't'4 J-,-, V «tr : lya >t .r tt r ilf- N te • tni.,.. ^ ervrc. ^ ■■ ■ ; -ph s * U-^ ■ : . . - ^ HI. V*ni Tr ti. -s i ' *• - t r. ^ Pr:n. . ^ ■ per I . . V. i . U Is 8 LVi. NMIV. iti 1 N . i A. - h T ■ - I't- ? - r ' e ' vi u ^ n 1 (r‘ • i . CE* iHi- -li _ • - u K.i- : ;r“-. - * = r jii r >Nh- THE STATE OF Ll\ en. H J ■ LV i \ i 1 \i M : ■ ' . J r ‘ .*1 ■ ■ LV R P.. 'I- .vet loper r.»t ' r\ ; - \i K i\\ ■ \ \[ u r , ‘ i trr . ip y ti ua*. r^r ' ect Lea ■ - - ' ' * 9 - t*sj Ipn.. IJtf A |\M Jv. •iht-! o ■ G ; 1" 11/ . I ai:. I; debted. er. •4' tU2jt ie ill • tir;, \ . IS, » ) Uli Of 'if'I him It n: M ■ iy Ab; ..f of Uii' iV A N A. ■rp. It ' > F- ’ (p : \i I INA. Q 1 it tt 111 t ii th' X > ■■ ish>- I ", 11 it-x' )U.’it (jtt ; f t fi.. fit -i Ut XL, t.’ = W D 1 KMI-WF/FK L, Y. [VOL Vlll. 1* vVKTTKVlLIJ'. C’.. .Il LV JD, lSf)8. [NO. 7:vi.] I*K1M’KI) M«)M>AVS \-,1* rill KSDAYS KItWAIili .1. II \l,i: A. S(IN, I'MTiiiis INI' i ii.irniin'iiiis. Prii't* t'lir the Somi-Wc.'klv i >u--i-h . kk 00 it’piii'lin •nlvtint f: -ro >(i it')>iii i .Liriii;.; thi' you’’ .>l sut)scri[i- tio’i; . r > > at'toi- tin- y«‘;ir has oxpiri'd. b’lT rlif Ob'KUvkk S'i OO jhm-if in H IvHiici'; ‘J ’>0 it I'ui.l tlu' \e;ir cl'rij>- tii>n; T-.) ''0 jit'ti’r tlie ye.ir ti:is >'xj*iroJ. A 1>V1*K riSKNIKN rs insertcit f'tr sixtv ■••mus |ier P'Hi-ift' "t' 1 '■> lines fiT tlie firt. iiri'i tliirty ciMits t’ov each t.11'. -t'o line I'lihlicatl'in. ^'f:u-ly rtilvt'rtisptrifiits l>v spe- ci:il cntrnct';. at reasmiaMt' rates. ,\'lvortisers are re'jiu'steil to state Mie iiuinlier of insertions ilesired, or (hey will li> iritiniioil till forhi J. iui'l chat-jrei! aocorir iu_\v. AJvertiaeini'iits t. lie in'crtoJ . ohur^oJ oO per ■■en’. extra. Ptre Mns9ira»tef\ U' K refer our reu.lers to the annual statement of the .Ihnu l:isur:uKe i'omjiaiiy, of Ilnrtfn-il, wh^ h will be foiiiid in aiiofln r i-. himii. 'riii'success ful instifiition was inctTpi rite.l I\v the l.esrislature ot Connecticut in ISl'.t, vitii a perpetual charter. Its -apitrtl is N.50(>,0'H’t, and its aci'utiuilatioiis exceed >>'11(1,(»00 more, niakinp its entire assets ever ^oOu.- .inii, invested iis detailed in the statement referreil to These results in.Jieate that liiriiii: the period of nearly forty ycHrs since its orsanization, without a sin>:le ;'hanee of its chief officer,) its business has I'een con- hicted with judgment and prudence. It has >>een thus far successful in an eminent det:ree, discharginp, a> we are informed, all its .lili/atioi\ by the i)aynienl ■ f ut'lUt '-ri • . (hill,ir.~ for losses, without askinp a day’s delay in any instance. It ha? had hut little lit- ijration, notw^ithstanding the immense numberoftrans- aotions made. In order to attain as much c-rtiuntji as possible iu such a business as insunaice, it has been the practice of the Compauy, for ,">everal years, at jrreat labor, carefullj’ to classify and arrange their risks into about tifty di>tin‘-t I'las.es. so as to ascertain the amount insured on each cbi'^s. tlie amount of ]>re- miums received thereon, ana the anoiunt of losses up on eat-h. This cl’issitication, estendinp over a lonj: period,and covering property to a very large amount,fur nishes relial>le data, and presents a sound, substantial basis of actual experience, ujviii which to conduct its business. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose: its hazards are ascertainable, and its principles capable of beinj^ r> huedto a system, the j rai'tical workirig and results . f whioh are as certain a- that of any other businefs. The Ktna Company, by adhering rigidly to its system, andplacing its busi ness u}on a hea thy basis, has -I't iine l the contidence Ilf the Community to an extent surpassed by no other ompany in tne U. ;>tates, and ha.-, in.jreased its busi ness and its ini me from ye.ir t> year with a steady growth. One great source uf its security i the v.ide d.stribntiou of its risks—a j'llii y which it pursues w'th great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov ered iu ea^h locality. I5y this course it has passed, with comparative impunity, through some of the most swet ping and lestruetive tir-. s, whii h have swallowe 1 up Other coiupanie.s less cautiou? in their bu.-ine-s. It is a system like this, b.-isf l upon exj i-rience, which gives '^t.ibility and soundness to a .■ .mpany. and to the as sured contidenoe and security —, I’ntrr \ m\ mwm. io.^ipi.m, II\i; i roKU. (.o.N.N iN '-ul’OUATED i'i'.