^»rrorf, in SEMI-WEEKLY. ii\\ f'r i t- ''‘’•go sub, ' **X},I J. l‘or . v;,v iHSt |lU*ss, *n ?' [VOL. VII.] FAYETTEVILLE, X. C., AI’RIL 15, 1858. [NO. 70*^.] •-M II. the ®ao- ‘ era: hr - tt;r I.- n.-^ H V , 1 1 :■ • fi- AM. >• rii. ■ H I y t. j ' ‘ Ihi.'. T u„ 1- .M *• ' Vrl. •■"'■"HliSh.l " SIlJ ■' " i».| t,. ' »rrv V K i:k* ■ XurrI, tL,. Ui'M •arot'iliij «... I Ki: •*'1 i-i : in. nihif? ftTln, wu a.,li '•"om Furniture iu .M:urn.se,. *»«"1 S|,,^ k J.**: ‘ ;i:: iie St iii.N- S( .,1,.,: ■ili MutiiJg.iiiv ai.J l‘iv-.us ,-itiJ Stools; wifh m tho .‘I uiui.u:;.,- irrunte 1 a« .,] ,,, ' be sol.l :it N, V-,rli 1' ti \ia:. I.'illy oil upjier aniftt t uiitv, well 'urjifutiiii hu^^iLps- teruis, Applv suhu McL. M K\V 41-tf GTON, Norlli U aliT St. lal itteQti iu t. the aiguuieui; a Nnvai \vw. Dr. J. Hiu^Jale’s 76-tf nte'l {i wer if At- th-.-; ■ .. "Ut! ->rizeJ id iu luy uiiiiie, an i a.-« 1 uii;;: t or coui'l J. J.'M;: ;kE. i:tf m»‘, I’lasterin^f Oeuirnt, an ■! Land suit, V B. K. >SE 8o tf «L£R, llor at ijfiir. jceiitlj o. -- upie'l by rille, N. ■ t Uai€^ Fohustoa aii'l bamr- tley, il ( TS, V. r*. TLKT. INO iu iu.iutities tu JAS. G. r-iuK. 4:uf V IIII)K>- :,eri-r .niticle; al.-s l-’yr . f t.y JA. ' >-- u'the .—try. Mark f Hour Thtf (>u the pn-mises is thai II. : ryo'i^' the yar.J; goo'l ga*^- rther p rticuiHrs ap- P .iit.M'VELL. 1' tf Xf’L. , i!U-.l A-e..t of ile 1.. lUMU'-e uau {' •■ ■ i th otiier hall lu cro.Jitors. A man ve bcuebt of 1,*. h aiifJ. ,. all over into \ , ai wi. H tai»*0. vi.i. , alter tbe tioii- :iiey ..agooa investment ,e l..n - a;M-r taUug I.uiu Hi ,, audti»« 1>R[NTEP MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. KDWAKD J. HALE & SON. KDITORS AND PKOPRIETORS. prce for Semi-Weekly Observer $3 00 if paid in advance: $3 50 if paid during the year of subscrip tion; or $4 after the year has expired, f jrthe Weekly Obskrvkr ^2 00 per annum, if paid in advance; $2 50 if paid during the year of subscrip- ti(in: or $3 00 after the year has expired. advertisements inserted for sixty cents per i Uiire of 16 lines for the first, and thirty cents for each .joceeJing publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- • i! contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are f^juested to state the number of insertions desired, or (jej' vill be continued till forbid, and charged accord- Advertisements to be inserted inside, charged 50 per •ent. extra. •\S received and offers for sale, a desirable line of (OPAKTNEKSIIIP NOTICE. fpHE undersigned has this day associated with him I Mr. L. C LINEBERRY, for the purpose of trans- joting a Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Grocery r.usiness. The business will in future be conducted uader the style of W. H C.ARVER & CO. A general assortment will be kept constantly on ainJ, aud the patronage of the public is respectfully ..leited. W. H. CARVER. Fayetteville, March 22, 185S. 96tf N. B.—All pfcrsons indebted to me by note or account are requested to call and settle immediately, uiy old business mi'st be closbd. W. H. C. .\EVV DRY GOODS. WM. MACINTVRK II Ladies’ Dress Goods, s. k. Barege and Lawn Robes; press Silk Bareges, Challies. Bombazines. Alpaccas; ;wis5, Tarleton, Jaconet, Nansook Muslins; Primed Lawns, Calicoes, Ginghams, Brilliantes; Ribbons. Ruches, French Artificials; Laces, Edging, Braids; Tapes and Fringes; French Working Knitting Cotton; Embroidering Silk; .Uconet and Swiss Edging and Inserting; Linen »u l Lisle Edging; Lspes. Collars, Sleeves; Sid, Silk, and Lisle Gloves and Gauntlets; J j- P. Coates’ Spool Cotton; Sewiug Silk; Enameled and Elastic Belts; Table Damask; Napkins and Towels; Patent Turkish and Allandale Counterpanes; Irish Linen, and Shirt Fronts and Collars; Ladies' Bonnets, very fine, and some price to them; Legborn and Braid Flats; READY-MADE CLOTHING; BuUTS, GAITERS and SHOES; irpeting, and Floor Oil Cloth, and Matting; EiteDsion Steel Spriai; SWrta, rec’d to-day, price !^4. Fayetteville, 29th March, 97tf BACON, LARD AND PORK. i Jk HHDS. BACON, well smoked; 20 Bbls. Leaf Lard; 75 “ Mess Pork; 35 Sacks Coffee; 25 Bbls. Sugar; 40 Boxes Candy; 30 “ No. 1 Soap, Oranges, Raisina, &c. The above goods were bought of Commission Mer- iiants, and very cheap for Cash, and will be sold ,'heap for Cash only. E. F. MOORE. March 2y. 97tf \ COUPON BONDS FOR SALE. "^HE Western Rail Road Co. have for sale iu amounts to suit purchasers, 820.000 of tbe Coupon lionds of tbe County of Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable femi-anuually on the 1st June and the 1st of Decem ber. and running 20 years. 