k K to 11 RmI Roa.l, fp V^on, Fay«.tt^.,„j 10th C r.V't.r,":,;-;- [oftioe of the ^'le- h. i^ua at the V , j 0 J WarJ. j ,J It. Jr., Ow*.a Hug. V I'r. M J,' . aeu, J ), ; ..e8by.Bp,a^^ ‘h ® 1- "“’y ‘ 0>irt “ bavi,i M untyr-.urt iHon, 'p. rp>’v. W„, rntli “t th U e oftipe Han I.,,; 1*"“™'’ ' ■' ih«re |ftTnp>4 r- ^prptiT. ;.. J'‘R'l iu „:; re..,r, ■ lartf'i tn t ( ihle W Tks ““J or oro.«-tits; *na l»ve preference It, “ ‘f -*t Kng, |d d..:ixr. Hrt *ub- in. t.' ICAti a nieeting ,r \ay KH S|:. i. i\ 'i ^ I rlh if rea through this l^'lge thr liberal t>>9 IJpiise the past New stahles and louse and to water is patn.ns and the ^rrpHri ■! to accom- ■manent hoard, and the liberal fiat.on leitior. on lii> part rtahle during their *ays •) ppU^d with MWt; L •% f • tlie T .wn of F»v ra as the HP. Laud, i ihr; r ; IfclKt I..OI J by \|r John \ ini on i>oUr/;d3nn, nowu as ihe Hott«i sev.rral Building h tichool Uuildingd. outiug on Mumf^rd G L * I ■ uU bulb irctiHS.-d on t'nT'Ta ernain ou Bond - - I HO. J. ■'KTls 4i-tf 3SSOM. o A Hi MAN r, .V. f’. (iven to all :oudign Produce to be slip Arket. o7 Jr., L \ \V, o Wm. B. Wright’s He will attend and r Courts of t'umbeT T'J-tf ■ day formed a Law otice in the Courts ,te: Chatham, Cum- upreme Court. I. lI -UiiHTON. M ' NSINO. S. 72- Vaiited. the General Agency deliveriDg Hawks's process of publica- of FfiyeiieTille, i» [eruent with one or »le persons in eat ti IS their respective uulies, tlior«ughly. as sample copies ol in a few days, iharacter must »c- »88 H ... H H toru* I 4sorssroRii. iH. C'. 64-ypJ bool Book^* I Arithmetic Bu.ll..a - ‘*1"* Hurvi yiciii. ,r’. aui WebHter » tin Lexicon; HALr. i ■S :o\L. best quality can be t'a re>—>n»ible pri^® Me ■ 'NE litiniug Kngin«**'> b-tf RY HIDES. iperi'jr article; For ‘jai* by , JAr- :00K. 02- IPAiriETOWIIlMi 8EMI-WEEKL.Y. [\0\.. VII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 3, 1858. ■ [NO. 707.] MON'KAV.S \M) TMURSUAVS n \V\IM) J. H \LK & SON. : i>ri'nKS \Nli 1'K(»1'K1KTi)HS. liir th.-Semi-Weekly OnsuRVKR 00 if'paid in 5u if puiii durliiy: the year of subscrip- :i 'rl ai'terihe year lias ex)>ired. , \\ oekly ()bs«:rv>;k UO per annum, if paid in (i.ivtm e: V- >’>* it’ piii'l duriuji: tlie yeiir of stibscrii)- ■ i: r > ■ 00 after ti;e ear had expired. \liVKHTISF.MKN rs inserteil for .sixty cents per ,;.re 'f lt»line-i far tlio and thirty cents for each iin^ 1' ! 'lii-ittiou. Yearly ndvertisenientt^ by spe- .iitnii'ts. -it rou.'onable rates. Advertiners are Hi -’0 1 t'' '*ti\te the number of iusertions desired, or itiiuied till forbid, and charged accord- tiicy will AS received akd offers for of sale, a desirable line A.ivertMenieiit T, extra. Ill be iuKerfed tnsiJr, rharj^ed 60 per Fire insHrance. U''' r refer onr readers to the annual statement of the .Kina Insurance Company, of Hartford, h will be found in another column. This success- ;. liiirirution was incorporated by the Legislature of .’if.'tii'ut in 181'.\ with a perpetual charter. Its •'^■■>00,0(*0, aud its accumulations exceed more, making its entire assets ever $300,- , mveoied as detailed in the atatement referred to. I -e results indicate that during the period of nearly years ^ince its organization, (without a single of its chief officer,) its business has V)een con- .• -i with judgment anl prudence. It has been ...' far >ucce:9ful in an eminent degree, discharging, xe are informed, all its obligations by the payment ' hImiui trn nillion dollan for losses, without asking a s ielay iu any instance. It has had but little lit- _%il 'n, notvcithstanding the immense number of trans- ; ->ns made. In order to attain as much certainty as ■s-iible iu .such u business as insurance, it has been ; .1' practice of the Company, for several years, at ■ labor, carefully to cla.'^sify and arrange their | into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain j : iraouut insured on each class, the amount of pre- . received thereon, and the amount of lo-^ses up 1 t"!ch. This classification, extending over a long I J.and covering property to a very large amount,fur- : : > leliable data, and presents a sound, substantial f adual experience, upon which to conduct its | >.ue.-*s. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, i- ninny suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and , ■- j i-.uciples capable of being reduced to a system, the ; :i i.tical working and results of which are as certain U liist "f auy other business. The .lltna Company, y -i ; ; . ring rigidly to its system, aud placing its busi- L u[ n a healthy basis, has obtained the confidence ■ T ie immunity to an extent surpassed by no other • mp iiiy in the U. States, and ha.