furni , Ils rr r sr:.,,: n> u -, II U'lie -*e I ri. r. Vf*! , '‘•I- r. I**?- tvi, Ptiur’f. In. W [Its . In 1; > ■ ■ '• >n to nf m 01 th,- cauntrv [pay II,,--. - • '•ion. I'; Af” T}„ khom - piy higher pri. p In'liiifi ,; f, . .'I I'l-Iv .V - V" ,1,. to ^ ^ ■Willis .III 1 iiii I hv.„ h . rt; I, !U..l , Kx: -f ■ {'■■- Til.' I teil.i!- (V; ) Vo: ’s 1 \iUe ^ the 1 iMw . Jincip ‘ (vcjIh. jSfa; |rse; Hu, Hlr Li;V ^V.ua, I'ii; kM ii |uc> V'j'it >U, |n.\;. ^Ir- fon > ou ' lUK' ik oil ■, Lh >1, 'leM^ : oa >♦ : |hoh ' kve .V ! ■ Lit It eft I ^ rl'rin.' 11 ou ' 3 ou 1^ >al on !. suip eii o!- >u dtT son rtuii ^toii ^ irirtj'V;. au r on ‘ on er uii *’s h ., iley- !uce; ’h tis'd ll.r.i irl?: pin? m ii 's N K)K lmJ '• mar; sdi> die.'s ' N •ttt Jar y i: ondi- ,toi\ y .1 ora . Vtla' erai • jy i>i'^ Hear' II *. !ui ou >un 1 A i; .. ij.jur'- ’’ I' ■ yelli.w ,,I -Tl*' '‘“1 A "‘"‘THud „.,] 1> ,.;ket lioow ) W • 1 I ftW. "‘ ■ “ ' ■Te.J-"*' ■'} •‘hale 4 SW W) 8 B M I-W E K K I. Y. I AVirrrKMLLK, X. C.. MAKCH (S5S. ;• ,ri;i» monu.ws .\nu TiiiM:sit\Ys. ! n\\ \!.’!) .1. n \Li: vV: SON. \ \i> I’Kol'KlK roJiS. \\ U klv >B> a w, iKKVi.K 01* it'iiaidiii i ilurhi;^ the ye;ir of sulisorij'- ■;ii' l»as exj'iri','. ‘K'lVKH >'J 00 per amiuin, il'iuu-l in I'HI I Jlltfl- t lie y (*1! J i!' [niid during the year of siilisrrip- ■: Of ;iiiei‘ the your has exjiiri'd. h r •'I s i'\I KNTS inserted for sixty roiit' per .! It'. lint‘> f'.r tli'j first, and thirty cents for ouch ■ r \ early advertisements l.y spe- :it reas.iiiulilo rates. \.1\.‘Vt i'-ei s are ii il t slate the niuubev of insertions desired, or ,!1 lie eoiitimied till forliid. an I eliarsred accord- ■rtisenient- r:i. ,c inserted charged .'>0 per « »S ss • Sin*ni(j! iiHporiaiioii. iviiij; our Spring purchases of iii:i St i]’;e and Fancy (;)0!)S, I! A'l'S, UO.\NF/rs, LoTiiiNr., noors, shoes, c'ci*. ; we invite the attei.tioii of lUiyers in thii Mar i'A KK .V 1' W1LL1.\MS •.t;uf J.VMES KYLE 1 now receiving his Snring supply of DRY GOODS. A , uu which are — ■ J^rints, Lawns, and I’.nlliantes: * ('ol’d and IJlack Pilks; Iri.'h Linens an,1 Piapers; Farmer’s Linen. Twilled and I’lain: ('assimere and Merino Twills; N'hite and t'ol'd Cotton Hose: I’.oltinj: Cloths. No. 0 to 10; tSilk and J'traw iionuets; vVc. :i’iiu>>t every article in the Dry Goods line; all of been purcJiase.J tiy the packafie at the late f- in New York and l‘hilalelphui: Will he offered i). |. r cash i.r on time to j.aying customers M'.vIi 1.'. ' yotf ; :ir- '-tii ni copy. ti:i:sii SPRL\: coo os 11. K. .J. \A\AA » 11, w "l etiinj; a large and general assortment ^ ' .'^I’lll.VG (i(M»DS, emJiracing a great variety -i xri.K \ K.Wt'Y DRY GOOD.-^, H.VTS, 1K*N- r, S. LMr.KKLL.VS, &C. .i.- I' lit -■)0 Cases 15001';^ i well as- -.1. 'f which we propose selling at reasonable ■ - : ir . I'll and to j>ronipt paying customers on the . ‘ iiO > UV earnestly reiiuest all persons in arrears ' r I av up or in part at least. n. & E. j L. 1‘*8-t;t HATS. J Mui ■! Spring Style for 1858. -I ric d superior CAS.Sl.MLKE, I;LT11 A.NA.S. MKLF.-KIN, U t;i;.TEU STRAW. Kl TL.\.Nl) t’TIlAW, Sit:g’e and l»oul>le lirim LEdliORN, 1‘ANAMA and I’ALMLEAF, .to. &c.. iiMve on hand and continue to manulacture the -.ntJ K.\v'CUiN HAT; .'^mouth Uahldt and F\u\ii;i:'. iiAT. .''uperior WuoL. DAVID GEE. 1-i U3--jtpd A PROC’LAM\ />*// /lis h' rn llcnn/, (!i>nriior of Xorlli (\tr ’lina ^t\,’’il r.KFA.S. it has l*een rejvvesetitc,! t,. me th'it V / one .\rchihald Mcliou;: t d. late ..f the i'ouiity of Ciinilierl.ind, .lid > n the ‘J7th dav of Felirutiry last, in s:-id (’oun'y. kill Hint murder cuf Thomas Munroe. :in i ill .! tl.e said M. l» ,ugaM a I'ligifive fr,,ni jit.'ticc, ■iiid iiaa esca}.ed heyon 1 the limits of ilii-- State. N w, to the >'11 I tli it the .-^ii,l .Vrc!i!!i.iid M. I)oH'j;il l m'lj- he arre.sted and l.roughl t,> tri.al foi- his said of fenco. 1 ilo lii'retiy this my I’rool iin.iti.in, fieri.ijj a It. war ! ofTw,! llutidrc,| I>'Ml'ir-' I' r liis upprrh*''!- si.in ind ile.ivery to th*‘.sheriff of t'uinKerl iiid ('oui'ty. DFSi'IIllTloN M. I'oiii;ald is ahiiiit lil'ly years ol :.ire. ..f liirlit Iiair ami oi.nipl. xion, liiue cy's, of i|ii;c;; si eech. has a .- car «)ti tl.c face nc ir one ot' in- j tmut li'.') or 1* poii’ids, is addii't'-l to intoxicati'in. and wiiile driuik is turhulent .-iii'i tc iili’esonie. Given uii'l.T my h:iiid tli(> Grr it Seal of [I- s.JtheState, at Kaleiitli, this the Sixth d;iy of March, .V. D. 18')S r>\ the (iovernor, TllOS IIK.VGG. i’l i .vsKi Cu\vi i;u, I’r. Se> ’v. M.Mchl.