«■ l\". f'irui.i, ti„. ■ , r '11. ’ *■ *.'!■ -■: ■ .’ '-I- tr.„, " 11. W MVsr I,. ' '''” t„> .1, ■ -lint "- uii, II. I Ut> I-ri.-o '' *"'|s A i- . kkci, t |rt ..{• ; to t .y p pa r:\t- n. JivUiy ! Viiiil- ■i.I.I • H , • lifrt -U,.. r • 'N Kiii ‘ r * pn--. IntHri Ion 1 ‘ s \ . Is U , 1 W . \ p.ri 1 |t L- 1 » * ^ I ^•e- 1 A . Id M 1? • Jtson'' 1 • land I Roi rks. 11 s.11 P-.- I' 1 ry; 1 |e; I : 1 Ud,,= . ■Uti nbei' ■ Uti-iiu'. [4 V u Ion’s ; fcvill,.\ kthe 1; Plat, > L;ve> pincip > )i 'V 1 Sea. • ' : lorse: ^ 1. . [1 V . ■ i. b: t: P I ; rv w Is 1 t “ knc\. ^ * i. Poe: . I. V. >11^ fron, _\i ilAl.t yus. on , ck -‘u ■ lUia^ Ick oil ' I. L;. . ll'.e.- ; Oil \. >rce; a ( ' (Oil L ’ ive .V i ^rj Lit- • lies 1. I'l I i-.. kU ui> Is ou ' , raiiij . ■tu iiiei 1- sun rtdii rtuii 'l- an i r on . aiiir- oil ■ r uii ’s h' i ie.v I- ncc; :’s t w's • foi-i : t': irifr ’ a ( Li' r\ N 11 •' OK" tt«l M lan lOffi dicii. ie«: ^ M.d, ate- llnni i‘.r ilic K>0- I (’oil .1 ni^ r Jlas, THpf f tiiiiiti lear' j n lurin^ O UMt‘, nil, . \- H. S.l 1’ lel l.'K:- ^ ■;N- ifW .if . etw:.n tae jell"", ‘n-Ntin- ,iie ^ . ^10 V."' =.t r- -■- M11^;^ i'*" J\ S i Oil il>‘ - II ou Ti r. ^ -g- l^ube'a i. a.i.;« f'W*- SEMI-WEEK 1^ Y. \ OI„ MI.J I'AYETTEVILLE, N. C.. MARCH 23, 185s. ^ i> ,MtM)AVS AM) THL'KSUAYS. \v VKl) J. \{\\A] .t SON. ;.ii >U.N A\;* l’K->tMUKTUKS. II-wi'f'.wly OBstKVKii Ou if puid In ' : .»' ii 1 duviii^ the year of !• ! i >T t’’“ \ :-ar l;r," expired. I'iisr.uVr.II XU 00 |.er uunuia, if paid in " -'V' if p:i'.d duTiUp ibe yf'.iv -f suK.'ji’rip - 0'^> alter ;he \car La.- expired, i inserted for sixty cents per 1' ;*ti? , ;'..T till hrst. iii.d .hirty cetits i'>r eitch J. ^ ('n \ early ndverti'semoiitis h\ spe- ru' ts. lit rea:jv.uiihle rates Advertisei s nr»- I ' >tate the luiiiit'ei- of in.'i-rtions desired, or he eontiiiiie 1 till forb’d, and cliargtd aoeord- I I A Y K I 'l' I .V11,1.1; 11 o r F, L. j'^RANK N. KOHKRTS & ('O , having leased this Hotel, will be pleasied to see their former pniron.s hud friends, assuring them that they will use every exertion to please. [J. U. S.Miru. 74-ypd ! 6,500 ACRES OF LAM) TOR ' s\u:. i ^ Suliijcriber desiriiij^io tiiove to the West otlerj | to sell the following tracts of valuable land. FOR FLORIDA! ni O^fi i' ii.MMSJL t: S TO.V, \ I A S A V A X N A 11 . Sliip K, \. IIOHKRT'*.] Jaii’v 7. ■ d\i rtneme’U- e.\tr!i t > he iu>ei ted tmiJt, chargetl r«0 per hk;ii Moi \ r i'anxkrv. . ..hi' 4 MILES \VF.T OK WAUESDoRO’, AN- SU.S (’ot NTV, N. C. 'U 'he }^io ,.s (iver uii l noliody killed in these '5 tue iiiidersij>'ne 1 .ti'il continues to con- T ti.f ^fiienil and Mnuufacturing of all i.iM'LiT, iLuness, iiidJ’es, liridles. lioots ' ; ui’evi ry si/e and descript m—of the very • a. ■ '. i’L.VN r VTL >N tirei'.num 15[lOG.\NS, b'u ;i:ised. -Ml of which he offers and pro- s.'t > sell or exchange tor Raw Hides, Beeswax, . and ail kinds ol countr_v produce, ou terms to ;. :iud ■>-■> i;uiuodate liis customers according to • 'aOS. ■ ;i;g (111 hand constantly a large supply of Stock, he ari' I to excuute all order.s neat’,y and promptly, u ■uch material and workmanship as are not to be ei- ■, i iiy uiiy establishmeut of the kind in this part of * Country iu style, quality i.r price, for cash or to cuiul cusion!c»o And in returning his sincere to ilia customers uad frietds generally for their .:;T [ utr.inago, he solicits audhopes to still merit a • tiL.'ince vf their favors. JA.MES 0 CARAWAY. . -iMi ■} yu-tlja (jIrocr‘ri(*s, I Hardware, Alc. ui; 1-r'igne'! are no>v re eiving a LARGE AS- ' • M.MLM’ 01 {ii'>. 1 Liidwai*(‘. Iron, Stoel, Hoilnw-NMirc, ►>ho»*s, ;iir1 Sadtilcry, ■V uii; sei! al Wholesale at a small advance ou >• ; r • r I II uur u.sual time to prompt dealers. ■ uEo. U WILLL-V.MS Ji CO , 2ti-tf I. n. \LvciiiNEs. iMli-.l bf nil- BEST and .>IUST DlRlBLt >!iifhine iiiiiiir. ; 11L-- 'u: ?criL‘er 1ms taken an agency for the sal# j . '6 .Mhchine-i. and having used them for Ih 'J .-My tiierc can be no doubt that every ; :i;itt-r, hu'ing from 10 to 15 persons to . •V • •■-i tiu'-ii very profit.,';e; a good operator • 1 as iiiiK-li and as gnod Sewing with this . • .11 'j.\K ; i\ H3 can i)e done by hand in xsx. ;’>-i t;- 'vir i.ing t'p J. urchuse can see two of these I . .u U:>.“ at my iMctijry ' “ ..iM iriviiij; fill! desorij>»ion and prices will be i’.-. vu apj li.; if. in Orders solicited.. A A McKETllAN, Agent. I - , I'>7. 71-Sm I’.KNliOW , I). I). S., AV be found at his Rooms, during his rcgulsr office hours, yiz: from 'J A. .M. to 1 P. M-, p. M. to 5 I*. M„ Nc piea>cd to rcceive calls from all who • i :ji h'.-> pr'.Sessional services. 1 n.'-nt will be held out by offering to per- ■:in I . ■■ .• 'i;.s ti. r a Small compensation: a good price 1-c. li-^-d m aii cases. And patients favoriag ^r C'’tirid‘nco, may rclv upon his utmost i; ii- t. i'.