VM; DS. IS: kpors H- . 1 " ,= It.Ill ■: 10 t \C. '‘I iat, 9::Lf ' ' ^ iu anjous;. r’''• ^lld? f t ^ ^ Enter tb.. wn -if t ->"•' .e / * ■ Ju!v V-‘.' *i f' , .1.1. NI nvK Ituj ‘ >unt_T . -i* :ti* '^'•tment than ‘ r"- . -!rf ‘^ry Apr, 1 ' a Lt’-Eii; 4;-ln; JHii .- - ■ ■ : rin.v . . -Ni ' “-re. tt 'N. llnri'l.. the. « ,.: I 4-yp 1 tu ■ ;;'.N n si;., carr'.-l m C'ui.-fs, i- nt by ^ : "i : - K:L 1)1 N(. fitti 51 i: >no . * • i . T. w ; I,'] ill \\\K arra- ’. :ts r,v at a , . .. :.C' . !iu- r» n laiiano, t iUi! : ■ * .Ltw tr.f ' =i r --:*5. .J.I- w.; - j ■ > - • A.crji z‘ » r^’*; bt. . ' -:f hi LJ ( ) ’ > i > ^, Epaulettes, Laces l»r Hi'i uvi OUUD.S, 0 Til Y 6. I I \( l'LKt:K*t, L ■ »>V It t'or k. -4-'y ^TE, roil Wire, \1> ri\-WARE. les'. ' lwc-» .- TA ne -I - • ■- ■ 'e. by W -- \S -. fc'jii--. ' • .'Mt. { ( .) \ L. the • . - - c»'= ■» t, itT . price W'-! . :.ane M ... ’ CTiguieer, h-tf ()i '-i: Lease. rop ti-- Y. rcp- en- ear or;i .»n r ti. t thN jt Jannfcry - r-'.t, T . - .-.inesi, ■ - . w; - -t- —)?e-_ N : -n g-'-^ -■-r- rr.e Ut St. ITH. .^at. m-.K, nin / Merdiant ,it«: : th« §aie a. ■e^ tt‘. t all otb«f )L r :.}.1‘okTS. ri.T., ,r r ,* -ustr^r I'L! LAW KE- ;-:y I. j OK MitiTH L \KULI>A- , ,, . '. r than tha* .Jr; . ’ • -“5'" .. tittS , *, Kwfurenci.-* V yt, ’ ii a we ib*!! s.-tgof K«- tb^.ie who * TOWlIILILll ©IBSIEiBTlEIB S E M I-W E: E K L. T. [VOL Vlli.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 23, 1858. [NO. 748.] riU-NTKD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS.' rnU VRl) J. H\LE & SON. KDiroRs and proprietors. pni-e for thp Semi-Weekly Obsbrvkk $3 00 if paid in ;i'lvrtiu’e; S3 -jO if paid during the year of subacrip- ti.in: or -'^4 after the year has expired. F '!• tlie Weekly Obskrvkr $2 00 per annum, if paid in a ivnnce; *- 00 if paid during the year of subscrip* t! n; or >:J UO :ii‘ter the year has expired. \1»V1;P.TISKM1;N fS inserted for sixty cents per s.jii ire ..f Itniuo.s for the first, and thirty cents for each . i r- -iiiiir puhlic:iti(ni. Yearly advertisements by ape- • ; ; (•.■iitr;ii-ts. lit re.isonjible rates. .Vdvertisers ar. r, t" t!ite the number of insertions desired. Oj. w be >.'oiitiuued till forbid, and charged accord- y ivertisements to be inserted in.tide, charged 50 pe*" lit. ♦■\tra. - 'i.. pr Fire iMsui*anc€» jt R ' K rcft r our re;idera to the annual statement of ** the .■Ktna InMirnnce Company, of Hartford, o - h will be found in another colnmn. This success- fa iiist tutiiin w:is iiici rji-rated by the Legislature of vv::-’^. ut :r: 1810, with a perpetual charter. Its it i' is x,^ii!i,0 and its accumulations exceed X- 'p iii)M in'-re, making its entire assets ever i^^OO.- ■ \ 'uvf-ited as detailed in the statement referred to ; i. -ie results in licate that during the period of nearly '■ rty V-,.is since its organization, (without a single ■ i;f .if its chief otiicer,) its business has been con j d with iu'isinient and prudence. It has been f us iiir successful in an eminent degree, discharging. np me ;nt'orined. all its obligations by the payment ! .• ‘li'llar.t for losses, without asking a ■i.iv ill any instance. It has ha.I but little lit- » irbstciuding tlie immense number ot tr ins In nr ler to a't.iin as much certainty a^ Mich H business as insur.ince, it has heeti t:i* t'ompiuiy, for s-'veral years, at can-tu.ly to c’assify and arrange th.'ir - Ilf. H -lut tii'iy liistinot classes, si> as to ascertain ;;.t '.nsured nu o.n'h class, the amount of pre i . v’l'ivw l thereon, an.t the ani.^uiit of losses up . I: Tills classification, extending over a long ; 'I: ! oov- ring property to a very large amount,fur- ': ■ - ro ’v.e data, and presents a sound, substantial experience, upi n wuich to conduct its .f'>. ln>ur,inoe is n>>t a matter of luck or cliauce. ' 'tipp_.se: its bnz irds are ascertainable, and I riii.