« increased its busi- ’ iiid its income from year to year with a steadi’ ! w. ■->ne great source of its security is the wide I ■ • ^jti.'U if its risks—a policy which it pursues ! :. ifertt strictness—limiting the amount to be cov- ' i in each locality. By this course it has passed, c 'tnpurative impunity, through some of the most ■/-Lfi' and destructive fires, which have swallowed u}> iit-r. .lup.inies less cautious in their bu-iness. it is . . -;ein like this, based upon experience, which gives . .i HU I souuduess to a company, aud to the as- '^i , iifi lenoe and security. — Baltimort Piitrim. . ITM i.\siiiA.M'E mm\, : HAKTFOUI), CO.NN. ; ..N-aUMKATLD IM'.t. ('n.XllTKK I’KKFKTUAL ; Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. K liR.VCK, President. E. G. Kll’LE^, Vice Pre- lent T. -A. .\LEX.\NDER, Secretary. .■:h- iR' —T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. ; - . M. .\. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, K. NL’i.t-r, F. G. Riple}’, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G !• .\. Dunham, I). Hillyer, T. A. .\lexander, . ivtii'-y. iut .\j?et.i arc mainly invested iu Stocks and Bonds, ; . interest, with >'17l!,6t)4 til of cash on deposite •• Hartford lianks, to meet losses. . due and unpaid—none. L. ;-se> adjusted and not due, 9.'>. ' in suspense, waiting further proof. Jiic., !. :ses resi>tei', ' suspicions of fraud, &c.) >^46,677-. Agent of the above Company iu Fayetteville, i’OPAKTNERSHIP NOTICE. undersigned has this day associated with him J .Mr. L. ('. LINEBERRV, for the purpose of trana- actiug a Wholesale aud Retail l>ry Goods and Grocery business. The business will in i'uture be conducted under the style of W. H. CARVER & CO. general assortment will be kept constantly on h;ind, and the patronage of the public is respectfully soiieited. W 11 CARVER. Fayetteville, March -2. IH;')'^. ;»»itf N. H.—All persons indebted to me by not** nr account are requesteil to call and settle immediately, as mv old business Mvsr be ri.o.sKD. W. H. C AKW DRY (JOODS. \v\l. .MACINTYRI H Ladies’ Dress Groods, Silk, Barege anil Lawn Robes; Dress Silk Bareges, Challies, Bombazines, .\lpaccas; Swiss, Tarleton, Jaconet, Nansook Muslins: Printed Lawns, Calicoes, Ginghams, Brilliantea; Ribbons, Ruches, Frencli .Vrtificials; Laces, Edging. Braids; Tapes and Fringes; French Working Knitting Cotton; Embroidering Silk; •laconet and Swiss Edging and Inserting: Linen and Lisle Edging; Capes, Collars, Sleeves; Kid, Silk, and Lisle Gloves and Gauntlets; J. .j P. Coates’ Spool Cotton; Sewing Silk; Enameled and Elastic Belts; Table Damask; Napkins and Towels; Patent Turkish and .\llandale Counterpanes, Irish Lineu, and Shirt Fronts and Collars; Ladies’ Bonnets, very fine, and some price to them. Leghorn and Braid Flats; READY-MADE CLOTHING: BOOTS, GAITERS and SHOES; Carpeting, and Floor Oil Cloth, and Matting; Extension Steel Spring Skirts, rec’d to-day, price $4 Fayetteville, 29th March. 97tf FOR S\LE. 4DAMANT1NE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and common TOB.-VCCO; and almost anything in the Grwcery line. Cheap as the cheapesti G. W I. GOLUSTON. Jan’y ‘27. 18G7. 77- Hawkses Hisioryi OF .\ORTII €^ROI.irVA. The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our General Agent for the State, H. \V. Horne of this place, or any of his Assistant Agents. The price varies according to style of binding; In handsome cloth •■fl 2-'); in Library Sheep $1 60; in half Calf i!! 75. It IS SOLD ONLY roR Cash. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our Agents. A liberal discount will be made where quantities are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to any part of the country, on rcceipt of the price and ‘24 cents to pay postage. The 2d volume is in course of preparation. There will probably be four or five volumes in all. The suc ceeding volumes will probably contain about 500 pages e.'ich, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, viz; half a cent a page for the cloth binding, ‘25 cents ad'litional for sheep and 60 cents additional for the half calf binding. E. J. H.\LF^ & SON. Fayetteville, April 29, 1857. P. S. The Agent and his Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accompanied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. BACON, LAKI) 40 AM) PORK. HHDS. B.ACON, well smoked; 20 Bbls. Leaf Lard; | 76 “ Mess Pork i S5 Sacks Coffee; 1 23 Bbls. Sugar; 40 Boxes Candy; | 30 “ No. 1 Soap, j Oranges, Raisins, &c. j The above goods were bought of Commission Mer- i chants, and very cheap for Cash, and will be sold cheap for Cash only. E. F. MOORE. March 2^*. ^7tf WHISKEY AND BRANDY. BBLS. CORN WHISKEY; 30 Bbls. Apple Brandy; ir» “ Domestic do. 15 “ N. E. Rum. The above Whiskey is the pure Corn W'hiakey select- STAXDARD & MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. OR. KANE'S .