-ri'oim every operation iu as perJtCt a : • r p. ;-';^,;e. Cs^:“ i /■ .''ij';- ' • . ti puid f’r u.' soon u coin- ■' 1 rje .vu.i are now in'lt»bted will please call ; i I. 51-tf •IV'ir Stork of DOOKS AM) SI ATIOXERV. usual New eii.bracing Five insurance. A E refer our readers to the> annual stat'-incnt of w w the ,Ktna Insurance Company, of Hartford, which will be found in another column. This succt-.'s- ful institution was incorporated by the Legislature of Connecticut in 181^*, with a perpetual charter. Its capital is !*;6OO,m00, and its accumulations exceed >i‘'M0.000 more, making its entire assets over 00(1, invested as detailed in the statement referred to. Tbe.se results indicate that during the period of nearly toTty years since its organization, (without a single change of its chief officer,) its business has l.t-en con ducted with judgment and prudence. It has been thus far successful in an eminent degree, dischargintj. as we are informed, all its obligations by the paymeni ol about ten mdliun dullars for losses, without asking a day’s delay in any instance. It has had but little lit igation, notwithstanding the immense number of trans actions made. In order to attain much certainti/ as possible in such a business as in-*’’..‘ance, it has been the practice of the Company, for several years, ai great labor, carefully to classify and arranjie their risks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertaiu the amount insured on each class, the amount of ]>re- miums received thereon, and the amount of losses up on each. This classification, extending over a long period,and covering property to a very large amount,fur nishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial basis of actual experience, upon which to conduct its business. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and its principles capable of being reduced to a system, the practical working and results of which are as certain as that of any other business. The .Etna Company, by adhering rigidly to its system, and placing its busi ness upon a healthy basis, has obtained the coahdence of the community to an extent surpassed by no other Company in the U. States, and has increased its busi ness aud its income trom yt=ar to year with a steady growth. One great source of its security is the wide distributiou of its risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov ered in each locality. By this course it has passed, with comparutive impunity, thi ugh some of the most sweeping and destructive fire.-», which have swallowed up other companies less cautious iu their butiness. It is a system like this, based upon experience, which givts stability anJ soundness to a company, and to the a.s- sured confidence and security. — lialtimor* I'atriot. .ET.\.l l.\!ilRl\l'E l0.nPA.\j; UAR'l’EORI), CONN. INCORPORATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K BRACE, Pre.sident. E. O. illi’LEY, Vice Pre sident. T. A. ALEX.\NDER, Secretary. UiKEcToRS —T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church. R I'uell, .NI. A. Tuttle. E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, R. .Mathe*-, E. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. I’ratt, G. F. L>avis, A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, W. Keney. The Axsets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, paying interest, with .$172,b04 G1 of catiL on Jeposite iu the Hartford Banks, to meet losses. Losses due and unpaid—none. Losses adjusted and not due, -1,313 Losses in suspense, waiting lurther proof, &c., >'7j,- 850 15. Loiscs resisted, (suspicions of fraud, ic.) f-lti,07S I'l. Agent of the above Company in Favetieville, N. C. E. J ’HAlE. BRITISH PERIODICALS. * L. SCOTT 4" CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, vu 1. THE LONDON gUARTERLV , Con-.ervative» •> THE EDINBLRGH REVIEW (Whig;. i THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW , Frve Church i ! 4. 1 THE WEST.MINSTER REVIEW (Lil.eralj. 1 5- ; BL.VCKWOOD’S EDINBLRGH MAGAZINE ,Tory). »ing 1 I'ract 'ont!iining iicres in Hnrneit ('ounty 18 uiiles North of Fayetteville. There is ou this tract, two large and comforiable dwelling houses, with all necessury oiitliouses, together with a goo} mill running two s.iWh and grist, with about .'iOO acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation: the remainder is excel lent farmine and turpentine land. Also another tract containing 4()iiO acres of turpen tine land, about 100 acres of which is cleared. There is on this tract one good dwelling with all necessary out hou.es and a ^^oud jrrist and saw-mill. , t^^ing the Inland Route, and touchii.g at I will take ple:isiire in showing the above property | to any j.L-rson wishing to purchase. | H. S McNKILL. Manchester P O Nov. 7th, iS;j7. G7-ts 2,800 Acres oi* Ijand FOR SALE. Subscribers offer for sale the above Trait of' M Land, lying on .luderson’s Creek, about two ai.d | a half miles from lower Little River, near Elliot’s Mills,—includiug about One Hundreil .-Veres of good | Swamps, which can be easily drained. This Land Is ; Very heavily timoered, and a large portion level and of superior quality of Pine Land for cultivation. •\lso, a Circular STE,-\M S.\W-M1IL, in complete; order and well adapted to sawing plank road and rail ; road tiiuber.s. .