siory I-1 \ %. I I,.. ;ric .Li A\i ‘|( V l>f E a >1. - U ' \i . -V L 1 * 1 ' . - S * , . 1' r. =. e, ‘, V. r. . . . ; V 5 "0 tt:- .. V :s.; f • lie : I ' ‘ . he . -t P.‘.= Be!, j- .. ■ Authv;.- T • ■ t*»i i ' St ; M . t: - 1* ., ! I I! f L: 1*!. H ■■ -i.T Ic,. I,,' ■ - »n. M ^ L \HS. m r 01 • >i- L> oa rc'-. ion r>- Lii- te;- 1 r I iai 1 . tL d-. If,, ■t'," ri^i . kc i on kUi- tt r I?; L/ 'fa N .) i\ la ar;. ozy h ic' .ent A'\ r"’ate I V - N fttf Jar r 1 ti ! (.1 . i\ \ \ . ■FI' \ t W i'- >lm . J'.St -'■S IFAT THiyL 8EMI-WEEKL, Y. [VOL. VIJ.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JUNE 14, 1858. [NO. 719.] rl IVTI'U Mi>\l>AVS AM) TIITKSUVYS. ' iiWAin) \{ \LK S: SON. Hl'ITuKS A\l» ruol'Hll'TOKS. : ti t* SiMiii-Wecklv >ust;KVKK oO it'paid ill -I-; •'iO it' p:iid ihiriiij; the yeiir of 'sulworip- ■r ^ 1 after the year lian expired. FAYETTEVILLE MLTLAL LVSliUANCK COMPANY. ASSF.T3 $230,326.28. f HIS Company has >)eeii in apcration more than tive years, uml has paid its, amounting to ^19,1'Jti 'Jo, without any assosstneut: insurance aver- NEW DRY GOODS. WM. M,\C INTYRK any assosstneut: afting its members about ^ ptr cent. I'olicies issued to 1st of .May, 1858, 27liH. \\ (H'kly ('>U>KKVEU 00 por annum, if paid iu | Amoutit of j)roperty now insured, ^'1,474,'.-*-2 .Vmount premium notes now ou hand, ^•J24,'.njH ':it>h premiums received, !ii:}‘2,317 L)lKtC lOKS. i "Ml ->0 if paitl during the yeiir of su>)scrip- ■ 00 uftiT the ye:ir has exjiired. v'Kl: ri''r.MCNTS inserted for sixty cents per 1>. linos for the first, and thirty cents for each ■ ll:i^ publication. \ I'lirly advertisements by spe- iiitract.'i. at roa.-sonable rates. Advertisers arc ,Ci,,l t ■ the number of insertions desired, or ,: !■ i-.'utiuued iill toi'biil. anil charged accord- 31. 41. II Ah ■fUt. euiM' uent.i t. ;'Xtl:l. be inserted tuntilf, charged 50 per lire lasiiranee. a » ’ K refer our readers to the Annual statement of * W ilie .'Ltna Insurance Company, of Hartford, w., .-i; will be found in another column. This success- ' iiijtitution was incorporated by the Legislature of , nueLlicut in 181i>, with a perpetual charter. Its :ii til is •'*^500,000, and its accumulations exceed "Oi: more, making its entire assets ever ^300,- invested as detailed in the statement referred to T result? indicate that during the period of nearly ; v years since its oitjaniiation, ; without a single of its chief ofRcer,) its business has been con- . : 1 with juilgment and prudence. It has been • . I? l.n successful in an eminent degree, discharging, !i? we are informed, all its obligations by the payment : abiiut ten inillton dollar.^ for losses, without asking a : .y s delay in any instance, it has had but little lit- . .ration, notwithstanding the immense number of trans actions ir.ttde. In order to attain as much certainti/ as I 'ssible in such a bufilncBa as insurance, it has been the practice of the Company, for several years, at ^reat labor, carefully to classify and arrange their risks into about tifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain the amount insured on ea,-h class, the amount of pre miums received thereon, anil the amount of losses up ;i each. This clit-sification. extending over a long period, and covering property to a very large amount,fur- i.i'hes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial ■isis of actual experience, upon which to conduct its a.'iness. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, ss innny suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and t-i principles capable of being reduced to a sj'stem, the ,.-tical working and results of which are as certain a> !ti!it of any other business. The -Etna (Jompany, . a iliering rigidly to its system, and placing its busi- 4 on a healthy basis, nas obtiiined the confidfciice : 'he community to an extent surpassed by no other ;npany in the IT. States, and has increased its busi- EO-' and its income from year to year with a steady wtii. One great source of its security is the wide j.a'ri lutiou of its risks—a policy which '.t pursues •> tu jiroat strictness—limiting me amount to-be cov- .-red ill each locality, liy this course it has passed, *,th iimparative impunity, through soiue of the most Ueo. McNeill, S. T. Hawley, U. A. Hay, W. N. Tillinghast, II. L. Myrover, A. .V. McKethan, S. W. Tillinghust, J. D. Williams, Ileury Lilly, Jas. G. Cook. N Stedman, \V, Steel, S. J. Hiubdale, Ju.s Kvle, T. S. Lutterloh, J. 0. Shepherd. VVm. McLauriu, K. F. Brown, Wilmington, E. Hall, Wilmington. Okfu'kks. GKO. .McN’KlLL, President. 1*. A. ll.w. Vice President, C. A. M> M iLi..\.