Hiniora A. eil to furnish ihe ‘ch received the ♦ »>aH been rea,i, not 11*"' 11“ *yP°K>-aph,- “'1. either from um H. W Agents. The Dr' ftO; in half Oalf ou^willbechargea • \ discoun; ‘HlieD to sell agai^ p.r.of ‘S to pay postage preparation. The... esinall. The-u tam about ^CKtp^ •ouali v higher frT; 3 cent; tHiit.- i. -:o-n ' !■!«> -r,0 “ prompt atteu": Uttl,-ti Wavei :y i files of the iuu-iirutc 1 Adventures A»' • >th, sheet. 'liiiHad iiuj l.snhel’.a er’Vu in e’s n • • •’ ■ iru .rv,„g s Lit« '"tre.p.n, •ij'au Lxpe.lition; Atj u*i r r - 1 Time, by '*'*'] •^I'ii’auUv’s jj;, s. John's.,;, -vnd :-i.,',Work, 7 • ' ■ ^Ol8 ij- .s, Ul kr \ . i , ^ ols .—idited t-v ill -•'ti'iy: '’oustuunonv om.-; TheStati-aman S I'lii t'dg. woi tii: I’r. i »iuibt-r5' luf .rui»ti.,u 1 Hi.sr ,ry; iJuswoI. a Misicllan^, lu vul- r>*J'hv; Ttie S u ■ ilsi-n quevi: . , beujoorai N nth iL'- brst Authors vol; l i>.t«rch'-. Live.v I’liuL'ip..^ of Ueo'i. •I V b tlie c^ea: Hor-c. Mrs. Kiiis ocinl II tppiues.i; The >Sm^v; Hi;itury of the ■fa Life of Wn ter ,.vs; Woodfall’s J uuiur ton’s Philosophy aiu lies; MarshnU’s WasL > KucyclopwiJia; The The I'oetical Work:^ jf Byron, Moore, BurL.'. J. HALE j^i.N 'OKS. xkie on slander; gWicK on thtt Mt'aaure jf bail. - »ii,k ou statutory au i Con.- Lii>*. ilc'fc I*’.- ..r jf th« ('r.iwu: ^bop on Marriage auj Uivi>rc . ittord s' hancery Pleau- iu/.'i; miiers on L ses X Tru't' iirgrave jc Butler's I’jiwe upuu Littleton; SlAtfs Uigvbt; ite Triais of the U i Itussc;; on ArbitratiOL Uon .: !i ucpleviu; I'rou ,t ii Limiteu Part lug'u . :. Vendi rs. M Pow-rs: ■r:- ou i’leaa.Uji. Reports, Add: - .ii on Contract. WL;ii; lU ju Homiciae. Wharton cstiie’s MeJ- Jurisprudence, icw.un.i un tJontracts. W .,p. ■ in LegHcies; on Executors on Personal Pr ■ tierty- .11 ■' inveyaiicicij ^ i. ,uity rieadiD(j, j a Law of t'- .ice: ' Commentaries Oliv. Lub-- U re de Kent t’urti.'- B iJommeutury; bradlord’s Surrogate Ke port.'?, Tappiugoa MauJamus. 'rown ; ircuit'' jmpftni'^u IViJeyS >' C. form Boyk, ^c. L. .) HALE, ^S'iN iOi)K:S. C3 and Materia Meuji-.. ictionar;, ■ iy»ioN „y i Me j sea; '«y; U. Ciod'! 1 ^1, by B nisteaJ; ly C'-ii ;ie >n3ttt' .•. .ting, by • on by T h tu a: 2ine hI A: TLf-rapeuti. I y, >iy -mith: 4e; tion te.|. he il- .r*- icc., SiC. J M j,E n ilMON, rarding MerchaQ^* )N, N 22tf '.*4- liuuii;^: fur IH.'.i' Vh«t i win K-- ' • e Afr : Major DHtriJ *t _jr; l'a^>er3 oiio- i'y L. J hUe & . Mr :rummeD will, a= Cou. .. fur thb Circuit, to this office for su^- priutiiig, aa opporW°‘J pc U: ,y will not besloW iPAir SEMI-WEEKL. Y. [VOL. VII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY ->7, 1858. [NO. 714.] rr.lNTKl) .MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. r.nWAKI) J. HALE & SON, i'.ihtoks and proprietors. p.ioe for the Souii-Weekly Obskrvkr ^!3 00 if paid in ii lvsMi-e; -$3 50 if p.iid during the year of subscrip- ti.'ii; or $4 after the j’e.nr has expired, p.II- tlif Weekly Obskrvkr 00 per annum, if paid in ,1 iv:inot‘: 50 if paid during the year of suhscrip- ti'.n; >T 00 after the year has expired. Aii\ r.RTlSEMF^NTS insefted for sixty cents per J [Uiire of Iti linos for the tirst, and thirty cents for each duci'ee ling publication. \ early advertisements by spe- pl-vl I'.iufr'u'ts. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requested to state the number of insertions desired, or (hev will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. Adverii.-iemeuts to be inserted iimitle, charged 50 per .’ent. extra. U. 8 MAIL, S,§E,MSB f R !• to ^tSMME IHL,EjK. rOUK HORSE COACHES. HE TRAVELLING PUBLIC are respectfully requested to give this line a trial. They will find it to be the cheapest, ni:.\rest and BEST route W EST. My Coaches are fine, large, Nine and Four teen Passenger Concord Coaches. (ilo llack«i oil the Road.) My Horses are well trained and gentle, and I take pleasure in recommending the Drivers on this line as being the most sober, careful f;ad gentlemanly Drivers to be found on any stage line. Travellers will ^nd this route a more pleasant one than any other, passing through Statesville by the Catawba Rail Road Buidge, Newton, Morganton, Ma rion-, Pleasant Gardens, Swauannoa Gap of the Blue Ridge, in full view of the celebrated Mt. Mitchell and Mt. Clinginan of the Black Mountains. Persons wish ing to visit the Black Mountains can procure a guide and Horses at Mr. Steps or Porter's, anil in a f«w hours ride reach the Black Mountain House, and at their leisure visit Mitchell’s Falls, Mt. Clingman and Mt. Mitchell, the highest peaks of land East of the Rocky Mountains. Tickets on thi.s line good for three months. St.vok Ofkick in Salisbury, at the Rowan House. C. S. BROWN, Contractor. Morganton, N. C., March Gth. lOO-^m fBlHE Steamer FANNY will leave Fayotteville for -H. Wilmington every Monday and Thursday morn ing, until further notice, sengers as heretofore. Feb’y 22. Will take freight and pas- T. S. LUTTERLOH. 