SEMI-WEEKLY ( ! \ 111. FAYKTTEVILLE, X. JUIA 15, 1858. [NO. 7->8.1 'INTi b -1 )\’*\Y r\V \ » I'M REMOV VI. STARR & WILLIAMS, the Have removeJ to tlie two f'ric'v St'Hws West end of the Fiivetteville Hotel building, BU Ci:l i rc j! til'. in . iWRRSCAYS.j I .V st)\. I j'ii(I! i . , tU'KiiVFK 00 ifpttidiu ; I where thev are now openini; thpir h.rin;; tho veat ol suUmp- , • || rh-expired ©rijJOOds tor tiliv Kpi'illg ., ruvKK N'J tttj jpiT miuuui, it paid iu ^ receutl.y aelecied by one of the finu in th*j Northern . h n., . - J •" it p.i.l Inriii- the yeur of subs-Tij. 'narkets, which will be offered for sale to their regu- • . . i.!i .ti, i ti.f _\ ■'.r has expired vi>\ i;ktisi;\ii;nt >11 r •>! ! ■ lu's I' r tht* lii't. iiu.l thirty eeius for each • ( put.'ii'Mt: ii: Vo.irlv sidvortiscnieiitd by spe- ' ’t pa> I- thv ^ lar custoiuttrs on the usual terms. All persons who wish to buy (loods cheap at \VH(>Lfc''.- lu-rrtod for sixtv cents per i respectfully invited to call aud exutaine ' this block at our new dtaud, est end ot rayetteville :.-.l 1.. - -il 'iiuiiU tin- uimb'- .Ill'll ■ .1 rii f'.n A'h i-rtNi’iiieiit cent. c\ti-:i. tn- 'll-- O'!. Advertineis are ill UM'tioi'.b de^iiretl. or 'ind rharjred aocoril- ■ rtf.! ■ '/e, i harjfod .'>U per Hotpl buiMinx- J. 15. .St.\kr. "j April 24, 1.S58. [.I. M Wii.i.iAM; ')tf SILK (IF im IT (IHOLlXi (ITV 1 COUPOX BONDS I'OR SALE '^IIK Western Rail Hoad Co have for sale in amounts to suit purchnser! LAXn FOR SALE. 1 m ACRES OF LAND lyin^: on upper Ji **** Little River, in fTarnett County, wtll ‘8-20,000 oFthe Coupon Bonds of the County of 1 located for theTurpentiue busiuess. Cumberland, bearin« 7 per cent, interest, payable ; accommodating tarin# Apply soon ^ ^ *0 the bubscriber at Fayetteville WM. .McL McKVY Sept. 22, 1856 41-tf W in lU.lC MJCTION. N M(>N!>.\V AND TTESUAY. the 26th and'^7th d:\ys of .hily, 1to8 ^ The Atlantic and N. C. Kail Road is conipleiad. the ; semi-annually on the 1st June and the 1st of Decem- \Nnre House and Wharf at Carolina City is nearly j bei% and runijiiig 20 years, tinishe 1, n^d arrnngonionts have been made to run a j ?90,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the Town of i line of Packets between thin place and .New York. , Fayetteville, bearing 0 per cent interest, payable semi- ' Pin wh 'i " i' . t'lV fu: iii't tut' V. .1 iir i'0 »'!ri-i T.. th, nr.nnnl statement of •MMi.ut’.y, f Hunfoid, ;>r. .•. 'iii'Hi. Thi.'success- itI’ l ( ■. til'- l.*'j:i'^!ature of Coiii. tiiMit M 1^'. witii . jM'ri otti-il I'harter. Its ca- Mi i' v.rMi.iiii,;, :iii I its , iMU:!ul;itiou! exceed Jis. (,jinii iiiare. in:ikiii_r it-' entire «ver ^30u,- Ot>", i';v.,’sti 1 a.-' detiiu.d in tiic >tateni>'Ut rrt'erred tM Th- -c • f !iltr« ill iio.'Ue :h;it luriuL thi- period nl nearly forty y ,. s since its ..isuni^'itioii, ,, without a single ch iii^i’ its -h;i‘f ’itii •,T, ■ it fiiisiness has lipeu con duct' 1 -wiih ju Isrment ;ind )>ruJt'nce. It has been thr.- 1 ■ r successful in an eminent 'lesree, di.scharging, »s AO Hi. iiif'iriiU'l, all its .ihlip-atious l>y the payment ot ■..■■■ ur i for i.'sses, without asking a da;, s lii riv in .uiy inst nu'e. It lias had ’mt little Ht- ig ■ iiutwitli'itaii'liii:: the immense nuiaberoftrans- »cti'>ii' ni l Ip. In '.r li'r tn .iftain as much i'rtainty as p,"ibif Mioh ;i. bu-iuoss i’.isurance, it has been the !'r;u !i''e .'f the ('"inpa’jy. lor S'-veral years, at gri .t lahi.r. t'lirefuily to c’a.ssi'.y and arrange their ^is'^.s ai'Oiit lifty iii.-tinot viassi-s, ?o as to ascertain the inii iuu 'usaved on e:i -h the aiuount of }>re- miuHi' ii'i o'vv I t'-;t’re 11, aii'I tue aiii"unt of losses up on !; Tiiis I ’. i'M.u ation. extetidaig over a long per:. !..iiul I >'verin;_ i ty to .'i vei y l ir^e amount,fur- ai.-’ I S reliable U;;t.i, ai.d |.rt';e:its a s.aiiid, '-u>pstantial basis . ; actual eiperieiii-. uiinn which to cimduct its bu ,ne“S. liisur.ince isnot a m uter of luck or chance, »' .ny si’.ppi-'>; it? i’ / irds are as'-ert.iinable, and it? priiK'iplej ■* bciii- re liu'o l r.) a system, the piMcr',. '.1 w. rkinj, aii'l i v ^a’ts ■ f which aie as ceriain t' tint "f . :.y "tiier l.ii.