't N .f, Tra' r SEMI-WEEKLY. [\(>L Mil. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 10, 1858. [NO. 737-1 ,AN N\\ 3MINARY ,.\i t i. I'll N 1>3 T •;> M!.r ■ l.'s >ij\ \ ! \ i N M iM' i* M >\:.\vs ANn thursi>aY!». ''n\V\!J!) !. II\LE i- SON, i: 1 :i:s v.v > i-K‘»?kietors. PruT for the .Sniii-W »'e';ly Oh.kuvkr 00 if tiaiJ in u lvuiu'o 'V'! jii if liirins the yeiir of subscrip- t-i-'U. .>!• 1 :iri.T tho \f!ii- has expireil. I-till- '.V, I ' i)B'i:rvki; 00 per auuum. if pniil in hJvhiii’.': 'n if' ji.-'iil 'iuriiijf tJie ypar of subncrip lii'ti, ,ir 111 lifter the year has exjiired. Al»\ KKTISKMKNTS inserted for sixty cents per ii, I ire ■ f l.nes tor the tirst, and tliirty cent» for each BiK'i;i‘ediii>r pulilicatioii. \ earl\' advertisenienta by spe- Ci i. •'tiiitr.'u't'^. at reasonable rates. Advcrtiaeis are rf .ii'-'ted sttite tiie number of insertions desired, or tl:. V will be e.iiitinued till forbid, and charged accord. » A lvertiseuient-^ to be insi'rted insiile, charged r>0 per cent, extra. i^ire Mnsitranee* 1' refiM- i ur readers t.i the ;unmal statement of the r.liia li'.stirance r.>n:pany, of Hartford, V '’h will bi- f-Min 1 in another colun n. This success- fu' instituti 'ti WM' in,( it-'-.rat« 1 by the Legislature of C 'nnr. (iout in 1^1'.', wiili a T eipetual charter. Its c ii' I i! i' S’l'ii),'* ' .III 1 it. ai'i uniulations exceed :v-~, Ii ni' re. nu.kin- its entire a.-sets t*ver *:’.00,- (!'■ '. iiivi'sti d as let:!;'! '1 in the stateniei^t referred to T'lcse results in Heate tliat during the periovl of nearly forty years >iiu‘e it-; "raianization, : without a single ‘chanpi- of its eliief otii -er.) its business has been con- duiMed with Judgment and prudence. It has been thus :;ir u’ in an eminent degree, discharging. a> Wo :ire informed, all its ■•bligati.nis >iy the payment of at.'U' ■ . ; •/ • - for losses, without asking a d'ly's delay in any iiwtanee. It has had but little lit- ii. .t' III, nutwithstanding tile immense numberoftrans- ii -'' ; ' mad*>. In order tn attain as much crrtainti/ as j S' ' '(■ in ^Ill'll a bii'iness as insurance, it has been t:.e pr^^^'t^•e "f t le t' lmpany. lor several year.', at gi-i it !ab r, ciirifu'iy t., classify and arrange their r.'k-- int. ab ait fifty distinct olasses, so as to ascertain ti." am,.unt in-'irt- t on each class, the amount of pre mium' r.cfiv^ I ihi-ieiin, aU'l the amnunt of losses up- • n f.rh. Thi.' i'is>,!ii.atii n, extending over a long pi T'. Land covi-rin^ pr .perty to a very large amount,fur- n.shes reliai ie data, and presents a sound, substantial b .M' I 1 iotu:.' experieiii'e, upm which to conduct its bu;.iue.'S. liisur.ance ;s not a matter of luck or chance, a' many >up|i ir- ha/ards are ascertainable, and it: j : ni jpic' . f beinj^ re iuced to a system, the j'r .jtical w-rkinir ;'.;id ri'sults 'f which are as certain h' til it 'f any other business. Tlie .-Ktna Company, t.. H ii.i-riiig rijii 1 y tn its system, andplacing its busi- n-. " 111 n -1 he:,'.tliy basis, !i:.s obtained the contidence o: :i.e - 'iiiuiuni’y i-: ua oxt-.-ut surpassed by no other t ill >ny • >'::i'e.s, at; 1 has increased its busi- Lf-:-' til I it> inr I’.i iu year to year with a steady gr v;: «>ne^r*at - ui-c ■ f iis security is the wido d '•a-, .ut:-iu of its ri'ks - a pulicy which it pursues w creat stiictne-s — '.iJiutin;^ tlie amount to be cov er? i ;n eacli locality. I5y tiiis course it has passed. v-.i:: ‘•■■mpaiMtive imjjuiii'y, through sni’ie of the most sw. J.' ;.g ;uiJ lestru. tive fires, which h;‘,ve swallowed up o:h*-!' 0 i:i{ ;ii- -5 caution- in their business. It is a '1 ■toiii like tiiis, ‘.m'i-.I up experience, whicii gives ;y ai. 1 ' >ni iio -' tn i .’.'mpany, and to the as- siir! ] o.'iifi ience ani) securitv. — l}-.i!’imore I'atrn.'!. m\ mwmi iompi.m, llAliTIOKI). CON.V IN- ;RP:-UATLL» I'l I ilAUTEK I'KKl’ETL'AL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11, T K B;;. ■ .M:.ti. K- II' 1 " bbA' l.. ''residviit. K. G. I'il’LKV, Vice I’re- :■ iiiit. 1. .\i^KX.\NL'EH, .'Secretary. 1 I K' —T. K. L5r:ice, S. Tudor. J. Churth, R. M. l i.ttie, K. Fli'Wer, L. \. Rulkcley, 1!. r. K. li. K'].U‘y. S. S. Warii, H. I'rutt, F Uui.^am, 1). i!.!!yer. T. A. Alexander, VV. .V"ct' aie n.ainiy invested in J'tock.u and iionds, ■ iiiterot, with >sl7-,‘i'>l .if cash on deposite diitforl Ranks, to meet losses. lue and unpaid—n >ne I ' .'i;': ted ilul !i 't due. 1 '.*0. ■ ■r> ill .'■(■'pi.