm r. DIOS r,R.\GG. I’l L.xsKi (’owi’Kii, Pr. Seo'v Murcli 1 ;i3tf A .1 ,voTici:, , L u:. lers line 1 would respecttully return bis •'. iiii.'- to the public for their liberal patronage ■ 1.1 inform all those who may be iu wantof 1‘ic- .. iiieuu. 'v?s or friends to call soon as he does -li ' to r.’inain but a >»h irt time in the place. JAMES A. PALMER, r ■; 1 ; ‘.*-i-4tpd UKUKiNC,! I'.BLS. Herring. M;.l :h lU. Presbyterian copy. iu:rrl\g!! for sale by P. A. WILEY. o;3-'_ w MKSS IM)KK. 9 JkRBLS. CHOICE Mess Pork. For sale by ■.tf P. A. WILEV. .March \-i. H8-2w Presbyterian copy. rnrniKii sl imm.iks of kooks. KJARToN S i.ii. of Aaron Ikirr; Guy Livingstone; ■ I'iie 'J’win H.ises, oy Mrs. Ritchie: Rernard Lile, •Jere (’Ifuiens: .School iiook.s, sc. ''I iri il 1;', IS'Ot'. K .1. HALE & S(.)N. \i)MlMS rKA'I'OK S NO riCK. virtue of an order obtain»;d at .March Term. i*. 1 ol the ('ourt of P.eas and (.Quarter Se«- t r the t'f uiity ii (■uiiibcrl'tnd, I will sell to the • t-iif r Id.Jdcr at ilie .Murket Hoii.se in the town of Fay- •' - on the -1th inst.. the HOUSE and LOT re- >•1-1.) i-.-upied by George Ta\lor, dec’d., .su>'ject to ■ II- wi.|,,w 3 luvver. Terms made known ai sale. .(OS J .MOOKE, Am’r of George Taylor, dec'd. .\^;'ch 1 J. ALSO, i 1 th" ^^:ltn>• time an.l place, 1 will sell the widow’s 'lower in ihe abov*: n:iiued premises So that ijs l.-sirous of I'urchiisiiig may have an oppor- ■ : tv of -iei tiring a fee aiiiiple estate therein. E. F. MOORE. M .rch U. ’.'n-ts \l\mw L l.\« FOR ^ii^liE Sul'scribcr otFers for sale THIRT\-F1VE M. Hi NDlU'.l) ACRES of Lund in as healthy a sec- II ! tliere is in .\l-il>arii!i. F'.RlV A’P>E.S, on which are a good Dwelling and : Il i i'ssary out-house.s, in good repair. E HL'Nl)l{F.D anlSlXTV ACRES, good riv«r bot- ■ ::i II I, D'O acres of vrliich is uii.ler cultivation and pr^riiices tine crops of Cotton and (,'orn. NlNl, in and S1X1’\ .\CKES Creek and Pin*- land, on which is some good fanning; land. fWEN'J V three HLNDREU and FORTY ACRES Piiie iaii 1, vi'll suited for Turpentine getting. 'J'IiIh priioeriy will br .sold Cheap aud on accommoda ting terms .\'ldre-s til'- subscriber at Moniit Plea.^iant P. O., -M'lUr le (JoJ’.tv, .Alabaniu. WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. Match 11, 1858. 12-ly OATS AM) im:as. Rl'SHELS SEED OATS, 101) ditto Cow Peas. — A/ko — A (i w barrels Northern Ir.sh Potatoes. ^ r sa.e iu quautities to suit, by Feb’y 15, 1858. \o ri( I-:. March Term l.'s.>,s, ot the Court of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions of ('uinberi.'iiid countv. .\diiiin strtitii:ii ot the Ejr-ite of tiie late Tlioiii.as Monroe was granted to tl;e nnderiiigiied Persons indebted are i iii)tifi ‘d to make an early pavinent Thi'se liaviiiir elaiii.s must jiresent them in {u-. jer time or this notici; will be jdeaded in bar i .JOHN A. McLAl(’HLlN DANIEL A. M(*NFiOy: ' March 13, 1S;')S. '.ci-t'.w | C’orpox IIONDS FOU ^ALI':. i ^I^HE W'estarn Rail Road (’o. have for sale in amounts I 1 to suit purchasers, i S”JM,0U0 of the Ooupmi Houds of tlio (’ounty of Cumberland, hearing 7 per cent intenst, payable ‘ semi-annually on the 1st June and the 1st of Dcccm- ; ber. and running L’(» years. 1 of the (^itup’in Bonds of the Town of Fayetteville, bearing 'i per ■.•ent interest, jmyable semi annually on the 1st .1 .-.’lary and the 1st of July, and ; running 20 years. | Tliese bonds were issued iu uccordance with law to ! the Western Rail Road ('o.. to pay the Connty and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds i at the ; price the Co. is .sellirg them.i a better investment than any Rank Stock in the State For terms apply to C. B. M.\LLETT. Es,^ , Pres't or to .INO M. ROSE, Treas'r i We.'^terij R. R Co. Fayetteville, Feb'y 2'i, ls>;. 