I. I A . [to r f;. the i»{ [hn- : \ . ■ tlie ■ ■ >d. not Ir .i^raphi 1 eit ! us or L II H rne of ke 11 - 1 ne price r : a- ds(im* ill : I ' 'H.f HI r ' argej. 1 ’ •.C iuu* Ken again 1 of t 1 . . lutry, L p .’ ; -t-.ge. barn; There In :i V:te sue 1 ab ■' ' ■ ' ! age* Illy . , r-.. jiiiir.t >T.tS Idi; r ir tL* \\i:m s t. -.ite 1- . - / \ - -rth. i 1. . . - , bv . - lllH- 11 - ' U II ■ If a [ 1 .., 'a H. [it;. • .Mt* -i It I ' 1 .nal the .V: ^ 'in 9 Igew i rt c |s It : lorv I* "Wt./, Uhii ^ V.•! -. , 1 ■ - -- - tti>h [o!,-. .veTiV M ' th- If " 1 V *• hut.. • ve> llL.- • - -1 e LC - \u' ■ nin f" ^ : - 3 vn i le Ii.- *' T \ e r* '•' ;i Icr Lu! . Ic. * ne Iti* .f .M. .K S. l;.. ■ ft V . » u .'I', ( !•«>; ‘ i>ii . I’t r ert;. L'oii . >uri JM , jit ■ I. t h,; il'VAl!!) ,1, IIALK & S().\, K!»i -':;s \\;. I'l i:toks. •• •1!.. ■^vMui-Wt'ciN'V ()nK.uvKr. 00 ’ \uiioe; S'l ' ' if 1' ii‘I •lariiiz the vetir of suhsi riji- '• 'It; iT i t ■ \ ivir :i is ku >^2 (HI por auiniin, if jviiii in i. ■ ^ J -> if 1'i the vein- of sulisciiii • V.; r ■■ tie i-iir llilS C\|iilH'.l. \ i'i;''I IM I'N rs iiisortf'l f"T ;«ixty conts jier ; f ’l'tilf ;; r~t. Mii'l thirty com s f'>r !■ ’ ti r \ t ii’-- n.l\ortisi-jiil'lits hy ‘ipc- .! I-'TIM'' iMtos. Ailvertix‘1 s an ■ -t.iti- the I'.'.iiiilH'i- t'f iii^tM'tioiis lU-sircd, or « - '■ iit ii ' ill forhi l. ;iinl chai -i-'l jiocoi-'I 1 \'i crii^, t' ■ ' t'\n- in- uiM'rti , charged -jO per : • Tty y I'huJiirt' trrv -.t ilre r K refer our ri n.lers to the ivminiil statement of i tl. .Ktiia in-iir^iiii-e ( nmnaiiy, >f llnrtfuril. , wi'l ' f un i :ii :i’i .t'"rr ■ilinin. 'I'his .'Ueoess- ! I. wa:- it,; .irate.i tiy the I,ei:isiature I'f I ■ ■ in I''!'.', with I - r[.i'tL::tl ■ liarter. It-^ . ' .1’. i its r ■ iinnilatii'iis exceoil • ii; in.'tkif. ^ it- entire u';.,'ts >.%-er ^ '.(Mt,- .11'.: i \ ,■■.•'1 1,1 th** t.'iaeiit referreil t" ■1 : 1;- jtc> tii: t '!t!riiii: the peri" 1 I’f nearly ■ rs ' tu'i' iis oi s irru ition. ; without a sinjrle . f ;r.' ehief ulh. er. I its business has bren con- | s w';', iu ^^iin-*;:: an 1 pru.lenco. It has been !\f I'e- !'l:; in an eir.ineiit 'locree. iisoh!ir>:inji, ; are in?"Mii.- 1, :iii it;- .’ii .-.Mti 'iir> by the payment j i;' ' ■' t'>r! '''e'^. without askinc a j 'Ivi iy ill i.!iy in>':in -e. It 1. vs h;i'l but little lit- ] :i, u f w • . -i inilii. ' ; he inni 'Usc number ■'! trans- | .1' I i'‘. Ill 'r ier to ii'tuin a- much as ; b e n -IK 11 >i iui'ines« as in-uranee, it has been ; ■nictii'e "f t'i'- t'''ini any. f"r several years, at j 1-, oar III.ly ; • »■ a>ily aii'l arrange their ; . lb i'.; t :iy vii'-.net e'a". j, -o a-s to ascertain • i:. -lilt lli'H’f'i - .1 ■ i h e'.-i"'. the aiui'unt of pro- i 1 i t el. , ;;. aji J t ■ i'.; u-t i..t’ losses up- I : e:.. h, Tii;s e'si’v'ati.lu. extei.'iim: over a lonp j cr; l.an l .1 verinii J r-'i'erty t ■ a Very'.:ir;je amount.t'ur- ' rv': i •• .i.itii. an 1 preseti's a 'oun i, substantial -t ! ti: il v\i - rieiii-e, ui> ui whieii to enuduct its , lii'iirnuee ni)t :i matter .>f luck or chance, - t! -Lii ’ I-; , ' h:iZur is are a'certainable. atij ; ' inn \] e.'.j ib.e '.f bein^ re luce l to a system, the . ' ■ I w .;iiiii;^ ill ! II >uUs "f w iich are as certain ••it .t': i:y • ! i>-r •■a'iue-s. 'I'iie .Ktna ('omjmuy, . 'i liicrini: ri-.;i i‘y it- >iy.-•'■etii, and placiiifr its busi- - i! ti i hea'iiiV r.-i-i-, h i> 'a ined the confidence ■ uri'ty -11' fvteut .‘Urp.isred V>y n^^ other t.,' I . S: i!es, :4ii l ha.-' increased ita busi- na .t- iih ’..f !; in yt-ur t ■ year with a steady ^ I >i;e u;r>.it - iirc e of its security is the wi ie ■ u'! :ii -.f its r^.^s—-i p,.!icy which A pur.-ues ■ it -tiU’tiic the amount to be cov- eif.. .’ri- :y. tui- c- i.rso it has passed. ! .J -r.itive i:;;j i.ity, tiir -u:;li -'itne dt the raost -i!' i ie-trui t;vv t re-, wliicn have swallowed up ■ ; in;*'- i.---- r.iutioas '.n their ^lUsine-s. it is ’ tr; 1 Ke thi', i :i I’ l up iii expi-rience, which gives :ty an 1 -louu ine.-s to a coiDpaiiy, un i to the as- c >nli ience and secur’.tv. — i:-i :ri- , m\ i.wiiMMj: (oiiPiM, iiAinroui), loN.N. X i.l'd, Vii l' I'. . ' llA.ilhi; I'hiU’KTL'AL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. r K lii. A- 1-, i'r --ideut. i,. G. KIl’LEV, Vice I’re- bi li ! t. 'I. A. .\Ll.XANL.Ei:, >ecretary. : r- T, i\. l^ra -v. S. 'In.