mir W) miR SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOL \ ni.j FAVETTFAILLE, N. C., JULY 8, 1858. [NO. 7'>Cu ri'.lMl li MoM.'AVS am. thursdavs. i:ilU Alto J. HALE & SON, KlilTlHts \N!' I'KOI'RIKTOKS. ■ • ' 'V the SLMiii-Wi t'klv i'uskrvkr $3 00 if paid in I'lvniii'C: •>" if •luring the year of suhscrip- li- i; or >■ 1 the year has expired. rtlu' \Vc,‘IJ; «)ii-KKvt:K OOperfinnmn, if paid in I ■>() if |,aid during the year of subscrip ■ : •" ’I' > ' ufter the year has expired. \ |i\l.K riSK.MFN !inserted for sixty cents per TlSK.MFVrS insert 11, lines fertile first. • lU'trt'11) hues fc^the first, and thirty cents for each u -.‘.',"liiifr pu>il’cation. ^ early advertisements bv spe- . i’ ■ Ht rea'^oiKiblo rates, .\dvertiseis are ' ue-ted t.i the nunibev of insertions desired, or ■ will r.iiitiiuit'd till forbid, and charged accord" _ V. IviTti.-enients fxti'i. to be inserted insuie, charged 50 per r'ire Iusnr€tnce* E vofcr iiur re.iders to the annual statement of the .Etna lusurtince Company, of Hartford, i: wiii lio found in aniithei-ctihiiuG. This succe.^s- in't'tiitii n wa.= i)u- irp 'rated by the Legislature of iiHi’tu’ut ;n with a perpetual charter Its ■ il is >;•■>"(>.000, and its accumulations exceed ' more, ii'Ti'sinf; its entire assets ever ^300,- '.i.N . -Jti.* I a.' dftailfd in the s-tattmeiit retVvred to The Eiitrsenf VarrUi^e Faelory in the South! II in li. ate that tiuriii;: the period of nearly i of work nearly tinisiiQd, which will be finished dai!/ All of which will be Si'! 1 very low for 'asm. or ’U short time to punctu.ii customers, He bason hand more tb^in ONE Ill'NKULL* ANO KlFTV Vehi cles finished and in Cour.se of coii.'5ti'uotion. .-Ml work made by him is warumted 12 months with fair usage, and should il fail by b:.ii workmanship or material will ).e repaired free of i;harge. Persons wishinj: to buj’ wouKl do well to call and examine fur t hemsi-Uci. Orders thankfully received and prtin.Llly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable terms. Mav 28, 1tf- 8'* T: I 'e I f suit." f.rty yr;u‘. since its oiifani/iti'm. (without a single ..fits chli‘f officer,) its business has been con- 1 ..’t'.1 w:th Judgment and prudence. It has been - 1 li ^iiccessl'ul in an eminent degree, discharging, M" we are informed, all its obligations by the payment : about i"t -L "i> "'illtir.-- for losses, without asking a : .V ' delay in any instance. It has had but little lit- ill. notwithstan ding the immense nuiuberoftrans- aoti !i made. In order to attain as much rertahifi/ as t ,11 sucli u business as insurance, it has been i 11“ pra.-tice >if tiie Company, for several years, at trr.-it 'iii iir. Carefully to classify and arrange their I -ki into all ’ut tifiy distinct cla.-^ses, so as to ascertain the ani 'unt aisurevl on each f,la?s, the amount of pre- miuiii> roceivtc.l tU.'reon, ana the amount of losses up 'n ■ai'h. This cla.-^sitication. extending over a long ; on. 1.and covering pv >j\erty to a very large amount.fur- ; -iier reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial - ?'actual experience, upon which to conduct its ' Insurance isnotamatter of luck or chance, iny suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and ■- priui iples capable of being reduced to a si’stem,the ■ r .i t^.al working nn 1 r»-nlts of which are as certain I- • -it any other business. The *Etna Company, y a :hering rigidly to its system, and placing its busi- iif u] on a healthy basis, has obt^iined the confidence the C'luimunity to an extent surpassed by no other ouipany in the U. States, and has increased its busi- ii—-' an i its income irom year to year with a steady gr.’V.th. One great source of its security is the wide ; -?: i’iutiou of its risks—a pylic3' which it pursues w t!i ^rre^t striotnes.s—limitinff the amount to be cov- ■ r 1 ill L-ach locality, i'.y tLis course it has passed, with i'onipa*'ative impunity, through aome of the most sweeping destructive tires, which liave swallowed up ,T:.'r ■ iiiuianics le«s cautious in their business. It is ft •^\sti-m like this, based upon experience, which gives A A McKP/rilAV ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the J)ublic, that he lias built up large substantial lirick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for man ufacturing Carriuges. Tliankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes )>y ,«trict attention to bu>iness, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of t*'.e same. He warrants his work to be made ol'the best niiitcrialand by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any ma le in the United States, tor neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as goo.l terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has ou hand, Fimsiiki), the LAKOEST STOCK of ( 'ttrrini€s, fhtrourhes, llocknicdijs, (in^ !]n O' r, ( s;. Ever ntf.'