® M \ T to ;he h has receivej n,, has h^.n reaa. not aJ:- -ue In L ^P*'»ce «>0: in half v^]f ?* ! *|'lbech&ri(ed A lil.eral dia„ ’ l“l-« 1»«IU(,"£' ',' "f ‘k. »« pay postaKe ’ ®p*4rativ-Tj^ “ *H all. I'j, biu.liuj, •>,-. a.Hr 1 ^'*t9 H\LK isiiN J* «ls^U t, liiin V'Mt ■n R: 'F to Us «v- pr.u^p, ; id 0I3., Lit'o by ■ Wotl' iliu";. LIANK.OIs , -■•'b. 3b«p uand uid l.Hbella ‘t .,r Meii. ■ V..»r \v • '* ^01 -r!, . ] ■_ »le ,.ua ^ ..,rt.->p„Q HU txpi-.lilioD- \i, 7?of tbe L'iu'th ' : ly s 11, .' >hLs„n' >"•^1 l'u k > \Vo,k liiri I . • ••k^. I V .i, r' •. \ ^ of .IsuMth s Auiojat^d e.lite.l by l»r. *^i'T ^'^''‘S'aau’s r-'lKeworth: Proc- her^ intornmtion History; Koswell’ >81 . Ili*|iy_ 10 . hy; The Soottisll •i vols.; U'averly I'u’s T.'iSes of the evilU l>finoerafy li tUf best Authors; • : l*lHt:irch's Lives riu. ipl. . of Ueolo'- Vu)-= illustrHle.l, e f^eii; Adveutures 'or-.; Mrs, al Happiuesd, ... ~e; History of tU.' s Life of WaltiT Woodftill s Juuius; ’» l’hilo.‘--v>j>by and ; Marshall’s Wash- Eii. ycl03>«dia; The I'uetical vVurksot' yriin, .Moore, Uurus, . H.^LE A: SON. 6 1 The AS. e on !er; •k ou ;!:i .\lHUbure am.t^ ick ou tatutory and I'le- jf the • r-,iwii; p on M;vrri. -r and orci-; rd'-' ‘•■•ucery Plead- rs on L ses & Trust.'; rave & Butkr'j ;'oke u Littleton; ates Uigest: Trials of the L’ 6 ell un Arbitratiou. ris on Replevin; .Out i>n Limited I’art- fer.ship^-: [lieu on Ven.i.irs: □1 Powers; ^tdei on I’leitding, Heports; lisou ou >'outr> ct.i. artou ou Homicide: arton Stile’s .Med- urisprudence: rlaii i on '-'ontracts; er on Legacies; liams ou Executor:, on I’-jrsoBal I’F')- perty; rer on 1. >uveyancing; >«’» Equity Fieading: aley's Law of Lvi- euoe; It’s Commi-ntaries; tis’a Commentary; ilfords Surrogate iie- orts; ping ou Mandamus; rn Circuit' ’.lUipanion ry’s N. C. Form Dook; J 11 ■■ LE, i SON. K)KS. ind Materia Medica; wary; Blogy; »diuine: die.s; Itat.-, Itlnrd; )y iium: uudit- tory: y (JoU' d. / ilati, sriipeut; y Sui- li Eeart, C., ic. u. IJ iION, ding Merchant. N. «’ iMu- t'^r s. Tiic win K'J-ses. Lfric“: Major Jones ictor !• ’ -r’s Draw- . Copy J II \L & bO*N. tc. t'ru m* n will, as irts 1/r this Circuit, ;his olJife for sub- ting, an opportuoitj hey w - Qot befiloW IFAH rrr.t,K SEMI-WEEKLY. [VLO. VII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 24, 1858. [NO. 713.] IMilNTKl) MO.VDAVS AND TUUKSDAVS. KDWARD J. HALK & SON, KDITORS AND I’KOPRl KTOHS. Prioe for the Semi-Weekly Obsf.rvk.k 00 if paid in aJvduoe; $3 60 if paid diiring the year of subscrip tion; or $4 after the year has expired, fjf the Weekly Obhkbv»;k 00 per annum, if paid in a lviince; 50 if jiaiJ during the year of subscrip tion; or 00 after the year has expired. ADVEKTIJ^EMENTS inserted for sixty cents per j.^uHre of 1) lines for the tirst, and thirty cents for each sacceeding publication. \ early advertisements by spe- fiftl . ontrnots, at reasonable rates. .Advertisers are requested to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged accord ingly. Advertisements to be inserted insiJ', charged 50 per cent, extra. THE NEW EDITION OF UKVEREIX i BATTLE'S LJW REIMIllTS, VOL. I. Receives the approval of those who have ex amined it. Chief .lustice Nash says, “1 have looked through it —it is carefully and well got up. * * 1 think to our ('ourt it will be invaluable—and to the Profession eijually so. It will save the labor of deciding the same point again and again; for there will be no excuse for Counsel not being apj>rised of points already adjudi cated.” Uentlemen of the Bar who have purchaseil and ex amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or .separate volumes of North Carolina Reports, and Law Books generally, bj’ E. J. HALE & SON. 7)11) HILLS. ~ 4LL persouii indebted to the concern of FR.ANK & JERRY and J. H. ROBERTS ^ ’0 . are re quested to come forward and settle Iheir bills. If not settled bj' the last o*' this month, they will tind them in the bands of a Lawful Collector. J. H ROBERTS CO. May 3, 1858. 