890.000 of tbe Coupon Bonds of the Town of Fayetteville, bearing i per cent interest, payable semi annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will tind these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. B. M.VLLETT, Esq , Pres’t or to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r Western 11. R. Co. Fayetteville, Feb’y 20, 1858. 89tf The t^arriaz*’ i\trtorif in the Sonfhi FOR SALE, ^■IHE RESIDENCE of Geo. S Hodges, dec’d, situ- 1 ated on Haymount, sit the junction of the West ern and Centre Plank Hoad. The hou^»e is nearly new, built of the best materials, and is large ami convenient, containing a wide entrance Hall; Parlor, Dining Room and Pantry on the first floor; four Bed-rooms, with closets attached to each, on the aecoml floor; front and back Stairs; double Piazza in the front and one in the rear; Cellar and all necessary out-houses- With large Flower and Vegetable Garden. For terms apply to J. E. Bryan at the Post Office, or Mrs. M. R. Hodges. March 24. 9(itf DOBBIN HOUSE For Rent or Lease. ^■IHE Lease of the present Proprit tors of this well M known House will expire on the 1st January, 1858: the property is offered for lease or rent. To a person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an excellent opportunity is offered. The building is large, well arranged and in complete repair; its location will always command for it an extensive patronage. .\s the present Proprietors intend changing their busi ness, the Furniture, which is nearly new and in good order, can be purchased on favorable terras The House will be delivered on or after the 1st of •January, remaining open under the present manage ment till a tenant is obtained. The fine Store in the same building, formerly occu pied by Mr. Wm. Booth, is also offered for rent. JNO. H. COOK, Prest. Dobbin House Co. Dec’r 16, 1857. tj'J-tf HiBlMA LAi\D FOR UlL fJlHE Subscriber offers for sale 7safiSJ \. \. M Kirri!A\ KSPECTFU L! Y informs his I'l iemls niui |ii*' i pulilic, that til- I'll.'' built up liiV'jf subsl.niii:i‘ i Brick Buildiiips ■•U iiis (> M St.-iinl. e:.jire.>sl_v lor ; ulacturiuf: Ciirrii.ju's. Tliuiiki.il lorilie vein li-'.^r.-i . piKroiijisre he lias rc-i‘i\i-il ;,ir tlio l i t 21 he ] hu) es l>_v strict iitteiition to tm.• Wios.'. wiili a ilt-'in' ‘ to >rive salist'acfioti, to ini'i it i C(intimi:ui'-c i.l tin ■ Same. (If warrniits tiis wori. lo tu* iii; U“ oi'; h,. 1 ni.iterial and hy exptTicticcd wirktm-ii in i-.'rli ti:aucl. i 0l the liu>iiie.ss. Ilis work .vill -o.aiiarc r.ivurat'i\ : witli :iiiy made in tiu' Utiitt' 1'^tnTos. i' ir r.oa;i:f. ,;i;'i i durability. |li> is dftiM'Miiin'1 to ;i*l! ;’ni uu an- ' work in hin line on as ;.rood ti“i-tn> any work doin- el.sewliorc that is a* well h’tie. ’iion h.uni. i Fimshki), the LARGEST STot’K of ( nrrm^c.s, ll'trotichvs. lioi'kittrinjs^ an . />7owr/V'V. I Ever ottered in thi> p'ace. aiul a very larire .stook of work nearly tinislied, whicli will 'le iiiii^hod itaily. -\11 of which will lie S'lld very low lor C.A'H, or on short time to punctual customers. fi,"iF‘”lle ha.-; o:. hand more than OM-; 1! UN Dili!) .M) KIFI'V Wlii- cles finished aii'l in ounr.'^c of coi;-'i ruction. taer All work iiiade hy liiin Is warra ni ea 1 2 iiioiitli^i with fair usane, and should it fail hy bad workmanship or inntei'iaI will he re"ain-d t'li'e i>l t-li.arge. Persons wishing; to huy woiili' do well to call aii'i ex itnine for theni^c!v.--;. (Irders thanktnlly received aiiil j roinj: tly atti ndod to. Repairing e.Keoutcil .it short notice and on very reasonable terms. -May 28, 1 tf- 8 t 1 F'ire Insurance. WK refer our readers to the .annual statement of tfie .Ktna Insurance Coiupany, of llai'ifoi’il, \ wiiicli will be founil in another column. Tiiis success- j I'u: institution was incorporateiJ by the Legislature of I C('iinecticut in 181".*, with a perpetual charter. Its I capital is ^^oO.OitO, and its accumulations exceed I more, niakin; its entire assets over ^;>00,- I 0(1)). invested as detailed in the statement referred to j These results indicate that during the period of nearly I forty years since its organization, (without a single ; cln'ige of its chief officer,) its business has been con- i diicti.d with judgment and prudence. It has been 1 thus far successful in an eminent degree, discharging, I as we are infunned, all its ol)li;f:atious by the payment I of about (fi) iiiiUtoii iluthiiK for losses, without asking a ; l,.