ENGton Norlh |i^ % K, t'r 6 J Hi SEMI-WEEKL, Y. “‘•la:, rLLER, 1'##r. ‘ • ■ 1 In, i . ORTH r. MS .. ' Ct/ j *'»• "'>Mb;N A .ivr> I P’’ ' it I \.^ |: I .), ■■ .1 J)K- IV u\. 't' K. ■ . ; ■ ' ' J'l*- M .. a;.; -i • Nu 4uan:'.^-.-i:. V ki: \I'KR. % >!> It:.: . ; ; i K ^ ' Olt Jtft. Pti; . -> ; ,J, , u iibl»;irl, *'* - ■ ' -K, ■ iK3 1., TH c 3, sXi . ^ IR' ■ N * s; n . ' tL ' I'.i. .-;L In: .i:\ RIP ie X ■r? :ii t[j=- • N . A . cr- ^ri- -- ■ .1-- t‘;»-r .u'..‘)era than . 4 tli ii the»e ‘ii' . re uci- urn . • [ :irent» - I i«iiari fC: J K ^ -y t; u^- ••••f-Mig in 7^ cetti .. tL'js* tiUN. I iii i Aii V.s STIIKE' A. i . C4-vpd DSSOM. \ f{» IIANT, >*. f . 1 . a.i! '■•jDiign I'r..'.: !G* 10 be ship 97 p. ^ i; r. kt t c: . M.t " rr Me.;.. I., ' rn 1 . i :. i A .»■ • etrv; .j-o, V 'S :] 'tiO .tj^ lie^: fies l’»v klk - , , L. C' c. . J - i.N’ ( • 111 \ 1 . VOL VIII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 2, 1858. [NO. 742.1 lM;lNTi'P MMN1>\YS ANl) TllUilSDAYS. ri)\V\in) }, HALF. & SON. KDI AXI> I’KOnnKTOHS. , .e '!■ :1k' Scini-Wt'ekly Obskkvkr ^3 00 if paiil in ■I lv;uii'i': "j-i '>0 if pniil duriup: the year of sul)scrip_ ti, •’ r > 1 til'ter the _vi*-.r hus expireil. t.io \Vi t '..’.v ()iisK.RVKi: ^'2 00 per iinmnn, if paid in ;%s!m ': •*'•* 'f piiiJ (hiring the yp;ir of suliscrip t: ii: ' > ■ '''* aftor the year has expired. \li\ I'UTISKMKNTS inserted for sixty cents per ,ro -t' Itiline^ for the first, and thirty cents for each . iini: piiMication. ^ early advertisements by spe- ’ o 'ii'riu’ts. at roasonahle rates. Advertisers are , t.^ state the number of insertions desired, or wil' tie cuntinned till forbid, and charped accord" A 1, - rtisements to be inserted iiifidr, charged 50 per .xtra. Fire iHsurfiuee. U” K ri'fer our reailors to the nnniial statement of ttif .Ktua Insurance Company, of llartforil, (•li w'il be iViund in another column. This success- :M-t;tutiiin was inciTporated by the Legislature of I . , ;i,'ut iu ISl'J, with a perpetual charter. Its and its accumulations exceed .j.. more, makinj: its entire assets ever *:'00,- 1 I, iin!-.'ti d as detailed in the statement referred to. I . results in lic.-ite that during the period of nearly ; ri. vfars since its oi-sanization. (without a single ' .;o "fits chief otiicer,) its business has been con- . •1 with judgment and prudence. It has been ’ r'lr ?uc-cei>st'ul in an eminent degree, discharging. I.- wf arc iutVrined, all its obligations by the payiuent r rut ■ . ‘.'11.':'/ 'i i/ii/i’.'r.i for losses, without asking a ;s K'lay in any instance. It has had but little lit- ; II. notwithstanding the immense number of trans- 1 11^ made, lu order to attain as much cfrtaiiili/ as I ^vS'.e in sui h a business as insurance, it has been : J r:.v:tice if the (.'ompany, for several years, at i>r .• ’ i' T. carefully to classify and arrange their -Dt'' ab 'lit tifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain '1:^ ill. :-'.t insured on each class, the amount of pre- • . j;:: rti-fivrfd thereon, auJ the amount of losses up- I i This classification, extending over a long ; .-ri' l.aud covering property to a very large amount.fur- Lreliable data, and presents a sound, substantial .I'i- f actual experience, upon which to conduct its ..';iu'>s. Insurance isnotamatter of luck or chance, !!■ iiiMir* suppose: its hazards are ascertainable, and princi|>!es capable of being reduced to a system, the i r-i't 'al W'irking and results id' which are as certain ■ .t t'any other business. The .Ktna Company, ■ ,'iiu'iiiii; rigidly to its system, andplacing its busi- -V ■;] >11 a healthy basis, iias obt ;ined the coutidence r.'inmunity to an extent surpassed by no oth^r ‘ 'Ml'aiiy in the L'. !>tates, and has increasetl its busi- Ml I its inc'Mue trom year to year with a steady N'tn. due great source of its security is the wide T''iiti"U of its risks—a jiolicy which it pursues ■ strictness—limiting the amount to be cov- ■ II each locality. 15y tliis course it has passed, - 1 Hinparative impunity, through some of the most -* 1 iug and destruciive tires, which have swalU'wed up . -r companies less cautious in their business. It is I - 'tem like this, l>ase>l upon experience, which gives -■. iity an 1 soun'lness to a cotnpany, and to the as- - 1 (•ontiJeuce and security. — lialtimurt Patrtnt. m\ mum compa.m, II vu rroKi). CONN. ;S >'R1M)HATKD 1S19. ( HAUTEK I'KKPKTL'AL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11, k r.K.ACE, I’resident. E. G. IIIPLKV, Vice I’re- M'lent. T. A. ALEXANDEK, Secretary. [' • K.i T‘'Rs.—T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. ■ M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, 11. V !-r, E. (,(. Kipley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. I’ratt, G. F. iv. , Dunham, D. Hill3'er, T. A. Alexander, W. K-1.' . : » ,\»set.