iKtOI'ff ko fiirni t, the Ut Ihas iMc^iv, ,| Vh rea.i, u«t f ^' I’Odrai.hi lei-hei- from us [’ • '» ue ot |eiii« The prir. r In lian.is.me . m halt (\if ^ will he .-I, ^ Hhernl t.. ...ii,,.. t»> c„n.u ^ I'»y J. Mtr . , •" pHrH'- fh,.. , F» nil rii,. - I A)>«>Ut .■i-.-i ,, , knyhi.v ';v:' -y, MitivjUrtl t _ lALK : A ■’ |s ,1,. h>ook . ri i tr> 1,:;:; , pr. i : li H t. I, ‘ 1. til H w t: t. t l^ WKoi N !», — .• illd ! |Uest riii, '.U'h.:. H; li, un 1 i txp .i ‘s of A Lu,. Mh. , on’i, , k'l L‘‘ t n-Hl 1;; V i; Th.. With-, ~ nilt* K \»U.‘ I'he , »rs’ ator^ ; ulian3, The vols ,, ^ t tn'e •1** a I'l-n., , he bi-st AutLoi>, I'lwiiiicii ; Livvs IPipU-s it Oeol.- iirinite.l 5ea; A- 8e; Hai>iiiiu->'- 1' tht \N iter • = Ulli-:r> 'I' RU 1 .1 a i .,al, 'ii»; i'iie .1' ■re 1' ■All, •i I -titUIi.,1;: ;t" 5lli: u I’l-. I t-ti.| lan jj. P. 1(1 S( U: -Weii's 'tt; A- Ml appiiu- iLife ot I’hil I c>cU _ Delicul tVark- M iMiN. 5l\V. dlh.1, - OU t Meai, e on M • .!•; ■ j aw; BUS ot t hti ■ i ■ II, U MhJ ■• 1 «i|t e; ('hut, IS l':e- : 111 t'Ne Tr!;--!-. M. Ku lei - . e ^ittletuti * l>>fc iilln i/I ■' L jii A! !trv >ii Ki {■ ,»n I, . i' .: : ips: uu V ^ti r t oil lUi ft--: '*11 ilitia rt 11 Ull II u ^ - Jiruileij, Of. I > 1 L«v i on i. u I'er pert> IT K/. ;ouiiiiei. ii. i’oiiii • ..t .r_,. ’a Sum f -l : l> Oil V!:;li ' liU"' •cuit* iii{' 1- >i; . C. t rai Li -ok. ALK, .S. Hatei - 'N. imHteit t. iilie euti. ui th , iStc A LE UTIl V: H A (’ent! : \fr n. Inipi • r VV :lKn ’hn*n ... a. t: e npan. (1. -ai*' s; 'I'he .11 lUU- 11 the \j,.: ;0l.- lul; T p ■ 'm- ooks: vc. Ju-t ALE • :N r lii OK; iiy L^ :i. tone i; lie? J LMe &LL 0^- w B {^EMI-WEKKL,Y. ;j [\oL. \||. I'AYKTT;:VI!JJ:, X. jrXK ‘21, IH58. klNT.Ji \Ni, I ;ll KSI.AY,'; i.iiu \i{ii J. mu; f: s(>.\. (ll in I’lUl- A\:> !‘.;.i,'1!U:ThKs s, 'n.-U'tek':_\ Ob^lrvkk •>: on i.iH-iiiv'o. > . >>t !!' pui.l .Inriii^ ihe ye-ji- ol' ;; II r St ‘trtcr t)ie ve:ir , •>■_' no pel :II.|1111II, if p.iij iu >_ .It; .t' I'aui 'im .iij; the vriir ot'siihtcrip- ■ ^ ' > ’ ’1 ;itti'r llie _\ i nr lin-. eNj iio i. VUVl^uTlSKMKNTS iiideneil t'.>r sixtv . « nii ju‘r s.junrt* '1 I'j ilu- ti.-^t, iiii.l tliiriv i-eni'. i' Clt re lUe'tO'I tt'.**v ’ inu\v. - ri.t ■ rn iir c»ich I!i■iii'Hfin 'i fai-lv Milvei tisoini'iit' !•>• si'f- t', ..t n';is.pit!»lii.- ratiT. \dMiti".. is are stMt>* till' iiuiiil>er it tii>ei'iioii>« .ie-ijred. or >''>iitiii’ie.l till tovliid, Hii'l ('liar'0(1 ticcorii' I'hsipoii -,H per \ r r.. f’iiv liisiirame. i. :efec cnir i I'ruiers tc the ntiiiiiHl >tatf!npnt of i.e .l.tiia liiMifHiioe ('oinpHiiv. (if Martfoi.i, w: i ll will he f’liuiiJ ill anntlier column. This succe'M- f'l'. iii-t'nitir.11 WR.1 incorpovale.l tiy tin- l.ec-i '.fttiire .>f ( 'Miif.’tiiut ill ]>1'.*, witli i» }'ei')'» tiinl clmrter. \ts n is rs >O0,Oi)i), nncl it^^ lU’OuiinilatioiiM exceet! •V'. (i.iii"'mure, iiiukiii^f its eutire «\er '.nvobteil us KU'iailed in the statement i rferred to :c-o results indicate that during tlie period of nearlj' ’ rt_v _vrar! since its orettuiz.itioii, (without a single : h.iiigf ut its chiet'officer.) its business bus been con- • iiu't»d with judgment nnd prudence, li bus been ; liir successful in an eminent degree, discharging, M~ »e are int\>rmed, all its obligatious hy the payment ; iih'.’Ut '(■/ luiHi'Hi Jolliirf for losses, without asking a day’s delay iu any instance, i^.itii.n, notwithstanding the immeuse nuinlier of trans- acti'.ins iiiade. In order to attain as much rrrhiint;/ as j possible iu such a business as insurance, it has been j the practice of the Company, for several years, at ; great Iab«.r, carefully to classify .ml arriuige their . risks into about fifty distinct classes, s,i as to ascertain the am()uut insured on ea.'h class, the umuunt of pre- ; uiiiiiiis ii'ccivijd thereon, an«i the aiu«'unt of losses up- ! on each. This classitication, extending over a long i SAf.K (^r l9oii«ite Hii«l Lol oil llayiiioiiiit. i virtii^; oT a Uicree of the Oc.iirt of F.iiuity for ■ ( umberlm l Oounty. upon thi- pi’tition of the 1 bei-s-iit-law i^f Miss M'lry Holmes, dec'n, I will sell al ‘ the NTarket Ucuso ii. p'ayettevi!Io, on Wednesday the , ■ >Oth dyy oi Juno iioi: tnat vaiual)Io House and Lot ■ siiiiated on llayinoiiiit. t.'ie lat ' r^sidoi.re of Miss Mary i H(iline.s, •leo'd There ate comlortablo out-hous?s and | a gi'od garden spot on the premises Terms of s'lle, * ji.i iu cash,—the bal met ;.>f the j r.r- ' chase money to bo pii 1 in fl and I’J months, with iti teri'st from ilaio. Itondaiid apftroved secvirity reiiuir*-d troiii th* purchaser W .\ t' erk utid .Master. May :il, l.s.'