bs. I il:. Tw 1! 1 \ G Ck:V !• .'ne; a;; of “ " Offered C'l'iomern »3tf of fill i' IIK- thf •f a.. T., reM, f iN a’, le Ist ‘- Jul wn of * •vmi- y. »ni • • 'at. to y tLo ( ,unty ,^nj he^,' • j , .,, ,. ■"'- •t the er r, . -i-'-at than TT. Kv r. - b. , Pr, .’t ur .s'r R. R .'0 -nf E" E, ,■ i" Ii tf... SU' »n 1 t.., c !■; Apple -■■'V' -iff 4v.-l_ V ST()( K ^ 'li i*r. Ifrf i kfl ‘1 -1 I ji’ V ;I-K \N, -\isLier IIOI'KL. hav;i-z '.eas,-..! thij heir ;■ ■nv...r patr.,r, i6y V:., us* fverv ■ 't Smith ■» Vi'i Ml!.r,s p O K ; \ I ■ I ' I >i>, -jg iiii; ..a n; MR. ' TLj tr nt M, i " y Nt; I.- -■ . aL ; t(? ni ’ ■ ■ ii : ■II- A.. - \\ I . ■'U^ ■ -Z W - i i’.uri . J. re- iS iiaiio, nupi:; ■ el ; . . fert , r ire ' .:i- 11 6.- . . 8 Ii i --- : ■ ’ irit in’ .^7 !;& V t. : . 1 i t OOl > »anlettes, Laces «ILlTlr.V G"'JDS. nik. !- ?\‘'iJ ■. 'i \li \ M, L'Fit i l Ki:RS. A N 1*t Ii 1*0 rfc. TE, )ii Wire, D I l\-U ARE. S 1 »- ■ ; Ei:/ ;ir - . ■ • (-JUH ■ !*• ( ) \ F.. le r,. -• :-aii be >it :; r-f I' ’ le pricf w>i. M ■ lane M , ■ J hiijr;nf!er. ^:-tf Lease. opr, ■ tL:3 we. J anuary. To a .,;u8Sa. ;ir - .a will , ... As ■■‘b ^ i. if'--- ■ IDrtn eg*' ihe . T:;. tpa: L-. - Cll.- sar: ruK. ■ill . IU>- ijii'l oil ITH, nlii J vlt.iclian^ it«ti 'uH sale or r ; -1 : ytb«r JH’, "-Cm f)L' r l.ri'OKTS. ; of I LK ! A vV Rt- L. f, KIN 1 ; \ I i I.E, Oh .N • filH nROLl.Ni- . .t r than tha* 1 rv T-. saj t" ^ 1 iV 1 HwferenceS ot . .; we , ut ■ f-ta 'f who iiK* the .i 4 805. UiyLH 8EMI-WEEK L.T. [VOL MIL] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 20, 1858. [NO. 747.1 ri;iNTi:i) .Mondays and Thursdays. i:n\V\HI) J. HALF. & so\, KD1T(MI.S and I’lUHMllKTOKS. Pru'C for the Semi-Weekly (>i;skr\ kr $3 00 if paid in » Ivaiu'e: •’>' if paiil iluring the year of subacrip. ti 'ii; iT 1 after the year hus exi'ired. F ir tlie Weekly V)uskuver •$:! 00 per annum, if paid in a ivaiu'e: $- oO if paid ihiring the year of sub«crip‘ ti.'ii: "r $ ! I'O after the year has expired. ADVKRTISKMKNTS inserted for sixty cents per f junro i>f I'i Hne.s for the first, and thirty cents for each j; oi'ediiic: publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial i’'>iitr:u’ts, at reasonal)le rates. Adverlisejs ar. re i'lP'ted to state the number of insertions desired, or (hfv w;';; be cuutinued till forbid, and charged accord- SIII.MVVETJ. iiousr>, i'ayetti;vii.m;, v.. Kmt Si(U oj Green Sfrctf, i few Doors North of the Marhet House. ^MUIK Subscriber de.«ire through this me- -M dium to acktiowledjre the liberal pa- Ige the liberal i tronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and ('arriiige Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal pa tronage heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render them comfortable during their tfdj.iurn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market atiords. P. SHKMWELL. March 24, 185.5. SOtf and A Ivertisements to be inserted irisiJf, charged •'iO pe*" cent, extra. Fire insurance. UJ E refer our readers to the annual statement of the .Ktna Insurance Company, of Hartford, which will be found in another column. This success ful institution was incorjiorated by the Legislature of i'onnei'ticut in ISl'J, with a perpetual charter. It? eapit.'ii is :*!500,000, and its accumulations exceed ■v-M'ii.iMin more, making its entire assets »ver JfoOU,- 0' ii, invested as detailed in the statement referred to These re.-iults indicate that during the period of nearly f.-rty y-;ars since its organization, (without a single change i f its chief o3icer,) its business has been con- J-.icted with judgment and prudence. It h;is been thas successful in iin eminent degree, discharging, -is we are informed, ‘aU its obligations by the payment ,'f ah iut ■'! '{iHurs for li sses, without asking a iHV> delay in any instance. It has had but little lit- ^^ation, notwithstanding the immense number of trans actions made. In or'ler to attain as much c^ruunt;/ as [^'os'ible in such a business as insurance, it has been the practice of the Company, for several years, at great, carefully to classify and arrange their | ri;k? into about tifty distinct classes, so a.® to ascertain | the amount insured on each class, the amount of pre- ^ receivtfd thereon, an'! the ani iunt of losses up- ^ n each. This classitication. extending over a long ■ peri 1.and covering property to a very large amount.fur- ; D>Lies reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial * asis of actual experience, ujion which to conduct its I'usiuess. