E I*i*y IwooUi Dress Goods. ,V *ii £>. au w-,ol •‘'■■I A:ueri. K' Js f-.j. • 'I oi i>' i.it-.s ' " Hii ' , (. ^s:l,'‘ It' ®^«r» c*u '11 A ,ar^e-*t '.t. at .f Dry ;uod»^ > '- - ■i'-^k:r.: ^ \V6. ELLv- i\, bt- S' : Ml W I I >r ai p- v» 1 It i W ll!'-MS 4S P. it ipeol. .; aooMPs, : '■ h . ■ FAN: , NNht.-, UM : N , , i: . -we.i ai- wf' s« t. at i -> O T. . -i ; -f :;je!;l the-'.i ■• ‘tVe, al »■- ‘-.-w tbbgs » ■ a is prh:- sr» _.f -'j;#uc8 . el. Rllil ; I » . ■- J : , te t^e - »p« i«aii f gee a.; ■ • ■, •■■liit** i7 ' I . |[*N rt H 11\' ■ :Xdh OI)S tii’ c ^ - iir% ^ ; (* (11) li.- 4-- ; f- rmi’if •‘-■r Vi^7 i j*n»r» I. ^ , r, SADDLERY, kc bbs. b- . . ; ’*• p, [i. . 1^- at the 1ft'* l|.i ■, \v • b« off8r*J • , :uei» y^tf V#f^. to u.-. ,-rior* uue J, W -.tc ..r: U-jpt» take . new fri«DU* V I mmLJ.-ToN. iyir ^'■» r i« t. ! li L'i.V fiON, Jr, ’■■•» » -'rg# tl ; iiOOhS ''iiawis, >i >ii3, 1 low, r*, |f-»##;.>•. ^ ( assi. ( i. H .4>. v\r. ' JK. X /-r v/zoc.v. » .1 TO )t. I ,;;i- f ; ■ :>t>; \v TOWIIMLJE S E M I-W E E K: L. Y. [VOL MU.] P'AYETTEVILLE. N. C., OCTOBER 11, I8f)8. [NO. 753.1 i lllNTKD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. r.DWAlU) J. HALK & SON, KDIToRS AXl) TROPRIKTORS. }’i : r ; r the Soini-Wfekly Obskrvkr $3 00 if paid in •‘ ^ a^ ••; •>■■' if paid during the year of subncrip •j or after the year has expired, p ; • '■'.o Wookly Obskrvkr $’J 00 per annum, if paid in 11 ivniico: oH if paid during the year of subacrip- t -Mi: 'r ('0 after the year has expired. MiVKRTISI'MKNTS inserted for sixty cents per • inre I'i lines for the first, and thirty cents for each i \ oe line publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- ,. I'.iiitrai'ts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are re jueiteil t. state the number of insertions desired, or ^ V wil' be continued till forbid, and charged accord* ! ■ ‘ftiseraents to be inserted imide, charged 60 per v'nt »'Xtra. \\ Firt* insurance. ’K refer our readers to the annual statement of the .Ktna Insurance Company, of Hartford. 1 will be found in another column. This success- >: tutii'ii was incorporatc'i by the Lepis’ature of ■■tii'at in 1^10, with a perpetual charter. Its is ■'.■.liii iiiiH, und its accumulations exceed ■ mi>re, making its entire assets ever ^!’'.00,- ;.v. ste 1 as detailed in the statement referred to ? results in licair, that during the period of nearly /oiii - since its ori;anization, (without a single r' 's chief .'llicer, ■ its business has bren con- ■ 1 w 'n judirraent and prudence. It has been • ;r ^ui'ies-itui in an eminent degree, discharging, .re iufi'rnied, all its obliu'atioi'.s by the paj'ment u for losses, without asking a :*• ;iy ii. ;i-.;y insTHUi'e. It h.i? had but little iit- h, n 'twir i.-t'in iing the immense number of trans- WRIGHT & FULLER, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Faycttevilltt, X. C. #'1LEMENT G. WRIGHT and BARTHOLOMEW FULLER have associated theuiselTCi together for the practice of their profession. Prompt attention gi^en to all business ooramittel to their charge. They will practice in the oouatios of Cumberland, Harnett, ^'ampson Robeson and Bladea. Aug. 123, 1858. 