fisfofu « I, I V " I-.- r. >f t. ei ; ' ' |P. li. w I, -f I*-'"' " ®#f- ?t nan ’ Ui r ,A - . U-M • h • t r‘' ' . ! IP'irMf. 1 in ■ nNoi t Jal’ v L _ U-'i-'- H \i. "Jl; aenin ;ie. !' A\: ,1, Hid . i'HieSt :f ' w [*»■> .1. I* an i • 111 t. • III 1 1 >•'■ : , 1 il3. “r> Pist h'. i t V- iku’s riil. I (lie 11.1 I Vo: S*. H’Sf; ' li Li ^Vo, 1'' hi .; - |n. ■*ut» -li. Ni A.., niiL L. *1*-, r U :cir Ut: e> i: ‘riH, 01. o« ■ It... Lij. ler> Bit lOD toil isfi D.l . ' on la.*) oa 1 ■ on E loe, C' 6 ( )fl’ - “Jt iri ‘ HA- K>. .Mnt. ■y: y me: L?. N t^s: ird; Bumatea '■ lie. 'on ; = (Jo (»eu‘ rt, HA r. -Li W kTTtrtt riiiii ^li*“ Un. ,1 .,1 r-- H A OJ JIOOK?^ Gu^ J. viuK»»o“'- lit, !.■ :n»r> Lile- SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOL. Vll.] I'AYETTEVllJ.E, N. C., APRII. 5, 1858. [XO. 699.] I.STi;i) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. » W \ RI) .1. H.\LE & SON, r> iF RS .\XD PKOPRIETORS. f !or t!io Semi-Weekly- Obskrver $3 00 if paid in ■. 50 it' paid luring' tKe year of subscrip- or *1 after thp year has expired. ; Ui>c k’y tlBSKRVKR !j;2 00 per aunuui, if paid in "iij 50 it’ paid during the year of sub.scrip- : i;:' 00 after the year has expired. 'VKllfISEMENTS inserted for sixty cents per • 16 lines for the tirst, and thirty cents for each piiblioation. Vearly adverti.sements by spe- i'.trncts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are , od to Slate the number of insertions desired, or | ' ill be coutiuued till forbid, and charged accord- | Ivertiseraents to be inserted tmtde, charged 50 per | e.vtra. F# re Mn s uran cc. i. refer our readers to the annual statement of t;;6 .t^tna Insurance Company, of Hartford, « will be found in another column. This suceess- • nst-tutioii was incorporated by the Legislature of ! r, Ticut in 181?>, with a perpetual charter. Its = is •i>500,0i)0, and its accumulations exceed . more, making its entire assets ever 2'300,- iLve.sted as detailed in the statement referred to . results indicate that during the period of nearly :. vfiirs since its or^aniiation, (without a single • ge of its chief othcer,) its business has been con- .? witb judgment and prudence. It has been ; .r successful in an eminent degree, discharging, are informed, all its obligations ty the payment nut ten dollars for losses, without asking a s delay in any instance. It has had but little lit- in, n.'Twithstanding the immense number of trans its niaiie. In order to attain as much certamly as : 'e in j>ach a business as insurance, it has been • ] rn.'tice of the Company, for several years, at , ; • .-.bor, carefully to classify and arrange their - ntii about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain 1 uiu insured on each class, the aLiount of pre- i’:-ceiv«d thereon, ana the amount of losses up- This classiticjition, extending over a long covering property to a very large amount,fur- 3.. - iv;;able data, and presents a sound, substantial '! actual experience, upon -which to conduct its . L,e«3. insurance is not a mat'er of luck or chance, -uppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and . ..jiable of being reduced to a system, the I. working and results of which are as certain ■ .,r f any other business. The .Etua Company, , .i ring rigidly to its system, and placing its busi- '.n a healtliy basis, has obt-iined the confidence ;Liu’.i:.;ty to an extent surpassed by no other .[ Kiiv in the U. States, and has increased its busi- - .1.1 if. Ji» from year to year with a steady j >ne great source of its security is the wide ‘ u .f ts risks—a policy which it pursues > =; ti gtriciness—limiting the amount to be cov- ! - - ‘ :i tacli locality. By this course it has passed, I .. irp{.arative impunity, through some of the most ’ HS1 destructive tires, which have swallowed up j 'TTi^ iiiiies less cautious in their business. It is ' . • like this, based upon experience, which gives ty a:;i soundness to a company, and to the as- I ..:c: 'DuJence and security.—Baltimort Patriot. \ m\ \mm mm\, \ ffARTFORI), CONN. . • >Hl' •HATED 181^. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. . iv iUlAi E. President. E. G. KIPLEY, Vice Pre- ' lent. T. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. K' :'i;s —T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. ... . M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, H. 