•Tl,l Id'I ih ■- ke t [3- W t a ot Ike ; «il lil. H> kat ll Sv [e i’ leir H! u X- ■ tV lit r -t, . : HM vL, ' f*! egiat. ’-'b Of Ju,- *^«Ptea 1 r’aoe. > . t ’i. uJustri^u, i;.t T- SI - I'- . * ' Tar'tk i" frio ' - - Dsr. ,j-, -iperiecce -I V -.tie ; t e 1 riu*;:p», 'SI fKMlNAIiV. o., le M . rtrusi: ' 1 on ' tr -T. Li >!'r k&u t xc] pi t v - pecu.iar F “ll:»: : - r Lit ]> - vg, Ir i *: •t-.iue. ffuit' h ft, t 1 kl-l •'■■i . .> lk(4 ■ „ ;: - - .s e : Ipfll; J. ' ' - ■ .''I S,- - I—or ! a;. -1 t *■ ■ ■ t ill. 1 • '‘-;„y 1 fcar-- It^N f pa THE STATE OF iLI\ Li:- - ' i ■ i " Ben : ; E t- K h* \* 1. J L\! M kC ■ . \t JS M ' ' - ■ >; [RY . I; P i *■ - . M L U. ' . ' V rvU. .1 ! Wri.» M M I: Lliv ;■ ; *“ A [Rop - ' V Tf :■ tins' I be bv Liu-. kri.'. - iru( h i ii \ l.eci L be- Ih •»•• }np . « I ■ sr ^ k 1\M |a rv. 5on\ lUU' M. ly i aiii Indebted, ibur rth M \ A, l>r :te. ■’ ^ h . H : h -■ll i >u-* I Ur Oti. hin br 1 Im » \ \ ay : - - I k. or fe.-'t. Ah' of • i. Ii in' - le Vr \ A ; A * * ; IN D ! n t* t :n 14 tt. f Ibli* ’ J ti Ii f - 9 )U.- 'i a *n i L*' -ct e • rii^ irk - h.: 6 J ILL 8 B MI-WEEKLY \()L vm. FAYKITKVII.LK, N. C.. JUI.Y 20, 1858. [Xt). 7;!/] f>S/ ii:iNrt;i> moni>.\vs an’d Thursdays. KnWAIH) J. tl\l,r, i SON, KIMlOits AM' l-i:*irillETOltS. Pru’e lor tbe ''enii-Week'.y Ousebver S3 00 if paid in uJvanee, ’i;3 60 if piiia Juriiig the year of subscrip tion or J4 after the year has oxpired. Fur thi WeeKly ('*n-)ERvrR S‘J 00 peraunuui, if paid in advance; '>(.• ii' paid during the year of subscrip- nou. or > U’ after th? year Las expired ADVERTI:?KMKXT^ inserted for sixty cent« per P iuare of 1C lines f>r the firai, and thirty cents for each « i- ccedinj; pul'l.cation \ early advertisements bv spe- c-.al •i'ntract-, tt reas.;.nable ratc^ Advertise: s are ro^uestcd tr, state tlie niimbor of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged accord' i .i’.y. Aivertisemf-nts to be inserted charped 50 per cent, extra F/rr insHiUiuee. n” K refer our readers to the annual statement of the .Etna Insurance Oonipany, of Hartford, viii.ch will be f.'uud in ani*tber column. This success- f.ii inst tuti.in wus incorporsited by the Legislature of ■nn. i-iicut in 1S19, Kitii >\ perpetual cliarter Its II ;tal is 'jjjuO.O'iO, ar.ii irs acciinmlations exceed "r'I more, imkin" its ■•ntire insets ever S300. . invested a;', detailed in the stnteinent referreil to T.'iese results in iic».te thut during the period of nearly ! rty years since it-> onjanization. ^without a single ii;\!ij;e of its chiif '.illicer.i its liusiness has licen con- iii.-r= i with iU'ljrinent and prudence. It has been thus iv_r succe.ssful in nn eminent depree, discharging, ii-- we are informed, all its oblij^ations by the payment ut . 'i (inllarf f,ir losses, without nuking a a .y's delay in any inr-rance. It has had but lirtle lit igation, notwithstanding the immense number of trnns- ao'l,'ns made. In order to attain as much crrtaiut^ as p, b> in such a business as insurance, it has been 'he practice of the (’ompany, for several years, at t.r(“it lab ir, carefully to classify and arrange their risks int'^ about fifty distinct classes, so as tu asi'ertain the am-.unt iTisurevi on each cla-«s, the amount of pre- miunis leceivxi theieon, and the aiuount of losses up on each. This classitication, extending over a long pei i'ld.and i-overing property to a very large amount,fur nishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial •factual experience. up.>n which to conduct its bas.iie's. Insurance ;s n,,f n matter of luck or chance, ft” many suppose: its hazards are ascertainable, and principles cft[>abie of beitig reduced to a system, the practi.-al working and results uf which are as certain u- thut if •■iny other businf- .- Tlie -Etna Company, by a duel ing rigidly to its sy.stcra, and placing its busi ness uj. iU a healthy basis, his obtnined the confidence ;f the community to an extent surpassed by no other ■ 'orEpany in the L'. States, and Las increased its busi- ces’ .'ind Its Income tf'sm year to year with a steady gr ‘^th tine great source of its security is the wide ■l.strihutiou of Its risks—a p^>licy which it pursues with great strictne^i- limiting; the amount to be cov- i^r» i in each locality. Hy thl> course it ha- passed, w.th Cnmparative impunity, through some of the most sweeping and destructive tires, which have «waliowed up other Companies les= cautious in their business. It is a systt-m like this, based upon ;_-xperience, which gives stability an] soundness to a i .mpany, and to the as sured confidence and securitv. — ET.