\, Secretary. .Idhn Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Travelling .\gents. The Company invite applications. May 21, 18."/8. l^.y Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. iiRAVS().\ siLi’iii'ii mm,~ t'AUUOLl. CO., V,\. HO, every one that thirsteth, come to our health- givirg waters! which are still under the propri etorship of the subscriber, and will be open for the reception of visitors on the first of Juue, upon the fol lowing unprecedentedly lutr vi/: Board, per month of 4 week';, ^25 (JO Do. per week, 7 Oo bo. per day, 1 25 These justly celebrated waters consist of a cluster of 4 different Springs, to wit: White Sulphur, Red Sul phur, Chilybeate, and Sulphur and Chalybeate com- lined, and are noted for the cure of Dyspepsia, Scrofula, and all cutaneous affections, 4'C-» and are lo cated on the West side of Biue llidge, on the margin of New lliver, auiid scenery most wild and romantic, a rejjion proverbial for health, aboiiiiding with fresh fish and a variety of game, and distant from W'^the- ville Iti miles bjf a good and new turnpike road, now being finished. Conveyances to be had at Wytheville. WM. 11. GLASCOCK. May 21. l:'.-lm U. S MAIL, S.iLiSitl It !• to .UStiE KOUK HORSE COACHES. rjIHE TRAVELLING PUBLIC i are respectfullj’ requested to give this line a trial. They will ,, , ,, „ find it to be the rheapest, nkabkst and BKST route f^ . WEST. My Coaches are fine, large. Nine and Four- Silk Bareges, Chalhes, Botnbazines, .\lpaccas teen Passenger Concord Coaches. Tarleton, Jaconet, Nansook Muslins; i rnntea Lawns, Calicoes, Gmghamg, BrilhaDtes; (i^o llackfi^ on the Koal.) j Ribbons, Ruches, French Artificials; My Horses are well trained and gentle, and I take j Laces, Edging, Braids; Tapes and Fringes; iUtrria^e M'nctory in the South I AS received aad offers for sale, a desirable line of Ladies’ Dress Groods, pleasure in recommending the Drivers on this line as being the most sober, careful i;nd gentlemanly Drivers I to be found ou any stage line. Travellers will find this route a more pleasant one than any other, passing through Statesville by the j Catawba Rail Road Bridge, Newton, Morgaxiton, Ma- I rion. Pleasant Gardens, Sw’anannoa Gap of the Blue Ridge, in full view of the celebrated Mt. Mitchell and j Mt. Clingman of the Black Mountains. Persons wish- i ing to visit the Black Mountains can procure a guide I and Horses at .Mr. Stki's or Porter’s, and in a f«w hours rile reach the Black Mountain House, and at ' their leif^ure visit Mitchell’s Falls, Mt. (’lingman and ; Mt. Mitchell, the highest peaks of land East of the ■ Rocky Mountains. I Tickets on this line good for three months, j St.\ue OtricK in Salisbury, at the Rowan House. C. S. BROWN, Contractor, j Morgauton, N. C., March Gth. 100-3m I.UTTERLOII’S LINhi ; TB^IIE Steamer FANNY will leave Fayotteville for *. Wilmington every Monday and Thursday morn- i ing, until further notice. Will take freight and pas sengers as herttofore. T. S. LUTTERLOH. I Feb’y 22. 87- French Working Knitting Cotton; Embroidering Silk; •laconet and Swiss Edging and Inserting; Linen and Lisle Edging; Capes, Collars, Sleeves; Kid, Silk, and Lisle Gloves and (Gauntlets; •I. J- P. Coates’ Spool Cotton; Sewing Silk; Enameled and Elastic Belts; Table Damask; Napkins and Towels; Patent Turkish and .Vllandale Counterpanes; Irish Linen, and Shirt Fronts and Collars; Ladies’ Bonnets, very fine, and some price to them; Leghorn and Braid Flats; READY-MADE CLOTHING; BOOTS, GAITERS and SHOES; Carpeting, and Floor Oil Cloth, and Matting; Extension Steel Spring Skirts, rec’d to-day, price §4. Fayetteville, 29th March, 1858. 97tf I At Culled Meeting ol’Commi.-isioners I on 5th June, 18oM, the following ComTmttees of V.gil- I auce were appointed for the current year:— Ward No. 1.—Jas. Sundy, John Kershaw, Hardy : Depo. ! No. 2.—M. McKinnon, P. Taylor, B. Fuller. 1 No 3—E. L. Pemberton, Dr. T. D. Haigh, A. J ' (,)’naii^on. I No. 4 —.las. McGilvary, W. T. Horne, W. C Troy. No. *5.—A. McKethan, P. Shemwell, T. Waddill. I No. G. — Wright Huske, William McLaurin, Joshua ; Carmon. No. 7.—Wm. Warden, K. L. Winslow, Jas. Kyle, Jr June 7. 17-ot LIiE\10RTIlFI-:«^liUMll^lRV, .V. V. f B1IIE Schola.‘^tic year is liivided into two Sessions, -BL commencing 1st Aufiust and 1st January. The course ol study is thorough and systom.atio, em- A. A. McKKTIlAX KESPECTFULLV informs his fi-ienls and the public, that he has built up large Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly t'or man ufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he . _ _ hopes by strict attention to buriness, with a de.sire ' bracing everything necessary to a complete, solid, and BACON, LARI) AND FORK. 40 A PR0CLA^LVT10N, />’y his Ejccellenc^, TnoM.