- li,- i r patr \ ■ a ^ i Ills. IH N M' c ", i I ‘ "n at iFAHHTOwinwys! SEMI-WEEKLY. IvN. ^ir-, n..,| [VOL MU.] »t Oo*] A\n n; LL [; MSt ll. ‘ h>i:8^ h sn\ s 1. i. ■ ..p,i l'A\ l/V .t I • ^ AN:=i KS. »s I*- M r t ^ ■ '■ '"'y. tw N , t US. ■% , I -I iiett, f ' '■ ■ *»..r I M J.UO. H;*T A.:iu, a r- t c = O '- ■ - UCCt .. TS X\ ^ \N:. w. a r = li li ■ %% id4»u>, ir-. S’* * igi ' \N(). in/ L ■ la'liailO. Ip'l- IJ e*'- . 'It lii j 'Ml '2, ti ft. C. I V jcr T: l-'K .-i JJ w.-r; uui I |) lien Is . ; ullais ti .jUfc-li ->irij; lu 7} ent» .uj i BON. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEFTEiMBER 9, 1858. [NO. 741.] n;iNTi:i> MitVDAVS AND TIIUKSUAYS. KDWMH) J. \{\l[] & SON, l'l>IT"l’vS AND I’KOPKIKTOHS. Pr'. -o !'’r i!ii‘ St'ini-\ViH'kl_v ()hskkvkb ^i3 00 if paid in ^ V ■. - ; if 'hiriiic the year of suliscrip- ■ r ■> I ;i!'ter the year has expiretl. ■ Wt'i’k'.y ('h^kuvk.k >'J 00 pcranuutn, if paid in V!!: I', >- if I'aid ilurint: the year of subsorip ,,r ■*' ; .ift»'r the year has expired. riM'lSliM I'NTS iiiserteil for sixty cents per j ; ■■ 11, iines fur the first, aiid thirty cents for cac'a : .'I pnMioation. \ early advertiseincnts by spe- j irra.'ts. at reapiinahle rates. .VdverVisei s are! , '. .1 t ■ state the number of insertions desiroii, o'" ! w '■ 0 iMntinued till forbid, and charged accord 1 i t‘rti>ements to be inserted charged 50 { er ' ilre tiisaraitee. • m'l; vffer our readers to the annual statement of V • ' '' V'tiia Insurance Company, of Hartford, V, !i uill be fiaind in another Culuinn. This success- : . .I’.'t 'ution was inoi'rporated by the Legislature of ( ;.!ii i'tu’ut in ISl',', with a perpetual charter. Its Ml ' li i' N.ViO.iritii, luid its accumulations exceed ■V' ' mnre. niakinp its entire assets ever *:10O.- ■ ^ ;nv.'ted as detailed in the statement referred to 1 o'i“ results in.iicatf that during: the period of nearly . : rrv vivirs since its organization, ; without a sinjile j ,\s:e T its -hief utiicer,; its business has been con- ' d with judfrment and prudence. It has been ' ; 'll' 'Uo. I'.'Sful in an eminent detrree. discharpiiip, n re infurmfd. all its oblijrations by the j'ayment r ut '■ for los-;es, without askitig a i- i;ij. iu any instance. It has had but little lit- . !i. nutwithstaudinfr the immense number of trans- ;i- i!M ie. In order to attain as much cfrtinriii/ as ; : in 'Ui h a business as insurance, it has been , • • I ■ lue "f the ('ompany. for several years, at ,-y. ' r, e iref'ully to clH'.-.il'y au'l arrange their ! -, ht. ,lb lilt tii'ty distinct c',ass>‘s. -io as to as>-ertaiii ■ ii; u:it insure'l on each class, the amount of prt- - li i tiiereoTi, .and the anii'unt "t' losses U(i- #■ . Thi' i'1'i.'siticatiiin, extendin': over a b'lif; 1 r i. ii; ' 'vering j'rnperty to a very large anl■lant,fur- i . . ri'iiahle data, and presents a soun.i. sub-t:intial ! ai tu:;! experience, upon which to conduct its ' ui '>. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, a- uiy suppose; its ha.'.ards are as:-crtainable. and • - j ritk ijles capable of beintj reduce'! to a system, the rr i w.irkinjr and results of which are as certain ii> ;li lt i'f any other busines. The .Etna I'otnpany, : ;'iiicring rigidly to its system, andplacing its busi- n- uf n a healthy basis, has obt lined the contidence ; ::!• c 'Uinmnity to an extent surpassed by no other ■ i' :..i 'iiy in the L’. St;ites, and lias increased its bnsi- ’ • i it' inc 'iue t'roni year t - year with a steady J ‘.•ii” great source i>t'its security is the wide . Tiiiu of its risks—a policy which it pursues - ■ ; _Tt' it strictnC'S—limitiu;: t!ie amr int to be c>v- ! in eai-h locality. Hy this course it has passed. V .’;, i-.piiipiirative impnnit}’, through some of the most ^ ing and destructive fires, which h: vc swallowed up '..•■r companies less cautious in their business, it is ■f.'' J . stem like this, based upun experience, which give.* i:-.lity and soundness to a company, and to the as sured confidence auJ security.—liiiltivojrt J\’tr, t. m\ (OMP.IW, IIAini'OKI). CO.NN. :N'.