m ^RARY JuJ ^ f ^■■•en I* '>^ok, will K ^»‘g ■«*rk« of f. -t«reuce to .IXA. KKPoji »t ih« 01 LAW ’ "'’-> >MtN, „ '*'l'Tl.l' [nusniniiinni ‘rivutsT thv tl iiug ; .Jj ““'I We sh*-. &r.' ^ ^ . . ^' ‘ -- .V., ,! 1J._ ‘ln\ ()!.' I!il-‘'>KTS, V4, I. !'■" - «■!>' :-.v, ' ’Y-’ i t'ir..ijpi, ;, I >tll!ik t._, , . : I’r ItJ! •»■- i!i prHi»e .„: .! MM!. •'r/^ *«i/. ii>i;i{ ili i Mi\'n STORt. r. ''■4-vii i V rri.Ev VN( K. t at ;. i A_:e;if : 1.! i t- I , ! r-i :i'-f i'. 'la- h't ' :. f ::. I. t !jtr j l'U- ^!i‘‘ ‘ - ; r .:!i tjr iiru ,,!■ Rli’i IlJ" ■■'tdxzl Ili by -re i.: A uihu e\ ■ . 0 in-i .'u;-!.-I. ' t . ■ . . i 1. 1■; vVfr v> . - !_:l. j, . : ,r 'o\ . ,i; i.cr lue ■:. :,. ■ .’i.oe t ,- . . :'i: '■^'zUls^ut ;v. , -. .!• • |. . : :uf a; ; . ■ ■,. J 1 • liKN T. O on H^t- 1'. K ,r parti-’U- . -'>1 ' '.M.-'isr^LL. j-ti' ll- UlVtK. ii.'. Vl'HKS. 'ii. Kt ; THE V. ihia. :t. ■ H5 k'-RlI- - .',u bj Ai.^r-'. Sm- ,• t - '•UUi- ‘ ■-- { .jculi»r f ■ '.jn-!!! • w-,rk ■ -ht :: .bei HH e^' : A ‘••■ . ,e ciT- l it ! )i‘iJ t' . . . . iL.iu wiTf uni' • p-iretit*’ ■ •ir.y • . rrt HMii? . ; r*-igio“' o"i ceuis ^ from tiieK & 80S, ®®lETlliyLIE ©IB SEMI.WEEKLY. [VO\. VIIL] FAYETTEVIl.LE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 16, 1858. [NO. 740.1 I’KINTi'.n MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. I’DWVK!) .1. HAl,R & SON. KDiTOKS \\I> l’KOPKlKT('HS. i’ruf f T the Somi-Weekly Dbskkver $3 00 if paid in % i>aiuH*; 50 if paid ilurinfr the j ear of subscrip u'ti: T i;| lifter the yenr has expired, f if I In "'(.‘ekly Ohskrvkr OOperauuuin, if paid in 1 ivauce; *i; ')i'> if paid during the year of subscrip' i: n: >t $’> 00 utter the year has expired. ADVKKTISKMKNTS inserted for sixty cents per «j iiire (jf I'i lines for the tiryt, and thirty cents for each ,i odinp publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- i-.tiitr;u'ts, -It rca.^ionable rates. .Advertisers ar. re I to st:ite the number of insertions desired. Or will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- A'ivertisements to be inserted in.iile, charged 50 pe*" :i'!it. extra. Fire Itksuranee. U’"E refer our readers to the annual statement of the .Ktna Insurance Company, of Hartford, which will be found in another column. This succeas- f;i' institution was incorporated by the Legislature of i’.auiei:tiiut in with a perpetual charter. Its I'apital is ^oOO.iiOO, and its accnmulatious exceed x-cmi,mOM more, making its entire assets over ^SOO,- invested as detailed in the ^tatement referred to Those results indicate that during the period of nearly I t. rt.v years since its on'anization. without a single cb:ineo L'f its chief otiicer, 1 its business has been con- - J .jtf 1 with judgment and prudence. It has been thus far successful in an eminent degree, discharging, Hs wc are informed, all its oblig.ations by the payment ' j! about ten rull-vn dollur.f for losses, without asking a delay in any instance. It has had but little lit- , ^jutioii, notwithstanding the immense number of traus- ; made. In order to attain as much certainty as ■ '.■'ib’e in such a business as insurance, it has been i the practice of the Company, for several years, at ■ j:rt»it l ituT. carefully to classify and arrange their r:5K.' into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain - the iiui juut insured on each class, the amount of pre- , icceiv^J thereon, anl the amount of losses up- i :;on.h. This cl'issitication. extending over a long ; [.eri i, in 1 covering property to :i very l irge amount,fur- ; nishe? re’.iabl? data, and presents a sound, substantial ' ‘ j of actual experience, upon whii'h to conduct its ' u?;ues5. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, many suppose; its hazards arc ascertainable, and : ;> [.rincifies cajiable of beiiij; re luced to a system, the ■ f rustical Working and results of which are as certain ' s? ih it L.f any other business. 'I'lie .Etna (.'ompany, >y ft ihering rigidly to its system. aUii placing its busi ness upon a he>ilthy basis, has oi>t lin- d the ci'ntidence ; T the c-iumunity to an «.xteiit surpussed by no other i.uiupany m the L. tftates, and has increased its busi- !.r?? nuJ its income Iroia ye;ir to ytar with a s'.eady wth. fine great s^'Uice o', iir security is tl'.c wide , i.stributiou of its risks—a J’ '’icy which ;t pursues ! with L'reat strictness—limiting the amount to be cov ered in each locality. 15y tiiis course it hax passed, w.ih Comparative impunity, through some of the most sweeping and destructive tires, wiiicii iiuve swallowed up "her companies less cautious in their business. It is | s system like this, b;ised upon experience, which gives stability an 1 soundness to a company, and to the as sured confidence and security.