\’mo. Two well-broke .MLLES. .-\11, or any portion of which, will bo sold low an.i on time. The Laud will be sold either in a boily or in , parcels to suit. SMITH S ELLIOT. \ -April (). 1857. 97-tf THE SUPEUKJR .Sioim U > It l» li . Cajit. F. Hakoen. will leavi- (?H.\RLESTO.n, every Fii uav Evkmno, at 8 o’clock, counectinsr ai S.\V.\N.NAIl with t!ie well known St •.im P ijkct W.n. Ki:.\»KOOK, Capt. Wm T. M. Nelty, wiiich will leave S.W.W’NAH every S.mi kuki .M»>‘ n- iNO at l(t o’clock, for l*A I'turida, liruusw ick (>!)0 ACRKS or L.\M> FUK 8ALK. '^HE Subscri'ner offers for sale the above quantity of Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmington and Charlotte Rail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Land is well adapted to Fcrnang, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a ood range an 1 other advantages. Those wishing to purchase may tiud me on the pre mise*), who will be happy to exhibit it or give any in formation concerning it de'-ired. ANGLS McGILL. Phiiadelphus, N. C., Sept 1, lf*.j7. 40tf E.VR.mI'OR SAl.E ” fori ER for sale my PL.\NT.\TlON »n the East side »f t. ipe Fear Uiver. .'i miles above the I'laren- Jjn Bridge, kncwu as the Tooiner Lauda, containing ..oout 8no acres. The Plantation is in a good statu ot cultivation, and is susceptible of being made on«* ot the most pr.'titat/e Farin^ in the County, l^^ll give a bargain in the lands. a!id make the time of pay most easy if application is made in a few weeks. .-^•Idress me at (}ulf, N. L. J. HAKiilTON. (tct'r lo. 6’2- LAM) 1250 rOR SAI.E. Stock of a great E are now receiving our Ww L.i ks aud ^lalioncry, riety if liiiu , .Tl(‘iical and ■ , tl. r wi'ii a . .rge and varied Stock of BL.\NK PAl-LK, KN VKLoPt..--, a;c. II.ti , .\ieri i. ints and others are invited to call as •- ’ .r tiie ht.i-ve stock on thi* hest terms. E. J. ll.iLE & SON. I ‘'r 'lb. NOTICE. • ,. , \i't. Ff \u Dt hi' Rivj.il N.w. Co., i I'itt.-^t *11 oiigli, .March 1, lh5». ( .\nuiiiil .^Ie tiiig (f tlie Stt.ekholders of the E ( i,rc Fear an ! Deep River Navi'.rHtion Coinjiany, ' ;i-. 1 in the city of Wilmington, on Thursday, ,;;i. 1By order of the Stockholders. IILNRV A. LONDON, Sec’y. • : II :i yO-tm ' The.^e Periodicals ably represent the three gieat poli- ! tical parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radi- i cal,—but politics forms only one feature of their char- I acter. As Organs of the most profound writers on ! Science, Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand, us the> ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of iet- j ters, being considered indispensable to the scholar and j the professional man, while to the intelligent reader 1 of every class they turni.sh a more correct and satis- ; factory record of the current literature of the day, ' throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained ■ from any other source. i KAKLY (JOl’IH.S. j The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS f.-om the British publi-shers gives additional value to Miese Reprints, in asmuch as they can now be placed in the haruls of sub scribers about as soon as the ongiual editious. TEK3JS. U >. llOL'STOiX ' 'L LD inform his friends and former customer? til,It he inny be found l! doors below the Cape ■ ■' -Ilk, and > (ioors above his old stand south side ■- •''iiict, ivhere Le intends to hCep ou hand, ruess, Saddles. 3ridles, Whips, Collars, • ■ ' ry thin^ I'clonging to his trad«. He res[iectfui- . ■ .vite-i hi.'5 triends trom the country to call and ex- lie Ills aii;t . before purchasing. ‘ '• «i., attend to Repairing ot IJurueBsand Saddles lin-i his ciiai-^ts shall be moderate. He i r- hii iniJti'ti- I to tiu* firm of HOUSTON > ij liv-itle with \V. Overby or him>'elf, as - , iive compel.0(1 settle the firm’s debts. wlU^U.it ii ; . J J ). tf t’er ann. For any one of the four Reviews ^^5 Ou , For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of the Four Reviews 7 0* For all four of the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood’s .Magazine 3 OtJ For Blackwojd aud three Reviews 0 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 00 l^at/menls to b>'. made in all cants in advance. • Monri^ carn:nl in tht Stale uUei t isau d will bt receii'td at par. CLriiBlNG. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above price will be allowed to Cluus ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to i.uie address for .$9; four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for and so ou. roSl'AGK. In ail the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, FREE OF POST.VGE. When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of tlie United States will be but TWENTV-FOL'R CE.NTS a year for “Black wood,’ and but FOURTEEN CEN I'S a year for each of the Reviews. y. B. The price in Great Britain of the jioe 1 Ftriodicals above-named in l?ol per annum. Kemittauces for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Pub.ishers, LEONARD SCOTT j: CO., No. 54 Gold street, New York. \CRE.S L.