87- Fire Insurance. UT E refer our readers to the annual statement of the vttna Insurance Company, of Hartford, whii’h will be found in another column. This success ful institution was incorporated by the Legislature of (\innecticut in 1819, with a perpetual charter. Its i ,>apital is $300,000, and its accumulations exceed! ^ -r ^ x M j.?uO,i>00 more, making its entire assets ever $300,-j U J. X Fi Ix I.J. ljl.A OOCi, invested as detailed in the statement referred to These re.sults iudicate that during the period of nearly forty years since its organization, (without a single change of its chief officer,) its business has been con- lucted with judgment and prudence. It has been thus far successful in an eminent degree, discharging, a.s we are informed, all its obligations by the payment of about (en milHon doUart for losses, without asking a Jay’s delay in any instance. It has had but little lit igation, notwithstanding the immense number of trans actions made. In order to attain as much certainty as possible in sach a business as insurance, it has been the practice of the Company, for several years, at great labor, carefully to classify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain the amount insured on each class, the amount of pre miums received thereon, and the amount of losses up on each. This classification, extending over a long period,and covering property to a very large amount,fur nishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial basis of actual experience, upon which to conduct its business. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, j as many suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and | its principles capable of being reduced to a system, the [ practical working and results of which are as certain | as that of any other business. The -Etna Company, hy adhering rigidly to its system, and placing its busi ness upon a healthy basis, has obtained the confidence . of the community to an extent surpassed by no other , I ompany in the U. States, and has increased its busi ness and its income from year to year with a steady I semi-annually on the 1st June and the 1st of Deceni- grcwth One great source of its security is the wide j ber, and running 20 years. l.stributiou of its risks—a pelicy which it pursues ?90,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the Town of w:th great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov- Fayetteville, bearing t> per cent interest, paj’able semi- ereJ in each locality. By this course it has passed, ■ annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and with comparative impunity, through some of the most j running 20 years. sweeping and destructive fires, which have swallowed up ; These bonds were issued in accordance with law to other companies less cautious in their business. It is , the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and a system like this, based upon experience, which gives ' Town subscriptions respectively. stability and soundness to a company, and to the as- ' Persons having money will find these bonds ( at the sured confidence and security.—lialtimort Patriot. , price the Co. is stiling them; a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. I For terms apply to C. B. M.VLLETT, Esq., Pres t or j to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r Western R. R. Co. , Fayetteville, Feb’y ‘26, 1858. Sl^tf ■ NEW DRY dOODS. \V.\I. MAC l.NTVRK H.AS received and ofl'ers for sale, a desirable line of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Silk, Barege and Lawn Robes; Dress Silk Bareges, Challies, Bombazines. Alpaccas; Swiss, Tarleton, Jaconet. Nansook Muslins; Printed Lawns, Calicoes, Ginghams, Brilliantea; Ribbons, Ruches, French Artificials; Laces. Eilging, Braids; Tapes and Fringes; French Working Knitting Cotton; Embroidering Silk; Jaconet and Swiss E'lging and Inserting; Linen and Lisle Edging; Capes, Collars, Sleeves: Kid, Silk, and Lisle Gloves and Gauntlets: •I. P. Coates’ .■'pool Cojton; Sewing Silk; Enameled and Elastic Belts; Table Dama.«k; Napkins and Towels; Patent Turkish and .Mlandale Counterpanes; Irish Linen, and Shirt Fronts and ('ollars; Ladies' Bounets, very fine, and some price to them; Leghorn and Braid Flats; R E A D Y - M D E (' LOT H1N G; BOOT.-;:. GAITERS and SHOES; (.'aipeting, and Floor Oil Cloth, and .Matiing; Extension Steel Spring: Skirts, rec'd to-day, price $4. Fa^’ettevilie, 2'.*th March, 18.)3. OTtf FOR s vr.E. 4DAMANT1NE and TALLOW ('ANDLES; fine and common TOB.VCrO; and almost anything in the Grwcery line, ('heap as the oheipesti G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Jan'y 27, 1857. 77- MEDICAL NOTK’E. DRS. E.