* \ IT \HV tl,. '£ . N k SEMI-WBEKLT. [VOI- \II1J FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 19, 1858. [NO. 733.1 'i:iNTI ;i Mt!M)\V.-^ \nd THURSDAYS. i:n\v\]?n .1. ham: .t son, i:i>!Ti»ns am> Tii.n’iUKTOUs. Pr.re f >r tlu‘ 'f;iiI-\V,'. kly Oi;.si;uvi;R $3 00 if paid in I : ; >i.\; ,-,i p,,i4 Ji:rii;g the year ofsubscrip- I'v 5; t lifter the year lias e\]iired. F 'T t!ie U’eekly i^h-kuvkh S- 00 {jer nnnuin, if prti'i in a lvniicc: if ]':r I during the year of suhscrip. ti 'H; 'T no .u'ter the year b;is expired. AL>V L’I!TI !^^I F'N T'' inserted for sixtj’ cents per I jii ire -'f 1 ’.nies f"r tlie fir^^t, jin'i thirty cents for each gU' ir ii pui.ui iitiwu. Yearly advertisements by spe- c . tr .'t-i, at rei'oiia''’ie rate-;. Advertii^er.s are od t state >he nnnil'Or of insertions de.sireil, o’" ■- l.e 0 iutinued till forliid, and charged aocord re t iii- '■^tl.ieulent^ i-\tr to be inserted ihi,({i>, chary;ed 50 per Fire insftraBiee^ n" K refi-r ■ ur readt t ■ the annui.l statement of ; t le -Kiiia In'-ur tnce Coinj any. of Ilartforii, ! w i'll w ho f'tuid in another cidiinin. This !>uccess- f i ;!i-t futi.'ii IV IS ii;-. rp"r:ite i >iy tlie 1 ei;islatiire of i •ffrti'.'ut 'n w iMi a }ie.}H‘tual charter. ltr» iMj' rai is rs'iiiii.i) lii, m l its ai'i-ui.iiilatioiis escee 1 , !i. i Mi nii Tf, makin- its entire a'sets «ver . 1 ■, 111- Sts d as dt‘t:.:U''l in tlie statement referred to ; Ti.i-M’ results in iio ite tuat diiriiip: the j^eri««d of nearly t i!v years sii'ce i;s ! ii;anizatii>n. ; without a single I i ju‘ : I' its I'h'-'f ollioer,) its t’Usiness has been con- ■! ' d w'tli judgineiu and prudence. It has been ■’ i' i.ir su.■ees^■lll in an ei':inent depree, discharirinp. >Vf ai'e iir’ iriaed, all its ohiijr itioiis by the payment t :i‘ -'Ut :'■ ■■ . for l,.s-.es, without asking a li I. ' a'-i:iy in ;»ny i:i?'ain e. It has had but little lit- • i. ■■ ■ :i. U"t wi!h>::iii li’ij the immense numl'erofTrans- a ■■ ns inaJe. hi ■■r !> r ti' attain as much cfrh.inti/ as p " in sui'h a business as insurance, it h is been t:ie praotice .'f tlie ('■■nipaDy. for several years, at j j:r. i' laSi.r. e.arefuily t'l classify and arranpe their 1 r >iis iiiti! ah;iut fifty distinct c':a.-se.s, as to ascertain ttie uiu.'uut itisured lu ea. h class, the amount of pre- ^ m urns if. iMVtfi thorenn, anT the amnunt of losses up • n eui'h. This classitioatlon, extending over a long peri *.d, aid >'i.vering property to a very large amount.fur- n.^he* reuable data, and presents a sound, substtintial ‘ :4':s .t Hotu:tl experience, upon which to conduct its ■ liiMiranee is not a matter of iuck or chance, as many su{'p isi-; its h.azards are ascertainable, and ;ts pniieipli s capable of bein;; re luced to a system, the practioa; w ri;in;i :!nd rt suits ■ f «liich are a certain h' t-a' - f any -itiier business Tne .Ktna t.'ompany, 1 ri^i i.y to i'? system, nndp'acing its busi- • '^s u a r i .'i.thy :.i isi?, iias obtaineil the coutidence • liii ‘luniuniiy to uti extent surpassed by no other ‘ -p-in.' i’ tiie r. States, and iias increased its busi- ue;? .'^^d Its iiii'ome Ir^m year t ' year with a steady wfi One trre.it snui.e i'f its security is the wide j Btriliut^iu ]f its ri.s >'—a p'*iicy which it pursues w til u. stricttje--— iniitiiiL; the amount to be cov- f>ri' . .n eai ii . oaiity. iiy tiiis i Murse it has passed, xs.'-: I 'in; .ra'ive iinpiinity, thr >ugh some of the most 5 wet j ; II,i;\d ie' trU' u v.j tire>, whii'h have swallip wed up tuir (■ .n.piiiifS 'i ss cauiiO.ia in tlieir I'Usiness. It is a sV'tem .ise tui-, i up^u experience, which gives st.tt i.iiy an 1 •- un itu---s t ■ a i- onpany, uud to the us- »jr.-.l 0 •nfi ieliv'e ai; 1 > ; juritv. — Z> . ' t ■/■'i Piilriot. Dr. Hawkses History OF .\ORTII 4.AKOf^l\.V. The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st Volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only tor its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obtained, cither frotn us or from our General Agent for the State, H. W. Horne of this plncc, or any of his Assistant Agents. The price varit*s according to style of bindingt In handsome cloth L'-'); in Library Sheep $1 50; in half Calf •'$1 7;'>. It IS SOLI) ONLY FOR Cash. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our A;;ents. A liberal disconu* will be laade where (juantities ai e taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to any part of the country, on receipt of the price and 24 cents ta pay postage. The 21 volumw is in course of preparation. There will probably be four or tive volumes in all. The suc ceeding volumes will probably’ contain about 500 pages each, and will be sold at a proportionally high'-r price, viz: half a cent a page for the cloth btnding, 25 cents additional for sheep and 50 cent? adilitioual lor the hall calf binding. C. J. H.