111 ■ IS ^ Hi. ai. k. i ., V, B SEMI-WEEKLY. \(>I. VIII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST ^G, 1858. [NO. 740.1 i“iuNTi;i> Monday.-? and Thursdays. KI)\V\I!I) J, H\LE & SON. kdh’oks an'd i’kopuikt(»ks. Pri.-e for tlie Soiui-Wei'klv '-^B^^k:KVl:u •■j3 00 if paid in adviir Hr. Hatrks^s Hisiory or .'V O R T II 4^ A K O 1.1 .ir A . The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which haR received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not >.o ■)(. if piii l .hirin- the year of subscrip- , only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal gettinp up. It may be obtained, either from us or ti"n; nr I li it-r t hi* year has psjiired. ' from our General Agent for the State, H. W. Horne of For the Weoklv cbskhvkh >«:: 00 per annum, if paid in ‘‘‘‘"I P'^^ce, or any of his Assistant Agents. The price t . varies according to style of binding: In handsome advanoo: .>-J ry.) it' paid during the year of subscrip- ; cloth $1 in Library Sheep !jil 50; in half Calf iil !■;: aft-. r the vear has expired. i F(pr Cash. None will be charged, I either by ourselves or our .Agents. A liberal discoun* .\1»\ KRTI>I.MKNT> inserted tor sixty cents per ' will be made where quantities are taken to sell again tquan f I'-lines for the first, and thirty cents for each It will be sent by mail to any part of the ceuntry, r-i.u pul.luMt;..n. Yearly advertisements by spe- i ° , . ■ , The 'Jd voluniu is in course of preparation. There iitr:ie'ts. at rea?ona ,)le rates. Ailvertisers are probably be four or tive volumes in all. The «uc- ifd t : state the number of insertions desired, oeeding volumes will probably contain about 500 pages •aci dal ren' fkev iBi. will i)0 iHintinuod till forbid, and charged aci’ord' Advertisements to be inserted innuit’, charged 50 per aenr. extra. Fire insurance* • ref‘r 'ur readers ti' the annual statement of w T the Ktna Insurance Comjiany, of Hartford, wh «'h will be f'Oind in another column. This success ful iii't tnti.'i] was ii.. ■ rp^rated by the Legislature of Coi.iu-:i' Ut in 1>I.', with a perpetual charter. Its :ra' is t(i, -.tij it'. iiocumulati.Mis exceed ^1 Mil I 111.ire. Uiakiiiu its entire a>sets «ver >! 100,- OOi', iiv.'vt;,! detailed in thi' st.;tement let'erred to Th..e rt -ults in lic.ite th.it duriniz the peri. d of nearly fbr'y y iirs since its iti.iu, . with-iut a single i‘ 'if its eh;-‘t' otlieer, ; its bu-^iness has been eon- witl; Jii irr.ieiit and prudence. It has been •r -ueee?''u. in an eminent degree, disehai ”iiig, r. infi'nui d, all its ’i^iti.)iis by the payment i:' , ' . . t'..r 1 >'>e', without a>king a li ' iv in ■ iiy iiistani e. It has had but little lit- . n^t withstandin'.; tlie iiiunense number ot'trans- ' III id*', in or Ifi' t'! :ift lin as mueii as • ;ii > oil a iiUr;ii*‘ss as in>uranee, it has been tioe the C. inpany, tor several years, :it «fca. du thUr M ' of day if a: •ot. po>- ' the pr gre.t riek' : the a; miu • r, ear -fn'ily t ■ ia-->ity aud ariati!:e their about fifty di'tiiu-t l :;>ses. .so as to ascertain ; 'Unt insured on ea.-h e’ lrs, the amount of pre- l i eeivv i thercon, an.t the amount of losses up- This ■_la.'Sirii-ati.in. extending over a lon^z p«r d.“iid Covering pri. perty to a very large amount,f\n - nJp' . - data, and presents a sound, substantial b»s> : ;ietU'i experience, upon which to conduct its bu?;i.=‘ss. Insur.'inee : -not a matter of'luck or ch.-iuce, gg n ill'. ' -pi. it - hazards in- ascertaitiable, and iti : !■ 'I ij. I' ;e of I'eini; redui f l to ;i sj stem, the pra- ; _ .tid result? ■■f which ;ire a? ei itain ftS t: • • ‘ cr i.i!«ine- T e -Ktna i'oiupany. bj a I - - ■ : . t irs sysretn, '.ndp acing its liusi- nes^ u . ■ ; .sis, ha' ■ .ine l the c-iintidcnce oft;. ■ i;i ex?''i.' surp iSSf‘1 > n.. "ther Con.: >: ail- . t' ii; ; ea-e.i its bu-i ness ’ ■ lie Ir O. ye.ir t.. ye..r witli li -tead_, grow . _reat i.rce ul it> securitx is the widt- di«t:. -.r.~ r - i p’.;-y Wiivii It pursues with .: ,:r:. ti).-',— . .i..^ tiie ain.ouit ti_' i'C i W*d ' ■ I ry l'>_\ • .'s '■ iT't it ha- p.a^sed. with : ; I' / ( .i.ity, taroU;;!; >’.iiu' .•!'ttie most •tPCep II, ; i.'sti u- t: . e ti re-i, w , ; h ive s wallow e I up other ewiiii'aii. r.i it -s cautious in tl;eir i-usiiie^s. It is • ivateii. .tie liii>, •. :m i up.'ii e ■ f'Orience, which gives •Ut: ;:y fi J si.iui 'n t'> a f .m[.«iiy. aud to the a?- ••re ; ■ :,r. lencc and aei .jritv.