[VOL VIII. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 23, 1858. [\0. 739.1 i'!:iNr;;i» \i!.\dav.s and thiusdays j. !I \|,K A SON. KDITiiRS and I-llOl'IUETOKS. Pri. -- t’ .r tiio ofkly odsvuvkr ¥3 00 if paid in a l.un, o>; if ]• i inrin- tKe year of subucrip- U 'li; or i;4 nt'f.Tthc yenr hr.i expired. For the Weekly (-n, f i it -O per annum, if paid in a ivaii. -; S- oc if p ' J luring the year of subscrip, t; 'r - ' I'l .lifer the yivir hr;s expired. AL'ViMi riS>Mi^\'T.S inserted t'or si.xty cents per !' 1 l:n' ?' >r the fn--t. iiiid thirty cents for each Ve;iriy advertisements by spe- ntrn- : ;it n‘ i'' 'ut''.le rates. Advertisers are -d t- -t ite tlie nu niter -.f insi rtions de.sired. o'" '! 1m‘ ('.'iitintie i tdl f'>rbid, and charged accord ;%or!iseinents to V>e iu>erted ■ ;xtra. .Larged ">0 per fu. C c 0- 1 f ■ c d . t: fi' c: d . lire ■ 11 \V:l5 :-i 1- isssitrftiice* ;t,;. ur re i li r t ■ tite .-inuual statement of ■ T.ii. i 1 ii'iir.im'e (’ a'lj :uiy, nf Hartford, ! !i" •' iii'.d in another O' Inian. Tiiis suc-'ess- ;ii, ri- 'Vriu'il V)v t!ie Li'gislature of !'*, \%itli a per]i.'iuil ciinrter. Its •: .d it.~ til', uiuiations exceed Mil;: ;!•> entire i->et> «vcr >^".oO.- .1 in t;,t' r-t iTL'lnent rcierrcd t ' .fe tliMf ''.’.rii.t :he j'crioJ of nearly ■ ■J ■•■1 saniji it^ in, i without a single . r,; '.t:- :'Ur iiess has b?en cou- mi;t aud prudence. It Las been i:i an 'inineut deju'ec, discharging, s o' Hj, ati'.ns by the payment . '/ '' f..r l i--;er;, witliout asl.inc a i:i any .i; an- **. It has had l>ut little lit- 'wit;,--:iii 'iiu t) • iini;ieiise number>4traus- •,nt i. >r u'l t E eii » a p.ri.-. C -ill-: b.ir - I . a - ! . 1 its } r .-t' h' i D dn. li a r usitie- c -f ;he ' rt. jciv»' ; ti. • h. 1 ; . . . .I,- L i. ■ r- r^!) it.; liiy ^ui’i .■iplCN art.iiu as much • •rtamtu as j HS in7.urance, it has been ...•, aii} , I'.ir vj-ver.il years, at j r. ■ irefu'ly to c'a'^^i'y and mranpe their ; t- ;i' 'lit •';''y di.stin. t classes. SO as to ascertain ; u!.t tn'.'.u-^- 1 on t‘uh cl.iss. the amount of pre- i uu'i tiie am.'Unt of losses up- ■ ' ■ . liti.in. extruding over a Uni^ (. riii^rpr . eny to a vi. ry large amount,fur- . ; it I, 1 11 1 presenu-i a -••uud, substantial fXpi'ricnc--. up ’n liich t i conduct its iir.iiii e :> n^t a iniitter of luck or chance, its '• a/ irds sue asiertaiiiab;e, and , vri*,:,> Indns; rciuced to a system, the , •rv ;; \v -rki!)- :in ! r. 'i;;ts ■ !' wluL-h arc as certain j ' ' any >tlit.r I iisiiivjs. Tiie .ttiia Company. ' :-i- riL'i i y to its stv-iii, andplai'ing its busi- ; • .a hf I’lhy h:i-.is, has !i>t-.ined the contidence i .:-ni'.: T. • ■ ii!i oxi”iit siirp.assed by no other' . in ti i L’. .'■ tate-,. and has increased its busi- : • .11 • Mill- tr 'lu year t^i year with a steady | • ■ - ?'I. ;ii c:it >. iirce "t' it.-' security is the wide d.-tr • :.ui fits risl:-' -a p'jlicy which it pursues w • >t -itri 'tne-''—lifij-.tin- tiie ani^unt to be cov er t ::: e o-h ! ality. ly this ■•■■urse it has passed, i ; r. inp:irative impun'.:y, thr"Ugli S 'tiie of the laost B _ and dfsfrui'tive hres, whii li have swallowed op (. .1 iiip lilies '^ 'S cautious in tl,eir business. It is a \ :.:a . o tl is, • d up'^a expi-ricnce, which gives s'u* ;ty an] ^ un ia* ' t.i a c-Uipany. and to the as- bured lUi ieiice au J t'urilv. — Jl !''!>■ jrt PatrtA. .i:t.\i i.\.siiM.\(i; m\m\, ll.\iri'F()Kl), CONX. IN M'.r' IlATt;!) 1>1'.*. CIIAllTKR I'KRPKTL'AL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11> K li,..\* K, I‘re«i l'*!»t. L. 0. Illl’LEV. Vice I’re- ? i'!-:. T. A. ALLXA.NI-KK, Secretary. I'lUi •- —T. K. Dracp, S. Tu ior, J. Ciiurch, R. I", , M A liur e. K. b i 'Wer, K. A. Hnlkeley, R. .\1 ir-.i-r. K ' i. Kip';i y, S. S. W ird, 11. Z. I'ratt, G F ', A. liui.liiui, !• liillM-T, T. A -Vlesauder, W. k.:-.., l;.f \. 'r. are niaiii' i:.vc-ted in .''t'cks and D^uds, { :.!i're>r, V ;?h ^rw72,'/' l 'd I'f cash on deposite i ..rtr ISatiks, to meet ^‘^•-es. . . - 'liie iiii'i unpaid — none L i liU'U-i aiid n t due. .a-! « ; ‘ ; ■ n 11. • r J'n," ;f, ."ic., S73.- Hawkses Misiorp/ OF \OKTII CAROL l.