ff'AiTiiTOWinyys SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOI. VIII.J FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JULY 22, 1858. [NO. 730.] l*‘:fNTKli MOXUAVS KND lilURSDAYS. . !’.!)\V.\lil) J. HU,!; & SON, • KDITOIIS \M> I’K'iPKIKTOR.'^. | Price t,ir the Scnu-'Vooklv t>B-iERVF.K S8 00 if pai-l in | inivttDiv: .^3 ,'iU if piiiJ (luring the year of ■‘uV'scrip- tii'ti; or .it'ter the year has expire'!. | Fi'i- the \\ eck'.y tiu-iERVLR ."ji- 00 per auuutn, if prtid in ! >iiiviini'e; S- o'l pai l 'luring the year of 9ubscrij>- j tli’ii: or OO after the year has espireJ. AL'\ LRTISKMF,NTJ' iiisevtetl for sixty cents per ^ square '>t 1 ■. liiic.s tc.’ tlie first, fintl thirty cents for cach j siiccee'iing [lublicatidn. \ enrl\' a'lverti.sem»-ntH by spe- ! cial i-.iiitraots, at reasonable rates. A lvertisers are | re iuestevl to state the miiiiber of insertions ilesireJ. cr ; thv-v will \ie continued till forbid, and ohar)ie() accord* ■ iuply. I -Advertisements to be inserted triMifc, charged GO per ■ cent, extra. Pi re Insif ranee. UrE refer our readers to the annual statement of the .Ktna Insurance Company, of Hartford, which will he found in another column. This success- fu' institution was iucorporaled by the Lefcislature of C 'untc'icut in I''!'.*, with perpetual charter. Its ■'npital is >r>U0,0'M>. and its accumulations exceed 0 riiHi more, making it.s entire assets t>ver tiK), I as detailed in the statement referred to These r -'ult» inJicate that durinp the period of nearly foity y^nrs -itiee its ori;anization, (without a single change .'f its chief officer,) its business has been con- iucted witii judgment and pruiience. It has been rhur far 'uccessful in an eminent degree, discharging, -I' we are informed, all its obligations by the payment jf about t'hUi 'ti do/hirf f.ir losses, without asking a lay s delay in any instance. It has had but little lit- igHtiuu, notwithstanding the immense number oftrans- M ti m' made. In cr ier to attain as much certmuty as P 's^Me in such a business as insurance, it has been ti.e practice of the Company, for several years, at greut labor, carefully to classify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain the amount insured on each class, the amount of pre miums received thereoii, auil the ami'unt of losses up- oil eaoh. This classitication, exten iiug over a long period,and covering property to a very large amount,fur nishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial '■iftsis "f actual experience, upon which to conduct its ’lusiues-s. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many sup| ose; its hazards are ascertainable, and its j i inciples capable of being reduced to a sjstem, the practic^il working ai,d results of which are as certain as that of any other liusines.s. The -Etna Company, niheiiu^ rigia.y to its system, and placing its busi- n*?ss u[ on a hea'tiiy basis, ha' obtiined the confidence ot the community to an extent surpassed by no other I'r.mpany in tiie L'. states, and has increased its busi ness anJ its income trom year t • \ear with a steady grrwth I >ne great .source of its security is the wi 'e j.str’buti"u v f its risks—a policy which it pursues w th grevt sfrictness—'.imitin^ tiie amount to be cov ered in each locality. 15y tiiis course it has pabsed, w:; . ; .inparative impunity, through some of the most swi-epiiig and destructive tires, which have swallowed up ■'her companies le«s cautious iu their business. It is H -vitem like thi>. : ssed upon experience, which gives stability anJ soundness to a company, and to the as sured 'tifiJeuce and security. — Baltimort Patriot. ET.M l\)ilRl.\lE lOMPl.W, HAKTl'OKD. tO.NN ;.N. •tHi'‘'nATKi) i"i;'. i’HPa'KTi:AL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. I K. BKAi'K, I resident. E. G. RIl'LEY, Vice Pre- = i It-nt T. .\LE\ANDEK, Sjecretary. — T. K, IJr.ice, iS. Tud^r. J. Church, R. NOTICE. THE CANDIDATES for the Legialature in Cumber land and Harnett Couaties, and the Candidates for the oflico of Sheriff, by agreement will addresa th« people at the followiug tin'.e«> and places, vii; At Ca-vtr’s Cre«k, Cumberland Co., July 12th “ Hlack River, •• “ “ 13th. “ Flea Hill, •• - - 14th Lock’s Creek, “ *' “ loth. “ Cedar Creek. •* “ “ Kith. “ (.tray’s Creek, •* •* “ 17th. “ (juewhiftie, “ “ “ “ 71st District, “ ** “ 2Sd. “ Rnckfish, “ •* ‘J4th. “ Barbecue, Harnett “ “ U'ith. “ rpper Little RiYcr, “ “ •* 'J.th. “ Stewart’s (.ireek, “ •• “ “ Grove, “ •• “ ‘J'.'th. “ Neill’s ('rook, “ *• •• 30th. Ruckhorn, “ “ “ 31p». -Vt which times and places tut sever.