—U il- ■* v I' '■njt. .tT.M II Un i’ORl). (ONN. inC''H1‘'>iiati;d i>'r.'. chakter i'kki'HTUal- Gipital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11, T. K lji\\. E, I’resideut. L. G. Kll’LLV, Vice I’re- u:. i'. A. ALLX.ANDEK, t'ecretary. >■5 —T. K. IJrace, S. Tudor, J. Church, I{. ,\1 A Tuttle, E. Flower, E. Uulkeley, Pi. ■. £ 1. Rip',;.-y, S. S. Ward, H. Z. I’ratt, G F. l;unh)im. L>. Hillyer, T. A. .Vlexander, W. each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, i viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 25 cents additional for sheep and 50 ceuts additional for the half calf binding. E. J. H.\LE & SON. Fayetteville, .\}iril 'J'J, 1857. P. S. The Agent and his Assistants design to visit ! every county in the State, with the book, as soou as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accompauied liy the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. STAXDAHI) & ,M1S(’ELLA.\E01S BOOKS. ■ '^R. K.VNE'S .Arctic Explerations,—cloth, sheep M^and half calf; I’rescott’s Ferdinand and Isabella. Con.juest of Peru, I’hillip "J.l, and Con.juest of Mexico: Henry Clay's Works, 'I vols ; Renton's Thirty Years in the U. S. Senate: Daniel Webster’s Works. t> vuls.; .Memoirs of S. S. I'rentiss; Iriving’s Works, 15 vols., • 1 iih and sheep; .\leiiioirs of Wm Wirt; Irving's Lite nf Washington, cloth aii'l sheep; l,ife and Coirespon- dence of Uebster; ! oiu. Perry’s Japan Expe.lition; ,Vb- bott's Napoleni; The Indigenous Races o'.' the Earth, by Nott ..t tili'id'iii; Rec.illeetions of .\ Lit'e Time, by Goodrich, r Peter Parley;; Hume and Macaulay's His tories of England; Hallam's, Robertson's, Johnson's, Burke's. Adjis'*a's, Hann:ih .More's and Dick's Works. S'iUthey's (?ommon Place Rook; Historical Collections of \ irginia; Dickens's (’omplete Wiirks. lo vols. illus trated: LaMartine's History of Turkey; The ijueens of ■ Sci'tland. by .Agnes ^trickland; (Joldsmith's .Animated N;iture; Noctes .Auibrosiaiiie, 5 vols.,—edited by Dr McKenzie; Roliin's .Vncienl History; Constitutional ^ Text Roi.k; Millman's (iibbon's Rome: The Statesman's ■Manual; Tales :ind Novels of .Maria Edgew.irth; Proc tor's History of the Crusades; Chaiiihers’ InforniatifHi for the People; Tytler'* L'niversal History; Bosweli's Life Li Dr. Johnson; ’hambers’ .Miscellany, 10 vols ; ■Vppleton's ( yciope iia of IJiography; The Scottish Ga'-:; Kncy..: -pe''i:i Americana, 11 vols.; NVaveriy .N .veis in 11!} and I’T vois.; AVilson's Tales of the Borders and of S..-ot;an.i; DeToc.iueville's Democracy in America; Kuiiihi's Half H.oirs with the best .Authors; iiu:wiT s .Nove.s. cumpleie in .,.ne v.d; Pmtarch’s Lives; Moieru British Essayists; Eyeh s Prii.i iples ot Geolo- iT_.; T.ii.’s the Ara: iau Night-^. 4 \oli. illustrated; 'laury'a Physical Ge.'jrrapiiy )i the Sea: .Vdveritures ■ ; :i (ieiitlem.-iii in Se.ircii ul' a Horse: .Mrs. Ellis’- F iniily .Monitor an I iluide to .“^ocial Happiness; The iiacheior of ^alanlauca, by Le Sage; History of the lU-volulioiis in Europe; Lockhart s Life of Waiter Scott- llo^^’s Winter Evening Ta.e.-: W .njdl'all's J uni us; .McIntosh’s ,Miscelianies; H;iiniitou's I’hil- S' phy and ' Literature; .MeAulay's .\Jiscelianies; Marsli.'ill’s Wash ington; Lite uf Pinckney; Braude's Eucyciopw li.a: Tue t'rince of the House of David; The I’l.etical Woriis oi , Hcmans, Scott, Campbell, Milton, Byron, .Moore, Burns, Siiakspearc, JLc , iu various styles. E. J. HALE & SON. >M.AT'S t'ivil Law; Starkie un Slander; FAYETTEVILLE Female High SchooL ^■IHIS Seminarj of learning, incorporatsd with Col- ■- legiate powers by the Legislature of th# State, is provided with a full corps of cxp«rienced T«ach«rg, new Chemical and Philosophical Apparktun, and the usual facilities for th« ac.^uiaiitiou of kiiowledg#. The Seventh Session will oomui«no« on the first Monday in October. For further information addrwii the Principal, WM. K. BLAKK. Aug. 6. 85-2m Presbyterian and Carolinian copr. 2.’) VVAi V\:S'\\ SAVED! The World wonders how it can be done! H^ERSONS wanting Turf.entine Stilli, Brandy Stills, i Copper Work or Sheet-Iron Work of any kind, can call on M A H.-iker, tind get every explanation to satisfy themselves that it is too true to make a joke ot. 1 have a full supply of (\>pper on hand to fill or.lers at the shortest notice. .Ml work warranted to e.)Ual any that can be done in the United States. Call and examine for your->elves. GSe me a trial and let the truth be known. M. B VKER. 0( ].Obite the Post Office. Fayettevillj, July 31. 