ntioii o»rJ htTi.' j '■ l)r s av* '«• 'f i>r > ucM.ie J » -$ ;i, " h- hns b«i he. ti ibnt he iiluttt.! ol the Jet pra. , ith h;j n» w . f>l . . totb'ti t,§SERT^ K^jre.l in th« tuc esp«cially in the ;-«turnecl t hlib ’KHATIONs tf- a.-=:, ; anj t;..- ociir. 1) I’hila xpt'ri pul tU»: Jge , be • em, Vl'Il thi.s - ■ u . ; . jrt-at I. T'n , lem, a:: : i t uh kn , le.i :ie pi, - , leoitir rtn . ; »linu- v> u!l_v .. ...(, loet ; rs pr, ITMAS . ; rk AKOl.lN )u?, Ma.v T :riu, nnor li' a Pr:_ • I Kqu;‘ T racr oih SI !•■ oaep!- an>J 3t' th-- ub^ • esa 'if t I’e 01 »IX feu ■ . he . U-l'- tt, t;. . un si'y : e rtfij ■ • e tu 5- of OK Jay iXM .• “3 f W. i-t. L J o ■T Aar ■ MJN \. >us, Teru., L'r'iw ' : ■•es i I, : 'jT f tii. esiJt >-n-!. n«: • iiae i:. t. -r iti'l !. K- i • tinfi' exi 'gU- t iie • art. [I -r'. tn-it I ;Le ■ V ihf ■ ;t! the M oar ; ir tiie . •Tt'j:., ; i tl.’-re ■ I u :-"j ti.- ri-i; t' urt, •. A. 1\A. .‘•1 r.- • h Li t:; it of J ' : loU'ia . nxM . ' \1{ H r. ori.'. . I'.Ul ' aa;i - . f ?h- ' esiij. - • . ■ rlic ille ' ■ lull I ' M f.r > ' umhc; mJ ent‘T- . ITMa'. AliOfJNA, US, 'J’tTOi, wf-.r I f;“i I :lt ’ " ti: Is 1 ari l r '■' ncuii i)i- If ' the oriji-; jix ^ Itrfcii ) Sf : )•; in rt' n, thfii m l there vif'l ;n t.'ii^ I'y th- I enderi- ! nst O HI.- i t’“ OtJ ;* -'-L. i * 'o lift ■ ly ill M• , A 1*1 i-rn. I, i; M i n haiit u to ii:*i Bttie jr •Bb, un J ui! othiT . now uif that ,ml tliC - - II iht* tu Hp- I t'.r tlie ¥ NESMI-WEEKL. Y. \0|. Mil.] FAYF/r PFA ILLE, N. C.. AUGUST I808. [NO. 734.] ■1’ ci r»' th ^!^lNl>AVS AND THUR;«L)AVS. '.VMM).) inu: & so.N, '.v-' \\i» !’i:oimui'T*Rs. the i :;i!ski>vfu 00 if paid ill ii'jvii.I ^luring the year ot subacrip- .. - I •> i Mi i'i- tlio _vf!ir hy« exi>ircJ. • Woi-kiv i>:;^KRVi H ^'2 00 jier anninn, if paid in . . :,i' it p;ii I .luring tlve vfar of subscrip- ! V ' : .iftor tho year has expired. . ^ ' IS i; K\ T'' iiisorteil for sixtv cents per : 1' . -!i‘ ?■ -r Uu‘ tirt. and thirty cents for each I' •!■ i>u';tinn ViMrly idvertisenients by spe- !■ rt>,.>..!ialiU' rates. Advertisers are i * ■ ite tlie ninnbor of in.sertions desired, or ■' i' 'lit'nu d till t'livbid. and fhuried accord- iTTi-enients *o bp in.-vrted -(/f, charged 50 per . -’ri. i^ire iHSfmti9cem c . ' ■ J ' L r; 'er .'ur rea.ier' to the annual &t;’.tement of : tl Hi 1 t I lii .r;t!i'i lii.>iurance (’ompany, of Hartfor.l, . Ul r . ' t ■.iti'lin :inntl)cr (.'oluinn. This success-| law's f • 'u:: 'II v> inc rp rate 1 by tb. Legislature of' f c ■■ : in v.itli a jierpetual chartei. lt.» ; ->■ ;iu'l its accuiini'ations exceed -VROLIX \ s 1.1 ni.-re, tiiakin.jr its entire :i;-sets ever • 0 iVf-ie.t .'i-i 'letaile.l in the statement reterred to T: riu, T r. 'V.lts in lie te that during tbe period of nearly , f .. ii's siu.e irsranizati.iu, (without a single ; 1 Pit:: .i; c > li.' ;' -ilii'er.i its business has been con- i ■ 1 . - 1 V. i’.'i Igincnt an.l pru.lence. It has been ers, H r t a ’ 11 .'. r 'fii! ;i. :iu t niinent decree, liischarging, • :e ai! ■’ !;= .1. all its ..b’igations by the payment L'ati. o ' for losses, without asking a lat ■ tl i ly in iny iustjuice. It has had but little lit- i case r -s •r-5 he- .' .fwitii':an ling the 'mmense numb.-r oftrans- ' ttioii ' :: 0 i L In r le:- to att:iin as much ' -'rtainti/ as ' nial- 1 V- ■ 1 1 ■ ■ 'o Ii, i,.’ii :t bn-ine«s as insurance, it has been >bsei ■: . n . t I' i ti. e ..f the Company, for several years, at , Alle: r ,r !u lll. t ■ P ■' '.r. cai '.-luily to classify jind arrange their : tt C ;r' 1 ■ i-i r i’ • 'Ut fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain ; Robe»( '. Ul t , , t ' i.iit insure.! on e:ich class, the amount of pre- ' a the ; •- M n. - 1. l eivvl t’.ereon, an t the am.iunt of losses up- ; to sh. w ru» . 0! rhis ci issif\e:ition. or.ten.ling over a long ' petitioi. . 1 : n ; p,r. i. 1-. : overing pr.'j'erty to a very large amount,fur- | n ' ' 1. a ie data, and j^resmts a sound, sui'stantial i ofour -. ; ourt. L - ' ' a. iu.'il experience, uf.on which to conduct its IV of .1 :: •• A D I insurance isn. t a matter of luck or chauce. y ; its h;iZ:irds are ascertaiuable, and I] cupaLiIe of i.eini; reduced to a system, the >11 ’i.' M'kiiiir ■'■■li 1 results of which are as certain ‘T any ..ther business. The .V.tna Company, ' riiridiT to its system, and placing its busi- ^ !; a he.-iUliy basis, has obtained the contideuee ■ iii'.ii'uiity to au extent surp.issed by no other ; \ !ii liif L. States, and hiis increased its busi- . 1 it> inc..me from year to yci.r with a steady ' lino jireat source of its security is the wide ! u of its risks—a policy whioh it pursues i • ■ •t strictness—limitinjr the auioiint to be cov- i v. ii locality, liy this course it has passed, :i[ i)-.-aive impunity, through some of the most | B _ -ii.d destructive tires, which have swallowed up (I i.i| ink's 'f-^s cautious in their business. It is : a *' u he this, b;ise 1 upon experience, wliich gives ' B- . -!y an 1 s 'un iii'-'S to a company, and to the as- | I 1 c 'Hi. and security.