«il Captaiu-s wil' please order their Companies to parade. June 15, 185B. 20- Thc MjKr§,eMi Varriagit Factory in the SouthI A. A. McKF/rilAiN TO Turpentine iJlistilEer* and olhei*M. UJKti ’■ B'lell, M. Tuttle, E. H wer. E. A. Dulkelcy, R. .Nl:ither. K. G. Uipley, S. Wnrl, H. Z, I'ratt, G F. Duvis. .\. Dunham, D. Iliuyer, T. Alexander, W. Kclii-v. The Aisets are mainly invested iu Stocky and Bonds, paying interest, with •'i;172,^j''J til of cash on deposite • u ,-ue ilartti rd Banks, tu meet losses. 1. .s-,f3 due and iinpai'i—none Losses adjusted ati'l not due. '!:‘i4.:-ti:-’, 95. ;n ••ii'pen,'- , waitii.g further proot, kc., •'^75,- L 'is-s resirto'. suspicions of fraud, kc.) ■it46,t378 72. Agent 01 the above Company in Fayetteville, N ' E. J. HALE. BRITISH PERIODICALS.” L Si'i'l'T .V I , NEW VOUK, continue to pu’oilsh : ■ I'wine- leading ]>riti.sh I’erio licals, viz.- 1 THE L'tNDi.'N QU.'\UTEiLLV Conservative). IHE ElilNBl RtjiH KEVlI^V ;Whig . I HE N jKTH 15RITI.SH REVIEW Free Church-. 4. rilE \VE.TM1NSTEK review Liberal*. 5. CLACKWdijD S EDINBUUGH MA3AZ1NE ,Torv). Tiiese I’erii.iiicals abiy represent the three great poli- t.' . 1 .irlie> of Great Britaia—Whig, Tory, and iiadi- cii’. but p' ,.ics forms only one feature 'if their char acter. • lr;r;in.s o* the luost j'Tofijun I wiiter.s on .•Science, Literature, .M"ra*ity, and Heliuion. th?y statid, a*- tii’-y ever have st'.od, unrivalled in the world of let ter.-', !:-inz cin-jidered iuiiispensal)le to the sc.^olar and tht- ['r-i!c>sii>nal man, while to the in‘el!igent reader ■ ; every clas- they lurnish ii more correct and satis- ''iry .-'c jrd of the current literature of the day, t: I-. ugii.'ut the w'^rid, tiian can be possibly obtained fr -!!i -inv ntlier source. KAIU.V COl’lKS. i ■ !• rec>_-ipt of AD'*'.\Nl’E SHEET.'' from the British L' ' sLii-rs gives additional value to tliese Keprints, in- .■ u ,11 they can now be placed in the hands of sub- - r cr- ^li Jilt as soon as the original e'litions. TKRMS. I I .11 V !,.■ nf the four Reviews t r iir.^ tw-j ,f the four Reviews i ttirce f f the Four Reviewa 1' >■ !•- i fiur i.f the Reviews ; B.-irkwno't s .Magazine (■ jr 15 HI . i 1 iiiid tnree Reviews tor 1> A. ..1 iiijil the four Review- Per ann. .^3 00 5 00 7 ot> 8 00 3 00 y 00 10 00 /« ni(ih in all •■ains in adi'nncf> .Miiiii i/ -ii, rriii III the Shite where ismiei/ mill he 'I u fB^HE subscriber begs leave to inform the public Jl that he has this day engaged Mr LE''>n’.\r» Bklli.nor.mu, Sr , who is well knowa as a tirst rate Copper-Smith, and is prepared to execute all order# in the line of Copper-smithing with 'lespatch, such as Turpentine Stillp: Copper, Steam and Water Pipes. Pumps: Iron Smoke Stacks, and al! other Copper and Sheet Iron works. Repairing of all kinds of Copper smith work, attended to All orders promptly atteni- ed to. ,M A. BAKER, (.»pj)0site the Post Office. The highest price paid for old Copper by .M. A BAKF.R. June 16. 20tf M()lfrEHEAT)r ^ GAEAT SALE OF LOTS ON A CREDIT! lN the 2?th and 29th of July, 1958, at the City O of Morehead. J. M. MOREHEAD, Pres. Shephard's Point Land Company June, 1858. 21 ts. DB ESPECTF’ULI,T informs his friends and the puiilic, Miat he ha* biii'it u)> lar^e substantial I!ri;U Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for man- ufpctur'iifr Ciirrii.jio,! Thankfu’ for the very liberal I’atVdnatre he has receive'! tor ii>» t«Mt lil veara, he liopes Ii_v strict Htt*ntion to biwiness, witU a Joairt^ to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of tVe same. He w.arrai’.ts his work to be made of tlie best material ntid ’ny exp'.Tieuced workmen iu each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in thf TnitecI States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell und do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, Fi.mshkd, the LARGEST STOCK of C'urrntors. linroiiciifs. liockuivnnnd lin im;! ( b, Ever ottered in this place, un'l a very large stock of work nearly tinish»*d, w liich will be tinished daily All of which iv'.ii be sold very low tor Cash, or on short time to punciual customei-s. has on hand more thnu o.\H HL.NKRED ,\ND KIFTV Vehi cles tinished and in cnm-,e of construction. .V!l w .rk mnd» i>y him is w.arrauted 1 2 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workm&tiship or materinl will lie repiiircd free of charge. PersooR wi.shing t.i buy would do well to call and examine for thems-'lvps. >rdcrs thank'ul’y received and i)rom}. tly attended to. Repairing executed at short nntict and on very reasonable terms. Mav 2>. IH.'S v tf-«9 PriJLIC NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that Rooks of Subscription to the capital .