>red in this place, anrt a very lar':»'stock NOTICK. THE (WNDIUATES for the Legislature in Cumber land and Harnett Counties, and the Cantlidates for the office of Sheriff, by agreement will address the people at the following times and piaceii, viz: At Carver’s Creek, Cumberland Co., July 12th. “ lilack River, “ “ “ 18th. “ Flea Hill, •• “ 14th. “ Lock’s Creek, “ “ “ 15th. “ Cedar Creek, “ “ “ H>th. “ Gray’s Creek, “ “ 17th. Quewhifile, “ “ “ 22d. “ 71st District, “ “ “ 23d. “ Rockfish, *' “ “ 24th. “ Uarbecue, Harnett “ “ 20th. “ Up) er Little River, “ “ “ 27th. “ Stewart’s Creek, “ “ “ 28th. “ Civove, “ “ “ 29th. “ Xeiir.s Creek, “ “ I'Oth. “ Buckhorn, “ “ “ ijlst. ,\t which times and places tlie several rnptuins will please order their Companies to paracle. June I"), 1808. 20- _ _ Tiirpeiif iiie Wi^lillers ami ollier«. Mity .an i soundnes.s to a company, i coiitiilencc and security. — . and to the as- Pdtriol. m\ i.\siit.t.\i'i-; co.MPiw, IIAKTI'OKO. CO.N'.V. i. = i''K.AiKD ch.v:;teu perpetual. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. ■ " CKAi i:, President. E. G. KIPLEV, Vice Pre- 'ident .M. A. r. E. I. .\LtX.\Nl>HK, Secretary. - T. K. I’race, S. Tudor, J. Church, Tuttle, E. Flower, . I'lipley. S. S. E. A. Dulkeley, R Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G F. iHV -, A. Uunham, U. Hillver, T. .\. Alexander, W, K.' IH IU.IC NOTICE Is HEllEBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central P»ail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the 10th day i of April 18.50, and remain open according to the terms j of the Charter until further notice, at the following ' places and under direction of the following named persons. Commissioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of Onslow, at the oflice of the Clerk i of the ('ounty (.'ourt at Jacksonville, and at the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G.*J. Ward, J H- ; Foy, Robert White, John A. .\veritt, Jr., Owen Hug gins. L. W. Humphrey. * In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. -\reu- ' dell at Beaufort Dr. M. F. Arendell. J. F. Bell. L. I T. Oglesby. .\t the store of Q. NV. Taylor at Caiolina City,—v";ol. ! AVm. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge | .Vrendell. I In Dupiin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville, — Major Owen R. Kenan, David : Reid, Isaac B Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, i Stephen Graham. | In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court ^ Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas j Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, i J. R. Beaman, .\lfred Johnson. In (-umberland county, at Fa\etteville, at the oilice I of A A. McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood. Randal i McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John ('. Block-’iv Form of subscription; | The Undersigned agree to take the number of share-'^ ' of iilOO each, set opposite to our names respectively, , in the Central Raii Road Company; and in all respects , to comply with the torms of the Charter. i rjpiHE subscriber hegs leave to inform the public ; ■- that he lias ti.is day engaged .Mr Lkon.vuu Bellinorath, Sr . who is well known as a tirst rate ^ Copper-Smith, and is prepared to execute all orders in the line if Copper-smithing with despatch, such ns ' Turpentine Stills; (,’opper, Steam and Water Pipes; | Pumps; Iron Smoke Stacks, and all other Copper and [ Sheet Iron works. Repairing of all kinds of Copper- ' smith work, atten le 1 to .Vll orders promptly attend- : ed to -M BAKER, j Opposite the Post Office. j The high est price jtaid for old Cop’>er by M. A. BAKKR June It). 2Utf ! MOREIIEAl). I GAEAT SALE OF LOTS ON A CREDIT! N the 2Hth and 2*th of July, 1858, at the City EI)i;ii\VORTIIFESnLESEMI\lllV, nRr.r.»