I to furnish the ^ Ik .. y. . thf *‘'1. nut b Laa Khs K rt- »*r ii-, l.vpojfrabi.. IP In >0; in bttlf ne wi -A liberal mken to . kff of tbe t- pay ep irati Ml al!. lin ubout , mnllv hi^ bind halk "■tie of i’be price bandsoiue ' alf $1 charpeii, 'I'SCOUui aRHiti f ‘Unt-y, postH j?e suc- P«c. .. ■• r \iT'- ,- ini> ie- Ai, "11 to t*’' to u> ! * 'tfu I-l-V.M.oi Ollb. nan\ on d’.n 8 U lU-'St , I hirry Ve u •->1- ■ W VV1 rt; it\‘ at! t k1 rt uu A 1.”, Mu. , h L;:e "I ’ii- : Ai. itL . hv 1 lev 1m riie ' w .Ik. '■ Viou- iiu ■U(‘i-ub ... •XliUiiuie-, iieJ t,_v b; 'iljtltu:; JII.,. The ' > .--"•lili: l‘i'''j liif .i ,1 r.'.. bus well'.-, ‘Iiy. I:- , Tu. --o.ltiai, 'O.S.; \\avtriv •i I tuf . rtiC^v h the ' . -it Authors; l*ittt..ri S. d Livt,, n* »i- J uf V-j’'* V JSea; A.lv.-uturt- Mis. h:--, H .j.j.in 1..^ Hlr L t u I W H i t f I ^ J ai.iu>, I’;:, ..n.phv iiu.l , Mur;-ii.ii;- , \\hs!i- Ellcj, TUe I’oeiii-ai \V_rks ■ : lyi-OIl, 11 ALL try le; K. liib Isr ph> 14 Bon’ evili lor- al ge; W liuruk »A'V. on ■ -.JtT; ick oil : 'le Mea-uro rick 'U ^tatu'^r_v aua LaTT^ i i'leaa ! tb« ('runli. p OQ Nlarriuge anJ 'orce; rd's’ ersou L rave 4. liu;;=,r’s on LiU!-luu: lates » Tri^’.' ; Ue lell on Ar itr> ■ rid on Kepievir -'r\ I'lea J vV Tru.Hts, iUat ersL.j ;ueii ludei I L. 1’ r i-; i’leii.- ..(i; 1>-- port- ; lis'' li •’outrii 't*. art,.n Homiciin art .1 V ‘ tiie B MtJ- urirJprU'Jt'UiM?; riau 1 on - Ontracta, er on Le» iicie»; liiiDi- -1 txei-tors. , r.al I'ru- I yanciug; . iiii^. tv; isle^- 3 * leno.': m'8 CoinnientarieM 'lis “ .'o! -I' ‘•utary; iif..r'‘ s-''urro^aie Ke- ort.s; ipiug *n Maiiduinuia, wn ( ir uit = in; j “ ty’s N ’ !■' Tm Book, J .TvLE, iSi'N )OkS. and Materi-i Medica, ouar% lology ie-iiciu*' Bdie- Jtatec ddard. t)jr Bumsteaa, ou'lie; Uory by iom I - f lera; by Heart, &c.. &c. J. II K 4 '*»N Ul N I . G H K 'U Ha.T ai>j"'i F ■!' f>arti»^“ ia.l M. A>? i^KLh fi.U )K>. N S'-UT'- AFRI'’'^’ h an ■ rtr: I Aff.oa. \Vi:b:n- .Tin; ' lue j omiDU- ti.e '»0B( ul. The PaalBi- looi Books; &C- J. HaLE ^ soi^' >OBp- >teH at, 1 S E MI-W E B K L. Y. Ml.I I'AYr/rTKVIM.K, C.. JUNK 17, 1858. [NO. 7*^0.] 1 I' XI>N1>\'.S AN1> flll'HSKAYS. riiW \lil» .1. H \Li: .V: SON. I'i r>'K' \N'» I'C.il’KlK l'OH:’-. till’ 'Ill; \\ .-I*k ._V (>H>thVEK OO if iu I » t ' >'• if piiiil .luring the yo ir 'if suiwcrip- | ! ■> I nftfr th«“ ye'll- h is »‘Xpii'i-«l. n fi-lv \ Ouskuv’kr iMi pel-iimnim. if paiil in i ’>u it iliti iiif; tlie ye:vr of siiliscrip- i ,■ , uu -iftei- tlie yeur expire.I i ■\ KK'i'L'l^'lHN rs iiir.-iti'.l fill sixty cents per' 1 ^ lint’s ft.I-tin iii-st. Mini thirty rents for r:ich , . aMi> 'i eai-ly advertisenuMUs l>y hpe- rr.i i ■■ :ii I easoiialili- rates. Ad\*“rt ist-i s are, i • '.tiitf the nuiiiliev ».if insertions desired, or . .11; lined till fi rbid. :in>l charjrt-.I :»ecord* SA!.r. Ol- lloii!^e and liOt «»ii lla> iiioiiiit. HV virtue of a l>i-crer of tbe Court of K.juity for Cuin\ier\:;ii.l County, upon the pptilioii of the- heirs-at-!aw of Miss .Mury Holmes, dec’d, I will sell nt tbe .Market M. iis;* in Kiiyctteville, on Wednesday tlio !Oth day of June next tnat valuable Mouse ami Lot siiU'iteil on llnyinouTit, the late resilience of Miss Mary Molnies, dee d. There are eonifortable ont-bouHes and a j;i.od irar leii s[*iit oii ihe pretaises Terms of sale, ii; cash,—tbe bal'inee of the piir eliase money to he p.i'.d in c. ;in.J 12 iiionths, with in forest from ilate. liinidand approved security : e(|uin>d from tbf purcbe.ser W ill’sKK. C’ ei-k and Mastei. May ol, 1S.')8 I'vts FOR ',t' III be iii'erted ch‘irued •')> per IV Hre iHsurtfure. S’'K. u f> r ' Ur rea.lers to the nnnual st.-ili-ment of (w t.'ie .Kni:i Insurance (’ompMny, of Hartford, «:;l he tViund in an.itber column. Thi^. success- Mit 'U w.-is incorp.>r:ite.l by the l.epi.'’.ature of - lit in I''!'.', with a perpetu-il ch.irter. Its IS >..snO,i*iUi, and its accuir.nhitions exceed nuire. making its entire assets ever i!:iOO,- ' .>-steii as detailed in the statement referred to ' fsults ill licate that during tbe period of nearly • w-:irs since its organization, ; without a single f its chief ofiicer.) its business bas been con- : witb judgment aU'l prudence. It bas been - : -v successful in an eminent dejzree, uiscb-.irging, -re infornifd, all its obligations tiy the paj-iuent lit -'1 iiitllf --: lit'lldr.f for losses, without asking a - delay in any instance. It bas bad but little lit- iii. notwithstanding the immense number of trans- ■ ns niiidt'. In order to attain as m-.ii.-h ccrtnintii as '■blc in sncb a business as insurance, it bas been prai-ticc of tbe i^oinrany, tor several ye;\rs, at It Intior, carefully to classify and arrange their ,info about fifty distinct classes, s,i hr to ascertain lui 'iiiit insured on ea-b class, tne .