—JJ titi/nort I’atriot. I l IASI IM.U't IO.HP.I.M, HAli'l FORD, CONX. I'- .I’nr.ATKl) CHAnTKK I'ERPKTUAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T K. lii; \> L, ■'iesi'lcnt. K. G. llll’LEV, Vice I’re- ' : Mt. T. -VLtX V.N'UEH, Secretary. ,—T K. lirace, S. Tu lor, J. (.’hurcb, R. r. .'i A i iitie, K. Fi'.wer. E. A liulkeley, K. y • - r. h. •; Kip r.y, S. S. Ward, H. Z. I’ratt, G F. 1 ' \. 1: aui ui., 1'. lii.iyer, T. A. .VlesaU'ier, W. r :iic iiMiiiiy invested in Stocks and lionds, I •.'■■re't, vMtli '.1 i>f cash on depobite i: ii iftl'ir'l 15.inks, tii meet losses. : til l iUiliMl'i— :! iiie , " 1 :;i:^ted and not due, -- :ii ^u.'jieuse, waitiii;' turtner proof, Sc., ¥75,- >■ : >U'}iii iuns of iVaU'i, A:c.} $46,07S Tii. A^ Ii' 'I the above ('ompany in Fayetteville, : : K. J I1A1.E. BRITISH PERIODICALS." I- >' ' ' i i .NEV\ \ cmtinue to publish t i‘ : wijiji loading iiritisL l’eriolicals, viz: 1. ’J !‘I i.'jNlX-iN t^L’ARTKi! L\ . i'onservative i. ^ ■ :L 1 ^INi^L K;H REVIEW :^WhigJ. ■' I. .■' ■lUH I'.nmsil REVIEW .Free Church). 4. 'I :K U E.-T.MINSTER REVIEW (LiberaU. O- J L '.i KU ,wL> S EiMNBClii.d .MAGAZINE (Tory). I.- r* T. ili.-al' ahly rt prcsi-nt the three great poli- t .* (.ri:ir lii t iin —" hig, Tory. .iii'I Radi- ■ I t liirius only one feature of their char- ’■ f oi tuu most profiiund wiiters on .1,. ■ , 1 -U'l .iturc, Miir;iiiiy, an.i Rciigii.n. they stand, ; . I' N Ci'T -■ ") I, unriv;t!'.o I in the world of let- t- I'I- lif. (‘"nsi'iiTe i ill iir-pen-uble to the .scliolar an l ’ • ] i'lii'i: man, while to the intelligent reader ■ TV '.I.'-- tney lurnish a more correct and satis- 1 • I'l c ! 1 of tiio current literature of the d;iy, t ■ t tiio \v irl'l, thau can be possibly obtained ! , . ; >ei’ ' oiroe. hAlM.y (’()1‘1KS. : ■ I- : '■■t't ul Al'\ -\N('E .'>!1EE rs from the British ! ' K.ve- udditi inal value to tliese Reprints, in- ■ - .i vj cauu'jw be placed iu the hands ofsub- 1 .1 .'IS sjoii ;is tlie original editions. TKKMS. Ter ann. 1 : iii.y ' ■ -i the four ileviews 00 i’ ,j iw- . i'liie f'ur Reviews 5 00 iiir “ the I-our Reviews 7 00 ^ 1 tlie He\iiMvs 8 00 . ■ .M iji.tziue Ii 00 1 I i. -I; ;w ... I Mild itjiee Reviews H 00 " i .1 ;iiid ih four Ileviews 10 00 ' »/('( /.' Ill (i!l casia ill advance, i'f 'II till ,Shl>: tckt-n: i.-iHIUnl U'i/l bc >1 illl' III.: M'lll' IJ ‘MlJHiXG. \ d. uii; ■ ! iivf j,.i i-ciit. from the above ; i e .‘.ill I' ail 'vsi' t t'l ■. i.vijs oi'lering four or more ■ J. .t aiiv one or ni .ic ■.,{ the above works. Thus: .1 .■ .pit: ul l>.acl. A. 1, .>r ol Dtio Review, will be '.Li.- :i'l ire.-s lor I'l.ui- r of the four Ke- '. .. V. - ;,ii i li. ickwoo l tor ^;J0; ni..i so ou 1'06'iAGK. ii. tli'.‘ priiicipal I’itiL-s un i Ti.was, these works I I-'Iciivere'l, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent IJ.'-. i, the I'ostage to any part ol the Unite.i States ■ n .Oil TWEN 1 \ -FOL’R CE^ i f' a year for “li'.aek- ' I, and tiut FUUl^i’EEN (,'ENTS a year for eueh : R. vifws. A. J{ Tkr prid in Grial Britain of the five !"• r.'.ilii iiifi iihiiL>‘-nimi d /.v ??.') I prr annum. I.i lii.itiiiirei for any of the above jiublications sliould . - . e ad'ireesed, post jiai.l, to the Publishers. EEO.N.\RL> SCOTT CO., No. 01 Gold street, Mew Vork. I AN.Ni-jr.^ OIL DRV lllDiuS. iii l > 'I iiniH-r's ' )il.—a superior article; also, a tine lot of liry iiidvM. For sale by JAS. O. COOK. H.i«rORTIIFRM»lKi,.i «RKr.A’SBOKO\ .V. C. Scholastic year is divided into two Sessions, -H- coinnieneing 1st August and 1st .January. The course of study is thorough and systematic, em bracing everything necessary to a complete, solid, and ornamental education. The buildings are so arranged as to combine the comforts of a home, with the advan tages of :t school. InstruGj.irs of the highest qualifica tions are employed in each of the Departmei ts. No Institution in the country possesses adTantages supe rior to EJgeworth. TERMS: Board, inclu'ling washing, lights, and fuel, pwr .'Session of five months, ^!60 00 Tuition in the Regular (Masses, 20 UO The nest Session will commence on Monday, .August -d, 18-j8. I’upils are admitted at any time during the Session, and oh irsre'! from the lime of entrance. Catalogues containing all necessary information re- -specting thf ('ourse of Instruction, Terms, &c., will be forwarded on application to RICHARD STERLING, Prmcipal. Greensboro', N. Caroliuii. May 128, 1858. 17-Omospd A PROCLAMA'nOX, Bj/ his J'S.irri/rnc)/, TlIOM.Vs Hr.\OU, Governor of \orth Carolina. WHERE.