=^tock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort IlarboT via Kenansville. Clinton, Fa3'etteville, and 'Vest, wili he opened on Thursday, the 10th daj’ of.Vpri! and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places and under direction of the following uamed persons, Commibsionors in rhe Charter, viz; . In the Cmintv of i>nslow. nt the otBce ot the Clerk HMPiii II ri’^iUiiLLi aur GREE.\*SBORO\ J%\ C. fB^HE Scholastic year is divided into two Seisioni. j -B- commencing 1st .\ugust and 1st January. | The course of study is thorough and systematic, eni- i bracing everything necessary to a complete, solid, and , I ornamental education. The baildings are so arranged j I as to combiub the comforts of a home, with the advan tages of a Bchool. Instructors of the highest qualifica tions are employed in each of the Departmei ts. No institution iu the country possesses advantages supe rior to Edgeworth. TERMS: Board, including washing, lights, and fuel, per Session of five months, ?60 00 Tuition in the Regular Classes, 20 00 The n»xt Se«sion will commence on Monday, August 2d, 18.^8. Pupils are admitted at any time during the Session, and f'harged from the time of entrance. Catalogues containing all necessary information re specting the Course of Instruction, Terms, &c., will be forwar.led on application to nioUARl) STERLING, rrincij,ai. Greensoo.v, n Parolina. May 28, 1858. 17-Omospd ~ A PHOCLAMATION, By hig Exce.Uency, Thomas Bragg, Governor of North Carolina. IKMrHERE.^S, it has been represented to me that » T one Archil>ald McDougalil. late of the County of Cumberland, did on the 27th day of February last, in said County, kill and murder one Thomas Munroe, and that the said McDougald is a fugitive from justice, and has escaped beyond the limits of this State. Now, to the end that the said .\rchibald .McDougald may be arrested and brought to trial for his said of fence, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, offeriug a Reward of Two Hundred Dollars for his apprehen sion and delivery to the Sheriff of Cumberland County. DES(’R1PT10N. McDougald : j about tifty years of age, of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of (|uick speech, has a near on the face near one of his jaws, weighs about 165 or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of [l. s.jthe State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of .March, .K. D. 1858. By the Governor, THOS. BRACG. Pi LA9K1 CowPtR, Pr. Sec’v. March 15. ' 93tf W. H. TURLINGTON, Commission Merchant, No. 4 North Water St. WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL give his prompt personal attention to ttie sale or shipment of all Cunsigumeuts of Naval Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8. 1850. tf ~ Dr7KT A. BL.ACK, OFFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’j 7, 186«. • 78-tf A fresh supply ot’ Lime, Plastering Hair, Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, and Land Plaster. For sale in quantities to suit, by B. ROSE. Feb’y 15, 1858. 85tf THO O. PULLER, %§ttorney und CounneUor at E,au\ | OFFICE at E^cles’s Bridge, recently occupied by i Jhuico B&nka. Ksfj.. Fayetteville. N. C ! Jan’y 1, 1857. NOTICE. ra^HE Trustees of the “DONALDSON ACADEMY" JL desire lo lease the buildings on Haymount, near Fayetteville, which have been used during the last year by Messrt. Cairns and Robinson, in conducting their School. The Acadeaiy is situated conveniently, aad the patronage of the schv^jl is ample and liberal. Any gentleman who desires to t.vke the situation may address at Fayetteville, until the 1st of September, W. li. WRIGHT, President of the Board of Directors July 15, 1H58 2S 4t Mrs. Yellow LOVERD ELDRIDGE. •Mttorney at Mjuw^ WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. “Follovving the Drum,’’ hy Viele; Osceola, by Capt. Mayne Reid; The Frgate, by Capt. Jas. Grant; Wild Fiowers Further fupplies of Life aud Ministry ot Spurgeon: .Mustang Gray; Bernard Lilc; School Books; \c. July 15. E HALE -V SON. LAST CALL A LL j'crsons indebted to Daniel Clark must cer- tainly pay up by the lOth .