I,. , ' “ Ih* , J g‘'n«r». ■! * f u*e. t » . h T..’ imp A. L V -N A KI'oK ' '« ':js. : ^ HK- ^1’ I I.I.. t'ill ! \K(IL1\\, li \ ^ )N i'lMN i ; t. a.'. 1 I. Ji>KK \ ‘ N ' vl ! til K. r. A i .^n )RT L.N I tir.; Oil . It-' l.l l:. fr V ■ •■' >v. i ;io .' is .* . re P • ‘I'f li: n i. H ' , .a m' vjti - r . 11 i ■ M . : ;;r..,:., lii, \ i r’K>. in ft. it It. ill; h )'. [1 :i f r.- h‘I’ in ih' t Nu-J. . . I ll BT j t U'l t ■ . r - ! • . 'hat . vscru uui- ■ • pui'tntu - J-V ••IIOUK*' r.-r' ,t;iig 1 r- cent* :r..m !ji & eo»- w> SEMI.WEEKL. Y. [VOL VIH.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER l3, 1858. [NO. 745.1 1 iUNTKU MOND.'VS AND TMUKS1»AVP. r.DWAIM) J. 1I\LK & SON, nUnUlS KND VHOPKlKTOKt?. Pr'i’p f'T ' '' ^>''iH-"'oekl_v Ohskhvkk $3 00 if piiiil in a ; ■)'* if jiaiil diiriiij; the year of subscrip- :i n. 'T *1 (it'tor the _vo!ir has pxpireil. f r Wffk’ v OusKUVKK $‘J itO jicr if paiil in :i ivruii f. "f- '>0 it during the year of suliscrip" 11 ii; :'T ^ 01) iil'tor the yciir has exjiireii. AlsVKHTl^'HMKNTS iiiscrteil for sixty cents pjr f u irt- .'t' I'i lino? fur the first, atul thirty cents for each ^ , t .■ liii,:; piihlii-ation. Yearly ailvertisements by spe- .iitr u-t-;. at reasonable rates. Ailveniseis are r,. , i,',te>l t . state the number of insertions ilesired, I (■• . ■ w .; 'O :•'iitinuoil till forbi'l, and cliargeil accord I I .IJTTERI.OirS UN I-: StPfimer FANNY will leave Fayotteville for Wilmington every Moinlay and Thursday morn- injr, until further notice. Will take freight and ])aa- senpers as heretofore. T. 8. LUTTEHLOIf. Feb’y 2‘2, 1858. 87- A .■rtiseinents to be inserted i/isa/c, charged 50 per ‘xtra. \\ Fire Mnsuiuince, K refer our readers to the annual statement of tiie -Ktna Insurance Company, of Hartford, :i will lie found in another column. This success- f... iustitutiou was incorporatevl b\’ the Legislature of . liiui iii'ut in with a perpetual charter. Its - t.i'i !' ^■'>’»*,'''I0, and its accumulations exceed ■V- .1, . 'ii'iore. making its entire assets ever -S^^OO.- I •. iii\ • ~ti 1 .'I' dct.iilfd in the statement referred to !: •>’ n-sii't' indicate that during the period of nearly 1 ity VMirs .'•iiice its "rsanization, (without a single : ; ':jc ’ ifs ? I,;!-!' ofHcer, > its butiiuess has }>een con- ' d w^th judgment and prudence. It has been -.ui-cessfu' in an i-minent degree, discharging. He :ire Mi;.irmcd, all its ;ihUgatinns by the payuiL'nt ■lit /•’ for losses, without asking a . ' ! . in ;i:iy instance. It ha- h.ad but little '.it- ■ i., U' twitli'tandiiiL' the imm. nse number of trans- i.. I ie. In ordt-r to attain as much i-riu-my as ' ' ' li h a business as insurance, it haa been ■ ‘‘e 'f t!ie (’•onpany. f'.r several years, at ' 1 . r. I'aretully to cla>.'ify and arrange their r.- : ' -u‘ tii’ty distinct cla'ses. so as to ascertaiti ; i!" -a '.lisuie l ou each c!a^s. tiie amount of pre- ; i thereon, an t the amiuint of losses up ■ • : . : Tli.s cl'issiticatinn. • steiiditig -ver a 1 'Ug i,:ind I'i vcring pr.ipertj. to :i very large ;imo\int,tur- - - !• '■ !■ dat.i, an 1 pr(‘st nt>j a sound, siibst.mtial ■ ' I . ”1.’ experience. u]^"n wliich to conduct its ■- -r. insurance is not a matter of luck or cliance. S' '■ iiiv suppo-.!.-; its hazards are ascertainable, and ; ;• j r.:i ; vies capable of bein;,' reduced to a system, the . .1 , • ■ u; Working and results of which are as certain ' u I any ..till r businrs Tlic .Ktna Coinf.any, !iiti“ring rigi.lly to its system, and placing its ousi- upon a healthy basis, has obt iine.l the contidence thi Community to an extent surpassed by no other ■ 'upany in the L. States, and has increased its busi- " :iu i its income trom year t> year with a steady jT iktn t>n.’ great source .1 its security is the wi.le : -Ti'.utiou of its risks—a p.ilicy which it pursues .. great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov en- 1 in each locality. By this course it has passed, « th c.iniparative impunity, through some of the most . rwi-i ping and destructive fires, which have swallowed up ■ ler companies less cautious in their busine-s. It i» ^ y^tem like this, base.l upon experience, which gives : '* ibility an 1 soundness to a company, an.l to the as- aurel confidence and security. — m\ mum io.mp.i.