\S, it h;^s been represented to me that one Aivhibald McDougald. late of the County | of Cumberland, di l on the ‘J7th day of February last, ] in said County, kill and murder one Thomas Munroe. | and that the sai.i McUougald is a fugitive from justice, : and has escaped beyond the limits of this State. ! Now, t'j the end that the s;’.id .Vrchibald McHougald ' nmy be arrested and brought to trial for his said of- i fence, I dc hereb\- issue this iny Proclamation, offeriiig ' a Rewar'i of I w.i Humlred hollars for his apprehen- ; sioii and delivery t't tiie Sht-riH'of Cumberland County. ItESt'RlPTlON. ! Mcl>ougaUl is about fifty years of age, of light hair ; and complexion, blu? eyes, of quick speech, has a scar : on the face iie;'r one of his ,i iws. weighs about lti5 or 170 pounds, is aildicted to intoxicatiou, and while drunk is turbulent and troublesome. | Given un.ier my hand and the Great Seal of | [l. s.jthe State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of; March, A. I). 1858. ! By the Governor, THOS. IJRAGG. | Pi I.-ASKI Cowri'R, Pr. Sec’y. March 15. y;Jtf | HIGH MOrXT TAXXKRV. SITUATED 4 .MILES WEST OF WADESBORO’, AN- | SON COUNTV, N. i OW the panic is over an.l nobody killed in these I diggins, the undersigned still cont’nues to con- { duct the general T inning and .Miiuufacturing of all j kinds of Leather, Harness. Sadilles. Bridles. Boots ' and Shoes, of every size an.l description—of the very ' best material. PL.\NT\T1«»N premium BROG.\NS. NOT to be surpassed. .■\11 of which he offers and pro poses to sell or exchange tor Raw Hides, Beesw:;x, | Tallow, and all kinds ot country produce, on terms to | justify and accommodate his customers according to \ the times. Having on hand constantly a large supply of Stock, he | is prepared to execute all orders neatly an.l promptly, i with such material an.l workmanship as are not to be es- . celled by any establishment of the kiud in this part of the country in style, quality or price, for cash or to | punctual customeis. And in returning bis sincere thanks to his customers and frier..Is generally for their former patronage, he solicits andhopes to still merit a : continuuuce of their favors. JAMES C. CARAWAY. March 4. ‘JO-tlJapd \\AM\W L1\» FOIl SILL ^■^HE Subscriber offers f.>r sale THIRTY FIVE’ i lll.’NDRED ACRES of Land in as healthy a sec- i tion as there is in .-\lal>.ima. FOR I Y .ACRES, on which are a good Dwelling and ! all necessary out-houses, in goo.l repair ONE HUNDRED an l SIXTY .\('RES, good rivor hot- ' tom lan.l, KX) acres of which is uO'ler cultivation an.J i produces fine crops of Cotton and (,'orn. , NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and i Pine land, on which is some goo.l farming l.in.l. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED 1 FORTY ACRES ; Pine land, well suited thr Turpe;.i.lno getting. | This property will be sold cheap and on accommo'la- ling terms. .Address the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. ()., Mouroe (,’ounty, Alabam.i. WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. March 11, 1858. '.t^-Iy IVATEK WHEELS! WATER WHEELS!! 7” E are now manufacturing V'andewater's Im- WW proved JONVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, for .Mills and Facf.iries of every description; and all those wishincr to improve their water power will find it f.)r their interest to a.ldress us by letter, stating the number of feet, hea.l and fall; their usual amount of Wiiter; the kiud of mac^nery to be driven. We can then give them price of wheel, or wh.it we will furnish Wheel and principal Gears for, wirranted to do :i cer tain amount of work. Tirnf ijii rri to teal the W’heel. anil if it does not come up to our figure, the Wheel and Gears to Ite delivere.l to us at the mill oi the purchaser. RKt'EUEXCE GIVEN AND REQUIREU. HEATH & STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Prince (ieorge’a couuty, .Md ROBEIiT B.AIRD, Agent, Hiphmor. * VMM,M. fMM*MoW^ S M*~MMjMJS. WE would call the attention of persons ntllicted witli Chills and Fevers to this celebrattid Pill, which owes its pojiularity to no putling, nor to long, windy certificates—but solelj’ to its own merits as a remedy which never fails to cure when taken accor.I- ing to directions accompanying each box This Pill, unlike many others, contains no mineral, nor any in jurious ingredient, .and may be aduiinistei ed with per fect safety at all fimns. to young or old. .As a preventive against Chills, or an" other type of Fever, it is recoinmendt*.! as unsurpassed; and in treat ment of Fevers generally it is far superior to Quinine, or any preparation of Peruvian bark. .V trial of its merits is all that is needed to insure it a favorable position in the estimation of even the most inveterate opposer of Proprietary or Patent prescriptions. CHAM FI OX'S AXTI-BfLlOl S PILLS Enjoy the reputation of being ot least as goo.l, if not better, than any of the varioi;s catliartic Pills of the age, and are entirely free frrm all poisonous, mineral, or other injurious jnoperties, and are highly recom- inemlvd in Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick Head ache, Sick Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Indigestion, &(• , anI diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood generally, they being by their composition eiiually adapted to either of the above cases as a gen- er.il c.