8'.Uf | .MirC HKLI/S FALLS. .iUENTS WWTtl) l\ EVKR\ ( l)l\TV OF Till- SFATI- ‘ roio canvass the same, and procure subscribers’ \ M. names for the sale and delivery of an excellent ! LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, taken upon the spot and gotten up in the finest .stvle of the art, representing the place where the Rev. ' ELISH.\ MITCHtLL lost his life in his explorations ; of the Black Mountain.^ in the Summer of 1S')7. Cpon : the receipt of Three Dollars, we will furnish to any | person desirous of taking an Agency, Two Pictures, , one tinted and one colored, as samples, with full par- | ticulars as to the terms of the agency, iS:c. W e will offer inducements sufficient to make it pa.v an ener getic agent. For further particulars address u.s at ; .Asheville, N. C. LEWIS i: DICKENSON. P. S. Mr. Dickenson is also A«ent for tlio , Mt. >Htchell Monument .Association, and during his tcur through the State will receive subscriptions for ' that object. W. T. DlCKENSoN. Feb'y y, 18.58.* 8-3't>in ^ DOliBIN llOrSK I For Rent or Lease. i fBlHE Lease of the present Proprietors of this well I .I known House will expire on the 1st January, i 18o8: the property is offered for lease or rent. To a i person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an ; excellent opportunity isotl'ered. The building is large, ' well arranged and iu compk'te repair; its location will alwavs command for it an extensive patronage. As the present Proprietors intend changing their busi- ^ ness, the Furniture, which is nearly new and in good order, can 'oe purchased on favorable terms. The House will be delivered on or after the Is' of; January, remaining open under the present manage- j ment till a tenant is obtained. The tine Store in tlie same ^milding, formerly occu- ' pled by Mr. Wm. Booth, is also offered for rent. JNO. H. COOK, I Prest. Dobbin House (,'o. | Dec’r l>i, lb-37. *19-tf BOERHAVE^S lioij.wi^ iuni:its T\{0\ 1 riJ.KIi, \|{(»niey.s iiml (’oiuiscllors ul Law, i.i'I'o., i'. llORERT E. TROV and JOHN P. FULLER, have tornied .an assotia ion foi tiie practice of tbeir (■rotessiaii m Kobesou ('ounty The f,inner will also attenil the 'ourts ot Bla leu and ('oliiiiibiis: the latter will a'o attend those of (’umb.'rlaiid ri e Ollici* it) Lmnbei-fi ij will be kefd open at all times. Jan y I. lh.>,s. 7,j. SIDNEY A. SMITH, AtNimcy -'lul (’ouii»'l|>r ;if Law, ll'l' attend regiil.arlv the County and Superior w V 'oUit.s 1.1 .loliuston. ’umberland. Har nett. .riid ilson. .All business entrusted to his care «il. reveivt- prompt attention. •lan y I'J, ?ii-ly A. E. HALL, &’'«>r«va2'4iiiii; aiiil n B:urnA.\ T, \M) UiK.M’ Fdli T. S. LlTTl'KLltH. Prompt atteiiiii.n w:ll be ^;ve;i to all I'onsigriinent.s. U iliiiington, .N. i'., .Ian. 1m'»^. sl-:'in (ji:o. AiJ)i:iiMA.\, insitt’clor of •Yttvni WILMLNGTON, N. C., SOI.lt’llS jiatrotiage. PviMnpt attention and ijuick despatch will be givi |..H. BeaiiToi iM Hfj(’ .\orici: ^EREP.V CilVEN, that Books of .Sub.scription to c ipit;il slock of t he ’ent r;» I Rail Road, from care. •lune '2-i, 1857. be given to business entrusted to his l'J-l;impd A. McRIMMON, Couimission and Forwarding Merchant. July b, ls.‘)7. Wll.MINtnON, N. C •J-Jtf T. O. & B. Cr. WORTH, 'L (niMiHssMMi I'^orwardmir McrcUuiits, /Jroif , /iinlihiitf, \yiil>r Strrei, •I’ f , L sual M'lviinces innde on cuusi^umeutrf. Nuv. 11, 1). A. L.v.MOXr, Commission Merchant, i\. C\ OFFICE ;iK N».tRTH WATER STREET. Personal attention given to all produce sent to him either for sale or shipment. N " r 0. 57-1 vpd l)A\ll) .McDl I'FIK, itrirkitmson and Plaslerri\ f> prepared to do all kind.s of work in his line, in- i eluding the putting up of Turpeutiue Stills in this and the adjoining counties. | Fayittevjile, .April 27, 1857. 3-lV-pd B. F. PEARCE & CO., DEALERS IN FOREKJX AND DiJ.MK.STK’ UKY (JOOD.S H.vrs, CAPS, liuois .