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance. Hs many suppose: its hazards are ascertainable, and i fnuciples capable of beinj; reduced to a system, the ; practical working and results of which are as certain tiiat of any other business. The .Ktna Company, \y a liiering rigidly to its system, a!i‘'. placing its busi- iic.-'i ut m a healthy basis, lut' .-br «ine I the confidence .J?' the 0 Jiumuuity to an extfut sui [mssed by no other ' i,mpany in the L'. States, an 1 ha' increased its busi ness and its income tr^m year to year with a steady i growth. One great '.>urce .fits security is the wide : stributiou of its ri'ks—i p ,.i. y which it pursues with great strictne^i—lirnitins: the amount to be cov ered in each locality. Dy this c.'urse it has passed, v.ith comjiarative impunity, thr.'Ugh some « t' the must sweeping and destructive tires, which have swallowe i up ither companies less cautiou-. in their bu.-iiuess. It is a system -;ke this, based upon oxporience, which gives stability an 1 soundness to a company, ami to the as- iured CDutijence and securit,.—Baiwiort I’airi' ’ .£T.\i l.\.SlKiMi: 10MIM.\1, Hartford, conn. INCuRl’OllATED IslJ. t IIAIITKK I’EllPLTU VL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11 I K. t, I’residt-nt. L. (j. lUl'i.iiV, \'ioB I'rf sidcnt. T. -A. .\Lt X VNi'Ki;. .'fcretary Direi TOKS—T. K. lirMi-e, ,s. T'idnr, J ' hurch, R. B’le.i. M A. Tuttle, K. Fl..>*er, h. IJu.keloy, H. Miituer. E. G. U.p.oy, a. S. Wjit-.i, 11. Z. I'l .t., (.i F Liavis, A. Duntiam, L>. Hillyer, T. A. Aiexan ter, U . Keney. The -\»=ets are mainly invested in ."^t. cks and Hunds. pi;, ing interest, with ."i>17ll,'i'jt 'il of cash on deposite .n the H.irtford UanHs, to meet losses. Lusses due and unpaid—none Li Bsea adjusted and not due, 'i;’_'t,;il3 Lubses in suspense, waiting lurther proot, \c., ij>7o,- lo. Losses resisted, (suspicions of fraud, &c.) ■'iJ46,*78 72. tOtr Agent of the above Conipany in Fayetteville, N. ( K. J Hall. BRITISH PERIODICALS L. .Si 'iTT .}• Co., NEVV VoKK, continue to jiublish the following leading British Periodicals, viz: 1. THE LuNDUN QUARTERLY' (Conservative). THE EDINBURGH REVIEW .Whig). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). ■'j. BLACKWOOD S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). J. \V. RAKFJi Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FI'KMTI'KII ever oflered in this niivrket: which, added to his own manuf.icture, makes his assorttuent com plete:—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painttd cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses: Lo.iVing Glasses: Willow^ Wagons and Cradles: Siile Bo.irds: Bureaus: Secretaries and Book-Cases: What- Nots: Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands: Wardrobes; Picture Frames and (.ilass; Window Shades; t’nrnices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogony and Wiilnut; Tete a Tetes: Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs ot every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with .Kulian At tachment: Rosewood Melodians, from the best manu factories in New Y'ork and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New Y'ork prices—freight only a l ied. Septsmber 'J. 4ii-tf The Ijarnt'Al i'arria^e i'artort/ in the South! >Ic1vs:tsj ESPECTFl LLY public, t.'iat he Br ck BuiMings at his ufacturing Carriag'.:,. Than^ patron.ige he has receive 1 i'> h ipes by strict auunti ii t . t'l give sati.'^ictim. t' me:’' same He'its h w r material and ly esperionc i v ■it the business Hi-i w '1% with any m\de in th - Unite 1 lur ihility. He is ieti-riiiMio l t . w irk in his line on i.s vr .. I tiTtu' e sewh*“re th\l is as we !■ :i • 11 MMTiik.L>, the L.VR’iE.'F .'^Toc’lv - C'urriairtii, Jitirotirh intonn? his t’rien If and the h.iS bui'.t up l.irtr.- substiintial o!d Star: !. ex[.r*'S;i'y f^r man- !.ir tli>- ver_T lib*'ral f;i« ia.-r 1 yearg. he ;■ ", with !i dt'S'T" . .11 u ince f the . ■ i,' :.f tiie t ■ ..I rMll"!! in i-ai-h hrat,. ' (. iiip ire f iv^r.ibiy I. I 'P III' l':. -3' 111 1 ~ utl.i d . ;u.y as .any w. rk d ne II lias .;n i-.kud, f EARTHEN-WARE. W. 1%. Is now receiving his Fall uuppUes of the above articles. He can supply Country Merchants at prices which he is sure will make it their intere«t to deal with him. He has for sale, 80 ChiiiJi Tea-Sets, loOO Doz. CoiuuiDn Cups and Saucers, 500 “ Fine Do. Do. 100 “ l>ishes, ‘JOO Covered Dishes, 100 Doz I’itchers, ^00 “ Plates, 1000 Tumblers and Goblets, 750 Looking-(jIlasses, Coffee Mills, Toy Locoinotives, and Yankee Clocks,—by the box. And othiM- goods in proportion. ordtr in tvn>‘ to hnva goodt \S'KLh PACK ED, countri/ merch'inl* th”uld l>uu tUeir Crockery FIRST. .\ug. 80. 41-2m •Itedlcfii •\^oiiee* »R. II. A. .McSWAIN has taken an Oflice on An derson Street, in the rear of .Messrs. Raj & Pearce’s Store, where he can be found by those de siring his Pr.'fes.