-r, J. ’liurch, R. . \I. A J iift'.e, L. K' w- r. K. A. I’iiilkeley, II. M i'.:.el. E. (I. li ; iey. S. S. \V if i, H. I’ratt, G K. ■•-’■1, A. Dauhain, U. iilllver. i'. A. AiexivUiler, W. k.-y I A»:^- IS ;»re n-ain.^’ iiive^ted in J'tocks and Bonds, I int -re witti >17,:,'U of casn -ii deposite -■ il tr'i 'r l iJanks, i.. iiioet ' '-ses. iUf and .;...a;d — iiiinc !. - !■' . ij‘,-ti- i H!id n^'i due. >_ t, :ld ''.'j. ,a - i-;. ■n-‘*. Waiting furtaer la-'jut, ic., I,. \ -u-T!.f fiaii 1, 72. 1 tiie ab''e ('viaiianv in Fayetteville, ■ K. j ilALK. BRITISH PERIODICALS. ■' '' r 1 \ i II,, NEW VmKK, ' /utinue to publihb I, - f'..!'- wiiif; .ea.1’1^- iJMtisli I'erioiic.ils. viz: 1 iUE L’-'NL‘''N ',;UAin'EIILV . ;'"uservative i, 1 ilL K.mN.W K,ill REVIEW . W; ij^,. ill. > d:.Ii BRITISH Ul.VIEW , Free Church l. I. . .!L WE." fMINSTER REVIEW l.i' erali. •), S EL'IXin R..H magazine ,Tory). e I’l l ! •i’ •■;b;. ri |irebcnr tiie three great po!i- • , [ , lii - ’ liie.i' Lillian;—hifr, I 'lrv, and Rudi- ' lit p ■. ; - ! .rnis ■ 111.V 'tie fe..ture ’.f ttieii ch»r- • i _ : ■ "!' tae in.,St i.ii.fuun i writers on eiice, i ii! !.i lire. ,M ii ility, and j:(>ii;ii,n. they .stand. ■ . - .; y ev"r i.n e sf i, iiu ri 1 in ihe worid of let- !ers, ii- iij; C iiisidercd ih'ii-pen-able to the scholfir and I ■--■ iii.i! m ill, while t" the inteliigint leader , c.'-iy r..-, tiiey lurni-h a imirr c>rreet and satis- : T ry ree .i-.i ..f tiie current literature (if the day, !. ,.1 .It t!ie w 'tI'I. tiian .:.in be I'ossihly obtained ■ :i ,■ ' .i.rce. KAllLV CtJi’]!:.-. ■ !■ • ip: ; Ai*\.\.Ni E .s H .El, i'.s from the British - • - >rive : .id liti- I value to these iiei riiil-., in- ■ 1 11 a- they .an li'jW be placed lii the hands (d'suh- ,1 :• 1^ .! t , i!i :i - tlie on;;inai e.iit mi-.. '1 I’er anil. ■ ‘ ! !:e I -' r Review U'l ■ i I n>- I ;>:r ItI V e I J. ! ilia i- : ; !’,e h . lUr R-,-w 7 f'(i ! : 'ir ‘ ’ t '• R' VieV. -. S OU f ii ' w , i - 'daga^iiie -i Ui* f ! Ti '• \v .i ;;iid tiu ef R( viev. - Oil I" '■ I- i> . 1 ai.d t!ie f'lur Ri vieu- 10 'lij //('/•/» III n!l rii.'tis i/i tiih'(t/ic*\ ■ ■ itl III t/i- Shtt' irlii rif l^.^tifil irill hf r iiiv ' : ;,y ;i i/. M(>y d I ij ■ ' li. ’ per ei-h!. ir' in th- above I- '■ ■ ' ' M i-.-i tii.leiiiij; four or more I • " ' “ '“'O' I 111 tiie all.-VC Wiirks. Ttius; t ar I I , ■ II! 1>1.1I |\W . I, . will be ' • * ' * '■>' a l'li e->> t-ii > , m- ,■ ,,, , (,,yr Re- . .I vs ■ ai.' 1 li I .. ,v ■ lid 1"! •> '. ,I , J’USiAtilv in a ; th [iiii.ciji il i.'itie-) and ; . w,,|-;h ’ ; ..i-i- I. FREE t»F roSl Ai.ii, . ni r . tiie I’l i-e t.i any J),.rt nl the I I vt^ite.-i i: ! a IWi. , 1 \-I'l if i; I. a vear ;. •I. all-; ' lit t It i;i'l,E.\ (• E \ 'I'.-', .a ve.ii- 1 .r I 1: A II. /,i j'l-i l , ,, 4/1'if jilditiil lit tlirjii' /’, ’iihriiis ,ie„.ri -11111111 •/ (,v s;i 1 J. r IIIIIIUIII. .1- r Hire-, f..i i’:V i.I llie inove pu.i'-atii'lis should * - ‘ .j_ J,- J., ,1^ I,, ii|,. ,;,,-js. Ni , i 1 (j d 'iiei't, ,N >v ^ ork. SOKl'li t AlvOLlNA iJ.VCON. • . d , ttU'j ,3Li.,a. i '!», ; )i sale by BEVLULV KOaE Jau y 4i'o. SO- II A ItAKCAIN I'AN UK HAD. 11K subscriber i.tiers f.ir sale the .Materials of the N(^)RTH CAROLINA ARGL'S l*rintin;t 'llice The e.stablishment consists of two first-rate Washiiifi- ton l’res.«es, one for Newspajier the other for Job Work, a large and well .selected ipimtity of newspaper and job type. The newspaper type are but very litt'e worn, and the largest portion of tlie job type are new. It is liiineces-iary to enumerate; the selections were made by pers.ms of much lypo''raphical e.xperi .‘lice and ta.ite and arc as cnniph te as any in the State. Any person wi.-hiufi to purchase can ;^et a oari'ain bv an early application to DAVll) MURIMIV. Jui.e U). l^^l,s r.' ti IIOUSK, I.iVP. AND Nl-.CiiO. iindersiizned wish.tig t. i-l.i-e up their viMbu-i- 1 ness, offer for s ile tlie lloFSi; an l EOT on II ly mount, formerly occupied by M.ijor (Gilmore. Also, .a NEGl’iO l>oV 14 years of a«;e; havin^r tried him for thc last five months, we can recommen i him .is an excel lent servant, both fur house ir out of ilooi.s, sold for no fault, but to close old business. F. N. .'i J. H. RORERTS. .May IboS 7-tf OLD HILLS. 4 l.E persons ind.ebted to the concern of FR.VNK >'(: -m JERRY and J. H. R((REHrs .!■ t'O., are re quested to Clime fiirwaril and settle their bills. If ii 't settled tiy the last o*' tiiis niontli, t;iey wi'.l tind them in tlie hands id'a Lawful Collei'tor. .1. II. ROBERTS ,v rn. May is.">s. 7 t;' I FAYK/r ri:viLLi:. x. c.. Ji ly 5, [\0. 