'lathcr, E. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G. F. ■iv:«. .V. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, W. Kent;.. i Ajsets arc mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, ' .ng interest, with ^>172,604 Gl of cash on deposite !he liurtford Banks, to meet losses. L -sefi due and unpaid—none. L .-‘,es adjusted and not due, ■‘j!’J4,ol.3 9o. i. in suspense, waiting further proof, &c., $70,- ‘■ resisteu, (suspicions of fraud, &c.) $46,678 72. jSaT Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, I L. J. HALE. BRITISH FERIODICALSr .*TI ^ CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish the loliowing leading British Periodicals, viz: 1. HE LONDON QL’..\KTERLY (Conservative). 2. HE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). 4. '■ly WEST.MINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). b. ivWOOD S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). COUPOX HONDS FOR FALE. i ^1 ^HE Western Rail Road Co. have for sale in amounts ' J to suit purchasers, ^ ?20,00() of the Coupon Bonds of the (loiintvof ; Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent interest, payable j seini-annually on the 1st .June and the 1st of Deceni- ■ her. and running 20 years. 890,000 of the Coupon Bonds of tbo Town of Fayetteville, bearing 0 per cent interest, payable semi- annuuliy on the 1st Jatuary and the 1st of July, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued in uccor'l'ince with law t.i tho Western Rail Road Co., to pay the C unt\ and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having snoney will find tliese bonds (at tht* price the ('o. is seliii.g therm a better Inv.-stmeut than ' any Bank Stock in the Si:ite For terms apply to C. P>. M ALl.F.TT. I's-j , Pres't or to JNO .M UO.'^K, Trens’r Western R. R Co, Fayetteville, Feb’y 26. 18')'^. 8. tf l:i---e Periodicals ably represent the three great poll- j ■ irti..> of Gnat Britain—\' big, Tory, and Radi- ' •' ■I [.olitii s I'orms only one feature of their char- j ■ *T Organs of the most profound writers on | ' ■ .1 iterature. Morality, and Religion, they stand, i i.t-v ever ii ive stood, unrivMllel in the world of let- } ' . ' ring coiirjiderei iudiipen3a. )ie to the scholar and , t i 'ii ■ mall, while to the intelligent reader | ^ > i i.isi they lUi iiisb a more correct and s*tis- | ■ ■I.- 1 cjtd of the current literature of the day, | ■gujut the world, thau ^:an bo possibly obtained j • iLv o’.iier Source. i E.\KLY COPIES. i ! '■ receipt of .auV.ANCE SiiEEl’Sf.'om the British j .-. ITS gives additional value to these Reprints, in- | . ■ iis they oau now be placed iu the hands of sub- I . cl' liboui as 8'ion as the original editions. I TERMS. I Per ann. j - ny one of the four Reviews 00 "■ any two of the four Reviews 6 ' luiy three of the Four Reviews 7 00 j ‘ ii I f. :;r of the Reviews 8 00 ^ t; tv wood’s .Magazine 3 00 ickwood and three Reviews 9 00 ■r Ulaokwood and the four Reviews 10 00 f -.''Ilf.* to l, ina'le in all cases in adcance. >]■>!,rurreut >n ific State where issued will be r>( I ? ■ ,\l at juxr. CLrHHlNG A J.v. ount of twenty-five per cent, trom the above : , p 'vii; be uHowed to Clciis ordering four or more M.irs 111 any one or more of the above works. Thus: ^ our c,,i its of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be •nt Di.f i.Mrcss for four copies of the four Re- aud ii:.i'okwood for *nd so on. i’US'l AGE. in ai! the Citit.T :iii ] Towns, these works f delivered, FREE OF POST.AGE. When sent niuil, the Pof-tage to any part of the United States • ■f tiut I'WENT\ -t'OUR CENTS a for ‘'Black- THB CKLEBRATKD nOr.I..\VD r.I.MKDY KOR DISEASE OF Tire KIHNEVS, l_:VER complaimt, WKAK.VESS OF ANY KDsD, FEVER AND AGUE, ^ And the variiius afRnions con«eqiient m>(ip r di5nrrt**red STOMACH OK LlVER, .\HTCHEfJ/S FALLS. I>UBLIC NOTICE AGKNTS W:\.\r!