\rctio Explorations,—cloth, sheep and half calf; Prescott’s Ferdinand and Isabella, Conquest of Peru, Phillip 2d, and Conquest of Mexico; Henry Cla^^’s Works. 6 vols.; Benton’s Thirty Years in the U. S. Senate; Daniel Webster’s Works, G vols.; -Memoirs of S. .S. Prentiss; Iriving’s WorKS, 15 vols., cloth and sheep; Memoirs of Wm W irt; Irving's Life «f Washington, cloth and sheep; Life and (’oirespon- dence of Webster; Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition; Ab- bott’s Napoleon; The Indigenous Races of the Earth, by Nott & Gliddon; Recollections of A Life Time, by Goodrich. (Peter Parley;) Hume and Macaulay’s His tories of England; Hallam’s, Robertson’s, Johnson’s, Burke’s, .Vddison’s, Hannah More’s and Dick’s Works, Southey’s Common Place Book; Historical Collections of Virginia; Dickens’s Complete Works, lo vols. illus trated; LaMartine's History of Turkey; The tjueens of Scotland, by Agues Strickland; Goldsmith's Animated ■Nature; Noctes .\mbrosiame, 6 vols.,—edited by Dr. .McKenzie; Rollin’s Ancient History; Constitutional Text Book; .Millman's Gibbon’s Rome; The Statesman’s .Manual; Tales and Novels of Maria Edgeworth; Proc tor’s History of the Crusades; Chambprs’ Information for the People; Tytler’s Universal History; Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson; Chambers’ Miscellany, 10 vols.; .Vppletou’s Cyclopedia of Biography; The Scottish Gael; Encyclopedia Americana, 14 vols.; Waverly Novels iu i2, 24 and 27 vols.; Wilson’s Tales of the Borders and of Scotland; DeTocqueville’s Democracy iu .\merica; Knight’s Half Hours with the best Authors; Bulwer's Novels, complete in one vol; Plutarch's Lives; •Modern British Essayists; Lyell's Principles of Geolo gy: Tales of the Arabian Nights, 4 vols. illustrated; •Maury a Physical Geography of the Sea; Adventures of a Gentleman iu Search of a Horse; Mrs. Ellis’s Family Monitor and Guide to Social Happiness; The Bachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage; History of the Revolutions in Europe; Lockhart’s Life of Walter Scott: Hiigg’s W’inter Evening Tales; Woodfall’s Junius; McIntosh’s Miscellanies; Hf.milion’s Philosophy and Literature; Mc.Aulay's Miscellanies; Marshall’s Wash ington; Life of Pinckney; Brande’s Encyclopedia; The U. S MAIL. UR 1* to I '##> JL FOUR HORSE CO:\CIIES. rjlHE TRAVELLING PUP.LI'' • .Jl are respectfully requesteil to give this line a trial. They will find it to be the cheapest, .nk.vkkst and BEsT route WEST. My Coaches are fine, large, Nine aud Four teen Passenger Concord Coaches. (i%o Hack^ oil the Roail.) My Horses are well trained and gentle, and 1 take pleasure in recommending the Drivers on this line as being the most sober, careful and gentlemanly Drivers to be found on any stage line. Travellers will find this route a more pleasant one than any other, passing through Statesville by the Catawba Rail Road Bridge, Newton, Morganton, Ma rion, Pleasant Gardens, Swanannoa Gap of the Blue Hi Ige, in full view of the celebrated Mt. Mitchell and Ml. Clingman of the Black Mountains. Persons wish ing to visit the Black Mountains can procure a guide and Horses at Mr. Steps or Poktkr’s, and in a few hours ride reach the Black Mountain House, and at their leisure visit Mitchell’s Falls, Mt. Clingman and Mt. Mitchell, the highest peaks of land East of the Rocky Mountains. Tickets on this line good for three mouths. Staok Okpick in Salisbury, at the Rowan House. C. S. BROWN, Contractor .Morganton, N. (\, March Gth. lOO-Om I. IJ TT EIILO 11’8 I. I \ I-:. ^■’IHE Steamer F.\NNY will leave Favotteville for Thf* i'arriaf^e Factory in the South! \ A. ^IcKF/niAA ESPPXTFU LLV informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substat[uai Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for man ufacturing Carriages. Tliankt'ul for the very liberal imfronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes tiy strict attention to business, with a desire ! to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same, fie warrants his work to be made of the best ni;iterial and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably I iCPTlie 4‘21 Animal Convention of . the Protestant Episcopal Church iu the Diocese of I North Carolina, will be held in ST. PAUL’S CHURCH, EDENTON, on the second Thursday (13th) in May 18.58. EDW'.\RD LEE WINSLOW, Sec’y Fayetteville, April 2*5, 1858. 5- The Salisbury, Charlotte, Raleigh, Hillsborough. Wihnington, Elizabeth City, Newbern and Washington papers, are requested to copy. HANK OF CAPE FE.AR. ^ I’RiL 21st, 1858 OTICE.—The ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders of this Bank will be held at the Banking House in Wilmington, on Thursday the (ith day of May next. H. R. S.\V^\GE, (’ashr. April 12. 