iFAir SEMI-WEEKLY. Ill Jt. [V(H. VIII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER 7, 1858. [NO. 752.] IMUNTKD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. KDWVRD J. HALE & SON, KDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. PrK’e fi'T the Semi-Weekly Obi>krvkr $3 00 if paid in s.lvHin'c. i')U if paid during the year of subscrip u ii: I’ after the year has expired, p ■ tiiv Weekly Ob.skrvkr OOperaunuin, if paid in , Iv.iiice; 50 if pai«l during the year of subscrip- ti n; or *•> 00 after the year has expired. \;'V1;KT1SE.MKNTS inserted for sixty cents per ■ : ‘ 11> lines for the first, and thirty cents for each . u '“o lins publication. \ early advertisements by spe- .•iiiitr;ii'ts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are re i to state the number of insertions desireo, or will be continued till forbid, and charged accord* A ivortiseinents to be inserted inside, charged 50 per ,nit. * xtra. Fire Insurance. • refer our readers to the annual statement of the .I'tna Insurance Company, of Hartford, oh will be found in another column. This success- t',.' institution was incorporated by the Legislature of ■ ..liiintiiut in 1819, with a perpetual charter. Us i-i ■i'5u0,000, and its accumulations exceed >'i II,":K) more, making its entire assets ever $300,- invested as detailed in the statement referred to results inJicate that during the period of nearlj ’ rty years since its on;aniiation, (without a single I'h^iuge ;'f its chief officer, ) its business has been con- ’iiitf 1 with ju'igment and prudence. It has been . !• ?:ir sucee.‘!ft'ul in an eminent degree, discharging, rtf ;re informed, all its obligati.ms by the payment ; n at ' \ dollarx for losses, without asking a . Ic.ay in any instauoe. It has had but little lit- » r ; )U. notwithstanding the immense number of trans- r'-' ;■> made, in order to attain as much cfrtainti/ as ; !e in such a business as insurance, it has been ■ • pr.i. tice of the I'ompany, for several years, at it lub. r. carefully to classify and arrange their into about tifty distinct classes, .so as to ascertain .111. u:it insured on each class, the amount of pre- ;? rti-eiv^ J thereon, and the amount of losses up- :n!. Tiiis cl'i.«sitication, extending over a long ; er; !, . i covering property to a very large amount,fur- ii.j:.'' reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial • ^^ it actual experience, upon which to conduct its lusur iuce is not a matter of luck or chance, itiv suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and - r:; . :j^''es capable of being reduced to a system, the . I ncii working and results of whi.h are as certain H3 ■ .■ f >in> other business. The ..Etna Company, R ihtring rigidly to its system, and placing its busi- uj,"n a healthy basis, has obtained the confidence vf the ct'mmunity to an extent surp issed by no other : inipany in the U. Stales, and has increased its busi ness and its income from year to year with a steady gr •wth. One great source of its security is the wide i;stributic'U of its risks—a p.jlicy which it pursues With great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov- fTt-J in each locality. By this course it has passed, «i;n comparative impunity, through some of the most a’' eeping and destructive fires, which have swallowed up tiier Companies less cautious in their business. It is ^>stem like this, based upon experience, which gives Nubility anJ soundness to a company, and to the aa- »-red confidence and security.—Baltitnor* Putrioi. STATEMENT OF THE .£T.\.l 1.\SIRI\CE C0.MP.1.W, HAKTFOKD iN' dU'oilATED 18iy CHARTER I’KRPETU.^L CAPITAL $1,000,000. E. (i. RIPLET, President. 