u;. oni. th«« ■St ‘lUr b '■ - UX. ■..,- '■■■ ' ■ - iur -■ nc .r' . ■ •, ^, - isarv i: •■ ,p, - ; . 1. i /r '*' • Wi. I.l tl.1l . ■, l'1 . j li : L.' . ui... . B a » ; : L- ‘^ -v-.- il r-M ■, r \t'il; - ■. un li ' . v , , l.i I'u-I :v A :;i; ; ^ m1 far ■ . . ! ) ai. ; K■ - u 1 V a: »nli., ta}‘ i ;c . . 1 I' . lAM « ;.N4i. H'LU 'AliKKf.v" 'ink ’ -■ . -A ^ATER WHEEL, th.- 0 wi- hj.: t* JU. f*. ion ' : , *' V) T ■ ■ • r..'-- i par. I ' Vj , - A '- Ti* * i : ‘f !0 li. H iu tr 'H it I ■: p,r :- . \u h . I iU' >•11 ‘ la i- \ul: I a . . «n 1 b.u , ■ Hi-:.. hv s I r: 1 ' L: . . N ■ - -.1 . M rlvil'.: '' tii i ii \ ;• , N’G i.lUi . Ijd Li ■ kk. 1.1: 10'.., iiri-l. . . . i ‘ T;.. V. - Tin . ... ' ■■ fi itii ■ . to j 1, J, IPAirilTOIETUll.ILIE (DIB SEMI-WEEKLY. [\(M. Mil.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 30, 1858. [NO. 750.] ::l\T!;i' MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. ‘ n\v \!?n .1. H\LK & SON, ■:t WD I’UMIMIIKTOUS. n- - S. iii-U ookiv 'iHsmvtn ^*3 >0 if paidia • - ' ^ ' if •li ) iluriug the year of aubscrip- ;er the year has ex|'ired. • 'VRvtn! 00 per annum, if paiii in v!i lurinf: the yerir of subacrip r the your has expired. IKN'l'.'^ inserted fur sixty cents per '■ >r li;' fii-st, nnd thirty cents for each V sfly ndvertisoments by ?pe- it V. ■ ai:i! ■ ■ i :t j. .A lvfrt’sei s nre ^ :: nil. . . •! 1. iertiiiris desire i. or ; I ' '1 forb= i, a!.l cliarged ajoord' ' ? . b. '.:i=ort. ■ : oharged 50 per i*'rr . . i ' T.. !l'-; rii;IiUii. siutomrnt >; i, - • • li;uiv, of llarlfiT'i, >\ ; I ■ • 'T 1'- ''1111 n Tliis ' ■V - i: i tiy ti e Lejiis’ntiirt- I't ' . •! ; ■‘tiiiil ch.irtcr lt« ^ I ■ I' . M .'uin'ibitions excee.i • , I ■ _ it-i *M\tirv; «ver , .' '«'.I. t i ■ : o >;t!ittMnent referred to . - , ; - II : ti‘ ;.i i; .j .: ..i the peri'>d of i;e«rly ; ' ' • I'L'i'.i.; .’i— ^without a sin^rle ■ - ‘ ' it- >'ii«ine.ss h is been eon- I ^ • i . and pi'i!denre. It h'ls been ■ > : -.'IU ;:i iin enriivnt de;iree, discharftinjr, • “ i, 1.1 ;t-i oi iiis by the payment i ,• . i tor ii''>es, witliout asking .'i i\ I iii; iii>. t:.i-e. it has Lad but little lit-. .. !. !«.; i.'t:ii: iiii,: the iintni-nse number of trans- ■ ' ■ In "i-ifr to a't.iin as much cfrtaintu as - ■ t «iu‘ii a ba'liiess as insurance, it has been ; ;■; • I th'' I’vU'j'Hiiy, tor several year.s, at' . iri'fuily t > clas>it'y anil arrange tlieir r 1' tiny di'titu't ■■lasses, so as to ascertain • T ;II-lire 1 "i: «n,jh i'! .,«s. the iini'unt of pre- ■ V1. I tiM-io n, i' 1 the niiount of losses up- i':..' il'i.'>iiication. esteii'lin^ >'ver a lotig i vi ri:.^ i'r'>i »Tty to ■! very la’-ge amount,fur- ■ I' . i' .L- d;ita, :u; 1 presents a sound, substantial . - : .1. tu il cxju rienoe, ui'on whivh to conduct its - . ■ ". IiiMir.iu. e isnot a matter of luck or chance, 'ii| 1 esc; its hazards are ascertainable, and - ; lapable of beinj; reduced to a system, the . il w-'ikiii;^ -ind iH'Sults «'f which are as certain • ui;. I.tiler iiusiiiess. Xhe .lltna Company, . . ■ ii:ii: risi i'.y to its systeni. undplatinjr its busi- " 11 I tn'.i!tl'y h isi-i, has ,bt liuo'l the confidence • ;.i!iiuii;ty ti' an extent surpassed by no other ill thi' L . State.-, au'i has increase,! its busi- .'.i . .1^ i!;'-. ir.'Ui ye:»r t..> year Viitli a steady ''lie irrt.it source uf its security is the wide - : iTl' U of its ri?!vs—a policy wliicli it pursues I'-it sti ii tiio-s—linntiiii; the amount to be cov- :■ 1 icii i icaiity. l’>y this course it has passed. . • iiiparaiive impuiiity, throu^L some of the most ; .ii I' i lor-:; ui. tive tire-, wliicli h.ive swallowed up .• «■ ti!:| anil > lI. ^s L' lutious i:i their business, it is sy-tem like this, ! upon e.xperience, which gives I' ility aiiJ S' Uii'lin'ss I'l a Company, and to the as- . .1 "d o iu!i ience and seeurltv. — ISui'tni'-rt Patriot. ,i:t.\i mmm (I).mp.i.\v, HAIiTFORI). COXX. 'lU’'il;ATi:i' tHAUTER I’tllU'fclTUAL 'Japital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11 ii. I'U\ 11, I’ri-sident. E. G. ILIl’LLY, Vice Pre- -. *i-!.t. T. A. ALl.X.WDKil, Secretary, i I'.;.- —T. K. lliace. S. Tudor, J. ('hnrch, . M. Tuttle, t. Fiower, E. A. liulkeley, ■ !. L. ij. Uipiey, S. S. Ward, H. Z. I’ratt, G . .V. I'uulrtiii, L). Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, U. K. F. V\. A, l i- are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, .rc't, with ■MT'J.tibl til of cash on deposite :,'.r l Iiaiiks, to meet l,,sses. if ai; i unpaid — none ' ■i-^ted and nut dii-. '.