725.1 'ritt' 0'f/rria;^e i\ertortf in tiff’ South! } A. A. ^IvKhVrUAS 9:9 i. U ;i‘F th' id'El.' inl'orni^ his frien l.-> ami Jiii' iic. that b.i 11 I- i uiil r]. !a’-;j,e substaliti.i^ I’.' k r.uildiii’: h'-^ •' 1 Si.i’i i. i‘\jii oss'y !'or man- 1.1■■ i t'irinr (I,,.J TIi ii.ki'til ' oi' tin,- verv liberal p It: iniaLi'e he ha"i ref>‘'veil I'i.r tlio last "J ) vi ars. he h'lin's by .-nriet ,itlen:,on t-. :i i.-iiie s. witli a .li^sire to uive .'.11 isfact inn, ; m.tlt a i nr.-in .lance of t''e same. He warrants i/is wor* to be m.i ie n; tlie best ir..it. rial am’, by mci- I -v •.••kmeniii ei.di braindi of tlio till '-I.- . 'I I wni’k .v ’’. ca iiii.ire ; ivorably >vilh any ma i,- in ;ii.- InitclStat. ,. l w ;• n eal i:e.-s and durability. H,. is i.e'erni i n.,-.i t.> -ell and do any work ii, h's line oti iis lod tci'.n> as any w>'tk done LAND FOR SAI.K. I acres of ii.VN'l) lying on upper Little River, in Harnett County, well ^ t'tnbered and well located for theTurpontine business. It will be ,«oM on acconimodating ternm. Apply «oi'ii to the Subscriber at Fayetteville. W.M McL. McK.W. ! Sept 22, 185(;. 41-tf W. H. TURLINGTON, t.’onimis.sion Merchant, So. 4 North Water St. WIL.MIXiJTOX, N. 0. ^/'ILL give Ills promjit perBonal attention to tiie sale or shipment of all (JonsigutuentB of Naval Stores or other ('outitry P*'oducfc. Nov. S. IK.aH. tf I AVK'r rnviLLi: ;^RAXK N. ROBERTS & (d . e’--cvvhere ;h' 1: iNlsiu.i , t h •-t \s a- ■! LA.: \ !l \s d! d..!ie. .' r s I - • lie now li4s on hand. l»r. K. \. KI.AI'K, ^ jftFKU'E F'roni. Rooms, over Dr. Ji J. ilinsdale's w Chemist and Dru^ .Store, fet.’y T, 7tl-tf •\ tVt'sh sil[)|)Iy ot' f.iliK', I’la.slcring ll.air. Calcined IMaster, Ily lriulic Cement, anl Laud 1‘lasier. For siie in '.{uantities 11 suit, by R. ROSE. Feb’y 1.3, l^oS. 85tf t\. oru uni /i DivN'l iS l'RV. R. J. D.WIS having decided on per- ! manently locating in the Town of : Fayetteville, respectfully otTors his serviees to the cit izens of this place and surrounding country. l:i .-il. the various branches of his Profession, iiu lu lins the manufacture of Mineral I'eetli, he is ^ati^tied, after an e.xtensive experience, to which is added a thoruUL^h Lienlal education, that he can give entire satisi i.-ti iii ,is far as is in the pnwer oI i'eniistry. All irregulari ties of the Teeth treated in a prop^-r and c ireful mm- ' ner, as well as diseases of the m mth. None but the . proper i*ietals are made nsi' nf in the varimis oper.i- ti.itis. Charges wi!! be mo derate, that the b'li-tiis of the I’rufessiiin may be placed wahin the reach uf who may fee! un iutcre-rt in the pre.'iirvation ^f tie Teeth Ofhce over Houston's Jewelry Sture. w iiere he may be found at all times. Slay 10, 18')b. '.tf SMMA. 1’0\ DKAD. ^ 1 ENTLEMKN, you th.it wi'h to sell Likely V lUng NFGROE.S, \len, Bov’s, Women and ;' r the highest cash prices, would d i well to give me a I all, or adilress me at C’dnt iu. N. C, J \ MUiTlll.'R June •>, l''.jS 17-Smi- p i \olict* to Soldier*!!' rSjlHE Widows uf Mexican S'oldiers, and the Wil. ws B. of Soldiers who iiitii is -KRvt, l in the wav .t l&I'J. cun have their pension-, continue i by caMinij i ii the undersigned. Congress having mule adiitinnal provision for them. Give me the manii^ement of .vour claims, and the lui. nev yhall come at once, or n > charge. JNo. :\i. R(jsk, ■\gt for I’ens'oiis. Fayetteville, June 12, I."j.‘. I'l- XKW I’.OOKS. flVlNG .\NL» LOVI\(j. by X'irLrinia L. Tovvnse:, 1; J Tempest and Sunshine, by drs il.jlnies; t’.r)- >.ett’s Advice t.i Young Men; Mrs. Eads's F.aiir iy M .m- ;tor; The Builder's Compan;m; Painter. Giidi r and \'nrnisher'.s Cumpanion: Psalm- and Hyinu«, ass .rted kiii'ls: Confessi'iii of Faith: .Schidil Bo'iks, Xi- \e. ■lust receivel. I^ ,J. I1.\EE vV SON. J uue 2 I. (;,■)(>() ackks of I.and i’or swa:. TIIIE Subscriber 'lesiring to move to the West nifer- to sell the following tr.icts uf va'.ua'ile land. 1 'I'ract containing 2.')