-iise, waitin^r turther pro .f, xc., •'f 75,- j, . „ . :suspicion.' of fraud, 6:c.) -$46,^Jr8 7'J. gtiX' A^v’.t the a’tiove f'onipany in Fayetteville, K, j HALE BRITISH PERIODICALS. L. M i l .V'‘ , NRW V(tRK, coniinue lo publish nn- ie ui.ng llritish I’eri' dicals, viz; ME L"M. 1. 'iLWRTERLV ;inuservative/. TilE LUINRLRuH REVIEW Whig). IHE N'iRTH RRITl.'^ll REVIEW Free Church). L THE WE.TMINSTER REVIEW Liberal). i). RLACKWudb EL'INliURiill MAGAZINE (Tory). These I’erii dii’a'.s ably rejiresent the three great poli- tii-.L. [ Util nfijriat llritaiu—Whig, Tory, and Radi- ca;.—liut ji'iiitic' fornis only one feature of their char acter. A:-: I >rg:ins of the most profound wiiters on .''r:ence, Literature. Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever liave .'tn "1, unrivalled in the world of let- it-rs, l.fing coiisidcre i indispensable to the scholar and •|ii’ profc'-sional man, while to the intelligent reader i'f every cl.iss tiioy lurnish a more correct and satis- ! .. • iiy It ; jrd ot the current literature of the day, ut till- world, than can lie jiossibly obtained f; II niiy ‘thor '.‘urce. KAliLV T iC rtM-.'ipt (d .VbVANtJE .SHEEl'Sfroni the British ! .' - ■■r- gives additional value to tUese Reprints, in- u>mi. u a- they c:in now be placed in the hat;ds of sub- b I er- :iii )Ut :i- soou :is the original editions. TKRM.S. I*er ann. F I any lue of the lnur Reviews !j>i> UO For tuy two of the four Reviews 5 0i F .1 any three of the'Four Reviews 7 0(.t F r u'.i ;■ ui' "f tnu l{eviews 8 00 h'lr 11..1 r.w d : .Magii/.iiie 00 h-ir l> :iv';;,-. 1 .nd thri-i; Reviews 9 00 t I'. ■ 1 'Uid the f'Mir Reviews 10 00 I.: I„ mil'll in ti/l fiintx in advance. M . Ill , III I,I i/i, Shifc irhere issufil icid be /' '' ■' II' ji'ir. ''LI i:hl\(;. A d.->i’ount ■ ' wt I ',-tivc por i Mit. from the above pi ce wii; r.t 11, ,\M-■ t, , itidering four or more i;. : . t.l any one ^r iii i i: tin' above works. Thus: h i-r oopii-.s ol Rlaitkwii I L nr .if one Review, will be 1 lit t I iiic ad ires - f'lr •> '; t. ur copies of the four Re- V-. V. . :in 1 Rlai kwii I 1 tur ^.u: .ui.i so on I’O.S'iAGlv in all the princip iH'itie.'i .and ’I'.iwiis, these works . be delivered, FREI'^ 'F I’O.*^ T.Vlilv When sent . mail, the l‘.i-taj:e to luiy part nI the liuted ."tales V.. be but TWE.N"1'V-F 'I 11 I 'E.NT.'^ a yeur for 1." and but Ft »l, E ri,E;> rr;NT.S a year fo: l jcIi ; ::i:‘ Ri'V!>;',V'. \’. />. Till' ji/ il f i:! lii'i il /irititiu ot th>'jive / uh-n , -nil nil is 1 yaT aUllUIH. - I luitt in. I S 1 11-liny d1 tlie jve loxblicatious ahould •.Ml , ; le II t in-o-c 1, jiir t paid, to tlie I’ublishers. I.EdN'ARI) .^COTT .V CO., N.I. .)t ioM streft. New York. A ■■ i.iT.' :‘iL vv D'i'i iiiDivS : . 1 iinitoi -M.!.—a aui't-i. I'ai ticle; mIsu, Lli« lot of L*rv liid«.. For sale by JAri. (i, COOK. MMfnrk's^s History OF O II T II € A K O 1.1 \ 4 . The .Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st ▼olurae of this valuable work, which has receiYed the highest commendation wherever it has been read, lu.t only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may >te obtained, either front us or from our (teneral .\gent for the State, H. W. Horne of thi.i place, or any of his Assistant Agents. The price varies according to style of binding: In handsome cloth !*!l 2-'>; in Library Sheep .*}il 50; in half ’alf 3>1 7fi. It is sold only for (,'.\su. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our .Agents. liberal discount will be made where quantities are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to anj- part of the country, on receipt of the price and cents to pay postage. The 2d volume is in course of preparation. There will probably l>e four or five volumes in all. The suc ceeding volumes will probably contain about 600 pages each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 25 cents additional for sheep and 50 cents additional for the half calf binding. E, J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, April 29, 1857. P. S. The Agent and his Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient, lu the mean time, orders to him or lo us, accompanied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. STA.ND.AHD A MISt’KM.ANEOUS it O OKS. Dr. K.