\A. The ^Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st Volume of this valuable work, wl-.ich has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our General Agent for the State, II. W. Horne of this place, or any of his As.sistant Agents. The price v.iriis according to style of binding: In handsome cloth ^1 '2o; in Library Sheep ^1 50; in half Culf •'M 7'>. It is soi.d osi.Y for C.asu. None will bechargei, either by ourselves or our Agents. A liberal discoun* will be made where quantities are taken to sell again it will be sent by mail to any part of the country, ou receipt of the jirice and 21 cents to pay postage. The 2d volum« is in course of preparation. There will probably be four or five volumes in all. The suc- ceeiiiiig vohinies will probably contain about 500 pages each, and will be sol't at a proportionally higher price, viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 2-> cents additional for sheep and 50 cents additional lor the half calf binding. K. J. HALE SON- Fayetteville, Ajiril 29, 1857. r. S. The Agent and his Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soou as convenient. In the me.an time, orders to him or to us, aoc>mpanied by the ca.sh, will receive prompt atten tion. STAM)VRI) &. .MIS(’fii,LA.M;OlS It it OKS, »K. K.VNK’S Arctic K^plrrations.—cloth, sheep and halt' calf: Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, ('oihiuest of I’cru, I'Milip lid, and L'ontiuest of \lei.ico; Henry Clay's Works, tj vols ; r>enton’s Thirty Vears in tlie U. S. Senate; Daniel Wel.ster’s Works, ti vols.; Mi'moirs f .•>. S. i’reiitiss: Iriving’s Works, 15 vols.. cloth and sheep; Memoirs of Wm. Wirt; Irving s Life nf Wiihhingi. n, clotii .'»nd sheep; Life and ('oirespon- dence of VVc'ister; ClUi, ^’erry's .Ia[,au Kxpe'iitioii; Ab- bott’s Napoleon: The lii'!ij.;enotis Kajes if the Earth, by Nott i: Gli M'jn; Kecoil*"ctions of A Life Time. >'V Goodrich, (I’eter Parley: i Hurne and .Macaulay's His tories of Knulaad: Hiiilaiii's. Robertson’s. Johi'soii’s, Burke s, Addisou's, Huunuh .More s and Dick’s Works, Southey's (Common Place Ilook; HistoriCiil Colleclions of Virginia; Dickens's Complete Works, ’;{ vc!s. il!u-- trated; LaMaitine's History of Turkey; The Queens of Scotland, by Agnes Mrickland; Goldsmitli’s .Animated Ni.ture; Noctes inbror-ian-A-, •’) vols.,—edited by Dr. . McKenzie; Pvol in’s Ancient History; Constitutional Text D.)ok: Mil’auan’s (iitiiion's Home; The Statesmiin's .\lanual; T:il>‘s and N 'Vels of .Maria Ldgeworth; Proc tor’s History of the Crusades; Chainbeis’ Itiformation , for the People; Tyt’.er's L'nivcrsal History; Uoswell’s I Life cf Dr. JohnS"ii; Chambers’ .Misceliany, lU vols ; j Apjilelon's Cyclopelia ot lUo^ruphy; J lie Scottish Gael; Lncyclope'lia .Vmericiuii. 11 vols.; Waverly i Novels in 12, 21 and 27 vo!s.; WiNon’s Tales of the j P)ordcrs and of Sc itiaud; DeToc ^ueviile's Democracy ■ in America; Kuij^ht's Half Hours with the I'est .-Vuthors; : llalwer’s Novels, compl;te in one vol; Plutarch’s Lives: I Modern IJritish Essayists; Lyell’s I’riuciples of Geolo gy; Tales of the .\.riibi:>.n Nights. 4 vols. illustrated; -Nlaury’s Physical uC'igraphy of the Sea; .Vdventures of a (.leiitiem-in in Search of a Horse; .Mrs. Ellis’) i Family Monitor and Guide to Social I*appiness; The Bachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage; History of the Revolutions in Europe; Lockhart's Life of Walter Scott; Hogg’s W inter Evening Tuies; Woodfali's J uiiius; .Mdutosh's .Miscellanies; Hiiuiilton's l’luiosi>phy and Literature; .Mc.Vulay’s i.'cellanies; Marshall’s Wash- ' ington; Life of Pinckney; Brande’s Eucyclonsdia; The ! I’rince of the House of David: The Poetical Works of j Hcmans, Scott, Campbell. .Milton, Byron, .Moore, Burns, i Snakspeare, &c , iu Vi.i-i.iU3 styles. ; E. J. HALE i SON. L..1 BOOKS. OMAl' S Civil Law; Markie ou blander; : .-t.-=', su--p*( li fraud, Jic. j i4ti,t»7h 72. .1 the ab"Ve (.oiupany iu Fayetteville, . E. .) HA;.E. BRITISH PERIODICALS. - .' ' ; . 1 V • (.»., .N EV'li'iK. ntiiiue to publish t: •• : lowiiig .•'a !,i;g liiiiiiL Periodicals, vii: 1. liE iiE L; ■Nu-'N v'--^RTER,^V ■'onservativej. ;i K-;H ULVll.W ,Wa: ‘to)' .llE.NOiUIl URITI.' I REVIEW Fn-e Church). 1 i -lE WK." 1 M1N.TER REVIEW l.iSeml). DL.\- KV\S 1.i l.\ !;I R{HI .M.\GAZINE iTorv c If;. K. nl-i i*;'y rcprt-i' i.t the threegre.it poli- r'.' I '.I 1-r;’ !i,’i — W ' ig, Tory, and Radi al p ! rtn- I :ly -: ne t'-.itnre ^if their char- • r_Tii.s 'it ti.e niost pr.foind vriitcrs on •I'lturf. .M' ity, ;ind lleii;jion. they stand, ■ i '1, iinnv i.le i iii the world ot let- -■'1 .a I.-j.ea.'u'.e tli.> scli^.ar and 1. wiii'o t .- tilt- ii.te.lisii'iit reader .\ ■ .-iicp. I.ir-. .- t.ify ev -r ii. •T-, i'Cil.4 I' '11 tt.c, of' ci; -1) a iiioii- crrect and sat's- '.eiit literature of the day, ;. till I' -ur K 1 I. :> For E. M til.' w ,r! ;, than can be j oisiVily obtained ;i.cr S'Oirce. KAliI.V ( Ol’iK.'; .j ' .'f A:-V.\N('E .■'llEEl'S f-..m the British a ■ iitional value to tlu-so Reprints, in- :uey i-m uow be jdnce 1 iii tlie hands of sub- vi: U-* III a- tiif ii igiu.il edit..'UK Per nnn. 00 5 00 7 (lO I 8 OM 1 s .