-Hr'SKATED 1^19. CHARTER PERPETUAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11 T K r.HACE, Presilent. E. G. RIPLEY, Vice Pre sident. T. A. ALEXANDER, i^ecretary. biiitiT^iRs.—T. K. Drace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bnlkeley, R. iti.er, n. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G F. A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. .\. Alexander, \V. Kvii''V. !.\»sets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, I i; lig interest, with ^172,tj'>l til of cash on deposite ii. Uii- Hartford Banks, to meet losses. Lu.ses due and unpaid—none. L •: s adjusted and not due, fto. L >(,‘3 in suspense, waiting further proof, &c., L r:"".'resisted, (suspicions of fraud, &c.)->46,678 7 teif' Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, ' . E. J. HALE. BRITISH PERIODICALS. '■ '=11 NEW V'lRK, continue to piublish tiie fi.lluwing leading British I’eriodicals, viz; 1. i IE L')ND«JN quarterly I Conservative). I > UTT E11TX) Il’S T>IiM l l j ^B^HE Steamer F.\NNY will leave Fayotteville for H- ilmington every Monday and Thursilay morn-j ing, until further notice. Will take freight and p.as- I sengers as heretofore. T. S. LUTTERLOU. 1 Feb’y I'-J, 1858. 87- I OfFU K Tk VNSlM)UTATIOX AcKNT, ? Wilmiiiijion & Maiu‘lie>ter Kail Hoad I’o. ^ Wiliiiiiitftoii, >. C., 18tii Am 1858. NOTICE TO rorXTRY MKRl’II.VXTS AND SHIPPERS. ON and after the the 1st September, all (»oods and Merchandize, intended for the interior, or points on the line of this and adjoining Roail, shippeil to the care of the General Transportation .\gent, and lauded on the (’’ompanv's Wharf, will be forwarded Free of Extra Charge and Commissions, and the Marine and back charges paid ami collected with Kail Road freight at the points of delivery. By this arrangement, owners of goods will he re lieved of much expense and inconvenience, and ship pers will find it to their interest to forward through this port. The promptest despatoli may be relied upon. Bills Lading should invariably specifj' for delivery at the Kail Road ('o.'s Wharf oc the West side of the River. JAS. P. ROBERT.'JON, Gen’l Sup’t. Aug 18. 1858. o'J-'im IMIL KIHII MITIIE! T) COUNTRY MERCHANTS. I FAYETTEVILLE Female High SchooL riillllS Seminary of learning, incorporated with Col li- legiate powers by the Legislature of the State, is provided with a full corps of experienced Teachers, new f'hemical and Philosophical Apparatus, and the usual facilities for the .icquisition of knowledge. The Seventh Session will commence on the first .Monday in October. For further int'ormation address the Principal. WM. K BLAKE. Aug. 5. J3o-‘Jui Presbyterian aiul ('arolininn copy. Seh'ct Classical School. PROPOSE to ojten a School for Boys, in the town of Fayetteville, about the 1st of October next, pro vided 1 can get Twenty Scholars. The price of tuition will be ^75 for the scholastic jear. Those who wish to enter their sons or wards will please give me early notice THO.MAS .1. ROBINSOX. Aug. IS, IH'Vh. :{8tf Teacher lVUuiie€f. ^ 11 m E Truetees of Fayetteville Female High School, -B- wish to engage the services of a Lady competent to give instruction in l)rawing. Oil Paintiug and French, or Drawing, Oil Painting and Music. Appli cants will please address, until the L’Oth September, W. K. BL.AKE, Fayetteville. August 21, 1858. ;iHtf Mrs. ('alli.iriiH' .1. \\ ard will resume the duties of hei- School (in -\rch St.) on the 1st Mon day of Oct. 1S5S. Sept. ti. 43-4t WRIGHT & FlLLEIl, .VttoriK'vs and Counsellors at Law, I'ay4‘lt‘vill4s C. 1LEMENT G. WRIGHT and BARTHOLOMEW FULLIIR have associated themselves together for the practice of their profession. Prompt attention given to all business committed to their charge. They will [iractice in the counties of Cumberland, Harnett, Sampson Robeson and Bladen. -Vug. L'8, 1858. 39- I’resbyterian copy. .lOSEPIl liAKEIl, .Jr., AK i\ K V A T I. A \V , \S taken an oilice next door to Wm B. Wright’s II I "kR. J. DAVIS having ni.aneiitlv locating i ii * iHL' L1;1NBURGH REVIEW Whig}. iiiE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW Free Church). 