*•>. i ■;■.'] v-ii-e, walliii.; tuither I’roi'f, Sic., -uspicioH',^ of fr.iud, ic.) ^46,*)78 7-. lit t the a' 'jve I’oiupaiiy in Fayetteville, E. j HAI.E. ii. i.iUMT .11 KI.ViK Whi, Nidllli nUlTl.'H Hbl\'lllW ' Free Church). 1. \M..'1M1.N.-:T1.K KKVJLW .Liberal) KW Ti, :e t . t the i:i re Cull 1 i>;ei.t I e. Ct .1. ij B f tlltf , d,l b • poSsi j: \ .:LY \ V i.M .1 I 1.1, ■w •• AND EARTHEN-WARE \V. TII.I.IXlillAWT LI\D FOR SUE. I ip'ies of the above uiify Merchants at e it their interest to IS now nceivinfr his Fall su articles Jle can sui'p’y ’ prices which he is sure \vi 1 mali Je«l witli him lias t 'r si!e, 80 China 1%‘a-Sots, l.^riO I)..z C 'intioD (’titis and S'lticers, 500 “ Fine D> Ho. IdO “ l2(M) Covered Dishe.s, !>0 D z F’ifilurs, 800 •• i'lat.s, liiUU *• ruinblrTs G'd'li't.s, 7.>0 |jOokin^-liIlassos. C’ffi-e Mills, Ti'j- L 10motive.', and Yankee ‘ looks, — liy thf I'l'X. And ntllvT ill l-'Vop 'Vtioij. i/r/fT to ffiti- ti't)r‘ (,■ K ivr J'- -■•is \V F.l.I, r.A’K- El>. ' ’'mtry merchauU iUouLd tuar Crorker;/ FIJi.^T. •Vu2 41--IU PlilE. FilllSll. (IIEIP mm. ^Hfdiciues^ i*aintSt Olass, A*c. OFFER for Bale t540 Acres of LAND, lyiuj: on the West side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fayetteville, ai«d extending from the river into the sand-hills. This tract is about equally divided into river, ridge, swamp and sand-hill Laii'l. ,^bout 80 acres, a'Jjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth «f Corn and Grass; none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several grood sites for a dweliing house on the saud-hills. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make early application, au I have deterniineil to aell. THOMAS J. ROlilNSON. Sept 8, 1858. 44-if LAND FOR SAI.E. WOIIN T. GII.M’>RE iinw offers for sale a portion of h'S swamp 'u'uls in the CHimty of Cumberland ab ut 14 miles bel w Fay»tieviile, and aluiut n mi'es E'lst of the (’^ne Fear Itiver. The entire sw.inip has hten suocesstullv dr.iinel, of the large body of water by which it was heretofore covered The land is ap parently leve', tieiii:; free from ri'lges , A'hich are so C'^nimon to sw:,rnp laii'ls p‘‘nerally,) ’.vhiljt ihere i^> an abun'bincp nf f ill, bv whif^h th» rHiii water can >>e carried olf by or liaary liltches \ small portion of the lait'l h is been in cu tiv itinn ab mt 7 ye-irs, un,i th;ise p.*ri.iiis who ha^e S'^eii the crops reg ir t the land MS eqii il ill ferti ity to any they h ive see« in this .state or e sfwhere Th‘ li cition is heilthy, the neighbor- lui 'd go,,,l. and tiie aecets to Favetfeville and il miiigti.iH e'isv bv ineias of h (looii road H miles it: length lend Mg ,lireetiy to the river, liesi.les this, it Is w'thin 3 iiiiies i.«f a beautiful little village, up in a liigh and heaUiiv IMuff. at tin* river, with a .'^t ire. Ware house an-1 fir-t rate laii'li!i;r. All Trhich atford many conveniences to tlie neighb.irho'i'l .\s several persons h.ive spoken of purchasing, this is deemed a I roper time to call tiieir attention to the subject, inas much as there is a crop U 'W growing upon a sm*!! portion of the lan.l, by wnich they can judge of its THE nOXALDSOX ACADEMY o.v If.11*. no WILL be opened on the 1st MONDAY in Oc tober by JESSE R. McLEAN as Principal. Mr. McLeuu is au experienced Teacher, and bai furnished to the Trusteetf ample taatimonials jl» to character and ability. The Trustees take great pleasure in recommending .Mr. McLean to pnrents and guardians, and solisit for him SI tull share of patronage SHEMWELl. HOUSE, |,'.%YETT«iVILI..i:, .\. f. £iist tSids oj (Jrttn Street, a fev Boon North of the Market Haute. rilHE Subscriber desires through this m«- Ji dium to acknowledge the iibaral pa tronage bestowed apon his House the paat vaar—and an he has just erected New Btablei and I Carriage Shed convenient to the [louse and to water 1 'J erms of Tuition will be made known in a subse- i takes pleasure in aajing to hii patrons and the public generally, that he id still prepared to accom modate them with transient and parmanent board, and respectfully solicita a continuanoe of the liberal pa tronage heretofore received. Erery exertion on his part shall be used to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is alwaj’s supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. 1 .March 24, 1855. 8Gtf 'juent advertisement W. B. WRIGHT, Chtn’n of Board of Trustees of Donaldson Academy. Sejit. 10, 1858. 45-tf rLI\T()\ FI'^MLK l\STITl!TE. production. Reasonable terms will be given to IHE undersigned are prepared t i display their j the puichiser BRITISH PERIODICALS. - '■! 