ton, Hi NaJa* 7**; 1;' 3H. ut >0( E. *- ''amp. y. (»!HIIU"i|..;i f . • ' r ▼ RTH, VI- rrhariu, I. .V r’, 111. N': \ iela, II ■ r^, t M.,.r , 1 r g; . ^ ■' •; .'.. s f*. * Li.i- . - i.N I ! i . J H • r . , y M ►r, .'=-r t;, i- V_- ic k! ' . , Us . .--J d- . n . ^ a.,1. t K- W ,;• lit ‘ .t. ,e. , -le Ji -. • .. -i . A. . . - n., U'- - \L Ni. Ha 1 '/i u \t ‘J. ^ U I r»l. L. ^ s,a a >L. ■ t 4.t A y ; ate IL ftti. n .f Kfc,, ■efs of tut lik ot . itie !!«;• b: he Is^fi w . . ide He., el> If -• rt~- :. -ra 1 », ft - lU tU9 1'?, . ,/ ■ Ilj- tT jf i»i- ei- 9 by A ®e- ■■er- ■■ ‘^ejng to ^ fian lui. ;em ^ i _n;- fe 1 ■ OUr - «V ch >a . iiit.- L ry. i ]\ r t; y • 1 OM. A i , SFilHI-WEBKL Y. VOL VIII.] FAVr/FTKVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 30, 1858. [NO. 741.] , i;lNTi:i; MoMy\v.^ \\i, ri| UllSDA YS. ,'!*U \!!!i I. ||\I,K & SON. ;' iMi: - AM' r.MniiK.Tr-ii.-^. r- • ^ ^ .. ' \V V-.,’. 'fr. -Ki-.VKu >;3 0(> if j'ai'l in . ' > ' ■ ‘ i- ■■ .' I ',iriii_ tlio your of suliscrij'- ;i .r j-t | ; U‘ our li-s 1- ■ I • h>'! i:. : u U']ior uiiuuin, if i>!Uil in :c ; . ' 'r- ' • ■ i; I' ti l tur tl’.t yrtir of su1iscii]>- ti n: "* Mtii'f tiio yc:ir i‘X]iirCil. \ l'\ r . l"^ ■ ^l l.N rs iMSf'vt' 1 tor sixty ctMit"; jicr H .1 ir ' ' ’ :lu“ lir.-'t. tliirty I'fiitb I'or Ciu'li ' I' : I'’i 'iii -U' '11. \ I iri\ .■I'iviTliatMIlVUtS hy ' •r ; ' '. :,r r I .uul '.»■ i- :; . \ lvt i list i s ;ire . ii : ti-1 t tilo'niuiil iT "l’iii-.*rtio)is (Ic'irotl, cT ’ fi>utin\ii‘'l till r.iv'iiii. aiui 'ifcord" j ;ii_ -. ■ A lvi'iti«emcnts to inscrtod ( (- '/»■, charpoil -j** [>er j ■ :'Xtr:l. i Fire tnsstranee* • ■ K reft'r "ur ri'ii'U-rs to the niitmnl stiitoment of T V tlio .Ktna Insuruiice (’oin]i!iiiy. of llnrtfor.l, wli\'h will he f'luml in luiother I'ulmnn. Tliis siicces.'i- ful in>titutiiiti w:is iiu'..r[i ‘r:ile l by the l,fj:islaturo ot ! :nifctii-ut in with ■> j'or(u'tiial charter. lt^‘ .•■11 'f li i>: III. Its .-n'l'uinn’atioti:* exoeeii X'. ini re. niakinc it-i entire a-.>.ets (ver ^ ',(>0,- ■ Miv.’Htf 1 as iletaite'i in th«' statement rrferreil to • I'ho'i’ reult. in iioate that ilurinpr tlie peri'-il of nearly : year.-; jiiiL'e it.-^ .irsanizati.ui, .without a single ■haiisre of it? chief i>tiii-er. j its fiiisine.? has I>cen con- .I'.ii'.f l with ju'iginent an.i ('ruilence. It hi-.s been thu.'- far siu-ce'-^ttil in an eminent 'lenree, ilisi-liarpinp, are infornie i, all its ohliy itions by the jiaymcnt | ■ t 'Ut - ; '.f ' t'.ir losses, without a^kinp a ; i:.. > ijfl iy in any iusiaiu'e. It has hu'l but little lit- ' i^ tti 'ii. notwiihstaniiiiiir the iiuuieuse number uftrans- uo'i IIS ni:ule. In .ir 'er to attain as imich ceri- ut>/ as ' I' .^.b'p ill yiich a '■ u?iness as insur;inoe, it has been ' the praet:r'.‘ ..f the (' iinpatiy. for several years, at gri • lab r, l arcfu’ly to ciashify an>l arrange their , r;^^i,■• inti: ji^’nut til'iy lii 'net l■la^sl■s, so as to ascertain . tta- mil' uiit insurel on i-i'.-ii days, the amount of pre- ! uiiuii.' r;t'eiv.- i there ;i, aieJ the aiii"unl of losses up • ;! I'.'h, This el'is^ ‘ii- i-: m, esteii'llng over a lon^ ' peri,'i eoverit\p pr'>perty to a very larjre amount,fur- nl^hes reliable data, aii'i prest-nts a sound, substantial r-M'is i f i jtual experienc*-. upm which to conduct its . bu>:ues's. lusurunt e is nut a m.itter of luek :-r chance, as !■ any 'iij'j-'se; its haz irds are .ascertainable, and . its j riiii'iplfs c.-.pable of b.eino: reduced to a svstem, tlie pi :i -tii Hl W'^rkintr and r' sults "f whieli -ire as certain as that of any >.itl>er Viusiiie«s. The .V.tna Company, '■ y adhering ri^ldiy to its system, ami placing its V,usi- nis'> up Jii a hea.thy basis, has obt iined the contidence of the e..muiuiiity to an ext. nt surpassed by no other '■ ‘^iip-.ny in the U. St.ites, and increase 1 its busi- ne-s HU 1 Its income troin year to year with a steady irr'Wtti. Une preat source ot its security-is the wide Jistributiou of its risks—a po’icy whi.-h it pursues With )jreat strictness—limitinK thu amount to be cov- ‘■r.^ 1 in each locality. Ily lias iMurs>- it has passed, w:’.i eoi.ipai alive impunity, thrmijih some of the most twt epinp and lest; uetivc tire -, which have swallowed uj> other i’onipan:es less cautiou' in their bu;iuess. It is a sy-tem like this, base'l uj l'U e.iperience, whicli >;ives staliiiity an i soundness to a company, and to the as sured c"iiU leuee dud security.—Li'Unm- ■* l\Ur\j(. m\ lAMIMM'E tO.Wl.W, li.VliTrORI), COX.N. lN''oRl’(»KATi:u 1-1.'