-iplt.' c-apable of being reduced to a system, the .ticai wi.rking aud results of which are as certain ' -It I’any other business. The .ttna Company, u !'I 'ring rigi.lly to its system, and placing its busi- : ' " u] un a healthy basis, has ohfiinei] the contidence 111 - ■. ■mmunity to an exteut surpiassed by no other ■ :ap iuy in the U. .States, and has increased its busi- ■'S .uul its income from year to year with a steady er. wth. One great source of its security is the wide : 'u-ibutiou of its risks—a pelicy which it pursues with great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov- ■re i lu each locality. By this course it has passed, ■■ /.li r.imparative impunity, through some of the most 1‘eping ancl destructive fires, which have swallowe.l up :: er companies less cautious in their business. It is system like this, based upon experience, which gives ' ;bility an 1 soundness to a company, and to the as- ■ red confidence and security.—baiiimort Patriot. 1.\SIR1.\(E lOMPlW, Tl'OKI). CO.V.V. i>' "RPOHATED 1810. CHARTER PERPETUAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11 K I5KACE, President. E. G. RIPLEY, Vice Pre- si.lent. T. ALEX.YNDER, Secretary. 1i;rk.' TGR3 —T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. M. .\. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. Dulkeley, R. Miither. E. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G F i'lVis, A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, W K.iu-y. Ti.e .\isets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, j i. iug interest, with ■■jil7l!,t)04 01 of cash on deposite ^ ’lit- lliirtford Banks, to meet losses. Li.-:-es due and unpaid—none L adjusted and not due. ■'i'24,31.3 L' -ses in suspense, waiting further proof, ic., JfTo,- '■ . l.j. L'.sses resisted, (suspicions of fraud, ic.) $46,t>78 7‘J. fiiajr Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, N ' E. J. HALE. BRITISH PERIODICALS. '>11 ^ Co., .NEW VtjRK, continue to publish the tuhowing leading British Periodicals, viz: 1. iIIK London yU.\RTERLV ('onservative). : HE KDINBURGH REVIEW ..Whig). .HE NORTH BRITL'iH REVIEW (Free Church). 4. "HE WEST.MLNSTER REVIEW (Liberal). 5. L.\CKWooD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). These Periodicals ably represent the three great poli- •' ii parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radi- i;, — but politics forms only one feature of their char- ’•■r .\s Orgiuis of the most profi'und writers on ' '*?iict*, Liter iture, .M'lr.mty, and Religion, they stand, I' ::,y ever have st» '.l. unnvalle i in the world of let- liciiig Considered indispensable to the scholar and ' . pr jiesiioiial man, whiie to the intelligent reader • ■•vt-ry ci..ss tney turnish a more correct and satis- ; = : reiMrd of the current literature of the day, r till* World, than can be possibly obtained ; '11 uiiy otnor suurce. | KAKLV COI'IHS. j > (■ receipt of AiVA.NCE Sll EE I'S from the British j ;>ives additional value to these Reprints, in- I they can now be pbiced in the hands of sub- ^ « I : .jii u-• !..t iS S )OU as the original editions. IKH.NKS. 1 S. T. HAWLEY & SON Are receiving their FALL AND WINTER supply of BOOTS ana SHOElk, A large stock, embracing every variety of style and quality of Gents’, Ladies’, Boys’, Misses’ and Child ren’s, with a superior article of Servant’s Shoes. —ALSO— I'ruiiks; Sole Leatlier; Calf, Goat, Lin ing and Hindin^ Skins; Lasts; with Shoe Fin(iings of all kinds. Peruons wishing articles in our line are requested to examine our stock, as we will sull low for r.\SH or usual time to prompt customers. Sept. 6, 186.'^. 48.6w 1858.” FILL l\IPORTlTI(h\S! We are now receiving the targest Stock of staple and Fancy Ory («oodii, LADIES’ CLOAKS. MANTILLAS. HOOP-SKIRTS READY-M\DE CLOTHING: HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, UMBRELLAS, &c., Ever otfere'l by us; which will be sold at Wholesale cheap for cash or on the usual time fir approved paper. STARR & WILLIAMS. Sept. 6. 4.J. I'.ILL A.\D \ll\TER (iOODS! % E have received a part, aud are daily expecting Ww the balance, of our Fall and Winter supply of GOODS, Embracing a very large stock of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, hats and CAPS, BONNETS, UM BRELLAS, RKADY-.MADE CLOTHING. Jiic., inc., &c. —ALSO— \bout 400 Cases of BO >TS AND SHOES—well ss- s.irted, all ot which we are dispose.l to sell at low fiices for Cash or good paper. H. J- E. J. LILLY. Sept. 4, 1858. 