af SBMI-WEJBKLY L^. • ir at VOL Mil.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMHEIl (>, 1858. ' Ll. It llN- M.'. ilhl >ru. ih:k ^1). ;r I .. ... th Itn ■' tjr, tw KN - ilx N j li. . ti-ht-tt, vt to C ■ •• r ; w I Ni:-KO. up r- '.r .J UM- r \^y AU... ft \ a th- V )ri. Widow (). S' ' AN ). k>rT ■ PU ft irlii T r_ )«. [»e Hi ^ .i - . K V 'r. il .Ml "J. KH H * i?HT H ft. >KV Hi. Uj . 3C .' )«.; II .1 ? li:- a lit* ■ y h-.- ... H II liii; >rk . vt .. :.i ill. , - . , ..f u I) •-• i — - ' y A -■ V c«i : - h. ...g • I ( • ,( i . tl.’U- P. wt^re iiiii- ( • ; .rtlUl* i ij«' >ii J I- lek: ityi. ii'u; Its in Tc i --f* ; Tj ceDl* du> : ,.:i; iri,ui tb®** ac) • # ti.i.h a BOU- i i;iNri:i» moni»avs \si> tiiuhsuays. i:i)\v\i?i) j. II\m: & SON. PniTiUlS AM> 1’lt01M{IKT()KS. I’rne f'''r tlit' St‘mi-W.>ek!y »>uskkvkk *o 00 if paid in i Iv.uii'i': .‘>0 if I'aiil iliiriiiir the year of subscrip- U '--- I' S' 1 iiftor tlie year lias expirtl. f ; i U cckly ()i;sikRVEn OOporaaimin, if paiil in Ivaiu-o; >- >')•• if puitl ilurinp the yeiH' of suhscrip. I n: '!• ’ 00 after llie year has expireil. inserted for sixty cents per ^ I'lre . i' !•' Hiu's for the tirst, and thirty cents for each . , I'uMication. Vearly advertisements by' spe- ■ 'Utrrii'f', at roasonable rates. Advertisers are r,- ai'stfd t" state the number of insertions desired, or (i,^v will be continued till forbid, and charged accord" A ivi'rti^ements to be inserted inside, charged 50 per ,-eiit. extra. Fire Insurance. U" K refer our readers to the annual statement of tiie .F.tiia Insurance Company, of Hartford, « ..i h will be f.iund in another column. This succcss- • iu'titutitin was incorporated by tlie Lepislature of . jUiiOiUL-ut in ISiy, with a perpetu il charter. Its ii i> ^.')00,n lO, and its accumulations exceed v^'i-i.iiii:! mi>re, makiug its entire assets nvor >;:’>00,- invfsted as detailed in th* statement referred to T ,1-so results indicate that durinp the period of nearly • irty years since its organization, (without a sinj^le I'hiiuge of its chief officer,) its business has been con- iucted with judgment and prudence. It has been :■ i.« far successful in an eminent ilegree, discharging, ttt‘ are informed, all its obligations by the payment ,t yili iut ' /i !rtiU- n ’hollars for losses, witho'it asking a : -,v X delay in any instance. It has had but little lit- ;j :;. >n. uotwith>tanding the immense numberoftrans- ;i •; II.' imdtj. lu order to attain as much cerlaintu as 1 "Mf in such a business as insurance, it has been ’ JTJi.’tico f the Company, for several years, at ,... .1 hii .r. carefully to classify nutl arrange their • ri' iuti- ab lUt t'lfty distinct I'lasses, sn as to ascertain ■ Tu. uiit insured on each class, the amor.nt of ]>re- I’l ' -oiv« I thereon, and the amuunt of losses up- » . . This cla.'sitication, extending over a long j ■ r 1, in 1 covering property to a very large amount,I'ur- -h.-' data, and presents a sound, sul'Stantial i-i' 't actual experience, upon which to conduct its ■ j'luesH. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many >upp'ise; its hazards are ascertainable, and priufiples ■-•apable ot being reducedto a system, the I r:(i ti.,al Working and results nf which are as certain i 'iiat "f any “iLtr busine-y. Tiie -Etna Company, ■i'lii- ring rigidly to its system, and placing its busi- • .'S uj 'U a healthy basis, has obt =iiu d the oontideiice .' the fi'inmunity to an extent surpassed by no other •.uj'aiiy ill the U. States, au'l has increased its busi- ; • and iti income from year to year with a steady wtii. One great source of its security is the wide . ;t:ou of its risks—a pwlicy which it pursues j;reat strictness—limiting the amonut to be cov- ■ - d in each locality. l!y this course it has passed. » Ml c.'iuparative impunity, through si'me of the most pw. . jiing and destruetive tires, wiiu-h have swallowed up ■ ler couipaiiies less cautious in their business. It is '.1 .stem like tliis, based upon experience, which gives '.'iity ani soundness to a company, and to the as- • ri 1 confidence and security. — I'atri it. m\ I\SIRI.\('B (O.MIMM, II VUTl'OUl). CONN'. N iRroRATKD 1S19. CHARTER I’KRPETUAL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11, K. I'.RACE, I’resident. E. G. KIPLEV, Vice i’rc- 5' li nt. T. A. ALKXANDER, Secretary. . t> loKs—T. K. r>race, S. Tudor, J. Chnrch, K i, .• !. NI. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. Bulkeley, R. M .1’i-r. E. (J. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. I’ratt, G- F. ,v;3, \. Dunham, I*. Hill3’er, T. A. Alexander, \V. arc mainly invested in Stocks and Uouds, ntere-t. with *17J,*;'il 'Jl of cash on deposite H irtf'ird Banks, to meet losses. I - due and unpaid—none. adjusted and not due, 05. in suspense, waiting further proof, &c., S”5,- Hawks'^s Hi si or yi i* F O K T II V A il O 1.1 :\ A . The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest comniend.ation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our General .