. t'lIAUTKK I’KHl’KTUAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11, MlatrK's^s Milsiory o I' O It T II V \ K O i. 1 \ A . The .''’ubscribers are now prepared to furni«h the 1st Volume of this vahia>ilc work, which has received the hifihest oomniendfi'ion wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but it? typojiraphi- I'.al ^ettiiifT up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our (leneral ,\^ent for the State, II. \V. Horne of this place, or any of his .\ssistaiit ,\j;ents. The price v;ir>«: accor.liiif; t. style of biiidiitjr: In hamlsome 1‘loth l!'i: in I.ibrary Sheep '>(•; in half ('alf It IS sdi.K oxi.v kciM’ash. None will be charsred. iMther by ourselves or our Agents. liberal discouu' .sill be iii.ide where 'luantities are taken to sell a*;ain It will be sent by mail to any jiart id' ihe ceuntry, on receipt of the j'lice and li 1 cents to jiay post.age. The L’d volnmij is in course of preparation. Thi're will jirobably tie four ur five volumes in all. Th^suc- ceediiifr volumes will probal)ly eiuitain about 501' pafjes each, and will lie sold at a proportionally higher price, viz: h.alf a cent a page for the cloth binding, ‘J'l cents additional for sheep and 30 cents additional for tho hall e.alf bin ling. K. J. II.ALK & SON. Fayetteville, .\pril 2'.*, IS.'jT. I’ S. The .\gent and his Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, ordeis to him or to us, accompanied by thu cash, will receive prompt atten tion. STAXDAHI) & MlSrElJ.ANEOlS n o o Ks. U. K \NK’S .\rctic F.xplrratioiis.—cloth, sheep and half calf; Prescott's Kcrdinand and Isabellti, Coii'inest of Peru. Piiillip 2a, and I'on'iuest of .Mexico; Henry ('lay's Works. •> vols : IJenton's Thirty Vears in the L', Senate; l>.aniel Webster's Works, ti vols.: .\lemoirs of S. S. Prentiss; Iriving's Works, 15 vols., cloth and sheep: Memoirs of Win Wirt; Irving's Life «f Washington, cloth and sheep: Life and Coirespon- dence of NSebster; t’om. Perry's Japan Kxpedition; Ab- bott's Napoleon; The In K.aces of the Earth, i>y Nott \ (iliiid in; Hecollections (>f Life Time, by tjoo'lrich, ; Peter l’arley: 'i Hume and .Macaulay's His tories of Engl.antl; H.tllam’s, Kubertson'a. Johnson’s, Hurke's. .Vddison's, Hannah More’s and Dick’s Works, Southey's ('ommon Place liook; Historical Collections of Virginia; l»ickens s (,'omplete Works, vois. illus trated; LaMartine's History of Turkey: The (Jueens of Scotland, by .\gnes MriekUnd. tioldsmith's Animated Nature; N‘>ctes \mbrosiaiue. 5 vols.,—edited by l>r. McKenzie; Kollin’s .Ancient History; Constitutional I'ext liook; MilUuan's Uibbou's Kome; The Statesman's Manual; I'ales anil Novels of Maria Edgeworth; Proc tor's History of the Crusades; Chambers’ Information I'or the Peojile; Tytler'i* L'niversal History; liosweli’s Lite of I'r. Johnson: t'hambcrs’ Miscellany, lU vols.; .\ppleton s ('yelopediu of Biography; I'he Scottish Gael; EucyclopeUa .\inerieuua, 14 vols.; Waverly Novels in 1’-, '-4 and 27 vols.; Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Sc 't’.and: DeTocqueville's l)emocracy in America: Knight's H.alt' Hours with the best Authors; liulwer's N'lvels. complete in one vol: 1‘lutarch's Lives; .Modern British Essayists: Lyell's Principles of Geolo gy; I'ales id' the .\rabian Nights, 4 vols. illustr.ited; .Nlaury'a I’hysioal Geography of the Sea; .Adventures of a Gentleman in Se.»rch of a Horse; Mrs. Ellis'j Fami'v Nlouitor an 1 Guide to Social Happiness; The Bai. ' if Salamaa-a, *iy Le Sage; History of the Rev' . .oils in Kiirojie: Lockhart's Life of Walter Sc tt: Hogg's Winter Evening Tales; Woodfall's Junius; .McIntosh’s .Miscellanies: H;*uii;ton's Philosophy and Literature: .Mc.Xulay's i'C'-.lanies; Marsh.all’s Wash ington; Life of Pinckney; Brande's Encyclo')(»dia; The Priuce of ttie House of i>avid; The Poetical Works ot liemans, Scott, Campbell, .Milton, Byiou, .ML'ore, Burns, Sliakspeare, ic . in Vitrious stvles. E. J. HALE & SON. ^* uoot^s. FA\ KTTEVILLE Pemale High School. .''eiiiinaiy of learning, incorporated with Col- «. logiat * I'.owe:-' by th“ LegisIa’urJ of th« State, is provid'-d with it full oorj>‘ of pxporienced T«ach«rs, new ('hemical and i'hiIo»!.|diic^l .Ap;>rtr»,tu*. and the usual lacihties f'T tii.i ac.jiiiilion of kiiowUdgn. The Seventh Sessiofi will uotumynoa ou the fir«t Monday in i >.,f. ber. Fc. t'ui tlier i’lf'r'u ilioi: ad lrw,s the I’rincipiil. WM K liL.\KK -Aut. 8 'v‘Jm Presbyterinii and 'ar^iliniaii copv v\:\{ ( k.