**( SEMI-WEEKLY. 118 ‘V * V f.- \(>L. Vfl.] FAYiyrTFAIIJ.K, N. C., MARCH 25), 1858. [NO. tiDT.j '» -vrws: AM) TIirRSnAYS. Ui I II\f.F: A: SON, . • \N=i I’tvi Fyi’i'US. iii 'V.'i'kiy t)itsEn\ KR-iio UU ifpaiiiiu ’ i ' pai'l ‘hiring the yeiir uf sii>iscrii>- i tbo Vvrii- lias exi'irc.i : ‘ -1:%::K •»(' jn-r miniiin, if jiuM in ' .1 jTiMi 'iuriii}- l!u‘ yriti of suLscrip- '* it’: r tlu- your hn-’ .v| irei.r MKNTS in t;-! ,1 r.r .sixty couts jut FAViyrTEVlJ.LR HOTKL. 1^'^RANK N. ROBKltTS .v l'(t , hnviiig lons>il ibis Hutt*!, will be j>l\?asoil tu set- their former natrons and friends, asituring them that they will uso ev.ry i x-.-rtion to [ileiiRP. F. N. Robkkts. ] [ Jrtll'v 7. FOR iJ.O Smith. 74-\ pii Fire Instn'Mtice, IV u:. K fr,.,. .. ’ t!,. 1; U.- wi kill »n t.,- A I. M I lor 491 i :* iibu tinr, ntiii' tie’ ll V V. i . ^GTO.:, Nor' N BHi dor t. IIJ.^ li & > ■ • Dr. Jted tint tit I.- a.s 1 J ,1 M t. K 11H-, 1' - V"- ; rci ■ I buit UEVF ‘ KS. an'i r oi I ■ . - •' . -i' I W uy. 1-. ^ ■ I ( pUI o.spi 1 ■ , te.i ' f ' - ' fit. 1'. ^ ■ [>oi i- ■■ J. 11 >..i. » i>a; [I J HALL I ’r .sixty coiits :in l thirty ce!lt^ for ciii-li u' .it' >11 11 1 >(Tti''i‘iin.iits by b]>o- ' Ml r-I'viiuble iu.> ' .Vdverli^ei ~ ait- I:itt‘ tl.o number nf insert;, ii-: desired, or if, c'hai i,. d jU j.'; :• IlK.ll M'M n 1’ rWNFRV \Tri) 1 ’!lLi:s WE~T Jii -'N ;'i;l N': V. N 1'. i - *''• panic is ovor mi 1 n iiinly iiillc 1 in the undt-rsi nerit T itiniim : .'lihei-, ii:irnr- Mirp I K refer our readers to tiie nnnuul .statement of the .litna insurance Coinpiiny, of llsirtlorJ, whifli will be found in aiiotbor cohim’i This .success ful iuptitutioii was iucor['i)rated by the Lejiishiture of C’otiuecticut in ISl'.i, with a perp-tual charter. Its is >;5u0,0')i), aud it.s accumulatious oicee I >;s,pt»,uOu more, umkiiin its entire ns.sets over «MM>. iuve.>-ted u.s detailed in the stutcnient referred to Thes-e results in lic:ite that during the period of nearly forty yenrs since its orstiniz ition, ( wiihoiit a single ehanjie of its chief olHoer,) its business has been eon- till torbid, ;iud charged aceoid- ^ Juctt-ii with judgment anl prudetice. It has l.u.t ii thus f;ir successlul iu an euiint-nt decree, ■iiseharniii;;'. as we Mi’G :!•” rinecl, nil its ohlijr.itions by the j,aynici!l ot abi.iit ten million dolhiri> for losse^, without anUii;^; a ' day's del-iy in any iiistanre. It has ha'l but little lit- '.LiMtu ii, notwithstanding the immense numb-r ol trans- I ai’tions made, in order to attain as much cfrfiinti/ as : possible in such a business us insurance, it has been >F V> C'-»K AN- ' t!ie practice of the Company, for several years, ai iireat labor, carefully to clas6if\ and arrai.>;e their risks into about fifty distitict classes, so as (o ascertain the amount insured on each class, the amount of pr - miiims receiviid thereon, an t the amount of los.ses up on each. Tliis classitication. extciiding over a lonj; period,and covering property to a very large amount.fui - nishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial basis ot actual experience, upon which to cnnduci its business. Insurance isnotnmatter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and its principles capable of beinj; reduced to a system, the practical working aud results of which are as certain as that of any other business. 'J'he /Ktna Company, by adhering rigidly to its system, and placing its busi ness upon a healthy basis, has obtained the contidence of the community to an extent surpassed by no other Company in the L*. States, aud has increased its busi ness and its income from year to year with a steady growth. One great rource of its security is the wide 'llstributiou of its risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov ered in each locality. By this course it has passed, with comparative impunity, through some of the most swe» ping and deatruciive fires, which have pwaUowed up other Companies less cautious in their business. It is a system like thi.s, based upon experience, which gives stability and soundness to a companv, aud to the as sured contidence and security. — Balumor* I'airiul. ACRI>:s OF LAND SAu:. f BIHK tiubscnbiT desivit'gto move to the West offers to se 1 the folio King ir.ict.s of v.-vlu.iblo land. j 1 Tract contuinin^ ‘J-'iti*; ncres in li.irneit (Jounty lb j miles North of Fay, tt-’ville. There is on this tr.-ict. I twolar^eand coirifort.able dwelling houses, with al' n»‘«;es'„u-y ciuhotises. t ■;iether with a good mill running ■ tw>. saws aTit! grist, witli iibout 800 acres cleared anl ’.II a iiigh state lit cuitivtitioii: th>> remainder is excel- .ent 1 ir'!i;!iir .in i turpentine imid .