-imount of pre- .'U' rtceivvd thereon, an.t tbe aiuitunt o' losses up . h. This cl-issitication, extending over a long i.,ind covering property to a very large amount,fur- ■' reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial - r t .I'-tual experience, ujioii which tc conduct its , i-ss. Insurance isnot a matter of luck or chance, .iiy suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and ■ lu iples capable of being reduced to a system, the w -rking an.l results of which are as certain • it .f any other business. The .Ktna Company, . •riii^ rigi lly to its system, an.l placing its busi- II -I healthy basis, has obt lined the conti.lence SALK or (iOOi) ^ .IT .f f 'f y##>.v. Y Virtue of a fieed of Ti ust executed to me by j Cook S: .1onns(n, fcr purposes therein speiified, ' 1 will offt>r for sile at pub!-.? ancti'n, on W KONE.'^U A^ , ' the '2;ld ilay of June nc\i. THE t:yrii!K sto^k of (J(>ods, (V'nsisting of HAKltW.'.KK uid - L’TMliV, HOI.LOW- WAHE. ikon, NAll.S, CK»( VKIIV. ANl»(iLASS-j ^N.XllE large and ^encr:;! .iss irtniiTit of all arti- | cles usu:illy kept in th,' ;iurdw;re tine. I The attention of .Merchants and tbe puMii- gei'.er>illy is cai'e.l ti> this S-il*, •is inrnishiiij^ a fa\or:ible opp .r- tuiKty tor inercbaiits to supply theinselve. or to i e- j plrtiish ihcir stock-*. | Ternis liberal and made known at Sale, W .McL. .McK.VV, Truste.-. May ISjS. ,‘-(s llOUSi:, LOr, AND NKCJUO. ^I'^HE undersigne.l wisliiiig to close up their oldbusi- I ness, offer for sale the llOl'SE and LOT on Hay- : mount, formerly occupie.l by Major (liluiore .Mso, a NEGlxO 15t>V 14 years of age; having tried him for the | last tive iin'iiths, we can reconinieiiil him ns an excel lent servant, both f.»r b.iiise or nut o! doors, sold for ! no fault, but to close old business. ' K. N \ .1. II. H(»1?K11TS, May :i, IH.'.H 7-tf OLD [{ILLS. tLL persons indebted to tlie c.mcern of KK.^NK \ JERKY and J. H. KOllEKTS cj CO . are re- ; ijuested to come forwar.l and settle their bills If not this month, they will find theui G,;■)()() AC’RKS OF LAND SAfJv fB^HK Subscriber d(*siring 1.1 move to the Westotteis M. to sell the following tracts of valual>le Itiiid. 1 Tract containing acres in Harnett ('ounty 18 miles North of Fayetteville. There is on this tract, two large and comfortable dwelling bouses, with all necessary outhouses, together with a gootl mill running two saws and grist, with about l^ltO acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation: tbe reiiiuinder is excel lent farming and turpentine land .■\lso another tract eont,lining 4000 acres of turpen tine lund, about lOO acres of which is cleared. There is on this frnct one goo.l dwelling witb .ill necessary out houses and a good grist nnd saw-inill. I VI ill take pleasure in showing the above property to any person wishing to purchase. 11. S, McNFlLL. Manchester P, O -Nov. 7th, 1K57. ()7-t8 S,800 A errs of li'.ind FOR SAI.K. i ^■IHE Sutiscribers offer for sale the above Tract of | R Land, lying on Anderson’s Creek, about two at.d j a lia’.f miles from lower Little River, near Elliot’s i Mills,—incl-ading about One Hundred Acres of good I Srtamps, which can be easih' draine.L This Land Is > vci v he.-ivily thubered, and a large portion level and , I*' -uTieri.ir i,iia'ity of l*ine L-tnd for cultivation. | ,\lso, a Circul.ir .''TL \M S.WV-MII L, in complete | or.ler and weil adapted to s-iwing plank road and rail | r^iad timbers. .\lso, Two well-broke MULES. .VII, or any portion of which, will 01; time. The Land will be sold either in a body or in parcels to suit, SMITH iV ELLIOT. •Vjiril i. IS.',7. y7-tf FAYKTTF.VILLK MO PFL. L\ND FOR SAF.H. fl ■ ACRFS OF I AND lying on uppn Hotel, will be pleaued to see their former patrons I ft Little ilivor, in Harnett County, und friends, assurii-.g them that tbwy will use every timbered and well located for tbe Turpentine busines.-i. jJ.^’^KANK N, ROBERTS ,t t'O , having leased this | exertion to please. F. N. UoBERTSr] Jan’y 7. [J. G. Smith. 74-ypd COOL SPRLMi VIILI.S. ^I^HE Proprietors are prepared to GRIND CORN on I the usual terms. The Bedstead Manufacture is still carried on at tbe Kume place. Jan’y 11, 1858. 75-tf CHAIRS, CHAIRS. " It will be sold on accommodatiDg terms. Apply -soon to the Subscriber at Fayetteville WM McL McK\Y Sept 22, 186*). 41-tl WT^. TURLIN&TON, 'uiiimi.s.sioD Merchant, No. 4 North Water St. WILMLVGTON, N. C. WILL give his prompt personal attention to tne sale or shipment of all Consicn'nents of Naval A LARGE lot of Stool-bottom Chairs, made al Cool stores or other Country Produce m. Spring Mill, and for sale by ^ g Ul*. U. A. Ilfl.ArK, M. CAMPBELL. 