\ND SHOES, / mhrtHaa ami Rtuil^-Muiie Uluthnij, IIAV STKEKT, i'atfetlcrille^ ,V. 4\ U. K rh\Kl K.] [j. W. I’K.VRCK, Jll. July iio. :^',t-tf JOiLV 1*. SAAirsOX, Commission and Forwarding Mercliant, WlLMLNGTt).\, N. C. Will give particular attention to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, Feb’y 'I'y lS5li. 85-tf .1. W ILLIAM iv\(;i:, .\L !>., !• I TT S K O il O i O Mt, .V. V. ,R. I’.VGE may be found at his ottice when not BeaiiTort Harbor via Kenansville. I’liiiton, Fayetteville, and Uest. wIM be ot ened on Tlnirsdav, tlie loth day of .April l8;)i;, mill remain open ui'cordiiig to the terms of tlie’harter until turther notice, at the following l>laces and under directiiiii of the following named persons, Comini.ssioners in the ('barter, viz: In *lie (’ounty of Onslow, at the oflice ot-the i/lerk of the (’ounty Court at J K^ksonville. and at the I’ost Olh.e Kiri, Lands. F.. W. Foiiville, G. J. Ward, J. H. l*oy, Rob>>rt Whitt‘, .lohn \vei;tt, .Ir., Owen Hug gins. L, \\ H ijm[ihre_j’. In 'Jarteret county, at Ihe otiice of I'r. .\1. F. .Aren- .It Reaufort |ir. .M. F .Vrcndell, J. F. Bell, L. !'• 0;,l(>sl,y t the store of G \\ . Tuylor at Cai oliiia ('ity, — Col. '^111. .N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Cant. Levi Oglesbv, Bridge A re!,dell. ‘ » In L*ujiiiii county, at tiie olliee of the County .-art V» Ivenansv ille,—Major ('wen R. Kenan, David Kei I, Isaac B. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. .1. Houston, •Stefilioii (;raiiain. I" ■'samjisoii coiint at the ofFiee of the t’onnty ’ourt '** ^'1'1‘ton,—Thomas I. I'aison, Dr. Thomas iijiiiii^r Wni. .McKay P.itrick Murphy, Win. Faison, • ■ 1> beiuiian, Alfred .lohnson. In 'iniberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office A ,\ , .McKefhan. — I honns P.. l.'nder'vood, Rand.al McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow. John C. lilocker. 1' o;’iil oi sijliscri pt ion: 1 he I ndersigned airree to take the number of shares ot -"Sliio each, set oiniosite to our n.uno'’ respectively, in tlie (’entral llaii Road Conipaiiy: and in all respects 1^0 comply with the tortns of the Ch;irter. «H)KBIlM)l\C OF ill kinds, i.s eiecuted iu tlie best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re- boiind in the .«iaine style they were before. 'Ihis will save t he repurchase ol new books. Librarians connected wiih iMilleges, and other societies, aud also gentlemen residing .jt u 'listance. will tiiid it a matter of economy to iret their books bound here. as a deduction of prit^es will be maile up in large orders; Pack them and ■*'n I them with particular directions to t hi.s establishment; and when finished, thej’ will be carefully repticked and returned without delay. I have the best stock of materials: and workman ship will compare with iin^' either at the North or South. ■Ap[ily for a li.st of Binding jirices before going else where. I'he undersigned respectfull v solicits a share of patronage. THOS. II. TILLING 11 AST, .Anderson Street. Nov. 5, 1857. 51-V '..yit -/ ■- , ^ Name.s i Uesidenc t I .Vo. of siiare.s Cash I Work D professionally sngaged. -May 0, lb57. McLEANS ■ ^■'RE.-'H PE.\.CHES, in half gallon cans, for s:ile at the t'rockery Store. ! the Feb'y Itj. W. X. TILLlN(iHAST 8ti-l*mo HjTTERL0118 LIAE. THE Steamer F.AX.NV will leave Fayotteville for i JL Wilmington every Monday and Thursday morn ing, until turtner notice. Will take freight and pas sengers as heretofore. T. S. Ld'TERLOll. Feb’y 87- uivku coal. HITL.'IINOUS CO.AL of the beet quality can be liad at the works ;it Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. W.\i. Mc( L.ANK. .Mining Engineer, May :i I, I 8.1*) ti-tf lU T'FFU! lU 'FTFd!! lU TrKK!!! B. ROSE. 86 tf TIIE CKIJ'^BR.