-ii;.'-- The .Ktr.a C^mpauy, by a iheriiig ri^ii t > ir> -iyste.M. and placing its busi- ne- uj ll! a houl'hy ici^', h i- i-i'* liiif'l the confidence of the r •iiiumnity t.i a:i extent -ui passed by no otiier C. mpaiiy iu the L . .'^t:it-‘s, au'.i has iticrease-i its busi- ne ■ Ui I its in 'm.- Ir.'iii yoar t" year with a steady gr wtti (“ue i.rv it so\u\'e of its r-et uiity is the distri'''itlou d its ri'r.s—u policy which it pursues iv'.tii great strii tncr,—limiting tlu- amount to be cov- ero ' ill eai li l.icality. By this i-ourse it has passed, w.tli •• iiiparatiM' impunity, thriHiah some of the most Bwccpihv; and destructive tirt-s, whi'jii have swallowed up otL 1- I ’ iiip.-.nie'^ ’ii'ss l autiouo in their busine^. It is a sy-ieni iike this, t.^sod ut' .’i experience, which gives 8t;i' i'.ity aiiJ ^'mIl Iiies.i t'> a i;om[i:itiy. and to the as sured i''ii;ti ienue aU'.l security.- ■ 'imurt J'lilriut. IIAirnOKI), tO.N.N. IN'. uia-'dlA I i,b I 'l '. CHAUTKU I’i'.Ul’tiTUAL. Capital $l,OOOjOOO, Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K i'. V 1., I'lc' I' liT. K. (i. tUl’Li^\, \ ice I’re- : ici,t. 1'. A. Ai,K,\ .\.S biil;, Se'-retary. i K. i ' '1'. i\. l-rii. e, .S. Tu.i /r, J. t'iiurch, H. .^l A. ;irt.e. i.. i c.i-tT, i-. .'V. Uu;kelev, 1{. •. i: Uijioy, S. \v-:ri, 11. /.. rr.itt,V;. f. .V, l»uiih:..iii, i>. IK.i.vr, r. A. Alexande:, W. A BAK(;AIX ( AN BE JL\D. subscriber offers for sale the Materials of the 1 NORTrf CAROLINA AK(il'S I'rinting Ofiice. The establishment consists of two first rate Washing ton Presses, one for Newspaper the other for .lob Work, a large an.I well selected quantity of newspaper and job type. The newspaper type aie but very little worn, and the largest portion of the job t>pe are new. It is unnecessary to enumerate; the selections were m.nle by persons of much typojraphical experience uud taste and are as complete as any in the State. .Vny person wishing to purchase can get a bargain >>y an early application to DAVfl) Ml »PHV. .lune 10, 1858 I'.t-tf HOUSE, LOT, AM) NE(;K0. undersigned wishing to cbise up their oMbusi- I ness, ofl'er for sale the lloL'SL aii'l LtJl on Hay- mount, formerly occupied by Maj.T Gilmore. Also, a NKGHO BOV 11 years of age; having tried him for the ■ last five months, we can recommend him ns au excel- . lent servant, both for house or out of doors, sold for no fault, but to close old business. ' F. N X J H ROBERTS •May 3, 1858. T-tf The large Hotel of Messrs Parrott & Bright at 'aroHna City will be finished >iv the day of salu- The number of lots already sold is . Terms id'sale, ti ati.l 12 months, with interest from dnte A StookhoMers’ meeting of the Carolina City Co. will be held at the same time E. R STANL\, Pres’t. N B 1‘assengerj attending the sale at Carolina t'it\ will b.' passeil over the V. A N. C Rail Road at lia'r price. Jutie2.'s, l.'5s‘. 2U-ts Pr.'sbyteriun till sale annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and Town subscription.s respectively. Person.s having money will fiml these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling themj a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms appl.v to C B. MALLETT, Esq., Pres’t or to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r Western R. R. Co. Fayette\ille, Feb’y 2o, IS.ja. 89tf DOBBIX HOUSE For Kent or X.«»ase. ^||1IIE Lease of the present Proprietors of this wen M. known House will expire on the 1st January, 18!j8: the property is oUered for lease or rent. To a FRESH FRUITS AIJ. rilE VI'.AK. VUTIH'U S SKLF-SF.Al.lN'G CA^'^^. of F.artheu- WMre md ilaBs: Pints, (Quarts and Half Gallons, at reduce 1 prices I pt>rson desirous of undert:ikin.g the Hotel business, an I hese (,ans :iro m. re easily used than auy other, excellent opportunity isotfered. The building is large, the cement being already on the Can | veil arranged and in complete repair; its location will AL.''