\1 lA.NlRl.ME (O.MP.l.W, HAlirrOKl). CONN. ■ -UPOUATED I'lJ. CHAliTKR I'KRPKTL'AL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. NOTICE. THE ('ANDIL>ATES for the Legislature in Camber- land and Harnett Counties, and the Candidates lor the ottico of Sheriff, by agreement will nddress the people at the following tin e* and places, viz; At Carver’s Crek, Cumberland Co , July 12th “ Black River, •• •• •* 18tli Flea Hill, •• •' •• 14th ‘‘ Lock’s Creek, *• *• •• 16th *■ Cedar Creek, •• “ ICth “ Gray’s Creek, *• •• " 17th- •• tjuewhilfle, •• •• •* ‘J2d •' 71st District, •* •• •• "iSii. “ Rockfish, •• '• •• •J4th I^arbecue. Harntii •• •' -Gth '* I'j'per Little River, •* " ‘‘ J7th Stewart's Creek, •' ” ‘JM'ti “ Grove, •• •• •• 'jytli ** Neill’s Creek •• •• oOth BuckLorti, •' •• •• ^Isc At which times and places the several Capiainj will please order their Companies to parade. June lo, 1858 ‘JO- T/** Mjurs^t Vavriage W'actory IH the South! A A McKF/rilAA I fiS L.SI'K''Ti-'L'I.I.Y inform* his friends and th« I 8 W t-.i'bl c that he h>t» t'Ui't up IftrKe substantial I I’.uiMin^is at '.ils Old Stand, expieasly foi man- I ufacniriui; 'arrit.p:es - TiiHiiktul for iii« %er;. liberal t piiti!ie bns r'*ce''vcd for tl>« last L’l vcars, he , hopes bv ‘tr;ct attentiun to bu».nesi, with n. J««ire ; to £r:\-> s.i. istnction, to mei ii u continaiiuvje of t'^e ; saDif. He wairaiits his wor» t,- iie made ,jf the best ^ ■ ni itertnl and l>v experienced wo:'t;iuen in each branch I lirpeiltllie DiMtlileri and Otliei'»>. , of th« bu.ine:, . His work will compare ravorab’y with any ma.'.e in the f'nited Stales, for neatness and dui.J-ijliiy. He is determined to sell :ind do any work III iilj line on as good terms a-* any work done elsewhere th«t is as well ilone. H-.'‘uow has ou hand, FixisHiD, the L\KGK.'r STOCK oi TO 1' It Ever oliered i of work neatly All of which \, short time t hand more ihnn (,»N K H I' N 'i ( .. ih.'i place, ana a viiy large stock inished, which '..'ill be tinished daily .■ Ke ■; ,!d very lew for ('.xsH, or on piiiji. rua: ciiatomers. He has on LD \NU FIFTY Vehi- r||1HE subscriber begs leave to inform the public * that he has this day engaged Mr Leonarii Bellinqr.mh, Sr , who is well known as a first rate Copper-Smith, and is prepared to execute all oid«Ts ii: the line of Copper-smithing witii despatch, such ns Turpentine Stills: Copper, Steam and Water Pipes, Pumps: irou Smoke Stacks, and all other Copper and Sheet Iron works. Repairing of all kinds of Copper smith work, attended to .\ll orders promptly attend ed to M A BAKllR. . Opposite the Post Office Sle^ The highest price paid for old t'opper bv M A BAKKR June 16. -Otf MORKHEAl). GAEAT SALE OF LOTS ON A CREDIT' jN the 2Sth and 29th of Julv, at the City cles Hiiished and in course of construction. 4«S.y~ All w irk mide by tiini is w trran'ed l‘.i months with fair usage, and should it rail l,y bad workmanship or matoriHl will be repaired free ijf ciiarge. Per-.,:i- 'vishii!;^ t.) huv would du well to call i*^d exaui.iio t,,r theru'iH'\ e ' »rdci's thankl'iilly receivfc J and prum[ lly attended to. Repairing executed at -thort notice And on very reas^jtiaMe terms \lav l^,'. . tl'-«f I i> I K Dii.Xi'K, President. E. G. RIl’LEV, Vice Pie- >. uiit. I, A. ALEX\NUEK. Secretary. li'Rt, T .iRs —T. K. Brace. S. Tudor, J. Cimrch. R. • , .'^I. .V. Tuttle, E. Flnwer, E. A Hulkeley, R. M ; :jer. E G. Ripley, S S. Ward, H. Z. Prjtt, G. F. L ,v ,V. Dunhiim, L>. Hiiiyor, T .\- .Alexander, W. K'-nf-y lie .Atsets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, it'g interest, with ¥171','.*.14 01 of cash ou deposite • n :.e Hartford Banks, t.i meet loS'CS. Se3 lue ’.nd unpaid — n illi- Ll 'ies adjusted and not due, >;.;4,,'3l;j ‘-^6. 1-1 -1 in suspense, waitiu,^ turther proof, kc., -, ^ - ] • , ,'y.,, resi^tetl, ! suspicions of fraud, ic.) ■'46,fj7H~'I. Catf* .\gent of the above Company in Favetttville. • E. j. ’hale. BRITISH PERIODICALS. i. ' ': 1'r I ■ ! , .NEU V>i;U, continue to publish * le iMii wing leading British Periodicals, viz: 1. THE L';Nl>':N '..’U.VRTERLV i.'onservative;. iiiU EDLNBLRGH REVIEW ,Whig; Tt-E N‘;;nU URITL-H R11VIE'*V , Free Churcui. J. THE WEST.MINSTER REVIEW iLiberali •'). BLA' KWr-iiD’S EDINBL'IKJH MAG.\ZINE (Tory;. TiiC-se Periodi'a.s alily n-present the three great poli- tii. i. . iitii - 't 'ifiMt i’-iitain—-Whig, Ti'ry, and liadi- cal. -b i! I 'l'.itic s f. r;ns r.'ily onefenturc nt' thtir char- ■ictcr. .\s:r;rMiis :,f the most j r >f und '-.Tilers o:i Si ir-nce. Lit^-ratui c, Moraiity, and Religi n’.. they stan'l, '( they ever liave si jod, unrivallc I in the world of let- 'er-, ' c mi i lered indispensable t.i the scholar and •:.e ! r 'iCa-.i'Uial man, while to the intelligent reader ’ cviTy .