\ND lying on the Camden Stage Road, l.j miles South of Fay etteville. The Land is well timbered, and admirably adapted for Tuipentine or Farming purpo.“es; and lies between the South-'ri' Plank Road and Big Rocktish, —convenient to m-.iket. There is on it a comlbrtitble tram*' House, .Mill .Sire Xc. .Any information ic.y be obtained ou the premises from Mrs. .Marv Nelson, or bv er.ouring of J AM Emi BANKS. Att’y, Favetteville. \\ii- l-^. ' :i.?-tf EOR SAU:. raiHE DWELLING HOUSE AN’D LOT on Gillespie fi. Street, at present occupied by Doctor .McSwain Perfect title can be ma le. Apply to THO. J. CURTIS. ALSO tGOOD FAMILY C.\RHI.\GE in good repair «ad nearly new. Will be sold for half its value —AL.'^O— 3 good INIILt.’H CoW.'! with young calves. .Apply tj T. J. CURTIS. .\pril 2'.', lH->7. 3tf f.AND.S EOR SALE. I'»FFER for sale about *)000 .Veres of Pine Lands near Fayetteville, containing an immense quantity of Mill Timber, and a nuviber of Turpentine Boxes, niid several new tusks may be cut There is on thu j rcmisfs a fiii.* Dwelling House, and all necessary out- I Louse.s.—Sciipj’ornonjr and I.sabeJla Grajie Vines. — KXiO young P-ich and Apple Trees of Lindley's best vari- ties; also, a good F.All.M of about 150 acres cleared; and also a («R1.'T and S.\W MILL; \n»l a fine large Meadow of about 1 tO acres. The Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Rond passes tiirough these lands about a mile from the Mills. 1 will sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but would prefer to sell the whole together. Appl^' to Thos. S. Lutterloh, Esq., Fayetteville, or the , subscriber at Pittsborough, N. C. J. H. HAUGHTON. j Nov. 12, 1857. tiO-tf $50 liK.U ARD WILL be given for the apprehension aud delivery to me, or confin. iii‘Ut in any jail in the State SO that 1 can get him, of my man JIM. He left on the ;iOth ult., and has not been seen, or heard of s'nce. He is rt bright mulatto, almost white, about’Jo years old, about ') feet \) inches high, straight hair, and teeth defective, long beard on his chin when he lelt. Had on when he 'ei't a very good suit of clothes, aud will very likely try to {lass off for a white man, and make fjr a free State; should he not go north, he will likely go u|i iti the vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was raised there, and formerly belonged to Wm. B. Wright, Esij., of that place. .\ny person who may take up said Boy will be entitled to the above reward and the thanks of ISA.-VC B. KELLY Kenansville, N. C., .\ug. lo, 1857 3.'{-tf aud St. Mary’s, Ga., and Fernand’tin. Jaok-onviiie and Picolata, Fla. RF.TL'RNING, the Wm. .Seabrook will leave P\- L.\TK.\, every MoNL>..\r .AfTEU.vutj.v. aud will uiilve at Savannah on Wednesdsy morriing, in ample time t" coiinect with the Steamer Gordon, which will lea\c •Savannah every Wdnesday afterno >n at 3 o’clock, and arrive at Charleston by 1 o’clock the next ni.;rii ing, 80 as to connect with the morniim trains of the North EiiStern and Sonth Carolina Rail lload.i. PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT will be taken through from Charleston at the same rates as by the .Steamers going direct to Florida, and no e.\pense will be charged for transferring Freight and pBssengers »t Savannah, as both .Steamers lie at the same wharf: and .Meals will be furnished on board, free of charge Passengers going to or returning Irom Florida, fire invited to give this line a trial, as no pains or esiiense will be spaied to render it a f- vorite .loiite, both i'or Freight and Travel. The accommodations on board the Steaiuers are such as to secure the utmost ilegree of safety and comfort, and their tables ure furnished in the most sumptuous manner. For engagements, or further particulars, apply on board, or to E. LAFITTE i CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. J P. BROOKS. Agent. Suviinnah, Ga. Jan’y lt, '58. Si-3m-pd NoriC!-. ^pilE su iscriber having, at June Term 18.57, of the j j[ Court of Pleas and (Juarter Sessions for the i'ounty of Cumberland, q.ialified as .Administrator upon the Estate of Willie F. .Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said Estate to present the same properly authenticate! within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the baid Estate will please make fiayment immediately. E. F. Mui»RE. June 3, l.'^57. 13tf Further Supply »1* .Sclioofi lt4»oks. I^.MII'H’S GR.A.^I^^.AR; Emerson’s .Arithmetic and Keys; Mitchell’s Oaographies: Bullion’s Latin Grammar; .\nthon's .Sallust; Davies' .Surveying; Pay- S 'n ^ Dunton’s ’opy Bonki: Walker's aud »Vebsti;r’s School L);itionaries; Leverett's Latin Le.vicon. .''ar gent’s Standard Speaker; \c., \c E. J. HALE .V SON. March 3. cobl. SinilNG MILI>. 'I^HE Proprietors are prepare J to GRIND CoRN ou f the usual terms. The Be.istead .Manufacture ii still carrieJ on at the same place. Jan'y 11, lHi8. 7.'>-;*' J>r. lifiif^ks^s Hisiorijf O V A O tl r II c \ K O li I A. The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, whi' h has received the highest commendation wherever it has l»een read, not i-nly for its literary execution Imt for its typographi- ca! getting up. It may be (dit.