\NF”ji .Vrctic Explorations,—cloth, sheep and half calf; Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, Comjuest of Peru. Phillip 21, and t'onijuest of .Mexico; Heury Clay's Works, (j vols.; Renton's Thirty Vears in the U. S. Senate; Daniul Webster’s Works, 0 vols.; Memoirs of S. S. Prentiss; Iriving’s Works, 15 vols., cloth and sheep; Memoirs of Wm Wirt; Irving's Life sf Washington, cloth and sheep; Life and Coirespon- dence of Webster; Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition; Ab- , bott's Napoleon; The Indigenous Races of the Earth, ; by Nott ..'i Uliddon; Recollections of .V Life Time, by i Goodrich. (Peter Parley;: Hume and Macaulay’s His tories of England; Hallam'.s, Robertson's, Johnson’s. Rurke's, .V ldison’s. Hannah .'Wore’s anil Dick's Works. Southey's (’omniou Place Rook; Historical Colleciions : of Virginia; Dickens's Complete Works, lo vols. ilius- tr.'ited; La.Martine's Histciry of Turkey; The Queens of Scotland, by .Agnes Strickland; Goldsmith’s .Animated Nature; Noctes .\mbrosiana>, ■') vols.,—e.lited by i»r. McKenzie; Rollin’s .\ncient History; Constitutional Text Book; Milluian's Gibbon’s Rome; The Statesman’s | .Manual; Tales and Novels of Maria Edgeworth; I’roc- ! tor's History of the Crusades; Chambers’ Information for the People: Tytler'» Universal History; Boswell’s Life of Dr. .lohnson; Chambers’ Miscellany, 10 vols ; Appleton's Cyclopedia of Biography; The .''cottisb Gael; Encyi'ipeifia .Americana. 14 vols.; Waverly Novels in 12. 21 and 27 vols.; V.'ilson’s Tales of the Borders and of Sc.'tland; DeTocqueville's Democracy ' iu .Viiierica; Knight's Half Hours with the best Authors; Rulwer's N. veis, complete in one vol; Plutarch’s Lives; . .Modern British Essayists; Eyell’s Principles of Geolo gy; Tales of the .Arabian Nights, 4 vols. illustrated; Maury’a Physical Geography of the Sea; Adventures of a Gentleman iu Search of a Horse; Mrs. Ellis'i Family .Monitor and Guide to .Social Lfappiness: The . Bachelor of Salatnaiioa, by Le Sage; History of the j Revolutions in Euruj'c; Lockhart's Life of Walter , Scott: Hogg’s W'inter Evening Tales; Woodfall’s Junius; -McIntosh's .Miscellanies: Haniilton's Philosophy and Literature; Mc.Aulay's .Miscellanies; Marshall's Wash ington; Life of Pinckney; Braude's Encyclopedia; The Prince of the House of David; The I’oetical Works of Hemans, Scott, Campbell. .Miiton, Byron. Moore, Burns, Shakspeare, tStC., in various styles. ^^iii E. J.'HALE i SON. L,.m* HOOKS. OGM.AT'S Civil Law; Roscoe’s ('rim. Evi- ; dcnce; Chitty on Cont/acts; “ “ riiiniual Law; “ “ Pleading; Stephen on Ditto.; 'hitty on the L.iw of Car riers; Selwyu’s Nisi Prius,—Am. Notes; Smith's Chancery Practice; “ Landlord and Ten ant; “ on Contracts; Leading Cases; Story on Conflict of Law; “ Equity Jurispru dence; “ on Sales; “ on Partnership; F^^uity Pleadings; “ on Contracts; F'earne on Piemainiier.s; Edwanls on Bailments; Byles’ on Bills; Tayler's Law Glossary; Dart on Vendors and Pur chasers of Real F^state; Broom’s Legal .Maxims; ‘ Commentaries ou the Com. Law; Atlams’s Equity; ‘ on FIjectment; Burrill on t’ireum. Evidence; “ Law Dictionary Leading Cases in Equity; Tidd's Practice—.Am. Notes; Hill on Trustees, “ “ Matthews' Presumptive Evi dence; Powell on Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme Court Reports, &c- Starkie on Slander. Sedgwick on the .Measure of Damages: Sedgwick on Statutory and Cons. Law; II ale'i I’leas of the Crown; Bishop on Marriage and Divorce; Mittor.I s Chancery Plead ings; Sanderson L'sts A: Trusts; Hargrave t: P.utier’s Coke upon Littleton; L'. Slateo Digest; State Trials of =he U. S.; Russell on Arbitration; .Morris on Replevin; Troubaion Limited Part nerships; Sugden on Vendors; “ on Powers; Saunders on Pleading; “ Reports; .Addison on Contracts: Wharton on Homicide: Wharton Jj- Stile’s Med- .lurisprudence; NewlanJ on Contracts; Roper on Legacies; Williams on Executors; on Per.sonal Pro perty; Oliver on Conveyancing; Lube’s E'luity Pleading; Gresley’s Law of Evi dence; Kent’s Commentaries; Curtis's Commentary; Bradford’s Surrogate Re ports; Tapping oii NLandamus; Crown Circuit ('ompaniou Wiley’s N. C. F'orjn Book; I &c. E. J HALE, & SON. MEDICAL BOOKS. DUNGLISON’S Therapeutics and .Materia Medica “ Medical Dictionary; “ Hujaan Physiology; “ Practice of .Medicine; “ ou New Remedies; -Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; “ Woman, and her Diseases; “ Childbed F’evers; “ Diseases ol the Uterus; Dewees on (’hildreu; “ “ F’emales; Horner’s .Anatomy and Histology; .Miller’s I’rinciples of Surgery; Practice of do.; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. .States; Wilson's Human Anatomy, by (ioddard; Ricord and Hunter on Venereal, by BumsteaJ; Watson's Practice of Physic, by Condie; W'ood and Bache’s U. S. Dispensatory; Paiicoast’s Wistar’s Anatomy; W'ilson ou