^ ire mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, ■ v.' .iig ntcrest, with til of cash on deposite !].c Hurtf.r 1 Banks, to meet losse.s. i."'se> due and unpaid—none. ■ adjusted and not lue, *‘J4,:n3 ses in suspense, waiting further proof, &c., $75,- ri 'isted, I suspicions of fraud, die.) $16,07H 7-. -\gent of the above Company in Faycttevilie, E. J. HALE. BRITISH PERIODICALS. 'ITT CO., NEW yi.'KK, continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz: 1. THE L»NIk.'N .iL’.\RTEllLV ((Jonservative). ;:1K EI>INBU1UJ1! REVIEW (Whig). 3. iUE N'lRTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). 4. liit WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). o. : : KWO(»D S EDINBUIICII MAG.\ZINE tTory;. Ti Hftirks^s Miisiortjf o I’ li o R r II i' \ K o 1.1 A. The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st Volume of this valuable work, which lias received the higliest commendation wherever it has been r'ad, not only for its literary execution but for its tyjiographi- cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our General .\gent for the State, 11. W. Horne of this place, or any of his .\ssistant .-\gents. Tiie price varies according to style of binding: In hamlsome cloth $1 'J'); in Library Sheep •>! 6(>: in half Calf 7;'. It is solk only vou Cash. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our Agents. A liberal discoun* will be made where quantities are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to any part of the ceuntry, on receipt of the price and 24 cents to pay postage. The ‘id volumi is in course of jirep:iration. There will probably be four or five volumes in all. The suc ceeding volumes will probably cont.ain about riOO pages each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 25 cents utlditional for sheep and 50 cents additional for the half calf binding. E. J. 1I.\LE & SON Fayetteville, April 2*.*, 1857. P. S. The .\gent and his .Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, orilers toiiim or to us, accompanied by the cash, will receive prompt atten- tiini. STANDARD & MlSCELLANKOl S Mi O OKS. Dr. KANE’S .\rctic Explorations.—cloth, sheep and half calf; Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella. (\)iii[uest of Peru, Phillip 2d, and Conijuest i>f .Mexico: Henry Clay's W’orks, *j vols.; P.enton’s Thirty Years in the U. i>. Senate; Daniel Webster’s Works. 0 vols.: -Memoirs of S. S. Prentiss; Iriving's Works. 15 vols., cloth and sheep: .Memoirs of Wm Wirt: Irving’s Life wf Washington, cloth and sheep; Life and Coirespon- dence of Webster; I’oin. Perry's Japan Expedition; .\b- bott’s Napoleon; The Indigenous Races of the Earth, by Nott \ Glidiion; Recollections of A Life Time, by- Goodrich, (Peter Parley;) Hume and .^iacaulay’s His- | toriea of England: ilallam'a, Robertson's, Johnson's, ■ Burke's, .Vddison’s, Hannah More's and Dick's Works, j {Jouthey’s ('^ommoti Place Book; Historical Collections j of Virginia: Dickens's Complete Works, Jo vols. illus- l trated; La.Martine's History of Turkey; The (Jueens of ' Scotland, by .\gnes Strickland; (Joldsmith's Animated | Nature; Noctes .Vmbrosiat\:e. 5 vols.,—edited by Dr. ' •McKenzie; Rollin’s Ancient History: Constitutional ' Text Book: Millman's Gibbon's Rome; The Statesman’s Manual; Tales and Novels of Maria Edgeworth; Proc tor’s History of the (,'rusades: Chambers’ Inforuiiition for the People; Tytler'x L’niversal History: IJoswell’s ; Life of Dr. Johnson; ('hambers' .Miscellany. 10 vols : Appleton's Cyciopcilia ot Biogr.tphy: 'I'he Scottish Gael; Encyclopedia .\mericana, 11 vols.; Uaverly Novels iu 12. 2 1 and 27 vol.-.; Wils'>n’s Taic.s of the Borilers ami of Scv>t'aU'i; DeToCi}ueville s Democracy in .Vmericii; Knight’s Half Hours witli thel>est .\uthors; Bulwer's Novels, complete in one vol; Plwtarch's Lives; M odern P.ritish E.-^ayist^^: Lycll's Principles of Geolo gy; Tales "if tlie .Xraiiian Nights, 4 vols. iliustratcd; .Maurv's Physical iJeography of the Sea; .\dveiitu’'e> of a Gentleman in !seari-h of a Hor-ie: .Mrs. Lllis i Family .'lonitiir and Guide to Social Dappiiiess; Tlie Itachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage: History of the Revolutions in Europe; Lockharts Lite ot \N alter' Scott: Hogg’s Wixiter Evening Tales; Woodfall's Junius; , .McIntosh’s .Miscellanies; lluniilton's Philosophy and ! Literature; .McAulay’s Miscellanic'^: Marshall's Wash ington: Life of I’inckney; Brande's Encyc!o;>cdia; 'i’he > Prince of the Hou^>e of David; The Poetical \Norks ot i Hemans, Scott, Campbell, .Milton, B^’inn, .Moore, Burns, . Shakspeare, Sc , iu various styles. E. J. HALE a: SoN. u !»• itOOKS. >\1.\T"S ('ivil Law; Starkie on Slander; Evi- 'C Periodicals ably represent the three great poli- 1 [.artie? of Great Britain — W hig, Tory, and Radi- 1. -but politics forms only one feature of their char- ’•■r .