\s Hragh, Governor of North Curulina. WHERE.AS, it h is been represented to me that one .-VrchibaM McDjujald, late of the County of Cumberland, did on the 27th day of February last, in said County, kill and murder cme Thomas Munroe, and that the said McDougald i» a fugitive from justice, and has escaped beyond the limits of this State. Now, to the end that the said .Vrchibald McDougald may be arrested and brought to trial for his said of- erj iug and destructive fires, which have swallowed up feuce, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, offeriug ther companies less cautious in their business. It is j a Reward of Two Hundred DoHars for his apprehen- \stem like this, based upon experience, which gives ^ sion and delivery to t'ne Sheritf of Cumberland County. i:Ol P()N liONDS FOR SALE. ^|"^HE Western Rail Road Co. have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers, S‘20,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the County of Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable semi-annually on the 1st June and the 1st of Decem ber, and running 20 years. 81)0,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the Town of Faj-etteville, bearing 0 per cent interest, payable semi annually on the Kst January and the 1st of July, and running 20 years. These bonds were is.sued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and T'lwn subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them; a better investment than any Lank Stock in the State. For term i apply to C. B. M.\LLETT, Esq., Pres’t or to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r Western R. R. Co. Fa%ette\iHc, I'eb’v 2';, 1^58. 89tf HHDS. BACON, well smoked; 20 Bbls. Leaf Lard; 75 “ Mess Pork; 35 Sacks Coffee; 25 Bbls. Sugar; 40 Boxes Candy; 30 “ No. 1 Soap, Oranges, Raisins, &c. The above goods were bought of Commission Mer chants, and very cheap for Cash, and will be sold cheap for Cash only. E. F. MOORE. March 29. 97tf WHISKEY AND BRANDY. BBLS. CORN WHISKEY; 30 Bbls. Apple Brandy; 15 “ Domestic do. 15 “ N. E. Rum. The above Whiskey is the pure Corn Whiskey select ed by myself with care, and equal to any made in the State, and will be sold at the lowest market price for Cash. E. F. MOORE. March 29. 97tf to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to lie made of the best ni.iterial and by experienced workmen in each branch of the bnsineiss. Ilia work will compare f:ivorably with any made in the Uniteii States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work iu his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, Finished, the LARGEST STOCK of ('(trnUjres, Btiroiiclicf! Ihfii’iics, Ever offered iu this place, auU a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will V>e finished daily- All of which will be sold very low for C.\sn, or on short time to punctual customers. jjig^“lle has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in course of construction. All work made by him is warranted 12 months withfair usage, and should it fa ' liy l)ad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselvcH. Orders thankfully received and pronu tly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable terms. May 28, 1853. tf- 89 ornamental education. The buililings are si arranged as to combine the comforts of a home, with the advan tages of a school. Instructors of the qualifica tions are employed iu each of the Departmei ts. No Institution in the country possesses advantages supe rior to Edgeworth. T i: RMS: Boar], including washing, light.-', and fuel, per Session of five months, Ji'ijO 00 Uocl'dirn US, and Tuition in the Regular Cla.^ses, 20 UO The next Se.«sion will commence on Monday, .\ugust 2d, 1858. Pupils are admitted at any time during the Session, and charged from the time of entrance. Catalogues containing all necessary information re- s])ecting the Course of Instruction, Terms, iic., will be forwarded on application to RlCliAl’wD STERLING, Greensboio’, N. Carolina. •May 2^, 17 tlmospd BAUTirW FULLER ii W. McL McKAY, lTTOU.\EVS AT I.AW, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C,, I AY" be consulted at their rooms on Anderson Street, immediately in the rtur of the •‘()bser- n 10 >;ahi:ity and soundness to a company, and to the as >ared contidence and security.—lialtimon ratriot. .rr.