34- C'APE \-E\\{ lUNK STOCK Foil S.\LK. ITIFTY shares of Ca|>e Fear Bank Stock arc oB'cred for sale. For t'urthei int'orni I'ioii apply to .V. .McLE.VN, Casiiier. Fayetteville, .Au:: Is')'. Evi- Lo 850 : L N.l Roscoe's Crim deuce; Chitty on Contracts; “ “ Criminal Law; “ “ Pleu>liug: Stephen on Ditto.; Chitty on the Law of Car riers; Selwyn's Nisi Prius,—Am. Notes; Smith's Chancery Practice; “ Landlord and Ten ant; “ on Contracts; re-i-tc'^ suspici.jn,-i of frauil, icc. i ■iS46,tj7^'i 7’J. “ Leading Cases; .\ii'Dt of tiie above Company iu Fayetteville, ^tory oti ( outlict ot Law; E. J. HALE “ " ' I) Bae>. Matii D*Ti; K«s- The are mainly invested in Stocks aud Bonds, piytr.ir Tiie est, wiih ^17ii,b't4 t;l of cash ou deposite in (Le 11 .rf -if i Banks, to meet losses. * Lo-.-.- :ue and unpaid — none. L — . I 'irit;-.] and n^.'t due. .'-j. m suspense, waiting further j.roof, kc., I .j,' f«et thiDU;.: from u. Tl.= 1 publi U9u. . •chb'i- E.juity Jurispru dence; “ on Sales; “ ou Partnership: “ Equity Pleadings; “ on Contracts; Fearne on Remainders; Edwards on Bailments; Byles’ on Bills; Tayler’s Law Glossary: Dart on Vendors and Pur chasers ol Keal Estate; Broom’s Legal Maxims: “ Commentaries on the Com. Law; .Adams’s E.juity; “ on Ejectment; ably represent the three great jioli- Rurrill on C'irouin. Evidence; “ Law Dictionary Leailing Cases in Equity; Tidd’s I’ractice—.Am. Notes; Hill on Trustees, “ “ Matthews' Presumptive Evi dence; Powell ou .Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme Court hejiorts, A:c-. BRITISH PERIODICALS. L.'fc" 'll V ( ()., NEW iOi;K, continue to publish t: e i, vw;ng eading Britisii Periodicals, viz: 1. the L ^\D(.)N *.^L .VRTE 11 LV ■-'onservati\l';. THE =iDlNBLRGH REVIEW ■ Whigi. tie N- KTH BRITISH REVIEW , Free Church). 4. fBE WESTMINSTER REVIEW Liberal). o. Bit\ KWi ijD'S EDINBLltiiH MAGAZINE ;Tory,. Tio -e Period!' ut Great Britain — Whig, Tory, and liadi etl, ^.ut J: ^’itics forms only one feature of their char acter Organs of the most pr..found writers on Science, Literature, .Morality, and Religion, they stand, they ever have st...jd, unrivalled in the world of let- tsn, being consi'iered indispensable to the scholar and Ul* J. r ••.■--i.inal man, while to the intelligent rea.ier offvi-ry rl ,ss they furni.sh a more -orrect aii'I satis- 1 >f the current literature of the day, the W'.rl.l, than can be po«sibly obtained •iier .urce. i:.\HLV COPIK.S. ipr .f .\ ii\'\.\;'E SII EE TS f.-uni the British ■■ Iditi.inal value tii tliese Reprints, in- ■ley c.'iu n.iW be placed in the haiiJs of sub- ■ut a .on as tlie origin il edit.ons. 1 Klt.NKS. Sedgwick ou the Measure of Damages: Sedgwick on Statutory and Cons. Law: Hale'ji Pleas of the Crown; Bishop on .Marriage and Divorce; Mittor.i's Chancery Plead- ings; Sanderson Use.'! & Trusts; Hargrave Butler’s Coke upon Littleton; U. States Digest; St.ite Trials of the U. S ; Kussell on Arbitration; .Morris on Kepievin; Troubat on Limited Part nerships; Sugden on Vendors; •• on Powers; Saunders ou Pleading; •• Reports; Addison on Contracts; Wharton ou Homicide: Wharton ^ Stile’s .Med- J urisprudence: Newlaii 1 on Contracts; Roper on Legacies; Williams on Executors; “ ou Personal Pro perty; Oliver on Conveyancing; Lube’s Eijuity Pleading; Gresley’s Law of Evi dence; Kent’s Commentaries; Curtis's Cominentary; Bradford’s Surrogate Re ports; Tapping on Mandamus; Cr j-vn (.Circuit ('ouipanioii Wi'ey'sN. C. Form Book; . &c. E. J HALE, & SON’. Mi:i)lCAL r.OOKS. DUNjiLISON’S Therapeutics and .Materia .Medica “ .Melic.il Dictionary; “ Human Physiology; Per ny For ■■ .y For any For a.I For L... For ii.at For 11.1. Pat^in'1 Tti > ■ A d.s. prie« oopi. Fo«r Mat ' »i«^ In a . Wfll by n nil . wo* oTi iC -.f t .e ' lur l;. views w : ; ’V t oir lii-v i ws ■ ree ■■ tne h .ir Rt-viewt I r .‘t ' he Reviews I Majia/'lie 'W I .ii.i tliree Reviews w I I .11.1 tlie four Ke\iews > (“ h- ii 'iili i!( nil rii^i s / -. i , . „t //( till Shiti. irk, r, ' 'I III jiUl'. Cl.i i;i5iN;. ■ unt of t wenty tiv Per ann ¥8 Oo 5 MO 7 no •H DO ,i DU U OD ID OD III aiioiiiK'i' is.Slli 11 icill hn j.er be allowed !•> ■ i.i i;. -.ny ■ - from the .above ■•'in..; l.iur or more -ne :,r m-re ..1 th.- ai. „-,,rks. Thu.s; rsirckw.: ..!, i.r ,r one Review, will be address f-.r luur e-.pi.