-U 1\ KVERV COLNTV OF TIIK ST.HE ^ |S HKHEBY given, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from 1 /V'*- Harbor via Kenansville. Clinton, Fayetteville, 'The Mjar^tnl Carriage Factory in the Soitihl DOBBIV HOUSE For Rent or Lease. rg^HE Lease of the present Propri: tors of this wel' i known House will t xpire on the 1st J.inunry. IF'.'')8: the jiroperty i** offere'l for lf>ase nr r^nt. To « person desirous of undertaking the Hotei business, an excellent opportunity isolT-’red. The building is large, well arranged Hiid in complete rci'air; it..; I'.ication will always command for it an eitt*nsi\e patronntte. As the present Proprietors intend changing their busi ness, the Furniture, which is nearly new and in good order, can be purchased on favorable terms The House will be delivered on or afier tho 1st f ' January, remaining open under the j.resent manage ment till a tenant is obtained. The fine Store in the same building, formerly occu- . pied by .Mr. Wm. Booth, is also otfered tor rent. JNO. 11. COOK, Prest. Dobbin House Co Oec’r 13, 1857. */J-tf lUBDll LA.\D FDR SlLi:. ^3^HE Subscriber otl'ers for sale THIRTY-FIVE JL HUNDRED .\CRES o*’ Land iu as healthy a sec tion as there is in .Vlabama- FORTY ACRES, on which are a good Dwellirg an.I a'll necessary out-housos. in gootl repair ONE HUNDRED and XTACRtS, good river bot tom land, 100 acres of which is umb-r i-uhivation and produces fine crops of Cotton and C un. NINE HUNDRED and SI.\TV .-VrRES Creek and Pine land, on which is some good farming land. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED and FORTY .\CKEd Pine land, well suited for Turpentine gettir..;. This property will be sold cheap and on a.:conimoda- ting terms. •Address the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. O., .Monroe Countv, .\labama WILLIAM n ENGLISH March 11, 1858, ‘.t2-ly A piu^la.mTvtiox, Bj, h.s fjxcellenc^, IJr.aGG, Guieruor of Xortfi Carolina. WHERE.\S. it has been represented to me that one .\rchibald McDouga’. 1, late of the County of Cumberland, did on the 27th day of February last, in said t'ounty, kill and murder one Thomas Munroe, and that the said McDougald is a fugitiv** tr ni justice, at:d has escaped beyond the limits of this State. Now, to the end that the said .\rchit)aM McDougald may be arrested ami brought to trial for his said ot- fence, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, otfer...^ a Reward of Two Hundred Dollars tor his ai'pri'ii. ;i- sion and delivery to the Sheriti'of Cumberland C 'Unty. DESCRIPTION- McDongald is nbout fifty ye«r« of age, ,f h^iir and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, has a scar on the face near one of his jaws, weighs about I'io or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given under my hand atid the Great of [i. s.]the State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of March, A. D. 18o8. By the Governor, THOS. BR.AGG. Pi L.\sKi CowPKK, Pr. Sec’y. March 1'). -‘?tf nnmes for the s.ili* and delivery of an excellent LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, j •aki*n t.ron the spot and eotten up in the finest style ' of the art, retweseiiting the it’ace wheie the Rev. LLlSn.A M ITi, H K LL lost his life in his explorations of I’le lilack .Mountains, in the Summer of’ -o?. Upon the reoeip' of Three 0 I'lars, we wi'l furnish to anj’ pei'son dcsiK'nuof t:ik^-ii.>; an .Agency. 'J'wo Pictures, o!ie tititert and -ine cnlureil, us saiu;'es. with full pni'- tioul.irs as t.. ilie t.’rms of the agency, \c. 'Ve will oIF.t iiiduciinoiit.-, .-...idi ;>jnt to ma'-vC it pay an ener- pet’c a;':it. further f.-irii-’ulnrs 'iJdrvss a! Astievill.-, X r. LEWIS V DICKENSON. 1‘ ’'i!’. >n is also Aaont for the Mt Mi'ch'di M iii'i 'ipiit .At.s. cit?io-i, i.nd during his tnu'- tlir ngh tiie ;it iie W..1 icof.vo su'wcriptims tor t!'V iij.'ct W. T, DIUKLVSON. I't-'y D, I5-'3. Sj-Om ~ TROV vV FFl.LEK, ;\it(irn»‘ys and (’lUiihHlors at l;aw, i.i’>jjis:xrr«>, nosiixv'v 0., >i. ^^OlU'.RT 1: Ti'oV ati.l JO 'N P. FUl.LER. huve S A- fi'rmed 'in assooia ion for itie practice ot their ;>rotVssi.;n in Rohesm t’ourity. The former will also attend the Courts of Bla l^n an-J t'olumbus; the latter aiso -itter.d thi se of Cumberbind. l !ie Office iu Lumlicrton will he kept t>pen at all J in’v 1, LSoH. 73- ani] West, iviU be opened on Thursday, the 10th day of .\pril 185(j^ anil ri main open according to the terms of the f^harter until t’urther notice, at the following pl.aces nj|(j under direction f the following named persons, t'ommissioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of Onflow, at the office of the Clerk ol the County Court at Jacksonvi’le, and at the Vost Office Rich Lauds F W. Fonville, G ,1. Ward, J. H. Foy, RoViert White, John .