pavi:tteville, x. c., julv 19, isss. [NO. 729.] \ r t!. til - ■If ■N, u , A ()i ■■'i ii'- '!•'> n \ 1-vsi. rHL'HSltAYS.j •'! W \!{p /. !I \LK & SON, ; , , i S V ■ ■ ! i{t li'iil I’Ti >1{S - .1 ;i-,, u ’r,sKUVtB *8 OU if paid in > ,!■ ■ • i 1..the >ear .'I Jiubscrip- 11. >r >} uiti-i tilt* . >.r h 'sexjiire'i ,i> VVi ■■ . 1 t: :i . k '.*11 ’, er anuuiu. ii' {^nid lu ■ ' • i -l ’.ai iui liie yeur nf sutbiiip- i>ii :.ttt‘r r; f yi-ar lins t-si'ireil rt.-il t’l.r sixty c>-uts per f iiii l thirty 'fnts for each r!\ !i'l\erti?^onients by spe- REMOVAL STARR & WIT.L1AMS, tht fiv;.. : ViAT-irri'^! Ml.NTS lll^ u.iro ot 1 ?. liiifi fi>r th'- !\r I, v'Of i;!iiT ! :.-';;ivit^iii \ .'■'Iitr'i. t ,t ri'U, ■ u.-.i tr. -.t .t.- thv 111.',,’.. ■ .ii!-.• i ti’’ f. I'litos .V.lvertisoi s are ■ 1 iii'i'rtioiis 'le^ired. or ■ ’1 ill 1 i m'c >rii' \.iv •xtra. to bi' ill ■I-It-'! -•hai-geii 6*> per i'ire ii9snranee. T y. r‘f*M' "ur ro:i ici * ti t!-;, * Ilsm .iUL-C fl‘ the rtii'jual stiitoineiit of i'l’Hipitiiy, >>f Hartfoi'l, •St . ■ilt- miin. 'I'liis !juoi.-ess- : [j i :i ii-.' by thi> l.oaislature ol ■ ' li P'M pi tuul iliiirter. Its • i;.l it- ji.iiuiiuiutioiis exoeeJ . it- eiitlre I"!'!" ever !$oO',- (■'! in !l'f referroil to that lurii'ii the pericMl of nearly ' 111, ivrithi'Ut a single ■ r, it l.u>ine.>;b Iris breii cci.- i uii'l [ ru.icni'e. It lias beeu in eminen' 'leuree, disohargin^r, nf.ruied. all it' . biipntiou- by the paytneul . - for without askiii|r a . Ill -iriy in-' tiue. It h i.- ha t but little iit- ■ tvvith T'inilin>. the immense number(.iftran^- L !•'. in r l;'!' r,: atta’ii as n'.ut h , :uin'i/ as 1 -til'll 't bu'iue'-s as ins'aruuce. it has been f ..f :!i. ( .•ii.i aii. ; -i- ~..»i.r,il year.', at n r.o.iti- '!U'e ir-i . .lit'l ..tli jU'iL’ue! i.l in V' ■ :>. T. -MVi'lU-, r.;. i.-.iit i:‘:t U;'Ur;-'l - 1V - elvv'l ; .it-)'- . h T,.: . ..i>' i.Jii; ! . veriiiir; ■■ I't-ii'lb:,- .1.1 nirange iheir • M! ks to a:»certaiu the air.'iunt of pre- :iiii..unt of lo.«ses up- \ .''.as:^.ty J;.- tin-- t . lii" 'II e i h ■■lU, an I tlie 'il.i It'jn, esten luifT over a long ;■ 1] iTt V ' 1 n verv ! iri;i‘ uinoiiut.fur- ; ;i;n i; . : , N ■■ ler. . A. ; i: bull -T. K r-r 1'c. lu.- .r, .i. t.'nurch, II. if.'.e, 1. H..wer. L, A. Hulkeley, It. Hip'.'. v, .'V War i, 11. Z. I’rutt, (J. F. b 11: r. A. Ales: II'ler. W A. - r: ; iuf.-re-t, w :th > Uiir't'T'l li.uik.i, 'I-' . :i 11 1 :!!i; ;l '•k' an ] IJon'is, H.ih "11 Jepobite !iiu;:. y mvi te I in > * 1 ».i .,f :ii;'.i;-i — r. me. ill.] h'.t 'lue, >-J l,..l '.(■). waiting t'urther j.'rui.f, ici'., HtuJ SU ; '■ i.f fr ,u.i, ^:c. I 816,•iT'' 1-. :,e i* .ve -lupauv iu favettevilie, K, 3.'llALi:. ; f;i i ri/ i:;; 1. Ni-i ’N wL .VliTi.Ki/i 1- .!■ nr 1 / r V .! ■ F - r l; I lu ll as the uri” j .ur llevii Wa • ur IteVii-ws Ill'll e'litious. ■ i. an i } resent- a -nuii 1, .substantial ‘ • ■- t'l il I x;iei it'ii.'f, u[ ■I! whit'll ti.' cun.iuct it^ ’ - In-'UMuu e IS iii-t ;i matter 01 luck or chance, a- iii.iov su|.p. -v, it-" iiaz.-u'Js are a-eertainable, anJ ;t inn. pie- ; ib.e f li insr re liu ei! to a -y-teiu, the pru.i. 'iii vVvrkiii. :ii i rejuit- 'if which are as certain 'I any . urine--;. Tlie .Ktna Company, a ilM-i'iiii: I'\:i i.y r.: it... -yst>‘lii, i;::-''piiK'ilii; its busi- -s up n a he.ilthy busi-. has ■btune.l the coiifiJcnce ut I j; I'ljUiuiuT ity to HU eiteut surp'is-e>l by iio other ...'i' i.y ui I' - i . .''t;iU'S, an I increase'! its busi- .’u'. iik- Ir .iu yei-r t>: year with a steady ^ .t ^'ne iri-Ht s 'lu'. t' "f its -cui'ity i.s the wide Ji'tr: ut;ou if 'ts ri-ks a policy whii li it pursues ti. _reat >tri' tue-- -ii-n.iin^ the a’uount to be cov- eri i lu each l.icauty. Hy this CnurMj it has passed, v» in imparative impunity, thr iU',rii S'liue o! the ino-it » . I'j'.ng all'! le-trui't '. . e fire.-, which have swallowe'i up ■ lip iTi^ - ; ca'.tioii- ill their bu.■^il;ess. it is •- i‘> m ;ic.e Ui;,-, ' -..-I-i uj 111 I xpcrieuce, which ^ives "y an! ii.e.-s to a .ipany, and to the as- 5 ! ■!iti le:.' '■ -l'i.I -ecuiit/. -A’ - '- ■ . I'utrijt. .i;t.