4:5 Ow WRIGHT & FULLER, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Fayett4fVill«s IV. C'. C1LEMENT G. WRIGHT and BARTHOLOMEW y FULLER have associated themselves together for the practice of their profession. Prompt attention given to all business committed to their charge. They will practice in the counties of Cumberland, Harnett, Sampson Rol e?on and BladeH. Aug. 23, 1858. 39- Presbyterian copy. JOSEPlf BAKEK, Jr., ~ ATT#R.\KV XT I. A W , [J Wright’s I attend and practice in the County an.l Superior (Courts of Cum berland, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 2S, 1853 79tf THO. ’C. FULLER^ •Ittorney ftnti CoHUselior ut IjUW. OFFICE at l’‘»cles’9 Bridge, recently occupied by James B:tnkg, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C Jan’y ], 18)7. LUTTERLOH’S filNE HBIHE Steamer F.ANNY will leave Fayetteville for -BL Wilmington every Monday and Thursday morn ing, until further notice, sengers as heretofore. Feb’y 22, 1858. Will take freight and pas- T. S. LUTTERLOH. 87- HAS taken an office* next door to Wm Law office on Green ."Street He wi’ LOVKKI) ELDKIDGE. •tttoi'neft tit attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp- ▼ w son Counties. Smithtiebi, April 15, 185‘i. 90-tf rUOY vSj 11LI.ER, Aitorneys and Coun.seilors at Law, Co., :v. c. Robert E troy and JOHN p. filler, have formed an association for the practice of their profession in Robesoii (’ouiity. The former will also tttterid the Courts of Bliideu and Columbus: the latter will also -itteiid those of Cumberlan.i. The Otfice in Luiuhertou will bo kept open at al! times. Jany 1, 1358. 73. THE OLD DO.MIMOX COJFFiiE POT. Dr. Hall, of N«w ^Lirn, m his Journal lltaith for Juiy, 1 s.j8, says:—‘-We commend the Old /t'"'»irn'in I'i't to ah lovers of good coflee, us we personally know that it is one of the “new things' itfered to the public in which no imposition is prac ticed. and which has the doubl* vouchers of science i and common souse.” For sale at the CROCKERY ST(»RE. Prices: — 1 QUART, .$1.35; li QUARTS, i;1.75: qUART.'^, .*2.00: 3 QUARTS, $2.35: 4 QUARTS, $a.UO Buy one if you like ^ C’fftt. y. N. TILLING HAST. Sept. 1, ’68 41-2m OFFU'li 'rilANSPORTATIOX AtiEM’, ^ Wilniinf!;ion & Manche.ster Kail Road I'o. ^ WiliiiiiiKtoiii Afo. 1858. NOTICE TO COUNTRY MERrilANTS AND SHIPPERS. «N and after the the 1st September, all Goods and Merchandize, inteu.led for the interior, or points on the line of this au'l aJjoininj^ Road, shipped to the care of the General Transportation .^gent, and landed on the Company’s Wharf, will be forwarded Free of Extra Charge and Commissions, and the Marine and back charges paid and collected with Rail Road freight at the points of delivery. By this arrangement, owners of goods will be re lieved of much expense and inconvenience, and ship pers will fin'i it to their interest to forward through this port. The promptest despatch may be relied upon. Bills Lading should invariably specify for delivery at the Rail Road Co.’s Wharf on the West side of the River. JAS. P. ROBERTSON, Ge^i’l Sup’t. .\ug. 18, 1858. 3y-2in III iioiiilimil TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. FAYETTEVILLE Female High SchooL ^■IIIIS Seminary of learning, incorporatsd with Col- B. legiate powers by the Legislature of the State, is provided with a full corps of experienced Teachers, new Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus, and tk» usual facilities for the acquisition of knowledge. The Seventh Session will commence oa the first Monday in October. For further iaformation address the Principal. WM. K. BLAKE. Aug. 5. 36-2m ~ E r r EVII.LE H (vr Ei . ,1RANK N. ROBERTS & CO., having leased this Hotel, will bo pleased to see their former patrons and friends, assuring them that they will use every exertion to please. F. N. Robkrts.] [J. 0. Smit«. Jan’y 7. 74-ypd c^)ol7s1^ng mills. ^J^HK Proprietors ar« prepared to GRIND CORN on T the usual terms. ] The Bedstead Manufacture the same place. . Jan’y 11, 1858. is Still earrisd on at r5-tf CAPE FEAR BANK STOCK ; FOR SALE I^IFT\ shares of Cape Fear Bank Stock are offered for sale. For further information apply to ■ A. McLE.AN, Cashier. FayetteTille, Aug. 9, 1858. I CILAlRt^C^AlRS^ ~ 4 LARGE lot of Stool-bottom Chairs, made at Cool Spring Mill, and for sale by i A. M. CAMPBELL, ! March 24, ’58. 