6tm KDWAKI) I.EE WINSI.OVy has removed his office tor the present, to the “Willkings Building,” and may be found there. Fayetteville, April 26, 185S. 5-4t FOR RENT. ^JIHE STORE lately occupied by April 20. with any made in the United Stales, for neatness and I terms apply to durability. He is deteriniued to sell and do any - work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well ilone. He now has on hand Fi.vishku. the LARGEST STOCK of Huroticlirs, Itorknwnija, ond Ever ortered in this place, ana a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. C. J. & R H Jones, adjoining the store of D. ^ W. .McLaurin EDWIN GLOVER 4-lm Wilmington every •Monday and Thursday morn- i All of which will l>e sold very low for Cash, or ou ing, until further notice, senjrers as heretofore. Feb’v 22. Will take freight aud pas- T. S. LUTTERLOH. 87- D ed by myself with care, and equal to any made in the Pnnce of the House of David; The Poetical Works of State, and will be sold at the lowest market price for ; Hcmans. Scott. Campbell, .Milton, Byron, Moore, Burns, Cash. E. F. MOORE. Shakspeare, ic-, in various styles. March ’29. '.'7tf E. J. HALE & SON. BO ERH AV E’S liOLLA\i» ItlTTEUS E. HALE BRITISH PERIODICALS. i, :-rnTT j- CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, vi^: I. HE London QlARTEIlLV .Conservative). .UK EDINBLRGH REVIEW .Whig,. illE NORTH P.KlTISll REVIEW ; Free Church 4. iHE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). BOOKS. O.M.VT'S Civil Law, Starkie on Slander; Evi- \CKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). f 'r «ny jne of the four Reviews r viiy two of the four Reviews ^ r finy three of the Four Reviews ^ ..i t'lur (if the Reviews Blackwood’s •Magazine ■ 'T Isiackwood and three Reviews t -r lilackwood and the four Reviews P: Tiifse Periodicals ably represent the three great poli- 1 parties of Great Britain—W'hig, Tory, and Radi- • i,—but politics forms only one feature of their char ter ,\s Organs of the most profound writers on it-nre. Literature, .Morality, and Religion, they stand, a- tliey ever h.ave stood, unrivalled in the world of let- >r-, ’jeing considered indispeusable to the scholar and ■;.i-j rctV'sional man, while to the intelligent reader '■ Hv.-ry class they turuish a more correct and satis- -A't ry rec ird of the current literature of the day, inr.iujtliout the world, than can be possibly obtained fr ,in auy other source. EAKLV COPIES. Tiie receipt of .VDV.-VNCE SHEETS from the British ;"*'i^hers gives additional value to these Reprints, iu- Q as they can now be placed in the hands of sub- L'r«. about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. Per ann. *3 0(J I 5 00 7 00 8 00 I a 00 w 00 10 00 lo }jt mmh in all ratei tn adi'inne. current in the State where issued wtll he at par. CLUHIUNd. .V discouui of twenty-five per cent, from the above Pf ' I will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more I'les of any one or more of the 'i>'ove works. Thus; “ ur copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be ■-■11 t'. me address for •'jilt; four copies of the four Re- "vk and Blackwood for Jj!l)0; and so on. i’OS'l'AGE. lu all the principal t'ities and Townh, tliese works *..! be delivered, FREE OF POST-AGE. When sent .■ mail, the Postage to any part of the United States ‘ b ■ but TWENTY-FOUR (’ENTS a year for ‘*B’.ack- iJ, and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for eiich the Iteviews. li. The price in Great Hritain of the Jive I' r.iilx ahoce-named in per annum. Heiiiin.'inces for any of the above publications should • • ;j. addressed, post-paid, to *he I’ublishers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Gold street, New York. North carollna bacon. HA.MS, Sides and Shoulders, for sale by BEVERLY HOSE. 80- THE CKL»;BRATKU UOLLAND RKMKDY fOR DTSapEFSJA, DISEASE OF TJff: KIDNErS, LIVER COMPLAINT, \veakx?:ss of axy kixd, FEVER AND ACUE. And ihe VRrliiiis affections consenuenl uiM>n a ili»orilereil STOMACH OR LIVER, Such K\ I.Acidity of the Stomach, C*»licky Pntn* He:trtlmrn. ol Apjielite, Itesponilency. Costivrnc.-ss, Blind nnd Bleeding I’iles. In all .Vervoiis, Ki:euiiiatic, and .Neurilgic Affec- tt,'*ns.'u has in nniDerinK instiifices (ir.ved highly l»cneJiclal, and in others effected a decided cure Thi" is a imrely vegeuible compound. pre|>ared on strictly srien title iirinciples, alter ihe iirinner of the celehrited HoflHnd Pro- lessor, Moerlmve, IJccaiise of its creat success in most of the Europeiin States, its introduction into the I’nited States was in teni^ed more especially for those of our fiilherinnd scattered here and there over the l^ice of this miuhiy country Meetini? with treat "success among them. I now offer it to the ,\merican public, knowing that Its truly wonderful mcdicinal virtues must l>e ac- kt'owlediied. It is piirli alnrly recommended to those persons whose cimsiitu- tions m.'ty liave lieen impnired liy the contiIlUou^ use ofurdent spirits, or other foims ol dissipation. (Jeqerally instantaneous In etl'eri. it finds its way direi tly to the seat of life, thriUing and quirienine every nerve. r;iising up the drooping spirit, and, In Irtct, iiilustng new he.ilth nnd vigor in the system. M t l'lt’E—Whoever exiiects lo tinit this a heverage w ill !