\STERLING and HEN AG AN having asso ciated themselves together for the purpose of practicing Medicine in Rockingham and vicinity, they respectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage, and by their strict and prompt attention they hope to givg perfect satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage. They will attend any call day or night. Dr. Easterling take« pleasure in stating to his former patrons that Dr. H. is a regular grailuate, hav ing read three years and attended twu full courses of Lec tures. One or both may be found at an;/ hour at their Office opposite the Posv Office, unless professionally engaged. H. R. EASTERLING, M. D. D. HENAGAN, .M. D. Rockingham, N. C., April 5, lf58. lOOtf COLTON BONDS FOR ,'^ALE. Western Rail Road Co. have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers, ?*20,000 of the Coupon HouJs of the County of Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable liACON, I.ARl) 40 AN!) l‘ORk'. HHDS. B.VCt)N, well smoked; 20 Bbls. Leaf LanI; 75 •* Mess Pork; :J5 Sacks Cotl'ee; 25 Pibls. Sugar; 40 Boxes Candy; :-!) “ No. 1 Soap t)ranges. Raisins. &C. The above goods were bought of Commission Mer chants, and very cheap for Cash, and will be sold cheap for Cash onI_v. E. F. MOoRE. March 2'.f. (Ctf WHISKEY AND liliANDV. BBLS. CORN WHISKEY; 30 Bbls. .\pple Brandy: 15 “ Domestic do. 15 *• N. E. Hum. The above Whiskey- is the pure Corn Whiskey select ed by myself with care, and equal to an\- made in the State, and will be sold at the lowest market price for ('ash E. F MtHtRE. March 2‘*. V*7tf H HARTFORD, CONN. i INCORPORATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL. , Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. I. K. BR.\CE, President. E. G. RIPLEY, Vice Pre sident. T. A. ALEX.\NDER, Secretary. Dikectobs —T. K. Brace, 8. Tudor, J. Church, R. Buell, .M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, R. ■Mather, E. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G. F. Davis, A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, W. Keney. The Assets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, paying interest, with .>172,664 61 of cash on deposite m the Hartford Banks, to meet losses. Losses due and unpaid—none. Losses adjusted anu not due, $24,;J13 95. Losses in suspense, waiting further proof, ic., >f75,- j' 16. Losses resisted, (suspicions of fraud, &c.) ^46,678 72. .\gent of the above Company in Fayetteville, N C. E. i. HALE. BRITISH FBRIODICALS. I. SCOTT ^ CO., NEW' YORK, continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz: 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW i Free Church). 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). 5. BL.\CKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Y .\ddress in future will lie at Florence, Dar lington District. South ('arolina. Jauies M. Bos tick is mv authorised agent to settle business for me. D. A BOYD. .May :1. 185.S. 7-1 mpd O E R H A V E ’ S liOLLAM) »i r! lilts These Periodicals ably represent the three great poli- j tical parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radi- ' cal,—but politics forms only one feature of their char- j after. As Organs of the most profound writers on •Science, Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of let ters, being coiisidered indispensable to the scholar and the professional man, while to the intelligent reader if every class they furnish a more' correct and satis- fuctory record of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of ADV.\NCE SHEETS from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, in asmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of sub scribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. Per ann. K'jr any one of the four Reviews (MJ For any two of the four Reviewj 6 00 For any three of the Four Reviews 7 0(> For all four of the Reviews 8 00 F .r Blackwood’s Magazine 3 0J F r Blackwood and three Reviews 9 00 F r Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 00 i\iyments to be made in all cases m adoance. Money current in the State vchere i^ued trill he received at i>ar. CLUBBING. \ discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above price will be allowed to Clcbs ordering four or more '.opies of any one or more of the above works. Thus; Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for !t>9; four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for $30; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but TWENTY-FOUR CENTS a year for “Black wood,” and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each of the Reviews. y. B. The price in Great Britain of the Jive Periodical* aboce-nampd is $31 per annum. Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Geld street. New York. DOBBIN HOUSE For Rent or Lease. ; ^■IHE Lease of the present Proprietors of this well 1 ■- known House will expire on the 1st Januarj-, 1858: the property is ofiFered for lease or rent. To a person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an excellent opportunity is offered. The building is large, j well arranged and in complete repair; its location will j always command for it an extensive patronage. .As . the present Proprietors intend changing their busi- j ness, the Furniture, which is nearly new and in good j order, can be purchased on favorable terms. ] The House will be delivered on or after the 1st of | January, remaining open under the present manage- | ment till a tenant is obtained. { The fine Store in the same building, formerly occu- ; pied by Mr. Wm. Booth, is also offered for rent. JNO. H. COOK, Prest. Dobbin House Co. Dec’r 16, 1857. 