1. A, ALEIANUER. Vice Pres’l. T. R. BRACE. Jr. Sei'r. as»e:t» Ji ly 1, ^larket Value. '''asL in hand and in Phunix Dank, $ 40,122.60 pecial Deposite in Banks. ' ash on Special Deposit© in Banks, with a’iTued interest, : oU in hands of Agents and in transit, ■ • i! Estate unencumbered. Mortgage Bonds at 7 per cent, interest, .. Fj “ “ Jersey I'ity Water Bondi at '1 per ct. int«r«it. li;ili:d •• “ “ tj waukee *• “ “ 10 Lir' .,'klyn “ “ “ fj i‘ ue^ter “ “ “ 7 •''tates Treasury Notes 6 f" -ate of Tennessee “ “ Kentucky, '5 •• Missouri, “ New York, 139,001 66 144,719 06 55,383 01 44.000 •28,000 24.000 25.000 5,000 10.000 25,250 2,500 0,000 10,300 21,000 &int 28,750 WEIGHT & FULLER, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Fayettevill«, C. ^'ILKMENT a. WRIOriT and BARTHOLOMEW FULLER havo associated themselves together for the practice of their profession. Prompt attention given to all business committed to their charge. They will practice in the oounties of Cumberland. Harnett, Sampson Robesion and Bladuu. Aug. 23, 1858. 8«. Presbyterian copy. JOSEl'II BAKKU, Jr., ATT«KXEV AT I. A W , H.^S taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cum- ber1anl, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1858. rytf THO. C. FULLER, ,-ittorneif anit CottHsellor at Ejtuf. OFFICE at Escles's Bridge, recently occupied by I James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. (L Jan’y 1, 1857. ^ LOVERD ELDKlU(iE, tiitorney at JLaw, WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithfield, .\pril 15, 185^i. 9*j-tf rUOY cV ri LI.EK, Attorneyji and Coun.>eIlors at Law, Co., li. c. Robert E. troy and JOHN p. fuller, have formed an associaaon for the practice of their protession in Robeson County. The former will a’so attend the ('ourts of Bladen and Columbus; the latter will also attend thoso of I'umberland. The Oflioe in Lumbercou will l>« kept open at *1'. times. Jan’y 1, l^o8. 7J. SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attorney aiul Couiiellor at Law, S^IITIlFli:i.D, ., nr ILL attend regularly tho County and t^uperiur ('ourts of W ake, Johuston, Curaberland, Har nett, and Wilson. All business entrubted to his uare will receive prompt attention. Jan’y ll.’, 'bS. “ Ohio, tj “ (1860) “ 51,000 Ohio, 0 “ (188C) 26,500 M mey due the Comp’y secured by Mortgage 4,418 04 ' i' Receivable, G4.499 34 i. irtford & New Haven Rail Road Co. Stock, GO,000 : »■ n i: Worcester “ i. ii 10,272 ■ unecticut River “ . .1 12,500 nnecticut River Company, “ 1,250 ■ ' ‘^ ‘rd Bank Stock, 5,250 ’.zens “ “ Waterbary, 5,250 ^1* •( (( Providence. 1,872 : j.-Acniz “ “ Hartford, .30 000 "linrs i .Mechanics “ “ “ 4G,00) h ;change “ “ ** 13,500 l It ^7,000 ■ -J “ 1I,»00 unty “ “ “ 5,500 iiiecticut River “ “ “ 9,787 50 H irtford “ “ “ 5b, 125 -rter i >ak “ " 10,300 M' - aants s Maniif. “ “ 10, (too : ■ria “ “ “ 10,000 'I 'c lanics j- Tr.sders “ “ Jersey City, l,.5O0 M‘T':h!int? kxchange “ “ Nuw York, 10,100 N ti. River “ “ “ 10,O(»0 .'Ifcbanics “ “ • • .34,500 rti- Amerisan “ “ X 21,bOO ■- -»-nu “ “ 30,000 ■ .'■ioa •• “ •• S4,200 l!r la iway “ “ ‘.^5,000 I ^ rdes “ “ 11 10,100 Republic • “ .* 28,400 ' !'y t. 1 • 11,750 L'nioii i. •» • • 2i,yoo danover •• *i • > ;»,O0O > iiinmonwealth “ ** .. y,(joo IMiceuix •• >, 10,800 Manhattan >• n .. 2tj,50U New Vork • i .. 32,400 .Market .4 ,, 20,800 .*cean .1 ,, .. 18,400 Metropolitan •* . • 43,400 Butchers a: Drovers “ 22,400 Importer s Trader s “ * .. 31,800 •American Exchange “ 41,400 Merchantj “ ‘ 1 4},b'J0 S Trust Company •* ‘ ‘ “ 11,200 >. V. L. In. iS Trust Co “ ‘ • t* 24.750 ¥1,140 10 liabilities: F jr claims adjusted and unadjusted and uot duf 5510S.714 68 tfiaf' Agent of the above Company at Fayetteville, E J. HALE. TaNXEK S oil ^ DRV HIDES. BI’Ll'' Tanner’s oil,—a superior article; also, a fine lot of Dry Hides. For sale by JAS. 0. COOK. ; 'I’Ih' IVesbyierian Psainiodist, Char- a' ter aii'i Round >otes. A further supply just rec’d -ept. 27. E. J. HALE & SON. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o .n iH 1 s s I o ;v AND E 0V\ A R D L\ G M E R C U A N' l \ W*iimins£ton, V. tKir Prouapt personal attention given to all Con- ignmentM, and Cash advances made on Produce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 MILITARY GOODjS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces .A\D EVERY UESL’Rli‘Tl(l.\ UF M11,1T.\RV tiOUDS, ACCORniNG TO THE Latest r. tS Armij (Uid Statt: Rtyuhifions. SCHUYLER, HARTLEY 6c (iRAIlAM, I Tii>oKTfc:K»» jk rACTi:itKii>», 1 MAIDEN L .A N E, .?Vir Korfc. June 30. 24-ly T. A. E. IU)IIXSrED'r, wisent for Chirh'ering^'>s M*iaiios, Of wliich he has iilwa^'s s luie on hand Wilmington, N. C., Ocfr 2, 185S. 51-lypd TIN PLATE, Nhfel Iron, Iron Wire, 4'OOk|\,i >|»TOVI> A\I> TI^-WAKi:. Always on hand, at Wholesale or Ketail. liUOFJSC, C I'TTKlllXC, .And all kinds ol Jobbing, ilone at short notice, by V W. .\NDREWS, Market S«juare, Fayetteville. July «. 27- cna\. sPRi\(^ MiLi.s. rj^HE Pr.'prietors are prepared to GRIND CtiRN on LUTTERLOH’S LINE.' ^j!TE.\MER “F.ANNY” Ipuvcs I'iiyctteville every Monday and Thur.sdiy morning, at 15 minutes after Sun-rise: and W’ihniniton 'I’uesday and Friilay, nt o’clock,—carrying jiassenjrers and freight. Steamer “SOUTIIEHNEK,” with a full complement of Flats, makes oiiu or more trips per week, as cir cumstances may re,|uire. The accident to the Steamer ‘"KOW.VN” will he re paired in a few aay.s. She will then take lior place in the line. T. S. LUTTERIJ)H. Oct’r 4, l»o8. ol-tf 4.\ OS. J the usual terms Tlie Bedstead .Manufioture the same place. Jan’y 11, 1)S58. still (Nirried on at 75-tf caim: EEAli r(jR Dr. K. A. o Feb’y FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. (^hemi»t and Dru^ St»re. 7b-ly BLACK, s. J. Hiuidale'i 185ti. rtj-tf D •lledical »Votice. R. H. A. McSW’AlN has taken an Offi«e on An- |{\NK srocK S.\LE 1^11 FTY shares of (':ipi; Fear Hank .'•.took arp otfered for sale For I'urtljyr information apply to A. McLEAN, Cashier. Fayetteville. .Aug ‘J, l^oS. _ ( CILMliS. CNAlliS. V Large lot o*" Stool-bottom Chair*. made at Co«l * Spring Mill, and for sale by A. M. CAMPBELL. •March 24, '58. 9'iy OfFICK 'I’k VN.SPOKT vtion Acknt, Wiiiniiiiiloii & Maiiclie.stfr Rail Road Co. ^ C., 18th .\t;u. 1858. NOTICE TO (’OUNTRY MKRPH.Wrs A\l) SHIPPERS. «N and after the the 1st September, all tJoods and Merch'in ii?.'.', inten ir 1 I'.jr tli.‘ interior, or points on the line of this and adjoining Road, shipi>ed to the care of the General Tr.insportation \gent, and lanled on the ’oni]>any's Whiirf, 'will be forwarded Free of Extra Charge and Commissions, and the Marine and back charges paid and collected witli Kail Road freight at the point* of delivery. By this arrangement, owners of goods will be re lieved of much exjiense and inconvonicnce, and ship pers will tin 1 it to their interest to forward through this port. The promptest despatch may he relied upon. Hills Ladinif sliould invariably Sfiecify for delivery at the Rail Road Co.’s Wharf oc the West siile of the River. JAS. P. ROBLKTSON, Gei’l Sup’t. .Aug. 18, 1858. :'V-2m illlL IIOII) MITII'i;! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Pearce's Store, where he can be found by those de siring his Professional servioes August 24, 1858. 4Utf J. WILLIAM 1V\GE, M. D., P tTTS B O HO I 4m Mi, .V. lU)()K:-BiNJ)L\(i N all its kindai. executud with neatness and d« spatuh. Small jobs when done must be p-aid hwfore THUS. H TILLINGHAST, Anderson Street. .May 14 1«5!^ 11-lY I deUvere-i c. Jjjj^R. PAGE may be found at office when not prefessionally engaged. May 6, 1»57. 