\LK li SON. Fayetteville, .\pril 20, 1857. P. S. The Agent an«l his Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as SJun as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, acconpanied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion STANDARI) k MISCELLANEOI'S HOOKS. Oil. K.VNE’S Arctic Kxplcrations,—cloth, sheep and half calf; I’rt scott's Ferdinand and Isabella. Conquest of Peru, Phillip 2d, and Conquest of Mexico; Henry Clay's Works. vol?.; IJentou’s Thirty Years in the U. S. Senate: Paniel Memoirs of S. S. Prentiss; Webster's Works. Iiivinsr’s Works, 15 vols.; vols. ED(;E\iORTllFi;MlliESE^ll,\lRV. aREK,^'SitoBio\ .V. r;. fllHE Scholastic yenr is divided into two Sessions, I commencing 1st August aud 1st January. The coursa of study is thorough and systematic, «m- bracing everything necessnry to a complete, solid, and ornamental education. The buildings are so arranged as to combine the comforts of a home, with the advan tages of a school. Instructors*>f the highest qualifica tions are employed in each of the Uepartmei ts. No Institution in the country’ possesses advantages sup«- rior to Edgeworth. TERMS: Board, including washing, lights, and fuel, p»r Session of five month.s, $fiO 00 Tuition in the Regular Classes, 2C 00 The next Session will eommenca on Monday, August 2d, Ib5S. Pupils are admitted at anj- time during the Session, and eh irge 1 from the time of entrance. Catalogues Cfntaininc all necessary information re specting thf f'oiir.^e of Instruction, Terms, &c., will be I'orwarJed ou application to KltMIARD Sl'FRLlNG, /*rincipil. Greensboro’, N Carolina. May 2S, 185S. 17 fiinonpii A PltOCI.AMA riOV, Bi/ his ExcrUenrj/, TflOM.xs 1>RAG0, Governor of North (\iroHua. [^THFKEVS. it has been represented to me that one Archibald McDougald. ’ate of the tJouuty of Cumberland, ilid on the 27th day of February last, in said Coun'y, kill and murder one Thomas Munroe. and that the said McUougald is a fugitive from justice, and has escape'’ beyond the limits of this State. Now, to the en I tli.it the sii I .\rchibald McWougald may be arrested and brought to trial for his said of fence, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, otferiiig The Larsieat Carriage Factory in the ffiou'h! W. H. TURLINGTON, Coramission Merchant, No. 4 North Water St* WILML\GTON, N. C. WILL give bia prompt personal attention to tb^ sale or shipment of all Consignments of Nava] Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8, 1856. w A. A. MoKKTIIAlV KESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substanti.al Brick BuiMings at his Old Stand, expressly for man ufacturing Carriuges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 ytars, he hopes by strict atteutioa to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and V)y experienced workmen in each branch *»» business. His work will compare favorably with any male in ttm Uni««.i Staies, for neatness and drraldlity. He is determined to aei\ and .in anj work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is aa wall done. He now has on hand, Fisishkp, th« LARGEST STOCK of ( arria^cs, Burouclifi^, Uock atvays^ and But^olcs, Ever offered in this place, and ji very large stock of work nearly finished, which will bo finished daily All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual cubtcmers. ItSaT* He bason hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi- l>r. K. A. BLACK, FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 1856. tf Hinsdale’s 76-tf clolh and sheep; .Memoirs of \Vm Wirt; Irving’s Life ^ Reward ol 1 wo Hundred Dollars tor his apprthen- cles finished aud in course of construction. m\ mwm (ompi.m, li Vii i FOUl), CONX. I'N "ILl’ dlATKD 1"1-. CHAlITEU PERPETUAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. «>f VVasliington, cloth aud hheep: Life and Coirespon- dence of Webster; Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition: .\’j- bott's Napoleon: The Inilisieiious Races of the Earth, ' by Nott X Gliddon; Kecolieeiions of A Life Time, by Goodrich, (Peter Parley;) Hume and Macaulay’s His- ^ tories of England; H.illain’s, Robertson’s, Johnson's, ; Burke's, .Vddis.m's, Hannah .Vt-.'re's and Dick’s Uorks, | Southe\'s (’ommon Plac^; Book: IL.storical CollrcvioiiS of Virginia; Dickens's (’omp'.ete Works, 13 vols. illus- ‘ trated; LaMartine's History of Turkey; The (.Queens of Scotland, by .