9Gy tf M irch 24, ’68. HOOK^^-IUNDLNG 2 N all its kinds, executed with neatness and de spatch Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. H. TILLINQHAST, .\nderBon Street. 11-lV ^^FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 18.5b. rf)-tf (»1M> A( RKS OF li.V.M) KOK .S.\I,K ^l^llE Subscriber otl'ers for sule the above ijuantity I of Land, situated in a healthy neigliborhood, three miles from tbe Wilmington and ('harlotte Rail Road, and four from Lumbei River. This Laud is well adapted to Farming, Turpentine, an i Ton Timber purposes, having a good i inge and otlier a.lvantages. Those wishing to purchase may finii me on the pre mises, who will l>e happy to exhibit it or give any in- ti'i-ination concerning it desired, ANGUS .McGlLL 1‘hiiadelphus, N. Sept. 1, lH-j7, 40tf May 14 TROY & FIJLLFR, Attorneys and Coun.sellors at Law, i.ii31Be:kto.\, KOBi^mo.'v i;o., |»OBERT K. TROY and JOHN P. FULLER, have I m formed an association for the practice of their be sold low and profession in Robe.son County. The former will also ' attend the (’ourts of Bladen and (’olumbus; tbe lattei will also attend those of Cumberland. The Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. Jau’y 1, 1858. 73- SIDNEY A. SMITH, .\ttoriiey and Coiiiisollor at Law, WILL attend regularly tbe County and Superior Courts of Wake, Johuston, Cumberland, Har nett, and Wilson. All business entrusted to his care will receive promj>t attention. .lan’y 12, ’68. 7(>-ly NOTICK. I^HE undersigned having executed a power of At torney to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for uie aiiu in my name, and generally to transact all business as 1 might or could do were I personally present. .1. J, ,MOORE. Fayetteville, June 3, 1857. Lltf .\ frfsii su|»[)ly of Liint*, Plastorin^ Hair, Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic ('ement, an 1 L.-ind Plaster. For sale in quantities to suit, by B, ROSE. Feb’y 15, 1858. H'>tf THO. O. FULLI3R, •Attorney anti t'ounseUor nt Kjinc. OFFICE at Ewcles’s Bridge, recently oc.-upied by- James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. (' Jan’y 1, 1857. LOVEKD ELURIDUK. •IttorHrtf at MjIhv, ^OriLL attend tbe Courts of Jobustou an.l .Samp- ▼ w sou Counties. K*ll ,flate Hiffh fSchooh Rev JOHN W .MAJOR, Principal »^]|>H1S Institution has been in successful operation * for some in;>’itbs, un.ler tiie charge of the present Priucii..a The next Session will commouee on the I2tli of ilu'y. with a full corps of competent liistriic tors, whom the 'I'lustees can coi.tidently recommend t.> I he patronage of liie public l> C MclN rVRE, Sec’y l.aurinburgh, N. C., June h, lh.'»8. 18-4t DR. |{F:MU)\V here the first of July, TV til be absent until the tirst of Oct us heretofore. .All who are in debt t') him will please call and aettlu His terms have been m;'.do known to all for whom he has operated, STKI€TE.\' The inducements he has lieM out have not bt-en loit fjrk>» and Ion;/ credit—but hia utmost exurtioii to per form every 0|ieration in as a mnnutr »* posxibl" J ane 11. 19-3w II settled by the last in the hands of a Lawful Colle J -May .■?, ctor. H. R(M$ERTS S CO. tf STARR & WILLIAMS, li WE removed to th.- two brick Stores in the West end of tbe Fayetteville Hotel building. nuinity to an extent surpassed by no other y .11 tbe U. States, and bas increased its busi- t Its inooiiie from year to year witb a steaily ^ where they i.re now opening their i»ne great source of its security is tbe wide II • u of its risks-a pelicy which it J'U^ues | * •'trictneas—tbe amount to i>e cov- n-ii locality. By this course it has passed, recently selected by one of the firm in the Northern iiij' srative impunitv, through some of tbe most ■ markets, which will be oflered for sale to their regu- - - ■ lar customers on the usual terms. •Ml persons who wish to buy Gooils cheap at WH'.)LE- S.VLE, are respectfully invited to call and examine th's stock at our new stand. West cud of Fayetteville Hotel building. ,). B, Starr.] [J. M- W’illiams ,\pril 2 4, ■;t'58. ^>tf - . 4: .n.i destructive tires, which have swallo-Aed up :;.)..iuies less cautious in their business. It is ,. ..Nc this, based upon experience, which gives •; all ! S' undness to a company, and to the as- •' lence and securitv —li tiri- ' r, i T.\i wmm. mm\, iiMni’oiii), co.v.N, l inllAlED l>r.'. ( HARTER PERPETUAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. - ! |;.At L. President. E, G. RIPLE\, \ ice Pre- ■I:' T, A. .ALEXANDER, Secretary, s T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. ( hun-h, R. • , *1 Tuttle, E. Flower, h. A. BulkeK-y, R . K. G. Ripley, S. S. War.l, . - \. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T, FAilM FOR SALK ■ OFFER for sale my PLANTATION ..n the East side «f Cajte Fear River, miles above the Claren- I jii Bridge, km wn as the Toomer Lands, containing ..nont HiiO acres. The Plantation is in a good state of cultivation, and is nisceptible of being ma.le on« of the most protiiable Farms in the County. 1 will give a bargain in the lands, an.l make the time of pay most easy if ai'plication is uri le in a few weeks. ■Vddress me ;it Gulf, N. C. L. J. HAUGHT(>N. (tct'r I'i. 02- FOR SALF. rglllE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT on Gillespie K .'^treet. at present occupie.l by D.ictor .McSwain pcitei-t tit:C I-111 be nil de. Apply t.) THO J. ('URTIS H Z. Pratt, ii F. ,\. Alexander, VV . . .\s-!ets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, ; : i .merest, witb !i!172,b'’.l 'il of cash on dejiosite ■ liirtf.ird Bauks, to meet los.ses, me and unpaid—none l ijU.ste 1 and not due, >24,:!1.I '’0. - ;n suspense, waiting turtiier pr.iof, a;c., ' .. r. re :ste' , . sunpieions of ti au'l, \c. I ^•4t),^> 8 i 2. Jiaf ,\f.'eut ot the above Company in Fayetftville, E. J. H.\LE BRITISH PERIODICALS. 'I 11 IT ,v ' NEW \ORK, continue to publish ■..>• t.illowing lea.ling British Periodn-.iis, viz: 1 t, L -Nl’ON l^UAU'ILKLV . V.n^ervative . !iK hi'lNlU R'ill ULNll.’A Wuig-. ■U, NttK'Ill liRlTl.'H HKVIEW , Free ('burcii; 4. iHE W L.'1MIN>TER REMEW Liberal). o. IiL,\CKV\i:'iD S EDlNB» Hi;iI .MAGAZINE iTory). DFN'PIS I'RV. Dr. J. D.WIS having decided on per manently locating in the Town of F-iyetteville, respectfully offers his seivices to the cit- i/.ensof thi« place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the i;i-inufacture of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is a.bled a ’borough Dental e.lucation, that he cin give entire satisfaction a' far as is in the power ot l)«iitistry. .Ml irregulari ties of the Teeth treated iu a proper ;iud cartful mau- nev, as well as diseases of the muuth, .None but the pr. per metals are miide nsw of in tbe various opera- tier>: alsi», a goo.l F.UIM of about I ’lO acres cleared; ALSO A (iooD FAMILY (WRlll.VGE in good repair and ueiirly new. Will be sold for half its viilue ALS( M good MILCH t’OWS with young calves. .Apply to T. J. CURTIS. \pril 2‘.. 1^’>7. 3tf LANDS FOR SALE. 1 OFFER for s.-ile about bOOO .\cres of Pine Lamls near Fayetti-ville, c.mtainiiK ,iri immense nuantity of Mill Timlier, and a number of Turpentine Boxes, an.l several r.i'w t-isks mav be cut There is on the premises a tii.e Dwelling House, .and all necessary out houses.— Scuppernong and Isabel hi G rape Vines,—1000 young Peach and .-\|iple Trees of Lindley's best vari- ,IAS. .s.MITH. MILES COSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., t'aetors^ Commission nnd For- 'trnrding •lierchants. WILMINGTON, N. C. ■ PROMPT attention given to sale of TIMBER, LU.M- M BER, N.AV'.AL STORES and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements made on Consignmentit. Refers to E. P. Hall, Pres’t Branch Bank of State. H, R. Savaoe, Cash’r Bank Cape Fear. John Daw- sil.S, Esq. ■April 25, 1858. 5-1 V Presbyteri.-in copy. D. A. LAMONT, Commission Merchant, Wilmington, i%. OFFICE 38^NORTH WATER STREET. I Personal attention given to all produce sent to hiui I either for sale or shipment. Nov’r ti. .‘i7-lypd .1. Wn.LlAM RAGE, M. D., f MTTSBO ROMJii Mi, .V. C\ I^R. P.\GE may be found at bis office when not .'■'mithtield, April 15, 185*i. Worth & Utley, Foruardmijj and (iciioral Commission MERCIIAN'FS, M'nyi'tteriUe, .V. 1'. J. A WORTH. (72tf) JOm. tlTLKV. (JEO. ALDERMAN, inspector of •Vnvnt WILMINGTON, N. C , ^OLD'ITS patronage. Prompt attention and quick despatch will be given to business entrusted to his care. June 23, 1867. 19-12mpd S' professionally engaged. .May ti, 1857. 6tf .SO Aug. (il ANO. TONS BEST PERUVIAN GUANO, jusst re ceived and for sale by GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. U. 38- T C. & B. G. WORTH, (.’ommi.ssion iMjrwardiiig Mt;rcliaiits, Bruun't liuildtny. Water Street, IINfmiiig'fon, .V f , Usual ailvances made on consignments. Nov. 11, 1867. aU-tf ('orroN ra(;gin(;. ^ ^ UN DEE and GUNNY B,\GG1N0 in quantities po FRIST SALE. V virtue uf a Deed of Trust exe.-uted to me by Vich'd ,Mi-Laui hlin, f.ir certain purposes therein ! Specified. I shall, if not'previously disp.ised ol. ofl'er at publii- .sale, on tfie 2-')tli dav of this month, at 12 j o’clock, at the .Markt t IKoise in F;iyetteville, the fol ] lowing pr. perty, viz; j One b.-ilf acre Lot in Campbellton, improved, adjoin I ing Depo’s and .Nixon’s lots; one oilier Lot in Camp ! bellton, containing J acres, on which there is a Saw j an 1 Grist .Mill, in goo.l repair, with other impr.ive irients; also, one Negro man, W.ishington, aged a’lout 1!0 >ears, and one woman, .Mari.