7 tf Fire Innurance. ■ ■TE refer our readers to the annual statement of T* the .litna Insurance Company, of Hartford, which will be found in another column. This success ful institution was incorporated by the Legislature of Connecticut in 1819, with a perpetual charter. Its capital is ii500,000, and its accumulations exceed ■v^mi.uGO more, making its entire asset^ «ver $300,- Oi'ii, invested as detailed in the statement referred to. These results indicate that during the period of nearly forty years since its onjaniiation, (without a single change of its chief officer,) its business has been con- Jucted with j idgment and prudence. It has been thus far successful in an eminent degree, discharging, as we are informed, all its obligations by the payment of about ten million dollar* for losses, without asking a Jay's delay in any instance. It has had but little Ut- igation, notwithstanding the immense number of trans actions made. In order to attain as much cerUiiuty as possible in such a business as insurance, it has been the practice of the Company, for several years, at great labor, carefully to classify and arrange then- risks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain the amount insured on each class, the amount of pre miums received thereon, and the amount of losses up on each. This classification, extending over a long period,and covering property to a very large amount,fur nishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial basis of actual experience, upon which to conduct its '■usiness. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, an many suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and its principles capable of being reduced to a system, the practical working and results of which are as certain as that of any other business. The .Etna Company, by adhering rigidly to its system, and placing its busi ness upon a healthy basis, has obtained the confidence ,f the community to an extent surpassed by no other Company in the U. States, and has increased its busi ness and its income from year to year with a steady growth. One great source of its security is the wide distribution of its risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov ered in each locality. By this course it has passed, with comparative impunity, through some of the most sweeping and destructive fires, which have swallowed up other companies less cautious in their business. It is a system like this, based upon experience, which gives stability and soundness to a company, and to the as- iured confidence and security.—Baltimore I’atriot. li\SlRii\CE COMPAiW, II.VRTFORD, CO.NN. INCORPORATED 1819. CH.AUTER PERPETUAL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. BRACE, President. E. G. RIPLEY, Vice Pre sident. T. A. .\LEXANDER, Secretary. Dib£CT0R9.—T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. Buell, M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, R. Mather, E. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G. F. Davis, A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, W'. Keney. The Assets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, paying interest, with !j!172,6G4 51 of cash ou deposite lu the Hartford Banks, to meet losses. Losses due and unpaid—none. Losses adjusted and not due, %24,313 95. Losses in suspense, waiting further proof, ic., ^i5,- ?50 15. , Losses resisted, (suspicions of fraud, &c.) $46,6.8 i — Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, N. C. hale. HOUSE, Lor, and negro. ri'^HE undersigned wishing to close up their oldbusi- £ ness, offer for sale the HOUSE atid LOT on Huy- mount, formerly occupied by Major Gilmore. Also, :i NEGliO BOY 14 years of age; having tried him for the last five months, we can recommend him as an excel lent servant, both for house or out of doors, sold for no fault, but to close old business. F. N. & J. H. ROBERTS May 3, 1858 T-tf NORTH CAROLINA SUPREME COURT REPORTS. rilHp] subscribers have just printed at the Observer 1 Office a SECOND EDITION of DEVEKEIX AND BATTLE’S LAW RE PORTS, VOL. 1, BKVISKU A.Nl; COHRKI'TEI), WITH NOTES AN l> RKFF.RENCK3, BY HO\. WILLIAM H. HATTLE, J11)(; E OF Til E SI I'R K )1 R (’0 L KT OF N 0 RTH C i RO LI N A. The price of the new edition is not greater than that of the old, though, as it is scarcely necessary to say to the Profession in North Carolina, its value has been greatly increased by Judge Battle’s Notes, References and Corrections. The volume has been long out of print, and we shall bo glad to supply the many Lawyers whose sets of Re ports are incomplete without it, as well as those who have the old edition but would like to have the new one for the sake of its notes. E. J MALE & SON t aveitpviiu* 'I'rii ^ 1WAX .lUSr RECEIVED. BOXES of that superior ROCK CANDY TO- (>,.'300 [’OR 1 O BACCO G. W. -)ct 6, 1857. OA’l'S .\M) l'K.\S. 1. OOLDSTON. 