\ugust next, as after that -Ixte all Notes aud Accounts not settled will he placed in the hands of an officer for collection, with out respect to persons. R. W. IIARDIE. Trustee. FnyettavUle, July 14. iB-t.AlO Smithfield, April 15, 1856. y>J-tf HIGH MOI NT TANNERY. i SITUATED 4 MILES WEST OF WADESBORO’, AN- | SON COUNTY, N. C. OW the panic is over and nobody killed in these ' diggitjs, the undersigned still cont-nues to con duct the general Tanning and Manufacturing of all of the Cuun'v ’ourt at Jacksonville, and st the Post | kinds of Leather, Harnes#, Saddles, Bridles, Boots “Worth & Utley, Forwurdirig and General Connnission MERCHANTS, Fayetteville^ .V. €. J. A. WOETH. (72tf) J0(*. UTLEY. T C. & B. G. WORTH, Commission & Forwariiinir Merchants. a Brown't Building, Water Streff, JJ'^ilmiugtoH, €' , Usual advances made on consignments. Not. 11, 1857. 59-tf Ta.VNER’S OIL & DIIV HIDESr BBLS. Tanner’s Oil,—a superior article; also, a fine lot of Dry Hides. .4^ TAKKN CP ND committed to the Jail of Cumberland County, a negro man by the name of HENRY, who says he belongs to John B. .Vrchihald of Beaufort County, and w.is hired to John Perkins, of South Carolina. The said negro is of dark complexi n. 5 feet lOA in ches high, about 21 years of age; had on when tnkcn up dark colored pants, black coat aud bl-ick hat. The owner of said negro is requested to come f.rward, prove property, pay cliargen, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as ttie law directs. \S. R. BOLTON, Jiiler. Fayetteville, July I'A -5^tf TAKEN ri"! 4ND committed to the Jail of Chatham coun*y, two Negro Boys by the name if HENDERSON and EDOM, who say they belong to ,1. H. Pritchett, of Lumberton. Tlie owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pa3’ prison charsies, and take them awa}’; otherwise, they will be dealt with according to V.-. D. C. RIDDLE, Jailor. Pittsborough, Julj’ 14. ‘-8- Nov. 23. For sale by JAS. G, COOK 62- Office Rich Lands. Fov, Robert Wuit E. W. J ohn iiv'.He, G. J -\veritt, Jr. Ward, J. H- , Owen Hug- A diB iiuiit ol twi‘iity-tive per cent, from the above yr.C9 will be allow*-1 ti^ ri.i iis ordering four or more pies .if any one or more ot th> !ib.,ve works. Thus: T':ur copies ot Blackwood, or o* >ne Review, will be s--iit to ..n.- address for four cr.pi,-s of the four Re- v.fAS und I’.lackwood for ¥3'*; and so on POS'iAGK. Ill Hii th” pfincijial ('itiea aud Towiih, these works be dc!:vcrtd, FREE OF POST.AGE. When sent mail, the P' -'tage tu any part of the United States ■\ lie '.Ilf TWK.M V-FOL'R CE.NTS a year for‘-BlHck- 1, ' an 1 but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for euch •I t .c Revicwi. *\ Ji The i»riee in Great Britain of the jUe /' . iiljori iiiimei/ is f3 I per annum. 1'.' .’laiK '-s t'ji .luy of the above publications should - :ri : .lj.-.s3e'i, post paid, to'he Publishers. LLo.NARD SCOTT i: CO., \.i. .01 Gi'ild street. New York. NCiiii ll CAliOLLNA IJACON. U.-V.M.' ."i.des aud Shuulders, for sale by liEVEKLY ROSE. 80* O. HOLSTO.X M OULD inform his friends and former customers ▼ w that he may be found 2 doors be'.ow the Cape Fear Bank, and Jdoorsabovehi.sold stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thiiig belonging to his trade. He l espectful ly iuvites his friends from the country to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of IIarnessand .Saddles punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would request all indebted to the firm of HOUSTO.N & OVERBY to settle with W. Overby or himielf, a-; they are compelled to settle the firm's debts. August 2?, 185G. tt earm foiT saiJ: [OFFER for sale my PL.\NT.VTION wn the East side of ('ape Fear River, '■> miles above t!ie (Maren- •i>n firidge, knt wn as the Toomci Lands, conta'Miii,; , ..rout 800 acres. The Plantation is iu a good state ot cultivation, and is susceptible of being raade one of the mi St profitable Farms in t^e (’ourty. 1 v, iil give a bargain in tue lands, aud make the time of pay most easy if application is made in a few week.-i. Idres^ me at Gulf, N. C. L. J. HAlGHTON. Oct’r Di. 02- LANDS FOR SALE. I OFFER for s.'ile about *iO00 .\cr»s of Pine Lt»nd« near Fayetteville, containing an imniense 'luantity of Mill Timber, an*, a number of Turpentine Boxe^. and several new tasks mny be cut. There is on the premises a fine Dwelling House, and all necessary out- huuses,—Souppernong and Isabella Grape \ ine.s, — lOUO young Peach and .\pple Tree.s of Liiidley s best vari- tie.s; al.''0, a goo'l FaI{M of about 150 acres cieaied; and also a GRIST and S.