\'s ilelay in any instance. It has had but little lit- ig iiion, notwithstanding the ininieuse number of trans- ae!ioiis made. lu order to attain as much cfrhiinl;/ as I>i s^ible in such a business as insurance, it has Vieen tiie practice of the (\;ui|'any, for s^'veral years, at Jiiat labor, carefully to classify and arrange their I i'ks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain tl.i* ani.'unt insurecl on ea-h class, the amount >f pre- III.unis rtceivvd thereon, aii'j the amount of losses up on cai h. Tliis classification, extenling over a long peri I’d, a ml covering proj'erty to a very large amount,! ur- .1 .'lies reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial ii .sis of actual experieiure. ujMiti which to cunduct its ■uyiness. Insutance isnot a matter of luck or chance, ;i' many suppose; its Jia/ards are ascertainable, and it' priucifilcs capable of heing reduced to a system, the pi actical working .lud results of which are as certain :i that of any other business. I'he .Ktna I’onipany, by adhering rigidly to its system, and placing its busi- n s-^ uj.on a healthy basis, has oht iined the confidence of tiie community to an extent surpassed by no other (Jonip.iny in the I’. States, and has increased its busi- nrss and its income from year to year with a steady growtli. One great source of its security is the wide distrihutiou of its risks—a pnlicy which it pursues w;th great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov ered in each locality. l>y this course il has passed, with comparative impunity, through some of the most s\vei. ]'ing and destructive fires, which h.ive swallowed u} oilier companies less cautious in their business. It is .1 .->_\stem like this, based upon experience, which gives St (hiiity and soundness to a company, and to the as sured confidence and securitv.—Lhiltimor* I’alrwt. IH IH.K' NO riCK Is IIEKKP.Y GIVKN, that Uooks of uhscription to tbe capital stock of flic (’Hntrai Hail Hoad, from Be.iufort Harbor via Kenansville, ('linton. ra veitcvill* . ind West, will be opened on Thursday, the If'tb d i.' of .\pril 1 8-5(J, and remain oj'en according to the tr•rnl^ of the Charter niiiil further notice, at the following fd.ices and under direction of the folbiwing named persons, (,’ommissioners in the (’liarter, viz: In the ('ounty of ()n?low, at the otfice of tlu‘ Cleric of the Coantv C«urt at Jacksonville, and at the l*o>t (Miice Rich I.ands. K. W, Fonville, (i. .1. Wav 1, .!. 1!- I'oy, Robert White, .Inhn Averllt, Jr., Dwen llui;- gins, L. W. Humphrey'. In Carteret county, iit the oflice of l»r. M. F. Areu- dell .tt I'leaufort Dr. M. F. .Xrei'deil, .1. F. Cell. L. i’. Oglesby. At the store of G . W. Taylor a t ('at ilina (^ity, —. '^nl. N. Dennis, H. S. Hell. ^'apt. Lev i O^rle^liy, liridire Arendell. In Duj.iin county, at the ollice of the County Court ^-dcrk jit Kenansville, — Ma.j''r i*v\en U. Kenan. l>a\id beid, Isaac 15 Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. .1. Houston, St. phen Graham. Ill Sampson countv. at the of’ice of the County CotM-r Clerk at Clinton.—Thomas I. I'ni.'ou, Hr 'I'lionias Bnntinsr. Wm. McKav. p.itrick Murjdiy, Wm. Faison, • ii. lieaman, .-\lfreil .lohnsnn. In Cumberland county, at rayetteville, at the ' Hue of McKethan,—Thomas U. rnderwood, T.aiidal •Mclianiel. FJdward L. Winslow, .(ohii iilocker I'orm of subscription: The Undersignel acrree to take the numher of share, in ^100 each, set oj)po«ite to our names re'-iiectivel.v of the ('entral Kaii Road Company: ;in 1 in all respects to comply with tlie forms of tiie (’barter. N:.mes Resideni t I Ni Cash I Worl ■i" ^ ■' ■ WHISKEY AND I3R.\NDY. BBLS. CORN WHISKEY; 30 Bbls. Apple Brandy; 15 “ Domestic do. 15 “ N. E. Rum. The above Whiskey is the pure Com Whiskey select- t?d by myself with care, and equal to any made in the .'tate, and will be sold at the lowest market price for ■ ash. E. f, MOORE. March 29. 97tf FOR SALE. 4DAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine und common TOB.\CCO; and almost anything in the Orwcery line. Cheap as ilie cheapest! THIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED ACRES of Land iu as healthy a sec tion as there is in Alabama. FORTY ACRES, on which are a good Dwelling and all necessary out-houses, in good repair. ONE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES, good rivsr bot tom land, 100 acres of which is under cultivation and produces fine crops of Cotton and Corn. NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and Pine land, on which is some good farming land. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED and FORTY ACRES Pine land, well suited for Turpentine getting. This property will be sold cheap and on accommod.a- ting terms. Address the subscriber at .Mount Pleasant P. O , Monroe County, Alabama. WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. March 11, 1858. 92-ly MITCHELL’S FALLS. .4GEMS HA.NTED I.