«■ dis appointed; but to the sii-k, we»k nnil low spirited, it will prove h grateful Hroiiiatic cordial, possessed o| singular remedial prof>erlie» C A i; T 1 (> N : The great )K>pularity of this delightful .\roma has Induced many imit«tinns, which the public shoulil guard against purchasing;, lie not persuaded to buv anything else until you have given Boer- have's Holland Bitters a fair trial. One botile will convince you how infin’tely «u|»erior it is lo all these Imilalions. {t5"5iold at $I.Ot per bottle, or six bottles for |l6,0(i, by the S o h K P R (J P R 1 E T O R ri. IIKXJ\V||.\ PACE, JR. A eo. H4Sl)FA(.TllRlNO CHARM.VCEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS. Pittsburgh, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale sole agent for Fayetteville. June 14, 18o7. D>- A PROCI.A^MATION, Hy his Euccllenci/, Tho.MAS Braou, Goi'ernor of North CaroHnd. WHEREAS, it has V>eeu represented to me that one .Archibald McDougald, late of the (?ounty of Cumberland, did on the 27th day of February last, iu said County, kill and murder one Thomas Munroe, aud that the said McDougald is a fugitive from ju.«tice, and has escaped beyond the limits of this State. Now’, to the end that the said .\rchilr.ild McDougald may be arrested and brought to trial for his 'said of fence, I do hereby issue this my Ppoclamatiou, ofteriug a Reward of Two Hundred Dollars for his appreheu- siou and delivery to the Sheriff of Cumberland County. DESCRIPTION. .McDougald is about fifty years of age, of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, has a scar on the face near one of his jaws, weighs about lt»5 or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, tiud while drunk is turbulent aud troublesome. Given under my baud aud the Great Seal of [l a.jthe State, nt Raleigh, this the Sixth day of March, D. Ib'iH. By the Governor, I'HOS. liR.AGG. Pulaski Cowper, Pr. .Sec’y. I .March 15. 'i^tf I Blanks for sale at thi8 Ottice. Roscoe’s Crim dence; Chitty on Contracts; “ “ Criminal Law: “ “ Pleading; Stephen on Ditto.; Chitty ou the Law of Car riers; Selwyn’s Nisi Prius,—.\m. Notes; Smith':i Chancery Practice; “ Landlord aud Ten ant; “ on Contracts: “ Leading Cases; Story on Conflict of Law; “ Equity Jurispru dence; “ on Sales; “ on Partnership; “ Equity Pleadings; “ on Contracts; Fearne on Remainders- Edwards on Bailments; Byles’ on Bills; Tayler’s Law Glossary; Dart on Vendors and Pur chasers of Heal Estate; Broom’s Legal .Maxims; “ Commentaries bn the Com. Law; Adams’s Equity; “ on Ejectment; Burrill on Ciraum. Evidence; *• Law Dictionary Leading Cases in Equity; Tidd’s Practice—.Vm. Notes; Hill on Trustees, “ “ .Matthews’ Presumptive Evi dence; Powell on Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme (’ourt Keports, &c- Sedgwick on the .Measure of Damages; Sedgwick on Statutory and Cons. Law; Hale’^ Pleas of the Crown; Bishop on .Marriage atul Divorce; Mitford’s Chancery Plead ings; Sanderson Uses & Trusts: Hargrave & Butler’s Coke upon Littleton; U. States Digest; St.ate Trials of the U. S ; Russell on Arbitration; Morris on Replevin; Troubat on Limited Part nerships; Sugden on Vendors; “ on Powers; Saunders ou Pleading; Reports; Addison on Contracts; Wharton ou Homicide; Wharton j Stile’s Med. J urisprudence; Newlau 1 on Contracts; Roper on Legacies; Williams on Executors; on Personal Pro perty; Oliver on Conveyancing; I Lube’s Equity Pleading; Gresley’s Law of Evi dence; Kent’s Commentaries; Curtis’s Commentary; Bradford’aSurrogate Re ports; Tapping on M&ndamus. Crown Circuit Companion Wiley’s N. C. form Book; &c. E. J HALE. & ^N. >nii)iCAL BOOKS. UNGLISON’8 Tlierftpealics and Materlft Medic*: Medical Dictionary; “ Human Physiology; “ Practice of Medicine; on New Remedies; Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; Woman, and her Diseases; Childbed Fevers; Diseases ot the Uterus; Dewees on Children; Females; Horner’s -Anatomy and Histology; Miller’s Principles of Surgery; Practice of do.; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. .States, Wilson’s Human Anatomy, by Goddard; Ricord and Hunter on Venereal, by BumsteaJ: Watson’s Practice of Physic, by Condie; Wood aud Bache’s U. S. Dispensatory; Pancoast's Wistar’s Anatomy; W’ilson on Diseases of the Skin; “ “ the Skin and Hair; Five’s Surgical Cases; Churchill on Children, by Keating; “ System of Midwifery, by Condie; “ Diseases of Women by do.; Ellis’s Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes’ and Paget’s Physiology; Regriault’s Elements of Chemistry; Fownes’ Chemistry for Students: Bartlett on Certainty in Medicine; Smith and Horner’s Anatomical .Atlas; Bird on the Urinary Depoaites; Pereira’s .Materia Medica and Therapeutica; Carpenter’s Humau Physiology, by Smith; Dickson’s Elements of Medicine; Taylor on Poisons, by Griffith; Burrows’ on Cerebral Circulation; Wilson on Syphilis; Draper’s Physiology—illustrated; Solly on the Brain; Hope on th« Heart, &e., &o. £. J. HAL£ * BOIK. Oot. 26, 1867. •MK1)k:.