\W MILL; and a tine hirge : .Meadowof about 140 acres. The F3y‘‘ttfvi’.lr and Cual Fields Rail Road pas-cs througii tiiese lanils aiiout a i mile from the Mills. I will seil in parce's to suit pur chasers, but would prefer to sell the whole together Applj’ to Thos. S. Lutterloh, Esq., F.iyetteville, or tl;e subscriber at Pittsborough, N. C J. H. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12, I8.')7. ''0-tf MEDICAL NOT'Civ DRS. EASTERLING a: i HENAGAN liavin^- as. ■>- ; ciated themselves t .'eiher f.>r tlie purnose of' practicing .Medicine in RocVing'iani and vicinity, tliej’ ■ , respectfully solii-it a liberal share of patrm.age, and . by their strict and prompt attention ihey I'.ope to give perfect satisfaction to th,.sc who may favor th:m with their patronage. They will attend any call day or niyht. Dr. F!a«terl:ng takes pleasure in .‘■tating to hi.-i i former patrons that Dr. H. is a regular graduate, hav- i : inp read three yoars and attended tv.-n fuU co»/r.'.f of Lec tures. One or boln may be found at nuii Uour at their Office opposite the Post Office, unless professionally engaged. H. R. EASTERLING, .M. D. D. HENAGAN. M. I>. Rockingham, N. .April 5. 1858. lOOtf $50 RinVARi) WILL be given for tlie apprehension and delivery to me, or confinement in any jail in the State so that I can get him, of my man JIM. He left on the 30th ult., and has not been seen, or heard of s'ncc. He is a bright mulatto, almost white, about 2d years ' old, about 5 feet '.t inches high, straight hair, and teeth i defeciive, long beardon his chin wht-n he left Had ! on when he left a very good suit of clothes, and will very ‘ likely try to pass ofi for a white man, ami make fjr a , free State; should he not go north, he will likely go up in the vicinity of Fayetteville, as ho was raised : there, ami formerly belonged to Wm. B. Wright, Esq., ! of that place. Any person who may take up said . Buy will be entitled to the above reward and thr . thanks of IS.AAC B. KELL'i i Kenaasville, N.C., .Aug. 1-?, lS->7 ,i.5-tt LAST NOTICE. fDIIIE undersigned has placed all his notes ami ac- i counts in the hands of Duncan McIntyre for col lection. .4// perrons indebted to him, who do not come forward by the 1st of August and pay up or confess judgment, will after that date find their papers in the I hau.lH of an officer. I DAN’L C. McINTYRE. Laurinburgh, N. C., April 25, 1858, 8 l-iin OATS~AN1) PKAS. gins. L. \V. Humphrey. In ( arteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. .\ren- del! nt li:.'aufort L)r M. F Arendell, J. F Bell, L. T. Og'eshy. .At the >tore of G. W Taylor at Carolina City.—Col. W'm. N Dennis. H. Bell. Capt. Levi ()glesby. Bridge -Arende'i 1. In Dupiin couMy, at tlu ollice of the County Court Clerk at Keti'insville,—M;ijor Owen P.. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B Kelly, Wm. E. Hill. Wm. J. Houston, Stejdjen (iraham. In .'iampson county, at the uttice of the County Court Clerk at Clititon.—Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick .Murphy, Wm. Faison, J. R. Beam in. .Mfrt d Jolinson. In Cumberland countv, at Fiyetteville, at the office of .A. .A. McKethan,—Ihoma? R. Underwood, Randal McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow. John C. Blocker. Form of .'ubscription; The Un lersigne 1 asrree to take the number of shar?s of xlOO each, ^et opjH'iite to our names respectively, in the Centr.il R.iii Road Company; end in all respects to comply with the torms of the ('barter. Names 1 Ri-aidenc't 1 No. o* saares Cash Work^ Subscriptions niay be made payable in work, and may specify whether f> r grading or cri'ss-ti .■«; and sjli'c’-ihoM. 1 s shall ii; .-very catse have jneference iu taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer's estimate. .-\s soon a« one bvindred thousand dollars are sub scribed. the ('iin.mi^sioner-. of Onslow county are to be notified, and thev are required to call h meeting of Stockholders t.j organize the Company. .March 15, IH.'Mi. llitf rsm.^nvKM. ifousi: iiie o/ Crx n Str> t, t few Dnors Xorfh thr Mir hit I! oust. rjB^HE Subscri'ner desires through this 3 me.'.iu’ii to acknowledge the liberal and .''hoes, of every size and description—of the very ’ best material. PL.ANT.ATItlN premium BROGANS, NOT to be surpassed. All of which he offers and pro- j poses to sell or exchange for Raw Hides, Beeswax, j Taliow, and all kinds ot country produce, on terms to ; justify aud accommodate his customers according to the times. Having on hand constantly u large supply ofStocW. h* , in jjr«pnrca lu cictuie all orders neatly and promptly, ' with such material and workmanship as are not to be ex celled by any establishment of the kind in this part of the country iu style, quality or price, for cash or to punctual customers And in returning his sincere thanks to his customers and frietds generally for their former patronage, he solicit.