4. !i:i; WE.STMINSTEU REVIEW . Liberal). 5. i.; KW'hsDS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE iToryj. Tiiese Periodicals ably represent the three great poli- t.' i^ parties of Great Britain—hig, Tory, aii'l K.idi- li.—but politics fV'rms only one teature of their char- r ter. .\i Org.-uis of the nmst profound writers on ' . lu e. Literature, Nlor.iiity, and Religion, they stand, ’iiey ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of let- t’" ;ng considered indis[)ensable to the scholar :ind ■ [ I 'te-riunal man, whiie tn the intelligent reader I ■ '.i-ry class they turnish a more correct and satis- ■; ' iry re(!ord of the current literature of the day, ■'i/li'iut the wo'ld, than can be jiossibly obtained : ;iiy other source. HAHLY (JOl’IKS. 11.1 leeeipt ‘A AL'V.\N'E SHEETS from the British "Si>*rs give.s additional value to these Reprint-, in- - I 1 i. is they can ii.jw he placed in the hands of sub- I ' ei> ab lUt as S'.'on .i-^ the original e litions. TKK.MS. m;\v. riiKir. wii km’KIiiiiih s roitk for Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. ERCH.\NTS and others about purchasing their .Im Fall and Wiiiter Supplies, are remie'ted to notice that by the completion of the North Eastern R;ii: Ro.'iil from I'harleston, ' , to Cheraw. the ad- vanta^ri-’s of a 'HE \P and KXPEUITlol'S Route t'r ui the Seabvinrd has been opene'l to them, ^ ,\11 freight eonsi.Mie l to the care of the Agent of the North Eastern Rail R.iad will be forwarded FREI' OF ('(*MMISSloN. No charge will be rn.ade for Stor.nge at Cheraw. .M! go.-il- will be t.iken care of in the Comp iiiy's W;ire- hou>e until -ieiit for. .V schedule of charges for traus}-'rtation of freight will bo foun i at the Post Otlice. a. S. SOLOMONS, Eng'r and Sup't. •\ug. .S. ‘Mtf 'riiiirrv hands \\'Avri:i). f||1IIE subscriber wishes to hire by the Month, or M. I>ay, Thirty Negroes, to work on the Ninth Sec tion of the Western Rail Road. For further particulars in'juirv at the Engineer's Office, Favetteville, or of me at Little River Bridge. O'BKVAN ijr CO. Aug. 10. 38tf \Klill(li:S l.MI Ll.M) FOR SlLi:, ^■''HE subscriber wishes to sell his HOU."'E and Lt)l ^ in Fayetteville, known as the “Farm House, containing about '>0 acres. Also, THREE V.\LU- .VBLE NEGRO .MEN, Edward, Fred and ('harles. Fred and PMw iril are excellent Spirit Barrel Coopers, —all young, nound and beaithy. For terms apply to C. E. LEKTE, or .JOS. B.^KEK, Jr , Att'y for John Eccles. Aug. IH. ;58-tf TARM FOR SALE 1 OFFER for sale my PLANTATION «n the East side «f Ciipe Fear River, 3 miles above the (,'laren- djn Bridge, known as the Toomer Lauds, containing i ..oout 8tX) acres. The Plantation is iu a good btate of cultivation, and is susceptible of being made onu of the most profitable F'arms in the County. I will give a bargain in the lands, and fiiake tiie time ot pay most ; easy if application is made in a few weeks. -Vldress me at Gulf, N. C’. L. .> HAUGHTON. (X-fr !•;. 52- I LANDS EOU sale. I OFFER tor sale about 0000 Acres of Pine Lands ne:ir Fayetteville, conlitinin^ an immense iiuantity ot .Mill Timber, and a nuHiber of Turpentine Boxes. ! and several new ta.^ks may be ‘ premises a fine Dwelling House houses.—Scupjiernong and Isabel! Gr.ipe Vines. — lOOO young Peach and Apple Treej > Lindley's best vari- I ties; also, a good F.\RM of abi ut 150 acres clearci; ' and also a GRIST an ! S.\W MILL: and a tine large Meadow of about 140 acres. The Fayetteville and Coal j Fields Rail Roal passes through thetic lands about a mile from the Mills. 1 will sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but would prefer to sell tlie whole together. Apply to Tbos. S. Lutterloh, Esj., Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pittsborough, N. .1. H. HAUGHTON. Nov. 1-J, 18.57. tlO-tf DEN ris rirr. dvciiled on per il the Town of Fayetteville, respectfully oilers his services to the cit izens of this place and surromiding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is ■iati^t^ed, after an extensive ex]>erieiue, to which is added ;i thorough Dental ediicition, tli.it he I'an give entire satisfaction as f.ar as is in the p.'VMTof Dentistry. .Vll irregulari ties .'f t!ie Teeth treated in a proper and ciriful m in- ner. a> well .as di-;ea-i"s of the mouth. None but the proper metal.' are ni.ide u.