-) \ same, and jirocurc su^s'rihcrs' ind delivery 'f an ex'-ellent T .voncis. F nnders lined woul 1 respectfuMj’ return bis ". iiiK-i t" the puMic for their liberal patronage i inf,.nil all those w ho may be in wantof Pic- ■ ' themselves or friends to call soon as he do«s iteU'.l to remain hut a short time in the place. JAME. A. I'ALMKR. r, !. ! ' '.♦■-J-ltpd in:uKiN(.! UBLS. Herring. .d,ui:h 1.; I'reshyterian copy. IlKliRLNt.l! For ' ile by 1’. A. WILEV. ,MI:SS 1‘ORK. i?BLS. (.’H(»1CF! .Mess Fork iO March l.i. I’reshyterian copy. For sale by P. A. WILEY. •C.tf NO'I'K K. I March Term ot the t'ourt of Pleas and | Quarter Ses.-ioas ..f Cumlierhiiid county, .\dinin- j i>tr.iiii)n of the INfate of flic !:ite '1'!:,m as Monroe was [ granted to the undersii^ine i 1’. is i:i-; indelited are! oofifii'd to i))>ike an e-nly | 'ynie>U Tlr s.- h.aviiig claims must ]>rosent them ii; pr >]er time or this tintice i will be plea.led in t>af | •UtllN A. McLAL'CllLiN’ | 1>AN!FF .\. MUMIOK. March 1'', IS')!^. f’lw I an VOS iioNDs i-or sali:. | ^i^HE Western Kail Road Co. have f'I’sa'.e in amounts I J to suit purchasers. i S'20,0()U of tho Ootipoii lionils nf the routifv of Cumberland, tiearing 7 per cent, interest, payafile i semi-atiniially on the 1st .lune and the 1st of Decein- 1 ber. and ninning ‘Jo years. j SnOjOOO of the C'tupoii H .iids of the Town of | Fayetteville, bearing 'I per cent interest, j'ayab’e semi- ! annually on the 1st .lat.uary aivl tho 1st t>f .luly. and running ‘JU years. Tliese bonds were issued in accordance with law to ! the Western Kail Uoa I Co.. to p:ty the County and! Town subscriptions respectively. I’ersotis having money will tind tliese bonds ^at tlie price the Co. is sellirg them; a better investnu'iit than anj’ II ink Stock in tlie State. ; Foi terms apply to C. D. M-VI.LETT, F’s'i , Pres't or to JNt). .M. Hi'SE, Treas’r We^tern R. li Co. | Fayetteville, Feb'y ‘J'!, 1S')8. S'.'tf .MrrciiKij/s I'Afj s. .\liE.\rs W.lNTtl) 1\ CVKRV rOLATV 111 TIIK STlTi: canvass the M. names for the s.i'e LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, taken upon the spot and gotten up in the finest style j of the art, representing the place where the Rtv. ELlv?H.\ .MITCHELL lost his life iti his e.xpl'>r;itii.n.s of the Black Monntains. in the Summer of 1^'>7. Upon the receipt of Three Dollars, we will furnish to r.iiy person desirous of taking an Agency. Two Pietures. one tinted and one coloreiJ, as samples with full jiar- ticulars as to the terms of the agency, xc. We w ill offer inducements sufUoient to mate it pay an ener getic acent. For further I'articulars address us at Asheville, N. C. LEWIS & I'lCKF.NSON. P. S. Mr. Dickcnsou i.s al.-o Agcat for flic .Mt. Mitchell Monument .Association, asd during li's tour through the State will receive suhscriptlnns for that object. W. T. DICK ljNS( *N. Feb’y y, IS-38. f'-'i-tim DOliHlX 1U)1 Si: For Rent or Lease. f BUIE Lease of the present Propri> tors of this web M. known House will expire on the 1st January, 1858: the property is ottered for lease or rent. To a person desirous of undertaking the Hotel busineb.s. an excellent opportunity isoflered. The building is large, well arranged and in comjilete repair: its h)c;ition will always comniiind for it an extensive patrona;:e. -\s the jiresent Proprittors inten.l changing their busi ness, the Furniture, which is nearly new an I in good order, can be purchased on favoralile terir>s The House will be delivered on or after the 1 s of Janiinrj’, remaining open under the present man;ige- ment till u tenant is obtained The tine Store in the S:ime bulMing, formerly occu pied by .Mr. Wni. IJoC'th, is also . fVered for rent. .INO. 11. COUK, J'rest. Dobbin House Co. Dec'r li’i, IH.'j?. fiO-tf BOERllAV irS HOLLA\» BSTTLIfS 'I'ROV .V I rLLi:R. .\t!(triioys and ('oinisclldrs at Law, \. r. Koi'.ekt i: ri:ov :uri .KHiN p. ffller, Imv • formed an ,iSso, i.i imi the jir ietiee of thcii protessi,iii in 1! lies.m ’,iu-it\. The f,)r!ii''r will als.i Mltettrl the- of |;i:t b-n r.ii.l (’obim^us: tiie l.atter will :i -I. utlet-.il tlio.si! ot 'umtnTlaiid. The ('Mice in Lumbert.-ii w ill be kept ojien at all limes •Ian y 1. 1 S.'»S. 7‘>- SIDNEY A. SMITH, \U*i iM*y (’oiHi't'Mor :it L:iw , 'N. 4 « » II.b att. •nd regularly tin- County and Sup‘rior v¥ C.'inl.sol Wake, .lolnist.m. Cumb.M-laiid, Har nett. .Mid Wilson. .til tiusine.ss enlrurited to fiis eare wi! II . eive [,r..nii t .itt.'iition. ■ •an' . 