—Haiurtjri I'airf >. m\ IWlRlMi; lOMl'JM, UAirri'oui). foN.v. IN('"RroKATED 1^19. CHAUTKK FLKPKTCAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11 T. K URACE, I’resideut. K. G. Kll’LKY, Vice 1‘re sidcnt. T. A. ALI'.XAN L'EH, Secret^iry. lURLCToRS —T. K. Bruce, S. Tudor, J. Cliurch, R. Br.ci:, ,\I. A Tuttle, E. t'ivwcr, li. A. Dtilkeiey, R .Matijer, E. ti. Kipiey, 8. 6. Ward. H. 'L. I’r itt, (i F Dav:a, Dunham, I). Hilly er, T. A .VlesuiMei, W. K‘,-ni-y. Ihf .A»5ets are mainly invested in .''Tocks and Ronds. pav:ug interest, with $172,t.o4 tjl of cash on deposiie ;a tne Hartford lianKs, to meet losses. Losses due and unpaid—none. i Lusses adjusted und not due, ^J4,81u 95. j Losses in suspense, waiting further proof, jlc., •'ff75,- ■ Sv; 15. L‘,sses resistc', ( suspicions of fraud, ic.) $46,b78 7-_ ; Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, 1 N 'J E. j HALE. BRITISH PERIODICALS? i L. rM)TT ^ CO., .NEW ^oRK, continue to publish, the following leading British Periodicals, viz; I IHE LuNDuN QUARTERLY i ('onservativej. ■ li. i THEEDINBURUH REVIEW Whig). 1 lilE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). I 4. i iilE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). 5. iii.ACKWtKJDS EDINBUiK;H MAGAZINE doryj. ^IIEMWKLI. lIOUSi; FAVETTKVII.I.E, i\ Kent Sul*i of (ireen S/ret'f, n few Doors North of the Miirket House. ^H^HE ISubscriber desireg through this me- iSilB diuni to acknowledge the liberal pa- _4nSB tfi^nage bestowed upon iiis House the past year—and as he has Just erccted New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of tlie liberal pa tronage heretofore received Every exertion on bis part shall be used to render tiiem con\fortable iluring their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affords. 1’. SH EM WELL. March 24, 1855. 8tjlf J. W. liAIvEK Is uow receiving frotu the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of ri K\iTi III: ever offered in this m:irket; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment com plete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furuiture in setts; curled hair and sliucli, and cotton Mattresses: Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles: Side Boards; lUireans; Secretaries and Rook-Cases; What- Nots: Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands: ('an ile Stands: Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Gluss; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogony and Walnut; Tete a Tetes: Ottomiius; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine KosowDod Pianos, ono witli .lv)lian At tachment; Rosewi.'id Melodians, from the best manu factories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 1. 45-tf The i'arria^r Fart or y in thf Soitfh! AND EARTHEN-WARE. W. 1%. Tll.l.l\.illA5T Is now receiving his Fall supplies of the abovn articles. He can supply Country .Merchants at prices which he is sure will make it their interest to deal with him. He has for sale, 80 China ^Fea-Sets, 1300 Doz. Commju Cups atnl Saucers, 500 “ Flue Do. Do. 100 “ Disho.s, *JO0 Covcroil Dishc.4, 100 Doz. I’itchors, 800 “ I’lates, 1000 *• Tuiiibler.’j and (loblets, 750 Looking-Glasses, (^offee Toy Locomotive.'^, and Yankee Clocks,—by the box. And other good.s in proportion. St^ /norder to yjr- to hiivf i/oodt WKLL PACK- F.1), country m^ch'intt sh"ull fniy thir Cruekery FIRST. Aug ;10. 41-2m •IMefUcal ^^otice^ | Dr. H. a. McSW.AlN has taken an Oliice on An- ' derson Street, in the rear of Messrs. Ray & ' Pe.arce’s Store, where he can be found by those de- ] siring his Professional services. i August 24, 1858. 40tf ! MlMUliO E subscriber has Removed to the Store one door East of tl. li E. J. Lilly's, where he hopes to meet all his old friends and to make many new friends and customers. G. W. I GOLDSTON. Aagust 25, 1S58. 40tf rpm 1 K HI\T(I.\ m\M I\STITITE. GnKEjy*SBORO\ .V. c. f BIHE Scholastic year is divided into two Sessions, commencing 1st August and 1st January. The course of study is thorough and systematic, em bracing everything necessary to a complete, solid, and ornamental education. The buildings are so arranged as to combine the comforts of a home, with the advan tages of ft school. Instructors of the highest qualifica tions are employed in each of the Departmei ts. No Institution in the country possesses advantages supe rior to Edgeworth. TERMS: Board, including washing, lights, and fuel, per Session of five months, $60 00 Tuition in the Regular Classes, 20 00 The next Session will commence on .Monday, August -d, 1858. Pupils are admitted at any time during the Session, and charged from the time of entrance. Catalogues containing all necessary information re specting the Course of Instruction, Terms, &c., will be forwarded on application to RICHARD STERLING, Principal. Greensboro’, N. Carolina. May 28, 1858. 