1 ^ , nKW \t»i;K, continue to publish vsinsi .ea l.i'g iiiitish I’en jdicals, viz; 1. L'lNb'iS (.^UAllli.RLV ■ i'onservative). • ti' tlit* tliree gre it p'jli - hig, l oiy, and Ka ii ■ • ir.jre ot their char il 'V' I 'iili'l Wii i-is nil !. ' . ij.; 'Il iii> J- stai.'i, k V I l;i f.i. A>)I '.I oI itt f ■•ir Ri'views 1- >. il- lle%; wf ih.' i', s I.I.. - f orn tiie British I v:i.ii,‘ I,I til,-s.? Hepriiits, iii- • pi.fe't 111 'lie liaiids of suti- .' ' I JII u e lit.ons. 1 Lil.'KS. Per ann. ^8 0(J 6 00 7 0(* I t,.. l:. '.I.-Wa 8 00 . S \lMg;iZihc 3 UO •1 I l:.i,e Ke lfWd 9 00 I M.'t tlie I'our Rtviews 10 00 ' l,r ni'iiif m nil rusts in advance.. ?/t Ui-. ^Uilc u:}n-re {.•inued will be *M'iJiiiN(;, A '1 luiit oi iw> iit_. tu,. from the above j • e w;.: I- u'.iowfl • I i.rii, or'leririg four or more ; i - "I any one ir iii'ire ,,i thw uhnve works. Thus; ! rur ''iii'ies of 1j.:iCn vs on i. or ol (,m. Keview, will be • i.r t 'HI.- a'l'ires., for f' ur . o|,ii.3 of the four Re- . ■ ■ ii'l l>i;ii-kwood for >(;(•; aiul so on. ■lit,' tli:- priiici[i,il Cities and Towns, these works . be 'ifiivt red, FREE (jt POSTAGE. When sent . II . tiie Po.-tage to any p.irt of the L'nited .States ■,ut T W KNT V-F( )L'H CE.NTS a ye.ir for “Black- I. f.ii'i but FOURTEEN CEN'i’S a year for each : •;.■ luvicws. -\ li. I'iic price, in (Unnt liritain of the Jive , . uU.iiy.uuiiud /.s Col per dunum. 'i-'U,.in i s i,,r ,iny of the above publications should ■ ' e aMnssed, jiost-paid, to the Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. .} (lold street, New York. 1 AN.NiJr> (ML DHV iTidT^ -■ ili’LS. Tanii.'r'.-, I )il,—u superior article; also, Wxr a Hue lot of Dry Hi'Jes. For sale by JAa. G. COOK. *. samples for the full trade to Merchants, Phjsi- oians. Druggists and others, and to sell on the most advantage.lus terms possible. Their Stock embraces the luo^t varied assortment of Scietili/ic ti l*opulttt' Ratent .▼ffrfirfjirs, every variety f C'olor* X. Tlal(‘rial« Tor raiiithij^, €'hctnic€it»i itmi C'h*niical II Virc* SPICES, SoDA, and other articles usually found at tlie grocer’s; SOAI\ PUnFrMh'Ry, J»C., .frc. They especially devote their attention to the pre paration o: the pure tlietlicnl i'otl E.iver Oil^ their brand of which hns become the stan lar 1 if su- {leriority throU'.ih,>ut the c 'uutry; in conjunction with this they are bottling. lor tlie same c’.aes of patients, a superior article of ttourbou ll'Uiakey, which for high proof, .lelicate flavor, and ripe nge, is unsuriassed by any in ttic maiket, au i is highly es teemed when taken i" c lujunoti 'ii ^Mth our t' -i Liver Oil, as a valuable a ljuuct tj that celebrai^'d and re markable reme'ly. ■A.lso, direct I'om the forei/n vintages, a large sup ply of U7A'A>’ and UR-iyiJlI-.'.S which c»n be relied on for purity, proof, tine tlavor and const-,juent etiicacy iu debility, nervousnes*, atfections of the buwels and other ailments. An examination of prices is solicited. JOHN C. BAKER & CO. 154 N. 3d St , Philadelphia, ,\ug. 14. 185H. 37-'-liu. CAROLIXA CI I'V, X. C. >'B'IHE Atlantic and North ('irnlina Railr ti being J. now completed to 15e iuf>irt Harb,.'r, I liave de termined to loc.a*e at Car'.aiia City for tiu [ arp ,»e of ■ioiiig a Forwarding and General Ccmmission ■s m. ■ .w ^ aU'l hope i»y promptness and strict attenti,'ii to nieiit patronage and support B*‘inj the Agi’iit nf Mt iutAT’s Line of First Cl.vs Packkis t'l tin- .ui 1 M irehea 1 city, evei'3’ etiort will be t.ifle to m i^^e thi> thecliettfi- est and most expp'titious r,iutf to .New V rk. Vesse.s will be loaded and discti-ir.:'- I .it my Wh irf adj 'iniiig the Railroad W tiarf. ! and thereby save c irt ige an l lighterage. Particu.^ir attenti .n will be iriven to ali orders, and to the sue and shipui'-nt ,»f Pr > J'joe '■ d B. GR\NT July 2'J, 1858. 3J-ly mi:i)u:al xori(:i:. DRS. LIASTEKLING and HMN \G \N having asso ciated themselves toir'-tiier fr the purp,,se of practicing .Medicine in UoeHnigliain and vic.nity, tiiey respectfully • .licit a lihera .-ii.u c ot p.itn>nage, aii'i by tlieir strict an 1 pr > .itteiit\».i tli'-y hope !■, give pertect sati.-r.icti,)!! t>i ti, wlio nriy tavor thiin with their patron ige. They wiii aiten I any call d ly or myht. L»r, Easterling tiikc- p i-;iiie in stating i" his tormer patrons that l>r. ii. is a regular gra lnate, hav ing rend thTee ymrt aii'l attended 'v, juU cour»'n\\ l.,ec- tures. One or both m iv he touiol it any hour at their ; l>ttice Opl 'isite the i’ost ot!;.;,-, unles- pr,il. ss' ,iia ;y engaged. H. R. EA-TKULING. M D 1*. IIi N.VGAN', M D. Koclfin;;li«in. .N. (.' . .