\!00 1 a:ii tUue V 00 i and *iie f'.ar !U‘vicWb 10 00 />>■ Vii'iir I It nU '■ij.ny.v in (idoaui'e. i:i tk> .Siatf: u'fu rt: issued will he ’ f '■ D Koscoe’s (.’rim. Evi dence; Chitty on Contracts: " Criminal Law; “ “ i’lea-iiug; Stephen on Ditto.; L hitty on the Law of Car riers; Selwyn’s Nisi Prius,—Am. Notes; Smith’s Chancery Pra.-tice; “ Landlord and Teu- unt; “ on Contracts; “ Leading Cases; Story on Conflict of Law; Equity Jurispru- ilence; “ on Sales; “ on Partuership; Ei^uity Pleadings; “ on Contracts; Fearne on Remainders- Edwards on Bailments; Byles’ on Bills: Tiiyler's Law Glossary; Dart on Vend.irs and Pur chasers ot Real Estate; Broom's Legal .Maxims; •* Coiumen t ines on the ('.jm. Law; Adams's Equity; “ on Ejectment; Burrill on Ciruuin. Evidence; •• Law Dictionary Leading C.ises in Equity; Tidd’s I’ractice—.Am. Notes; Hill on Tiustees, *• “ .Matthews' Presumptive Evi- dence; Powell on Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Suprem! (,'ourt Reports, &c-, &c E. J Sedgwick :>n the .Measure of Dam ges; Se lgw ick on .''tatutory and Cons Law; Hale’» Pleas of the Crown; Bishop ou -Marriage anU Divorce; Mitlord'sChancery Plea l- ing-; San'11-rs on Uses & Trusts; Hargra\e J>. Butler’s Coke upon Littletm; L’. .'itates Dl){est; St.ite Tiials of 'he U. S ; Russell on .Vrhitratiou; .Morris on Ripievin; Troubaton Limited Part nerships; Sug.Jen on Ven.lors; on Powers: Saunders on Pleading; Reports; Addison on Contracts; AVbarton on Homicide; WhartOD ^ Stile’s Med- J urisprudcnce; .N’ewlan i on Contracts: lioper ou Legacies; \V4l .iams on Executors; on Personal I’ro- perty; Oliver on (' inveyancing: Lube’s Equity Pleiidiiig; (iresley’s Law of Evi dence; Kent’s Commentaries; Curtis’s Comment.-iry; Bni.lford’s Surrogate iie- ports; Tapping on Mandamus; Crown ('ircuit (,'ompnnion Wiley’s N. C. Form Book; HALE, k SON. NAl I ii ii oMir.E.^\stso no\ .v. fB^HE Scholnstic year is divided into two Sessions, : commencing 1st Auirust and 1st January. The ooursw of stu.l3’ is thorough and systematic, «m- ' bracing everything necessary to a complete, solid, and i ornamental education. The buildings are so arranged as to combine the comf)rts of a home, with the advan ' tages of a school. Instructors of the highest qualifiea- i tioDS are employc«l iu each of the Departmai ta. No j Institution in the country possesses advautsges supe- • rior to Edgeworth. TERMS: Board, including washing, lights, and fuel, pfer \ Session (d' five months. $^0 00 1 Tuition in the Regular (''asses. 20 00 , The next Session will coinmenc* ou Mon'lay, .August 2d. 1858. Pupils are admitted at any time during the Session, and 'har2'-d from the time of entrmee. Catalogues coiitainiiiir all necessary information re- ■ specting the. Course of Instruction, Terms, &c., will be forwarded on application to ivlCH.VRD STERLING, Principal. Grecusboro’, N Carolinn. May 2H, IS-'iK. 17 Omoapd A PROCLAM A riOX, ~ his Excellency, TmoMas Hhauo, Governor ot North t'(iriilind. H ERE.AS, it has bt'cn represented to me that * W one .\rchiliald .McDougald, l»ite of the County of Cumberhiud. di.l on the 27th day of February last, iu said Coun'y. kill a..d uiur.ler one n’h'imas Munroe. ur 1 tbfit the sail! McD.)ugald i.- a fugitive fr^m ju»tice, and has escape'’ beyond the limits of this State. Now, to me en i th *t th-.' sai.l .Vrchibal.l McDougild may be arresUd and brought to trial for his s.iid of fence, I do iiereby issue this uiy Proclamatiou, offeriijg u Hewar.l of Two Hu iiilre 1 i>.u!ars for his npprehen- fciou aud delivery to the Siienfi'of Cumberland County. DESCRlPriON. McDougald is about fifty years of age. of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, ha» a scar on the face neaf one of his jaws, weighs abou; 165 or 170 pouiuis, is a.ldicted to intoxication, and while drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given uuder my hand ami th« Great Seal of [l s.]the St.itc. at Raleigh, thi* th« Sixth .lay of March, A D. 1854. By the tjovfrrior. TIIOS. BR.AGG, Pt L.\.-iK.i CcwPEE, Pr. Sec’v. Match 15 ■ 93tf HKill .MOi N'r 'r\.^’XEKV.~ situated 1 M1LF WEST OF WADESBORO’. AN- SON CuL'NTV. N (\ ■^T()W the panic is over and nobody killed in these .4.^ diggins, the undersigned still c mtMiues to con- ' duct the general T inning and Manufacturing of a 1 kinds ('f Leather, Harness, .Sad lles, Bridles. Boots and Sh los, of every siz.