^\sBono\ .v. c. fW’IHE Scholastic year is divided into two Sessions, ■- commencing 1st August and 1st January. The course of study is thorough and systematic, eni bracing everything necessary to a complete, solid, and ornamental education. The buildings are so arranged as to combine the comforts of a home, with the advan tages of a school. Instructors of the highest qualifica tions are employed in each of the Departmei ts. No Institution in the country possesses advantages supe rior to Edgeworth. TERMS; Board, including washing, lights, and fuel, per Session of five months, $*>0 00 Tuition in the Regular Classes, 20 00 The next Session will commence on Monday, August 2d. 1858. Pupils are admitted at any time during the Sessio;i, and charged from the time of entrance. (’atalogues containing all necessary information re- sp“ciitip tk. Crv.tvae of Instruction, Terms, &c., will be forwarded on application to RICHARD STERLING, I’rinnjmi. Greensboro’, N. Carolina. May 28, 1Ko8. 17 Cmospd FAYETTEVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. fO^HLS Company has been in operation more than I S nvc years, ;ind has paid its lossef., amounting to I Siy.126 9o, without any assessment; insurance aver- ! iiging its member.s about J per cent. • Policies issued to 1st of May, iS.>8, 27*>'.*. .Amount of property-now insured, ^1.474,92'2 34. i Amount premium notes now on hand, §224,1*08 2-i. I (’ash premiums received, $:’'>2,.j17 41. Diuectors. Geo. Mc.Neill, S. T. Hawley, D. A. Hay, W. N. Tillinghast, if. L. Myrover, McKethan. S. W. Tillinghast, J. D. Williams, Henry Lilly, Jas. G. Cook, N. A. Stednian, .V. W. Steel, S. J. Ilinsda'e, .las. Kyle, T. S. Lutterioh, J. G. Shepherd. Wm. McLaurin, R. F, Brown. Wilmington, E. Hall, Wilmington. Okfickks. CiKO. McNElLL, President. D. A. Ray, Vice President. C. .-X. Mt'.MiLLAN, Secretary’. John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Travelling Agents. The ('ompanv invite applications. •May 21, 18.8. 1;^-Y Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. 1 COUPON RONDS FOR SALE. '^HE We.stern Rail Road Co. have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers, 820,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the County of Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable semi-annually on the 1st June and the 1st of l*ecem- ber, and running 20 years. §90,000 of the Coupon lionds of tlie Town of Fayetteville, bearing per cent interest, payable semi annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. B. M.VLLETT, Esq., Pres’t or to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r Western R. R. Co. P'ayetteville, Feb’y 2(5, 18o8. 8'Jtf DOBBIN IIOUSK Tor Rent or Lease. Lease of the present Proprietors of this weV. known House will expire on the 1st January, 1858; the property is offered for lease or rent. To a person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an excellent opportunit}' is offered. The building is large, well arranged and in complete repair; its location will always command for it an extensive patronage. .\s the present Pmi'rietors intend changing their busi ness, the Furniture, which is nearly new and iti good order, can be purchased on favorable terms. The House will be delivered on or after the 1st of January, remaining open under the present manage ment till a tenant is o'ltained. The fine Store in the same building, formerly occu- })ied by Mr. Wm. Booth, is also offered for rent. JNO. H. '00K, Prest. Dob’-iin House Co. Dec’r 1C, 1807. 09-tf my as we need WHEELS!! •ndewater’s (m- il' .Morehe;! i. J. M. MOREIIEAD, Pres. Shei'hard's Point Land ('ompany. June, 18.38. 21 ta. o. lioi s ro.\ "•MT (jULD inff.rm his friends and former customers » * that he may be found 2 doors below thet'ai>e Fear Bank, and > doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, andevery thing belonging to his trade. He respectful ly i§yites his friemis I'l-om the country to call and ex amine hie stock before purchasing A PROCLAMA TION, Bi/ his Excellenct/^ TnoM.\S Bragg, Governor of Xorfh Carolina. MM7'HERE.