-i- of in the various opera- ticns. I’harges will be m iderate, that the benetits of the ProfeS'ioii ni-iy he place 1 within the reach of nil who m-iv feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth (*tli ce over It^mston's .lewelry Store, where he may he found iit all times. I'tf .May 10, l8-j>. c\v\: FEAR l-OK I^TIFTY shares of (’ape for sale For furth li ANK SAF.K srocK Fear B.ank Stock are oli'ered further information apply to •V. .McLE.VN, (’.isliier. Favetteville. .\ug 0, l.'^5^. I'AYi: r PEN ILI.E HO rEL. I^'^R.VNK N. IIOP.KRTS CO., having leased this Hotel, will be pleased to see their former patrons and friends, assuring them that they will use every exertion to please. F. N. RuBkRTs.] [J. G. S.Mirn. Jan’}' 7. 74-ypd Law oflice on Green Stro“t. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cum berland, Bl.aden, Robeson and Sampson. ■March li, 1853. 7'.ltf THO. C. FULLER. • Ittonieif ami VonnseUor at ijtiiv. OFFI(?E at E(/cles's Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Ks.i-, Fayetteville, N. C Jan'y 1, 1857. LOVE HI) ELDUllKiE. mltiorneff at Ijau', WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. I Smithfield, .■Ipril 15, 185(J. yO-tf TROY FI LLER, Attorney.s aii'l (’ounsellors at Law, i l.l >IKI]KT01i, Co., C . |»OBERT E. TROY and JOHN P. FULLER, have : ■ % formed an association for the practice of their | profession in Robeson County. The former will also I attend the Courts of BhuJen and ('oluinbus: the latter j will also attend those of Cumberland. The Office in Luinberton will be kept open at all times. .Jan'y 1, 1W58. 7-'5- SIDNEY A. SMITH, .Vltorney and Couii'^ellor at Law, WILL attend regularly the County and Superior Courts of Wake, Johuston. Cumberland, Har nett, and Wilson. eceiv« prompt attention. 7b-1y S. T. IIAWJiEY SOi\ .Are receiving their FALL AND WINTER supply of UOOTfS awl SHOKS, A large stock, embracing every variety of style and ipiality of Gents’, Ladies’, Boys’. Misses’ and Child ren’s, with a superior article of Servant’s Shaes. —ALSO— 'I'ruiiks; Sole I.catlier; Calf, Goat, Lin ing and JJindin^ Skins; leasts; with Shoe Findino[s ot’ all kinds. Persons wishing articles in our line are reijuested to examine our stock, as we will sell low for iwsii or usu.al time to prompt customers. Sept. 0, 185s. 43-t)W ^1l858. FILL IV!PORTlTI(l.\S! We are now receiving the largest Stock of staple and Fancy I>i*y LADIES’ CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, HOOP-SKIRTS; READY-MADE CLOTHING: HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, U.MBRELLAS, ic., Ever olTereJ l>y ua; which will be sold at Wholesale cheap for cash or on the usual time for approved paper. STARR & WILLIAMS. Sept. 0. 43- VALUAHLE REAL ESTATE F€»K I OFFER for sale my RESIDENCE on Hay-mount. For health there is no place to excel it. There is a fine well of water in the yard. Description is use less Also, the LOT East of my Store. The above property, if not disposed of at private sale, will he sold .at auction on Thursday, 21st October. JAS. O. COOK. Fayetteville, Sept. 1. 43- harij^e Stilv of Real Kstute in the 'Fown of Fnijettei'ille. KY virtue of a certain deed of mortgage, with full powers of foreclosure, made by Samuel Mims to the subscribers, registered in Book C. No. 3, page 480 in the oflice ol the Register of Cumberland County, we will sell, publicly at the Market House in Fayetteville on Wednesday the 15th inst. SEVEN VALUABLE LOTS OF LAND, being with in the bounds of the Town of Fayetteville, situated on Robeson, Barge and Streets; including the highly improved Lot, on which Thomas J. Mims now resides. 11 ere is offered a rare opportunity for investment in Town property. Terms !