1_'. •.'.s, 7'«-ly A. B. HALL, r»n% aiMiiii;; and n i:i:t II \ r, WII iliK.M Kllli T. S. I,! ni-lll.llll. Prompt att.'iiti'.ii will tie ”iven t,) all t'onsisrnments. W iliiiliislon, N. iitsftrrlor .l.in. IS )''. ,''l-:Jm ali)i:rm.\.\, of .Yavat Storr^^ W!LMINGT(»\, N. C , SoLin r.-'' patronage. Prompt attention and ijuick despatch will be given to business entruste l to his care. .luneL’;}, lh.')7. I'.t-lL’mpd A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Mercliaut. WIL.MLNGTO.N, N. C. .lulyO. 1S.j7. I'L'tf T. C. & B. G. WORTH, C t)iamissn)ii l-'oruardinir Mfrciiaiits. Jlru'ii's lluildiii^, II-;/-' Strut, ,V i' , I’sual advances made on consignments. Nov. 11, lS-'i7. o'.*-tf 1). A. LAMDXr, Commission Merchant, OFFICE .:■ NtlRTH W.vi'EK STRLFl’. . Per>,'U.i'. attcntii-n given to all produce sent to liini either for sale or siii[>incnt. ii7-1 ypd DAMl) McDri'l'1!\ ilrirktnasott anil t*laslevvt% Is prepared to do all kinds of work in liis line, in- e uiing the imtiing up of Tiirpenline Stills in this and the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, April 1^7, lS-37. o-lY-pJ B. F. PEARCE & CO., DEALERS IN FOiiKKJX AM) DOMlvSTir DRV (iOi)D.S. HA IS, CAPS, iiiMiTS AND SHOES, I inbi'iUas and Uniilj-Madi: Chilliinj, 11AV STREET, .V. U. F I'KAH. i;.] [.). W. I'K.VRCK, JU. July oU. 'J.t-u .loiix p. SAMI^SON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. ive j.artii tilar attcuti-.n to the saie of Navzil Stores, Cotton, \.c. Feb’y 'Jo, IHo*;. So-tf Nov'r ii We ltt. '.'r.', «»wet.' Hug- i without del.ay. .‘'■“'lie liest stock ioiiip;irt‘ with any fi I ship w ill I Soiit!.'. r IM iuj(’ \(vri('!-: j I "' Hi;i!l'l’.\ (il\’KN, flint I! *'s Ilf Sufi.scrlption to the c.ipii;il sioek of the i’eii(r.il Kail Road, from 3 Heaiifort II irfior vi i Kf^’i ci-iville. (Tr.itoii, F .yeneviUe, and West, w'll he opened on 'i'lniisdav. the K^th .lay of .\]iril l''^;i(i. and rema'ti open ii.-eordintr to the terms ot tlie barter unlii lurth.'r notice, .ai the following pbi-es ami nnd.T direction . tlie following named persiiii>, Coniiiiissiiiner.'- in I lie Cliari.T, vi/.: In th(‘ Coiintv of (tiolow, it tbe idiice of the Clerk of iheCdiin' v '*iii f :. t .! i-1; on villo. an.l at the Post Oflice bieli F W . Fonville, G, .1. Ward, .1. H Foy. R.ili.-rt W h te, .loim .\ gill:-, L. W. llumphr.-y. Ill '.’arteret .:onniv, at the ntl'.ce of Dr. M. F. Aren- ;le11 It P.e;:iil'nrt i>r. M. I' \-.Mi,leM, ). F P.ell, L. I . ( V At th‘ store of G W la. N lieiinis, II ;.ii. ^ In Dnpiin conntv tjc'"'' .it K‘•:iiiis;vill •}‘‘i !. ls,i;,t. [{ K,Wm •''t'-jdien Graham. ill .Sampson county, at the office of the Count v Court lerk ai iTinton,—Thomns 1. Faison. Di. Thomas Riiniin^-, \v,„ M,.K,iy. O.ti: U .Mnrch.y, Wm. Faison, •I- P. iJ.-a;ii;iii, ;\lfr.-1 lidiMM.n. In tu itierhin.l county, at I'.iyetteville, at the oHice ' M Ke‘liaii. Thomas K. Cn i- rwoo I. Uandal .'IcD.a:iie!, Fdwar.l I,. W'insb w. .lohn C. Illocker. to:vn ot snbscri)>t ion: 1 ho I n,lers;gned a'rree to take tho nimiber of phares of Si (Ml eaidi. set oi ]usi'e to our names respectively, in the ( entra'. Itaii H.i;j.l ('om; aiiy: and in all resjiects jO coaiply with the torms of the Cliarter. all kinds, is executed in the best manner. 'M'l common Prayers. P.ibles, and others, re- bonnij in the same style they were before This will savetherepurchasp ot new books. Libt-ii iansconnected with college.s, .and other societies, and also gentU inen residing at a distance, will tin.l it .a m.ittcr of econ.>my to j^ef iiifir books boiind her'-, a-- a b Uiu to.n ol jiri.’es will be made upon large or-lers; P .ek tli.-ii; .n\'! -.ieiid them with particular di,‘ti"tis to thi- e-1aMishiiaiit; and when lini..>hed, they will be carefu’ly n p:o ke.l mu! f'Viv I»sm’nnf€> T i; r. 'rials: and wovknnii- ‘ii luT .It I he N'ort i. or T:ivl rr ‘■U,’*':.pt : ’ n o’.ina t'ity.—(^ol. I,i‘vi Oglesby, P.ri.lge at the oDicc of the County Court Major Owen I’. Kenan, David 1'.. ’’t, \\ 111. .1. Houston, .Apply for a list of P.lniling | rices ' ef.^ where. Tho tin.|er«igne l r.'-^peetfn'1 v nlie Of p.itr')iiage. TlloS. ll. TIbLINGl Anders. Nov. 1K.')7. '51 P' > “Tit' .r ;.iin>' els.' its -I bar. I AST. ii St r.'et. :a\ J. \V. r.AKKii Is iK'iw rt'coivil!" from flio Xorfli ‘lie .arj/esf, liitc-f, and rtn-.'f ;ir;d'ullj so- N aiiie Kesi.leiu r j No. of s.'iai'. I •'»> t' lsli W ork It. Will OF BOOKS Guj- Livingstone; 1 I R'l'HKR Sri’FLlKS C^\kfiiN"S Life of .