48-tf BUSHELS SEED OATS, loo ditto Cow Peas. — Afso — A few barrels Northern Irish Potatoes For sale in quantities to suit, by ACRES OF LAND SALi:. f|piHE Subscriber desirinojto move to the West offer'^ to sell the following tracts of valuable land. 1 Tract containing 250G acres in Harnett County 18 lailes North of Fayetteville. There is on this tract, t^o large and comfortable dwelling houses, with all necessary’ outhouses, together with a good mill running two saws and grist, with about 300 acres cleareij and ill a high state of cultivation: the remainder is excel- leit farming and turpentine land. Also another tract containing 4uOO acres of turpen tine land, about 100 acres of which is cleared. There is on this tract one good dwelling with all necessary outhouses and a good grist and saw-mill. I will take pleasure in showing the above property to any person wishing to purchase. H. S. McNElLL. Manchester P. O. Nov. 7th, 1857. 07-ts 3,800 Aci*cs of* Laiul rjpuE BUSHELS OF CORN for sale by STEDMAN At HORNE. tl-l m SOftO April 27. GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, OV .\OKTIl €AKOI.i:\A. THE REGULAR ANNUAL ^ Convocation of tbis body, will 1 be held in Wilmingion on Mon- : day the 7th day of June next. ; Subordinate Chapters are re quested to be i>unctual in send ing their representatives as matters of much importance are to be acted ou. THOS. B. CARR, Grand Seely. April 30. 7-t7thJune. WATER WHEELS! WATER WHEELS!! WE are now manufacturing Vandewater’s Im proved JONVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, for Mills and Factories of every description: and all those wishing to improve their water power will find it for their interest to address us Viy letter, stating the number of feet, head and fall; their usual amount ol water; the kind of machinery to be driven. \\e can then give them price of wheel, or jvhat we will furnish Wheel and principal Gears for, warranted to do a cer tain amount of work. Time yii'f/i to test the H hfel, and if it does not come up to our figure, the Wheel and Gears to be delivered to us at the mill of the purchaser. REiERE.NCK OIVKX .\NU HEQI IHED. HEATH & STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Prince George's county, Md ROBERT BAIRD, Agent. Richn'f'r» V» B. ROSE. 8otf Feb’y 15, 185S. coor. SPRIN(; mills. ^MHE Proprietors are prepared to GRIND CORN ou ! £ the usual terms. j The Bedstead Manufacture is still carried on at j the same place. I Jan’y 11, 1S5S. • 75-tf | CHAIRS, CHAIRS. i A L.ARGE lot o*' Stool-bottom Chairs, maile at Cool m. Spring Mill, and for sale by A. M. CAMPBELL. March 21,’58. 9tJy TURPEN riNE HACKS. A NY PATTERN OF TURPENTINE HACKS made to order, at Wholesale or Retail and Warranted, l,y M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, N. C., April 19, 1858. 3tf FAVErTEVlLLE HOTEL. 11R.VNK N. ROBERTS CO , having leased this ^ Hotel, will be pleased to see their former patrons and friends, assuring them that th#y will use every ! exertion to please. F. N. Roberts.] Jan’y 7. 74-ypd I'ROV A: FULLER, Attoruey.s and Counsellors at Law, k\. i-j t J I'j. _ Subscribers offer for sale the above Tract of Land, lying on Anderson’s Creek, about two ai.d a half D.iles from lower Little River, near Elliot s Mills,—iacluding aliout One Hundred Acres of good Swamps, nhich can be easily drained. This Land Is very heaviiy timbered, and a large j>ortion level and of superior quality of Pine Land for cultivation. Also, a Circular STE.AM S.\W-MIlTj, in complete, arder and we’.l adapted to sawing plank roail and rail j road timbers. Also, Two well-broke MULLS. All, or any piirtion of which, will be sold low and on time. The Land will be sold either in a liody or in parcels to suit. SMITH i ELLIOT. April «. 1857. _ 090 ACRES OF I.AM> KOU S.M,K. rilHE Subscriber offers for sale the above quantity £ of Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmington and CharKitte Rail Road. | j and four from Lumber River. This Laud is well , 1 adapted to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber , I purposes, having a good lange and other advantages. I Those wishing to purchase may find me on the pre mises, who will be happy to exhibit it or give any in- , I formatiou concerning it de.sired. • ANGUS McGlLL. ' Philadelphus, N. C., Sept. 1, l8->7. lOtt i FARM FOR SALE t OFFER for sale my PLANTATION un the East . side of Cape Fear River. 3 miles above the (’laren- 1 Jju Bridge, known as the Toomer Land.