IFATIETOIE SEMI-WEEKL, Y. .:L/: u' ■ :, !. t!. - . t >6^ ■ til'' - ■/ ’*'• i vol.. vil.] FAYETTEVII.LE, N. C.. APRH. I, I8f>8. [NO. 698.] INT D MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. i in\ \iii) J. iiALi: A SON. iM rolls AM' I’KUPRIRTOKS. ' ir t!if Setiii-Weekly Observer 00 if paid in jiv -e; •'»'* if piiiil during the _vear of Hubscrip- - r > 1 after the year has expired. Obskrvku >2 00 per anuuio, if paid iu • ; , f >J t'.O if paid during the year of subscrip- r '•' 00 after the year has expired. , i->I'lSEMCNTS inserted for sixty cents per • 1'; iines for the first, and thirty I'PntB for each ; ng publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- ntracts, at reasonable rates. .Vdvertiseis are - h1 to state the number of insertions desired, or >11 be continued till forbid, and charged accord- ..orrisements to be insertec! imtdf, charged 50 per COUPON RONDS I'OK ALE. ' 'IIHE Western Rail Road Co. have for sale in amounts i J to suit purchasers, S20,000 of the Coupon lioni:» of tho County of Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, ititerest. payiiMe j .seiui-auuually ou the 1st Jun-j aud tlie 1st of l>eceiu- . ber, and running liO years. 81*0,000 of the Coupon HomU of the Town of of tin* mt. ifimhcnii! Fayetteville, bearing ti per cent interi'st, j n^ab’.p semi- ' KI. ISIl.v .M ITi 11 tiLLi 1 annually on the 1st .l.nr.uiiry and the l.st f .hily, and running year.s. These bonds were issued in uocordinc the Western Kail Road I'.v, t.-i i,:iy tho Town 3ubsc»'ip;ii/iis re.sp('ctivol\. Persons having nioney will fin 1 tht-se bunds price the Co. is t>ellit g them' a be'i- any Bank Stock in the State For terms apply to C li. .M.Vt.LF.TT, Esq . Pres’t or to JNO M. liOSl', IreH.-' i' Western R. K Co. Fayetteville, Feb'y 26. 89tf MIT( IIELI/S FALLS. 1 .4GK\TS W\\m\ l.\ CVLRY CDINTV OF THE ST.\T1' : canvass the same, and procure subscribers' -M Juimes for the .sile and delivery of an excellent ^ LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, taki'ti upon tlie .iiiot and coUtMi tip in the liiie^t style ; ' with law to Co'Uity and 'at the stineiit th;in Fire Insurance. I. refer our readers to the annual statement of r‘-e .-Etna In.'urance Company, of Hartford, w'^'. be found in another column. This suece"s- lutinn was incorporated by the Legislature of :i..ut iu 1819, with a perpetual charter. Its >-'>00,0t>0, and its accumulations exceed ' ’ more, making its entire assets ever ^UOO,- .o>ted as detailed in the statement referred to - re-iults indicate that during the period of nearly •fMi's since its oiijanization, (without a single v' I its chief officer,) its business has been con- : with judgment and prudence. It has been ; ir successful in an eminent degree, discharging, .re informed, all its ohligatioijs by the payment Lit ten million doUara for losses, without asking a . ' ielay in any instance, h has had but little lit- n, notwithstanding the immense number oftrans- •;> made. In order to attain as much certairiti/ as • e in such a business as insurance, it has been > ..:tice of the Company, for several years, at i.hor, carefully to classify and arrange their . nt' about fifty distinct classe."*, so as to ascertain . iuiit insured ou each class, the amount of pre- > ; t.-eiv»id thereon, ana the amount of losses up- This classification, extending over a long , nd c-'vering property to a very large amount,fur- - . - r“iinble data, and presents a sound, substantial - : HCtual experience, upon which to conduct its :. hijurance isnotamatter of luck or chance, i’.: -uppt,se; its hazards are ascertainable, and I. 4 ’t' capable of bein^ reduced to a system, the • 'I. w irkine and results of which are as certain •ij;.. >i . ny other business. The .-Etna Company, J i ieriDj; rigidly to its system, aud placing its busi- 1 a a healthy basis, has obtained the confidence :iituunit\ to an extent surpassed by no other . ill the L". States, and has increased its busi- - I its income from year to year with a steady One ereat source of its security is the wide . J of its risks—a palicy which it pursues t . ‘t strictness—limiting the amount to be cov- n -li locality. By this course it has passed, . ii.pHrative impunity, through some of the most • »- I ; ^ rtn i lestructive fires, which have swallowed up r: liipatiies less cautious in their business. It is -! *iu .ike this, based upon experience, which gives 'V i»n 1 soundness to a company, and to the as- n ■ lence and security.