>. . ii.\im;u i*i;iiri:TUAL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. I. K UK.VCl., I’resiJent. 1\, (I. llIl’LKV, \ ice I’re- -idcut. T. A. .VLII.\.AN 1>EK, .■Secretary. biKKii(.iKs—T. K. r.race, .S. I'w i- r, J. l iiurcii, 11. lii.i”. ,\I. Tuttle, K. Fi 'W.,‘1-, K. .V. IJuikeley, I{. M'lthir, K. i. Kipley, S. ^Va^i. I! /.. I’ritt, (i F Davis, A. Dunham, D. Uiil;er, T. .\, .Alexander, U. Keney. ,'he .Assets arc mainij- invi -.te l in .“^toi-k'au'i I’.on Is, paving interest, with t.l of cash ■■•ti deposite in tiie Hartford Banks, to meet losses. Lo^>es due and unpaid — r.me Lo-.-es adjusted and not due. Lo.'-es in suspi.’tise, w.ii’;n^ furtiicr pn "t, ^Vc., i.:o-i.^). Lojses resisted, i suspicititi r.f fraud, ice. I ^16,♦78 72. Ssaif' Agent of the above «'oii panv in Kavetteville, N t. ' L. J 'liAi.]-;. BRITISH PERIODICALS. L. .St t.j'li Co., .NKW Voi'iK, Continue to publish the following leading ijritlsL I’t-riodical^, viz; 1. Tllb; LONDON '.^L’AnTLIlLV , ( oii'ifrvative 1. THE t'DiNnrKcn klvikw whig Tilt: NORTH BUlTltll ULVILW Free Churchj. I. THE WK^T.MINSTER review l.i’.eral,. Rr.i>!>\ AS, STARR & WILLIAMS, H.WF. removed to the two brie';; .'stores in the West end of the F.i^ ettoviil llote' '.uildin;;, where they are now openinir tli !r vriH i4 of* li(00l!« I'or lliCM .^|>riii;> , recenth- selecte I by one of the firm in the Nortiu rp markets, which will be offered fi r sile to iheir tegu lar customers on the usu.-il tert;is All persons who w ish to buy t i .,:ds c!i‘ ip -tt |1( >- ^^.\LE, are resjiecifuliy .nvit.d t ■ «'al! . xam'i’.e tV.is stock at our new stand. West en 1 of F iyctte\''’i' Hotel building. .!. 15. St.\kr.1 [.I. M. -A ii.i.'...IS -April 24, ISoH. .'>tf FRESH FRUITS AM. T\\\: VHTIH’ll'8 SELF-SE.A nI .\G CANS, of K.ii ilmu- ware and (Jlass; Pints, Qo.ii-'s and Half Ci.illons, at reduce I prices. These Cans are m.'ie e-isil\ used t';au any oth r, the cement being alre.idv .>ii tl:>' Ch:i. — A LSi >— Tli«‘ Fi'iiil of ghiss; stopped witii a cork; Juarts •uni il l (inllous. i Tliis is a new article, ver;. cluap, ' dozen,) an.l admir.ably l;i[.fe ! i it ; u-;*-. For sale at the "Cili (CKKUV ^T'i!IK ’'v W \. Til MNlil! \S1 I .lune 22. I’J-jni A HAUCAIN CAN WV. II \D. subscriber iitliTs t.ir '-i':.' tiie M itfrinls .o’the ; I N()RTi{ (’.\1U)L1N.V .AliliC.S I'rintiiijr 'lliie , The establishment coU'ists two tir- -rate Washitu- j t'Ui Presses, one for Nowsp i-x r th” oth f .r .lob j ork, a large and well selected u'iantit> f Mew.-paper ; an 1 ji!b type. The newspaper type are i 'it v.-ry litt;e ■ Worn, and the l:irgest portion of the j .b type are ne« It is unnccess iry t ) enuui-'r.-i:: ; thi s^ie. ti iis Wfro made by persons of mncn typ il exp> r.-'ii.o- I and taste and are as complet' 'is ..iny in the 'Jfate I -Any persoti wishinjr to purch.ise can i^et a barg iin : by un edrly appiicatiou f ’ D.U'ID MCRI’H',. Jutie 10, 18->> tt ! HorsK, lAW. \M) \I:(;!{() ^ ^I'^HE undersigned wislrng t ■ .sc uv r'u -’r ' I'oisi- ! 1 ness, offer 1 >r sale the II tl'S!' -ind l,oT .n Hay- mount, f(.rmerly occupied by \I ij jr iiiini' i-e ,\lso. :i . NEtfRO P.OV 1-t \-ears of atre; liavimr trie i iiiin ’..r rii. I last tive months, we c.an r e. nuiieiid oim e\c. I lent Servant, lioth f ir Iiouso ..r ■ m ; •' ■* ■ r-. '' 1 f^r ‘ no fault, but to close old bus;n. " ' F. N .s: .1. H. Ko! KUTS Mav o, I" i; j A LL persons indebtci t.. t .m .lERRV and .1 II OIJ) I ll .r 1 R A.N K \ Ror,j'|;iS to. :i;o r ' quested to come forward aiidsen'e lii*- i ’ i: ItH. ^ i sett’fd by the last i'*’ this iiioi.tli. tlu v wi ! 1 the’ii in the h:inds of a Lawful (’olle.-t r ; .1 II. RORKHTS ,v f'l. May 7 II ris rin . I I-'' d' I'ide i manently oimtiiu tlo- '1 : Fayetteville, respectfully ot}. ;-s h's -.eryi.-t ^ to : izens of this place and surrou.. linir ■■■■ ’'.trv. ' the v.arious hr-anchcs of hi^ I’r.KC". n, ini-hid I manufacture of .Miner.-il Teetii he is M;ti-ii.> I, e.xtensive exjierieni e,Mo wl;:. ;, js ; i, i :i t l>ental e luc ition, that he .•■.:i - ■ ■n !'i ' ,wtl t!ie c In i 11 _ ; i ft e r as far as is in the power of l>- nti't»'v. t'.os of the Teeth treatc.l in i pi-.ii.-.; > tier, \S weli as 'lis>'ises of t'o.- !ii :•!; proper met.ils are made u>- -f it. 1; tions. Charges will be inoi.-. i ... :jii ti;',‘ ProtVssiuti may he 1 >xi!’ ;o who may foe! an int. rc't in tio- in Teeth Ofiice over Houston's ,Jew.‘iry may be f..uiid at all times. Slav 10, 1 .