\aron liurr; I fiie 1 win Poses, tiy .Mrs. Kitchte; Bernurd Lile, .ieie. ( lernens: School ,v.-. 'lir.h 1.:, L J. HALF .v SON. n X I )\11 .MS J'li A l'( )R\S > ()'nCK. \ virtue of an order obtained at March Term, A. i», of the t^jurt of Pleiis and Quarter Ses- I ir th'- t’ouniy of Cumberland, 1 will sell to the •'t bi ider, at th'' Market House in the town of Faj- e. on the l!lth inst , the HOLSFj and LOT re- . ■ ipied by George Taylor, dec’d., buVject to ■ 1"W s d 'Wer. Terms made know a at sale. .JOS J. .MOOllE, Am’r of George Taylor, dec’d. .•,:h 1'.:, 18'>'. 9.‘?-ts ALSO, T th'> same time and place, 1 will sell the widow’s dower in the above named premises Ho that • IIS b-sirous of purchasing may have an oppor- ' • ,f ^.e.■uring a fee simple estate therein. E. F. MOOKE. \i n il ! 2. '■'.3-ts IL lBim LI\D FOR SILL ‘ '1. 'Subscriber oUers for sale THIKTV-FIVE ■- lll'NDUKD .ACllKS of Land in as healthy a sec- II i- there is in Al.-ibama. F'd; 1 Y Ai’KFS, on which are a good Dwelling and I; -isary out-h .uses, in good repair. '■ -1. HL’NDHKD andSl.\f\ ACliFS, good river bot- .1 n I, D'U acres of which is under cultivation and Ilu.'^ s tine crops of Colton an^l ('orn. N\Ni: HCNDKED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and !’ini. ,111 I. on which is siine giiod farming land. TW KNTV-lllUFE HUNDllKD and FOKTV ACHES bind, well suited for Turpentine getting. 1 iiis property will l-e s.ild ciieap and on accommoda- • L •'■MIlS. A l'Iress the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. t).. Ill ,e ( i^unty, Aiali.ima, '*VILIdAM W. ENGLISH. M .M h 11, 1808. fi-ly OA'i'S AND l‘KAS. liCSHI'LS SEED 0.\TS, idu Jitto Cow Peas. —Ahj— ' ' » barrels Northern Irish Potatoes. ■ r s;. .- in quantities to suit, by rj:£s{x~ TTIK CKIJ^BI«\TF!> IIKMKI'Y POR DYSFEPSrA, i>isK\si: OF Tin: kii»\ets, LIVER COIVJPLA I NX, \VK.\K.S’KSS OF AXV Kl.Vl), FEVER AND AGUE. ,\n(l the v:irions ntl'ertions ('onr.|iirnt ii|i.in :i ili'iin|er'(l STOMACH Oil J.TVKll, Siirli :is In.liircslion. .Aci.lity of the Sii.inarti. C-ilirkv i’.ilns He:trlliiirn, I,.»i3 ol .\|i|ieiite, Ik.s|i...iiiluii >' o^iiveiii-is, itilnil ■.ml Hlee.lii.i: Piles. In :ill Nervi:..', I*!ieu'.i:.lic, .uid .Neiir il" .■ .MI'im' tion.t. it h:is 111 niniioniu.s iii.stHiu.es i-rov.Ml liiizlily Ui-iielii-ial. ;.in! in iilliers eti'erted h .leci.leil ciirf Thi> i.s a purely veuetalilc .•imi|ionn(i, prep irecl on •iiri.-tiv "ii-ieii liti. prou iples, alter ilie iii .nncr ol ihe i elelir it. il Hull,-.nil l“ri. lessor, Hiwrhave. Ile.mise .il il.s rreal mi.-, oi iiiovi il... i.iiropean Slates, its inirodartion into tfie I'nited States wa-. in teiiHe.l 1.1.ire eNpe.’iiiUy I'.ir ihosi* ot niir l.tlhfT'aitii sc.tUi-r.-d li.Te rin.l llierc iv.-r the l':o e of this iiiiihiy coiinlry .Meeiin..; wnli #reat suc. ess Hill.ins; ilieiii, I ii.iw .ilfer it to liie .\iiiern'an piilili.-, knowini: that ils ; nil y w.m.lerful iiiediciiKil virliles iiiiisi he :cc kiuiwled}:eil. It is iKiril.'iilarly re. i.iiinienileil lo Itiose p. r.vons « li.ise . .iiistilii tions iiiiiy have hreii impaire.l hy llie i-iiPti;.ii.iii- ii'e .W ar.I.-iit spiril.s, or other foiiiis .)! (li'M;p,-iii.in. ;ein r .'il;, iiisliiiit inecms in eti.-i'l. it finds its way ilir.'. tij lo the «e:.i ,ii |n,., ihrillinE and quit keiiiiit! every ncrv.-, r..isiiii; up ih.- ilr.mpin;’ -iiiirit, iin.l, in t.iet, iiiliisni): new health aii.l vii>iir in th.- sy^ie.ii. .M I rU'K—W lioevtr e.xperts to Iin.l Ihis a li.‘ver il’C will lie dis appointed; hul til the si. k, weak ami l.iw .'pirite.i, it w ill pr-ive a t:ralelul aroiiuili.' cordial, possessed ol siiii>ukir rciiie.lial properties C A C T 1 (» N ; 'I'he !>r. al popularity of this delightful .\roiii.i has indii.cl many iiiiilali.ins, whi. h the puhlii- ihuilld miar.l ai!ain>l purchasiiiK, I'.e iiiit |H•r^l|ud^.l lo liiiv anything else until you have iiiven I5i>er- have’s lliilii.iul Killers a f:.ir trial. t)ne li.itilew ill .-on. in. e you h.>v\ iiilin tely suiM Ti.ir il is t.i all tliese iinilations. {^/“.■“old at jicr lj.)tlie. ..r six li.Xiles for i?'..*!!!. Iiy the sum; i* k (11* k I i; T n K s, A Tii.\ i'acjJi:, jk. co. Manuk*, t r rin o PHAKMACEUTISTrf ,\ND CHEMI;iTS, I’lTTsuLRdu, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale sole agent for rayciteville. June 14, 1867. jjj. .J. Ull.LlAM 1‘AGH, \1. !>.. #» f TTS it O it O 9 0 it, .Y. i\ Hi'.