-\gnes Strickland; Gold?mith’s .Animated j Nature: Noctes .Vmbrosianaj, 5 vols.,—edited by Dr. ; McKenzie; Rollin s .Ancient History; Constitutional : Test B'l ik; Millmau’s Gibbon’s Rome; The Statesman's .Manu il: Tr.les and Novels of Maria Edgeworth; I’roc- t 'r's History of the Crusades; Chambers’ Information tor the People; Tytler's Universal History; Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson; Chambers' Miscellany, 10 vols; .Api'leton's Cyclopedia of Biography; Ttie Scottish Gaei; Enoyclope'iia .\mcrioana. 14 vo'.s.; Waverly , Novels in 12. 24 and 27 vols.; Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Sc"t!and; DeTocqueville's Democracy ' in .America; Knig!it's Half Hours with the best Authors; Buiwi r's Novels, comi'lcte in one vol; Plutarch's Lives; .\]i dern British Lssayists; [..yell's Principles of Geolo gy; Tales of the .Arabian Nights, 4 vols. illustrated: .M.aury's Physical Geography of the Sea; Adventures , of a Gentleman in Searcu of a Horse: Mrs. Ellis’j Family .Monitor and Guide to Social Happiness; The j Bachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage; History of the ’ Revolutions in Europe: Lockhart's Life of Waller i Scott; Hog"’s Winter Evening Taies; Woodfall's Junius; •McIntosh's .Miscellanies; Hami;ton'» Philosophy and Literature; MeAulay's .Miscellanies; Marshall's S\ash- iugton: Life of Pinckney: Brande's Encyclopwdia: The I'riuce of the House of David; The PoetiCiil Works ot Homans, Scott, Campbell, .Miiton, Byron. .Moore, Burns, Snakspeare, &c , in various styles. E. J. HALE & SON. Bion an.i delivery to the Slieritl'of Cumberland County. warranted 12 months DE.'^'RIPTIoN. with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship McDougald is about fifty years of age. of light hair or material will be repaired free of charge, and cnmplexion, blue eyes, of (juick speech, hai a scar Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and on the face near one of liis jaw.s, weighs about 105 or examine for themselves. 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to drunk is turbulent aud troublesome. Given uuder my hand and the Great Seal of [l H.]the State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of March, .\. I>. 1558. By the Governor, TIIO.S. BRAflG. Pri..\SKi Cowi'tR, Pr. Sec’y. Maich 15. ‘.)2tf Repairing executed reasonable terms. May 28, 185i at short notice and on Tcry tf-SQ IIK.II Morxr rANNEKY. SITUATED 4 MILES WEST OF WADESBORO’, AN SON County, n. c. OW the panic is over and nobody killed in these : diggins, the utidersigne 1 still C'lnt’nues to con duct tlie general T inning and Manufacturing of all kinds of Leather, Harness, .Saddles, B.-idles, Boots and Shoes, of every si^- and description—of the very best material. Pl..\ N f .ATION premium CROG.AN'.S. NCiT to be hurp'is^e I .Ml of wliich he olTers and pro poses to sell nr exc'uange tor Raw Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, and all kinds or country produce, on terms to justify and accoiuniodate h;s customers according to the times. Having on hand constantly a large supply ofStock, he is prei.ar.--1 to execute all or‘ler» neatly and promptly, with such maieria! and workmanship as are not to be ex celled by any esta’ilishment of the kiud in this part of the country in style, quality or price, for cash or to punctual custoineis And in returning his ^incere thanks to his customers and friet is geaer.illy forthair former f'atronai;e. he solicits an'ihopcs to still merit a continuance cf their favors. JAMES C. (’ARAWAY, March 4 90-tlJapd K Bi.A' L, Pres: . : ;-Ut T. .A. 1 :i ; ; It- T. K. e: . -V. Tut tie, .•:; -r. E. G. R-ip e\ ^ Duiih^un, i.'lit AL E. E. G. RIPLEY, Vice Pre- 1 XANLiEK, Secretary. Tu lor, J. Church, R. 1-luwer. L. .A. Bulkeley. R. W;ir l, H. Z. Pritt, G F. iiiiyer, 1'. .A. Aiex:iuder, W. JL.d n* HOOKS. OMAl'd Civil Law; Starkie ou blander; .spts :>rt main V inve:tfJ in .''tocl.sand Ibiiids, z nt.-n st, w^!'. ; 7 J,'.''I '1 nf c:'sh ou deposite H .rtt'iri B.inlis, to meet tii.sscs 'iue and uiiti i; i — iii.iic •.J i'»ed and i; it .iue. ^2 1.:>l-j ''O '■ J -!U. t'et;se, w I.t. tiuT proof. AiC., 875,- L ' s r ■ '.':te , SUSJ tut of me al'ovo ns 0 f fraud, XC.) i:46,tj78 72. uipany in Fayetttville, E. HA:t.E. BRITISH PERIODICALS. L. i I i» , NEW VOK!!, > >ntir,ue to publish ti,e i'.i.‘iwing eu liiig liritisu Periodicals, viz.: 1. lliK L »Nb'N yl'ARTERLV ; t' oi-ervative). THE LUINL' U Jil REVIE'V .Wi.ig,. i!lE NORTH BRITISH Ri-.VIEW FreeChurchl. 