\v, ii.vin roKi). co.N’x. INruIlP.iRATED ('HAllTEK PF.RPETUAL ' Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11 . K liP.ACE, I’resid.ut. E G. Kll'LEY, Vice Pre sident. T. ALEX.ANDER, Secretary. Rs.—T. K. Brace, S. Tu.lor. J. Church, K. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, OfFU'I: 'rRANSl’OKTATlON AlJI’NT, ^ Wiliniiiicton & Manchester Kail Road (’o. ^ IHxii Arc 1858. NOTICE TO (^OUXTRY MERCII.WTS AND SHIPPERS. ON and after the the 1st September, all («oods anil Merchandize, intended for the interior, or points on the line of this and i.ijoining Road, shipped to the care of the General Tr.ausportation .\gent, an.l lauded on the Company’s Whar", will be forwar.led Free of Extra Charge and Commissions, ttn.l the Marine and back charges paid and collected with Rail Road freight at the points of delivery. Hy t!ii,s arr.'ingeraent, owners of goods will he re lieved ol much expense and inconvenience, and ship pers will find it to their interest to forward through this port. The promptest despatch may he relie.1 upon. Bille Fi.a.ling should inv.iriably specify for ilelivery at the Hail Road Co.'s Wharf oc the West si.le of the River. JAS. P. ROBERTSON, (Jen’l Suji’t. Aug. 18, 1858. ;i'J-‘.*m KtlL KOll) .\OTI('i:! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. FAYETTEVILLE Female High SchooL ^K'^lllS Seminary of learning, ineorporatod with Col- K- legiate powers by the Legislature of the State, is provided with a full corps of experienced Teachers, new Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus, and the usual facilities fur the acquisition of knowledg#. The Seventh Session will commence ou the first ■Monday in October. For further information ad.lress tlie Principal, WM. K. BLAKK. Aug. 5. ‘So-2111 I’resbyterian and (''aroliniaii copy. Select Classlctil School. PROPOSE to opeTi .a School for Boys, in the town of Fayetteville, about the 1st of October next, pro vided 1 C!in gei Twenty Scholars. The price of tuition will be ^7i) for he scholastic year. Those who wish to eiitir their sjns or wards will please give me early no'ii'P THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Aug. 18, I8-=>.-^. :58tf Tetfciier lW*agiieft. fipilE Trustees of Fayetteville Female High School, iL wish to engage the services of a Lady competent to give instruction in Drawing, Oil Painting and French, or Drawing, Oil Painting and Music. .Appli cants will please address, until tlie ‘JOth September, W. K. BL.\KE, Fayetteville. 8‘ttf I WRIGHT & FILLER. iVttorneys and Counsellors ;it liUw, I'sty**U«“Vill«?, C. CILEMENT G. WRIGHT and BARTHOLOMEW V FULLER have associated themselves together for the practice of their profession. I’rompt attention given to all business committed to their charge. They will practice in the counties of (Juinberlau'l, Harnett, Sampson Robeson and Bladen. Auk. '-i-i, 1858. 39- Presbyterian copy. JOSEPH HAfvER, Jr., ATTO K K V A T I. A W , .vs taken an office next door to Win. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cum berland, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 2‘i, 1853. 79tf II S. T. HAWLEY SOi\ Are receiving their F.ALL AND WINTER supply of BOOTS and SilOKS, A large stock, embracing every variety of style and tpiality of Gents’, Ladies’, Bo^’s’, .Misses’ and Child ren’s, with a superior article of Servant's Shoes. —ALSO— 'I'runks; Sole Lcutlier; Calf, Goat, Lin ing and Hindin^ Skins; I.asts; with Slice Findings of all kinds. Persons wishing articles in our line are reijuested to examine our stock, as we will sell low for ash or usual time to prompt customers. Sept. C, 1858. 43-Ow ■August 21, 1858. .Mrs. Ciithnrine the duties of her School 'lay of Oct. I s58. dept. 0. .1. Ward will resnme in Arch St.) on the 1st Mon- 43-4t FayettcvilU' izcns i f this ]'l icf L; r. -r Ma: M. .V. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, R. •. E. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, II. Z. Pratt, G. F. .■iv'.s, Dunham, \). Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, W. K'.-ney. The .\ssets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, ' i; mg interest, with •■j;l7li,t}tj4 01 of cash on deposite t:-e liiinford Banks, to meet losses. L' "fs 'lue and unpail—none L'.sse.' adjuste.i and not due. *21,313 0.5. L. in suspense, waiting further proof, kc., ^75,- Li sse> resisted, (suspicions of fraud, Jic.) >^46,ti78 72. 5Q5“' .\gcnt of the above Company in Fayetteville, N. > . E. J. HALE. BRITISH PERIODICALS. L, S ''IT .j- C(J., NEW V(^RK, continue to publish the following lea.ling British Periodicals, viz: 1. HiE London quarterly IHE EDINBURGH REVIEW ■ Conservative). Whig). Free Church). m;\v. ( iii;\i\ wn km'kimiiiii s kim tk fok Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. KIK'H.VNTS aii-l others about purch.-ising their Fall and Winter Sujijilies. ar*‘ rc.juested to notic.*, that hy the completion of the Nirth Eastern Kali Ro.id from Chariest.>n. S (' , t.i {'heraw. the a l- vantages of a CHE.AP an l EXPEDITIOUS Route from the Seibnar l has been opene.l to them •Ml freight consi-.rued t" the care of the .Xg^'iit of th« ■North Eabtern Rail Roa'l will bo forwarded FREE (.(F C »^I MISSION. No charge will be made for Storage at Cheraw. ■\11 goods will be taken care of in the Company's Ware house until -ent for. A schedule of charges f.ir trauiportution of freight will be found at tha Poit (Jffice. S. S. SOLOMONS, Eng'r and Sup t. • Aug. S. 34tf rimrrv iiaxds wanted. ^■^HE sub.scriher wishes to hire by the Month, or Da}’, Thirty Negroes, to w^ork on the Ninth Sec tion of the Western Rail Road. For further particulars in.juirw at th« Engineer’s Office, Fayetteville, or of me at Little River Bridge. O'BRYAN .j- ’0. Aug. Dj. 38tf .\i:(:r(ii;s a.mi limi for sili:. nilE subscriber wishes to sell his HOU.''E and LOT in Fayetteville, known as the “Farm House," containing about *iO acres. Also, THREE V.ALU- ■\BLE NEGRO .MEN, Edward, Fred and ('harles. Fre.j and E'iward are excellent Spirit Barrel Coopers, —all voung, liouud and healthy. For terms apply to C. h. LFETE, or JOS. B.VKEK, Jr., Att’y for John Eccles. ■Aug. 18. 38-tf EARM FOR SAf.E 1 OFFER for s.ale my PL.\NT^\TION »n the East side ef ('ape Fear River, 3 miles above the (,'lareu- din Bridge, kncwn as the Toomer Lands, containing ..nout 8>(J acres. The Plantation is in a goo'l st.ite of cuitiv.ition, an.l is susceptible of being made on« of the most profitable Farms in the ('ounty. I will give a b.irgain in tha lands, and make the timo of pay most easy if applii' ition is uia le in a few weeks. Address me al Gulf, N. C. L. HAUGHTON. I (tct'r I'i. 52- DKNTIS rm . ■ '^R. J. D.W'IS having dccidel on per- manently loctiting in the Town of rcspt'i'ifuliy otlVi's his services to the cit- ind Mirr.'unding country. In all the v,ifiiai- hriinclies of his Profession, inclu'Iing the mnnut'acture of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Dent.al e iucnti.in, th.it he can iiive entire satisfaction as far as is in »he p.iwt-r of Dentistry. .All irregulari ties of the Teeth treated in a proper and cari ful man ner, as well as disi- ivs ..f the nMuth. None hut the proper mft.als are nia.k- use of in the various opera tions. (’li.iriTPs will be m i.lerate, that the benefits of the Profession ni ly be- p! icc.J w ithin tlie reach of ull who may fVel an interest in the preservation of th« Teeth Office over H )Uslon's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. .May 10. 1>58. ' 'Jtf CAl‘i: FEAR li\NK SrOCK I-on SALE H ,11 FT Y shares of Cape Fear P.ank Stock are ofl'ered ■- for sale. For further information apply to A. McLE.VN, C.'ashier. Fayetteville, .Aug. 9, 185, THO. C. FULLER, »itlorncf/ fintt i^ottnsetlor nt ijatv.: OFFICE at Evcles’s Bridge, recentlj- occupied by James Banks, Fsip, Fayetteville, N. C. Jan'j 1, 1857. LOVERD ELDHIDGE, ~ •§ttorueif at Rjuw^ WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithfield, .April 15, 185'J. 9(i-tf TROY & FI LLER, Attorneys and Coiin.sellors at Law, l.l >IKI:KT0H, KOItlX».