>-- ^ } always commanil for it au extensive patronage. As \ I'Olllll 11^^ I'l'Uit llolllt*! j the jiiesent Proprietors intend changing their busi- of -'iBsv; stopi e.t with a ooik: i^iiartii and H'f Gallons. | nes$,*iJ»%-FurBitnre.Juhich is nearly new and iu good This is a new article, vory cheap, (•i>2 and per | orilt'v,'.pap be'pu»oli®eil^4lfiwonible terms. lozen,) an.] a.imirably a i ipte i to its use. For saif at the ‘M.'ili)''KER^ STORK" bv W N. TlLLlNiiHAST. Jun.-22. 22-2m W. H. TURLING-TON, (.’uiiuuission Merchant, No. 4 North Water St. WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL give his prompt personal attention to tne aale or shipment of all Consigncnents of Nava] Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8. 1856. tf Ur. U, A. OFFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S, J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. 76-tf Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 185«. A t’resli supply of Lime, Plastering Hair, Pi«.«ter, Hydraulic Cemeut, and Lan'l Plaster. For sale in quantities to suit, B. ROSE. Feb’y 15, 1858. 8otf OLD BILLS. , tLL persons indebted to the concern of FR.VNK vV JERRY and J. H. ROBERT'! t'O , are re quested to come forward and settle their bills. If net settled by the last o*’ this month, they will tind them iu the hands of a Lawful Collcctur J. H. UOBFRT.' .V CO. May l^.j>. 7-tf DExrisrRv. V'^R. J. D.WlS having clecided on por- ir.anently locating in the Town of Fayetteville, respectfully ofiers iiis services tu the cit izens of this pbue and surrounding country, lu all the various brat;tlies of his Professi'.n, inclu ling the manufacture of .\lineral Teeth, ho is .^riti'fie.l, after an e.xtensive experience, to which is ad.le.i a thorough Dental e.lucation, that he iMu give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. .\11 >i-iei:ulari- ties of the Teeth treated in a projier and c-u-tful m m- ! ner, as wdl as diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are use of in the vari.ius .ipera- | lions, (,'harges will be moderate, that the licnetits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservatiim of the Teeth. Otlice ever Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he ma>- be fouml at all times. Slay 10, 18.58. 'Jtf SMALL l‘OX DEAD. G1 E.N'TLEMFN, you that wish to sell Likely \ oung I" NEGROES, Men, P>oys, Women and (jir’is, tor the highest cash prices, woul i do well to give me a Call, or ad-lresi me at Clinton. N. .1. A. M. ARTHril June 5, 17-8mos pd .11 s r RIX’EIN ED. I BS. choice GOSHEN BL’TTER: ntM> lbs. LH\F LARD; .\LS»— .\ lot if FINE SEGAl’S and TOBACt'O. For sale by I). ANDERSON, N>.rih-w,.»: C..;' Market S.]uare. ,luue 2S. 2.''.- I \VE r rE\ iLLE no ri:r.. 8.|^KVNK N RnBFKTS \ (’,», having leased this Il'.tel, will tie pleaoe l to s»:e their f.»rmer patrons uii'i friends, assnriiig th‘MU that they will use every exertion to ple-ise. F N. Rduvkts.] [ J Ct. Smifu. Jan’y 7 74-ypd ('OOL Sl’kI.NG ^H U Projirieto: 3 ara the usual terms. The lieJ^tfal .Maiiufactur the stme n'ac.'. Jan v 11, I MILLS. eiiared to GlllNI) CORN on still Carried uu at 7.'.-tf CHAIRS, CHAIRS. A LARGE lot of irtool-bottom Chairs, made at Cool IL Sj.rinii Mi'.’:, and for sale bv M. CAMPBELL. Mar.,-h 21, 'oS. B()()K-BINDI\(; N all Its k-.u Is, executed with neatuesi and de Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. Myrover, S. W. Tillinghaat, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, I deli vere.l THo.-^. H. Tll.LlNGHAST. Xu'ierson Street. 11-lY B .. M . L.v K> l.» y. I iir A -.lets are mainly inve^'ie.; in .''toclxS and Bonds, p.i' TiiT .ntorest, with 17_’,'V'f '.I ^if tvi'h on deposite in tiie liartl.ird Biiuks, to tneot losses. 'iue au.i unjiai.i—'iie. I. - a ljur-ted ;iud ii it due. ^21, :l-i 9-3. I in sii']'eiise, waiiitig f.u ther proof, iic., T N. L...'- Rtar .\i;. nt ’he Tib I - .-.f t'r::'i i. ('oiiipany \c.) ii46,ti78 72. in Fayetteville, E. J HALE. BRITISH PERIODICALS. 1. - I'il I u., NEW VoliK, continue to publish ti . : -wiiii lea'i:ti£r Briti.'ii 1’im ii.dieals, vi/.; 1. 'ND‘ »N 111 ,\i:Ti:.Ki.V • ir. t rvative THE ri'iNnLRi.ii ia.\ ie'.v whi- . TIIENi'KTH BHITISil KKVIEW Free ('hun-h;. •1. Tin; V. li.'TMl.N i EH ilKVIEW Li -.