—lialtimoT* Patriot. i:i\i [smm lI Un'KOkU, CON.N. ■ "KFoKAT1;D 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL. i Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. | . K IJKA 1., President. E. 0. UIPLEV, Vice Pre- - iout T. .\LEX.\NDER, Secretary. • -T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. i I; r M. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, R. ! ' vT F.. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G. F. | ■ ■ '. .V. Dunham, D. Uillyer, T. A. Alexander, W. ) !.1 jsets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, ,interest, with ^172,6H4 »il of cash on depos'te tlnrtfurd Banks, to meet losses. .. lue and unpaid—none. . - u.'justed and not due, !|i24,3i;i Wo. • iu surpense, waiting further proof, &c., ->75,- DOIiRLX lIorsE Por Rent or Lease. ^filHE Lease of the pre.sent Propri* tors of this well i known House will expire on ihe 1st January, 1858; the property is otlVred for lease or rent. To h person desirous t)f undertaking the Hotel V.usiiies>, an e.\cellent opportunity isotiVrt'il. The bulMing is large, well arranged anl in complete repair; its location will always commatid for it au extensive p!irruUH;;e. .As the preficut Proprietors ititend clanging their b'ls;- ne^s, the Furniture, which is nearly new and in gon 1 order, can be purchased on favoralile terms The House will tie delivered on cr after the 1st C'f January, remaining open under the present manage- nifiit till a tenant is obtained. The fine Store in the same building, formerly occu pied by Mr. Wm. Booth, is also otfei-i-il for rent. JNO. H COOK. Prest. Dobbin ll.'use (’u. Dec’r It], 1857. C'.'-ti iHBlMlLiMli'ORSUii:. ' IE Subscriber offers for s.tle THIKTV-FIVF] HUNDRED .\CRES of Land in as he.althy a -..'C- tiun as there is iu Alabama. FORIV ACRES, on which are a good Dwelling and ail necessary out-houses. iu good repair ONE HUNDRED andSlXTV .ACHES, good river bot tom land, loo acres of which i.s under cultivation an l produces fine crops of Cotton and Corn. NINE HUNDRED aud S1XT\ .\CKES Creek and Pine land, on which is some good fitrming land. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED and FoKTV ACHES Pine laml, well suited for Turpentine getting. This property will be sold cheap uu t on acconuiuda- ting terms. Address the subscriber at Mount Plea^.'tnt 1* t.i , .Monroe County, .\.L»bama. VMLLIAM W ENGLISH March 11, 1868. ^«2-lv till' p'ric' where the liev. t iii.s lilV in his exflorations f't »in- l;:,icl; M'.uiitiuiis. in the .’'urr.iiier of i>’»7. Upon the recei[ t o! Tl.re.> we will furnish to any [lerson d' s'r. ns .’f tiikintr :'.>i .Agency. Two Pictures, I I ne tinted .and I'l * ; i lured, us saioples, with lull par- licii'.ir- as to tin; ti ; ’is ol tne .'igeiicy, ,\c. We will , oil', r ill luc. ments oulU ient to m!iK.e it p*iy an ener- ji.'tio !i,i’'U. I'oi iiji iuer f u tii u’r.rs ,'i Mress us iit ■ AsheviMo V 0. I.KWiS .V I>li, KL.SSoN. ' I’ 'Ir Di'd'^nsnn is also Af>ont for the I Mt Mitchell M'Tinnent .\ss )Ci:iiion, and during his ! tor.r thr. ngh the .'rtate wiil receive RU^scriptions for W. T. DlCKE.NSON. 85-i3m that f . o> ject ''’v y, 13'j8. 'ruoY \tit)riif\N aiid jl»i)iu;nT Titov f( i !npil rin ass.Ti-iation f ir the prott'ssion in Kobesou (’ouutv. The vV FTLLEK, ('oiiiiNt'lluii' Hi Law, E:o!sr:««.o\ c «>., Uid .lOHN P FL LLER, have practice of their tormer will also M'ti-iid the Courts of Uhiden ai.d Columbn.-; the latter Wiil a.'so :iiteL'l tli'ise of (.'umberl.'tnd. The OtTice in Lumberti'ii will be kept open at hU t UU‘S. Jan'v 1. 7-i- SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attorin'v ;tii(l (.'niii'j(*llor at Law, ^TiiTiiriri.D, i ILL attvnd resul.'trly the County and Superior H ar ea re PUni.IC NOTICE ! Is HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of .