\S, it has been represented to me that T T one -Vrchibald Mcliougald. late of the County of Cumberland, did on the 27th day of February last, in said County, kill and murder one Thomas Munroe, and that the said McDougald is a fugitive fr^.m justice, and has escaiip*^ I'Oyon'l tiic Hiiiits of this State. Now, to the end that the said .Vrchiba’d McDougald may be arrested and brought to trial for his said of fence, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, ofFeriug a Rew,arl of Two Hundred Dollars for his apprehen sion and ilelivery to tiie Sheriff of Cumberland County. DESCRIPTION. McDougald is about fifty years of age, of light hair WATER WHEELS! WATEII WE are now manufacturing V proved JONVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, for Mills and Factories of every description; and all those wishing to improve their water power will find it for their interest to address '■>■/ letter, stating the number of feet, head and fa'.' tli--ir usual amount c*’ water; the kind of machinery to be driven. We can then give them price of wii-.-el, or what we will furnif.h Wheel ami principal Gears f.ir. warranted to do a cer tain amount of work. J'if.ie t'.‘ tent the Whcd, and if it does not come up to ci'r figure, the Wheel and Gears to be delivered to us at the mill of the purchaser. IIkIERKXCK tilVE.N A.VT> I? KQflRKl). ilKATH & STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Prince George s county, .Mf ROBERT BAIRD, Agent. Riehmr-’ TRUST SALE. Bv Virtue of a Deed in Trust to me executed, for purposes therein mentioned, I will ?ell at pub lic auction, at the Market House, on Thursday, the l-">th inst., at n o’clock, A. .M., a large stock of FUR- NITUUV', consisting of Betls, Bedsteads, Bureaus. Tables, Chairs, and various other articles, all ol which are good and in godl order. Also, one good COlHvING STOVE; one set of COOPERING TOOLS, in good order; also, one good single B.\ROUCHE anl Ha.mcss. Terms liberal and made known at sale. W. C. TROV, Trustee. SiJnly 5. 25- «JEV .A* .XKTTlvf>. Note.s and .\cconnt.s are all due and I hopf customers will call and settle them, the monev, J. C. POE. July 18.J8. 25-lm Town papers copy Im. \NNUAL SCTTLEMENTS. CPERSONS indebted to ns will be furnished with tt their accounts during the present month, (except vbose already dunned;) .and we earnestly request a settlement. Kvery man who means to pay at all, j should pay at least once a year. Persons having accounts against us will oblige u( by handing them in for payment. I E J. HALE .j- SON. I July •>. l^'oS I TAXKS! TAXES!! 1WILL be at the Office under the Mutual Insur.mce Office from 9 .■\. M t > 12 o’clock, M., tor the pur- I pose of taking the Tax List I'or tins District, commenc ing next Monday, July 5, and ending with the 31st ; of July. JERRY H. ROBERTS. 1 June 30, 1858. 24-2w ~ TO REN r, ^ jL'^OR the balance of the year, a IiWELLlNG HOUSK ■ situated on old Stro«-t, the late residence of Mrs. Beze Perry, dec’d. \».M. W.XRDEN, Ex’r. June 80. 24tf Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. MUJrARV GOODS, SwordSj Saslies, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces \M) KVKRY DESI’RIPTKI.X OK ^ilMTARV (lOODS. ACC'*RI»iNO TO THK Lifrsf //. *S. Armjy JH(f Ji^fja/ntfons. SrilUYLER, HARTLEY GRAHA.M, A: n A .\i r ti'kb:ics 10 MAID E N L N E, I i'ork. 24-1 V June 30. IHBIMI L1.\0 FOil SlLii. fB^HE Suliscriber offers for sale THIRTY-FIVE A HUNDRED .\CRES of Laud in as healthy a sec tion as there is in .Alabama. FORIV .\CRES. on which are a good Dwelling and all necessary ont-houses, in good repair. ONF HU.NDRED and SIXTY-\CRES, good river bot tom bind, 1(MI acres of which is under cultivation and produces fine crops of Cotton and Corn. NINE HUNDRKD and SIXTY .ACPiES Creek and Pine land, on which is some good farming land. TWENTV-THREE HUNDRED and FoRTV ACRKS .IIUSIC. S(JNOS. Polkas for the Piano &C. E. J. July 1, 1B53. Violin Instructors HALE Ai SON 21- He will attend to Repairing of H arness and Saddles | and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, has a scar j pj^g land, well suited for Turpentine getting. T-'.e .Assets arc mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, interest, with ^172,(it'.t 01 of cash on deposite ' ^ Hartford Hanks, to meet losses, due and unpaid—none. .. vini'te l and nut due, !^24.;-'.l III su.speuse, waiting turther prool, &c., ^7o,- I,,rfsiste'\ suspicions of fraud, &c.) ^46,078 72. ttoj' ,\.i:'-iit - t the above Company in Fayetteville, N ' E. J, HALE. BRITISH PERIODICALSr -Tf NEW YORK, continue to publish :/i' 1’ i.-.-wing leading British Periodicals, viz: 1. ' !'. t LoNDoN liU.AUTERLY ^Conservative). IK EDINBURGH REVIEW iWhig;. i HE North British review (Free church). 4. ;11K SVE.^TMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). 6, ; KWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAG.AZINE (Tory). Names Resident.* I No. of shares I Cash Works 1 -e lV-i i"d!-;als ably represent the three great poli- ; .iitie.' oftireat Dritain—Whig, Tory, and Radi- out |;^iitics forms only one feature of their char- .•r. .As'ligaii'' of the most profound writers on ■ricf, Literature, .Morality, and Religion, they stanil, h.-y evt-r have stood, unrivalled in the world of let- i 1 ;ng i-.>ns)dere'i indispensable to the scholar and . r ;e.*--5ional man, while to the intelligent reader ■ ry ilass they turnish a more correct and satis- • n-'- ird of the current literature of the day, . It tiie w .rid, than can be possibly obtained -•■.J 'Jiicr ■- .iirce. KAiiLV COPIES. ■ r- ■ ‘j.t of ADV.VNCE SHEETS from the British '.1':' jrivfs additional value to tliese Pieprints, in- ■ ill j . ,tu now be placed in the hands of sub- • 1^ ;i.. - It :i' 3 >>)u as the Original editions. IKK MS. .'Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and ^ may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and ' stockholders shall in every case have preference in i taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi- ' j neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub- . scribed, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be , notified, and they are re'juired to call a meeting of | Stockholders to organize the Company. Mari'h lo, 18oG. 13tf S11K >1VV1: LI / II ) us ii, F.\YKTTFVii.,i.i-:, East si(te of Green Street, a few Doors North or (he Market House. The Subscriber desires through this medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal pat.'on- age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. .March 24, 1855. 8G-tf mllarble Pactory. punctually, and his cfiarges shall be moderate. He would rp.|uest nil indebted to the firm of HOUSTON & OVERliv to beetle with W. Ov«*rby or himself, as they are compeiiou to settie tiie firm's debts. .Vugust 2;’, i85ti. tf FARM IXm SALE I OFFER for j-ale my PLANTATION rtu the East side ef Cape Fear River, '•> miles aliove the t’l iren- d^n Bridge, kncwn as the Toomer Lands, containing ..oout 8>0 acres. The Plantation is in a good state of cultivation, and is susceptible of being made oiw of the most profitable Farms in the County. 1 will give a bargain in the lands, and make the time of pay most easy if application is ma le in a few weeks. .Address me at Gulf, N. C. y L. J. H.vrOHTON, Oct'r 10, ' • 5'i- LANDS r.OR SALE. OFKKIt for *s;ile about HOOO .\cres of Pin^ IOFKKIt for s;ile ahout tiiMio .\cres 01 I'ln^ Lands near Fayetteville, corftainini un immen5e (iua%\ity of Mili Timber, and a number .of Turpentirie B' and several new ta.'-ks may be cut. There premises a fine Dwelling House, and all necessf jan tie I5'*es, ; is otf tlifr : ssar^ou" I on the face near one of fiis jaws, weigh« about 10.'> or 170 pounds, i« addictei] to intoxication, and while drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of [l s.Jthe State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of March, A. D. iN'iH By the Governor, THOS. 15R.A.GG. Pt l.\ski Cowi tK, Pr. Sec’y. March 15. 93tf hktIi Moi N'r rAN>>:irv. SITUATED 4 MILES WEST OF WADESBORO’, AN SON COUNTY. N. C. OW the panic is over and nobody killed in these diggin.s. the nn lersigne l still continues to con duct the general Tanning aiid Manufacturing of a'l kinds of Leatlier, Harness, Sad ile.s, Bridles, Boots and Shoes, of every size and ilescription—of the very best material. PL.\NT.ATi *N premium BRtJGANS, ' NOT to be surpassed. .All oi' which he offers and pro- ]>ose.s to sell or exchange lor Raw Hides, Beeswax, This property will be sold cheap and on accommoda ting term.s. .Addres.i the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. O., Monroe County, Alaban i. WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. .March 11, 1858. ‘.'2-ly .MITCITeI.L’S I'.U.LS. AdENTS W.WTtI) l.\ EVERY l UlMV l»F THE STATE the same, and procure suliscribers’ T justify and accommodate his customers according to the times. Having on hand constantly a large suppl}’of Stock, he houses,-Scuppernong .and Isabella Grape Vines.-lOOO ^.I-repared to execute all orders neatly and promptly, young Peach and .\pple Trees of Lindley's vari-j 'v.th such matenal and worKunuish.p as are not to be ex- , . 