\,i L\siR.iVi'K m\m\, H.MtTl'ORl), CON.N. l.N OKPOKATED 18K*. CH.UITER PERPETUAL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. ; K, BK.YCE, President. E. G. RIPLEY', Vice Pre- iident. T. A. ALEX.INDER, Secretary. !':reotors —T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, H. Bi-r. , .M. Tuttle, E. flower, E. A. Bulkeley, R. Maiiier, E. G. Ripley, S. d. Ward, II. Z. Pratt, G K. bavis, A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. A. .\lexander, W. Krnf-y. Ihe .\»sets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, j I'.ing interest, with il72,ti04 til of cash on deposite Li ice Hartford Banks, to meet losses. L 'sses due and unpaid—none. L' sses adjusted and not due, $2 4,313 95. Looses in suspense, waiting further proof, \c., ->75,- 15. :&fs resistec, (suspicions of fraud, kc.) ^46,b7b 72. DESCRIPTION. McDougald is about fif..y years of age, of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, has a scar on the face near one of his jaws, weighs about 105 or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of [l. s,]the State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth Uay of March, A. D. 1858. By the Governor, TIIOS. BR.\GG. Pi L.^.'iKi CowPKR, Pr. Sec y. March 15, 9*3tf FOR S\[.E. A DAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and common TOBACCO; and almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheap as the cheapesti G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Jan’y 27. 1857. 77- LAST NOTICE. ^ .''■'^ilE undersigned has placed all his notes and ac- JL counts in the hands of Duncan McIntyre for col lection. All fiersoHs indebted to him, who do not come N. L. E. J. li-VLE. 3^ Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, forward by the 1st of August and pay up or confess •' ' judgment, will after that date find their papers in the hands of an officer. DAN’L C. McINTYRE. Laurinburgh, N. C., April 25, 1858. tt-t5m aT McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. WILMINGTO-V, N. C. July 6, 1857. 22tf_ BOERHAVE’S iioLLA.M) in n Kits BRITISH PERIODICALS. L. M-OTT li" CO., NEW Y(.)RK, continue to publish the following British Periodicals, viz; 1. :;1E LONDON tjL'.VRTERLY ;Conservative). Whigi. DOBBLV IfOl SE For Rent or Lease. rS^HE Lease of the present Proprietors of this well known House will expire on the 1st January, U58: the property is offered for lease or rent. To a person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an e.»:cellent opportunity is offered. The building is large, well arranged and in complete repair: its location will always command for it an extensive patronage. As the present Proprietors intend changing their busi- : ness, the Furniture, which is nearlj’ new and in good order, can be purchased on favorable terms. The House will be delivered on or after the 1st of January, remaining open under the present manage- , ment till a tenant is obtained. The fine Store in the SHnie building, formerly occu pied by .Mr. Wm. Booth, is also offered for rent. JNO. H. COOK, Prest. Dobbin House Co. Dec’r It), 1857. t>9-tf MMM LA\II FOR SILE. ' f||lHE Subscriber offers for sale THIRTY'-FIVE i HUNDRED ACRES of Land in as healthy a sec- | tion as there is in .\labama. FORTY’ ACRES, ou which are a good Dwelling and all necessary out-houses, in good repair. ONE HUNDRED and SIXTY .\CRES, good river bot- ' tom land, DX) acrcs of which is under cultivation and produces fine crops of Cotton and Corn. NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY .\CRES Creek and Pine land, on which is some good farming land. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED and FORTY ACRES ' Pine land, well suited for Turpentine getting. This property will be sold cheap and on uccommoda- i ting terms. ^ .Vddress the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. O., , .Monroe County, WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. i March 11, 1858. 92-Iy ' WTLLLWI MacLNTYRE —OFFERS FOR SALE— BARRELS PRIME LARD; 9600 lbs. Prime Bacon, hog round,—sid«s large and boneless; 570 Sacks Corn; 1 doz. Grain Cradles, improved; 1 Joz. Cooper’s Spinning Wheels, A Lot of Weaver’s Sleys: Manilla Rope, assorted sizes; Hemlock Sole Leather. April 5, 1858. 99-tf JA3IES KYLE Is now receiving his Spring supply of DRY GOODS. Among which are— Pri'Us, Lawus, and Brilliantes: Col’d and Black Silks; Irish Linens and Diapers; Farmer’s Lin**n, Twilled and Plain: Cassimere and Merino Twills; White and Col’d'Cotton Hose; Bolting Cloths, No. 0 to 10; Silk and Straw Bonnets; kc. With almost every article iu the Dry Goods line; all of which has been purchased by the package at the late sales in New Y'ork and Philadelphia: Will be offered cheap for cash or on time to paying customers. March 13, 1856. 93tf Carolinian copy. Groceries, Ilar(hv{ir(% &.c. f ■'^HE undersigned are now receiving a L.