\’’ '.rn I .• u- r N ;.e ' V iri u . ( r-\\sE. ^|1HE estorn Rail Road Co. have for sale in amounts J| to suit purcha-jers. >‘2(1,0011 of tlic l^iri'ls (if till (loniity,'*i' t'uiiiberland. bearitiu 7 per cent, interest. jiayabV seiiii-Hiiiiually on the 1st .lune at>d ti e 1st ct Dcv'eni- oer, aii‘1 running Lin year.s. ()(»(( uf till* t'mijiOll (if tLc 'I’li'.Vli i)f K:iyetteviiie, bcnrin'.'' •; pur cen' interes', j i\:ib’e s.iiii ii'nually o;i the 1 ;t .I iiiU.irv -xn l th.. 1 ^:t of .July, and ruiuiini: L’l* 1 hi-se lioiiils were Isipuei! in !u-,'.ird iin-e with law t( tlie Western Rail !\ ,a 1 to pav tlio I'ountv and I'own subsi-iiptioiis res)> •; tiv.-i\. Person- li iviiig M 111! will lin.i tlii se b,.nds at the oru i' the (’o. is -;el'i’ them a bettio- i; vestment than any Hank .stock in the State F 1 terir.s -ipplv to >R M M.I.|'/rT, Fs j , Pres t or '■> ' .INO. Treas'r W e-tern R. n i i-. I'ayetiev ii!.-, ; ^ noiiiijx ihm’sk For Rent or Lease. 'r-lll!; I,en;;e : i il c i.re-ient I'lopriet irs io’ this we! ^ ,nr>wri llonse vil. exjiire on tlie Kt .laiuiary. tile j.roji -vty i.' i tiered loi lense or vent. 'I'o a •>er- III le.siiiiiis I.;' •in iert:.klii;, tlie Hotel bii.siuess, .'in I,.fit op).. rtutiM;. ; ^ ■ .!l\-re,;. Tiie '^uil liii," is large, «eii arr.!’i;...il rm | m e iinp'ete r.^o .ir: its 1 I'.ition will ■I'.w.iys (’oi;i!i.:nid *'i.r it an exten:;iv- patronage. .\s the j resent Propriety rs inieii I c!i:in;;i’ig tiieir busi- iiess. the Fiiriiituiwliieii i' ncar'y new aU'l in good oi‘iU'1, ^ .iii lie pur. ;;.i e t .'ii lavoi u'l iiis i he il .u e uii! t . ieiiver> 1 !i .ii a^'ter the lir of .l.i’lii- -y, rt'i'i’iiriMi . o. ^,i un lei- ;': e pre 'at manage ment till -1 te'i:iot is . hifiiioe i i lie tiio- .St .r«> in tlie .nie bu i.ilnu. lonnorly occu pied V ’di- Um. J»o )tii, 1 .ii.so ..liiTcd lo) rent .INii II ('0»K, I’ll'*. I > •• •' ’ ri n !■'. 1 F W CTTKVlLLi: MI TI \L IXSl llAXn: (OMPANY. ASSP.TS $230,326.28. i;.|- been in iperation more than f ,ve \e;ns. iiiid i'as p.ii 1 its io s,-'. .i;n'- loting to with' ;iny .s.‘--:ui,..iit. insuia'i‘-e nver- •giiii it- la- rs '.f ' j or i ie is-^ > f : . f May. I'^.s, \'o iu;t •■jr.j.r’.' ;•; 1, . 17 1 .'*:i J ■! 1. \»n- O.T't J o * s \v .'111 h‘l’l 1. 'Il'' ‘Jw • 'ash .r.‘. r. : 1. •> ;j.jl7 ii. l-ii;: n ie . \P v . s T Ha>s -V. i’- i. . \S -\ i ■ M M.\r V. 1, \ \! Keti.i;;. ^ '' i’ ' io_’ I .. .11* i'li.iiiis, 1 ieor\ ' V , .1 1 , (' .^, \ A. S;, ; I,.,,, \ \v -tee',. ' .'. Hin. I : e. .'-.s K - If. i; I. -t. r ,o. J •: p;iei 1, i-i M'l. iiir n R !'. i'- v. • ''.iii'ng? .n, ' (I I . •iK" M I i:,L, Pie,i leu: I' \ I. -■ . \ i-(. I’resi lent. *■ .\. M( \Iil.l.\-\ > . I, • uy. J.ihn - a!ii' ' Mi I'r 111!,-II, Tin el'.ing .\g-.'nl> 1 ii ■ > ■'.ni).an-.' ':;V :e aj p .• t.'Ui .. M .. -1. I-..' la V I'C' ' ■ ■ ! ■ -1*>. f '1 , . .IA.yI 'S IvYIJO 1' U' '. V ■ in.- ■ ■.Si'i'inj »up|i;v .1 DRY GOOI>S :i ’’ : .-.f • re. wl'tTt' 111 S\1 \\A. 1M)\ 1 E.VTLEMI'N. y.ju that wi'i' : I,’’' ■ ';’.u W NFGROFi.s, \len. P. >s. " !n..n a : I 'lir -. fo- the hijrliest cash prices. •.v, u' I 1 i 't-:' t^ rive mii : call, or ad'lress me at r’,int‘iri. N .; \ do \i:’i li! R .June •'>, I'^.js ■ " . J : \olire to W icIoM^. '■giHE Wi.low-- of Mexican lier-^. and tii,‘ Wi.. .v, - I. of .Soldiers who nuii iv 'Ki;\ |. i; in t!o war -f iSll!, can have their pensions c- atini the undetsigned, Congress iiiving provision for them (livr me tin' management -f in' ney shall come at jiice. ■ r ;i 13L\f'KWO0D S EDI.N'Rl’R;iI MAG VZINE ;Tor\ t;..o 8^ 't B. These Periodicals ably represent the three great jioli- ticai partiesoftiic.it P.ritain 'Vhio, Tory, .-iiid Radi cal,—but politics forms only onetVature of their char acter. -As Organs of the most prof.und writer- on Science, Literature, .Morality, and iteiigion. they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivalled in th(,‘ world of let ter'^, being considered indisfiensabie to the schoiar and the professional man, while to the intelligei.t reailer ' of every class tney turnish a more corrcct ami satis- | fnctory record of the ctirrt nt literature of the (l;iy, i 'hrougiiout the wurl.i, than c.an In- posrioly olitaine.l j fr -ni :iny other source. i KAiiI.V ('OI'IHS. i The receipt of .Al>VA.Ni’E .SHEFT.st,- 'in the Rritisli j publishers gives additional value to tlies” Reprints, in- | tsmuch as they can now be jilaced in the hand.s ot aub- . scrii-ers about us soon as the origia.