-s oi tiie luur Re- 1> a ■h.wo.jii I..r •■^•iD; atid -io on. age. ■ princi].al Citii - and Town.», these w..iks ' 'r.-d, FREE »F l'( (STAGE. When sent - I' :4ta^e t.j any [..ir' of the rnite.i States 1. N i \ Fo I K 1, N r.-s a year tor ** Black - EN T.> .1 year for each il.E-N X {in il iirit nn uf thcJlCt ■ ■■' /.s T-i I j!' r n H n II in. l.e a: ..V.- pu .il.;it i.ins Slioiil.i . ‘ i. : I he Pub.isncr.s. ‘ ■ N \ I:D SCoTl' ..i CO., 1 G I -I ci. New Y.irk. . V i iii V ' , - J ■ ; ei i-.r n11!c e; also, !• • JAo. G.'l.'OUK. Practice ot .Medicine; “ on New Remedies; .^Ieigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; “ Woman, ami her i>iseases; “ ChiMbed Fevers; “ Diseases ot the Uterus; Dewees on Children; *• “ Females; Horner's .Anatomy and Histology; Miller’s Principles of Surgery; Practice of do.; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. States; Wilson's Huin.'in Anatomy, by (Joddard; Ricord ami Huuter on Venereal, by BumsteaJ; Watson's Practice of Physic, by Condie; Wood and B.tche's U. S. Dispensatory; Pancoas'’s Wistar’s .Anatomy; Wilson iu Diseases of the Skin; “ “ the Skin aii'l Hair: Eve’s Surgical Cases; (Jhurchill on Children, by Keating; “ System of .Midwifery, by Condie; Diseases of Women by * do.; Ellis’s .Medical Formulary, by Thomas: Kirkes’ aud Paget’s Physiology: Kc^i.ault's KliMiients ot (’hemistry: r iwnes’ t'heiiiistry tor Stuiients- Barlleti .m Cerlauity in .Medicine; Smith and Horner’s Anatomical .Atlas; i»ii-d on the I iinar^ Deposites' Pereira’s Materia Me.lica an.| Therapeutics, Carpenters Human lMiy>„oiof:y, by SmiUi; ■ •ickson’s Elements of -^ie.licine- Taylor on Poi.sons, by Gritlitli; Burrows’ on (jerebr.-il Circulation; Wiis.iii on .Sj j^iiilis: Draper’s P;iybiology—illustrated; Solly on the Br.iin; Hope on the Heart, Ate., Ac. E. J. HALi; &. SON Oct, 26, 1857. >. iiorsroN U LDinf rm il: s I'rien is i.i.i f..rm'T.'ustomers w" that he may be t'..nh l J .i....r- >>,■ ,,w thei'ape Feai Baiik,;in.l J l...ir ab.ive h - I stati.l south sile Person Street, where he intemls t.. keep tin h.-iiol. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thiiij: bei ii:ging to hi« ti a'U. lie l espectlu!- ly invite' his frieii is Iroin rli.“ .-..untry to cal. and ex amine h'. s'Voc W belore purcb.-i-ii;g. He w 1.. at ten.l t.. Repairing .) t i 1 ariiess in I .Sa.Jdies punctually, ,-ii..l his cl.ai,_es -lia'i be njoderate. lie wouid re.|ue8t aii iirl' bte I to the linn of HOUSTON to tie w ill W, uverby i.r hituxulf, as they are coiiipi . - i . sitt e th- nrm’s debts. August .- ).). tf I'AiiM I'Oi; >\Li: fi|»FFKK l..r s lie i:iy I’L A .N 1 V T D.tN «>n the East si le r-i'Taj e Fear R'.vei', 1 miles ar>ove the Ciareu- i>n Bri.iire, kii. wn as the T'l.niier Laiid>, cont'iining ^n.iiit ^i*D «cr-~ The I’! intati.ui is in a goo.i state of cultiv iti'.n, anil ;• sus,...j,(|hle ..f b.-iiig iiri'le niw of the 111'.St pr.ifilati e Farui' in the ’ounty. 1 will give a bar^ii.n in Hit' ! in I-. aiel ma-ie tin- time of pay m.i«t easy il'appii.' i ; ■!. ' ;ii i le .0 a I. .v '■.•■-•‘ks. A'ldre-s iiie it Gu N. i'. L. ., HAUGHTON »ct’r 1 'j. 5J- L.\.M)S i’OK S\Li:. Idl'FFR f r .lie ab.iiit Uddd Acres of Pine i,«n.is ne.-ir Fayelt.-v i; ,e. c.oit i'niii i an imineu'e rjiiantity ot Mill Tinib* r. ii. I a nuKibcr ot Tur| entine tioXes, aii.l Si-vtTa! new tisiis ini' C'l: li.cie s n the premises a tine |i»c'i:n:r ll..:ls-. ari.i a: iie.-es-iry ..ut il..use«,— .''ciij.peril'll:; 1 l|si(--l a G : ape \'iiies.— M.M'D young Peach an.i .\l ['ie i re*-- Liii'l.ey’' be»t var;- ties; also, a g :.id FARM -if .-ili. ut 1-jD acres cleared; an.l a!s.. a (iRlST '!i l S \W MILL; an.i a fine large Me idow of ab-.ut l lD acres The Fa_\ etteviii.-an 1 I'oul Fields Ila'l R.i . 1 p-i^'Cs thrnugh the»e Imi'is abi.ilt a mile from Gie 'lills. I will se;l in parcel't.; suit pur chasers, but woiiM pretcr to sel! tlie whole t..gether. Apply to Thos S. Lutterloh, Es.j., l-'.-tyeiteviile, or the subscriber at Pit’.sboruu^h, N. r J 11. HAUGHToN. Nov. IJ, l''.)7. t)0-tf MKDU AL NO rU’K. DRS. E.\> T KR li NG un>l HEN\1.\N having asso ciate.! themselve-' t .gether f-.r the purp.>se of practicing Medicine in R .ckinghaiu an.l viciniiy, they respectfully ■ .li. it a liberal share of patronage, an.l by their strict and pr.>mp' aftentMii tiiey hope t i give perfect satisfaction t'- those who may favor them with their patronage. They wiil attend any call day or niylit. Dr. Easterling takes pleasure iu stating to his fi^rmer patrons that Dr. H. is a regular gr.