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). 5. BLA: KW()-;D'S Ll'lNBUU'.H .MAf.AZlNE .Torvj. Tl. t.'- i’cl . 1 - ■ i p. l.tl T. .\ - ' >l'g •nee, l.i’t !iev eV'.T 111' ii:.y i’e|.r> .'•■nt the three great poli- t 'li ilain--U hig, Tory, and Radi- niir- only one teature of their cLar- g itr '1 the iiiMst pr'f iitid writers on itur.*. "d 'raiity, tmd Reli^iMli. they stand, i:iv= .•vt'M 1, iiiiriva; c I ii. tl.f world of let- n.'i l>Td indisiien.-aiiie to tlie scholar and iti.in, wiiiiC to the ii.teliigent reader til'j- lurn;-ii a nn.ri- corrta t and satis- >iia r’ (Mr I tny •eipt ot th‘; current literature of the day, worid. th.in i-aii be possibly obtained s jui ce. K\l[L\ ('OliK.-, if .\i)V.V.Ni'L .S11EL r.S f.-om tiie British o Roscoe’s trim. Evi dence; Chitty on Contracts; “ “ Criminal Law; “ “ Pleading; Stephen on Ditto.; Chitty on the Law of Car riers; Selwyn's Nisi Prius,—.Am. Notes; Smith’s Chancery Practice, “ Landlord aud Ten ant; “ on Contracts; “ Leading Cases; Story on Contiict of Law; Equity Jurispru dence; “ on Sales; “ on Partnership; “ Equity I'ieadings; “ on Contracts: Fearne on Remainders-. Edwards on Bailments; l$yles' on liills: T.i^ler's Law Glojsary; Dart on Vendors and i’ur- cuasers of lU xl Estate; Brooin'.s Legal .Maxims; “ Commentaries ou the Com. Law: .Adams’s Etuity; “ on Ejectment: Burrill on Cireum. Evidence; “ Laiv Dictionary Leading «'ases in Equity; ; Tidd's Practice—Am. Notes; Hill on Trustees, “ Matthews' Presumptive Evi dence; '.’owell on Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme (Jourt Keports, ic- Sedgwick on the .Measure of Damages; Sedgw ick on .''tiilutory and (,'ons. Law; Hale’s I'leas of the Crown; Bishop on Marriage and Divorce; \\Am\ n.M) run m\i. „ fl^HE Sul'seriber offers for sile THIRTY FI\ E A HUNDRED .ACRES o*' Land in as healthy a sec tion as there i' in .Alabama. FORIY .\('R1!'^. cn which are a good Dwe’.ling and all necess 'ry outdiouses. in good r.*^ air ONE HU.'^DRED and SIXTY .ACt'ES. good river bot tom land, loo acres of which is under cultivation and Mittord'sChancery Plead- , proJuccs fine cri»v>s of (Motion and Corn. NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and Pine land, on which is some good farming land. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED and FORTY ACRES Pine land, well suited for Turpentino getting. Thi.'j property will lit sold cheap and on accommoda ting :eruis. -Address the subscriber at Mount Ple.isant P. 0., Monroe County, .Alabama WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. March 11, 1 Hoy 92-ly PUBLIC NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVE.V, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the 10th day of .April 1856, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places and under direction of the following namad persons. Commissioners in the Charter, viz; In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk of the County Court at Jacksonville, and at the Post Office Rick Lunds. E. W. Fonville, G. J. W’ard, J. II Foy, Robert White, John A. .Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humplirey. In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort Dr. .M. F. Arendell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. At the store of G- W'. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. V.’m. N. Dennis, II. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Arendell. In Duplin cousty, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville, — Major (Jwen R. Kenan, D.avid Reid, Isaac B Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. .McKny. Pitrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, J R. Bea.iian, Alfred Johnson. In 'umberland county, at Fayertcvil'c, at the ofSce of A. A. .MoKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal McDaniel, Edv. urd L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned azree to take the number of shares of iilOO each, set opposite to our names respectivel.y in the Central Rail Hoad Company: and in all respects to cotnpli' with the torms of the Charter. THO. C. PULLER, •Attorney and Counsellor at Mjaw. OFFICE at E»cles’s Bridge, recently occupied by James Hanks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C Jan’y 1, 1857. LOVERD ELDRIDGE, *§ttorney at Etaw, %^^ILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp- w w son Counties. Smithfield, April 15, 1856. 