-.thartio, good at all times when such medicines are reiuired. We recommend them to the attention of all persons. Prepared by F. .M. SWYER & CO., Belleville, Illinois. Sold by SA.MUEL J. HINSD.ALE, Fayetteville, N. C. •Also, in all the towns and cities, and by numerous country agents throughout the southern and western States and Territories. F. .M. SWYER & Co.. Proprietora, Belleville, 111 s. June ;j, 1858. Ki-Cm LIFE AM) COUItESPQ.VDENCE” OF JAMES IREDELL, of NORTH CAROLINA, ONE OF THE AS!-'OCI.\TE .H sticks OF THE St TBE.ME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. By QRII'FIIH J. iMcKEL, Esq., of Wilmington. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON. FsjetteTille, June 1, 1868. Hr. O V ^ O K T II V A K O li I A . | The Subscribers are now prepareil to furnish the 1st | Volume of this valuable work, which has received the | highest cojnmeiidation wherever it has been rea.J, not i only for its literary execution but for its typograpbi- ] cal getting up. It m.iy be obtained, either from us or , from our Gener.il Agent for th« State, II. W. Horne of ■ this place, or any of his .Assistant Agents. The price ! varies according to style of binding: In handsome ' cloth !51 25; in Library Sheep ij;! 50; in half Calf i^l | 75. It IS soi.i) uNi-v FUR Cash. None will be charged, eitlier by ourselves or our Agents. A liberal discoun* | will be maiie where .juiintities are taken to sell again | it will be sent by mail to anj’ part of the country, : cu receipt of the price anil 114 cents to pay postage. | 'I'he lid volume is in couise of jireparation. There , will probably be four or five volumes in all. The sue- | ceeding volumes will probably contiiiii about 500 pages ; each, and will b- sold at a pi opoi tionally higher price, '■ viz: half a cent a page for the cloth bin.ling, 125 cents ' additional for sheep and 50 cenis uilditional lor the , halt calf binding. L. J. H.ALE & SON. . Fiiyetteville, .Vpril ‘J'.t, !857. i P. S. The .Vgent and his .\ssi>tants des'gn to visit j every county in the State, with the book, as soon as \ convenient. In ihe mean time, orders to him or to us, ' iiccompiinied by the cash, will receive prompt atten- | tion. ■ STANDARD ^HSrELLAXEOUS : iSOOM^S. Dr. K.XNE'S Autii- Explirations,—cloth, sheep an.i half calf; Prescott’s Fer.linaii'l an.l Isabella, , Conquest of Peru. I'hilhp 12.1, an I Con.juest of Mexico; ■ Henry Clay's Works. '1 vois.; Benton's Thirty Ye:irs in . the U. S Senate; Daniel \Vebster's Works, > vols.; Memoirs of Prentiss: Iriving's Works. 15 vols., cloth and slieej): Memoirs of Wm Wirt; Irving's Life ef WashingtiiTi. cloth and sheep; Life and Coirespon- dence of \\ebstci; Com. I’t-rrj s Japan Expe.lition; \h- bolt’s Nap;ile.n; The Indigenous Races of the Earth, by Nott .S: (Jli.ld.)n: Recollections of .\ Life Time, by ■ Goodrich. (Pete;- P:irley; i Hume an.l Macaulay's His tories of England: llalbim’s, Robertsoii’s, Johnson’s. ; Burke's, 1 li^on's. Ilannuh More’s ami Dick’s Works, ! Southey's I'ommon I'lace Book; Historical Collections of Virginia; Dickens's C.unplete V*'orks, I-'? vols. illus- triite i; LaM.'irtine’s History of Turkey; The Queens of Scotland, by Agnes .''trickl.in l; (ioldsmith’s .Animated Nature: Noctes ,\nibro-iaiue. 5 vols..—e.Iited by Dr. Mclvenzie; Rollin's .Ancient History; Constitutional Text B'lok; Millni.'in'-J Gilibon's Rome; The Statesman's .Manual; I'ales an.i Novels of .Maria E.igeworth: Proc tor’s Hist.)r3' of'the ’rusa'les; Ch;imbers’ Information for the Peo|ile; Tytler'i Universtil History: Boswell’s Life of Dr. .lohnson: Chambers’ .Miscellany, 10 vols.; Appleton s ' vclope li:i of Biogr;iphy; Tiie Scottish tiae!; Eiuyclope.'iii .\mericana, 1 4 vols.; W.iverly Novels in ll2. ill an.l J7 vols.; Wilson’s Tales of the Bor.lers an>l of Sc 'tlan I; DeToC'iueviile’s I)emocracy in .Vnieiioa; Knight'.'^ Half Hours with the best Authors; Bulwer's Novels, complct.' in one vol; Plutarch’s Lives; Mo.iern l)riti>h Ess i\i.sts; L_\ ell's Principles of Geolo gy: Tales of the .AruOian Nights, 4 vols. illustrated: .Miiury'a Physical (.ieograjdiy of the Sea; .Adventures of a Gentleman in Se.ireli of a Horse; Mrs. Ellis’j Family .Monitor an l Gui le to Soci.'tl Happiness; The ISachelor of Salam inea. by Le Sage; History of the Revolutions in Eui-.p*'; l.otkhart's Life of Walter Scott: 11.igg's Winter Evening Tales; Woodfall's J unius; .Mclutosh's .Misceilanies; lliimiltoii's Philosophy and Literature; M.-\ulay's .M i.-M-ell iiiies; Marshall’s Wash ington; Life of Pinckney; Brnii'le's Encyclopti.lia; The I'rince of the H.iuse ..f Davi.l; The Poetic.'il Works of Heniitns. Scott, Campbell, .Milton, Byron, .Moore, Burns, SbakspCiire, icc , in vnnous styles. E. J. HALE a: SON. Li.in* nooj^s. 