\'i\ swrj)! The World wonders how it can be done! PI^iSONS \r iiitiiig Turpeiitiiio Stilla, P.randy Stills, ('opper Work nr Sheet-1 run Work of any kind, | can call on M A. li.iker, and get every >*xplanntion to ! satisfy theniselves tliat it is loo true to make a joke or. 1 have a full sup|»l_y of Copper ou IihuJ to till I ord. IS at the ■•hortest noticu. .All work warr.-inted to I e'l a ny that can be done in the United States. Call ! and examine for yourselves, (iive me a trial and let I the truth be known. ,\L .A. B AKER, ! Opposite th« Post Ufiice. I Fayetteville, July •'^>1. 34- j caim: Fi:\ii ijank stock i roil .sale. i T. K 1-1.. D :e... M-.'::e I'uViS, Ki !u-y Tl'' pa..!., in '1. L L > L. - BKACi:, President. L. G. RIPLEY, Vice Pre- ►^ident. T. .A. .VLEX.\N1-EK, Secretary. K' ioRs —T. K. P.race, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. ,\1. A. Tuttie, E. FioWer, E. .A. I’ulkeley, R. r. E. G. Kijiley, S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G F ■i. Duuhaiu, D. Hinder, T. .A. Alesundcr, W. Civil Law: a Crim. Evi- are mal!,!' inve- ed inSti cksunJ Bonds, :;- re't, with >>I7'2.''’ 1 bl i f i-ash oii deposite il irr- .rd BuOKs, to meet l.«>ses. I S due and u; 1 - ii iie es adjusted and n”t due, ^*;JL-'il3 in su^peii-e, w lit.a.: fui tiier prmit, ic., $75,- I, ’isp^ i ;ii-'if fr .'.i l, ..VC.; ^ 16,H78 7'2. ' £iaj -^b'of ihe a:'ive C;mp iny in Fayetteville, • E. HAlE. BRITISH PERIODICALS. L .'•i'»li i*. '■> l/iV (••■niinuc to publish | 111.- !• i i.iiu hr. isn P( rioijicais, \iz: ; 1. ; TUL LuNUo.N ri.ilL’4 i ''n'ervat've ■J. I Tiii: i.i NBi ncvirw wi.;^ . ^ THE .\-.':T.‘ BK1T1>H UKVIEW . Free Chu.oh i. ' I THE V, ESTM1N.STER REVIEW Liberal/. ■>. dOu'S EidNBCK'ill M.VGA/INE ^T"ryj. T'le-e Peri'- I'cals ably rej resent the tliree great poli- t'li ; a'ltie- if tireat Britain—Whig, i'^ ry. aiel Radi- ;>i.. —but polit:;: - i- i jiis .:ily me feature of their char- ■ :i-r. ' I ;i-;:ai)s it tin nuiSt pr"t "nnd writers on lice, Liter.iture, M.ii ility, :in'l lieiigion. they staii'i. | a- tii.y ever h.ive stoo l, unriv.alle l in the worM of let- ; te.-'^,'.ig cousidere l indispensable t() the scholar and | '-in. i r-itessional man, while to the intelligent reader j of -very class they turnish a more correct and satis- ! fait 'iy recifl of the current literature of the day, ^ thr "Ug!i /Ut the World, than can be possibly obtained | fr',ui any other sour:e. j i-:.\KLV (’()pn:s. ! fhe receipt of-A1>V.\NCE S11 EE IS from the British i t'Ur .ishers L'ives aiMitional value tn ttiese Reprints, in- : asjiiucii it-j lliey n.jw be placed in the liand.s of sub- | scTiocrs ab lilt as s ■--u as the original editions. i 'JKll.MS. I ?’er ann. »o 1 5 (JU 7 Utt ! H (10 i a UD I 'J 0(1 j 10 00 I in adviince. D'T' dence; Chitty ou ’'Uti acts: •• Criminal Law; •• IMea’ting; Stephen on L)itto.; C'hitty on the Law of Car riers: Selwyu's Nisi Prius,—.Vm. N otes; Smith’s Chancery Practice: Landlord and Ten ant; “ ou (.'ontract-; “ Le.i'Lng (Jases; Story on (,’ontlict of Law; rijuity Jurispru- lence; “ on Sales; “ on Partnership; ‘‘ E'juity Piea'Iings: “ on t’ontracts: F'earne on Reni.iiii'lers; Edwards "n Bailments; Bybs on liil'.s; Tayler'> Law Glossary: Dart on Vemlors aioi Pur chasers of Real Estate: Broom’s Legal .M:ixims: Commentaries on the Com. Law; A'!.a;ns's E'juity; “ on Ejectment; P)urrill ou Cir' Uin. Evidence; “ Law Diciion.ary L'-a ling Cases in E'juity: Ti'i'l s Practice—.Vm. Notes; Hill on i'rustees, “ “ .Matthews’ Presumjitive Evi- J'-Ui.e: Powell OH .Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme Court Reports, &c- Fur any one of the lour Reviews F''T liny tw I of the t'oir Rev:‘;ws ^ ir any three ' f ihe F"iir Reviews !■ "r all f 'ur of the Reviews For ItiackW'c.'l s .Maga/.ine !■'ir B..1. kw :,„i jiuJ tliree Reviews 1 i>r IjlaekWo'jd aii'l the four Reviews I ajmi III- (it (j, jii'iiii- in nil rn» Mnmj rurri'iit III doi Stalt a'lwrc issued ucillhe nl jiur. 'H'UHlNtJ. A discount ot tw.-uty five per cent, froiu the above pric* wul be all'.wet t... oi'iering four or more copies ot any one or „e re ot tUe M,„ve works. Thus: Four copies ot Blaekw,,.- I. „f one Review, will be sent to one aJ.lress lor ^>'.i; t..ur ,, .(.k-s of the four Re views au'l Blacivwood toi a,,,] ,,,, l'U6'lA(;iK. In ail the { Cities .an'l T iwiib, th.;e works will be 'lelivere'l, FREE OF POST.V(jK. When .sent by mail, tlie Postage to any part of the L'nited States will be but TW E.N 1 V-FoL R CE.N I'S a year for “B’.ack-'i, " and but FUL'tlTEEN CENTS a year for of the Reviews. A. JS. The jirii'C in liritaia of the five P ri'‘!i! i]ls il>uci:-nami ll 1 i>cr a/inuni. Kemittaijcc . for a..y of the above publications should R.wayu lie a'i'lrebsed, post-jiaid, to the I’ublishers. J.EON.VRI) .