96-tf Worth & Utley, Forwarding and General Commission MERCHANTS, Fayetteville^ .V. i\ 3. A. WOETH. (72tf) JOS. UTLET T O. & B. Or. WORTH, Commission Forwarding Merchants, Brovin'M Building, Water Street, l^ilntingloti^ «V C Usual advances made ou consignments. Not. 11, 1857. 69-tf COTTON BAGGING. JJ^UNDEE and GUNNY BAGGING in quantities to ANNUAL MEETING. ^r^KE .Annual Meeting of the Fayetteville & Albe it marie Plank Road Co., will take place at the Town Hall, in Fayettevill?, on Thuriday 25th inst., at 11 o’clock. JAS. a. COOK, Pres’t. August 12, 1858. 36-tm i^Jxnnunation of Common School Teach- era for Harnett County. ^MIIIE undersigned, Committee of Examination of ■- Common School TcJichers for Harnett County, will meet at the Office of the County Court Clerk in Summerville, on Mond.iy. Tuesday aud Wednesday of September Court week. Applicants will bear in mind that the Committee intend to make the spirit of the law, us they understand it, ttie inflexible rule of their action. DANIEL McCORMICK, Ch’m’n, A W. M McNEILL, I Com. A. D. Me LEAN. j Aug. 10 1858. 36- suit purchasers. Sept. 17. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. 43tf Further 8upplie« or Books. Life of Dr. Kane, by Smuckir; English Hearts and English Hands; Partoa’s Life of Burr; Haupt on Brilga Construction; Breckinridge’s Knowledge of God; Wilson on the Skin; Plates to ditto; Mitchell’s Therapeutics; Williams on the Principles of Medicine; Wood’s Practice: Pierce’s Algebra and Geometry; ^c. April 9. E. J. H.ALE & SON. •fiarble Factory. Plill'; mm URIlliS, mftedieines, PaintSi Glass, STc, tlHE undersigned are prepared to display their samples for the f.all trade to Merchants, Physi cians, Druggists and others, and to sell on the most advantageous terms possible. Their Stock embraces the most varied assortment of Mtrugs, Scienti/lc fir Popular Patent tfledicine^t every variety of Colors &. .TIaterials for PaintinpTi Vhrmiculs and Chemical SPICES, SoD.\, and other articles usually found at the grocer’s; SOAr, PEIIFCMERY, tc., tScc. They especially devote their attention to the pre paration 0. the pure ifledical I'od Eiiver Oil, their brand of which has become the standard of su periority throughout the country; in conjunction with this they are bottling, for the same class of patients, a superior article of Bourbon %%*hiskey, which for high proof, delicate flivor, and ripe age, is unsuri;as3‘d by any in the maiket, and is highly es teemed when taken it: cotijua'^tion with our Cod Liver Oil, as a valuable adjuact to that celebratdd and re markable remedy. Also, direct from the foreijn vintage*, a large sup ply of WIXES and BRANDIES which can be relied on f r purity, proof, fine flavor and conseqaent effioacy in debi ity, nervousness, affections of the bowels aud other ailments. An examination of prices is solicited. JOHN C. BAKER & CO. 154 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Atg 14, 185S. 37-2m. Lord Montagu’s Page, by G. P. R. James, Esq. School Books and Stationery. Just received. E. J. ll.ALE & SON. August 12, 1853. IJy (jlEO. LAUI>i:!, TWO UUIIKS tuutt C. T. lUltll SI'llRti Fayei ti* vi I le, iX. ARUIVEO A'r LAST. WEED’S QUESTIONS on the roNFHSSIOV OF F.aTH E. J. H VLE & SON. August 1-, 1858. 16'.' Jan’v ‘20, 1858 04 ypd Names mgs; Sanderson Uses A Trusts; Hargrave a Butler’s Coke upon Littleton; U. States Digest; St'.te Trials of the U. S ; Russell on .Arbitration; .Morris ou Iteplevin; Troubaton Limited Part nerships; Sugden on Vendors; “ on Powers; Saunders ou Pleading; Reports; Addison on Contracts; Wharton on Homiciile; Wharton .Stik’s Meil- J urisprudence; Newland on Contracts; Roper on Legacies; Williams on Executors; ou Personal Pro perty; Oli.'cr on Conveyancing; Residou;>j i No. of s'aares $ Cash Work W WATKK WHKKLS! W.\TKK WIIKKLS!! E are now manufacturing Vandewater'ii Im proved JONVAL TUBBIWE WATER WHEEL, for Mills an 1 Factories of every description; and all those wisliin? to inipruvc their water power will tind it for their intere-* to address ns by letter, stating the numl er of feet, head and fall; their usual amount of water; the kinl of machinery to be driven. We can then give them pricc • f wheel, i r what we wili fiirnish Wheel and principal Gears for, warranted to do a cer- t.iin nmuunt of work Tint ffirtu to test the Wheel, and Lube's Equity Pleading; j if it does not c.iiiie up to our ti;:ure, the Wiieel and Gresley’a Law of Evi- | Gears to be deliver.