*0 days credit for notes which will be ne gotiable at the Banks in Favetteville. KLLJAil F. MOORE, EDW'd \S. WILLKINGS, Sept :'>, 1858 43-3t Mortgagees. All business will receive prompt attention. Jan'y lli, '58. o l»r. K. A. IfiI.Al'K, FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Druj Feb'v 7, 1.''50. 70-tf T c:ooi. si’RiNc; mills. *11E Proprietors are prepared to GRIND CORN on the usual terms. The Bedstead Manufacture ii> still carried on at the same place. Jan’y 11, 1H58. 75-tf CHAIRS, CHAIRS. A LARGE lot of Stool-bottom Chairs, made at Co«l im. Spring Mill, and for liale by A. .M. CA.MI’liELL. ‘40y March 'J4, IU)OK-IUNDLN(; kin-ls, execute.1 with neatnesj and de Sin,all jobs when di>ne must be p'lid before THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Anderbon Street. May 14 18.')S. 11-lY IN all its upatcli. ‘ielivered. 500 of cut- There is on the aivl all necessary out- Per ann. K ■! iiiy one of the four Reviews ^3 00 I'^r itiy two of the four Reviews 5 00 'r iny three ot ihe Four lleviewu 7 IH> b'T all four ot tlie Reviews h ()(» F-.r Blackwo.j.i s .M.ig.i/ine 3 00 1" or lllaikwoo 1 and three Reviews 'J 00 tor lllaeKW .1 I aii‘1 the fijur Reviews 10 00 /’11/till lithi l,e iiim/i 1)1 ll/i riisia HI iii/i'dni't' M’itu / I iirrriif ill,. Sf'i/r ir/i, n- itiSliril iri/l hr In'! / (/ ((/ ,. 'MKHIN':;. WA.N TKI) .'sE(iROL'S fora .Missisii[ipi Plantation, Men, Boys, (jirls, and some good Families. EPHR. PAGE, yettcville. May >, 1H5K. H-tf u C;OT !'O.N' ItAlUiI.VG. UNDEE and iUNNY B.\GGING in iiuantities to suit purchasers. For sale by JAS. G. Srpt. !■] COOK. 13tf A d.scount 111 twenty j.t-r cent, from the above pr.ee will lie allowe.l to ( or leriiij; four or more eopies of any one .r m..re :,f the uhove works. Thus: F .ur copies of B ackwi. . 1. ov ,,1 p,,-\iew, will be .-ehl to one addr.-s for lour (v.pi,... view-- and B'.aokwood for ^^!0; and >o (ju A!iK. it) all til-- principal Cities .and Townn, tW. s,,. w,irks wili lie lieliveifil, FREE OF I’O.'^T.VG 1'.. \\ hen sent liiaii, tiie Por-ta^e t'.- any jiart of the Unite-1 .'^tate-- wi,l he l^ut TW EN 1 \ -h( (Ull CEN I'S a \ e.ir lot ••B.aek w.i.-.j, and but FOL R I'EE.N CE.NT.S ji \ear fcr each the KevieWi. A J{. I'hr jirtrt' in (irtnt linf tm of thfjivr J’l-iioi/ira/s iilii)i:i‘-iunnri/ inr tiiiiium. Keinittanees for any ol the above iuhlii-iitions should n.wuvs i-e a'ldreK.-ed, jio>t paid, to the I’ub.ishers. LEONARD S(JulT .'i CO., No. 54 (iold street, .New York. IWNNER'S on. cV DiiV HiDiOS. k BPL.'^. Tanner'.'Oil,—a superior .artic.e; also, a line lot of Dry Hides. For s.ale by JAS. G. COOK. TAKEN FP! A ND committed to the .lail of Chatham county, two Negi'o Boys by the name of HE.SDERSO.N' and EDOM, who say they belong to J. 11. Pritchett, of Luinberton The owner is re'juested to come forward, jirove property, pay prison cliar>;es, and take them away: otherwise, they will be de:ilt with according to law W. D. C. RIDDLE, Jailor. Pittsborough, .July 14. -8- HOFSi:, Lor, AND SEi'.lU). ^1^11 E uudersigiie i wishing to close up their old busi- I nes-j, otr-r for sale the HOUSE and LOT on Hay- nu ntit, formerly oecujiied by Major Gilmore. Also, a .M.(;i!u l!uV 1 ) years of a;rr; having trie i him for the last live months, we can lecoinmend him as an excel lent servant, both for house or out id' doors, sold for no lau.t, but to close old business. ' F. N. & J. H. ROBERTS. I May 1 H.-,H 7-tf OLD lilLLS. i LL persons indebteil to the concern of FR.ANK iV xm .IERR\ and J. II RoBliurs ^ (30., ar« re- jue.-:ted to come forwurd ami settle their bills. If not settled by the last o*' this month, they will find them in the h.ands of a Lawful Collector. J. H. KOUERTd J- CO. May 3, 1868. 7-tf J. WILLIAM 1V\(;E, M. !)., P t TT S B O it O V U t!, .V. . »R. F.\GE may bu found at his ottice when not professionally «ngage l. ■May 0, l!'57. 5tf JA.S. C. S.MITII. MILES COSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Factors, Comuiissioti am! M\fr- tvardi• HcrcUants. WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT attention given to sale ot TIMBER, LU.M- BER, N.W.VL SroRES and all kimls ol Produce. Liberal advanceiuents ma le on Consignments. Refers to E. P. 11\ll, Pres’t Branch Bank of State. H. R. Savaoe, Cash'r Bank Cape Fear. Joh.n D.