-r , •. BLACKWn.iD S EDlNLLP.GH MAiA/.lNE (Torvi. 'i iiese P"ri...l'it'a’s ably rf]'resent the three great poli- t ' j ;irtie' ; f Gr at I'-iitaiu—"hig, I'i.ry, ;ind Radi- C;ii, but pi;:it!> s f.jriii i.iily one feature r>f their char- a. tor. .\-')ig:iiir -.f the m.^^: pr .f.iuii 1 svtiters on S '.t.ii,. , i.iterature, M ; .ity, ••iii i lieiigion. they stand, a- ihi-v ever h.ive . : . . I, iiiu iv i in the worM of let ter tt,. ot ' f tl,- f: • i.lere'i in li«; > ■ mill, wiili'r - they tiiriii ii ;i y.l of tilt- eurrt'nt !.!ie w. iM, tlMii i;.i;i ii( illT s,i,il C(‘. :. I'.'e to tin- ;tdi..lar an ] t i ti;.' iiiteliigeiit reader 1 In r.- .'..nect and satis- ;':ti'i'.niri' "f the d>iy, obtained KAKLV . Al>\ .\N»'E .SilLElS f.-.ui the Britis-h 11- -o llepiiiits, ’u- I he .d ,-ub- i.Mition:ii vtilii'. an n. w n.- - i :> 1' t h-' .i!'. '1 V ,r 1; , ir .r l;. ; M.. Per ann. y;’, 00 o (»i» 7 00 8 t>0 ;{ ut> 00 10 (Ml in inirainc iri/l ht .\otifc* to Soldiers’ l^HE Widows of Mexican Soldiers, and the Wi.jows of Soldiers who l>ikii in skkvii l in the war of 1>^12, can have their pensions c.mtinue-l by ca’’ing on the undersigned, Congresi having made a'lditiona’. provision for them. Give me the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or uo charge. JNO. .M. ROSE, Agt. for Pens'ons. Fayetteville, June 12, l8.jS. 1'.’- (3,.■>00 ACRES or I.AM) TOR SAI.E. The .Subscriber desiring to move to the West offers to sell the following tracts of valuable lan.1. 1 Tract containing 2-5tij acres in Harnett ('ouuty 18 miles North of Fayetteville. There is on this tr.act, two large and comfortable dwelling houses, with all necessary outhouses, together with a good mill running two saws and grist, witii about ;-!00 acres cleare.l and in a high state of cultivation; the remainder is excel lent farming and turpentine land .Also another tract containing 4000 acres of turpen tine land, about 100 acres of which is c'.eareil. There is on this tract one good dwelling with all necessary out houses and a good grist and saw-mill. 1 will take pleasure in showing the al>ove property to any person wishing to jiiirrh ise. \ . S. McNElLl-. Manchester P. O. Nov. 7th, 1857. ti7-ts 2,800 Acres of* liand EOR s \r,E. ; ^HE Subscribers ofi'er for sale the above Tr.i.-t of i Land, lying on .Anderson's Oeek, about two ai.d | a half miles from lower Little River, near Elliot’s Mills,—including about One Hufidrel Acres of good Swamps, which be easily drained. This Land is very heavily tiinbercl, aiiil a large portion level and :if superior quality of Pine Land for cultivation. .Also, a Circuliir STE.Wl S.\W-.M1LL, in complete order and well ad-ipted to sawing fdan' road and rail roa.l timbers. Also, Two well-broke MULE.S. All, or any portion of which, will lie sold low and on time. 'J'he Land will be sold cither in a liody or in parcels to suit. SMITH & I^LLlOT. .April ). l.'^./7. 07-tf rROV v\: FULLER, Attoriit'V.s ami ^OIIll^^‘llors at Law, ICOI5l>>:\ «., .n. C’. Robert E. I'ROV and JoHN p. fi ller, huvo forme.i .-111 a.ssocia'inii for tho practice of their profes.j\on i:i B '.i-s m ('.unty. The foimer will also atten.l the C.iuris ..f B. i Icii ml (.’>i!uinbu»; the latter will also v.tten.l those .-f t'umbcrl.Hn 1. The Office iu l.umbei toii will be kept open at all times. .Tan’y 1, -j- SIDNEY A. SMITH, Altonicv aiivl C’ouu'-^ellor iit IjUnv, \. r., T\LL .'itten 1 re;>’iilar'.v the County an-l Superior \\ C'Ui'ts of Wake, .i..iiuston. t umberland, Har nett, an.I Wilson. .A;l b'i>ine3S entrusted to his care I will receive [ r.iiuiii attention. 1 Jan'y 12, T»^. 0-ly 'I' (>i)0 A( IlLS OK LA.M) FOK SALK. r S H E Subscriber offers for sale the above iiuantity I of Lan.i, situated in a healthy'l wiil le ai i.s'.'- I 1 s '>1' any One .>r u I 'jpics of BiacKv I :.(• ! me III- V i*;\\ a ! t!i. lour licv ew.s '.1 1 c t'.'Ul Review.1 Rfv'.v.' !'■ .\bi!i.i/ine I aii'l llui'e Revicvs I ari'l the i'.jur lU'view ^ , ! ■ n I I of Lan.l, situated in a healthy'l, three ;»!(■ ( ((•.> > in ttiftiuiiv : fpo„j the Wilmington an'l 'liarlotte Rail lload, • rnr lfi> .S/dfi trfi- ri: i.s.'