-i-luate, hav ing read thr^^ ye'tn> and atteii'leil tu-n full c/ursi'! Lec tures. One or b.ith m.-iy be f'.iund at ni>/ hour at thrir (•ffice opposite the Post Office, unless jirofessionaily engaged. H. K. EASTERLING. M. D. D. HENAGAN, M. D. Rockingham, N. , .Aj-ril 5, IS.'jS. lOOtf 'r \Ki:.\ I P! AND committe.l to the Jail of ('h.-itham county, two Negro Boys by the name of HENDERS((.N an.l EDOM, who s.iy they belong to J. H. Pritchett, of Luinberton 'The owner is re.|ueste'l to come forw.ird. prove property, pay pris .n ch;iri:es. aiel take them away; otherwise, they will be dealt with according to law. W. D. C. RIDDLE, Jailor. Pittsborough, .July 1 I. 'J.H- ~ liOUSi:, lAri\ AM) MUiUO. ri'^HE undersigned wishing to close up their old husi- ness, offer for sale the Hol'SE and LOT on llay- mount, formerly occupie.l by .M.-ijor Gilmore. Also, a NEGRO BoY 1 t years of age: having tried him for the last five months, we can recommen.l him .is an excel lent servant, both for house or (Uit of doors, sold for 110 fault, but to close old business. F. N. a: J. H. ROBERTS .May •'?, 7-tf OLD lilLLS. tLL jiersons in.lebte.l to the c.oicern of FR,\NK i .IERRY .'III.I J. H ROBERTS .y • '*. are re- )uested to Come forwai.l and sell.e tlie'.r bi. s h lu.l '-tt e«l by the him o' liiis iii'ii.th. tl.ev wi tiiol them iu the liali'ls .fa l.iwfil; '. or,i-i-t..r J H i;oi;i: ; T o May .'i I'^.'iM 7 i: to ' ■IHh U iif..ws of \iexuMii S(),.|iers. aa i tli.* iVi.l.iWs of Soldi'rs who hikd iv si kvick in the w.-ir of ISlli, C.-Di have their pensions continuf I by i-a ling m tlie undersigne.l. Coi.greS-> h.-iving ma.le a.Jditioiia. provisi.ju for them Give me the management of 3our cl.iiius, aU'l the money shall come at ince, or iio ch.arg ■ JNo. M. ROSi:, .Agt. for I'eiisums. f'a\etteville, J line 12, IH-'iS. I'j- i*liiL'\lAA (a XNO. ^I^HE uii'ler'ign*"! iias ma li- arr'in-/e '.cuts by which I he is piejiarel t'> liii-.iish ai short notice, any re quired qllalit Ity of .^o. I l*‘1*11 vi.Ill all of which will be Irom .|;i**ct iinportatuuis. into the I’ort of Wilmmi'ton, ami w irr.aiile I pure an.I gmuiiie Orders f'tr the above exc' llent f.-i tilizer are soiicit- P'l. to wl.ich ]ir..inpt -i te'.tioii wil, he ^iven i .As this IS an ariic .• wtn- li .l e- >, ii . l iiit .>t b.-iiig 1 .tol.l on time, c.isii .i -i .j : i ■ I .n i.’ .-i c.'inpany each rJer. i^i.\ iv iSE j July S. ■^’’O. 1 Pl’ir VIAN gu •..'.O; 4D'I •: a~ lA .: !'.; j 5'i Bale- H -V \ : ! 5 I’.bis. ;lue. i Forsaie by W'i.d.Xil i UTLEY, j July 10. liT- COUPON HONDS FOR SAl.H. ^I'^HE Western Kail Iload Co. have for sale iu amomntB I to suit purchasers, S'20,000 of the Coupon Hond.i of tke County of Cumberland, bearing 7 per c«nt. interest, payable semi-annually on the 1st June and the 1st of Decem ber, and running ’JO years. 81)0,000 of the Coupon lionds of the Town of Fayetteville, bearing 0 percent interest, payable semi annually ou the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running liO years. These bondi were issued iu accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County ami Town subscriptions respectively. Person* having money will finil these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them! a better iuvestineut thau any Hank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. I>. M.ALLETT, Esq., Pres't or to JNO. M. ROSE, Treaw'r Western R. R. Co. Fayetteville, Feb’y ‘Jtl, l.S.'),S. 8^'tf Doiiiiix iioi Si: For Rent or ease. ' ^BIHE Lease of the present Proprietors of we\l I ■ known House will expire on the 1st January, I 1858; the property is ofTere.l for lease or rent. To a | I person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an I I excellent opportunity isotl'ered. The building is large, I I well arranged and in complete repair: its location will always command for it au extensive patronage. .As the present Proprietors intend changing their busi- ; ness, the Furniture, which is nearly new an.l in good ' order, can be j>urch:ise.l on favorable terms. The House will be delivered on or after the 1st of January, remaining open uiider the present mauaga- ment till a tenant is obtained. The fine .'^tore in the s.uiie building, formerly occu pied by Mr. Wm. Booth, is ;ilso oH't‘re.1 f.ir rent. ,)NO. 11. COOK, Prest. Dobbin House Co. Dec’r Hi, l's.>7. C'.)