60-tf AllBAMA UiND FOR SM. ' fB>HE Subscriber offers for sale THIRTY-FIV'E . JL HUNDRED ACRES of Land in as healthy a sec- { tion as there is in Alabama. I FORTY ACRES, on which are a good Dwelling and I all necessary out-houses, in good repair. ONE HUNDRED and SIXTY .\CRES, good river bot- I tom land, 100 acres of which is under cultivation and ‘ produces tine crops of Cotton and Corn, j NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and i Pine land, on which is some good farming land. I. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED and FORTY ACRES Pine land, well suited for Turpentine getting, j This property will be soM cheap and on accommoda ting terms. I Address the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. 0., .Monroe County, Alabama. ' WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. I March 11, 1858. 92-ly I>r. liislortji ! F O K T H V XH O 1.1 \ A . The Subscribers arc now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been real, not only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obt iine l, either from us or from our General .-\getit for the State, H. W. Horne of this place, or any of his .-Vssistant .-\gents. The price varies according to style of binding; In handsome cloth $1 25; in Library Sheep ■‘?1 50; in half Calf -ill 75. It IS soi,i> ONLY j’OR C.\sii. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our .Agents. A liberal discouti' will be made where quantities are taken to sell again ^ It will be sent by mail to any part of the country, ' on receipt of the price and 24 cents to p.-ij- postage. Tlie 2d volumi is in course of preparation. There will probably l)e four or five volumes in all. The sue- . ceeding volumes will probably contain about 500 pages ; each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, viz; half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 25 cents ad'Iitional for sheep and 50 cents additional for the half calf binding. E J. H.ALE A: SoN. Fayetteville, .April 29, 1857. P. S. The .Agent and his Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with tJie book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accompanied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. In'AXDAKI) & 3HSCELLANt:0[ S BOOKS. »R. KANE’S .Arctic Esplcrations,—cloth, sheep and half calf; Prescott’s Ferdinand and Isabelli, (’onqnest of I’eru. I’hillip 2rl, and ('onqnest of Mexico; lleniy (’lay’s Works. *> vols.; Benton’s Thirty Yenrs in the U. S. Senate; Daniel Webster's Works, tj vols.; Memoirs of S. S. Prentiss; Iriving’s Works, lo vols., cloth and sheep; Memoirs of Wm Wirt; Irving’s Lift i>f Washington, cloth and sheep; Life and Coirespon- ■ience of W ebster; (’orn. Perry’s Japan Expedition: .Ui-^ bott's Napoleon; The Indigenous Races of the Earth, by Nott & Gliddon; Recollections of A Life Time, by Goodrich, (Peter Parley;; Hume and Macaulay's His tories of Englar i; Hallain’s, Robertson’s, Johnson’s. l!urke's. .Vd lison’s, Hannah More’s atid Dick’s Work.'*, Southey’s (’ommon Place Book; Historical Collections of Virginia; Dickens's Complete Works, 13 vols illus trated; La.Martine's History of Turkey; The ljueens of Scotland, by .Agnes Strickland; (Joldsmith's .Animated Nature; Noctes .Vmbrosiaiue, 5 vol:-.,—edited by Dr. McKenzie; Rollin’s -Ancient History; Con.^titutional Text Book; .Milhnan’s Gibbon’s Rome; The Statesman's .Manual; Tales and Novels of Maria Edgeworth; Proc tor’s History ot the Crusades; Chambers' Information ♦or the People; Tytler'» Universal History; llosweii's Life of Dr. .Johnson; Chambers’ Miscellany, 1J vols; -Appleton’s (.'yclojiedia of Biography; The .Scottish Gael: Eucj’clopeiMa .Americana. 14 vols.; Waverly Novels in 12, 24 and 27 vols.: Wilson’s Tales of the Boiders and of Scotland; UeTocijueville's I'etaocraey in America; Knight's Half Hours with the best .\uthor.■^; Bulwer s Novels, complete in one vol; Plutarch's Live^; .\lodern British Essayists; Lyell’s Principles ot Geolo gy; Tales of the .\rabian Nights, 4 vols. illustrated; -Nlaury’s Physical Geography of the .''ea; Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse; Mr.'. KUis'j Family .Monitor and Guide to .Social 1'appiiu-'?; 'I'lu- Bachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage: History of the Revolutions in Europe; Lockhart's Life of Walt.T .Scott; Hogg’s Winter Evening Tale>: Woodfall's J unius; .Nlclntosh’s Miscellanies; ll.-iniilton s Philosophy an.I Literature; .Mc.Aulay's Miscellanies; Mar.