\i (\.sii!i\ii; (oiiPi.w, UAlM roiil). (O.W. ■' Ki '^KATKU 1 : i HAllTtiU rKill’KTUAL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. - K. U:;A. L, lic^;i,iit. K. l;U‘LEV, Vice I’re- . . A. ,\ l.t.'N UL!:, Secretary. Have removed to ibn iwo brick Stores West end of the Fayetteville Hotel building. ; where they are now opening their STOI'K j 'or (woods tor tliitt i^priii^ , I receutly selected by one ot the firm in tlie Northoru { ' markets, which w ill be oll'ered for sulu to their regu- | lur customers on the usual terina. ' -\11 persons who wish to buy Goods cheap at \VH('LK-j I SALE, ere respectfully invited to cull aud esainino j i this stock at our new stand, West end of Fayetteville | Hotel building. j J. B St.^KK.I [J M WlLLl.\MS ; -\pril '24, ls58 5tf ' A hau(;al\ can hk hai>. ^I^HE Hubscriber offers for sale the Materials of the I NORTH CAKOLINA AKUL’S I’rinting Office. The establishment consists of two tirst-rate Washiiig- ton Pres.aes, one for Newspaper the other for Job Work, a large and well selected quantity of newspaper and job type. The newspaper type are but very little worn, .and the largest portion of the job type are new. It is unnecessary to enumerate; the selections were | made by f'ersous of much typographical experience { and taste and are as complete as auy in the State. -Vny jierson wishing to purchase can get a bargaiu j by ua early application to DAVID Ml lUMlY. Ju, e lu. l!'5.‘' I'.t tf llOliSK, LOT, and NKGUO. ' ^I'^HE undersigned wishing to close up their old l>u>i- I ness, otfer for sale the Hol'SE and LOT on Hay- ^ niount, formerly occupied by Major Oilmore. .\lso, a , NF.(tlU> UOV I I years of a^e; having trie ! him for the . last five mouths, we cm recommend him as an excel lent s-ervsnt. both fur house or out of doors, sold fjr n>' fault, but to close old business. F N .-t .1 H, UOHEKTS .May •, 16.jS. 7-tf OIJ) HILLS. tLL I'crs.ins iudebte.l to the o. ncern of F1».\NK \ JERKV anil J. H. Hi)HK'!T.'^ '0., are re quested to come forward and settle their bi! s. If not settli d I.y the last o*'this montli, they will find them iu the hands of a Lawfu; Collect.jr. J. H KOIUIRT.': (\». May 8. Itsijfi. 7-tf ,st*s3=5^ DKNTlsrin. Dr. j. DAVIS having deci'led on per- ■ manently locating in the Town uf Fayetteville, respectfully otfers his services to the cit izens of this place iin l surrnunding country, la all the variijus brani he.-* of his Profession, including the : nuinufucture uf .Mineral Teeth, he I'* satisfie l, after aa extensive eiiicriem e, t.> which is ad'ied a thoruugi. Dental o'lucation. that he ^.viii give entire satisfaction as lur as is ;n the power ol Dentistry. All irregulari ties of the Teeth treated in a and c-irtful man ner, as well as diseases of the m lUth. .Vuue but the | proper metals are made use of in the vari.uis opera t'.ous. Charges will be m-iderate, that tiie ben->tits of itie I’r'jiessioii may be placed within the reach of all w!io may feel an interest in the preservation of the 'I'eeth. Otlice over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he ma'v be foun l at all times , Slay lu, Ib.jH. 'Jtf S\LVI.L POX DKAI). (1 E.N'TLEMKN, you that wi?h to sell Likely Voun'.: W NEGROES, Slen, Boys, Women and Girii-, t jt the highest cash prices, would do well to give me , call, or address me at Clinton, N. C. J. A. Mc\RTHI K June ■>, Is.'iH 17-"'ni'is p i r \olii*t‘ to ^loliliersi’ Willow^. ^HE V idows of Mexican Soldiers, and the Wido ws of .Soldiers who luld i.v -kkuck in the war i>f 1''1J. C'lu have their petisi'Uis continued by calling on the undersigned, Coi.gres-j having male additional jirovision for them. Give me the management jf money shall come at juce, or u ■jur cl'iims, an 1 the charg'-. JNO. M. R')SE, Agt. lur I’ens'.jns. r.'- BRITISH PERIODICALS. '1 1 ■ ' . Nh.VS fiiiitinue to pub.i.ih ■riodicals, viz- aNl;i l'.t| |:i Vli'W U tr lit. N'iinil 1;RIT1;-H KKVIKVV Free i hunh. liL U K.-1 NilN.STEI^ KhV IE’V Li .eral i. ...\i KWdijD LDlNDl KGH .M.VGAZINE , Torv , ’■•i ; I..' . - il n-presoiLt the *hroc great p >li- ■i ..1 ' 111 it'i;ii- \\ h;;;, T.iry, :iii'l l\;n]i- p ;l;r I'lini. )i:'v ^iii. If iture uf tlieir char- ■^ if ti.