-iin/ ii'iHIh „„,j f,jur from Lumber River. This Land is well ji'ii . I adapted to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber Cl.r li!>IN J. ' purposes, having a good range and other advantages. i.Ji- ci-.i: in.m the above l'l">s« "''Sl'if'g i ..i-.ieiit.- four or more ! ^e happy to exhibit it or give any in- t tl (■ :i!,,,ve works. Thus; • r 1 "lie Review, will be 1 111 ,,1' tiij. I’ym- Ke- .-11,'1 on. JAS. f. .SMITH. MILES COSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., /V#rf«r.s, i'oiumiasion and For- trardittfi .Uvrrhants. j WlLMlNGToV, N. C. i PROMP r attenti"ii given to sale o! TIMBKR, Ll M- ^ BER, N AV.\L STORES an.l all kinds ot Produce. Liberal adv.incemcnts lua !.• .m ( 'insiguraents. liefers to E. P. H m.l. Pres'l Branch Bank of .“^tate. H. R. S.WAGK, I’asii’r Bank (’ape Fear. Joii.N Daw son. Es.i. April 2), 18-’)S!. o-l\ Presbyterian co))y. D. A. LAMON'r, Commission Merchant, Wiliiiiiizftoii,, C/. OFFK’i: ;;8 NORTH UATEP. STUEEI’. Personal alleiition given to all j.roduce sent to him either fi>r sale or siiij.iiieii!. Nov r ri7-lypd ^ .1. W ILLI \ M i'ACE, M. D., gw g 'PTS K O it O srfi ti, .V. i;. P.\fIE may be fV.iiud at his office when not profession.lily ei!Sfai;e.l. May 18.-.7. ' otf (.UAXO. TONS I’.KST PKRUVIAN Gl\VNO, jurt re ceived and ior s ile by The will'4>e deliytu-ed on or after the 1st of January, remaiiiing ^pen linder the present manage ment till a tenant is,obtaiiH?d. The fine Store in the same building, formerly occu pied bv Mr. Wm. Booth, is also offered for rent. JNO. H. COOK, Prest. Dobbin House Co. Dec’r 10, 1857. C9-tf FAYETTEVILLE MUTUAL LNSIIKAXCE COMPANY, j ASSETS $230,326.28. | ^■’IHIS Company has been in aperatioa more than ' ■- five years, and has paid its losses, amounting to >>l‘.*,l2t') Uo. without !iny assessment; insuran'*e aver- j aging its members about ji per cent. Poiicies issueil to 1st of .May, 18-j3, 27ti9. : .\mount of property now insured, !»!l.474,1*22 34. Amount premium notes now on hand, S224,ft68 28. Cash premiums received, $:’2,317 41. I Directobs. S T. Hawley, W. N. Tilliaghast, A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, .Ifts. G. Cook, A. W. Steel. Jas. Kyle, J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, Wilmington. A. E. Hall, Wilmington. >KU« ERs. GEO. .McNEILL, President. D. -A. R.W, Vice Presi.lont., Secretary. John Collins ami C. C. McCrummen, Travelling Agents. The ('ompanv invite applications. May 21, 18.08. 13-Y Presbyt**rian and Carolinian copy. .fTvmes kyi.e Is now receiving his Spring supply of DRY GOODS. Among which are— ■ J^rints, Lawns, and Brilliantes; M (,'or.l an'l Black Silks; i Irish Linens and Diapers; i Farmer's Linen, Twilled and Plain; • Cassimere and Merino Twills; ! White and Col’d (’otton Hose; Bolting Cloths, No. 0 to 10; Silk and Straw Bonnets: Sc. With almost every article in the Dry (ioods line; all of which has been purchase.! by the package at the late siles in New York and Philadelphia; \Sill he offered cheaji fnr cash or on time to jiaying enstomers. March l:?. 1850. ‘.*3tf Carolinian cop.v. jlr()C(‘i*ios, lljir(l\viir€\ &c. j f^a^HE undersigned are now receivinc a LARGE .AS- ' fl SORTMENTof Groc(*rics, Hanhvare, Iron, Steel, Hollow-uan*, Slioes. Leather, I and Satldiery, I which they will sell at vVholes vle at a small advance on i Cost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. I July 18, 1857. 2(J-tf ! li.\RTll-w”FrLLEK 6c W. McL. McKAY, AT I.AW, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., .AY lie consulted at their rooms on Anderson Street, iminediatelv in the rear of the “Obser* THO. C. PULLER, ^■tUorney unU 4'ouuscltor ut Idtttv. OFFICE at Ewcles's Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Es'j., Fayetteville, N. C Jan’y 1, 1857. LOVERD ELDKIDGE, ~ Jit tome at Ijaiv, WILL attend the Courts of Johnstou and Samp- aoa Coanties. Smithfield, April 15, 1850. yt>-if Worth & Utley, Forwardinjij and General Couuuission MERCILWTS, FayettCKille^ .V. f*. i. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOB. I'TLKY. T O. & B. G. WORTH, CoiDiiiifsioii & Forw.