«ional services. August 24, 18oS. 40tf ui:miro ^I'^HE subscriber has Removed to the Store one door X Easr^f H. k E. .1. Lilly’s, where he hopes to meet all his old friends and to make many new friends and customers. G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. .\ugust 2.5, 40tf iii.NTin mmm. nillS INSTITUT will resume operations on Mon- da_T, the l:^th day of September next, uniler the guidance of the same Faculty and Rules, as for the last two Sessions. For particulars address L. C. Graves, Principiil, or H A. BIZ/.ELL, Sec’y of the Board of Trustees. .\ugust 2'i, l^.'^. 40-bw I'lRi;. FiirAiL (iiEip mm, >, Olaas, ^c. rniHE unlirsilined are prepared to display their JL samples tor the tall trade to Merchants. Physi cians, L'rugirists and others, and to sell on the most advantageous terms possilile. Theii Stock embraces the most varied assortment of EDGEWORTH FEMlLESEfllNWY, iiREE.VSBORO\ .V. €. ri^HE Scholastic year is divided into two Sessions, -M- commencing 1st .Vugtist and 1st January. The course of study is thorough and systematic, em bracing everything necessary to a complete, solid, and ornamental education. The buildings are so arranged as to combine the comforts of a home, with the advan tages of a school. Instructors of ths highest qualifica tions are employed in each of the Dcpartmei ts. No Institution in the country possesses advantages supo- rior to Edgeworth. TERMS: Board, including washing, lights, and fitsl, par Session of five months, ^>60 00 Tuition in the Regular Classes, 20 00 The next Session will commence on Monday, August 2d, 1858. Pupils are admitted at any time during the Session, and charged from the time of entrance. Catalogues containing all necessary information re specting the Course of Instruction, Terms, &c., will be forwarded on application to RICHARD STERLING. Principal. Greensboro’, N. Carolina. May 28, 1858. 17-6mospd A FROCI>AAL\TIOX, his Excellency, Thoma.s Bragg, Governor of North Carolina. WHEREAS, it has been represented to me that one Archibald .McDougald, late of the County of Cumberland, did on the 27th ilay of February last, in said County, kiH and murder one Thomas Munroe, and that the said McDougald is a fugitive from justice, and has escaped beyond the limits of this State. Now, to the end that the said .\rchibald McDougald may be arrested and brought to trial for his said of fence, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, ofFeriug a Reward of Two Hundred Dollars for his apprehen- | sion and delivery to the Sheriff of Cumberland County, j DESCRIPTION. ; McDougald is about fifty years of age. of light hair j and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, has a scar | on the face near one *f his jaws, weighs about IGo or ' 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while I drunk is turbulent and troublesome. | Given under my hand and the Great Seal of j [L. s.]the State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of .March, A. D. 1858. By the Governor, TUGS. 15RACG. Pi L.^SKi CowPEK, Pr. Sec y. March 15. 9.3tf o. nousTOix J OULD informhifl friends and former customers that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear Bank, and 3 doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collars, ai'd every thing belonging to his trade. He respectful ly invites his friends from the country to call and ex amine his stock betore purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harnessand Saddles punctually, and his charge* shall be moderate. He would request all indebted to the firm of HOUSTON & OVERBY" to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compeliod to settle the firm’s debts. August 27, 185H. tf LIFE INSURANCE. yjI'^HE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of -M. the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Every member for life participates in the pro fits of the Company; and the ant»ual premiumjfor life membership, where it amounts to $;J0 or more, may be paid one-half ia cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. A man may insure his own life f«r the exclusivo benefit of his family The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world, it is one by which a family, lor a small sum annually, may be provided for, after the death of its head, en whose exertions they may have been dependent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy Explanatory pamphlets, and the neeessary Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE. TFIE DONAI.DSON ACADEMY ii^MWlEOUJVT, WILL be opened on the 1st MONDAY' in Oc tober by JESSE R. McLEAN as Principal. Mr. McLean is an experienced Teacher, and has furnished to the Trustees ample testimonials as to character and ability. The Trustees take great pleasure in recommending Mr. McLean to parents and guardians, and solicit for him a lull share of patronage. Terms of Tuition will be made known in a subse- (juent advertisement. W. B. WRIGHT, Chm’n of Board of Trustees of Donaldson Academy. Sept. 10, 1858. 