* an 1 .lescnption—of the very best materia'. PLANT.ATIoN premium BROGANS, Not to be 6urj'Hs--ed. .All of which he offers ami pro poses to sell or exchange lor Raw Hides, B.,*eswax. Tailow, aud all kinds ot country produce, on terras to justify and accomuio lute his customers a.:cording to the times. Having on hand constantly a Inrcre supply of .Stock, he is prepare.l to execute all orders neatly and promptly, wiih such material an«l workinanshi[> nj are not to be ex- ' celled by any establishment of the kind iu this part of : the country in style, q'la'.ity or price, for cash or to punctu-il cuitoiue«s And in letnriiing hi» sincere ■ thankg to his customers and friet di gaaer illy for their former patronaee, he solicits andhopcs to still merit a continuance td their favors, i JAME.S C. CARAWAY. March } 9d-tIJapd ’ \i\m\ uMiFoii xiLi-;. ^■>IIE Subscriber otlers lor sile riilKr^ FIVE ■- HUNDRED AC tion as th*-re i- iri \ The Carrifific Factory in I he Sourh! W the f'our lieviewf ' : t;.v l ii.r ilcviews •• I't the l-'jur Review; I the iU-vii'WS A ]. pn. ■ i.i i?iiL\c;. n til it tvs :,t\ ;ivu j.or , ei)t. from the above i.- li- .'.wc ! i , , ;; ,,r.icring four or more - p.t-:. i.t .iii_\ yrie ..r in ,r. , i n, . ai-ove Works. Thus: .ir I'lq I'-r of B.iic .w . 1, .. ; t' ,,iie Review, will be ■ tit lic :id ire I'lr > loi-;- c q, vs of the four Re- ,iu 1 Bi-ickv\- o I for .'ji;)!!-. -iii.i In all the prim , u ('ilies aii.l T'lwrii-, th.'se works vs . be dellvrcd, FREE )F PJST.\;E. Wheo sent ly mail, tbe Po-f.i;.'!' t ■ any part of t!ie Coiled .'^t.Ates « b'j but T W i.1 V Fi M i! (,'L.N 1'.^ a ye-.r for “Hl ick- V. '!, and 'lu; 1 .'i R1 l.EN ('E.N I'.S ;i year for t-Ach i t:.> Reviews. • V. /■ '///•■ y/('. Ill liritdin uf thi fice yr;,.> ///, -■- -/,,/,//, ,/ if s;; [ ,,rr annum. K iiiiti I. . -i i jr any t the .vc publications should ii.v.a,. .1- ,1 ; e.--^d, I'o-i J i:d, to liic rublishers. Lh(»NARD SCOTT .v; CO., No. o 1 G.'i'l ^trL■t.t, New \ ork. 1'1)11, .S; l)l;V iliDES. BPLS. Tunnel Oil, - n superior aiticle; also, ^ a tine lot of Dry Uide^. For sale by JAS. U. COOK. MEDICAL liOOKS. S ^UNGLISON’S Therap-'utics and .Materia Medica IL^ “ .Medical Dictionary; “ Human Physiology; “ Practice oi .Me.licine; “ ( n New Remedies; ■Meigb’ Treatise on (Jbstetrics; “ W oman, and her Diseases; “ Childbed Fevers; “ Diseases ot ths Uterus; Dewees ou Cfiildren; “ “ Fctiiales; Horner’s Anato.uy and Histology; .Miller’s l’rincii>ies of Surgery. “ Practice of do ; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. States; Wilson’s Humas Anatomy, by Oodd.'.rd; Ricord aud Hunter on Venereal, by Bumstet j; Watson’s I’ractice of Physic, by Condie; Wood and Bache’s U, S. Dispensatory; Piiticoas'-’s Wistar’s Anatomy; Wiison ou Diseases of the Skin; “ ** the Skin aud Hair; Eve’s Surgical Cases; Churchill on Children, by Keating; “ System of Midwifery, by Condie; “ Diseases of Women by do.; Ellis’s .Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkcs’ and Paget’s Physiology; Regnault’s Elements of Chemistry; Fowiics’ Chemistry for Students' B irtlett ou (’ertainty in .Mediciue; Suiiih and Horner’s Auutomical Atlas; Bird on lilt Uiiuary Deposifes; I eieiiiih Miiteria Me.lica an.l Therapeutica; arpentei s lluiiian Physiology, by Smith; Dickson’s Ehrnicnts of .Me>licine- Taylor ou Poi."-ons, by Griliith; Burrows’ ou Cerebral Circul.-aiou- Wilson on Syphilis; Draper’s Phy.siology—illustrated; Solly oa the iiraia; Hope ou the Heart, &c. &o. K- J. uale’& son. Oct. 2tt, 18C7. ■W. H TTIRLING-TON, Commission Merchant, No. 4 North Water St. WILML\OTON, N. C. WILL give bil prompt personal attention to tb« ■al« or shipment of all Consignments of Navai Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8, 1856. tf > HUNDRED .aCRES .if Land in us healthy a sec- iina. F>RI V .\’RES. >n which are a good Dwellirg and all necessary out h. uses, in goo 1 repair ON E H L .N DK11D .an.l .> 1X 1' V .VCRES. g.iod ri v«r bot tom l.ind, I'lO acre^ of which is un ler cultivatioii at.d produces fine croj s of •'"tt.>n and Com. NINE HUNDRED at.d SlXI'V Ai'RE.S (.'reek and Pine lan.l, on uliich i« ''•.in.' ir ' 1 fiirniin'.; laii'l. TWENTV-1IIREE li U \ D;\ED an 1 FORl'V ACHES Pine land, well S'iit‘ d f.:r ') ui peiitine getting. Tills pioperty vsiil lit, sold cheap uua on accommod.-i- ting terms. -Ad.ire3 the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. 0 , .Monroo ‘ ouiitv. .Alabami AMLLIAM W. ENGLl.SIT. March 11, 1>'58. 92-ly ~W.\TEH WilEEJ>: W.^i'Kii WiTkI-Xs!! E are now muuufacturiiig Vandewuter’s im proved JONVAL TURSIWE WATER WHEEL, for Mills and Fiictories of every .iescription: au'l all those wishing to 'iiqoove their water power will find it for their iiitere-it to a.ldn's-i u^ by letter, st.it ng the number of feet, h.-a 1 and t'.iU; th dr usu il aiuouut of Water; the kiii'l ol' machinery to be driven. We can then give them pi.ce of wheel, i r wh.it we will furnish Wheel at.d priticipu Ge-irs f'.ir, w:HT-irite I to do a cer tain amount ot w.