-iined. either from ns or from our ’ieneral .Agent !■ r the State, H. ‘.V. H(un'*of this place, or any of his .-Vssistant .\gents. The price varies -according to style iif liinding: In han.lsome c loth ^1 ’J5; in Libriiry Sheep •'1 50; in half (’alf -iil 7 >. It is >01.11 o.vlv ion C.\sn. .None will be charijre I, either by ourselves or our .Ag.'nts. .\ lit*eral discoiin* \.ill be ni.-!i:e wln-re qu:.uti?ivs are taken to sell u>;iiin It \.ill be sent by mai- to fiiiy part of the countiy, on receipt the pri'-e and ’.'4 cents to pay posta^ie. Tiie "Jd volum« is in cow.-se of pri p.iratloii. There will probuMy be four or live volumes in all. The ouc- u'-eding volumes v.ill probably contain about 50O piijtes ear'll, air' will be so!ii at a proportionally higher price, v,z: h-ilf a cent a page for the cloth binding. ‘J.S c.'nts .1 I iitioii'tl for sheep and 50 cents ailditional lor the halt calf bill.linj. E J H.VLE \ St'.N Fayetteville, .Vpril 1857. P. S. The .Vgent and his .Assistants design to risit every . • unty in the .''tate, with the book, as soon as Convenient. In the mean time, oriieis to him or to us. accompanied b_v the ca^h, will receive prompt atten tion. STAXDAHI) & .MI,';('i;i,LA.\t:OLfS no s>; no OKS. \ R. K.VNl-.'.s .Arctic F.xpi'rations.—cl'.th. sheep i an! hair" calf; Pres‘'.‘t’s Fcrdinanl and Isabtll.i, | I'uii.jues-t ii‘ Peru, Phillip 2'1, and ('onquest of Mexico; ! Henry (lla.\’ Works, *5 vols ; Benton’s Thirty Years iu • the L'. S. Senate; Daniel Wel'ster’s Works, t) vol.^.; . ^Iemoir^ ol S. .S. i'rentis.'-; Iriving's Worl;s, 15 vols.. cloth an I sheep: Memoirs of Wm Wirt; Irving’s Lit’e ■ wt Washington, cloth and .>:hee;i; Life ai:d Coiresp .n- , deuce tif Uebster; Com. Perr\’s Japari ll.xpeilitioL.; .Vb- | bott’s Na|)o!eon; The In ligenous Rac. s of the Earth, ^ by Nott i: (iliddjn; Recollcciions of .A Life Time, by , tioodrich. (Peter Parley;) liame au-i Macaulay’s His j lories of England; Hullani’s, RoViertson’s, Jolinsoii’s, Burke's, .Vd lis.in’s. Haiiuah More's and Dick’s Works, ' Southey’s ('ominon Place Book; Historical Collections ■ ol Virginia; Dickens s t.'ompiote Works, 13 \ol.s. illus- | trated; La.Maitiiu's ilis:ory ■ f i'li•-ki-y; Tiie Queens tf , Scotland, by .Vgnes .''trickiund O jl.tamith’s .Vnimated ! Nature; Noctes Ambrnsiair.''. > vols..—edited liy Dr. i McKenzie; Roi;in's .Ancii .it History; Constitutional ! Text Book; .'^lillnian’s Gibbon’s Rome; The Statesman's I Manual; Tales and Novels .f .Muria Edgeworth; Proc- tor’s History of the CrusaJ's: t'hambers' Information } f.^r the People; Tytlcr's L'tiivor-al Hist"ry; Boswell’s ■ Lit'e of Dr. Jolmson; ''niiniliers' Miscellany, D) vols.; ' .Ajipleton's Cyclo|ied:a «,l lUography: The Scottish' • iaei; Encyclope.'ia .Viuericanu, 1-1 vols.: U averly i Novels in IJ, 'J i and li7 vols ; V, ila^n’s Tales of the llor.l- rs and ol Sc >t.an.l: Dei’oc.jueville s Democracy . iu .Vnierio!i; Kn;;,til'.s iL.if Houis wiiii tne best .‘juthors, ' ill one vol; Piutrtrch'b' Live-: I.'t il's I’l incijdes of (ie"lo- Nigiits. 4 \ols. illustrated; iliy "1 the Sen; .Vdvcntores ' .1 of a IL.ise; .Mis. Libs’. , -• to .Si. 'i:.! i’;i ;ipllie.-)S. i :.e KRESII S.UUI.N'G (jooas J. A as now receiving his stock of ^PllINti and SUMMER goods?, embracing al ot th.* latest s-tyles for the season. A few v..ry han.lhi.me IU)1U-'. A 'M ILLE, LA IIAKADIERE, V ."UjE STIHi’E DRI,.s GooDS. LACE AND .'-■ILK MAN'll.TS. S'TllLLA S H .A W 1. S .AND C A R ^ - . Any quantity of the latest l’artrnr> ot' IDnH’c,, A Large and beautil’ul selection ot' I'.MH'lolDE- RIES, HoNETO.N' l OLLARS. KID Gi.oVUS, sewing silk, mitts. .VC.. , .vc. ilATS. ('vP.-, UMBRELLAS, an 1 PAR’.SOLS. .v very snp.-iior assortment of L.Vt'K. Si'K >W, an.l LLGHORN Bo.NNLi'S, a;.so a lew very liand- some ('rape do . I'RE.VCH FL »\\ E FRENCH AND ENGLISH CRAPES, R1B.1'>N;, Aic . ii;c. .V \ery desirable stock of Mens’, V- iiths’, and Boys RE.ADY .M.ADE 'LOTlllNJ. of tlo' Late.st Styles, workmanship w-iri ;n.ti-d. The public are in\ited to c ill e iriy a:i 1 exrtuitiH the above goods; they will be soll chcai. tor -.i h, or ou thv» usual tune to those tvho pa\ otvu6i la'y. March 1>", 18o8. | tf CRO€M±i:ii\\ IWire A* JLuokitt'^ UtusscH. X H.AVEu good slock in my line, t’ountry .Mer JM. chants supplied ut low pr.cf-s. March 11 TILl.lNtii! AST. l-‘Jm FOR sale. rI'1 ,\NNER.S’ OIL. (a pure art 'le j I NEAT’S FOOT, LAMP, and •M.ACHINERY OIL. In q.iantities to suit. Apply to j;. 1;0>E. .March 1”J, 185H. '.tj-.St >>(» Aug. (il ANO. TONS BEST Pr.aCViAN ceived and f.;r sale bv tiEO. W. Wil.LI.AMS 31. A No, ju t re- \ CO. ;'s. iiuivvcr's N'.:vel.-^, coinplet- .Mo ter;i British EsSayi-.t->: gy: Tii es of the .Hrtil.-iau .\t.'iu.y‘'( Piiysicai >ie'.„r | ol a tiei.tieniaii ill :>c ir^ 1'iriiiiy .M-ii:i;or nil 1 j .id Bachelor of S.tl.ainaio -i, by 1 e .'age; liijtory of the | ReNoluLlons in L;.: ;;; I..0 -iiiirts Lite of ’'VBite.' Scott: llogj:'s Winter i.vening I'uies; M.idfa'u's J julus; .Mcliitobh's .