-\lso asiother tr.i. t coiit liiiing 1000 acres of turpen- ' line I.'Uid, about 100 acres of which is clfared. There is on this tract one good dwelling with all necessary >ut !i0U:U“S and a j;oo 1 iTiist .iTid saw-iuill. i will iHl>e pleasure in showing the above properly • J nuy jit iion wislilng to purchase 11. S MeNKILL. Manchester P. >. .'’ov. Till, If*')?. »)7-ts Hawkses Historff F O II T II t) A R o M A . The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, whi -h has received the highest cotnmeudation wherever it has been read, not only for its iTterary execution but for its tyi.ograp-'i- cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our tieneral Agent for the State, 11. W. fl. rne of this place, or any of his Assistant Agents Tbt price varies acconling to style of binding; in hardivixie which will leave .SAV WNAll every S.\Tcau.vT .Morn- | cloth 25; in Library'Sheep $1 50; in half Caif >1 i.sij a* 10 o’clojk, for ^75. It is sold only kor Cash. None will be charged, I> \g^ I'l'K i, I'loridil either by ourselves or our Agents. A liberal discoui.* tukinp the Inland Houte, and tou.-bing a’r Brunswick "^ ‘I'*’*!','****'® St. Mary’s, (Ja . and Fornandina, JacksoDville “ l-»rt of the c-untry FOR FLORIDA! rno.ii eBB.i R L E s To.y, V I A S A V A N N A 11 THK SUI ERIOH Steum Ship €i O » U O li. Caut. F. l’.\Ri)tN, will le.ive Cli.XKI.ESTuX, e\ery Fuil>a» a? H o'clock, loniectiiig at SAV.\N.VAM with the well ';uon'n Steam I'lcket U »2. AUifiOOli, Capt. W.M T. MoNelty, thesi.* 1 Ntill c ■i.t'iiui's to coi;- ul M miil’iictiiriii;^ of all Sriddlcs, Hrid e.s, IniOtS sii ■ :i;i 1 uc.sorlption—of l.ie very N I' ATi i.\ pt -m.um 11K tU.VNS, A.; of whiiju he otters and pr.j- ' . 1 "r ex i-i;- lli lc.s. Beeswa.x, ; ■' i ■ kind?^ ol Country pr.duee, on terms to .- > :iua comiiio J tte his customers accoriiing to .. .■ ;i:.. ’U ;i -.lid CO- ?• ■ '.'ly a lai'»je supply of Stock, he - . ;i:eJ t execute !\1! iraers neat.y and promptly. . .:ii s-.. ’i rial and woi kuniti.suip as are not to be es- le 1 by a:.y t 'tablisiiment ol the kind ia this part of ,e couiiiry in 'tyle, qu.ility r price, for cash or to ujctual custome s .Vaa in returning his sincere i.au.k.' to bis customers at.J friei ds generally for their ...i-.-r patronage, he solicits andhopes to still merit a , :,i;i;aance _■! iht-ir fuvor^ JAMES C C.AKAWAY -J W-tlJa \iIr(»' orit‘s. ifardwan*, cVc. fi \ilb uudir.signe 1 are now receiving a L.AROE .-VS- I. N i of (iio‘i‘ii(‘>. Hardware, Iron. Steel, -ware, Slioos. Leather, and SaddltM'V, .•■V sell at * h'^lessle at a small advance on i>:i, r (. ii our usual tiiu^* to prompt dealers. A(T('s of Laiil I'oR .^uJscribtis oll'-r f'r .'^ale the above Trait of W l..ind. Uire on .-inder.'ion's (’reek, about two m.d a hfilf mil.-s tV >m lower Little liiver, near F.lliot’.s ills,^ including ubiait (.iiie fliuidrel .\cres of good Swamj^s. wiiiidi (;un be e-isily tlrainc 1. Tlii.s Land Is very heuvi._\ tim'oei’e 1. and a lar^re portion level and superior .j'ia;i.\ of P;n« L ind for cultivation. •Mso, a ('irLu! ir SI I'\ M S.\'.V-MII L, in couipieto •rder and well adapte 1 to Si'-ing jilank road and rail ro» i timbers. A1 Two well.broke MULFS. •■'11, or any pc'ition of hicli. w ill Vio (-.ol i b)w ami oil time, 'i'iiv L'lnd will be sold eith'-r in a bodv’or iu parc.'ls to sui“.. SMITH KLLIOT. .Vpril •). Is',7. D7-tf (»!)> ACJJ i:s OJ' KAM> I'OI! S.\I,K '■ I H L Subs>Tiber oilers for sale the above ;uantity £ of I.and, .'ituate'i in a healthy neighborhood, three miles fro:n the Wj’.:iiiugtou and ,'narlotte Rail Road, and four from I..umber River. This Laud is well adapted to Fanning. Turpeniine, and Ton Timber J urposes, having a gooj i.tnge and other a ivantages Those wishing to purchase may tiL:d me on the pre mises, who uill be happy to exhibit it or give uny in- Jormation concerniiiu it desired ANGUS McGlLL I’hilade'.j'hus, N t^.. Sept 1. 1h.'j7. 40!f aud aud Picola^a, Fla RKTURNING, the Wm. Scabrriok will leave 1’.^- LATK.X, every Mond.ay AFrtR.Nuo.s, and will arrive at .Savannah on 'Vednesday nioming, in ample lime to connect with the Steamer Gordon, which will leave Savannah every Wtvlne.eday afterno >n at S o’clock, iiud arrive at Charleston by 1 o’clock the next rn- on receipt of the price aiid cents to pay posiaize. The 2d volume is in course of preparation. Iheit- will jirobably be four or five volumes in all The auo- (iceding volumes will probably contain about 50o pages each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher j'rite, viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding. 2-> cents additional for sheep and 60 cents additional tor lue li. J HALE a: SU.N GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. iit;-tf T 1. Ti. Si:U L\G .'>L\CHL\f:s. i to k IIIE BEST and .MOST Dl’RABLE Miichiiif iiip.ile. - liber has taken an agency for the sal« II .'•• Maohii;es, and having used them for 1^ lU say there cau be uo doubt that every r : laiiter, bavin,; fr-m 10 to 15 persons to Lind them very protitable; a g'lOd operator i ,f t.: .!o as much and as good sewing with this , ■ NK. day .