-itiliiijr .Merchants, Bruwu'» Butldiny, H'nUr Street, ll*ilmiiigton, V , Usual advances made on consigniuents. Nov. 11, 1857. 5W-tf R.UEIfiH FEMALE SEMINARY. I1HE FALL SESSION will commence on Thursday, the 29th of July, and continue 21 weeks EXPENSES PER SESSION. P.oard (exclusive of washing and lights) S-50. Tu ition in Primarv Department, SI2 50; iu College De partment. $17 50; Latin. $0; French SlO; Music and Oil Paiutiug, .'S20 each; Grecian and Oriental Painting, (.nd Painting in W'ater Colors, SlO each; incidentals, !j!l. Expenses for tuning Piano equally distributed among the music pupils. Half of all the expenses in advance and the balance at the close of the Session. Pupils are charged from the time of entering, and no deduction is made except in case of personal sickness protracted 2 weeks. In point of health, access, good morals, &c., no school in the State enjoys advantages superior to the Raleigh Female Seminary. We are prepared to accommodate iu the Seminary, and its immediate vicinity, a large number ot board- AilflrAQQ D. R. BRUTON, President. Raleigh, N. C., June 10, 1858. We have on hand A I., A K Cl E I. > T O F tiOOi^S OJP that will bo sobl Cheap for Cash or exchanged for (yOliiilry Produce. AV. H. CARVER & CO. Julv 7. 26tf SHOES. heavy—several hundred pairs—for Light and Men, Women and Misses, for sale by w. h. carver & 00. J uly 7. •>0 July ’ BOIILF.S sr.UMER for sala cheap by W. H. CARV^ER & CO. 26tf WLNES AND LIQUORS. 4 LARGE Stock of CHOICE LIQUORS, Jor aal« by w. H. CARVER & CO. I’^armine Utensils, fi larrc lot tor sale cheap by " - H. C.AR\ ER & CO. July 7. 20tf LLME AND CEMENT. BBLS. Lime and Cement. For sale cheap by W'. H. CARVER & CO. July 7. 26tf kJO. NOTICE. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO; OATS AND PEAS. BUSHELS SEED OATS, 100 ditto Cow Peas — Afso— A few barrels Northern Irish Potatoes. For sale in quantities to suit, by 400 Casks LIME; 50 Bales HAY; 5 Bbls. GLUE. F or sale by July 10. WURTH & UTLEY. 27- Feb’y 16, 1858. B. ROSE. 85tf PE,E»iSE at SETTMji.. Y Notes and .Accounts are all due and I hope my customers will call and settle them, as we need the money. J. C. POE. July 6, 185K. 25-Im Town papers copy Im. MHJTARV ^OODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces .U\D EVEKV DESCKIPTMI.V Ot ^IjLIT.lHV (iOODS, ACCURKINO ro THK Latest L\ S. Armjj uud Shitt Reyulations. SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & GRAILVM, l.nPOKTCK!§ & i^IA.\l’FA€Tl KI]K«, 19 MAIDEN LANE, .f'rir I'ork. June 30. 24-1 y JUST RECEIVED. A L.ARGE lot of good NEW HERRINGS, which we will sell by the barrel or in lots to suit. PAGE & THORNTON. Fayetteville, July 12. 27-2w TIN PLATE, ^iicet Iron, Iron Wire, COOKI.lfO STOVES AliO TII¥-WARE. •Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. ROOFIXG, rr I-rrERiXG, .And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square, Fayetteville, Julv 9. 27- I.KA rHKI{. ■\K and HE.ML(JCK Sole Leather, ed and for sale by. Just receiv- T. HAWLEY SON. 27-2 w COrrON RAGGING. J^UNDEE and GUNNY B.AGGING in quautitiej to suit purcha&wrn. Sept. 17. For sul« by JAS. G. COOK. 4atf ver" otlice. June 2, 1858, IG-3m DEER RIV ER COAL. BlTU.MlNorS COAL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. W\I. McCL.ANE. .May 21, l.^or. Mining Engineer, t5-tf Further ^iupplie^ ot* llook>i. Life of Dr. Kane, by Sujucktr; English Hearts and English Hands; Parton’s Life of Burr; Haupt on Bridge Construction; Breckinri lge’s KnowleJg.' of God; Wilson on the Skin; Plates to ditto; .Nlitehell's Therapeutics; Williams on the Principles of Medicine; Wood’s Practice; Piercu's Algebra and Geometry; ^-c. April 9. E. J. HALE x SON. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM i; O II .n 1 1 O A AND FORW ARDLNG AII:RCH ANT, .V. C. JH»gf* Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on l*roduce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 07 IJEE INSURANCE. I'l HE Undersigned has been appointed .Vj Aug. ;{1. GKO \V. WILLIAMS .Si :-!8- 1-rie Kwiir I 'lpies of BiacKw.. 1. heiit t.. one s.. A- .ai l liifickw’oi d for I’O.