-il editions. I 'IKK MS Per aim. For any one of tiie four Reviews -"So tin For liny two of the four Rev.ews '> 0(t F’or any three of the Four Iteviews 7 (• For ad t'our of the Reviews S t>0 For Rliickwood’s .Magazine «> 00 I'or liiiickwood and three Reviev,.- 't 00 tor illacKwood and the four Re'.iews 10 Oo l\iyitU‘uis (i) (jf 'niti'It- in n/l tnscs in (nfmnt'c Muutu furrrnt ,,i t/if State vlit ri- i'kskpiI iciU h- /•»(•( (.(/ nt jinr. t'Li i;i}L\(i. A discount of twenty five per cent, from the above price will be allowed to . n ordering four or more copies of any one or ne re ot th • ;t!,.,ve works. Thus; I" .jur eopies ot Riackwood, or o*. im,. Review, will be sent to one address for --s'.!; t.,ur ■ ol the four Re views und Ulackwood for •■S.lii; iin l ,,,, AriH. Iu all the i>rincip.il I’lties and T.iwas, these works will be delivered, FREE oF POST '.iil.. When sent by ujjiil, tlie Postage to any p irt of tiie Lniie l States will be but TWEN l'\ FOL'R (JE.v'T.s :i year for “IV.rmk- wood," and but FOFRTEE.N C’E.N I'.S a j'ear for each of the Reviews. A . li. Tlic priff hi f//'r:it Hrituin of thejicc I'l Iciih tihijve-nanV’d /.s c-j 1 i»r ounum. lU'iiiittances for any of tlie atmve j/ublicatioiis should a.na^s be addressed, jiost-paid, to the Pubiishers, LEikNARI) SCOTT \ CO., .No. 0-1 Gold .street. New Vork. NOKi'll CAROLINA \i.\Ci)S. ■ H A.M.-', Sides and ShijuldLrs, t 'r sale bv Ml revlklV rose. Jan y 26. bU- Fayetteville, June IJ, H) ACU!:s ■ nr ■h-ir'.r IN". M ;oi -Mi.r 1 ’i 'ii.i RoSi;. Pei).' .in L\M) lou s\i.\ Ii.; V. «lu» I . ] U ! v't'K CO \ ^ a 1 ; \i! Vi'r y ;'■ I \ !. ti: ■ '. 'S’ ')uali; e ,o : ® 1':: i 'It li;e w.’'-'-.‘- .t K'.ryi'f. at a reis oinhle prii Ol- SALi:. j f BIHE Subscriber desirin;; to ;.mvo to fh*- NW st oli'cr- I -M. to sell the followin': tracts of valuable l.-in I. j 1 Tract containing I.’.')!'.!', acre--; in II irnet' r.iun’v 1 I miles North nf F’ayrtteville. There is on this traet. two large and comfortable dwellintr hon-es. \\ith all . neees'.^ary oiithou-.es, to;^;pther with a o,,,) I niili ruiiniiiir I two saws and gri-t, with about a r s cle ireii :ii! 1 ' in a t.ifih s^ate of cultivation; the reimun b r is excel lent farming and turpetitine oii.d .\lso another tract containinj Kxio Mi-ie-; ot tnrpen- tine land, aliont lOO acres of which i-' eleju-ed. Tfiere is on this tract one good dwelliri” with aii iiecess'iry out houses and fi goo.l grist and siw-niill. I will take pleasure in showing the hI,.)'.e i i- ■, eity to any perS'^n wishing to pur -h i‘--e. II. S. Mc'.I'.ll.!-. Miinchester P (>. ii7 ts !>y toe 1 oil M (> Ijl, i u . M t'l. Li.o.. .1', Wo liav(! fni hand \ I. A It ii i: I. » 'fl' > r iiOOtfs or A'#.>•#>«, ft,*t nil! be SoM Cheap for ’.,sh cr exchanged lor 'oiiiiti*y Product'. \V. II CARVER CO. .Inly 7. L’Ctf snoKs. SKidT an 1 iieavy several hundred p'iirs—for A Men, 'V .im.n .m l Misses, for sale bv W. 11 CARVER ('O. .lu’y 7 -Jtitf I2«V3:> •'if TI I:K « A for ^ a.- cheap by W. !!. CARVER & CO. -Riiy 7. 2titf and !.!Qr01{S. A L.\R;E Stock of CHOICE LI0’OJ{S. for sale l\v W. li. CARVER .V CO. 1 iii’iunii^ I tciisils^, ;t hii'm' lot tur s!i!* ciie..}' by W. II (.'AllVEK & 'A). July ". :ii;tf IJMI-: AM) Ci'MKN'r. BRLS. Lime and f’enient For sale cheaji ^K9 bv W H (’ARVEK CO. .'■•ily 7. -intf ^ ,rv ■ /- ' .oea, f . I .io ; 1-1 . ' ' •• ■; 1 rir ■ '!\vi'' . U hit. .,d i'- M c. •' .'1 II- p. - t tlLl ( .til-. V ‘I • I : le i\ 1 ■ i: a.• • >.. ry •. |-i .. • : ! ';•;. i i - ‘ . i. n^-. o , .if w!io il il i .'.I I ai - - i fli,. ';,ie N - V. - ; .’1 ■ P'.-' ' ! ;■ . -i: W b.. ..'IVred , iie,i> ' r 1 -h .r to.TH' • . p-ivin.; = 'I't an.-rs Mm:-1i 1.; I t nr , : . inuTirw rri.i.ri; w. '.ifi - ^{^•Kw. 4 I i 6. vs A S' SI. IU . r w i;r i'l \ i!. .i;. n. « ., \i II : l oMsuiti I lit t'o- r r .n \aders r. .'tr.o.o. iina, ■ !:>(! . . i.i t. c re.al tl.c ■ is‘,.-i- Nov. 7th, lH.j7. r>i)(V~\cjii:s oj' i.AAi) roH S.M.Iv ^|^HF> Subscriber ofiers for sule the al)ove i|U!int'ty j J of Land, situated in a health^'neighborhood, tii ee miles from the Wilmington and ’In rlotte Rail Ro ad, and four from Lumber River. I'his Linl is well adapted to Farming, Tur[ientine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good r.inge and other advintages. Those wishing to purchase may find me on fl e pre mises. who will be happy to exiiibit it or give any in formation concerning it desired. .\NOFS .MetiILL Philadelphus, N. C., Sej't 1, ls.'>7 !