-i, aged aliout IH yeirs. I one Team of .Mules, I'our in number; one Timbei i Wage n; one Hoa.I Wagon, with ticar; one Uaroiiche, I One Buggy, and Harness for eacli; and tw.i Mor.ses. Persons wishing to examine tlie ati.ive named pro • I perty, are referred ft) ,Ar»-h'd .McL.-iuchlin, who will ! take pleasure in showing the sam.‘. T.-rms at sale. 1 P SHLMWELL, Trustee Faji etteville, J line lo, I8.j8. IHis i|‘U>l»KliTYlorS.\l.i: V.\LU.\P.LE LOTS locate 1 i’l Carolina City i ^9 niimiiereil as follows: 122, 2t»2. 2t;d, ;50t;, :5i;i, :::ii, 40o, 444, il>, 1 157, 4-V.t, li'.O, 4i;i, .^OO. j Any jiersou wishing to ijurcbase the afor. said Lots, j can hud their location btid'down in a .Map of (.'arolina City, which may be seen at the Fayetteville 11 Hel or at tbe Railroad Office in this place. F'lr terms, .Vc , I applv to C. E LEETE, Auct’r _.\LSO — 1 ,\ Likely Negro Woman, aged yeais, 1 Oirl 10 ! years old; 1 tjirl aged 7 ye-irs; and oue iiboiii 'i years of aj;e. I'or further particul ii.-i ,ip])ly to C E, LEEfE, Auct’r June 12, Isi^H. l'.t-.‘it .’Police lo Soldiers’ IVidows. . rfi^HE Widows of Mexican Soldiers, and the Widows K of Soldiers who i>ied in skrvice in the war ot ' 1?^I2, can h.-ive their pensions continued by calling .ui the undersigned, (’oi.gres-i having made ti Iditioual i provision for them. Give me tbe nianagenient of your claini-i, an.l thtt I money shall Come til once, or no charge Fa\ettevil e, June 12, 1h'i8. JNO. Agt. M RoSi;, for rens'.ons. l’^- auit purchasers. Sept. 17. For sale by I JAS. G COOK. 4.'Jtf tii.ns. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of tilt Profession m«iy be placcd within the reach of all wlio 11.ay feel an interest in the preseivation of the I eeth Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he m-iv be found at all timew .May 10, 1H,')«. Otf and also n GRIST and SAW MILI.: and a fine large .Mead'iw of about 1 40 acres. Tbe Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Road passes through tliese lands about a | in any style desired. BOOK BINDERY. RW. H.\RDIE has resumed the Book Binding • Business, over tbe Tailor Stop of Clark & Woodward, where he will receive and execute binding 1 lie‘e Periodic,;ls -il.ly lepresent the three great poli- I .'a, partii ■-''(ireat Britain—VVliig, l ory, and Radi- ! 1,, ^ tit {■.;.it - s tornis only one feature id’ their char- | •ti : A.'o. :,iiis of tbe mosi profound writers on ,--ii. e, Literature, >, orality, and Religion, they stand, i- ,iev ever have sto..i|. unrivade I in the world of let- o»-ing considere.l in.Jispensable to the scholar and ; r te.'-sional m in, while to the intelligent reader e.ery cias they turnish a more correct -ind satis- ■ - • -V rec .vd of the current literature of the lay, . .fillin’ the woi’.d, than can be possibly obtained luy Dtber sour.e. KAKLV COPIES. T..e receipt of AL'V.VNCE SHEETS from the British :.sht r« gives additioiiul v:tlue to these Reprint:), in- ismi.: ii i«- Thev can now he placed in the hands of sub- 'riber^ Ul, .111 i»i soon as the origin.^l editions. TKH.MS. I’er ann. I any one of the tour Review-* iK* , iny two of tbe t"ur Reviews 5 t/l r r 'iny three of tbe Four Iwevlew- 7 Ot* • r 1:1 fuur of the lieview.s .S 00 lii ii-kwood's .Magazine 01» ISlacliW'lod :llld ttliee Revi«w:-, '* (XJ • 1 and tlie four Review.s l*i OO «). ll)USTi>\ OULD inform bis friends and former customers that be may be foun.l 2 iloors below the Cape Fe-ir Bank, anl ' doors abo\ e 1' is old stand south side person Street, whore be intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, auu every thing belonging to his trade. He respectful ly invites his frien.ls from tbe country to call and ix- amine tiis jtock before purchasing. He will attend to Rep:iiring ot Harnessaud Sad>lles punctually, and bis charges shall be moderate. He would requ'SBt all iudebte ’, to the firm of HJUSTJN & (»VERliV to settle with W. uverby or binisielf, as they art' coiuj el.e.i to settle the firm's ilebts. August ^7, l.^,)0, tf W ANTED. BBLS. TURPENTINE, at my Distil lery on 1‘erson .Street, ..t the Hal! The hijjhest cas'n price will be pai 1. J. R. McDUFFlE. Green St., FayeCieville. N. .March 18, lf6^. 94-8ra mile from the .Mills. 1 will sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but would prefer to sell the whole together. Apply to Thos. S. Lutterloh, Esq.. Fayetteville, or the sutiscriber at Pittsborough, N. 0. J. H. HA UGH TON. Nov. I'J, l''’i7, tlO-tf .August 1 150 .March 4. 27tf OATS. BU.S, heavy black (Jats. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. yo- age I 5000 w-y Bridge ro iiiRi:, ! NEGRO WOM.W, a goo.l Washer an.l House .'Servant. .\lso, a .Negro (ilP.L about 1'2 years of ^ And three Negro ME.N — until 2.