-s'i At.K. Ill u.l ilif j.ritM-ip ll » itif- .iri.l Tort u>, ihc.-;e WDi ks V. . I., i '.ven 1, FUEL oK I'OSl'.Mil.. V.heu sent ' y ri! .... i’.-'t.ij;.- t.. ai.y p.irt ol tiie t. ni;e.| ."^tme.., u';,. l e ...jt 'i >VEM V-roLK (;L.N'l .s a for ••r.’.:n K- aii 1 but F(‘L'llTi:.L.N (.'E.STS a year tor euch th.; i. formation concerning it desired. ANGUS McGlLL. Philalelphus, N. C., Sept. 1, 1857. 4otf FOR SALE. /JI^HE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT on Gillesjde JL Street, at present occupie.l by Doctor .McSwaiu Apply to THO. J. CURTIS. Perfect title can be made. • w ■ ■\ . J't. Thi jii tcc id (jr ‘it liritiiia of (ht jice '' /■i-.i/ii i/{i iihi/cf-iiiinii 'i is jirr (innum. ' . :i ' tiiii.-er l .ruiiy oI tl.. ubove pu^ . -atioi s shotlM ... . ;i.i iic.s ed, post :i: 1. to 'lie i ob!islier;->. s( IJT r .V ( ()., Ni'iv i4.rk. SyiU i'ii li.^CON. ^ i.ifs au.j fihoui i‘,r-, i.iie by liEVERLV ROSE. Jan’y 2«. 80- WANTED NKtiHOF,^^ fora Mississijipi IMantalion, Men, Boys, (iii'l.s, :.nd s .m« good Families. EPHH. PAGE. Fayetteville, May 185S. 8-tf .H s r Ri:cr:iv i-:i). B >.\!’'' of that superior ROCK (’.ANDV TO- P.ACi'O (J. W. 1. GOLDSTON. 1857. 4 8-tf 10 Oct 5. AI.SO A GOOD FAMILY CARRI.AGE in good repair and ^ nearly new. Will be (5old for half its value. —ALSO— 3 good MILCH COAVS with yo'.i.g calre.s. Apply to 1. J. OLtlTiS. Apr’’. 29, 1857. :^tf fri:sh lime. Cn.'^KS, in good order, iu?t rectivud. Also, 200 bush*li ’. LASTEKING HAIR, 100 Fur salu by JuB« 28. B. ROSE. 23- i.os r, 1AST S;itur l;iy. .'iha uit , (.luring the hours of J parade,) about the t'ourt or between the Court House and the Fair Gr.'UU'l. a small yellow ivHtber Pocket Book, cont.iining consisting of tliree •'jilO bills, three ^1 do., one •'ji5 bill, one goM piece, three ^2 50 gobi ]iiee,-.s. A Fieward of ->10 will be given fur the above described Pocket Book and money, delivered to the undersigned. H -I.v' KS(*N, Musician. F(n'*.tte"iN. C.. Nov. 2, 18 >/. 5b:f 'I'lio -Lite of (jiciK-ral Havelock, by l^ev* V/ni. H:*oek; I i'>ula, by Mis*^ T^eweb; Flic Cit.y ot tl.f Great Kin '\v '>f. B^.rclay >lso. further supplies of l>: Kane's !Jxploia*io)is; Waveriy Novels, H’.;gh Miller's ’>S'orks, Scuool Books vVe. E. J. HALE & SON. July 1, 1853. 24- FOR SALE OR REN F. 4 CONVENIKNT DWELLING HOUSK, on Hay- . m mount, near Mr. J. (\ riiomson's. For particu lars em]uire of J. G. Sheoherd, Esq., or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. ^ tf ri’RUEN riNI'. HACKS. * NY IWTTER.N OF TUltPENTlNE HA('KS to order, at Wholesale ..r Retail and Warranted, by M A. BAKER. Fayetteville, N. C.. .April 1’.*, 1858. 3tt A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. wiL.MiNtrrox, X. c. July >•.. ’.«o7. 22tf^ NEGROES W AN TED. i.AM prepared to buy any number of likely YOUNO NKiiROKS. Persons having such property to sell would do well 10 give me a call. T. WADDILL. Favetteville, June 3i>, 185S. 24- I > UT r IIi LO M’S IJ A1^ ’B^HE Steamer FANNY will leave Fayotteville for Wilmington every Monday an l Thurs.lay morn ing. i;nt!i further notice. Will t.ikc frei'ht uid pa.s- sengfIS as heretofore. T. S. LUfTERLOli. Feb’y 2'Z. TO RENT, 8 TOR the balance of theyeai-, a DWELLING HOUSE ^ situated on Old Street, tue late residsnce of Mrs. Beze I'erry, deed. M. WARDEN, Lx r. June 30. 24tf Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. '■'IllE Undersigned has been appointed .Vgent of i the North ('arolina Life Insurance (.’oiii- puuy. Every member for life participates in the jtro- hts of the Company; ,iirl the annual j>r . niuiMi roi , life membership, wner^ il amounts lo .li.JU or moi.-. i may be paid one-half iu cash, and tiie otiier hail in | a note at 12 mouths. \ Debtors' lives may be insured by ere iitors. -V man , may insure his own life lor the exciucive beiieiitoij his family The lives of siaves iiiay be insure T. ] This system is rapi.ily grooving iiiio i'avor, ai! ovei- | the civili/.ed world It is one by w*iieli a lamiiy. ior ; a small sum aiiiiuaily, may u-: proviued lor. alter th-j j death of its hea l, -in vvii.