^rk. T ’le given to teif the Wieel, and if it does not coinj t;[.> to our figure, the Wiieel aud Gears tcj ke .felivtj .-.i t > u-i at the mill of the purchaser. ReFEHKNCE GIVI;.N‘.\M> nKQt lRl.l). HUATH STEVENSON, Laurel Fru'tory, Priiice George's c^'unty, .Md ROBERT B.\llll», .Ag'Mit. • A. A. McKF/niA\ ■ » ESPECTFULLV informs his friends and the 0% public, that he In'* built up large substsntial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, exjjressly for man ufacturing Carriupes. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, be hopes by strict atteution to !'uine>is. with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of tbe snme. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experience.1 wor’icmen iu each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the UniteJ .States, for neatness and durability. He is .leterrninc.l to sell unJ do any work in liis line on as good terms as any work d^ne elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, Finished, the LARGEST STOCK of ( urrui're.s, flt^rouchca, Uocknwnijs^ and Ever oflere.l in this place, an.l a very large stock f'f work nearly fin'shed. which will be finished daily All of which will >e sold very iow for Cash, or on sbort time to punctual custotners. fiiai?*' He has on band more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles finisL%d and in course of construction. All work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should if fail by bad workmanship or materiHl will be repaired Iree of charge. Persons wisliing to buy wouM >io well to call and examine for themselves. '.)rder8 thankfully received aud promptly attended to. 1 Repairing executed at short notice and on very | reasonable terms. .May 2H, 1K,5{. tf-«'rf pi uLic Norici: | BS HEREBY GIV'KN, that Book* of Subscription to j the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor vi.i Kenansville. (,’linton, Fayetteville, an.l West, will be opened on Thursday, the lOth day of.Vpril 1 850, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places and under .lirection of the following named persons. Commissi.mers in the Charter, viz: In the (’ounty of '>n>low. at the office of the Clerk of the Counry Court at Jacksonville, and at the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, O. J. Ward, J. H Foy, Robert White. John A. Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort Dr. M. F. -Arecdell, J. F. Bell, L, T. Oglesby. At the store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Wm. N. liennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge •Arendell. In Dupiin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville, — Major Owen R. Kenan, Davi.l Reid, Isaac B Kellv, Wm, E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Samps in county, at the office of the County Court ('lerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison. Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKn^^ Pitrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, J R. Beariian. Alfred .lohnson. In ( umberlaml couiitv, hI Fayetteville, nl the office of A. A. McKpthan.—Thomas R. Uii'lerwood, Ranlal McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blooker. Form of subscription; The Undersigne.l a^roe to take the number of share* of ."illOO each, set opposite fo our names respectivel,.v in the Central Raii Roa.l Company: an I in all respects to comply with the t."irms of the Charter. III*. K. A. FFICE Front Rooms, over Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, ISofj. RI..1CK, Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s 76-tf THO. O. FULLER, Jittorney and Counsellor at Mjuw. OFFICE at Ewcles’s Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C Jan’y 1, 1857. LOVEIIIJ ELDlilDGE, •.Attorney at IjUw, ^MriLL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp- » » sou Counties. Smithfield, April 16, 185C. 9f5-tf "Worth & Utley, Forwarding and General Coinmission MERCHANTS, JFayeltcville^ .V. C’. J. A. woaxn. (72tf) JOS. UTLKT. T O. & B. G-. WORTH, (’ominission Forwardinti .Merchants, O Drown * Building, Watur Street, n\lmington^ •>*€’, Usual advances made on cousignmeats. Nov. 11, 1867. 59-tf ANNUAL MEKTING. The Annual Meeting of the Fayetteville & Albe marle Plank Road Co., will take place at tbe Town Hall, in Fayetteville, on Thurjday --5th inst., at li o’clock. JAS. G. COOK, Pres’t. August 12, 1858. 