\ .-\veritt, Jr., Owen Hug- jrins. L. W. Humphre}’. In ilarteret countv, at the office of Dr. M. F'. .\ren- dell nt Beaufort Dr. M. F. .\rendell, J. F. Bell, L. r. Oj'le^liv. At the store of (}. W. Taylor at Cai olina City,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H .S. I'e’l.Capt, Levi Ogtesby, Bridge •Vreiidell. In I>.']).in couTity, at the oi'ioe of the County Court ClerV at Kenatisville,—^lajor Owen H Kenan, David Reid, Nanc B Kelly, Wm E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, ‘Sti-phen Graham. In S,.jnipson county, at the office of the County Court Clern Ht Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas Banting, Wm. McKav. P.arick Murphy, Wm. Faison, J- H- Beanian, .-Mfred .lolmson. In 'nmber!a;!d county, at F'jiveiteville, at the office ■'t -A McKethan.—I'liomas R. Underwood, Randal .'IcDanie!, Edward L. Winsloy. John ('. Blocker Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares ot ;j;i()0 each, set o]>posite to our names respectively, in the Central Rnii Road ('ompany; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter. H Mt K SIDNEY A. SMITH, .\ttorn(‘Y ;uui (.'ouii'^ollor at Law, II'E attend rt-gularly the Counts aud Superior w V ('ourts of W.'ii^e, -lolii slon. Cun berland. Har nett, .md Witson. Ali V'Usiness entruited to his care will receive [ rompt atti ntion. .lan’y IJ, ’.'>8. 7»>-ly A. E. HALL, ^'oruardiiiu' and Ti T, •I.ND AGENT FOK T. S. Ll iTtKLOll, i’roiupt attention v.iil be L'iven to all Consiguments. Uliiuington, N. C., Jan. 1H'>.''. al-5m GEO. AiJ)Eli.\L\X, " iitspvrior of ^Vitval Sloren, WILMI.NGTON. N C , ^^i.iLIi'l i s patr.ii. ige. Prompt attention sud quit-k desputcii Will be givei* to business entrusted to liis care. June '-*3, l.‘o7. 19-l‘_’mpd N auies ResidenC't 1 No. of shares t'ash Work ' NOTJCE. T March Term 18o8, of th.‘ Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Cuniberland county, .Admin istration of the Estate of the late Thomas Monroe was granted to the undersigned Persons indebted are notified to make an early payment. These having claims must present them in proper time or this notice will be pleaded in bar. JOHN A. McLAUCHLIN. DANIEL A. .MONROE. .March 13, 1858. 93-Ow BOERHAVE’S IIOLLAi\» Ki n Kits A. McRIMMON, Coiiimissicn and Forwarding Merchant. WILMLN'GTOX, N. C July 0, IS'7. 22tf T. C. & B. G.. WORTH, L'M!nnji.s."ioa oj I'orvvardiii^ .Merchants, Br^wr, 3 liuudihj, Wattr .Street, il\lmin}i^toM, •Y C , L'sual aivances made on consignmeuts. .Nov, 11, lt-'>7. 5y-tf l>. A. LAMO-NT, Commission Merchant, V. OKFICE NOR IH W.v'l hR STREET i’ersi.iiiii attenti'.n given to all produce sent to him either for aule or snipment. Nov r I.. .')7-lypd l)A\ll) .McDl FFIE, ifrirhiHfisuH and M*lasteret% IS prt pari d to do all kinds of work iu his line, in cluding the jiutiing up of rur])eutine Stills in this and thi* adjoining counties. Fayetteville, .\pril 27, 1M57. 3-lY-pJ JOILV P. SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, W ILMlNu luN, N. C. Will give particular attention to the saie of Naval Feb’y 2-j, IBoO. Stores, Cotton, &c. 85-tf J. WILLIAM PAGE, M. I)., riTT.> B o Ko va /#, *v. lR. i’AGE m.iy be found at Lis oiKce when not prolessionally engaged. .day ti, 6tf 1> .Subscriptions may be made payable iu work, and may specify whether for gradijitr or cross-ties; and , stockholders shall In every ca^e hwve preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi-., neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the (Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notiiied, and they are requ'red to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. March l.'». IHG^i. lotf WKLI. IIOUSll r.\Yi;TTi;vii,i.i;. v. Kiist >i(le a/ (trent f> ir I.tunri ^(trth of thf I]iiuai . •^■IHE Subscriber de.s;rts through this M. inedluin to acknow e!.'« the liberal jiatrouage bestowed upon liis Hou>»e the past year—and as he has ju«t erected New Stables aud Carriage Shed conveuient to the H.uise .and to wstcr he takes pleasure in saying to lus patrons and the putilic generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and pet inanent board, and respectfully solicits a coutinuance of the liberal nat.’ou- age heretjfore received. Every exeitinn ou his part shall be used to render them comfoi table during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the 1-est the market atl' P SHEMWELL. March ‘J4, 1 Sfift W6-tf V.Vl.t'.AlU.K I’KOl'KRTV FOR s.ii.t:. I OFFER for aale, my L \NI).S in the Town of Fay etteville, about loO .