\gent for the State, H, W. llorne of this place, or any of his Assistant .Agents. Tlie price var:es according to style of binding: In handsome cloth i!o; in Library Sheep 5^1 50; in half Culf ->1 75. It is soi,i> um.v kuk ('.^sh. None will be charged, either b\- ourselves or our .Agents. A liberal discoun* will be made where (juftntities are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to any part of the country, on receipt of the price and ‘21 cents to pay postage. The 2d volum« is in course of [(reparation. There will probably be four or tive volumes in all. The sfiic- ceeding volumes will jirobably contain about 500 pages each, anil will be sold at a proportionally higher price, viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding, ‘J6 cents additional for sheep uiid 50 cents additional for the half calf binding. E. J. ll .ALE SON. Fayetteville, April ll'.', 18-')7. P. S. The Agent and his .Assistants design to visit every county in tho State, with the book, as soim as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accompanievl by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. STANDAKI) & :\IISrELLA\K()lS Mi O OKS. »1>. KANE'S .Vrctic Explorations.—cloth, sheep anil half calf; Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, (.'oiiijuest of Peru, Phillip 'Jd, and (’ou(uest of Mexico; Henry Clay's Works. t> vols.; Benton's Thirty \ ears in the L’. S. Senate; Uaiii^l Webster's Works, ii vols.; .Memoirs of S. S. Prentiss; Iriving’s Works, 15 vols., cloth and sheep; Memoirs of Wm. Wirt; Irving's Life «f Wa.''hington, cloth and sheep; Life and Cotrespon- dence of Web.^ter; Com. Perry's Japan Expedition; Ab- bott's Napoleon; The Indigenous Races of the Earth, by Nott i tiliddon; Recollections of A Lite Time, by Goodrich, (Peter Parley;) Huiue and Maiaul.iy’s His tories of England; Hallani’s, Robertson's, Johnson's. EI)l!E\VORTIlFFJUiESFJIN\RV,i I'DRE. FRESH, CIIEIP DRDIIN, ISIIEMWRT.I. iiousK, •fWetfirines^ M^ahtts., fwlass-, A*r. I FAVETTKVII^IjK, iW i\ ^■IHE uiulersigned are prepared to display their | /'Jast Sale oj Green Street^ a feic Doors North of 1 s.atnples for the fall trade to Merchants, Physi- ^ ^ Market IJouse. fJj^lHE Subscriber desires through this me- t>iKi:t:,vsMsoKO\ .v. r. f J^HE Scholastic year is divided into two Sessions, JL commencing 1st .August and 1st January. The course of study is thorough and systematic, em- br.acing everything necessary to a complete, «olid, and ornamental education. The buildings are so arranged as to coiiibine the comforts of a tiome, with the advan tages of a school. 1 nstructors of the highest qualifica tions are employed in each of the Pepartmei ts. No Institution in the country jiossesses advantages supe rior to Edgeworth. T E RMS: Board, including wa.sliing, lights, and fuel, per Session of five months, $*’>0 00 Tuition in the Regular Classes. 00 The next Session will commence on Monday, .August •Jd, IboS. Pu]iils are admitted at an}' time during the Session, anti charged from the time of entrance. t'atalogues coiitaininji all necessary information re specting the Tourse of Instruction, Terms, Sc., will be forwarded on application to RUMIARD STKRLING, rnnnfuil. Greensboro’, N. Carolina. May IS-Os. 17-i)inospd A PKOC’I.AM \ riON, lij/ his h'.ieUrnn/, TiloMA.^ URAtiU, Gorrriior uf' Xorth (’iirolitia. WilERE.AS. it has been rej'resented to me that one .Archibald Mcnouirald, late of the ('ounty Clans, Druggists and others, and to sell on the most advantageous terms possible. Their Stock embraces the most varied assortment of IPritffSy Srienti/ir A’ l‘atent .fMetticines, every variety of X ior Painting., t'hemU'als ttntl i'hemical tt'ares* SPKJKS, SOD.V, and other articles usually found at the grocer’s; SOAP, PKUFrMEIiY, dV., .fr. They especially devote their attention to the pre- {laration of the pure i'od ijirer Oil^ their brand of which has become the standard of su periority throughout the country; in conjunction with this they are bottling, for the s.aiiie class of patients, a superior article of itourhon \%*hiskef/^ which for high proot', delicate tlavor, and ripe age, is unsurpassed by any i^ the market, ;ind is highly es teemed when taken it: conjunction with our Cod Liver Oil, as a valuable adjunct to that celebrated and re markable remecly. . , . .Also, ilirect from the foreign vintages, a large sup- ot'Cnnilierland, did on the ‘J7th day of February last, | ply of >r/A7i’»S and UllA\!