36-tm Exnminntion of Common School Teach- ers for Hurnett County. ^B^IIE un.lersigned. Committee of Examinatioti of JL Common School Teachers for Hurnett County, will meet at the office of the County Court Clerk ia Summprville, ou Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of September Court week. Applicants will bear in mind that the Committee intend to m-ike the spirit of the law, as they understand it, tue inflexible rule of their DAMEL .McCORMICK, Ch’m’n,'I .McNEILL, ICc McLEAN, j acfioti. W. M A D. .Aug. lu 1858. . Com. 30- COTTON iJAGGING. UNL'EE and GUNNY B.AGGINQ in quantities to suit purchasers. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. Sept. 17. 43tf 1> Fiirllier ^upplie^ of Book«. LIFE of Dr. Kane, by Sniuckir; English Hearts and English Hands: Parton’s Life of Burr: Haupt on Bridge Construction; Breckinridge’s Knowledge of OoJ; WiUou on the Skin; Plutes to ditto; .Mitchell’s Therapeutics; Williams on the Principles of Medicine; Wood’s Practice; Pierce’s Algebra an 1 Geometry; (yc. April 9. E J H.ALE 5t SON. •Harble Factory. % IS, •ItedicincH^ M*ainlSi Glass, JITc. ^JIHE undersigned are prepared to display their B- samples for the fall trade to Merchants. Physi cians, Drugzists and others, aud to sell on the most advantageous terms possible. Their Stock embraces the most varied assortment of nritys^ Sclrnttlic iS Popular Patent •■fMetlicineSt every variety of t'oloriK Sk lor Paintingr, ChemicalH and t'hcmical if'jfres’ SPICES, SOD.\, and other articles usually found at the grocer’s; SOAP, PERFUMERY, dhc., dcc. They especially devote their attention to the pre paration o. the pure ^liedical Cod Ltiver Oil, their brand of which has become the standard of su periority through.)ut the country: in cotijunction with this they are bottling, for the same class of patients, a superior artiolo of Bourbon l^^hiskey, which for high proof, delicate fl ivor, and ripe age, is unsurcassed by auy ia the maiket, and is highly es teemed when taken i;: conjunction with our Cod Liver Oil. as a valuable aJjuuct tj th.it celebrated and re- Qirkable remedy. •Also, direct from the foreign vintages, a large sup ply of If'/Alf.? and BRAyDIES which cm be relied on f r purity, proof, hue flavor and conseq aent efficacy in debility, nervojsneis, affections of the bowels and other ailments An examinatica of prices is solicited. JOHN C. B VKER & CO. 164 N, 3d St., Philadelphia, Aug 14, 1858 37-2m. Lord Moiitagu’s Page, by G. F. K. James, Esq. School Books and Stationery. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. August 12, 1858. Names ! RebideUv •Vo. or s.iares Cash Work ^ J j Suboorij tioiis iii.iy !.e mu Je p.ijab.e in worK, an may specify whether lor gr.-idinu or cross-ties; an 1 stockholders shall in every case hiiv e preference in i tiiking Contracts, when Idds are thu same or at Engi neer’s estim:ite. As soon as one hundre 1 thousand dollars are sub- scrilted, the Commissi'.iiers of Onslow county are to be notifie.i, an.l they are re.pi'Ted to call a meeting of Stockholders t., organize the Company. \farch 15. 185t>. 13ff lly (;E0. J.ALDEil, Tim iiuOBS IBIHE C. T. IIJISII ISIIVSSIUSI.' Fayetli*ville, I'. Jan’v 20, 18.58 64 ypd V WOMAN’S THOUGHTS ABOUT Wi».MEV; Adele, by Ju ia KavMii.igh; Illusfritel life of Franklin; D’lsr.neli’s Sketches of Engli>h Literature; The W,>rks of Lord Chesterfield; .Anecdot.il tjlio; Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Compiiiiiiin; The Poetry of Flowers and h lowers of Poetry; Livingstone’s Ti-iv *ls; t’uiu ming’s Hunter's l..i e in .\tri n; Vrihian N'iglits; Iiy’s .Moriiing and Evening Hxercises; Union Bibie Dicti .n- «ry; Living or U.;ad, by Rev J. 0 Ryle; .Inveoile Book>>, AC., >vc. E J. H.ALE j: ftON. AURIVED AT LAST. WEED’S QUESTIONS ou the CON’FESSIOV OP faith E. J. HALE & SON. August 12, 1858. H nj E w.iuld c.ill the .ittention of persoiH afflicted ' with Chills an.l Fevers to this celebr.ited Piil, ’ which owes its pojuilarity to no pulling, nor to long, windy certificates—but solely to its own merits ns a remcly which never tails t'> cure when taken accord ing to directions .TC.:omii inyi.ig each box This Piil, unlike many ethers, c.>nt.iiiis no iniiier il, nor any in jurious iiigre licnf, a.i.] may be a.luiinistered with per fect Safety at all times, to young or oM. .As a preventive ag iinst illiil's. or an’’ other type of F?ver, ii i.s recoinnien.ie.l as unsurpassed; aud in treat ment of Fevers generally it is far superior to Quinine, or any j.rep.-iiatioti cf I’eruviau b.irk. A tri,.l of its merits is all th.it is lu-e le.l t.) insure if a favorable position in the estiinatioii of even the most inveterate opposer ot Proprietnry or Patent prescriptions. CJIAM/^IUWS AXTJ lilLlOL'S PILLS Enjoy the reputation of bting at least as good, if 'lOt better, than any of the various cathartic I’ills of the age, and are entirely free from all poisonous, mineral, or other injurious properties, and Hre tiighly recom mended in Dyspep.