\cres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .\b>uu Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as thet'rop now on it will show. .\lso, tae Vulitubli* iSi'i«-k Sloi'*> aii«l l..ot near the Market Square, occupied by ,\ir. John .\ Pemberton. Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, .Maxwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildings. ■Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, froutingon .Mumford Street. Several DESIR.VBLE BUILDING LOTS on both Winslo\.’ and Mumford Streets. All this property can now be purchased on favora- I b)e terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and ■Mortgage if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1855. 43-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o n ni^isio AND i F0RWA1U)L\G merchant, .V. €. ESPFCTI'ULLV informs irM fri> nds and the »« pi.b’ic, tluir tv i.Tsbul'.t up su* stnnii.-il Brick BuiMiiigs at his (.'Id Stand, expi -- y tor mai.- ufacturing (^arrii.ges. Th uiki'ul for ti e ^ery liberal j>atronage he has roreixe l for the In* r ’Jl yt'ftis, he hopes by strict attention to bui.ness, '.' I'ii ii to give sdtislactioti, fo merit a continU'i»ii:e of tlie SHiiie. He warraiits his work io be made the best iiiaterial .‘itici by exjierienced work niMi ' ii ea'h branch ol the business. His work will compare I'.ivoiably wiili .'iny m ide in the L'nited St-ites. t-ir neatness and durability. He is detei-iniiii'I to seil and do any work in his line on ai good terms as any work dot » elsewhere that is as well done. He now hj on hand, FiNi.HiiEi., the LARGEST STOCK of : ('Ornatjc.'i. /{finmrhes, an i Ever offered ixi this place, aiiJ a very large stock of wojk nearly finished, which will V>e linished daily. All of which will be sold very low for 'Asn, or on i short time to punctual customers. I^*^ has i*n hand more th.-m ONE HLNHRED .\ND FIFTV Vehi- : cles finished and in course of ruction. All work made liy him is wi:rr:.nfed 1 2 months Withfair usage, and sliouM it fail by bud workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to b\iy wouM do well to call ai-d examine for themselves. (,>rderfi thankfullyreceived ind promj .ly attended to Repairing executed at short noticb and on ve~y re-j9on!iblc ;erms. .N'ay 28, Ibo'l. tf- 8'J AEW DRY GOODS. NV.M. .MAC l.NTYRt; AS received aad offers for sale, a desirable Hoe ol’ Ladies' Dress G-oods, .''ilk. Barege and Lawn Robes; Dress Silk Bareges, Challies, Bombazines. Alpaccas, i.wips, Tarleton, Jaionet, Nanso'-.k Muslins; Priii'ed Lawns, Calicoes, Ginghams, Brilliantee. ltibl..ons, Ruche!, French Artificials; ..aces. Edging, lirai Is; Tapes and Fringes; French Working Knitting Cotton; Emoroideriag Si’.k; •Wicoiift and Swis-i Edging and Inserting; Linen aiid L ‘■'e E lging; Capes, ('ollars, Sleeves; Kid, >ilk. and Lislu Giove.s aud Gaunt’ets, Jr P Coates’ Spjol Cotton; .Sew'ng Silk; Knuinel^d aud Ebist'c Belts; Tab Damask; N;i(>kins and Towels: Patent Turkish and Al'andale C' uaterpanes; Irish Lii.en, and Siiirt Fronts and Collars; Ladles’ Bonnets, v^ry fine, and som^ price to them, Leghorn and Braid Flnt.i; liE.\DV-M\DE i'LOTHINC. BOOTS, GAITERS and .>«HOES, C’aipetirig, and Floor Oil Cloth, an.l .Mat in^; Extetision Steel -Spring Siiirts, rec'f t.o-d,i3% price i'a . ettevilie. 2.-»th .Maroh, 1853. ‘)7tf DEN'rAI. NO riCE. W. C. BENLOW will leave ho'ue on Monday, -April the 7th, to be absent the remainder of tha I week. D. tha I V D' 5«»^o.\. iR. B. wi!l be in Clinton, Wednesday, Tnursday and Friday, April 7th. >“th and 9th. He pro poses making regular visits to that place, if sufficient ly en^iouraged. All who are interested may rely on his punctuality >in the above appointmeut .Murch 2h. 97-2w P>ACOV, LAKD AM) POKK. 40 iUtoijlUt.; !on Lins, for sale at Me LEAN’S l^'RLSIl PEACHE.5, lu h.i.f gillc the Crocieiv oi jre. W. N. TILLING!!AST Ftb'y iO. h(i-;;mo Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on ’’roduce to be ship | — ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, IB-SS. 67 LLTTICULOU’S Ll\i: T ^llESieamer F.