1 eelleni fiy any establishment ot the kind in this part of the country in style, quality or price, for cash or to ''|J canvass the same, names for the sale and deliver3' of an excellent LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, taken upon the spot and gotten up in the finest style of the art, representing the place wheie the Rev. ELISH.\ MITCHELL lost his life in hi- explorations of the Black .Mountains, in the Summer of 1857. I'pon the receipt of Three Dollars, we will furnish to any person desirous of taking au Agcncy, Two Pictures, one tinted an'i one colored, as samples, w iih full par ticulars as to the turins of the ajroncv, \'c. We will Tallow, and all kinds of country produce, on terms to | offer inducements suflioient to ma'.ct- it pay an ener getic ;ig*-nt. For further paniculais address us at .Asheville, N. C. LEWIS (i DKJKE.N'SON. P. S. Mr. Dickenson is also Agent for the Mt. Mitchell Monument .Association, and during his Tlic Life of (ieiicral Havelock, !>y Rev. Wm. Brock: Ursula, by Miss Sewell; The City of the Great King, by Dr. lUrcl.ay. .Also, further supplies of Dr. Kane’s llxplorations; Waverly Novels, iiugli Miller's Work.s, School Books &c. E J. HALE iS: SON. July 1, 1858. 21- NEGROES W AN l'El). 1-AM prepared to buy any number of likely YoUNti .NEGll(.»l.lS. F'ersons having such property to sell would do well to give me a call. T. WADDILL Fayetteville, June ].85s. 24- 1.1 rTl'JlLOIJ S IANK 1HE Steamer F.VNNY will leave Fayotteville for Wilmington every Monday aiid Thursday morn ing, until further notice. Will take freight and pas sengers as heretofire. T. S. LL i’TERLOH. Keh’v 22. 87- I c«i Per anil. r 'lie of Tae foul- Reviews .'j:;? 00 i ‘ i f the four Reviews 5 00 f ; ,i.y Ilia •e of the Four Reviews 7 00 F •ar of the Reviews 8 00 F- .r 15; 1. •; w. ■d':. Magazine 3 00 1 ,r l'.i-;c ^ ',V ' 1 and three Reviews J 00 F .r B!-m k w •1 :iiid the four Reviews 10 >0 y ’(I , ifs tij 1,1 ni'l'Jr III (iff fdsi-! in advance. '»/•./- '■ iiriiii III il,(‘ Shite u'hf're isiiued tviff f>e /• >'/, per cent, from the above i H' orilering four or more i lU" ahove works. Thus; Review, will be Re- li-icount ot twcni;, five wiil lie allowed to I'l ^ f any one or more i • -J.if J (■! P.iackWO'id, or t .no a I ir.': ~ f.r four .•..j.ies ol the four • n i l;!ai kw. .I'l i’'i and so on. P()>'iAGK. :.i th:- I'rincijiil (,'ities and Townb, tliene works lelivcnd. FRKK oF POST.VGE. When . the l^l.■^l,■l^r« to any part of the Uniteil J^tates ■•"I TWK.N'l ^ -Four CEN’IS a year for ‘‘liliick- Hiii iiut FtiURTHE.V ’H.\T.S a ye .r for each I'I". ii'W', /i Thr jinre in Grent Uritaitt of the jive ,'hr ils 'ih'ii I -/tduti li i.-t -Sol per annum ''t.ui t - f.ir any of the above iiuidicatious sli r i c a 1 ires-e I, jiost p.aid, to the I'ublishers LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 54 (j.)ld street. New York B (iliO. I.AUDEK TWO HOURS ABdVK t. T. JiSOWSSiO , i\. 4-. Jan’v 2t, 18.58 04-ypd NORTH CAROUNA SLPRE.VIE COURT REPORTS. ^j'^HE bubscribers have just printed at the Observei- 1 Office a SECOND EDITION of DKVKIIEUX AN!) B.OTLE’S LAW RE- POKTS, VOL. 1, RKVlSKn A.M) CORRECTKD, WITH NOTKS A.SIt IIKKKBK.NCKS, HO\. WILLIAM IL HATTLE, Jl OP HIE SUPRE>iE I'OrRT OF .VORTII CIROLIXA. 1 he price of the new edition is not greater than that I of the oM, though, as it is scarcely necessary to say to 111 I Pi'ofession in .North Carolina, its value lias been jiioui.i j gieatly increa.sed by Judge Battle’s Notes. Reference -NORTH CAiiOi.LN.V liACON. M.", ."..ien and Shuuldi.r», for sale I'v beveklV rose. Juu y 'Zb. 80- aml Corrections. The volume has been long out of print, and we shall be glad to supply the many Lawyers whose sets of Re ports are incomplete without it, as well as those ;rho have the old edition but would like to have the new one for the sake of its notes E. J. HALE i SON. Fayetteville, April 5, 1868. ties; also, a good FAR'l of about 150 aere^ cleared; •»nd al-so a GRIST and SAW .MILL; and a tine la»ge .Meadow of about 1 It) acres. The Fayetteville and t’oaj Fields Rail Road jiasses throuRh these lands about a mile from the .Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but would prefer to sell the whole together. Apply to Thos. S. Luttvrloh, Esq., Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pittsborough, ^ C. • ' J. H. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12, 1857. 00-tf MEDICAL NOTICE. • DRS. E.ASTKRLING and HENA(i.