\s Urgans of the most profound writers on I'-iice, Literature, .Morality, and Religion, they stand, ' o'v ever have stood, unrivalled in tlie world of let- oeing considered indispensable to the scholar .ind '• [ rMt'essional man, wliile to the intelligent reader every class they furnish a more correct and satis- t. ry record of the current literature of the day, I'luifhiiut the world, than can be possibly obtained II .;iiy other 'ource. KAULV COriKS. Tnc receipt of .\DV.\NCE SHEETS from the British .'iiers gives additional value to tliese Reprints, in- iiiuch a>i they can now be jdaced in the hands of sub- ^ ' t‘r.-i about as soon as the origin.il editions. TKKMS. Roscoe's Criin deuce; Chitty on Contracts: “ “ Criminal Law; “ Pleuiiing; Stephen on Ditto.; Chitty on the Law of Car riers; Sclwyn’s Nisi Prius,—.\m. Notes; Smith’s Chancery Practice: “ Landloni and Ten- !int; “ on ('oiitracts; “ Leading Cases; Story on t^jutlict of Law; “ Equity Jurispru dence: “ on Sales; “ on Partnership: “ Equity Pleadings: “ on Contracts: Fearne on Remainders; Etlwards on Bailments; Byles' on Bills: Tayler's Law Glossary; Dart on Vendors and Pur chasers of Real Estate; Broom's Legal Maxims: Commentaries on the (’om. Law; .\dams’s Equity; “ on Ejectment; Burrill on Cireum. Evidence: “ Law Dictionary Leading Cases in Equity; Tidd's Practice—.Vm. Notes; Hi’.l on Trustees, “ “ .Mrttthcws' Presumptive Evi dence; Powell on Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme Court Reports, &c-, 6cc E. J r 'T any one of the four Reviews !■ 'I- .tiy two of the four Reviews t -.r aiiy three of the Four Keviews F ir all four of the Reviews K'lr Blackwiiod's Magazine ^ 'r I’ll.ickwood and three Reviews h 'T llbickwi;:id and the four Reviews / ai/nif-iits to !„ rnnilr ni nil riaes Per !.nn. ."iC) 00 6 X» 7 00 8 00 ■i 00 'J 00 10 (10 M'liii If i ui rrut III llii; iSliile 11'hi‘i'e u'ill he rf'i iui fil it itiir. discount of twenty-tive per cent, from the above pric« will be allowed to ( i.i us ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the ab,,ve works. Thus; K .ur copies of Blackwood, or of one Keview, will be sent to one address for foiir copies of the four lie- views and Blackwood for ^jS-IO; and so on. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be ilelivered, FREE OF POST.\(iK. When sent ' y mail, the I’ostage to any part of the United .st.ites w il be but TWEN rV-FOUR (,!ENTS a year for ‘‘Bliick- W..1J.I, ■ and but Fourteen CE.NTS a year for each ■t till! llcviews. A’. /{. Tlir in (t'rr'it liritnia of thcjhx Pt rinilinils iiljrtvf'-tKimt'il is Sol /)cr mmuni. Hemittatices for any of the abov; jiublications should i.ways be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & Co., No. 5 4 (fold street. New York. rANNEU’S OIL & DRV HIDES. 4 & UBLS. Tanntvr's Oil,—a uuperior article; also, a fiue lot of Dry Hidei. For aale by JA8. G. COOK. Sedgwick on tlie .Measure of Damages; Sedgwick on Statutory and Cons. Law; llale'^ Pleas of the ’rown; Bishop on Marriage and Divorce: Mitford's Chancery Plead- ings; Saiiiierson U-es x Trusts; Hargrave X Butler’s Coke uj)on Littleton; L’. .States Digest; .''tate Trials of the U. S.; Rusbcll on Arbitration: .Morris on Replevin; Troubat on Limited Part nerships; Sugden on V'endprs; on Powers; .Saunders on Pleading: “ Rej>orts: .•\ddison on Contracts; Wliarton on Homicide: Wharton Stile’s Med- J urisprudence: NewlanJ on Contracts; l{oper on Legacies; Williams on Executors: “ on Persotial Pro perty; f)liver ou Conveyancing; Lube's Equity I’leading: Gres'ey’s Law of Evi dence: Kent's (Jommentaries; Curtis's Commentary; P.radford'sSurrogate Re ports; Tapping on Mandamus: Crown (Circuit Companion Wiley’s N. C. Form Book; Il'iUUIII II I iMi: 4iiKM:r..^'stsoi{o\ .v. r. fH^HE Scholastic year is ilivided into two Sessions, JL commencing 1st August and 1st January. The course of stuIy i.s thorough and systematic, em bracing everything necessary to a complete, solid, and ornamental e«bication. The buildings are so arraugeil as to combine the comforts of a home, with the advan tages of a school. Instrui-tors of the highest qualifica tions are employed in each of the Departmei ts. No Institution in the country possesses advantages supe rior to Edgeworth. T E R M S : Boaril, including washing, lights, and fuel, p«r Session of five months. 00 Tuitioji in the Regular Classes, 20 00 The next Session will commence on Monday, August 21. 1858. Pupils sire admitted at any time during the Session, and charged from the time of entrance. Catalogues containing all necessary information re specting the (''ourse of Instruction, Terms, &c., will be forwarded on application to KICHARD STERLING, rrii,ri,>„l. Greensboro’, N. Carolina. May 2S, IS-J.S. 17 tiniospd .V PUOCLAMATIOX, lij/ his K.irclhnci/, Tnt)M.\s liKA«iU, Governor '/ iVorlh (\iroliua. WHEKE.VS, it has been rej'reseuted to me that one .