3y. I’resbyterian copy. JOSKPII HAKKK. Jr.. ~ ITTOU^EV tT li.VW, Has taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He witi attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cum berland, Rladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1858. 79tf THO. C. FTTLLER,' •litorHei/ finfl i'ounseUor Hi Mjhw. OFFICE at Ewcles’s Bridge, recently occupied by ^ James Ranks, Esi^., Fayetteville, N. C i J»n y 1, 18.)7. i LOVEHD ELDRIDGE, •f/fornrt/ nt ^■riLL attend the Courts of Johnston and 5awp- ▼ w son Counties. Suiithfield, April 15, 185'J. yO-tf TKOV FUI.LEK, Attorneys and Coun.seliors at Law, H’^IfKKTO'V, K0KK*>»0.\ Co., 'V. C. Robert E. troy and JUHN p. fuller, hare formed an ass 'oiatiou for the practice of their proteission in Robeson County. The toruifcr will also attend the (’ourts of Bladen and (’olumbus: the Utter ie. In or li-r to att.iin as much ortainty as | will also attend those of Cumberland. JOSSPH R. BLOSSOM. € o n .m s «1 o AND FORVV ARDLNG MERCHANT, I \l*ilminston^ *V. f\ Pa^ Prompt personal attention given to all Cou- ignments, and Cash advtiuceu made on Produce to be bhipped to other ports or void in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 MILITARV GOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces ,\.\D liVlikV UESl'filPTlll.N (IF IllLlTARY GUODS, ACCllRDl.NiJ TCI TIIK Lates' U. iS- Army ami State Rfjuhitiont. SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & GR.\H.\M, Idk :»iA:%irACTi:uEiis, 1 » MAIDEN LANE, .Veir l'o»*fc. June 30. 24-ly r. A. E. liOllXS FEDr, tigent for i'hickering'^si JFianoft, Of which he has always some on hand Wilmington. .N. (’., Ocfr 2, 1858. ul lyp I TIN PLATE, Slifct Iron, Iron Wire, COOKl\Ci KTOVI> .4\0 TI\-W.\RE. .\lways on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. KOOFIXG. GI 'TTERIXG, .\nd all kind* of Jobbing, done at lihort notice, bT C W. ANDREWS, Market Square, Fayetteville. July 9. 27- LUTTERLOirS LINE. snch a business as insurance, it has been • pr-i : I* ‘f tile I'l.inpany, for several years, at ; . r. ivu I Tudy to clasoil'y and arrange their; : ■■ •- ut fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain i H.T ■>ureii on each class, the amount of pre- | . ivwi thi'reon, ana the amount of lo.«ses up ' :. .1 Th'.s I'l'iss'.fication. extending over a long ’ i, ■ U’viTiiig pro].erty to a very large amount.fur- i L 5! • Hi 'e .lata, an l presents a sound, substantial I I' - I .i. tii ;' •■xperieiice, upon which to conduct its ! In'iii itice :> n-'t a matter of luck or chance, ; 1' !• -.nv lUpji!!*..-: its liaz irds arc ascertainable, and i •- ! 1 Mi-ipler- . iip.ih'e of beins reduced to a sj'stem.the w .rking and results of which are as certain a? - it f an_\ - tiier business. The .Etna Company, ' y i, i;i.‘nng ri^ii i y to its systfm, and placing its busi- ce;^ a} lU a 111 ;iltiiV basis, has oKlaiued the confidence f the -■ mmunity to an extent surpassed by no other lipany in the U. States, and has increased its busi- • ■ 'J an 1 its income Irom year to year with a steady i t: wtb. >ne great Source of its security is the wide . ;.stributiou of its risks—a p olicy which it pursues » th great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov- 'red in each locality. By tiiis course it has passed, » tii comparative impunity, through some of the most i '« eeping and destructive fires, which have swallowed up ■-her Companies less cautious in their business. It is system like this, based upon experience, which gives ' =’.abiiity anJ soundness to a company, and to the as- i^red contiJence and security.