>tb Dec. next Also, I’or sal**, I KM) AT(*s ol L.VND in Harnett county, well Timbered, and convenient to i the River. Terms will be m-ade to suit. | W'. McL, McKAV l Fayetteville, .Ian 2t). 78-tf I .$.>0 iiiav.vRi) / ILL be given for the apprehension and delivery j to me, or continement in any jail in the State i so that I can get him, of my man JIM. He leit on ] of »be old, though, as it is scarcely necessary to say to j th- :iOth ult., and b is not >)eeii seen, or heard of since. | the Profe.ssion in North Carolina, its value bas been ; He is a bright ihulatto, almost white, about 23 years • greatly increased by Judge Battle’s Notes, References ; old, about 5 feet 9 inches high, str.-iight !iair, and teeth . ami Corrections. NOKTU CAROLINA srPREME COUR'F REPORTS. ■^HE subscribers have just printed at the (»bserver Oflice a SECOND EDITION of DEVEREUX AND BATTLE’S LAW RE PORTS, VOL. I, BKVISKU A.M> CORRECTKl*, WITH NOTES AND RRFRRENCKS, BY IlOV. WILLLWI H. BATTLE, jldi;e of the si preme roi RT nr mirth cirollna. The price of the new edition is not greater than that i JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. U VI .11 I K I A N r* FOR\VARDIN(i MERCHANT, | n'*Hminston^ *V. 4\ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign | meuts, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship j ped to other ports or sold in this market, Feb. 12, 18.56. fi7 Book Agents WaiitOil. ^■IHE Subscriber, having taken tbe General .-Vgeni-y i JL for getting subscribers to anil deli vering Hawks's j History of North Carolina, now in process of put)lica- • tion by Messrs. E, J. Hale Jf •'^on of Fayetteville, is ' desirous of entering into an engagement with one or i more active, iutelligent and reliafde person.^ in each ; of the Judicial Circuits, to canvass tlieir resjiective ; i parts of tbe State, or particular counties, tboreughly. ; Immediate application is desired, as sample copies of { \ the first volume will will be ready in a few days. Undoubted testimonials as to character must ac- | company each application. Addiess H. W. ilORN, i \ bar(;ain ( .w be had. ^IIE subscriber otfer.s fir sale the ,Miiterials oftbe .NttRl'il i'.AROLlN.A ARGU.S Printing Otiice The e.stabiisnmeiit consiSt.s of two first-rate Washing ton Presse.s, one for Newspaper the otUer fir Jofi Work, a large aiid well selecled ijuantity of in-wsjiaper and j.lb type Tbe new.spaper type are but very little worn, an'l tl.>* l.-irgest porti in of ine j ib type are new It is unnecessary t i enumerate; the se.lections were m:ide by per.Tons of miicii tyjio ^rajihical experience and t.-iste and are :i.-> comp.ete as any m tbe State • Vny ]ier.son wishing to purchase can get a bargain by an early application to DAVID MURPHV. Ju..e 1(», 18.j« 19 tf B.VNK > roc K A'i aFC IION. ILL be sold on 2 d inat., at 12 .M., in Iront of V V Store of I’ook >V Johns in,— 20 SI1.\RES of the t’ai.ital St ick B-ink .>f 'laron Ion Do. .JllIU' lit. do Bank of Fa_\ etteviiir •INO. H. COOK,'Aiict’r iMtS NOiM'll ( \!iOLlN \ REM'I:R.> I A.\i» I'lil.lAKUl WITH HPErlAL RKFEKENCE TO TKK WA.NTS ANI> I.NTERKPTS OF tVorth i'arotinn. t'NIiKK THK M SIICKS OF TllK s r |>kKI .VTKN l» EXT »F CO.V- .'lll.N SCHOOLS, BV iCev. F. n. Iliihbard, I-HOKKSSIIR OF THK I.ATI.N l.,K.S'iLAOK ASI> LlTKRATt'Sa IN ■niK VNIVFU1TV OK NOHTII ( AROI.I.NA. o:t;W‘ i'’ ■ ■ii' nts tn hi mn'i»‘ l urirnt //t Uw ' >,./»(/ dt y/ur. WANTED NEGROES fora .N-ississippi Plantation, M.-n, i'oys, Gi’’i.s, and .ome good Families. EPHH. PAGE. Fayetteville, May (i, 18.">8. ^^-tf 75 lO .M’sr Ki;ci;ivEi). BOXE.S of that superior PtOCK C.VNDV TO- BAtVV, G. W I. GOLDSToN. i )ct 5. 1H57 48-tf *.£00 hi nil iilsrs III iiilniiirr. Sldte u'hi rf tuiiitfil irill hr OAFS AxND FEAS. BUSHELS SEED (*.^TS, luo .iitt.) t'ow Peas. — .-1 ho— A few barrels .Sortherii Irish Potatoeii. For sale in n'lantifies to suit, by Fcli’y 15, 18-')H P.. Ko.-;K. «;'»tl ('H HBLN'O. ■ I ^ lunt of twenty-five per cent, from the above 'I...; lie allowed to i.’i.fus onlering four or more ■t iiiy one or more of the above works. Thus: ■ /f Blackwood, or of one Review, will be ' ■ 'lii- ad Iress for four copies of the four Re- ' I Bi.-ickwood for ■'jioO: and so on. Kjci'i AGK. > . tne principal Cities and Towus, these works ie.i\i-red, 1-REE oF Pt>ST.-\GE. When sent . the l’o8t;ig« to any jiart of the Unite.l States ■ - ul 1 W EN 1 V-FOUR CE.NTS a year for “Black- ttii.; hut Fourteen (JENTS a year for each lo v;i'ws. I /•' Th.' iirin: in (inutt lirilam of ihejiop | ' ' iih'ivt'.