\ EVERY COIMY OF THE STATE rjlO canvass the same, and procure subscribers’ -I names for the sale and delivery of an excellent ‘ LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, taken upon the spot and gotten up in the finest style of the art, representing the place where the Rev. ELISHA MITCHELL lost his life in his explorations of the Black Mountains, in the Summer of 1857. Upon the receipt of Three Dollars, we will furnish to any * person desirous of taking an Agency, Two Pictures, one tinted and one colored, as samples, with full par- ^ ticulars as to the terms of the agency, &c. We will ; offer inducements sufficient to make it pay an ener- I getic agent. For further particulars address us at Asheville, N. C. LEWIS & DICKENSON. i P. S. Mr. Dickenson is also Agent for the ! Mt. Mitchell Monument Association, aud during his 1 tour through the State will receive subscriptions for i that object. W. T. DICKENSON. j Feb’y 9, 1858. 85-Om : .1. w Is now receiviii).' from the North the largest, tine.-f, :ind nio.st oarotully se- lecteil sto'.’k of 8 8 R\IT! Iti: ever ofTered in this market: wliidi, .added to his own manufacture, rii.akes his assortnicnt conif Icte:—all of which he will sell on the 'iiwe.'t po'.'.jliie l* rnis for cRsh or on time to puuctual customers. Fashionalile paiiitcl c,ott.ag- bed-room Furniture in setts: curled hair .and shuck, and cotti.ii Mattre.""s: Looking Glasses: \*'illow Wagi n- and ’radles: Si'le Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cu'^es; What- Nots: Tables, all sorts: Wa.sh .stands: ( iiihile .'^tand“; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and (Jlass: Window .'^ha ies; Cornices; (,’urtain Bauds: Sofas iu .\lahigai!v and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divatis and Stools: Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosew>:->J I’iunos, une with ..Koliuii At tachmeut; Rosewood .Melodiaiis, fi .i the bet mauulac- tories in New Vwrk aud Boston, warranted as goixi as any made in the country, an 1 will be sold at N. York prices—freltrhi only added. September 2. l-j-tf G. W. Jan’y 27, 1857. 1. GOLDSTON. 77- BOERHAVE’S HOLLARK BITTEKS THE CKLKBRATER HOLI.ANP RKMKDY FOB DISEVSE OF TIIE KIIKXETS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKN^ESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE. 'nil the v.iriouB afTeclion^ con'equent npon a disordered STOMACH OR LIVER, •'urh Hs Inrtipestlon, .Aridity of the Summrh, (’olicky Pains Heartiiurn. l.o»s of Api>etite, Denp'indency. CostivRness, Blind and Builmif Piles, in hII .Vervous, RheuiiiHtic, and .NeuralKic Alfec- it hna in name >in inst>inces proved highly l>ene(icial, and '|ihiT8 ert'ectert a decided cure Is (t purely veeetable cunifMiund, prepared on slriculy scien 'I’rinciples, after the manner of the celebrated Hiifland I’ro- ■‘■"■•r. Bi>erhHve, Kecaus« of its great success in most of the States, its introlaction into the United State* was in t>-n.cl more eitpecially fur Ihiise of oar father'and scattered here 'nil iliprt- over the f.>re of this niighty country Meeting with -ncress Hinone iheui, I now offer it lo the American public, ;ns: that its ;ruly wunderful medicinal virtues must f)e ac- '''■'.vledged. It IS iKirticularly recommended lo those iiersons whose cimstitu- ■■'n-s iiiny have been impaired by ihe ctinlinuous use of ardent • "riK, or (ittier foiiiis of diss’pation. Generally instantaneous In '■>1'Cl, It tinds its way dire tiy lo the seat of liie, thrilling and (ii.i keninc every nerve. r.ii%inK up tbe drmiplng spirit, and, in iict, it lusinif new health and vigor in the system. .N») rii;E—Whoever uxeei'ts lo tind this a beverage will l,e di»- PlH>mted; but to ihe sii k. weak and low spirited, il will prove a ciHtetuI ajromaUc cordial, possessed ol singular remedial properties C A U T I -N 1 1 he great popularity of this delightful Aroma has induced many "•itxtions, which the public should guard against purchasing. I'x* not persuaded to buy anything else until you have given Hoer- 'iive's Holland Bitter* a fair trial. One bottle will convince you •iintlnUeiy sU|>erior it is lo all these imitations. 5T/"Sold at per bolUe, or six bottles for $5,U0, by the SOLK PROPRIKTORt?, UE.^JA.niiir PAtiE, JK. & CO. MANUFACTURINU PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, Pittsburgh, Pa. '^arnuel J. Hinsdale sole agent for Fayetteville. June 14, 1857. 