^I si'fl'a'.i s, lliiiiiiiton s I’liiiosopuy Lit.'rnture; Mc-\Uri;. s M isc .11.11.ic'>; Mj.r^nal.'o WaMi- ui^lon; Life ui l’ii.cKL>*-y. iirai.d*-'- I'U'y ciopu iia; 1 ;ie i'r.nce ol the Hoiisi- of DaviJ. I'he l i.etical Wi.rKs of iieinaiir.. .Seti, Cull.rd i ii. .\iiit in, I’ynm, \ln ire, Bains. J^uakspeare, .Sic , in venous slvies. E. J. II.VLE .V SON. HOOK lil.Nl)i;U\ W. H.ARDIE has resunied the Book Bindiu 0\I.\1 ('ivil Law; .-^tarkie on .' , u Bu.siness, over the Tailor Stop of Ci.irk X k'.todward, where lit will receive and execute bindi ig in any style desired. August 1 J7tf NORLil CAROLLNA REAl'EKS. .\l ?lllf:K% I AAI» PREFAREO WITH .Sl*K( l.\l. HKKEUKXCE To I'HE \V.\NTS .\N1) l.NTKllK.STS OF »Vortli i'itrolittfi. UNUKR THK At »F Til K TKI.NTKM*KN F Oi COM MON st'jlool.s, UY Kcv. r. n. Iliihharti, PKOKI.SSIIR or riiK i..\Ti.N I.\.N;rAr:K asd liter.mlrf i.s THK I.NI VKKM IV ur .NOKril ( AROLI.N\. i\i niiitiK ro.NT.M.Vr.Nfi KAMII.IAR m.'-TuttV .v.nd hescuip- rio.N OF XOttTH (\AROLl.\A. j St'lectious in i’ro."e and Vir.sc;; m;uiv of tlieiii by ctiiiiicnt citizens ol’ the ."^tate. ; HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, .And H variety of .Miscellaneous Information and 1 tistii'a. by V. II. wzi.nv I Number 3 is a new and revised edition of the North ! Carolina Reader, first pii>)!isheii in 1851. Numbers I ; and 2 juf-t issued, complete the scries, which is, aa a j whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the : United States, aud as complete. j The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) iu his Preface to N'un>- j ber 1 deems it proper to allude to a few of the peculiar • advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common I Sc.iools while making efforts to have this work coin- I pleted. These are, 1. Tht eitcouroyeinent 'jf a feeluuj of fetf-ilepenui’uce. I and the enlistment of popular sentiment iu behalf of Roscoe s ( dence; t.’iiitty cn (\i:itrai,ts. •• t'rinunal Law; Plea-dilig; .Stephen oil Ditto.; Chitty ou the La\v ot' (J.ir- rier^; Selw_\n's .Nisi 1‘rius, — .\m. Notes; , .Smith's Ch.-incery Pr..cti.;e, i " Landlord and Ten- H n I; ; " on Contracts; I ■' Le,id;ng 'asi s; j .''tjry on Conflict of Law, I '• E juitv Jurlspiu- I dence; “ on Sales; " on Partner-ihip; L.jaitj- Picaaings; I " on L- tilincis; i Fearne on Remiundcrs i Edwards on Bailments; , Byles’ on Bilis: I Tayler's Law (ilossary: Sia- i Uart on Ven.b'rs ami Pur- : chasers ot Real Estate; Broom’s Legal .\li\inis; " Commentarieson the Coru. Law: .Xdams’s Equity; •• on Ejectment: B irrili on CirLum. Evidence; I.aw Diciioiia?'.' Leading (’'is.'s in Equity; Tidd's I'ractice—Am. Notes: Hill on Tl cistees. *• .\latthews Pr«-.-umptive Evi dence; Powell on .M ri^a^es; T OAl'.S. BUS, heavy black Outs. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. '.'0- 150 .March 1. Ji s r itECElVEi). S BoXE' .'f that superior ROCK C.ANDY TtJ- II tF BACCo G. W t .J, 1857. 1. GOLDSTON. 48-tf NEW BOOKS. Married or single, by Miss Sedgewick; The Professor, by Currer Bell; Romany Rye, by Lavengro; The Athelings; Tent Life in the Holy Laud; Boat Life in Egyjit and Nubia; Tiie Improved House wife, by Mrs. Webster; Jtc. -Vlso, Bullion’s 1st Lesson* in Greek; Payson 4" Dunton’a Series of PEN.M.ANSiil P; Ai-Ulick's Elements; Key to Davies’ Algebra; aud other School Books. E. J. HALE & SON. COl’ARl'NERSHIR NOTICE. '^HE undersigned wouM respectfully inform the citizens of Fayetteville and the surrounding I country, that they have entered into Copartnership AO.xiN for the purpose of carrying on the Waji;^oii-.TIakiiig: 1 in all its branches, at the old stand on the corner of ■ Franklin and Maxwell Streets, where they would be I glad to see thpir old friends . nd customers, as they will be prepared to accommodate persons wishing any I thing in their line ou the most reasonable terms, and j at tue shortest notice. J. W. WELCH. JESSE W. WEISIGER. i Dec’r 81. 72-3m .1. W. WELCH would give notice that he is desir ous of closing his old business, and to all who are iudebted to him to make immediate payment, as farther indulgence cannot be given. J. W’. WELCH. O A rs AND I’EAS. B. sjiijLS SEED o.\i.-', I'i'i ditto I’e-n. — A Iso— I--W iiarrels .Northern Irish Potatoes ' ' k- ill .|U;ttililieM lo su.t, by ' 15, Itt.j". B. Rose. 85 tf Blanks lor sale at this Otiice. FIKTHER SUPPLIES OF BOOKS, icc. ^I'^IIE Knowledge of God, objectively considered, by i Breckinridge, The Prince of tho House 0^ David; TO HIRE, 4 NEGRO W(»M.AN, a good Washer and House Servant. .Also, a Negro GIRL about IJ years of age. And three Negro .MEN—until ;'5»b Dec. ut^xt .M.s(), tor sale, 1100 Acres ot liANH in Harnett county, well Timbered, and convenient to the River. Terms will be made to suit. W. .McL. McKAY. Fayetteville, Jan. 20. 