^w- so.N, Esij. ■\pril -5, 1858. 5-1Y Presbyterian copy. D. A. LA.MON'F, Commission Merchant, Wiliiiiii;;:lon, .\. 1'. OFFICE 38 NORTH WATER STREET. Personal attention given to all produce sent to FILL i.\D \lli\TER HOODS! A WE have received a part, and are daily expecting the balance, of our Fall and Winter supply of sr.,iso.v,iiSJLK aoous. Embracing a very large stock of STAPLE and F.\NCY DRY GOODS, HATS and CAPS. BONNETS. UM BRELLAS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c , Aic., &;c. —ALSO— •About 400 Cases of BOOTS .AND SHOES—well as sorted, all of which we are disposed to sell at low prices for Cash or good paper. H. 4' E J. LILLY. Sept. 4, 1858. 43-Ow THE OLD DO.MINION COFFF.H POT. I'^R. H.VLL, of New York, in his .J iuriiiil of lltalth M-W for July, 1H58, says:—“We coiumend the (Hd DumiiiKin CvfTtr Pot to all lovers of good coff'ee, as we personally know that it is one of the “new things’ offered to the public in which no imposition is prac ticed. and which has the double v.,uchers of science and common sense.’’ For sale at tlie CROCKERY STORE. Prices: — 1 UUAKT, Vl.ao: li QUARTS, •'iil.7.'.: U QUARTS, ¥2.00; o QU.VRTS, ^2,35: 4 QUARTS, ^3.00 Bu}’ one if rou like ijon'l coifte. 1 ’ AV* N. TILLINGHAST. Sept. 1, ’58. 41-2m .ILST RECEIVED! FEW Firkins CHOICE GOSHEN BUTTER; also a few Bbls. Extra F.-imily L.\RD: ii superior ar ticle Sugar House Sirup: Sugar, Coffee, Soap, Brooms, Buckets, Pails, Tob.acco, Segara, &c. Also, a lot of Fine Smoking Tobacco. For sale by D. ANDERSON. Sept. 4. 43-3t W INE! W INE!! IF j'ou wish to make GOOD WINE, call on the sub scriber and buy your Brandy. Country Apple Brandy, Old Nash Brandy, on hand and going off rapidly. C. E. LEETE. Sept. 4 43-Im FINE CHEW INO POHACCO. (UST RECEIVED, 10 boxes of that FINE ROCK CANDY TOBACCO. W’. H. CARVER. 42tf him Nov’r 0. either for sale or shipment. 57-1ypd ,irST RECEIVED. LBS. choics GOSHEN BUTTER; out) lbs. LEVF LARD; —ALSO— A lot of FINE SEG.VRS and TOB.VCCO. For sale by 1). ANDERSON, North-west (^or. .Market Square. June 28. 23- Aolicf to IVidowr. rB'^HE Widows of Mexican Soldiers, and the Widows JL of .Soldiers who in skkvice in the war of 1M2. Can have their pensions continued by calling on the undersigned, Coi.gres-t having made additional provision for them. tiive me the management of yotir claims, and the money shall come ;it un;e, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE. Agt. for Pensions. Fayetteville, .)line 12, 1S5S. 11»- PLRLVl.VN (iUVNO. ^I^HE undersigned has made arrangements by which he is prepared to furnish at lihorl notice, any re quired quantity of i\o. I l*(‘riivian Guano, all of which will be from direct importations, into the Port of Wilmin;ton, and warranted pure and getinine Orders for the above excellent fertilizer are solicit ed, to which prompt attentii>n will be given ,\s this is an article whii:h does not admit of l)eing sold on time, c.ash or its eijuivalent must accompany each order, BEVERIA’ ROSE. J .liy 8. 20tf MILIl'ARV (iOODS, Swords, Saslies, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces AM) I:II;KV UKSCHII'TMIN IIK tllLll.lRV CIIODS, A«’rnHlUNi TO TIIK Ijftfenf /. iS Armif attii Sfafr /^fuju/dftaNS. Si'lll VLER, HARTLEY ^ liRAIl.VM, : Tipous&N A ici:ks I '.f M A I 1) E N L A N E, .yfit' fork. .lune 3(1. 24-ly TIN PLATE, Iron, Iron IVirt', 4'OOKI'«^ TB\-WASSi:. .\lways on hand, at Wholesale or Retail JWOl IXh\ t; I TTKRiyG, And all kinds of .lobbing, done at short notice, by C W AM»KEWS, Market Square, Fayetti'ville. July DEI-:!’ RIVER COW.. rftlTUMINoUS COAL of the b'jst quality can be had at the works it Egypt, at'a reasonable price by the Ton. W.\i. McCL.VNE. .Mining Engineer, May 21, 1850 G-tf BLANKS lor sale at this Office. JOHN M. CLARK, Coiiiniissioii I'oruunlin*^ Morcliaiit, WILMINGTON, N. C. ! WILL give prompt attention to sale of Country Produce, Naval Stores and Cotton. > nt /"r UufU ami Orri/l'n I/me of .August I'J, l»5h. ;-tStf W. H. TURLINGTON, I’oiiuuisslon Mercliaiil, No. 4 Xorlti Water St., WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL give hi5 prompt personal attention to tlie sale or shii>meut ol all Consignments uf Naval Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8. 