-m'OTT .V CO., No. 54 (j ild street, .Sew ^ ork. 1 \.s.\i:i(vs (#11. cv DRV iiii)i:s. P*Pl>-'- Tanner's oil,—u h'iporior a: ticle; also, a tiuv lot ot Dry Hides. For sale by JAa. a. COOK. Starkie on ."lan'ler; Sedgwick on the .‘dcasure of Damages: Se'lgwick on Statutory and Cons. Law: Hale'> Pleas of the Crown; Bishop on Marriage and Divorce; ■Mittord'sChancery Plead ing-; Sanderson L'ses & Trusts: Hargrave ^ Butler’s Coke uji'jii Littleton; L'. States Digest; State Tiiiils ot the U. S.; Ru'srll on .Arbitration; .Morris on Replevin; Troubaton Limited Part- nershijis: Sugden on Veii'lors; nil i’owers; Sauii'lers on I’lea iing: Reports: .\d'lison on C'ontracts: U hartoii on Homicide: Wharton .y Stile’s .''Ic l- J urispru'lcnee; Newlaii I on (,’ontracts: Roper on Legacies: Williams on Executors: “ ou P- rsonal Pro- {lerty; Oliver on Conveyancing; Lube's E'luity Pleading; (Jresley’s L:iw of Evi dence; Kent's Commentaries; C'urtis'a Commentary; Bradford’s Surrogate Re ports; Tapping on Mandamus; Crown Circuit Companion Wiley’s N. C. Form Book; •ic. E. J HALE, & SON. Mi:i)ICAL r>()()KS. OUNGLISON’S Therapeutics and .Materiii Medica “ .Me iical Dictionary; “ Human Physiology; “ Practice ot .Medicine; “ ou .New Remedits; ■Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; “ Woman, and her Diseases; “ ChihUied Fevers; “ Diseases ol th« Uterus; Dewees on Clnldren; *• “ Females; Horner’s .Anatomy and Histology; Miller’s Principles of Surgery; “ Practice of do.; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. States; Wilson’s Human Anatomy, by Goddard; Ricord and Hunter on Venereal, by BumsteaJ; Watson's Practice of Physic, by (’oiidie; Wood and P.ache’s U. S. Dispensatory; Pancoast’s Wistar's Anatomy; Wilson on Diseases of the Skin; “ “ the Skin au'J Hair; Eve’s Surgical (Jases; (’hurchill ou Children, by Keating; “ System of .Midwifery, by Condie; “ Diseases of Women by do.; Ellis’s .Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes' and Paget’s Physiology; Regnault’n Elements of Chemistry; Fowues’ (jhemistry for Students; Bartlett on Ceriaiuty in .Medicine; Smith and Horner's Anatomical Atlas;'l oil the Urinary Deposites; Pereira s Materia -Medica and Therapeutics; Carpenlei s Human I’hysiology, by ijiiiith; Dickson’s Elements of .Medicine- 'l:iylor on Poisons, by (.irillitli; Burio'^'"’’ on Cerebral Circulation- Wilt .Syphilis; Drapi. . i'hysiology—illustrated; SoUy ou the Brain; Hope on the Heart, iic. &c. JS- J. uale’& son. Oct. 26, 1857. *^1IFT\ shares of (’.ipe Fear P>.atik Stock are oft’ere‘1 for sale. For further i>ioii ajiply t') A. .'IcLI'-.VN, ('ashier. Fayetteville, .\u:r 'K lx')>. ). I!(>irST)\ T (>ULD inform his iVieii'is an'i former customers that he may ne found 2 doors below the ('’ape ^ Fear Bank, and ’> 'loors his old stan l south side ! Person .''treet, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddlus. Bridles, Whips, Collars, . and every thin^- Iieloij|, tra'Ie. He respectful ly invites his friea l? Irom the country to call uud «x- I amine his st nk before piirciiasing. I He will atti.Mi'l to Rep firing ot Jiarue^n and SaddU* punctually, and his chai ses sh.ill be luo.lerate. He wouM re'i'iest a'l hi'lebtcl to tho tirm of HOUSTON i(J\KRIiV to F-jicle witti W. Overby or himcsif, aa they are compel ^ :o settle the tirm’s debts. Auk;uait , -...iii. tf I'AK.M FOli .salt: fl(.»FFER lor » i!e my Pl^.ANT.V I'lON wn the Eai>t i side ot'Cape Fear River, mile» above tlie l^aren- ! ■|jn Bri Ige, known as the Toomer Land*, containing : ^nout ^'"0 acn-.s The I'lantation is in a good state of ' cultivation, :»u 1 is *usctfpti\)le of being made onw of i the most profitable Farms in the (,'ounty. I will give a I bargain in thu l.iR'ls. aiel make the time of pay mort I easy if application i- uridu in a few weekii. AdJress me :it (ju'.f, N. C. i L. HA UGH TON. j Oct'r ]'). 52- 1 LA.NDS rOi{ SAI.K. 1 OFFER for sale about *;(»00 .Acres of Pine Lan'ls near Fayetteville, C'ntainine an immense 'luantity of .Mill Tiniber, an'i a nuNiber of Turpentine i.oxes, i anil new tasks m ly b,-.- cut. There is on the premi e-^ a fni- l'w. ’';!!i; lliu- -. and all necessary out house s, S' - upt'.*rni'iiir :i!'d I - i'.n'Pa (J ra)ie Vini". —-1000 • young Peach nn'l .\pp'e I'r-'is ..f Lindley's l>eiit vari- ! ties; also, a iz i'"i r A::'l ot abo\it 150 acren cleaied; I aU'l al.^o :i (iul.