>h j.jts i.Aiu;.': sAi i: oi' iaM)i>s • iT .aC'f'TiO.V, ^ irtue ot a l)ecd of Trust executed t j me by i (’ook iS: .J(diii«on. for jiurj uses tlioreii; specirto.l, I w ill (liter for s tie at pnblie ai.cti -n, on I'J'N V. the L'-'id day of .Iii'ie next, 77//; KXT/RK ST(>ri{ or (iOODS, Ponsisting of HAllKWAKK and ri'TI.Eia , IlDl.LdW- j WAUK. IRON, NAII.S l.’ll)t'KKUV. AND GLASS- | ".\!;h \ laivio Mild geueni! .-issortmont ol «11 arti- i cles usual!y ko|.t in th? flar iw.ire line I he attentioti of Merohants and the public generally ; is , al ed t-' this .''■lie. as turiiishiiig a favor iMe .ij>}..ir- tnnitv tor merchants to sujiply fhemselve. or to to- i ple;'ish their stoi'ks. Terms liberal and made known -vt .'^ale. \V McL. McK.AV, Trustee May •'{, 185!?. K-is t;,r)Ou ACRKs of land kok j SAI.K. I Subscriber desiring to move to the West o!f>'rs j fl- to sell the following tracts of valuable land. j 1 Tract contaii.ing ai'rc's in Harneit t ounty 1 ' miles North of Fayetteville. There is f»n this tract. j 'wo large and romfortahl:* drtoiling housis. wiih a” j uooessary oufhonses, together with a i:;ood mill riinni'sg ■ two taws and grist, with about 8tV> acres fleared an I ■ in a !iij»h Rtate of cultivation: the remainder in excel- ^ lent farming and turpentine land j .llso another tra.-t containing 40(K> acres of turpeu- tiiic 1.9!id. atiout lOM acres of wuich is cleared. There t i.''» on tliij tract one good dwolling with all necessary , out bonsi's and a good iriist anii saw-rnill. I will take pleasure in showing thrf above property to '.iiy person wishinu f > i.un haso. •I S McN'LILL. I Miincbtsier P. () . Nov. 7th, 1S57. »»7-ts I wwe'V'vvmua: moi ki.. .N. KOBERTH it *’0., having least! iris Hotel be pleased lu ses tholr fovmer i«kH i.-- and frien i£, nsturing them thtt tfiwy wi'l us« eve;-', exertion to please F N. lloBKRTS.J |.l. (i. Smith Juii’y 7. 74-yp'l A .8(M> Acres of rOK S \LK. iiUTld Horsi:, [.or, and '^I^HK undersigned wishing to close up their oldbusi- I ness, otfer for sale the Hl»L'SK and LDT on H«y- moiint, formerly occupied by Major (iilmore Vlso, a loase:', vmiiuui n j u.w- I'l ' > • • > . ■ It has had but little Ut- j fbav.ng trie 1 him tor the ' last nve montns, we can recniiinieinl him as an excel- j lent servant, both for house or out of doors, sold for I no fault, but to close old busiin'ss ! I- N .V J. H. R015KKTS. ! May -i, 1S08 7-tf Subscribers oft'er for sale the abovo Tract of 8 band, lying on Anderson’s Creek, about two ai.d a half miles from lower Little lliver, near Klliot’s 'li'Is. — including ab-^ut One Hundrel .\cres of good SwMin].s, which cau be easily (iraiued. This Land Is very heavily timbered, and a large portion level and >1 'U)>erior (jua'ity of I’iwe Lund for cultivation. .\!so, a I'ircular STK.\N1 S\\V-M1I L, lu complete arder and well adapted to s iwing plauk road and rail road timbers. .Vlso, Two well-tiroke MULES. \\\, or any jiortion of which, will be sold low and on time. The Land will be sold either in a body or in paioels to suit SMITH i ELLIOT. .\piil t), IS.^7. • 07-tf I AC RK8 OF I.A.M) orj) Hii-i.s. ^ LL persons indebted to the c'>nc'*rn of FK.VNK i JEUKV and H one-' KOBEUTS .V I’O p.-ri.id,and covering property to a very large amount,fur- | quested to c ane forward and settle their bil n;shes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial t.;is!s lit actual experience, upon which to conduct its tiusiness. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, b> many suppose: its hazards are ascertainable, and .ts pnu.-iples capable of being reduced to a system, the psictical working and results of which are as certain i- that of any other business The .Ktna t'onipany. ‘ a ihering rigidly to its system, ami placing its busi- Ties- uj .:n a healthy basis, h.as obt.iinel the contid>?nce ■ ! tl- community to an extent surpassed by no other iipHii} iu the L'. States, and has increased its busi- u’3s iUd its income from year to year with a steady ’.vth Oiife lireat source of its .security is tb.e wide : i-iributiou of its risks—a policy which it pursues V .:. meat strictness—limiting the amo\int to >>e cov- . .11 each locality. By tiiis course it has passed, * I, r-oiiiparative impunity, through some of the most rW’.’epiii^ aiid destructive tires, which have swallowed up . .v.er i-.'mpanies less cautious in their business. It is 1 -tem iike this, based upon experience, which ^ives '!)■: ..ity auJ soundness to a company, and to the as- s irf-i 'Uti'tence and security. — /vi/fimur* f‘iiiri',r m\ LNsiKAM'E m\n\\, llAin rOKI), CON.N. ..N -l’.l-ORATEL> 181". CHAllTEK PEUl’KTLAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. K lill.Vt'E, President. E. G. KIPLEV, Vice Pre- .'i lent. T. \. ,\LEXANL>EK, Secretary, i ir;., TORS —T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, U. Bue.,. M. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeloy, II. M itiier, E G. Pkipley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pr itt. li F i HT.s, A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. .Vlcxaudei, \S’. Keniv, liif .\»sets are mainly invented in Stocksaiid P>onds^ Li-_ :n^ interest, with >>'I7-,0'j4 01 of cash (^n ileposite .:i V ilartt'-ird Uaaiifi, to meet losses. 1. ''^( s due and uifpui 1—none L. .'.:ies adjusted.and not due, ^114 :ilH Lo'-es in >usDeuse, waiting i' lrther proof, \c., I Li,)nscs res tec, . suspicions of fraud, \c.) !ji‘iti,o7r 7J. .\gent (jf the above t'ompan\ in Fayetteville, E. J. HALE are re- If not settled by the last o^" this mouth, they will lind them iu the haii'l.s if a Lawful t'ollector •J H KOUEKTS 4 i't>. May ISoS. 7-tf IIK>K)V Al, STARR & WILLIAMS, Have removed to the two brick Stores in the West end .if the Fayetteville Hotel building, where they i.re now ojiening their 5«»Toi K €»r litoodM lor lliiN recently selected by one of the firm in the .Northern markets, which will be offered for sale to their regu lar customers on the usual terms. .\ll persons who wish to buy Goods cheap at WHOLE- S.\LE. are respectfully invited to call and exan.ine this stock at our new stand. West end of Fayetteville Hotel building. J. B. St.\RK 3 [.) M. WlLLt\.Ms April :.i4, 1858. .^tf DKNTISTin. .1. U.WIS having decided on per- JLF mauently locating in the Town of Fayetteville, respectfully otters his services to th? cit izens of this place and surrounding country, lu al! the various branches of his Profession, including the iiKinutaoture of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an e.vtensive experience, to which is added a thorough heiital education, thit htj can give entire sati.sf.action a.s tar as is in the power of Uentistry. Al! irregulari ties of the Teeth treated in a prope' and carefiil man- iit^r, us well as disea.s.-.-} of the ni"Uth. None but the pr* per metals are made us'- of in the various opera- tii,ns. Charges will he moderate, that the benetits of the Profession may b- pl i'-eJ within the reach >f ail who may feel an interest in the p-eaervation of *.h« I'eeth 6;^“ Otlice over Houstoii s .^ewelry Store, where he miv be found at all times May 10, 18./H. ^»tf FOR 8ALK. I H E Subscriber oti'ers for sale the above (Quantity of Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmington and Charlotte Rail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Lan'l is well adapted to F'arming, Turpentine, an.I Ton Timber purposes, having a good r.inite and other advantages. Those wishing to purchase may find me on the pre mises. who will be happy to exhibit it or give any in formation coucerning it desired. ANGIS .MctilLL Philadelphus. N. C., .Sept I, 18.'»7. 40tf I AUM I'OU SALK B offer for sate my Pl.,.\NT.\TlON *»ii tlie East side if (’ape Pear River, ;■{ miles above the ('’laren- •I jii Bridge, knrwn as the Toomer Lamls, containing ..ri.iiit HOti acres. The I’lantation is in a goo'l state of cultivation, an-l is siis.'-ptibie of being made ouk of rho most pr.'tit ihle Karnis in the County. I will gi%e a bargain in the lands, and make the time of pay nio“t eu'v if applii'aiioii i-. m:; le in a few weeks. .X i'lress me at Gulf, L J. HAl'GHToN. ()ct’r 1 'i. o'2- rou saij:. ^KTHE DWELIjI.NG Hi H'SE .AJi I» LOT on Gillespie ■L .'^treet, at present occupied by L)yctor McSwain Peitect title can bt> made. Apply to THO. J CURTIS. BRITISH PERIODIOALS. L ri 'iTi’ ,v 0, NEW \'*RK, continue to ptibliiib '.iie f'>ilowiiig leading British Peril dicals. 'u 1 iHK I.'sNlniN vL.\RTLRL\ ('onsei vative rut Ll'lNlU-RGH REVIEW iWl-ig . THENoKI H liRiTISH REVIEW ^Free Church). 1. IHh \S l>TM'Nr-TER REVIEW Liberal; o. fJL \( K\\o(-L. LMNCLRGH MAGAZINE Tory). 1 be>e I't. rii-Ji. als ably represei;t the three great poli- i.L'ti. jrti'; .1 (,f (ireat I'rit'iin—Whig, Tory, un'l Radi >!. tiUT po’iiiu s forms only (.ue feature of their char- ■cttr .vsi'rgaiis of the most profound writers on •ScieiK-e L’.tei'itur^. Morality, and Religion, they stand, Lh th-y ever ii ive s i. unriv lUe i in the world 'f Ict- terfi, being coiisideii 1 in lispeiisable tn the sciioiar and ■-he (.roie'^sional ni.in, white to the inteliigtnt reader f evt-iy class they turnish a more correct and satis factory record of the c.irreiit literature of the day, 'br'iugtiout ttie wi.rld, tlian can be possilily obtained from any other source. KAKLV COl'lKS. Ine receipt ot .\bVANCE SHEEl’Sfroin the British pubwihers gives additional value to these Reprints, in- ■ HsmucU 'i.s they can now be placed in the hamis of sub- | scriber." a:,.mi a-i soon as the original eilitioQS. TKllMS. Per aun. For any one -.f I'o- tour Review- -S-'i UO . For any two of the tour Reviews .j UU i For any three of the Four Revie*- 7 00 ' Kor all fdnr of the Reviews h 00 i For Blackwood's .Magazine oo ■ F-.r JJlackwood and three Reviows. ii 00 i F r Blackwood and the four Reviews Itj oO } I'’iyto be made m afl cnst-.