-iS can b# done bj' hand in tex. i.s : :‘ii tr t • purchase can see two of these' s i: i e ,i’. my f:ictory fj i b-sorip’ii.n and prices will be 1 _ ,»i.s Ol, iipplic itiuu. Orders Solicited. A A. .McKLTii.\N, .\gent. '7. 71-'’-m HFNHOW, 1). 1). S., \i be lound ;t his Hoorn;., during fi. rcgulni o!hce hours, viz: from i' A. .M. to 1 r. .M , 3 P. M. to 5 I‘. M . i.e p’:-:isi-ii to ri-c.’ive calls from all who . ^ - o-cd 01 hi> pi■■‘es.'ionai services. II ii,-!it -ivill be he.'; out by oflering to per- j r • tor a ‘■ir.ull • oiij^,._';,suti'ju; ;i good price ■ . ■ : i i:. a’! c »s. s .An.I oatients fav.;riiig ' !'• r o ,;.r, i> r. ■. may re’y i;;"!ii tii- utmost • ) pv rt .rm cwry operaiiou la as pert ct a i - -lUot be paid ft-T as -tjon as com- who are n ind'-'^ tel will j'lcase call ■ t ,1. 51-tf • Stork of linOKS AM) Si A r ION FRY. ii.\irri-'oi{i>. fO.N'.v. INCORI’ORATED 181'.*. CHARTER PERl'ETL'AL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. BRACE, President. E. G. RIPLEV, Mce Pre sident. T. A. ALEX.ANDER, Secretary. Directoks —T. K. Brace, .S. Tudor, J. Church, R. Buell, M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, R. Mather, E. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G F. Duvis, A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, J’. A. .Alexander, W. Keney. Tiie .Assets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, pay iug interest, with a>17-,0tM 01 of cash on deposite in the Hartford Bauks, to meet losses. Losses due and unpaid—none. Losses adjusted aud not due, ^24.ol : Lo“ses in suspense, waiting further pioof, Xc , ->75,- 850 15. Losses resiotec, (suspicions of fraud, &c.) -^16,^7 “5 7ii. Agent of the above Company in Fayotttville, N. C. E. J. HAI.E. BRITISH FZIRIODICALS. L. SCoTT (MJ., NEW VORK, continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, vix 1. THE I>ONDON tjU.VRTEiiLV (Conservative). THE EUINLl'RGH REVIEW (Wnigi. •> THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church; J. THE WEST.vILN-STER REVIEW Liberal). rj. BLACKVVOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory . I I'.Mi.M Foi; .s.vi.i: OFFER for sale my PL.\NT-\TION vu the East side efCape Fear River, 3 miles above the Claren- i »n Briijpe, kncwn as the Toomer Lands, containing ..'.out SOfi acre.s. The Plantation is in a good state ol cultiv.itii.n, an.l is susceptible o*' being made oii* of the most profitablt.' Farms in the (^)unty. I will give a bargain in the lands, and make the time of pay most ea?y if sjijtli.ation is uiiJe in a fe»v weeks. •\d'lress me at (iulf, .N. L. J. HAUGHTON Oet r lb. 52- land FOR SALK. W .A'-’RE.S L.VND lying on the Camden Ji. Stage Roa'l, 15 mib-s South of Fay- ettevilie. The Lan-1 is well timbered, and admirably adapted for Turpentine or Farming purposes: and lies between the .Soutiiern Piauk Rna I and Big Kocklish, —conveijient to muket. There is on it a comfortable frame House, .Mil! Sil« i.c. Any ii.for:uatlon may be obtained on the premines from Mis. Mary Nelson, or bv ensuring of James ha.vks, Atty, Fayetteville. Au^ 13. 33-t.‘‘ mg, so as to connect with the morning trains of the i calf binuing^ North Eastern an^i South Carolina R iil Roads. ^ !• ».vettevillo, April -J*, 185,. « a QQ-ptvTp-puQ &i\Tn IPHno HI' Agent and his .Assistants design to visit AWJJ rn,t.ilTnx county in th« State, with the book, as soon as will be taken through from (,'iiarleston at the sumo j convenient. In the mean time, orde>B to him or to us, j rates as by the Steamers going direct to Florida, and j accompanied by the cash, will receive prompt utteu- I no expense will be charged for transterring Freight j tion. ' KTi i P-isaengers at Savannah, as both .Steamers lie at tiie same wharf- nnd .Meals will be furnished on board, free of charge Passengers going to or returning from Florida, are invited to give this line a trial, as no p-iins or expense wi'.l be spared to rende. it a favorite Route, both for Freight and Travel. The accommodations on board tl e .Steamers are such as tn secure the utmost degree o: safety aud comfort, and their tables are furnished the most sumptuous manner. For engagements, or further particulars, apply on board, or to E LVFITTE s Co., .\gents. Charleston, S. 7 J. I*. BIl'K)KS, Agent, Savannah, Ga. Jan’y 18, ’58. 81-3in-pd NOTICF. ^MHE subscriber having, at June Term 1857, of the L'ourt of IMeas and Quarter Sessions for the nouiity of Cumberland, qualified as .Administrator upon the Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said Estate to present the same properly authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise i.*iio notice will be pleaded ir; bar of their recovery. Debtors tu the said Estate will please make payment iiiiinediately E F. .MOOiiE. June 8, lft57. 