—Baltiriort Falrtut. STATE.MENT OF THE m\ mm{ii to.MPi.\4, IIAKTFOKD UlMRATEDlal'J CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL $1,000,000. E . (j. Rll’LE Y, PresidtDl. T, UEXiNDER. Vice Prei't. T. K. BRAl’E. Jr. See'y. A!«>!m:T!^ JL LV 1, Market Value. ■ in Land and in Ph'tnix Bank, S 40,122.50 i uaii on Special Dep' »ite in Banks, with in'Tue 1 interest. M. Bondi at Hutfd •• •• ^l..waukee “ “ iiT' . k’.yn “ *• i. !ie»ter “ “ ’ State? Treasury "'.ate -jf Tennessee “ Kentucky, •• -Missouri, ‘ ‘ New York, •• Ohio, “ Ohio, .\I ‘ney due the Comp’y secured by Mortgage, 4,418 04 The Office times. Jan’y 1, l‘58. Lumberton will be kept open at all SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attoriiey niul Coun'^ellor at Law, C., WILL attend regularly the County and Superior Courts of Wake, Johuston, Cuiaberiand, liar- COOL SIMUXG MIIJ.S. rpHE Propi I the u(ua The Bedst( 'prietors are prepared to GRl.ND CORN on jal terms. [itead Manufacture 1s still earriei on at the same place. Jan’y 11, 1858. 75-tf nett, and WiUun. All business will receive prompt attention. Jan’y 12, '58. entrusted to his eare 7tj-l T l>r. K. A. BL.4CK, OFFICE Front Rooms, over Dr S. J Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug Stere. Feb’y 7, 185t>. 7f}-tf ly •Jleilicni •y^oiice. ,R. H. A. McSWAIN has taken an Offise on An derson ijtreet, in the rear of Messrs. Ray Ji Pearce's Store, where ht» can be found by thua« de siring his Professional serviecs. August 24, 185^. 4(Jtf J.~\V1LL1AM IVVGE, M. uT P MTTS B O RO VO Miy .V. C’. Dr. page may be found at i*'* office when not prefessionally engaged. May G, 1857. CAPE FEAR B\NK STOCK FOR SALE SHIFTY shfires of Cape Fear Bank Stock are olfered for tale. For furthsr informa'ion apply to A. McLE.\N, Cashier. FayetteTille, Aug 1858. ( HAIRS, CHAIRS. A I..\RGK lot o'Stool-bottom Chairs, laade at Cool ilL Spring Mill, and for salts by A. -M. CAMPBELL. ■March 24, '5S. Wt3y UOOK-lilNDlNG I.N all its kinds, exeouted with neatness and de apatcL. tjmall jobs when done must be p>ii J before delifere-i THod, H. TILLINGHAST, Andetkon Street. May 14 1»5S? 11-lY FINE CHEWING lOBACCO. UST RECEIVED. 10 boxes of that FINK ROCK |^TE.\MF,R “F.\NNY” leaves Fayetteville every Monday and Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after Su i-rise: anil 'A’iln-.in^tnn Tuesday and Friday, at o’clock,—carrying p'lsseiH^ers and freight. Steamer ‘-SOU I'HKR.NKII. ' with a full complement of Flats, makes oiu* or more trips jier week, as cir cumstances miy require. The accident to the Steamer ‘*riOW.\S'’ will be re paired in a few lays. She will then fake her place in the line. T S. LUTTERLOtl. Oct’r 4, 1858. 51-tf Officf 'I'k vnsport vtion Acknt, ^ Wilmin^tnn & .Manclie.Nter Rail Road I’o. i \Viluiiii;;toii, C., 18th Aro 1858. NOTICE TO COUNTRY .MERI'ffWTS AM) SHIPPERS. «N and after the the 1st Sejiteinbcr, all Goods and Merchandize, iuten li- 1 fir the interior, or points on the lino of this and adjoininc Road, shipped to the care of the General Transportation .Ag‘.