-^hall's Wa>li- iugton; Life of Pinckney; Braude's Encyclo'ikdia; The Prince of the Mouse of David; The Poetic:il Works oi Hemans, Scott, (.'ampbell, Milton, Byron, .Moore, Burns, , Shakspeare, Xc , in various styles. E. J. HALE ic SON. Tin> 0'nrria^e in the South! A. A McKRTIIAA E.SI^’TFULLY informs his friends ami the public, that he has built U|) large substantial Brick Buildings at his (Hil .“^tand, expressly for man- utacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has receiveil for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to biiTiness, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the j^anie. He warrants his work to be m ule of tlie best material and >>y experienced workmen in each branch 01 the business. His work will compare tavorably with any made in the United States, for ne.itness .and durability. He is determined to sell and do any wnrk in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well clone. He now has on hand, FiMSHEn, the LARGEST STOCK of ^ '(irn nii'cs, linronchcs. Ilockawn and lit/n-^r/ f‘s. Ever offered in this place, and a very large stock Geo. McNeill, 1). A. Rr>y, H. L. Myrover, S. W. Tiilinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S J. Hinsdale, T S. Lutterloh, Wm. .McLaurin, of work nearly finished, which will be tinished daily. .All ofwhich will be sold very low for or on short time to punetnal customers. Psif"' He bason h ind more th^in ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished aii'l in course of construction. -All work made by him is warr.-inted 12 months with fair us.-ige. and shouM it f.ail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for thein-ieives. ' >rders thanktully receive 1 at\d promj ily attended to. ilep.-iiring executed at short notice and easonable terms. tf-i'9 JD L,,i l»* BOOKS. O.M.A'T’S Civil Law; Starkie on Slaniler; T' .NORTH C.\KOLlNA B.^CO^N. UAMS, Sidet and Shoulders, for sale by BEVERLY ROSE. Jan’y 28. 80- MJTCHELl/S F.ALLS. ACEXTS WA.VTED IS El'ERV fOt'STI OF TOE STATE O canvass the same, and procure subscribers’ names for the sale and delivery of an excellent LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, taken upon the spot and gotten up in the finest style of the art, representing the place where the Rev. ELISHA MITCHELL lost his life in his explorations of the Black Mountains, in the Summer of 1857. Upon the receipt of Three Dollars, we will furnish to any person desirous of taking au Agency, Two Pictures, one tinted and one colored, as samples, with full par ticulars as to the terms of the agency, 5ic. We will offer inducements sufficient to make it pay an ener getic agent. For further particulars address us at Asheville, N. C. LEWIS & DICKENSON. P. S. Mr. Dickenson is also Agent for the Mt .Mitchell Monument Association, and during his tour through the State will receive subscriptions for that object. W. T. DICKliNbON. Feb’y 9, 1868. 85-6m LAST NOTICE. fV^HE undersigned has placed all his notes and ac- ■ counts in the hands of Duncan McIntyre for col lection. All persons indebted to him, who do not come forward by the Ist^if August and pay up or confess judgment,' will after that date find their papers in the hands of an officer. DAN’L C. McINTYRE. Laurinburgh, N. C., April 25, 1858. 8-.5m (jrrocories, Hard ware, &/C. ^■IHE undersigned are now receiving a L.\RGE .AS- JL SORT.MENT of Groceries, Harthvarc, Iron, Steel, H)llov\-ware, Shoes, fiOather, and Saddlery, which they wilt sell at Wholesale at a small advance on Cost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Julj 18, 1867. 26-tf THK CKIJ;BKATK0 HOT,L.A\n RKMEDY FOR BTSPEPSIA, DISKVSI: OF Tin: Kin.xErs, LIVER COMPLAINX, WEAKXE8S OF AXV KDnI), j FEVER AND AGUE. ^ml Ihf vnri.ius afrerliiin r..n«ei]aeiU np.'n a .l->.>r1freil STOMACH OR LIVER, Siirh a*. IndiEestion. -ArWliiy of the SioaiHch. (^)ltrky P«lns llpariliiirn. l.o»^ of Ik-'n'inilency. t'liHtivPness. lilin>lanJ Itleethnu I’ile-i. In all .Ntrv.us, Rlieiiiii liic, ami .Ncuraleic AlTcc- tiiins.il h is in numeron* in'iancps (.roveil hishly iH^neticial, anil in nlherx etlectcil h lernl«'il riiri* 'J'hii is II purely veaetiilile cciinixiiitKi. prrp:irfl .in ^iririly si-ien Iili( principle', alter the in-innerf>rthe rplplir:itel llciflMnil F’ro- les-tor, t*o.*rhave, ller-4use «>!' il« sreHl in ino.st *»f ihe i-hiroj»eHn fatales. il> inirMltU'lit»n into the I niteil Males \v;is ir ten«(efi iiinre e^|w*riHl!y lor lh>se t»f *ur iKiht'r'and »r;itU’r*'U here anil there over the fire of ihis iiiiuhiy roiintry .Meeimi; with reiit'snri-t‘»^ ainunir them. 1 now otftT it l*> tiie Ani^riran ptitilir, knowin" ihai its :ruly nieilicinal virtues must t>e ac- know leil;;«'il. It is |v-»rtirii!Hrly reroniiiiendeii to those {lersims whose ri>nstitn- tions Hi»y have lieen iiii|>«.r?i! by ihe continuous use ot iirdent spirits, or other foinis oC iliss ;(alinn. (Jemr.illy insianune’ms in itrect. it finds its way dirertly lo the seat of llle. thrilling and quickening every nerve, r.iisina up the dnxipln;: spiril, and, in fact, infuslni: new health and vigor in lae system. .MU’IC'E—Whoever expects to rind this a lievernue will l>e dis- Hppointed; but lo the sii k. weak und low spiriied, it will prove a prateful iironiatic cordial. pr-;sessed ofsinnnlar remedial pn.i>erties C .