- in (idrdui f’. M'lUi i/ current in (h'i State trht rf issued n iU h«; i ra en'fd at ]>ar. CH’liBINli. ■V l.scount of twenty-hve per cent. Irom the above pme v^ill be allowed to *'lli)s orderin^j four or mure ■ (lies of any one or more of the above works. Thus; i' 'iir i iipies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be ■:eiit to one nddress for $'.l; four copies of tlie four Re view' and Blackwood for ^-lO: and so on. POS'i AG K. li. Hi. the principal Cities and Towub, these works oe delivere(J, FREE OF POST.AGL. hen sent 'j mail, ttie l’obtag« to any part of the United States "■ 'iK but TWEN’l'V-FOL’R CENTS a year for ‘-Black- *■ ^'1, ain; but FOL'RTEE.N tlENTd a year for each j| 'Ilf Reviews. A li. The prire ai (Jrcat Hriluin of thf jii'p f'‘'r’ jt/(m/n,if,ove-ni7nrd (’.s ptr (iniiuni. ■.•iiiiitances for any of the aliove publications shouM !,e addres.sed, post-pai(i, to Oie Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT 6: CO., No. 64 (iold street, New Vorii. north CAROLINA liACON. UA.MS, iide» and Shoulder*, for sale by BEVERLY ROisE. hu. ). noiJsTov OL' LD inform his frien'ls and former customers tha* he may be found 2 door.s below the Cape F.-^r Bank, an I i doors above hia old .^tind snuth .side Peison Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, aud every thing belonging to his tra'le. He respectful ly invites his friends from the country to call aud ex amine his stociv before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harnessand SaddU-a punctually, an(l his charf'cs shall he moderate. He would re*.t«6gi all iuUebteil to the tirtii of H)USToS Ai OVhRBV to settle with W. liverbj’ or himk"lt, as tnty are compelie settie the tii-m’s debts. \UgU8t tf \\ A.N'I'Fj). I;!!LS. TCRPENTINE, at my !)i-.il- lery on Peis.in Strop.'. .»i the Halt’- w ly iwidge. Tin; highe.st cas prioc wii. be pail. 'darrh 18, IH')?. .1. R McUCFElE. tir*' 1 St., Fayetteville. N. (' Wi-.'lm WA'.'TICI) NE(iROE> fora .Mi«sis.«ipni Plantation, .Men, Boys, Girls, and .M*me good Families. Fayetteville, .May il, IH-jH. EPHR. I'AGE. 8-tf JlJSr iJKCKIVEI). 10 >c.t O, BOXE.S of that superior ROl’K C.\NL)VTt)- B.\CCo t; W. I. G0Li>ST0N. 4^^-tf OA'l'S AM) I‘1:aS. Bt'SHELS SEED 0.\ PS, 100 ilitto Cow Peas. — A/.to— .\ few barrels Northern Irish I'otatoeii. For sale in (luantities to suit, by Keti’y 1.',. B. ROSE. K'.tf NKVV HOOKS. V WOMAN’S THdI OHTS ABOCT WOMEN: .\dele, by.Julia Kav.iuagh: Illustrated life of Franklin: D'lsraeli's LSkctches of English Literature; Tiie Works of Lord Cliestertield: Anecdotal Olio; Cabinet .Maker and U|)holsterer’s 'omp.iiiion: The Poetry of Flowers aud Flowers of Poetry; Livingstone’s Travels; (’um- ming's Huuter’s Life in Africa; Arabian Nights; Jay's •Morning and Evening Exercises. Union Bible Dicti'Ui- ary: Living or Det l, by Rev. J. C. Ryle; .(uvenile Books, Sic., fic. E .1. ILAiiE A vSt)N. -March i>. riirflier oi* liook«. LIth of Dr. Kune, oy Smucktr; Englisli Hearts and I'^iiglish Hands; Parion’s Life of Burr; Haupt on Bridge Construction; Breckinridge’s Knowledge ol God; Wilson on the Skin; Plates to ditto; Mitchell’s 1 herapeutics; Williamson the Principles of .Medicine; Wood’s I’ractice; Pierce’s .\Vebr.a an I (Joometrv; iVc. Airil.'.*. !•; H VLE SON [Jttfll's Living Age—hnlar^ed Se- uiea —received weekly, liarper’b .Magazine for May. E. J HALE & SON ALSO A Gt>Ol» F.VMILV ’.\P«.R1.\GE iu good repair aud nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. —ALSO— S good MiL('H CoW’S with young calves. Apply to T. J. CURTIS. .^pril 18')7. ;Uf ,I.ANI)S FOR SALL. IOFh'ER for sale about tHittO .Veres of Pine Lands near Fayetteville, containiu? an immense |uautity of Mill Timber, and a nu^nber of Turpentine Boses, and se\eral new tasks may be cut There is on the premis*8 a tine Dweilintr House, aud all necessary out- house.s, --Scuppcrnonp and Isa'i.-lla Crape Vines.— lKKt youtig Pencil an ! Apple Trees of Limlley's best vari- ties; al-o. a -od K.VR.M of about loO acres cleat ed; and also a G:!i'^r aud S.\W MILL; and ^ Mne larg.? Meadow of about 1 iO acres. Tlie Fayetteville at.d Coal Fields Hail Itoa.I passes through the^e lauds about a | mile from the Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but would prefer to sell the whole together. .Apply to Tboe. S. Lutterloh, ES'j . F:iyetteville, or the subscriber at Pittshoi’ough, N. (,’. J. H. HAL’GHTON. Nov. 5‘J, l.''’»7. t)0-tf TO in UK, V NEGRO WOM.VN, a go0(l Washer and House Servant. .