-tf F \VKTTi:\ ILLK Ml Tl AL i\Sl'|{ \\(’i: (M)MFANY. ASSF.TS $230,325.28. ■’H^ H 1.'' Company has bt>en in iperatioii more than " five years, an.l has pai l it' losses, amounting t'l i^l9.12b without an. ass—iio.-tit: insurance aver aging its members ab.uit ^ p.-r cent Polic t'S is'Ued to 1st of \1 ly. I''.’>’. ’J7'i*.C -\mi'Unt of pr.iperty n..w iiisure'l, 1. 174 2 34. .Amount premium notes now ou haii.l, -i'-'J4.'.DiS Cash premiums receiTe.l, .i>''2.317 41 Diukcturs. Gej. McNeill, T Hawlev, D A. R.-iy, W N Tilliuffhast. H. L. Myr.>ver. A. McKethan, .S, A’ Tiilinghast, .1, D. Willi.-ims, Henry Lilly. Jas. G. Co .k. N A. .'^te Im-in, .A W ^teel, .1- liiiis.iale. Jms Ky'e. T S l.utterloh, J »i. Shepherd. Wui. .McLauriu. R. F. Br.iwn, W'ilining;on, •A. E. Hall, Wilmingtou. iFFIfKR'. (iE>. McNElLli, Presi.ient. D. -V. Kay. Vice I’resi'lent. C .\. McMii.l.an. Secretary. John ('o’.litjs and C, C. McCrummen, Travelling .Agants. The t’ompany iurite a| plications. .May -Jl, l^.'>■x. IS-Y Preibyterian an.l (’ur'ilinian copy. .iA>n:s KVi.i: Is now receiving his .'Spring supply of DRY G-OODS. Among which are — Prints. Lawns, aii'l P.rilliantes; (’ol’il an.l Black .''ilk^; Irish Linens and Diapers; Farmer's Linen. Twille.i an.l Plain; Cassiniere ■til l Merino Twills; White and 'ol‘d t’otton Hose; B'llting t'l.iths. 0 ti> ID; .“^ilk aii'l Straw B.innets: vc. With almost every article in the Dry Gooils line; all of which has been purchased by the packa,ie at the late sales in N»‘w York ati l riiila.lelphia; Will be offered cheap f.pi cash or on time to j.ayiu;; customers March l.T. l.S.")ii. ‘.3tf Carolinian copy. IIK.MOVAI.. STARR & WILLIAMS, H.AVE removed to the two brick Stores in the West end id' the Fayetteville Hotel building, where they sre now opening their of noo(l!« for lliiv recently selecte l by one of the firm in the Northern markets, which will be offered for sale to their regu lar customers on the usual terms. .All persons who wish to buy Goods cheap at WHOI.,E- S.ALE, are respectful-y invite.] to call and examine this block at our new stand, W^est end of Fayetteville Hotel buil.iiiig. J. I?. St.miu I [J. -M. Wn,Li.\Ms April ’Jl, 3H58. 5tf i\i:\v (iooDs f BillE subscriliers a.lopt this method of informing I. their frien.ls (and the public gener.ally) th.-it they are now receiving into store a very laigc and general SroC’K OF (JOODS, EMBKA(’ING u K i; IC I HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, A , A; . .All of which they are dispose.! to sell at reasonable pr.'fits f'.rcish. or on the usual time to responsible piircli isers who are in the habit of p iviiii GEO. W, WILLI.\MS & CO .lulv 18.'.‘. :{1- MILITARY GOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces .\.\D EVERY DESCRIPTION IlF )1IL1TARY GOODS, .^CC0R1)IN0 TO TIIK Latent I'. S- Armi/ and Stale Reg illations. Si’IIUYLER, HARTJ.EY & GRAHAM, I'TlpOKTCIt'ii A [tlAmFACTl RERS 1 a MAIDEN LANE, .Vf»r \'ork. June 30. 24-1y A. McRIMMON^ Commission and Forwarding Merchant. WILMINGTON, N. C. July 0,1857. 2-2tf JOHN M. CLARK^ Comiiiissioii & Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL give prompt attention to sale of Country Proiluce. Naval Stores and Cotton. Agent for Rush and Orrell's Lme of Boati .August I'J, lho8. 3»tf TIN PLATE, Nliret Iron, Iron Wire, ;ooKi\€: ^Tovr> Aiii>ti\-warc. Always on band, at Wholesale or Retail. ROOFIXG, i UTTERIXG, •And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short tiotice, by C W ANDREWS, Market Square, Fayetteville July 1:7- WnUiWT & FULLi:i{, .\lturn(.*}S and C'oiinscllors ut Law, ^ ILEMENT G. WRIGHT and BVRTHOLOMEW " - FULLER have associated themselves together for I the practice of their profession Prompt attention pi ven to all bu-iness committed to their charge They will practice in the counties of CutnberlauJ, Harnett. Sampson R.)beson aud Bladcii. Aul' iJ-'i. IH.iK 39- ! Presbytfri.tn copy. Select Classical School. f PROPOSE to open a School for Boy», in the tcwn of Fayetteville, about the 1st of October next, pro vided 1 can pet Twenty Scholars. The price of tuition will be 1^75 for the schol-isiic year Those who wish to enter their sons or wards will please give me early notice THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Aug. 18, I8.'i8. 38tf Teacher If^anted. ^■IHE Trustees of Fayetteville Female High School, i wish to engage the services of a Lady competent to give instruction in Drawing, Oil Painting and French, or Drawing, Oil Painting and Music .