-d to us at ih' mill of the jiurchaser. Rkkeuknck (.;ivk.s and hkqi ikki>. HKATll .V STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Prince George's county, Me. ROp.KK'l B.MRD, Agent, llipht^r.n ' V- Subscriptions may be made payable in work, .an may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousanil dollars .are sub scribed, the Commissioners of itnslow county are to be notified, and the; are requ-red to call a meeting of Stockhoblers t^ org.inize the Company. March 15, 185b. 13tf (lence; Kent's Commentaries; I ('urtis'tf Commentary; . Bradford’s Surrogate Re- t ports; I Tapping on Maxidamus; i Crown (,'ircuit Companion j Wiley’s N. C- Form Book; ■ J HALE, & SON. I dditional value ti i :i no A be placed I >:i a- the ‘'rlgii I tlifse Rejirint.-i, in- 11 the hands of sub- il edit.oiis. any ■r iii.v tar* e . 1.,., r 1,. .1 y nt I '\I'„ I :lie i'iir Review.-, f the l.iur Reviews id Oie 1' in- lleviewa I t'.i-. R.-vifw 1 '1 iga/ine I .11. 1 three Kfvifvv - 1 M'l 1 Iiu- I'ljiir i!i \i( A d. r iiint ..1 I:, CLV Per ann. 00 5 no 7 011 H UU X OO ■J 00 r i!i\icws !>-• (iO 'II III/ fiift.'i in Si’i'e ichrrc iaxiK iI wi/( be > i> N! 1 er O’ i-ent. from the above pi.. e wi,; I/I' a1 I . ,;j_, f,,ur or more >- i ‘' t "'ly 'e ;iir ati'ive wiirks. Thus; t 'ur '('if, ol L.aiK'.V'. 1. ;.r -V :,n,. llevirw. will be (•eint to ji'ldress lur >^.*; 1.m- coj)ies of the four Re- vii ’AS an 1 L..'u k\vood fur '. imcl so on I'O.N'iAGlv In ail the prinei]ial Cities and Townh, tln*se works i. lil be delivered, FREE oF POSl.VtiE. When sent • y mail, the Postage to any pa>t of the Uniied .'States v». ; tiut TWEN l V-KoUlv (;L.N r.S a year for '-IV.ack- w od." Rill but Foi Rl'l.K.N’ CENT.S a year for each ■d tnr Rev; -WH. /•■ Tiir jirici ill ihint Hrii'iin of the fire 1’. SU I per annum. K> nii'tuni-*'-> for any of the above publications should H way - .td lioh-ed. ]jwst iaiid, to the Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., .No. Gold street, New Vork. TANNi.R’S OIL *5. DiiV HIDES. ^ k BPLS. Tanner's Oil,—a superior article; also, a tine lot of Dry Hides. For sale by JAS. 0. COOK. ,\U:i)!CAL BOOKS. UNGLISON’S Th.M-apeut:cs and Materia Medica ‘ .Med’cal Dictionary; “ Human Phy.sioioey; “ Practice ox .Medic;ne; “ on New Remedies; Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; “ Woman, and her liiweases; “ (’hiidbed Fevers; “ Diseases of the Uterus; Dewees on Children; “ Females; Ho’uer’s .Anatouiy and Histology; .Miller's I'rinciples of Surgery; “ Practice of da.; Bartlett ou the Fevers of the U. States; Wilson’s Human Anatomy, by Goddard; Ricord aud Hunter on Venereal, by Bumsteai. Watson's Practice of Physic, by Condie; Wood and Bache’s U. S. Dispensatory. Pnucoast’s Wistar’s .Anatomy; Wilson ou Diseases ot the Skin; *• the Skin and Hair; Eve's Surgical Cases; Churchill on Children, by Keutiug; “ System of .Midvrifery, by Condie; Diseases of Women by . do.; Ellis's .Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes’ and Paget’s Physiology; Regnaull's Elements of Chemistry; Fownes’ Chemistry for Students' Bartlett on Certainty in Medicine; Smith and Horner’s Anatomical .Atlas; Bird ou the Urinary Deposi'-;s; Pereira’s .Materia .Medica and Therapeutics; Carpenter s Human I'hysiologj’, by Smith; Dickson’s Elements of .Medicine; Taylor on Poisons, by Griffith; Burrows’ on Cerebral Circulation; Wilson on Syphilis: Draper’s Physiology—illustiated; Solly on the Brain; Hope ou the Heart, &c., &c. K. J. HA.Ui’ai SON. Oct. '!*!>, 1367. 4 ii,i.fMi*MO,V^S i^iLiMjS. "ould call the attention of persons afflicted V w with ('hills and Fevers to this celebratud Pill, which owe. its popularity to no puffing, nor to long, windy certihcates—but solely to its own merits as a r'med3' which never fail.* to cure when taken accord ing to directions accompanying caeh box. This I’ill, unlike many others, contains uo ininer.il, nor any in jurious ingredient, -aii'l may be adiniiiistered with per fect safety at all times, to young or old. As a^irever.tivc against Chil'S. or an* other type^of Fever, it is recommended as unsurpassed; and in treat ment of Fevers generally it is lar superior to (^uiuiue, or any preparation ot Peruvian bark. .V trial of its merits is all that is needed ti ins:ire it a favorable posi’-ion in the estimation of even the most inveterate opposer of Proprietary or Patent prescriptions. CIIAMPlOX'S AXTI HlLlOi'S 1‘ILLS Enjoy the reputation of being at least as good, it not | better, than any of the various cathartic Pills of the j age, and are entirely free from all poisonous, mineral, j or other injurious properties, and are highly recom- menilud iu Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, S:ck Head- pche. Sick Stomach, Habitual Costivene^s, Indigestion, A:c , and diseases of the St.iMiacli, Liver, Bowels and Blood generally, the^’ being by their composition equally adapted to cither of the above cases as a gen eral cathartic, good at all times when such mediciues are required. We recommeud them to the attention of all persons. Prepared by F. M. SWVER & Ca, Belleville, Illinois. Sold by SAMUEL J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N C Also, in all th« towns and cities, and by numerous country agents throughout the southern and western States and Territories. F. M. SWVER & Co., Proprietors, Belleville, Ill’s. June 3, 1858. Iti-Om FUllrilKK SUPPIES OF BOOKS, &c. ri'^IlE Knowledge of God, objectively considered, by I Breckinridge, The Prince ot th>> House o’ David; Sim^n Suggs; Wild Western Scenes; Webster’s Una budged Dictionary; .Mackey’g Lexiconof Free-Masonry; i Presbyterian Psalmodist; Stoddard’s Juvenile Arith- Greenleaf’s Mental .Arithmetic; Steel Pens; sui^Mwr.M, iiousi-:, iMva-vrTiovii.i.K, r. ' Enxt aith' of firenn Sfrrrt^ n few Doors Xurth Of the ^I^^rk^•f House. rOHIE .‘subscriber desires through this ■M. medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House th« p.ast year—and as he has .just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is stiil ‘i repared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal pat.on- age heretofore received. Every e.\ertion on his part ehall be used to render them comfortablo during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the matket alTorils. P. SHE.MWELL. March 24, 1855. 86-tf .JOSEPH liAlvEK, .In., .\tt«k:\kv .\t b..\w, .AS taken an office ne.'ct door to W’m. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior ('ourts of Cumber l.'iud, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. 79-tf V WOMAN’S THOUGHTS ABOUT WOMEN; Adele, by Ju ia K.-ivanagh; Illustrated life of Franklin; D’lsrjteh’s Sketches of English Literature; The Works of Lord Chesterfield; Anecdotal Olio; Cabinet Maker aud Upholsterer’s t/orapanion; The Poetry of Flowers and F lowers of Poetry; Livingstone's Trav'ls; Cum ming’s Hunter’s Life in .Africa; ,Vr>ibiaa Nights; Jay’s .\lorning and Evening Exercises; Union Bible Dicti in- ary; Living or Dead, by Rev. J. C Ryle: Juvenile Boo'&s, A.C., A:c. E. J. H.ALE i SON. NEW BOOKS. Living and loving, by Virginia L Towusend; Tempest and Sunshine, by .Mrs Holmes; ^Jb- bett's Advice to Voung Men; Mrs. Ellis's Fam ly Mon itor; Tlie Builder’s Companion; Painter, Gilder and Varnisher's Companion; Psalms and Hymns, assorted kinds; Confession of Faith; School Books, He \c. Just receivel. E. J. H.ALE A SOX. Further .Supply ol" School llook^. ^JMITH’.S GR.AMM.AR; Emerson’s .\rithmetic and Keys; Mitchell's Gaographies: Bullion’s Latin Grammar; .Vnthou’s Sa'lust; Divies' Surveying; Pay- bon ^ Dunton's Copy Books; Walker’s and Webster’s School Dictionaries: Leverett’s Latin Lexicon; Sar gent’s Standard Speaker; lic., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. A T,1 TMO,V£: K\\ E are just receiving fut ther supplies of ST A TION ERV, consisting of Cap, Post, Bath, .Note and Sermon Papers, great variety: Silver Border, Piain Visiting and Printer’s Cards; Pencil Sharpeners. Card Pencils, Iinlia Rubber. Steel Pens, Pen Holders, &c.; Buff, White and Fancy Envelopes; Ink, Ink >tauds, Blank Books, kc., xo. E. J. HALE & SON. ^EW BOOKS. LIVINGSTON’S TRAVELS IN SOUTH AFRICA; I’.arth’s Discoveries in North and (’entral .\frica: “The Reason Why,” by the author of ‘Inquire Within.’ —.A LS(.)— Further supplies of .Mustang Gray; Phoenixiann; The Painter, Gibler and Varnisher’s Com[>anion; .“^alo’s Koran; Jacobus’s Notes on the Gospels; The Commu nicant’s Companion; Barnes’ Notes on the Gos els; Conybeare’s Life and Epistles of St. Paul: The Psalm ist, with supplement; Bibles; School Books; i^c. Just rttoeived. E. J. H.ALE ^ St>N “ JOSiSPHlEr BLOSSOM.” c 41 n n 154 ^ I A AND ['OR\VAliI)ING MERC!L\N'I\ IW^ilminston, •V. C, T U’sr sale. Y virtue ‘if a Dee I of Trist t.) mo execute! by iniel t'lark, on the lt)tti d ly nf Juy 1 H.)S, registered iu B i.tk D., No 3. pigJ in tuo Office of the Re.iisti‘r of '.'u-n’i-r. ml J 'Uit',’. 1 shill se I to the h gh**»t bid ler, at the l i'e reii 1 *ac*. )f s li I Clark, on Big Rocfish, on the 2Itli of August.— 100,000 feet of LU'IKEIl, cn:i.-istinr Scant ling, Flooring .and Wide Boards; to be bold in lots to -uit purchasers. This Lumber lies diieotly on the banks of Bi;r Rjc^fish. two miles from t^e miuth thereof, — very easily m ly bj put in the m.irket of Wilmington. Housenoid an t Kitchen Furniturj. One I horse Wagon. One 1 “ do. One C.irt. One ('irriage. One Buggy, in very good condition. .