45-tf FOR SALE OR RENT. A CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, on Hay- muunt, near Mr. J. C. Thomson’s. For particu lars enquire of J. G. Shepherd, Esq., or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. 9-tf %flnrble Factory. The Wilmin Charlotte Uuther- ford Hail Road Company. rpHE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock- X holders of the Wilmington, Charlotte & Ruther ford Rail Road Company, will be held in the Town of Wilmington, on Thursday, the 14th day of October next. H. W. GUION, Pres’t. Sept. 8, 18.38. 45-tm GROCERIES AT^VHOLESALE. IH.WE just received in store my Fall Stock, em bracing the following articles, viz: 125 Bags Coffee. O.T Bbls. and Ilhds. Sugar—assorted. 05 “ Pork. 50 Boxes good Tobacco. 75 “ Candy. 30 * Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills. 75 Boxes Crackers. .\ll of which will be sold for CASH, or on short time to the best of men. E. F. MOORE & CO. Sept. !t, 18.38. 44-tf 'III Fiver ottered in this , lace, at.d wurk nearly hnishe 1 wliich w .^11 1 f which will he sold \«i \ short time to pUTnitual c ist jnn Mh’ityM, Srifntifif A' i*ojntlat' l*attnt t'very vaii“tT of t olor«* A: for Pa in tins;:., i'honiiuIk find t ht inicat SPli'l'.', .'^»1'A, and utlier uiticles usu.i.:v louudat the ST' cer''; X'/.l / Tliry es| panitiou 1'. '.lie pure •.fii'tlicttl i'otl MAver Oil^ their brand ot which has become the staudard of su- ptriuritv ihr..iih .ut tiio country: in coiijunctiou with M ^ ^ CX t/- v4 (J /1 tZ *l'»l L.»1" ** 1 *• »'• ' tfiib they are lor the bume claii ot pati«iils, a superior article of itonrbon rKIin'MKRY, a ., ctv. cially di \..te thrir attention to the pre- a vt ry large .^tock of iii I'C finished daily, low for (• ^sii. or i>n rs. He has on The.«e Periodicals ably represent the three great poli- ti' .ti parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, .and Radi- ciii,—but politics forms only one feature of their char acter. -\s Organs of the most prof'iund writers on ' it-nce, Literature, .Morality, and Religion, they stand, Us they ever have stood, unriviilled in the world of let- being considered indispensable to the scholar and -ill jTufessional man, while to the intelligent reader ■ t' every class they turnish a more- correct and satis- facttiry record of the current literature of the day, ti4riiughout the world, than can be possibly obtained fT'Au any other source. EAULV COPIES. The receipt of ADVANCF) SHEETS from the British jjublishers gives additional value to these Reprints, in asmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of sub scribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. f*er ann. $3 00 0 UO 7 00 8 00 1 00 'J 00 10 oo in advance., ia.suc'l will be For any one of the four Reviews For any iwo of the tour Keviews For any three of the Four Reviews For all four of the Reviews For Blackwood's .Magazine For Blackwood and tiiree Reviews tor Blackwood and the four Reviews Payments to Le vkii/i in all canen Monty rurrcnt in tlit State where rertiLtd at A discount of iwenty-tive per cent, from the ahiove price will be allowe'l to i.i us ordering lour or more copies of any one or more ot the uhove wurks. Thus: Four cojiies of Blackwuod, >,r jl one Review will be sent to on; address for ■>'.; four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for and so on. P06'i ACE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, thi-se works Will be d^ilivered, FREE oF POST.VGL. When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but TWEN'l Y-F( *UR (,'ENTS a year for “B'.ack wood." and hut FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each d the lieviews. A’. Ji. The jtrti'e in Griiit Jirltain of the Jive Jerio/i( oh iil/oce-Tiam> >l in ?•{ I per annum Kemittances for any of the above publications should ulwayF be addressed, post paid, to the Publishers. LE(jN.\RD SCOTT i: CO., No. 54 Geld street. New York. T.\'.s on, & dkv iiioes. BJ'LS. Taniifci soil,—a superior article; also, han I more than oNE IIUNiMlKD .ANl) FIFTY Vehi cles fitiished and in course i f c ’tistrui'ti.jii. 8ioe^“ All work mado h_v him is wuri anted 12 months with lair usage, and shouM it fail by tiad workmanship or material w:ll be repiiired tree of charge Pwrsons wishing to bay would do well to call and examine lor themselves. Order.