96y School Notice. tWILL open my School for Boys on MONDAY, the 4th DAY OF OCTOBER proximo, at the Phoenix Loilge—first floor. North entrance. My terms of tuition will be, for quarter of t«n weeks, twelve dollars and fifty cents (1512 50;) con tingencies, twenty-live cents. Pavable in advance. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept’r 20. 47-4w Presbyterian copy 4 weeks. MISS HiNGltAM’S SCHOOL. HE next TERM will begin on Monday the 4th October. Sept. 18, 1858. 47-6t J\*ew licautiful Goods! A. J. WOODWARD HAS RECEIVED A VERY LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING! He selected it in New York with great care, and takes pleasure in informing his customers and the public, th.it it is the most complete stock ever offered in this market. He calls attention to his ex tensive Stock of QENTLEMEN’S FANCY GOODSj as SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, GLOVES, SUS PENDERS, HOSIERY, &c. He bought these goods low, and will sell them low for cash or to thos*' who promptly pay their accounts. A J.'WOODWARD, 2 doors below S. J. Hinsdale’s Drug Store. Sept. 17. 47-3t SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attorney :uid (.'ouii'eMor at Law, n/ ILL Httfii.] rejtuiarly the County and Superior Courts ot Wake, Juhuston. Cumberland, Har nett, .Aiid Wilson. All business will receive prompt .itteution. Jan’y 12, ’oH. entrusted to his care rb-ly Ur. K. A. IILAIK, OFFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. 7C-tf THE SLHSCRIHER ^l^-^KES this method of informing the public that ho X liiis taken the Store recently occupied by J. Davis, oue door below J. W. Lett's and opposite the Cape Fear Bank, where he will be please.i to see all his friends and customers. He will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, PROVISIONS AND LIQUORS, Which he will sell low for cash or on time to punctual customers. JAMES W. SELLERS. Fayetteville, N. C-, .\ug. .'il, 1^-38. 42- x\EW (iOOl)S ^■IHE subscribers adopt this method of informing ■- their friends (and the public generally) that they are now receiving into store a very large and general S rOCK OF GOODS, EMBRACING fwK OC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, &c., dec., Ac. ■\11 of which they are disposed to sell at reasonable profits for oash, or on the usual time to responsible purchasers who are in the h-ibit of paying. GEO. W. WILLIA.MS & CO. July 2G. 1858. 31- JAMES KYLE Is now receiving his Spring supply of DRY GOODS. Among which are— Prints, Lawns, and Bnlliantes; Col’d and Black Silks; Irish Linens an 1 Diapers; Farmer’s Linen. Twilled and Plain; Cassimere and .Merino Twills; White and Col’d Cotton Hose: Bolting Cloths, No 0 to 10; Silk and Straw Bonnets; .%c. With almost every article in the Dry Goods line; all of which has been purchased by the package at the late sales in New York and Philadelphia: Will be offered cheap for cash or on time to paying customers March 13, I8o^i. ^J3tf Carolinian copy. Feb’y 7, 185b. J. WILLIAM PAGE, M. D., riTTSBO itouo Mi, .V. c. Dr. P.\GE may be found at t*‘« office when not professionally engaged. May 6, 18.r>7. 5tf JAS. C. S.MITH. MILES COSTI.V. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Factors, €:ommission anti For~ tear ding ^Herchantu. WILMINGTON, N. C. Prompt attention given to sale of TIMBER, LUM BER, NAVAL STORES and all kinds ot Produce. Liberal advancements ma.le on Consignments. Refers to E. P. Hall, Pres’t Branch Bank of State H. R. Cash'r Bank Cape Fear. Juu)« Daw son, Es'i. .\pril 25, 1858. 5-1Y Presbyterian copy. 1). A. LAMONT, Commission Merchant, \ViliHin;;^lon, C. OFFICE 38 NORTH WATER STREET. Personal attention given to ail produce sent to him either for sale or shipment. Nov’r G. 57-1 ypd JOHN M. CLARK, Commission Forwardiiiir Merchant, W1j..MIN(j1T0\, N. C. WILL give prompt attention to sale of Country Produce. Naval .Stores and Cotton. And Ajjont jor Rushand Orrtll's Line of Boats. August ly, 1&56. ;satf W. H. TURLINGTON, ~ Coniniissioii Mercliant, No. 4 Nortli Water St.,' WIl.MINGTON, N. C. WILL give his prompt personal attention to tne ■ sale or shipment of all Consignments of Navjil | Stores or other Cuuiitry I’j'oduoe. Nov. 8. I55b. tf NEW. (’HEAP, .i\I) EXPEDinoiS ROl'TE FOR Trelglit for the Interior of Worth Carolina. ERCH.ANTS and others about purchasing their ...TM. Fall and Winter Supplies, are requested to notice, that by the completion of the North Eastern Rail Road from Charleston, S C., to Cheraw, the ad vantages of a CHE.