-Xlso, a Negro lilRI.. about I’J years of ag>- And three Negro ME.N—until ’Sylh Dec. next. ' Also, for saif, 1 l(K) Acres of LAND in Harneft county, well Timbered, and C‘>nvenieut to the I'.ivpf. Terms will be "tuade to suit. W McL .McRAV. F.iVettiM illo, .Ian. ‘Jd. 7^^-tf !i50 iis:\VAkD I ILL be givet. ft r the apprehension and delivery ▼ • to me, or continemeiit in any jail iu tlie Stat? , 80 that I can get him, of my i('ian .JI.M. He left cn j the i-iOtii uit , anil has pot been seen, or heard of sM;ce He IS a bright mul;itto. a'niosi woite. about 28 yc.ars old, Fibiiuf -j feel iiichi s hiitlt. strai;:ht nair, and teeth detective, long beard (*n Ins ••iiin wiicn lie left Had on when he left a very good .iuit ot Clothes, and wi.l very likely try to pa.ss (>tl for a white man, ao l iiiaki f >r u free S'ate; shou’i'l he not ^:o north, he will likely go up in .he vicinity of Fayetteviiie, as he was raisei.1 theie, and fovmeriy belonged to Win. B. Wright, Es i-, of tiiat pl.ace. .\t;y j ■rs in who m i\' fake up sai'l Boy will ne entitled to the above rew.iid aiei tlir tliauk.* of IS.VAC B. kELLV KeuansviUe, N. C., Aug l;-{, ls.">7 ;;•{ tf LOST, I.VST Saturday, ;-llst ult , ((luring the hours of ^ parade.) about the Court House, or between the , (’ourt ilouse atid the K.air Ground, a small yellow ' leather Pocket Book, cont.iiniaj^ eonsistiaji oi ! tliret' i^li bills, three >>1 do , (.no ?>•'» bill, oi;o -So gold ■ piece. thr*“e ^'2 50 g.ill pieevs. \ Pa w ird of ^I'l \Niii in‘ given for the aiiive describeil Pocket l5()ok aod iiKiuey, delivered to the undersigned. 1 .IAS. H. .i.VCKSON, Muf^ici’iii. I Fayetteville. .S. C . Nov. IS’>7. otitf NOTICE. ' subKCriher having, at June Term I8i')7, of thr I t'oiirt (d Pleas and (Quarter .'Sessions tor the County id' Cumii*rl:inil, >jualitied as .Administi'.ator upon the Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notjfic.s all persons having claiins against thes;iid Estate to present the same pro[ierly authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this tiotico will be pleaded in liar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will piease make payment immediately. E. F. MiiORH. June .3. 18‘)7. l:t! MI':i)ICAL NorK’K. RS. E.VSTERL1N(» :ind HE.NA(i.\N having ass> ciated themselves together for the purpose of practicinij. Medici-ne in Rockingham and vicinity, they resiiectfully solicit a liber.al share of patronage, and by their strict ami prompt attention they hope to give perfect satisfaction to those who may favor tum with their patronage. They will attend any call d:iy or nli/hl. Dr. Easterling takes pleasure in stating to his lornier patrons that Dr. H. is a regular graduate, hav ing read and :*tten(led two full courses oi Lec tures. One or both may be found at iini/ hour al their Office opposite the Post (.)tlice, unless professionally engaged. H. R. EASTERLING, ,M. U. D. HENAOAN, M. D. RookiDgbam, N. C , April 6, 1868. lOOtf March }. 1*0- [NO. 721.] L\XI) FOR SALK. Ai'RE.S of land lying COOL SLRLNG .MH.LS. f'l^HE Proprietors are prepaied to GllI.ND (,'ORN on I the usual terms. The Bedstead Manufacture in still carried on at the name nlace. Jan’y 11, 18.")8. 7">-if CHAIRS, CHAIRS. L.'»RGE lot 0^ Stool-bottom Chair.s, mud.* at Cool Spring ^H11, and for sale hy A. M. CAMPBELL. •Mr.rch L4, ’68. '.trty HOOK-HINDINC Bn all its kiuls, executed with iieatucss and de H| atch. Small jobs when .lone mu.st be paid before 'JoUver.d THOS. H. TILLINOHAST, .Anderboii Street. May 14 11-IV TROV cV FL LLKiJ, Allorney.s and Counseliurs; at Law, l.l .V||ICKTOi\, itOBCSOK Co., i’. HIOBERT E. TROY and JOHN P. FI LLER, have formed an association for the practice of theii profession in Robeson County. Ttie former will also attend the Courts of Bladen and Columbus: the latter will also attend those of Cumberland. The Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. ' .Jau’y 1, 1858. 7o- SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attori>ey and Counsellor at I.,uw, »^^]ITIIFIi:i.D, C'., HZ'ILL attend regularly the County and Superior Court.s of Wake, Johuston, Cumberland, Har- ■ iiott, and Wilson. All business entrusted to his care I will receive promjit attention. Jan’y 1:^, ’.*>8. 7b-ly •lA.S. C. !>M1TH. .MILE.S CUSTl.N JAS. C. SMITH & Co., i'uftors. Commission and i\»r- trnrdins^ •.IMerrhants. WILMINGTON, N. C. IHROMPT attention given to sale of TIMBER, LL'M- BEK, N W.VL .STORES and all kinds ol Produce. Liberal adv.incements made on Consignments Piefers to E. P. H.^i.l, Pres’t Branch Bank of State H. R. ,''.\vaue, Cash’r Bank ('ape Fear. Jmiv D*w- so.s, Esip April :i>, 1808 0-1 V Presbyterian copy. D. A. LA MONT, Commission Merchant, C'. OFFICE 38 NORTH WATER STREET Personal attention given to all produce sent to him either for sale or shipment. ■Nov'r G. n7-lypd J. WTLLIA.M PAGH, M. I)., t* iTTS B O RO l a #/, .V. V. 9 may be found at his office when not professionally engaged. -May tj, 1857. Otf GL ANO. 01) upp- r L'ttle River, in Harnett County, we'l (:!:i ..