>!HS which can be relied dium to acknowleilge the liberal pa tronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and (/arrirtge Sheil convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and tUe public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the pa tronage heretoforo received. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is alwa3’S supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1856. Htitf in said County, kill and murder one Thomas .Munroe, and that the s.aid Mid>ongald is a fugitive from justice, and has escaped l>eyond tlie limits of this State. Now, to the end that the said .\rchibald McDougabl may be arrested and lirought to trial for his said of fence, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, otferiag a Reward of Two Hundred Dollars for his ap[»reheii- siou and delivery to tiie Sherili of ('umberlaiul County. DESCRIPTION. ■McDougald is about fifty years of age, of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of i{iiiek speech, has a scar on the face near one of his jaws, weighs about lt)5 or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while on for purity, proof, tine tlavor and conse'{ueut ellicacy in debility, nervousness, alfections of the bowels and other ailments. ,\n examination of prices is solicited. JOHN C. BAKER At CO. 151 N. ;5d St., Philadelphia, .Aug. 14, 185S. ;i7-'Jm. PETER MALLETT Burke's, .Vddison’s, Hannah More’s and Dick’s Works, i drunk is turbulent and troublesome jjoiuhey’s (’ommou Place Book; Historical Collrciions '■ of Virginia; Dickens’s Complete Works, Di vols. illus- : trated; LaMartine's History of Turkey; The ljueens of Scotland, by Agues Strickland; (Joldsmith s .Animateil | Nature; Noctes .Ambrosiaiue, 5 vols.,—edited by Dr. ; McKenzie; Rollin s .Ancient History; Constitutional ■ Text Book; Millman's tiibbon's Rome: The Statesman's Manual; Tales and Novels of Maria Edgeworth; I’roc- tor's History of the Crusades; Chambers' liiformatii n for the People; Tytler’s Universal History; Boswell's . Life of Dr. Johnson: ('hambers' Miscellany. Di vols.; -Vppleton's Cyclopedia of I’.iography: The Scottish (i.iel; KncyclopcMa .\mericaiia. 14 vols.; Uaverly Novels in i’-, -1 and :J7 vuls.; Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland: DeToC'iueville s Democracy in .\merica: Knight's Half Hours with the best .\uthors; liulwer's Novels, coinj-lrte iii one vol; Plutarch's Lives; .Modern IJritish Essayists: Lyell's Priucijdes of tieolo- gy; T.iles of the .\rabiau Nights, I vol.s. illustrated: ■Maury's Physical (.ieography of the Sea: iventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse; Mrs. Kllin j Family Monitor and Guide to Social Dapjiiness: The i Bachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage; History of the Revolulious in Europe; Lockhart's Life of Walter Scott: Hogg’s Winter Evening Tales: Woodfall's Junius; .McIntosh's .Miscellanies: Hamilton's I’hilosophy and Literature; Mc.\ulay’s Miscellanies; Marshall’s Wash ington: Life of Pinckney; Braude's Encyclopudia; The Prince of the House of David; The Poetical Works of Hcmans. Scott, Campbell, .^lilton, Byron, Moore, Burns, Shakspeare, Xc., in various styles. E. J. HALE X SON. 1> noous. I )M .AT'S Civil Law; L - resir-teu, ; suspicions of fraud, &c.) •'?46,b78 72. tejjr' .\gent of the above (Company in Fayetteville, 1 E. J. HALE. BRITISH PERIODICALS. ';TT ,j- NEW VoRK, continue to publish tiie fi i'.,wing leading British Periodicals, viz; 1. iiiE L:»NDoN (.^U.VRTEllLV :Conservative). ■ I E EldNBURGH REVIEW .Whig). TilE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). 4. IHE W ESTMINSTER REVIEW : Liberal). o. ...A:'KW:^:iD'S EDlNBURiill .MAGAZINE (Tory). Tim -i Periodicals ably represent the three great poli- ■ li parties of Great Britain—W’hig, Tory, and P.adi- but politics forms only one feature of their char- I'T. .Vsiirgan^ -of the most profound writers on ' •ice, Literature, .Morality, and Religion, they stand, !ii;y ever h.ive stood, unrivalled in the w^orld of let- ■ !'. 'i: ;iig i-,,iisidered indispensable to the scholar and lirMti -^si.iiial man, while to the intelligent reader ■ (•'.cry class they lurnish a more correct and satis- ;i ■ .ry ri i-.ird of the current literature d' the day, ■ i-oiiLdioiit the world, than can be possi>dy obtained ;in Hiiy ..ther source. KAllLV COriHS. 1' receipt of .ADV.VNCE SHEETS from the P.ritish ! .isliers gives .additional value to these Reprints, iii- ■ '1' h as they now be placed in the hands of sub- = 1' 'lers aliout as moou as the original editions. TKH.M8. Per anti. K ir any of the four Reviews h ji’ >iny two Ilf the four Reviews 5 00 I 'T ,ny three of the Four lli-vievvs 7 Of* ^ ii ^'1 four iif the Ri-vii-WM M IMI Km) Blackw: I'l s Magazine « 00 h 'T Bla. '.W'jod and three Reviews ■* **0 I" .r Blaekw':.;.! ;iti 1 the four Reviews 10 •►I) / (jyi)ii iils hi /„ III nil iiisis ill udounce. Muiii 1/ I III'l t'iit III ihr Shth irhcrt: ismeil icill he nil 111,1 ,1/ ^„ii _ A discount of twenty-tive p(>r cent, from ihe above j.rice will be allowed to „r.