78-tf the Stiite and its institutions. It was not thought im- | (,’Hiitweil’s .lustier; portaut, however, to have laoro than one number of i Supreme Court Reports, Xc the Readers of merely a local interest. | ■J, To remtily the ei il n tri^ivlifn' coinp.’i>neil '•/ in coiii- mo/i schools, of a yer^elual change in text honks; an ex pensive habit, and one which injures the Schools by preventing the children from being classified. .A se ries of hom« Readers, it was supposed, would be cer tainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. 3, Economy, tue popular system of Readers being too long and being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors and publishers. This series is to consist of fewer numbers than those generally used, and it is believed that these numbers are sutficient, while if the .syste:ii were uni versally used in the .State, the sum saved to parentii and children would amount to several thous.-md dwllai s annually. 4, To pul in the .kuui/s of children I' ltrnin^- to read c positions suj/icieiilly fuinilt tr but not oj the rharucler c illed childish compositions, containing, i;i lessons ea.sy enough for all ages, correct specimens of ^ tyie, interejting in matter, and inculcating proper "lorals, aud religious instruction. The prices are, for No. 1, ’-5 cents; So. 2, 37J cents an No. 3, 75 cents. A liberal deduction from these prices to Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. HALE & SON. FURTHER SUPPLIES of BOOKS. P.ARTON’S Life of .Aaron Burr; Gu^- Livingstone; The Twin Roses, by Mrs. Ritchie; Bernard Lile, by Jere. Clemens; School Books, i:c. .March 13, 1858. E. J. HALE \ SON. i)\\ ellTng eor^sale. r~|inE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling | Smith and Horner’s .Anatomical .\tlas; Sedgwick on tin- '!ca 'ire ol Dam .ii^s. Sedgwick Oi, .■'tututors una Co:is. Law; HaK '.'i F’lcas of the 'rown; Bibhiip oil .Marriage ami Div.rce; .Mittoril sChanoery Pleail- II) San lerxiti I .-cs 'Trusts; llargr;ive .V Luiler's Cuke upon l.’.ttleion: L'. .''tatcs Digest; .St.-\le liials ot the U. S ; Russeil oil .Ariiitrut.i.n; .Morns ou lit pievin; " : -.ub.it on Luuiie I Part- i.ers; i] s: .''ugiieu on Veiiii rs; on Power'.: Sauuders ou I’lcadiiig: Reports; Ad lisoii on l'oiilrai-l.~; \\ hartoii III 11 imiridt; Wiiartoii .y .Stile’s .'\ltd J uris[rudence, Newlaiii on Contracts; Roper on Legacies; Williams on Executors: on Personal Pro perty; Oliver on Conveyancing; Lube's E.juity Pleadinn: Gresley's Law of Evi- deiioe: Kent's Cf'tnmeiitarics: ('nrtis’s Coriiinent ir_i.; Br.iJford'ssurrogate lie- ports; Tajiping on .M.iiidauiu.-; (’rown Circuit (’ompariion Wiley’s N. C. Form Bo.ik; \'C. E. J H.\LE, \ .SijN. Mi:i)lCAL HOOKS. M'I^UNGLlSt.tN'S Ther.ipeutics .-.nd .Matena Medica; JBL^ " .Medic;il Dictionary; “ Human Physiology; “ Practice of .Medicine; “ on Ni w P>emedie»; ■Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; Woman, and her Diseases: Childbed Fevrr-i; “ Diseases ot th..‘ Uterus; Devree* on Childrtn; *• Feninles: Horner's .Anatoniy aiid Histology .Nliiier’.s Princijijes of .Surg- r_i; Practice .1 do ; liartlett ori the Fevers ot' the Stat^.,, Wiisoii's Human .Anatomy, hy Goddat J; Ric 'rd and lluntor on \ enereal, by Bumsteai; Watson’s Practice ot Piiysic, by (’ondie; W^ood and Bache’s U. S. Dispensatorj’; Pancoast’s Wisttir’s Anatoniy; Wilson on Diseases of the Skin; “ “ the Skin and Hair; Eve’s Surgical Cases; Churchill on Childreti, by Keating; “ System of .Midwifery, by Condie; “ Diseases of Women hy do.; Ellis's Metlical Formulary, 'Thomas. Kirkes’ and Paget's Physiology; Regnault’s Elementt ;f Chemistry, Fownes’ Chemistry for Students- Bartlett on Certainty in Medicine; L>(J Casks I>uini) Lime, ot superior quality and in most excellent order, jiisr rect ivt 1 and lor sale by BEVERLY Pit.K' E March 22, 1858. ‘J-5-3t TRl ST .SALE. ""■IliE undersigned will sell at th* .Market House in JL Fayetteville, on Saturday 27th .March, 18-jtt, at 12 o’clocK, to close a Deed of 'Trust executcl by '.‘I'm P. Elliott, all that LOT .)F LAND AND L.VR«.E DW ELLING HOU.sE on Person .''trect, cccupii ,i by- said Elliott; also, all his interest in Ste.inu rs Ixow.in, Magnolia and Fanny, and the Flats connected with said Boat.s Terms made kn-jwn at sale. T. >- LL i TEULoll, Trustee March 20, 1858. 'j.its STA'i'E )E NOR'l'tl CAllOi/iNA, H.vRNETT COUNTV •Suji’r (,'ourt >liice, 15iii .’'Jarcli £N pursuance of direction of His lloni'r JudLre .'ian ly. Notice is hereby given, ti.at the Ki;l. i -ir Tt-rm of the .Superior' Cou.t o! L.W/ .A.ND J-.*.,;L i i \ . for the County of ll'triiett, will be Ueld ut tue lurt lloUso u Toti-'^ER, on the at.i .\1 ju 'ay atier me «:u \1 rui.iy in ■tiarcn 1S5{5. ‘*\ITNE-SLS and .SLIi.iRS viii take n. tice ucC' rdingly. Uitness, .A. D. v..-'.t-.i.''., 95-t(.' » Clerk Su 'iii.r t. r .rt. VaLI:a1>EK ANL> DESiKAUxJ-: i'owN inu)Pi:!rrv i\>r s.vLe. y' PROPOSE to offer, at private sale, one f .e most M. desira le improve-i lots in tiie tjwii ol .'1 gant.'ni. There is between 4 aud 5 acres ol la.j'l m s i; i loi, sus ceptible or being diviued into ■> elig.hie lut- o.r l.uil.i- ing purposes; it IS surrounded by sireets. wuicii k\ill iiiake it iip|>ri ach.ible on el.'ier >i ie. There ■' i large and coiniuiidioiis bricii art’eiiing liou».