\RGE .\S- JL SORTMENT of Groceries, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Holio\v->vare, Shoes, Leather, and Saddlery, which they will sell at Wholesale at a small advance on Cost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. GEO. W. WILLIA-MS & CO. July 18, 1857. 2G-tf PI HLIC NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Ci-ntr:\l Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kfuansville, Clinton, Faj’etteville, and West, will be opened on Thursdaj', the 10th day of April 1850, and remain open according to the terni-s - of the Charter until further notice, at the following places and under direction of the following named persons. Commissioners in the Charter, viz: In the (’ounty of Onslow, at the ottice of the Clerk of the (Jounty Court at .1 acksonville, anil at.the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Wanl, J. H Foy, Robert White, John A. Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W'. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. .M. F. .Aren- dell at Beaufort Dr. M. F. .\rendell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. •\t the store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina (^ity,—Col. m. N. Dennis, H. S. liell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge ■\rendell. In Dupiin county, at the oHice of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville, — Major (Jwen P>. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. ver’’ oflice. June 2, 1858, l'ICI>ll M.lii:; li»0 bushels PL.XSTERING H.\IR. For sale by June 4. D. .j- W. McLAURIN, H;-4w In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at (’linton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick Murphy, Wui. Faison, J. R. Beaman, Alfred Johnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A. A. McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal •McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of $100 each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Haii Road Company; and in all respects to complj’ with the torms of the Charter. liANK OE WlLMLNin'ON. f HIHIS Bank has Declared a dividend of 4 '{-* cent -R. payable on the 7th. Subscriptions to stock will be entitled to interest at the rate of C cent, per annum. S. JEWETT, Cash'r. June 2. l')-t30th LIFE A.MJ t'OlfllESl'ONDENTE OF JAMES IREDELL, of NORTH CAROLINA, ONE OK TUK .ASSOn.tXK .(LSTICKS OF Tilt St I’KEME ■01 KT OK THK USlTKl) sr\TKH. i{y GRIFFITH J. McREE, L'^q., or Wil.minoio-n. For sale by E. J. HALE ic SON, Fai’etteville, June 1, 1858. w Names Resideuft I No. of s'aares •“ji Cash Works iHE EDINBURGH REVIEW ;J. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW i Free Church). 4. THE WESTMINSTER RLVIEAV (Liberal). 5. BL.VCKWOOD'S EDINBURGH .MAGAZINE ;Tory> I r any one of the four Reviews For iiny two of the four Reviews uiiy three of the Four Reviews F r ail f iur of the Reviews !■ r iiidckwood's .Magazine f jt b.ackwood and three Reviews !■ -r iiiacKwood and the four Reviews These Periodicals ably represent the three great poli tical partie,-? of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radi- ,;al,—but p'jlitics tonus ouly one feature of their char acter, As()rg:iiiH of the most profound wiiters on -ience, Literature, Morality, and Religiou, they stand, they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of let- ;ers, being considered in lispeusable to the scholar and •he professional man, while to the intelligent reader : every class they turnish a more correct and satis- li'jt'.ry record of the current literature of the day, 'Lnughout the world, than can be possibly obtained 'r .1,; any other source. EAKLY COPIES. Tee receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the British f u.’j.i'rl'ers gives additional value to tiiese Reprints, in- krrauch as they can now be placed in the hands of sub- t ;r-.:^ers about as soon as the original editions. TEltMS. Per ann. .$3 00 6 0J 7 Oo 8 00 3 0(J 9 00 10 00 to be made in all cases in advance. M'mty current in the Stale where issued will be Tfrticcd at par. CLUBBLVG. .V dncount of t weuty-tive per cent, troro the above tr.;t will be allowed to Cli;bs Ordering four or more i ;es of any one or more of the above works. Thus: !