^ andhopcs to still merit a ; continuance of their favors. j JAMES C. CARAWAY. March 1 fO-tlJa \l\m\ Ll\U FOR S1LE.~ fBlHE Subscriber oti'ers f^r s.ile THIRTY-FIVE ■- HUNDRED •Al''RE.S of Land in as healthy a sec-' tion as there is iu .Alabama. FlHM’Y .A('RliS, on which are a good Dwelling and all necessary out-houses, in good repair. ONE HUNDRED andSIXTV ACRES, good river bot tom l.aud, 100 acres of which is under cultivation and produces fine crops of (Jotton and Corn. NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and Pine land, on which is some good farming land. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED and FORTY ACRES Pine land, well suited for Turpentine getting. This jiroperty will be sold cheap and on accommoda ting terms. •Vddress the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. O., Monroe County, .Alabam i. WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. | March 11, 1858 y.'-ly ' LOST, Last Saturday, 81st ult , (during the hour.s of parade,) about the Court House, or between the Court House and the Fair Ground, a small yellow leather Pocket Book, containing %59, consisting of three $10 bills, three $4 do., one $5 bill, one !ti5 gold piece, three $2 50 gold pieces. A Reward of $10 will be given for the above described Pocket Book and Bfioney, delivered to the undersigned. JAS. 11. J.ACKSON. .Musician. Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 2, 1857. 56tf CO l^ON H AGGLVG^ J^UNDEE and GUNNY B.AGGING in quantities to T suit purchasers. Sept. 17. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. 43tf Further ^iipplies^ ol* RookM. T IFE of Dr. Kane, by Smucker; English Hearts and M-4 English Hands; Parton’s Life of Burr; Haupt on Bridge Construction; Breckinridge’s Knowledge of God; Wilson on the Skin; Plates to ditto: Mitchell's Therapeutics; Williams on the Principles of .Xlediciue; Wood’s Practice; Pierce’s Algebra and Geometry; t^'C. April y. E. J. HALE i: SON. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V n A AND FORW ARDLNG MERCH ANT, Wilminsi^toH, .V. THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE LATE HON.JOHX x). TOO.MER, F o It s A 1.1:. IHE valuable Law Library of the late Judge Toomer, consisting of upwards of lOOO bound \olumes, and several hundred Nos unbound, uas been depositei with the undersigned for sale. The books will be sold in sets, FOR CASH ONLY They are generally in gocd order, though of course bearing marks of use The prices have been fixed with reference to their condition. Catalogues, with the price annexed to each volume, may be obtainei on application to the subscribers. E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, June )6, 1858. MITCHELL'S FALLS. , .\GENTS \V.\.\TE1J l\ EVEKV IDLNTV OF THE STATE ^H'lO canvass the same, and procure subscribers’ } JL names for the sale and delivery of an excellent I LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, taken upon the spot and gotten up in the fine.-t stylu of the art, representing the place where the Rev. ELISH.A MITCHELL lost his life in his explorations of the Black .Mountains, in the Summer of 1857. Upon j the receipt of Three Dollars, we w^ill furnish to any I person desirous of taking aii .Agency, Two Pictures, I one tinted aii-l one colored, as samples, with lull jiar- I ticulars as to the terms of the agency, &c. We will offer inducements sufficient to mate it pa3’ an ener getic agent. For further particulars address us at Asheville, N. C. LEW’IS & DICKLNSON. j F. S. Mr. Dickenson is also Agent for the i Mt. Mitchell Monument .-‘issociation, aud during his I tour through the State will receive subscriptions for • that obiect. W. T. DICKENSON. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made ou Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 that object. Feb'v 1*. 1858. 85-f.m WATER WHEELS! East WATER WHEELS!! Im- M/' E are now mantifacturing Vundewater's V W i>roved JONVAL TURBINS WATER WHEEL, for Mills and I’actories of every descriptitin: and all these wishing to improve their water power will fini! it for their interest to addre.^s us by letter, .«tating the number of feet, head and fail; their usual amount of water; the kind of machinery to he driven. We can patroii.-ige bestoweil upon his Ilou«e the past | then give them jirice of wheel, or what we will furnish I year—und as he ha.