17-Gmospd A PKOCr.AMATlOX, By his Excellency, Thomas Braog, Governor of North Carolina. lBMrHERE.\S, it has been represented to me that ▼ w one Archibald McDougald, late of the County of Cumberland, did on the 27th day of February last, in said ('ounty, kill and murder one Thomas .Munroe, and that the said McDougald is a fugitive from justice, and has escaped beyond the limits of this State. Now, to the end that the said .\rchibald McBougald may be arrested and brought to trial for his said of fence, 1 do hereby issue this my Proclamation, offering a Reward of Two Hundred Dollars for his apprehen sion and delivery to the Sheriff of Cumberland County. DESCRIPTION. McDougald is about fifty years of age, of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, has a scar on the face near one ef his jaws, weighs about IGo or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of [l. s.]the State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of March, A. D. 1858. By the Governor, THOS. BRACG. Pi L.\SKi CowPER, Pr. Sec’y. March 15. 93tf o. HOUSTON WOULD inform his friends and former customers that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear Bank, and 3 doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand, Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his trade. lie respectful ly invites his friends from the country to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would request all indebted to the firm of HOUSTON & OV'ERBY' to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the firm’s debts. August 27, 1856. tf UhE INSURANCE. ^■IHE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of JL the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Every member for life participates in the pro fits of the Company; and the annual premium* for life membership, where it amounts to $30 or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. A man may insure his own life far the exclusive benefit of his family The lives of sl^ives may be insured. This system is rapidly growing 'nto favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, for a small sum nnnually, may be provided for, aftor the death of its head, en whose exertions they may have been dependent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy Explanatory pamphlets, and the neeessary Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE. THE DOXAI.DSON ACADEMY O.V MMaWlIOV.VT, WILL be opened on the 1st MONDAY in Oc tober by JESSE R. McLEAN as Principal. Mr. McLean is an experienced Teacher, and has furnished to the Trustees ample testimonials as to character and ability. The Trustees take great pleasure in recommending Mr. McLean to parents and guardians, and solicit for him a full share of patronage. Terms of Tuition will be made known in a subse quent advertisement. W. B. WKIGHT, Chm’n of Board of Trustees of Donaldson Academy. Sept. 10, 1858. 45-tf 1 KsyniAA These Periodicals ably represent the three great pi>li- ;:cai p;irties of Great Britain—W’hig, Tury, and Rudi- —but pulitics forms only one feature of their char acter. As Organs of the most pri'fiund writers on Srinnce, Literature, .NIorality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unri/ailed in the world of let ters, being cunsidered indispensable to the scholar and tiie j r'jtessional man, while to the intelligent reader ■jf every class they furnish a mure correct and satis- t'ttt'twry rec ird of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, thau can be possibly obtained fr'iui any other source. EAKLV COl'IES. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the British publishers gives additional value to these Re[>riuts, in asmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of sub- !:ribers about as suon as the original editions. TERMS. ^er ann. For any «ne of the four Reviews 00 F .r any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of the Four Reviews 7 00 For all four of the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood's .Magazine 00 tor Blackwood jnd three Reviews 9 00 bur bl.acUwood and the four Reviews 10 00 1 uymeni.s fi if vuvlt in all cases in advance. Muuf ij rurrnit ni the State where issupil ivill be rereifid at y(tr. ' LI HlilNG. A discount ot twenty-five per cent, from the above price will be allo^^ed to u. ordering four or more Copies ot any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwoc 1, .,r of one Review will be sent to one address for four r.,i.ies of the four Re views and Blackwood fur >'{0; ami so on l*U6TA»iE. In all the jirincij’al (’ities iind Towns, these works will be delivered, FREE oF POSX.VGi". When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United Sitter will be but TWENTY-F( iL’R CENTS a year fur ••llluck- W'.od," and but FoLRTEEN CEN'J'S a year lor each of the Reviews. N. H. The price in Urmt Hritain of the Jioe Pcnoilicuh tb'jve-naiH> (I is I ^>tr annum. kemittance^ for any of the above publications should vays be addressed, post-paid, to«he Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT ic CO., No. 64 Gold street. New York. TASMAVS Oil. ik DRV 1!IDES.~ a superior article; also, liidei For sale by JAtj. ti. COOK. Respectfully infurms hi.-^ frienJ* and the public, tnat he iiiis liui’t up l.iri; - sub.stjintial Rr ck 15uiMings at his i)'d .-^tan 1. exprrs^ty for mun- ufacturinc C.-inia.'t’s. Tlri ikfn' f.T the very lib‘ral patronage he has re'five 1 f.r the -ist 21 jenrs. he hopes by strict iitt«nti iii to b'l-jini-.-s, with ii des.re to givu satisf ii.'tioii, t'‘ merit u oonMuuance "1 the “ame He w »n a:its h.- vv o-; * -n i ie ,if the be?t materi il and by experifiu''- i w r'Kni>‘!i in each branch of the busine.-is Hi- W'Tk wib c •iii!'u e favfir:ib!v with any mi fe in the Unit - I .''•.ntes, I'.ir iuoitnes- :tnd durahiiity. He is 'Jeleriii’iii* i to S'*il un.l d > wny Work ill his line on hs giio 1 terms iis any w u k d ne e'-ewhere th.it is i !,.• He n w h:is on i.ulid, ‘■i.si'HEU, the L.VK'iESl .-irDCK nf ('(irria^f s, Hanmchc.'^, Uoc/iaictii^i, n/itl Ever ofi'ereil in this i lace. Hiid a very large “tock of work nearly finished wiiich will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for C^'H, or on Short time to puiitftu il cistoiners. S&r He has on hand more th.an O.NE HL'NDKED .\ND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in -rourse of cimstruetion. .-Vll work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, aad shouM it fail by bad Workmanship or material will be repaired free of churgo. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine tor tfieiiiselves. Orders thankfudy re‘eive 1 and prompt'y ittendcil to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable terms .May 2^^, Iho-i. h'^-tf IH liLlC XOriCE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital slock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufirt H.irbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and VVest, will be opened oh Thursday, the lOih daj of .\pril Ib-jij, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following jilaces and under direction of the following named persons, Cwmmissioners in the Charter, viis; In the County of Onslow, at the office of the (Jlerk of the County Court at Jacksonville, and at tiie Post Office Rich Lan'ls. E. W. Fonville, G. J. '.Vard. J. H. Foy, Robert White, Joiin A. .\vcritt, .Jr., C wen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the ofhce of Dr. M. F. .\ren- dell at Beaufort. Dr. M. F. Arendell, J. F. Bell, L T. Oglesby. .At the store of 0. \\. Taylor at Carolina City,—(’ol. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Arendell. In Duplin couuty, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville, — .Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B. Kelly, Win. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the office of the (,'ounty Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas fjunting, Wm McKoy. Patrick .Murphj", Wm. Faison, J. R ISeaman, .\lfred Johnson, In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A McKethan,—-Thomas il. Cnderwooil, Randal .McDaui«l, Edward L. Winslow, John C. lUocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of -^100 each, set oppo.site to our names resj>ectively in tho Centra! Hail Road Company; and in all rp.spects to comply with the forms of the (’barter. ''HIS INSTI FUT will resume operations on .Mon day, the loth day of September next, under the gu:dance of the same Faculty and Rules, as for the last two Sessions. For particulars address L. C. Graves, Principal, or H. A. BIZZELL, cec’y of the Board of Tru'tees. •\ucust 2'" l'"^. 4o-'jw run:. ('heii’ •^■^HE undersii;ii'‘d are joepared to display their Jl samples for the tall trade to Merchants, Physi cians, l>rugL"i'ts and others, and to sell on tiie moat advantageous terms possible. Their S:ock embraces the most varied assortment of Mfrtiffs. Scieitli/ii' A* M*apnlar Patent s, every variety of 1 oloTH A: Tlalt‘rial«t lor Painting, Chetnitals unit t hetnUal ft'aren SPlt'E.''