'Phf‘ 0'ftrrifts:e f'/irtor»f rite Soitfh! A. A cK RTIf A \ W. H. TURLINGTON, (’onimi.ssion Merchant, \o. 4 North Water St, WILMINGTOX, X. P.J^ILL give his prompt personal attention to tne V V sale or shipment of all (’onsignments of Naval Stores or other Country P”oduce. Nov. 8, 1850. tf Ur. K. \. IIL1€K, TRUST SALE. virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed by il W Daniel Clark, on the 10th day of July 1868, registered in Book D., No. 3, page 271, in the OflBce of the Register of Cumberland County, I shall sell to the highest bidder, at the late residence of said Clark, ou Big Rockfish, on the 24th of August,— 100,000 feet of LUMHEIl, consisting of Scant ling, Flooring and Wide Boards; to be sold in lots to suit purchasers. This Lumber lies directly on the banks of Big Rockfiah, two miles from the mouth FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S J. Hinsdale’s | thereof,—very easily may be put in the market of (Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 185b. 70-tf THO. C. FULLI3R. •MttortiPff aitff t'oirnsellor at M^atr FFH'E at E»cles’s Bridge, recently occupied by at E»cles’s Bridge, recently James Banks, Esip, Fayetteville, N. Jau’y i, 1857. LOVEllI) CLDIilUGE, •Mffornetf tit Mj/nr^ ILL attend the Courts cf Johnston and Samp son ('ounties. Smithtield, April 15, 1850. UO-tf \\ RKSPECTFULi.Y informs his I'rien.ls ami th«* public, that he li:ti built up largo substantial Brick Buildiiiers at his Ol.l .sitan.l. expressly for man- utactnring Carriages. Tlnnkful for tiie very liberal pati'onape he has received for the last 121 years, he hopes by strict attention to bu»lne«s. with a desire to give saiisfaction, to merit a continu.ince of t*'.e snme. He warrants his work to be fiade of the best material and by experience.! wor’iiiuen in each branch of the business. His work will compare lavorably with jiny made in the United Staten, for neatness and dm ability. He is dete>-mined to sell an.l do any work in his liiie on as good terms as any work done el^jewhere that Ih as well 'lone. He now bug on hand, Finishtn, the LARGEST STOI’K of (-'(trn linroitrhv.^. lioci, tU'(i and Hi If _[■/■ I ( '. Ever offered in this place, aul a very large stock of work nearly riiiished, which will be finished daily .All of which will 1,0 Siild Very low for C.Asii, or on short time to punctual cust .iners. Cits'" He hns on ba»’d more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTA \ehi- cles finished and in cour.-)e of con-1 ruction. , .. ci'. i- >€ i All work made bV hini is '.varranted 12 Tnonths j lIllsSlOII r Ol \\ Ul Cl111^ ('1 C llJlllt Worth & Utley, roru:ir(iin^ ;uid General Commission ah:rcha\ts, FaycUci'iUc^ *V. i\ J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. t'Tt-ET. T O. & B. Or. WORTH, Wilmington. Household and Kitchtn Furniture. One 4 horse Wagon. One 1 “ do. One Cart. One (’arriage. One Buggy, in very good condition. Stock of (■'attle. Hogs and Sheep. Farming Utensils of every kind. Gr.iwiug crops of Corn, Peas and Potatoes at the Mill, and also Crop on the land of Theophilus Evans, &C., I'iC. Terms, ftO days for endorsed note, to be approved by trustee. R. W. IIARDIE, Trustee July 81. S3ts XKGROKS! NEGROES!! ON the 25th August, at the Market House in the Town of Fayetteville, by virtue of authority as above stated, I shall also sell to the higbest bidder, I l.ikely .lieg^roes, ; Men, Women, Girls and Boys. Terms—CASH. ROB’T W. HARDIE, j Trustee Dan’l Clark, I July 31. 33ts with fair us:ige, and should it f.iiltiy bad workmanship or material will be repaircl free of charge. Persons wishing to buy woubl do well to call and examine for themselves, i Orders thankfully received and prom] tly attended to. Repairing executed at short noticfc and on very I reasonable terms. I .May 2P, 1S5:?, tf-83 ' Pl lUJt’ NOTICE Nov. Brown's BuilJihg, Water St reft, .V Usual advances made on consigniuLnts. 11, 1857. 51t-tf col ION l>.V(iGlNG. H ^UNDEE and GUNNY B.AGGING in quantities to suit purchasers. Sept. li For sale by JAS. G. D0M.\1"S Civil L.'iw; Roscoe's Crim. Evi- 'lence; Chitty on (’ontructs; *• •• Ciiuiin.il Law: 14 .. I'lea-ling; Stephen on Ditto.; Chitty on the Law of l/.ir- riers; Selwyn's Nisi Prius,—.Vm. Notes: Smith's ' li'incery Pr u’tice; “ Laii/liord and len- ant; “ OU (iontracts; “ Leading t’asc.->; Story on tJonfiict ol Law; “ E.juity Jurispru dence: “ on Sales; “ on Partner.ship: E'tuity Pleadings; “ on Contracts; Fearne ou Remain.lers' Edwards on Baiimeiits; Byles’ on Bills; Tayler'.s Law Gloss.'iry; Dart on Ven.lors and Pur chasers ot Real Kstate: Broom’s Leg.il .Maxims; “ CommentariL's on the Com. Law; Adams’s E'luity; “ on Ejectment: Burrili ou Cirtum. Evi.l'*nce; “ L:iw Dictionary Lea.ling Cases in E.juity; Tiild's Practice—.\m. Notes; Hill on Trustees, “ “ Matthews’ Presumptive Evi dence; Powell on .Mortg.'iges; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme Court l\.eports, &c-, lic. E. J Slarkie on ^lan ler: Se.Igwii-k on the Measure of Damages: Sedgwick ou Siatutory and Cons. Law; Hale'y Pleas of the Crown; Bishop on .Marriage an.i Div.irce: M it lord's Chancery Plead ing^; Sunders on Uses A: Trusts; Hai gr'ive Buller’.s Coke upon Litt.eton; I'. St.