5if FLNE CIIEWTNC; TOBACCO. JUST RECEIVED, 10 boxes of that FINK ROCK CANDY TOBACCO Sept. 4 W. H. CARVER. 42tf R. M. ORRELI., TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. ^■IHOSE sending their Spirits Turpentitie to me -M- may rely upon it to have prompt and careful at tention. -My Warehouses are fronting the Wharves and uwar the Rirer, Sept’r 13, 1858. 45-tf TlilRTV HAXDS WaXTED. ^■IHE subscriber wishes to hire by the Month, or M. Day, Thirty Negroes, to work on the Ninth Sec tion of the Western Rail Road. For further particulars inquire at the Engineer's Office, Fayetteville, or of me at Little River Bridge. O’BRYAN ^ CO. Aug. 16. 38tf PETER MALLETT WITH I D. COLDE.V .Ml’RR.W, aSNERAL COMKtlSSION UERCHANT, 62 South Street, XKW YORK. July 2irf, 1858. 32- JA». C. SMITH. MILBS COKTI.f. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Fa€tors, Commission anti For~ tmarding *Jierchants. WILMINGTON, N. 0. 1 PROMPT attention given to sale of TIMBER, LUM BER, NAV AL STORES and all kinds of Produee. Liberal advancements made on Couiignments. Refers to E. P. Hall, Pres’t Branuh Bank of State. H. R. SAVAdE, Caak’r Bank Cape Fear. Jou;i Daw- so.v, Esq. April 25, 1858. *-lY Presbyterian copy. D. A. LAMOXT, Commission Merchant, V. OFFICE SB NORTH WATER STREET. Personal attention given to all produce sent to him •ither for sale or shipment. Nov’r 6. 57-lypd JOHN M. CLARK, Coiiiiuissioii &c Eorwardiniij .Mercliaiil, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL give prompt attention to sale of Country I’ro'luce, Naval Stores and Cotton. Ind Ay ml for Hush and OrrtU'$ Lint of August ly, 18.j8. 38tf W. H. TURLINGTON, Conuuisiign Merchant, No. 4 North Water St., WILMINGTON, N. C. • K^ILL give his prompt personal attention to the V V sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8, 185fj. tf Worth & Utley, rorvviirdiiij.^ anti (icnera! Coiiiinission MERCIIAXTS, JTuyelteville^ *V. i. A. WOETH. (72tf) JOS. UTLET. T C. & B G-. WORTH, € A TEW RARRELS HOK'EbW .APi’LE BR.ANDV, suitable formating wine and putting up brandy fruit For sale by W. H CARVEK. Aug. 18 38- 75 \\ A.NTKI) NEGROES fora Mississippi Plantation, Mon, Boys, Girls, and some good Families. KPHK. PAGE. Fayetteville, .May 6, 1858. 8-tf VALLARLE REAL ESTATE I'OK 1 OFFER for sjtle my RESIDENCE on Ifay-mount. For health there no place to excel it There is a fine well of water in the yanl. Description is use less. Also, the L(.)T East of my .Store. The above property, if n it disposed of at private sale, will be sold at auction on Thursday, 21 st October. JAS. C.. COOK. Fayetteville, Sept. 0. 4*- M'I.ROI';S IM) LIMI FOri SALi;, ^ IHE subscriber wishes to sell liis HOUSE and LO 1 J in Fayetteville, known as the “Farm House," containing about tjU acres. .\lso, THREE V.\LU- ABLE NEGRt) MEN, Edward, Fred and Charles. Fred and Edward are excellent Spirit Barrel Coopers, —all young, sound and healthy. For terms apply to C. E. LEF.TE, or JOS. BAKER, Jr, .•\tt'y for John Eccles. I Aug. 18. ;^.8-tf I HOUSE, I.OT, AXD XECJRO. rilHE undersigned wishing' to cb>3« up their old busi- ' ness, offer for sale the IIOU.SE .and LOT on Hay- mount, formerly occupied by Major Gilmore. Also, a NEGRO BOY' 14 years of age: having tried him for the last five mouths, we can recommend him as an excel- ! lent servant, both for house or out of doors, sold for ^ no fault, but to close old business. F. N. & J. H. ROBERTS May 3, J858. 7-tf OLDHli.LS. [ A LL persons indebted to the concern of FR.VNK & JERRY and J. H. ROBERTS (’(».. are re quested to come forward and settle their bills. If not settled by the last o^' tliis month, they will tind them in tiie bands of a Lawful Collector. J. H. ROBERTS 4- CO. , .May 3, 1858. 