\.N having asso ciated themselves tog.'ther for the purpose of practicing .Medicine in Rockingham and vicinity, they respectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage, and by their strict and prompt attention they hope to give perfect satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage. They will attend any call day or niy/tl. Dr. Easterling takes pleasure in stating t^ his former patrons that Dr. H. is a regular graduate, hav ing read three i/ear.i and attended tiro full coursi'sni L«j|- tures. (Jne or both may be found at any hour at their Othce opposite the Post (Mlice, unless professionally engaged. H. R. EASTERLING, .M. D. D. HENAGAN, M. D. Rockingham, N. C , .April 5, 1858, lOOtf $50 REWARD WILL be given for the apprehension and deliveiy to me, or confinement in any jail in the State so that lean get him, of my man JLM. He left on the ?,Oth uU., and has not been seen, or heard of S'nce. He is a bright innlatto, almost white, ahout 23 years old, about 5 feet inch.^s high, straight hair, and teeth defective, long beard on his chin when he left. Had on when he ieft a very good suit of cloihcg, and will very likely try to pass otf for a white man, and make for a free State; should he not go north, he will likely go up in the vicinity of Fayettevilb*. as ho was raised there, and formerly belonged to U’m. B. Wright, Ksip, of that place. Atiy person w ho may take up said Boy will \>e entitled to the al>ove reward and tiip thanks of ISA.AC Li. KELL’i' Kenansville, N. C., .Aug. lo, 1857 :!;{-tf A ro HIRE, NE(«R(J WOM.V.N, a good Washer and Hoii.'sf Servant. Also, a Negro GIRL about 12 year.s o;' age. And three Negro ME.V—until 25lh Dec. next. Also, for sale, llOO Acres of LAND in Har' ett county, well Timbered, and convenient to the RivT. Terms will be made to suit. W. McL. .McKAY. Fayetteville, Jan. 20. I'OR SKf.E. A D.AM.ANTINE and TALF.OW ('.A.V1>LKS; fine uni common fOB.A'00; t.nd almost anything in me Grocery line. Cheap as the cheapost! punctual customers .Ami in returning his sincere ^hanks to his customers and frier.ds generally for their former patronage, he solicits andhopes to still merit a continuance of their favors. JAMES C. CARAW.VY. March 4. HO-tlJa ; WE would call the attention of persons afflicted with (’hills aftd Fevers to this celebrated Pill, which owes its populjlrity to no puffing, nor to long, windy certificate®—-Sut ^jolely to its own merits as a remedy which lyjver fails to cure when taken accord ing to directions accompanying e.ich box. This I’ill, unlike many others, contains no mineral, nor any in jurious ingredient, and may be administered with per fect safety at all times, to young or old. As* preventive against Chills, or an’’ other type of Fever, it is recommcn ied as unsurpa.ssed; and in treat ment of Fevers generally it is fai-superior to tjuinine, or any preparation of Poruvian bark. .A trial of its merits is all that is needed to insur** it a favorable position in the estimation of even the most inveterate oi)poser of Proprietary or Patent prescriptions. CIIAMPIOX'S AXTI-IilLJOi’S PILLS Enjoy (he reputation of being at least as good, if not better, than any of the various cathartic Pills of the age, and arc entirely free from all poisonous, mineral, or other injurious properties, and are highly recom mended in L'yspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick Head ache, Sick Stomach, Habitual (7ostiveness, Indigestion, &c., and diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood generally, the^' being 1)V their composition eiiually adapted to either of the above cases as a gen eral cathartic, good at all times when such medicines are re juire.l. We recommend them to the attention of all persons. Prepared bv V. M SWYER & CO., iielleville, Illinois Sold l.y SAMUKI. J. Ill .N'S I'.\ I.K, la\etteville. N C. | vl'O. in all the lowns and cities, and t'V numerals i (,v country agents througb'-ut tlie si uthern and western ! Stiite.s and feiritories F M suvi::; .v Co., Proprietors, Belleviiie, Ill’s June 1858. ItJ-i'un tour through the State will receive suhscriptions that object. W’. T. DH’KKNSO.N. Feb’v y, 1858. H-j-Om LAS r NOTICE. fg^HE undersigned has placed all his ii' tes and ao- ; counts in the hands of Duncan .McIntyre for col- j lection. A/I pi'rsonx indebted to him, who (lo not come I forward by the 1st of August and jiay up or confess i judgment, will after that date find their papers in the , hands of an officer. i DAN’L C. MclNTYRE. ! LaurinV'urgh, N. C., .April 25, S-^im ■ ~ REALTis r v rE I'OR sale. fglHE DWELLING HOUSK, recently occupied by | » Mrs. H. P. Lain, and as present occupied >iy tbe Rev. James McDaniel, near H.aym >utit, wiil l»e stild ' privately by the subscriber It is located in a gooil : neighborhood; c> nvenient to business; in a lieaUiiy j section of the town; good spring water convenient; ai.d I has all necessary out houses attached. A gieat bar- j gain may be had, as 1 am determined to sell Ti:rM' i LIBKR.