\l notk'i:. IIS. E.ASTERLIN(J and HEN.A(J.\N having asso ciated themselves together for the purpose of practicing .Medicine iu Rockingham and vicinity, they respectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage, and by their strict and prompt attention they hope to give perfect satisfaction to those who ni.iy favor them with their patronage. They will attend any call day or ' niijkt. Dr. Easterling takes pleasure iu stating to his ! former patrons that Dr. H. is a regular graduate, hav- ; ing read three years and attended two full courses oi Lee- , tures. One or both may be found at nny hour at their i Office opposite the Post Office, unless professionally I engaged. H. R. EASTERLING, M. D. D. HENA(iAN. M. D. Rockingham, N C., .April 5, Ibo^^. lOOtf COUPON BONDS FOR SALK. ri'^HE Western Hail Road Co. have for sale in amounts ■ ^ to suit purchasers. 8'20,000 of the Coupon Bonds of tbe County of : Cuinberlaud, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable Semi-annually on the 1st June and tbe lit of Decem ber, and running 'JO years. Sl*0,000 of the Coupon HoiiJs of the Town of Faytitfeville, bearing per cent interest, jiayable semi- : annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued in accorilance with law i.i the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County lud Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds iat the price the Co. is selling themi a better investment than any Bank .Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. B. M.VLLETT. Esq., Pres’t or , to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas r Western R. R. ('o. ' Fayetteville, Feb'y 2'>, 1H-3S. S'.Uf DOBBIN HOrSK For Rent or Lease. fllHE Lease of the present Proprietors of this well JL known House will expire on the 1st January. ISOS; the property is offered for lease or rent. short time to punctual eustoniers. 11 e has on hand more than ONE I1L'.NI>REI) .AND FIF'I'^' Vehi- I cle.« finished anil in cour>e of eoust ruction. ! ^ All work made by him i.s warranted 12 mouths j with f.tir usajie, aud should it fail by bad wnrkmanship j or material will be rejiaired free of chaige. | Persons wisliing to Viuy would do wi-H to call and j exaiuiue for themselves. Orders thankfully received aud proin] :ly attended to. | Repairing executed at ,-hort notice and on very ; reasonable terms j May -.>8, 185.^ tf- 8?* ! JA.S. C. SMITH. MIT-ES COSTIN JAS. C. SMITH & Co.. Factors^ tJommisswn ami For~ warAing Jfierrhants. WILMINGTON. N. C. PROMPT attention given to sale of I'IMBER, LL'.M- BER, NAV.AL STORES and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements made on Consignments. Refers to E. P. Hall, Pres’t Branch Bank of State H. R. Sav.^oe, Cash’r Bank Cape Fear. John Daw son, Esq. April 25, 1858. 6-1 \ Presbyterian copy. D. A. LAMONT, Coxnmission Merchant, Wiliiiiiifi^losi, r%. t: OFFICE 88 NORTH WATER STREET Personal attention given to all produce sent to either for sale or shipment. Nov’r t'. r)7-lypd hiui J. W. BAKKR Is now receiving from the North the largest, tinest, aud nio.st carefully He-i lected Mtock of ri:K.\iTi Ki^: ever offered in this market; which, added to his own i manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of j which lie ^^ill sell t ii the lowest possible terms for cash ; or oil time to putictua! cu'tonieis. i Fa-.hionaMe p.ainted cottage bed-room Furniture in , >ett.-i, curled iiair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Lookit.z (ilas-ie-; Willow Wntrons and Cradles; Side Board.' N.,t.-; 1 War'll! Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut: Tetc a Tetes; ()ttomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Ro.sewood Piuno.s, one with iEolian At tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the bet manufac tories in New V»rk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, aud will be sold at N. York l)rices—freight only added. September 2. 45-tf JOHN \\ SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will give particular attention to the saie of Naval Stores, Cotton, 4cc. Feb’y 25, 185ti. 8r.