^ th.inkfully received and promptly -it tended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable ternu .May 2S, l85:i. f^'.^-tf pnu.ic xoi'icE Is HEREBY' GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital slock of the ('entral Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville. Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the lOih da^- of .\pril 18.jtj, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places and under direction of the following named persons, C«mmissioners in the Charter, vi^: In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk Ilf the County Court at Jackso iville, and at ttie Post (.)fiice Rich Lan'Is. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward. J. H. Foy, Robert White, John A. .\veritt, .Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. .M. F. Aren- iell at Beaufort. Dr. M. F. Arcndell, J. F. Bell, L T. Oglesby. At the store of 0. W’. Taylor at Carolina City,—(’ol. Wm. N. Dennis, H. d. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge •\rendell. In Duplin county, at the office of the (bounty Court Clerk at Kenansville, — Major Owen R. Kenan, David R;id, Isaac B. Kelly, Wm, E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at i^e office of the County Court (Merk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm .McKoy, Patrick .Murphy, Wm. Faison, R. Beaman, .\lfred Johnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of ,A. A McKethan,—Thomas ll. Underwood, Randal .McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, Jehn C. 151ocker. Form of subscription; The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of $100 each, set opposite to our names respectively in the Central Rail Road Company; and in all respects to comply with the forms of the Charter. llViiskey^ which for high j.roof, delicate flavor, and ripe ane, is unsurtass^ 1 by aiiy in the luiiket, and is highly es- teeme'l when takfu in conjun-tion with our Cod Liver Oil. as a valuable adjunct to that celet>rated and re markable remedy. .■\lso, direct from the foreign vintages, a large sup ply of M'lXK.S and which can be relied on for purity, proof, fine llavur and consequent efficacy in debility, nervousness, atfections of the bowels and other ailments. An examination of prices is solicited. JOHN C. BAKER k CO. 154 N. od St., Philadelphia, Aug. 14, 1858. ;J7-2m. \\\G\[ MOI NT TANNERY. SITUATED 4 .MILES WEST OF WADESBORO’, AN SON COUNTY, N. C. OW the panic is over and nobody killed in these .4-* diggins, the undersigned still continues to con duct the general Tanning and Manufacturing of all kinds of Leather. Harness. Saddles. Bridles. Boots and Shoes, of every size and description—of the very best material. PL.\NT.\TloN premium BROG.'^NS, Not to be surpassed. AH of which he oUers and pro poses to sell or exchange tor Raw Hides, Beeswax, Tallow, and all kinds of country produce, on terms to justify and accommodate his customers according to the times. Having on hand constantly a large supply of.Stock, he is p>rer-ared to execute a'.l orders neatly and promptly, with such material and workman.-ihip as are not to be ex celled i)v any e-jtablislimcnt of the kiud iu this part of the country in style, quality or price, for cask or to punctual customers And in returning his sincere thanks to his cust.uners and friei d.s generally for their former | utrotia>:*‘, he solicits andhopes to still merit a coutinuarice of their favors JAMES (V CAR\WAY’ Ma’cli 4. ‘JO-tlJapd ILlliUI! Ll.MI Foil NILE. rjB^HK Siiliscriher otfcrs .1. HUNDRED ACRES 0 tion as ther*' is in .\labaiua. FOR I V .At'RES. on which are a good Dwelling and all necessary out-hou->es, in good repair. ONE HUNDRED andSl.XTY ACRES, good riv.*r bot tom land, 100 acres of which is under cultivation and produces fine crops of (’otton .m l Corn. NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and Pine land, on which is some good farming land. TWENTV-THREE HUNDRED and FORTY ACRES Pine land, well suited for Turpentine getting. This property will be sold cheap aud on accommoda ting terms. .Address the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. O., Mouroe Coanty, Alabama. WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. March 11, 1858. ^2-ly CORN AND WHISKEY. a BUSHELS good White Corn. 1.30 Bbls. Whiskey. 80 “ Apple Brandy. 15 “ N. E. Rum. For sale for C.\SH by E. F. MOORE & CO. Sept. 9, 1858. 44-tf FOR RENT. ^JY' BRICK HOUSE on Ramsay Street. Also, House on North Street. Possession given Oct. 1. W. B. WRIGHT. Sep. 11, 1858. 