|ering four or more c.pies of any one or more ot ul..,ve works. Thus: F-:ur copies of Pdackwood, ur of one Review will be s. nt to one address for four cpie.. nt the four Re views and Blackwood for ati'l .,n I'OS'i A(IH. In all the principal Cities and Towns, thi'-^e works I be delivered, FREIO OF I’(>.STA(;e. When sent V mail, the Postage to any part of the United St:ile Im but TW KN l'V-Fol'R CENTS .a ye:ir for ‘•B'.uck- • • I, and but FOURTEE.N CE.N l'S a year for each ■1 the Reviews. A. /». The jirii'c III (in Ilf llrilitiii of thejice Inoiliriils iifjot r-uaOlnl /.s 1 yx/• iiiiiiuiil. KemittauccN for any of the above publications should naye I.e addres-^ed, jiost-pai'l, to tlje Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT .v Co., No. 54 (Jold street, New iork. J'\.NM:R\S OIL DRV HIDES. BBL.S. Tanner's Oil, —a superioi'.article: also, a tiue lot uf Dry Hides. For sale by JA8. G. CUOK, deuce; Chitty on Contracts; “ “ Criminal Law; “ “ Pleading; Stephen on Ditto.; Chitty on the Law of Car riers: Selwyn's Nisi Prius,—Am. Notes; Smith's Chancery Practii;e; “ Landlord and Ten ant: “ on (’ontracts: “ Leading Cases; Story on Coutlict (4' Law; “ E'luity Jurispru dence, “ on Sales; “ on Partnership; “ E'juity Pleadings: “ on t’ontracts: Fearne oii Remainders; Edwards on Bailments; Bylcs’ on Bills; Tayler’s Law Glossary; Dart on Vendors and Pur chasers of Real Estate: Broom's Legal Maxims; “ Commentaries on the Com. Law; Adams’s E'luity; “ on Ejectment; Burrill on Ciraum. Evidence; Law Dictionary Leading Cases in E.juity; Tidd's I’ractice—Am. Notes: Hill on Trustees, “ “ Matthews’ Presumptive Evi dence; Powell on Mortgages; (,'antwell’s Justice; Supreme ’ourt Reports, &c-, .S:c E. .1 Starkie on Slander: Sedgwick on the .Measure of Damages: Sedgwick on Statutory and Cons. Law: Hale'» Pleas of the t'rown; Bishop uii Marriage and Divorce; Mitford's Chancery Plead ings; Sanderson L'ses\. Trusts; Hargrave ihi Butler’s Coke ujion Littleton; U. States Digest: Sttte TriaN of the U. S.: Russell on Arbitration: Morris on Replevin; Tioubaton Limited L*art- nership': Sugden on Vendors; “ on Powers; S.aundcrs on I’leading: “ Reports: Addison on (’ontracts; Wharton on Homicide; Wharton ij' Stile's Med- J urisprudence; Newlan 1 on (,'ontracts; Roper on Legacies: Williams on Executors: •• on 1‘ersonal Pro perty: Oliver on (’onveyaiicing; Lube’s E'lUity Pleading: (irersley's Law of Evi dence; Kent's Commentaries; Curtis's CommeutHry; Bradford's Surrogate Re ports; Tapping on .M.indamus; (Irown (’ircuit 'ompanion Wiley’s N. C. Form Book; (Jiveii under my hand and the tireat Seal of [l. s.jthe State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day uf M:irch, .\. D. 1 By tho (Jovcrnor, Tll()S. I'R.AGti. Prt.\sKi Ciiwi'KK, Pr. Sec’y. March 15. OUtf nic;!! Moi N'r rAXNERV. ~ SITUATED 4 MILES W E.T OF W ADESBORO', AN- j SON COUNTY, N. C. 1 OW the ji'inic is over and nobody’ killed in these j diggius, the undersigned still continues to con- ibict the genenil Tannin'j; and Manufacturing 'f all ; kin ’.s of Leatiier, Harness, Saddle.s. Bridies. Boots and .''hoes, ot every si/.e and description—of the very be>t material. l’L\Nl'\TloN premiiini BROGANS N* r to b« surpa.-'C i. -Ml of which he otfer-i and pro- ' jioses to sell or e\chaii'.;e tor Raw Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, and all kinds ot country ]iroduce, on terms to justify and accommo 1-ite his customers according to the times. I Having on hand constjintly a large supplj’ of Stock, he is jirepare i to execute all orders neatly and j'roniptly, with «uch material and workmanship ns nre not to be ex celled by any establishment of the kind in this part of the country in style, ijuality or price, for cash or to punctual customers And in returning hi* sincere thanks to his customer* and friends generally for their former patronage, he solicit-; andloipfs to still merit a continuance of their f;ivors. JAMES C. UARAWAY. March » W-tlJap 1 ^ Uitmin LIMI Foil fiILK. fB^HE Subscriber otlers for sale THIRTV-FIVE I HUNDRED ACRES of Land in as healthy a sec tion as there is in Alabama. FoR'l'V ■AUl’iE.''. on which arc a good Dwelling and • all necessary out-houses, in good rejiair. >NE HUNI)RED andSl.XT^' .\CRES, good rivor bot- ■ tom land, DMi acres of which is under cultivation and produces titie crops of (,'otton «nd t'orn. i NINE HUNDRED and Sl.XTV ACRES Creek and Pine land, on which is 'oine good farming land. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED and FORTY ACRES i Pine land, well suiti'd Turi.entiiie getting. riiis propertj' will be sold clieafi and on accommoda ting terms. j .Vddress the subscriber at .Mount Pleasant P. O., Monroc (Joanty, .