18tl Fiirtiii'i* Supply or School BookN. S Mini’s GH.A ,M \i .A R; Emersjn’s .Arithmetic and Keys; Mitchell’s (Jaographies: Bullion’s Latin (iramnii.r; .Vnthon s Sa.lust; Davies' Surveyin,4; Pay- son ^ DuTitou’s Copy Books; Walker's and Webster’s School Dictionaries; Leverett's Latin Lexicon; Sar gent’s Sian lard Spe-iker; Uc-, Xc. E. J HALK A 30N. .March COOL SPRINC; .MILLS. I'Hr] Proprietors are prepared to GRIND CORN on the usual terms. The Bedstead Manufacture is still carried on at the same place. Jan’y 11, 185H. 75-tf Gl ANO. TONS BEST PERUVIAN GUANO, juet re ceived and for s.-ile bv GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. 31. 38- FRESH Sl’KIN'ij OOOtW •J. A. kT S now receiving his stock of SPRINC. ai d SUM.\1ER B- GOODS, embracing al .-f the latest styl s for the sensoti. ' A tew very haii isoiuh Rul'.i-', .^'.’11 Ll^, LA i;avaDiF.Ri;. ,t siui; sti'.um; t;tM»D-=, LACE AXD^ILK MANTLIS. STI I.L. .shawls AND si’aRVS. Any Ljuantity of the latc-jt Patterns ' f IKutP.y A Large and beautiful selecnoii ot' KMHUOlLiE- RltS, HONETON COLLARS,KID Gl.oV!..-, SEWING SILK, MITTS, Sc., . ,^c. liAT.S. CAPS, U.MBRELLAS, and PaR »>LS veiy superior assortment cf L.-\CF. STR '.W and LEGHORN Ei.»NNLTS, ai.so n f'‘.v veiyhiu l- ^ome ('inj)C dt) , FKI-'' 'H FLt*!' I’iiS FRENCH AND ENtil.l^iH CRAPE-', RlBi-oNs, >Vc.. \c. A verv de.sirable Mock of .\len.s’, V it'.s', .'Uil Boys HEADY MADE Cl.oTH!.N(i. ot tl;r Luteal .Styles, workmanship w irraiiie.l Ihc public are invited to call early a i l >Xim;i;3 tn-.- aliove gooils: theya^ill be sold ciifor cash, -r on thi,( usual time to^^ose wlio jia . >cca^-^ j.-i-i:.■/. March I.S, IS'jS. ’ Vl-tf I - €RO€MBSt\\ Oluss- li\ire A* jLoifL'inii i^iasst s. H.WEiipyo] stock in -ny liU' (''untry .’Vjcr- ch.iiits suj p.ied at low pr. I W N. Tl March 17. L1.\'0H.\ST 0 i 'Jm STANDARD & MISFELLAXEOL.S HOOKS. B'^R. K.ANE’S Arctic Explrrations,—cloth, sleep M-^^and half calf; Prescott’s Ferdinand and Isabell i, (]onijuest of Peru, Phillip 2d, and Coiniuest of Mexico; Henry Clay’s Works, 6 vols.; Benton's rhiriy Years iu the U. S. Senate; Daniel Webster’s Works, fi vols.; Memoirs of S. S. I'rentiss; Iriving’s Works. !•'> vols., cloth and sheep; Memoir.s of Wm Wirt; Irving’s Life «f Washington, cloth aud sheep; Life and Coire.spon- dence of U ebster; Com. Perry's Japan E.\jiedition; Ab- hott's Napoleon; The Indigenous Races of the Earth, by Nott & Gli'Mon; Recollections of Life Time, by- Goodrich. (1 eter Parley;) Hume aii«l .Macaulay’s His torics of England: Hallam’s, Robertson’s, .lohnson’-J, Burke's, .Adiiaon’s, Hannah .More s and Dick’s Works, -Southey’s Common i’iace Book; Historical Collections of Virginia; Dickens’s Complete Works, 13 vols. illus trate i; LaMartiue’s History of Turkey; The Queens of Scotland, by Agues Strickland: Goblsmith’s Animated Nature; Noctes Ambrosiante ■> vols.,—edited by D:'. rniu'i an inai McKenzie; Rollin’s Ancient History; ('onstitutioijal i k i ^,7 Te.t liook. \Iillm«n'«iil.bo.r. Tl,eS,.tP«m.n’J ^HOL.vh ou I'-rson .-tioe., .-ccnpo J by said Klhott: a'so, ail his ii.terest m tstc.'.mc.'-, i.owan. FOR salt:. fl'^.ANNRRS' ’)IL, (:. joir-' (irticlc. ■ NEAT’S FO(rr. L\MP, and .M.\CH1.'.'EUV oli^. in quantities to suit Apply to 1> ito.'-^l, March ]k.'>S ‘.'''-.St 15n Casks Luiiij) I.ihd'. ol' .sup-.Tior ijuaiit^ and ii. most eicelleut ui.ier. jur i- c iv--.i '.mi :or f^ale by BLV.KRi V l{OSl% .March '2'J, 1858. ‘.‘o ;'>t rRF.S'i' SALK. t^HE undersignel will sell at the ,MarK>-t tl luse in Fa\etteviile, ou Saiuiday Jith .'.lartlJ. 1 - j3, at 1- o clccK, to close a Dtcd ■ !' i'rusi e - iite i b_ \\ rii Elliott, nil that LOT Or A'l' L.XKGE Text Book; .Millman's Gibbon's Rome; The Statesman’s .Manual; Tales an'l Novels -.if Maria Edgeworth; I’roc- tor’s History of the Crusadts; Chambers’ InfoMuation for the i'eopie; Tytler’s Universal History; Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson; (,'hambers’ >fiscellany, 10 vols ; -Appleton’s Cyclopedia of Biography; Tlie Scottish Gael; Eucyclope'Ua .Americana, 14 vols.; Waverly Novels in 12, 24 and 27 vols ; Wilson’s Tales of the Bt.rders aud of Scotland; DtToC'^ueville’s Democracy, iu-America; Knight's Half Hours with the best .-\uihors; Bulwer's Novels, complete in one vol; I’lutarch's Livea; .Mo'ieru iiritish Essayists; Lyell's i'rinciples of Gei lo gy; Talcs of the .\rabiau Nights, -I vols. illustrated; -Maury's I’iiysical ueography of the .Sea; .Vdventuro» Gentleman in Search of a Horse; Mrs. Elli Magnolia and Fmuy, and ti;e t'lata coiiiic-.tcl v\itu sail Boats i'erms mile ku-jwn at s do i >■ 1,1 TiEilL'iH Tiu.-itee March 20, 1858. STA'l't: OF NOR ni CAROLINA, HARNETT COU.STY .Sup’r L’ourt Uifice, 15ili -March B N pursuance of diiect.on of II.s llonoi Ju'i^e .Man- A. ly, .\'orici“ is hereby given, tnat ttsc l\'g ii:.r 'I'crm of th.- Superior Court of L.