\rchibald .McDougald, late of the County of Cumberland, lid on the 27th day of February last, iu said County, kill and murder one Thomas Munroe, and that the .su'd McDougald is a fugitive from justice, anl has escaped beyond the limits of this State. Now, to the end that the said .Vrchibald McDougald may be arrested and brought to trial for his said of fence, 1 do hereby issue this m; Proclamation, offcriug a Hew.ard of Two Hundred Doj'ars for his ajiprehen- sion and delivery to tiie Sheriff of Cumberland County. I'ESCRIPTION McDougahl is about fifty years of age. of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, has a scar on the face near one of his jaws, weii^hs about 1 j5 or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxic.ilioti, and while drunk is turliulent and troublesome. Given under my hand uiid the tJreat Seal of [i. s.]the State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of March, D. In58. By the Governor. TID).''. BRACG. Pi i.A'Ki Cuwi KK, Pr. Sec’y. Maich 15. ‘.t:Jtf IIKJii MOI N r rA.NNEin . ^ SITUATED 4 MILES WEST OF WAI.>ESP,oRO’, AN-| SON COUNTY, N. C. I OW the panic is over and nobody killed in these ^ diggins, the undersigned still continues to con- duct the geiicial Tanning and M .inufact iiri iig of all, kinds (if L('at!ier. Harness. Sad ile-i, llridles, IJoots ' aii'l Shi>es. of every size and description—-of the very best material. PL VNTATloN premium RItOtJ.XNS. ■ Ni* r to I'M surj'as>ed. .All of which he otlcrs and pro poses to sell or cxchaiiire lor Raw Hides, Bcowax, ; Tallow, and all kinds ot country produce, on terms to ; jnstifv and accommo 1 ite his cUHtoniwrs accor.ling to the times. 11 aving on hand const.intly a large ipply ofStock. he , is prepared to exei-ute all orders neatly and j'roniptly. \ with such material and workmanship as are not to be ex- j celled by any establishment of the kiud in this part of j the country in style, quality or price, for cash or to ; punctual cust iiiiers .\nd in returning hi* sincere . thanks to hi-i customers an ! friei.ds generally for their former patron?ig-'. he solicits andhoprs to still merit a continuance of tlieir favors. JAMES C. CARAWAY. March 4. 'JU-tlJapd lliUIUIl li l.MI roil X ILL tor s:ile lH!Kl\-Fi\K 1. III'NIMIKI) Ai'liKS ot' L:hu! iu us hoiiUhy mi FiiEsii, riiFiiP niiiKi^, • ffedirutes^ Paints^ iilass, A'r. fBIHE undersigned are preparetl to display iheir ■ satnftles for the fall traile to Merchants. Physi cian.?, Druggists and others, and to sell on the most adv.'intageous terms possible. Theii- Slock embraces the most varied assortment of ifrittfH, Sfirnti/ir A" i*opular Patent .ffetlit'ines, every variety of 'olorM X !?laleri:ili Tor Paiiiliii?-, I'tiemirals anti t'ttemical 9t\trf.s* SlIKMWl'Uil- HOUSE, FAVF,TTKVII>LK, Eaaf SiJe of Green Street, a few Doors North of the Market IJouxe. fB'^HE Su>)scriber desires through this me- Ji. dium to acknowledge the liberal pa tronage bestowed upon his House the past ! year—and as he has just erected New Stables and j Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water I he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the ! public generally, that he is still prepared to accom- j modate them with transient and permanent board, and SPICES, SODA, and other articles usually found at j I'espectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal pa- the grocer’s; I tronage heretofore received. p]very exertion on his 1 /> I" I” L- f- I shall he used to render them comfortable during > I r I Ml. /t i C., tir. I gojourn with him. His table is always supplied They especially devote their attention to the pre- | with the best the market affords paration of the pure • lleiUnt! Cofi fAvcr Oil, their brand of which has become the standard of su periority throughout the country; in conjunction with this they are bottling, for the same class of patients, a superior article of Mtoitrhoii l%*Uiskeif, which for high proof, delicate flavor, and ripe a^e, is unsurpasseil by any in the market, and is highly es teemed when taken ir. conjuiictiou with our (’od Liver Oil, as a valuable adjunct to that celebrated and re markable remedy. .Also, direct from the foreign vintages, a large sup ply of H'/A'A’.S and HI!A Xl>Il.'S which can be relied ou for purit3', proof, fine flavor and consequent efiicacy in debility, nervousni'ss, atl'ections of the bowels and other ailments. ,\ri examination of prices is solicited. .loHX (;. BAKER \ CO. 154 .N. ;id St., Philadelphia, .Aug. 1 I, 1858. ;>7-2m. PETER MALLETT March 24, 1855. SHEMW'ELL. BGtf WITH MIIKRAV. D a sec tion as there is in .Alabama. Foil I'Y .ACl'l'S, on which are a good Dwelling and all necessary out-houes. in good repair. ONi; nU.'^DKED an^lSlNT^ .\CKES. goo 1 river bot tom l.ind, lO'i acres of which is under cultivation and protluces fine crops of Cotton and ('orn. NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and Pine land, on which is some good farming laml. TWENTY-THREE HUNhKHD aud FoKTY ACRES Pine lanil. well suited for Turpentine getting. This property will be sold clieap an I on accommoda ting icrnis. .Addre.'i the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. O., Monroe Conntv, .