‘las , they furnish a more correct i.nd sati.s- ■ ; oy rei ' rd of the current lite;'ature uf the day, ..leii'Mit tiie v.'iirld, than can be pf>SMibly ol-itained .11 :iiiv iithcr S'lu:'!'’’. EAKLi CO!'IKS. '-'ipt of Al>VANt' 11 ,''ii Ei. Irt fi'om the Briti.-'h I r.* rs (,iveb additional value ti.» tuese Reprints, in- , 1 ;ji i- i as they (;an now be jil iced in the hands of sub- ‘ * !.-t T' iii.i'it a-i S'lOn as the nriginal editions. TKR.MS Per am. ^3 00 i =- :iy tw'. =,f the four Reviews o 00 7 0(t H OO :i 00 0 00 10 (10 h>' iiKiilf iiL nil (I'sfs in ndcant'f'. ■ >/ ciirrrai m the Stale ulurt.' ia.oir f iriU hp / ''«■' ■' lit ji'ii'. A ilis'uunt oi tw'jiit^ tiYL- per cent, from the above price wid be allowi- l to 'i,i m urdeiiug four or nr'te a:iy one or m ire ui lii,; ,iiiove works. Thus: J-our copies ol -Blackwood, n i,j I'^fview, will be sent to L.e ^iddres.-. for n!i; |,.ur .;.,jaes ol the four Re- v.e«.- and I'.lackwood for aiol ,mj ui, POS'iAGK In .111 the priiicijial Cities and Towiie. ilit-^e 'A.irks n .'i ill-ilelivert'd. FREE OF PO.'sT.VG I-.- U hf-n m-m ^ni iil. the P 't>ige to any part of the I riite l .tates w iie I'Ut 'i'V\ENl \-FOl I'k ('E.NTS a year for ‘•l”.,n;k- i, and liut FOU li'l hE.N CE.NTS .a year for eui-U . ti:e ii:-v, -w .. -V. ii. I'.'it' jiii'f in a rent liritain of tht' five I’"I , ils iiln-ci -nim>-l IS -?.J I jii r : .o. tiii: -. I'.rany ot the al.f\e publications should m . rt i he- - d, |i:.st J aid, to 'lie Pul^'dshers. LEO.NARI) St.'OTT \ CO., N '. J (i«ld strei't, N»-w \ ork of Morehead. • J. M. MOREHEAI', Pres. Shephard's Pjint Land Company luue, 1858. -1 ts. O. IIOU8TOA % OL LD inform his friends and former customers ▼ V that he may be found - doors below the Cape Fear Bank, and i doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he inten'.ls to keep on han,l. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his trade. He rc.'•pectful ly invites his friends from the country to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing ff llarnessand ."^addles punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would re,^uest aU indebte'l to the tirm of HoL .STON s OVERRV to Hoitle with W', Overby or him;ell, 'i- thej- are compelled to settle the firm's delit-,. August 27, li'Otl. t! 1 the ortice of Dr M, F- .\ren- ^l F .\reudell, J F Bell, L. I wn the East A e t!i' =: 'lal en- Toomer Lands. Contnining I'AKM I'Oli SALK uKFER for my PL-VNT-\TIoN side ef Cape Fear River. •in Bridge, kui wn us the ..oont SOO acres- The Plantation is in a cood staLC ot cultivation, and is suaceptible of beini; n-ade on« of the most profitable Farms in the County. 1 will give a bargain in the lands, and make ttie t':'ne >f pay m.'St easy if application is made in a few weeks .-Vddress me at Gulf. N C- L. J HAL'(iHTi»S. >ct'r 10. •>- ■ LANDS I'Oli S.VLi:. 1 OFFER f'-r sale about .\CTe-> of Pine Lan'N near Favetteville. containin' in 'lu’nfii'e '(U-intity of Mill Timber, an'l a number of Turpentim- Uoxes. and several new tasks may he cut. There i-* on the premises a fine Dwelling H^ “e. and all neces‘ary out houses,—Scuppernong and isaiiella Grape \'ine>. — lOijH voung Peach and .Apj'le drees of Lin'lley be>t vari- tie-i: also, a good F.VRM of about l-^'* a'-res cleaicd: and also a GRIST and S.\W .MILL: and a line large ' Meadow of about 1 »0 acre«. The Faycttevid* and t oal Fields Kail Ro;id y'abses thro\i;;h those lands about a mile from the Mills. ! will sell in parcels to suit jiur- chasers, but would prefer to sell the whole together. ' Apply to Thos. S. Lutterloh, Es p, Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pittsborough, N. J. H. HAUGHToN. Nov. 12, l^->7. ''0-tf PriM.K' \OTlCK ■> HEIlEllV GiVEN. ti'iai Books of Sub-jcription to the c.piial 'tock of the Central Rail lload, from Beaufort Harlior via Keninsvi'le. flinton. Fayetteville, and Wes», will (e ■t ened on Thursday, the lOth day of.A|iril l''.Ti’,, and remain opt n accordiner to the terms of the(diarter ntitil further notice, at the following plii'-*''' atoi undtT dirci-t^in d' the following uatned per.'oii!?, (’oinmisjl.oier^ in the Charter, viz: In the ',.unry . ; i)n>low, at tiic oflice ot the (_’lerk of th>- t ..iiri’y ',.urt '.t Jacksonville. an-J at the Post ofbce Pio.-h Landv L W- Fonville, G. J. Ward, J- H- F. y. R' liert V. hitt-, ,1. I,n \ Vveritt. Jr., Owen Hug gins. L \N H iinipiir-_\ In - arteret county, a lell at Beau:', rt I>r, T- >g’esbv- I .^t the store of G . \V. Taylor at (’arolina ’ity, -Col. ! Wni. .N. Denms, H S. Bell, (.'apt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Aren,It'll. i In l>aplin eonsty, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kei'ansville.--Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac IV Kelly, NSm, E. Hill, Win. J. Houston, StepLt-n irahani. In S'uiips iti ( ou:ity. at the otbce of the County Court t’lerk ar I'Hiit ,ii.—Tb 'iii-t-i 1. Frtis»n. Dr. Thomas Riintin^. Wm. McKav. Patrick Murphy. Wm Faison, J. R l?ea:n-in, .\lfred J,)hnson ' In ('uii’berlarid countv, at Fayetteville, at the office ; of A. McKeth-in.—Ih ^inas R. Underwood, Randal McDaniel. Edward L. Winslow. John C. Blocker. F,>T Ml . f . t [ ■ The L ii'lersigned airee t,- take the number of shares of each, -Pt r.;,pi.,ite to onr names respective'..'', in the (Vntr-il R I'i l;o:i.l ('o’npanv: an i in all respects to comply with th t,irins of the Charter 11^ n uii III r mmn JV. C. f B^HE Scliolastic yeor is divided into two Sessions, commencing 1st August and 1st January. The course of study is thorough and systematic, em bracing everything necessury to a complete, solid, and ornamental education. The buildings are so arranged as to combine the comforts of a home, with the advan tage* of a school. Instructors of the highest qualifica tions are employed ia each of the Departmei ts. No Institution in the country possesses advantages supe rior to Edgeworth. TERMS: Board, including washing, lights. »ud fuel, per Session of five mouths. S60 00 Tuition in the H:*gi;lar Classes, 20 00 The next Session will commence on Monday, August 2d, 1858. Pupils are admitted at any time during the Session and charged from the time of entrance. Catalogues containing all necessary information re specting the (’ourse of Instruction, Terms, ic., will be forwarded on application to Rif’HARD STERLING, Principal Ureeu»\joTo>. Carolina May 28, 1858. 17-timospa A PROCLAMATION, ~ hin Excellency, TnoMAS Braoo, Governor of Xoi fh Carolina. ,7'HERE.\S, it has been represented to me that otie Archibald McDougald, late of the County of Cumberland, did on the 27th day of February last, in said County, kill and murder one Thomas Munroe, and that the said McDougald is a fugitive from justice, and has escaped beyond the limits of this State. Now, to the end that the said Archibald .McDougald may be arrested and brought to trial for his said of fence, 1 do hereby issue this my Proclamation, offeriog a Reward of Two Hundred Dollars for his apprehen sion and delivery to the Sheritf of Cumberland County. DESCRIPTION. McDougald is about fifty years of age, of light hair and complexion, blue ej’C', of quick speech, has a scar on the face near one of his jaws, weighs about 165 or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of [l s.Jthe Stated at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of .March, .\. D. ISj.S. By the Governor, THOS. BRAiilG Pi L.KSKi Cowi'LR, Pr. Sec’y. March 15. 93tf W. H. TURLlNaTON, (’omiuissiou Merchant, No. 4 Norih Water St- WILMLNGTON, N. C. Hr ILL give his prompt personal attention to tne sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval Stores or other Country P'*odace Nov. 8. I85G. Dr. i£. A. OFFICE Front Rooms, over Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 1856. tf BL.ACK, Dr S. J Hinsdale's rtt-tf A fresh sujjply of Lime, Plastering Hair, Calcined Pluster, Hydraulic Cement, and Land PlastdT- For sale in quantities to suit, by B HOSE FeVy 15, 1858. 85tf THO. O. FULLER. *!tttorncy and Couuftellof at OFFICE at Etfcies’s Bridge, recently occupied by Jnmea Ranke, Esq., Fayetteville, N. (' Jan’y 1, 1857. LOVERD ELDRTdGE, Mtorney at ir, W ILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp- soQ Counties. Smithfield, April 15, 1850. If Worth & Utley, Forwartlint* and General Coniiiiission MERCHANTS, Fayetteville^ .’I*. V. J. A. WORTH. (7^tf) JU-. I’fLKY. T C. & B. Or. WORTH, Coniinission Forwarding .\lerchaiits, Brovuri'i Building, Water Strtet, Illuming ton, €' , Usual advances made on consignments. Sot. 11, 1857. 6y-tf NOTICE. rjIHE Trustees of the “DONALDSON ACADEMY" M- desire to lease the buildings on Haymount, near Fayetteville, which have been used during the last \ear by Messrs. Cairns and Robinson, in conducting their School. The Ac.ademy is situated conveniently, and the patronage of the school is ample and liberal Any gentleman who desires to take the situation may address at Fayetteville, until the 1st of September, 'W B. WRIGHT, President of the Board of Directors July 15, 1 *08. 2)5 4t “Following tiie Drum,” hy Mrs, Viele; Osceola, by Capt Mayne Reid, The Yellow Frigate, hy Capt. .las. Grant. V, ild Flowers Further pupplies of Life and Ministry oi Spurgeon, Mustang Gray: Bernard Lile; School Book-; \c. July 15 E J HALE SON LA.^r CALI. A LL persons indebted to Datiiel Ciark must cer- -;m tainly pay up by the l‘>th August nest, as after that date all Notes and -Vcjounts not settled will be placed ia the hands of an oflicer for collection, with out respect to {'ersons, R. W. HARDIE, Trustee Fayetieville, July 14. 