•' f I'OK s\ij:. ^glUE DWELLING IloFSE AM) L(*Ton (lillcsjiii! A. Street, at present occu|'i«‘d by Docto; \lcSwain. Perfect title can be ma.le. .\pplv t i TOO. J. ( L'RTIS. A I.SO A GOOD FAMILY C.VHii \Gi: in go id re], .ir :.nd » nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. —A LS( )— good MILCH COWS with young calves. .^pp‘V f> T. J. CI.RTLS. April 2‘.t, 18.57. ?,tf .NOI'ICI'.. O. 1 PFIILVIA.M UCANO; -tl'U Tasks MMK: .jo 1 >.i;es 11 V ^ : .5 Rbls tiLCE. For sale b> WORTH \ I TLEV. July |ti i>7- TIIr PLATE, sImtJ Ei’oii, Iron \Vir«‘, \\I>TI\-WAKC. .Aiwa - ..n ! at.d, at Wlioles.ile or Retail. t; / TTI.UIS^;, And ai! kin is of .lobiiini, done at short notice, br (■ W ANDREWS, Market Square, Favetteville. .Iiily'i ■ li7- Pl IM \ 1 \N (ir VNO. ^ I ^ IIF. uitdei’signed !ias ma le arrangements by which i lie is prepare 1 i furnisii at sliorl notice, any r*- •pjire 1 .luiuitity .if 7\o. I l*(‘rii%iaii Miiaiio, I'i of whicli wili iic fr‘ in direcr inipoit.-itions, into the 1' r: ,f Wil'iiivi'.'t^ n, and w.iriaiite I pure aU'I genuine. (irler- t .r the above oxi'ellent fertilii^er are solicit- • ■1. t wliicii prompt attention will be given \s thi - is -in article whi.di does not admit of being - oi l on time, e ish .-r it- e.piiv-iient niu-^t accompany eai h order. RE\ ERLV R)SE .lii’v >. ■ •jr.tf AEW ;ooi>s fBjlHE subscribers adopt this inetho l of informing ■ their friends land the public generally ) that they ire now receiving into store a very large and general S’l'OCK Ol' (iOODS, EMBRACING u IS M' i: K1 l: K, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, A: o.. «%:.*., *V «•. \11 of which they are disposed to sell at reasonable profits for cash, or on the usual time to res[ionsible ]mrch.asers wlni are in the habit of p;iving. GEO. W. WILLIAMS \ v’O. July ‘Jlti, 18-jS. ;’,1- OMJL. 1:aL'RE WINTER SPERM, M.VCHINERV, LAMP. T.ANNER.s’ iind LINSEED OIL: a fresh supply Just rec’d and for sale in '[uantities to suit bv reverlv'rose. •July '.iu ol-ot w i:i.L (Jiiov 1*:. J 111-\T plctisiint and most clesirable Country Re- ■- treat, liA miles trim town, on the Fuyetteville tV Western I’lanic Road, is otiere 1 for sale on favorafile tenas. Apply to REVFRLV ROSE. July :^1-Sf SIJXDKIKS. PURE WHITE LE \D, in Kegs of 2> and 50 ^bs ; WIND()W GL-V.'^S, SxlO and H»xl-: together with a general assortment of P.VlN'f.S and tJOP.AL VARNISH. Also, extra No. 1 P..VR SO.VP; ADA- M.\NTINE C.ANDLES of theiiest iiuality put iiv,boxcs of'.^1) lbs each. For sale by 1>. ROSE. July •Jf). * :;l-8t I lil'II.IIINC \!A riCUl.AI.S. 1ALC1NED PLVSTER; Hydraulic (Jement: Patent Lump l..imo; Plastering Hair. ■A fresh supply just rec’d and for sale liy July B ROSE. 3i-;it Ni:\V .MACIvKiiEL. VLARtcE Lot. Nos. 1, and o, ia Whole, Half and »,iuar er Barrels, cau . :.:;a inspected iu is.js. .Just receive 1 an 1 for s; -by AV. C. TROY. .Tuly '22, 18o8. :iO-!m roil SAf.K. .VND L')'i near occupied by Ur. K. A. Black July ‘JO l'UK>H \AMK. ^^IIIE HOL'Sl-; .VNDL')'i near Cool Spring, lately 1!. B. (’ROW. 30-Im 500 .11 Si' ui:ci;ivi:i). I.lis, oil.lire ;t>SllF.N lU'TTEB: , .‘iiKi lb' L!1 \F LARD; ' — A LS( > \ I 't ot five SKii.VRS an i TOP, \('C‘). For sale bv 1). ANDERSON, ■Nortli-v.est Cor .Market S.juare. .Iiii'.e ’Js. ■J:'!- i AYi:'i'ri:viijj: iiotkl. \'.‘K N. liM!Li;T.'' CO., iiaviiikr leased this R H.ite', will ■ e please 1 t . -^er their f irmer patrons :.n I fr ejnl-i. as-ariiiu th 'ui that they will use every exertion to ]ile:ise. i- N. RdKl.K 1; [J. G. S.MlTM .! iT'.'y 7. 74-yp l CO;)L MILLS. J^ilil Pr.'iri 't ’r- .ire prej irei to GRIND C»U{N on tiie (I'll il teriii^. i he P., Ntr'id M luuf'c'ure is still carrie 1 on at the ;!ne rilac.'. in'y 11, 1>.')8. 7-5-tf 1 JlAlliS. ( ilAlliS. 4 i,.\R(’'M o! .ttein Chairs, mad? at Cool « Sj.rih;. \ii,l, .111 1 f : sale bv \. M. ("vMPBELL. i’.ooK-i;iM>i\(; in i', execii!.-1 -.viih neatnes; au 1 de ui i'l ! ’b» wlmii ci iiie niii't be p-ii l before THo--;. H. TiLLINGII.VST. -\nderson Stri-et. IMY lil. I . .1 1 it: I ^oM lo -,i-. red May I 1 NK(;koi-:s \v.\.N (’!:i). .AM ]repared to buy any number of likely VoC.N'ti NEttlKIES. Persons havin!j such pr ijierty to sell Would do well to give me a ( ill. T. WADDILL. Fayetteville, June iiU, 18o)i. z4- I ! ^ ill s \\a: n\i V. A ViiMKNT |)Wi:;.! 1\G HiM's;-:, . o f_ 11,.;,•• \!i- .) (■ '!',i ill" 1.'^ For t.aitii 'i tars enquire ot'.1 G .'siicvii. i I. iis.;, ,r .M ■ .WlPBMi-L i I xiM-. NArivS. * X'.’ P\; ri.R\ of j i-i!PF\ riM-: IIM'KSma!.. .A I ; ■ I lev. .-I Wli Of- or !;• ':i'' and \Vaii'ai't> 1. by M \ i:\KFR Fay tt vii’.'. \ V'-ri. I''. I'-'i'' :-!t’ McP.IMMON, Comihis.jio;i and For>.vardiug Mei chant. U l!.NlL\.iTi)N, N. .Inly'. Is'i7. --tf I ASK C fij ^ ! I L Si e.Miiier F\^^> v.iil leave i'ayotteviiie for Bl \\ iiiiiin'jt II, ."veiy .'l.oi l iy and 'fhiii-'day iiiori-.- iiig, uiitii further r 'iit'. \\'iil t.iko freiv;ht ;i:i'l pas seii'jeis as ill'll, t'f .re. T. S. 1,1 rillRI.Oll- Feb'y 2-. S7- 'I'o g^'tOR the t.alaneo „f the ye-,r. a DWELI ING IlOFSI S silnated on Old Street, the lute ri'sid.-nee of \li-' P.eze Perry, dee'd. WM. \\ A R OIIN, Fx'r. .! line oO 'J 111 Pi -'lyterian ai; i (';!roiini.ui Co]iy. MlLi i'Ain (;(K)i)S, Swords. Sashes. Belts, Epaulettes, Lacen \\i) i.V!:in |i!'SC!iil’i'l!IS OF IIUIIKV |.i rHK f S Ani’f/ *in ' li'ion^. si’iii VLKH. ii \Rri.i:y .v (.hvh.vm, B ^IPOriTI^C*' tV TF V'4i 1'\ Tl 3Si:i£?^. 1. MAIDEN L.V.NE, I .^V.T I O^JV. 1 .liiiie;lti. -t-iy I p Mj 1 ^ n: i\ f s i: rrt, i.. 'Ag V Notes ail I .\.- ..110's ire al 1 due .lud I hope my *,?4 customerb will c^. . .iiid settle tin.-.n, as wc neeil the uiouey. J. C POE. July 6, is.js, 2.5-Im riiov vV i'rLLi:iL .Vlionifvs iiiid (’(iiiiiM*Iliir.> al Law, o., ■>. \ 3}&oBEI’.r E. ri’.OY an 1 .HHl.S' P. FCLLER. ha\o ?1 Si tor;ii 1 .111 a'S ■ ia ion f ir the pr-ictiee of thei: j r-'fe-si III ii; Robesoa ('"Unty I’he f inner will also .-itteiid ihe :'(! II-;-: 1^' Bla b'U 'lul I'ol iUiibtis: the latter . wiila'.-oi .tie :d tli.is ‘ if ('ir.aberl-ui !. ■ rii.‘ I if'i -e -n l.iiuioerton vd b - kept open at all I t'mes. I .i.in’v 1, Is-'iS. 7;>- SIDNIjY a. 3MITH, Vttor'M'A 'iii P.t Law, i *'sa rrii's:i;-i>, ., ^ ll.i. alt'1:1 r. jiulariy tlio ('lunty anl .Su) erior •f * t oiits of \\:il.e, .loi list.ill. 'uni'i, I hind, Har nett. :i'i V. iis 111 .Ml liii-ioess entrusted to his c ire wi:i ree' i\e • i- nnt ittentioii. .lan'y IJ. 7i>-ly ,JA>. I.. .s.MITll '.llbKS Ci'STlN. 0 AS. C. SiVHTH & Co., S^artors^ 4’4r‘n:»tission aittt For- ivardhf^ •ficrcftnttfs. W IL.MlN-.iT :N, N. C. I?oM 1’ I' a’telltion gi\ en to sale o! I I M BFI!. LL '1 - d P.KK. N.W'AL SfOLE.s and ill kinds of Produce. I.i! erai i Iv ineenient s mile oa ■'oii'i in ments. ".ii-r' ■ ■ I P. 'iv. i.. I’re' t Rruicii I’laiik of St.i’e. I! I’ S\', \(1K. t'lsh'r Piai.k I aj'C Fear. .loiiN D\w- S..N. i.-|. A: -il ls.-,s. o-IV Pr -iliytei'i 111 copy I). A. LA MO.V Ooinmission Merchant, oi iK ii :;s xoi’.i i! wrm: stimiet. !’"i s. .;-ii afteiili Ol gi. eu to all j i-.id i-e s'Mit to him either f ii sale or sail iiieiU. j \,,v r •. 'i7-lypd ..i. .. ;lli \m I*\(;k, ,\i. I)., ' S* i T TS Si o m: O f Si. .V, i ^ ' \GE may be found at his otlice when not ■ S y prot’essionally engage 1. May ti. ls.')7. .jlt i oA'i's \\i) rr:As. , ’\9 Itm ditt" t.ow Peas. 4 C.\SKS, in good order, iust received. Mlrlr Also. L’OO bushels PLASTERING HAIR, For siile by B. ROSE. .I line ‘Js. 23- \S ANTF.i) ^5? NEtJROMS fora Mississippi Plantation, Men, • Bovs, Girls, and some good Families. EPllR, PAGE. Fayetteville, May ti, 18-1)8. S-tf THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE LATi: H>X. JOHN 1). TOO.MKK, r > isi > A r e: . j H E valuable L-i w Library of the late .Judge Toomer. I consisting of upwards of lOtiO bound Viilumes. ■iiid several hundred N’os unbound, has been deposited with the undersigne 1 for sale. The books will be sold in sets, FilR tWSlI ONLY. They are generally ii. go. .1 order, though of course bearing marks of use file prices have been fixed with reference to their condition. t'atalogues, with the price tnne-\ed to each volume, i.iay be obtained on application to the subscribers. E. J. HALE X ^ON. Fayetteviile, June i'>, I8-j8. XOiil'H ('AKOLLN'A ' si pRKMi: cocirr rkpokts. I ‘iubs;ori>^er? buve just printe*! at the Observer £ Ortioe :i SHi'ONl) Ki^iTlON of DKVKKEI X ,V.N{) HATTUrS UW UE- P(»UrS, VOL. 1. Ui:VL'Kl» \M» ri^UUKrTKI), WITH NuTK.-i \ Nl> KKFF R ENCK^ , liV NOV. WILLI\M 11. iiA'r rLK, J 11)11 h 0 r T111- SI' i’i{ E111: (' 0 r iir o f \ o in ii i: \ k ii li n \. . The price of the new edition is not greater than that j of the oi l. though, as it is scarcely necessary to say to I the Profession in N'.>rrh I'lrolina, its v.-iiue has been j greatly increased by Judge Batt'e’s Notes, References I :ind Corrections. The volume has been long out of print, and we shall j be glad to supply the many Lawyers whose si;ts of Re- ; ports are incomplete without it, as well as those who ' ha%e the ild ed-.tioii but would like to have the new I one for the sake of us notes. 