^TKD llDl.I.ANn KKM^DY FOll 39rSP3EPSIA, DISKASS: OF TlfK Kri»vKrs, LIVER COMPLAINX, WEAKNESS OF AXY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE. And Ihe various atrerlions conKeijueiU Upon ft !isoril«‘rt*l STOMACH Oil LIVER, .■suili as liiili;:estion, .Aiidity of llie .'•Uiiiiarli, I’aliis llcarlliurn. I.oss ot .\piietilp, I»rv[ionili-ii y ('o^tivcne-^i, lilinilHnd Hleftiiiu' Piles. In all .Nprvoiis, K hen am tie, ami .\iiirai" ■ Ailic- tions, il has in niiineroiK inst iiiccs |.roveil hiahly liiMirliriid, and ill oiliers elfetti'il a der'aJed cure '('his is a purely veuetitlile ciinipoiind. prepared on strictly sri.-n lific principles. Miter llie manner ot llie celehr ited (lollaiid I'ro (e.s'or. Hoerhave, llecaiise of its irreat Min e's in iimsi o( ihc Kuro(>ean Sinles, ils intnidurlinii inlii the ('iiileil Siaies u as in lenWrd more especinlly lor ihose ol' oiir l.ilher'and scalti’reil here «nd ihere over the f.ice of this iiii(:hty country .Meetin); w itli rMii“success Hmiin: them. I now otfer it to the .Ami rican piilibc, knowinif that its :ruly wonderful iiiedicinitl virtues iimst he ,ic- knowledued. (t is i»iiriicul>>rly rci iaiiiiiendeil to those per-ons whose ronsiUii- tionn iii.iy have tiren impaired (ly the coiiiiniious use ofiirilfnt spirits, or oilier loimsot lUss-pHtion. (ieiirrally insiHiiiHneous in erti;ci, il finds its way d.rei lly lo ilie sc.ai ol life, thrillini: and tpiickeninu every nerv**, r lisiiii; up ihe i^iooplnir spirit, and, in I'arl, intiisuii' new health ;ind visjor in the sjsiem. .N iC( K—Whoever exiiects to lind this h tieveraL'c will lie dis- Hppoiiiled; hut 111 the sick, weak and low spirileii, il will prove a tfrHlel'iil HroiiiHiit cordiHl. posses'ed iH aiiiaular remedial (irojierlies ; A u r I o : 'I'he great jiopiilarily of this delixhtl'iil .Aroma h.i.s indiiceil many iniilaiiiins. winch the pulilic should uiiard aiiainst purchasini;. lie iii.t |«-rsuHdeil lo liuv aiiythin({ else iiiilil you Imvf niveii lloer liavcV lliili.inil Hillers a tair trial. One Imiilc wdl convince you h.iw intin lely superior it is lo all these iniilnlions. {fc/".'old ai il.lHI per bottle, or six hotiles tor :J.'>,iKl. hy ihe so 1, K 1' KO F K I KTO K S, ki:.\.iavii\ pa«i:, jr. a, co. M A N r F A C T r R I N O PHARM.ACKUTISTS AND CHE.MISTS, I’lTT8BUR(JH, Pa. Suniuel J. Hinsdale sole agent for Fayetteville. June 14, 1857. nj. BLANKS for sale at this Otiice. Hec. 1:4. LliS. MOUNTAIN and GO.^’HKN RI T TFR. For sale low for C.-VSH bv P. A. WILRV. 71-tf COTTON liA(J(;iX(L I NI>HK and (lUNNV R,AC«UINU in quantities to •-uit purchasers. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. Sept. 17. 4:Jtf D lOlt ,SV(.10. A DAMANTINK and TALLOW CANDLKS: tine and common T(HCA(U'0: and almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheap as the cht ipestl G. AV. I. GOLDSTON. Jnn’3’27, 1»57. 77- (UIANO. TONS 15FST PERUVIAN GUANO, ju^^t re- ceived and for sale by GEO. W. VVILLIA.MS & CO. Aug. ;}i. ;i8- FANNKirs OIL ik DRY IIIDI^S. • &|||. BPLS. Tanner's Oil,—a superior a» tide; disc, /W"" a tine lot of Dry Hides. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. Nov. 02- FOU SALE. APLE.AS.ANT RESIDENCE in the country, one mile and a ijuarter from the Market House. The Tract of Laud contains acres. On the premises is a comfortable Dwelling House, with all necessary out houses; well of excellent water in the yard; good gar den, tic. Terms moder.ate; for further p.articulars ap ply to !’• SHE.MWELL, Fayetteville, Feb’y 8. 82-tf FaVET'l'EVlLLK HO'l'EJ.~ N. KOREllTS K CO., having leased this Hotel, will be pleased to see their former patrons and friends, assuring them that they will use every exertion to please, t\ N. Koberts.J [J. G. Smith. Jan’y 7. 74-ypd Subscriptions may be made payable in work, ami may specify whetlur for grading or cross-ties: and ."ft(ickholder.s .sha'l in evei-v c:ise h.ive preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer's estimate. .