-VNNIi will leave Fayottevule for W i'.iuiiigik.ii every Moudiy aii i Tlmrsdiiy moru- iii^. Until lurilier i.ocice U i.l take ti'i.'ight .ind pas- seiige-sas lieret .fore. T. S. LUll’ERLOll. 1-eo’y 2-' b7- I)FI:P R1 V ER CO A I.. iITUMINOL'S CO.AL ot the best quality can b« had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by tl'.e Ton. V 'I- .McCL iNF.. .Mining Engineer, May 21, 185b ti-tf JOSEPH JiAKlCR, Jr., ATTOK.\Kl AT LAW, AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green .Street. He will attenu and practice in the County’ and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bla'Jen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. 7w-tf “I.AW C01\\R'I'NRSH11\” 1 the undersigned, have this day formed a Law i wW Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts I of the following counties of this State; Chatham, Cum- I berlaud^ Mo-jre, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. I J. H. HAUGHTON. JN-). MANNING. Pitt.sborough, N C., Jan’y 1, 185’». 7Jtf W. RAKER • Is now receiviug frotu the North the hirgest, tiiiost, and uio8t carefully se lected stock of I I K.\lTt KK tver offered iii tuis market; which, added tu his own ; manutacture, makes hi» afsonmeut complete;—all ot which he w..’: »eli on the lowest possible terms for cash nr on time to punctual customers. I Fashi.aiable painted cottatje bed-room Furtiitureiu setts; curleil hair and shuck, and cottcu Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; .Secretaries and Book-Cases; V»hat- Nots; Tables, all «orts; VV Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrolies; Picture Frames and Glass; Window .Shades; (. ornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas iu .Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. 1 Fine Ro.sewood Piauns, t>ne with *5Iolian At tachment; Rosewood .Melodians, from the bet manufac tories in New Vwrk and Bostou, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York ; prices—freight only added. September 2. 45-tf LAN!) FOR SALi:. Ii ACRES OF LAND Iving on upper -■ Little River, in Harnett County, well : timftered au'l well located for theTurp''ntine business. ; It will be sold on accommodating terms, -•^pply soon i to the Subscriber at Fayetteville. WM. McL. McKW. Sept. 22, 1856. 41-tf THO. C. FULLER, •Mttorncy and t'ounseilor at Itaic. OFFICE at E-rcles’s Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C Jan’y 1, 1857. LOVEltD ELUUmUE, •Mttorney at Mjaw^ WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithfield, April 15, IBo'i. 5^6-tf Worth & Utley, Forwarding and (icncral CoiiHiii.«5sion -MERCHANTS, JFtttfcftci'ilSe, .V. €\ (72tf) .TO*^. TTLET. HHD.S. B.\CON, well snuked. 20 Bbls. Leaf Lard; 75 *• .Mess Pork; :J5 Sacks Coffee; 25 IJbl.s. iSugar. ■10 Boxes Candy; *• Vo. 1 Soap, • 'ranges. Raisins, .tc. The above g ods were bought of Commission Mer ch'ints, fiul very cheap for (.’ash, and will be sold cheap for Cash only. j;. F. .M(,>ORE •March 2','. '.•7tf WHISKEY AND BRANDY BBLS. CORN WHISKEV 30 Bbl.s. Apple Brandy. 1'5 “ Domestic do. 15 “ N. E Rum The above Whiskey is the pure Corn Whiskey select ed by myself with c»re, and equal to any made in the .“^tate, and will be sold at the lowest market price for Cash E. F .MOORE March 29. 97tf AND LARD, COD-FISH, BEEF SALMON. EXTRA LEAF LARD; M 375 lbs. Choice JERKED BEEF; 450 “ COD-FISH: S.ALMOy, in Kits or at letail. Just to hand and for sale by PHILIP A. WILEY. .^Ia^ch 24, 1858. 9tJ-2w FOR sale, t^HE RESIDENCE of Geo. S Hodges, dec’d, situ ated on Haymount, st the junction of the West ern and Centre Plank Poad. Th^ house is nearly new, built of the best materials, and is large and cocvoaient, containing a wide entrance Hali; I’arlor, Dining Room and Pintry on the first floor; four Bed-rooms, w th closets attnche l to each, ou the second fl >or; front and back Stairs; double Piazza in the front aad one in the rear; Cellar and all necessary out-h.inses- With large Flower and Vegetable Garden. For teriiis apply to J. E. Bryan at the Post Office, or Mrs. M R. Hodges. Ma-ch 24. f»"tf coi'.vKrNKusi111* M)T'icT;7 j ^I'^HE undersigned has this dny associated with him I Mr. L. C. LINEBKRRY, for the purpose of trans acting a Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Grocery business. The business will in future be conJucted unier the style of W. H CARVER & CO. general assortment will be kept constantly on hand, and the patronage of the public is respectfully soiic.ted. W. H. CARVER. Fayetteville, March 22, 1853. ytitf N. H.