‘subscription to the capital stock of theCentril Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville. (,’linton, Fayetteville, ; and Uest, will be opened on I'hursdav, the lOth day of -April lS.50. ;ind remain open a'cording to the terms ' ot the (Jharter until further notice, at the following ; places nu(l under direction of the following named ; persons, Comniis.sioners in the fhurier, vii: j Tn tlie Uounty of ()nslow, at ;hs ofTice of the Clerk I of the founty ('ourt :it .lacksonville, and at the Post ■ Ollice Rich Liinds. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, .T. H. Foy, Robert White, John .V .Av. ritt. Jr., Owen Hug gins, 1.. \V. Humphrey. ‘ In Larteret County, at the otlice of Dr. M. F. .Ar*-u- j dell .It Beaufort Dr. .M. F'. .Areude’.l, J. F. Bell, L. I 1' Oglesbv. I At the store of G W. Taylor at Caiolina City,—tJol. ''in. X. ii.-niiis, H. Bell, ’'«pt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge , Arondeli. In Dupiiri county, at the ollice of tlie County ('ourt ' leriv Ht Kenansville, — Major Owen R. Kenan, David I Na,ie B Kelly, Wni, E. Hill. Wm. J Houston, : •'Stephen ti'raham. : ^ III Sumpson county, at the fitfic* of the t’ounty Court , l*?r!i at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison. Dr. Thomas Rnnting, Wm. McKay, Patricii Alurphy. Wni. Faison, J B Beanuin, .Alfred .lohnson. Ill Cumberliind county, at Fayetteville, at the oflice of A ,A. Mcl\ethan.--'l homas H. Underwood, Randal j M> l*aniel, Edward L. AVinslow. John Blocker. Form of subscription: I The Unlersigned agree to take the number of shares . ot ->lU(l each, set opposite to our names respectively, ^ iu the Central Kaii Koad t’ompai.y; and in all respects t.) Comply with the torms of the Charter. T/i€' M^argegf €'arriage Factory in the Sottfh! A. A. .MrSvF/rn \ .\ 12 ESPECTFf LI.\ infonuH ■ » public, that he ha= built Bri.’k Buildii N umes Residenfi; I No. of shares Ca“h W ork 'H T' (Joints of Wake, Johuston, Cumber'.and, nett, and Wi!s lU. \ll bu.siufss entru.'ted to his vsi!'. receive pn rnpt attention. J in’y 12, 'r>8. 7tj-ly A PKOCLA>L\TIOX, Bi/ his ExreUenry, ThOM.A.s Hraou, of North C(iru/ina. Whereas, it has been rejiresented to lue tliat one Archibald McDou'ald. late of the County of Cumberland, did on the 27th aav of February last, iu said County, kill and murder one Thomas Aiunroe. and that the said McDougald is a fugitive fr ni justice, and has escaped beyond the liuiits of this .''t:tte. Now, to the end that the said .Vrc’iibnM .AIcDougald may be arrested and brought to t:ia’. for l.i-’ said ot fence, I do hereby issue this my Proclam.ition, otteiiiijr a Reward of Two Hundred Doll.-irs for his a} prelu'ti- sron and delivery to the Sheriff of Cumberland (’..uuty. DESCRIPTION McDougald is about fifty years of ape. of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, has j. scar on the face near one of his jaws, weiehs abi Mt !'■;'> or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxi-ation, and ’chile drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of [i.. s.]the State, at Kaleigh. this the Sixth d'lj- of .March. A. D. 18->K. By the Governor. THOS. BR.VGG. Pi L.^sKi Cowptu, Pr. Sec'v. March 15. ' '.‘•‘Itf A. B. HALL, aiuliii;; and i'oiiiiiiiNMioii \ :s i\ .\.M) AUE.NT Fllii T. .s. LI TTLKLlllI, Prompt attention w;ii bo uiven to all Consignmei;ts Wiiruingt j:i, .\. C., Jan. 2Vt, Irs.js, ."l-Mm AI.l)i:U\L\N7 iitsi/eeior of Siore^^ WILMINGTON, N C . ^^oLrlClT.S pa:r nage. Promjit attetitiou und quick despatch win >ie *.ven to business entrusted to his L'lre. June i8'i7. l'.^-12mpd A McRIMMON, ~ ~ Commission and Forwarding Merchaut. WiL.MLN'GTUN, N C. July I', l>o7. Ii2tf T. C. & B. a. WORTH, (’()mini''.''ioii vV I'urwaniiii- Mi rchants. SuliMcr'vtions may be ma'Ie payable in work, and may spei ify whether for grading or cross-tie.s; snd stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking ('ontracts, when bids are the same or at Engi- UHcr’s estimate. ' ■\s soon as one hundred thoiis.and dollars are sub- Rcrihcd, the 'ommissioners of * >nslow county are to be notified, und they are reijuired to call a meeting of Stockholders tj organize the (^ompany. March lf>, 18.')(>. l.