[VO!. Mli. tam:r rKviLLE, n. c., julv 12, i8r,». [XO. 72'^.] )i Pr; I'UIM'! M Mr-M-vVs ,\M) TUrUSDAYS. ' !^'V \ |(M J. !|am; Jt SON. Ki'll'iliS \Mi I'KOPHir.TOIiS. ci klv >iis;.uvKK i!;5 00 it'j)ai(liii oi* if ]'li'l hn-’M;; the year of sul'scrip- 1 it'tertlM- vCHf hds exjiired. (>!i'KUV!:u S- OO per iiiiuuin, if piiid in Th^ ijnrftfnt i'arriitis;e Factory in the Soitihl I n- tiu- U'lviU'rc; ' ti.'ii: ;ir K.t tlu- W :i Iviiii. v: >'J ’■'> IT .lui-iiijr the iW-.ir of subsorip ■ I'll ilio year has exjiired. A 1>\'K irri S r M KN I'S insrrte'l t'.ir sixty cents per p |U:ii o "f 1 *■' lines fur the tir.'-t. Hml thirty cents for esn-h tai i '-i"' liniT ]'iil'li(':itiiui. \ early adverti.seuients bv .«pe- ■ .'•n'vai't', at reasonable rates, .\dvertiseiare I- ,11- -ted to stale the number of iiisertii)n? desircil. or wi’.; h.- I' lut’nued till furbid, and -‘hariied ai'c.>rd' i NOTICK. 1 THE ('ANl)l DATl-^S for the Leiiishiture in C'niulier- I land Hi«d Harnett (lountifis!, and tiie CHiididates for the ! olhcc of Sheritr, by ii^reeinciit will address the people j lit the following tiines and places, viz: .>!( K ! /ril A \ t!i ivi'rtisenu nt.' tv c'.trn. b - inserted in.-id--, chargrd 50 per T- M 1' .rtv Pire inssirftHetm 1. u ' uv ri.tdi'i's to the aiiuual >tatement of i t'i- -l.ti.i lii.sniaiice t''"ini ;iny, of llartfora. ' «; ! 1 e I .-ind in .in.'tiuT ci' This siuce.s j •tlmti.ai was iiii.-i; ..r iit-1 by the Legis’ature of' ti'lit ii I''’.--, w itli a pirpetual ch.arter. Its is >i'- llt,U''’^ an l its iiL-cmuulations c?:0(‘ed '•I' nu're, uiakiuii its entire assets over i iiv a- dotiiilcd in the :ateniint rot't ire l to : ri.-'ii'.'s tte tii.ir lurini; the period i f nearly 1 ars .-.in,-,- it . . rianiz iti.'n. ^ w-tiiout ;i -sing’e "fits rhii't'oiticer,) its bu^iIU•ss has lpeii ecn- r... ti'd w:th j lit iiu i j'rudcrice. It h-»H been ■uus ij.r sui'i-e-'-'tul ill an t minent desree, dischiirgint:. ' tte . u e inf'r;r,t 1. all it'^ • bli/ations by the payment : " ■ ' • fi r |.>'?es, without a-kinga i iv > in any iut:i!;i e. It has had V>ut Vutle lit- : 'i 'II. ii'Uw ithstHu ling the iinmeuse number of tran^- ■ ■'i 'll' II. ,de. In oi'ier to iittniu iis much crrtinnti/ us p b.e in h a bu-ini ss arf insurunce, it has been : e "f tiie (,’impai.y, li'i several yenr.->, at, ' 1 .r. ^are'iu'.ly cias^ify au l arrange their j 11'ks into lit fifty di>tiiu-t .'.a -sfs, *s to ascertain thf air,' unt lusure'i dii eajh I'lass. the amount of pre- ! 85 I'.SI’Kt^TI’l’LLV itil\>rm.- his triends and the U 6- pnhlic, that he lia-^ iaiill U}i lare«- snlislantial Hrick Huildings at his (Vd St.and. expressly for man- i ufaeturiiic 'arri:.ges. Thankful tor the very liberiil patronaire he ha.s received lor the last ‘J 1 years, ho j liojies by strict attention to bu»iness. with a desire : to give .satisfaction, to merit a coutiniiance of t*'.e , si.uie. He -yvairants his work to be ma Ic of the best i niaterial anci hy experienced workmen in each branch ; ol the business. His work >vill i*,im[i;ire fa\orabl\ j With any made in :hi' United St,ites. for lieati.c-.S and I duialiility. He is deter:iiiii->l to sell and 'bi a:i;, ' Work in liis lint* on as j;."^d terms ;,s rny work lione j elsewhere that is as well ,!• ii'‘. He now hjsou hand, ' FiNisnKi>, rhe L,\ ?lCtr:.-^T Sl'di'K ol‘ At Carver’s Creek, Cumberland Co.. July 12th. “ Black River, •* “ “ i:uh. j Flea llill. •> 14th. i “ Lock’s Creek, '• ir.th. *' Cedar C'reek, •• •' “ Itith. 1 “ (iray’s Creek, •• “ “ 17th. j “ (.^iiewhitlle. “ 22d. I “ 71st District. “ “ 2;',d. “ Rocktisli, •• “ 24 th. “ Iiarbccue. Harnett “ 20th. *• l'p|ier Little Rivet, “ *• 27th. Stewart's Creek, “ “ 2Bth. “ drove. 20th. " Ne’H’s Cree’K. “ “ ;;oth. l>iiokhor;i, ■- •* •• olst. -At which times an»l plac«H tii«» seveial Captuin.s will pleyse order their Companies to parade. June 1-J, IS-'iS. 2U- ro Tiu’pt'iif iiK* aiKl ofli('r«. id DlIUl •eiv.'d there n. ana the am 'iint -f losses U[i- o:i e.ii i:, T)i-r5 cl-. •; ,.!v^-atioii. oxten ling over a iong J ev: I. a 11'! o>'Vi-ring pi .pel t_\ to a very large amount,fui - ii>!, lei'a: 'e I '.'.i. and j rt -i'njs a souii'l, substantial I isis 't f.' tiMl ox|'erieiii’o. up n which to cunduct its I',;:- ui S'. Insurance is not a lan tter of luok or chance, ii. iiiy sui'i' its 1;:i/:rrds arc- ascertainable, and it- pr.n^ 'pies cm: i' Ic 1 Ijtiny: reduced to a syst m.the j Kdl w ikin^ lui'l ifsu'its which are ii.i certain It- ' ;,it ! :iny otii'-r •:';l^iIl. The .Ktna *'uinpuiiy. i ii.i.' rigi i y t' i'.s syste::i. :i’i'l pi.icing its busi- lit ' u; n a healtiiy i. .?;s. iia- "!ii .iiic i the conti'lence o. lie ■ uuiiuu:ty to an «xteiit Miip issed Ky no other i • puiiv ill the r. ,iu 1 !.,i: increased its tiu.si- L •' aii'i ':s ii; line tr III ye;ir t.. year with a tteaJy gr, '.. 