Diseases of the Skin; “ “ the Skin and Hair: Eve’s Surgical Cases: Churchill on Chil.lreu, by Keating; “ System of .Midwifery, by Coudie; “ Diseases of Women by do.; Ellis’s Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes’ and Paget's Physiology; Regiiault’s Elements of Chemistry; Fownes’ (’hemistry for Students' Riirtlett on (Certainty in .Medicine; i^unlh and Horner’.s Anatomical Atlas; Bird on the Urinary Deposites; Pereira s Muteria .Medica and Theri»[ieutics; ( arpenters Human Physioio'^v, by’ Smith; Dickson’s Elements of .Me.iiciue; Taylor on Poisons, by Giitliih; Burrows’ on Cerebral Circulation; Wilson on .Syphiii.s- Draper 3 Physiology—illustrated; Solly on the Brain; Hope ou the Heart, ac., &c. E. J. HALE’a 805. Oct. 20, 1857. REMOVAL. STARR & WILLIAMS, U.AVE removed to the twe briek Stere* in the West end of the F'ayetteville Hotel Uulldiij, where they sre now opening their ol* ibr flii« Mpriii^') recently selected by one of the firm in the Northern markets, which will be offered for sale to their regu lar customers on the usual terms. •All periioua whe wieh to buy Good# cheap at WHOLE SALE, are respectfully invited to call and examine this stock at our new etaud, West end of Fayetteville Hotel building. J. B. St.abr.] [J. M. Willi.ams April 24, 1H58. 5tf \K\V (.OODS ^jB^HE subscribers adopt this method of informing ». iheir friends (and the public generally) that they are now receiving into store a-very large and general srock Ol' (;ooDs, EMBR.VCING ii fc o V i: K11^: , HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, «&*., &!., A: . ■All of which they are disposed to sell at reasonable profits for cash, or on the usual time to responsible purchasers who are in the habit of paying. GEO. W WILLIA.MS & CO. July 20. lb-08. 81- FRESH FRUITS j .\LL 'nii: YKAR. I 4 RTHUR'S SELF-SEALING (VANS, of Earthen- | ware and Clasb. Pints, (Juarts aud Half Gallons, | at rciluce 1 prices. j I'hfse Cans are more easily used than any other, | the cement being a’lo i ly on the Can. — ALSO-- ' Tlir Vc'omaii’!* Fruit Itoltle, j of pltis5; stopped with a cork; Juar:« ninl H’f Gallons. This is a new article, very cheap. i ¥2 aud $8 peri dozen, and admirably a l ipted to its use. ; F'or sale at the "CilOCKKRV .S TORE" by , W, N. TILLINGHA.ST. j June 22. 22-2m ' I A iuu(;aiv can m: hah. j ^I'^HE subscriber otfers for sale the Materials of the j 1 NORTH (’.AROLIN.V .ARGU.S I’rinting Office. The establishment consists of two first-rate Washing- | ton Presses, one for Newspaper the other for Job j W'ork. a I irge and well selected .piantity of newspaper | anl jiib type. The newspaper type are Imt very little I worn. Jin l the l;irsest portion of the job type are new. i It is uimcc('s-.ury to enumerate; the selectioui were : made by jiersons of unich typ.j^raphical experience and taste and are as cumpiete as any in the State. Any person wishing t.) purchase cau get a bargain bv an ear!y ap[ilication to DAVID MURPHY. June 10, iJ'.js ly tf iiorsi:. Lor. and nkcko. ^I^HE undersigned wishing t ■ close up their oldbusi- I ness, otler foreale the HOU.''E .and LOT on Hay- inount, formerly , coupie 1 by .Nlajor iilr«nre. .Also, a NEGRO BoV 1 t years of age: having tried him for thr last five mrinths, we can recommend him ni an excel lent servniit, both for house or out of doors, sold for no fauit, but to close old business F. N. .5; J. H. ROBERTS. May 3, lt':.8. 7-tf OIJ) HILLS. . 4LL persons indebted to the c.iucern of FR.ANK & JERRV and H ROBERTS | CO., are re- questeil to come forward and settle their hilis. If net i settled by the last of this month, they will fintJ then. | iu the hands of a Lawful Collector. ' J. H. ROBERTS CO. ! May 8, l^.j^^. 7 tf j DIvN'riSTUV. R. .1. D.WL"' having decided on per- | inaneiitly locating in the Town of ^ Fayetteville, respectfully otl'v.-.s his services to the cit- i izens of this place aud surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture of .Mineral Teeth, he is .satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added .a thorough Dental education, that he can give entire satisfactiou as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregulHri- ties of the Teeth treated iu a proper and careful man ner, as well aa cliseanes of the mouth. None but the proper metals are made use of in the vari.ius opera tion.'. Charges will be moder;ite, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. Soy' Ortice over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10, IB.'