4.5tf liy o:eo. Lvui>i:ii, THO lIuURS IBIHE t. I. llJli:ll i SU.\'S STORE, Fayetteville, V, Jau’v 20, 185s ()4-ypd O. NOTICE. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO; ^ 400 Casks LIME; 50 Bales H AY; 6 Bbls. GLUE. For sale by July 10. FOR RENT. ONE COU.XTING ROOM, frontir.g on Hay street; one OFFICE, fronting on .Maxwell street. Also, large WAREHOUSE at Campbellton .Apply at WILLKINGS’S BUILDING, Hay St. Sept. 11- 45-3t WORTH & UTLEY. for sale THIHTV-FIVE Land in as healthv a sec- GUO ACRES OF LAAD FOK SALK. f’l^HE Subscriber offers for sale the above quantity of Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmington and Charlotte Rail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Land is well adapted to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good range and other advantages. Those wishing to purchase may find me on the pre mise.?, who will be happy to exhibit it or give any in formation concerning it desired. ANGUS .McGILL. Philadelphus, N. C., Sept. 1, 1S57. 4U:f R. M. ORRELL, TURPEWTIWE INSPECTOR. "ji’^HOSE sending their Spirits Turpentine to me ■- may rely upon it to have prompt and careful at tention. -My Warehouses are fronting the Wharves and the River. Sept’r 13. 1858. 46-tf COPPER, riN, & SIIEET-IRON n V.M FACTORY. AS. M^ RTINE still continues to manufacture every thing in the above line, at his old stand on H'ly street. Job work done with despatch. Sept 10, 1858. 45-3m J G,500 W PETER MALLETT WITH D. I’OLDEX MURRAY, GENERAL COmMISSION MERCHANT, G - S O U T H S T H E K T , NK \y July 2'.*, 18.38. YORK. 32- a fine lut of Dry Hides For sale by JAS. G. (JOOK. Names. Residence. No. shares. $ Cash. Work. Subscri[)tioris may be made payable in work, aud ay specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference iu taking (lontracts, when bids artt the same or at Engi neer's estimate .As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed. the (.'ommissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they are required to call a meeting of Stiickholders to orgaui/.c the Company. March 15, 18.3'i llltf by REAL Esr.v ri: for sai.e. ^■^HK I)WELLlN(i House, rece.itly oecupied .Mrs. H. P. Lain, and as present occuj'ied by the Rev. James .McDaniel, n-. ar H.iym luiit, will be sold privately by the subs.-rilier. It is located in a good neighhorhootl: e nveiiii'iit to Imsiness; in a healthy section ot the town: good s[ii ing water convenient; and has all necessary out houses nttached. A great bar gain may be had, as I am determine 1 to sell. Tckms Ll BEHAI, J. R. .McDON.VLD, Agt. Fayetteville, .May ID. I2ts CAROLINA crrv, N. c. ^■111E .\tlantic and North (Carolina RailrcfUd being -M. now completed to Beaufort Harbor, I have de termined to locate at Carolina City for the purpose of doing a Forwarding and General Ccmmlssion ■ B V. J5^ and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit patronage and support. Being the .Agent of Mi'KRat’s of First Ciass Packet.'' to this and Morehead city, every effort will be made to mak« this the cheap est and most expeditiou^jkite to New Y’ork. Vessels will be loaded and dischaTged at my Wharf (adjoining the Railroad Wharf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, aud to the sale and shipment of Produce. W.M. B. GRANT. July 2U, 1858. 32-ly MEDICAL NOTICE. ■ 'VRS. E.YSTERLING and HEN.AG.VN having asso- ciated themselves together for the purjiose of practicing Medicine in Rockingham and vicinity, they respectfully solicit a libera! share of patronage, and by their strict and prompt attention they hope to give perfect satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage. They will attend any call day or ni^hl. Dr. Easterling takes pleasure in stating to his former patrons that Dr. H. is a regular graduate, hav ing read three t/ears ami attended tico full courses oi Lec tures. One or both may bo found at ««y hour at their Office opposite the Post Office, unless professionally engaged. H. R. EASTERLING, M. D. D. HENAGAN, M, D. Rockingham, N- (' , .April 5, 1858. lOOtf DEN riS'I'RY. TIiom. .11. U.AVING decided on permanently * locating at Floral College, respectfully informs the citizens of this place and surrounding country that he is |^e- pared to operate in all the variou.s branches of Sur geon Dentistry, and wi;l to happy to attend all calls in his Profession at any time. Prices moderate. Satisfaction guarantied. July 2'.'. 