\labama. WII.IJ.VM W. ENGLISH. March 11. l'^.'>-‘^. '-'^-ly 1). rOLDEN Mri{R.\Y, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, ti 2 S l> U T 11 S T R E K T , xt:\v voRk\ July 29, 18‘)8. 32- CAROLINA crrv, X. c. ^■IHE .Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad being i now comjileted to Beaufort Harbor, 1 have de termined to locate at Carolina City for tho purpose of iloing a Forwarding and General Commission ■s «i rmg ■ m and hope by jiromptness and gtrict attention to merit jiatronage .and support. Being the .Agent of Mi itu.Av's i.iNi: (IF FiK-^r Ci-.'vss P.\cKKrs to this and Morehead city, every etlort will be made to make this the cheap est and most exjieditious route to New York. Vessels will be loaded and discharged at my Wharf (adjoining the Railroad W harf. l and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particula'- attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shipment of Produce. WM. 1!. GRANT. July 2’.', lb5S. S2-ly LITE INSLRAXCE. raiHE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of 1 the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Coin- j>any. Every member for life ]iarticip:ites in tiie pro fits of the Company: and the premium for life membershij). wiiere it amounts ti> or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Debtors' lives may be insured by creditors. A man may insure his own lit'e fur the exclusive benefit of his family The lives of slaves may be insured. Thit system is rapiilly growing into favor, all over : the civili/.ed wiirld. li is one l>v which a family, tor ,1. \V. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FI K!%ITIJKr. ever ottered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment com plete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side i$oards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stand Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades (.'ornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogouy and Walnut; Tele a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools Chairs of every variety. Fiue Rosewood Pianos, one with .Eolian At tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manu factories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. Septttiuber 2. 45-tf D 40tf The Carriage Factory in the Sottlhl McKETlIAX il A. A ESPECTFL'LLY' informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial I?rick ISuildings at his Old Stand, expressly for man ufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to businesi, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any m l ie in the United States, for ne.atness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as gooil terms as any work done fisewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand. Finished, the L.ARGEST STOCK of a small ium annually, may be provided f^>r, alter the deal, of Us head, .ju whose wxertioiis they may have (Jdrrid^'CS, lidrOUches, OrA'aW'UWi', and beeii depeuacnt lor u support. It is a good iuve»tmeut ‘ . •' of money, «v«u it' one should live long alt«r taking out a Lift Policy Explanatory j.amfihiets, and the necessary Blanks, furnished on application. E. J HALE. II HK.NTISiiiV. TIiok. ^I. .W'lNt! decided on permanently locating w \V\TKK WIIKEI.S: WATKK WIIEKLS!! E are n.>w manufacturing X'andew.iter's Im proved JONVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, for ^Hlls .an 1 Factories of every description: and all ! I'j.VlUUIH(lllOli of ( O/ltlHO/l Scliool / CdcJl- those wishing to improve their water power will find it on permanently locating at Floral Ctdlege, respectfully informs the citizens of tins place an.I surrounding country tliat be is pre pared to ojierate in :ill the various br.inches ot Sur geon Dentistry, and will be happy to attend all calls in his Profession at any 'iuie. Prices moderate. Sati^f.■\ctioa guarantied. July 2'.'. 3.'?tf HALE, & SON. MEDICAL liOOKS. ■ "kUNliLISON’S Therapeutics and .Materia .Medica Wi^ “ .Medical Dictionary; “ Human Physiology; “ Practice of .Medicine; “ on New Remedies: Meigs’ Treatise on (Jbstetrics; '• Woman, and her Diseases; “ 1,’hiidbed Fevers; “ Diseases of the Uterus; Dewees on Children; “ “ Fem.iles; Horner’s .Vii.atorny and Histology; Miller’s Principles of Surgery; “ Practice of do.; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. States; Wilson's Human .Antitomy, by Goddard; Ricord and Hunter on Venereal, by Bunisfeal; W.atson's Practice of Physic, by tJondie; Wotid and Bache’s U. S. Dispensatory;’s Wistar's Anatomy; W ilson on Diseases of the Skin; “ “ the Skin and Hair: Eve’s Surgical (/'ases; (yliurchill on (Miil Iren, by Keating; “ System of .Midwifery, by Condie; “ Diseases of Women by do.; Ellis's .Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes’ and Paget's Physiology; Re^jiinuU’s Elements of ('hemistry; Fownes' ('hemistry for Students: Bartlett on Certainty in .Medicine; Smith and Horner’s .Anatoniit^al .\tias; Bird on the Urinary Deposites; I’ereira s Materiii Medica ami Therapeutics; Carpenter s Human Physii.lojry, i,y Smith; Dickson’s Elements of .Me.jieim.. Taylor on Poison.s, by (iriilith; Burrows’ on Cerebiul Circulntion; Wilson on Sypiiilis- Draper's I’hysndugy—illustrated; 1 Solly on the Brain; Hope on the Heart, &c. &c. ' E. J. HALe’& bon. Oct. 2^), 1H57. ! for their interest to address us by letter, stating the number of tect, head and fall; their usual amount of water: the kind of machinery to be driven. Wu can then give them price ol' wheel, or what we will turnish Wheel and princijial (Jears for, warranted to do a cer- ^tain amount of w.>rk. Tiiiir '/ii'fit h> (I'-'-t tlif tWn'/. and if it does not come up to our figure, the W heel and Gears to be delivereil to us at the mill of the purchaser. RkKKRK.M'K lilVK.N \NI> ItKOI IKEK. IIE.VTH ,V STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Prin.-e (ieorge's county. Mil ROBERT P.AIRD, -Agent. Iticl-'nor ' # ti, f. t. S. WE would call the attention of persons atllicted with ('hills and Fevers to this celebrated Pill, which owes its popularity to no piitfuig, nor to long, windy certificates—but sol(*ly to its own merits as a remedy which never fails to cure when taken .accord ing to directions accompanying each box. This Pill, unlike riiaiiy others, contains no mineral, nor any in jurious ingredient, ami may be administered with per fect safety at all times, to young or old. As a preventive against Chills, or an’ other type d Fever, it is recommended .as unsurpassed; and in treat ment of Fevers g^ncrall}’ it is far superior to (.jiiinine, or any preji:iralion tif Peruvian bark. .\ trial of its merits is all is neede.l to insure it a favorable position in the estimation of even the most inveter.ite opposer if Profiriet.arv or I’.atc'iit prescriptions. ('//A MrioX'S A STl-HILlol S I'lLLS Enjoy the re(iutation of l»eing !it least as good, if not better, than any of the v.arious cathartic Pills of the age, and are entirely free from all iioisonous, mineral, fir other injurious properties, and are highly recom mended in Dysp»‘p.sia. Liver Complaint, Sick Head ache, Sii-k Stomach. Habitual ('ostivene.'S, Indigestion, &c , and of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Bloo'l generally, they lieing by their composition e.iually adajiited to either d the above cases as a gen eral cathartic, good at all times when such medicines are rei|uired. W'e recommend them to the attention of all jiersons. Prepared by F. .M SWYER .'i CO., Belleville, Illinois. Sold liy SAMUEL J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N C. Also, in all flie towns and cities, and by numerous country agents throughout the southern and western States and Territories. F. ,M. SWYER .S; Co., Proprietors, Belleville, Ill’s. June ■!, 1S.')S. I II iini ri:al Es rA'i'i: i'or sali:. ^Ijllli’i DWELLING HOUSE, recently occupied by B Mrs. H. 1*. Lain, and as present occupied t>y the Rev, James McDaniel, near llaymount, will be sold privately by the subscriber. It is locate l in a good neighborhood; convenient to business; in a healthy section of the town; good spring water convenient: and has all necessary out houses attaclird. A gieat bar- I'aiii may be had, as I am determined to sell. LIKERAL. J. McDONALD, Agt. Fayetteville, May 10. fy.s' for Hdrm.ll Coiuttij •'HIHE undersigned, (’onimittee of Examinatiou ot -M. (Jommon School Teachers for Harnett (.'ounty, will meet at the OfHce of the (’ounty ('ourt (Merk in Summerville, on Mond ly. Tuesday and We Inesd.ay of September ('ourt week. .Applicants will bear in mind that the (’onimittee intend to make the xj'inl ot the law, as they uuderstand it, the intlexil>le rule ot their action. D.VNIEL .Mcl’ORMUJK, Cii'm n, | W. M McNElLL, ( oiu. A. 1). McLEAN, ) Aug. Ill Is.')-''. >j'»- ACIIICS OV I.AAI> i!M> l.'oll SAI.K, r I II E Subscriber otl'ers for sale the above i|iiantity I of Land, siiuateil in a he.althy neighfiorhood, three miles from the Wilmington and (.’harlotte Rail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Land is well adapted to Farming, Turpentine, an'l Ton 'I’imber |iurposes, having a good i.inge and other advantages. Those wishing to purchase may find me on the [ire- mises, who will be happy to exhibit it or give any in formation concerning it desired. ANGUS McGILL. Philadelphus, .V. (’., Sept. 1, lS-)7. lutt ACRI’.S OF LAXD KOR SALi:. fH^lIE Subscriber desiring to move to the West oflers ■- to sell the following tr.acts of valuable land. 1 Tract containing 2-‘)t>'> acres in Harnett County IS mile.s North of Fayetteville. There is on this tract, two large and dwelling houses, with all necessary outhouses, together with a good mill running two saws and grist, with about :?