-Vppli- cants will please address, until the 20th September, W. K. BL.AKE, Fayetteville. August 21, 1858. 39tf MALE SCHOOL. ON the 4th day of October next the subscriber will open a St'HOOL, Classical and English, on Dick street, and respectfully solicits the patronage of pa rents and guardians. Terms, •'f:, to $12 per quarter. For further information apply to THOS. A. E. EVANS. August 23, 1858 39-3t Caroliuian and Presbyterian 2t. r. u r r I: li lo i i s i /i rv iT. ^■IHE Steamer F.\NNY will leave Fayetteville for I. Wilmington every .Momliy an.l Thursday morn- intt, until further notice. Will take freight and pas sengers as heretofore. T. 8. LUTTERLOH. Feb’y 22. 87- ruov iV rri.LKu, Atioriipys and (’(»ii!isellor.s at Law, I.I >ibi:rto>i, roki>»\ o., c. ■ BOBERT E TKOV an.l JOHN P. FULLER, have forme.1 an associa i.iu for the practice of their profession in R..beson t'ounty The f .rmer w.ll u so attend the ('ourts of Bla.ieu aiel ('oluinbus: the lattei will jiiso :ittend those of (’uiiiherlHud. The (.>flice in Lumberton will be kejit open at all times. Jan'y 1, 1858. 7:J- SIDNEY A. SMITH, ^ Attorni'v ;uid CVmn-^eljor at I.aw, 5«T||TiiFii;i.l>, ■fe^riLL attend regularly the County and Superior ▼ w Courts of Wake, .Johnston. Cumberland, H.-ir- nett, aii'i Wilson. All business entrusted to his care will receive j.rompt attention. Jan’y 1'-. "oH. 7b-l y Office I'k vnspoutatiox Ag Wilmin2:ion& Manchester Hail Road (’ Willll' listoil, >i. I'^TH Al’G 1858. NOTICE TO COUXTRV .MKRi’IIANTS AND SHIPPERS. ON and after th» the 1st September, all Goods and \ierch-in iize. iiit*;n 1 • 1 f >r the interior, or points on the line ot this an 1 i Ij )■ niri r Ko I'l. shippe.l to the care of the General Tri is|i • fatiofi \gent, and lauded on the Company’s Wharf, will be forwar.ied Free of Extra Charge and Commissions, and the Marine an.l * ack chirges p-iid ttiid collected with Rail Road freight at the points of de ivery. By this arrangem-'nt, owner-* of goods will he re lieved of much expense aud inc inveiiicice, and ship pers will tinl it to their interest to forward through this port. The promptest despatch mav b» relied upon. Rills Eu.lini: should inv.-iri ibly specify tor .lelivery at the Rail Road Co ’s Wharf oi the West .side of the River. JAS. P. R08EKT ON, Gen’l Sup’t. Aug 18, 1858. 39--m R1!L llill]r.Wl¥E! TO C0IJ:TTRY MflROHANTS. JAs C SMITH. MILKS COSTI.V. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., i'uctot's^ t'ommission a ml For~ irttrdin^ ^fierehatits. WILMINGTON, N. C. PRO.MP'i’ attention given to s.-ile of TIMBER, LUM BER. NAVAL SI ORES aud all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements ma.le on t’onsignments Refers to E. P. H.all. Pres’t Brancti Bank of State. H. R Sav.\oe, Cash'r Bank Cape Fear. John D.^w- so.N, Esq. .^pril 2"). 1858. 5-1 Y I’resbyterian copy. I). A. LAMOXT, Commission Merchant, \Viliiiin;;:loii, €. OFFICE 38 NORTH W.VTER STREET. Personal attention given to all produce sent to him •-lypd either for sale .>r shipment. Nov’r t). .). WILI.IAM l*AGi:, AL 1)., I» f TTS B O K O VU Mi, .V. T. Dr. P.VGE may be found at "* office when not professionally engage.1. .May t5, IS57. 5tf JLSr RKCKIVKI). LBS. choice GOSHEN BUTTER; Otrtr 500 lbs. LE\F LARD; —ALSO— A lot of FINE SEGARS and TOBACCO. For sale by D. ANDERSON, North-west Cor. .Market S.(uare. June 28. 23- i AVF/r I'KVILLK IIO I'KL. ^IRANK N. ROBERTS CO.. having leased this Hotel, will Vie pleased to see their f.riiier patrons and frieiKls. assuring them that they will use every exertion to please. F \. Robkrts.] [•! G '^MiT.i J.in y 7. "4 yP'l NEW, niElP, AND QPEDiniirs KOITE FOB Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. ■^■ERCH.ANTS ; nd others ahout purchasing their Fall an.] Winter Supplies, are requested to notice, that by the completion of the North Eastern Rail Road from Charleston. S C , to Cheraw. the ad- '■ vantages of a CHE.\P and EXPED1T1'>US Route fri.m the Seabo:ird h-as been opened to them .All freiaht cousi.rne.1 to the care of the Agent of th* North Eastern Rail Road will be forwarded FREE OF ; COM MISSION. I No charge will be ma.le for Storage at Cheraw. All i goods will be taken care of in the Compiny’s Ware- ; house until sent f.)r. I \ schedule of clufires f.ir ’ran^portation of freight ' will be found at the Po»; OfBiie S. S. .