16- A PROCLAMATION, By his Excellency, Thomas Bragg, Governor of North Carolina. WHEREAS, it has been represented to me that one Archibald McDougald, late of the County of Cumberland, did on the 27th day of February last, in said County, kill and murder one Thomas Munroe, and that the said McDougald i.s a fugitive from justice, and has escaped beyond the limits of this .State. Now, to the end that the said Archibald .McDougald may be arrested and brought to trial for hia said of fence, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, offeriiig a Reward of Two Hundred Dollars for his apprehen sion and delivery to the Sheriff of Cumberland County. DESCRIPTION McDougald is about fifty years of age, of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, has a scar on the face near one of his jaws, weighs about 105 or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, aud while drunk is turbulent aud troublesome. Given under my hand aud the Great Seal of [l. s.]the State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of .March, A. D. 1858. By the Governor, TIIOS. BR.AGG. Pulaski Cowper, Pr. Sec’y. March 15. 93tf NOTICE. A T March Term 1858, of the Court of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county. Admin istration of the Estate of the late Thomas Monroe was granted to the undersigned. Persons indebted are notified to make an early payment. Those having claims must present them in proper time or this notice will be pleaded in bar. JOHN A. McLAUCHLIN. DANIEL A. MONROE. •March 13, 1858. '-'3-Gw M^EAN’S Fresh peaches, in half gallon cans, for sale at the Crockery Store. W. N. TILLINGHAST Feb’y 16. 8}-2mo LUTTE R LO Il’S l7h\ E f|>HE Sieamer FANNY will leave Fayotteville for Wilmington every Monday and Thursday moru- L.\Ni) roli s vr.K. E .\CKKS OF L.\NI) lying on up]>er A JL**"* Little Kiver, In llanieft Couiify, well timbered and well located fur the I'urp'Mi'due l usiiies-.. It will be sold on accommodating terms. Apply soot! to the Subscriber at Fayetteville W.M. McL. .McKVV. Sept. 22, Iboti. 41-tf W. H. TURLINaTON, (.’ummlssloii Mercliaiil, xNo. 4 xNurlti Waier Si. WIL.MINGTON, X. C. WILL give his prompt personal attention to 2h sale or shipiueut of all Consignments ol N it v Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8. 1850. tf o Ur. W. A. ni.AC K, FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 185'i. 7ti-tf No'i'ici:. ^I’^JIE un lersigiie l having'e.xecuted a power uf At- i tornej to E. F. NSoore, he is th'.Teby authori/,i‘d to make a 1 settiemeiits for me an 1 in luy name, aii i geneialiy to transact .ill ousiness as 1 migiil or couid do were I persou.illy present. J. J. .\lU'»i;K. Fayetteville, June 1H.')7. l^itf Iresli sii[)[)ly ot i*la.tcriML’' Hair, Calcined Piaster, llydraiilii; t'eineut. an i Laud Plas.er. For sale iu tjuati ities to suit, liv li. KO.'JE Feb’y 15, 18.')8. botf THO. C. FULLER. tittorHCi/ atid €UntusvftiH' nt ijtnv. OlFD’E at K^cles’s liridge. recently oc.upied liy James ti.inks, i.S'i.. Fayetteville, .S. C Jau’y i, 18')7. Loil:uuKLimii)(;E, tMttorneif at UT ILL attend the Courts of Johnston aud Samji- son Counties. Smithfiebi, April 15, !■''>'>. tf Worth & Utley, I'orwaidin'^ and General Conunission M KRCIIAX rs, Faijicttcvillc, »V. i\ (7-tfj J. A. WORTH. JOS. (TLKY. liianks for sale at this Office. Will take freight and pas- T. S. LUTx^KLOH. 87- ing, until further notice sengers as heretofore. Feb’y 22. DEEP RIVER c7)AL. Bituminous coal of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCLANE. AllDlUK May 21, 1856 6-tf ^ TANNER’S OIL & DRV illDES. liPLS. Tanner’s Oil,—a superior ai tide; also, a fine lot of Dry Hides. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. Not. 23. 62- D SO COri()N l»AG(*irsG. UNDKly ami GUNNY IJ.XGGI.NG in quantifies to suit purchasers. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. Sept. 17. 4ytf LIFE LNSURANCE. 'BIHE Undersigned has been appointed .Vgeut oi JL thf Norili '’aroliiia .'vlutitai Liio hisuraucc Co.u- pany. Every mcnibiT !*ir life participates iu tiie pro- uts of the Company; aud the aniiu.al pii'iniuiii for life utcmbcrship, wuere it uiuoauts to •>•10 or more, may be paid oue-iialf in casii, and the other half ii. a note at I'J mouths. Debtors’ lives may be insured by crcditor.s. A niau may lusure his owu life for tue e.xoiusive houeUi oi his lamily The lives of si.ives ui.iy bo iusurod. This system is rapi.lly gi'ow.iig lii'-o favor, all over the civilized world it is one by wiiidi a faimij, lor a small sum auuually, uiav be proviUi'd for, alter tiie death ol its head, -.u wliose e.'tei'tioas tiiey may have beeu aepeudeni lor a support, it is a good investment of mouey, even il out aiiouid live long aiier takiug out a Lite i’olicy Lxpianalory paiupiiieta, aud tUe necessary Blanks, furuished ou applicaiiou E. J. HALE. XT\A m\am (o.mim.\i, llAUri’OKI). CD.NN. l.NCOHPOKATKD isi^i. ClIAllTKll PKKPFTUAL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. lillAi'l^, I'resident. E. G. Ull’LE\, Vice Pre sident. T. A. .VLLX.VN DEK, Secretary. liiKi.i toKs —T. K. Drace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. ]'. lell, -\1. -\. Tutlle, E. Flower, E. Ilulkeley, li. Mather, E. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H Pratt, G. F. D.nis, Dunh.im, D. llillyer, T. A. Alexander, W. Keuey. The .