7 if COTTOX BAGGIXG. , JI^UNDEE and GUNNY B.VGGING in quantities to suit purchasers. Sept. 17. For sale by JAS. G. CO(JK. 4itf IP! I TAKES 1 A ND eommitted to the Jail of Cliath.am count-y, two i Negro Boys by the name of HENDERSl).'. and C-Omuii;iSion & Forwarding Mercliants, ' EDOM, who say they belong to J. II. I’ritchett, of Brown't Building, Wattr Street, lW*Hmington, C. Usual advances made on oonsignments. Nov. 11, 1857. 6tt-tf DEEP RIVER COAL. ITUMlNOUS COAL of the best quality can be had at the worki at Egypt, at^a reasonable price WM. McCLANE. Mining Engineer, I Lumberton. The owner is requested to come forward prove property, pay prison charges, and take them away; otherwise, they will be dealt with according to Uw. W. D. C. RIDDLE, Jailor. IMttsborough, July 14. :*b- It by the Ton. May 21, I85f, tt-tf The Southern Harmo^ NY, and MUSICaL CO.VIPaNION, a furtner sutiply just received. E. J. HALE & SO.N. Blai^ks for sale at tins Otiic«. \E\v, riiEAP, AM) I'Xi'i'Diiiors Kom: for Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. 'MMERCH.VNTS and others about purchasiii;: their Fall and Winter Supplies, are requested to ■ notice, that by the completion of tho Nortti Eastern i Rail Road from (’harleston. S C.. to Clieraw, tho ad- ' vantages ot a CHE.\I’ and I’XPEDlTloUS Route from ' the Seaboard has been opened to them. -\11 freight eonsi^nod to tli* care ol the .\geiit of the North Eastern Rail Road will be forwarded Fli.EE (JF COMMISSION I No charge will be male for Storage atCheraw. ,\11 ^ goods will be taken care of in the Company's Ware house until sent for. | schedule of charges for transp jrt.ition of freight will be found at the I'ost Oilioe. S. S. SCfLoMoNS, Eng’r and Sup’t. I •\ug. a. Itf favettf:villk MLTLAL L\SIUAX(T: COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. (,'ompany has heeii in operati-in more than , 1 five years, and has paid it. losses,, amounting to $l'.M2b ‘Jo, without any assessment; insurance aver aging its members al)out A per cent. Policies is.-^ued to 1st nf May, l>o'i, 27t)'.*. .Amount of property n iw in'iured, ^1.174,'*2- III. .Amount premium notes now on hand, ‘28. Cash premiums received, $ >2.:?17 41. DlKKrTOUn. S T. Hftwley, W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. .McKethan, J. I). Williams, Jas. Cook, .\ W. St col, •J'ls. Kyle. J G. .'Shepherd. R. F. Brown Wilmington, A. E. Hall, 'Vilmi;,-t,.;.. ( )rKU KKri. GEO. McNKII.L, Piosident. D. .A. Ray, Vice I’resi lent. C .A. M«'Mil.I.AN. Secrf'larv. and t’. r. Mcl’ruinmen, Travelling Agents. The t.’om]‘anv invite a]'jili?ations. Mavlil, 18.> SCHOOL BOOKS FOR THE UNION. A. S BARNES ^ CO., 51 AND 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. PIIBLISHERS A.M) WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS. WOL LI) IXVITF. ATTENTION TO TJtE X ATIOXAL SERIES —OF— fiTAMHRI) SIIIOOL BOOKS, I'UBLISHEI) BV TlIKJl, AMONi; WHICH aKE The Xntional School Jitat/ers, in 5 /Vr/nonnvituj Sjieiler. Price 2'), 37i. 50, 7') cts. and $1. Speller, 25 cts. By Richard G I’arker, A. M., of Boston, and J. •Madison Watson, of New York. These are the latest reading books yet brought out, and it is confi lentiy b->!ieved surpass ail others in general plan and arran|;ement, beauty of illustrations and typography, character of selections, and adapta tion to the wants of schools They are already in ex tensive use in the Public Schools of New York, Brook lyn, Albany, Newark, Lancaster, and other important places. Dn nits' Revised Arithmetics and thematics. Prices of Arithmetics 15, 25, 45 and 75 cents. .Are daily increasing in popularity and circulation. They are regariled as the most thorough and prac tical of any before the public. .