«IOLOMONS. j Eng’r and •'^up’t. Aug .S, 34tf NO IICK. CHRONOLOGY OF NORTH CAROLINA, By D K. BENNETT, will be published by James M. Edney, New York, about the first of Septem ber next, after which time subscribers an.l others may : obtain their conies, by cailing at the .North (’arolina Book-Store and ptiying One Dollar, or by sen Hug One Doil.ir and Twelve (’ents to the uinlersiuued. bv mail. By ordering in adv.-tnce by mail, the first and tJiiest impressions may be obtained. The work will also be sold by .Agents and Book sellers throughout the State .Address D. K BENNETT, Shallotte P O., Brunswick Co , N C. Aug. 10. 18,58 89 3t voriciv i RAN.AW.AV. on or about the 25th of ** **• July, my Negro l5oy H \ VC, aged about thirty years; hfight ah ul five f. et six or seveu inches; of a liirht coiijier eolor; hi^li f.ireheid, full eves, and (juiek spoken I’li • ~ai I n-'irr > w.is pur.-h ise.l hy me fr .iii V V-U'lsr ' f tJre«iisborounh. * here he wi.I try t'i III ik.’ lii- w ly baek I wiu niv.; th • .ilmve rc-ward t'.i- i!i.- I2 in-‘ it t 'i-ii l bo> in m- j ■. . th - ' ute - I e ■ . , . J ' 'v :.VI V DKN'PIS ruv. H. J. DAVIS having deci.led on per manently locating in the Town uf F.-iyeiteville, respecifLlly offers his services to the cit- i/.eus if this pliiC'- an.l suii-.iinding c oiutry. In all till' VMii.ius lir-inoli'-s .>f his Pr.i 'es-^i.in. inclu.linsr the in inulaeture of Mineral Teeth, he is suti'fie.l. nfter an >-.\tei.siv(.' experience, to whii-li is :i.M>'.l a thorou:fh Dental cducition. that he cm jjiv ■ entire s itisi'ac i.>n a- lar as is in the p.iwi'r ot Denti.-.try. ' irre:iulari- ti.s of the I'eeth Ho.-ite.l in i profier Mn.l ctr. f'll m m ner. ,-is well us .lise:isi‘s >>'' t'le ni .'irh Noni' but the (.ro|'« r nu tals are made u- ot in the v;irl .us ..per-i- tion-.. Ch-irgcs win he rii .!>'i- ire, tint tne benefits of the I’rotVssion m ly n.- p. i.- ■ I .•l ii'o the* re:ich of all who may feel an intere.-t in tin- preservation of the I’eet h (ffice over ll.oiston's lewelry .Srnre where he may tie f.iun I at al. tim.*s ,\Liy It I, IH.'i.S ‘Jtf ur> t: { toal. BITCMINoPS Co\L .1 the best i"a;iry -an be had al the worKs .it F.^yp'. at a reasonable price ; il}' the Ton. 'I. McCL.-\.\h. i .'lining Engineer, I May 21, l>'-'-b. *i-tf ! • i SALK Oii lilvV r. I 4 CONVENIENT DW I’l.l.lHoI'SH. on Hay- mount, near .Mr. J. C. r'louison s. Forparticu- I lars enquire of J. G. Stiepher i. Esq.. or I A. M. CAMPBELL. ^ May 7. ( 0( »i. xi' J \ (; MILL I HE Pr .pii. I'.'-- 1. ; 1 e I t i 'Jill j the usua t'-nn-i riie |{ed>t^il \1 iimf u'ture is sti 1 cir. lei 01. it the •ijime n'ace Jmi'y 11. l.‘'.3S. T'.-if CiiAlKS, Cll kl.AKGE lot o'" Sto.ii-b itt.'in Chairs, ur.idc at ..ol Si'i'iiig .Vlill, au.J lur sile hy M .rch 24. A. M. C.VMPBE L. '.Oi, .1 ii 4L > .) it) n t .ul i It ' ik >i HI', sul^e i-iri WisU s ‘.isei ...s 1 >•- . » d LOT i in !■ a\»-tt»-viilt.'. i.own as the ••Faim House,” e .ntainiiig ,ih..ut tiO :ieres. Aiso, THRr.E V^ \LU- .ABbb N GRO VIES, Edwar.i, Fr.d Hnd t'harles. .“^lel an.i Elw.irl ur.' t i-ellent Spirit B.-irrel Coopers, — I 1 v..ui.g. Soon 1 -lud healthy For terms apply to C h I EH E. or IO li.A K Et’., Jr., ■\tt’\ f.ir .lolin Ixcles. - n.: ' ' 3h tf .ieliv. re I Mav 1 I IS-')^. ii > >K-B1 M)l nU s , . X-cut -i with no.-itii"-' uiid .1 . I ! '.s when d im‘ must ff p li 1 lieioi i'H(.)S. il riM.lNii I.KSf. .-Vii.ltTsoii ."Ire.-r 1 1 -1 V '! I riNK II \; K>. A NV P\I'TKK\ OF TUKPESTIVE H K'; ma le .m to or.ier. at Wh.iiesale or Rct;til ai.d ">iirn t'-'l \1 ,V 15\KKK Fayettevil.e. N. C.. .April 1^*, I''-'' s*r NEGR(’F.'' fora .Mississipni Pbint-itioa. .Men, 0 Bovs, Girls, and some good F .n.iiie*. . LPHR. i*A;R. Fayetteville, '’^y C, 1858. 8 tt I.ord .MoHtJiixn's by >. !*• !L James. Es j. School .Jooks n i Station.-ry Just receive 1. L. J. H.ALii ."k ' 0'' August 12, 185rf. i i ‘ i ||. j : \ : i|..ii ot ' lie W >it ^'or f urihei I : 1 -'ifii e. F.iyittev ■\ug It; ,\ n flH(»IC!oW !•: . w HI d u' I \ u w \ s' n:i). re fi\ I he don b, or h>- Nii.th Sec- I hr Engineer’s I ■ Kiv. r liii'ige. i.L O BRVA .. LI.S . . u't ih'c nviiiirig .1 u t F r s i.t tiy H vi;VEll Cidcr 1(1 ir ir, lor sal* l>v W. H t ARVER. Auj. 18 38- lliiri'ci's .i!uJ (i )(l‘\'s • Itor .^'•piem... I jo^t r, c I't E J il \LE t SON. i>i.i ic'j Hi Lils >ince. by VIE, I. H. ,0- pply ntice ■ the icate .loh n ivale s, in , and neral )M. IT

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