. SofJA, an i >.ther articles usually found at the grocer's: .vo.i/' rKi:ri:.Mt:RY, (•-•., ,tv. They esfwcially devote their attention to the pre paration o: the pure 4'otl MArvr 0Pil^ their brand of vhicli has become the staudarJ of su periorly throu.;hout tii« country; in conjunction with this they are botilititr, for the same class of patient.**, a superior article of Kourhon %%*liiskey^ which for high proof, delicate flavor, and ripe age, is unsurpassed by any in the maiket, and is highly es teemed when taken i:: conjunction with our Cod Liver Oil, as a valuable adjunct to tuat celebrated and re markable renie'ly. .\lso, direct fr.'in the foreign vintages, a large sup ply of U7AV;’.'> and BRA.VDIKS which can be relied on for purity, proof, fine tlavor and consequent efficacy in debility, nervousness, iilfections of the bowels and other ailments. -\.u examination of prices is solicited. JOHN C. BAKER & CO. 1G4 N. i St., Philadelphia, .\i;g. 1 1, 1858. !17-2m. T Names. Residence No. shares 4> t!iish. Work. ^ BPL^J. Tanner’.s oil, a fine lot of Dr Subscriptions may be made payable in yvork, and may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shull in every case have preference in taking Contract.^, when bids are th' s.ime or at Engi neer’s e.'!timate. .\s soon as one hundred thousand dollars are gtib- scribed, the (,'ommissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they are rcijuired to call a meeting of Stockliolders to organize the (’oiupaay. -March 1.'), IH'o'. 13tf REAL ESTA'I'E FOR SAI.E. l>WFr..LING HoUSE, recently oecupieil by Mrs H. p. Lain, and as j>resent occupied by the Rev. James .Mciianic-l, near llaymonnt, will be sold pri'.ate.y by the subscriber. It is located in a good neighborhood; c nvenient to business; in a healthy section of the town; g .i.d spring water con venient; and has all necessary out h.,.ises attached. ,V gieat bar gain may be had, as 1 am determined to sell. Tkk.ms LiuERii, J. R. -M. bo.NALD, Agt. Fayetteville, .May I'J. Blank Warrants Ibr sale at this (.)tiice I PETER MALLETT WITH D. ('OLDE.V MLRR.W, GENERAL COmiVIISSION MERCHANT, G2 South Strekt, roN/c. July 2't, 18o8. 32- carouxa crrv, c. ^■'HE .Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad being JL now completed to Beaufort Harbor. I have de termined to locate at Carolina City for the purpose of doing a Forwarding and General Ccmmission and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit patronage and support. Beine the .\gent of .Mi rrav’s Link of First Ci..\ss P.^ckkts to this and .Morchead city, every effort will be mule to make this the cheap- , est and most expeditious route to New York. Vessels will be loaded and discharged at m3’ Wharf (adjoining the Railroad Wharf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. P.articular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shipment of Produce. W.M. B. GRANT. July 20, 1858. 32-ly MEDICAL NOTICE. ORS. E.\STERL1NG and HEN.AG.\N having asso ciated themselves together for the purpose of ’ practicing .Medicine in Rockingham and vicinity, they ' respectfully solicit a liberal share of patronage, and by their strict and prompt attention thej’ hope to give i perfect satisfaction to those who may favor them with ; their patronage. They will attend any call day or I niyht. Dr. Easterling takes jileasure in stating to his ! former patrons that iJr. H. is a regular grailuate, hav- : ing read iJiret yeurg and attended two full courses oi Lec- ’ tures. One or both may be found at iny hour at their 'office opposite the Post (Jflice, unless professionally i engaged. 11. R. EASTERLING, .M. D. D. HENAGAN, M. D. I Rockingham, N. (’ , April b, 1858. lOOtf DEN'riSTRY. TIiom. .?f. WatM»n, g ■ .WING decided on permanently locating at li jl. Floral College, respectl’uUy informs the citizens of this place and surrounding country that he is pre pared to oper-ite in all the various branches of Sur- : geon Dentistry, and wid be happy to attend all calls i in his Profession at any time. Prices moderate. I Satisfaction guarantied. July 20. 38tf A EEW HARRELS , M 1 HOlCE oi(i APPLE BR-ANDY", suitable for making , ^ ' wine and putting up brandy fruit. For sale by W. H. CARVER. Aug. 18- *8- IIIGII AHM \T T.WXERV. SITUATED 4 MILES WEST OF WADESBORC)’, AN SON COUNTY, N. C. OW the panic is over and nobody killed in these diggins, the undersigned still continues to con- luct the general Tanning and Manufacturing of all kinds of Leatiier, Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Boots and .Shoe-i, of every size and description—of the very be.st material. PL.