^, containing ..nout 800 acres. The Plantation is in a good state ol i cultivation, and is susceptible of being made oiiv of the most profitable Farms in the County. I will give a ■ bargain in the lands, and makp the time of pay iiio::*! easy if application is Hiale in a few week.s. Address me at Gulf, N. C. L. J. HAUtillToN. Oct'r 1»». FOR sale. raiHE DWELLING HoUSE AND L»Ton Gillespie JL Street, at present occupied by Doctor MeSwain Perfect title can be made. Apply to THo. J. CURl'lS. I LAND FOR SALE. Is gkgk ACRES OF LAND lying on upper Little River, in Harnett County, well , limbered ami Well located for the Turpentine business, i It. will be sold on accommodating term«. Apply soon i t ) the Siibscrilier at Fayetteville. : ' ’ WM McL. McKAY. Sept. 22, 185*;. 41-tf i W. H. TURLING-TON, J’onunissioii Merohanl, No. 4 North Water St. W1LMIN(JT0N, N. C. *4%/^lLL give his prompt personal attention to tne r w sale or shipiaent of all Consignments of Naval Stores or other (’ountry Produce. Nov. 8. 185ti. tf l>i*. K. A. BI.ACK, OFFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s (.,’hemist and Drug Store. Feb’v 7 NOTICE. i^j^HE undersigned having executed a power of .At- I I toruey to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized I to make all settleiueuts for me and in my name, an.i i generally to transact all business as I might or coubl i do were 1 personally present. J. J. MOORE. I Fayetteville, June 3, 1H57. j A I’rcsli su|)|)ly of Liino, Plusterin^ ; Hair, Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, an i Land i Plaster. For sale in quantities to suit, by B. ROSE. ' Feb’y 15, 18.58. 85t THO. C. FULLER, • ttloriteif and VottnseHor at M^atr. ■ Ot FICE at K/cles's Bridge, recently occupied by : James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C I Jan’y 1, 1857. I LOVERI) KLDRIDGE, •iltornetf at ’ ILI. attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp- WW son Counties. Smithtield, .April 15, 18513. 9t,»-tf Worth & Utley, I’orwardiii^ :ind (MMienil Coimnission .MERCHAN rs, # i7/e, .V. V. ' J. A. WORTH. (”2tf) JOS. utlev. (iEO. Al.DERMAN, tHspertor of •'S'aral Storen^ ; WILMINGTON, N. C., Prompt attention and quick patch will lie given to business entrusted to his SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES I'A PE. ^MIHE undersigned. Attorneys for the heirs of the |late Dr. Hiram Robinson, will offer at public sale, at the Market House in Fayetteville, on Tuesday.the 8th of June, the Real instate consisting of 1st. The Residence, ou tlie South side of Rowuu street. This lot contains a good two-storied Dwelling House, with out houses; an excellent spring of woiter, and 4 or more Acres ol' Land. *Jd. A JjOt on the North side if liovvau street, o[ posite the residence of D. .A. Ray, Esq , containing 7 or 8 acres, enclosed with good fence. This lot is valuable. od. The Shop Ijot, adjoiuing l>r. llaigh, be tween Bow and flay streets. 4th. o or 4 Acres of Laud on llaymouut, South of the U. S. .Arsenal, and near the residence of Mr. A. J. Woodward. This tract is elevated and level, and contains a fine site for a dwelling. 5th. 850 Acres of Lund, ou both sides of Crosa well timbered; lias au oiu .'iiii aiie, on au uniainiig stream of water, that couhl be made available again at moderate expense. The above property will be sold on :i credit I’erms made known on day of sale. H. 11. ROBINSON, Bladen, I Att’vs THOM.AS J R(HUNSON, Fayetteville, ) .A. M. CAMP15KLI., Auct’r. May 15. Presbyterian till sale. Jl S T TO llA.M). 0. 1 MACKEREL, in Kits, Wrs , Hts. aud BbN ; No. 3 Do. “ Hfs. and Bblw ; Smoked BEEF; Fulton-Market Do.; ME.SS PORK; GOSHEN BUTTER; BUTTER CRAr’KLRS and SHIP BISCLIT. P. A. \MLE\ May 12. I*'-w .lACKSON .lOHNSON, AT LL persons who want a line drink on th with Ice Ci( •just dropping in” Ciml ordi VL- , - - with Ice Cream annexed, can be supplied by A T THE STRIPE D J. May 11. HOUSE. JOHNSON, Agt. 10-2nipd II Solicits patronage. R BRITISH PERIODICALS. L. SCOTT ^ CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish the following leading liritiah Periodicals, viz: 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY ^Conservative). 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). 6. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). HIGH MOUNT TANNERY. SITUATED 4 MILES WEST OF WADESB*RO’, AN SON COUNTY, N. C. OW' the panic is over and nobody killed in these diggins, the undersigned still continues to con duct the general Tanning aud Manutacturing of all kinds of Leather, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Boots and Shoes, of every size and description—of the very best material. PLANTATION premium BROGANS, NOT to be surpassed. All of which he offers and pro poses to sell or exchange lor Raw Hides, iJeeswax, Tallow, and all kinds ot country produce, on terms to justify and accommodate his customers according to the times. Having on hand constantly a large supply ot Stock, he is prepared to execute all orders neatly and promptly, with such material and workmanship as are not to be ex celled by any establishment of the kind in this part ol i the country in style, quality or price, for cash or to punctual customers. And in returning his sincere thanks to his customers aud friecds generally for their former patronage, he solicits andhopcs to still merit a continuance of their favors. JAMES C. CARAWAY. March 4. 'JO-tlJa cure. .1 une 19-12mpd These Periodicals ably represent the three great poli tical parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radi cal, but politics forms only one feature of their char acter. As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, Literattire, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of let ters, being considered indispensable to the scholar and the professional man, while to the intelligent reader of every class they lurnish a more correct and satis factory record of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, in asmuch as they can now be placed in the hands ot sub scribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. Per ann. $3 00 5 00 7 00 » 00 3 0J y 00 10 00 For any one of the four Reviews For any two of the four Reviews For any three of the Four Reviews For all four of the Reviews For Blackwood’s Magazine For Blackwood and three Reviews, For Blackwood and the four Reviews Payments to be made in all cases in advance. Money current in tite State where lasiied will bt received at par. ^ CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above price will be allowed to Clcbs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one addre.ss for 1i9; four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for $30; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the Postag« to any part of the United States will be but TWENTY-FOUR CENTS a year for “Black wood,” aud but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each of the Reviews. iV. B. The price in Great Bfitain of the Jive Periodical* above-named is 831 per annum. Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 64 Gold street, New York. NORTli CAROLINA BACON. UAMS, Sid*s and Shoulders, for sale by BEVERLY ROSE. Jan’728. NOTICE. I.aii€i» for Sale. ^■IHE subscriber offers for sale, SIXTEEN HUN- i DRED ACRES OF PINE LAND, ou Cedar Creek, and TWO THOUSAND ACRES on the Alta- maha River, in Tattnall County, Georgia. ^ Any per son wishing to purchase with a view to Milling privi leges, or cutting Timber or manufacturing Turpentine, would do well to come and examine these lands. Either or both tracts will be sold at the low price ol one dollar per acre if applied for soon, as the owner wishes to change the investment. For f>>rtljer par ticulars come and view the lands, or address a letter to the subscriber at Reidsville, Tattnall Co., Georgia. JOHN PEARSON. March 30, 1858. 99-3mpd REMOVAlI STARR & WILLIAMS, Have removed to the two brick Stores in the West end of the Fayetteville Hotel building, where they are now opening their STOCK of Goodt* for this Spriiig^, recently selected by one of the firm in the Northern markets, which will be offered for sale to their regu lar customers on the usual terms. All persons who wish to buy Goods cheap at WHOLE SALE, are respectfully invited to call and examiiie this stock at our new stand, West end ot Fayetteville Hotel building. J. B. Starr.] [J- ^1- Willi.ams April 24, 1858. TIMELY NOTICE. —-■ -w W. C. BENBOW would respectfully jWBjEK remind tho.se in need of hisj.rofes- sional services that he, as usual, will leave here the first of July, to be absent until the first of October. Those intending to call on Dr. B. will find it to their advantage not to postpone their call until about the time of his leaving, for he will be punctual in leaving as well as returning. Terms are strictlv Cash May 3. NEW BOOKS. LIVINGSTON’S TRAVELS IN SOUTH AFRICA; Barth’s Discoveries in North ami Central -Africa “The Reason Why,” by the author of ‘Iniuire Within. —ALSO— Further supplies of Mustang Gray; PhcEnixiana; The Painter, Gilder aud Varnishcr’s Comp^inion; Sal^j’,-' Koran; Jacobus’s Notes on the Gosj'els; The Commu nicant's t'ompunion; Barne.s’ Notes on the Gos, els Conybeare’s Life and Epistles of St. Paul; The Psalm ist, with supplement; Bibles; School Books; &c. Just received. E. J. HALE SON. Jan’y 10, 1858. K0BI>0.'