-'l' ■iii'i SAW .'vilLL: and a tine large ,\le:id"\v it .il ■■ir . in 1. I CS T:;e h .i\etteville and Coal Fiel'is Rail R' ti | is-e- tiir.uigh tlie^e laiels ub'iut a mile fri m the M.ll.s. i will sell in parcels t i suit pur- ‘ chasers, but w"ul'l prefer to sell the whole t'igether. Apply to Thos. S. Lutierioh, Es'j., Fayetteville, or tii« subscriber at Pit'sbi, roujjh, N. C J. H. HAUGHToN. Nov. 12, ls57. LiO-tf I .\L .\()ric'i:. Dr.'' r.\ ^ f E I; L 1 ,N (• mi'l llll.v \(! \N having asso- ci i'ed Ih !u-' .N I •_" thcr f 'r tin- p irp.i,-.- uf ■ ) raeticing M'-lic.i, '.n R ■. ngii im aii'i vicinity, they . respect fui ^y s !. .t i li-i-ra ^h ii* '1 Jiat rina>je. an! , by tlif-ir -trict no i pr' !op altcnt;'ia tli--y h"pe to give pert'ecl sil -'iictiwn t.. tlo s.- who !u:i- t.ivor tlum with ( OI P()\ liONDS FOR ^['^HE Western Rail Road Co. hav« lor sale in amounts I to suit purchasers. ?20,HOO of tlio Coupon Hor.fis of the County of Cumberland, lie^ring 7 per cent, interest, payable nemi-.annually on the 1st June and th» 1st of Deeeni- l)9r, *nd running 20 years. ?l)D,000 of tho (^oujioii ]>oiul.ii of the Town of Fayetteville, bearing •> )ier c«nt interest, payabU semi annually on the 1st January .and the Ixt of July, and running 20 years. These bonds wero issndl in accordance with law to the Western Kail Road (%•.. to pay tho (’ounty and Town siibscriptionk respectivi'ly. PeriouR having money will fiti'l these bonds (at the price tho (’o. is xelling themi a better invcetment thau any B.auk Stock in the Slate. For terms apply to (?. P>. MALLF.TT, Es'p, I’re»'t or to JNO. M. RO.‘'!E. Treas'r Western R. II. Co Fayetteville, Feb’y 2»j, lf'58. H'.nf DOHinx Housi-: For Rent or ease. f|lHR Lease of the present Proprietors of thi* well ■ known House will expire on the 1st January. 1858; the property is offered for lease or rent. To a person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an ! excellent opportunity isotl'ered. The buiMing is large, ' well arrange'l aii'l in complete repair; its location will i always coininand for it an extensive p.itronage. As ; the present Proprietor.^ intend changing their husi- j ness, the Furniture, which is nearly new and in good ' order, can be purchased on favorable terni.s. | The House will be deliver'-'l on or after the 1st of .lanuary, reinainiii:: open under the present tnauage- ment till a tenant is obtaine'I. The line Store in the same building, formerly occu- ' pied by ,\lr. Win. Booth, is also offered for rent. JNO. H. (’OOK, Prest. Dotibiu House (,'o. Dec’r 1*1, l.'^57. Oy-tf fav1’:ttf:\ iLLi: 'MLTI AL INSliKAXrK COMPANY. i ASSETS $230,326.28. j ^JIHLS Company has been in Lijieration more than five vears. and has paid its losses, amounting to $iy,12o 'JO, w ithout any assessment: insuraace aver- ! agine it» members about i per cent, i Policies issued to 1st of May, IH53, 27')'». j -Amount of property now insure'l, ;j>l.474,922 34. j Amount pr*rniiuin notes now on hand, ■'(>224,008 2.'!. j Cash premiums receired, ■'^32,317 41. j Dirkctoks. S T Hawley, MILITARY GOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces A\D Um DESCRIPTION OF 11ILIT\RY GOODS, ACCUUKING TO THE Lntesf. r. S- Armj/ nn>i State Rcijuhxtiona. S('m;YLER, HARTLEY cVc GRAHAM, I nrTi itKKs, 1 y MAID E N L A N E, .!’ ir I'ork. June;^(). s 24-1 y A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Mercliant. WILMINCtTON, n. c. July (j, 1857. 22tf JOHN M. CLARK, Comiiiisiiion A: Forwarding Mercliant, WU.MINGTOX, X. C. WILL p;ive prompt attention to sale of Country Produce, Naval Stores and Cotton. lic^^.liiii Aacnt lor Rush and Orrtll'n Line of Boats.“TtM August 1'.', ^5S. :i»tf TIN PLATI3, Nheel Iron, Iroii Wire, COOKI\Ci STOVi:^ Tl.\-WARK. Always ou hand, at Wholesale or Retail. KOOFIXi;, (JL TTEKIXG, And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. Market July 'J. WKKiHT A I Attorneys and Coun.sellors at Law, ' V. ELEMENT 0. WRIGHT and BARTHOLOMEW y FULLER have associated themselves together for the practice of their profession. I’rompt attention given to all business committed to their charge. They will [iractice in the counties of Cumberlan'l, Harnett, Sampson Robeson and Bladeu. Aug. 2'.’,, 1858. 39- Presbyterian copy. S(‘l‘ct Classical School. IPIIOPOSE to open a School for Boys, in the town of Fayetteville, about the 1st of October next, pro vided I can pet Twenty Scholars. The price of tuition will be ^75 for the scholastic year Those who wish to enter their sons or wards will please give me early notice. THU.MAS J. ROBINSON. Aug. 18, 1S58. 