— -Ml jiersDiis indebted to mo by note or account are requ.'sted to call and settle immediately, as my old tiusiuess .must bk closbd. W. H. C. J. A. worth. CHAIRS, CHaIRS, fe f..ARGE lot o*' Stool-bDttom Chairs, made at Cool 8l. Sj ring Mill, and for sale hv A. .M CVMi’BELL. .NLirch 21, 'o^. \j>,y W. H. TURLING-TOM, CummLss.ion Merchant, No. 4 Nortli \Viiit WIL.MINGTON, N. C. • M/'ILL give his prompt personal atientio i to the Tw sale or shij’meut ot ali Consignn.entB of Nava, Stjresor other Country Produce. Nov. 8. 1856. tf I larpor\'i recoivtd t>v -M 24 Magazine E, for April, just J. HA Li:; & S(.»N. NOR PH CAROLLNA ii VCON. U A.XIS, Sil«8 and Shoulders, for sale by BEVERLV ROSE. Jan'y 2^. 80- .•I. ■ !t)(- V. and t ut FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each Kevi>;w s. li. J III j>rn'C in Great liritain of thcjice hca/n aliutt-itamcd is S-'il per annum. >" ..iiUauci s lor any of the above publications should w.-y-, be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 64 Gold street, New York. Such Imllsestlon. Aridity of the Stomach. Colicky Pulni 00 i Hea.tburn, l.o»s of .^p[>eliie, l»esponilency t^osllveness, lilmlnnil Bleedlne Piles. In all Nervous, Itheuiiialic, anil .N'eiir.ilj; c .AlFsc- has In ntiincroin Instnnres i rovetl hifihly lient-hcial, autj in others etfectpil a deciileil cure This is a purely veKel:it>le coiii|M>uni1, prepiireil on ilrictly »den lifif principles, alter the in:»nner of the cclcbrnttd lloll.And I'm (e"(or, Hw>rhavp. Because of il-t crent •iiicre'ss In inosl of l.*),? Kiiropean States, its Introduction into the I'nitcd .sutrj uas in tenpd more esperlHlly tor tho>e of oiir fathcr'anil s(.'\llpr-d herf and there ovfr thi- f,reof this niighiy country Meetirit; wiih (freal'sucress ainnni! iheiii. I now otl’er it to the .Aniericaii (lulilic, know ine that it« :rii.y Wwnderfnl niedicinal virtues niUil t>e :,c kaowled"cd. It is p.irticularly reconiineniied to those person.* Hhose constitu tions may have heen impaired hy the continuous use of ardent spiriu, or other foinis of diss^pitliun. ;t^iifr:ll> inil'int-iniMOis in etffct. it find* its way directly lo th>‘ s^at ol life, thrillinl! and qilickenine every nerve, raising up lh‘ dnxijilni! spirit, and, in fact, intusini! new health and viaor in th*- .sy'tem. NtJTIC'K—Whoever experts to tind this a beverace will t>e dis- apjMiiiiteil; !)Ut to the sii k, weiik and Inw spirited, ii will prove a graieful aroijiHtlc cordial, possessed of singular remedial jiriiperllt-. C U T I (> N ' Thr ^rcat popiilHrity of this delinhtfiil Aroiiia has indiiced m'tny Iniiiml.ins, which the putilic should i;ii.)ril Mjruin't purcloisini: Ite not i>pr-.uad> (I (o Imy iinythinK else until Jon nave eiven Itoer have's Holland Uiitt'rs a fair trial. One lioUle w 11 convince you hiW Intin tely 8U|ienor it Is to all these imitations. Jr^Sold at $I.(K> per Uotile, or si.\ hottlcs for l>y the SULK I> U U P 11 I E '1’ U It ri , BUT FER! liU rTER!! BUT TER!!! 1000 LBS. TER Dec. 24. .MOUN'TAIN and GOSHEN BUT For sale low for CASH by P. A. W ILEV. 71-tf l> C )T rON BAG(H.VCi. U.VDEE and Gl'NNY B.\GGIN’G in quantities to suit purchasers. For sale by JAS. G. teept. li COOK. 4:itf FOR SVLE. 4DAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and comiuvu TOB.^CCO; and almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheap as the cheapestl G. W. I. GOLDSTON, Jan’.T 27, 18.')7. 77- TANNER’S OH. cV DRV HH)ES. BI’LS. Tanner’s Oil,—a superior ai ticie; also, a tine lot of Dry Hides. For sale by JAS. 0. COOK. Nov. 2-5. The Presbyterian Psaliiiodist— ■'.aracter Notci A furthar lupplj Just rectiTed. 24. fi / MALF A SON. f JK. O. M * N l; f * ( T I R I S O PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, PirxsBURon, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale sole agent for Farettcville. June 14, 18G7. ' 1(3. ‘The Old North State in 177G,” by Caratfatra,—firit and ttoond tJariei. Just reeeivad. E. J. HALE k BON. FOR SAI.E. 4 PLEASANT RESIDENCE in the country, one mile and a quarter from the ,'Iarket House. The Tract of Laud contains 34 acres. Ou the premises is a comfortable Dwelling House, with all necessary out houses; well of excellent water in the yard; good gar den, &c. Terms moderate; for further particulars ap ply to 1’. SHEMWELL. Fayetteville, Feb’y 3. 