-VP and EXPEDITIOUS Route from the Seaboard has been opened to them. All freight consigned to tha caro of the Agent of the North Eastern Rail Road will ba forwarded FREE OF COMMISSION. No charge will be made for Storage at Cheraw. All goods will be taken cara of in tho Comp:iny’s Ware house until sent for. A schedule of charges for transportation of freight will be found at the Post Office. S. S. SOLOMONS, Eng’r and .Sup’t. Aug. 3. 34tf THIRTY HANDS \VAXrED.~ ^■^HE subscriber wishes to hire by the Month, or M. Day, Thirty Negroes, to work on the Ninth Sec tion of the Western Rail Road. For further particulars inquire at the Engineer's Office, Fayetteville, or of me at Little River Bridge. O'BRYAN J- CO. Aug. 10. 38tf i\EliKOKS \M) LIMI FOR mL ^■■^HE subscriber wishes to sell his HOUSE and LOT BOOK-HL\DL\G IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and de spatch. Small Jobs when done must be paid before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Anderson Street. May 14 1858. 11-lY TIN PLATE, ^heet Iron, Iron Wire, C00KI.\0 STOVE** A.^i> ri.\-\VAIlE. -\lways on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. R 0 OFIXG, a UTTERING, And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C W. ANDREWS, Market Square, Fayetteville. July 9. 27- deep RIVER COAL. BITUMINOUS CO.\L of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, afa reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCLANE. Mining Engineer, May 21, I85G fi.tf VALU.AHL1-: ItK.VL ESTATE i'OK 1 OFFER for sale my RESIDENCE on Hay-mount. For health there is no place to excel it There is a fine well of water in the yard. Description is use less. .\1so, the LOT East of my Store. The above property, if not disposed of at private sale, will be sold at auction on Thursday, 21st October. J.\S. G. COOK. Fayetteville, Sept. 0. 43- FL\E CHEW L\G TOBACCO. IUST RECEIVED, 10 boxes of that FINE ROCK CANDY TOBACCO. W. H. CARVER. Sept. 4. 42tf 1 Per ann. :i;3 OU 6 00 7 00 8 00 3 00 0 00 10 00 in advance, issufd icUl he •r «ny one .f the f"ur Reviews ■ i :iay tw -• lit the t'uur Kev.ews !■ : i«y tiiree of me t our Reviews t -r ii;i t 'Ur of tbe Reviews - IT tllat.kw.)od's .Miig.iziue t .r liiaekwodd and tfjree Reviews F liiM' s w.j..d au.f the four Reviews III.* tn rtt'i'fe in nil rill rriif m thf Shttf irfierc Trt til, ./ Ilf j,,l r. ('LiHniNf;. A discount of twenty live per cent, from the above price will be alUjv.e.i t i n b- or.ferine four or mure .-..pies of any one or m..r.- „t Uie nl.ove works. Thus: tuur copies of Biackwoo.l, ..r .,i one Review, will be heni to OIK- address for t„ur ("..i.ies of the four Re views aud Blackwood for ■>••); ami I'O.-^'i AC K. In ail the principal Cities and T .wtib, these works H . be b-liver^^d, FREE OF POSTAGE When .y UiUii, tue I'osiHge to any part of the l.'nite.l St:ites wi . be ijut 1 V\ EN'fV-F.>UR CENTS a year for ‘-ll’.ucW- v» . I,” and but FtJURTEEN CENTS a year for each : the Reviews. .V />. The price in (ire.at Britain of the jive Itri'.-iiicn/s abuoc-named ^s I per nnnum. Ki-mittances for any of the above publications should 1 ways i.e atidressed, post-paid, to «he Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Geld street. New York. 1 a.nm:u s OIL DRvTiiiThS^.' Bl’LS Tanner’sOil,—a superior article; also, a tine lot of Dry Hides. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. PtiaVlAN (illANO. undersigned has ma le arrangements by which X he is prepared to furnish at short notiee, any re quired quantity of .'Vo. 1 Peruvian twiiano, all of which will be from direct importations, into the Port of Wilmington, and warranted pure an i genuine Orders for the above excellent fertilizer are solicit ed. to which promjit attention will be given •\s this is an article which does not admit of being soM on time, cash or its equivalent must accf'mpany each order. BEVERLY RoSK. July 8. 