\VV .Y.'Sl' E(jlll V. f>r the County of llaniett, will be uel l at the tjoui't iloo.se ;n Family .Monitor and Guide to Social Happiness; '1 iie 1ui.mi;i;, on the 8tii .Mon lay aiier toy it;i Mo;. , iv Bachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage; History of the >lai'cU Ibos. Aii.sE'SE.S aud jLli'Jii;’ v.iil t.. Revolutions in Europe; Lockhart's Life of Waiter Scott: Hogg’s Winter Evening Tales; Woodfaii’s Junius; •McIntosh’s MiBcellanies; Hamilton’s Philosophy and t»0 Aug. Literature; Mc.\ulay’s .Miscellanies; Marshall’s Wash ington; Life of Pinckney: Brande’s Encyclopedia; Tlie Prince of the House of David: The Poetical Works of Hemans, Scott, Campbell. .Milton, Byron, .Moore, j'.urna, Stiakspeare, &c , in various stvles. E. J HALE i SOX. notice accordingly, ituess, 'ab-tC A Cleri L*. -Mcl.EAN, Su! eriur Court. JL.l If* HOOKS. FOR SAI.F. '■■IHE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT on Gillespie .'treet, at nres.'nt occupicl by Doctor McSwain. Perfect title can be ma le. .Apply to R. ■ ^OM.AT’S Civil L.iw; Roscoe’s Crim. Evi- L ^ir, ■ ks ;'.n I ■iving our usual New st:iiioncry, eiaoracing Stock of a great 1 '- '»v 'f j School, l^au , aiii .Tli^- 4'(‘lliill(‘011M llouit^. ' 1 L^etli.r vuii hnv'e and varied .>tock of BL.VNK ! I’U Lii. L.NVKLoPK^, \r ■ II .try .Mer li tnt.s anl others are invited to call as i :ler t ic h'.; iVv: stock on tiic best teim*. | E. J. HALE & SON. NOTICF. ’ i I. h ' ‘pr I' .-.K .'i Dm-." liivKK Nav Co., 1 Pitts'* o. oiigh, .M.irch 1, 1>''.8. / .•\niuia! .Meeting o;' the .'-Stockholders of the F>- ir iiiid iJeep River-Niivigatio'i (’ompany. Hi ihi- City of Wilmin'i.toii. on Thursday. 1, .'z’j'ii. iJy 01 dfr of the -StocKholders. HENRY A L'»N1>0.'\, Sec'y. HO-tin THO. J. CURTia. ALSO . 4 GOOD F.VMILY C.ARRI.AGE in good repair and .,;m nearly new. Will be s -M for half if."? value —A LSO— 3 good MII.(,'H Cows with young calvcf. .Applv to T. J. CURTIS'. April 2'.', 1857. 3tf L\M>S FOR S.Vi.F. E OFFER for sale about '-iK.)!* .\cres nf Pine Lands neir Fayetteville, containin:; ati immense ijuantifj’ ot Mili 'I'iniber, .;r.d a nii-ab.-r of Turpei.t'no Boxe.s, ai d y-veral t.ew- tasks m ly be cut There is on the prcmisi a fine l)we;iing Hi'Use. aoil ail necessary out- liouses, — .'?i'iip[>prnot'u iiid Is-ibi ll i Grape Vines,—1000 youn;r Peach and .Apple Trees of Lindley's best vari- iit-: al-I, a goo.i of about 15*.» acres cleared: aid nis > a G RL-^r and S.VW MILL; nnd a fine large Me.-ulowof about 1 10 acres. The Fayetteville sind Coal Fields Rail Road pas-ies through these lands aV.out a mile frc tn the Mills, i wi.l sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but would preler to sell the whole together. .\])[)ly to Tlios. S. I.utterloh, Esq., Fayotteville, or the subscriber at Pittsborough, N. C J II. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12. 1H.')7. *iO-tf !$.>() Jli:\VAR!) ^ 5 7” ILL I.e given lor the ai>pteln.iision and delivery . . , . , - . „ , Vt tome, or continemcnt in .-.ivjail iu the State | >‘J'>‘“t*‘SesHimed at by the huperaiteudent of Common so that I cun get him, of iny man JIM. He left on ^om- t.'ip KOth ult , nnil has not been seen, or heard of s>nce ! P ‘ ^ , , ... ■ i , 1. The encoiirtiyemenl o/ a jceitng oj seij-arpeiiaence. ) Li .1 I ■nn iiis frii-^ is ind former customers III :y be f. ■ iid 2 rs below the Cape s. ;;i . d oors ‘i b... v c li i d ' r ,i n d SOU t h side ■ I'let, where he inlet! Is t! keep on hand, Harneo'jj Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Cellars, • . 'iig'.eN-iij;!njr tohis trade. He respectful- :id: III 111 tlie...-uiitry to call and fx- lii:- . ■ ..r,. Tiurc!; ising. ' . - . ilep.iuing ot llarnessand .Saddles . r; i ij eii.ii^.es shall be moderate. He ■ ‘ • 1 R.l m i- t.; ihe firm of HOUSTON ')'■ l.ii.^i to etitie wuii W. (;vcrby or him.elf, as . H.'e I- v.poLc. ieuie the lirm's debts. ‘liUst tf These Periodicals ably represent the three great poli tical p-irties of Great Brit.-iiu—Whig, Tory, and k.adi- cal,—but politics foiius only one feature of their char acter. -As Orgaus of ttie most profound wiiters ou Science, Literature, .Morality, and Re'igion. they stand, as they ever iiave stood, uurivalle I in the world ot let- tei j, being consiit re'i indispen.satiie to the sclio .tr aud tile professional ni iu, whi.e to the intelligent re.ider ' of every class they lurnish a uiore correct and s-ttis- lactory record of the current iiteraiur.r of the day, , througtiout the world, than can be possibly ottained from any other source. KaKJA’ COl^lE.'^. The receipt of .-VUV.VNCE SHEEl'Sf.-om the British publishers gives additional value to tliese iveprints, in asmuch as they can now be placed iu the bands of sub scribers about as soon as the origiaa! editions. TERMS. I’er ann. For any one of the four Reviews .