“?tf SlIKHWi:!,!, IKKTSK I'.wi-yrTi'ivii.i.i;. Kijsl aitlr of (irP'ti Sfrt'ff, n few D.jnra iVorfh of f/ie Murk' t Tinner. rBlHE .Subscriber 'lesires through this I. raedium tn acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past yenr—and as he has just erected New Staldes and (’arriage Shed convenient lo the House i\nd to water he i;ikes pleasure in -ayinu to hi^ pit.. v and the public generally, that he is still prfp.ire i to accom- mod:ite them with transient ;iu'l permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of tlie liberal pat. on- at;e heretofore received. Every exeition on his part shall be used to render them comfortH' le during their sojourn with him. His tabli- i.s always supplied with the Jiest the market ntl'ords. P. SHEMWELL March 24. 185.S. b6-tf his friends and the ;• 'Hi ::e snV r-t-,niinl at his Old .Stand, expi-es- y I'f'* inan- ufa.-taring t'arriKges. Th.inktul tor ti e ve *. lit'era! patronage tie has rec«*ived ;'or tiie iaftt 21 vi^arS, he hopes by strict attention to bu»iness. witn a ues'ie to give satisfaction, to nif'rit -i contir'Ufii;.;e of ih>* same. He warr.ints his work to be raad»' of th'* bc>-! material and by exjiei ieuc.*d workmen in cacti linmi-h (it the business. His work will compare iHVoi ably witii liny made in the United'States. 1 or i\f atness and durability. He is determined to .-ell and do any Woi k in his line on as good terms as any work doin- clsewht-re that is as well done. He now ha s ou h-tnd. Fi.vtsHKn, the LARGEST SToCK of ( I>nri>iir.ltc..'i. liork inca ys, nn.i Ihi ij; n'i fs. Ever oilered in this plac-, anil a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will tie finished daily. -Ml of which will Ije sold very low for Tasii. or on short time to punctual customers. e has on hand more th.in ONE IIL'NDRED AND FIFTY A’ehi- cles finished and in course of construction. IsaT -All work m.ide by him is w:u r;iiited 12 montha withfair u.s.age, and should it fail bv bad w>>rkmanship or material will lie repaired free of ch.-u/e. Persons wishing to lniy wouM do woli to call anil examine for theinsclvcs. Orders thanklully received and pron.; .iy attended to. Rejiairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable terms. May28, lH6;i. tf-8'» AEW DRY GOODS. WM. ,M.\C IXTYUK H.AS received aud offers for sale, a desirable lin* of Ladies’ Dress Groods, Silk, Barege and Lawn Robes; l.*riss Silk Bariges, Chalbes, Boinb'iiines. .Alpaccas. '-•wiss, Tarltton, .laconet, Nansooi .Muslins: Prii.ted Lawns, (,'alicoes. Ginghams, BriiUanteu; llil>bons. Ruches, French .Artificials; Laces. Edging, Brai'is; T.ipes and Fringes; Fri‘iich V. orking Kiiitiing (’otron. Em''*rc:iering Silk Jaconet and Swiss Edging and luserting; Linen and Lisle E Iging; (’:ijic,s, t'ollurs. Sleeves: Kid, Silk, and Lisle Gloves aud G iuntlets, J. iV P. Coate.s’ Spool Cotton: Sewing Silk. En...ne’ed and Elasric Belts; Tab.e Damask; Najikins and Towels; I’ati at Turkish and .\llaudaie C"Uuterpanes Iri^h Linen, aud Si.irt Fronts and’ Collars; Ladies' Bonnets, very fine, and some price to them. Legliorn aud Braid Flats; RE \DY-.MADE CLOTHIN(}; BOf»TS, G.VITERS and SHOES, Ca'peting, and Floor (.>il (Jioih, anl .Mailing. Exi.'usion .'steel Spriu^r Skirts, rec'd to-day, price $4 Fayetteville. 29th March, IS-j.S 97tf D tha t week DE.N'i'Al. NOTICE. W. C. BENIioW will leave ho.ne on Monday, .April the 7th, lo lie absent the remainder of O' ,R B. will be iu ('liutoii, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, .April 7th, 8th and ‘.^tii. He pro poses making regular visits to that place, if sullicient- ly encouraged. .All who are interested may rely on his punctuality in tiie aliove a{»poiutmeii't.. March 28. 97-2w BACON, I.AKD AND POKK. HHDS. B.ACON, well smoked; 20 Bbls. Leaf Lard; 7 j •* Mess Pork; ■ lo Sacks Cotfee; 2.j Bbls. Sugar; 40 Boxes Candy; {0 Xo. 1 Soap, Oranges. Raisins, itc. The above goods were bought of Commissiou .Mer chants, and very cheap for Cash, and will be sold cheap for Casii ouly. E. F. M(JORE. .March 29. 97tf 40 Ncv JJr- Usuai a 1\ II, IS'7. ♦ iiiildn.j, Sirrri, iiic«'S made on consignments. .0.«-tf f l». A. I,.\M>N'I'. Commission Merchant, IViliiiiii;;toil, .A. OFFlCi: N.JRTH W.VlLK .'>Tlli:Er. Persona' attenti 'U given to all [ roduce sent t'^ either f ^r Sale or shipment. Nov’r ti. •'»7-lypd him 1 A rf -tei', I suspicions of fraud, &c.) $46,(178 72. Ajent of the above Company in Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. BRITISH PERIODICALS. ' "IT i CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish tu‘- following leading britiah Periodicals, viz: 1. ri'r. LitNDON (jU.ARTERLY (Con.servative). 