- nil' t I r ifi'iin 1 wiiter": on i.iii-i :• ;ti', M rr i. iy, :,n.l Kelijxi.iii, they stan i, viT 1 kve >t'i iii, unnvalie 1 in the world of let- : cnr^i iiTcl iudyp^>o|s^le tn the ;K-hi.lar an 1 ■ in.J W 'ftie intelligent reader a')i¥*ire c'lrrj'v't mi.l ,-atis- ■ .iMtrfc cWreiit 'Bteratu'fc "f the day, it t ie irld. than oiiiii'Vie p'os.^ii.iy olitained .‘tln-r .iiree. • ;|.i ■ 1 .''Ifi^in .''f;iini the British - ^.vi r additional v.ilue t" tliese Kepriiits, in- Uiey e;in iioW lie place I iu the hand;^ of sub- r li d. I’er anil, .-ji;! t>U r, OU ; i.e F..‘ir Kw . lew > 7 • >(i 111- i\t;view.- rt Ob .\i-ig.iziiie o OU ni'l tniei- Ri-view- • 00 m t tlie l.i'ir Ki-vii s\.s 10 OU tn il'llilii'f. illllh III ih> *'1J \iiifi: ir/(! /'I lililNti. li r cent. d ;;‘iy ‘lie ^'1 '.t li;:ii .I'Ires i.-tekwi troiii Ilie aliove I lering lilur or moi'e :i:, ,\f w .ru>. Tlius; "I ■ l>;*\li'w, will be |iii- .1 the four Re- for r ; t. I "1 f.r ^-,'|. . Uii- I ities and l .wn? , ili..^t. works d- '.• r. I, FIlLK (»K 1’0.~ r\ij i'.. Whtii sent tlie r . t.. any p;irt of tiie Lii''.e.l .'tiite^ 'it TWE.N'l V i; (’KN I'S a yen' tur ■•lilaek an: '.lit FoLiUhE.N i EN I'S a year fur euch Fayetteville, June 111, 1-’'j!^. (J,r)00 ACULS or I.AM) I'OR safj:. rjlHE Subscriber desiring to move to the West oilers i to sell the followins tracts uf vulualile btn l. 1 Tract cont'iining acre'; in Harnett 'ounty IS miles North of Fayetteville. There is on this tract, two large and comfortable dwelling houses, with all n>'cessary outhouses, together with a good mill running two saws and gri.-»t, with about .'.(tO acres cleared an.J iu a high state of cultivation; the remainder is excel lent farming and turpentine land. -Also another tract eontainine >000 acre* of turpen tine Ian.!, about lOo acres of which is cleared. There is on this tract one good dwelling with all necessary out houses and a good grist and s iw-niill. I will take pleasure in showing the above property to any person wishing to purchase. H. S. McNEILL. Manchester 1*. (>. Nov. 7th, 18o7. t)7-ts 2.H(H) Acres of lijuid roil SALL. r||lHE Subscribers offer for sale the above Tract of ■- Land, lying on .Anderson’.s Creek, about two ai.d a half miles from lower Little River, near Elliot's .Mills,—including about )ne HiiHdred .-VereH of good Swamps, which can be easily drained. This Land is very heavily timbereil, and a large portion level and jf superior quality of I’ine L ind for cultivation. .\lso, a Circular STE.AM S.VW-MIIL, in complete order and well adapted to sawinc plank road and rail roa.l timbers. .-\lso. Two well-liroke MULE.S. -\ll, or any portion of which, will be sold low and on time. The Laud will be sold either in a body or in parcels to Hni^ .'SMITH ic ELLIOT. .•\piil •). 1H;>7. ‘,t7-tf (»:)(► Adlibs or LA\1) FOi; SALE. r I I! E .Subscriber otfers I'or sale the above i|Uantity £ i f Land, situ.'ted in a iiealthy neighb(jrhond, tiiree milt*s from the Wilmington and Clmrlotic l-(ail Road. , and four from Lumber liiver. This Luid is well adapted to F.-irming, Turpentine, an 1 Ton Timber . f'urposes, having a goo l range and other adviuit:igcs. Tiiose wishing to purciiase may tind me on the pre mises, who will be happy to exhibit it or give any in formation concerning it de.ired. ANGLS .McGlLL. 1‘hilad-lphus. N. C., Sei>t 1, 18-‘.7. lorf roil sAi.r. f|1HE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT on Gillespie , fiL Street, at present occupied by Doctor .McSwaiu. ‘ Perfect title can be made. Applv to THO. J. CURTIS. SUiR OF LOTS ,1T CUlOLI^i m\ \'i' imibi.k; .auction, ON .MONDAV AND TUESDAY, the‘Jtith and-J7tli d.ays of July, ls.5b. The .\tbiutic and N, (' iiail Road ia completod, tha Ware ILjUse and Wbart at Carolina (?ity is nearly tiniahed. and arrangements have been nia'le to run a liuo of Packets between this place and New Vork. j The large Hotel of Messrs Parrott & bright at I Carolina City will be tinished by the 'I'ly of sals | The number ol lots already sold is ‘29V. ' Terms of S'llu, and i2 montiu, with intere*t from | date. .