\NTATioN premium 1?R0G.\NS, N(>T to be surpassed. .Vll of which he offers and pro poses to sell ur exidiaime lor Raw Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, and all kinds of country produce, on terms to justify and accommodate his customers according to the times. Having on hand constantly a large suppdy of Stock, he is prepareii to execute all orders neatly and promptly, with such material and workmanship as are net to be ex celled by any establishment of the kiud in this part of the country in style, quality or price, for cash or to punctual customers .And in returning his sincere thanks to hi.s customers and friei ds generally fi>r their former patronage, he solicits andhopes to still merit a contii .ance of their favors. JAMES r. CARAWAY. Mar.:h 4 yO-tl-Japd \i\m\ n\ii Foil ^ HE Subscriber offers for sale TH1RT\-F1\E HUNDRED .VCllES of Land in as healthy a sec tion as there is in .\labama. Forty .\'R1;.'^, on which are a gooil Dwelling and all necessary out-houses, in good repair. ONE HL'.NDRED and.'>IXTY .ACRES, good river bot tom land, KtO acres of which is under cultivation and produces fine crops of Cotton and (’’orn. NINE HLNDRED and .''IXTY .XCliE.S Creek and Pine land, on which is some good farming land. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRDD and FORTY .ACRES Pine land, well suited for Turpentine getting. This projierty will be sold cheap and on accommoda ting terms. .address the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. 0., Monroe Co*nty, .Alabama. WI1,LIAM W. ENGLISH. ■March II, I808. V2-ly IVATEK WHEELS! WATER WHEELSlf Hr E are now manufacturing V'andewater's Im proved JONVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, for Mills and Factories of every description; ani all those wishing to improve their water power will find it for their interest to address us fiy letter, stating the number of feet, head and fall; their usual amount of water; the kind of machinery to be driven. We can then give them price of wheel, or what we will furnish Wheel and principal Gears for, warranted to lo a cer tain amount of work Time yiven to t>it the H~hecl, and if it lioes not come up to our figure, the Wheel and Gears to be delivereil to us at the mill of the purchaser. RsrKRK.NCK ilVKN AND REQt IRF.K. HEATH A STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Prince George's county, Me* ROBERT B.AlRD, .Agent. Hiphir'or.f nj E would call the attention of persons alHicteil with Chills and Fevers to this celebrated Pill, which owes its popularity’ to no puffing, nor to long, windy certificates—but solely to its own merits as a remedy which never fails to cure when taken accord ing to directions accompanying each box. This Pill, unlike many others, contains no mineral, nor any in jurious ingredient, and may be administered with per fect safety at all times, to young or old. .As a preventive against (’hillH. or an’" other type of Fever, it is recommended as unsurpassel; and in treat ment of Fevers getierally it is far superior to t^uinii.e, or any preparation of Peruvian bark. .\ trial of its merits is all that is needed to insure it a favorable position in the estimation of even the most inveterate opposer of Proprietary or Patent prescriptions. CIIA MProN S ANTI-BIL10 L'S PIL L S Enjoy the rejmtation of being at least as good, if not better, than any- of the various cathartic IMlls of the age, and are entirely free from all poisonous, mineral, or other injurious properties, and are iiighly recom mended in Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick Head ache, Sick Stomach, Habitual Costivene^s, Indigestion, ic., and diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood generally, they being bj- their composition eqtially ad q*ted to either of the above cases as a gen eral cathartic, good at all times when such medicines are required. We recommend them to the attention of all persons. Prepared by F. M. SWYER & CO., Belleville, Illinois. Sold by SAMUEL J. HINSD.ALE, Fayetteville, N. C. .Also, in all the lowns and cities, and by numerous country agents throughout the southern and western States and Territories. F. M. SWYER & Co., Proprietors, Belleville, Ill’s. June 3, 1858. lti-6m FOR SALE OR RENT. t CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, on Hay- mount, near Mr. J. C. Thomson’s. For particu lars enquire of J. G. Shepherd, Esq., or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. 