1 E. J. HALE (4. SON. I Fayetteville, Aprii o, is.js. i'Hi: x!:\v ;:i)rriox ok l)LVi:iU:i \ \ iUTILirs DW IIKIMIKTS. V!>L. 1. ' FCEIVES the approval of those who have cx- ' fi » amined it. Chief .Justice Nash siys, ‘-I have looked through it —it is carefully and well gAt up. * * 1 think to our t’oiirt It will b«' iiivaluaiile—and to tiie Protessiot eipially so. It v.i!1 sa\e the labor o! deciding the same point again and .-iK.iin; for there will be no excuse for t'oiiiise! not being apprised of jioints already adjudi cated ” Gentlemen of the Bar who have )iiirchaseil and ex amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it For sale, with set- or sei'.irate volumes of N.a-tU • 'arolin i Rej.orts, and L.-iw Books generally, by K. J HALE \ SON. />#•• Miaifk*s^s Misiorsf O r O K T II 4' A K O 1.1 \ A . The SuJiscribers are n.’W prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendatiou wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its tyjiographi- cal getting up. It ina^* be olitained, cither from rs or from our General .-\geiit for the State, H. W. Horne ol this place, or nnv of his .Assistant .-\gents. The price varies according to style of binding: In handsome cloth yl li i; in Library Sheep •'j'l 50; in half ('alf -ifl 7.5. It is soLii usi.v for f .\sii. iNone will be charged, either by ourselves or our \gents. .A liberal discoun* will be made where iiuantities are taken to sell again It will be sent bj- mail to any purl of the csuntrj’, on receipt of the price anl 21 cents to pay postage. The lid voluiinj is in coirr. e of preparation. There will probably lie four or live volumes in all The s(uc- ueeding vohinies will prob-ib y contain about -'lOO pages each, and will be sold at fi j't ojiortionally higher price, viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding. l2-') cents additiiinal f'or sheep and •’lO ctnts additional tor tk» half calf binding. E. J. H.ALE >S: St)N. F.-iyetti ville, April li'.*, I8.'..7. P. S. I'iie .\gent and his .\ssistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accompanied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion . STAXDAIM) A: MlSrELLANEOLS BOOKS. ^"^R- k.WE’S .Arctic Lxpii rations,—^cloth, sheep B^and half calf; Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, CoiKjuest of Peru. Phillip 2d, and Conijucst of Mexico; Henry Clay's Works, il voN : Benton’s Thirty Years in the 17. S. Senate; Daniel Webster's Works, ♦> vols.; Memoirs of S. .s. Prentiss: Iriving’s Works, 15 vols., clotli and sheep; .Memoirs of Wm Wirt; Irving’s Life if Washington, cloth and slu'ej.; Life and Coirespou- dence of Webster; Com. Perry’s .Japan Exi>edition; .Ab- tiott's Na[ir.Ieoii: The Indigenous Races of the Eftth, by Nott Gliddoti: Recollections of Life Time, by Goodrich, (Peter Parley;) Hume and Macaulay’s His tories ot England: Hallum's, Kobertson’s, Johnson’s, Burke s. .Vudison's, Hannah .vlore's and Dick's Works, Southey’s Common Place Book; Historical ('ollections of Virginia; Dickeiis's Comiilete Works, D' vols. illus trated; LfiMartine's History of Turkey: Tiie yueens ot Scotland, by .Agnes Strickland; (ioldsmith's Animated Nature: Noctes Ambrosianie. 5 vols.,—edited by Dr. McKenzie; Rollins Ancicut History; Constitutional Text Book; .Millnian’s Gibbon's Rome; The Statesman’s Manual; TiCes and N ivels of Maria F.dgeworth; Proc tor's History of the i.’rusades: Chiuiibers’ liiformation for the People; 'i'ytler's Universal History; Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson; t.'hambers’ Miscellany, 10 vols.. -Appleton's Cyclopedia of Biography; The Scottish Gael; Encyclopedia .Americana, 1-4 \o!s.; Waverly Novels iu 12, 21 and 27 vols.; AVilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland; De l ociueviile’s Democracy 'H .\merica; Knight's Half Hours with the best Authors; Bulwer'"' Novels, complete in one \ol; Plutarch’s Lives, .Modern P>ritisli Essayists; L^ ell's Princijdes of Geolo gy; Tales of the Arabian Nights, 4 vols. illustrated; .Maury'a Phvsic.il (.ieogr.ipiiy of the Sea; .