- just erected New Stables and (Carriage Sheil convenient to the House and to water lie take.H pleasure ;i\ saying to his patrons and the pu’lic genernlly. that he is still prepared to accom- ; modate them with transient and permanent boar'l. and ; respeci fully solicits a continuance of the liheriil pat. on- ' age heretofiiie received. Every exeition on his part ' fhall be used to rei.der them comfortable during their soJ.;’irn w-ith him His table is always supplied with the best the market nfTonls. P. SHEMWULL. Niarch 2 1, 1855. 8t>-tf .JOSI-JMI liAKER, .In., \ TTO R \ i: V \T L A W , -AS taken an office next iloor to Wm. B. Wright’s II Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County- and .Superior Courts of ’!umber land, Bladen, Robeson and .'^ampson. March 2:}, 18:%3. 79-tf BUSHELS SEED O.ATS, 100 ditto Cow Peas. —.4/.so— A few barrels Northern Irish Potatoes For tale in quantities to suit, by Ftb’j 16, 1868 J. \V. J}AKER Is now receiviiip from the North the argfst, tine.st, uiul most carefully se- 1 ected stock of ever offered in this t.aarket; which, added to his own manut/.cture, luake.s his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses: Looking (il.asses; Willow Wagons .and Cradles; Side Hoards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; W'.ash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Fraines and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; t’urtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; ;^’haire of every variety. Fine Rosewooil IManos, one with 3^iOlian At- Wheel and principal .lears for, warranted to do a cer tain amount of work. Time yu'tn to text the WUeel, and if it does not come up to our figure, the Wheel and Gears to be delivered to us at the mill of the purchaser. Rki'erknce r.ivRN ano p.k.qi irkd. HEATH .S: STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Prince George's couuty, Md, ROBERT BAIRD, Agent, Ri^hmnn.* v., . WE would call the attention of persons afflicted i with C'hills and Fevers to this celebr.ited Pill, j which owes its popularity to no ptiffing, nor to long, j windy certificates—but solel}' to its own merits as a i remedy which never fails to cure when taken accord- | ing to directions accompanying each box. This Pill, \ unlike many others, contains no mineral, nor any in- j jurious ingredient, and may be administered with per- | feet safety at all times, to young or old. .As a preventive against ('hills, or an' other type of Fever, it is recommended as unsurpassed; and in treat ment of Fevers generally it is far superior to (Juinine, or any preparation of Peruvian bark. .A trial of its merits is all that is needed to insure it a favorable position in the estimation of even the most inveterate opposer of Proprietary or Patent prescriptions. ('HAMrioy S ANTI BILIOUS PILLS Enjoy the reputati .'r. of being at least as good, if not better, than any of the various cathartic Pills of the age, find are entirely free from all poisonous, mineral, or other injurious properties, and are highly recom- mendv i in Dyspepsia. Liver (’omplaint. Sick Head- «che, Si'k Stomach, Habitual Costivene>s, Indigestion, , au'l iliseases of the .'Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood gerierallj’, they being by their composition equally adipteil to either of the above cases as a gen eral cathartic, good at all times when such medicines are required. We recommend them to the attention of all persons. Prepared by F. M. SWYER & CO., Belleville, Illinois. .Sold by SAMUEL J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. .Also, in all the towns aad cities, and by numerous country agents throughout the southern and western States and Territories. F. M. SWYER & Co., Proprietors, Belleville, Ill’s. June 3, 1858. 16-6ra i The Life of General Havelock, by' Rev. Wm Brock; Ursula, by Miss Sewell; The City of; LIFE LNSURANCE. HE Undersigned has been appointed .Vgent ol the North Carolina .Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Every member for life participates in the pro- tits of the Companv; and ttie annual pr.