-iinnii'tl is S.'l I fji-r aIIIIIIin. i-s for any of tbe above publications should ■ ■ • I'llie.ssed, post paid, to ihe Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT .X Co., No. 54 Gold street, New York. ^DKi'll CAROLINA BACON. H am oiJes and Shoulders, for sale by BEVERLY ROSE, 80- j deleclive, long bear ! on liis chin when he left Had on when he left a veiy g.jo.l suii of cJoihes, and will very likely try to pass off for a white man, and make fjr a free State; should he not go norm, he will likely go up in the vicinitj’ of Fayetteville, as be was raised there, and formerly belonged toWm. B. W’right, Esii., of that jilace. .\iiy person who may take up said Boy will be entitled to the above reiv.inl and the thanks .f 1S.V.\(’ l>. KELL\ Kenansville, N. C., Aug. Id, 1857 dd-tl ! " LOST, 1.AST Saturday, 31st ult, (during tbe hours of .J parade.) about tbe Court House, or between the 1 ('ourt House and tbe Fair Ground, a small yellow ieather Pocket Book, cont:tining consisting ol i three ^10 bills, three -ii f do , oue ^5 bill, one i>5 gold piec**, tbr;‘e $2 50 gold pieces .V Reward of •'j»10 will 1 be given for the above described Pocket Book and ' money, delivered to tbe undersigned, ; * J.\.S M. .I,A(‘K.S0N, Musician. F’liyettevilh", .N. , .Nov. 2, 18-n. 5*itf NO'FK'E. ^ I II K subscriber hiving, at .lime 'i'erm 1H57. of the ; I Court of Pleas ami (^ii;irt» r Sessions for tbe Gounty I'f •'iimberland, uiialitie 1 as Administrator upon tbe Estate of W illie F. .Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims air linst tne s.-iid Estate to present the same pr.ijierly auihenticated within tbe time pre- scritied by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in liar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will please make payment immediately. 1^ F. .MoollE. .)line 3, 1 M.'i7. 1 dtf MEDIC A I. NO ,HS EASTERLING and 11 EN \G A S having ass o cia'ed ibi'iiis^lves togethei- fur the purpfise of I practicin"- .Medicine in Rockingham and vicinity, they l'lirtlier ol BIOOk’«. j ,es,,ectf!r;y solu-it a liberal share of patronage, and tlFE of Dr. Kane, by Smucktr: English Hearts an i ; strict a>i l prompt attent:-j.i they hope to give J English llanl.s; I’arton's Liie ol’ Burr; Ilaiipt ' perfe.-t SMtisf.ii timi to those w|-..i ni l-, lav.^r tin m with on Bri Ige Construi-tioii; Breckinridge's Knowledge of I [,„tronago, Tlit'V w-ll attonl :iiiy cull ‘lay or Go l; Wilson on the Skin; Plates to tiitto; .Mitchell’s j ,,/y/,^ |),- Kirxterling t:ikes pleasure in stating to bis Therapeutics; Williams on the Principles of Me licine; j |,„tions that Dr, H. is a regular graduate, hav- Wood’s Practice; Pierce’s .\lgebra an I Ge.nnetry; ^c. read ll,rrp i/enK and .itteiideil tv d full rfiirr.v# of Lec- April !*. E. J. II \LE .v SoN, | ,„res. One or both may be f.uiid at 'iiiii hvur at their ~ ! Oflice opposite the I’oM Oil;, e, unless professionally LittclPs LlVIHr A«^«' Se- j engaged. jiea — received weekly. Harper’s .Magazine for .May. 1 H. R- E.ASTERLING, M D. D. HEN.\G.\N, M. D E. J. HALE i SON, i Rockingham, N. C,, April 6, 1858. IWtf The volume has bee* long out of print, and we shall be glad to supply the many Lawyers whose sets of Re ports are incomplete without it, as well as those who have the old edition but would like to have the new one for the sake of its notes. E, J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, April 5, 1858. Debtors’ lives may Lie insured by creditors. A man may insure his own lif-j tor i1k‘ exclusive beneiit ol his family lUe lives of slaves may be in.sured. This system is rapi.lly growing into t.-ivor, all over the civilized world It is one by which a tamiiy, tor A small bum annually, may be provided for, alter ttie /-IU- T •• XT 1 .tv I 1 1 ' death of us head, on whose exertions they may have Chief Justice Nash says, “I have looked through it . , , i„.., , . i. i ... , ,, , * * T .u- 1 • I been dependent lor a support. It is a good invc.st!uent —It IS carefully and well got up. * * I think to our ■ * . i ■: (’ourt it will he invaluable—and to the Profession eiually so. It will save the labor of deciding the same LIFE INSURANCE. flWlOK :i, '■^HE Undersigned has been ai»poiiited .Vgent of ■ fONTA I .N 1 N i A KA ,M 11,1 AR H l!«TURY A N I) DE.SCRIP i the North Caroilin Mutu:il Life lusiir:ti.cc Coia- ; flu.N OF .NORTH CAROMNA. pany. Every member tor life p.iriicijjates in the pro- | ^t.lcctiiiiis in lVo.se and \ er.se: luaDV of thcu] by tits ol ths Companv; and the annu-il prcniiu:ii for I iii'e membership, wnere it amounts to >;iO or more, .-n n> r * a v n rin'”i\-i >! w * a i i-iiti i.’ ■ may be paid one-half in cash, and the other naif it. Hlbl )lvlL.VL -A. D A lii . )G ..^L l.ABLfch, a note at 12 mouths ' variety of .Miscellaneous lutorm.ition and Sta tistics, by J'HE NEW EDFFION OF DEVEREIX k BATTLE'S LJW REPORTS, VIlL I. Receives the approval of those who have ex amined it. of money, even it one should live long after t.ikin^ out a Life l‘olicy Explanatory p.implilets, and tiie point again and again; for there will be no excuse for , nt‘cessary Blanks, furnished on apphc^at.on Counsel not being apprised of points already adjudi- , NEW BOOKS. VWOMAN'.