38tf H^eaeher If^antefi. ^'■IHE Trustees of Fayetteville Female High School, M. wish to engage the services of iv Lady competent to give instruction in l»rawing. Oil Painting and French, or Drawing, (til Paiuting an'l Music Appli cants will a'ldresa, until the 2(Hh September, W. K. BL.\I\.E, F'ayetteville. August 21, 1858. 3Dtf .M\LK SCHOOL. ON the 4th day of October next the subscriber will open a SCHOOL, Classical and English, on Dick Street, and respectfully solicits the patronage of pa rents an'l guarilians. Terms. $8 to ^>12 per quarter. For further information apply to THUS. A. E. EVANS. August 2^, 1858. 39-3t ('aroliuiiiu and Presbyterian 2t. I. u T r 1-: III A) 11’s 1 ,iT\ K fllHE Steamer F.WNV will leave Fayotteville for JL W'ilmington every Monday and Thursday morn- W. ANDREWS, ^ijuare, Fayetteville. i ing, until further'-notice, sengers as heretofore. Feb’y 22. Will take freight and pas- T. S. LUTTERLOH. 87- tlieir i'lir iiige, i,,,_ niy>,t. l»r. 1 i-t.-r'iii.: former patrons that I 'r ing rea'I ■ - - -iii'l tur' -.. t • If ■ r icth III »tllee opl 'isilv tin; !'■■ engiiir* i. 11. K KA.-Tnn.lNw. Rock.ngh;i111. N. ( , •A. : .'it'Oil 1 any call ijay or ili' ' p'ta.-ure in >tatiiig to his 1! i-. a re'jiilar jjr'i luate. hav- ,t teTi'li'.i :'■ r.r, » of Lec- \ I t 1 lUii'i .it ',.,1//- at thf-'.r I ‘bli'-e, iinies-^ protessioiia ly M. n. \pr;: ' ilF.N.\(; \N. .^l. 1). I'JOtf i I’! and eoniinittcl to the Jail -.r Chitlrira e lunty, two ^ m Neirrj B ys tiy the name of 'i (■',S'DFt\ an I 1;D>.\!. wh'isay they belonir »o .1 H. Ptitv.iiett, of Lu i ton ■; lie o-.oeris le'jiieste l to come forward, I'Tove jii'Mpi rty, p ly prism clvirges. nn l take them aw.iy; otherwise, th -y will 'le '1,'alt with according to law. W. I). C. KIDDLE, Jailor. Pittsborough, Jul}' 1 I 28- llOUSi:. I.or, AM) NKCJUO.” ^I'^llE uii'ler-igned wishing to close tip their old busi- - ess. otter for s•tie tho H(»CSE and LOT on Hay- mo formerly occupied by .Major (iilinore. Also, a NEli. ■> BoV 1 1 years of age: haviiij; tried him tor the last tive months, we can recommend him as an excel lent servMiit. b'lth for hriu«e or out of doors, sold for no fault, but to c’.ose oi l business. F. N. & J. H. ROBEKTS. .May 3, 1858. 7-tf OLD lilLI.S. A LL persons in lebted to the conc'M’ii of FR.VNK & JEBKV and J. H. K(tl!EBT.S .( ('(>., are re- i)uested to conii loi A Mi'l and seltie their bills If not s.'tt I 'l I'y th_* last (>’'liiis, tiiey will tind them in the liaii is of a Lawful (.'ollector. J. H. KOBERT.-S CO. .May IS',8. 7-tf to Widow*. ’ B 11 E U jilows of Mexican Soldiers, and the Ui'lows i of Soldi'rs who IHKD IN skkvick in the war of 1812, can huve their peiisi .us c-jntinue.l by cal!ing on the uiidei .signed, (.’oi.gresj liavin^ made additional pro%isiju for them Give me the m.inageiiiont of your claims, aud the money bhall come at once, or no charge. JNO. .M. ROSE, Agt. for Pfciis'ons, Fayetteville, June i2, 1858. Ht- (Jeo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, W. N. Tillinghast, li. L. Myrover, .\. .\. McKethan, S. W. Tiilinghast, J. D. Williams, Henry Lilly, Jas. G. ('ook, N \. Ste lman, A. W. Steel, S. J. Hinsdale, Jas. Kyle, T. S. Lutterloh, J. (i. Shep'uerd, Whs McLaurin, R. F. Brown, Wil»ington, i A. E. Hall, Wilmingtou. i Okfukks. , GEO. McNI.lI.L, Pie-' b-nt, D. A. Ray \ ice Prea it. C. .A. Mc.MIi.i.AX, Secretary. John Collins and ('. C. Mc('rummen. Travelling .Agents. The Companv iuvita applications. ' May 21. IH.Vs. 18-Y Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. .iA.>nos gvvi.h: Is now receiving his .'^[ir'ng siij'ply of DRY GOODS. Auioug wlii'-h .are— Prints. Lawns, an'l P.nlliantes; Col'll and IS'.ack >ilk>; ^ Irish Linens and l>i ipers; Fanner's I.inei'. Twiile'i aiiil Plain; Cassimi’re 'in I Mn ino Tivilis; White aii'l ’o’,'il 'ott in lloge: Boltini: ('I'lths, ’>o U to Ii*; Silk and Bonnet-; \;c. \V ith almost i very article in the Dry (i i'uls line; all of whieh has been piirchas>-1 by the p icka^'t at thu late sale* in New York and Phi. i'lt ’|.hia: \S ill lie otTered clieip fir I'.asli - r on time to paying cust'tmer* .March W>. '.-lotf ('ai oliniiin copy. UlO.^iOVA!-. STARR & WILLIAMS, H ave removel to the iwd brick Stores in the . West eii'l of the F:iyettevi!I« H'jtel huii'liiig, , whore they are now opmirig; thiir or lrio»l« jbr Sgn’in"^, . recentlj’ seleetcl by one of the firm in the Northern markets, which will be otferci for *il« to their regu lar customers on the ns’itil terms. .All persons who wish to buy (roods chcnp at 'WHOLE- I S.ALE, are respectfully invite'l to call and examine | this stock at our ne>v stand, West end of Fayetteville ■ lintel building. i J. I? St.XUK.] [J. >1. WlI.l.I.