111. t me g!i:it >. uivc of it- security is the wide u.' i-. 'iiti .u of it i;>ks—a pi'iicy which it pursues w.!li _:reit strictne>^—the Hui 'uut tc be cov- I' I ' n racii i.i' ality. IJy this course it has passcl, V '.■.mp-,i»i ive iiiipiiiiiiy, thii ugh some of the must twi'cpi*^ aiui lestriu-ti', e t res, which have swallowed u{i i Mi' r ;"mpauies le,-^ c ;ut;ous in their business. It is 'irourn r />’.■/,' v. , I Ever ol!>-red in tiiis jilace, :in t a very l:irge stock I of Wi«rk nearly tinishe I. wUch will be finished 'laily -Ml iif whic.'i will 'le siii 1 vTV biw I'or i'ash or 'n sl.^”ttime to ]'uni.'tu:il ■■ustomers. He has on iiund more th.-in ON K HLNIiHKD AND MFTY Vehi cles finisiu'd ,'ii;d in cour.^e of cousiruction. S>^' All work iiia'le I'V l;ini i."- warranted 1- months w^tbt'air us;ige, and should it tail by bad workmanship or material will bi.- repaired fi ee cf charge. I’ersons wishing to buy wotibi do well to ca’.l examine fur tlu nisei wi. >r'Jers thanktully reciMved ind prom} tly attended to. Kfpa ring executed ai short uoticc Htid ou very re’isonable terms. May-28. 18r. -5 ,f. 89 IM HLIC NO riCK Is HEltEBV (ilVEN, that Hook.“ of Subscription t. the ca!i;tal stock of t!ieVntral Hail Road, from Beaufort Harfior via Ken iusville, Clinton, F.iyctteville, and U e.st. will be opened on Thursjiiy. the lOtb day of April Iboii, aii'i remain open aiicordiiig to the terms of the Charter until I'lirther notice, at the following places and under direction of the f.ill'iwing uame'l pfrsons, ('lonHiiissioners in the Ciiarter, viz- In tlie County nf Oiiblow, at the nflice ot the (^lerk ot the Ciiiin’v Court ;it J:u-ksonviile. and at the I'ust (IfSce I’lii-h Lands. F,. \V, ronville, (.1. J. Wur'l, J. if Foy, llobert White, John A. Averitt, Jr., Uwcii Hug gins. L. W. Humpiiny. In C;trteret county, at the olhee of l)r. M. F. Areu- dell rtt IJeaufort Dr. M. F. Areu.ie’.l, J. F. liell, L. T. Oiriesbj". At the store of G . W. Taylor at Caiohua city.—('ol. ^Vm. N. Dennis, FI. ij. l’>e;j, Capf. Levi (.iglesby. liridge Areudell. In Dupiin cousty, at the oflice of jhe ('’ouuty (,'■ iirt 1H E subscriber >>eg.s leave to inform the puMic that lie ha‘: this 'liy e.igagei 'dr Lkdn.mu) Hkli.im.k MII. Sr. wli.i is \vi-1’ known .'is a tirst rate Cojpper-Sinith, and i« preiiuri- I t'l exc.-iitt- all orders in the line i.f Cuppcr-smithiiig with .h'spatrh, such as Tur]ieutine S:ilh.. Copper, Stc;m aii'l Water l‘ipes; rump--; Iri'ii .''nu ke Stacks. ;in.i all other (Copper and Sheet Iron w-..i ks. U^j .iirin;; uf all tiin-is of Copper- siaitii wt'fk. atten Ic 1 to .\il nr iers jTomptly attend ed til M HAKtin. t'p}'i.'s;te the I’ l.-i Othce. i he higlie^t pr'Ce piP. 1 lor oi i Copp**i- by M A r.AKKK • luHf 111. Jutf MOUl'JllvM). GAEAT SALE OF LOTS ON A CREDIT! )f July, at the City FJKiEM'OllTII FOllLE SE)1IMKY, aKM:i:sVsesoKo\ ,v. r. Scholastic year is divided into two Sessions, K commencing 1st An just and 1st January. The course of study is tliorough and systematic, cm bracing everything ucccssnry to a complete, solid, and ornamental odvicatbjii. The liuiidinga are soarraiiged as to combine tlic comforts of a Iiome. with the advan tages of a school. 1 iistructors of the highest qualifica tions are emi'loyed in eacli of the Departmei t.s. No Institution in the country possesses advmitai;e3 supe rior to Edgeworth. T E R M S : l'i):ird, including w.i.shing, lights. aU'l fuel, p«r Session of five in intiis, ii'tO M) Tuition iu the Regular Classes, -0 00 The next Session will commence on Monda_v, .August ■J‘l, lSo8. I’tipils are admiitcl at any time during the Session, and charged from the time of entrance. Catalogues containing all necessary information re specting thf Cour.se of Instruction, Terms. S:c., will be ru> vrar.io.i f,n applic-itinn to Ri(;u.\m> ^^Tl•’l:LlNC^. Greei;s1)(iro'. N ’ixvoliiia. I M;'iy 2S, LS'iR. IT-'lmospd FAVKTTEVlI.Li: iMLTLAL IXSliliAXn: COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. f JII1.'' ('ompany has been in -ipcration more than til five years, and has jiai l its losses, amounting to ^l‘.Ml.*tj without any assessment: insurance aver aging its i:iembers about 4 pi*r cent. ; Policies issued to 1st oi May, Ih-'iH, 27*)'.*. .\mi.iint of property now insure i, Jj^l.-f? 31. .