2. HE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). 3. iE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW' (Free Church), 4. ;. WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). 6. ■ . K\tOuD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). NOriCE. T March Term 18o8, of the (Jourt of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, .\dmin- istrati'-n of the F!sfate of the late Th- mi' N! -"roe whs granted to the underaigne'I Persons iudeoted ate notified to Diake an early payment Those h iving claims must present them in proper time or this notice will be pleaded in bar, JOHN A. McLAUt'HLIN. DANIEL A. MONROE. .March lb, 1858. 93-6w BOERUAVF.’S IIOLLAM) inTTiMtS e Periodicals ably represent the three great poli- ; :,ni. - of jreat Urituui—VVhig, Tory, and Kadi- 'politics torms only one feature of their char- .\s Organs ot the most profound wiiters ou i , 1 iterature, .Moruiity, and Religion, they stand, ■V ev. r have stood, uurivalle l in the world of let- ■ ;iiir considered indi.speusable to the scholar and ' it-ssional njan, while to the intelligent reader ... cl;ss they lurmsh a more correct and satis- .. It cord of the current literature of the day, ^ lit the world, than can be possibly obtained ,nv ntlier source. EAKLV COPIES. ‘ ipceipt of ADVA.\(;}E sheets f.om the British tr- i'.vps additional value to ttiese Reprints, in- 'I .I itiey can now be placed in the hands of sub- about as soon as the original editions. TKK.MS. Per ann. » me ..f tlie four Reviews $.S 00 tw-> of the four Reviews n (X) • I iree of the Four Reviews 7 00 ^.ur of the Reviews 8 (X) i' i ^■v>l:■•d’g .Magazine H 0(J .■ k«ood aud ttiree Reviews 9 0(J ;■ - wood and the four Reviews 10 00 •nfiifs In be mmJt in all cases in advance, f ■■ If cm r*uH in (hr State where issued will be *! ■ I at par. ' o-.iiit of twi'iity-hve ptr cent, from the above \v- I In* allowi'd to Cn.’iiH orvlering four or more ■ f any one or m''re of the above works. Thus; i'"pv of l>lackwool, or of one Review, will be t' :o- :i.lh;'s f.,T >^9; f'.ut C'jfiies of the four Re- : aii'l Loojkw'.od for and ho on. POiS’l AGE. ,1 the pri:.(;i]i,il iJitie.H and Towns, these works - delivered, I'ilKH (,iF POST.AGF. hen sent :i , tin- Postage to any jiari of the United St ites •• out T VVL.S lA -Ft )L’ R tJKNT.S a year for “Black- piicl but FUL'RTLEN CE.NTii a year for each iiiVlL-WS. ' /•. Th' pri > in Great Jirituin of thejivf; ; I ahoce-iiamed is 931 per annum. au‘ 'fi.r any of the above publications should ' addressed, post-paid, to the ]*ublishers. LE(JNARD SCOTT & CO., No. 04 (Jold street, New York. 'I'ite Presbyterian Psalmodist— •' ter N .’tet A ftirthvr (upply jmt rccsived. E J HALE & SON. 1;-V\il) .McDl’FriE, iSrirkntnson and M^laslerer., S prt pared to do all kimis oi' vor^ in his line, iu- ciuding the pulling up of Turpentine Stills iu this and the adj' ining counties. Fayetteville, .April 27, 1S.j7. 3-lY-pd JOHN l‘. SAMPSON, Commissiou and Forwarding lYIercliant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will give ],articular atteiitiun to the sale of Naval Stores, Cottou, St. Feb’y 2"), ISot'i. 85-tf j J. W 11.LI AM PAGE, M. D., M* Il^TS U O MZO t a it, .V. c, U VU. i'.lGE m.iy be found ai hie otiice when not jLW protes3i;;ually engaged. May (j, lb67. otf VAI.CAHLE PKOPER'rV Fon S.iJLF. (JFFER tor sale, my L.VND.'^ in the Town of Fay etteville, about 1;}0 .Vcre:-, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. About 80 .Acres of it is fine .Alea low Land, as the Crop now on it will show. .Also, the ICrick aiil near the Market Square, occupiei by .Mr. .John .A i’eint'erton. -A Large and i^iabl> Lot. fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and .Nliimford .Streets, known as t!ie Hotel (iarden I.ot,—could be dividt- t into several Building Lots—very near the new Female Higli School Buildings. •Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Street. Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both ! Winslov and Mumford Streets. .All this property can now he purchased on f.qvora- b)e terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and Mortgage if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. ~ € o n 111 5m A AND POR \\' A R1)ING M ERC11A NT, \v. raker Is now rceoiving from tlie North the large.st, tincst, and carefully a*-- lecteii stock of 11 R.MTI iti: ever otlered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete.—alio! which he will sell on thel-.west possible terms for cash or on time to punctual cu'itomers. Fashiona'i.Ie painted Cottage tied-room Furniture in sett.j; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattre.sses; Looking Ulas-ies- Wiilow Wajrotis and ('radles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Sfcrciarie? and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all .sons; Wash Stands; Candle Stands: Wardrobes: Picture Fr.iuics and Glass: Window Shades; (’ornices; Curtain Bands: Sofas in Mahogany and VSalnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans: l»ivans and Stools- Cha irs of every variety. Fine Ro.sewond Piano.s, one with ..^'jolian At tachment; Rosewood .Meloili'ins, from the bet manufac tories in New Y-»rk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country’, and will be sold at N. York juices—freijrht only added. Septenir.pr 2. 4' tf WHISKEY AND BRANDY. BBLS CORN WHISKEY, 30 Bbls. Apple Brandy, 1.0 “ Domestic do 15 “ N. E Rum The above Whiskey is the pure Corn Whiskey select ed by myself with care, and equal to any made in the State, and will be sold at the lowest market price for Cash E. F MOORE. March 29 57tf I.ARD, COD-FISH, BEEF AND SALM(JN. LBS. E.XTRA LEAF LARD; ■•If'If Ir 376 lbs. Choice JERKED BEEF; 450 “ COD-FISH; S.ALMO, in Kits or at retail. .lust lo hand and for sale by March 21, 185b. PHILIP A. WILEY. Uij-‘2w SALi:. AND Ivinsr upj or McLEAN’S RKSH rE.\ClU>, i tliC CfUCKt'lj Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made "n Produce to be ehip ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 Fib'y f g.illon Cans, for sale at W. N. riLLINGHAST ^^)-2mo i.LT ri:itLOirp> liak. I THl CKLKBRATKP nOLLANTi HKMRDY FOR STSFEPSIA, DISK4SK OF TlfK KIHXETS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, ^ And ihe various affections conscqupnt npon a dlsorderml STOMACH OR LIVKli, Such a.s Imllgeslitin, Aridity of the h'loumrh. olirk> Puln.i llenrtburn, Loss ot Apiwlitf. Deipomlpncy. t'ost;vuness. Itllnd and Bleedine Piles. In all .Vervoiis, Kheiiatatic, und .Nt'ur de c All'dc- I tioni.lt has in nnineroni histaiices ( '''''•■1 h.iihly hriii-ti ial, ar.d in others etl'ecled a derided rnrt- This ts a. purely veueUihle compound, prepared on strictly scieti lifit principles, alter Ihe manner of the relelirattd Holland Pro- t'ss(ir, HorrhRve. Upransp of Its cro.it « in ino'l (if the Liiropean .'(tHics, its intriMluclion into tht* I'nitfd .'■tatps w«- in t*'nl^pd morp p^ppcially for those of mr iMther Hud sraitpp.ii here and thpre ovpr ihp fire of this nilphtv rn'inlry .Mtplini: With reai'»iirrp» Hiiions iheni. I now ofl'cr it t>. the .Xiiieric.Hii pulili.'. hnovvinB that its -.riiiy wunderful iiiedicinal virtues must tip «r- •inovvledged. It is particnlarly reci'tniiieiided to thost' p.-r.ions wh'isp lonstitii- tioni! may have brpa impaired liy the nintiniioii-, ii-» of.irdpnt spirits, or other Imii.s ol di»s.|mtion. (Jpocnlly ' ist.vnt ini’ons in ell'erl, it finds its way dire-tly to the seat of life. iMrillini: and qulckeninc every nerve, rilsina up the dr^ i.plna spirit, and, in tact, intusint! new health and Vigor in the sysuim. NOTICE—Whoever exi>e-ts to find this a licvcrace will be dis- appilnted; hut lo the sick, weak and low 'pinu-d, it will provr a gratetUI aromatic cordial, possesspii ofslntfuiar remedial prupcrtios c A u r I (> .\ ’ The (jreat [mpularity of this deliphtfiil Aroma has indtired many iiiiilHlions, which the public should uiiard (iciin-t purcha'ina lie not i>pr-u;idcd to biiv anything else until you have ijiven Hi>er- have's lloll.iiid Piiiti rs a f lir trial. One bottle w ill convince you hjw intin it'ly sti|ierior it is lo all these imitations. Or^T’^old Ht .Sl.iH) per bottlp, or si.t bottles for S5,CMt, by the SO L K P R O P R I KTO R .•. |»A«K, Ja. & CO. M * N r r A I T C R t N o PHARM.\CEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, PiTTSBUuon, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale sole ag^nt lor Fayetteville. June 14, 1857. jf,. it 111, .'jic.'iinei' F.