^Ms April 21, 1858. 5tf rni’IE siibsciiticrs adopt this metho'l of informing ■- thfcir friends (and the public generally) tha* they | are now receiving into h' ,• a veij ’•ge and general j il I'ltOV & I L(,Li:i{, Attorneys and Crtunsellors at Law, itoKi:so\ Co., c. OBERT E. TROy Hn.l JOHN P. FULLER, have formed an association for the practice of their profession in Robeson County. The former will also attend the Courts of Bladen atid Columbus: the latter will also attend those of Cumberland. The Office iu Lumberton will be kept open at all times. Jan’y 1, 1858. 73- SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attorney and Coun-sellor at Law, ^VllTIIFIi:i.l>, C'., ,^ILL attend regularly the County and Superior Coui ts of \\ ake, Johuston, Cumberland, Har nett, .‘in l Wilson. .All business cntruste'J to his care will receive i r. nipt attention. Jan'y 12. ‘5.’'. 7r»-ly JAS. C, MILES COSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., i'artorsn eoinmissioit and For- •fiet^riiants. W1LM1N(}T>»N, N. C. KO.MPr attention given to s.'ile ot TIMBI.'R, LU.M- BEiv, N.VV.VL S lORES and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements ma'ie on Consignments. Kefers to E. P. H all. Pres't Branch l!ank of State. H. R. S.\v.\GK, (,'ash’r Bank Cape Fear. Joii.v D.\w- SO.N. Esij. •April 2'), 1858. 5-1 Y i’rcsbyteriaii copy. I). A. LAMOX r, Cominis.sion Merchant, \Viliaiiii;;rloii, OFFICE C8 NORTH WATER STREET. I’ersonal attention given to all produce sent to him either for sale or shipment. Ofi'ICK 'rUAXSPOKT VTION .\cEXT, ^ AVilmiiiyiton & Manchester Rail Road Oo. ^ 'Wiiiiiiiitftoii, 18th Aro. 1868. NOTICE TO COUNTRY MERI’IIAXTS AND SHIPPERS. «N and after the the 1st September, all Goods and Merchandize, intended for the interior, or points on the Vine ot tliis and a'ljoin'mg Road, shipped to the eare of the General Transportation .Agent, and landed on the Company’s Wharf, will be forwarded Free of Extra Charge and Commissions, and the Marine and hack charges paid and collected with Rail Hoad freight at the points of delivery. By this arrangement, owners of goods will be re lieved of much expense and inconvenience, and ship pers will find it to their interest to forward through this port. The promptest despatch may b» r**lied upon. Bills Lading should invariably specify for delivery at the Rail Road Co.’s Wharf oc the West side of the Kiver. JAS. 1’. ROBERTSON, Geu’l Sup’t. Aug 18. l- '-i. 39-2m RIIL ItOli) .\OTICE! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. NEW. niRip. AM) i:.\PEi)m()rs kolte for Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. EKCH.ANTS >-nd others about purchasing their J.TM. Fall an'l Winter Supplies, are requeste 1 to notice that by the completion of the North Eastern Rail Roi'l from Charleston. . to t'heraw. the ad- vantaiies of a ('HE.\P an'l EXPEDITIOUS Route fr im the Seaboar l has l>een opened to them .\11 freight consi 'iie'l to the care of the .Vgent of th« North Eastern Rail It.i.i'l will be forwar.led FREE (JF COM MISSION’ No charge will be ma le for Storage at ('heraw. All I goods will be taken care of iu the (Company's \Var«- I house until sent fir. ' ,\ sell •diiV of i lia''?"'8 for transp irt^tion of freight will be foiiii'l .at the Post Office. S. S. SOLOMON'S, Eng’r and Aug. o4tf Nov r ('>. -lypd STOCK Ol- (.OODS, EMBRACING >; K i: IS I HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, A «•., A •., A r . •Ml of which they are disjiose l to s‘ll at reasonable profits for cash, or "ii the tiiiie t'> responsible purchasers who are in the habit of pivitiE July 2(), 1858. GEO. W. WILLIAMS CO. ol- pkrlma.n (;r\No. ho is prepared to furnish at short notice, any re- 4uirttd miaiility of 1^0. I Kiiaiio, all of which will be from lirect importations, into the Port of WilmiKi\;tnn, and wari’anted pure and genuine Orders for t!ie above excellent fertilizer are solicit ed, to which p’’oinpt attention will be given .As this is an article which does not admit of being sold on time, cash or its diuivalent must accompany each order. ISEVERLY ROSE. July 8. 2t;tf noticl:. 1 I’FRUVIAN GUANO; xH ■lUO Casks LIME; 5U Bales H .V\ ; 5 Bbls. GLUE. For sale by 'WORTH & UTLEY. July lU. 27- i)!:N'risrRV. R. J. D.VVIS having dccided on per manently locating in the Town of Fayotteville, respectfully offer.s his services to the cit izens of this pl.ace an'l surrounding country. In all the vai ious branches of his Pro'ession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an e.xtensive experience, to whieh is ad'led a thorough Dental clucation, that he can give entire s.atistac;inn as far as is in the jmwer of Dentistry-. All irregulari ties of the Teeth treated in a proper and cart f'ul man ner, as well as 'iiseases of the mouth. Notie but the proper metals .are made usi-' of iu the vaii.nis oper.i- tions. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placci witiiiii the re.ach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth g!5^ Ofhce over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10, 1858. ytf KIVKK COAI.. Bituminous CO.AL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at,a reasonable pric. 5y the Ton. W.Vl. McCLANE. Milling Engineer, M— 21, 1850, C-tf FOi. SALK OU REST. A CONVENIENT DWV'LING '' >USE, on Hay /■L mount, near Mr. J. Thorns^ For pa>-*icu- lars enquire of J. 1. Shepuerd, Eb.j , or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. ,1. W ILLIA.M PAUL, Yi. 1)., !• iTTS ti O it O i fm it, .V. e. r.VGE may be found at office when not professionally engaged. .May ti, 1857. 5tf Jisr RKCi:iVKi). LBS. choice GOSHEN BUTTEK; 6()() lbs. LEAF LARD; —ALSO— A lot of FINE SEGABS and TOBACCO. For sale bv D. ANDEKSON, North-west Cor. Market ."S'luare. June 28. ~i- FAVirrrKviLFJ’: hoikl. I^lll.ANR N. ROBERTS s CO., having Icascl this Hotel, will be picused to see their former patrons and friends, assuring them that they will use every exertion to please. F. .\. Roberts.] [J. G. Smith. Jan’y 7. 74-ypd COOL Sl*i(L\(i MIIJ.S. ''MHF; Proprietors are prepared to GRIND CORN on I the usual terms. The Bedstead .Manufacture is still carried on .it the same place. Jan’y 11, 1858. 7->-tf CHAIRS, c:MAniS. A L.ARGE lot o*" Stool-bottom Chairs, made at Cool .Jm. Spring Mill, and for sale by A. M. CAMPBELL. March 24, ’58. 9(iy JU)OK-HIM)LNG aN all its kinds, executed with neatnesj and de spatch. Small jobs when done must be pai'l before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGH.AST, Andersou Street. May 14 1858. IMV TUliPKXriNi’: HACKS. NY PATTERN OF TURPENTINE H.ACKS made X) ricK. CHRONOLOGY OF NORTH CAROLINA, By I) K. BENNETT, will be published by James M. E'*n 'y. New York, about the first of Septem ber next, alter which time subscribers and othera may ont.ain their copies, by calling at the North (,'arolina nn l paying (.bie Dollar, or by sending .)no and Twelve (’ent« to ihc undersigned, bv mail. By or.lering iu advance by mail, the first and finest impressions may be obtained. The work will also be sold by Agents and Book sellers throughout the State. .Address U. .Aug. 10, 1858. K BENNETT, Shallotte P O., Brunswick Co , N. C. U'j ;u A by to order, at Wholesale Fayetteville, N. C. Ketail and Warranted, M. A. BAKER. April 19, 1858. 3tf \\ ANTKI) NEGROES fora Mis»i«*ippi Plantation, M«n, Boys, Girls, and some good Families 75 Fayetteville, May 6, 1858. EPHR. Lord Montagu’s l*age, by (». James, Esq. School llooks ual Stationery, Just received. August 12, 1858. PAGB. 8 tf P. l{. £. J. HALE & SON. \OTICK. B RAN.AW'.AY, on or about the 25th of • Julj’, my Neirro Boy IS.V.AC, aged about thirty years; height about five feet six or seven inches; of a light copjter -olor; hij^li foreheid, full eyes, aud quick spoken. Tli- sai l negro was purchased by me fmni S V. Yoinig of (Jreeiisborough, where he will try to make his w.ty back. 1 will give tlie above reward for the lo lg-ment -if sai'l f)oy in any i lil in the .State, 80 I can get him again J. K. \1ELVIN. C_\ press I'reek. Bl.i 1-30 eo., .Aug is, IM-iH. [_.3!ltf ,l\l) L1.\U Filll S,iLL 'I''HE suliscriber wishes to sell his HOU''h and LOT £ in Fayetteville, known as the “Farm House,” containing about *)•> ai-res. Also, THREE V'.\LU- ■VBLE Nl.tjRo MEN, L Iward, Fred ami Charles. Fred and IMwur 1 ar*- e.\c‘-iient Spirit Barrel Coopers, —all vouiij^, Bo'ind and htalthv F'lr teriiiB apply to ' C E I.KITE, or .lOS. B.AKEli, Jr., Att’y for John Eccles. .Aug. 18. 3H-tf TiinrrY hands wa.vtkd. '■HIE subscriber wishes to hire by the .Month, or I. Day, Thirty Negroes, to work on lh« Ninth Sec tion of the Western R lil Roa'J. For further particulars inquire at the Engineer’s \>ffice, Fayetteville, or of me at 1-ittle River Bri'ige. MICHAEL (J’BRYA''. Aug. D). 58tf ~ A FKWlvARHfiLS HOICE o/f .apple brandy, suitable for making wine and putting up brandy fruit. W. H. .Aug. 18. Cider Viiioiriir, for s;tlc l>v w. H^ Aug. IS. For sale by CARVER. 38- CARVER. 38- H:ir})e’ September, j and (iodcy's recei\e l and tor sale f>y E J HALE Macrazine tor i i: Ii a. SON. niaiiks '.or sale at this Oliice.