*i>', acres in Harnett I’ounty U'' mile- .North of Fayefteville. There is on thi- tract two large and comfortable dwpllini; h ui^es, with al; nocessary outhouses, together with a goo.i mill rutining two SHWrt and grist, with about acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation; the remainder is excel lent farmine and turpentine ’.and. •Also anotlipr tr.ict containinc J**00 acres d'turi>en- tine land, about lOo acres ef wdiii h is cleare E There is on this tract one good dwe'.linj: with all neces-»ary out hou5e.s and a good grist an'l saw-ini’d. I will fake pleasure in show-ng the atiove property to any person wi.sbing to purchase. II. S, McNFILL. Mauchrster P O. Nov. 7tb, 18o7. *.7-ts 2,800 Acres of* J^uihI FOR SAl.K. Ever o:!fr. ,1 ot Wijrk lUMll All of w hi Il shnrt titne to V t'.rli.-'i will iie pull! . .-. ■ i a ver.v large stuck .. iiieli will iit ilnished tiaily- d very low [or (’ \sn, or on ■ a.'tomer.s. JpvaV^He has on hand more th.n ONE lll.Wl'REI) ,M» FIFTY Velii- r.ie ‘if c t l uetion. V iiiva is w irr.Miied 12 months ir'i' b‘i d w 1'rkmui'.ship ;; ■ ■I lre‘ ..f . hai'gfe. av w iiil I d ; we;i to c.ill and cles tiiiislu d and in SOf ’ All wnrk 111 with r u- 1-I-, ar. I or niatct ia; Ml be Cx.iTi lie fi'i- ' ir !'-rs tha liri!:,: 11 able t I ;ind pr. snort 11 .11] tlj' a;tend'd to. ■tice fl’id on verv rea; IV tf- H't PFHiJc' vorici: 3 S HEKER',- ..I VE.\, ti .1. tiie eap.la; Pii-auf rt 11.11 ’.. I- \ ■ I an 1 W c'^t. will be I of A|iri I 1‘i.., .an 1 r of the ( diart i-r iin:: places and uiidi-r ■ jier.- 'iis. I ■ 'ii,:,ii-^-i..: ! li t he I ' 111 I: t V .; iK'k i)f .Subscription to ■; : t lie CeP.t rai Rail Riiad, IrolU Ivi-.M’.-vi.,.-. t ,ill!.,11, Fayetteville, priie I on riinrsday, the I'Uh day ei;i lin ept-ii .accurding to the terms ! I'lirther n otice, at the following inci-tiiiii ot’ the foiii wir.g Hamed I'-r-^ : n I iie Chiu i er, v i: :-as’.. v,-, at th.- i-dic.* ..if thet'i.'rk "hii Fi'ii V i.e, » V \ver::t. an.I at the P-ist . J. Warl, J. II Jr., • )wen Hug- lir. M. F. .\reii- ,1. J. F Bell. L. :r a’ t'aiiilina I'ity,—’ol. apt Le\i0^1eby. Bridge >■!' t lie Cntiiry .jurt iMtiee Ivii-h I.andv. E h' y, R.ibert White. giii-, L. U. tlanij.hvt \. Iti Carte.-et cuuntv , at the ce ul del: .-.t 15e:ri:' rt l>r. .M. F. .^icndi T. Oj'.e.d.iy. t t he st. re .f i. W . T a v b Will. .N . Uennis, H. Ri Aren del;. in Ltujiiiu coiiKty, at tli.* oi'iiee ot' the ’oiinty ’ourt Glerkat Renatir-ville, — .\1 .j .r iv\iii R. Kenan, David liei'i, E-aac 1! Kelly, W m. E. Hill, \Vm. .1. Houston, Mephen Graham, In .s iiiij'- .ii county, at the ofiice of the ('.'unty Court ( lerk (it riintoii.—Thomas I. Fi:i-'in, l)r. Thomas Biiutin_'. Will. .\I. Kav P.,trick .Mnrjihy. Wm. Faisoii, J. R. BeaiTi 111, .\'!red J(diii-i'ti. In t umber'and couii’v. at 1 i.yettevi'le, at the ofice '.'t A A. MI Ki'tall,— i il-111a:i R. I'n.lerwond, Ramla’ McUanicl. E'lwar l I.. W in^I-iw. .I. linC. Bloc’ser. Form III sub-rri|it i.iti: The Cn !er>i::ned ai:r'i- to take the nuintier "f shares of each. -i‘t ofV' ite to our name-.: re-pectIvely, in the t 'eiitr i! Kaii Ri . I ('..iiipany; .and in all resj'ects t.ii THO. C. FULLER. • Sttorin’if a tut i'ounsellof at Mjtttv. OhFK’E at E*cles'.-, Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks. Esip, Fayettevill.'. N. C Jan’y i, 1S.j7. LOVE I! I) Kld)UID(;E. • ittornetf at Kjair^ ^triLL attend the (.’ourts of Johnston and Sainp- ▼ w Sim Counties. Smithiield, .\pril 1-3. l^■J•i. '.i'j-tf Worth & Uvley, Forwartiiiii^ aiui (Jeucrul Coimiiissioii NlFRCnAN'r^, M'afjU’ttei'itlc, .V. f. J. K. WORT II. (72tfj Jus. UTLtY. T C. & B. G. WORTH, ('oiiuiiis..^ion I’orwafiliiiii -Morchant;^, 11’itminf^toii^ »Y f' , I’sual adv.iuces made on consignnieuts. ■Nov. II, I8o7. o'J-tf to comply witii th’ Names Ri - ten,; : it ti shares i •> 'harter. Ca-h .Sub>cr;[tii niav specit'y r lor -hall e hell : Imtidr' .-111C k 111' i' i I' I taking 'ontra neer s e-timat soon a- scribed, thf '.,iumis-i ■!! notilied. and thcv are r StookhoMer:- t oiiriui/.v \! :ir.'h 1.1. 1 J''. iJiade |iay.;! iiliiT ■■ i-e ha 1 the >1 I Land, lying on Ander.son’s ’reek, a>«out t’vu ai..| a half miles from lower Little River, near Elliot s .Nlill.s,—including about One Hundred .\cres of poid Swamps, which can be ea-ily drained. This Lun l i- very heavily timbered, and a large poriion level :ind ■ f superior qu.ality of Pine Land for cultivation. .\lso, a C’ircular STE.\M .s \\V-.M|l L, in complete order and well adapted to sawing plank road and rai! mad timbers. -\l«o. Two weli-broke .MCLES. •\11, or any portion of which, will be sold low and on time. The Land will be sold either in a liody or in parcels to suit. SMITH a: KLLIoT. .