-nt. and landed on the ('ompany's Wliart’, will be forwarded Free of Extra Charge and Commissions, and the Marine and back ch.arjes paid and collected with Rail Road freight at the point* of delivery. By this arrangement, owners of goods will be re lieved of much expense and incoiiTenience, and ship pers will find it to their interest to forward through this port. The promptest despatch tnay bi* relied upon. Bills Ladinii should invariably specify for delisery at the Rail Road Co.’s Wh.-irf oc tlie West side of the River. JAS. P. ROBERTSON, Geii'l Sup’t. Aug. 18, 1858. ")V-2iu RllL 111)11) .\()Tlli:! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. SCHOOL BOOKS FOR THE UNION. | A. S. BAR\ES &L CO, 61 AND 63 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK, PL'BLISIIERS A.Vl) WIiULES.UE BOOKSELLERS. worm iNvixK .mtkntio.n to the N ATI O N A I. S E R I ES -OF— !iT.l\DllU) .SCHOOL BOORS. 1'L'1!LIS11EI> HY TIIEII, .\MO.NG WHn H .\RF. The Sntioiuil School Ruailtrs, in 5 A’bs., and Pronouiic'iiiij Speller. Price 25. 'Mk. 50, 75 cts. and ^1. Speller, l!5 cts. B3' Richard G. Parker, A M , of Boston, and J. .Madison Watson, of New York. These are the latest reading books yet brought out, and it is confidently believed surpass all others in general plan and arrangement, beauty of illustrations and typography, cha-acter of selections, and adapta tion to the wants of schools They are already’ in ex tensive use in the Public Schools of New York, Brook lyn, .\lb.inj’, Newark, Lancaster, and other import.ant places. T. WADDILI. Has taken charire of the FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. ^^ With efficient aid in the difl'erent depart raents, and his own supervision of the entire I * * *IAb Establishment, he hopes to give satisfaction to the Patrons of the House. .CJaJf* Raleigh and Warsaw four-horse lines of Stage* arrive and depart from this House Daily, and the Salem Stage Tri-weekly Fayetteville, N. C., Oct’r 1, 18oJ'. 51-3m N C Standard, Greensboro’ Patriot, Wil. Journal, weekly, and Town papers, will copy mouths and send bills. T. W. TIUST SILE. By virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed by Wm. R Bolton, I offer for sale any or all of the property conveyed in said Trust, consisting in pirt of J interest in the Bail^’ L.\ND, on Cross Creek, the growing Crop on said Land, or DWELLING HOUSE occupied by himself; llJ'');i .\C14ES about 5J miles from Town on .McPherson Creek, known as his .Mill tract , , , Acres L.\ND known as the Terry Land on Car- Dnvtes’ Rfivisetl Arithrnrtia nii'J Hiijher Ma- ver’s Creek. 1 Roan Horse. 1 Sorrel Mare. 5tf W. H. CARVER. 4-2tf 18J,001 ^.0 and in transit. 144,710 05 ed, 55,;i83 01 cent, interest, 4 1,000 *• ‘ 28,000 at •) per ct. interest, 24,000 t'l “ “ 25,000 10 “ • • 5,000 0 •• •4 10,000 * * 25,250 s 5 •• 2,5O0 r, “ .. ^#,000 C “ • • 10,300 r, •• .. 21,000 r, “ int28,750 C “ 1800 i “ 51,000 G “ 1880i “ 20,500 Receivable, l>triford & New Haven Rail Road Co. Stock ■ '' in Worcester “ “ “ nnecticut River “ “ “ necticut River Compan3’, “ Bank Stock, “ “ Waterbsrv, '•utf-.