¥ C’o., OBERT E. TROY and JOHN P. FULLER, have formed an association for the practice ol theit profession in Robeson County. The lormer will also attend the Courts of Bladen aud Columbus: the lattei will also attend those i)f Cumberland. The Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. Jan’y I, 1858. SIDNBY A. SMITH, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, c., n,’'lLL attend regularly the County and Superior Courts of Wake, Johuston, Cumberland, Har nett, .ind Wilson. All business entrusted to his care will receivti prompt attention. Jan’y 12, '68. l»-ly .IAS. C. S.MITII. MILKS COSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., raetors, Commission and For- ivarding •JMerrhants. WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT attention given to sale ot TIMBER, LUM BER, NAVAL STOF.ES and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements male on Consignments. Refers to E. P. Hall, *res’t Branch iiank of State. 11. R. Savaue, Cash’r BinklJape Fear. JoiiN Daw son, Esq. .April 25, 1858. 5-1 \ Presbyterian copy. 1). A. LAMONT, Commission Merchant, Wiliiiiiijil^toii, ill. C. OFFICE 38 N(JRTH WATER STREET. Personal attention given to all produce sent to him either for sale or shipment. Nov’r 0. 57-lypd J. WILLIAM PAGE, M. I)., P tTTSBOMlortiH, .V. g'^R. PAGE may be found at his olfice when not professionally engaged. .May 0, 1857. GUANO. TONS BEST PERUVI.AN GUANO, jutt re ceived and for sale by ALSO A GOOD FAMILY C.ARRI.\GE in pood repair and nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. i —ALSO— 3 good MILCH COWS with young calves. .Apply to T. J. CURTIS. •April 29, 1857. 3lt LANDS FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale about tlOOO Acres of Pine Lauds near Fayetteville, containing: an immense quantity of Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine Boses, and several new tasks may be cut. There is ou the premises a fine Dwelling House, and all necessary out houses,—Scuppernong and Isabella Grape Vines,— lOOO 3'oung Peach and Apple Trees of Liudley s best vari- ties; also, a good F.\RM of about 150 acres cleared; and also a (iRlST and SAW .MILL: an.I h fine large Meadow of about 140 acres. The Fayetteville ami (’oal Fields Rail Road passes through these lauds about a mile from the Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but wouM prefer to sell the whole together. Apply to Thos. S. Lutterloh, Esq., Fayetteville, or the ubscriber at Pittsborough, N. C. J. H. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12, 1857. t^O-tf TO HIRE, NEGRO WOMAN, a good Washer and Hou.-se Servant. .Also, a Negro (jIRL about 12 years ol age. And three Negro MEN—until 25th Dec. next Also, tor sale, 1100 Acres ot LAND in Harnett county, well Timbered, and convenient to the River. Terms will be tnade to suit. W. McL. McKAY. Fayetteville, .Ian. 20. 7^-tl T C. & B. G-. WORTH, I'orwarding M«‘rcliants, /jruirii't liuildtny. Water Street, 1%'ilmington^ «V , Usual advances made on consignments. Nov. 11, 1857. 5y-tf STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND ('OUNTY. AVINC. taken out Letters of Administration on the Estate of John W. W. isiger, d.-c’d, at Sep : tember Term, 1J^57, anti having an order of Co\irt 'sell the HOUSE AND LOT, sMuatedin the ■ Town of Toomer, H.vrnetl county, 1 will procetd, in ' compliance with that order, to sell the above-uame'i : pro}ierty at the ('ourt House door in Toomer, on ed nesday the I'Uh day of June, at 12 o’clock. JESSE W. WE1SK:i:K, Adm’r ; Fayetteville, May 12, 1858. lots HOOK-IUNDING N all its kinds, executed with neatness aud de spatch Small jobs when done mu5t be paid betore delivered. ‘ TlloS. H. T1LLINO11 AST, Anderson Street. May 14. COK'I, rODI>I^K, IIAV, A.^l> !^III CI4S tlOR sale in quantities to suit, (of not less than a Cart Load.) I 1> io r roN p,A(i(;iNG. UNDEE and GUNNY BAGGING in quantities to suit purchasers. For sale by i JAS. G. COOK. Sept. 17. 43tf J03SPH R. BLOSSOM. i O TS .n 1 N S I O A AND 1)R \YA 1)1 N G M ERC HA N'i\ t%*ilminston^ .V. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances luade on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market, h'eb. 12, 1855. Book Ag ills VViinted. A 5tf r-im dO Aug. 31. (JEO. W. WILLIA.MS & CO. 38- liOOK BINDERY. W. HARDIE has resumeil the Book Binding Business, over the Tailor Shop ot Clark & VV'oolward, where he will receive and execute binding in any style desired. .August 1. Ji. 27tf 150 March 4. OATS. BUS. heavy black Oats. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. 00- NEW BOOIvS. Tiie Lite and Corres|>ond(!nce ot Judge James Iredel', one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United -States, by Grifflth J. McRa*. Jmtrec’d. E. J. HALfi, ^ SON. AWO.MAN’d THOUGHTS ABOUT WOMEN; Adele, by Julia Kavanagh; Illustrated lite of tranklin; D’Israeli’s Sketches of Engl?Sh Literature; The Works of Lord Chesterfield; Anecdotal Olio; Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Companion; The Poetry ot Flowers and flowers of Poetry; Livingstone’s Travels; Cirm- ming’s Hunter’s Life in .Africa; Arabian Nights; Jay a .Morniug and Evening Exercise.s; Union Bible Diction ary; Living or Dead, by Rev. J. C. Ryle; Juvenile Books, cVtc., &c. U- J- H.ALE & SON. .March 5. STATIONERY. ICK’S PATENT Elastic Rubber Ink Stands; Strange’s Patent Pencil Sharpeners; Pocket Dianes, Pocket Books, and Pocket Memorandums of every variety; V^isiting Cards, Letter and Note En\ e- lopes; Cap, Letter, Note and lissue I apers, linpies- sion Paper, Sealing Was, &c., iSc ; Porttolios, a beau tiful articie, morocco and leather. A further supply of the above just received. E. J. HALE ^ SON. May 7. _ BLANKS for sale at this Ottice. mow Alii) WILL be given for the apprehension and lelivery to me, or confinement in any jail in the State ^ so that 1 can get him, of my man JIM. He lelt on j the 30th ult., and has not been seen, or heard of suice. \ He is a bright mulaUo,- almost white, about 23 year.s ■ old, about 6 feet 9 inches high, straight hair, and teeth | defective, long beard on his chin when he left. Had i on when he left a very good suit of clothes, and will yerj likely trv to pass olt' for a wliite man, and make tar a free State; should he not go north, he will hkeiy go up in the vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was raised ■ there, and formerly belonged to Wm. B. Wright, Esq., of that place. Any person who may take up said , B*y will be entitled to the above reward and tht j thanks of IS.AAl’ B. KELL\ Kenansville, N. C., -Aug. 13, 1857. 3.‘>-tt LOST, Last Saturday, 31st ult , (during the hours of parade,) about the Court House, or between the Court House and the Fair Ground, a small yellow leather Pocket Book, containing !j»50, consisting ot three $10 bills, three do., one ^5 bill, one ^5 gold piece, three i>2 60 gold pieces. A Reward of ^10 will be given for the above described Pocket Book and money, delivered to the undersigned. JAS. H. Jackson, Musician. Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 2, 1857. 5i;tf NOTICE. ri^HE subscriber having, at June Term 1857, of the J[ (k.urt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Cumberland, qualified as AdininistiMtor upon the Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the saiil Estate to present the same properly authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of ti.cir recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will please make payment immediately. E. t. .MOORE. June 3, 1857. 'Cj^HE .Subscriber, having taken the General Agenc JL for getting subscribers to and delivering Hawks s tlistory ol North Carolina, now in process ol publica tion hy .Messrs. 11. J. Hale Son of Fayetteville, is desirtHis of entering into an engagement with one oi more active, intelligent and reliable persons in each j of the J uiiicial Circuits, to canvass tneir respective parts ol the htate, or particular counties, thoroughly. . immediate application is desired, as sample copies ot ! the first volume will will be ready in a few days, i Lndoubted testimnnials as to character must ac- i coiiiimny each application. .Address (1. W. HORN. 11 tUnrMe i'actory. ■ ■■■ i\y LAUD Ell. r.Ul Aliillli C. T. IIAIGII i 11**, i\'. Jan’v 20, 18',.s 04-ypd T ). iiousroA WOULD inform his friends and former cu.stoniPrs that he may be found 2 doors below theCujie Fear Bank, and 3 loors above his ol I stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on haml. Haraess, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, andevery thing belonging to his 1 ra'lf*. Ho respect.u. ly invites his frienIs from the country to call and t'.t- amine his stock before pnrchasing. He will attend to Repairing of llarnessand S iddles punctually, and his charges shall be moderate.