■. .r'■■jpies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be lei.t t,. one address for $9; four copies of the four Re- ! and Blackwood for ^^30; and so on. POSTAGE. ‘U ail the principal Cities and Towns, these works » i>«‘delivered, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent liiHii, the Postagu to any part of the United States ■ le but TWE.NTV-FOUR CENTS a year for ‘-B’.ack- **■ '!. and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each ■ -i-e Reviews. *\. B. The price in Great Britain of the fee 'jJtcdU ctOove-named is 831 per annum. tiiuiunces for any of the above publications should - be addressed, post paid, totivie Pubiishers. LEO.SARD S4:orT a: CO., No. 51 Gold street, Nrw Vork. -NOR'l'li CAROLINA UACON. HA.MS, aidfcb and StJuUldtri, for sale by bIiVJiiiL.V EOSE. 90- THK CKUIBRATKD HOLLAND REMKDY »0B DISEASE OF Tin: KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, \VEAKJ!sESS OF AXlc" KUST), FEVER AND AGUE, \ii(l the various nffections consequent iipon a dUorrtered STOMACH OR LIVER, .*^'ich fts liiilic^*slion. Ariility of the HtoinHch. Cilirky PRlns HcHrlbiirn. l.oss ol Ap|ttile, Uetponileiicy, lllinil Htnl Blerdinz Pile. In all Nervmis, Rlienmatic. an*! A/fec- has in niiincmU'i inNtaiirf. (iroveil h.ghly hearliciHl, anl in others etfectPil a riecnlul cure 'I'his is a [nirely vegetable cnmjiDUnd, pre(>.irpl on siriftly scien lifit prinriples. alter ihc iiiannpr of the celehriiteil lltin.iiiil I’ro- te^^or. Uoerhave, Because ol Iti jjreal siu;‘e>'i in iiio't ol the Kuro(ie«n States, il^ intriMlurtion into the ITnited .■'Uites »:t-. in lentied iitf»re es|terially lor th*i«e f»l our fhlher^antl scattereil here and there ovpr thp Tire of this iiiiiihty country .Meeting with /real sticress aiiHins iheni. I now )fTer it to tt*e ,\iijeriraii pulMic, kiHiu ini2 that it'.rii,y \%'nilerrul iiieilicmul Virtues imi:.t l>e :ic- Knowleiieeil. It is p:irticularly rt'Coiiiinen'leil to those i>ersons « hi>»*- ronstit!!- tions may lis'e liren iiin>:i;reil hy the contini'i>u-> use of ardent 4|iirit!, or other fninn ol dis'-ii.itinn. Centrally inKlantanemis in elft*cl. il find-i it-i way dirertly to the seit »f lile, thrilline and ((iiickeninK every nerve, r:nsinif up the driMi|>inK spirit, and, in lari, inlusing new health and viit'T in the sy-.u in, Nt)TJCE—Whoever expec ts n. lind this k l« veraj>e will lie di»- aiiiMiinteil: hut to the si. k, we;tk and low spirited, it wiil pr.ive a "ratelul aromatic cordial, (xKHessed oriinEu'ar reiiiedi^il prciperties «; A i; 1 I (> .V! The great (Hipularity of this delightful Aroma has iiiduced many iMii'.atii.n-. which the pablic should niiar.l against purcha-*int! Ue not (lersiiadcd to htiv anything else until you have yiven Boer- ' nave's l1oll.ii)d Biuers a I tir trial. >ne bottle W'll convince you how inlin tely super.or it is to all these iiiiiUition*. Jf:J-.Sold at $1.00 (ler bottle, or bix bottles for .$o,00, by the Si O L K PROPRIETORS, KILVJT 1 JK- A: CO. ^ ks \ r V » T r R I n PtlARMACEUT.'T-! aNi> CHEMISTS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale sule agent fur Fayetteville. Juue 14, lbo7. MITCHELL'S FALLS. AI;ENTS \V.\.\TED I\ every county of the ST.1TE canvass the same, and p.rocure subscribers’ M. names for the sale and delivery of an excellent LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, taken upon the spot and gotten up4n the finest style of the art, representing the place where the Rev. ELISIIA MITOHELL lost his life in his explorations of the Black .Mountains, in the Summer of 1857. Upon the receipt of Three Dollars, we will furnish to any person desirous of taking an Agency, Two Pictures, one tinted and one colored, as samples, with full par ticulars as to.the terms of the*agency, &c. We will offer inducements sufficient to make it pay an ener getic agent. For further particulars address us at Asheville, N. C. LEWIS & IHCKENSON. P. S. Mr. Dickenson is also Agent for the Mt. Mitchell Monument Association, and during his tour through the State will receive subscriptions for that object. W. T. DICKE.N'SON. Feb’y 9, 1858. 85-Om HIGH MOUNT TANNERY. SITUATED 4 MILES WEST OF WADESBORO’, AN SON COUNTV, N. C. OW the panic is over and nobody killed in these diggins, the undersigned st 11 continues to con duct the genei’al Tanning and Manufacturing of all kinds of Leather, ilarness, Sadoles, Bridles, Boots and Shoes, of every size and description—of the very best material. PL.\NT.\TION premium BROO.