26tf WIXErWINE!! , fF you wish to make GOOD WISE, call on the sub- | scriber and buy your Brandy. Country Apple* Brandy, ()ld Nash Brandy, on hand and going off | rapidly. Sept. 4 E. LEETE. 43 Im DE.NTLSl'KY. Dr. j. D.VVIS having decided on per manently locating in the Town of Fayetteville, respectfully offers his services to the cit izens Ilf this place and surrounding country. In ali the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture cf .Mineral Teeth, hs is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Dental education, that he cau give entire satisfaction as' far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregulari ties of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful man ner, us well as diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are made use of in the various opera tions. ('hiirges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. jjjggr Office over Houston may be found at all times. May 10, 1858. gtf Jewelry Store, where he Cider Vinegar, for sale by 1 W. H. CARVER. Awg. 18. 88- Worth & Utley, horwardin;^ and (ieneral Commission MERCilAXTS, t'ayellevktle, *V. f. J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. CTLET. T C. & B. G. WORTHr C’ommission Forwardinij .VIerciiants, Iir»wn't Building, li'attr Street, IWItnhtglon, .V. €'. U.sual R.lvances made on consignments. Nov. 11, 1857. 69 tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSbMr~ c: o n ti I s I o AND FO R W A R DL\ G M E RC H A NT, *V. t\ i'rompt j>ersonal attention given to all Con- ignments, aud Ca^h advances made on Produce to be stii{ peU 10 otuer ports or sold in this market, reti. 12, 1*^00. 67 xMILM'aRV GOODS, Swords, Sashas, Belts, Epaulettes, Laoes .\.\U LVEiiV UESI’RIPT1II.\ Ut lilLIT.UY liUUUS, ACCOBUINQ TO THE Latest U. s. Arm^ and i-State Regulations. SCIIUYLEK, HARTLEY & GK.IHAM, i:riPOUTEifi*ii & .IIA.HUFACTI REKSI, 19 MAIDEN LANE, JV'rtc i'ork. June 30. 24-ly NEGROES fora Mississippi Plantation, .Men, Boys, Girls, and some good Families. iiPUK. PAGE. Fayetteville, May C, 1858. 8-tf containing about GO acres. Also, THREE VALU- .VBLE NEGRO .MEN, IMward, Fred and Charles. Fred and Edward are excellent Spirit Barrel Coopers, —all young, sound and healthv. For terms apply to E. LEKTE. or JO.S. BAKER, Jr., Att'y for John Eccles. Aug. 18. ;^8-tf FARM FOR SALE I OFFER for sale my PL.-VNT.VTlON en the East side ef Cape Fear River, 3 miles above the Claren- diu Bridge, kncwn as the Toomer Lauds, containing ..nout 800 acres. The Plantation is in a good state of cultivation, and is susceptible of being made one of the most profitable Farms in the County. 1 will give a bargain in the lands, and make the time of pay most easy if application is made in a few weeks. Address me at Gulf, N. C. L. HAUGHTON. Oct’r Ifj. 62- lands FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale about fiOOO Acres of Pine Lands near Fayetteville, containing an immense quantity of Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine Boxes, and several new tasks may be cut. There is on the premrses a fine Dwelling House, and all necessary out houses,—Scuppernong and Isabella Grape Vines,—1000 young Peach and .Apple Trees of Lin(lley's best vari- ties; also, a good F.\RM of about 150 acres cleared: and also a GRIST and SAW MILL; and i fine large Meadow of about 140 acres. The Fayetteville ami Coal Fields Rail Road passes through these lands about a mile from the Mills. 1 will sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but would prefer to sell the whole together. ■Vpply to Thos. S. Lutterloh, Esq., Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pittsborough, N. C. J. H. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12, 1857 60-tf FAYETTEVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. HIS Company has been in operation more thau ■- five years, and has paid its losset, amounting to !?1^,12) !»5, without any assessment: insurance aver aging its members about J per cent. Policies issued to 1st of May, 1858, 2769. Amount of property now insured, !jil,474,922 34. •Amount premium notes now on hand, $224,968 23. Cash premiums received, $32,817 41. Dirkotors. S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Cook, A. W. Steel, Jas. Kyle, J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, Wilaington, A. E. Hall, Wilmington. Officers. GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. Ray, Vice President. C. A. McMillan, Secretary. John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Travelling Agents. The Company invite applications. May 21, 18.58. 13-Y Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. BONDS FOR SALE. Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. Myrover, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, FALL ULSTER. . A'ow Goods! iVew Cioods! J. C. POE Is receiving the Largest Stock of i^tapie and Fancy Dry Croodsi, Ever before offered by him, which embrace all the LATEST STYLES OF Ladies’ & Gentlemen’s Dress Goods. Among them will be found,— RICH SILK AND DELAINE PATTERNS, of the latest style. A large lot FRENCH MERINOS, together with every shade of SOLID DELAINES, all wool A large assortment of French, English and American PRINTS, DEB AGES, aud other goods for Travelling Dresses. A large lot of HANDSO.ME EMBROIDERIES. A great variety of Ladies’ SHAWLS and CLOAKS, BONNETS, French ARTIFICIALS, RIBBONS, &c. A handsome stock of Ready-made V.lothing, H.\TS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES; KERSEYS, NEGRO 13L.ANKETS, and all others goods belonging to a Dry-Goods Store. All the citizens, and every body that visits the old Town, will confer a favor by calling on the subscriber and looking through his stock, whether they purchase or not J. C. POE. Sept. 20, 1858. 47-2m NEW FALL ANiTwINTEK DRY GOODS. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr., Has received and is this day receiving a Urge and desirable STOC K OF GOODS, embrBcing all the newest styles of Ladies Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Rasqnes, Honnets, Ribbons, Flowers, and Trinmiings, ot all kinds. FOR 4iE.^'TL,E^lIEJ%\ A very desirable stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassi- I mere?!, Vesting, Hats, Cap.s, Roots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &:c. Together with many articles n >t deemed necessary to enumerate. .All of which will be offered low for CASH, or on time to such us pay when called on. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jk. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 20, 18-58. 47tf NOTICE. WILL BE SOLD, under a provision of the Will of John McLean, dec’d, late of the County of Johnston, TWO TRACTS OF LAND, in Harnett County. One Tract, on the South side of Cape Fear River, containing One Thousand Acres, kuown as the Ochiltree Tract,—this tract is valuable, either for Farming or Turpeutine purposes. Tbe other Tract ie tine laud, and lies on tho North side of Upper Little River, and contains Eight Hundred Acres. 8aid Lands will be sold on THURSDAY, the 28th of OCTOBER, at the Court House in Summerville, on a credit of six and twelve months, purchasers giving bond with approved security, with interest from date. J. T. leach, Ex’r. Sept’r 2. 47ts If not will fiud them UOUSK. LOT, V.\I) .NKGKO. ^IIHE undersigned wishing to close up their oldbusi- X ness, offer for sale the IDjUSf] and LOT ou Hay- mount, formerly occupie.l by .Major (iihanre. Also, a NEGR(.) B'>Y 14 years of age; having tried him for the last hve months, we can recommend him as an excel lent servant, both for house or out of doors, sold for no fault, but to close old business. F. N. v'i J. H. ROBERTS. May 3, 1858. 7-tf Old RH.Ls. A LL persons indebted to the concern of FR.\NK * jm JERRY and J. H. ROBERTS ^ CO., are re quested to come forward and settle their bills settled by the last o*' this mouth, they in the hands uf a Lawful ('oilector. J. H. ROBERTS ^ CO. .May 3, 1868. _ 7-tf i ^I’AKI^N I P! ~ A ND committed to the Jail of Chatham county, two Negro lioys by the name of H EN DER.>().\' and ED(JM, who say they belong to J. H. Pritchett, of Lumberton. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, paj' prison charges, aud take them away; otherwise, they will be dealt with according to law. W. D. C. RIDDLE, Jailor. Pittsborough, July 14. 