\s soon as one hundred thousand dollars .are sub scribed, the CoTniiii.'siouers of Onslow county are to lie notitii' I, and they are reijUM-ed to call a meeting of Stockholders to org;inize the Company, Marrh 15, l'5(;. IHtf RoiJKirr I). ;rfi:n, (LATE QRKEN x WEAR.) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, kc., FAVKTTHVIhLH, N. (’. 1% D (jt. beg.s to return his sincere thanks to the ■ w • jiublic for the kind patron.-ige so liberally be stowal upon the late Firm, and iut'orms them he has bought the interest of .). S. Wear, and will continue the business in all its branches at the old stand, under his entire siiperiiitendeuce. N. R .All Watches left with him for repair will be taken apart iu the presence of the owners, and the necessary repairs pointe'l out to them and a written contract given t'or the same, which work will be v^ar- ranted for two years. On hand and for sale now, th- most varied and choice selection i.il CLot’KS and othe' ".iine pieces that has ever been offered to the public ir. North Caro lina, which he will sell at New Vorl; prites, and also w.\ i!.L.«ivafor two years. fit^jp [[V'due to and by the late firm will be (laid R pureceived by R. D. GREEN. .Aiijiust‘25. ixofi, ;i4-ti’ SIIK.MWIWJ. IIOIjSK, i'.\vi:tti:vii.i.h, «■. fjii'if xi Jf nf (Ir > n S'ri ff, o t'cir: f^nnrs \ortli nr tfir Murk t Ihmnr. Suhscri'ier desires throuzh this iam to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables- and Carriage Shed convenifiit to the House and to water he takes plea.sure in saying to his patrons and the puViIic geiier.illy, th.it he is stiil prepared to accom modate them with transient .ind permanent board, aud respci-tfiilly solicits a continuance of the liberal pat.on- age heretofore received. Every e.xeition on his part shall he u.sed to render them comfort.ible during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market atfords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1855. 86-tf \ ALl AliLi: FUOFFR FV roK s.f#.#;. 1 OFFER for >;ale, my L\NDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about l-iO .Veres, known as the mUWFORD SWAMP. ■About 81) -Veres of it is line .Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. .-Vlso, the V:iliiai>l«‘ Ui'i«>k iiiid IjOI near the .Market Square, occupied by Mr. John A i'euibertou. .A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and .Mumford Streets, known as tiie Hotel Garden -Lot,—coubl be divided into several Ruilding Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildings. .Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on .Mumford Street. Sever,vl DESIRARLE 1)U1LD1N(} LOTS on both Wiiisliiv and .Mumford Streets. .All this pr(i|ierty can now be purchased on f;ivoni- b)c terms, and a large part can remain on Rond and Mortgage if desired. THO. .1. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1H55. 4;?-tf JOSEPH H. BLOSSOM, c: o n :?i 1o a AND I 'O R W A RI) IN C; M K RC! IA N r, i IVilmiiiititoit^ •V. i\ I Prompt per.sonal attention given to al 1 (.’’onsigu inents, and ('ash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this in irk‘t. teb. 12, 1«55. 07 JOSFFU B VKI:R, Jll., A I'TO 15 \ i: V AT I. A \\ , 3 ■ .AS taken an oflice next door to Win, P*. Wright’s ■ JL Law office on (ireen Street. He will attend aud practice in the County and Superior Courts of I’umber land, Rladen, Robeson and .Sampson. .March 2;i, 1853. 7!»-tf w. r,.ocKU Is now receiving from the Xortli the luroest, liiio."t, und luo.st carefully .se lected stock of i l KAITI lei: ever ottered in this market; which, added to hi.