\mou;it premium notes now on hand, l!:!. I'ash jii-emiums received, $ ’.2,317 41. |lIl!Kt!Ti)US. , tJeo. McNeill, S T. Hawley, !». A. 1-tay, W. N. Tilliiiphast, H. I... Myriiver, A. A. McKethan, S. W. TiUinghast, .1. D. Williams, Heury I.illy, Jas. (!. (’ook, N .A. Stedman, . A. W. Steel, S. J. Hinsdale, .)as. Kyle, T. S. l.utterloh. J. 0. Shejihent. Will. .McLiiurin. R. F. I'rown, Wilininjjton, ■V. E. Hall, Wilmington. (*1 m i.i:s. McNFILI., I're.sideiit. 1). \. R.kv, Vice I’re«i lent. C. A. Mi-Mit.i .\v. Secretary. John ('ollins and C. (^ McCrummen, Travelling Agents. The Companv invite applications. May 21, l.^Vs. l:5-Y I’resbyti-riati uiiii C; roliniaii cojiy. I (’OriH)N 1U)NI)S rou SAMv '•HE Western Rail Ro»d Co. have for sale iu amounts to suit purchasers. Sl?0,O00 of tiie Coupon I^oikIs of the County of Ciimberlan 1, liearing 7 j>ei cent, interest, luiyab’c ' si‘mi-annuall3’ oii the 1st June and the 1st of Decem- } ber, and running ‘20 j’ears. i of tbe Coupon liouds of tlie Towti of ■ i Fayetteville, bearing 0 percent interest, payable semi- ! ' annually on the 1st .laiiuary and the 1st of July, aii'l ^ ! running 20 3’ears. | : These bonds were issued in accordance with law to ' I the Western Rail Road (’o.. to pay the County and j To.vn subscriptions respectively. Persons liaviiig money will find these bonds (at tin- , price the Co. is sellii.g theut) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. | For tei ms a[ :)lj’ to C. i>. M.-VFLETT, Esq., I’res't or to ‘ JNO. M. nOSE, Treas'r : Western R. R. Co. j P'ayetteville, Feb’y 2*;, 1858. 8'.*tf DoiiBix Horsi: ; For Rent or Lease. ^HL ijeasu of tiie jireseiit Proprietors of thi^ well , * known House will expire on iii« iHt January, ; I'S-jK; tiie property is ottered for lease or rent. To a person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an excellent opportunity is offered. The building is larire, well arranged and in complete repair: its loc.ition will always command for it an extensive ]iatronage. -\s Hie present Proprietcrs intend changing their liusi- ness, tlic Furniture, wliicii is ne.ii-ly new and in goo'l order, can he jnirchased on favorable terms. The H'lnse will lie delivcre'.I on or after the 1st of January, remaining open under the present inaiiage- ment till a tfiiant is obtained. The tine Store in the Saiue luiilding, formerly occu pied by .Mr. Win. Booth, is nlso ofi'ered for rent. JNt). H. COOU, j Prest. Dobbin House ’o. I Dec’r I'j, IBij?. (jC*-tf C POE. 25-1 m N the JmIi ail I :i','fh t.I ,^I ■ 'I'che I. Pre: June, 1 .1. M. i-'i's P.'int M(*Rni.'-;AD, L iii'i ' 'oiu i:iv. /?y /( a -tem i;ke this, I upon experience, which gives . Clerk at Kenausvifle,—Major (►weh R. Kenati, David St ; ;itvan.i souu'iness t.' a company, and to the as- ' Reid, Isaac B Kelly, Wm'. E. Hill. Win J Houston. Stephen Graham. ■t. ■ i iiri Icuce ai.d s-.‘Curitv. — L :''i . . !;t.m i.\siin.\(i; (owi.w, HAR'l'l'DRl), CONN. ‘i. t't ii.A 1 l.u K"1 '. (.’H.w.If-R Pt.tlPElL'.Vi. Ill Sampson county, at tlif office of the I'ounty ('“tirt Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Fai>on, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Win. McKay, Patrick Murpliy, Wm. F-.iiboU, J. R. l.eaman, .Alfred .lohnson. In ' umberlaii'l countv. -it Fa\t-ttfvilie, at th>- ■'•lice capital $1,000,000. Assets *1,422,162 11. iVLU'tt A F urin of subscript ion: The Undersigned agree to take the number of .shares >. UOl S'l'OV I' (iL'LD iiiforni ili-- frien is and f rmer customers that he may be f .u’id 2 doors below thet.'aj e Feur I’.aiik. itpl -! d"'Ts ab.ive his uM staii'i S'.iuth siile Person .'“'i-oet, uIhtc he ’In'eTui"; to V>-»‘p on hand. Harness, Saddles,. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thiiig beloiiging to his t radc. He re.specttul- ly invites h;s frieu is from the cnuntry to call and ex amine iiis -t' ck bel'ijre purch.-i.-iiit:. He tfi;i aiteii'i to Repairing ot 11 arness and Saddles punctually, ar.d his i-hargis 'hall be m.i'ieriile. He W'ju! 1 I'ucst .i’! i'.id. i.tc i to tin. ti::-u of !It)l sTON icdVEKl'.V TO f-e'.Mc witii W. >vcrb.y or him.elf, as they are C'.mpeiie.' t^i settle tiie tirm’s 'lebts. K, Uil.\* r.. President. E. t. P.IPLEY, Vice Pre bi lent. T. .\ !,E.\.\.N DEI;. Si.-i:rctary. ■ I’-T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. Biii ii. M. Tuttle. E. Fh wi-r, E. . Bulkeley, li. .\lather. E. G. Riplt-y. .-i. S War'l, H. Pr.-itt. G F. I'avi', .V. Dunham, D. li.llyer, T. .Alexander, W. ; KlMi' V. ; Tiic -Aj^ets are ruainly invc-ste l iu .''tocks an l Bonds, , ; i\Hig interest, -«itli ^172,*j>'l '■! -f C'»--h on depo-ite ... use Harti'ir'l Bank.s, to meet losses, lue an-i uiipai l — noiif. L' a'ljuste'J aii'l not due. •‘?24,:)1.; u in suspense, waiting further proof. He., •'i^75,- ■August 27 , tf of .