•^tock of t'attle. Hogs and Sheep. Farming Utensils of every kind. Gro'-ving crops of Corn, Peas and Potatoes at the .Mill, and also Crop on the land of Theophilus Evans, kc., ic Terms, !)0 days for endorsed note, to be approved by trustee. R. W. H.viiDIE, Trustee July 31. 33ts NEGllOES! NEGROES!! ON the 2'*th Augu-1, at the .Market Home in the Town uf Fayetteville, by virtue of authority as I above stated, I shall h'so sell to the highest bidder, « B.ikely i\egr>*oe«i, .Men, Women, Girls ana Bovs. Terms—CASH. 'iiOB’T w. hardip:. Trustee Dan’l Claik. July 31. 33i8 PETER MAiiLETT^ D. (’ULI)EX MURRAY, QENEHAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, G 2 S O I T H S r R K F, T , YORK. July 29, 18'>8. a2- CAROLLNA Cl'l'Y, N. C. ~ • fi HIE Atlantic and .North Carolina Railroad being JL now comp!>jted to Beaufort Harbor, I have de termined to locate at Carolina City for the purpose of doing a Forwarding and General Ccmmission resb^ metic; Mathematical Instruments; Invoice ana Reference Files; &c., ltc- i.. J- ^ SON. , F*b. ti, 1868. J. \V. I}AKER Is now receiving from the North the largcfit, finest, and most carefully se lected stock of i’ll se.MTUKi’: ever offered iu this marKet; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all oi which he will sell on the lowest possible term.s for tash or on time to punctual customer.^. Fashionable painted cottage bod-room Ftirniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side tJoards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts: Wash Stands; C&ndle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany aud \Valnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans: Divans and Stools; Cliairs of every variety. Fine ilosewooj Pianos, one with ^Eolian At- lachment; Rosewood .Melodians, from the bet manutac- tories in New V-rk nnd Bosiou. wnrrauted as good ad tny made in the country, and will be sold at N. York p'"ioe3—freight only added. lSept«mD«r 2. 46-tf Pr»n»pt personal attention given to allCocsiga ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be «hip ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. *37 IJFiTlYsirRANCE. fjjlllFj Undersigned has been appointed Agent of JL the North t'ar:>lina .Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Every member for life j>articipatcs in the pro- tits of the Company; an^d th« unnual premium lor life membership, wnere it amounts to or more, may be paid one-half in casU, and ihe other hail ii. a note at 12 mouths. Debtors’ lives may be insured b^’ creditors. A man may insure his own life for me exclusive bcuotii oi Uis family Tne lives of si.ives may be insured. This system is rapialy growing into favor, all over the civilized world it. is one by wliicli a la.iuny, lor V small sum anuuady. may tie providi-d for, ailer tue death of Its iieai, ou wiiose exertions tiiey may have been dependeut lor a support, it is u good investment of money, even it one biiou.d live luig uiier ta.»iuji out a Policy Expluuaiory paiup.i.ets, ana tn u«cest^‘'y iilauka, furuiiiited ou u^pUcuiiou K. J. HALE. aii'4 hojte by prot'Jptne^'S and str.ct attentiou to merit patronage ftiid support. Being the .Agent of .Murhat’i Li.NE OF FiKsr Ci.\ss P.vCKtrs to th s aud .Moretiead city, every elfort will be m tde to mine this the cheap est and most expe.iiious route to New York. Vessel# will be loaded and discharged at my Wharf (adjoining the Railroad Wharf.) find thereby save cartage and lighterage. Partica.ar attention will be given tj all orders »nd to the s lie and shipment of Produce. W.M. B. GRANT. Jury 2U, 18o8. 32-ly DEN TISTRY; Tlios. .fl. %%'alsoii, AVING deciJ>*d ou permanently locating at Floral College, respi'Citu ly informs tne citizens of tiiis place and surrounding country that he is pre pared to operate iu all me v.iriom br.iuclies of sur geon Dentistry, aud will be happy to attend all calls in his Profession at any lima. Prices moderate- Sa'isfaction gu.irantie 1. Ju.y 'I'-J. 33tf LIFE a\d1;Mie^6\den^ OF JAMES IREDELL, ot NORTH CAROLINA, O.Ski OF TUE ASSoCIXT; justices or THE fUi’EEJlK CuUKT OK TUfc; LNirtU oTATtS. Ut ok if FI ill J. .McitEt, Lsq.. of »Vii.jiikoto.v. For sa.e bv' E. J. HALE &oN Fayetteville, June 1, H M rs. Veilow ‘•Eollowiii^ l!ie Drum,” by V^iele; Osceoia, by Capt. .Nlayne Hei 1; I ue r'rig.ite. l>y *' ipt 'as. tii int; 'Vu.l Flowers Forth r supplies of l. e .md Mm stry ol .'purgeon vlu8tan >-jr ly, lijruarJ i..ile; scn..ol LS'ioks; vc July To. E J. H.V_i. ,r