-tf J. WH.LIA.M PA(a:, Al. D., r iTTS Bit RO FG it, .V. i\ ■ "KR. P.AGE may be found at his office when uoi professionally engaged. May tj, 1857. Titf 'riie Life anti Corresj)on{lciice of Bureaus; .'Secretaries aud I'.les, all sorts; Wa**!! Stands; Candle Stands; fies; Picture Frames aud Glass; Window Shades; To n person desirous of undertaking the Hotel Imsiness, an excellent opportunity is offered. The building is large, well arranged and in complete repair; its location will always command for it an extensive patronage. As the present Proprietors intend changing their busi ness, the Furniture, which is nearly new aud in good order, can be purchased ou favorable terms. The House will be delivered on or after the 1st of January, remaining open under the present manage ment till a tenant is obtained. Tbe fine Store in the same building, formerly occu- Commission Merchaill, NO. 4 NOFtll VV ateF St. pied by >i;. Wm. Booth, is also offered for rent. LAND rOR SALK. In .A’RES OF L.VND lying on upper fl. *r"r Little River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located for theTurpentine business. It will be sold on accommodating terms. Apply soon to the Subscriber at Fayetteville. W.M. McL. McKAV. Sept. 22. 185G. 41-tf Judge James Irodel’, one of the Associate Justices of Book-Cases; What- ! the Supreme Court of the United States, by Griffltli J. McRae. Just rec’d. E. J. ll.ALE, ^ NORTH CAROLINA REAPHRs 1 A.\u PREPARED WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE W’ANTS AND INTERESTS OK •Vorfli Cat'olinti. CNt)KR THK AI SPICF.S OF TUB Sl PERlNTEN’UltNT OF OO-M- MON SCHOOLS, BY Kcv. F. Hubbard, PROFKSSOR OF THE L.\TIN L\N(it:AUK A.M> I.ITEUATl Jta I .N THE VSIVEKSITY OF NORTH OAROLl.VA. W. H. TURLINGTON, Dec’r 10, 1857 JNO. 11. COOK, Prest. Dobbin House Co. 09-tf u AL.lBlM.lLl.\DFORmE. TB’^HE Subscriber offers for sale TH1RT\-FI\L! JL HUNDRED .ACRES of Land in as healthy a sec tion as there is in .Alabama. FORTY ACRES, on which are a good Dwelling and all necessary out-houses. in good repair. ' ONE HUNDRED andSIXTV ACHES, good river hot- ■ to.n land, 100 acres of which is under cultivation aud produces fine crops of ('otton and Corn. i NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and | Pine land, on which is some good farmine land. ' TWENTV-THREE HUNDRED aud FORTY .ACRES Pine land, well suited for Turpentine getting. This property will be sold clieap and on accominod i- ting terms. .Address the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. O., Monroe Couiity, Alabama. WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. March 11, 1858. '.'2-ly MITCHELL'S FALLS. I AGENTS WASTED IN EVERY mm OF THE STATE j ^■10 canvass the same, and procure subscribers’ ! J. names for the sale and delivery of an excellent ! LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, i taken upon the spot and gotten up in the finest style j of the art, representing the place where the Rev. I ELISHA MITCHELL lost his life in his e.Kplorations of the Black Mountains, in the Summer of 1857. L jmn the receipt of Three Dollars, we will furnish to any j person desirous of taking an .Agency, Two Pictures, i one tiuted aud one colored, as samples, with full par- ticulars as to the terms of the agency, «&c. W e will j offer inducements sufficient to make it pay an ener getic agent. For further particulars address us at Asheville, N. C. LEWIS & DICKENfeON. j 1*. S. Mr. Dickenson is also Agent for the! Mt. .Mitehell .Monument Association, and during his tour thmugh the State will receive subscriptions for j that -bject. W. T. DICKENSON. ! Feb'y y, 1858'. 8.5-Om (iEO.^LDKRMAN, inspeetor of •Vuval Storm, WILMINGTON, N. C., ^OLICITS patronage. Prompt attention and quick despatch will be given to business entrusted to his care, June 23, 1857. 19-12mpd A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. WILMINGTON, N C. July 6, 1857. --tf T. O. & B. a. WORTxI, Commission Forwaniinj^ .Mercliaiits, Broicn't liuildirtg. Heater Street, Vif*ilmington, .V € , Utoal advances made on conilgnmenta. No7. 11, 1867. 6y-tf WILMINGTON, N. C. nr ILL give his prompt person.al attention to the sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval St'jresor other Countr* Produce. Nov. 8. 18.')»i. tf III'. K. \. BLACK, FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinslale’3 Chemist and Drug Store. Feo’v 7, 185ti, ro-tf T NOTICE. ■^HE undersigned h. viug executeil a power of .At torney t ) E. F. .Moore, be is thereby authorized make all settlements for me aud iu my name, and generally to transivct all busine>s as I might or could do were I j)ersonally present. J. J. MOORE. Fayetteville, June S. lh')7. I3tf .\ tresli su|)|)ly of Lime. Plastering H.iir, Calcined Plaster, Hylraulic (>ment, an 1 Land Plas.er. For sale in quantities to suit, bv ■r. rose Feb’y I-'), 1858. 