>^100 each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central ll.ili Roa '• Company; an l iu all respects to comply witli the torms of the (.’barter FOI! S.\I,K I Names ResidenC'i I No. of s'.iares I (.'a^h Works N 1-0. L. ' re- .\lI. the iffrau l, ac.) •'t;i6,b7S 72. uiupaiiy in Fayetteville, E HALE. BRITISH PERIODICALS. ■'M \ 'I* , -NEW V»HK, continue to jiubiish ling BriiioL Periodicals, viz: le; 'onservativei. I .iE L.iNDUN t^iiARTEKLV i i!E LDINULRGH REVIEW . Whig,. iiiE North British review Fr-e Churchi. }. illE Wt.'TMlNSTER REVIEW Liber^d,. 5. I,: V- KUi.ioD'S EDINBLItGH .MAGAZINE (Tory;. ■ e PTi■ 'i 1 alt;!-- -'f -a!s ati'y represent tlie three great jioli ireat liiitain—liig, Tory, and liali- biit politics i •rm?' only one featiire of their char- •■r, .\^l•rglilr- of the most profound writers on ciu e. Liter.-iture, M i .nity, and Re.igion, they stand. '!K-y ev.-r liave .-ii-i i i, luiriv:illi-d in the world of let- . t i-iiiir i-oii'i lered iii.ii>pensub!e t > the scholar au l pr-i vT , while t'l the inteliigeiit reader -iar-> tl' y tiiiiiish :i mor*- correct and satis- I- '!'J li the current lit-rati|ie of the day, ii‘ t!ie w irl l, tii.in call b ‘ ji i;sibly obtained '■Micr .- )Uri:e. j:.vi;lv (’oi'ii-:.-. ipt of .VD\'.\N(.'E li EE I f.-';iii the British > give-i a i iitioiial v.-ilue to tli>-se Reprints, in- io-' i-.-in iiois bf place 1 in the hands ot sub- I . I u IS >..oii as the origiua! clilions. 1 KK.MS. SuViscriptions m.iy be ma le payalile in work, and may specify whether for gra'Iin^ or cross-ties: and stockholders shall in every case h;ive prel'orence in taking Contracts, wlien bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. .-As soon as one hun.lred thousand dollars are sul>- scribed. the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they are required to call a meeting of Stockholders tj organize the Company. .March 15, 185*i. I'itt IIOILSIC. l AYKTTKVII.Mv, Eh!( sil/e of (jreen n f/^w Doors Xorth of tfip Mttrkt t Hou^:. T OFFER side i-'f 1 n Bridge, km wn a ..'■'Hit ai‘r>--. Til C'iiti\ itii'n. and is -n tne mo.'t pr iiiiable i bargain in the lan ls. All XI r sab' mv PLAN’i’\ I'l* >N «n the East ipe Fear River, o miles above the Ciareii- the Toomer Lands, containing Plantation is in a fjoo'i st;ite ot ci'ptihle ot tieing mide oiik of rn.s in t!n' ’oiinty. I will give a ui'l m ike the time of pay most easv it applic ition is m I'ie iu -i tew weeks. A'i iress me .it (iiiif. N. C. L. J. Oct'r 1' H AL i!HToN. o2- IIIE Subscriber desires through this medium to ackno wb'dge the lilieral I.ANDS roll >i\\A\. ItJFFER I'lr sale .-il.out 'iimu .Vcre.-. of Pine Lands near Fayett- viiie, cntainin? an immense juantity of .Mill Timiii-r, .and a nu-jiber of Turpe'itiiie Boses, and several new tasks may lie cut There is on the ■ premises a fine Dwellinu House, and all nev-essary out houses,— Scuppern.nig and Is.-iln'lla (Irape A’iiies. — lltuO ' young Peach an l .\pp!e Trees of Limiiey's best vari- ■ ties; al'c, a good FAKM of a'lout i'»0 acres cleaie 1; I and also a GBiST and SAW .MILL: and a tine large ! Meadow of about 1 Pi acres. The Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Ro.-vd jiasses through theije lands about a mile from tlie .Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit pur- patronagc bestowed upon his House the past l chasers, but woiiM prefer to seil the whole together. year—and as he has just erecten New .Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House an i to water he takes ]deasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that hv is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent boarii, and respectfully solicits .i continu.'iiice of the liberal pat.-on- age heret'jfore received. Every exeition ou his part shall he used to rer..ler them Comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market ali’or.is. P. SH EM WELL. .A!arch 24, 1S55. Hti-tf • Uarble FacJoru* t h V F ■ r. , F r 1,. 1 ,r L; /'(/\n' i.y 'lit; .;; ■ i',jur Reviews ly t .V'.' of tLe four Reviews Per ann. 00 5 Oil 7 Ot H 00 3 t>0 ■J (Ml 10 (til y t.n-ce I ' ;he Four Reviews 1 i.r of the Reviews LI , ; -.'I s .Magazine .. . 1 and three Reviews lid the four iveviews nimh HI oil III aifvunrf ' "■1:1,1 III i/i- Stuff '•/( /■» tisiifil icill hf' ■ t I « ■' -If . 'ij liiHNi;. .\ disc iiiii: ol t'.vc;it, tiv.j j.er cent, from the above -.viil be :ii ' >M-t t Ci.fii- orderin,' four or more I (1 any one or .n nv oi t!,,. vvorks. Thus: or C ipicli of Bia'.:kwood. a Review, will be :(ic . 1 Ires- lor S' '; 1. ur . q.ifj, ot the four Re- • .