\pril 'j. l'^o7. '.'7-tf ()!>(> ACIIIOS OI' I.AM) FOR SAI.K. f'l'^HE SuVjscrib'T otTers lor sale the above nuantity J of Land, situated in n healthy neighborhood, three miles froiu the Wilmington and Charlotte Rail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Land is well ailapteit to Fanning, Turpentine, an.l Ton I’imber puriioses, having a good t.tnge and other advintage-;. Those wishing to jiurchase may fin l me on tiie pre mises, who will be h.ippy to exhibit it or give any in- fi.rination concerning it desired. ANGUS Mc(iILL Philadidphus, N. Sept 1, -ilill I'OR SAI.K. ^aiHE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT on Gillespie S_ Street, at present occupied by Doctor .McSwain Perfect title can be made. Apply to THO. J. (UJR ns. A I.SO tGOoD F.\M1LV (’ARR)A(iE in good repair and nearly new. Will be .sold foriialt its value —ALSO— 3 good MILCH (’OWS with voting calves. Apjiiy to T. J. CUi’.TIS. April 2!. 1857. ;:ttf Lo.sr, «.\ST Saturday, Mist ult , (during the hours of J I' irade,) abo'it the Court House, or between the ;iurt ilouse and the Fair Ground, a small yellow ieiithev pi.cket Book, containing •'j'-'iO, consisting oi tlirce >10 bills, three -iii du . one bill, one $ j gold jtiece. three >;2 .'jii ^;o!d pieces \ Reward of ■'i'dO will tie given for the above de.«cribed I’ocket Rook and I ni'iiiey. iielivered to ilie undersigned, j ■l.Xri. H. .I,\CKSON, Musician, j Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 2, \ fy'itt 1 Hir])er's anclGo(le}'ri .Viagazincs lor i July, juHt i-eceived E. J. HALK & SON. , M.i reh IH.' ■:»-tf ii- , -'jJ ’ ■ '.i'- KA I v-i- h* i-ver otVered iu tii-- tuar,; inanuliictiiie, nri';n hi.- which he will sell on tin- • or on time t.i I’uncm ■■ i.-11 in e; s. Fashionalile painted colta;/;- ‘'c i sett.-; ( iiiicl hair ::ii l slin. I:, and Loolving (Ca >c.'. '•S:'iov\ ''.agiiii.- IJoaids: I'lUri ail-; i-c; i :e-; .and ri'oni Furniture in Colton M at tresses; and Oadles; Side BouU-Cases; What- l:ii; I’lllC II .. I tachment; ivosewi'o i tories in New V-rk an l ! any ni.tde in the country, p'ices—'rclglu only af.led Septer.i; er 2. hoti:l. hiiving leased this Ji ' Hotel, will be pleased to see their former patrons and friends, assuring them that they will use every e.xertion to please. F. N. UoiiKKTs.] [J. 0. Smith. Jan’y 7. 74-ypd COOI, SFRLXG MILLS. ^S^HE Proprietors are prepared to GRIND ('ORN on I the usual terms. The Bedstead .Manjl.acture is still carried o;i it ■ the same place. Jan’y 11, 18.j8. 7.'.-tf CHAIRS, CHAIRS. A L.VRGE lot of .Stool-bottom Chairs, made at Cool Spring Mill, and for sale by A. .M. CAMPBELL. March 21, '.'tiy I H()01v-1{L\DLV(; Bn all its kinds, executed with neatnesi and de spatch. Small jobs when done must be paid helove delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, j Ander.son Street. Mayl4 185W. ll-lV TROY vk i l LI.FR, Attorneys and I'oun.sellors at Law, ri >IBKKTO>i, i&0ISi>0\ li. \ OBERT E. TROY and JOHN P. FCi.LER, hav. formed an association for the jiractice of tlndi profe.ssion in Robeson County. The former wdl aisi attend the (Jourts of Bladen and u’oluiiibiis; the lattei will also attend those of Cumberland. The Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. Jan'y 1, 18->M. 7d- ii' SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attorney fuid Coiinsollor at f^aw, >tviiTiirii:M>, i., WILL attend regularly the ('(luuty and Superior Comts of W ake, Johaston. (.’uiuberland, Har nett, and Wilson. All business will receive j lompt attention. Jan’y 12, '•OS. eiitrdsted to his care 7b-1 v ro'i’rov I^UNDEE and Gl NNV i’.a(;(;lv(l B.V(.iGI.\(i in quantities lo For sale by 'JAS. G. COOK. I3tf Work!* e in work, and . ru?>.''-iies; and •' pie'.ereiice in anie or at liiigi- t!iotis:iii.I dollar-, .are iub- of l;i-ilow county are to be .'ii- 1 to call a meeting of • Joiupanv. idtf SOLS, jjoijsi; i''.ivs:Tri;v«i,i.i;. .\. Eas^t siilr of (ii-i.it It f''\r Donra North of th Mtirkrf linUs. . rg^HE Snbscriber de-ires through this ' medium t" acknowledge the lilierai patr iti.a.,;i-bi'-towed upr n hi? Hotist the {last year—and ;i-‘ he li.is just erected New Stables iind (.’arri'ige Shed convenieiit to 'he Ii..use and to w.nter he takes jdeasure in 'tying to iij. jiatroiis and the public generally, that he is ‘ tiil firepare I to acconi- mmiate tliom witii 11;isiciit and pfrmanent board, and f -pectfully voljcits a co.niiiuaiice o'' the liiieral |i it.on- ape heretofore rccei\i- l. Eveiy exeition on his p.irt shall be used to rei. ier them coiiifoitable during their sojourn with him His iable is always supplied with the best the market adord-'. P. SH EM WE EL March 24, IS.').'). '-ti-if l>VK10i\, .iu., \ T r I? \ a: v t t i. a w , ti S taki'ii an office next .