85t THO. C. FULLER, ,Ettor»9Ptf fiUft i'OHUseltor at Ituw. OFFICE at Eiicles’s Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Esq.. Fayetteville, N. (' Jan’y i, 1857. LOVERl) ELDIilDGE, *ittor»ifff at Mjatr, WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son (lounties. •Smithtield, .April 15, 185'i. !ti-tf "Worth & Utley, Fdi w.’irdinjj and (it'neral Commission M ERCH ANTS, FaifCttfi'iHe, .V. 4’. J. A. WORTH. (72tf) D JOH. iitlry. COrrON P.AUCxLNCi. L MjHE aud GLNNV B.AGGING in quantities to suit purchasers. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. Sept. 17. 4‘ltf LIFE insurance. ^■IHE Undersigned has been appointed .Agent o! -I. the North Caroliii.-i Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Every member for life participates iu tue pro fits of the Company: aud the annual premium for life membership, where it amounts to ^:'0 or more, may be paid oue-half in cash, and the other half iu o note at 12 months. Debtors' lives may be insured by creditors. -A man may insure iiis own ii;e ior tiie e\i.-iu.'ive bwTietit of his taiiiily The live.s of slaves may be insured. Tb’.s system is rapi lly gVowiug lavor, all over the eiviiueii worid it is-one by w)i:oh a family, lor I 'iuai\ sum auuuaily. mi.' ■••• I'luvided lor, after the ... .th «.;■ iis lioa i. .-.?i e.\.-.-tIoji3 tliey may have i).-^u .. ... ior a supi-ort. It is i -ood investment j of money, eveu ii o;.-- i d live .ou^ il't *i taking ' out a Life Policy Exp.aualory pamj)iiiets, and tin' I necttssaty Blanks, lurnished on application E. J. hale. CONTAINING A FAMILIAR HISTORY AND UE.SCRII* TION OF NOBTB CAaOLINA. Selections in Prose and Verse; many of them by eminent citizens of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, •And a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Stn- tistics, by C. II. WII.KV Number 3 is a new and revised edition of the North Carolina Header, first published in 1851. Numbers 1 and 2 just issued, complete the series, which is, as a, whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the United States, and as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) iu his Preface to aN'uiu- ber 1 deems it proper to allude to a few of the peculiar advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common Schools while making efforts to have this work com pleted. These .are, 1, The encoiirayement of a feeling of self-dependence, and the enlistment of popular sentiment in behalf of the IState au'l its institutions. It was uot thought im portant, however, to have more than one number of the Readers of merely a local interest. 2, To remedy the evil everywhere compht ned oj m rom- mon srhooU, of a perpetual chanyc in text hooks; an ex pensive habit, and one which injures the Schools by preventing the children from being classified. A se ries of home Readers, it was supposed, would be cer tainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. 3, Economy, the popular system of Reader.^ being too long and being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors and publishers. This series ia to consist of fewer numbers than thoss generally used, and it is believed that these numbers are sufficient, while if the system were uni versally used in the iState, the sum saved to parents and children would amount to several thousaml deliars annually. 4, To put in thi- hands of r/ii/dren lr,trniiiy lo read com- po.iitionK sujKciently famdiar but not of thr churacter culLra childush compositions, containing, in lessons easy eiiough for all ages, correct specimetis of style, interesting iu matter, and inculcating proper morals, and religiou.i iustruction. The prices are, for No. 1, 25 cents; No. 2, i57i cenia and No. 75 cents. .A liberal deduction from these prices to .Merchants and School Teachers. E. J HALE .V SON. NEW HOOKS. ma.ARRIED OR SINGLE, by Miss Sedgewick; 1 he ...fi Professor, by Currer Bell; Romany Rye, by Lavengro; The Athelings; Tent Life iu the Holy Laud, Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia; The Improved House wife, bj' Mrs. Webster; &c. •Also, Bullion’s 1st Lessonif in Greek; Payson ^ Dunton’s Series of PEN.M ANSlllP; .Addick’s Elements; Key to Davies’ .Algebra; and other School Books. E. J. HALE vV SttN 'Die American .Mmanac tor Sword’s Pocket .Almanac for 1858. The Twin ii'jse.s. by .Mrs. Ritchie; Livingstone’s .Africa; .Major Jones Courtship; Berteni’s Piano Instructor- Faber s Draw ing Pencils, in cases; Music Folios; Copy Books, ^c. ^ c. E. J. HALE & SON. Harper's received by March 24 Mai£:izmi for .\|)nl J. ILALE ii jnsi JON. Pay up.— Mr. C. .^Ie^ru^lrucn will, u«ual, iittfiil lilt* Superior (’uiirts f-^r I hi.-. rirci;i f. and affnnl tb i . ;' bTP.) t > this office for '•uL- scription, adverti-'i'ig n i ; riri[iog, an opportuiiit) to pay up; of which wi they will nut he slow •') av.'iil themselvea. BLANKS for sale at this Otlicc.

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