-iia, Liver Complaint, Sick Head- Hche, Sick Stomach, Hat)itual Costivene.'^s, Indigestion. Aic , aud diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels aud Blood generally, they being by their composition equally ad.ipted to eitlirr of the above Ciises as a gen eral cathartic, good at all times when such me.liciues are required. We recommend them to the attention of all persons. Prepared by F. M. SWVER & CO., Belleviile, Illinois. Sold by SAMUEL J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Also, in all th* towns au.l cities, an.l by numerous country agents throughout the southern aud western States and Territories. F. M. SWVER Co., Proprietors, Belleville, Ill’s June o, 185S. Ib-fiin Fl KTllER SUPriES OF BOOKS, &c. ri'MlE Knowledge of God, objectively consi.Jered, f>y Breckinridge, The Priuce of the House Daviif; Simon i^uggs; Wild We.-item Scones; Webster’s Una bridged L'ictionary; Mackey’s Lesiconof Free-.Masonry; I'resfjy terian Psalinodist; Stoddar.i’s Juveuile Aiitli- metic; Grcenleal's .Mental Arithmetic; Steel Pens; Mathematical InsirumeutB; Invoice ana Reference Files; s:c., .^c. £. J. HALE ^ 60N. Feb. ti, lbu8. SilKMW house, F\VKTTi;VII.I,K. \. East side of Grtsn Street, 1 few Doors X^orth Of the Market House. rjlIIE Subscriber desires through this H. medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage besfowe.l up.in his House the past year—and >is be has just orecte.l New St.ables and Carriage Shed convenient t. the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still pr.*pare 1 to accom modate them with transient ami perm inent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal pat.on- age heretofore receive.1. Every exertion on his part ghail be used to rei.der them comfortable during their Sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market atforils. P. SHEMW'ELL, March 24, 1855. 80-tf JOSEPH KAKEii, Ju., ATTOK\KV AT LAW, ■ RT AS taken an office next door to W’m. B. Wright’s ■ It- Law office on Green Street. He will attond and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Blailen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1S53. 79-tf NEW BOOKS. Living and LoVING, by Virgmia L Townsenl; Tempest and .'^unsliine, by .*lrs Ho'mes; tlob- bctt’s .A Ivice t> Young Men; Mrs. El;is's F.itu ly \ioii- iior; The Builder's Companion; P.-iinter, Gilder and Varuisher's Companion; Psilmsaiid Hymiis, assortcl Kinds; Cjnfessiou of Faith; School Books, ..tc v\c. Just received. E. J. H.VLE & SON’. Further of* .School Book'». ^Mini’s G R.V ,M vl .V K; Eaiers m’s .Arithmetic an.l Keys; .Mit'iieH's tj jogr.ipuies; Bullion’s L;itiu Grammar; Antlion's S i lust; D ivies’ Surveyi.ig; Pay- soii ^ Du;itou's Copy B )Oks; Walker's and Webster’s .School Dictionaries; Leverett’s Latin Lexicon; S;ir- geut’s Siaudard Spejiker; .Vc., >vc. E. J. HALE & SON. TKUsr sale. Y virtue of a Deei of Trust to me executed by Daniel Clark, on tiie lOth d ly of Jay M58, registered in Bjok D , No 3. p-i;'-? -I'l, m tlia Orfioa ' of the Re,:ister of (Ju ''ri-ind ’ -u ity, [ shill sj I tj . the h gh“st Old ier, at tne l-i'.* resi 1 j.ic > of s ii 1 Clark, ■ on Biir Rockfish, on t.u 2tth of August,— ! 100.000 fVct of Lr 'I !}EK. c in.sisfinr of Scarit- } ling, F.ooring nnd Wid-* Burls; to be sod in loti to j -^uit purchasers This Lu nbiir li.-s ii eotiy oi the I banks of Big ll.>ckfish. t-»o 'iiiles from th« ra >uth , theri> .*'.—ve. y easi y m ly ba put ia tue m triiut of Wilmington. Ilouseiiiid -ml Kitjhen Faraitarj. ' One 4 h>)rsj vV'n^on. One 1 *• do. ()ne (’;irt. i (»ne I' irri ige. Oi.c ButTiiv. ill very goo I conlition. of .attle. Ho,.fs an.l Sli.V(>. I F ii niiii!/ U'ensils ot every kin.i. i Growi'.g crops .if Coru, Pe:ii an I Pitit.iesat the ; Mill, an.l .i.so Cr.ip on the land of Theiphilus Evans, ic.. xc , Terms, I'O days for endorsed note, to be approved i by trustee. K. W. H.ARDIE, Trustee : July ol. 33tf I N i:c^r( >i :srNiOG]ioE^ ON the 2 >tli .\ugust, at the Market Hou^e in the Town of Fayetteville, by virtue of authority as I above st.i'td, 1 shall also sell to the hi^rliest bi.lder, i EJ;;ht ijikriy .\**g^i*oes, ■ Men, Women, Girls and Boys. Terms—C VSH. j llOB’T W. ilAKDIE, Irustee Dan’l Clark. July 31. 33ti ST,lTIO*VEK\*. E arc just receiving further tuppiies of .''T V- TIONERV, ». oiipisting of Cap, Post, Bath, Note and Sermon Papers, great vitriety; Silver Border, Plain Visiting and Printer’s Cards; Pencil Sharpeners, Card Pencils, linlia Rubber, Steel Pens, Pen Holders, .VC ; Buff, White and Fancy Envelopes; Ink. Inli Stands, iJlank Books, &c., xc. E. J. H.ALE vV SON, NEW HOOKS. IIVINGSTON’S TRAVELS IN SOUTH AFRICA; J l.arth’s Discoveries in North and Central .Africa; “The Reason Why,’’ by the author of ‘Inquire W’ithin.’ —ALSO— Further supplies of Mustang Gray; Phoenixiana; Tiie Pairiter, Gilder and Vurnislier’s Companion; Sale's Koran: .1 vcobus’s Notes on the Gospels; The i^omtnu- nicant’s (’onipanion; Barne?’ Notes on tite Gos els; Conybeare's Life ami Epistles of St. Paul; The Psnliu- ist, with supplement; Bibles; School Books; «c. .Just received. E. J. Il.-VLE ^ SON r JOSSPH R. BLOSSOM. € o nniyisi a AND EO R W A li DING M E RC11A \ T, l%'’ilmins'ioH, .V. C. J. W. HAKER 1h now receiving from the North the largest, linest, and most carcfully se lected stock of ever offered in this market; which, added to his own I manufacture, makes his assorfinout complete;—all ol j which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for eash or on time to punctual cusfomers, I Fashionable p;iinted cottage bed-room Furniture in j setts; curled hiiir and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cr.adles; Si'le Boards: Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Case.«; W’hat- I Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stan.Is; Candle Stands; j Wardrofiea; Picture I’lames and tilass; Window Shades; I Cornices; I'urtaiu Banils; Sofas in Mahogany and j \V;*lnut; Tete a Tetes; t.)ttomiiu8; Divans and Stools; I Chairs of svory variety. j i Fine Rosewood l''iuno,s, t.ne with ..iColiaii At- ! :!>chineut; Rosewood .Melodians, from the bet manufac- coritri in New Y>rk aud Boston, wnrrunted as good ag my made in the country, aud will be sold at N. York jjrices—t'relghi ouly added. StftemLer 2. 45-tf |K|V~ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. f.l ~ LIFE HnSURANCE. ^Dj^HE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of Ji. the North Curolina Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Every member for life participates in the pro- fits of the Company; au>l the annual pieiniuni for life membership, waere it amounts to .':i !U or more, may be paid ouc-half iu casii. and me other nail m a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insur.- i by .;re.i'tori. .\ man i may insure iiis own u:e for ia‘ e>;c,u.'.;ve iiouorit ol j his family TUe iive.s of s:avea ui.xy be insurcii. | This system is rapiJly gio>Vjii^ into i;i.voi, uK o\er j the civiiiied wor.d it is o.ie wii;cli a luiiiily , ior u small suui aunuaiiy, la.iy i»e piovi.ji'.i for, ult.'i- the death ol its iieai, in '.vUoS.j e.v.-ri;.>iis t.i.'V may huvt been uepeu.leiu lor h suppoi't. it is a g..ou iiiVestiueni of mouey, even li oue sUou.d live loug a.LCi iaii..u. out a Liie I’olicy Explanatory p;iUij.n.ct.-3, au i tu. u«:c«>ssary liiiikUKs, furiiisu«d ou application >.. J. tlALE. PSTSR MALLETT WITH D. COLDlvV MURR.VY, aSWZRAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 0 ’2 8 O f T II S X II K E T , .VA’fr FORK. July 29, 185h. iJ2- CAROLLNA CITV, sTc. 1HE Atl.Atific au'l North Cirolina Railroad being now completed t > lieaufoi t Harbor, I have de termined to loc.ite at I'aroliiia City for the purpose of doing a Forwarding and General Commission BK n Si AS9 and hope f>y pr.jrnpine.-is and strict u'tention to merit patronage ai..i supjiort l>eing the .Agent of .Murrat’i l^iNC OF First Cl.\ss P.\ckets to this and Morehead city, every effort will be m ide fo m ite this the cheap est and most expei.itious route to New York. Vessele will be loaded and discharged at my Wharf (adjoining the Railroad \Naarf.; and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shipment of Produce. WM. B. GRANT. July IH5S. H'2-lj DENTISTRY^ ' Thos. yi, Watson, R B AVING decided on permanently locating B I. Floral College, respectfu ly informs the citizen# of this place and su -rounding country that he il pre pared to operate in all the variouj branches of Sur geon Dentistry, aud will be happy to attend all calls m his Profession at any time. Prices moderate. Sa'isfnctiou guar.intied. July 33tf LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF JAMES IREDELL, of NORTH CAROLINA, O.'.'E OI THE .VSSoCIiTr. JCSTlCtS OF THt sUrEtMB C /VUT OF TflL LNfTtJ STATtS. Bv GRIFFiril .1. .McREK, Esq., of Wilmi.vgton. F.ir s.ile by E. J. liALL 4i. SUN. Fnytiiev il,e. .June 1, l''."i.S. ‘•I'oilovviiir the Drum,” by Mrs. Viele; Osceoia, by Capt. Mayne Rei.l; lue Yellow /rig.ite. t.v * apt • ;is. Lii.int; iV ii»i Flowers Furili.-r supplies of L.te and \Iin'Stry ol Spurgeon; >lubtang Gr iy, Bcrn.iri Lilo; jciiool BoO^s; vc Joiy i>, E J. HALL 4; SON-