.H. Mf SMAJJ. POX DIvM). (i ENTLEMEN, you that wish to sell Likely Young W NEGROF'S, Men, Roys, Women au'l Girls, for the highest cash prices, would do well to give roe a call, or address me at ('linton, N. (.'. J. A. McARTHUR June o, l,sr>8. 17-8mos pd Aolicc to Soldiers’ IVidowx. *'B^HE Widows of Mexican Soldiers, and the Witlows -B- of Soldiers who iik.i> in skk\ ii’k in the war of 1812, can have their [lensions continueil by calling on the un«lersigned. Congress having made additional provision for them. Give me the management of your claims, aud the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE, .Agt. for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 12, 18.j8. lU- G,;')()() ACKKS OF I.ANl) TOR SAU:. fJIHE tSub.scriber desiring to move to the W’est offers JlL to sell the following tracts of valuable land. 1 Tract containing 2'>ii*’) acres in Harnett County 18 miles .North of F'ayetteville. There is on this tract, two large and comfortable dwelling houses, with all necessary outhouses, together with a good mill running two saws and grist, with about ;iOO acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation: the remainder is excel lent farming and turpentine land. .Also another tract containing 4000 acres of turpen tine land, about 100 acres of which is cleared. There is on this tract one good dwelling with all necessary out houses and a goo'l grist and saw-mill. I will take pleasure in showing the above property to any jiersou wishing to purchase. H. S. McNEILL. Manchester P. O. Nov. 7th, 18.^7. H7-ts 6M> A( Ki:S C)F I.AN[) I'olt S.\I,K. HE Subscriber offers for sale the above quantity £ of Land, sit'.iated in a he.althy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmiiigtoii and ('’harlotte Rail Road, aud four from Lumber River. This Land is wel! adaptetl to Farming, Turpentine, and I'oii Timber purposes, having a good i.iuge aud f>thei' adv.intage*-. Those wishing to purchase may find me on the pre mises, who will be h.ippy to oxliibit if or give a.'iy in formation concerning it desired. ANGUS. McGSLL. Phlladelphus, N. C., Sept 1, 18;')7. 4n'f I’resbyteriiin Psiihiiodist— Character Notes. A further supply just receited. ^ Oct. 24. JS. J WALK & SiON. COUPON BONDS FOR SALK. | ^I^HE Western Rail Road Co. have fur sale iu amouats j X to suit purchasers, ! S‘20,000 of the Coupoij Bouda of the (bounty of | Cumberland, bearing 7 per cewt. interest, payable ! semi-annually on the 1st June and the 1st of Dceem- | ber, and running 20 years. i 890,000 of the (joupon liondij of the Towu of | Fayetteville, bearing 0 per cent interest, payable semi- I annually ou the 1st January and the 1st of July, aud | runninK 20 years. i These bonds were issued iu aceordance with law to | the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and | Town subscriptions respectively. ! Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply ta C. B. .MALLETT, Esq., Pres’t or JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r Western R. R. Co. F'.’tyetteville, Feb’y 20, 1858. 89tf DOBBIN IIOLSK For Rent or Lease. ^B^HE Lease of the present Proprietors of this well i known House will expire on the 1st January, 1858: the property is ofl'ered for lease or rent To a person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an excellent opportunity is ottered. The building is large, well arranged and iu complete repair; its location will always command for it an extensive patronage. Aa the present Proprietors intend changing their busi ness, the F’urniture, which is nearly new and in good order, can be purchase«l on favorable terms. The House will be delivered on or after the 1st of January, remaining open under the present mauage- ment till a tenant is obtained. I'he fine Store in the same building, formerly occu pied by Mr. W UI. Booth, is also offered for rent. JNO. H. COOK, I’rest. Dobbin House Co. Deo’r Iti, 1857. btt-tf FAYETTEVILLE -MLTUAL IXSrUAXCE COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. ra^His Company has been in operation more than M five years, and has paid its losses,, amounting to ill'.t,12ti 9-3, without any assessment: insurance aver aging its members about ^ per cent. Policies issued to 1st of May, 18-')8, 2709. •Amount of property now insured, !i;l,474,y22 84. -Amount premium notes now on hand, S224,'J68 28. Cash premiums received, $.i2,317 41. Dikkctors. Geo. McNeill, .S T. Hawley, L>. A. Ray, W'. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, A. .A. McKethan, S. W. Tillinghast, J. D. Williams, Henry Lilly, Jas. G. Cook, N. .A. Stedmau, .A. W. Steel, S. J. Hins'lale, Jas. K_vle, T. S. Lutterioh, J. G. .Shepherd, ''m. -MeLauriu, R. F'. Brown, Wilvainjtun, .A. E. Hall, Wilmington. (rncKKs. GEO. .McNEILL, I’resident. D. .A. R.w. \ ice President. C A. McMillan, Secretary. John Collins and C. C. .NlcCrumnien, Travelling Agents. The Company iuvite aopMcations. May 21, 1858. ' 13-Y Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. JAMIES KYLE Is now receiving iiis Spring supply of DRY GOODS. Among which are— prints. Lawns, and Brilliantes; ('ol'd and Black Silks; Iristi Linens and Diapers; Faiiner's Linen. Twilled and Plaiu; Cassiinore and Merino Twills; White and Col’d Cotton Hose; liolting Cloths, No. 0 to 10; .Silk and Straw I’.ounets: fic. With almost every article in the Dry floods line; all of which ha» been purchased by the pack.ige at ^he late sales in New York an.i Philadelphia: Will f>e otfered cheap for cash or on time to paying customers. March 1:'.. 18-jO. 93tf Carolinian copy. N E\V M AC KER KL. A LARGE LOT. Nos. 1, 2, and 8, in Whole, Half and Quarter Barrels, caught and inspected in 18a&. Just reeeived and for sale by W. C. TROY. July 22, 1858. 30-Im FOR SAl.F. ^■IHB HOU.^E .AND LOT near Cool Spring, lately SL oecupied bv Dr. K. A. Black. R. B. CROW. July 20. 30-1m NOTlCt:. ]^0. 1 PERUVIAN QU.iNO; 400 Casks LIME; 50 Bales H.AY; 6 Bbls. GLUE. For sale by July 10. WORTH & UTLEY 27- tin PLATE, Sheet Iron, Iron Wire, COOK.I.irG STOVES A:%D TI\-WARK. Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. ROOFING, GVrTERIXtJ, And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square, Fayetteville. July 9. 27- PFRLVIAN GUANO. ''pHE undersigned has made arrangements by which 1 he is prepared to furnish at short notice, any re quired quantity of r\’o. 1 PeriiYian Miiano, all of which will be from direct imnortations, into the Port of Wilmington, and warranteil pure and genuine. Orders for the above excellent fertilizer are solicit ed, to which prompt attention will be given ■A.s this is an article which does not admit of being sold on time, cash or its eijuivalent must accompany each order. BEVERLY ROSE July 8. liotf JUST RIXEI\ 1:1)7 LBS. choice GOSHEN BUTTER; 500 lbs LEAF LARD; —ALSO— .A lot of FINE SEG.ARS and TOBACCO. For sale bv D. ANDERSON, North we.^t Cor. Market Sijuare,. June 23. 23- FAYFTTKVILLF HO rUL. fjlR.ANK N. ROBERT.S & CO., having leased this Hotel, will be pleased to see their former patrons and friends, assuring them that they will use every exertion to please. F. N. RoBKUTS.] [J. G. S.MITH. Jan'y 7. 74-ypd COOL SPRUNG MILLS ''pHE Proprietors are prepared to GRIND CORN on 1 the usual terms. The Bedstead Manufacture the same place. Jan’y 11, 1858. FAYETTEVILLE Female High SchooL TBIHLS Seminary of learning, incorporated with Col- ■- legiate powers by the Legislature of the State, is provided with a full corps of experienced Teachers, new (Chemical and Philosophical .Apparatus, and the usual facilities for the acquisition of knowledge. Ihti Seventh Session will commence on the first -Monday in October. I"or further information address the Principal, W.M. K. BLAKK. Aug. 5. ‘36-2m Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. •25 PKR CUN'r. SAVFD! The World wonders how it cau be done! 1]fcERS(JNS wanting Turpentine Stills, Brandy Stills, (’ojjpcr Work or Sheet-iron Work of any kind, can Call on .M. .A. Baker, and get every explanation to sati.sfy themselves that it is too true to make a joke ^ of. I have a full supply of Copper on hand to fill i orders at the shortest notice. .All work warranted to equal any that can be done in the United States. Call and examine for yourselves Give me a trial and let the truth be known. .M. .V. BAKER, Opposite the Post OflBce. Fayetteville, July SI. 34- CAPK FEAR BANK STOCK F(Ji; SALE. t^lIFTY shares of Cape Fear Bank Stock are otfered for sale. For further informaMon apply to , A. McLE.AN, (,’ashier. Fayetteville, .Aug. ‘J, 1858. iniL lUli!> i\0'HK! Tt COUNTRY MxjRCHANTS. is still carried on nt 1 7.5-tf CHAIRS, CHAIRS. A L.VRGE lot o^ Stool-bottom Chairs, made at (Jool * » Spring .Mill, and for sale by A. M. CAMPBELL. March 24, ’58. yOy BOt)K-BUNDING ~ IN all its kinds, executed with neatness ancl de spatch. Small jobs when doue must be paid bei'oi e delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Anderson Street. .May 14 1858. 