\GEni:iy be found :it his ofhce when not ].rofes.':onali_, engaged. May I., l'o7. -jtt McLKAN'S i^''liE.SH I'E.VCHLS, in lialf guUon cans, for sale at *- the (.'rockery Stife. W. N. Tli.LlNGHAST Feb’y 10. SO-'Jnio L L TT l: 111^0 il S Li A E. ^ fi IllE Steamer FANNY will leave Fayotteville for JL ilmington every Mond»yand I'hur.sd.iy morn- iug, until lurtlier notice. Wiil lake freight and pas- sengeis as tietctofore. T. S. LL'n'EKLOH. Feb y "J'-. b(- !)|-:KP RIVKR COAf.. ilTL'MlNOUS (.’0.\L of the best quality can be h id at the works at Egypt, at_a reasonable price by the Ton. W.\i. ,M-CL.\NE. Mining Engineer, May 'Jl, b-tf iir'rrr.R! uuTrKR!! uiirrKR!:: LP.S .Mol NT.VIN an.lGOSlfEN hi I TLII. For sale low for C.ASH by P. A. WILEY. 71-tf Sul'scri),tions may t'C made pavabU- in work, an.l m'i_\' sp.'iify wlietlier for r iding or cross-ties: mikJ stoekhoi.iers shall in every case have preference in tailing Contr,icts, wh.-n bi is are tlic s.iine or at Engi neer' e-itiinate. .Vs soon .-IS one hiindre l thfius.ni l d-!l;irs ;ire snb- scrilie.i, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, -m l the\ arereijipred to call a meeting of Stoekholder? t.i organise the Conip-iny. M.ireh I'), l^oti. 1 ’itf iior,i:R'i' !). ;rfj:n, ~ (LATE GKEEN .v WF \Il.) V7ATCH-MAKEKS. .TEWELLSHS, 8tc., FAVKTTKVILU:, N. D. G. begs to return his sine, re thatiks to the jiublic fot tiie kitid ti.itroiiaire m> liber.illy be- st-nve.l upon the late Firm, and informs tin'tn he has bouihi the ititere-t of .1. S. Wear. an.I v.lll continue the business in all its liranches at the old st.in.l, uti'Ier his '‘iitite supprintendence. N. I! .All \\'atches l.-ft with him for rejiair will be tak.-n ajeirt in the prescn.-e of th’- owii.-rs, and the necessary repurs jminted out to them aii-l a wrifte’i contract given for ti.i- i;ne, wh' ;i work will be v.ir- ratiied for two years. On hand and for s:i'e i.ow, the mos> v,iried and choice selection ot CLOi'KS and otiie*' ^i^le pieces that h'lb ever been offered to the public ir North Caro lina, which he wi'l s.-11 at New Y ‘rk prices, and also 'V\ t:L\;\ afor two ye.irs. siipjp iivdue to and by the late firm will be pail K [I'iroi.-eived by li. \). tlKEEN. *Auzu-t '_’ j. 1 '•'» ' ;M-tf fjiisf si f> 11/ (I'n u Str>if, (I h D'tiirs X'/rth of ^ fh' ]J . rBlHE Subscriber desires through this . ?!'ieSIt * mediiini to acknowh dg.' the liberal patronage besto've i up in his [jous.- the past year—and as he has just erecte-l New St,ibles imd I'arriage She.I convenient to ti e House and to w.iter he takes f.l.-asure in saying t.. hi-^ patrons an.l the public gt ner;illy, that he is siil pi epared to acconi- ino'Iute them with transient an l perni.ineiit Ixiar.l, and res]H'c: iully solicits i contiiiiiaiiec of tlie liberal pat.on- age her. tof ire re..c'veil. E»eiy exeition on his jiart shall be used to reinler them cointort.ible during their Sojourn with him. His t;.ble i- always supplied with the best the market alfor.is. P. SHE MW ELL. March lil, ISj’’. 8'J-tf lected stock of ri KMTE ui: ever onered in this market; which, ad.le.l t.i his own inanutacture, makes liis assortment ompli-to:—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms f.tr cash .. iiuic- lo jiuiictu.al cusioiii.-i s. I .aslrpainted cottage bt'd-rooin Fiifiiiturc in setts; t iirte i )i lir ;in-l shuck, .in I cottnu M irf.••e.'-'-es; Looking (ilasse.-: Willow Wagons ;ind Cta lb-s: !^! le Hoards; Dureaus: Se.^'retarit s an.l l’>ook-(' ;>cs: What- Nots; 1 ables, all .sorts: Wash Staii.i.-; 'm.iite Stands; Wardiobes; Picture Frames at;d Gla.ss; W indow Shades; Corniccs; ('urtain Ilaiuls; Sofis in Mahogaiy ;md '\alnnt; Tete a Tetes; Ottotuans; Divans an.l btools: t hairs of every variety. 1-ine TiD.sewoDu one wi'l; ..Eolian At' tachin.'nt; K.isew.iod Melo'lians, fr-iiii the bet manufac tories in New \-rk an.l Doston. w irraiitci as gool as any made in the country, and will be soi l at N. York pri.-es—freight only added. Sepiein- er J. l-'.-tf 'i'hv rtirloytf i»i the South! Kir |> ESPECTFFLLY inf.irm^ ■ pubUc. th,it he h:i' biii t Up large s' Itrick Iluiiilings at hi- oid St.ind. expressly ufacturing (.'arriair-'s. Tliai.kiui ;.ir ihe v.- patron,ige he has received for thv l;i.-t l!1 hope- by .strict attention to bii.-;nes'. with .i . to give saiisfaction, to iiii rit a ••.■ol'im.ii.. ..- . satne. He warrants liis work to b - m-. lo of ; |i, material and liy cxiiorienc^d w iri.'neun ■.•i-.