28- A^FEvv barrf;ls ^^HOICEoW APPLE BR.ANDY, suitable for making wine and putting up brandy fruit. For sale by W. H. CARVER. 38- coupon T ?“20,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the County of I on the N. C. Railroad, 9 miles from Normal College, Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable ! lb miles from t«alem, and 13 miles from Greensboro’. HE Western Rail Road Co. have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers. FARM ins FOR SALE. •ACRES of valuable Land for sale, lying 4 miles North-west of Wigh Point Depot, semi-annually on the 1st June and the 1st ef Decem ber, and running 20 years. f90,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the Town of Fayetteville, bearing 6 per cent interest, payable semi annually on the 1st January and the lit of July, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued ia accordance with law to the Western Kail Road Co., to pay the County and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at tbe price the Co. is sellicg them) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. B. M.VLLETT, Esq., Pres’t or te JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r Western R. R. Co. Fayetteville, Feb’y 26, 1858. 89tf DOBBIN For Rent HOUSE or Lease. Aag. 18. The Sot€ihern Harmo* NY, and MUSICAL COMPANION, a further supply jast memd. £. J. HALE & SON. 'IjlHE Lease of the present Proprietors of this wel’ M. known House will expire on the 1st January, 1858: the property is offered for lease or rent. To a person desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an excellent opportunity is offered. The building is large, well arranged and in complete repair; its location ^ill always command for it an extensive patronage. Ab the present Proprietors intend changing their busi ness, the Furniture, which is nearly new and in good order, can be purchased on favorable terms. The House will be delivered on or after the 1st o January, remaining open under the present manage ment till a tenant is obtained. The tine Store in the same building, formerly occu pied by Mr. W^m. Booth, is also offered for r«nt. JNO. H. COOK, Trest. Dobbin House Co. Dec’r 16, 18.57. 69-tf COTTON I‘»A(;GLVG. UNDEE and GUNNY BAGGING in quantities to suit purchasers. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. Sept. 17. 43 tf The situation is very healthy, with good, moral, intel ligent neighbors 2U0 acres are in a state of fine culti vation, and the balauce fine wood land. Deep River running through about the middle of the Farm, and two creeks running into the river on the same, affords about 115 or 120 acres of the best bottom laud perhaps in the State; all in a state of fine cultivation with the exception of about 15 or 18 acres of the best kind of me>.dow land, in a very fin; condition. There is on the Farm, a good two-story BRICK DWELLING, good Kitchens and Smoke-House, a large Baru, iStables, Crihs, and all necessary out-houses; amoug them are two houses suitable for overseers or croppers; an extraordinary Spring near and convenient t./ the House, .nJ seveu or eight Springs on different parts of tho Farm: fine Orchard, both peach and apple. The subscriber being desirous to remove to Texas this Fall, will sell on reasonable terms in regard to both price un i time. J. K. PINNIX. Sept i;i, 1S58 • 46-2m D FOU SAI.K. A SECOND HAND CARRYALL and BUGGY and Harness, by ii. b. ferguson. Sept. 20, 1858. 47-2W FOR RENT. ^VY BRICK House on Ramsay Street. Also, a i-vA House on North Street. Possession given Oct. 1. B WRIGHT. Sep. 11, 18.58. 45tf NEW BOOKS. Man upon the SE.V; or A History of .Maritime Adventure, Exploration and Discovery, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time, by Frank B. Goodrich. THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING; or, Jerusalem as it was, as it is, and as it is to be, by J. T. Barclay, M. D , Missionary to Jerusalem MIZPAH. Prayer and Friendship, by L. C. Loomii*, A M. Just received by E. J. HAL£ & SON. Sept 2. I f u I' t I - > 'i V ;

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