\pr;l 1 U'Ulf I i’KY. 'riio« fl. ' j £ AVING .1 c 'le . ..1, r. M E F O’ .1' ' 1 le/e • ■ ■ Li • > til s (• a f iii J - irr . . . . i: ■ ■ p Irr ( t I Op'M- iT>■ 1 -I I '1 I .;e > I 1)' i.tistrv. a i 1 w , ■) i i ' > 1; , IS l’r(jtV.TS.,>ii :ii 111-, ti lie I 1 -In lio 2 1 il' I'.tici. I .) u y Sept 10, ls58. 45tf REAL ESTA FE FOR SALE. ^■IHK DWELLING Ht.iL’SE, rece’itly occupied by ■- Mrs. H. P. Lain, and as present occupied by the Rev. James McDaniel, near Hay mount, will be sold privately oy the suiiscriber. It is located iu a good neighborhood: convenient to business; in a healthy section of the town; good spring water convenient; and has all necessary out houses sttached. A gieat bar gain may be ha l, as I am determined to sell. Tmxs LiBiiK.\L J. R. McDONALD, Agt. Fayetteville, May 1«. 1-ts xoricE. ■'ft ILL UK SOLD, under a pr,»vision of the W'ill of WW .lohn MeLean, dec’d, late of the County of Johnston. TWO T R .V C T S OF L.\N1>, in Harnett County. One Tract, on the South side of Cape Fear Rivi-r, containing )ne Tiiou-iaiid .Vi-rets. known as the (•ehiltree Trai-t,—this tract is valuable, either for Farming or Turpentine purposes. The other Tract is tine laii'l, aU'l lies on th > .N.>rtli side of Upper Little River, and contains Eight Hun Ircl .\cres .Sai'l Lands will he sold on THCRSUW, the‘J3th of OCTOBER, at the Court House in Summerville, on a crc'lit of sis and twelve months, purchasers giving bond with apjir ved security, with interest from date. J. T. LE.\CH. Ei r. Sept'r 2. 47ts FARM FOR SALE I OFFER for sale my PLANTATION an the East side «f Cape Fear River, 3 miles above the (,'laren- djn Bridge, known as the Tooiner Lands, containing -Oout 8n» aeres. The Plantation is in a good state of cultivation, and is susceptible 'jf being made on« of the most pr,)fitab!e Farms in the ('ounty. 1 will give a bargain in ihe lands, and make the time of pay most easy if apj'lieation is uride iu a few weeks. -\ddress me at tiulf, N. C. L. ., HALGHTON. Oct'r !*■>. 5'J- ■^HIS INSTITUT will resume operations on Mon- ; day, the 13th day of ,'September next, under the ^ guidance of the same Faculty and Rules, as for the last two Sessions. For particulars aiMress L. C. Graves, Principal, or H. A. mZZELL, Sec’y of the Board of Trustees. : August 26, 18.j8. '40-0w j F,Di;i':\l(IRTIIFnilLF,SK^!lNtRV, iiKm..vsR0it0\ .V. V. Scholastic ye«ir is divided into two Sessions, M commencing 1st \uaust an-l 1st .lanunry The Course of study is tbor'iugh atid svstematic, em bracing everything necessary to a complete, solid, and ornamental c'jiicatiori. The buiblltigs are so arranged as to conildne the comforts of a liome. with the a'lvan tages of a sch',ol. Instructors of the hisjhest i|ualitica- tions are employed in each of the Departraei ts. No Institution in the country possesses advantages supe rior to Edgeworth. TERMS; Board, incluling washing, lights, and fuel, per Session of five months, 00 Tuition in the Regular (Classes. 20 00 The next Session will commence on Monday, .August 1858. Pupils are admitted at any lime during the | Session, and charged from the time of entrance. Catalogues containing all necessary information re specting the (.'ourse of Instruction, Terms, 5cc., will be forwarded on application to RICHARD STERLING, Fr,ncipal. Greensboro’, N. Carolina. May 28, 1 8.')8. 17 timospd A PROCLA>L\TIOX, liy hi* Kjn'fUency, Thomas Bragg, Governor of North (\irolina H ERE.\S, it has been represented to me that ▼ W one .Archibald McDougaM. late of the County of Cumberland, did on the 27th day of Febru'iry last, in said County, kill and murder one Thomas .Munroe, an'] that the said McDougald is a fugitive from justice, and has escajied beyond the limits of this State. Now, to the eu 1 tiiat the sai l .Archibald McDougald may be arrested and brought to trial for his said of fence, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, offeriug H Reward of Iwo Hundred Dollars for his apprehen sion and delivery to tiie Sheritl'of Cumberland County. DESCRIPTION. McDougald is about fifty years of age, of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of ijuick speech, has a scar on the face near one «f his jaws, weighs about 1(55 or 170 pouu'ls, is addicted to intoxication, and while drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given under iny hand and the Great Seal of [l. s.]ihe State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth dsy of March, \. I). 