\L. J. 1'. M' DON.VLD. .Agt. j Fayetteville, May 1'.). 12ts i TaN^I^R'S OIL & DRV I DDES. ! BP'L.S. Tanne-r’a Oil.—a superior article; also, j a fine lot of Dry Hides, for sale by I JAS. (j. Ct>OK. Nov. 23. 02- FOR SALE OR RI’:N 1\ A CONVENIENT DWELLING HoUSK, on H»y- mount, near Mr. J. C. Thomson's. For particu lars enquire of •). 0. Shepherd, Esi] , or A. M. campbi:ll. Mav 7. '• t! .IA-Mt:iS KYI.E Is now receiving h's Spring supply of DRT aOODS. Among which are— Prints, Lawns, and Brilliantes; (,’ord and Black Silks; I Irish Linens and Diajiers; Farmer's Linen, Twilled and Plain; ('assimere and Merino Twills; i White and Col'd Cotton Hose; j Bolting Cloths. No. 0 to 10; I Silk and Straw Bonnets; &c. j With alrii'ist every article in the Dry Goods line; all of I whi>’h has been purchased by the package at the late I Silt'S in New York and Philadelphia; »\ill be offered : che:ip f ir t ash or on time to paving customers. ; March Ul. 185G. " *>3tf Carolinian copy. il ;ir{l ware *3'?HE undersigned are now receiving a L.ARGll .\S- Ja. SOR'l \1EN r of (ifoccries, 1 ijirdwnns Iron. Steel, H()llo\v-\v;ire, Shoe.-, Lt'atJior, and Saddlerv, wiiicb they will sell at Wholes lie at a small advance on :r on onr usual time to prompt dealers. o.st tor Caslt, Jiilv 18, 1857 (iKO. W'. WILLI.V.MS CO. 20-tt LIFK AM) (ORKESPONDKNrK OF JAMES IREDELL, of WORTH CAROLINA, O.SKUi ■|lli: .\S.->OlT.\TE jrSTH'FS oi Tllk; SL't'UK.MK lOfRT OK TMU r.NITI I* ST.\1KS. i5v GRIFFITH J. McRKF, Eo., hf Wii-.Mi.s-iioN. For sale >'y Fayetteville. June 1, 18.58. E. J. HALE & SON inRTil’W FULLER & W. .McL McKAY, « AT I.AW, fayettkvill::, n. c., consulted at their rooms on .Anderson the rear of the “Obser- AV be Street, immediately in ver” office. June '1, 185f(, lt)-8m TT:RPE.N'nSE !lA('k'S. I NV PATTERN OF TURPKNTIXE H V K- IL to order, at ’>V ,.'\>s:i e or K-'tuii and 'Atirn M .V r. \iv! Fayetteville. N. ,\jtii. I'.i. ’'5-‘ Ji .LVCKSON .lONNSON, AT rM\TO>. Li., person.' who w:irit a tin*' NEW BOOKS. Sl\ INCi .\N1.' LOVING, by Virginia L Town“end; -A Tcinpesr and Sunshine, by ,\Irs Holmes; t'ob- bett’s \ to Young Men; .Mrs. Ellis'.-I-.iin.ly Mon- it"r; The r.iii.der’s Companion; TViiotfi-, Gi'dvi' and \'irnisher'' Conipani"n; I’salms aa I IlvTan- assi.rte I ■ nfi of Faith; ma !• t.r '.I 11; I .1 ust recei'; i .1 ane li 1 .~«ctl >ri: E. J .'V.- ,, 1 \!,E & SoS. (Via !. ■p.lt I)!. \! f! i.! \ \ if 1 Ci-,1 \' i •A inline i it. • biei ii'o - -it Is c!. 1 el 111! V V .llri It will b SEV, I J>iriON OF H\rri,K‘s i.nv RLiMiiTs. v,:l. i. tlie .approval of th v\iio h:ive fx ind wei ; iliv:ilu:i ■just dropp A T in T H iv s. '-I iiave In trot up. * * — and to ibof ot d S T I P K D J. H O U S K . JOHNSON, Agt. 10-2mpd Jan’j 27. 1857. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. 77- DEEP RIVER COAL. §&ITU.Ml.N'OUS C(..'AL of the best quality can be ^ had at the works at Egypt, at.a reison.vble price by the T in. W.\i. 1.:, ,]i.,.A.'’E. Mining Engineer, May 21, 1856, 6-tf May 11. A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. wilmlngton, N. C. July 1857. 22tf air’ riie i^resl)ytenati i^sahiiodi^i — A further supply ju-^t rtceiv.-d s 1 • \vi ■; V . v »- tb' i;:ii'i i:i 1 a^ca;-;; t r tloTo w^ll I ‘I Dot ’ eiiig a[ipris-il of point-; nked throiigii ii I tl.ink to oiii I he Proto.'.sioa ri'T.liji tl.*- s;i>i!- II- III, ('KI nsi' f'.r ■i:ready adjiidi ‘ica 'l'the li-tr wiiu ! imuied it, cn-'ur, so I'ur a>^ \ I For aaie, wi set.i or se;. I Carolina Repoit>. and Law II )U. (• la^ a ti'i ..II iiMie voiuaif- ol North oks geni-r;’.!’V, by E. J li Af-K ^ Character Notea Oct. ‘i4 E. J HALE & Son, 'i'Ue 1 ite itiid Corr‘-'j>'»iulence oi .lu'lge .):imes Ir dei' one of the vss ■> 11 e Ju'^tices ■>! the supreme f.'ourt of the U.iiicd Slates, by (iritUtn i J. .McRae. Just rec'd. E. J. H.VLJi, ^ SO^i.