\ Cu., c. ■ BOBERT E. TROY and J(HIN P. FULLER, havo formed an association for the practice of thcii profession in Robeson (’ounty. The former will also a'tend the ('ourts of Bla.len an.l ('olumbus: the latter vrill also attend those of (,'umberland. 'I'he Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. J.'*.;i y 1, 1858. 73- SIDNEY A. SMITH, Att(irney and CouiHellor at Law, c., WILL attend regularly the (’ounty and .Superior Courts of Wake, Johuston, ('umberland, Har nett, aii'l iVilson. All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Jan’y 12, ’58. 70-ly o l>r. K. A. KLAC'K, FFICE Front Roonis, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug St#re. Feb'}- 7, 1850. 7C-tf 1 FAVE'FTEVII.LE IIOTEI.. t^Hi.VNK .N. R015KKTS & •’>., having leased this Hotel, will be pleiiiied to see tlfeir former patrons and friendu, assuring them that they will use every exertion to please. F. N. RoBKKTa.J [J. G. S.MITH. Jan y 7. 74-ypd COOL S1»RI\(; MILLS. ^|''HE Proprietors are prepare.l to GRIND CORN on I the usual terms. The Bedstead Manufacture ia still carried on at the same place. Jan’y 11, 1858. 75-tf CHAIRS, CHAIRS. A L.ARGE lot of Stool-bottom Chairs, made at Cool Spring .Mill, and fur nale by A. M. CAMPBELL. March 21, '58. OOy IU)()K-IUM)L\(i IN all its kin.Is, execute.I with neatues's and de i#patch. .Small jobs when .lone must he p'iid before J. WHJJAM fac;e, M. I), MTTS B O R O V€i Mi, .V. Jj^R. PAGE may be foun.I at professionally engaged. May 6, 1857. c. office when not 5tf delivered. May 14 1858. THOS. H. TILL/NGHAST, Anderson Street. 11-lY Jl'ST KI'.CKIVKIK LBS. choice GOSHEN BUTTER; 5U0 lbs. LEAF LARD: —ALSO— lot Of FINE SEGAKS ;ind TOB.\CCO. For sale bv D. ANDERSON, North-west Cor. Market S.juare. June 28. 2^!- JAS. C. S.MITH. MILKS CO.STI.N. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Factors, t'ommissioii ami J'or- tvartlinsf •fMerrUants. WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT attention given to sale of TIMBER, LUM BER, NAVAL SI ORES and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements made on Consignments. Refers to E. P. Hall, Pres't Branch Bank of State. H. R. S.wauk, Cash'r Bunk Cape Fe.ar. John L».\tv- SON, Esq. April 25, 1858. 5-1Y Presbyterian copy. 1). A. LA.MONT, Commission Merchant, Wiliiiiiiffloii, V, OFFICE 38 NORTH Personal attention given to either for sale or shipment. 57-lypd WATER STREET, all produce sent to him Nov'r 0. i!E NORTH BRITISH REVIEW 4. illt: WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal,. 5. L;.At'KWooD S EDINBURGH M.AGA/.INE (Tory Taese Periodicals ably represent the three great ]>oU- parties of (ircat Britain—Whig, Tory, and lladi- ' -hut politics forms only one feature of their char- .■■t; r. .Vs Org.His of the most pr.douiid writers on .eni c. Literature, .Mor.ility, jind Religion, they stand, a- tliey ever have stood, unrivalled in the worM of iet- "jrs, '.> ing considered imiispensable t.> the scholar and [.r jti -siunal man, while to the intelligent re-.der ' fv.r_. cbiss they furnish a more correct and litct.iry record of the current literature of fill ..ighout the world, than can be nossibly obtained ’ '.111 iny .jther source. KAKLV roI'lES. Tiie receipt of .VDVAN(.E SllEEl'Sfi'om the British rut.; sl.i'r!- gives additional value to tliese Repriii's, in- 'tsiiiuch as they can in;w be placed in the han'ls of sub- - ribers about as S'lon as the original edlt.ons. '1 Ell MS I.AXDS FOR SAl.E. 5 OFFER for s ile about OnOO .Acres of Pine Lands near F.iyetteville, containing :in immense ijuantity \ of Mill Timbfr. .ind a nuHiher of Tur(>entine Boxes, , ' and several new tasks may he cut. There is on the ; premises a tine Dwelling House, an i all necess.uy out- I liouses,—Scupjiernong and Isabella Grape Vines. — l(J)l) young Peach an.l .Apple Trees of Lindley's best vari- | j lies: also, a good F.