\NNV will leave F.iyotteville for ; U ili'iiiigi.in every Mond >y and Thursd.iy moru- , until lui Jier t.otice. i-l take freight aud pas- j ig«'i.-> as heretofore. T. S. LLllERLOll. teb’y 2-. S7- j ~ I)FJ:i' RFv ER COAL. | CO.-\L of the best 'quality can be j W.M. McCL.lNE. .Mining Engineer, ti-tf IjHTUMINOLS M had iit the works at Egj’pt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. -May 21, l«5b BI T I'ER! BL TTER!! BUTTER!!! £000 JOSEPH IJAlvER, Jk., A T TO K .\ K V A T li A U , taken an ofuce next door to Wm. H. Wright’s Law ofHce on (ireen Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Hinder, Robeson and Sampson. .March 23, 185.3. ' 79-tf “I.AW COIVVRTNERSIIIP.^* WE, the undersigned, ha^e this day formed a Law j Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State; Chatham, Cum berland .Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUtiHTON. .INC. MANNING. Pitt.sborough, N C., .Tan’y 1, 18>'». 72t r LAND FOR ■-**** Little Kiver, in II arnef t t'ounty, w ell timbered and well located for the Turpontine business. It will tie soM on accomn.odat'iig terms. Apply ^oon to the Subscriber at Favetteville. WM. McL. McKW. Sejit. 22, 1856. 41-tf THO. C. FULLER, ^ittornpy and iUmnsclior at Mjhiv. OFFICE at Escles's Bridge, recently oc:upied by James Ranks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C Jan’y i, 1857. LOVEUD ELURTuGE. •Ittornry ftt M^atr, UT ILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithfield, April 15, 1853. 96-tf Worth & Utley, Forwarding and (roneral Commission MERCHANT >, Fayetteville., t. J. A. WORTH. f72tf) J.-S T LKT. W. H. TURLINGTON, l'omrai.s>ion Merchant, No. -4 iNortti W ...er St., WIL.MINGTON, N. 0. ILL give his prompt personal attenti in to the sale or shipment of all Consignmersts ot Nava' Stores or other Country P*-oduce. Nov. 8. lH5t). tf FOR SALE, '51HE RESIDENCE of Geo. S Hodges, dec'd, situ- BL ated on Ilnymount, st the juuction of the West ern and Centre Plank Road. The hou.se is near'y nf*w, t)ui!t of the best materials, and is large and convenient, coi t.iining a wide entrance Hall; Parlor, Dini'.g Room ■•ind I'.intr^- on the first floor: four Red-rooius, with ci' sets attiche ( to each, on the second tioor; fr.;ut and back .Stairs: double Piazza in the front aud one in the rear; Cellar and all necessary out-houses With large Flower and Vegetable Garden. For terms apply to J. E. Bryan at the Post OfiBce, or .Mrs. M R. Hodges. Ma«-ch 24. 9?>tf ~ COFARTNERSlllP NOTICE.” 'HE undersigned has this day associated with him f .Mr. L. C LI.NEBERRV, for the purpose of trans acting a Wholesale and Uet.-iil Dry (Joods and Grocery business. The business will in tuture he conducted un ler the style of W. H CARVER & CO. A general assortment will be kept constantly on hand, and the patronage of the putilic is respectfully solicited. W H. C.^RV’Ell. F a;, et‘eville. March 22, 1S5'^. 96tf N. K. — All per.son.s indebted tn me by ncto or ncct’unt are rr.'iu te^l to cali and seulo immediately, KS m\ ■ id iiusiuesi must be closkd W'. H. C. (HAIRS, Cil ' IRS. r..-\HGF. iot o'" Stoid-b 'ttoin i uairs, mad; at Cool Spiitig .Miii, and tor sale by A. .M, CAMPSELL. ^rch 24, ’5^. (^tjy [larper's ! -IVed hv .March 2t Maga/ino tor .April, just E. J. HALE s SON. NORTH CAROiJNA BACON. \MS, Si le^ and .Shoulders, for sale hy BEVLRLV ROSE. Jan'v 2«. 80- •Harble Fuctory. LBS. TER. Dec. 24. MOUNTAIN andGt>SHEN BUT For sale low for C.ISH by P \. WILEV. 7l-tf c:o r roN jl^UNI'r.F and GUNNY suit purchi»serH. Sejit. i' BAGGLVG. B.VGGING in quantities to I'or sale by JAS. G. COOK. 43tf ‘The Old North State in by : Carutheri,—firit and wcond Series. Just received ‘ £. J. HALE & 80N. FOR S\LE. A D '.MANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; tine and IL common TOB.\CCO; and almost anything in the Gr«cery line. Cheap as the cheapesti Q. W. I. GOLDSTON. Jan’y 27. 1857. 77- i'ANNER’S OH. DRV HH)ES. IC'LS. T.-inner s Oil,—a superior at tide; also, ,-W** a tine lot of Dry Hiiles. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. Nov. 'S.i. 62- FOR SAl.E. 4 PLEASANT RESIDENCE iu the country, one! milt* and a (quarter from the .Market Hou.