-. I, t Bl.'ii'kW'iod 1 it ■'? ;ii; aii'l ,, ,,ii i AGK. laail th;* pi incip il Cities and Towns, these work.s ■le ieii\er d, I'REi. (It I'OSI.VGL. Wlien seiit II , tne I ' -!ag» t'l any p.irt of the Lulled ."tate.s oc ' Ui 1 W EN I \-FOLK. (,'E.'\TS a year for “Rl-.ick- a;i i tiiU FULl’iTLEN CE.\ I’S a ye:ir for each ‘' . w... A //' /if jirice til. f/'I'cil Jii'itdin uj l/icjioe . / ,o,//.‘, ,//.> fi/,ori‘-iiiiinfi/ la SiiI jiir annum. I, li..: i.ii..-( ii'.raiiy of the 'ibove puMicatiolis should .s :j. ' ■ . a'l trt-,-ed. post ji.iid, to the Piiti.i.shcrs. LEONARD SCOfT & CO., No. .j J (I'jid street, .New Vorlt. .NOli l'll CAKOJJ.NA li vCON. \ ,'i' .-71 Itin iiiid riiioiUdcra, for sale by 8i Jb-u y aa. BEVKKLY KOS£. 80* l’«() liOllKN .UiClh t. T. If.llf;!! SMI Fayotlv» ill*-, \ . i\ .lun’v 20, 1S.',S ti4-yp'l NOHTII C.\KOLIN.\ srpiUvMi’. c:oi:irr uiLi^ours. ^HE subscribers have ju.st printed at the (>i>servei Ofhoe a SECOND EDITION of DKVJ-IKELX AM) IJ.WTLK'S i.XW' UK- POKTS, \ UL. 1, RKVIfKIJ AND COREECTKIi, WITH XoTKS A.Sli HK.KK.UKMKS, HON. WILLIAM IL IJ V rTU:. •II m;i; iif the supreiik i oi.'rt iif .voani i; ik(ili\ f he price of the new ei.'.itiou is not greater than that of the ol'l, though, as it is scarcely necessary to say to the ProU-ssioii in North Carolina, its value has been greatly increased by Judge Battle’s Notes, References and (’orrections. Ihe volume has been long out of print, and we tjhall be glad to supply the many Lawyers whose sets of Re- j ports are iucomplete without it, as well as those wiio have the old edition but would like to have the new I one for tlie sake of its notet I t. J. HALE & SON. j Fajetteville, April 6, 1868. Apply to Thos. S. Lutti-rloh, Esip, Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pittsbiirough, N. (.' J. H. HAU(JHToN. Nov. 12. 1K.57 'iO-tf ~ .Ml’lDK'AL .Nonci:. RS i'’.\STEKLlNG and HE.N'.\i.\N I'.aving asso ciated the!i.."clves tog'ihvr foi the purpose of liracticirig .Mcdicine in B .ckingliaiii an i vicinity, they rcspectl'.i .y s dii-it .i liliera sli.-ire oi patronage, aii I by thi'ir -trict .-iii'l pr i;'i)«' attentnii t.,ey l.oi'C to give jicrfect satis* ti-tioii to thoS'* who m-iy favor them with their ]>atroii isre. They will atteii 1 any c-iil day (u- Dr. Easterling i;>krs fiieasure in .-.tating t > his former ]iatrons that Dr. II. i.-^ .i reguiai graduate, hav ing rea 1 /j‘nr.- ao l atteii led t/ '" Jtitl '•'(■(/■.•■•/'.s ot Lec tures. One or both may be foiin'l at '//»// tiieir Ofhi-e opposite the Po^t l!lice, unles.-j professionally engiged. H. R. EASTEKLlNu, M. D. Lockingiiam, N- C . .\prii /i D. HEN.VGAN, M. D. Is^-js. lOOtf ;s.>() Jli.WAllI) tr riLL be given for the apprehension an 1 cleliveiy to me, or continement in any jail in the ."^tate .so that lean gei him, of my man Jl.M. He left on tiie litnh 'lit., iiii'l has noteeli seen, or heard of 3>nci. He is :t bi ight mulatto, almost wiiite, about 2o years i old, about 5 feet '.i inclr'S high, slraifjht hair, .-lud teeth deteciise, long bji.-don hi., chin vvli.n he left. Hal oil when he left ■. veiy good suit iit lothi.'s.. ai; 1 will very likely trv to pi., : oit f ir a v.iiite man, and make f.ir a free State; .should iie not go iiortii. he will likeiy go up in the vicinity of Fayt ttevi lie. as he was raised there, au l tormerly bvloii;red toWm. i>. riglit, Esn , of that jil.'ice. .>uy persou who m.iy take up said B »y will be entitled lo the above reward aii'l thf thanks of IS.\.\C B. KELL\ Keuansville. .N.C., Vug. I-'. i,^->7 ;l;t tl A age. i'o iiiKi:, NEiRO WO.M.V.N, a g'.iod vVasher and House Servant. .Vl.^o, a Negro GIRL about 12 years oi' .And three Negro NIEs—until 25ih Dec. next Also, lor sale, 11»>0 .Veres ol L VNI) in Harnett county, well limbered, an'l conviiuent to the River. Terms will be maiie to suit. W. .Mcl-. McK.VY. Fayetteville, Jan. 20. 7' tf ~ FOR S\LV.. k DAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and ^ conimou TOB.\('CO; an'l .almost anything in the (jrucery line. Cheap as the cheapesti A PROC’LA>LV riOX, s F.i I, /Imcj/, Tiiom.vs IJftAdo, Govtrnor (•t ( iH'ii/i Hil ■ HF^RE.XS. it lias bten representcl to me that ciic -\rcliibald McD-.'Ug.iid. I.ite of the County of Cumberland, ii'l on the 27th lay of February last, in s:ii I (’oun'y. kill aiel mur'ier ..ne Th'imas Miinroe. ani th,-it the s.-ii'l McDoiigalvl is >» fugitive I'r'iii justice, ai.'l has ctc.ijied beyon i liie limits "t this State. Now, t" the en i thut th.- .Vreiiil) iM ML-l>ouKaVl may le an-fsteti ami Ijroujht to trial lor hit-s>iid ol- tetice, 1 do hevel'v isui* this m_\ Pr'ic’amntioTi, otferiiig a iiewar I ot I wo Huiidrt'd D 'llars tor his ajiprehen- sioii and delivery to tiie .''herilf of t,’umberland County. DESt ’ RI PT1( *N. .McDougald is aiiout lilty years of age. of light hair aii'i complexio’i, blue eyes, of ijuick speech, has a scar on tiio face near one of his jaW'. weighs about 1 0> or 17'* p un ii, i.' u'Mijtc i to i;;t i.