^s own manufacture, makes his assortment coinjdete;—all oi which be will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cotiage bed-room Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, aud cotton Mattresses; IjOokiiig Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; P.ureat.,-; Secretaries and Book-( ases; What- Not.s; Tabli‘>), all sorts; Wash Stands; Cnndie Stands; firdi obes; Picture Frames and (Hass: Wii;Jow Shades; ( ornioes; (,'urtain Rands; Sofas in .Mahoganv and Halnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools: ha;r.s of every variet}'. rine Rosewood I'ianots, one with ..-^^jliau A^' tachment; Rosewood Melodiaus, froiii the bet manufac tories in New ^ »rk and Boston, warrantel as good as any made iu the country, aud will be sold .f N. Vork prices—freight only added. Septemtier 2. 4o-tf Thv Varria^e Fttrfnrtj in the SoHth! Mcivivrii \-\ nre tnsuraHre. WE refer our readers to the annual statement of the ..VMna Insurance Company, of Hartford, which will be fo«ind in another column. This success ful institution was iucorporated by the*Legi.slature of (-onuecticut in ISl'.*, with a perjietnal charter. Its capital is v5o0,(l(^0, and its accufiiulatious exceed >•''(1(1,01)0 more, making its entire assets ever 0O(), invested us detailed in the statement referred to. These re.siilts iiiJicate that during the period of nearly forty years since its oruani/.aiion, ^without a single change of its chief oflicer,) its business has been oon- diict.d with judgment and prudence. It has been thu.'- f ir successful in an eminent degree, discharging. •IS We are iuforincd, all its obligr.tions l«y tin payinent fif about t' U milli'iH i/iil/iirs for losses, without asking a day's liebiy in any instauoe. It has had but little lit igation, notwith.stauding the immense number of tratis- actioiis made. In order to attain as much rijtninti/ as possible iu .'■ucli a business as insurance, it has been the jiractii-e of the Couijiany, for several years, at ereat labor, carefully to classify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain tiic amount insured on each class, the amount of pre- I 'iums received thereon, aii't the amount of losses uji- on each. This classification, extending over a long period,anil covering profierty to a very large amount,fur- i'i'hes s’eliable data, and presents a sound, substantial basis of actual exjierieuce, upon which to conduct its business. Insurance isnot a matter of luck or chance, &s many suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, aud its principles capable of being reduced to a system, the jiractical working and results of which are as certain as that of any other business. The .Etna Company, by adhering rigidly to its system, and placing its busi- ne.ss uj on a healthy basis, has obtained the confidence of the community to an extent surjiassed by no other Company in the U. States, and lias increased its busi ness and its income from year to j'ear with a steadj- growth. One great source of its security is the wide distributiou of its risks—u policy which it pursues with great strictness—limiting the amount to be Cov ered in each locality. By this course it has passed, with comj-ar.-ttive impunity, through some of the most sweeping and destructive tires, which Lave swallowed up other comp'inie.s less c;aiti«us in their business. It in a .system lise this, based upon experience, which gives stafiilitj- ani soundness to a company, and to the as sured confidence and security. — Ualtiiunr^ I'utriut. l.\SlHA.\t'E ('O.MP.ii\V, II.