\labama. WILLI\M W. ENGLISH. .March 11, 1 H5H, ’.*2-Iy HALE, & SON. MEDIC.VL r,001vS. UNGLISON’S Therapeutics and .Materia Modica ■Medical Dictionary; “ Human I’liysiology; “ Practice of .Medicine; “ on New Remedies; ■Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; “ Woman, and her l>iseases; “ Childbed Fevers; “ Diseases of the Uterus; Dewees on Children; “ “ Females; Horner’s .\natomy and Histology; Miller’s Principles of Surgery; Practice of do.; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. States; Wilson’s Human Anatomy, by Goddard; Ricord and Hunter ou Venereal, by Bumsitea'l; Watson's I'ractice of Physic, by Condie; Wood and Bache’s U. S. Dis[>ensatory; Pancoast’s Wistar’s Anatomy; Wilson on Dixeaaea of the Skin; “ “ the Skin and Hair; Eve’s .Surgical (^ases; Churchill on Chil.lrcn, by Keating; “ .'System of .Midwifery, by Condie; “ Diseases of Wometi by do.; Ellis’s .Medical Formulary, by Thomas: Kirkes’ and Paget’s Physiology; IVegiiault’s Elements of Chemistry; Fownes' f heniistry for Students: J’.artlett on tiertainty in .Medicine; Smith and Horner’b Anatomical Atlas; i’.ird oil the Urinary Deposites; I creira s Materia .Medica and Therapeutics; Carpentei s lluTiian Phy.siolo^y, Smith; Dickson’s Elements of Medioiue- Taylor on Poisons, by GritUth; Burrows’ on C -rebral Circulati.m; Wilson on Sjpailis: Draper’s Phy-^ioiogy—illustrated; Solly on the Brain; Hope on the Heart, Jiic., &c. ii. J. HALJi’& SON. Oct. ’26, 1857. WATER WIIKELS! WATER WHEELS!! E are now manufacturing Vandewater's Im- w w proved JONVAL TURBIWE WATER WHEEL, for Mills and Fact.iries of every description: ami all those wisiiinz to improve their w.ater power will find it for their interest to address us by letter, blatiug the number of feet, head and fill: their usual amount of water; the kin 1 of machinery to be driven. We can then give them price of wheel, or what we will furnish Wheel and principal Gears for, warranted to do a cer tain aniouut of work. Time to tisi the II A.-7, and if it does not come up to our figure, the Wheel and Gears to be ilelivercd to us at the mill of the purciiaser. RkKKRKNi K (ilVKN .\M> UKQI IKKI>. HEATH .'i STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Prince ieorge's coun*y, M: ROBERT BAIUD, Agent, jiichmr.' ' f #f.!.?##»fO.V’,S i*Mi.i.s. m^T^E would call the attention of persons afflicted W* with (’hill.s and Fevers to this celebrated Pill, which owes its popularity to no puffing, nor to long, windy certiticates—but solely to its own merits as a remedy which never faii.s to cure when taken accord ing to directions .iccomp inyiug each box. This Pill, unlike many others, contains no mineral, nor an-' in jurious ingredient, and may be administered with per fect .safety at all times, to young or oIl. A.s a preventive against Chills, or air, other type of Fever, it it recommended as unsurpassed; and in ireat- ment of Fevers generally it is far superior to Quinine, or any preparation of i’eruvian bark. .\ trial of its merits is all that is needed to insure it a favorable position in the estimation of even the most inveterate opposer of Proprietary or Patent [irescriptions. ('HAMriuxs ASTinUjKfi's pills Enjoy the reputation of being at least as good, if not better, than any of the various cathartic Pills of the age, and are entirely free from all poisonous, mineral, or other injurious properties, and are iiighly reconi- nieiidvd in Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick Head ache, Sick ►ifomach. Habitual Costiveness, Indigestion, Ac , and diseases of the Stouiacli, Liver, Bowels and Blood generally, they being by their composition equally ad:ii*ted to either of the above cases as a gen eral cathartic, good at all times when such medicines arc required. We recommend them to the attention of all iiersoiis. I’repared l)3- F. M. SWYER & CO., Belleville, Illinois. Sold by SAMUEL J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Also, in all the towns and cities, and by numerous country agents throughout the southern and weatern States and Territories. F. M. .SWYER & Co., Proprietors, Belleville, Ill’s. .June 3, 1858. 10-tun UE.\L I’^s r v'TE l-'OU S.VLIv fBlHE DVVELLINti Hl>USE, recently occupied by M. Mrs. H. P. Lain, and as present occupied by the Rev. .lames McHaniel, near Haymouut, will be sold privately by the nubscriber. It is located iu a good neii:hborhood; convenient to business; in a healthy seclion of the town: good spring water convenient; and has all necessary out houses attached. A gieat bar gain may be had, as I am determined to sell. LIBKRAL. 1 Fayetteville, May 19 1). rOLl)E.\ GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, .StM rn Stkkkt, A'A’ir )7>a»a; July 2f, IS.'iH 32- C’AKOLI N A Ci rv. X. (\ fBlHE .Atlantic and North (’arolina Railroad being ^ JL uow completed to Beuifort H.arbor, I have de termined to locate at Carolina (’ity for thu purpose ot doing a Forwarding and General Commission and hope liy promptness aiol strict attention to merit patronage aud support, P>eing the Agent of .Mi im.