^>3 Hi) For any two of the four iieviews 5 00 For any three of the Four Reviews 7 Oii For all four of the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews ‘.J 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 00 l^iymenlK to he made in all cases in adinnce. Monty current in the Slutc where issueil K ill l» received al ^Kir. CLLBBLNG. -A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above price wiil be allowed to Cluus ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to oue address for -iiy; fcur copies of the four Re views aud Blackwood for •'j'30; and so ou. pos'j’AC i:. In all the principal Cities aud Towns, these works will be delivered, FREE OF l'OST.-\GE When sent by mail, the Postiige to any part of the United States , country, that they hive entered into Cipartnership will be but T WENT Y-F >U 11 CRN TS a year for ‘'Black- ; ao.ms for the purpose of carr^ ing ou the wood.’ and but FOURTEEN CENISaye.ir lor each WaffOH-’flakillff ItllMillO^W ot the Keview:i. ^3-^ I, rni ’ • ry ^ 7 • ’ »ill its brancht»8, at the ol'i «tan‘l on the corner of .\. li. fht price in Great Bntain of the Jue t-,.^,,i,liu aud Maxwell Streets, where they would be l\rludicoils aLove-named is S.'i I ^JCr u/i/iii/n, glad to see their old friend.-j and custtimers, as they iiemittances for any of the above publications should 1 will be prepareil to accommodnte persons wishing any thing in their line on the most reasonable terms, and at the shortest notice. J. W. WELCH. JESSE W. WEiSIGEIi. Dec’r 31. 72-.3m iiOOK HINDFRV. W. H-\RI)1E has resumed the Book liinding | dence- Busine.ss, over th«* Tailor Sl op of Clark | Chitty on Contracts; “ Criminal Law; “ Plea-iing; Stephen on Ditto.; Chitty ou the Law of Car riers; Selwyn’s Nisi Prius,—-Am. Notes; Smith’s Chancery Practice; Landlord and Ten ant; “ on Contracts; Leading t'asps; Story on Contiict of Law; “ Equity Jurispru dence; “ on I'ales; “ on Partnership; “ F.fjuity Pleadings; “ on Contracts; ■ 1, It' f .1 V i Fearne on Remainders- .>ciecnon.s m i rose and \ cr.se; u.any of tliem by I Bailments; emiueut citizens or tue btute. I luies’ on Bills- HISTORICAL AND (MIRONoLOGK’AL TABLES, j Tayler’s Law Glossirv; .And a variety of .Miscellaneous Information and Sta- Dart on Vendors and I’ur- tistii:s, by ^ i chasers ol Real Estate; C. II. \% f I..IjI j Uroom’b Legal .'laxims; Number 3 is a new and revised edition of the North •• Commentaries on the Carolina Reader, first published in 1851. Numbers 1 Com. Law: and 2 just issued, complete the series, which is, ao a j Adams’s Equitv; whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the “ on Ejectment; United States, aud as complete. | jjurrill on Cir«um. Evidence; The Editor (Prof. Hubbardj iu his I’reface to Num ber I deems it proper to al'.ude to a fewol ti:e peculiar ^Vood'.vard, where he will receive and execute binding ia any style desired. .August I. 27tf NOiiTlI CAROLINA RFAFFRS. WnUEKS I A.\D ii. PRE1‘.\RED WJTH SlECl.VL KKKLRENCE TO THE W'A.NT.S A-NI) 1-NTKRE.sTS OF ^Yorth i'arolina. r.VUKR THF Al'SPICES llF TIIK SI rKHlNTK.NDF.NT OF COM- .MON S. IlOOLs. hy Kev. t\ n. Hubbard, rHOFBssDR or THE L.vris t,.\N(;r.\(it .\m> LiTER.\TrR* in THE ti.VIVKUStrV lit MIRTH ^AROLI^■^. .M flUiCU t’O.NTAININU A FAMILIAR HISTORY AND DESCRIP TION OF NOKTU CAROLI.NA. He i.s .1 bright tnulatto, almost wnite, about 2:> years old, about 5 feet ‘J iiichcs high, straight hair, and teeth defective, long beartl ou his chin 'vhen he left Had on when he left a very good suit of clothes, and will very likelj’ tr^- to pass oil' for a white man, and make for a free State; shoulil he not go north, he will likely go up in the vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was raised there, aud formerly belonged to Wm. B. Wright, Esq., of that place. .\ny person who may take up said Bov will be entitled to the above reward aud tlif thanks of ISAAC B. KELLY Kenansville, N. C., Aug. 13, 1857 33-tf COFAR rN FRSIIIl> NO'FICF. fO'^HE undersifined W(jiiM respectfully inform the i c’tizeuB of Fayetteville and the surrounding I *10 .'vlurcli 1 OATS. i’l- . h avy bhiCK tJatM. For J.\S. (i I'ooK. IM). -•! o, 1 .11 bi1. - i(.\: i;i ■''■‘>7. SI' lUXFlVFl). tliat superior ROCK i;.\.M)V To- G. W. 1. t/OLUSToN. 48-tf OA'l'S A.M) I’F.VS. i:r.'';ih;,s seed m m.-', iMi (ii to I’l.^v P.-as. — J/so — ri'ij .Vor'lieni lr;sh Potatoes, iiuantities to s ilt, by B. ROSE. bolf iiiuiiks for sale at this Ollice. alwavs be addressed, post-paid, to the Pub.ishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Gold street, New York. NFW HOOKS. 'AB-VPvRIED or single, by Miss Sedgewick; The ; Professor, by Currer Bell; Romany Rye, by j Lavengro; The Athelings; Tent Life iu the Holy Laud; I Boat Life iu Egypt and Nubia; The improved House- 1 wife, by Mrs. We'Dster; Jtc. ' Mso, Bullion's 1st Lesson? in Greek; Payson ^ '• Duntou'sSeries of PEN.M.ANSllIP; .AiWlick's Elements; ; Key to Davies’ Algebra; au'l other School Books, i E. J. HALE SL SON FI RTliEK MPPLIES OF HOOKS, 6^c. ^j’^HE Knowledge of iod, objectively considered, by Breckinridge, Th.