\>sets are uiaiuly inveate'l iu .Stocks and iiouds, p.iy iiig interest, with ^172,0'il *11 of cash on deposite 111 tlie Hartford llaiiks, to meet losses. I.‘!>ses due aud unpaid — ii..ne. L sses adjusted aud not due. •>'2l,;il.'i 1.>'.'S','S iu suspense, w.iitiiig lurther proof, \c., ^75,- ,■')(• ]'j. Loises resi.'ti“i’, (su.-picious of fraud, iVc.) -$40,078 72. jJr-J" .\gctif of the above Company iu Fayetteville, .N. t;. E. J. HALE. BRITISH PERIODICALS. i,. Si'oTT .V •'•>., NEW Y(tKK, continue to publish the following leading liritish Periodicals, viz: 1. 'I HE Lt>ND(jN (.^U.\RTEKLV (Conservative). •111I-: EDIN13L KGU ULVIKW O'liig)- jlIE NDtlTIl r.UlTlSll Kl’VlEW ■ Free Church). 4 , THE WESTMLNSiEU REVIEW ; Liberal), i 5. ' r.LACKWOUD S LDlNBLlK.il .MAGAZINE (Tory). These Peri.'illcals ably ronrescnt the three great poli tical parties of (In-.it Dritain—'\h;g, Tory, and Kadi- —l>ut politics forms only ouele.iture of their char acter. As Oriraus of the most profound writers on >cienco, Literature, .'l^r.ility, aud lieiij;iou. they stand, as they ever iiave stood, unriv.ille 1 in the world of let- t -rs, tieing considered iridi-^-ensuble t'l the sth.j’ar and : le professi.mal man, while to the intelligent reader ■ 'f every class they turuish a more correct and satis- ' f H'tory record of tlie current literature of the day, tlirougiiout the world, than can be jiossibly obtained I from any otlier source. KAULV (’Ol'IKS. The roceipt of .M'V.V.Ni'L SHEK I'.s f om the liritish j J ulilishers gives a i'iitional value to these Heprints, in- • asmuch as they can U'>w be placed in the hands of sub- I s.-ribers about as soon as the original editious. i TEK.MS. I I For any one of the four lleview? j tor any two of the four Rev.ews ' For any three of the Four Reviews 1 ur all four of the Keviews ■ For lllackwood’s .Magazine ! hor IJ.acKwoo l ,ind tliree Reviews I For lllacivWood aud the four lieviews ' i'lijint'ils (j (jc m'tdr in (tU ruat.-i iu iidvnnie. Aloufy cmr(iir tn iht:, icht re issutil Lv I rtceicol at jiur. CLlIJlUXa. I dl^i-ouiit of twenty iive per cent, from the above ' price will be an'iwe t lo (.'l.fiss ordeiiii^ four or more V- ipies of any one or more of the; above works. llius; I l our ccjdes of liiackw.oo l. or of one Keview. will be I s-.'iii to one address for •'^••: fi ur copies of the four Re- i >.ews aud lilackwood for •>•>11; and so on. l'U.>i AGH. In ail tbe priiicip il t.'ities and I’owiis, these works j will be delivered, F11F1 >F I’OST.VGf^ When sent 1 l.y mall, the Postage to any p.ii t of the United States : will be but TWE.N I V-FOL'lt (’E.N I S a year for '•Black wood, ' an.I but FOLliitEN CEN TS a year for each ol the Keviews. A. li. Tllf' ju'lir III (rl'i'iit Jirititlll oj thfjiof’ I'criudimU iib(ji'c-nain> l .s I f>vr miniim. llemittauces for any of the above publications should aiways be ad lres>ed, post paid, to'he Publishers. LHO.S.VUl) SCOTT .S: Co., No. •')4 (iold street. New York. I'UOV FLLLEli, AKorneys iunl (.’mia.sellors at Law, U0!5i>0\ ’o., V. Ol’.LRT E. I'KOV and JOHN P. FULLER, h.ive formed an associa ion for the pr.ictice of their profession in K'dieson (’ouiity. The fjrmcr will also aitetol the Courts of Bladen arid (Vjlumbus; the latter will also attend th'ise of ('umberlaud. The Ofiice in Lumbertou will be kept open at all times. .Jan'y I, 18-38. 73- .Snbscriptions may be made p iy:;!.’f in work. ;i n I ^ m.ay specify whether f'lr irradiny or cr'i's-ties; .ind stockholders shall in every '-ase have i.reference in ' taiiing ('ontracts. when tiils a re the siaieorat i',n;zi- | neer's estimate. I •\s sooii as onehiin lred t'lousan l l illars are sub-| scribed, the ('omniissioner - of ' )ns’i. w oounty are to be ! notified, .and they are reijuirod to eal! a meeting of ! Stockholilers t,j organize the Cotnp.iny. I March 15. lb.'>'.. l:!tf U S MAIL, S.tijisu rtl !• to rorii HORSE coaches. '«IIE TRAVELLING PUBLIC are res['ecifully reijuested to give this line a trial, d'hey will find it to be the ih,ai,cst, xK.\KKsr and BEST route M EST. -My Coaches urc fine, large. Nine ami Four teen Passeng'-r Concord Coaches. (,\o ll.’icksi on llie ItoaiL) My Horses are well trained aud gentle, aud 1 take p eaeuie in recomiiicading the Drivers ou this line as being the lU'ist so'oer, careful aud gentlcm inly Drivers to 'le found on any stage line. Vr.ivcllers wii, find this loute a more pleasant one than any other, passing through Statesville by the t'atawl>a Kail Koad Bridge, Newton, .Morganton, Ma ri' n, I’!eisant tiardens, f waii.iiiuoa G p ol the B.ue l!iig‘‘, in In.! view uf the celebrated Mt. .Mitchell aud Mt. l'lin;inian of ihe li’ai-k Mountains. Persons wish ing to visit the Black 'ilountains can procure a guide and Horses at .