\dventures of a (ienflcmaii in Searcu of a Horse; Mrs, Ellis's Family .Monitor anrt Guide to Social i>appiness; The IJiicLelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage, History of the Revolutions in Europe; Loc'ivhart’s Life of Walter Scott; Hogg’s Winter Evening Tales; Woodfall’s Junius; McIntosh’s -Mi.scellanies; Hamilton’s Philosophy and Literature; AL'Aulay’s .AJiscellanies; Marshall’s Wash ington; Life of Pinckney; Braude’s Encyclopudia; The Prince of the House of David: The Poetical Works of Hemans, Scott, Campbell, .Milton. Byron, Moore, Burn i, Shakspeare, >.n:o , iu various stj'les. E. J. HALE & SON. nooAs. OM .A I"."' Civil Law; Starkie on Slander; Roscoe's Crim. Evi- Seilgwick on the Measure dcnce: of Damages; ijliitty on t’ontracts; Sedgwick on Statutory uiid “ t'riiiilnal Law; Cons. Law; *• “ Plea-ting: Hale’>i Pleas of the Crown; Stephen on Ditto.; Bishop on Marriage and ,hitty on the i.aw of Car- Divorce; riers; .Mittor.i'sChancer^- Plead- Seiwyn's Nisi Prius,—.Vm. ings: Notes: Sanderson Use«i & Trusts; Smith's Clrincery Practice; Hargrave k Butler’s Coke “ Laiidlonl and T'mi- upon Littleton; ant; L. States Digest; “ on Contracts; St.'Vte rials of the L'. S ; Leaduij; (Jrtses; Russell on .Arbitration. Story o;i ConiFu t of Law; .Morris on Replevin: j .juity .Jurispi u- '! roitbat on Ifimited Part- dence; nerships: oil .Sriles; Sugdeli on Vendors: on P.irtnership: •' on Powers; E.juity Plcadu.;:s; Sauiidei's on Pleading: on Contracts; '• Rejiorts; Fe-i.-iie oil Remainders- .\ddison on Contracts. E iw:u-'ls o!! Siailinents: Wharton on Homicide; Bvles’ on Bills; \\harton Stile’s Med- r!ivler’s Law G ossaiy; Jurisprudence; Dart on VendoiS and Pur- Newlan 1 on ('ontracts; cli .-ers of Real Estate: Roper on Legiici's; !?r liii's i.. ir li -\laxi!!,.-; ' Wil.i ims on Executors; (Nimiiii ntai ics on the “ on Personal Pro- •'oiii. Law; [.erty; Adi'.iiis's i^.juitv; Oliver on tloiiveyancinj:; *• on F.jectM,-iit; Lube's l,(,uiiy Pieadin;:; lUirriU oil Cir >um. Evidence; (iresley s Law of Evi- !.iw Diet ioiiai leii'*..; Leading Ca-es in E juity; Kent's CoinmenfariPS; Tidd s Practice- Notes: ''iiriis'e Commentary; Hill on 1 raster.-.. •• “ i'.radtord'sSunogute R- .Matti-ews' Presiimi ti’. e llvi- ports; jcnv-i'; I'ajiping on .Mandamus, Powell oil Moi 'j i^es: i';-own Ci:cuit Coiiipiinion Cautwoi'’s .lusti. e" Wiley’s N. C. Form Book; .Supreme t'oiirt Ueports, lVc-, .Vc. E. J HALE, SON. fSfirhie .Mei hWDVAL, 1. I .lllll! 1 SI'V.'. .«Hi|'.. 11 Vi 81*‘, X. '• Jan’v 20. IH.'iS tii-ypd IS, i’.V() Illif.HN P.rSIIFLS SEED 0\TS Cow I -..!/./>- ,\ few barrels Norllieiii Ir.s'i Potatoes. For sale iu ijaantities to suit, by Feb’y 15, 1858. B. ROSE. 85 tf m:\\ I500KS. I y I\'l.SGSTON’S TR VA'ELS IN SOLTH .\FRIC.A;; .iarth’.s Di.scoveries iu North and t'entral Africa: “ The Reason Why.’’ by the author of •Impiire Within.’ — ALSO— I Further supplies of Mustang (Jray; Phivnixiana; The Painter, ('lilder and Varnisiier's Comp.inion; Sale's Koran; Jacobus's Notes ou the Gospels; The Comm'i- nicaut's •'oinpanion: Barnes' Notes ou the Gos, els; Con^beare’fi Life and Epistles of .St. Paul; The Psalm ist, with supplement; Bibles; School Books; >Vc. Just receiveil. E. J. HALE ^ SON. Jau’y lt>, 1858. iiOOKS. L Nu LiS> I.N’S Th irii H.es iiiid .'daterl i .Me lica M' lio ii iiieti.)!.;! ry: Human Phy-iolo;iy: *• Pr.iciice ot \le iicine. >• on .New liemedies; igs’ Tre itise on Oi>stetrics; Woman, and her Diseases; I'iiiidl-ei levers: Liisei-^es ,,t the Cterii-;; Hev.ees on Cliil (.■ n: *• ” F- males: Horner's .Vuat(*iiiy aii 1 liistolo^y; Niilier's Pi'iiieiiii..- ii .' irg.jry; l‘:'ae:i.->' ^ 'bi ; Bartlett on the Fevers of the C. States: Wi'.-on'- lliiiiian .Anatomy, by tio ldaril; Kicor l an t Hunter on Venereal, by Bunisteaj; Watson's Prai'tiue of P lysic, b^ Condie; Wool ;iiid Baciie's U. S. Dispensatory, I‘-i.i; o;is'.'s 'iVistiir's .\natoTiiy; Wi.siii on Diseases of tne Skin; •• the .Skin and Hair: Eve’s .Surgical I’ases; tlhurci.iii on Chii.lren, by Ke.iTinfj; Sjstem of .Aiid wifer.N, by Coiolie: Diseases of Women In do.: Ellis s Ale lic.il Formulary, bj- Tliomas; Kirkes’ and Paget’« Phy siolrpjry; lieguault'a Elements of Clu'inistrj’, Fownes’ * heinistry for Students- Bartlett .-n tiertainty in Medieine; SniUh anil lloiui.T’s .yiatoiiiii .il .\tlas; Bird on the Ciin iry Deposite.-^ Pereira’s .Materia .Medica an i 'i herapeutics; Carpenter s llunriu Physiolojy. by Smith; Dickson’s Elements of .Medicine; Taylor on Poisons, by Giitbth; Burrows’ on Cerebral Ci?'. ulation; Wilson on Sypfiili.s- Draper's Pii} siolo/y—illusr-ated; I Solly on the Brain; Hope on th" \c., &c. h. J. HALE & SON. * (yct. 2^1, 1867.

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