\ Slock holders’ meeting of tbe ('aroliua City Co. will be held at the same time E R STANL’l. Pres't. N 1! Passenger.- attending the sale at Carolina Cit\ will I e passed o\er the A S N, C Rail Road at halt priof June li'', IS.'is. 'Jlj-ts Presbyten.'in till sale FRESH FRUITS ALI. ’V\\\: VKAH. VRTHLIv'.S SI-;L.F-SH.\ LING V\NS, of Earthen ware and Glass; Pints, Quarts aiiJ Half Gallons, at reduce i prices These Cans are more easily use 1 than any other, the cement being alreadv >n the ('an i —'\LS(*- The 1 t'lHiit Itottlc, of glass; stopped with a cork; '.Quarts and H’f Gallons ' This is a new article, very cheap, (:s'2 aud per | dozen, ! and admir.ibly a inpte l to its use, i For sale at the ••rilOi'Kl^RV STORE ’ by | W N. TILLINGH.VST. j June ‘J'_’ ,)l s r KIX'KIVKI). LBS. I hoice (iOSHEN BUTTER; 500 lbs. LEVF LAR1»; I - A i.S»- I lilt if P'lNE .'^KG.\K> and TOB.\(' O. Ftir sale bv D ANDERSON. Northweit Cor. Market S quare. June 2''. 'J'-i- I A^ K l' l'rA’ILLi: IIOTKI.. I^lliV.NK N. iiOP.KRTS I'i '"O. hiving lea^e 1 this Hiitel, will be pie^so.l t.. see thoir former jiatrons and frieii'i^. assuring them that they will use every exertion to plea'«e. F. N. RoiiF.ius,] [J. G. Smith. Jan’y 7. 74-ypd COOL SlMa\(i MILLS. ^I'^HE Pi'ojirietiirs are prepared to GRIND CORN ou ] the usual t- ruo. The Bed.i^tead Mauutacture is aliil carried on »t the ^-lnle dI.u'^* Jan'y 11, lb.'>S. 75 tf ( MAIKS. ( IfAlliS. A L.AKt'E bit of Sto'il-bottoiu Chairs, made at Cool .''[•ring .\lill, and fir »ale bv \ M. t’\MPBKLL .March 21, ’.'i''. 'Jt'iy HOOK'-BL\l)l\(J IN all it» kinls, executed with neatues. an.l de spati'h. Sniail jobs wiien d iiie must be p ii l before delivered. THoS. H. TILLINGHAST, .\u'ierson .Street. .May 11 I".-..". 11-IV 'ria)v, AUurney^ and l’oiiii>ellor.N :il Law, l.l TIKi:KTO:>i, i{0ISl>0'^ o., >. C. H»OBERT E. I I’.OV and JOHN P. FULLER, have ■ » formed an i-iation f ir the pr.nctice ol their profe'i'.iioii iu Riibi-S'iii I’Munty. The former will also attend the (’ourls i.f B! i leii lU'! iJolumbu*: the latter will al.'ro atten'l tii'.-e of i’uiuberlali'l. The tMiii e in Lua.bert..n will be kept opeu at all times. Jan'y 1, 1^.’.''. 7-'- SIDNEY A. SMITH, .VltoriM'V !ui(l ('(niii't'llor at Law, iTiii'iV., attend re',;u':!rly the County and Sujierior » w C lurt- I* W.iKe, Ji liu»ti..u, umberiaii'l, liar nett, aii'l .Vll business entrusteii to his care will recei^c pr.iiupt attention. Jiiu'y I'J, 7*)-ly T COUPON BONDS rOR SALE HE Western Rail Road Co, have for sale In amounts to suit purchasers, S*20,000 of tlip Coupon Bonds ot‘ the County of j Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent interest, payable j semi-annually on the 1st June and the 1st of Decem- j ber. and running 20 years | S90,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the Towu of j Fayetteville, bearing 0 per cent interest, payable semi- I annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and runninc 2U years These bonds were issued iu accordnnce with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and Town ■subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is sellii'g them) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to ('. B. MALLETT, Esq., Pres t or to JNO. M ROSE, Treas’r Western R. R. Co. Fayetteville, Feb’y 2*j, lyD^. 89tf LAND rOR SAU:. 'I S ACRES OF LAND Win(r ou upper M- LiitU RiTcr, in narnfettCoutiiy, w«ll timbered and well located for theTurpontine business. It will b« lold on accommodating terms -■'^ppl.v soon to the Subsoriber at FayetteTille WM. McL McK^\ Sept -22, 18515 41-it W. H. TURLINGTON, i Cuiiuuiisioo Merchdul, No. 4 North Water St. i WILMLNGTON, N. (’. WILL give bis prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of al! Consignments of Naval Stores or other Country Produce Nov. 8. 