33tf WATER WHEEI.S! WATER WHEELS!! E are now manufacturing Vandewater’a Im proved JONVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, i for NHUs and Factories of every description; and all ’ those wishing to improve their water power will find it 1 for their interest to address us by letter, stating the number of feet, head and fall; their usual amount of water; the kind of machinery to be driven. We can then give them price of wheel, or what we will furnish Wheel and principal Gears for, warranted to do a cer tain amount of work- Tivie jiven to test the Wheel, and if it does not come up to our figure, the Wheel and Gears to be delivered to us at the mill of the purchaser. RrTKKKNCK UIVE.N and REQl'IRF.n. HEATH & STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Prince George s county, .Md ROBERT B.AIRD, Agent. Hip^'nnr'-! ’ ■ Blank VYarraiits for sale ut this Olfici C \ FEW l!ARRi;i,S 1 HOICK APPLE BR.ANDY, suitable for making wine and putti ig up brandy fruit. F'ur sale by W. H, CARVER. Aug. 18. 88- n] E would call the attention of persons afflicted with Chills and Fevers to this celebrated Pill, which owes its popularity to no puffing, nor to long, windy certificates—but solely to its own merits as a remedy which never fails to cure when taken accord ing to directions accompanying each box. This Pill, unlike many others, contains no mineral, nor any in jurious ingredient, and may be administered with per fect safety at all times, to young or old. •Vs a preventive against Chills, or any other type of Fever, it is recommended as unsurpassed; and in treat ment of Fevers generally it is far superior to (Quinine, or any preparation of Peruvian bark. .V trial of its merits is all that is needed to insure it a favorable position in the estimation of even the most inveterate opposer of Proprietary or Patent prescriptions. CHAMI^IONS ANTJ-lilLlOi'S lULLS Enjoy the reputation of being at least as good, if not better, than any of the various cathartic Pills of the age, and are entirely free from all poisonous, mineral, or other injurious properties, and are highly recom mended in Dyspepsia, Liver (Jomplaint, Sick Head ache, Sick Stomach, Habitual Costivene.-^s, Indigestion, &c , and diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood generally, they being by their composition eiually adapted to either of the above cases as a gen eral cathartic, good at all times when such medicines are required. We recommend them to the attention of all persons. Prepared by F. M. SWVER & CO., Bellev 'le. Illinois. Sold by SAMUEL J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. .\lso, in all the towtis and cities, and by numerous country agents through nit the southern and western States and Territories. F. .M. SWYER & Co., Proprietors, Belleville, Ill’s Jvine 3, 1858. lH-Gm SMALL FOX DEAD. ENTLEMEN, you that wish to sell Likely Y'oung i" NEGROES, Men, Boys, Women and Gir »i, for the highest cash prices, would do well to give me a call, or address me at Clinton, N. C. J. A. Me ARTHUR, June 5, 1858. 17-8mos.pd i Bl.ANKS for sale at this Ortice. ACRES OF LAND FOii ! SALE. f ■’^HE Subscriber desiring to move to the West offers J. to sell the following tracts of valuable land. 1 Tract containing 2500 acres in Harnett County 18 ' miles North of Fayetteville. There is on this tract, ‘ two large and comfortable dwelling houses, with all I necessary outhouses, together with a good mill running ■ two saws and grist, with about 300 acres cleared ami : in a high state of cultivation: the remainder is excel- I lent farming and turpentine land. Also another tract containing 4000 acres of turpen- ! tine land, about 100 acres of wnich is cleared. There ! is on this tract one good dwelling with all necessary ! out houses and a good grist and saw-mill. i 1 will take pleasure in showing the above property to any person wishing to purchase. 11. S. .McNEILL. Manchester P. O. Nov. 7tk, 1857. 07-ts J'liE new; edition of DEVEREl.X & BJTTLE'S L)W KKPOKTS, VOL. I, Receives the approval of those who have ex amined it. Chief Justice Nash says, “I have looked through it —it is carefully and well got up. * * 1 think to our Court it will be invaluable—and to the Profession equally so. It will save the labor of deciding the same poiut again and again; for there will be no excuse for Counsel no^ being apprised of points already adjudi cated.” Gentlemen of the Bar who have purchased and ex amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or separate volumes of North Carolina Reports, and Law Books generally, by E. J. HALE & SON. THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE LATE HON. JOHN D. TOOMER, FOR » .1 L E . rpiIE valuable Law Library of the late Judge Toomer, I consisting of upwards of 1000 bound Volumes, and several hundred Nos unbound, has been deposited with the undersigned for s.ale. The books will be sold in sets, FOR CASH (^NLY. They are generally in gocd order, though of course bearing marks of use The prices have been fixed with reference to their condition. Ci^alogues, with the price annexed to each volume, may be obtaine I on application to the subscribers. E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville. June 10, 1858. .