1858 By the (iovernor, THO.S. BR.\CG. Pi i.AsKi Cowi’KR, Pr. Sec’y. .March 15. ‘J3tf J. W. BAKER In uow receiving frora the North the largest, finest, and most careful ly selected stock of ri’R.\ITI'KE ever offered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment com plete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Case.s; Whnt- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands: Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogony and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; ! Chairs of every variety. Fine llosevyood Pianos, one with *Eolian At tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manu factories in New York and Boston, warranted as good a'i any made in the country, and will be sold at New \ ork prices—freight only a,lded. ■September 2. 45-tf The Mjurgegt Carriage Factory iti the South I il I ca iriL' Hi .- Jr Z’ Uz .ie l:i p.t- 5 .) "u; r>i. I' LAXDS FOR SAU:. OFFFR f- r sale about Acres of Pine Lands near Fayett-'ville. containin'; an imtiiense f(iiatitity :it Mill Timber, an l a luiuiber of Turpentine Boxes, an'l >,'V«-r.il new tasks may be cut There is on the premiM S a fine Dwelling House, aii'I nil necessary out- h,,iisH J, — Si'iippernoiig ind I - itu'Ha Grape Vines. — KKK* young Peach ai. l \ppie Trees of Lindiey's best vari- tle^: ilso. a i'wnl F.\RM of ab"'.if I-’lO acres cleared; 'til l also a (iRlST and S.VW MILL; an.i a fine large Me;i>l,.w uf atiout 1 acres. The Fayetti-ville and foul Fiel'ls Rail R'>a l [ as-'es through these lands about a mile from the .Mills. 1 will sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but wouM prefer to sell tlie whole together. .Vpplv to Thos S. Lutterloh, Esq., Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pittsborough, N. J. H. HAUliHTON. Nov. 12, 1857 bO-tf G!)0 ACili:S OF ii VAD l-’Oll SAI.K. ^■"'IIE Subscriber oilers for sitle the above quantity ^ of Laud, situated in a healthy neightiorhood, three nines from the Wilmingtco and • Itiariotte Hail Ro.id, ; iiii'l four troin Liiiuber River I'bis Land is well ; a'laiite'i to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton 'limber j urpi>s**s, having a good r ui^f an t olner a lvaiitages. ! llo'se wi^iiiiig to purchase may fin i me nn the pre- i niises. tth,) «;d be h.ij'py to exinlut il or give any iu- I loruiaiion concei iiUig it 'iebiied. ANGUS .McGILL. i Phiiiidclp'.l’lS, N. C., Sept I, ls,j7. 40'.f iik;ii MOFxr taxnerv. SITUATED 4 .MILES WEST OF W ADESBORO’, AN- SoN COUNTY. N. C. OW the j'anic i» over aU'i nobody killed in these diggius, the undersigned still continues to con- • luct the general Tanning and .Manufacturing of all kinds of Leather, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Boots ati'l Shoes, of every size and description—of the very best material. PL.^NT.VTlO.N premium BRO(>.\NS, Not to f'e siirpa«se'l. .Ml of which he otfers and pro- p0S*'S to sell or exchange tor Raw Hides, Beeswax, Talb^w, ani all kinds ot country jiroduce, on terms to justify .aU'l acoomiu I i ite his customers according to the times. H iving on hand constantly a Isrge supply of Stock, he is pre[;arcd to execute all orders neatly and promptly, with such material an'l workmanship as are not to be ex celled by «ny establishment of the kiu'i in thisp»art of I the country in style, quality or price, for cash or to ' punctual customers .\nd in returning his sincere , thanks to his customers and trier ds generally for their ; former patrona^re, he solicits andhopes to still merit a i continuanoe of their favors. ^ JAMLS C. caraway. •March 1 9'(-tlJapd A. A. McKETIIA-X ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old .Stand, expressly for man ufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determine'! to sell anl do «nj- work iu tiis lino on as good terms us any work done elsewhere that is as well done He now has on hand, FisisHiiu, the L.VRGE.ST STOCK of ('arriaircn. Barouches, llockaicai^^, and Bug^ies^ I Ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of i work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. . .\ll of which will be sold very low for C.'V.sh, or on ' snort time to punctual customers. He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi- • cles finished and in course of construction. " All work ni ide by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship ; or materi'il will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and i examine lor themselves. i Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. i Repairing executed at short notice and on very raftsouable terms. .May 2S, 1853. 