28-tAlO TAKEN I P ^ tND committed to the Jail of Cumberland County, a negro man by the name of HENRY, who says he belongs to John B. .\rchibaid of Beaufort County, and was hired to Jonn Ptrkins, of South Carolina The said negro is of dark complexion, 5 feet 10^ in ches high, about 22 years of age: had on when taken up dark colored pants, black coat and black hat The ovrner of said negro is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charg^, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs W U. BOLTON, Jailer Faj’etteville. July 11*. 29tf TAKEN I P! tNL) committed to the Jail of Chatham county, two Negro Boys b}' the name of HENDERSON and EDOM, who suy they belong to J. H. Pritchett, of Lumberton. 1 iie owner is requested to come forward-, prove property, pay prison charges, and take them away; otLcrwise, they will be dealt with according to law. W- D. C. RIDDLE, Jailor Pittsborough, July 14. '^8- AN- liiGll MOI NT FANNERY SITl’ATED 4 MILES WEST OF WADESBORO’, SON COUNTY, N. C. J OW the panic is over and nobody kiUc»i in these T.\.NNER'S OIL & i)llY HIDES. BBLS. Tanner's Oil,—a superior article; also, a fine lot of Dry Hides For sale by JAS 0. COOK Nov. 2i{. 02- I.O.ST, Last Saturday, iJlst ult , (during the hours of parade,) about the Court House, or between the Court House and the Fair Ground, a small yellow leather Pocket Book, containing S59, consisting of three $10 bills, three :*>4 do., one $5 bill, one $5 gold piece, three $2 50 gold pieces. A Reward of ^10 will be given for the above described Pocket Book and Money, delivered to the undersigned. JAS. H. J.\CKSON, Musician. Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 2, 1857. •’jOtf COr rON BAGGING. J^VNDEE and GUNNY B.\GGING in quantities to suit purchasers. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. 43tf N im*'s Ri-'; 1> No- of s'jires I •'S • '.ish Work D ;iny j:u‘ of the four Reviews :iy tw,. of the four Reviews I- ,! .iiiy three ,,f the Four Review-* o :i., t',ur of tlie Reviews i" '!• 1.\Ligazine [■ ,r lil:;. -w. ,1 und three Reviews For I.-, i; - v.-.i.ii uii.l the four Review-: 'm ffi Jtoi y Mi ^M.-, n \uOi.lN \ and Stiould-.fs, f.ii l» \C>N. -lie 1>V beveulV rose. HO- MEDICAI. NOl'K i:. RS. E.\STERLI'vfi and HE-N.\G.\N h,ivi:i2 asso ciated themselves together for the purpose of practicing .Medicine in I’ockingiiam an.l vicinity, they resiiectfnlly solicit .a liberal share of patrona^ie, and by their strict an-1 prompt attention tiiey hope to give \ perfect K-itisf;iction to thos,^ who may t.ivor th-.iii with ; their I’atronasie. They will :itteii 1 any call d ly or | ni'jitt. Dr. Fa'it'-riing takes ple-isure in statine to his , former patrons tii.-it l>r. H. i^i a regular gi.i'luate. li.iv- | ii;g read /,',/■(’w iirs and r.ttended r-ol i-itc- | tures- ttne nr lioth may V>e foi.iiil at mi-/ hour at their j Oihce o{iposite the Po;-t ollice. unle.'-s profes.sionally engaged. H. R. EASTERLING. ,M. D. D. Hl.NAGAN, .M. D Rockingham, N. . .\pril 5, IS.'ih, loOtf $50 llilW Aiii) WILL be given for the ap[>rehension and deliver3’ to me, or confinement ia any jail in the State so that 1 can get him, of my man JIM._ He left on the oOth ult., and has not b^en seen, or heard of s'licc* He is a bright mulatto, almost wliitr. about 2;l years old, about.') feel inches higli, str.ii:>ht l.fiir, and teeth defective, long beard on bis chin when he b-ft. Had on when he left a very good suit of ( lothes, -iiid will very likely try to pass off for a white ;;i-ui, m l make f>r a free State; should he not go north, lie will l.kcly go up in the vicinity of Fajettev:!)?, a-, he was rai-cd there, and formerly belonged to'»ni. I*. Wright, Esip, of that place. Any person who m.iy t.ike uiis ti.l Boy will be entitled to the above rewar.i and thf thanks of IS\.V(' II. K!-.LL\ Ken.-insville, N. C., -\ug. 1-I, l^ 'l o.!-tf LAS'F NoriCE. ' ^H^HE undersigned h.is pl.-icel all his note*'. :ind ac- M. counts in the hands of Diinean Mclnt^’re forc'd- : u-ction. All pfrsont indebted tu liim, whii do not come 1 forward by the 1st of .\ugust and p.iy up or coiiH'ss judgment, will after th.ac dale find their papers in the j haii'tM of an officer. I DAN’L C. McINTYRE. : ^ Laurinburph, N. C., April 25, 185‘. 8-!m OATsTaNI) peas. bushels seed OATS, 100 ditto -^ow Peas — Also— A few barrels Northern Irish Potntoe« For sale in quantities to suit, by Sub^'Tiption- iii:iy be ni-i le j ayable n work, and mav speciiy wiieth**:- K-r eradinsr or cross-ties: and stocRiiol'ler; ?ba'-l in iwry ease have {reference in taking I’onirai't^. wheti bi,is are the sanie nr at Engi- ne*'r'' e,-tiiu ite. .X-i : ,.,':i one ii iindred tii-ois.m'l ,iollars are sub- scrilo',!. th>- •'oiiiin'- . IHT-" .ll'«>n-ilow •■oiinty a re to be notifie I. nil 1 the_\ .ire re juire l to call a meeting of Stockholders t.