\ic;itior., .‘in 1 while drunk is tiirliuletit and troul'les'ime. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of [l s. jtiie State, at R;i\e;gli, tiiis tiie Sixth day uf .March, D. 1''•’i'' P>y tlie Governor, I'llOS. P.R.-\GG. Pt i..^>ui (,’(iwi'i:u, Pr. Sec'y. ^larch I ■’> '.•;’ff iiK.ii Aioi N'i' ~ SITC.VTEI) 4 MILKS WEST '>F WADESP.ORO’, .VN- SON Col'NTV. N. C. OW the panic is over and nol.ody killc'i in these dii-'irins. the undersigne'i still c nt'iiues to con- dui-t the irener-il T inning aii'i .M.ui'it.ieturing of aii kin Is of I.eaiher, Harness, .sia l lie-i. Bri'P.es. Boots aii'I Shoes, of every size and description—of the very bet ni'iterial. PL.\NT.\Tlo\ premium BR(J'J.\NS. Not to l>e surp issf I. All of which he ' tiers and pro- jioses to sell or exchange lor Raw Hi ies, Beeswax, Tallow, and ail kinds oi cimntry ]>roduce, oti terms to justify an I .-iccommoil ite his custonitrs according to the times. Havincron lian 1 coiistantly a large supply of Stock, he i« prepared to execute :i’! "i ders neatly and promjitly, with such material -ui'i \voi kmans!ii[t as are not to be ex celled by any establishment of the kin i in this part of the country in style, quality or price, for cash or to ! ipiinctual customers. .\n l i;i returning his sincere ' thanks to his eustotiiers aii'i friei ds generally for their j former p-itronagi‘, he solicits an'lhofic-s to still merit a I continuance of their favors. JAMES C. CARAW.W. j March 4 '.*0-tIJa UA E would c.ill the attention of ]iersoii.s alllicteJ with (’hills and Fevers to th's celelirated Pill, which owes its popularity to ii'.i pulling, nor to long, ■ wiU'ly cert^icates—but solely to it.s own merits as i ; remO'ly which never tails to (.urc when taken accord ing to dii'ccii.wis .TCi-'imp.iiiyiI'.g each o'jx This Pill, ; iiiiiikc many others, c iiit.-ii:i.' no miner il, nor ini^ in jurious ingreilie'it, and m ly tie a'Imiidstered with per- I feet safety at all limes, lo young or oi I ; .As a prevent’^' against Cliii s or air otl'.er tyj-.e of I Fever, it is rc.-onmende.i as unsurpassed; and in ireat- i ment id' Feve's genera'iy it is far s'.i]ierior t.i iTiuinine, I or any prcpat >i*i 'n ot Peruvi.ui bark. .V trial ol if-: i merits is all th.it is nee h.- t t ' insiir-' it :i ;'i"orable position in tlie estim.ifion of even tiie mo.-t inveterate I opposcr of Proprietary or i’ateiit presitriptions. j r//.l.l//VO.V\ AXTl li/L/OCS riLLS j Enjviy tlie reputation ol being at least :is good, il not better, tiiaii any of the \arious cathartic Pilis cf the I Hge. and are entirely free frtun all pcdsonons. mineral, I or i thcr injurious j ropertics. .-i:i'! are iiighiy recom- I mi M'lw 1 in !'\spepsia. Liver Coinii’lint. Sick Hea l- ■ ciie. Sick Stomach. Haldtii-il I'o.stivene-s, 1 miigestioii, I he , and di'cascs of the .'^toHi:ci., l,iver, B .wels aid I Blood iejier-illy, they heiiig I'y llieir ci."iipoei*io!i ei|iiaily ad ;(^le'i to either ot the aliove cases .-is a gen- er.il c.-it :i irtic, ii n d at all times when such medicines -,re I'e juircd. Ue rei:oinmcn I them to t:ie attCiitiun of .-ill peisoii.s. l‘i eii.-.re.I l>v F M SWVER .1 CO., Bel’i-ville, Ibiiiois Sol'i by S.\MrEi. J. HINSDALE, Fa\efieviih-. N. ('. .\lso. in all the :outis and citie.-. an 1 liy numerous c iintiy agents through 'lit the southern and we«iern Hi.iies aii'l Territories. F ,M. SivVlill X Co.. Proprietors, Belleville, Ill’s. .I line o. 1.‘'')S. Di lini H.ARTJIAV FULLKUc^W. McL iMcK.\y7 at i.wv, FAYETTEVILLE, N. c.. M.\Y lie Consulted at their rooms on Anders oi .Street, irBtnediately in the rear of the “Ohser- i ver ’ olhcc. I Juiie 2, 1S5H, WATER WHEELS! WATER WHEELS!! J" E are now mannfacturiug \ andewatcr's Im- I'roved JOWVAL TURBlNE WATER WHEEL, for Mills and Factories of every description; and all those wishing to improve tht ir wr.ter power will liii'I it for ilieir interest to address i l-.'tter, stating the number of I'ect, head an.l fail, tli'ir usu.il .‘iniouiit of water; the kin 1 of machine!/ to be driven. We can then give tiiem price of wa-vl, or wh.it we will furnish Wheel and principal Gears lor. warranted to do a cer tain am-juiit of Work. /’■ i- / '■ to test the Wittd, aiiiJ i!' it does not come u;> to cur tigure, the Wheel and Gears to be 'ielivered to us at the mill of the purchaser. HkI KBE.Si t UIVK.V .