(»* acres cleared and ill a high st.ate of cultivation: the remainder is excel lent farming and turpentine land. .Also .anotlier tract containing .100(1 acres of turpen tine land, aliout 100 acres of which is cleared. There is on this tract one good dwelling with all necessary out houses and a good grist and saw-mill. 1 will take pleasure in showing the above property to any person wishing to purchase. II. S. McNElLL. Manchester P. O. Nov. 7th, 1H.57. (i7-ts Bur:ries^ Ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. -All of which will be sold very low for C.^sn, or on sLort time to puniitual customers. He has on hand more than O.NE HUNDRED .AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in course of construction. aoit .\ll work made :iy him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, ami should it fail by b,il workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge, Persons wishing to V)uy would do well to call and exaiiiiue for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable terms. .May 28, 185d. H',i-tf PUBLIC XOriCE fs HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the (’entral Rail Road, from Beiiufort Harbor via Kenansville, t’linton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened oh Tliursday, the lOih day of April 1850, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places and under direction of the following named persons, Cwmmissioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk of the County (’ourt at .l.acksoavilie, and at the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Foiiville, G. J. Warl. J. H. Foy, Robert White, John .V. .Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. lu (.'.arteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. .\ren- I dell at Beaufort. Dr. M. F. Ar«ndell, J. >•'. Bell, L. ' T. Oglesby. I .At the store of (J W. Taylor at (^irolina (Vity,—Col. : Win. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, (Japt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge : .Arendell. In Duplin county, at the oHice of the County Court ' Clerk at Kenansville, — Major (Jwen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B. Kelly, W'm. E Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the otticeof the (.’ounty Court (Jlerk at Clinton,—Thomas I Faison, Dr. Thomas I Bunting, Wm McKoy, Patrick .Murphy, W m. Faison, jj. I' Beam,an. Alt'red Johnson. j In t'umtierland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A. .A .McKethan,—Thomas R. Undorwoo.l, Randal I McDani«l, Edward L. Winslow, J«hn C. Blocker, j Form of subsf riptiiin: i The Undersigned agree tci take the number of shares I of 5i|d() each, set opposite to our names respectively I in tho ('entral Rail Road (’ompany: ami in all respects I to comply with the forms of the Charter. 7///.V.f, CtL,,lSIS, and EARTHEN-WARE. S now receiving his Fall supplies of the above articles. He can supply (’ountry Merchants at Jiricws wfiich he is sure will make it their interest to leal with him. He has for sale, 8(^ China T(ja-S(‘ls, loUO Doz. Coiunisn Cups unl Saucers, 500 “ Fine Do. Do. 100 “ Dishes, 200 Covered Dishes, 100 Doz. Pitchers, 800 “ Plates, 1000 Tumblers and Goblets, 750 liOokin^Glasses, Coffee Mills, Toy Locomotives, and Yankee Clocks,—by the box. And other goods in proportion. In onhr to i/ic’ lirrie to loive ijuoih II FA, I, I’ACK- /’/>, cnuntru iiit ri'liiiuts should !>uy t/itir Crockery J'lJiST. Aug. ;;0.‘ 41-2m XOTIC'E ro rilE JITSTICES. ri^HE Justices of Cumberland (’ounty are requested I to meet at the Court House in Fayetteville, on TUESD.AY of September Court next, at 12 o’clock, for the purpose of receiving tho Sheriff’s Bonds, and transacting other public business. G. DEMING, Chairman. -August 25, 1858. 40-tC •IftefHcal Notice. R. 11. A. McSW.AlN has taken an Oflice on An derson Street, in the rear of .Messrs. Kay & Pearce’s Store, where he can be found by those de siring his Professional services. .August 24, 18o8. I ^I'^HE subscriber has Removed to the Store one door I East of If. & E. J. Lilly’s, where he hopes to meet all his old friends and to make many new friends and customers. tJ- W. I. GOLDSTON. August 25, 1858. 40tf CLIM'ON \mM INSTITlifE. ri'^HIS INSriTUT.', will resume operations on Mon- £ day, the 13th day of September next, under the guidance of the same Faculty and Rules, as for the last two Sessions. For particulars address L. C Graves, Principal, or H A. BIZZELL, Sec’y of the Board of Trusteeu August 2b, 1.'.