185U. if DOIiBIN For Rent HOUSE or L«ase. Or. K. A. ^^FFK.'E Front Rooms, over Ur S. J Hinsdale s Chemist and Drug .Store, Feb’y 7, IBSB. 7(5-tf ^■IHE Lease of the firesent Proprietors of this weii M. known House will expire on the 1st January, 18-j8; the property is offered for lease or rent. To a person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an excellent opportunity is offered. The buildiug is large, well arranged an.J in complete repair; its location will always command for it an extensive patronage. As the present I’roprietorci intend changing thoir busi ness, the Furniture, which is nearly new and in good | order, caa be purchased on favorable terms. j The House will be delivered on or alter the 1st of | January, remaining open under the presetit manage- j ment till a tenant is olitained. | The fine .Store iu the same buildiug. formerly occu- | jiied by Mr Wm. Booth, is also offered for rent. | JNO. H. COOK, , Prest. Dobbin House Co. j Dec’r Di. 1H.')7. ti9-tf 1 A Iresli supply of Luiie, Piasteriug Hair, Calcined I'lit.iitvr, Hydraulic Cement, and Land Plaster. For sale in quantities to suit, bv 'li ROSE Feb’y lu, 1858. 8otf ^ THO. C. PULLER, •iltorney and 4'oifttsetior at Mjtiiv. OF MCE at Eecles’s Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C Jan’y i, 1857. LOVEKD ELDRIDGE, ^Ittornetf at WILL attend the Courts of Johnston ^n.i Samp- soH Counties. Smithtield, April 15, 185G. i^b-tf k.UEK.'H FEM.\LE SEM1X.\RY. ^■IHE FALL .SESSION will commence on Thursday, Jl the 29th c f July, and continue 21 weeks EXPENSES PER SESSION^ I board I exclusive of washing and lights) S-50. Tu ition in Primary Department, •'S12 50; in College I)e- I partiuent. $17 50; Latin. ^SC; French SlO; Music and ; Oi\ Paicting, -S20 each. Grecian and Oriental Painting, : !.nd Painting in Water Colors. SlO each: incidentals, ;>j'l. F.xponses for tuning Piano equally distributed I among the inusie pupils. Half of ad the expenses in j advance and the balance at the close of the Session Pupils are charged from the time of entering, and no j dei’.uction is made except in case of ^ertonal sickness protractel 2 weeks, j In point of health, access, good morals, xc., no I school in the State enjoys advautages superior to the Raleigh Female Seminary. We are prepared to accommodate iu the Seminary, j and its immediate vicinity, a large number ot board- I ers. .\d.iress D. R. BRUTON, President i Raleigh, N. C., June 10, 1858. 2b-4t W'e have on liand I A 1. .4 It CJ E r > T O F HOODS OF .11.1/ MM.VJDS, that will be sold Cheap for Cash cr exchanged for €'oiiiiti*y Produce. W. H. CARVER & CO. Julv 7 ■*!Gtf SHOES. IGHT and heavy—several hundred pairs—for Men, Women and Misses, for sale by W. H. CARVER .‘i CO. July 7. 2itf BO\i:s for sale cheap by W. H. CARVER & CO. .luly 7. 2t!tf F.WETTEVILLE Mt rr.H. ixsmt.wcE company. ASSr.TS $230,326.28. ^ 1^^HLS Company has been in operf.tion I Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, H, L. My rover, W'. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, -N A. .''tedman, .S J. Hinsdale, T. .S. Lutterloh, Wm. .McLaurin, JA.S. C. .•SMITH. MILK.S cosri.v JAS. C. SMITH & Co., JFartors^ 4’ommission ami i'or» tvartHttii ,fierrliants. Wli.MlNGTuN, N ('. ■ ^ liO\l pr attentinn given to sal* oi'TlMl'ER. LCM- M BEli, -NA\'.\L S fOllE.'^ and all kinds ot Produce. Liberal advaiieement.i ma le on Consignments. Refers to E. i’. H.vll, Pies't Brancii Bank of .State. ; H. R. ('asli'r P.ank ('ape Fear. JoH.n Daw son, Esq. ! April 2'), I'^.'iS. .'■.-IV I Pre.sbyterian copy. D. A. I.AMONT, Commission Merchant, Wiliiiiiisrioii, V. i OFFK'K :iH NORTH WATER STREET, i Personal attention given to all pro'luce sent to him either for sale or siiipinent. Nov'r ti. ;‘)7-lypd J. WILIJAM r\(;E, AL D., f» tTTS B O K O lJU Mi, ,V. R. P.VtjiE m.i ,• be found at his otlicc when not iirofession.'ill V eiig.ije.l. lias been in operf.tion more than tive years, aud has paid its lossen, amounting to ?l'.*,12*i 'J'), without any assessment; insurance aver aging its members about 3 per cent. Policies issued to 1st of .May, 18.j3, 27*5'.>. -\mount of property now insured, SI.474,922 34. .\mount premium notes now ou hand, ^i224,V»fiH 2S. Cash jiremiums received, !t>32,317 41. | Dmti'Ti'Rs. I •S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethau, 1 J. D. Williams, ! Jas. G. Cook, A. W. Steel, 1 Jas. Kyle, J. G. .'