|oor to Win. B. Wright’s .S a Law oilice on Greeji .Street. He will attend and pr.tctice i?^ the (’..unty and Superior *'ourts ot'Cumber land, Pdadeii. Robeson and .Sampson. suit purchascii. Se\.t, 17. .’IVir Stort{ of lU)OKS AND STA’noXFRY. WE are now receiving i.ur usual New Stock of Books and Stationery, embracing a great variety of School, .HtMlioal aiil 4*c‘ilaiii‘oii!>i ISookN. Together with u large and varied Stock of BLANK BOOKS, PAPER, ENVELOPES, a:c. Country Merchants and others are invited to call as we otler the above stock on the best terms. >: J. HALE & SON. Sept'r 28. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. ; II Ti I s s I o AND F() R W A R D! X (J MI: RC11A X T, ll'ilmiiiiiton, »V. V, Weir I’ rompt personiil attention given to all Consign ments, and Ca.-h advances ma le ou i’roduce to be ship ped to other j>orts or sold iu this market. Feb. 12, is,.)*). 67 IJFi: IXSLRAXCF. 'M'^HE riivlersigued has been ui>po;nted .\gent of M. the N'lila (’aroliii.i .\Iii::ial Liie insurance Com pany. Every iiiem'n'r for !iie p.iriicipates in the pro- lits of the t’oinpany: anl tiic annual premium tor life member:-iiip. wnere it amouuts to •‘jidO or more, m:iy be pai l oiie-ii.alf in cash, and the other half iu a note at 12 months. l)ebtors' lives m.iy be insiircil by creditors. A man may insure his own lite ;or the exciu.sive bcnetit of | hit? family The iives of sl.aves ni ly be insured. : This sysuiii is r.ipi.lly j^rowing into lavor, all over | the c.vuued wor..i It is iiae iiy wliicii a family, lor, a small sum aniuia y, may be (trovided for, alter the ' death ol us ne.i i. ..ii wiiose exertions ihey may have' been dejiendeni lor a supjiort. Jl is a good investment j ol iiiouey, even il one siiou.d live long after taking | out u Lite Policy Explanatory jnimpiiiets, and the i necessary Ri.inks, furnisiied ou application I E. J. HALE. ! 4 fMttrbie S^aelorum .I.\S. C. S.MITH. M11,K> CUsriN JAS. C. SMITH & Co., t'aetom^ Commission anti M^or- ward iit;:; . YlerrU an ts. WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 PROMPT attention given to sale ol TIMliER, LL'\I- BER, N.W'AL STORES and all kinds o! Produce. Liberal advancements made on Consignments Refers to E. P. H.m.l, Pres’t Branch Bank of State. H. R. SAVAiiK, Cash'r Bank Cape Fear. John D.aw- so.v, Esq. ■\pril 2'j, 18ob. J-1 V Pre.sbyterian copy. D. A. r.AMOXT, Commission Merchant, OFFICE 38 NORTH W ATER STREET. I’ersouul attention given to all produce seui to him either for sale or shipment. Nov’r f>. .'i7-lypd I’AYETTKVlLi.K Female High School. Examination of the i.l.asses will cotnmence on S. Tuesday afternoon, the dth ot .Inly at •> o clock. The .\nnual Sermon will be prea hel by Rev. James McDaniel, on Tuesday even-og, in the B.iptist Church. I'he F.iter.ary .Address, b}’ Hon. J. Shepherd, will bi- .lolivered in the Presbyterian Church, on Wednes day evening. Coiumencement Flxercises oti I’luirs lay morning, to begin at o’clock. Rev. Wm. E. Pell 'vill jiresent P>iWes to the Senior Class from the Board of Trustees Th.* ExercisiJs will close on Thursday evening with a Musicil C’oncert, to commence at S o'clock. WM. K. BLAKE, Principal. .lune 20. 2->-3t SiL!'(IFUVfS VM’lROllMllTV at l>ri!l,ic AI CTIO.V. iN .MONDAY AND TUESDAY, the 20th and 27th days of July, 1 •'oS. The .Atlantic and N. C. R.iil Road is completed, the W ire House and Wharf at Carolina ’ity is nearly finished, and arrangements have been made to run a ine of Packets between this place and New York. The large Hotel of Mes-rs Parrott k Bright at (’arolina ’ity will be finished by the day ol sale. The number of lot.s already sold is 2;*7. Terms of sale, 0 and 12 months, with interest trom date. \ Stockhold ers' meetiii!; of the Carolina I 'ity Co will lie held at the same time. E. R. ST.