\n exceeilingly valu able addition to this course has.just been made in the publication of Da rits’ I'lliversify Aljehra, Frice SI ‘25. •An entirely new work, designed to occupy an inter mediate place'between the author’s Elementary Alge- I bra and Bourdon. It teaches the Science and .Art of .Algebra liy a logical arrangement and classification of I the principles in their natural order, anil by illustrat- ’ ing their application in an extended series of carefully I arranged and graded examples. It is Prof. Davies’ last and best work. M, nteilh and a Serif'A of (lt:ojrafjhies, Prices 25, 40, tiO cents., and ^1. j Seem to be fast superseding all others. The plan | on which they are arranged, their intrinsic merit, con ciseness, beauty, and peculiar adaptation, render them great favorites with both teachers and jiupils. They , have been otlicially recommended by the Superinten dents of Public Instruction ot' v»M-y many States, and , by numerous Teachers’ Associatious and Institutes . throughout the ci untry, and are in successful use in ' a multitude of p iV)Iic an.l private Schools in every ■ State of the Union. f'htrlc's (Iramniitra, in (tro prin'tt 40 and • iO rents, ami WckK's Anafi/sis, price 75 cents, It is believe I present the (>nly true ami successful method of teachin;; the science of the English I.an- guage. They are tlie Stamiar'i Text-Books in the New \ ork, Michigan and other State Norir.al Schools, and . in very many of the best Schools and .Academies in the Country. I\irL'er’s Schoo- Philusophj/, price 551, Is regarded as the most complete, concise, and prac tical Class Book on that subject yet publisheil. It is more extensively used than any other, which fully de monstrates its pre-eminent worth and superiority. Porter s Schoof L'hemistry, price SI, Is one of the most admirable works prepared lor Schools, and requires only a limited amount of ap paratus to illustrate all the experiments described. A. S. i Co. hdve recently mlded mauy new and vjiluable works to their .>'ATIO.^ VI., a fuii d escription of which will be found in their f ^ t.t STIt^tTEU V.tT.t #J ju.-t published, coutaininc a complete liescription. with notices and recommendations, of all their School and Library liooks. Teachers an ! School Officers throughout the coun- trv are requested to send for this BtES- t it II’TM ¥ 'JR f "3], and corres pond with the Publishers in regard to «ny of their works they may wish to examine or introduce. A.ldres.s A S HAHNE.S k CO., ol aiid 53 John Street, New York. T. WADDILL Has taken charge of the 1 AYETTEVILLE HOTEL. With efficient aid in the different depart ments, and his own supervision of the entire Establishment, he hopes to give satisfaction to the Patrons of the House. Raleigh and Warsaw four-horse lines of Stages arrive and depart from this House Daily, and the Salem Stage Tri-weeklr Fayetteville, N. C., Oct’r 1, 1858. 51-3m N. C Standard, Greensboro’ Patriot, Wil. Journal, weekly, and Town papers, will copy i months and •tnd bills. * T. W. TIUiST SALE. By virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed by Wm. R. Bolton, I offer for sale any or all of the j property conveyed in said Trust, consisting in part of i interc^ii in the Baily L.AND, on Cross Creek, the growing Crop on said Laud, or DW’ELLINQ HOUSE occupied by himself; 12»)3 ACRES about 5* miles from Town on McPherson Creek, known as his Mill tract 250 Acres LAND known as the Terry Land on Car- lliijher J/a- | ver’s Creek. 