^Nl) lU Qt ntKli. iii-.AL'H X STEVENSON', Laurel Factory, Prince (ieorge’s ooauty, -M> ROBERT B.AIRD, .Agent, rill S'P SALK. M’4 V Virtue cf n Deed in Trust to me executed, for B.* jiurposca therein mentioned, 1 wi'l sell at pub lic auction, at the Market Hnuse, on Thursday, the 15th inst., at II o’clock, A. M., a large stock of FUR NITURE, consisting of Beds, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Tabie.s, ('hairs, and various other articles, all of which arc good and in good order. -Also, one srood COOKING STCiVE; one set of COOPl’RING TOOLS, in good or.ler: also, one good single B.VROCCHE and Hajness Terms liberal aii'j made kntiwnat sale. W. C. TROY, Trustee l^.luly 5. 2 )- PL.r..tst: X Y Notes Htid .Accounts are all I’lue au I I hope my ..T I customers will call and settle them, as we need the money. Juiy 5, l> js. i Town papers copy Im. \N\u\i. si:t ri.KMivv rs. PERSONS indebted to u.s will be furnished with their accounts dui ing the present month, (except I those already duaned:) ainl we earnestly renuest a . settlement. Every man who means to pay at all, ■ •iUouM j.ay at least once a year. ; Persons having ■ account!^ against us vill oblige us I by handing them in for payment. E. J HALE SON. ' July 5. is FAXKS! TAXKS!! tW ILL be at the ()tlice under the Mulual Insurance Oflice from '.i A. M to 12 o'clock, M., for the pur pose of takins theTnx List for this District, commenc ing next Monday, July 5, and ending with the 31st of July. JERRY II. R0Bi:r.T;5. June 3i», 1858. 2 4-2w TO lUvNT, Sj^OR the balance of the year, a DWELLING HOUSE situated on )ld Street, the lute residence of Mrs. Ik‘7.e 1 erry, dec’d. W.M. WWRI'EN. Ex’r._ June :;iJ. 24tf i Prcsbyteri 111 and Carolinian copy. .MIIJ'FAilY (;00!)S, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces .\\1) KiKPiV DESrilll’TlON OF ^!ll.ri.\ilV lillODS. .\v C(iUIilSG TO l lli: Lfthxf ! . S. Annij and iSfufi //fy.i/.ift'oiis. Srni YLEU. UART)>EV 6. HRAUAM, B dc '»r TMIKIIS 111 .MAIDEN LANE, .>V ir l*o/*Ar. June 24-1 y M\m\ LlMi FOR mi ^B^HE Subscriber offers for sale THIHTY-FIVE JIL IiL'NDRED .ACRES of Land iu as heaithy .'i sec tion as there is in .Alaliama. Foitl V .\CRES, cn which are a cood Dwelling and all neccssjii v out houaes. iu good repair. ONK HI .'SDKED aiidSIXl'Y ACR E3. ^'ood rivtr bot- toiii lan'I. liKi acres of wiiich is uii'ler cultivation and pro'luces tine crops of (Hotton and Corn. NINE HINDRED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and Pine'laud. on which is sonic good farming Ian I. TWENTY-THKEE HUNDRED and FORTY ACRES Pine land, well suitC'i for Turpentine getnng. This property will be sold cheap and on uccommoda- ting terms. -Address the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. O., .Monroe County, .Vlabama. WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. March II. IH'T.s. '.'2-ly MircllKIJ/S TALLS. \ui:.\Ts \vi\ri:i) i\ i:\ek'. nn \tv iif hie mati: .'g^o canvass the same, an l procure sul'scribers' a names for the s.lie aU'l 'ieiivcry . f an i xcelleiit LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, taken upon th,' i*pi-t and g' tten up in the finest style ; of the art. re presenting the p’-ice wheie the Rev. I ELL'sH.X MlTCriELLlost his life in his explorati.'iis of the Black Mount.iins, in the .'Summer of 1 ;s.')7. Cpon the reccijit of I’hree Dollars, we wiil furnish to any person desirous of taking au Agency, Two Picture.s, I one tinted an'l one colorcl, as samples, with full jiar- I ticulars :is to the terms of the agency, iVC. Ue will olfer iii'lucements oiifhclont to ma.ie it pay an ener- ; getic agent. For further jiarticulnis address us at Asheville, N. C. LEWIS x DICKENSON. 1*. S. Mr. Dickenson is also Agent for the Mt. Mitchell Monument .Association, and during his tour thr' Ugh the State wiil receive subscriptions for that object. W. T. DICKLN.SoN. Fel'i’v •*, isos. So-'im S ,1MUS1C. 50NGS, Polkas .tc. for tlie Piano; Violin lustructor? lVc. July I, ISoS E. J. HALE & SON 24- I.AS r SiYVlCE. Tiie Lite of Geiionil llaveloek, by Rev. Wm. Brock: Ursula, by Miss Sewell: The City of the Great King, by Dr B'lrclay. -Als. . further supplies of Dr. Kane’s Explorations; AVaverly Novels, Hugh Miller's Works, School Books Ac. E .]. HALE & SON. July 1. ls->S. 2}- NKGROl':S W’AN'n:!). S.VM ]>rep:ired to buy any number of likely ^ oLNG NEGROES. Persons liaving tuch property to sell would do well 10 give me a call. T. WADDILL. Fayetteville, June 3u, 18oS. 24- I. IT r r KII i.m s i. i ? d1' Steamer F.ANNY will leave Fayotteville for 3. W iliniii^itC'ii every ?\lo!i 1 ly aU'l Thurs'lay morn ing. until further notice. Wiil take freight and j'an- ser.gers ;is heretofore. T. S. LUTTKRLOH. l>b’y 22. 