\lr Stki's or I’outkh’s, and in a f«w j li.iurs tide reach the lllacii .Mountain H iuse. and at j iheir iei'Ure visit Mitc'iod’s Falls, .Mt Ciingiuan and I \‘t Mitcheil, the higliest peaks of land Last of the ' K '‘ky ^loulitait^s. Tickets on this line good for three monlhs. i Sr\(;K Okku’K in Salisb'iry, at tiie Kow.m Hous'*. i C. S DUt»\\N, Contractor. -Morganiou, N. C., .March 0th. lUU-3m ANXi^AL Mi:E'ri.\(;. '^[JlllH annual meeting of the Stockholders of the iL Fayetteville .S: Wehtern I’lank Koad (’ompany will take yilaee in the Town Mall, ou tii** li'.Uh inst., at 11 o’clock. JNO. .M. KOSE, ('lerk F. & W. P. K. Co. .\pril 7, 18r»S. 100-tt No ric E. # LL Notes aud .Accounts due J. \V. Powers .v Co., unsettled on the 1st May, will be put in suit for collcction J. B. STARR, Trustee. April 12, 1858. 101-tlst.M »! SlllvMnoi S side of (irti-n Stf rt, n .Vorl/'i ' ihr Miir'.' f rglHE Suliscriber dc'^ires thr'iugli this medium to ncWnowii i;^e tiie liberal rrTiV?S patronage li l^v.,^d Ujmn his Mouse tl.. p.i.-t year—and as he lias just erected New .''tubli-.- and Carriage Shed convenient tn the Houm- and to water he takes jdeasure in saying t.i his patrons and the public generally, that iie is still i :-^r are 1 to ac t.m- inndate them with transient and p'Tinaiient hoard, and re'pectfnlly solicits a contiiiu.in'-e uf .J:.‘r,!l j- fit. lin age heret-ifore recci\cd. rlvety e.vi;'. i. or. iii.- part shall be useil to render them on;'', ruible .'n' in-' tli ir soj'Uirn with him. 11:^ t-.* >- is Iv.-ay 'Upp’.i-''i with the best the market aff'nrds. March 24. 18.'>.>. D' i'i il:d S P ;iiK.M\v i:i.L ''f.-ti Per auu. t»o 5 00 7 00 1 8 o 00 i 00 1 U 00 10 00 VALIJ.MLI-: l‘ROi‘Min'V tos: Jll )FFER for sale, my L.VND.s in the Tnwn uf F.iy- j i etteville, about l^in Acres, known as the MUIHFORD SWAiyr?. .\bout 80 .\cres of it is tin- 'le.-ulow L iii J, us the (’’rot-, | now on it Wiil show. Also, tbe '■ V:jfSricU ''■tori* :i*ul near the Mark, t S-juarc, u.-cup' '1 iiv Mr. J.nin '. i’emberton. -V Large ;\nd Vaiualde I.'it, froiiiiii'j on !>'i!ia!d'')!i, M aywell and .Mitmfor'l .'sireL'ts. known .as the Hotel Gai leii Lot,—vould be div. ie l iiiio sevei il liuii'iing Lilts—very near the lit w K'.*nia:e lii.;:i .-rii.->1 Luilding-;. .Vlso, the St.ih'.e Loi i ijoininu. lrn;i'i:;^ ui. Mu!ii!nrd Street. Several DK.^IUAl’.LE BUILI-ING LOTS on both WinsliM.- .aud .Mumtdrd Streets. •Vll this prop.erty c.m now lie |>uroha^ed on favora ble terms, and a large part C;ui reia i:n uu Bond au'i- .Mortgage if de=ire l. liLj. J. cu;:tis. Oct. 10, 1855. t;j-tf JOSaPH H. BLOSSOM, V o .n I ^ I o A A N D FORW ARDiNc; MERCHANT, ^ ,V. Prompt personal atteutiou given to allConsigu mcuts, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship pe l to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 07 JOSEi^H liAk'iOii. .hi.. \ 1' r O 1. e: V A T s. A \v, k S AS taken an oliice ;;ext door to Wm. B. ’>>ii^ii1 s H Law oHice on (Jreeii .'^treet. Ile will .i !i-;id auii practice in the County and .Siiperinr*' oirts of ('umber land, iUadeu, Rubeson and .Sainpson. .March :^o, 7‘.t-tf .\n:i)iCAL NOTICE. KS EASI’EKLING and HEN.-\G.\N having asso ciated themselves togetiier for the purpose of I racfi!iiij .Medicine in Kockingham and vic.uity, they res[ ectfnlly solicit a lifiej-a! share of patronage, and liy t:n ir strict and prompt attention th.-y hnpe to give perfecl satisfaction tu tlmse who may lavur thtin with ;hei I .air .11 age. They will .attend any call day or ,rr///‘ Dr. Fa.'t. r’jng t.ikrs pleasure in stating to his lormer patrons that Dr. II. is a regular >:raduate. hav- iiilT l e.id //(. ' aud ;.ttended tiru j'ull cmiri’ts Lec- lurt>. One or lioth may be found at //(// hi.iiir at their Oilice opposite the Post Ollice, unless prwtessionally etigaged. 11. K. llASTI'.nLING, M. D. D. HKNAGAN. .M. D. Rockingham, .S'. (’ . .\ptil 5. l.'S.jS. lOOtf ST.lTiO.VIiK 1*. E are just receiving further Mipjdies of ST.\- TiONllKY, consisting of C lip. Post, Bath, Note ermon Pajiers. great variety; Silver Border, r ain \ i&iting and I’rinter s Cards; I’encil Sharpeners, *’ ir l Pencils, India Rubber, Meel Pens, Pen Holders, .V l>i:Il. White and Fancy Envelopes; Ink. Ink St.ands, B aiik B iuk-i, jcc.. ,S:c. E. il.VLE lV: SO.V. April 5, lb-38. I'lirilier ol* ISook«(. B IFE of I'r. Kane, by Smucktr; English Hearts and JLi Etiglioh H 111 Is; Piirton's Life of Burr; Haupt ou Bii .fje CoiiSli uction; Breckinridge’s Knowledge of •i >d; Wilson on the Skin; Plates to ditto; .Mitchell's T,iera]'eutics; Williams ou the Principles of .Medicine; lod's Practice; Pierce's Algebra and Geometry; ijj’c. .