1 Roan Horse. I 1 Sorrel Mare. 1 ALSO, j One Seine and Flat, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Farming Tools. One ROCK.AWAY. One CARRTALL One CART and large amount of Forage. Persons desirous of purchasing any of the proper- I ty convej'ed in said Trust would Uo well to call on .Mr. i Bolton or myself as bargains may be had. j C. E. LEETE, Trustee. I Sept. 30, 1858 50-30d ESEEUL AR'riCLES. I^^LUID, Oil anil Lard Lamps; Brittaniaand Brass Candlesticks; Superior Steel Snuffers; Brittania Castors, Tea Pots and Coffee Pots; Brittania isPOONS and L.ADLES; Brittania Communion Sets, Goblets and Cups; Tinned Iron Spoons and Ladles; Planished Tin Coffee Urns and Pots, Tea Pots, Oyster and Beef Steak Dishes, and Dish Covers; WAITERS, of all sizes and shapes. FINE SCISSORS; large for cutting, small for embroidery; Razors and Pocket Knives; llaskets! BaNketiti! for all purposes; COFFKB J1IL.L.S; Iron and Stone Mortars; Stone Crocks; Tin Ware; Cedar Tubs, Pails, Churns and Bowls; Counter Scales, to weigh J to 240 tbs; Family Scales, to weigh every ounce to4lb; (t tc a Dij pers; Hair and Wire Seires; Table .Mats; Feather Dusters; Dust Pans; Curtain Pins; H.and and Tea Bells; Music Portfolios; Ladies’ W'ork Boxes; Rosewood Toilet Boxes; Ladies’ Leather Bags, (large;) White Satin Beads and White Cut Beads, for fancy work; Porte Monaies. entirely of leather, a superior article; Electric Polishing Powder; Boy’s Saws; Corkscrews. A great variety of other useful articles, too tedious to mention. Come and see for vourself at the “Crock ery Store ” W.'n. TILLINGHAST. Sept. 30 50-2m Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. My rover, S. W. Tiilinghast, Henry Lilly, N \. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Win. McLaurin, .)ohn Collini I A. S HAHNKS & CO. are al.>io publishers of the ^Sfhool Tf’ftrhers^ MjiOrary. Retail price Northend's Teacher ami Parent .'»;1 25 Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching 1 25 ! ■Mansfield on American Edtcation 1 25 i DeTocqueville's American Institutions 1 25 Davies’ Logic of Mathematics 1 25 ( Mayhew on Universal Education 1 25 j Root on School .Amusements 1 25 i The above Books are sold by E. J. H.ALE SON, Fayetteville N C. Ocfr 1, 1858. 5I-2mO&D KNIVES AND FORKS. ^•7" HITE H.AND, with 2 prong stebl FORKS, at w W .$1 and 1 25 per Set; Do., with 3 prong do., at $I 50, $I 75, and ^*!2 per set; And a variety of others at 75 cts to 2 50 per set: some of which are of si perior qi’alitt. Ivorv handle Knives, with stkei, or plated Forks, or ALONE, at 5>S to (i ’0 per set or dozen. For Sale at the “Crockerv Store’’ 'W. N. TILLINGHAST. 50 2m 'ept. 2fc COl l‘OX T l.'i-Y IU)N1)> FOR ^ AIJ>:. HIE Western Rail Road Co. havB for sale in amouHts to suit purchasers, S20,000 ol' the Coupon KoiiJs of the Counfyof ‘ Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent. iiiturf«t, ]ayable semi-annually on the 1st June and the 1st of Deeeui- i ber, and running 20 years. ! S;U),0t)0 of the Coupon Homls of the 'I’l'Wn of Fa3’etteville, bearing jier eetit interest, payable semi- ^ annu.illy on the 1st January and the Ut of July, and j running 20 years. These bonds were issued in nccordince with law to the Western Rail Road ('o., to pay the County and Town subscriptions res|)ectivoly. Persi'ns having money will tind these bonds lat the • price the ('o. is sellii;g theni; a better inv stment than : any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to B. .M.KLLETT, Esq.. Prea't or to ,\I. ROSE, Treas'r WcBtern R. R. Co. Fnyetteviile, Feb’y 26, l-'5S. S'.'if DEN'ns I'RV. R. .1. D.VVIS having decided on per manently locating in the Town of Fiiyetteville, respectfully otl'ers his sertioes to the cit izens of this [ilace and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manul'acture of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after ati extensive experience, to which ig added a thorough Dental education, that he cm give entire sati.