^ He would request all indebted to the firm of HOUSTON i OVERBY to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the firm’s debts. August 27t 1860. FURTHER SIPPJ.IES UF HOOKS, &c. ^11 E Knowledge of God, objectively considered, by Breckinridge, The Prince of the House of David; >unon fcuggs; \i ild Western Scenes; Webster's Un.i- bridgcd Dictionary; .Mackey's Lexicon of Free-.Masonry; Presbsterian Ps.ilinodist; Stoddard's Juvenile .Aiith- metic; Ureenleaf’s .Mental Arithmetic; Steel Pens; Mnthematicil Instruments; Invoice ami Reference Flies; ^c, ^c. E. J. HALE ,j- SON. I'cb. 0, lt58. •IV'i#' stork of liOOivS AM) srA'PIONERY. E are now receiving our usual New Stock of and our Stationery, embracing a great W Books variety of .School, l..aw, .Tleilicai an«l llook««. Together with a large and varied Stock of IIL-VNK lioOtvS, PAl’Elt, KN VELOPr..S, .'vc. Country .dercbants aud others are invited to call as we oiler tiie above stock ou the best terms. E. J. H.VLi: 6L SUN. Sept'r 28. FFRriii:R SFPPLll.S of liOOKS. ajIARTON’S Life of .\arou Barr; Guy Livingstone; J. The Twin Rosea, by Mrs. Ritchie; Bernard Lile, by Jere. Clemens; School Books, aa. March 13, 1868. J* HALE & SON* J. WADDILL, Jr. .May 15, 1858. ■■ K A D - I A U T li K !?>, ) 'Jd 1:»ivision N. C. Militia, \ Favetteville, May 13, 1858 7’- the Field aud Commtsxioned OjUcers connected with Fourth Brigade of the Second Divismn Xorth Carolnni Militia: ^^OU are hereby ordered to appear at your usuai ■ place ol Regimental Parade, on Saturday the lyth of June next, for the purpose of electing a Brig adier General, in pl.ace of Brig. Uen. A. D. McLean, resigne.l. WlNSLoW, Mnj. Gen 2d Div. N. .Militia Ofiicers holding election will report in ten days, ac cording to law May U. life TOliCHSTONE. rpins Celebrated Colt will Stand the present season at our i^tables, (late residence of Wm. Fais'Oi dee d.,) lu Sampson County, and wiil be let to a limit ed number of mares. Terms—Fifty dollars the .season aud $1 to the Groom Mares from a distance will be well taken care o! but no risk assumed. ■ P.oard per day 37i cents. The season wiil close ou the first of J uly. Touchstone is by (loldfinder, out ol a Hamiltonian mare, was three years oll 11th ot last March, is i j hands 3 inches high, color bright bay. He is believ ed to be the fastest trotter in the Ignited Stat*s, ol his age. For particulars enquire of the owners at the above Stables. M. J. FAISON Ai BRtJri. May 13. H-bt NOTICE. 1HEREPY give general notice, to all perKuns n- i to trust my wife ROBENIA BRO.ADHhLL on m^’ account, as 1 am determined not to p.iy lcbts wnich she may contract. FREEMAN P.ROADWHLL, Jr. May 14. ll-4t Further ^iiippiy of «fliool llook«. SMITH’S OR.VMM AR; Emers >n’s .Arithmetic ^ Keys; Mitchell’s Geographies; Grammar; Anthon's S.a.lust; D ivies son ^ Duiilon's Copy Books; Walker’s and Webster ^ School Dictionaries; Leverett’s Latin Lexicon; Sar gent’s Standard .Speaker; &c., Jic. E. J. HALE & SON. March 3. .ST,iTtO»VliK V. U7" E are just receiving further supplies of ."^T \ TIONERY, consisting of Cap, Post, Bath, .Nnte and Sermon Papers, great variety; Silver Burier, Plain Visiting and Printer’s Cards: Pencil Sharpeners. Card Pencils, India Rubber, Steel Pens, Pen Holder-^, .'ic.; Bnff, White and Fancy Envelopes; Ink, Ink Stands, Blank Books. &c., -vc. E. J. HALE .SON. April 5, 1858. yi:\v ROOKS. UARRIED OR SINGLE, by Miss Sedjiewick; The Professor, by Currer Bell; Romany Rye, by Lavengro; The Athelings; Tent Life in the Holy Land; Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia; The Improved House- wif«, *>y Mrs. Weoster; dtc. Also, iiulliou’a 1st Les.«on.«' in Greek; 1‘ay.son Dunton’s Series of PEN .VI.\NSUIP; A'Wick’s Element.^ Kev to Davies’ Algebra; and other School Books. E, J. HALE (5l Son. I'lirllior of i6ook«. IFE (if Dr Kane, t».) .t’lnucktr; Eng'isii H**.irts and English Hail' on Bridge (,'onstnn:tion; Go.i; Wilson I’herapentii- an': Bullion's Latiti Surveying: Pay L' Parton's Life of Burr; llaupt IrecUinridge’s Knuwledge of the i'^kin: Plates to ditto; .Mitcuell's Uilliains on the Principles of .Medieiue; Wood’s Practic.'; Pierce's Algebra and Geometry; ,vc. .April 9. *1ALE X Sf>N. LittclPs Living Age—Enlarg d Se- jies—received weekly. Harper’s Mag^^zhie

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