-h ', of the husine‘-s. His w,»rk will compare - iv! with any made in the Cnited States, t or neatuc! durabiiity. He is deierin'iiu-.t to sell an,I 1 work in his line on as sroo.l terms as any w> i k done elsew here t ha t is a s well lone. He now 1; i > oii hand, Fi.Ni.snKi). ttip largest STOCK of f 'am /fn-rs. nuroifrlics. Ui, iiiT’.n t fijc ff/f. 1 Dec. JI. ( 'O I'I'ON I ■^FNDEE and GL'NNV fcuit purchasers. Sept. 17. |JA(;(;IX(J. l5.\(i(iING in quantities to For sale by JAS. 0. Cook. 4;itf I'OR smj:. DAMANTiNi; and TALLOW CANDLES: hne and common TOli.VCCO; and alin-ist anything in the Grucory line, (,'heap as the cheapestl . ‘ G W. L GOEDSTON. dan’y-7, 1857. 77- 4' V Al.t'\l!l,l'. I'ltOl’KKl'V i'o/t OFFER f.)r sa'e, my L.VND.S In the Town of Fay etteville, about idO .\crcs, known as the MUiyiFORD S^VAi'TlF. .About •'■''I .Veres of it is hne Meadow Laud, as the Crop now on it will show. .\I«o, the \ Uri‘k l,.4»l near the .Nlarket S.juare, occujiied by Mr. John A Pemberton. \ Larje and V iIu-»b’o Lot. fvoriting on Don.ablson, Maxwell atnl Mumfor l ^tre^ts. known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—couM be divided into several P.uilding Lots - very near the new Female IDsrh Sctiool Huildings. AI ■so, the St.-.bie Lot a.ljoining, triinting on .Mutnford Street. Several DESI Il.VP.FE DFlLniNG l.oTS on both Winslov and Mumfor.i Street-. .All this property e.iii now lo- |>archaso-I on *"avora- b)e terms, and a large part can remain on l>on..l ati'l .VIortj.- ige if desired. THO. ,J. CUKTIS. Oct. 10, 18-3-3. 4o-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. ’ o n .^11 ^ MI o i\ AND 1'omv'AR1)INc; MI:R(:IIan'r, tV. €'. Prompt personal aTtentioii given to all Consign lueuts, and (\ish advances laade on Produce to tie ship ped to other ports or sohl in this market. Feb. IJ, 180."). t!7 Aug. (U ANO. TONS P.EST PEKUA'IAN GUANO, ju t r ccived and for sale by GEO. W. WILLIA.MS i CO. n. :i8- ■y 10, 1808. ROSE, 85 tf TAXMOR'S OH. cV DRV lilDKS. ^ fe 15PLS Tanner’s Oil,—a superior ai tide; also, a tine lot of Dry Hides. For sale by JAS. G. COtJK. Nov. 'Jo. 02- FOR SALE. APLEAS.ANT liESlDENCE in the country, one mile an-l a tpiarter from the .VLirket House. The 1 tact of Laud contains 154 acres, (in the premises is a comfortable Dwelling House, with all neoess.-iry out houses; well of excellent water in the yard; good gar den, iic. Terms moderate; for further particul.irs ap ply to P. bUEMWELL. Fayetteville, Feb’y -5. 82-tf BLANKS for sale at this Otfice. FAVi:rrKVlLLK HOTEL. 1^'lll.ANK N. KtjBEUTS & CO., Jjaving leased this llotel, will be pleased to see their former patrons and liiends, assuring them that they wili use every exertion to please. F. ]S. Roukkis.] [J. G. Smith. Jan’y 7. 7-t-ypU Ever oflored in this place, ni; f a \er\ ! ir.gc stock of work nearly finished, wfiich will in iii.islied il.-iily. ■ -Vll of w hich will ! e s ,; ( very low ,,:r r\-'i. oi oi: short time to punctu-il cm-tome's, I'e ha a: hand in re th.m o.\ E Hl.'NDHED AND Fil l '- \ chi- Cies tinishe'i :in,i in .-our.-e ot' c.uist ruetion. -VH work iii.i le iiy Iimu i ; w.iri anU .i - .uoi ths with lair u.-,ige. ami shon'd it t'ai 1 l>v !>a i workm;, asnij or m.-ifci ial wiU he reii-iired i. eo .d ehai^trc. Persons wishing t.> Iiuy would .lo well to o ill an.l examine for themselves. (Jrtlers thanktuUy received and promt ;ly .-it leiiiit-.l to. Uepairing executed at short notice and on very Teas iL.ii.le terms. Muy tf, LAND roR s.vrj:. 9 jl -ACHES of L.VND lying cn ujijier -■L Little River, in H arnett t’ounty, well timbered an.l well located for iheTurp-'ntiiie business. ' It will b.' sold on accommodating teitns. .A].ply s e.n to the Subscriber at Fayetteville. W.M McL. McKVY. Sept. ISoti. -ll-tf fji'i: LNsi RxNTi:. 11HI-: Un, lersigned has been a[>poaite I .V^ent of t he N.irt h ('.a roliii I M It 1 ,; I,' ■.> In ir ne i'. u- Jiany. Every member for life pari>■ ijeitIn tli.- pro tits o! the t’ompaii'.; -md liie annu.il |iri-:ii.uin in;- lile niemliersfiip. where it amounts t.i or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other h i., ii. a note ,it l:J months. Delitors li\.-s may I.,* insur.- 1 by .•! - 1 t.ir. .V man may insure his own lit,. t',ir iIm- e ■i.-: ii: ve I. n. tit .rt his l.iinily J lie lives of si ive- m ly lie iii'iii c t. 1 iiiM syslein i.s rapblly growing inio lavor. .a 1 i over the ci\iU/.ed wor .l it is oiit- o_, rthii-1. a lainiiv, lor ’ a small sum annually, may b.- j.rovided l..r, altei ihe death ol its head. whose e\ertio;is ti.. . ni.iy h:,\e been depcinieiii lor ;i su]iport. It is a good in>.