‘led and well lo'-ateiri tor theTuipontiiie busire-*-. il w.ll be ,old on accommodating terms. .Vpply soon to the Stihscri'ier j.t Fayutteville •WM McL. MoRVV. Sept. -J>, IHOti. Jl.ti W. H. TUHLING-TON, i'»iiUiiission .Merchant, No. 4 North Water Si. WIL.MIXiJTON, \. C. give iiis prompt personal attenticii to ttie i » sale ol shipment ot all (>’onsi>.-uiiient» of Naval ' Sf.jresCit Other Country P^oiltice Nov. H. 18.>>. I ni.AC'K, { over Dr. S J. Hinsdale's i ('hemist atid Drug Store. I l>r. It. A. |FF1CE Front Rooms, 'hemist and Feb 1 80ii. 7t)-tf NOTICF. 'I^Hh underiiii.iied having fcxecuted a power of .\t- I lorney to E. K. .^^oore. he iii ihereby authorized to make all settlements for me and iu luy name, an ! gener.ally to transact all business as I might or couid l.T were I personally present. J. J. .MOORE. 1 a; ettev ille, J line o, 1807. 13tf V iVrsli supply of Liiiif. Flastcriiiir Hair. Calcined Piaster, Hydraulic Cement, an 1 Land Plas er. For sale in i^u.intities to suit, by B ROSE Feb’y 10, 1808. 80tf THO. C. FULLER. • ifiortteff a net i'ounscUor at i^aic. or .'upied R«H .r/rt/t* High Scltooh Rev. JOHN W MAJOR, Principal. IHIS Institution has been ill successful operation i R for some months, under the charge of the present I Pr'.iicip.il The tiext Session will commence ou the j 12th of •lu'y. uith a full corps of competent Instrnc- j tor.s. whom the Tiastees can cottidently recommend to I the patronage of the public. ! D >' ’VlclNlVRE. bec’y j i.aurinbuigh. N. C., .'une K, 18i>8. iS-lt i DR. UKN1U)\V HjL leave here the tir.st uf July, to he absent until the first of Oct M T T7 ui> heretofore. .VII who are in debt to him will please call aud setite His terms have been made known to all for whom he h IS operated, S TK i V 1 • S BM. The inducements he has held out have not been lou' and /toy cTciii—but his utmii^t exurtion to per lorm every operatioj in as per/oci a mnnu>^r a* pomhl* Junell’. ' TONS BEST PERUVIAN GUANO, ju-t re- ceiveJ aud for a ile bv GEO. \V. WILLIAMS i C-). Aug. .31. ^ :iS. liOOK BINDERY Jfi W. H.VHDIE has resumed the Book Binding id Q'• Business, over the Tailor .Stop of ’lark vV Wooiiward, where he will receive and execute binding in any style desi red. August 1. 27tf OATS. j ^ BUS. heavy black Oats. For sale by JAS. G COo'k ,FFIt’E lit E/clos’s Bridge, recently y James Binks, Fs(j., Fa\eiteville, N. Jaii'y 1, 1807. by LOVEUI) Eld)lill)(;i;, %tUornvff at liuw^ ^^^IEL attend the Courts of Johuxton and Samp- » w Son Counties. .'mithtleld, .Vpril 10. liia'i. Hri-tf Worth & Utley, ^ «n \\ ;tr(iiii^ ant) (tCiH^ral ('oininis.sion MLRCHANTS, i\t if et tv villi'^ .V. i\ ■I A WORTH. (7-tl/ JOS. ITLKV. (.i:o. ALDKRMAN, instfvrtor ot" •Wivnt fitoren, WILMINGTON, N. C, •l.lt’Tl’S patronage.. Prompt attention and quick ’lesiiatch will t-e given to business entrusted to his care. June J.'l 1h07. 19-l Jmpd T O. & B, G. WOHTH, t- ommissiuu .5.: I'orwariliiii^ .Murcliant.s. Jironii's Building, Watrr Strret, 9f*ifminjifton, »'%' V ^ r.‘iual a'ivatices made on con.signtuents. Nov. 11, Im07. ft'.J-tf TRUST SALE. viitiie of a Deed of Trust execiite.l to me by Arch’d McLaiit hlin. for certain purposes therein specified, 1 shall, if not’previouslv disposed ot, otler at public .sale, on the 'J.^th day of thi.s mouth, at 12 o’clock, at the .Vlarket House in Fayetteville, the tol lowing property, viz; One half a. re Lot iu CampboHt.ui, improved, adjoin ing iJepo's and Nixon’s lots; one other Lot in t ainp- bellton, containing acres, on which there is a Saw and Grist Mill, in good repair, with other improve ments; also, one Ne/ro man, Washington, aged about HO years, and one woman, .Maria, aged about 18 years; one Team of Mules, four in number; one Timber I Wagon; one Road Wagon, with Gear; one Barouche, I One Buggy, and Harness for eachuand two Horses. Persons wishing to examine the above named pro I perty, are referred to Arch'd McLauchlin, who will i take jdeasure in .showing the same. Terms at sale. I I' SH EM WELL, Trustee Fayetteville, June 10, 1.S08. 18is CAKOLI.N A Cl I'V PUOPKRTY for S.VLK. , « VALU.ABLE LOTS located iu Carolina City Ji. numbeied as follows: 1-22, :-tot;, -iiii, ;i:ii. 3yy, 40o, 444, 446. I 407, 4 )0, 4(;o. 4t;l, -OOO. •■Vny person wishing to purchase the afortsaiJ Lots, I can find their location lai'l down ir a Map of Carolini* I City, which may be seen at the Fayetteville H.)tel oi . at tiie Railroad Office in this plac For terms, ie , ' apply to C. E LEE I E, Auoi’r i —also— Likely Negro Woman, aged 28 years, 1 Giil 10 years old; 1 Girl aged 7 years; and one about 3 years of age For further partiouiars apply to ! C. E. LEETE, Auct’r I June 1-, l80b. 19-3t •\olice lo .Soldier*’ %Vidows». ^S^HE Widows of .Mexican J^oldiers, and the Widows J. of Soldiers who died in skrvice in the war of I81'i. can have their pensions continued by calling ou , the undersigned, (’oi.gress having made additional I provision for them. I Give m? the management of your claims, and th« ; money shall come at once, or no charge JNO M. HOSE, Agt. for Pensions. Fa ettevipe, June 12, 1808. IW- Sfpt. 17 corroN p.A(;(iiN(;. B.VtiGINt^ iu quantities to For s il.