9-tf ^Marble Fncloru* 1 The Wilnunu;tnn^ Charlotte Ruther ford lldU Jioad Company. rpHE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the Stook- holders of the W ilmington, Charlotte & Ruther ford Rail Road Company, will be held in the Town of Wilmington, on Thursday, the 14th day of October next. H. W. OUION, Pres’t. Sept. 8, 1858. 4-5-tm GROCKKIKS A r WflOuTs.JlfLK. [HAVE just received in store my Fall Stock, em bracing the following articles, viz; 125 Bags Coffee. bi) Bbls. and Ilhda. Sugar—assorted. i)5 “ Pork. 50 Boxes good Tobacco. 75 “ Candy. 30 J Bbls. Snuif—Eagle Mills. 75 Boxes Crackers. .All of which will be sold for C.ASH, or on short time to the best of men. E. F. .MOORE & CO. Sept. 0, 1858. 44-tf CORN AM) WIflSKEY. V ^t^SHELS good W’hite Corn. 150 Bbls. Whiskey. Apple Brandy. 30 15 “ For sale for C.ASH by Sept. !), 1858. N E. Rum. E F. MOORE & CO. 44-tf «Jy (iEO. liAUOICR, j TWd u’oUKS .IWIVE C. T. Hlldll i Sd.VS STORE, j Fayetteville, V. i Jan’v 20, 1S58 64-ypd noTice. 1^0. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO; 400 Casks LI.ME; iO Bales H.\\'; 6 Bbls. GLUE. For sale by July 10. WORTH & UTLEY. FOR RENT. BRICK HOUSE on Ramsay Street. Also, a House on North Street. Possession given Oct. 1. W. B. WRIGHT. Sep. 11, 1858. 4otf I OR~RE^r. ONE COU.NTING ROOM, fronting on Hay street; one OFFICE, fronting^on Maxwell street. Also, large W.AREHOUSE at Campbellton Apply at WILLKIXOS’S BUILDING, Hay St. Sept. 11 45.01 R. Tm.~ORRELL,”~ " TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. 'B^HoSE sending their Spirits Turpentine to me A may rely upon it to have prompt and careful at tention. My Warehouses are fronting the Wharves and near the River. Sept’r 13, 1858. 45-tf aW) ACRES OF LAiND SALB. rilHE Subscriber oflers for sale the above quantity I of Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmington and Charlotte Rail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Land is well adapted to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good range and other advantages. Those wishing to purch.»se may find me on the pre mises, who will be happy to exhibit it or give any in formation concerning it desired. ANGUS McGlLL. Philadelphus, N. C., Sept. 1, 1S57. 40tf FOR ACRES OF LAND SALE. ril HE Subscriber desiring to move to the West offers -I. to sell the following tracts of valuable land. 1 Tract containing 250tj acres in Harnett County 18 miles North of Fayetteville. There is on this tract, two large and comfortable dwelling houses, with all necessary outhouses, together with a good mill running two saws and grist, with about 300 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation; the remainder is excel lent farming anl turpentine land. Also another tract containing 4000 acres of turpen tine land, about 100 acres of which is cleared. There is on this tract one good dwelling with all necessary out houses and a good grist and saw-mill. 1 will take pleasure in showing the above property to any person wishing to purchase. H. S. McNEILL. Manchester P. 0. Nov. 7th, 1857. t>7-ts 8.MALL FOX DEAD. ^ 1 ENTLEMEN, you that wish to sell Likely Youug NEGROES, .Men, Boys, Women and Girls, for the highest cash prices, would do well to give roe a call, or address me at Clinton, N. C. J. A McAHTHUR June 5, 185H. 17-8nios.pd BLANiv?!* tor sale at this OlKce. J'HE XKW EDFFION OF DKVERELX & B;\TTLE'S LIW KKPOHTS, VOL. 1, HECEIV'ES the approval of those who have ex- aminel it. Chief Justice Nash says, “1 have looked through it —it is carefully and well got up. * * I think to our Court it will be invaluable—and to the Profession equally so. It will save the labor of deciding the same point again and again; for there will be no excuse for Counsel not being apprised of points already adjudi cated.” Gentlemen of the Bar who have purchased and ex amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or separate volumes of North Carolina Reports, and Law Books generally, by E. J. HALE & SON. ~ THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE L A T E H 0 N. J 0 H N D. T 0 0 M E R ^ FO R » A L.C:. ^I'^HE valuable Law Library of the late Judge Toomer, £ consisting of upwards of lOOO bound Volumes, and several hundreii Nos unbound, has been deposited with the undersigned for sale. The books will be sobi in sets, FOR C.ASH ONLY. They are generally in good order, though of course bearing marks of use. The prices have been fixed with reference to their condition. Catalogues, with the price annexed to each Tolume, may be obtained on application to the subscribers. K. J. HALE k SON. Fayetteville. June JG, 1838. ANNLAI. SE'ITLEMENTS. PERSONS indebted to us will be furnished with their accounts duiing the present month, (except those already dunned;) and we earnestly request a settlemeut Every man who means to pay at all, should pay at least once a year. Persons having aceounts again.