82-tf Blanks for sal© at this Olfice. Book Agents Wanted. | ^■IHE Subscriber, having taken theGeneral Agency ■- for getting subscribers to and delivering Hawks's History of North Carolina, now in process of pnblica- 1 tion by Messrs. E. J. Hale ^ Son of Fayetteville, is desirous of entering into an engagement w>th one ot more active, intelligent and reliable persons in each of the Judicial Circuits, to canvass their respective parts of the State, or particular counties, thoroughly. Immediate application is desired, as sample copies ol the first volume will will be ready in a few days. Undoubted testimonials as to character must ac company each application. Address M. W. HORN BOOK HL\ DIA G OF all kinds, is executed in the best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re bound in the same style they were before. This will save the repurchase ot new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a distance, will find it a matter of economy to get their books bound here, as a deduction of prices will be made upon large orders: Pack them and send them with particular directions to this establishment: and when finished, they will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. I have the best stock of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or South. Apply for a list of Binding prices before going else- i where. The undersigned respectfully solicits a share | of patronage. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, j Anderson Street. Not. 6, 1867. 64-Y Blank Warrants tor sale at this Office. •Hftrble Facioru* T \ '% Hv CEO. i.AU!>Eli. I'All MORS iUOVfc: C. T. IIAIGII iSO.VS sruRh. Fayetteville, I\. V. Jan’y 20, lb')H. G4-ypd a. ni..\cK, FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S J. Hinsdale's Chemist au'i Drug Store. Feb’y 7, ISoti. o 76-tf At NOTICE. ^I'^HE undersigned having executed a power of torney to E. F". .Moore, he is thereby authorizeil to make all settlements for me and in m3’ name, and generally to transact all business as I might or could do were I personally present. J- J- .MOObE. Fayetteville, June 3, 1857. 13tf \ fresh supply of Lime, Plastering Hair, Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, anl Land Plaster. For lale in quantities to auLt, by B ROSE. Ftb’7 16, 186S 86tf NEW BOOKS. LIVINGSTON’S TRVVELS 1?^ SOUTH AFRICA; Harth’fc Disco .-eries in North pu l Central Africa; ■•ihe Reason '\hy,” by the atithor of ‘Inquire Within.' —AL.SO— Further supplies of .Must ing Gray; Piioenixiana; The Painter, Gilder aud Varnishcr’s (>ompinion; 6lie’s Koran; Jacobus's Notes on the Gospels; The ^'ornmu-’s Companion; B;irnes’ Notes on tne Gos,.,el3, Conybeare’a Life ;t;id Epistles of St. Paui; The Psalm ist, with supplement; Bibles; School B oks; .1c. Juwt received- h. J. Il.VLE 3r SOS. Jan’y 16, 1858. The .\inericaii .\lnianac for 1858; .Sword's Pocket .Aimaiiai: for 1858. The 1 win Roses, by Mrs Ritchie; Livingstone’s Africa; Maj. r Jones' Courtshit.-; Berteni’s Piano Instructor- Faber’s Draw- in*^ Pencils, in eases; Music Folio.s; Copy Books, jc. f-o E. J. HALE & SO.N: ~ LH’E JNSLRANCE. f M^HE Uader.^igned has been appointed Ai^eut of Jl. the Nortii tjiu'olin . .Mut.ial l.iife Insurance Com pany. Every member for life participates iu the pro fits of the Comp;tuy; and tiie annual pr'-miuin for life membership, wuei-e it amounts to or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half ia a note at 12 mouths ^ Debtors' lives nny he insured by creditors. A man may insure liis own iiic for tfie e'colusive benefit of his t'amiiy fiie livea ol’s. v^.s in ly be insured. This hysu in is i;i])i.i!y g.o.v:ng into fuvor, all over the civili/ed world It i.-i ooo whicn a family, for a small sum ;uinu;iily. m.iy be provided for, alter the death of .is no.i!. «.i wu'ise exertions tuey niay have been dependeut lor a support. It is a good investment of money, even a one suouid live long after taking out a Life Policy Explanatory pamphlets, and the Blanks, ftxlnishad on application £. J. BALE

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