^NS, NOT to be surpassed. All of which he offers and pro poses to sell or exchange for Raw Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, and all kinds of country produce, on terms to justify and accommodate his customers according to the times. Having on ham! constantly a large supply of Stock, he is prepared to execute all orders neatly and promptly, with such material and workmanship as are not to be ex celled by ai;y establishment of the kind iu this part of the country in style, .lUaiity or price, for cash or to punctual cust^ners And in returning his sincere thanks to his customers and frieLds generally for their firmer patronage, he solicits andhopes to still merit a continuance cf their fiivor.s. JAMES C. CARAWAY. .March 4, 90-tl.Ia The Anioricaii AlinuiiJic for 18")8; Sword’s Pocket .Almanac for 185H. The Twin Roses, by Mrs. Ritchie; Livingstone’s Africa; Major Jones’ Courtship; Berteni’s Piano Instructor: Faber’s Draw ing Pencils, in cases; Music Folios; Copy Books, ^-c. ^-c. E. J. HALE u SON. WATER WHEELS! WATER WHEELS!! Im- WE are now manufacturing Vandewater’s proved JONVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, for Mills and Factories of every description; and all I those wishing to improve their water power will find it I for their interest to address us by letter, stating the I number of feet, head and fall; their usual amount of water; the kind of machinery to be driven. We can I then give them price of wheel, or what we will furnish I Wheel and principal Gears for, warranted to do a cer- ; tain amount of work. Time given to test the Wheel, and if it does not come up to our figure, the Wheel and Gears to be delivered to us at the mill of the purchaser. ReFER£NC£ OlVBN AND RKQUIRED. HEATH & STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Prince George’s oouuty, Md. ROBERT BAIRD, Agent, RiohniOD. Vn rt v Subscriptions may be made payable in work, anl ma3’ specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholder.^ shall in every case have {irefcrettce in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer's estimate. -\s soon as one hundred thousainl .lollars are sub scribed, the Commissioners of (Mislow county are to be notified, and they are re.fuire.l to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. March 1 o, 185*'>. l^’tf SI 11: MW i: ij. no us K, Ka*t side of Gre>;n Strt /1, a /’etc Doors North of the M^r/i't f fhtunf. rjlHE Subscriber desires through this ■ me.lium to acknowledge the liberal jliinBS patronage bestowed ujion his House the pa.'^t year—and as he has just erected New Stables aiil ' Carriage She.l convenient to fhe H.iuse and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient nn.l permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal pat.on- ; age heretofore received. Ever;' exeition on his part shall be used to render them comfortable daring their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. E would call tha attention of persons afWicted with Chills and Fevers to this celebratsd Pill, which owes its popularity to no putting, nor to long, winily certiticates—but solely to its own merits ns h remedy which never fails to cure when taken accord ing to directions .iccompanying each bo.\. This Pill, unlike many others, contains no mineral, nor any in jurious ingredient, and may be administered with per fect safety at all times, to young or old. -\s a preventive ugaiuHt Chills, or aii7 other type of Fever, it is recommen.ied as unsurpassed; and in treat ment of Fevers generally it is far superior to Quinine, or any preparation of Peruvian bark. .\ trial of its merits is all that is needed to insure it a favorable p.isition in the estimation of even the most inveterate oppo.ser of Proprietary or I’.itent prescriptions, aiA MriON'S AXTI-BILIOI'S PILLS Enjoy the rej utativ.n of being at lc:ist as good, if not better, than any of the various catii irtio I’ilis ol the age, and are entirely tree from all poisonous, mineral, or other injurious properties, an i are ni^'ily re(; >:i.- mcndv 1 in I'yspepsia. Liver Ikiinplamt, Sick Rclie, ''iek Stomach, Hai.itual t'ostiyene'S, In.ligealion, \. , and .liseases ol' the Stomach, Liver, B >w‘ls and Blood generally, they being by llnir ('omj'.o.''i'ion eiially ailij>led to either of t'le above eases :is a gon er,il cathartic, good at all tinu-s when .‘sUch me lii iiies are reijuire.l. We recomini-ud them to the attention of all persons. Prepared by F. .^L SWVKIl N. CO., Belleville, Illinois, Sold by SAMUEL .1. HINSD.VLE, t ayetteville. N. C. .U^o, in all the to\»ns and cities, and by nuuien us c:;untry agents throughout the southern and wc?tern States ani Territories. F. .M. SWVER At Co,, Proprietors, Belleville, lil’a. June -i, If^jS. lf>-i)m March 24, 1855. 8ij-tf I'ANNEK’S OH. DilV HIDES. Bf L.'S, Tanner’s Oil,—a superior article; also, VHr I tine lot of Dry Hides. For sale by JAS i. N COOK. *i2- Biaak Warrants tor sale at this Office* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. rilHE DWELLING HOUSE, recently occupied by -I. Mrs. H. P. Lain, and as present occupied by the Rev. James McDaniel, near Haymount, will be sold privately by the subscriber. It is located in a good neighborhood; convenient to business; in a healthy section of the town; good spring water convenient; and has all necessary out houses attached. A gieat bar gain may be had, as 1 am determined to sell. Terms libke.