\NNl AL SE l'TLl^^Vrs. PERSONS indebted to us will be furnished with their accounts dui ing the present mouth, (except those already dunned;) and we earnestly reijuest a settlement Every man who means to pay at all, should pay at least once a j'ear. Persons having accounts against us will oblige us by handing them in for payment. * E J. HALE 4- SON July 5. 1858 The SouiJtern Harnw NY’, an«l MUSIC.VL COMl'.VNION. a further «u, ply just received. E. J. H VLE & SO'^. July 28, 1858. 32- Cicier \ iiieiJar, for sale by W. li. CARVER Aug. 18 28- LIM) FOR SILE. t OFFER for sale hMO Acres of LAND, lying on the West ;-ide of (’ape Fear River, two miles below Fayetteville, and extending from the river into the sand-hills This tract is about equally divided into river ridtre, sw imp and sand-hill Land. About 80 acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well stilted to the growth «f Corn and Grass: none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites tor a dwelling house on the sand-hills. ■Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make early application, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept 8, 1858. 44-tf LAND FOR SALE. JOHN T. GILMORE now offers for sale a portion of his swamp lands in the county of Cumberland about 14 miles below Fayetteville, and about miles East of the Cape P^ear River. The entire swamp has been successfully drained, of the large body of water by which it was heretofore covered. The land is ap parently level, being free from ridges (which are 80 common to swamp lands generally,) whilst there is an abundance of fall, by which the rain water can be carried off by ordinary ditches. A small portion of the land has been in cultivation abaut 7 years, and those persons who have seeu the crops regard the land as equal in fertility to any they have seen in this State or elsewhere. The location is healthy, the neighbor hood good, anl the acceis to Fayetteville and Wil mington easy b}’ means of a good road IJ miles in length leading directly to the river. Besides this, it is within 3 miles of a beautiful little village, upon a high and healthy Bluff, at the river, with a Store, Ware house and fir-.*t rate landing. .All which afford many conveniences to the neighborhood. As several persons have spoken of purchasing, this is leemed h proper time to call their attention to the subject, inas much as there is a crop now growing upon a small portion of the land, by which they can judge of its production- Reasonable terms will be given to the purchaser Sept. 10, 18.38. 45tf A DM INI ST R A FO R’S S A LEI TBIHE undersigned will, on the 22d September next, JL at the late residence of John Wright, deceased, sell at public auction, a large and fine Stock ot' Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, an ! a few Horses: about two hundnad and fifty barrels of Turpentine; Fodder; and a variety of Farming and other Tools; also, one pair of Timber Wheels, together with a variety of articles used upon a Fftrni, too tedious to mention. Terms of sale, six months credit; note and approved security required of purchasers before removing its articles Sale to continue from day to day until closed. ISAAC C. WRIGHT, Adm’r. FI RTHER NOTICE. VLL those having claims against the Estate of John Wright, dec’d, must present them to the undersigned, duly authenticated, within the time pre- scril)cd by law, or this will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. ISA.AC C. WRIGHT, Adm’r. Clinton, .Aug. 30, 1858. 43-ts 810 REWARD, Porket Book Mjost, ^OMF] where between the Spout Spring and .Mur- chison’s Factory, I lo“t my POCKET BOOK, con- tianing Seventy-Eight Dollars. Say, five ten dollar and one twenty dollar hills, and four two dollar bills; also, one Note on M irshall H. Sea well for Two Hun dred ami Seventy Five Dollars, with a credit thereon of ninety two doll.ars. dates n u r--collecied; also, one Deed for Land made by Anderson Jones to me in \loore county for two hundre i ami eight aeres. 1 he Pocket Book is a lar^ie one, the name ol Duncan Redsole written tli»*rein The finder can address me It Harrison’s >i*e P O, Cumberland county, or ’’bos. J Johnson at Fayetteville N ('. TRWIS BEDSOLE. Rrr k's 'leek, S pt 10, 1868. 46-3t k;S ll ,1 ■t ■ * ! I- t .

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