«so exertions I i»‘y may Imve . been dependent tor a support. It is a good iiui.sltiieijt | of money, even if ont^ should i»ve long ;.itei- i.ii.iiie : out a Life Policy ’E-iplanatory pami.uiei.:*, und the ^ uecessary Blanks, furnished on application E. J. HALl valuable PROl’ERTY EOSl S^iEiE. 1 OFFER for sale, my L.VNDS in the Town .>f Fay etteville, about 130 .Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .About 80 Acres of it is tine .Mea-low lj;ind, as the Crop now on it will show. .Also, the Valuable Sri;k ;ui«f ne»r the Market Square, occupied by .Mr. Jolin A Pemberton. A Larg« anH Valuable Lot. ) routing on Donaldson, Maxwall and .Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot, -could be div; led into Buibiing I^ots rery near the new Female lligh.S.;hool l!iiildiiigs. .Nlso, tiie Stable Lot adjomii’g. fr..L.t;n:5 -ai .Mumford iSlri-'t. Several DLSIU.ABLE UUlLDiNG LJi’S on b.Ttii Wir.Biov and .Mu.ufor.i Streets. •Ah this property can now be I'urchaso.i on fsvora- b)e terms, an l “i large part can /emain ou B jn l an i THO. J. July 12. 18-58. UllluTv I AN G U A NO. riHIE undersigned has made arrai^gements by which j he is prepared to furnish at short notice, any ro- ' quired quantity of r%o. 1 Peru via SI Iwuano, all of which will be from direct importations, into the ■ Port of WiliniHgton, and warranted pure and genuine. I Orders for the above excellei.t fertilizer are solicit- e.i, to which prompt attention will be given. .As this is an article which does not admit of being I sold ou time, cash or its equivalent must accompauy i each order. BEVERLY ROSE. July 8. 2titf FOR SALE, ~ A No. 1 BUGG^ (McKethan’s make,) and H.AR- NES.S, which have been in use a short time; goovl as new. -App y to W. L. ROSE. July H>, 18-38. • 27-2w THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE LATE HON. JOHN D. TOOMER, F » le .S A I. . ri'^HE vaiufible Law Library of the late Judge Toomer, j[ consistirig of iipwanls of lOOO bound Volumes, and several biiu lred Nos unbound, has heen deposited with the iiii.lei-'igiie i for sale. T!ie books will be sold ill sets, FoR C.\SH (.)NLY. They are geuerally in goed t'l.ler, though of course I.earing marks of use. I'he priees h;ive been fixed with reference to their conditmn. Catalogues, with the price anne.xed to each volume, be oiitaine i on apjdication to the subscribers. E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, Juiite l*>, 1858. NOiVni »3AIU)LINA SUPREME COUiUr REI'ORTS. 1"^11E -ub-c ribers have just printed ut the Observer Olliee a SE('ONi) EDITION ot DKVEKEl X A.ND BATTLE'S LAW RE- ■ POUTS, VOL. 1, r.i;Vl"KI» AM> rnKKl.i'TKIi, WITII NoTKS A N l> KKFERKNC ES , 1 llO\. WILLI V*M IL HA'FTLE. ' .11 Dili; ill' Tin; sri’iiK mk i oi’rt of .\oiitji c iiuillm. I'he price lit ihe new edition is not greater than that 1 of the ol I.!i. as it is scarcely necessary tu say to ! tiie Pr.if-'ssioii ,n North Carolina, its va.ue has been great V im rease l by Judge L.ittle’s Notes, References :iiid ’orri'L tious. The v.jiunie has been long out of print, and we shall lie gl-id to supply the many Lawyers whose sets of Re- I ..irts are iticoiiiplete without it, as well as those who liave the old edition but would like to have the new oue tor the sake of its notet. E. J. HALE & SON. F iyettevillc, .April 5, 1858. riii: NEW i'.DirioN of DliVF.lU^LA iV lUITl.irS LUV REPllliTS. VuL. 1. Sb LCEIVKS tiie apfiroval of those who have ex- S% amine i it. Chief Jtisiid.' .Vush s'lys, ‘‘I h:ive looked tliro'igh it —it is careliiliy aii'l weil g >1 up. * '' I tb.nk to ojr ’ou:'t it ^ill be HiV:i;uib:e—a;i..^ to the Pr.itessiMj jqually 80. D wii’ s iv;.- th- la^or of .leciding the same point ».gain a;i 1 ai::iiii; f -r tloTe will >.c no excus- for 'ounsel not appii.^se i u! jfOints alrea'iv ji'IjuJi* va-ed ” G-ntlemen of ilie 15 r wl; ■ iiuve piirchus.'' hi. 1 ‘■'c- ainined it, concur, «o lar as v.'e know, in praise ej it. For sale, \si hseiS . r seu.irate voluuiej f North Mortgage if desired. — , CURTIS. I Carolina Reports, and Law Books generally, by 1 E. J. hale & SON. Oct. 10, 1866.

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