\RM of about 150 acres cleared: ; i and also a GRIST and S.AW MILL; and a fine large ; 1 Meadowof about 140 acres. The Fayetteville and (,'oal i i Fields Kail Road passes through the«ie lands about a ' mile from the Mills. 1 will sell in parcels to suit pur- ; i chasers, but would prefer to sell tlie whole together. . ' Apply to Thos. S. Lutterloh, Es.p, Fayutteville, or the I subscriber at Pittsborough, N. I J. H. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12, 1857. 0((-tf JOHN M. CLARK, Coniniission I'orwardin*^ .Mercliant, WiJ.-MLN’GTON, X. C. WILL give prompt attention to sale of Country Produce. Naval Stores au.i Cotton. A'jtnl J >r Hush and Orrell'a Line uf lluuiy. -August l‘J, 1858. ofttf lo Nolilirrs' \Vido««>'. TE^HE NViilows of Mexican SoMiers, and the Widow* -Bl of Soldiers who iukk in skkvice in the war of 1 81;;, can have their pensions c^«nfinued by calling on , .i- , ' the undersigneil, Coi.gress having made alditional ; L OnUilLSSiiOn i»lerC*llint, AO. 4 AOTUI Mlitei St., ^ provision for them W. H. TURLING-TON, Per ann. *3 (M) 5 00 7 8 00 ■4 0J y 00 10 OtJ III difnutcf. isaiied trid ht w anti:i) NEGROES for a .\1 is.siesippi Plantation, .Men, lioys. Girls, and some good Families. EPHR. PAGE. Fayetteville, .May (5, 1858. 8-tf 75 F >r any one of the four Rf-views tur any two of the four Reviews Kir any iiiree of the K.oir Reviews 1 or u., t lur of the llevicws H'.r Buic’kw o.i . ,M,nr:i/.iiie tor Biaikw. 1.1 iiii'l tlu'i-e Reviews lor tJiy j'ouf Rfviews I aymutf. tn rnnilt- in till rasfs M'.III ./ rurrrnt in th, Stuh irluri rt I I i,n! ,1/ y,,,,. 'i.ruHLXd A diM-(mnt of twoniy live ptr cent, from !he above price will he allow..,1 .-..pies of any on.- ..r m.„,. „t ,i„. xi,,,.,. Four c.ipies of Blarkwoo.l, or ..f u.-view, wiilbf sent to on.- address for f...,,- .. view> and Blackwood lor >30: ;in.l A(;i:. In ail the prini i|'al (,'ities ;in.i I'.iwiiti, llicse works will Of .lelivercl, i-'REE OF I’O.”^ I'.Uj K. U ln-i, ty mail, tlie Postage to any p.irt of the Uiiiu.l States w;.'. he l.ut T W E.N'l V -FOl li (’E.N TS a ye.ir for •• l’)'.Mck- w . .'1. an.l but FoLIM EE.N ('E.N I'.'^ a year for e-u-h )1 till- UeviL-ws. A, />'. flu- j>rit in (ri'f'dt Hritnin of ihejioi i i'iiiiritlf. nbovr-mnntd is 1 jx r annum, kemittances for any uf the .above iub;ications should aiwayt be a.i.liessed, post-jaid, to he i’ubiishers. LEoN.\RD SC(JTT i: CO., N.I. 51 (jeld street, .New York. rAN.\LR>) OIL cV DRV HH)E^T BBLS. Tanubi's (Jil,—a vaperior article; alvo, a tine lot of Dry iiidei. For Hale bj JAB. G. COOK. cor rox Dundee .md gunny suit purchasers. .Sept. 17. |{a(;(;lv(;. I>.\G(.ilNG in quantities to For sale by JAS. G. COOK. 43tf taki:x ff! A .N D committed to the Jail of Chatham county, two i'm, Negro Boys by the n.iuie of 11 EN DE li.''()S’ and EDOM, whosiy they bebin>; to J. 11. Pritchett, of l.uniherton The owner is reijueste.i to come forward, jirove property, pay prison cliarijes, and take them aw.ty; otherwise, tbey will be .leak witii accor'ling t'l iaw W. D. C. RIDDLE, Jailor. Pitt.^borough, .luly 11. 28- IIOFSI:, l.o'l', A.M) M'(iRo. ’ II F' uiidtTsigne 1 wishing to (dose np their oldhusi- ness. oll'iT I'.ir s ile the ilOU.SE and LO f on Hay- iiiount. forniiTly occupied by :\l ijor (iiliaore. . .Also, a NliGRO BoV 1 1 ye;irs of a^"': haviiig trie l him for the ! i-t five nif.nfhs, we can recomuiei.d him ns an excel- b‘tit sfrvMiit, both for house or otU of d.)ors, .sol i for no fiiult. b\it to close old business. F N. .St J. H. ROBERTS. .May 3, 7-tf OLD lill.LS. tLL persons indebte.l to the oncerQ of FIl.\NK .S; JERRY and J. H. RtjRKHTS j- CO., are re quested to come forward and settle their bil'.a. If not settled hy the last of thi« mouth, they will find them in the hands of a Lawful Collector. J. H. ROBERTS # CO. May 3, 1868. 7.tf Give me the manngement of your claims, and tha i money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE, Agt. for Pens> ns. Fayetteville, June 12, 1H58. li- Fi.RL’VFVN (;U\NO. ^j^HE undersigne.l has made arrangements by wliich he is prepared to furnish at tihort notice, any re quired quantity of i\o. I liiuaiio, all of which will be from direct importations, into the Port of Wiliiiim;ton, and warranted pure and genuine. Orders for the above excellent fertilizer are solicit ed, to which prompt attention will V>e given .As this is an article whicli does not a.Imit of being soM on time, cash or its eiiuivalent must accompany each tirder. BEVERLY ROSE. July 8. 