- Prince of the House o'" I>.avi'l; I -imou Suggs; Will Western Scenes; Webster's Uua- I bridged Di-ctionary; .Mackey's Lexicon of Free-.Masonry; ; I'resby tei i.iii Psalmoilist; Stoddard's Juvenile .Arith- I metic; Greenleat’s Meutal -Vnthuietic; Steel Pens: ! Mathematical Instruments; Invoice unu Reference i Files; Jiic., &c. E. J. H.ALE i SON. 1 Feb. 0, 1858. .1. W. WELCH woul'I give notice that he is desir ous of closing his obi business, and to all who are indebted to him to make immediate payment, as f-irtlier indulgence cannot be given. J. W. WELCH. ro lllRF, V NEGRO WO.M.A.N, a good Washer and House Servant. .\Iso, a Negro GIRL about 12 years of age. .Atnl three Negro .MEV—until 25th Dec. next Also, lur s:il«‘, 1 100 Ac.j’es ol LAND in Harnett county, well Timbered, and convenient to he Rivi'r. Terms will be made to suit. W. McL. McKAV. F: yetteville, .'au. 20. 78-tf The Life and Correspondence ol' Judge Jamea Iredel’, one of the Associate Justices ot the Supreme Court of th« United States, by Griflith J. McBae. Just rto’d. E. J. HALE, ^ SON. and the eiilistmeut of popular scuiiiueut in behalf of I the State and its institutions. It was not thought im- | portaut, however, to have more than one number of the Readers of merely a local interest. To remedy t/ie evil everyirhere com/dmneii of in com mon schools, of a perj.>etuul cUauye in text books; an ex pensive habit, aud oue which injures the Schools by preventing the children from being classified. A se ries of home Readers, it was supposed, would be cer tainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. 3, Economy, ttie popular syst-'in of Reatlers being too long and being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors aud publishers. This series is to consist of fewer numbers than those generally used, and it is believed that these number* are sutlicient, while if the system were uni- vers.illy used in the State, the sum saved to parents and children would amount to seveial thousand dollars annually. 4, To pul in the kunds of children learnmy to read com positions su^ciently fumiliar but not of th' churncter culled childtfh compositions, containing, iu lessons easy enough for all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting iu matter, and inculcating proper morals, and religious instructiou- Tue prices are, for No. 1, 25 cents; No. 2, 87^ cents and -No. 3, 75 cents. A liberal deduction from these prices to Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. HALE & SON. FCR rilFR SUFFLIFS of BOOKS. PARTON’S Life of -Aarou Burr; Guy Livingstone; The Twiu Roses, by .Mrs. Ritchie; Bernard Lile, oy Jere. Clemens; School Books, ic -March 13, 1858. DVV FLLING FOR SALF. ''I'^IIE Subscriber w:ishes to sell the large Dwelling JL aud Lot on the corner of Gillespie and liussell .Streets, at present occupied by .^Ir. Heury Erambert. Terms reasonnl'lo. F. J. li.vLi^ LAW HOOKS. ^EDGWICK on the rjtatutory anJ Constitutional Law, Chitty ou i'leaili'ig: Newland ou Contracts; i’hil- iipps aud .-Vmos ou Evidence; Stephen ou Pleading, •Mitford’s Chancery PleaJiugs; Hill on Trustees; Lube’s Equity Pl«ading; ALdams’s Equity, &o. £. J. HAL£ & Law Dictionary Ijca liug Cases iu Eniity; Tidd's i'ractice—.Vm. Notes; Hill on Trustees, *• “ .Matthews’ Presumptive Evi dence; i'owell on Mortgages; Caniwel’.’s Justice; Supreme Court Reports, &c E. J. HALE i SON. -Starkie >,iu SlaU'ier; ; Sedgwick on the Measure ’ of Damages; | Sedgwick ou .'itatutory and ' Cons. Law; i Hale'i. Pleas of the ’rown; j Bishop on Marriage aral i>ivorce; Mitlord'sChancery Pieail- ; ing>; Sauiierson Uses & Trusts; ; Hargrave Ji Butler’s Coke | upon Littieton; U. Mates Digest; I St.^te Trials of die US;' iiuss^il on .Arbitration; Morns on Repievin; Troubatou Limited Part nerships; Sugoen on Ven b r.t;; on I'owi-rj; Saunders on Pleadiog; “ iieports; Addisou on l.’oiitracts; Wharton ou Homicide;. Wharton ^ Stiie's Mel J urispru deuce; Newland on Contracts; Roper on Legacies: Williams on Executors; “ on Personal Pro perty; Oliver on Conveyancing: Lube’s Equity i’loading: Gresley’s Law of Evi dence; Kent's Commentaries; Curtis's (..'ommeutary; Bradford's Surrogate Re ports: Tapping on Matnlamiis; Crown Circuit Companion Wiley’s N. C. Form Book; &C. E. J HALE, X SON. MFDiCAL liOOKS. OUNOLISON’.S Therapeutics and .Materia Mt'iica: Medical Dictionary; “ Human Physiology; “ Practice of-Mev)ic;ue; “ on New Remedies; Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; “ Woman, an(Pher Diseasee; “ Childbed Fevers; " Diseases of the Uterus; Dewees on Children; “ “ Females; Horner’s .Vtiatomy aud Histology, .Miiier’s Principles of .Surgery; Practice of do.; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. States: Wilson's Human .