--iac!;ion as far as is in the power of Dentistry. Ail irregulari ties of the Teeth treated in a proper and cartful man ner, as well as diseases of the m luth. None but the jiroper metals are ma'le use of in the various opera tions. Charges will he mo'lerate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of ali who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. jjiQ^ Ofl5ce over Houeton’s Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10, 1858. 9tf Scliool Aolice. | fWILL open my School for Boys on MO.ND.VY, tho 4th D.AY' of OCTOBKR j.roximo, at the Phiwnix : Lodge—first tloor. North entrance. I .My terms of tuition will lie, for ijuarter of ten ’ weeks, twelve dollars and fifty cents (;i:i2 60;) con- tin;^encie8. twenty-five cents. Payable in advance. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept’r 20. 47-4w I’resbyterian oopy 4 weeks. WANTED. M.M.MEDI.ATELY—a good Copper Smith. Liberal wages will be given and constant employment. M. A. BAKER. Oct’r I. 51- riKE NOTICE. ~ Gun-makers and Others. a OFFER my entire stock of tJons, Pistols and Tools at New York cjst, as I wish to change my business. SILVER PLATED ^ i.^STORS (18 patterns,) Cake Baskets, Candle- sticks. Cups, Tea Sets, Gol.U-ts, Spoon Htddnrs, Butter Dishes. Butter Knives, .Mol.isses Cups, .Napkin Rings, Tea Bells, Pie Knives, .''ugar Tongs and Scoops, FRENCH F O R K . , of all sizL's. For sale Sept'r 2^. AND S P OO N S, t.O'v at the “Crockery Store.” W. N. TILLINGHAST. 60-2 m FALL AND WLNTER (iOODS. JUST received a large and splendid Stock of STA PLE DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, BOOTS and snOEg, HATS and CAPS and SADDLERY. C. E Sept LEETE. 50-1 m M. A. Oot'r 4. BAKER. 51- NO riCE. JU.ST RE(.^E1VED, a fresh supply of COPPER. I am fully prepared to execute all orders in the Copper and Siieet-Iron Work, such as making Turpen tine .'^tills, Br.ind\’ Stills, He. All work warranted to lii‘ well done, (.’all and see for yourselves at M. A BAKER’S. Fayetteville, Oct'r 4. 51- (tuh Husincais, C’o|)p«M’ Husi- net-s, and Black-smith Business, will be continued a.- usual until further notice by (>et’r 4. M .V BAKER 51- 'ro LEASE. ^®^HE Cool Spring FAMILY RESIDEN’'’E. with the pr«miaes and gar leu attached, lately occupied by .Mr. T. Waddill. Apply at the Hotel. Oct’r 2. tf Pi Rl VLVN (U \NO. ri'^HE unders'gned has made arrangements by which he is prepared to furnish at short notice, any re quired quantity of .\o. 1 Peruvian Nf;»no, all of which will he from lirect importations, into the Port of WilmiKtrtim. and warranted pure und genuine Orders lor the :ibove excellent f-,-rti!izer are s.i’icit- ei, to wliicii prompt a'.te:ition will be giveri =3 i ~ L''i 4. w.’ II- 1 which does not idmii of being iL/ \V cbstcr S Il»lCIllGntUr^ opciling | gold on time. Cash or us equivalent must accompany Books, just rseeivtd. E. J. HALE & SON. j tach order. BEVERLY ROSE. S«pt’r 2i. I July 8. 26tf Cider Vinegar, tor sale bv W. H. CARVER. Aug. 18 ^8- Sl PERIOR liU'FTER. A NEW supply of that Superior BUTTER, so very ...a. popular with all who have been buying from mo. —ALSO— .V large supply of iiiroeerictt anti Provisions, consisting in part of: lI5 Bags l^riiue Kio (Joffee; lU Bbls. Coffee and Brown Sugars; -i) Bbls Exh-a No. 3 Mackerel; 15 irif and Qaarter bbls. Kxtra No. 1 d'». :20 11’If bbl."i. Mess Shad, (very fine;; .'lUUO lbs choice Balt. Bacon; luot) it s “ Family Lard; 75 boxes Extra Dairy Cheese. All of which I will Bell cheap for CASH. W. C. TROY. Oct. 4, 1858. 51-lm TI RPENTINE AND B C a S.H IT St TOOI.S. 2-0 Doz Bryces’ Hackers. 'JO “ “ Hound Shaves. 1;') “ “ Scrapers. 10 “ Hacker-Stoncs. 10 “ Rouad Shave Stones. 25 “ Hacker-Filea. ALSO, A Large assortment of Cooper’s Tools. I would call the attention of purchasera to my Hack ers, Round Shaves and Scrapers, as they excel any ever offered for sals in this market. C. £. LEETE. Sept. 30, lHb8. 60-lm

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