\ V T 1 « N ! The great popularity of this delishtful .\ronm h.i.s induced many imitations, which the public should cuard against purrhasing. lie not |)ersuai!ed to Uuv anything else until you have aiven Boer have'* Holland Hitters * lair trial. One little will convince you how ir.fin'tely suiierior it is to all these iniit iticns. 5^r»old at 91 0(1 per bottle, or six hollies for iJ.i.lKI. hy the SOLK PROPRIETORS, BC.\J\TII.'V PACjSK, jr. ^ CO. M \ K A C T f R 1 N O Roscoe's Crim. Evi dence; Chitty on Contracts; *• •* Criminal Law; “ “ PleaJing; .Stephen on Ditto.; Chitty on the Law of (Car riers; Selwyn’s Nisi Prius,—.Am. Notes; Smith's Chancery Practice: “ Landlord and Ten ant; “ on Contracts; Leading Cases; Story on t'onflict of Law. Equity Jurispru dence; “ on Sales; “ on Partnership; Equity Pleadings: “ on Coutnicts; Fearne on Heniainders- Edwards on IJailmeuts; I’yles' on Bills; Tayler’s Law Glossary; Dart on Vendors and Pur chasers of Real Estate; ISroom's Legal Maxims; “ Commeutarie.son the Com. Law; .Adams’s Equity; on Ejectment; Burrill on Cir«um. Evidence; Law Dictionary Leading Cases in Equity; Tidd's I’ractice—.Am. Notes; Hill on Trustees, “ “ Matthews’ Presumptive Evi dence; Powell on ilortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme Court Reports, &c-, &c. PHARM.ACEUTISTS AND CHE.MISTS, PiTTSBL'ROn, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale sole agent for Fayetteville. June 14, 1857. WH J J A .M M Acl N'F V KE —OFFERS FOR SALE— « BARRELS PRIME LARD; M 5500 lbs. Prime Bacon, hog round,—sides large and boneless; 570 Sacks ('or;i; 1 doz. Grain Cradles, improved; 1 doz. Cooper’s Spinning Wheels, A Lot of Weaver's Sley.s; Manilla Rope, assorted sizes; Hemlock Sole Leather. April 5. 1858. ^f .lAxMliH KYLE Is now receiving his Spring supply of DRY GOODS. Among which are— Prints, Lawns, and Bnlliantes; Col’d and Black Silks; Irish Linens and Diapers; Farmer’s Linen, Twilled and Plain: Cassimere and Merino Twills; White and Col’d Cotton Hose; Bolting Cloths, No. 0 to 10; Silk and Straw Bonnets; Ac. With almost every article in the Dry Goods line; all of which has been purchased by the package at the late sales in New York and Philadelphia; Will be offered cheap for cash or on time to paying customers. March 1«, 185»;. ?^3tf Carolinian copy. _ Harper’s Magazine tor April, just received by E. J. HALE & SON. March 24. Sedgwick on the .Measure of Damages; Sedgwick on Statutory and Cons. Law: Hale’>i Pleas of the Crown: Bishop on .Marriage and Divorce; Mitford's Chancery Plead- . ing-; Sanderson Uses i Trusts; Hargrave iV Butler’s Coke upon Littleton; U. States Digest, .■^t.ite Tiials of !)ie I'. S ; Russell on .Vrbitration; .Morris on Replevin; Troubat on Limited Part- nersLips: Sugdeu on Vendors: “ on Powers: isaunders on Pleading; Reports; ■•Vd.Jison on Contracts; \Vhartoii on llomici'le; Wharton Stile’s Med- J urisprudence; NewlanJ on Contracts; Roper on Legacies; Williams on Executors; un Personal Pro perty; Oliver on Conveyancing; Lube’s Equity Pleading: Gresley’s Law of Evi dence: Kent’s Commentaries: Curtis's Commentary; Bradford’s Surrogate Re ports: Tapping on Mandamus; Crown Circuit Companion Wiley’s N. C. Form Book; Mav 28, IHry.i. PI HLIC NO'I'ICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville. (’linton, Fayetteville, arid West, will be opene.l on Tiiursday, the lOth day of .Ajiril I8-j(;, and remain open according to the ternr of the Charter until further notice, at the followimp places and under direction of the following .lamed per.sons. Commissioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of Oii-’- w, at the office of the Clerk ! of the County Court at Jacksonville, and at the Post | Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H Foy, Jlobert White, John .A. .Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. .Aren- dill at Beaufoi't Dr. M. F. .Arendell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. .At the store of Ci. W Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Win. ,\. Denni', II, S. Bell,Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge. -Vi'endell. Ill Dupiin couvty, at the office of the County Court 'leik at Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, Davi'l Rei I. Isaac B. Kellv. W'm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, .'Stephen Gralij^m. In Sampson countv, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKav. Patrick Murphy, Wtn. Faison, J. R. Beam.in, .Alfred Johnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A. A. .^^'Kethan.