26tf NHLFI'AliV (JOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces \\\) KVl'RV l)K.Sl'Rli‘TIII\ (IP 'IILiriflV (idOUS, ACCuUKINr. TO TMK Lufesf r. »S. Army a ml StuU- Ji ,ju/(ttii>ns. Sl’Ill YLKH. ilARTLKV (iKAIIAAf, A: Tf AlfllF \’T5 I 0 M A I D i: N L A N E, .fVir i'oi'k. ,Iune3u 24-ly TIN PLATE, Broil, Iron %Vii**, cooKi-tif; ^Tovr.H a\i>ti\-wAiii:. ■Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. roofjm:. i;i TTi:Riyi, .\nd all kinds ol .Jiibbing, doiie at short notice, by {' W. ANKI'.EWS, Market Square, Fayetteville. July !>. ”7- l)Ei’:i‘ \i\\ Eli CO V!.. rj^ITUMlNOUS CO.VL of the best .|ualitv can be had at the works at Eirypt. at a reasonable price by the Ton. W.sl. .\lc(JL.V.\E .Mining Engineer, May 21, 1850 (Ltf BLANKS lor sale at this Office. Wtl.MLNGTON, N. C. WILL give his prompt personal attention to tne sale or shipment of all Consiguments of Naval Stores or other Country I’roduce. Nov. 8. 1850. tf Worth & Utley, Forwarding and (ienural Coininisaion ■MERCH vX rs, J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. {TLKV. T C. & B. a. WORTH, Connnission l-'orwardin^ .Merchants, Urou'ji s Building, Water Sirtet, ll*iluiinffton, .V. f’. Usual advances made on consigninents. Nov. 11,1857. 6‘*-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, r o n i o \ AND F()a \v A R1)L\(i M I:RC H A X , •V. i\ StajT i’rompt personal attention given to all Con signments, aud Cash advances made on Produce to be shijiped to other ports or soM in this market. Feb. 12 1855. 07 HORsES /vXl) MlLl’^S. N Thtirs.lay the lOth inst., at 11 o’clock, at the H .Market House, 1 will sell a Likely Voung Horse and Two .Mules. i'he al)ove property soM under provisiort fa Deed of Trust made to me, which is duly jiroved and re- cor led. ' Terms maile known at sale. W. C. TROY, Trustee. Sept. f), 185S. 43-ts 18.>8. FILL niPORTlTIONS! We are now receiving the largest Stock of staple and Fancy Dry (mOocIs, LADIES’ CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, HOOP-SKIRTS: READY-MADE CLOTHING; HATS, CAPS, BOCJTS, SHOES, U.MBRELLAS, &c., Ever offered by us: which will be sold at Wholesale ci;eap for cash or on the usual time for approved paper. STARR & WILLIAMS. Sept. 0. 43- FILL l\D \ll\TER GOODS! WE have received a part, and are daily expecting the balance, of our Fall and Winter supply of SE,tSO,V.MMSljK GOOUS, Embracing a very large slock of STAPLE and F.VNCY DRY GOODS, HATS and CAPS, BONNETS, UM BRELLAS, READY-.MADE CL(JTHIN(J, &c., &c., &c. —ALSO— ■About 4iK» (’ases of BOOTS ■A.N'I) SHOES—well as sorted, all of which we are disposed to .■^ell at low prices for Cash or good paper. !!■ E. J. LILLY. Sept. 4, 1858. 43-Ow THE OLD DO.MIXION corrFix: pot. kR. H.ALL, of New York, in hi- ■/■•urnal of Ihalth for July, 1H58, says;—“A\'c coiomen'l the Old l>"Tniut'Jti Cojh l‘‘'t to all lovers o! g.iod cofl'ee, as we personally know that it is one of the “new things' offered to the public in which no imposition is prac ticed, and which has the dout.'.e vouchers of science and common sense.” For s-ale at the CROCKERY STORE. Prices; — I (JUART, iil.35: l.i (QUARTS, ••fil.7'.: 2 (jU.VRTS, .'i.2.00; 3 (.QUARTS, $2 35; 4 (jUARTS, $3.00 Bu}- one if you like ijood coif'ie. W. N. TILLING HAST. Sept. 1, '58. 41-2m > THE sff>scrhu:r ^■■^.AKES this method of informing the public that he £ has taken the Store recently occupied bj J. Davis, one door below J. W. Lett's and opposite the Cape Fear Bank, where he will be please'l to see all his friends and customers. He will keep constantly ou hand a good assortment of I GROCERIE.S, DRY GOODS, I HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, I PROVISIONS AND LIQUORS, Which he will sell low for cash or on time to punctual customers. J.A.MES W. SELLERS. Fayetteville, N. C., .Aug. 31, 1858. 