\UT1'()UI), CO.NN. INCORl’ORATED 181'.t. CHARTER PERPETUAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. BRACE, President. E. G. RIPLEY, Vice Pre sident. T. -A. .ALEX.ANDER, Secretary. Dihei roKs—T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. Buell, M. -A. Tuttle, E. Flower, L. -A. Bulkeley, R. .Mather, E. G. Riplev, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G. F. L'avis, .A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. .A. .Alexander, W. Keney. The Aiisets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, paying interest, with •'i'172,001 til of cash on deposit# in the Hanford Banks, to meet losses. Losses due aud unpaid—none. Losses adjusted and not due, !5^24,olo fl5. i.osses in suspense, waiting further proof, lic., >*75,- s5(l 15. Losses resistec, (suspicious of fraud, \c.) $46,078 72. Agent of the above Comjiany in Fayetteville, N. C. E. J. HALE. “ L A VV COF A R VS \]RSI i IF/’ E, the undersignod. have this day formed a Law w W Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J, H. HAUGHTON. JNO. .MANNING. Pitt.sborough. N C., Jan’y 1, 185tj. 72tf liook Agents Wanted. ^SIHE Subscriber, having taken theGenera! Agency JL forgetting subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s History of North Carolina, now in process of publica tion by Messrs. E. J. Hi.le Son .of Fayetteville, is desirous of entering into an engagement with one or more active, intelligent and reliable persons in each of the Judicial Circuits, to canvass their respective parts of the State, or particular counties, thoreughly. immediate application is desired, as sample copies ol the first volume will will be ready in a few days. Undoubted testimonials as to character must ac company each application. Address M. W. HOEN. Respectfully informs his friends and I'le public, that he h.iv built up Infse subst.antia! Brick Buildings at his Oid Sf;;iid, expressly for man ufacturing Carriivges. Ti;aii';ful for the v‘ry liberal patronage he has received fi)r the lust 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to biuiuess. with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit n continuance ot' the same. He warrant."* hlP work lo iir iivnK- of i!,r material ami by experienced workmen in e:icli I...inch of the business. His work will compare tav*>ra1vly with ..ny made in the United States, for ue.atness aii'! durability. He is determined to sell aiid do any work in his line on as good terms as any work ilone elsewhere that is as well done. He now li4S on hand, Fi.mshku, the L.\RGEST ST(.»CK of ('tirn (t^es. Barouches. Ilncknu'ti^s, nnii fin f's. Ever olfered in this place, amf a very I'lrge stock of work nearly finished, which will > e finished dailj’. .Allot which will be sold v^ry low for ('.\sH. or on short time to punctual customers, fei?'*’ He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Veiii- cles finished and in course of construction. HatT' -Ml work made by him is warranted 1- months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material v\ill be repaired free of charge. , Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and j examine for themselves. 1 Orders thankfully received and promj tly attended to. I Repairing executed at short notice and on very | reasonable terns. i .May 28, 1853. tf- S'.) I LAND FOR SALF. .ACRES OF L.VND lying on upper j — Little River, iu Harnett (^Junty, well ■ timbered anl well located for thcTiirpentlne business, j It will tie sold on accommodating terms. Apply soon to the Subscriber at Fayetteville. W.M. McL. McKAV. Sept. 22, I85ti, 4l-tf j LIFK INSFRVN(’F. i '^a^HE Und orsigiied has been appointed Vgent of j -M. the .North Carolina M it i.il Life 1 iisiiraiiee Com pany. Every member for life partieij'utes in the pro- ; lit.s ol the Coiupauy; and the annual preiuiiiiii for j lite uiemoership, where it aiuouuts io It) oi' iiioie, i may be p.iid one-iialf in cash, :iiid tiie other haii in i a note at 12 months. ! Debtors lives ni.ay he iiisurt d by ui'editor'i. .V in.an I may iusure his own lii'e for the evciiisive iK-nehf of! his tainiiy T.ie iives of sl.ives ;u iy be insured. ; i ilia .systeiii i.