^^'.s Lim; ok Fik'T l’i,\" Pm kkis to this and .M.ireliead citv, every effort will be m ide to mike this the chea p- e^t and most expei'.il ious route to New N^rk. \ t'ssel. will be loailed and discharged at my Wharf i adjoining tlu‘ Hailr(>;.d Wharf, i aiel thereby save cartage and lii'hterage. Particular attention will be given tw ail oi lers and to the sale and .-hii'iueiit of Produce. WM i:. (iKANT. July -J'.', lb5S. 32-ly LITE INSIUANCE. i fglHE I’ndersigiird lias been appointed .\gent of M the .Vortli t’aryliiia Mutu.tl Life iii'^iir.ance Com pany. Everv member for life j'articipates in the pro fits of the Comiiaiiy: and the unuual fu-emium for lite membership, wliere it amounts to or more, may l)C paid oiie-half iu cash, and the other hall iu a ii'-te at 12 mouths. Debtors' lives may insured by creditors. A man may insure his own lift- lor tiie exciusive benefit of his family The lives of s' nes may be insured. Thin system is iiipidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, lor a small sum annually, may be provided for, alter the deatli of Its iica 1, >»u whose exertions they may have been depeu lent lor a support. It is a good iuvestment of money, tv«n it one shoii d live long altxr taking out a Lite Policy Exjilanatory paniplilet:>, aud the ueoessary Blanks, furnished oti application. E. J. HALE. DEN ris ruv. TUoh. 11. WING decide 1 ou permanently locating at Floral College, res{iectfully informs tiie citizens of this phu-e .and surrounding country that he i.i pre pared to operate in all the various t)r.iuclies of Sur geon Hentistry, ami will t>e happy to attend all calls in his Profession at any time. Prices moderate. Sa'i.sf.actiou gu ir.autie 1. July 2'.t. :'>3tf .1. VV. HAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of ri'K:%iTi Kc ever oflercd iu this market; which, ad'led to his own manufacture, makes his assortment com plete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terinb for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses: Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards: Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-(’ases: What- Nots; Tables, all Borts; Wash Stands; (’andle Stands: Wardrobes; Picture Framex and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices: ('urtain P>ands; Sofas in .Maliogony and Walnut: Tcte .a Tetes: Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Ciiairs of every variety. I'itie Rosewood Pianos, ouo witli ..Koliati At tachment: Rosewood Melodians, from t’oe beiit manu I factories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as auy made in the country, .and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. i^eptember 2. 45-tf The ijitr^^nt €"arria;s;e. Pact or in the Softfhi D II AND BARTHEN-WARB. W. J\. TII.I.i:\4JIIAST I s now receiving his Fall supplies of the above articles. He cau supply Country Merchants at prices which he is sure will make it their interest to deal with him. He has for sale, 80 China Tea-Sets, 1;>()0 Doz. (^onitiiDti Cups and S:nicer3, 500 “ Fine Do. Do. 100 “ Dishes, *JO0 Covered Dishes, 100 Doz. Pitchers, 800 “ Plates, 1000 Tumblers and Goblets, 7.)0 Lookiiiff-Glassos, ('offce Mills, Toy Locomotives, aud Yankee Clocks,—by the box. And other goods in proportion. In unhr ti) i/ii'i' ihti! hai'c yooih M El.L F ACh- l'l>, couutrii inercluinl} ski'uhl bu!/ tiu tr Crockery URST. Aug. ;!0.‘ Norici: TO riiE justices. ri^IIE Justices of Cumberland County ar« requested I to meet at the Court House in Fayetteville, on TUESD.AY of September Court next, at I'i o’clock, for the purpose of receiving the Sherift ’a Bonds, and transacting other jiublic business. G. DE.MING, Chairman. .August 25, 1858. 40-tC •fWefficni R. H. A. .McSWAlN has taken an Office on An derson Street, in the rear of Messrs. Ray A Pearce’s Store, where he can be found by those de siring his Professional services. August 24, 1S5H. RKmirO r 1^ H E subscriber has Removed to the Store one door I East of H. & E. J. Lilly’s, where he hopes to meet all his old friends and to make many new friends aud customers. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. -August 25, 1858. 40tf (’LI\TO.\ 1\STITPE.” ri'^HLS INSTITL'T ■. will resume operations ou Mou- day, the 13th day of September next, under the guidance of the same Faculty and Rules, as for the last two Sessions. For particulars address L. Gvnves. Principal, or H. A. BIZZELL, .■:?ec’y of the Hoai-d of Trustees. August 2t;. 1S5S. 40-tiw .