—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of share‘s of •‘*;10O each, set opposite to our names respectively’ in the (k'ntral Raii Road Company; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter. FAYETTEVILLE MI ’ITAL 1.NSUUANCE COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. ^HIts Company has been in operation more than tive years, and has paid its losses, amounting to *19,120 without any assessment: insurance aver aging its members about J per cent. Policies issued to 1st of May, 185S, 276'.C .Amount of property now insured, ^1,474,92'i 34. •Amount premium notes now on hand, !?224,968 23. Cash premiums received, .'j!i2,817 41. DiTtECTORS. S T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghasl, .A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Cook, .A. W. Steel, Jas. Kyle, J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Bro'vu, Wilmington, E. Hall, Wilmington. Okfu'kks. GEO. McNElLL, President. D. .A. Rav, Vice President. C. .Ml .Millan, Secretary. John (’ollins and C. C. .McCrummen, Travelling Agents. The t’ompan^- invite applications. May 21, 1858. 1^-V Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. |;RUS0\ SlLlMllIl SPRl.\liS,“ CARROLL CO., VA. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come to our health- giving watersi which are stiil under the jiropri- etorship of the subscriber, and will be open for the reception of visitors on the first of June, upon the fol lowing unprecedentedly low f-'rins, viz: Board, per month of 4 weeks, i'-5 00 Do. per week, 7 00 Do. per day, 1 -5 These justly celebrated waters consist of a cluster of on very i 4 ditierent Springs, to wit; White Sulphur, Red Sul- jihur, Chilybeate, and Sulphur and Chalybeate com- I bineJ, and are noted for the cure of Dyspepsia, Scrofula, and all cutaneous affections, ^ c., and are lo cated on the West side of Blue Ridge, on the margin of New River, amid scenery most wild and romantic, a region proverbial for health, abounding with fresh fish and a variety of game, and distant from Wythe- ville Iti miles by a good and new turnpike road, now beiu2 finished. Conveyances to be had at Wytheville W.M. R. GLASCOCK. May 21. l:Mm K Names 1 ResidenC't I No. of s’aares : Cash Work*> Subscriptions may be made paj'able in work, and m.iy specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders ?hall in every case have preference in ta'King Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer's estimite. -As soon as one hundred thoii'i-in l dollars are sub scribe.1. the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and thev are required to call a meeting of Stockholders to oriianize the Company. •March 15. I's5t>. l^itf "sinc.MU i-:ll iiousro, r\YKTTi;vii.i.i;, .\. v. East ,'ii!e of (in t n Strret^ n few Doom Xorth or ■ the Mttrhrt Houac. fjjlllE Subscriber desires through this 1 meliiim to acknowle.lge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past rear—and as he has just erected New Stables and ■ i.’arriage Shed convonient to the House and to water i he ta'iies pleasure in saying to his p.-itrons a;id the I public generally, that he is still prepared to accom- ' modate them with ti.insient and permanent board, and ' respectfully solicits a continuance of Mie liberal pat. on- i age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part j . shall t>e used to render them comfortable during their ] ! sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with • the best the market affoids. P. SHEMWELL. ! March 24, 1855. 86-tf HALE, & SON. _ •MEDiCAL liOOKS. H^kUNGLISON’S Therapeutics and Materia Medica; jLF “ .Medical Dictionary; Human Physiology; Practice of .Medicine; on New Remedies; Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; Woman, and her Diseases, Childbed Fevers; Diseases ot the Uterus; Dewees on Children; Females; Horner’s .Anatomy and Histology; Miller's Principles of Surgery; • ‘ Practice of do.; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. States; Wilson’s Human Anatomy, by Goddard: Ricord and Hunter on Venereal, by Bumstea I; Watsou's Practice of Physic, hy Condie; Wood and r.ache’s U. S. Dispensatory; Pancoast’s W’istar’s Anatomy; Wilson on Diseases of the Skin; “ “ the Skin and Hair; Eve’s Surgical Cases; Churchill on Children, by Keating; “ System of Midwifery, by Condie; “ Diseases of Women by do.; Ellis’s Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes’ and Paget’s Physiology; Regaault’s Elements of Chemistry; Fownes’ Chemistry for Students: Bartlett on Certainty in .Medicine; Smith and Horner’s Anatomical .Atlas; Bird on the Urinary Deposites; Pereira’s Materia Medica and Therapeutics; Carpenter’s Human Physiology, bj' Smith; Dickson’s Elements of Medicine; Taylor on Poisons, by Griffith; Burrows’ on Cerebral Circulation; Wilson on Syphilis; Draper’s Physiology—illustrated; Solly on the Brain; Hope on the Heart, &c., &c. E. J. HALE k SON. Oct. 26| 1867. mm J. W. HAKER T.'^ now receiving from the North the a.