•. tnient : of money, evi-n il one suou 1 live long ,-ilic.' t,i.v‘og lout a 1-ite Poliey Explaual.iry [i.i nijili. • i: 'i the necesnaiy Diai... arnl&hcd on application E. J. hale. er our re.ulers to ths annual statement of the .I'.tiri Insurance (’ompany, of Hartford, whieli Will lie found in tiiiofher cohitnn. This success ful instinitii'i' w.' s inc..r|iorat - I by the I,iOgislature ot Conneitticut in IslU. with a perpetual chtirter. Its ca]iit ll i.-- >i.'ii 1(1,11,10^ its aecutnulations excced NsOd.i!(jiI mofi.^ m;i\^ii,g it^ entire assets ever !j--500,- • '''II, ibv. St.-I a? .U-taile.l in tho s'atement rrferre.l to. Tlies.' results in licate that during the period .d'nearly f. rty ycars since its orK inizali.in, ^^without a single ehanje iit its chief oflieer,) its Imsiness has been cou- duct( ,l with judgment and jim.lence. It has been thus t.ir snccesslni in an eminent degre.-, .lischarging, a> \v.. :;i- inf irm.-'l, .-ill its .iblieitions by the payment ot ubont - ■ ■ — ,/ V for 1 i-ses, without asking a il:iy'- iiel.iy in any insfari-'e. It lias had but little lif- ii: at ion, not wit hstainling t he immense iiumlier ot irans- aetioiis iiiail.\ In tirder to att;iin as much ctrhiiiilf/ as I'.'S' hie in sn il a business as insurance, it has been I he practice I# the Company, lor sevei'al years, at L rea; iai.or. earelully lo classify' an.l arrange their lisks i!ito aliout fii'ty di-^tinct classes, so as to ascertain the a.iiount insute.l on each class, ihe amount of pre- iii.iiin.s receivw.l thereon, aiet the aiuounl of losses up- >n ea. il. This cl ls^i!i,■ation. extending over a long I . l ii !. Ill K ' .vering pi o) ci ty to a very large amount.fur- .li-'lus re’-'ible data, and jMOscnts a sound, sulistantial li i.'-ls of aetn.-il experience, upon whicb to con.luct its bii.^ii.ess. Insiii.ince is not a m;itter of luck or chance, :.s many suj p.ise: its ha,;,iris aix- ascertainable, and it;, principle.'. c:;]. ibic of bciii" redu. ed to a system, the pr ietii ll w.'ikii'g ai.d results of which are as certain is that of any other business. Tlie -FUna Company, by a'diering rigi iiy to its system, and placing its busi- ne.-'s uj on a healthy basis, h.is olit iiue.l the confidence of the community to un cxi-nt surpasse.l by no i>tlier Couii any in the C. Stales, and has increased its Inisi- iH-'-s an,I its inc.line troin year to year with a steady growth. Onegn,it source of its securif\'is the wide distribution of its lisks—a jiolicy which it j ursues with great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov ered in eacli loc.-ility. l!y this course it Jias passed, with ci nipar,ilive impunity, through some of the most swi-ejiing and .lestruciive tires, which have swallowed up other c-iinpatii.-s less cautions in their business. It is .1 s\ stein like tliis, ba.'Cd upon experience, which gives >tability and soumlness to a company, and to the as- suu'.l conh.lencC and security.—Jiul(ruui» I’airiut. m\ mmm i'o.mf.i.\v, HAR'l l'ORl), CONN. INCORPOKATED IHl'.t. CHAP.TEK PEUPETUAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. P.U.VCE, Pre«ilent. E. G. illPLEY, Vice Pre sident. T. -A. .ALEXANDEK, Secretary'. Dii’.Kt mils. — i'. K. Drace, S. Tudot, J. Church, II. Duel], M. -V. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. ISulkeley, K. .VF'ither, E. (.i. Kipley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G. F. D.ivis, A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, W. Keney. The Aaiscts are iiiniuly invested in Stocks and lioiids, | .'i_\ing '.nterest, with -> 172,tiliI t'll of cash on lieposite in the Hartt.ird P.anks, to inei-t losses. Los>es iue and unpaid — none. b.issc) .adjusted an-l not due, '*5. liOsse- in su-i.ense, w.iiting furtlier proof, &c., •>'7-'>,- .'■•'lU I"). Losses resisted, (susjiicions of frau.I, A:c.) •"i)46,j78 72. .\gent of the above Company in Fayetteville, N. C. E. J H.VLE. XKW ROOKS. glVINt.SToNS TP.AVELS IN SOL'TII AFRICA; J iiarth's !*iseoverios in North and Centr.-il .Vfrica; ••The Kea.sou Why,’' by tlie author of ‘lli'piire Within.’ —ALSO— Further sapplies of .Mustang Gray; Ph.enixiaua; The I’.iiiiter, (iihler uu'l Varuisher's Comjianion; Sale's Kora:.: Ja. obus's Notes on th.- Gosja-ls; The Coniniu- i.icint's C'inipanion; ISarnes’ Notes on the Gospels; I' o i .iare'a l-ife an t Ejiistles of St. Paul; The Psalm ist, with supplement; Dibles; School IJooks; I'iC. Just recei v . 