1H50. tt Worth Sc Utley, l‘'or\vai(lm^ and (i(MU'ral Coimmssioii MERCHAN rs, i'aifetteville, »V. 4\ J. A. WORTH. (^-tf) t'TLKV. T C. & B. G-. WORTH, Coimnissioii vV Korwardinir ,M('rcl»:mts, lirouit s Huililiiiif, ,V. Usual advances niacle on consignments. Nev. 11, 1857. 5'.t tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. i ^3 ?l I I A AND roRW .\RDIN(i MERCHAN'r, ll*iltnitiSto3t ^ .V. f. I’rompt personal attention given to all (Uin- siguinents, ami (,'ash advances ma^ie on Produce to be shipped to other porta or sobi in this market. Feb. 12, 18)5. Oi HORSilS A.M) MI LES. j "^.N riiursday the lOth inst , at 1 I o’clock, at the * ^ Market House, 1 will sell a Likely Voung Horse and Two .Mules. I'he above property sold under provision .f a Deed of Trust inadi* to me, whicli is duly proved .and re- cor leii. Terms made known .-it sale. W. TROY, Trustee. Sept. 0, 1858. 4;{-ts SHAD! SilAD!! Vnew supply of excellent (Connecticut River and Nova Scoti:i SH.\D. Just received anil for sale either in H.alf iibls. or by retail. W. C TROY. Sept. 0, 1858. 43-1 m THE srnsCRHiER f |?1.\KES this method of informing the public that he £ has taken the Store recently occupied by J. Davis, one door below J. AV. Lett’s and opposite the Cape Fear Bank, where he will be pleaseil to see all his friends .md customers, lie will keep coustantij on Iiand a good assortment of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. PROVISIONS AND LIQUORS, Which he will ."lell low for cash or on time to punctual customers. J,\MES W. SELLERS. Fayetteville, N. C-, .Aug. 31, 1858. 42- ;ooi>s ^■IHE subscribers adopt this method of informing M. their friends (and the public generally) that they are now receiving into store a very large and general S'l'OCK OF (iOODS, EMBR.VCING K ov le11^:^, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, A A: c . All of which the^' are disposed to sell at reasonable profits for cash, or on the usual time to responsible purchasers who are in the habit of paying. Geo. McNeill. D. A. Ray, H. L. Myrover, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, ‘ N. A. Stedman, . S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, I VVni. McLaurin, GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. 31- July 20, 185.'^. JAMES KYLE Is now receiving his Spring supply of DRY G-OODS. Among which are— ■ prints. Lawns, anl Brilliantes: M Col’d and Black Silks; Irish Linens and Diapers; Farmer's Linen, Twilled and Plain; (’assiiiu-re and Merino Twills; White and Col’d Cotton Hose; Bolting Cloths, So 0 to 1(); Silk and Straw Bonnets; Kc. With almost every article in the Dry Goods line; all of which has been purchasecl by the packajje at the late sales in New York and Philadelphia: Will b.* offered cheap for v-ash or on time to ]>aying customers March 1^?. 185*'). t*3tt Carolinian copy. COri’ON RONDS rOR SALE. ■'HE Western Rail Road Co. have for B«le in amounts to suit purchasers. Sept. 4. FAYETTEVILLE MLTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. '■IHIS Company has been in operation more than ■ five years, and has paid its losses, amounting to •'i'l'',12(i 'Jo, without any assessment: insurance aver aging its members about per cent. Policies issued to 1st of .M.ay, 1858, 270'.*. .Amount of property now insured, $1,474,922 34. .Amount premium notes now on han'l, ^>224,'.*08 2-’’.. Cash premium.s received, !j!'>2,317 41. Dikkctors. S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghast, -A. A. McKethau, J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Cook, A. W. Steel, Jas. Kyle, J. G. Shepherd, , R. F. Brown, Wilmington, .A. E. Hall, Wilmington. Okfk’f.rs. GEO. McNEILL, President. D. .A. R.\y, Vice President. C. -A. McMili.a.n, Secretary. John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Travelling Agents. The Company invite applications. May 21, 1858. 