89-tf COMMOX SCHOOf. XOTICE. The COM.MON aCHOOL for District No. 29. will commence on the FIRST MONDAY in OCTOBER next, at the School House on Gillespie Street, Fay etteville, at whioh time and plaoe the Scholars in *»il District, from ti to 21 yaars of age, are requeitad l« attend J- H. COOK, JOHN BROWN, JOSEPH AREY. CommittM. Sept’r 26. 49-3t Public Xotice is hereby given, that application will be made to the next General Assembly for the enactment of a law to authorise the Mayor and Commissioners of Fayetteville to extend the cor porate limits of said Town, so as to include the terri tory between the present Western boundary and a line as nearly parallel thereto as may be deemed expedi ent, crossing the Western Plank Road near the point where the .•Vlbemarle Road intersects said Road; and to increase the powers of said Mayor and Commis sioners. Sept. 27. 49tf lW“ ESflBLISIIMpT. ''Jf^HE subscriber having taken the Store recently M. occupied by G W. 1. Goldston, Esq., (corner op posite to Messrs. H. L .Myrover Ai Co.,) off rs a large stock of choice FAMILY aROCERIES and FARMER'S SUPPLIES, Consisting of Suijar and Coffee, {every variety,) Molauet, Salt, Cheese, Butter, Bacon, Lard, Pepper, Gin- yer. Spice, Shoes, Snuff, Tobacco, (some venj fine,) Soap, Matches, and every thiiiij to be found in a Grocery Store. I offer them for cash, or on short time to those who pay bills when presented. Country Produce taken in exchange. I think I can make it to the advantage of buyers to give me a call and examine my stock before purchas ing. C. B. COOK. Sept*r 27. 49-3t i\EW stOCK.r rjlHE Subscribers are now receiving their NEW JL Stock of BOOKS ana ST^TMOJVERir, which they oflFer at their customary reasonable prioea for cash, or on credit to punctual customers. Among the goods received to-day is a large stock of , CAP, LETTER, and other PAPERS. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept’r 27, 1858. K E R( )S>L\ e" lam PS. C~i LASS FOOT, plain, at 76 cts. and $1 GO; Marble do. “ at 1 25, 1 50 and 1 75; Do. do. cut, gilt kc., at 1 75, 2 50 & S 60; CHl-MNETS—plain 15 cts , grouu'! 20 cts.; WICK—15 cts. per dozen. For sale by W. N. TILLINQHAST. Sept. 22. 48-lm WATER WIIKKLS! WM'Kli WHEELS!! E are now manufacturing V’andewaier’s im proved JOWVAL TURBIWE WATER WHEEL, for .Mills an,l Factories of every description; and all PI RLIC XOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the cap'ical stock of the Central Rail Road, from ! Beauf >rt Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, 1 aud West, will be opened on Thursday, the 10,h day ' of .\pjil 1856, and remain open according to the terms ; of the Charter until further notice, at the following ' places and under direction of the following name i i persons, Cwmmissioners in the Charter, vij; In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk those wisliiiiir to im[>rove their water power wili find it for their interest to a ldress us by letter, stat.ng the i of the County Court at Jacksoiville, ant] at the Post lit -i, i ,1 i icJs Til dt I dte. HL \Vi,|,iW' of vUxic iii Soldiers in I the Widows of ^.lldi rs win. uifcLi IV SKKVK K ill the war of 1812, c.ui navf tlieii- [leiisi'Oi.-, oiiitiiiued by ea'ling on the nioK,rbi>cued, Coi.gitss having iiia'le a'i.litiuiial pr,)' ision f'lr them Give me the management of your olaiins, and the mon(*y ihall com» at onoe, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE, Agt. for Pansions. Tayettevilla, June 12, 186H, IV- cbl’l’KK, TIN, & SIIHKT-IKO.N fAS. .MARTINE still continues to manufacture every thing is the above line, at his old stand on Hay streJt. Job work done with despatch. .Sept 10, 1858 XOTICE. wo. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO; 400 Casks LIME; 50 Bales H.^Y; 5 Bbls. GLUE. For sale by July 10. 27- SllAD! sTiaI)!! Vnaw supply of axcallant Connaotieut River and Nova Seotia SH.\D. Just reaeivei and for sala aitUsr iu Haif Bbls. or by retail. W. C. TROY. Sapt. 5, 1868. 48-1 m SMAI.i. I>()X DKAl). I ^ i ENTLEMEN, you that wish to sell Likely Young NEGR^JES, Men, Boys, Woman and (iirls, for the highest cash prices, would do well to give ma a call, or address me at Clinton, N C. J. A. McARTIIUR. * Jana 6, 1858. 17-8mos.pd 4-5-8m WORTH & UTLEY, 0,:>UU .\CRES OF LAXi) FOR SALE. , 1‘!E .Siiliseriher ,ie.iiringto move to the West ofTers ■ to sen itic loilowiiig tracts of valuable lainj. 