\natomy, by Goildard; Ricord and Hunter on Venereal, by BumsteaJ. Watson’s Practicw of P'’iysic, by Condie; Wood and Bache’s U. S. Dispensatory: Pancoast’s Wistar’s -Anatomy; Wilson on Diseasss of the Skin; “ “ the Skin and Hair: Eve’s Surgical Caseg; Churchill on ChiMren, by Keating; “ System of .Midwifery, hy Condi«, “ i'iseases of Women by do ; Ellis's -Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes’ and i’aget’s Physiology; Regnault’s Elements of Chemistry; Fownes’ Chemistry for Students- Bartlett on Certainty in Medicine; Smith aud Horner’s Anatomical .Atlas; Bir'i on the Uiinary Depoeites; Pereira’s .Materia Medica and Therapf'utics, ('arpeuter's Human Physioio;;^', by Smith. Dickson’s Elements of .Medicine: Taylor on Poisons, hy Grilfith; Burrows’ ou Cer-bral Circulation; Wilson on Syphiiis; Draper’s Physiology—illustrated; Solly on the Brain; Hope on the Heart, kc., &o. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 26, 1B67. VALL’AKi.E AXD DESiliAiJLC TOWN fropi:ri'v for SALF. J PROPi.>SE to tl.-r, at private sale, ,-ne ■ ; Uie m.^st Jll desira..,lc improvei lots in the town ot ,\loiga:itou. i'htre is betweeu -i and 5 acres ol land in s ud iot, sus- Cfc])tibie of being divided into ti eiigiine lots lu;' bun 1- iiig purpose^; it is surrouiide-l by slieel.s, wli.cii wi.l tiiaice it ajqirouch ible on e.iiier si ie. Tiiciei.i a laigo and Commodious brick Uweuiug llous^^ e'ltii-eiy new, wit.’i eight large rooms, two wine pass'gej, a brics kitcueu w.iutwo urge rooms, alt tae ue-.ess;.ry out- hou^e.s, including ioe-UoU--e, a rtell house, au l aa ex cellent we.l of never tailing w.iier, crii s, st lOle, bath house, \c , \c. ihis tot commiuas one ol the most beautiful views of the mountuin scenery lliat is to be touiid an\ wiiere in lue .Mate. I'ae ^.ird is ii.icd witii oeauti.ul evergreeas aud sLrubbery ot various iinds. I will a.so sell 410 acre.-, of hint class wov ; aad open laii'l, Ij lug within miles of .Morgauton, aii l ai out ftOO acros lying wituin -5 miles ol towu. ihe gieitcr portiou ol wiiicii is said to be the very . r.^t tooa-co anJ wheat lau.l iii liurne county. .A'lou. j.ij a n-s if tr iCi IS in a t.iic st ile ol cult.\aliois. a i lias an the uc-*;ets.ir\ bulivlinga upon it toi ;i vmiie '..iiiiiiy anil I. I- negroes .-\l. the woo'i l.ind i' ■ f toe ver,^ best qil.i.liy, an i Sus:eptlo.c ol cu.tivali-.,ii. J lie ocaleiii .Sol til t_aruuua l.ai.. u:. . ..-s ir iv, .i;ioei • u i....: t. v,.tu rn HO uiin-s ol .Morgaiitou, aim ;;i rc is i.o -i.iuot o.it tii.it iu a s.iort time it wid tie iu..i to .uo: -m; .... ii i'' unnecessary to sny anyluing aouut u e hea in and oe.iuty ot tuis part of Noiiti I'arolin i, a, it is piov--,-r- liia. lor boiii. i am auxiou;s to sen iiiv a:jove pr 'p- i ty, aud Wi.l maKe aucli terms a.s will un ioiiiiicJiy suu ,..-r- boiis ishmg to buy. ,\uy pers ■ wisiiui^ luriner ui loriuation, wuu regard to this priper y or 'ii-- terms ou vvhich it will |be ^Solu, can get tiie Heels', iry in formation by writing to the sub.-^crloer, or to i'od R. I aldwell, at .Morgauton, N. C. E. E. GREENLEE. .March 10, 1858. ‘,t5*'uin RIJOULS' Super-Phosphate of Lime. ii ^/Ehave ju.-t rec'ivei TWH.N'i’V T. i.WSof this w W valuable .ertiii^iT, w!.,cii 'Vn can ree 'nmi-ud lo I’lanters as beinj> iuiiv equ.i to I’eiu.iHii (.'j.iiio. KEITH hLA.N.vER. Wilmingtjn, .V. C., .March lb, l8-'>‘i. '.M-im oOOO way Bridge Wan I'Fi). BBLS. TURPEN flNE, at m.v I'i-til lery on I'erson .Str'>ei, at tlo- H i.f- The highest cas'j pri.i- vill be pud. J. R .McDLrFiE. Green St., Fii\el(evu:e, .'ii. C. March 18, 18->8. -Tm 'F.\KL\ I F \Ni» committed t , the .(nil of .’uin'n- i-.nd ’■ unty, a negro man by tbe name of ' -VL.VIN or I'IhjK, who says he belongs to .Neill .-\!fo: d. of .vl irion i'l^ i :i-r. South ( aroliiia. Hii on when c':nii>iil' 1, a oat aiid liiaok pants; he is atiout 21 ye.ii > i. ; :•■, -■> feet 5 inches nigb, ot d-trK coiUjilec!i i-i. fb • i.v -r is leotie-'ted to copi“ I'orw ird. jir >ve proper'y, f- > cn ir'2'*s. in i take him away, or he will be di-i t w 'li :isin';i:iw directs. \V. R B )i.f'>-''1, ‘ ci March 18, 1&5H. ‘*itf 'IWlvFN FF A ND committed to the Jui. of Cumberland (lounty, a negro man by the name ol J.\i K, ir. I -avs he be.ongs to Samuel Glover, ot Robeion ci'U;ity, N. C. He li!\d on wl.en committed, brow n coat anl prints, bluck hat; he is about 4'J years of age, ol daik c ilor The owner is re4ll.•.^ted to com.- forwr-.rd, prove pToper- ty, jiav char,;eB, and take him awav, or u*- -,m bt .ifrtl with a.*- the law tire-ts. w R. B'»LTi»\', .1,1 . r. NLireli 18. 185*^. LOS r, [ .V''! .'^•iiiiri! I ji i-ar-olr* I :ii (lot tho hours ol I- bet ei-n the I ;h.| F, ourt iloo^t .eatber 1’ esi-L * ». I hi pe 11' ' • ill I-I- pier**. 1 hr :• -V r *i • e ;;!Ven for the :* ■ a iney, delivei c 1 to II I S' -- I \ i»f' 1,' e l I’o' . !i _^:ied. J .VS. 11. J .1'. Iv ^ Fayetteville, N. C , Nov. 2, 1857 • t .,1 .a I Ul-l Dlaiiks lor |alo at this Otiice.