>S. 40-t>w NORTH (’.VllOLlNA SIPREMI’: c:OlJR'r Rl'J’OR'rS. ■^HE subscribers have just printed at the Observer Office a SEJOND EDITION of DEVEREUK AND HATTLE’S LAW RE PORTS, VOL. 1, REVISED AM) L’OKREI TKI>, WITH NOTKS ANU UErERKNCKS, BY IIOX. WILLIAM II. RAT'FLE, mm OF THE sipreme coi rt of north Carolina. The price of the new edition is not greater than that of the old, though, as it is scarcely necessary to say to the Profession in North Carolina, its value has been greatly increased by Judge Battle’s Notes, References and Corrections. The volume has been long out of print, and we shall be glad to supply the mat.;- Lawyers whose seta of Re ports are incomplete without it, as well as those who iiave the old edition but would like to have the new one for the sake of its notes. E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, .April 5, 1858. THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE LATE HON. JOHN 1). TOOMER, r > It L i:. ^I'^llE valuable Law Library of the late Judge Toomer, £ consisting d' upwards of 1000 bouml Volumes, and several hundred Nos unbound, has f>een deposited with the undersigned for sale. The books will be sold in sets, Fi >R CASH ONi.Y. They are generally in gocd order, though of course bearing marks of use. The prices liave lieen fixed with reference to their condition. Catalogues, with the price annexed to each Tolume, may be obtained on application to the subscribers. E. J. HALE il SON. Fayetteville, June 10, 1858. rilE XEW EDiriOX OF IIEVKRI-LV BATTLE'S L)W REIMIIM'S, VOL. 1, EC FIVES the approval of those who have ex- I tl the ainined it. Chief Justice Nash says. Names. A I'I'.W i!\KUi;i.S i IlOll’E olrl APPLE P.R.ANDY, suitable for making wine and jiutting up Aug. 18 Ci(lt*r \ iiK'^ar, tor Aug. IH. brandj’ fruit W. II, 'mIc by W. H, For sale by CARVER. J8- CARVER. Hesidence No. shares. i ('ash Work. Ilarpcr’s jiiid (Iodev*s Miiga/.in(‘ lor September, just received and lor sale by E. J. HALE & SON. Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and •nay specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the Commissioners of On.slow county are to be notified, and they are reijuired to eall a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Corai»a!iy. .March 15, 1850. I3tf X X u A1. s I'/ r r i. i: m i : x I's. PERSONS indebted to us will be furnished with their accounts dui ing the present month, (except those already dunned; , and we earuestly venuest :i settlement. Every min who raeuis ij pay at all, should pay At least once a \ ear. Persons having accounts against us vill oblige us by handing them in for pavment. E. J. H.VLE 4- SON July 5. 18^S 1 iilaiiks ior sale at tins Ollice. I have looked through it it is carefully and well got up. * * 1 think to our Court it will be inv.aluable —and to the Profession e'|ualiy s >. If will save the labor of deciding the same point .again and again; for th(‘re will be no excuse for Counsel not fieing ap]>rised of points already adjudi cated” Gentlemen of the Bar who hare purchased and ex amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it- For sale, with sets or separate volumes of North Carolina Reports, and Law Books generally, bjr E. J. HALE A SON. s.mall vox dead. 1 ENTLEME.N', you that wish to sell Likely Young W NE(iROE.S, \len. Boys, Women and Girls, for the highest cash prices, would do well to give me a call, or address me at (’linton, N. (J. J A. McARTHUK. June 5, 1858, 17-8mos.pd MEDICA I. Xo riCE. DR.S, E.ASTERL1.N(J .and IIEN.\(i.AN having asso ciated themselves together for the juirpose of practicing .Medicine in Rockingham and vicinity, they i respectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage, and I by their strict and prompt attention they hope to give perfect satisfaction to those who may favor them with their |):itronage. They will attend any call day or iti'/ht. I'r. Easterling takes pleasure in stating to his former I'atrons that Ur. H. is n regular graduate, hav ing read Ihrfc i/eurs and attended two full rourtestjX Lec tures. One or both may be found at itnij hour at their Office opposite the Post Office, unless professionally engaged. H. R. EASTERLING, M. D D. HENA(J \N, M D Rockingham, N- C , April 5, 1H58. 10(Jtf VI >. iioLsro.N or LD inform his friends and former customers that he may be found 2 doors below thet'ajie ; Fear I’iank, and { doors above h is old stand bOuth hide : Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand, Haruess, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his tra ie. lie respectful- ■ ly invite- his 1 riends Irom 1 In- ountry to cait und ex amine Ills stock before j>Mii:ii ising. He will attend to Rep.iii ing of Haniessand Saddles : punctually, and his ch.ii "cH 'hall f>e moderate. lie I would rC'juept all indfbte i lu the firm ot ll(*LSION ' i OVERBY to settle with W. Overby or hiuiielf, 1 they are compelled to settle tie firm’s debts, i August 27, 1B50.