\NLV, Pres't. ,N. i; P.isseiigei.' attending the sale at t'arolina City will be passed over the I'i N. C Rail Road at half price. •lune 28, Is-s. 2-. ts Presbyterijui till s.ile FRESH FRUITS AI.L I’flF YFAR. VRTHUICS SELF-SEALING GANS. of Earthen ware and Glass: Pints. .,^» i.arts and Half Gallons, at reduced prices. These i'atis are m .re easily used than any other, the cement being alrealy on the Can. — \LSO— Tile I'coiiiaii*’^ E'riiit Kotfle, of trills'^; stoppe l with a cork: Quarts •ind H f G-illons, This is a new articie. very cheap. (*2 and *3 per dozen.) and a lmirab'y ad i; ted l‘i its use. For sale at the ‘•(.’ROCKi.,!lV SToKE" bv W'. N. T1LLIN-;HAST June 22. 22-2m liUEik ol' at i'a V4‘tt« \ il I«n June 20. 18-')8. , g’HE .A.NNU.AL MEE'i ING of the Stockholders tf the Bank will be held at their Banking House on the 2d Mondar, the 12th, ot .luly next, at Ii o'clock. \. M j>o w SANDFORD, Cash’r ‘2‘)-tm .H S r RFC i:i\ FD. LBS. choice GO.sHEN BUTTER; oOu lbs LEVF LARD; —.ALS »— FINE SEGARS and KHiACCO. For sale by D. ANDERSON, North-west (’or. Market Si^piare. •lune 28. 2d- A lot I’ltKSll I.IMi:. • '.ASKS, in good order, just received. Also. •20» bushels PLASTERING HAIR J. \V1LLL\.\1 FA(iF, \L D., §• MTTS B O Ml O I ,V. kR. PAGE may be found at his otlice when not professionally engaged. For sale Iiy .lune 2.S. B. ROSE. D‘ •May o, 185(, CFAXO. TONS BEST PERUVIAN GUANO, ju t re ceived and for sale by GEO. W. WILLIAMS C>. ■Vug. 31. oS- 150 March 4, OATS. BUS. heavy black Oats. For s G. lie by (,'OOlL. '.IU- 75 WWl'i-A) NEGROES fora Mississippi Plantation. Men, Boys, Girls, and some good F’amilies. El’HR. PAGE. Fayetteville, M;iy t‘>, l‘'.">8. S-tf .lisr RFCI-:iVF!). 1 4k BOXE.s of that superior ROCK ('.ANDY r(>- I-lf BACCO 11K3IOVAI.. STARR & WILLIAMS, .WE removed to the two brick Stores in the West end of the Fayetteville Hotel building, where they are now opening their >r 4moo(1m for fiiiisi recentlj’ selected by one of the firm in the Northern markets, which will be oflered for sale to their regu lar customers on the iisual terms. -All persons who wdsh to buy Goods cheap at W HOliE .S.VLE. are respectfully invited to call and examine th's Slock at our new stand. West end of Fayetteville Hotel buil ling. .1. i’,. Stark. I [.1. M. Wii.i,ia.ms. -\pril 21, iSoS. 5tf G. W. 1. Oct 5, 18o7. GOLDSTON. 48-tf XORTH CAROLLNA RFAl'FRS 1 iJ. 1>HEP.\UEU WITH SI'KCIAL REFEKENCE T(» TIIE WANTS AND IXTEUESTS OF »Yortli €.'arolina. ISDKK THU AlSl’lCES OK TIIK .si'l’KRl.NTEN DKNT Or (.'(iM. .MON SCIIUOI.S, 1!V Kev. I'. .Ti. Iliil>l>arl. PBOVKSSOR OF Tlir I.ATIN LANOfAi.i: ^.^•|> I.ITKI! \ rflj.’i I .S lUK, i;mvkrsitv oi Ntuirii a;:oi.i.\'. HOOK HLVDFRY. W. li.VRDlE has resumed the Book Binding usiness, over the Tailor Sl'op of (’lark a: ■^Voodw.ird. wliere he will re.^eive and execute bin ii ig iu any style dc.sired. .'vusiust I. 27tf OATS AXD PFAS. BUSHELS SEED OATS, 10t> ditto Cow Peas. — f.-io— few barrels 'Northern Irish Potatoes. For sale in quantities to suit, by B. ROSE. srjtf % •! J ' '.Mil: ;j Vi' T y sAtJDrji, I'. T. II tltli i .S!),V’.S StOKi. i\ . 4'. t;4 ;. pd .1. v\. r. new n i-ti' in^f 1; 'in tlif Ncrth the -t. li;n -1, ;iii'i cafofiilly whu '., a ldd lo liis own ■=fii;iiicnt coii'pIel«;—all of 1 Ol' K!, R ei;iviil,‘ St iiiissiliie terms for cash .''lot'.; Tal ;( s, ,il; - i:'t . ''Viisii .-'t in Is: ’,andlc Stands; »Va'dr,;>es; I’ictui i- Fi'.aiaes and ilass; Window Shades; roriiives: '.irtain Rami.-; .Sofas in Mahogany and '»Valnut; T"ti; a Tetes; (ntumaus; Divans and Stools; Qhair-i (d' evry v uiety. s, nil" ssit'i yKoiian At- laii'-, from liie bet manufac- iston, witrranled as good ag ;■ 15I.F ! Ropi’^rrv or ■•lie, my LA.N’DS in the Town of Fi'.y- aboiit l-ii .Acres, known as the MUI^FOBD SWAMP. Ill sn .\cres ot ;t !s i le \ieadow Lau 1, astheCrop n iw oil it wi'l show. .VIbo, the ii,.ir he .\i ,r..et S([Uiri_-, m JUpieil by Mr. John .V I’ciiibertoii. ,V Large and \ ili:;;ble l. if, fronting on Don.iMson, ,\1 i.'wv. eli and .M tiiiito-..| .S:r(...t.^, known as the Hotel Ganleii Lot.—cou d t tiv.d.' i into several Rullding Luts — Vf-ry iie.i! uu‘ iiev. Female liiirii School Rnil i:iigs. .\.lso, tlie Siali.e L;,t adjo.imig. iroiitiiig wn Muinford .^Irei't. Several DE.''! R .\ R L E RUiLiGNG LO'l .S ni both Winsiov and .Mumlor’l .Streets. \ii this p'.OJ'ertN ;io\» le- v>nrih:i‘e 1 I ‘ lud will be sold at N. York 45-tf L>lanks for salo at this Ollice. term.s. and if Oct. 10, ISo (i.-.ri • u til V ora- caii remain on iM.