11-IV TROY iSc FULLKR, Attorney.s and Coiin.sellor.s at Law, 1.1 .HBEKTO>, Co., C. OBERT E. TROY and JOHN P. FULLER, have R BAirnrw fuller & w. mcl. mcKay, \TTOIt\i:V« AT I.AW, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., ^V.A^ be consulted at their rooms on .Anderson ...»■ Stri'et, immediately iu the rear ol the “Obser ver” ofiic' Ju-.j 2, 1858, 10-3m DKFP RIVFR CO\L. ~| Bituminous (MJAL of the best quality can be | had at ttie works at Egypt, afa reasonable price by the Ton. ' WM. McCLANE. | .Mining Engineer, .May 21, 1 M-'itl. »i-tf FOR SALK OR RFN'F. A CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, on Hay- mount, near .Mr. J. Thomson’s. For particu lars enquire of J. G. Shepherd. Esq., or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. *J-tf IT RPFN'riNK HACKS. tNY PATTERN OF TURPENTINE H.ACKS made to order, at Wholesale or Retail and Warranted, by M. A. BAKER Fayetteville, N. .Ai>ril 1!>, 1858. 3tf A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. VVILMLNGTON, N. C. July 18.57. 22tf UT'i' i: !i I ,) 1 I S I. L\ II H^HE Steamer F.ANNY will leave Fayotteville for fl, Wilmington every Monday and Thiir.sday morn ing, until further notice. Will take freight and pas sengers as heretofore. T. S. LUi’TERLOH. L-nge Feb’y 22. 87- MILri'ARY (iOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces WH KVLRV DESCRll'l'lflN IlF «1L1TIRY GIIODS, A(’Ci»RI>INU TO TIIK Laft'sf / . iS. Armtj ami State Ihyalatiuns. S(^HUYLER, ]L\RTLEY cSc liRAHAM, I^IPO:2Ti:iStt A: nI-i Tl ki:rs 1 W MAIDEN LA N E, .f’fir I'ork. June 30. 24-ly RiCAL ;:s rA ri-: for salf. 11HK DWKI.LlNi: IlorSK, r.M-entiy occiipiel by .Mrs H. P Lain, m l as present occupie.i by the Rev. James .McD.uiiel, iif:ir ll.i\;irtU'if, wiil be sobJ privHtely by tii*" suli.^triber It i.-i iocifel i:i a ;joiii neighborho.id: c iivenifrit (o ii'isiiie.^;..; in i he i'.lh_\ sect 'on of the tnwn; good H]iri:;;i waicr conveniHut; and has all n‘*ce-sary out li. ntt if'!ii» i. .A gioit bnr- j gain may be had, as I am determitied to si-ll Tke.ms libkrai. J. R. .MtDONALD, Agt. IfayetteTille, May 19. 12ts formed an association for the jiractice of their i profession iu Robeson County. The former will also ' attend the Courts of Dladeu and Columbus: the latter will also attend those of Cumberland. The (.)ftice in Lumbertou will be kept open at al! times. Jan’y I, 1858. 73- SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attorney niul Couii-;ellor at Law, K^i’riiFii:i.i>, .li. c., Hr ILL attend regularly the ('ounty and Superior Courts of Wake, Johoston, Cumberland, Har- , nett, and Wilson. .Vll bu.siness entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Jan’y 12, ’58. 7t)-ly ; JA.S. C. S.MITU. .MILE.S COSTI.N. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Furtors^ t.'ommissioit anti For- trardiug •.fierrltants, WILMINGTON, N. C. ■ _^R().MPT attention given to sale of Tl .MBER, LU.M- ^ M 1$ER, N.AV.AL STORES and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements made on Consignments. Refers to E. P. Hai.l, Pres’t Branch Bank of i^tate. 11. R. Savage, Cash’r Bank Cape Fear. Jon.s Da«- SO.N, Esq. April 25, 1858. 5-1 Y Presbyterian copj’. D. A. LAMOXr, Commission Merchant, WilBiiiii;;toii, OFFICE 38 NORTH WATER STREET. I'ersonal attention giveu to all produce sent to him either for sale or shipment. Nov’r 0. 57-1 ypd J. WILLIAM PAGE, ,M. 1)., P ITTS B O no Uii St, .V. e. »R. PAGE may be found at his othce when not profeBsionally engaged. May C. 1857. VKW, ( IIK II*. .n» FM'L'DMKirs Kill TE FOK Freight for the Interior of Worth Carolina. 74JERCH.ANTS and others about purchasing their i.TH. Fall and Winter Supplies, are requested to notice, that by the completion of the North Eastern Rail Road from Charleston. S. to Cheraw, the ad vantages of a CHE.VP and EXPEDITI>>US Pwoute from the Seaboard has Vieen opened to them. .All freight consigned to the care of the .Agent of the North Eastern Rail Roail will be forwarded FREE OF COMMISSION. No charge will be made for .'Storage at Cheraw. All goods will be taken care of in the ('ompaiiy’s Ware house until sent for. A schedule of charges for transportation of freight will be found at the Post (')ffice. S. ,!. SOI.O.MONS, Eng'r and Sup’t. Aug. .S. ;J4tf O. IH)USTOi\ OULD inform his friends and formercustomers that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear Bank, and 3 doors above his old stand south side Person .Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thiug belonsring to his trade. He respectful ly invites his friends from the country to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing. lie will .attend to Repairing of Harnessand .Saddles punctually, and his charges shall r>e moderate. He woubl request ali indebted to the tirni of HOUSTON i5c 0\’ERBY to settle with W’. Overby or himself, as they are compciie-i settle the tirm’s dei)ts. .August 2 ;, ivi.jd. tf FARM FOR SALF 1 OFFER for sale my PL.ANT.VTlON en the East side of (’ajie Fear River, miles above ihe Claren- l>n Bridge, kncwn aj the Toomer Lands, containing .*oout 800 acres. The Plantation is in a good state of cultivation, and is susceptible of being made one of the most protitable Farms in the (’ounty. I will give a , bargain in the lands, and make the time of pay most easy if application is made in a fi'W weeks Address me at Gulf. N. C. L. J. HAUGHTON. Oct'r 10. 52- LANDS FOR SALF. 5 OFFER for sale about bi)00 Acres of Pine Lands near Fayetteville, containing ;m immense quantity ! of Mill Timber, and a nuviber of Turpentine Boxes, and several new tasks may be cut I'here is on the premises a tine levelling House, and all necessary out- I houses. — .Scuppernong :ind Isabella tJrape Vines,—lOOO young I’each and Apple Trees of Lindley’s best vari- ties; :ilso, a good F.All.M of about l.')0 acres cleared; anil also a (iRIST and SAW’ .MILL; and a tine large Meadowof about 140 acres. TJie Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Road passes through these lands about a mile frmn the .Mills. J will sell in parcels fo suit pur chasers, but Would {irefer to sell the whole together. .Apply to Thos. S. Lutterloii, Esq., Fayetteville, or the sub.scriber at Pittsborough, N. ’ I .1. II. HAUGHTON. ' Nov. 12, 18.')7. f.O-tf D .^t f THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE LATE HON. JOHN 1). TOOMER, F O It X* A i:. ^ j 'MIE valuable Law Library of the late Judge Tcoin-'r, consisting of upwards of 1000 bound Volumes, and several hundred Nos. unbound, has been dep >site 1 with the undersigned for sal“. The books will be sol I in sets, FOR CASH ONLY. They are generilly in gocd order, though of course bearing marks of usi*. The prices have been tixed with reference to iheir condition. Catalogues, with the price annexed to each volume, may be obtained on application to the subscrit>ers. E. J. HALE i SON. Fayetteville, June )G, !8')8 FOR SALF. ^•fi'^HE DWELLING HOUSE .VND LOT on (Jiller'pie • Jt Street, at present occujiie i by Doctor .McSwhin. ; Peifect title can he made. .Apjly to THO. J. rURfl.'. .VLSO 4 Good I'A\111.\ C.AIHU ittE in pood rejiii;' and nearly new. Wi.'; be sold for half its v.ilne —ALSO— 3 good .\I1LCH COWS with youug calves. Apply tj T. J. CURTIS. April 29, 1867. 3if .MFDlr'AL Norici:. RS. EASTKRLl.NG and HE.N.\iAN having asso ciated themselves t’>gftlier for the purpose of practicing .Medicine in Uockiii/ham ami vicinity, they respectfully solic.t a libera share of patronage, and by their strict and prompt attention they liope to give perfect satistactioii to tiiose who may lavor them with their patron.-ige. They will atteni any call day or lu'^ht. Dr. I'.asterling lakes | .easure in stating to his I former pations that Dr. 11. is a regular graduate, hav ing read thm i/iurt and attended tico full citiirxcs oi' Lec tures. One or both may tie louiid at (///^ It’iur at the'r . OlKce opposite the I’ost Ollice, unless professionally ' enifuged. ! 11. R. L.VSl ERLl.Ni, M. D. D. HENAGAN, .M. D. ; Rockingham, N. , .Aj ril 5, lOOtf I'AKFN UP A .N D coiiin'iited to the ^ of Cumberland ('.luuty, /m a negro ni.tii liy mo n .. e of HENRY, who Rays he belongs to J din R. Vrchit. Id of Beaufort (.'ounty, , and w.-s hired to John Per ;ns, of South Carolina. The said negro is .t dark coi.iploxi n, ■> le^t lOj in- , ches iiigh, M.i'OU 22 years of .ige; had on wheu taken ' up dill K color.■ i p lilts, black Coat .and bl.-tck h.it. Thr •jwucr Ilf s.iid n.“;^ro is requested o come f.rward, : jir.ive J !• p'Tiy, pay cliir^-s, an I t.ike him asvay, oe he VM.I l"‘ dfait with as tlie law direcis I W. R. BoLTON, .hiiler. Fa^ettevillf, July I'.t. 2‘.*tf I'AKl.N UP! A D committed to Ihe Jail of (.'hathara county, two Negro Boys by the name of HENDERSO.N and EDOM, who Say they lielong to .1. H. Pritchett, of Luinberion The owner is requeste 1 to come forward, prove property, pay prison cii ir;res, and take them away; oth'.riney wiil be doait wit'i a cording to .a w Pit’sli .f lUgh, .1 111;.' g AM ■- NKi would d D. (' Rll'i'l.E. Jailor 2.‘> WAN r-:!). \ luat.i'i ofli’itfis VOiJN' i\i -uc'i ]:ro(j.T{,' t i T. Ju:..' iO. lS,r,H. WADDir.L. 24- Fayettesi! BLANlvS tor sdic* at tjjLS Ottice