> ,irganiie the Company. Mar.li I-"., l‘'-'o'. ' l;'.tf snsiMUMiiJ. iKUjsi: I' A VK'6'Ti:VII.I,i;. .\. J'.ist >'-lf ''f f' r> III S'/-"', a fV I)‘‘irs Xorth tin Mirl:t Subscriber de-ires through this Sl medium to acknowle-lge th? liberal patronage bestowc-l np, n his House tl'.c past year—and as be has just erected New Stables and Caniage Shed ci-nvenicnt to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrfins and the public geneyall-. tbsit bo is still prei^arei'. to nccom- moilai'' tiiern with transient and permanent board, ami rt ‘ijiectfiil! V solicit*^ a eontinnance of the liberal pat.'on- age heretoioi e recei\ed. ilvery t.\eition on his part phail tie n.-ii-ii to rei. ier them conifortable during their sojoiirn with lilta. His table is always supplied with the b» .~-f the m.i: Ket (ilfords. ; P. SHUvlWELL. ' M;-.rch 2 1, IS.'.,''). 80-tf diggins, the un,lersigned still continues to con duct the general Tanning an,i .Manufacturing of all kinds of Leather, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Boots and Shoes, of every size and description—of the very best material. PL.\NTATION premium BROG.-VNS, Ni)T to be surpHSse-l. .\11 of which he offers and pro- pioses to sell or exchange tor Raw Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, and all kinds of country produce, on terms to justify and nccomraodate his customers according to the times. Having on hand constantly u large supply of Stock, he is j,reparo,l to ejtccuic all onlcrs liciilly and promptly, with such material and workmanship as are not to be ex celled by any establishment of the kind in this part of • the country in style, quality or price, for cash or to j punctual customers And in returning his sincere thanks to his customers and frierds generally for their ' former patronage, he solicits andhopes to still merit a . continuance of their favor^. | JAMES CARAWAY. March 4 yO-tlJa iLiiinn LiMi FOR m\'u ^ fl^HE Subscriber offers for sale THIRTY-FIVE -B. HLNDRLD .\(’RE.> ol Laud in as healthy a sec- | Wood’s Practice; Pierce's Algebr.-i and (Jeometry tion as there is in .\labama. F’OR rv Ai'llIlS. ' II which are a good Dwelling and all n‘i-es-^>»rv voit-houses. in good rey-air ONE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES, good river bot tom Ian,]. 100 acres of which is under cultivation and produces fine crops of Cotton and t'orn. NINE HUNDRED an.l SIXTY ACRES Creek and Pine land, on which is soine good farming land. TWENTY THREE HUNDREDand FORTY ACRES Pine land, well ••uited f,>r Turpentine getting. Tliis property will bt sold cheap and on accommoda ting terms. -\ddre>s the suliscriber at .M'lunt Pleasant P. ()., Monroe (.'ountv, .\Ialiama. W'lLLIA.M W. ENGLISH. March 11. IH.'iS •,2-ly T Sept. 17 Further Nupplit*!« ot* Books. Life of Dr. Kane, b^' Smucktr; English Hearts and English Hands: Parton’s Life of Burr; Haupt on Bridge Construction: Breckinridge’s Knowledge of God; Wilson on the Skin: Plates to ditto; Mitchell’s Therapeutics; Williams on the Principles of .Medicine; 4'c. April E. .1. H.\LE Ac .SON. JOSI3PH R. BLOSSOM. c o .11 1.r> I o ^ AND forwardinc; merchant, *V. f. rompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce lo be shij> ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. H7 THE LAW LIBRARY of THE LATE HON. JOHN D. TOUMEK, FOR »* AI. t:. IIE valuable Law Library of the late Judge Toomer, consisting of upwards of 1000 bound Volumes, ! and several hundred Nos. unbound, has been deposited with the undersigned for sale The books will be sold in sets, FOR CASH ONLY They are generally in good order, though of course bearing marks of use The prices have been fixed with reference to their condition. Catalogues, with the price anne.xeil to each voluine, may he obtained on application to the subscribers E. J. HALE & SON t'ayetteville, June Itj, 1858. MlTCllELL-S FALI.^^. AGENTS W A.NTLD l.N EVEkY rOL'NTV tlF THE STAFE rMlo canvass the same, and procure subscribers' JL names for the sale and delivery of an excellent LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, taken upon the spot and gotten nji in the finest style of the art, representing the place wheie the Hev ELISH.\ MlTl’HELL lost iiis life in his explorations of the P.lack .Mouiitains. in the Summer of 1H..7. Upon the receipt ■ f Three l'-l’ irs. v.c will furnish to any person desirous of taking an .Agency, Two Pictures, one tinted and one cobire 1, as samples, with luil par ticulars as to the terms of the agency, &c. e will otfer induct'ments suflicient to maKe it pay an ener getic agent. For further jisirticulurs adiiress us at .Asheville, N LE\\IS DICKF.N&ON r. S. .'Ir. l>iciiens>'!i is also Agent for the Mt. Mitcbell Monument -Association, and during his tour through the State will receive suliscriptoins lor that object. W. r. DiCKLNSoN. Feb’v'J. l^58. 