>nd and TH«). .) Jo -i S. LiUcll'si Living Aj:;c'—Fiilaroed Se- jie*—received weekly, ll-irper’s .Magazine lor May. E. J. HALE & SON. I CO.VTAIMNd A FAMII.IAR HISTOHV A.S’Ii DK.SCUIP i TION OF NOUTll CAROLINA. I Solortious in I’rose anii Verse; ui.iny id' tht-iii by eminent citizens of the ; HISTORICAL AND CH RONOLOGK ai, T.’iRI,!:s, I .And a variety of .Miscellaneous liii'ormatioii and .Sta- i tistins. by i;. il. Number -'I is a new ainl revised e litioii oj tiio .North Caiailina Reader, tirst published in 18 )1. Numiiers 1 and 2 just issued, comjilete the scries, whicii is, a.s a whole, cheaper than any other series (>f Rtadfr.-. in the United .States, and as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard; in iiis Preface t i .Num ber I deems it pioper to allude toa tew ot the peculiar advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of i ommoii Schools while making etiorts to have liiis w.,;k coin- ^ pleted. These are, 1. T/ti’ enC'/nrii;jeiiif iit ‘j/ i lefimi; ,jj' s, iI'-d, i„ uilrtir,^ I and the enlistment of popular seiitiniem .n ln..lia;i of I t'ne State an.i its instituticns. U was not tli.jiigli! iin- I portant, however, to have iiiore tnan oi,*,- number ■ i the Readers of merely a local interc-t. 2, To reineilji the evil e ,rii ti-'iere rmn ■i>n> d uf in m,'!- mon schools, of a pi r]" lHnl chan'ji-in text nii e.v- pensive habit, and one wliicli iii’ures Ihe Scluoi- by preventing lh“ children trom being cli-'itie l. A se ries of home Readers, it wa-. suj.j oscl, «ou.d i..- ‘or- tainly uaed, an.l iiiis great evil tlius av' ided Kconom;/, trie jioiailar .svsTt ia ol Rea ii- l),dng too long and beit g made so otten meit 'y t i a.ii} to the prolit.s of aulhors and pab’isher.s. This series is to cotis;'f ol lower nuiuL.er-, tlrm those gein'rilly used, an l it is bciievod tlint ihe>e numbers arc .si.iiicient, w'liie i. the oystcin were uni- versall.y used in th'* .'•'t.ite. t ;e juni sa\i’ ! r.i p iri'n;s and children would ai.i' Unt tj si-vei.il l!i..,i,-:inii lars annually. 4, To put in the kitii'ii' jt chiliiren letinm ij i-^ml nnn. positton-'l H'il/icil Li’ll H”t til' r!,,! r.rt, i-Ciilteii \ child'sh compos,ti’-.i ', c ..i taiuiiij;. in ler- n- i-a.-_\ eiioii^ih | for all a^res. c irri-ct spcclnll■l!^ o; ';-,’e, '.ti ic-ting in | matter, and inculcating pr per tii.r a s, a:i i l elipi.iu- iuBtructioa. The prices are, for No. i, 'lb cents; No. 2, :i7^ ceui.- and No. 3, 75 cents. .A liberal deduction from these ' prices to Merchants and School Teachers. 1 K. J. HALE & SON. ' Feti’y 1 ^ THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE L.\TK llox. .IDIIN 1). TUUMKR, r o IS % i. i:. ^ I ^ h E vaiiiable La w Library of the late .1 iidife I'oomer, J c'ii:-i-tiiig (d' iipward.s id Iniiu bound \’oIumes, a’"' 1 vcr;i’ hull ire.1 Nos iinbouii i, has bren iep'isited witii the iinder-itrne t for s ib‘ Tiie books will be s iM in sels. For CA.sH O.NLY, They are g.'tierilly in goi (I fir It r, though of coiine bearing marks of use Thi‘ prires have be“ii ii.xeil with reference to their coriiiiii.n. 'ataiugue-. witli the prie> auue.\>*d t-v e: may be otit iine I on fipjoicati >n t.i tin- -ub*, ... J iiVLE i a\ftteviiie. .lune M), ;h').8. h vo utue. ri bers ,‘c .'ON -ut. 1 Ollice a l .WV K.K- x»>!M'ii oa;:oi/i:na pu!:\n: k oi n v rfp >k rs. rlb' i-^ h ue jn-t printed uf the f'»>iserver ;i;i' i\D EDITION Of iJi:VKiir:i X AM) BATTiJi'S FtiUT.S VOL. L l.K\l-M I'OKKKi'TKli. BY lie -.. \\ lLLU\i IL lU'rrLF. JI ijiii-; iiK Tin;sri*Ki:.HK( 011:1 :if \iiiiTn niiiiu v i. I ( e pi ice of the new ei.'iti'.,ii is not greater than that iiudi. as it i-, !. (-’;y peeessary to b iy to ,1 Nuil-.s A.M) Ki.fKKKNi of the (. i ihoiudi. as it i-, - the Pn.' .•'^'-ion in Norr!i ''a il-eat •, iiicre i-ie 1 by .lii l’e ;i III! I '.in i-ct ions 'I :n- V .;uiiie h.is been l.Hig 'nt i f piint, an ; w,- si'ad l e ^l.id -''lipi.v the l. ;w \ers vvb • s.'t-s . ; l:e- poMs are isicoiiipiete witii..Ill it. !l:i'.e tlie old e l tioil i ’it VVi llid ■ f. r the '^:iki- of i:s notes I i \,,ri IK.')^ ,.. ! pel robna. it-; va'iif* has (leen I'.u’ ie’s Niites. Refer.-i.'.'Hs ;l is tlios-' ho . 1; ive the new .1, H A I.E .v SON IdFH AMI ('OllliHSl'ONDilNCE I »F JAMES IREDELL, of NORTI! CARULIiVA, iiNEOJ lllK AsSodVi iiT lilt. -irUl;VlK COl'RT Ot lllK UNlTtU .STATKS lii GRIFFITH J. McHEE, Esq., of W for sale by E. Fayetteville, June 1, 1858. J. HALE l^i. SON

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