\l, j. R. McDONALD, Agt. Fayetteville, May 19. 12ts DEE*^ RIVER COAL. ~ BITU.MINOUS COAL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at^a reasonable price by the Ton. W.M. McCLANE. Mining Engineer, May 21, 185G «-tf VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR S^MIjE. 1 OFFER for sale, my L.VNDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about 130 .Veres, known as the i MUMFORD SWAMP. ’ About 80 Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop l now ou it will show. Also, the Valuable Brick Store and l.ol near the M.nrket "Square, occupied by Mr. John i Peinterton. i A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, | Maxwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—couid be divided into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High School Builtlings. .\1bo, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting aa Mumford Street. Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both 'vVinblow' and .Murafor i Streets. ,Vil this property can now be purchased on favora- '•jc terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and Mortgage if desired. lao. J. cuHTia. Oct. 10, 186&. 48-tf I J. W. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, tinest, and carefully se lected stock of *^ver oS'ered iu this m.arket; wiiich, added to hi.s owu manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—ail of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasse.s; Willow Wngons an.l Cradles; Siile Boards; Bureaus; .Secretaries and Book-Cases; W’hat- Not«; Tables, all !■ Tts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and Glass; Window Sh.ades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in .Mahogany- and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with .i+^olian At tachment; Rosewooil .Melodiaiis, from the bet manufac- I tories in New V»rk and Boston, warranted as good aa any made in the country, and will be sold at N. Vork prices—freight only added. September 2. 45-tf 8.MALL POX DEAJ). 1 ENTLE.MKN, you tint wish to sell Likely Vouiig ff NEGROE.S, Men, Boys, Woiueii an.l Girls, loi the highest cash jtrices, would do weli t.j ^ivo lue »t c.ill, or ad.lress me at (,'iint.iii, N. C. J. A. .'\Ic\RTllUR Juue 5, iSoM. 17-8mo.s p.l STRAYED OR STOLEN, I^'^PiO.M the 0th Section of the Western R iil Road, ou Thursday night the .3 1 of Juue, a large Sorrel Horse .MULE, wita his maue and tail trimmed clos- a>id a small scar on his back c iuse t from cart saddle. We will pay a liberal reward lor his delivery, or any information leading to his rec ivery. S.MII'H a: O'BRIEN. June 5, 1858. 17-liu ~ Nl'AV HOOKS. A WOMAN’S THOUGHTS ABOUT WOMFN; .Mele, by Julia Kav.iiiag!.; Illustrated life of Franklin. D’lsraeli’s Sketches ot English Literature; fhe WorUs of Lor'l Chesterlielil; tjlio; Cabiin't .Maker and Uiiholsterer's Comfi.iuioii; The Poetry of i'lowers and Flowers of Poetry; Livingstone’s Tr.iv.-ls; (luni- ming's Hunter’s Liie in .Vfri :a; ,ii '’'im N:;:hts; .lay -i Morning and Evening Exercise.''- Uiii in Ifib.e Dii;ti-.n- ary; Living or Dead, by R.-v C, I’.vle; .liivenile Books, .VC., &C. I .\laroh 5. llAl.i; cV, .'ON L' , JOSEIMl BAKER, Ju., ATTOKXEV AT I. A W , Has taken an oflice next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and I practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Kobesou and Sampson. March 28, 1853. 71Mf ! HZr* riie l^rosl)yt3riaii PsaliiKxiisi— i Character Notca. A further supply just received, I Oct. J UAL£ & SON. I'III*111 1*1* .sii|»i»li‘‘ »* l*ook«. IFE of l>r, K.uie, l._v .''mu.-k. r; E:i"'isli lleJirtsand Eajilish ilaa Is; ParIO".’s L ie .f i: i;-r; H.iupt. ou Bri'l,u** (.'onstructi ui; IW-eckinri'l.i'c .s Kiiowlt-Ig • 'f Go I; S>ils.»n on the .■'km; Pi ites to ilitlo; \liteiieli ■> Iheiapeutics; Willi.tins (jU the l*iiiiciplv,-j 1' ,\le licaie; Wood’s I’ractic.-; I’leice’.s -Vlgcbri an 1 ii-.iiii»'iry; if-c, Airil E. J. HALi: ELR'I'HER sn*l» OK HOOKS. P.VR'ION’S Life of Aaron IJuji-; Guy Livirjgstone; The Twin R. ses, by ,\lr«. Kiichie; Bt-rii r.l Liie, i by Jere. Clemon.s; sell »>i i>o March l^i. 1 AiC. .1. HALK X SON- Littcll's l.iviu^ —luii;ir;:'0(l >c- l we.-kiv. Hiii;.vr'3 .M:.^,i/,i:.e mt May I.. .1. ilALI. .'O.N. jies—receivi llarjjer’s and C«ucic\’s .Ma^azim s I'jr June, just received ti. J- HALli i bON. May lU.

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