\011T1I ’AK()1.1NA ^ri’KEME ('ousrr uepokps. fl'^HE subscribers have just printed at the ObserTer ^ Ofhce a .SEt^OND EDITI(.)N of DEVEKEUX ANl) BATTLE’S LAW RE PORTS, VOL. 1, RKVISKl) AM) t'ORKEI’TKIi, WITH NOTKS AXU RF.TKHBNCK9, BY HON. WILLIAM IL HATTI.E, J! I)I;K (IF THE SI PROIE COrKT OF MIRTH CIROLIXA. The price of the new edition is not greater than that of the olil, though, as it is scarcely necessary to say to the Profession in North ('arolina, its value has been greatly' increased by Judge Battle's Notes. Ret'erences and (’orrections. The volume has been long out of print, and we shall be glad to supply the mai:^ Lawyers whose sets of Ke- port.s .are incomplete without it, as well as those who 40tf II A. McKiyrilAA EtsPECTFULLY informs bis frieiide and the pubiic, that he has t)uilt up large substantial Brick lluililitigs at his Old .^tand, expre.ssly for mau- ufaciuriug (,'arriagcs. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received fir the last 21 years, he liopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfiction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be mide of the best material and by e.xperienced workmen in each branch of the business His work will compare favorably with any inale in the United States, for neatness and dur.ahility. He is determine'] to sell and do atty \ work iu his line on ns good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He uow has ou hand. FiNisiiKii, the L.ARtiEST STOCK of . ,, 7 i» / / have the old edition but would like C arrtdircs, ISaroi/rllCS, hock'owaj^s^ and | one for the sake of its notes. Bu^ries\ 1 Ever ofl'ered in this place, and a very large stock of : work near]}’ finished, which will be tiiiislied daily. ' .All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on j short time to punctual customers. He has on | hand more than JNE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi- j cles finished aud in course of construction. ' All work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by tiad workmanship ; or material will be repaircl free of charge. i Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and | examine lor themselves , ((rders t hankt'ully received aud prompt'y attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very I reasonable terms. .May 2S, IiS58. Kt-tf to have the new E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, April 5, 1858. THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE LATE HON. .[OIIN D. TOOMER F > It A L K: . 1HE valua'ole Law Library of the late Judge Toonier, consisting of upwards of E.rimii/i(tlioti of ('ommon School I'each- crs for lltinictl Coiui(if. •^■111E undersigned. Committee of Examination of JL C.immon School Teachers for Harnett t.’ouuty, will meet at the Oflice 'f the (’ount}' (’ourt Clerk iu Summerville, ou .Monday, Tiie.sday and W’cdncsday of .September (aiurt week, .\pplicants will bear in mind that the t’oiumittee intend to make the fptrd id the law, as they understand it, the inflexible rule of their action. D.\NIEL Mcl’OllMlCK, Ch'm'n, ^ W. M McNElLL, I Com. A. D. McLEAN, j .Aug. Dt IS5S. •>'*- (;!M> A lli:s (>!' liAM) roil 8ALK. rj’^llE Subscriber offers for sale the above >iuantity ^ J of Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmingtoii and Charlotte Rail Road, : and four from Lumber River. This Land is well i adajited to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good i.uige aud other advantage.^. Those wishing to purchase may find me on the pre- misc«, who will be haj>py to exhibit it or give any in formation concerning it desired. ANGUS McGILL. Philadelphiis, N. C., Se{it. 1, lb-)7. 40!f (;,')(«) acres of l\.M) roii sale. fHlHE .Subscriber desiring to move to the Uest offers M. to sell the following tracts of valuable land. 1 Tract containing 25(ii; acres in Harnett County IS miles .North of Fayetteville. There is on this tract, two large and comfortable dwelling houses, with all n»*cessarv outhouses, together with a good mill running two saws and grist, witli about .'{(HI acres cleareil and in a high st.ate of cultivation: the remaimler is excel lent f irming and turpentine land. Also another tract containing 40(H> acres of turpen tine laml, aliout 100 acres of which is cleared. There is on this tract one gooii dwelling with all necessary out houses and a good grist and saw-mill. I will take pleasure in showing the above properly to any person wishing to purchase. H. S. McNEILL. Manchester P. O. Nov. 7th, 1857. 07-ts A TEW ILVKKELS ^>1lI01CEoW APPi.E BRANDY, suitable for making PUBLIC NOriCE Is IlLUEBV GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beauf rt Harbor via Kenansville, (Minton, Fayetteville, aud West, will be opened om Tliuriday, the lUih ilay of Aj'ril IboO, and remain open according totl..' terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places and under direction of the following named persons, Cymmissioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of Onslow, at the office of the (’lerk of the ('ounty ^’ourt at Jackso ivilie, and at the Post Oflice Rich Latnls. E. W. Fonville, G. J. \\ard. J. II. Foy, Robert White, John A. Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, r.t the office of Dr. M. F. .Vreii- dell at Beaufort. Dr. M. F. Ar«ndeli, J. F. Bell, L T. Oglesby. At ihe store of (J. W. Taylor at (,’aroliua City,—(’ol. Wm. N. Dennis, II. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Aretidell. I In Duplin county, at the office of the County Court I Clerk at Keuansville,—Major (>wen R. Kenan, David I Ueid. Isaac B. Kelly, Win. I', Hill, W'm. J. Houston, j Stephen (iraham. i In Sampson county, at the ofliceof the County ('ourt I Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas I Bunting, Wm McKoy, Patricli Murjihy, Wm F.aison, iJ. R Beaman, .Alfred Johns >n. In Cumberland county, at Fayrtteville, at the oflice I of A. A .McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal j -McD.iniel, Edward L. W inslow, J«hn C. Blocker. I Form of subscription: ! The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of eaidi. set o)>i>osite to our names respectively ; in the Central Rail Road Company; and in all resjiects to coinjily with the forms of the Charter. 'V I consisting of upwardb of 100l> bound Volumes, and several hundred Nos unbounil, has been deposited with the undersigned for sale. The books will be sold in sets, F(»R C.\SI1 ONLY. They are generally in good ordi'r, though of course bearing marks of use. The prices have been fixed with reference to their condition. C;»(alogues, with the frice anne.xed to each Tolunae, may be obtaiue l on ajiplication to the subscribers. E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville. June )»>, 1858. rilE NEW EDlTlOxN OF~ HKVKiitMA \ UiTTLL'S UW KKPIIIITS. VOL. 1. HF.CEIVES the ajproval of those who have ex amined it. Chief Justice Nash says, “I have lookeil through it —it is carefully aud well got up. * '* 1 think to our (^)urt it will be invaluable—uiid to the Profession eijually so. It will save the labor of leciding the same point again and again; for there will be no excuse for Counsel not being apprised of points already adjudi cated.” (ientlemen of the Bar who have purchased aniJ ex amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or seiiarate volumes of North ('arolina Reports, and Law Books generally, by E. J. HALE & SON. wine and jiutting up liratid^’ fruit. W. H. .Aug 18 J. Tkrms R. MCDONALD, Agt. Pits C-i(icr \ iiK'iiui’, tor AUiT. IS. '.-llc l>V w. li For sale by CARVER ;js- »'ARVi;it. ;jb- Namea. Residence No. shares. i Cash. Work. Ilar|)cr's ;ind (Jodey's September, just received aud for sale l*y E. J. HALE & SOX. Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and may specify whether for grailiug or cross-ties; and stockholders shall iu every case have preference in taking ('ontracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars arc sub- scribeil. the (’ommissioners of Onslow county are to be notifieil, anil they are re>iuired to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. March 15, 185H. ' 1"*tf ~ \NM1\L SE r I'LlvMEN rs. gJERSONS indebted to us will be lurnished with 9 their accounis duiiiig the present month, (e.\c» | t I those already .Inane I: i an I \tc earnestly i e.|uesta I settlement Every mm who m . i- pay at all, 1 shoubi Jiay .^t Ifa^t once a y> r. i l*ersoiis h.iviiisr accouins acainst us v ill oblige ub I by handing them in for payment, i E J. HAi-E ,V SON July 5. Blanks tor sale at thus ()lHce. S.MALL POX DEAD. ^ i E.N'TLEMFN, you that wish to sell Likely Young NEGROES, Men, P>oys, Women and Girls, for the highest cash prices, would do well to give me a call, or address me at Clinton, .N. (J. J. A McARTHUR June 5, 185H. J7-Hmos.pd MEDICAL NO riCE. ORS. E.AS ri;il LI NC and HE.N \(J.AN having hsso- ciateil themselves together for the puri»ose of practicing .Mcdiciiie in Mockingham and vicinity, they respectfully solicit a liberal share of jiatronage, and by their strict and prompt attention they hope to give perfect satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage I'hey will attend any call day or niylit. hr. Easterling takes pleasure in stating to his former jiatrons that l>r. II. is a regular gra'Iuate, hav ing read ihn-f jiritrx and attended lim full courses oi Lec tures One or both may be found at ///// hour at their Otiice opposite the Post Office, unless professionally eiiffiiged. H. R. EASTERLING, M. D. D. HENA(JAN, .M. D. Rockingham, N. C , April 5, 1858. lOOtf O. HOUSTON / Ol LD inform his friends and former customers tiiat he uiav be found 2 doors below the ('ape Fear l’> i!ik, and > doors above his obi stanil south si'Ie Pei.--on .'afreet, where he intends to keep on hand, Harness, Saddles. Bridies, Whips, Collars, and e vi'rv thing bf'loi; j;ing to iiis trade. He res[>ectful ly invite^ his tric:i Is from ;ln‘ country to ca11 and ex amine liis ^to(.k betor'' |i>ni-hasing. He w i:i a; ten 1 to liep.i i i I tig of II arnessand Sail.lies punctually, ttmi his chsr-eR shall be mo-ierate. tie would rcijuei^t all indebted to the tirin ol HOUSltJN &(tVEKBV to fiOitle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the firtu’s debts. * August 27, 1350. ^

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