^hepherd,' R. F. Brown, Wilmington, ! -A. E. Hall, Wilmington Orni'KK-. tJEo. McNEILL, President. i 1.'. A. Ray. Vice Presi'lent, ! C. A. Ml Mill.\.\, .Secretary. John ('ollius aud C. .McCrummen. Travelling Agents. The ('ijinpanv invite applications. May 21, 1H5S. 13-Y Presbyterian aud (.'aroliniau copy. JAMKS KYI.E Is now receiving his ."spring supply of DRY GOODS. .\mong which are — Prints. Lawns, aud Brilliautes; Col d and Black Silks; Iri^h Linens and Diapers; Farin»T's Linen, Twilled and Plain: Ca-simere and Merino Twills; White aii'l Col'd Cott.m Hose; Bolting Cloths, No. U to 10; Silk and .''tr.iw Bonnets; \c. With almost every article in the Dry (toods line: all of which has been purchased by the packa,e at the late sties in New Vork an'i Philadelphia: Will be offered che.ip fur cash or ou time to paying customers. March i-i, 1 >')'). yiltf Cari.’inian cop}-. (jirocc ri(‘s, llar(l\var*, ^fi’^HE undersigned ;ire now receiving a L-\RGE -\.S- M- SORT MENT of (iroccrics. Haniuarc, Iron, St(>el, I loIlow-\var*, .Shoes, Loatlior, and Saddlerv, ^ which they will sell at Wholesale at a small advance on i Cost for Cash, or on onr usual time to prompt dealers. GEO. W. WILLI A.MS & CO, July IS, 1S57. 2(j-tf i B.\RTir\\ FULLKR 6c W. Mt*L McKAY, \'l AT I.AW, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., H.VV be consulted at their rooms on Anderson Street, immediately in the rear of the “Obser- ] ver” ofli.-e. June 2, 18.'>H, lt>-3m Worth & Utley, rorwardiiiu and (ienoral C(Hinnission MERCILVN TS, i-'uyettevillc^ *V. J. A. WORTH. ("-tf) JO*. I'TLhY. T C. & B. G-. WORTH, C'oinnnssion ^ rornarding Merchants, lirouin't liuUdiiiy, Water Street, f’ , Usual advances ma !e ou consiguments. Nov. 11, 1857. 5y-tf \vi.\i:s i.iQUoits. L.VRGE Stock of CHOICE LIyL’ORS, for sale bv W. II. CARVER i CO. rarniing L'tensils, a large lot for sale cbeup by ^ \V . II. CAR\ EK & CO. July 7. I.IME AND CE.MENT. BBLS. Lime and Cement. For sale cheap by W. II. CARVER CO 2titf 1*10 July 7. OATS AND PEAS. BUSHELS SEED OATS. /^\w\w lUU ditto Cow Peas —Also— A few barrels .Northern Irish Potatoe* For sale in quantities to suit, bv 1 Fn>’v 15, lt(58. NOTICE. O. 1 PERUVIAN GUAN(,>; 400 Casks LIME: 50 Bales HAV: 5 Bbls. GLUE. For sale by WORTH & UTLEY July 10. 27- R tSE. 85tf JUST RECEIV ED. L.-VPvGE lot of good NEW HERRINGS, which we will sell by the barrel or in lots to suit. PAGE & THORNTON. Fayetteville. Julv 12. 27-2w A PL,M:.ISE A' SKTTM.i,. Y Notes and .\ccounts are all due an I I hope my customers will call and settle them, as we need the money. July 5, 1 Town papers copy Im. J. C. POE 25-1 m MILLLARV GOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces A.ND EVERY UESCKII’TKIV OF )I1LITIRV (j'UUU.S, .\(.roRl>lX(J TO THK Latest ('. .S. Arm// utul ^Stdl' luyulntions SCIIUYLEK, HARTJ.EY & i;R.\11AM, I^IPOICTl^KM A nWI FAC TI 1 y MAID E N L A N E, .f'CM- I’ork. JuneoU. l4-Iv COTTON I}A(ji(iiN(;. B^UNDEE and GUNNi I>.\GGING in ^uaiititics to suit purchasers. For sale b ’ TIN PLATE, Iron, Iron Wire, OOKI \€i ^TOVKS A.\D Tl.lf.WARE. .\lways on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. nooFix;. ;i tterimj, .\U'i all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, l>v C. W. ANDREWS, Market Souare, Fayetteville Julv'.t. li7- LEATHER. .\K and HEMLOCK .Sole Leather, ed and for sale by. Just receiv S. T. .lulv 12. HAWLEY SON. 27-2w .Sept. 11 JAS. G. COOK. 4;Uf .May 0, l!“.Ji 5tf (a ANO. F,. ihf jtricc III fi/i 'if Jirltai/t u/ tiu jice | n>> J -'.iSHl J)'r inntum. i '•e^ !• 1 any ui Itie .vi- jinblieutinns should ■ a'ivii.^ .’i, Jl'-t p;i d, 1.1 ‘he Piibiislu'i.s. Li,» \.M !■ .-I 'ul' 1' .V I 'O., i ;. ! ; : I . i, n ;v v -.k. N )! i i : i ( A i.. o L LN V i > \ ( v) N. H!'i S!i .'iijiT', siiie !iy - iJLVERLV KOaii. y 28. ALSO A GOOD FA.MILY C’ARRI.\GE in gootl repair and ^ nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. —ALSO— good M1L('H COWS with young calves, -^pply T. J. CURTIS. April 29, 18.')7. i RE'^ll LI CASKS, i:i good c "J'.m' iua’ I'cceivcd. Alac, 200 buihttls P;..