\prii E J. HALE A: SON. Gi:o. ALDERALVN, ittspvrtor of mWrrttt WILMINGTON, N. C., ^.. OL1l'1TS patioiiage. Prompt atrcntion and ouick > ihsjiatch will be given to business entrusted to his care. June 2;J, 18.37. l'.)-I2mpd A. McRIMMON, Coinmissioa and Forwarding Merchant. \VlL.Ml.N(iTON, x\. 0. •luly 0, ls57. L’2tf T. C. & B. Gr. WORTH, I CJiiiuiis.iun l’'or\N anlnig .Vhirchants, I Uruicu's Jjuihliiiy, K a/er Street, ll^linington, »Y € , Usual a.ivances made ou consignueuts. 5'J-tf N 1 , 18 -3; 1). A. LA.MONT, Commission Merchant, W’iiiniii:;Ion, A. i' OFFK'i; NoKlll U.VlhK .SfiiLl.f. I'erson.al attentimi given to all [ roduce sent to either for sale or saifunent. .Niiv'r 0. •37-lypd hitu “LAW COiWiMW. lit .aw II 1 II e '.I li rt ■! (f h 111, i Itlo- undersig.ied, have tiiis lay foriae l : • » Jopartnersiiip, and will jir.icii of the tollowii;g counties uf this .Stale: berland_ Moore, Harnett, and t!ie .Supn’ ue ( ;urt J. H HU'.HI’ON. JNO. M\NN1N'.;, I'iitsbiirough, C-, .ian’y 1. 183'). 7J 4>' tii' HO(>KIUM>lA; ,F all kinds, is e.xccuted i the best manner. j Common I’r.ayers, Bibles, and others, re- bound in the same style thi’v w-re h(‘fnr •. I'tiis wi.. ; nave tlie repurchase of new iei.iks. Liln .ai iaii"; cnniii cte 1 i with colleges, and other s»ci>'tie«, and als^l irentlenieii re^idiug at a distance, will find it a matter of ecnnomy | to get their books liouni.l here, as a dediiction-of price-. i will be made upon large nr lers; I’u:k iliem and sen ' them with p:irticular iire.tiniis to tiii- c t a i.i i ^llll.e^lt; ; and when finished, they will 'oe c.ireful y re; aeked and ' returned without delay. i I have the best stock ol materials; and workman- : j ship will compare with any either at the Noriii or I South. j .\pplv for a list of Binding prices before going else- 1 where. The undersigned respectfully solicits a sliare of patronage. THOS. li. TILL! . (AST, | h.Wll) FITI’:, MSt’tfkHtti.sot* attil M*lttsierei\ _ (iiepare'l lo do all KinJs Oi work in liis hue, in* ii 1 u lui- liie putting up of rurpeiitine Stills in tuis ai. 1 :Jic .1 Jjiiiiiiiij; couiiiie.s. I-ay etteville, .Vpril 'J7, l!^.37. 3-lV-[id JOHN 1*. S.WIi'SO.N, Ccuiinissloa aud P'orw: rding Merchant, ^' ILMINGION, I’. ( . Uill give j.aiticular uiteL.t:on to the sale of Nava Stores, v.otton, iSc. FeO'y 2^3, 18-;0. H.j-tf J. WILLLV.M i’AGE, M. 1)., i T TS ii O il O t « f#, .V. i'. may be found at his office when not 1 ,\'i rotessiLuaily engaged ly I), 1 ''6 •3tf ''I It! 1 SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attorney nnd Cuun'cMor at Law, 4'^■'ILL attend regularly the County and Superior T w Coui ts of Wake, Johnston, Cumberland, Har nett, and Wilson. .Ml business entrusted to his c.ire w ill receive prompt attention. Jan’y I'J, ’58. 70-1 y A. B. HALL, Foruardiii;; aiitl € osiiasiiiHMioii lli:UCilAA T, .\\I) .\GE.\T FOJi T. S. LiriLRLOJI, Prompt attentiou will be given to all Consignments. Wilmington, N. C., Jan. 29, 1858. 81-3m Nov. 5, 1857. .\nderson Street. 51 V liook \V MfitcMl. ^ilHE Subscrilier, having Tikeii tli-Geiieral .'.geiicy A forgetting subscribers in and iLliv-rin,:; Htwksa History of North Carolina, now in j rocess ol [iul'!ic\ tion by .Messrs. E. J. Hale Son of F’.'iy* tt* \ iife. is desirous of eutering into an enaaK' UieiU wiih one or more active, iiiteiligeut at*d reiiai le j.. r-i"ns in eacii oftbcJudici.il ilii.-a’ts, to canv ss t .. :r nspective pail5 of the St;ti-, -r p irticul i .■ • ; . tii i' Immedi.ite appiicatinn is desire.) is .s unple ol the tirst volume will will b> rci iy in a few days. ' uduubted tcsiiiuouials as to char.icter must ac- couipauy each applicatiou. .Address 11. W. ili,:,N. Blank. Warrants tor sale itt tln.s Oltice. n KTilKR nIPPIJES OF HDOK.S, ^HK Know.edge of tiod, objectively eoii-idered, by ire.kinridge. I'he Prince of the House o' D.-ivid; .''.looii .''Uggs; Wild U eotei u .Scenes; VVebsters Uiia- bi idgei] Dictionary; .Maciiey’s Lexicon of Free-.Masonry; I’l i'.'iiv teriao I’s.ihU'niist; .Stmldar i's Juvruile .Aiith- metic; Grceiileat’s .Ment.il Arithmetic; Steel Pens; Mathematical Instruments; invoice anu Keference Files; ivc , \c. li- J iiALE ^ SON. Feb. ti, 'I'lic J-itc and Corrcsj)()ii(Uncc ol' Judge J unes Ir del', oue of the .Associate Just.ce- of tlie .'^uprtine Court of the Cnited States, by Grilflth .1. .Mebie. Just rec’d. E J. H.VLE, 4' SO.\ *Yeiv Stuck of iJOOK.-S AND STA'I'iO-M::V. ■New Stock of J K ;ire n i . K a VHTii-r-. -I roc‘t*iving i-ur :ri 5 Xlli i a grcHt nin. I au , hikI t»ooU!«. 1'..^ il.i r H.iu ■■ ■ irgc aiiJ \aiied ijtocii of BL.VNK i;joKS. I’.vi’Eii. i .N , .■?, sc. (,'ouiitry Mitco ii.is an i otht s are invite.1 to call as vve o‘b‘r the above Stock oti the best terms. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept’r 28. «