85-bm WATER WHEKLS! WATER WHEELS!! ^■7^ E are now manufacturing Vandewater’s Im- w T jiroved JONVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, fc>r Mills and Factories of every description: and all those wishing to improve their water power will find it for their interest to address us by letter, stating the number of feet, head and fall: their usual amount of w.iter; the kind of machinery to bo driven. We can then give them price of wheel, or what we will furnish Wheel and principal Gears for. warranted to do a cer tain amount of work. Tunf tjircn to test the Wkfl, and if it does not come un to our hgure, the Wheel and Gears to be delivered to u-j at the mill of the purchaser. Kf.kekk.ntk civkn ,\no HEATH STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Pritice (ieorge's county, Md. R^H>ERT B.MRl), Agent, Riebrror ’ •' • LIFE INSURANCE. fH^HE Undersigned has been appointed .Agent o -I. the North C-irolina .Nlutual Lite Insurance Com ^ pany. Every member for lile participates in the jiro- | tits of the Company: and the annual premium for | life membership, where it amounts to ^^^iO or more, I ma^' be paid one-half in cash, and the other halt in 1 a note at 12 months. j Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. A man ' may insure his own life tor the cxelu.'ive benelit oi j his family The lives of slaves m.iy be insured. | This system is rapidly growing into favor, ;tll over 1 the civiii/ed world It is one by whicii a lamily, tori « small sum annually, may be I'rovi ted for, alter tiie I death of its head, ou wnose exert ions t,;ey may have | been dependent for a suppoi t. it i.« a good iuvstmtnt of money, even it one shoulil live bmg atier t.-iKin!; ' out a Lite Policy Explanatory pjimphleis, and the i necessary Blanks, furnished on apnlication E. J. HA NORTH CAIIOLINA SI i*REME col RT REPOR FS. rMHE subscribers Lave just printed at the Observer I Office a SECOND EDITION of DEVEKEIX AND B.Vl'TLE’S LAW RE PORTS, VOL. 1, KK\l>Kl) .ANI> COKBKrTKI>, WITH NuTKs AND IlKl f.Rt.NCEs, BY [ION. \VILLL\M H. l^ATTU:, .Il'illlE (IF TIIE sri'RE)lE (OI RT OF Mllllll C IRIILI.VA. The price of the new edi'ion is not greater th.in th'it of the t'id. though, as it is scarcely neces-i.iry to saj’ to the Profession in North Carolln.i. its value has heen greatlv increased bv .lu ige B-attle s N 'tes, References and ('orrei-tions. The volume has been long out of print, and we shall be glad to supply the many Lawyers whose sets ol Re ports are incomplete with-mt it, as wci have the old edition but would like one for t)ie sake of its notes. as thosi- who to have tiie new E. J. HAl.E i: SON E would call the attention of persons afflicted with Chills ami Fevers to this celebrated Pill, which owes its po['ulaiity to no pulling, nor to long, ''■indy certificates—but solely to its own merits as a icmedy which never f.iils to cure when taken accord ing to directions accompanying each box This Pill, .VS t.'iken nn otVice ner.t door to Wm. B. Wright’s i unlike many others, contains no mirier.-il. nor any in- La\r (iHice on (ircen Street. He will attend and jurious ingredient, and may be administered with per- .lns}:pi| P..VKER, .lu., X 'Y S'« H \ i: V A T Ii A \V Valuable proi’Ertv F0PK S.if.iu. OFFER for sale, my L.AND.'^ in the Town i .E. Fh\ - Fiiyetteville, .April 5, 1S58. AL ESrA'l'E FOR SALE. prac’ice in the County and Superior t’ourts of (’umber lanil. i'd.adeii, Piobeson and Sampson March 1 85.3. ro-tf i,: Lllli;ir!!:v:|i'! Feb’y 16, 1868. B. ROSE, 86tf W. P,.\KER Is now rerciviijp I'roui tlie North the !i;^rest, liiic.-t, and most carefully se- ei‘te'1 stuck o! 2 i^scMTi a&i: evi-r offered in tins market: which, added to his own manufacture, make': tils • s.sortment complete;—alio? wliich he will ;el! o>i i lie b-we.-it possible terras for cash or on tinii' to ]iiiiici nal cu>tomers, Fa-ihioti:ii)le p.-iiiite i cntt.ige bed room Furniture in sett-: ciirle'l hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Ghi'-^es: Willow Wagons and Cradles, Side P.oards; Bureaus: .'secretaries and llook-Cases; What- Nots; Table.s, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window .Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands: Sofa5 in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divana and Stools; (dia’-'s of every variety. Fine 1{ istn7 « i.l i^ianoh, iiie with .Koliaii At tachment: liosewoo ( Mcio.liuns, fioin the bet inaKufac- tories in New 'Yi-/t .T>:,i Ilosion, warranted as good as any madi; ;n the country, aud will bo sold at N. Y*ork prices—freight only added. September 2. 