«t ue vill oblige us by’ handing them in for payment. E J. HALE ^ SON July 5. 1858 TUe SontUern NY, and ML'SH^Al. CO dl’v.n 1->>, .i turtner supp.y just received. L J- H.\l,i> \ SO.S. July 28, 18C8. 32- Cider \ inegar, for sale l>v W. H. CARVER ^ Aug. 18. 38- COIM>EU, IIX, & SHEET-IRON FACTORY. fAS. M.ARTINE still continues to manufacture every thing in the .ibove line, at his old stand on ! Hay street. Job work done with despatch. : Sept 10, 1858. 4-5-3m Ll.\OFORNm ■ I OFFER for sale 640 Acres of LAND, lying on the West side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fayetteville, iiwd extending from the river into the j sand-hills This tract is about equally divided into I river ridge, sw.imp and sand-hill Land. About 80 j acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and ' are well suited to the growth Hf Corn and Grass: none 1 of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several I good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. I .Any person wi..shing to purcha.se will do well to make ; earl}' application, as I have determined to sell. I THOMAS J. ROBINSON. ! Sept 8, 1858. 44-tf LAND FOR sale. foHN T. GILMORE now ofl’ers for sale a portion of his swamp lands in the county of Cumberland about 14 miles below Fayetteville, and about IJ miles East of the Cape Fear Rivei. The entire swamp has been successfully drained, of the large body of water by which it was heretofore covered. The land is ap parently level, being free from ridges (which are so common to swamp lands generally,) whilst there is an abundance of fall, by which the rain water can be carried oft by ordinary ditches, k small portion of the laud has been in cultivation about 7 years, and those persons who have seen the crops regard the land as equal in fertility to any they have seen in this State or elsewhere. The location is he.ilthy, the neighbor hood good, and the access to Fayetteville aiid Wil mington easy by means of a good road IJ miles in length leading directly to the river. Besides this, it is within 3 miles of a beautiful little village, upon a high and healthy Bluff, at the river, with a Store, Ware house and first rate landing. All which afford many conveniences to the neighborhood. As several persons have spoken of purchasing, this is deemed a proper time to call their attention to the subject, inas much as there is a crop now growing upon a small portion of the land, by which they can judge of its production. Reasonable terms will be given to the purchaser Sept. 10, 1858. 45tf A DM INI ST R A rOR’S SALE. rj''|HE undersigned will, on the 22d September next, -M- at the late residence of John Wright, deceased, sell at public auction, a large au>l fine Stock of Hogs, ('attle. Sheep, .and a few Horses; about two hundred anil fifty barrels of Turpentine; Fodder; and a variety of Farming and other Tools; also, one pair of Timber Wheels, together with a variety of articles used upon a Farm, too tedious to mention. Terms of sale, six months credit; note and approved security required of purchasers before removing its ;irticles. Sale to continue from lay to day until closed. ISAAC C. WRIGHT, Adm’r. FL in'HER xVOTlCE. \LL tho.«e hsving claims against the Estate of John Wright, dec’d, must present them to the unlersigned, duly authenticated, within the time pre scribed f>y law, or this will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to said estate are required to make imineUate payment. ISAAC C. WRIGHT, Adm’r. Clinton, Aug. 30, 1858. 43-ts $10 REWARD, Pocket Bonk JLost. ^^OME where between the Spout .“Spring and Mur- chiso*’’s F.ictory, 1 loi-t my Pf)CKET BO>K, con- tianing Seventy-Ei^rht Kollai#. .Say. five ten dollar and one twenty dollar billn, and four two ilollar bills: also, one Note on Mirs'iall H. Sea well for Two Hun dred and Seventy-Fivp Hollars, with a credit thereou ot ninety two dollars, dates not r^'colieoted; also, one , !>ced for Land ni i li- hy .Ander'^ in .Jones to me in ■ 'loore county for two hun'Ired nii-l ^‘ight acres. The i Poeket Book is a large one, has the name lif Duncan I Bedsole written th**rein. The finder can address me j at Harrison's Creek P. O., CumSerland county, or . Thos. J. Johnson at Fayetteville. .N C. TR iVIS BEDSOLE. 1 Harr son’s C reek, Sept. 10, 1858. 46-3t ' I