87- KYLE Ls now receiving his Spring supply of DRY aOODS. .Among which are— Prints, Lawns, and Brilliantes; (’ol’d and Black Silks; Iri.sli Linens atid Dia])ers; Farmt-r’s Linen, Twilled aul I'lain; Cassimere and Merino Twills; Wliite and Col’d Cotton Hose; i P.oltiiig Cloths, No. 0 to 10; Silk ..lid Straw liounets; vVc. With almost every article in the I>ry Goods line; all of which has been ))urchascil by tlie jiacka^^e at the late i s-i’es in .N'e-»v York aii'l Philadelphia: Will lie otiered 'glllE uiidersigneii has placed all liis notes and ac- . cheap for c.-isli or on time to jiaylng customers. M, counts in the h.-iti'ls of Duncan .Mclntyrc forcol- I lectii'ii. -4// f>erison.i indebte'l to him, wh i do not come j forw-ird by the l.-t of .August and ]>.iy up or c:)iiless i judgment, will after that date find their papers iu tl.e ' hiii'is (it ail officer. I DAN’L C. McINTYRE. ; Laiirinburgli, .N. .April 2'>. S-:5m liivVL i:s'!’A ri: roii sali:. Mai-ch lo. I^^■!ll. Carolinian coj'y. ‘i:?tf 'KlIIE DWELLINii HoU.« fi Mrs II. P (.liii. -III ! ' Rev. .I.imes McD-iii’el. ne.ir [irivatel}' l>y tiie subs^ rilier E. recently oc-ii;.^(-; ly s |.i-f-se:it occiipic I liy toe Ha'in.uiii. will I.e soli It is loc ite 1 ill ;i i; IU igliKoi hool: e i: v.-iiiiiit !■> I'lisiness; in -i health, section o;' tht- t 'Wn: g loci siuin.: V iterco:iv> liicit; aiot h.-is all necess.iry out h 'oses att'Aciiel. gi-it li,';. gain in-iy be ha I, as I am determine ! to sell TniV' LlitmiM' J. R. .M, D.;N.\Lli. Fayetteville, .'\!ay h*. 12rs 'iWN.VKks oil. dkv BPLS Tanner's oil.—a superior ni tie e: also, n fine lot of Dry Hidi-s For s ile b.- .),A.- 'i. C'niK Nov. 2:i. '■•2- Slarlwarr, A:c. ^'IjjlHE un lersigned arc now receiving a LAR*jiE -A.S- " SORT.MENT oi (irocc! K. S. i !:irv'l\'. h*(jii, Steel, i ioilow-\\ are. Sinx''. L(':itlier, vv b l ii.- y rtill SO'' at ’>V!i.lies Tie :ii a “mail a iv-iiice on i',,s; loi (’ash. "i- (.), onr iisu;i! timi.' lo )irompt dealers. (i ,o. W. UILLI.-V.MS \ CO. ll'Mt Lll'i; A.M) ('(II!RC.SI*0.\I)I1M'E OF JAIflfiS IREDELL, ot NORTH CAROLINA, oNi; 111 111 \s,s(i I \ i-f; ,:i-'i I oi hT UK rill, I M tiitil Tl i ll J. McREE. I', r liV II ; s I I I ill; Si i'KK.MK I , Il srvTl.s. tl'Q., iK WlI.MI\i,-H».\ E HALE i ."ON I'oi: s wa: Oil ucv r. -, (I VENlENf DWEl LiNG lloCS.l. niuUiit, inai- 'Ir .). (' 'I'liomson's l o einjuirc of 1. G. Sliepher i. 1-*'; . or -ttevii e. J iiue 1. 1 uu il > r pai til M. \ \iri;!i!,i. Q. W. I. Jan')’ 27, lb67. GOLUSTON. 77. 'i'r-li’rvV'i'I.M: II.VCK’-. t.NV PATTEIIN OF TL'HPENIINE H.VCKSm' to order, (it '.Vh'i'esaie .ir R. tail aii'l V.-.irrriiit. by .M A BvKllli Faycltevilie. N. C.. .\prii 11', l".'o :li. .)Al k'SON JOil-\.N>\, AT LL persons uho w mt a fine di-i'il-; "" '■ A “just drcppiiiu, i T T H S 'I U I I' E D .1 II o r .1111 i N suiip-.n S E - 'O.N, . '/ . •t il ■ iit. lH-3m i)Ki:P RIVEIl COAL. BITUMINOUS COAL of the best quality can be had lit the works at Egypt, at^a reasonable price by the Ton. W.M. .McCLANE. Mining Engineer, May 21, 185G. 5-tf May n. Tj-2mpii A. McRIMMON, Coinmissiou and Forwardiujj 2ilei clicint. WILMINGTON, N. C. July 0,1.So7. 22tf Character Notes. A further ouppiy just received. Oct. :i4. E. J HALE * SvlN. NKU' liOOKs. U I'nINiJ .\ N .' Li.'Vi.Nti. b\ V'irgitiii i. Townseiid- il .J '! Iii'i -t - ';I ■uiishiii •, by Mi- tl- nies; i'.,ti- Oft!'., i c l. VoiKi:' Men; 'drs. i^his'- F ,m iy \I(ui ' [. T; r.ii. I'er's Ci.mpaiiioii; P.-iinter. (JiMer ari'.i \ iriii' r - ‘ 'miiaiii-ii; P.-i-ilms an I ilymas. assorted ; Jes-ioii of 1 aitii; .'school B. .v,, \:c. .i.:st I i-i.ei E. ii.\LE 11^ SoN. JII.i- 2 1 i iii: m:\v KDi'i'ioN or i»Kii;!5iJ.\ iv ij\rri,i:s !.n\ klimikts, \ i„ i. iS^ I.CEIS E." tl:e a]iproval of those who h.T.e t-x amiiu.-i it. • hief Jiislic - Nasii siys. ‘-I h: -it is ciirel'.illy an i w .-il got up Court it ui‘i be. iiivaiiiMldi' — a e>iu-iiiy S'). 11 wi'! s ive ihe ,a‘ ' [i iiiil a- liii ai. l !i.'-iiii. f i tlii re C.iuiisei II .'t iieiiig .ipjirised cate'l ” ('■ 111 It iiicii o': t.;e 1’ iv -.v:. .mined ii •: iiii ur, so far as For sale, wi'i; sets or s, Caroliua Rep.);i-. and Liw ' P e bidked throu;:h it ' ' I think '■ oui- 1 to till* Pro'.essi. !■ Ill di ci litig the s:illH‘ ril lie MO e.\cus ■ tor int.- .-I’i-ea'iy adjudi i.ave pi-.rclriscd t-U'l i .. kn )v. il. [ raise of it iiate viii’.me-i of North „,ks get erall v, by E. .]. i! Ai-E & SON. The Lite and Corresj)Oii(ience ol Judge James Ir deP, one of the Associate Justices of the Suiiieuie Court of tbe United States, by J. .'de,Riie JuBt rec’ci. E. J- HALE, ^ SON.

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