13-Y Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. STATEMENT OF THE m\ fO.HPlW, ll.\KTFOKD 4'OAW. I.NCORPORATED 18I'.t CR\RTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $1,000,000. E. IJ. RIPLEY, Presldfiit. T. \. \LE\IM)ER. Vife Pres’l. T. R. BR.U'E, Jr. Ser’y. ASJoKT*!* .11 1.1 I, 1S5S. .Market Value. Cash in band and in Phn-nis Bank, .'i> 40,122.60 Cash on Special Deposite in Banks, with accrued interest, I Cash in hands of Agents and in transit, I Real Estate unencumbered, 1 .Mortgage Bonds at 7 per cent, interest, • * i; .1 Jersey City W’ater Bonds at i Hartf’d •“ “ “ •» ! .Milwaukee “ “ “ 10 . Brooklyn “ “ “ 'i ; Rochester “ “ “ 7 ; U. St.atos Treasury Notes 5 State of Tennessee •'> I “ “ Kt'iilucky, 0 “ *• Missouri, 'i I •» “ New York, •> I •' •* Ohio, 0 “ Ohio. *’> Mi^OOl 00 144,719 05 65,383 01 44.000 28.000 perct. interest, 24,000 25.000 5,000 10.000 25,250 2,5(M» “ '.),0(I0 10,300 21,0U0 “ “&int 28,750 “ (1800) “ 51,000 “(ISHO) “ 2'>.500 M.ney dui' the Comji’y seC’.ired by .viortgage, 1,418 04 Bi’ls ReceivaO’e, 01,4'.*'.) 34 HarH'ord \ New Haven Rail Roail (’o. Stock, t»O,(M)0 Boston X Worcester Connecticut River (Jonnecticut River Company, I Stafi'ord Citizens Eagle Plin'iiix of flit' Ooupmi liotlds of the (]ouilty of Farmers iV .Meehaiiic^ mberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable I-.xoli.uiire Bank St W.aterbury, Providence, ll.artford. t'umberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payn spiiii-annually on the 1st June and the Ist of l)ecem- ber. and running 20 years. 89D,(M)0 of tlie ('onpon Hoiitl.s of the Tmvn of Fayetteville, bearing •> ]>er cent interest, jiayable H‘‘mi- annually on the 1st .l aiiuary and the I si of .luly, and runniiiK 20 years. These bonds were issuecl in accordance witti law to the Western Rail Ri^ad (^o.. to pay the (’ounty and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the priee the Co. is sellirg tliein) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For ternia .'ipply to B. .M.ALLETT, E.sp, Pres't or to JNO. .M. RO.SE, Treas’r Western R. R. Co. Fayetteville, Feb’y 2*i. 1H5S. 8‘.Hf DOIililV For Rent HOI si«: or Lea.se. rglllE Le.‘ ise of the present Proprietors of this wel’ known House will expire on the 1st Jannary, 185S; the pr.{ierty is ottered for lease or rent 1> a person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an excellent opf>ortunity is ottered. The building is large, well arranged and in complete repair: its location will always command for it an extensive I'atronage. .\S the present Proprietors intern] changing their busi ness, the Furtiiture, which is ntany new and in good ordi'r, can be purchased on favo'able terms The House wili be delivered jn or after the 1st of January, remaining open under the present manage ment till a tenant is obtainel. The fine Store in the same building, fornierly occu pied by Mr. Win Booth, is also offered for rent. JNO. H. COOK, Prest. Dobbin House Co. Dec’r 1 (>, 185. fi‘*-tf iJlanks for sale at tliis Office. St ite City ‘ County r. iniecticut River Hartford ‘ Charter Oak ‘ Merch.int' M inuf. ‘ Aetna ' Mechanics .V Traders ‘ Meichants ExchauLie ‘ No th River Mechanics ‘ N'ortii American Nassau -\merica Bro.idway Peoples ‘ Ri-publie ‘ ('iiy ‘ Union ' Hanover ' I'ommon wealth ‘ PiHcni.x ‘ ^l inhattan ‘ N«'W York Nlarket ()cean NletropoMtan Butchers .v Drov> i-s J Importer's T .a lei's .American Exchange \|erch iiits I.'. S Trust Company N Y. L. In. S Tru>t 'o KJ.272 12.500 1,251) 5,250 5,2'>0 I,H72 30 00f» “ 40.O0O 13.500 27.000 11,3(J0 .'.,.500 '.*,787 50 50,125 1(»,300 10,(X»0 lo.Ooo .lers''V City, 1,500 S'-w York, 10,100 ‘ 10,00(t 31,.500 2i,t;oo 30,(too 31,2(JO “ 25,0('K» 10.100 23,4»m* II,750 21,900 3,000 “ 9,00i* 10 800 20.500 32.400 20,8(M) 1W.4O0 43,4(J0 22.400 31,800 41.400 41,090 ll.l-'OO 24,750 $l,00'i,140 10 l.I.AIilLl riKS; For claims adjusted .and unadjusted and not due J*(103,714 58 Agent of the above Company at Fayetteville, E. J. HALE.

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