-jre.sf, finest, anti most carefully se lected stock of 11 KE I ver cilered in this market; which, added to his own uiaiiufiicture, makes his assortment complete;—all ol which ho will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash ■ T ; ii time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair ami shuck, anil cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side i?oai ds: T.ureaus: Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass: W’indow Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bauds; Sofas in Mahoganj' and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, oue with iEoiian At tachment; Rosewooil Melo lians, from the bet manntac- tories in New Y«rk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only add'-d. j September 2, I ~ josi:iMi hak1^r,~Jk.. ' ATTO II x\ E V \T 1^ A W , £ g .AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s ■.IL Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the Coiinty and .'superior (’ourts of Cumber land, Biiiden. Robeson anil Sampson. March 2d, 1858. _ j DC/^'riie Presbyterian Psalinodisl— Character Notes. A further supply just received. I Oct. 24. E. J, HALE & SON. FAIR NOriCE. ff^HE Notes and Accounts due the firm of B. F I. PEARCE & Co., remaining unpaid after June 1, will be collected by legal process ,1. W. Pearce, .Tr,, may be found at the Store of S W, Tillinghast .S: Co, to receive payment and grant discharges .May 20, 1858. - 12-2wpd FRrST SALE. lY virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed by James Banks, for certain purposes therein set forth, 1 will sell at public auction, on Saturday, the 15;h of May next, at 12 o’clock, at the Market House, Tli(‘ Dwelliiii;: lloii^r and Lot on Green Street, recently occupied by said Banks Also the OFFICE and STABLES on the W'est side of Green Street, at present occupied by Joseph Baker, Jr. -Also, the W H \ R F AT THE RIVER, known as the Wharf of the Brothers’ Steam Bjjat (’o Terras at sale. ,f. T. WARDEN, TrQstee. .A. -M. CA.MPBELL, .Auct’r. April 14. lits POSTPONED. f®lHE above sale is postponed to WEDNESD.AY, i JUNE 2d, 1858. For Trustee, .A. M. C.AMPBELL, Auct’r, May ly. REAL ESTATE Tor SALE. »^aiHE DWELLING HOUSE, recently occupied by i Mrs. H. P. Lain, and as present occupied by the Rev. James Mcl>aniel, near Haymount, will be sold ^ privately by the subscriber. It is located in a good neighborhood; convenient to business; in a healthy section of the town; good spring water coiivenient; and has a’l necessary out houses attached. .A gieat bar- g-4in may be hail, as I am determined to sell Tkr-ms LiBKRAL d. R. McDON.ALD, .Agt, Fayetteville, May 1*.*. 12ts A PROCLAMATION, litj Ins Kxcellenc^, Thomas HraGG, Governor of Sorth Carolina. ^ » 7 llERE.AS, it has been represented to me that V W one .Archibald .McDougald, late of the County of l.'umberland, did on the 27th day of February last, in said County, kill and murder one Thomas Munroe, and that the said McDougald is a fugitive from justice, and has escaped beyond the limits of this State. •Now. to the end that the said .Archibald McDougald may be arrested and brought to trial for his said ot- fence, 1 do hereby issue this ny Proclamation, offering ' a Reward of Two Hundred Dollais for his apprehen- ; sion and delivery to tiie Sherltf of Cumberland County. 1 DESCRIPTION. I McDougald is about fifty years of age, of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, has a scar I on the face near one of his jaws, weighs about I(j5 or I 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while I drunk is turbulent and troublesome. ; Given under my hand and the Great Seal of ; [l. s.]the State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of .March, X. D, 1858. By the Governor, THOS. BRAGG. Pi L.\sKi CowPER, Pr. Sec’y. March 15. 'J3tf DEEP RIVER COAL. ~ Bituminous CO.AL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at‘a reasonable price I by the Ton. WM. McCL^-\NE. I Mining Engineer, j .May21,lh5b 0-tf I WaN'PED. i BBLS. TURPENTINE, at my Distil- ; lery on Person Street, ..t the Hall- ! way Bridge. The highest cash price will be p.i 4-')-tf iJ. J. K, .McDL'FFlE. tjreen St., Fayetteville, N. C. ! .March 1», 1858. W4-am I ~ A. McRIMMON, j Commission and Forwarding Merchant. 1 WILMLVGTON, N. C. I i J uly 1^*57. 22tf * Tlie Aniorican Almanac for I8.">S; i Sword's Pocket .Almanac for 1858. The Twin Rose.s, j by Mrs. Ritchie; Livingstone’s .Africa; Major Jones : Courtship; Berieni’s Piano Instructor: Faber's Draw- ' inz Pencils, in oases; Music Folios; Copy Books, ^c. ^c. j E. J. HALE & SON. ' TANNER'S OH. DRV lUDES. Bl’L.'S. Tanner s Oil,—a superior article; also, a fine :o: of Dry Hides. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. Nov. 2'I. 02- iiarj)cr*. and (iodey's .Ma^azine.s lor June, just received E. J. H.aLE & SON. .May ly. iilanks for sale at this Office.

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