* by JAS. ti. (MJK. 4.itf t 'Kl NDEE and (JUNNV suit pur •.hasers i NOKTfl CAROLINA SFFREME COURT REFOR'I'S. ^ IMiE subscribers have ju«t printed at the Observer 1 Office a SECOND EDITION of DEVERErX AND BATTLE'S L.\W RE PORTS, VOL. L KKVISKI) AM» CORHt:i'TEI), WITH XOTKS A.Vt> EKFKRKXCES, BY HON. \VIIJJ\M H. HATTLE, .Ft'Dlil' flFTIIHSL’PRE>lEl'()I iiTflF\flKTIICUOLI\i. ’ The price of the netv e(?.ition is not greater than that of the obi. though, as it is scarcely necessary to sny lo the Profi-MS'ori in North I'arolina. its value has been jioatly increased by Judge Rattle’s Notes, liefereiices and %irrections, I'ho vobiiiie has been I.oip out ('f print, and we '-hall be glad to “'ipp’y the many Lawyeis whose s.-. ■« ; llo ports are incomplete without it. as well as those who have the old edition but would like to have tiie new one for the sake of its notes. E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, .Vpril 0, 1808. rilE NEW EDITION OK l)tVi:Ri:i \ \ BITTLE'S L1W REIMIKTS. Vi:L. 1. ECEIVE8 the approval of those who have ex- . il » amined it. Chief Justice Nash says, ‘*1 have looked through it —it is cnrefii'ly and well got up. * 1 think to our ’ ’ourt it will he invaluable—and to the I’r.ifessinn I e.iually so. It will save the labor of deciding the same I p lint ag.iin and again; for there will be no excuse for t'ounsel not being apprised of points already adjudi ' oMted ” (ieiitleiiien of the Bar who have purclmsed and ex- ■ anitned it, concur, so far as we know. In praise of it. For tale, with sets or separate volumes of North 1 C irolina Refioi ts, and Law Books general', v, by E. J. HALE i SON. Fiic'ilior Supply of'School Bo(»k«. f^Mll’H’S GR.VMM.VR*; Emerson’s .Vrithmetic and Keys; Mitchell’s (laographies; Bullion’s Latin (il iinniar; Anthon’s .SaUust; D^ivies’ .Surveying; Pay- soii .!(■ Dunton’s (’opy B.joks; Walker’s anil Webster’s .School Dictionaries; Leverett’s Latin Lexicon: .Sar- ireiit’s Si.andard .Speaker: «tc., &c. E. J. HALE .S: .iON. '■!arch :l. FI Rl'HER SUPP1.IES OF HOOKS, .^c. ^I^HE Knowledge of God, objectively considercl, by I Breckinridge. The Prince of the House o*' David; Simon .“^iigg.s; Wild W’estern Scenes; Webster’s I'na bri.Ige.l l.'icrionjiry; .Mackey's lie.'ticoo of Fr* **-M tsonry; Presb'terian Psalmodist; Stoildar'i's .Iiiv nil*. ,\;itii inetic; (iricnleaf’s .Mental .Vrithmf'tic: Steel P^r.s; ^l it'.u malioal Itistrumeiits; Invoice an-i Refero. Fiii.s: .VC . .icc. E J 1! \LK ' 1-0'. 1808 1 lie .Vni“rir:))i Almanac I'or Sw'ii’.r.s i'ii.-ke) .Vimmac for l-O.S. The r-'i;i by Mrs Ritchie; Livingstone's .Africa; \i ijir Jon.- ' Courtship; Berteiii’s Piano Instructor- Faber’s Draw iuj; Pencils, in case«i Miuic Kolius; Copy Books, ^c j-c E. J. HALE & SON. JOSBPH R. BLOSSOM. V O ?l ,71 S ^ I \ AND I'()R A RDIN(; M ERC11A N'l', C. ps^ Prompt personal attention given to a'lCoiisign meiits, and Casli advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1800. 07 Hook Wantoil. A HAR(i.VIN CAN RE HAD. HHE subscriber otters for sale the .Materials of th« NORTH ('AROLINA ARGU.S Printing Office The estaolishment cont-ists ot two lirst-rate Waahing- ton Presses, one f.u’ Newspaper the other f >r Job Work, a large and well selected ipiantity of newspaper and j.ib type The newspaper typd an; but very little Worn, and the largest portion of the job type are new It is unnecessary *t') enamerate; the selections were made by persou.s of muc!i typoiraphioal experience and taste and are as corjp.ete as any in the State. .Vny person wishing to purchase can get a bargaiu by an early application to DAVID MURPHV. Ju..elO, 185s 19 tf w 'jj^HE Subsi.-riber, ha^ !ng t theGener.al Agency -S- for gettiiif; subscribers to and delivering Hawks's History ot North t^arolina. now in process nt’ pi.hlica- t;on by Messrs. F]. J. Hale J|' of F.ivettcville. is desirous 01 entering into an engapemen' with one or tuore active, iiiteiligent and relialile persons in each of the JU'iicial Circu.ts. to c.iiiv.iss their respective parts oi the Mate, or p;irticuiar counties, thoroughly. Immeoiatv.' apidication is desired, as sample copies ot the fiist .oiunie will w'll be ready i;i few days. Uniou'ited testimcnials as to character mu.st ac company each iip{dicati..ii. .AdJress ii. W. Hi)ii.N. 