42- i\E\V l.’OODS fB^HE sub«cribers adopt this method of informing M. their friends (^and the public generally) that they are now receiving into store a very large and general S TOCK OF GOODS, EMBRACING u K o€ HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, AlV . y A: , A: c • ■All of which thev’ are disposed to sell at reasonable profits for cash, or on the usual time to responsible purchasers who are in the habit of paying. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. July 20,1858. 31- ./Aj>IES KYLE Is now receiving his Spring t-upplv of DRY GOODS. Among which are— ■ prints. Lawns, and Brilliantes; Ji Col’d and Black Silks: Irish Linens anil ftiapers; Farmer's Linen. Twilled and Plain: CassiiiH-re an.l Merino Twills; White and (Jol’d (Jotton Hose; Bolting (’’loths. No. 0 to 10; Silk and Straw Bonnets: .vcc. With almost every article in the Dry Goods line: all of which has been purchased by the package at the late stiles in New York and Philadelphia; Uill be offered cheap for cash or ou time to paying customers March 13. 185f). *.3tf Carolinian copy. VALUAliLE REAL ESTATE FOK 1 OFFER for sale my RESIDENCE on Hay-mount. For health there is no place to excel it. There is a fine well of water in the yard. Description is nse- I less .Also, the LOT East of my Store, j The above property, if not disposed of at private sale, will be sold at auction on Thursday, 21st October. ! JAS. G. COOK. Fayetteville, Sept. 0. 43- fjnrre Sale of Rent Estate in the Town of Fayetteville. By virttie of a certain deed of mortgage, with full powers of foreclosure, made by Samuel Mims to the subscribers, registered in Book C. No. 3, page 480 in the office of the Register of Cumberland County, we will sell, publicly at the Market House in Fayetteville on Wednesday the loth inat. SEVEN VALUABLE LOTS OF LAND, being with in the bounds of the Town of Fayetteville, situated on Robeson, Barge and Streets; including the highly improved Lot, on which Thomas J. Mims now resides. Ilere is offered a rare opportunity for investment in , Town property. Terms t»0 days credit for notes which will be ne gotiable at the Bunks in Fayetteville. ELIJAH F. MOORE, EDW’d W'. WILLKINGS, Sept. 3, 1858 43-3t Mortgagees. .lUST RECEIVED! 4 FEW Firkins CHOICE GOSHEN BUTTER; also •a few Bbls. Extra Family L.ARD; a superior ar ticle Sugar House Sirup; Sugar, Coffee, Soap, Brooms, Buckets, Pails, Tobacco, Segars, &c. .Also, a lot of Fine Smoking Tobacco. For sale by b. ANDERSON. Sept. 4. 43-3t WLVE! \VL\E!! IF you wish to make GO(JD WINE, call on the sub scriber and b;iy your Brandy.. Country Apple Brandy, Old Nash Brandy, on hand and going oft' rapidly. C. E. LEETE. Sept. 4 43-lm FLNE CHEWLNG TOBACCO. JUST RECEIVED, 10 boxes of that FINE ROCK CANDY TOBACCO. W. H. CARVER. Sept. 4. 42tf Geo. .McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. Mj’rover, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, A. FAYETTEVILLE MUTLAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. ^■IHIS Company has been in operation more than B- five years, and has paid its losses, amounting to !j*19,120 "j5, without any assessment: insurance aver aging its members about ^ per cent. Policies issued to 1st of May, 1858, 2769. Amount of property now insured, $1,474,922 !4. -Amount premium notes now on hand, $224,908 23. (."ash premiums receiveil, $32,317 41. Dirkctors. S. T. Hawley, W'. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Cook, A. W. Steel, Jas. Kyle, J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, Wilmington, E. Hall, Wilmington. Okfickrs. GEO. McNElLL, President. D. A. Rat, Vice President. C. A. Mc.Millan, Secretary. John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Travelling Agents. The Company invite applications. May 21, 1858. 