45-tf feet safety at nil times, to young or old As a pr.^ventive against Chills, or aif other type of Fever, it is recommemled as unsurpassed: and in treat ment of Fevers generally it is far superior to t^uinine, or any preparation of Peruvian bark. trial of its merits is all that is need" ! to insure it .a favorable position in the estimation of even the most inveterate opposer of Proprietary or Patent prescriptions. rv/.l MI'IOXS A XTI.IilLIorS riLLS Enjoy the rei'Utatioii of being at least as gooil, if not better, th in any of the various cathartic Pills of the ag'.*, and are entirely free from all poisonous, mineral, or other injurious properties, and are highly recom- moiidw 1 in I'y-tpephi.-i, Liver Compl.-iint, Sick Head ache, Si.-k Stoinacli. Hatdtual Costivene^s, Indigestion, I'ic-, ami iiisease- of the .Stomach, Liver, Piowcls and RIood gener.iltj', they being by their composition e'luaUy ad apted to eith'>' of the above cases as a gen eral cathartic, good at all times when such medicine.s are required. We recommend them to the attention of all persons. Prepared by F. .M. SWYER &L CO., Belleville, Illinois. Sold by SAMUEL J. HINSDALE. Fayetteville, N. C. .Al.so, in all the towns and cities, and by numerous country agents throughout the southern and western State» and Territories. F. M. SWYER & Co., Proprietors, Belleville, Ill’s. June 3, 1858. lO-Om Tlio I.ife of (^onrnjl Hav^'iock, by Hev. Wm. Brock; Ursul i, by Miss Sewell; The City of j the Great King, hy Dr. Barclay. Also, further supplies of Dr. Kfine's Explorations; Waverly Novels, Hugh Miller’s Works, School Books &c. E. J, HALE & SON. L July 1, 1B58. 24* etteville, about ll'O .Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. About 80 Acres of it ie fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. .Also, the V:iliiul»lc ICi’irk ^tor* l..ot near the M.irket Square, occupied by .\Ir. John .\ Pemberton. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Mftxwsll aud Mumford Slreet«, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divi,led into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High .School Buildings. Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting «n Mumford Street. .Several DESIR.ABLE BUILDING LOTS on both Winslow." and .Mumford Streets. •All this property’ can now be purchased on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain on Rond and Mortgage if desired. THO. .1. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1855. ■t;^if •liarbie Pactoru* LAUOEii, TWO DUOKS iBO\E C. T. HAlCll Ji SON S STORE, Faj’etteTille, IV. V, Jan’T 20,185b. 64-ypd Rl fy^HE DWKLLIN; HoUSE. recently oecupiel *>y A Mrs. H- P Lain, and as present (tccupie i hy liie Rev. .lames .Mcl>:iniel. n*-ar H.i\m oiiit, ^\;ll ‘ nol'i privately by the viuhs rioer It is locate I in i goo,i i.ei;;hl,orh''od: nvenieiit to Inisiii -s-r; in iieaitliy -ectioii ol the town; good S[,iinj: water coiueiiit rit; .I'l 1 has all ne,‘e-'>arv out hoiists .-itt ich'- i. -A /*»-•,»t bar gain ni-iv be had, as 1 am determine.1 t,. • 1 k.it\l-> LiliK-i;\i, J. R. 'd’ |i(-l', ALD. Agt. Fa‘-tteville. May I'.*. 12ts I'HE NEW i : Dl l'I ON Ol- UEV1;RKI \ \ HITTLE’N I.IW liEl’URTS. \.il,. I, a® H'l lVl S thf approvin of those who lia\e ex 1% amine i it. ( iiief Justice Va-h -lys. “I h:ive li'olici through it - it is carefully and v.-.-M g .r up. * * I think to our ' our' it wi,l he invilualiie — anvl to the Protessi. n • H'lallv SI. it wid sa\e tlie labor of dpci llr.g the s'un*' p,iiiit again .'ini again: for there will be no e.xcusp for t'outisid not tieing apprised of points already adjudi c.-ited Gentleman of the Rar wdio Inve piir'lia'•,! an I ex aiiiiin- I it. concur, so fir :is we know, in j raisc ol it F,ir r-ale, with sets ,r set'^irate voluni'-- of North ' ' irolina Reports, and Law Books generaliv, l-y E. J. HALL a; SON VNNFAI. SF/r i'I.EMEN F>. ®ER.''*N.'^ ind-bted to us will be fiirn:'-‘'m-i w;th their accounts during the present m lUth, e-icept those already ilunned;) and we earnextiv ,; .pi>-sta settlement. Every man who means to pay at all, should pay at least once a year. Persons having accounts against us will oblige u» by handing tliem in for payment. E. J. HALE 4 SO’S July T). 18:’S>'. LIFE A.\l) C0Ri!E.SI'0.\UH.\('H OP JAMES IREDELL, of NORTH CAROLIBJA, • iNKOFlitt: \-«--IJ(l\IK -'...'1:1 l-S i;l Jlil. ^1 I'Kt.Mr. t Ol It-T OV IHF. I Snt.lj By GRIFFITH J. McREE, Esq.. uF Wil.\iingio.n For sale by E. J. HALE X bON. Fayetteville, June 1,186S. I