-ites Digest; State Trials of 'lie U. S ; Russell on .Arbitration; .Morns on Replevin; Troubutoii Limited Part- nershijis: Sug.ien on Vendors; on Powers; Saunders ou Pleading; “ Reports; .Ad'lison on Contracts; Wharton on Homicide; Wh.irton .j' Stile’s Med- J urispru'ience; Newland on Contracts; Roper ou Legacies; Wibiams on Executors; “ on Person.-il Pro perty; Oliver on Conveyancing; Lube’s Equity Pleading; Gres’ey's Law of Evi- deiic.e; Kent's Commentaries; llurtis'e Commentary; Bradford’s Surrogate Re ports; Tu[.ping on Mand.imus; Crown Circuit Companion Wiley’s N. C. Form Book; HALE, & SON. IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscriptioi. to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, . an.l West, will be opene.l ou Thur.s*lay. the lOth day , of .\jiril 1 85f‘). iui.l remain open according to the terms of the ('barter until further notice, at the following ! places and under direction of the following named persons, (''ommissioners in the (’’harter, viz; In the (''ounty of Onslow, at the office of ihe Clerk of the Counjy Court at Jacksonville, an.l at the Post Office Rich Lands. W. Fonville, tJ. J. Ward, J. H Foy, Robert While, John -A. .\veritt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. ' In Carteret county, at the office of l>r. M. F. .\ren- dell at Beaufort I'jr. M. F. .Aren.lell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. -At the store of G. W, Taylor a? t’aiolina City,—C’ol. \'m. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge .^reiidcll. In Dupiin coukIv, at the office of the County I'ourt ('lerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen li. Kenan, David Reid. Isaac B Kelly. \.’m. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, j P'-^ to other pons or sold in this market. Stephen Graham. teb. 12, ltf55. In Sampson county, at the office of the County (i’ourt I'lerk at Clinton.—Thomas 1. Faison. Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick Murphy. Wm. Faisou, J. R. Beaman, .Alfred Johnson. In Cumlierland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of .A .A. McKethan,—Thomns R. Underwoo'I, Randal McDaniel, E.lw;ird L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigne.i a'.;rt e to take the number of tslmres of ^slOO each, set oi>posite to our names resjiectiveUy in the (^cntral Raii Roa'l ('’omj.aiiy: aU'l in all respects to comply with the torms of tlie Charter. COOK. 43tf 1'iirflii‘r Kiipplic* of* Itookw. IFE of Dr. Kane, by Sniucktr; English Hearts an.l j B A English Haii'ls; Parton's Life of Burr: Haupt i j on Bri'lge Construction; Breckiiii i.lge's Kuowle.lge of j , God; W ilson on the Skin; I'l ites to ditto; .MitoUell’s | I Therapeutics; Williams ou the Principles of Medicine; 1 ' Woo.l's Practice; Pierce’s .Mgebr.-i an l 'ieometry: ! ' April'.!. Iv J. HALE .v SON. 1 JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. ' c: o ,?i :ti 1 ^ I o \ AND roi{\VARi)iN(; mi:rc!iant, .V. I’rompt personal attention given to all Consign in puts, an.l Casii advances ma le on Pro.Juce to be sh'p STRAYED, ON Friday last, a dark brown (nearly black) FILLY, 2 years old; hind feet white; scar on left fore leg, below the knee. Any person returning her to me will be properly rewarded. WM. H. HAIQH. Aug. 2. 33- peteiTmallbtt WITH D. COLDEX MURR'\Y, GENERAL COMIHISSION MERCHANT, 6*2 South Street, NEW YORK. July 2‘J, 1858. 32- CAROLIVA CITY, N. C. i^if^HE Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad being M. now completed to Beaufort Harbor, I have de termined to locate at Carolina City for th» purpose of doing a Forwarding and General Ccmmission Names Resident'! I No. of saares •■ji Cash Work I Subscriptions may be ma.le payab'e in work, ut* i may specify whether for gra.linir or cross ties; an‘1 I stockholders shall in every case have preference in j taking Contracts, when bi.is are the same or at Engi- I neer's estimate. ! .As soon as one hun Ire.l thousan.l dollars are sub- ! scribed, the Commissioners ot'Onslow county .tre to be I notified, .and they are re.juired to call a meeting of j Stockholders to organize the Company. ! March 15, 1S5(>. i:?tf I'MYKTTIIVII.I.K. X. fjiiitf .^ide of Green Street^ n few Doors Xorth Of the Murhrt llousr. fBIHE Subscriber 11 HE Subscriber desires through this me.liuin to acknowle.lge the liberal MEDICAL HOOKS. OUNGLlS(>N’S Therai'eutics and .Materia .Medica Me.lic.'il Dictioii.iry; “ llunian Physiology; “ Pr.ictice ol MeJieine; “ on New Uen.eilies; Meigs’ Tr;atise ou Obstetrics: “ Woman, and her Diseases; “ Childbed Fevers; “ Diseases ol the Uterus; Dewces on Children; “ “ Female.s; Horner’s .Anatomy and Histology; ;Miller’s Principles of Surgery; “ Practice of do.; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. States; Wilsi>u's Hum.'ui Anatomy, by (iod.lard; Ricor.l auil Hunter on X'cnereal, by Buuistea.l; Watson’s Practice of P’lysic, by I'ondie; Wool and Bache’s U. S. Dispensatory; Puncoast’s Wistar's Anatomy; Wilson on Diseases ot the Skin; “ “ tiie Skiu an.l Hair; Eve’s Surgical Cases; Churchill on ChiMren, by Keating; “ System of .Midwifery, by Condie; “ D1.9eases of Women by do.; Ellis’s .Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes’ and Paget’s i*liysiology; Regnault’s Elements of Chemistry; Fownes’ Chemistry for Students- Bartlett on Certainty in .Medicine; Smith and Horner’s .Anatomical .Atlas; Bird on the Urinary Deposites; Pereira’s Materia .Medica and Ther.apeutics; Carpenter’s Human Physiology, by Smith; Dickson’s Elements of .Mc'lioiuc; Taylor on Poisons, by GriJlith; Burrows’ on (’erehral Circulation; Wilson on Syjthilis: Draper’s Physiology—illustrated: Solly ou the Braiu; Hope on the Heart, &c., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 26, 1867. ill" patronage V)estowe.l ujion his House the past year—and as be has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying |.> his jiatrons and the public generally, that h« is -itill jirepare l to accom modate t' eni with transient and permanent board, an.l respectfully solicits a continuat.ee of tin; libertil pat.-on- age heretofore received. Every eseition on his part shall be used to ren ler them comforta'nle .luring their sojourn with him. His table is always supplicl with tbe best the market ail’ords. P. SHEMWELL. .March 24, 1855. 8G-tf .JOSEPH R.\KER. .Ik., A TTO R K V A T B. A W , -AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law otlice on Green l^treet. He will attend and practice in the (]lounty an.l -Superior I'ourts of (’umber {.and, Bladen, Robeson and Sampjou. .March 23, 1853. 7!)-tf VaIA AliLE PROPERTY ! M'OBl S,MMjM:. 1 OFFER for sale, my L.V.ND.S in the Town of Fay etteville, about l;JO -Vcrcs, known as the JMUMFORD SW’AMP. .About 80 .\cres of it is fine .Meadow Land, as the Crop i now on it will show. Aiso, the 2ri«‘k sitnl l.,ol 'quare, occupied by .Mr. John A I'l it V .!. W. liAki'.i! Ls HOW rt'coivirifr from fhe North tlie iinest, and mont care{’ully se- lecttfil stock of ever ofi'ere.l in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, m.akcs his assortment corii| iete;—all of which he will sell on the lowe.st p.is.sible terms for cash or on time to [)unctual customers. Fashionable i)uinted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattressea; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries an.l Book-(’ase.«; What- Nots: Tables, all sortu; Wash Stands; Candle Stan ls; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Gl«ss: W'in.low Shades; Cornices; (Purloin Bamls; Sofas in .Mahogany and Vi'alnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divaus and Stools; (jhairs of «very variety. Fine llosewoo'.l Pianos, one with At tachment; Rosewood Melo.iians, from the bet manufac tories in New Y-rk and Boston, warrantcJ as good as any made in the country, *ud will be sold at N York prices—freight only ad'Jed. September 2. 45-tf near the .M.-irket Pemberton. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and .Mumtord Streets, known as the Hotel Gar.ien Lot.—could be divide.! into sever.il Building Lots—very near the new Female High S"ho'>l Buildings. .Vlso, the Siah.e Lot adjoining, ironting yn .Muiuford Street. Several 1)ES1R.\.BLE BUILDING LOTS on both Winslu\.‘ and .Mumfor.i Streets. .All this propert\ can now be purchased on favora ble terms, an.l a large part cun remain on BoU'J and Mortgage if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1855. 43-tf NORTil CAROLINA REAPERS .\i 1 A-\i> *2. PttEl’AUEU WITH SPKCIAL IIEFKRKNCE TO THK W.\Nr.S .\.NU I.NTEIIE.STS OF •Vorth ('ftrolittfi. UNDER THK AVSPICK^^ OK THK M'PERlNTKNDKN’T OF COM MON sraoOLs, iiY Kev. I', .n. Iliihh.ird, PROFEKSOU Oi' TKE LATIN L.\N(;rA(iK ANi> LlTFKATl Ua IN TilE VNIVEKSilY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Ai nBi:u :t, OO.NT.MMNO A F.V.MlblAU lll.sroKV DE.'^ruil’ TIO.N OF NOKTII CAIIOLI.N.V. Selections in I’roso tiiid Vcr.sc; luuiiy of theiu by euiiuent citizens of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, .And a variety of Miscella.ieous Ini'ornaiion an-l Sta tistics. by II. Wiii.ilV Number 3 is a new and levised edition of the North Carolin_i Rea.ler, first ijublisiied in 18-j1. Numbers i and ‘J just issued, complete ttie serie.s, which i.s, a.-; a whole, cheaper than any other series of ile.idersin the United States, and as complete. and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit patronage and support. Being the Agent of Mcbea.t’» Link of First Cl.\s.s Packbts to this and Morehead city, every ett'ort will be made to make thia the cheap est and most expeuitious route to New Y'ork. Veiaels will be loaded and discharged at my Wharf (adjoining the Railroad Wharf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale aud shipment of Produce. WM. B. GRANT. , July 2'J, 1858. 32-lj 1 DEN riSTRY! Tlio«. iU. Watson, n.AVING decided on permanently locating at Floral College, respectfu ly informs the citizens of this place and surrounding country that he ia pre- pare'i to oi>erate iu all the various br.inches ot Sur geon Dentistry, and will be happy to attend all calls in his Profession at any time. Prices moderate. Sa'isfactioii guarantied. July 2'.