*S.ER1NG li.\lR. Fcr aialw by June 28. B. ROSE. 23- T(jNS best PERUVIAN (iU.VNo, ju. t re- ceived and for s ile by GEO W. WILLIAMS St CO. .•\ug. I. .'{K. \v\\ti:d -NEGROE.S itir a Mississipjii Pluntatiijn, MeJ. • •.# Bovs, Girls, and soma gon I F:iniiiies. EPHR. PA*', P.. Fayetteville, MayC,. N-tf .u sr Ri:ci:i\ i'D. S l’> l-Xl'i.S of that superior RO'’K (j.\N!)V TO- B “r B\('CO (i W I. GOLDSTON. Oct 5, 1S57. 4'i-tf i.osr, Last Saturday, :?lst «lt , (during the hours of parade,) about tiie Coiii-t, or between the (,'ourt House and tlio I'jiir iround, a small yellow leather Pocket Book, containing So!*, consisting of three $10 bills, ihree I do , one bill, one $5 gold piece, three $2 5u guld pieces. A Reward of -SlO will be given for the .‘ibove described Pocket Book and money, delivered to the un.lersigned. J.\S. H. J.\CKSON, Musician. Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 2, 1H57. 5‘'«tf 'I'uti Lilc «'{’(ileiK^’'.;! Havelock, by ► 1’ ‘V. 'Vn. I’r ick; i'-u!:i, by Mis.^ Sev.ell; Tlift Ci'y of , tie K'l.ig, b\’ !>:. I'tirc ay. .V.lsi>. further supjilies , .1! Dr. ivane’s Exploratioii.^; Waverly Novels, llugh I Mitiei d Wcrks, School Books E. J. HALL 6i SON. DEEP rivi:r coal. BITU.MI.NoUS C0.\L of the best quality can be I " h.'id at the works at Egypt, at a reasonalile price ! by the Ton. ‘ W.M. McCLANE. Mining Engineer, -May 21, l«5b, 0-tf l^'iirllier ot* itooU. *1FE of Dr. Kane, by Smucktr; Eugli.->li Hearts and -i English Hands; Parton’s Life of Burr; HaUjjt ou Bridge (Construction; Breckinridge's Knowle lge of God; Wilson ou the Skin; Plates to ditto; .Mitciiell's Therapeutics; Williams on the Princiides of .Medicine; Wood's Practice; Pierce's .Algebra and Geometry; ,ve. April y. E. J. H.VLE & SON. ~ JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o nn iss I o a AND rOR\vARDL\(; M ERC 1 \ANT, IVilinins^foH, .V. f. la^ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign inents, aud Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. b7 July 1, 1853. 24- roR sale or rent. V CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, on Hay- mount, near Mr. J. C. Ttiomson's For particu lars eiiijuire of J. Q. .Shepherd, Esij., or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. tf rrRiMvX'i'iNi: ilacks. * NY PATTERN OF TURPENTINE HACKS made .. m to order, at Wholesale or Retail and Warr.-nited, by M A. bAKER. Favetteville, N. (’., .\pril 1'.*, 1>5'. .“lit A. McRIMMON, Commission aud Forwarding Merchant. WIL.MINOTON, N. C-. .luly *i, 1-57. 22tf N!:(;roes WANrED. a.\\l prepared to buy any numbi'r of likely VOUN(J NEGR(»ES. Persons having sucli property to sell would do well to give me a call. T. WADDILL. Fayetfeville, .lune 3u, 1858. 21- I.LTTrCllLOirs lAMl 8'^ME Sieamer F.\NNV will leave Fayotteville for a Wilmington every Mondaj' and Thiirsibiy morn ing, until further notice. Will take freipht anl pas- senger.s as lierv'tofnre. T. .S. LUTTERLOH. Feb'y 22 87- ro RENT, ^^'’lOR the balance of the year, a D'.v'ELLING HOUSE K si'Uat-tl on Old Street, the late rtsi leune of .\Irs. Ueze I’erry, deo’u. \'M. W.vSDEN, Ex’r. June 30. 24tf Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. LIEE INSURANCE. r||iHE Undersigned has been a])pointed .\gent id JL the North (,'aroliiia Lite Insurance (Com pany. Every member for life particijiates in the pro tits of the Company; and the annual premium for life membership, waere it amounts 10 or iiinri-. may be paid one-half iu cash, tiie other liaii iti a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may tie insare l by cn litori. m;iii may insure his own life lor ilie excuiaive l),-netit o: his family 'I'he lives of .skives may be in.'iir.-.|. This sy.ileiu is rajiidly growiii'.; iiilD l.ivor, ail over the civilized woiiu it is one iiy wii:cii a iaiiiuy, lor a small suiu auiiua:ly, may iie p.oviiiev* lor. aiivf ihc death ot us hea'l, -n 'Vaose e.’vi-;-l io:!s the'. ;ii:.y iia'e beeu dependent lor a support. It la a i 111 m..