«e. The | Tract of Lfttiil C'.ntains acres. On the premises is I comfortable Dwelling House, with all necessary out- ^ hou-ses; weli of ercellent water in the yard: good gar- i den, &c. Terni'. moderate; for further particulars ap* . ply to P. SHEMWELL. Fayetteville, Feb’y 3. 82-tf 1 Blanks for sale at tliis Ottice. i Book Atjeiifs w Jintod. “ I /■glHE Subscriber, having taken theGeneral Agency -B. for getting subscribers to and deliveriiig Hawks's History of North Carolina, now in process ot publica- | tion by Messrs. E. J. Hale ij- Son of Fayetteville, is j desirous of entering into an engagement with one or j more active, intelligent and reliable persons in each , nf the J udicial Circuits, to canvass their rc.spective j parts of the State, or particular counties, thoroughly, j Immediate application is desired, as sample copies ot j the first volume will will be ready in a few dajs. j Undoubted testimonials as to character must ac- j company each application. Address j 11. W. HORN I O' liOOKBlADlAG F all kinds, is executed in the best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, ami others, re bound in the same style they were before. This will save the repurchase of new tiooks. Librariansconnected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a distance, will find it a matter of economy to get their books bound here, as a deduction of prices will be made upon large orders: Pack them and send them with particular directions to this establishment; and when finished, tney will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. I have the best stock of materials: and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or South. Apply for ft list of Binding prices before going else where. The undersigned respectfully solicits a share of patronage. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Anderson Street. 6t-V I>y (;H0. TAII UOililS .lliltu C. T. liitili’ll ii srill:!:. Fayetteville, I\'. Jan’y 20, 1858. H4-\pd Or. K. A. BI^ACK, OFFK’E Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 1850. rc-tf NOITCE. rf'^HE undersigned having executed a power of At I torney to E. F. .Moore, he is thereby authorized ' to make all settlements for me and in my name, and j generally to transact all basiness as 1 migiit or could I do were 1 personally present. J- J- .'lOOl'iF. Nov. 5, 1857. Blank Warrants for sale at this Office. Fayetteville, June 3, 1857. l.^tf NEW BOOKS. fIVINGSTON’S TR.VVELS IN SOUTH AFRICA; J l ai th’s Discoveries in North and Central Africa; ••The Reason Why,” by the author of‘Injuire Within.’ —A LSO — Further -upplies of .Mustang Gray; Phoenixiana; The Painter. iilder and Varnishcr'Ti Companion: Sile's Koiau. Jacnbu.s’.i Notes on tho Gospels; The Coinmu- nicaiit s t^ompanion; B'irnes’ N itcs on the Gospels, Poiiyiieare’s Life find Epistles of St. Paul: The Psalm ist, with supplement; Bibles; School Book.'-; \c. Just received. E J II ALE S SON •lan’y It;, l^^oS. 'I’lio American Aimaiiac lor 18.3d; Sword's Pocket .Mmaiiac for 1^5b. The Twin Roses, by Mrs. Kitchie; i.ivingstone’s .Africa; Major Jones’ l^ouitship; Berteni’- Piano Instructor- Faber's Draw ing Pencils, in cases; .Mu.sic Folios; Copy Books, ^c. ^c. E. J. HALE 6L SON. ~ LH'i: INSL RANGE. .'■^Hl] Undersigned ha.s been appointed Agent of ■ the-North Uaroiiii i Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Every member lor life participates iu tlie pio- tits of tiie Company: and the annual premium for life uicmbership, waere it amounts to or more, may be paid one-haif in cah, and the other h.alf iu a note at 12 months. Debtors’ livtb iii ly iie insured by cred;tord. man may in.iure h's (ivsii lilf fiu- the exclu- v-j benefit of his family lue i.w-s of-'.iw-s m.iy be iu.'ured. Thfs ^y.'t■lll i.T lapi.Jly oivin.r nito tavor, all over the civiii/ed woi-ni It i.- iiie by whi .h a family, for a small t-uiu .luiiua.ly, m iv tie proviucu for, niter the death o: ii.-. 'Ui vv io^e *:x„-rtioiis they may have \ i^esh SUOdIv of Lime, Plasterinij I •>«‘*^“'^epeudcut lor a sup,,, ^-t. it is a good iuvestment ir. Calcined fi'JJ. H,d,»«uc c.m.M, ..i L.nu |“Lnil Hair Planter. For sale in quantities to suit, by B. F«b’y 16, 1868. ROSE. gStf out a Life Policy Explanatory pamphlets, and the necessary Blanks, foraisiied on application I Z J. HALK

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