1 Tract ,.oiit ;u.iiig >ou .icres in Harneit (’ounty IS miits ,.'iri:. o; F iv cin viiie. Ihei e is on tliis tract, two larjie and cuiiiiortaMe dweliin^: h iu-5cs, with aii ncccbs iiy ouiii,jU3e.', l..;j.*!tn;r wiUi a good mill ruuning two oaws an i gn:-t, >Vitli about ->00 .acres cleared and in a high 6;ate ot cultiv.uioii; the remainder is escai- lei.t tarniing aiul turpeiKine land. .Alao aiioilier tract c,intaiiiiiig J0i>0 acres of turpen tine laii'l, about iou acres of which is Cicared. There is on this tract one good dwellinj; with all necessary out houses anil a goo'd ^rist and saw-mill. 1 will take pleasure in showing the above property to any parsou wishing to purchase. H. S. McNEILL. Manchaster P. 0. Nov. 7th, 1857. 07-ts \h\m\ liiM) FOR nm. fJIHE Subscriber offers for sale THIRTY-FIVE fl. HUNDRED ACRES of Land iu as healthy a sec tion as there is in .\labama. Forty .\(/RES, on which arc a good Dwelling and all necessary out-hou.ses, in good repair. ONE HUNDRED andSlXTY ACRES, good riyar bot tom land, lOO acres of which is under cultivation and produces fine crops of Cotton and Corn. NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and Pino land, on which is some good farming land. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED and FORTY .\CRES Pine land, well suited for Turpentine getting. This property will be sold cheap and oh accommoda ting terms. Address the subscriber at Mount Plaasant P. 0-, Monroe Co»nty, Alabama. WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. March 11, 1858. j number ot feet, head aii'l f.ill; their usual amount of . water; the kin l of inaehinery to be driven. We can j then give them price of wheel, or what we will furnish I Wheel and principal Gears f ir, w.-irrante i to do a cer- I tain amount of work. Ttme jiuen to test the Whttl, nnd 1 if it does not Come up to our figure, the Wheel and : Gears to We delivered t,> us ,it the mill ot the purchaser, i Rejkre.vce uive.n and kkqlirkd. I Ht-.Afil STEVENSON, j Laurel F.ictory, Prince Georire’s county, .\lo KOBKKT B.xlKD,' ^g' l.t, Hi''-'--'’ ’ w l OK S,\LK OK KENT. A CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, on Hay- mount, near Mr. J. C. Thomson’s. For particu lars enquire of J. Q. Shephard, Esq., or A. M. CAMPBELL. Maj 7. cn.i,fil*iO.V>S i^iL,LS. E would call the .ittent on of persons iittlicted with Cliiils and Fiveis to this ce.e'oratW'J I’iil, which owes its popularity t i no pii.ling, nor to long, winiy certiticates—but .-^olely to its own merits as a remedy which never tails to cure when taken accord ing to directions accompanying each box. ihis Pill, unlike many others, contains no miner.il, nor any in jurious ingredient, and may be administered with per fect safety at all times, to youug or old. As a preventive against Chills, or an^ other type of Fever, it is recommended as unsurpassed; aud in treat ment of Fevers generally it is far superior to Quinine, or any [ireparation of Peruvian bark. trial ol its merits is all that is needed to insura it a favorable position in the estimation of oven the most inveterate opposer of Proprietary or Patent prescriptions. CHAMl'IONS AXTI BILIOCS /‘ILLS Enjoy the reputation of being ut least as y -od, if not better, than any of the various cathartic Pills of tha age, and are entirely free from all poisonous, mineral, or other injurious properties, and are highly recom- meud«d iu Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick Head ache, Sick Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Indigestion, &c., and diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood generally, they being by their composition equally adapted to either of the above cases as a gen eral cathartic, good at all times when such medicines are required. We recomtucnd them to the altanlioQ of all persons. Prepared by F. M. SWYER & CO., Belleville, Illinois. Sold by SAMUEL J. HINSDALE, Fayatteville, N. C. Also, in all the towns and cities, aud bj numerous country agents throughout tLe southern and wattern States and Tarritorias. F. M. SWYER & Co., Proprietora, Belleville, Ill’s. June 3. 1868. Iti-6m DCj“ Webster’s Elementary Spelling Books, Just rateivad. fi. J. HALS & SON. i Sapt’r 28. Otfice Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward. J. ii Foy, Robert White, John A. .-Vveritt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. H'jmphrey. In Carte»"et county, at the office of Dr. M. F. .Aren- uell at Beaufort. Dr. .M F. .\rendell, J. F. Beli, L ■ T. Oglesby. At 'Ue store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col i Win. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge I .-irendell. j In Dupli'i c unt}’, at the office of the County Court j Clerk at Keijansville, — Maj ir Owen R Kenan, Davi.t Rei I, Isaac B. Kellj', Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Giali,*viu. lu Sampson county, at the office of the (’’ounty Couit Clerk at tliuton,— I'homas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas Hunting, Wm MiKoy, Patrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, J. R Beainau .\lfre I Johns n. jU Cuml erlanl county, at hayftteville, at the office of A. A McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal .'dcDaniul, Edward L. Winslow, JoLn C. Blocker, Form of subscription; The Undersigned agree to t.ike the number of shares of $100 each, set opposite to our names respectively in the Central Rail Uoad Company; and in all respects to comply with the forms of the Charter. Ijiimberton ^Idtertisement. r||lHE subscriber begs leave to inform his customers ^ that he is now receiving an excellent supply of FALL AXn W LNTER GOODS, Consisting of a full & complete assortment of all kinds of (.iOOD.S, For Ladies’ wear, such as Silks, Merinos and DeLains. Also, Cloaks, Mantillas, Bonnets and Trimmings. Do 111 CrOOdM, For Family and Servants’ use; such as Calicos, Ging hams, Linseys, .Striped Homespuns, Ticking, Drillinga, Kerseys, Flantiels of all colors. Bleached and Un bleached Sheetings and Shirtings. BOOTS AND SHOES, .\ full assortment for Men's and Ladies’ wear; also, ■Miss’s, Girl’s and Children’s Shoes. H.\TS AND C.\PS, of all sorts and sizes. KKCi.OTIII.’VG, Of gnp^rior make and good materials. iiakdware: a.\d cuti.ery, A large assortment. Also, CROCKERY AND GROCERIES, S. W. £KRA!VT. Lumberton, N. C., Sept’r 22. 49-4t TO PLACERS TvXD FARTmER ^■IHE UNDERSIGNED has been appointed sole fl. Agent in North Carolina, for the sale of Kettle- well’s Celebrated Fertilizers and Renovators of worn out lands. They comprise his Manipclatkd Gcaso, No. 1 and 2. “Re.novator,” (Guano and Land Sait) So. I and 2. “Kettlewell’s Salts” and “Land Plastee” of su perior quality. .Mitchell .v Croesdale’s highly improved “SCPIK Phosphate of Lime ” These fertilizers, where they h.i\e been tried, rtquire no recommendations, but take the lead of Gu tno and all the Fertilizers and Kenovatorg of the soil Painph'.ets descriptive of the articles, with certificates of their virtues, prices, &c., will be furnished by mail, to such as desire them, by applicttioii to H NUTT, Sole .Ag’t for the State of N. Ca. Wilmington, Sept, 25. 49 3m. Names. Residence I No. shares, j $ Cash. Work. Subscriptions may be made payable in work, aud may specify whether for grading or c^o^s-tie8; iitid stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or bt tngi neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are .sub scribed, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they n"» required to call a meeting of Stoakholders to organize the Company. March 15, 1856. 13tf XEW ROOKS. Man UPON THE SE.\; or A History of .Maritime Adventure, Exploration and Discovery, from the Earliest .\ges to the Present Time, by Frank B. Goodrich. THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING; or, Jerusalem as it was, as it is, and as it is to be, by J. T. Barclay, .M. D , .Missionary to Jerusalem. MIZPAII. Prayer and Friendship, by L. C. Loomis, A. .M. Just received by E. J. H.\LE & SON. Sept. 2. *45 Sept BACOX! BaCOX!! HHD.S well smoked Bai,on Sides. Just re ceived by E F. M03RE & CO. 27. 49-3t I’OKK! POKK!! BBLS Prime Pork—good article. Just re- E. F. MOORE A CO. 49 8t Hair, B. ROSE. 49-St Blank Warrants tor sale at this Oliice ceived by Sept. 27. dOO Bttsiicis Plasterin now landing anJ for sale by Sept. 27. 'The Presbyterian Psalrnodist, Char acter and Round Notes A further supply just rec'd. .Sept -j;. K J. HALE A SON. The W ihnintrton^ Charlotte lif liiUher- ford Rail Road Company. rpHE REGULAR ANNUAL .MEETING of the Stock- holders of the Wilmington, Charlotte & Ruther ford Kail Road Company, will be held in the Town of Wilmington, on Thursday, the i4th d>»y of October next. H. W. GUION, Pres’t. Sept. 8, 18.58. 45-tm GROCERIES AT WHOLES ale. 1 II.VV'E just received in store my Fall Stjck, em bracing the following articles, vii; 12.5 Bags CoflFee. 65 Bbls. and Hhds. Sugar—ass irted. 65 “ Pork. 50 Boxes good Tobacco. 75 “ Candy. 30 i Bbls. Snuff-Eagle Mills. 75 Boxes Crackers. All of which will be sold for CASH, or on short timo to the beet of man. £. F. MOORK & CO. Sept. tt, 1868. 44-tf