'Ill ot L1E j i 1 \ I K A S C . g^lll. L iidersi;; iio't ;,a> be.'ii ,'Aopi i ni e. I il e ■ rI II I . Il' ii m I \t -! :i', J. ■ e I'i ;i j' i„ (* ■ ii jiau,. . ..le.ili. i i,,i- iilo j.,u lie i j-a n-.s lu ioe pr..i- fit,-' o. ;ne ('omi.iiiv; ;,i'. 1 tlie atiiMiil lu: itie me;nt)er.sliip. wucre it amoiliils to .>.jO or nion', may uu pai.i one-iiali in casli, and ttie oilier liail 11: a Hole :il I■- mi.iiliis De()tors lives 10.ly ije iusur.'.i liy creditors. A man may uisure ii..-' nvvu ij;,- i',.- , |j. e.^c !-,ive l>.-!ioiit 01 Ills lainiiV I lie livi’.s lit'Sl ices iii.iy' be in -ured. i'liis .Sjrrlciii IS rn[). iiy groAMig iii; i i ivor, al; (jver tlie c.Miizcu \M.iip.i il inline t>r wn:cu a fa;uiiy, lor a smaii-^iiu aiiiiu.iiiy, (a.iy 'm- provi'ie l ior, alter tue dcatii 01 i;.s lu.o.i. m Ain.se e.\.ei‘t i.iii i t iiey may liave been'lepi uUi'iii ior a suiiport. U is a ;;in..l 111^csl.iieni ol money, c.eii il one slioii 1 livt* ,uii;i .'liter la^in^ i)Ul a L.1U- I'oi.ey h'.piali.itoiy ji.imjoi..r!-i. .lod lii«- iioces.sai'y 1 ii.-nir-he i on i.pplicalion K. .1 11 Vi.I. ^filarbic ■ - 'I By UlU}. LKl]\}v]R, . .lit \i iiK r. T. init;.'! & sovs sni^::. ;l!f, ■% . i\ .(ari v W4-ypd NEW liOOKS. -illilDD OR SINGLE, by Miss Sedgewick; The i’ll.loss,hy (hirrcr Bell; Romany Rye, by • tvon.rro; I’hc .Athelings: T*'ut Life in the Holy Laiot; il '.it Li;t I.. V irypt a'l.i .Niibi.i; I’lie improve i H mx*'- ■■vire, hy ,\Ji s. VV.-i.-r. - : • ’ i S'l, Huil’on’.-' I-I i.-'-suii- i-. lree' : 1’ i;. - I. ' Diint'in’,-SLi'ies of I'EN' d .V .N Sit I!': VliicK - x.ju'.ii. Key I,. i>.i»ies’ .Algthra, an i other Sciiooi Books E. J. HALE s SON, HANK sroCK A'i' AUCriON. ILL be sold on 2^id intt , -t: 12 ,M , iu front of Store of t'ook & Johnson,— 2* SH.ARE> .if the (’aj'ital Stock B ink oftUareudou. ti'.t Do. d.i. Io Bank of Fay et»evill«» JNO. H. COOK, .Auct’r, Jiiiie in. 18t8 NORi'H C.\R0LL\A reapers PHKl.VKF.n WITH SI'KCIAL REFERENCE TO THK VV.ANT.'i AND INTERESTS OF »Vorth i'arotina. VNDKlt TMK AISl'ICKS OK THK Sf PKRINTENDtNT OF COM- , MrtX SCHOOLS, BY I Etev. r. VI. liiibbard, l'H)H;-sOR OF THK I.\riN LANT.trACE A\D LITEBATU^B If IHF, T-MVKKSPV OK .SOUrH CAROLI.NA. I ilNT'liM.N'i r.\MM.I.VH fl I.S PDRV A.N’D UEMCRIJ’ iiii.N' or N(i:irn ( arulina. Si li-o:! »ii- III Pr.ix' and Vcr.se; many of them by ; cmiiic!!* citiz -tis dt‘ the State. aiSToRlCVL CHR'>Noi.(lall^VL i’ABLES, .Vii'i n var't.'ty of Miscoli inems Information und Sts I Iisties, bv i:. 31. I N:in.b.. r is a new ami revisi d e lition of the .North jt’arolia.i. Reader, lir.>' |oiO!islieil in 18OI. Numbers 1 j and jii't issue 1, compl-t.* tiie srries, which is, hu a ' whol ‘, cbi aper th in ai.y .>thfr series of Readers iu the I United States, 'ilid as complete. I The iviitor (Pm* liubhard) in his Preface to Num I be;- ! ■leciiis ;t |ifopoi‘ to aliii.letoa few of the prciiliai i n I. i:it lire.s lime I at by the •''uoer:ntande!it of ('ouimon I .'^(•li.'.i:s wiii.o making ett.irt' t-i have this work cotu- ; pleted. These are, 1 The mcuhrti'li-'int n( y/ '> t'rlinij of st-ll'-'i’i/ riuleucf, I and the enlistment of popiil.tr sentiment in t.(dialf ot ■ the .''t.ite an 1 its institutions. It was not thought im i poriaiit, hi.wever, to have iii Jie tliao one number oi , the Ri'a i-‘is of merely a local intere.'^t. i ‘J. i'‘ ri'JHftif llie cril u'l ri/ir/,> /' r'lnljiiflieil of in com- ' nt')n of it cli'i m t'st t^nok^; an e* ; pensive habit, and one whioli injures tlie .‘'chools by ; pre\c*i.ting the cinld.-eii Irom being cl.issititd. ,A ae- i ries ot home Readir“, it «as supposed, woud be oer ! tainly used, au t 'hi.- great tvil ihus i.v.ddeii j F.rrtnointj, me p.ipiilar s\ste'n of Headers being ' too .ong a"'* made so oiten merely to add to jjr.ifits of antlior.; and p'ibl:siii-rs I I'ais series is f.i ooiisi-.t of lower numbers t.han • t!i se gen'T.iliy u.se 1, and it is beiieve'i thHt theae ! iiuiii'*eis are -(ith. ieiit, wliile it the system i»ere uni ' vi'i Miiilv MSP i ill the .'tate, the sum saved to parenir .•in i cliildion w.iUid aiu'iunt ti» r^f-veia' rhons.tii'i d»lla.»• ;in:.ii iby. }, T'l i’ll' "I thf kuiiil' of cKihlrrn Uanontj to read com- .'iijjinritt!!/ /•iiH.'-ii - it uat nj th' churorlrr railed , .1,..'i/i.s.'i c iiiifi'ix,!ions, (• t.!.ii!ii:ii:. ill iossons easy eiiougL ,01 .n c'lrre ;t -j.e..-!iiien^ .•f style, interes' ng in ,.: ai lion. The J^i . e. ..r No. 1. -1 • irals, and r 'ligioijs nnti; No. .1, 7} ceuifc liberal deduction ( om these I fea,;iiers. ' iIALI V >;O.N. i iit' I’re.'ib} Ici laii l^saiinodisf- V'haracter Note* A further nupply jur recaived. Oct. i4. E. J UALK lb. BON.

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