*. 33tf NORTH CAROLLVA SUPREME COURT REPORTS. '’I■'HE subscribers have just printed at the Observer Office a SECOND EDITION of DKVEiiEUX A.ND BATTLE’S LAW RE PORTS, VOL. 1, UKVISKD AND COKRECTKD, WITH NOTKS AND BKFKRXNCES, BY now WTLLIWI H. BATTLE, Jl Ulifc; IIF THE sri’RE.ME COURT OF SiORTH CIROLLMA. The pricc of the new edition is not greater than that of the old, though, as it is scarcely necessary to say to the Profession in North Carolina, its value has been greatly increased by Judge Battle’s Notes, Kcferences and Corrections. The volume has been long out of print, and we shall be glad to supply the luatiy Lawyers whose sets of Re ports are incomplete without it, as well as those who have the old edition but would like to have the new one for the sake of its notes. E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, April 5, 1858. I'llE NEW edition OF DEVKRLU.V ic BITTLE’S LJVV REPORTS, VOL. 1, KLCEIVES the approval of those who have ex- amine.l it. Chief Justice Nash says, “I have looked through it —it is carefully and well got up. I think to our Court it will be invaluable—and to the Profession I etjually so. It will save the labor of deciding the same i point ag.iin and again; for there will be no excuse for I (''ounsel not being apprised of points already adjudi- 1 cated ” lientlemen of the Bar who have purchased and ex- I .iniined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. I For sale, with sets or «enarate volumes of North I,’irolini Reports, and Law Books generally, by E. J. HALE & SON. MITCHELL’S FALLS. k;i:\ts w a.ntkd i\ evekv col\ty of the state Jlo canvass the same, and procure subscribers’ names for the sale and delivery of an excellent LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, (.1 tiie art, representing the place wheie the Rev. KLiSii.V M1T('HELL lost his life in bis explorations ol t!.e l. ack .Mountains, in the Summer of 1857. Upon til.’ receipt of Three Dollars, we will furnish to any •...M son desirous of taking an Agency, Two Pictures, ..nc tliife'l an.l one Colored, as samples, with full par- ncu;ara a.-i to the terms of the agency, Ac. We will oit.-r in.luccnients suth.-ient to niaHe it pay an ener- ge*ic agent. For further particulars address us at .V.shevii;.', N C. LEWIS & DICKENSON. i’ S. .Mr. Dickeusob i.s also Agent for the Ml. .'vlitchell .Monument .Association, and during fail tour through the State will receive subscriptions for liiat object. VV. T. DICKENSON. Feb’y'.), 1H5H. 85-6m The Editor ^Prof. Hubbar.i^ in his Preface to .Num ber 1 deems it j.roper to allude to a few .if ilit peculiar taken i.pon the spot an.l gotten up in the finest style advantages aime.I at by the Superintendent of ('omm..n SchooKs whiie making elforts to have this work com pleted. 'i’liese are, 1, Ti'ie encoiiriii/emenl of i j'fe/inff of and the enlistment of popular sentiinent in behalf of the State and its institutions, it wa.s not thought im. portaut, however, to have inoie than one uu.nber ol' the Readers of merely a local intere. t. 2, To rimed;/ the cril ereryic/ure comji/n ncii of in com mon schools, '011 peri'ctual i-hauyp in text book)>; an ex pensive habit, and one which injures tiie School..* bv preveuting tiie ctiiidren from being classified, .v se ries ot hom« Readers, it was supposed, would iie cer- taiuly used, au't this great evil tbus avoided. 3, Kco)ion>y, me popular system of Readers being too long and being made .so oiten merely to h-J.I to the profits of authors and jiubiisliers. This series is to consist of fewer numbers thau those generally used, and it is believed that these numbers are aufiicieut, while if the ..-ystem were uni versally used in th'.' State, the s.ini ..^-ived to jiarents and children would amount to sever -.! iiiousan.l dollars annually. 1, To put in the kanti.s of rhi/dren teaniinij tn rnul rom- poi>ilioun xuj)icit ntly fimituir t-nt not oj the churiictt r culied childish compoaUwii", c. nt iining, in letsons easy enough tor all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting in matter, and inculcating proper morals, ,'ind religious instruction. Tne prices are, for No. 1, 25 ce;its; No. 2, cents and -No. -j, 75 cents. .A liberal de.iuctiou trom these prices to .Merchants aud Sohoul Teachers. E. J. U^LE & Son. Mrs. “I'ollowing the Druin,” by \’ieie; Osceola, Uy Capt.' Mayne Reid; The Yellow ■ rigate. by ('apt ./as. Grant; WiI.l Flowers Furiher t-'upplies of Life and .Ministry ot Spurgeon; '•iustaiig (ir.iy; Bernar.l Lile; School Books; Ac ■luiy 1 ). E J. HALE ^ SON. \ N NI L S E r r LEM E N TS. ^i^ERS:) ii.ic-nte.l to us will be furnished with m. their accounts dming the present month, (except tnose already duaned;) and we earnestly request a settiernent Every man who means to pay at ail, should p ly At least once a year. Persons having accounts against us rill oblige us by handing them is lor payment. E. J. HALE # BON July 6. 1858.