-,1 :iuiit of money, even it one shou d live limg ;iUei' i.i,.in (jut a Lite Policy l-^iplunatory p.inipu.eis, 11.i tin necessary liiank.s, turnisljed on H;.plicution 1;. .i. II \l:;. \ AiJ ARLE 1’ROi‘ERTV e oK OFFER for S'lle, my LANDS in the Tov. n .f 1- ;y- etteville, about loU .\cres, known a» the MUMFOaD SWAMP. About tiO .\cres of it is tine Me:idow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. Also, the Vuiiiablc ISi‘i‘k I.*l near the Market Sijuare, occupied by Mr, .lohn A Pemberton. A Large and Valu:\b!e Lot, I .'■routing oil Donaldson, Maxwell and .\lunitord Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could b* divi.Jed into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High .School I’uildings. Also, the .>tab.e Lit sdjoiuiuj;, iruutiuj/ on Mamf'ird Street. Sevci’al Db.'^lR-'BL!. BLlLl/iN'.* LOTS on *Viuslo\.' >.tid .Mumloru Streets. .'.'I this (.ro'jerty .;an now be purehase-.i on favora- b’o .erms, ami a lar^e pai't can remaii. ol lion.l -i!. ! Morxqage if dtsired TUO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1B55. 48-tf IM IU NLVN (JU\NO. 'MIE undersigned has made arrangements by which he is prepared to furnish at short notice, any re quired (|uantity of .\o. I Peruvian fjinano, all of which will be from dir‘“Ct importations, into the Port of WilmlHgiDii, aud w.irrante l pure and gi nuine. Orders for the above excellent fertilizer are solicit ed, to which prompt attention will be given -Vs this is an article whi^;h d'jes iiot admit of being .-uld ou time, cash or it^ equivalent must accompany each order. BEVi^RLY Ro.'iE July 8. 2'ilf roR sale. \No. 1 BUGGY (McKethaii's make.) and H.\R NESS, which h.ive been in use a short time, good as new. -App'y to W. L. R(JSE. .lu’y lu. l^'iS. 27-2w THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE LATE HON. .JOHN D. TOOMER, F 0 It S I. . ^MHE valu.'ible Law Library of the late Judge Toomer, I consisting of upwards cf liM.iU bound Volumes, Hii'i several hundred Nos unbound, has been leposite 1 witti the undersigned for s'ile. The books will be sold in sets, FOR C.ASH O.NLY. They are gener.iliy iu gocd order, though of course bearing marks of use. I'he jirices have been fixed with reference to their couditiiiu. Catalogues, with the price aiine.xed to each Tolume. mav t>e obtaineii ou apjilication to the subscribers. E. J HALE U SON. Fayetteville, June )*>, ISijS. XOKTII (’AKOIJN'A SI ruEMi-'. c'orin’ liEi’oRi’s. 'S'’ill'i subscribeis have Just jirii.ted at the Ob.server H Olbee a SF.i'(>ND EDl'l'loN of i)E\ i:ui:rx a.\d i}.\tt;.e\s law re- ! i’ORTS, VOL L : Iltvi-Kli ^\II rnl'KKi'l Kli, s'nil N'>rKS .\NI> lU.F.'sHE.SCKs, I ! iJON. W ILLI \Sl 11. liA'ri'LE. II Dl.KOF illi:s[IM;i;tlK( ill RI!lFN(l|{'III rUlllMW. 1 ilf pi ii e .if the IK W e .’iti n is not gi i-at‘r th.m tlial of till' 1, til 'Ogh, as it is .-ear.jeiy iieces'- ity t'l s'ly to i'le I’r.uv-s'i'.n in North Carolina, it-, v.-i ue has been 1 '.n il ill' lease.1 by .lu l-,;e B itt • .Notes, Referenc."'^ 1,. i I ' :'i , .1 i'iMs ! h - V...U1!'.'- h. ' bi-eli lul.g out if Jilint, -ind we .shall !• (i.a l to *upppy the many L>iw\ers wliosesetsof Re- !..rts are inc.oiiplete witii iut it, as well as those who bavi- ihe ui.l ed tion but would iike to have the new one 1 11' the suKe if its notes. E. J. HALE &. SON. Fayetteville, .\pril •'>, 18.>S. i ill: Ni:\v i'.Di rioN or DLViJil-rV \ HillLK'S LIW lILi’DllTS, UiL. I, y B r.i'ElVi:.'^ tiie approval of those who have ex- ■ %/ amine I it, ( iiief J ustice .Nash « s. ‘‘1 have looked through it —it is carefully aud well g it up. * * I think to our Ciiurt it wi 1 be inv.ilu ibu'—I’-'i to the Pr dession e I'lally so. !t wid s-.v _■ .In- "i i't deei lir.g the vara*- I again ami r.'.’ iin; f r . iief v.-ill bM no e.TCis- f'T ! 1 nimsel not being appri.^ei of points already adjudi- ! crtted.’’ G-. ntiPuie:i o* iin- who have {; d and es- j a:ninei it, coce.jr. : I.'i.' a- we Kno'.v, 'n j r.H'i j For sale, with :,ets i r sefirate volumes ot j Carolina Keporta, aud Law Books generally, by o! It. E. J HALE & SON.

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