‘, c-ot.reiv new, with eignt large rooms, two wide pa.-- ig.-., .iiiuk Kitcliea With two l.irge rooms, all lue ii»-.->''.iaiy out- lioUses, inc.uiiiug ice-hoUse. a weii-iionse, a;, i an ex cellent well or never tailing waici, ciiii.-^, st i ..e, balu- house, iV-c., .Vc. Inis lot comni.'tnds one of tiic most beautiful vie«s of the mountain s^:ei.eiy tnat is to be found anywhere .u tlie stat--. The yard Is tiiied with lieautiiul evergreens :ind shrubbery ol v.ni jiis kinds. I Will aisj sell 4lo acres ol Ursl cias.i Wno i au i \;peu laud. I3 ing witniji 1^ miles ol .M .rg lutoii. aiii abou; ^U'l acres lying witiiiii3 niiies of tj^;., lii.,- gieiter portion oi wliicli is said to be tnc very ix sr : iljacco ar.d wneat lan l in IJnrke c-ninty. .Voout -■> ) a res of :|i tr .et ,n a tine 'tate ol cii.ii>’f!,ion, .,.,1 ii.-ij lil me iiecess.iry Oulldings u^'on it ior a wl.iie l.inii.v uad f negr es AU the Wood i.iud is .t t.ie ver^ tiest • iUillt^, :uid sus-ept ihle of cUiti-; !o;i. 1 ..e 'v- .tern ' .North 1 aroiiua Uaiiroad is now un lor con;ru t t i witii- iii 20 miles ot .'Hirgani.on. an i there :s no donl-t l;Ut tiiiit in ii saort time it wi.l bt- oiiiir to .M'o-g.-uiton. it is un.iece3>.*r_) to say anythin^ aliout tne hea.tii and Oi auty oi mis }iart of .T'.iiri.i Car^'iin ;, a.- 11 is provor- iii^; for botn. 1 am anxious t- sell tl.--.i. ovt- p:,.peity, ! .nd v^iil make sucn terms as will unii.>nbred-v suit per- ' r.'i.s wishing 10 Ouy. Any person wishing inri’i: .■ lu- loriuali.iii. with regard to tUi.s proper.y o;- lii-- t'-rins on whicn it wil. ,iie ^^»olu, can get the ntc -,siry in- 1 formation by writing to ihe subscriber, or to Tod R. ; (.'aidweli, at Morganton, N. C. E. E. GfiEKNLEE. .March 10, l^iS » '.!.3*oia i ! RilOUES- Super-Phosphate of Lime. I ^ A, E na\e ju.st reeeive-l TWENTV (.if rnis w w \a.uable iertili/.’T, wli.ch we cm ref iinmjiid ! to Planters :is being tuiiy eijua', t.i i’ei ii\:-i'; t.-.ian i. 1 " KEITH At FLANNER. Wilmington, -N. .M in-h lo, lfii-'>». ;**-Iin Way Bridge ."^imou Suggs; Wild Western Scenes; Webster’s Una bridged Dictionary: .Mackey’s Lexicon of Free-.Masonr y _ Presbyterian l’si*lmodist; Stoddard’s .luvenile .Arith- 1 riir i i- i 1 f metic; Greenleaf’s .Mental Arithmetic; Steel Pens; : Lite tllKl CorreSpOlltleilCe OI .Mathematical Inatrumeuts; Invoice anu Keference I of the .Aasociate Jasticea of Files; &o., ic. E. J. HALE A SON. [the Supreme Court of the United States, by Griffith Feb. t), 185^. I J. .McRae. Just reo'd. £, J. HALE, ^ SUN. and Lot on the corner ot Gillespie and Russell Streets, at present occupied by .'Ir. Henry Erambert. Terms reasonablij. E. J. liAL;l. ^ LAW BOOKS. ^EDGWICK ou the Statutory and Constitutional Law, Chitty on Pleading; Newland on (’ intracts; Phil- lippa aa.d .Amos ou Evidence; Stephen on Pleading, Milford’s Chancery Pleadings; ilill on Trustees; Lube s Eiiuity Pleadiug; idama’a £4uity, Stc. £. J. HALE & SON. Bird on the Urinary Deposites; Pereira's Materia Medica and Ther.'ip**uiics; Carpenter’s llumau Physiology, by Smith; Dick.son’s Flleinents of .Metiicine; Taylor on Poisons, by Gritiith; Burrows’ ou Cerebr.il Circulation; Wilson on S^’philis; Draper’s Physiology—illustrated; Solly on thrf Brain; Hope ou the Heart, .ic.. Sc. E. J. il.ALE & SUN. Oct. 26, 1857. wan i'E!). BBLS. TURPEMINE, ;it my Uistil- lery on Person Stre-.-t, at tne llaif- The highest cas.i price ’.vi- hr pi; I. J. R .\icDl FFlE. Green St., Fayetteville, .N. (L .M.irch 18, 1858. V^I-.'im I'A kj:n i p 4 ND ci;mmitted tn the J;;il of t'innhe;-lancl -' oiat., :t negr.i man by the na me of i' A L\ 1 .N or t Clni., WHO say> he belongs to .Neid .Aifoid. of .\larioii Di.-;ri , S idth (’aroliii.i. H,i.( on wu''-:! ‘..'niinliu 1. -i h.,-ir„ Coat 'iiid i.i.ick pants; lie is abioit 'I \ 1. i t 5 iiiciies high, 1,1 dmk coinpiei t..,n. i'ln* ■■ •> ■■■ r is re.|Uested to coaie forw.ird, pr ive pr .pert v. 1 i;- ci.ar;.'. s, j and fake him away, or he will b. lie.i iviih .-.s the i.-iw i directs. ’ U . K. |{'»L1 .lai.er ! .Alarcii 18, 185H. '.>ltf I ; lAKEV LP VND committed to the Jail of CumVjcrla.i 1 (Jounty, a negro man by the name ot J.\(, K, iind sa\s he belongs to Samuel Glover, of Robeson county, N. C. He had oil wiieii committed, bn.wn coat and pants, black hat; he is about 4 years of age, of dark color Tiie tiwner is requested to come forward, prove proi-er ty, pay charges, and tako him away, or he wi.i be deal with as the law directs. W R. Rf)LTON, Jai er. •March IK, I80H. '.*Uf Losr, L.\ST .Sat'irday, 3?st 'lU , (dur'iiir tiir hour-: of parade,) about the r.oirt H 'li '% or Ijet'Vircn ih.: tlourt lliius" and the K.ir Gr.iu:M. a sma yeilow ie: her Pocket Book. ••.■iit iininK -S .», consisting -if three i^lO t.i !s three •'f 1 du . (tne bili, one •'ri'i gold piece, tiir-ee -S- -'iti irold pu—I's. V R‘.-ward of->1- .vill ^ be given for the abi.v - i;i-seribed Pocket B lo.v and i ui ney, delivered to the 'in.iersigned. I JAS. H. J.\f'KS(j.N’, .\Iu..ician. I Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 2, 1857. 5*jtf I Blanks for fale at this OtHce.