-J THOUGHTS ABOUT Wd.MEN; .\dele, by .lulia Kavan.'igh; Illustrated life of Franklin; D’lsraeli's Sketches ol English Literature; The Works of Lord ChesterfieM; .\necdot.al Olio; (%ibinet ,Maker and Upholsterer’s Companion; Tbe Poetry of Flowers and Flowers of Poetry; Livingstone’s Travels; (.’uin- ming's Hunter’.s Life iu .Afri'ra; .\rabiau Nights: -lay s Morning and Evening Exercises; Union Bible Diction ary; Living or Du.id, by Rev. J. C, Ryle; Juvenile Books, .*10., &c. E J. H.\LE & SO.V, ,Marcli 5, being apprised of points already adjudi cated ” G'ntlemen of the Bar who have purchased and ex- aniined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or separate volumes of North t' iroliua Repoits, and Law l$ooks generally, by E. J. HALE & .SON, I'lirlliei* Supply ol* School Bookf*. ^1,MirH’S GRA,M.\1AR; Emerson’s .Arithmetic and Keys; Mitchell’s Gsogr.iphies; Bullion’s Latin irammar; .Anthon’s Si’lust; Divies’ Surveying; Pay- son Dunton’s Copy Books; Walker’s and Webster’s .Si-hool Dictionaries: Leverett’s Latin Lexicon; Sar gent's S»andard Spe-iker; Ac,, &c E. J. HALE & ri(LN'. March FI RTHER SUPPJJES OF HOOKS, &c. 'II^HE Knowledge of God, objectively considered, by I Breckinridge, The Prince of tbe Honse o' Davi l; Simon Suggs; Wild Western .Scenes; Webster's Una I tiridged Dictionary; .Mackey’s Lexicon of Free- Masonry; : Presb-terian Psalinodist; Stodiiard's .(uvenile .\iith j metic: Greenleaf’s Mental .Vrithmetic; Steel Peni*; ^ M ithemat:cal Instruments; Invoic" atoi Referei i-e Fill s; .\e. . \o, E J II \L.*-' .V » Fen t,, 1h.j8 i ii(' .\mf‘ric:»n .Almanac for 18.")'^; ,Swoi.!’s I’.icket .Vlmannc for 1x58, The Twin Ros.-s. by Mr“ Ritehie; Livingstone’s .Vfrica; Maj r J.uie.s' Courtship: Berteui’s Piauo Instructor* Faber’s Draw ing pencils, in cases; Music Folios; Copy Booke, ^c E. J. HALE dl SON. V. II. u'ii>2:v Number is a new anU revised edition of the North Carolina Reader, tirSt pubiished in Ih.jl. Numbers 1 and 2 just issued, complete the series, which is, au a whole, cheaper than any other ser.es of Readers in the United States, and as complete. Tbe Editor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Niini her 1 deems it proper to allude to a few of tbe peculiar advantages aimed at by the .Superintend-»nt of ('omnion .'schools while niaKing efforts to have this work com pleted, These :ire, 1. The riirnitnii/i iiti iil •>/ " ./'’''^"i.V >! ^elf.ilrpetiili'W', and the enlistment of pupiil.ir sentiment in tiehalf of the .-st.ile aii'l its inslitulioiis. li was not thought im |iorlaiit, h.iwever, to have mure tnan one nuiiitier oi tlie lUa'lei.s ol merely a loeal intei-t- Ik By i;i:0, ( .',11 liunii.'v r. T. H.iltH 4 S(I\’S srnKK. ,Ja?i'v 20, 18.58 tit ypd NFAV BOOKS. IARRIED or .^INtiLE, by Miss Sed-rewick: Th- Professor, by ('urrer Bell; I'.omuiy ilye. l.y L iveiigro; Ttie Athelings; Tent l.ife in the Holv Land; Boat Lite ill Egypt ami .Nubia; Tlie Imfirove-i M lus.-- wife, by .Mrs. Wenstei; -if. ,\lso, Bulli.in’s 1st Le.ss'in- in Gs eel ; P iy» n • Dunt.in’s Series of PE.N’ M .V .SSIt 1.V id.ck ^ illeni'.-iii-i. Key to Ukviei’ Algebra; and ottier .'etiool Books K. J HALE & SON h/ the ertl i-retijtvltert' in'l '*t nt Cffin ■ >J 'I //er/>-lilill iliilu.jr iU hj! . an ex pelirlvi- nai'it, and i/ne wtin h nijnres the .Sehool.s b^ preventing tbe chiiiiren lion, being cla.sashe.l. .se ries ol home Reader.s, it »..s .suppose i, would he eer- taimy used, and this great evii thus avoided ... Eii.ii'jin'i, tne popu.ar s\stem of Hea.lers being toi.'.ong and’t’.eing m:>de so o'.ten merely to a.Id to the proats of nutlior.-n and |iubiishers. Tliis series 1-^ *o consist ol fewer numbers than thuse ^en'I aiiy Used, aU'i H is believed Ihut these Mumtei.s are siilhcient, while if the system Were uni ver' tliy use I in the .State, the sum saved to parenlf and clid'Jfeo would amount to several thonsund d«llars aiinuilly ■ th’- k'lKil' 'it I .‘Ill'll III /'''// ««_(/ III rmil cutii ■iiliii tiiiiiJ.fii li'it n"t oj the clnn ii' ler calh'l iiiiiiii, r. 1.1 lining, ill leusons eu-y enough i.i-e I ipeciiii -i.-i ol st^le, interesting in I.-I, iting pr.iier liioral.s, an-l religious 1. /■' ^lllXllli.ll rliil.li.'ii . I i.T, in I 1 uolion. I'lie prnc It \0 ' rice- io .1 .No. I, 2'i cents; No. 2, d7J cCliH \ If! I i.ii lieduction from these .1.1 T‘- .1 hers. I . M AI.E .'i SON. Xj ‘ l iu- l’rosl)v tt f 1 III Fsii!,ii(t(Jist— Character Notes A furtner duppiy ju-.! received. tK^t 24. E. J HALE Ul son.

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