-, ijijii.lly gio'.ving into i.i.ui. all over | the civi.ized world It is one i>y which a laiiiiiy, lor j a small sum annually, niav be provide I for, .ait r the j death of its nead, on >viiosu exertions tiiey nia\ have been iJependent lor a support, it is a gooci inve.'taient ol money, even ii one should live long alter ta .iug out a Lite i'olicy Explanatory pampliiets, and the , necessary Blanks, furnished on application ! E. J. HALE. THO. C. FULLER, ,iHorttey and i'ounscllor at Laa'. Ot FICE at Etroles’s Brilge, recently oocU{(ieJ oy James Banks, Esip, Fayetteville, .V. C Jan’y i, 1857. LOVEUU ELDUIDGE, •ittorney at JLatv^ W ILL attend the Courts of Johnston aud Sainp- NFW HOOKS. IIVINGSTON’S TRAVELS IN SOUTH AFRICA; J Barth’s Discoveries iu North aud Central Africa; "The Reason Why,*' by the author of‘luiiuire Within.’ —ALSO— Further supplies of .Mustang Gray; Piiocnixiana; The Painter, Gilder aud Varnisher’s Companion; Sale's Koran; .lii.pobiis s Notes on the Gospels; The t'ommu- uie.int's t'ompanion; Barnes' Notes on the Gos,.els: (.’onybeare’a Life and Epistles of St. Paul; The Psalm ist, with supjilemeut; Bibles; School Books; vc. Juft received. E. J. H.ALE SON Jaii'y 10, 185S. NOTICE. ''I ■'HE undersigned having executed a power of .\t- JL torney to E. F. .Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for me aud iu my name, and geuerMlly to transact all business as I might or could do were I personally present. J. J. .MooUE. Fayetteville, June 3, 1857. 13tf frosii supply of Lime, FliiHteriuj^ H.iir, Calcined Plaster, Hydniulic Cement, aui Lauil Plas;er. For sale in i|uau ities to suit, by B. ROSE. Feb’^/ 15, 185?^. 85tf .NOKTII C.UU)L1.\,\ l!.\(JO.N. ii .\.MS, Sides ftnd Shoulders, for sale by BEVERLY HOSE. 8(»- bou Counties. Smithtield, April 15, 185(>. !*G-tf “Worth & Utley, Forwjtrdinjir and General Conunission MERCHANTS, M'ayettceille^ r. J. A. WOKTH. (72tf) JOS. TTLEY. W. H. TURLINaTON, Comiiii.ssion Merchant, No. 4 North Water St. \VILML\GTON, N. C. WILL give his prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval Stores or other Country Produce. No?. 8, 1850. tf Hr. K. A. ItL/ltK, Ft'H'E Front Rooms, over Ur. S. J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug Store. Fe>-’y 7, 185'i. 76-tf DWELLING FOR SALE. ri'^llL Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling i und Lot on tae corner of Gillespie and Russell Streets, fit present occupied by .^I^. Henry Erainbert. Terms reasonablf. E. .1. H.VLE. NEU HOOKS. ■ag MOULD Oi: SI.'^^iLE, by Mi.ss Sedgewick; The ...f ■- Pi'' fc'Sor, iiy I'urrer liell; Romany Hye, bj' Laveiigro; lhi‘ .Xlhelings; Tent Life in the Holy L.and. Boat Life in Egypt and .Nubi.a; The Imjiroved House wife, by .Mrs. V\eii.';ter; i\e. Also, Bullion'.- 1st Lessons in (Jreek; Payson .J Diaitiin's Series of PEN'd.VNS H 1 !’;'.\ddick's Elements; Key to D-iwe.s' .Algebra; ;ind other School Books. i;. J. HALE A- SON. FI Kl'JlEH MlTLll’JS OF liOUKS, ^I 'HE Khowieilge of Viod, objectively cohm lered, by I Brecliinridge. I'he Prince of' th*- House o'' Daviii; .''iinoii .''ugg.s; Wild Western Scenes; Web.sters I tia- bridged L'lv'tionary; .Mackey's Lexicon of Fn-e-.Masonry; l’re?b_\ teriaii 1‘saliuoiiist; Stod Jard's Juvenile Aritn- metie; ({rt-enleaf’s Mental .VrithiiK'tic: Steel PeU': •MathemtUical Instruments: invoice auu I’leference Files; \c , \c. E. J. H.VLE j SON. Feb. , I Sob ju/ok iiiNi)r:R\. Mu. H.MIDIE il IS resumed tue Book Biniting • loisiness, over the Tailor .Sl op of ('i.irk \ Oil Irt'ar i, where he Will receive and execute bin ii'ig iu any .•^tyle desired. .August 1. :i7tf UIF File Fresbv Itjriaii i^salinodisl— Chara' ter Notes. A further supply just received l^t -J4 E. tftnrble ractoru. Bv L iUDIiK. TWO iiOOKS ABIIVK t’. T. UAIGIl & Sfl.VS STORK. Fayetteville, t3. Jan’y 20,1868. 64-ypd 1

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