1. E. .J. HALE 4 SON, .i .n'y D'l, I •'il''. xoricE. iindersigne'l having execute.I a power of .\t- t irney to h. F. .Vl.jori-, he is thereby authorize.! lo m.i'ie ml settlements for me and in my name, an.J gem rally to tr.iiisact all business U9 I might or could io Were I pcj'^' n il'y present. J. J. MOO'.iE. Fa. ttevil:-. J 'le i s.j7. 1-itf .V t’rt'sli .'•'lijtpiv ot l.iiiic, IM.-istcriiig ll.iir. i'a;t;.iel i i.i t- r, lly lniulic ('.-i.ient, an 1 Lan.t i ..i.s ; 1'. For s.ue in .ju m ities to suit, by D. HOSE. F.-' y 1-j, l,--v:. 8-Jtf ii •sOirril t'AR(M.L\A liACON. 4 -VM.'', •■'ide- and Shoul ler;, for sale by leveklV KOSE. ill V Cl»- .iosi:i‘ii raki:r, .iu„ A T r O i£ \ s: \ \ T I. X \\, ■\S taken an office next d-i.>r to Wm. P«. Wright's Law ofUee on Green Stieet. He will attend an.l practice in the County ,-ind .-^njicrior C.iurts of Cumber land, libiden, Robeson and Sampson. March •JS, 18-58. 79-tf “l.A\V C0)‘AR'1\N!:RS111I>.-’ WF, the undersigno'l, have this .l.iy f.M-med a Law t’opartn'‘rship, and will pr.icticein the Courts of the following counties of this Stale: Chatham, Cura- berlaiid Moore, il.-triiett, aud the Supreme Court. J. H. H.A.UGHTON. JNO. MANNING. N C., Jan’y 1, 185U. Pittsborough, Book THO. C. FULLER, • iftornei/ and i'oansrUot' at ijatr. Ol FICE at E-rcles's liridge, recently ..e.-iipie.i li\ James Daiiks, Esij., Fayetteville, N. (’ Jan’y 1, 18-37. hOVKllU ELUitlDliE. tVforiK'i/ fit ILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp- ▼ w sou Counties. Smithtield, .April 15, 185‘.i. !»li-tf "Worth 8c TJtley, I Forwartliii^ uiid General Coininissioii -MERCILVNTS, i'ayeltcviUe^ (72tf) Bfi'. t\. A. KI.AC'K, .J Ir-FFD'E l-'ront liooms, over Dr. S J. Hinsdale’s *4. If t'hemist and Drug Store. Feb'y 7, 185*>. 7U-tf i)\Vi:LLiNi; FOR SALE. •’’''*111' I'vuii.sci iliei wi.shes to sell t!ie l.irge Dwelling _£ -i?id Loi on the corner "f tii.le.-'pie .and liu.ssell Sti t: . at Jiresent occuj ie.J by Mr. Henry Eraiubert. ft-riiis re.i sona Ide. E. .1. HALE. M'.\» liOOKS. .V I’wll ED Ol; ."sl 1,1], by .Miss .'sedgewick; The ....f M. I'l'.ile^s ir, l,y I'lirrei iieli; lioniaiiy llye, by E iveiigia ; i lie .Vtiielings; T.-nt Life in the Holy 1.and; i'.,iit l,i ( in iigypt aii'{ N'nliia; 'j'iie Improved House- wi:e, Iiy .'!rt. U.-iister; .'.c. .Vls'i. liiiiiioi.'s 1st Li.'ss Mis in Giook; Pa3‘son 1- D Aiit 'ii'T .'.M'ie,'. ..f I'l^iS d .V.N.'-H I!’; .V i.lick's iilement:-; Key 1-1 Di\ies' .Vlgebr.-i; .and oilier ^el; ...d liooks. E. d. Jl.VLE a; son. Fi n i llKR SIPPLIKS OF iiUOKS, icc. ' i 'HE ktn wle.lge oi vjod, ob’n-ciively considered, liy j[^ lii.ckinri'lue. fne Prince ot tin- House oi Davi-l; .■'..il- .1 .'i.^gs; Vii.'l Western Scenes; Webster a Lna- bii iged F'iciioii iry; . Aey's Lexi.:o'iot Free-.Masonry; Prc'li_\ tcriaii ‘ list; Sioddard s .Invenile Aiitii- nieti, ; Greeii:eat's .Mental .Vritlimetic; Steel I’ens: •\l iilieni U;cal Iiistruinents: Invoice ami llefereiiee Flies; m; , E. .1. IIALE y S(,)N. Fel.. l>oS |{t)Oiv HINDERS T. J* '* li VllDli] has res’tmo.l the loi.ik Pdn.ling fc • I‘>'1-in-.-ss, ovt.-r tho T-iil-ir .'sidp of C .irk Ai " dw.ir I. where he will recoive and exei.nte bin.li-jg in any .?;_>;e ics;red. .Au-nst 1. -7tf DL/^ The i*r(*sl»yt“iiaii l^saliiuxiist— Ch.iracter Notes. A fu. t'ber supply just rece.v.-,| (ret lit E. J H.ALE .i SON. k^acloru^ J. A. WORTH. JOS. I TLSy. W. H. TURLINGTON, VgiMits Wanted, j ^■llIE Subscriber, iiaving taken the C.eaeral .Vgcncy | -M. for getting subscribers to and deli vering Hawks’s j History of North Carolina, now in process of pulilica- | tion by Messrs. E. .1. Hale j- Son of Fayetteville, is i desirous of entering into an engagement with one or ‘ _ more active, intelligent aud leliafile persons iii each ,(.’onuiiis^iioii Merchar.t, No. 4 iNortli Water Si. of the Judicial Circuits, to canvass their respective, wil \l T’VTP Tr»V V parts of the State, or particular counties, thoroughly, j ” -’11.N ^ immediate application is desired, as sample copies ol ... i the first volume will wiil be ready in a few days. | person.il attention to th« Undoubted testimonials as to character must ac-j » » sale or shipment of all Consignments ot Nava^ concpany each applicatiou. Address i Stores or other Country Produce. M. W. HOR:^. 1 Nov. 8, 1856. u \u m:0. LAUDFJi. TWO UOIiRS ABillE C. T. U.UIill i SO.\*S STORE. Fayetteville) Jan’y 20,1858. ^ 64-ypd

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