-iuiiun for lite mem'oership, .viiere it amounts to ^.10 or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other uali ;u a note at 12 mouths. Debtors' lives may be insured by creditors. A man may insure his own life for the exciu»ive b.;nef'.t ol his family Tlie lives of .i;ives may be insured. This sy.'tem is rapidly growing iuto iavor, ail over the civili/ed world It is one by which a family, lor V small sum annually, may be provided for, alter the death of us iieal, *u wiiose exertio)is th. y may have been dependent lor a supjiort. It is a good investment of money, even it one should live loug alter taking out a Life I’olicy Explanatory jiamphlets, and the necessary Blanks, furnished ou application E. J. HALE. VaLL ABLE j’ROl’ERTV FOn S^1L.ML I OFFER for sale, my L.ANDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about 130 Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. About 80 .Acres of it is tine .Meadow Land, as the Crop 1 now on it will show. Also, the { Valuable Brick Store aiil I..ot | near the Market Square, oocupied by Mr. John A ; Pemberton. | A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, ' Maxwell aud .Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel i Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Building j Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildings. | Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting en Mumford i Street. , Several DESIR.ABLE BUILDING LOTS on both Winslov: and Mumfonl Street.^. All this property can now be purchased on favora- ! ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bond aud - Mortgage if denired. j THO. J. CURTIS, Oct. 10. 1855. 43-tf %llarble Facioru* J, A By GliO. LAUDEll, TttU UllOUil ABUVIi C. T. U.1ICII (fcSOS’S STOKb, i'ayetteTillCi N. €. jMt’r 20,18M. e4-7pd B. ROSE. 85tf tachment; Roa«jwoo l Melodians, from the bet manulac- ■' the Great King, hy Dr. Barclay. Also, further supplies tones in New Y^rk and Boston, warranted as good as j of Dr. Kane’s Explorations; Waverly Novels, Hugh any made in the country, and will b« sold at N. York | Miller’s Works, School Book» &c. prices—freight only addad. • E. J. HALE & SON. September 2. 45-tf [ Jalj 1, 1868. 2A> NORTH CAUOLIXA SI FRE.ME COl R'r REl‘ORTS. ri'^HE subfcribers have just printed at the Observei I Office a SECt)ND EDITION of DEVEKEUX \yO BATTLE’S LAW RE PORTS, VOL. 1, I’KVl.iKlJ A.Sl) COKKKCIKH, WITH NOT‘;s .N I» KKK K H EN’C ES , HON. \VIL!J\M II. IIA'FTLE, Jl Dlili (IF THE SI I’HC.M:: km til OF MIKTII ( IKllLl.N The price of the new edition is not greater than that of the old. tiiough. as it is scarcely nece>s.iry to s:iy to the Profession in Nortli Carolina, its value has been greatly increased bj Julge Battle’s Note., References and ('orreet’ons. The volume h.as V.een long out of print, and we shall be glad to supply the man;. Lawyers whose sets t.f Re ports are incomplete witlmut it, as well as those who have the old edition but would like to have the new one for the sake of its notes. E. J. HALE c. SON. Fayetteville, .‘.pril 5, 1B58. REAL ES'FA ri: FOR SAI.E. DWELLlNtl HOUSE, recently occupiet by M. Mrs. H. P. Lain, and as present occupied by tiie Rev. J.-unes McD.uiiel, near Haviu >uut, wiil be sold privately by the subscriber. It is loc-ite 1 ia a goo'l neigliborlu>od; c .nvcnient to liusiness; iu a he^ilttiy section of the town; good spring water convenient; and has all nei’essarj' out houses attached. .A gieat bar gain may be had, as I am (b'teroiiiie J to sell 1 kb.ms libekal j. R .M DON.ALD. Agt. Fa\etteville, May 10. rilE NEW EOn iON OF DE\FRFF\ i BATTLE’S L)\V KEPOKTS. VilL. I. HKCEIVES the approval of those who have ex amined it. Chief Justice Sasli s iys, “I have looked through it —it is carefully and well got up. * ^ I (Link to our Court it will be invaluable—and lo tlie Pr tlessiou equally sf>. It will save the labor of deciding the s.'ime poiut again and again; for there will be ii'i excuse lor I'ounsel not being apprised of points already adjudi cated ” Gentlemen of the Bar who have purchased and ex amined it, concur, so fir as we kn )W, m prais-- of it. For sale, witii sets or sermrate volumes ol North (,'ikrolina Reports, and Law Books genernllv. by K. J ll.\LE .V SflN. \NNFA1. SE r I'iJvMKN i s. PER.-(JN.S indebted to us will be f iniis'aed with their accounts dui ing "he pres* nt m iiih, i excep t those already dunned;) and we earne.st y ic'^juest a settlement. Every mm wh) :.;ea'is to pay at a.l, shi/uld p ty at least once a year. Persons having accounts again-’ us viil oblige u! by handing them in for pavmerit. E J hale 4- ."’ON July 5. 1858. LIFE AND COKIIESPONUEME OF JAMES IREDELL, of NORTH CAROLINA, ONE OF THE .AS'OCIVTK JV'STU OF Tllf SLPRE.ME COLKT OF I'HE L'MTEU SIATES. Bt GRIFFITH J. McREE, Esq., of Wilmingtos. For sale by E. J- HALE SON. Fayettevill*, Jud« 1,186b.

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