13-Y Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. statp:.ment of the m\ L\!jiiRi\ci5 mm, IIAKTFOKD INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $1,000,000. E. IjI . Ui PL E T, President. T. .UE.V.l.VDEK, Vice Pres't. T. K. Bk.U’E, Jr. Sec’y. .iri.V 1, 1S.58. Market Value. Cash in hand and in Phijenix Bank, $ 40,122.60 Cash on Special Depusite in Banks, with accrue.i interest, ('ash in hands of .Agents and in tranaiit, Heal Estate unencumbered, Mortg.'ige Bunds at 7 per cent, interesf. “ •* f) ■ Jersey City W ater Bonds at 1 per ci. interest, Hartf’d “ “ 0 “ “ I Milwaukee “ “ “ 10 “ “ Brooklyn “ “ “ tj “ “ Rochester “ “ “ 7 “ “ I U. States Treasury Notes 5 “ “ ’ State of Tentiensee i “ “ . “ Kentucky, t> “ “ “ *• Missouri, r, • “ “ “ New York, ti “ “ (>hio, t) ! “ “ Ohio, «i 130,001 Of. 144,71 !> or, 5-5,383 01 41.000 28.000 *.i4,0X) 25.000 5,000 10.000 25,250 2,5M) 0,000 10,300 21,000 “ &int 28,750 ^18t'.0) “ 51,000 ^lh8t>) “ 2'),500 Money lue the (Jonifi’y secured by .Mortgage, 4,418 04 Bills Reci.-iviiljle, 04,400 34 H.'irtford iV New liuveu Rail Road Co. Stock, tJO.OOO SHAD! SHAJ)!! V new supply of excellent t'onnecticut River and Nova Scotia SH.AD. Just received and for sale eitner in Half Bbls. or by retail. W. C. TROY. Sept. G, 1858, 43-lm COFPON BONDS FOR SALE. "^HE Western Rail Road Co. have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers, of tlio Coupoti Bonds of the County of Cumherlanil, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable semi-annually on tha 1st June an.l the 1st ef Decem ber, and running 20 years. $90,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the Town of Fayetteville, bearing 0 per cent interest, payable semi- annu.illy on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 20 years. These bon.Is were is.«ued in uccor.lance with law to the Western Rail Road (%■>., to pay the County aud Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these l)onds (at the price the ('o. is selling thenij a better investment than any P.ank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. P>. M.ALLETT, Esq.. Pres't or to JNO. -M. RO.SE, Treas’r AVestern R. R Co. Fayotteville, Feb’y 2i>. 1X58. 8'.'tf DOIiBFX HOFSE For Rent or Lease. El HE Lease of the present Proprietors of this wt‘1' known House will ('Xiiire on the 1st J.inuary, 185^: the projierty is oft'ered for lease or rent To u person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an excellent opportunity istiffercd. The building is large, well arranged and in complete rcj>iiir: its location will alw.-iys command for it an extensive j'litronage. As the jiresent Proprietors intend changing their busi ness. the Furniture, which is nearly new and in good or.ler, can be joirchased on favorable terms. The House will he delivered on or after the 1st of January, remaining open under the pre«ont manage ment till .'I tenant is obtaincl. The fine Store in the same building, formerly occu pied by .Mr. Wm. Booth, is also offered for rent. JNO. H. COOK, Prest. Dobbin House Co. Dec’r l(j, 1857. 69-tf iilanks for sale at this Office. Boston iV Worcester “ Connecticut River “ t’onnecticut River (Company, ."'taflord Bank Stock, Citizens Eagle Pmrnix ‘ Farmers & -Mechanics ‘ Exchange • State ‘ I City County- C.'nnecticut River Iliitford C;harter (J.-ik Merchants .Minnf. .\etna vlechanics Jj- Tr ilers ' I Merchants Exch.ange No th Kiver Mechanics I ortli American ' ; Nas-iau ' : .America I’.i-.ia Iway ■ Pfoplrs I R.'puhM.; ' : I 'ity Union i llanoter I ('oinm iiiw.'alth ■ PlKcni.x Manhattan ■\'ew York Market Oce.in .Metropolitan ISutchers .'1: Drovers Iiiit'orrer's T.a.let's .Vnierican Exch.-inge \I .Ti h Ijiti I . Tni.-^t Comjiany > ». L In. A: Trust Co “ Waterbury, “ Provi.lence, “ Hartford, Jersey City, N> w York, 10,272 li,ft0o 1.250 5.250 5.250 I,872 30 *00 4i;,ooo 13.500 27.'iOO 11,300 .'.,50(» 0,787 5(5,125 10,30(J l(),t>00 10,(»00 1,5(J0 10,l(t(» 10,0Kt 34.500 21,000 30.000 34.200 25.000 10,100 23.400 II.750 21.900 ^>,000 0,*'.00 lo 800 20.500 32.400 20,800 1«,400 43.400 22.400 51.8U0 41.400 44,690 11.200 24,750 60 $1,0(30,140 10 : Lt^niLirJES; j For claims a.ljusted and unadjusted and i not due $103,714 58 Agent of the above Company at Fayetteville, E. J. HALE.

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