^rd ■ I’:i01i3 H;i/e 'ei;:x i- .rii.t-rs i Mechanics Providence, Hartford, :iange 'ticut River arttr >ak ' ijaiits X .Minaf. * L!]aiii.-s ,i- Traders .'^I-r'.ijaiitT Exchange N th ver Mi-rhatiics ' ;t. Amenean ■ ■ia-‘lU .' i.erica >!r H'iway I lii^n • H .n iver " ! .nim"nwe«i ih “ Pi.ttniX Miiiihattaii • New V'lrk . Market «tcean > .Meti-iipci jtnn Buti ners ."i jirnvers Iiu;>*.rter's Ti ader's •Viiierican i.xi;hange .Nb rcli iiits ^ Trii't CdTnpany V. L. in. \ I'riiBt t’o 04,4'.»9 34 00,000 10,272 12.500 1.250 5.250 5.250 1,872 .30 (lOO 40.000 13.500 27.000 11,800 6,500 9,787 50 60.125 10,300 10.000 10.000 Jersey City, 1,500 New York, 10,100 10.000 34.500 21.000 30,000 34,200 25,00(.> 10,100 23.4(A) 11.750 21,you J.OOO y,ooo 10.800 •i0.50(> 32.400 20.800 1?',400 43.400 1'2.400 31.800 41.400 44.t/Jo ii,'.:oo 24.750 R. M. ORRELL, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. •^B^HOSE sending their Spirits Turpentine to m« M. may rely upon it to have prompt and carsful at tention. .My WarsLouses are fronting the Wharvws and n«ar the River. Sept’r 13, 1858. 44-tf PETER MALLETT WITH D. COLDEN MURR.\Y, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 62 South Street, iVA'ir YORK. July 2W, 1858. 32- JAli. C. UMITII. MlLBi CO«XI.’. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., t'attorsy t'ommiusion anti M-'or~ imartling ^Jlerchantu. WILMINGTON, N. C. Prompt attention given to sale of TIMBER, LUM BER, NAVAL STORES and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements made on Consignments. Refers to E. P. Hill, Pres't Branch Bank of State. H. R. Savaoe, Cash'r Bank Cape Fear. Joh-i Daw son, Esq. April 2.5, 1858. 4-lT Preibytsrian copy. I). A. LA.MONT, Commission Merchant, Wiliiiing^fon, C. OFFICK 88 NORTH WATER STREET. Personal attention given to all prodHce sent to him either for sale or shipment. Nov’r 0. 57-1 ypd CANDY TOBACCO Sept. 4 rillRTY HANDS W ANTED. ^■^HE subscriber wishsi to hirs by the Month, or M Day, Thirty Negroes, to work on the Ninth Sec- tio.i of the Western R iil Roal. For further particulars inquirs at th« Engineer's Ofiice, Fayetteville, or of me at Little River Bridge. O’BRYAN J- ('O Aug. 10. 38if A FEW BARRELS HoICE -\PPLE BR.\NDY, suitable for making ■' wine and putting up brandy fruit For sale by W. H CARVER. Aug 18 28- \V ANTED NEGR*>ES fora Mississii'pi Plantation, Men, Boys, Girls, and some good Families. EPHR. PAGE. Fayeiteville, .May tt, 18o8. 8-»f 75 XEW, rilE\P, .\NU PE 1)111(1 I S ROITK FOK Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. ERCH.VNTS and others about purchaf-iivir their ...TM Fall and Wintei Supplies, are re^juestod to notice, that by the completinn of the N rth Eastern Rail Roa>l from Charleston, S t i Cheraw. th« ad vantages of a i'HE.\P and EXI’EDITIOUS Route from the Seaboard has be«n opened to them. .411 freight eonsi’n« l to the car# of the \gent of the North Eastern Rail Road will bs forwar ig 1 FitEE OF COM MISSION. No charge will be male f r Storage at Cheraw. All goods will bo taken care of in the (’ompany’s Ware house until sent f>r. A schedule of charges for trausportAtioii ot' freight will foun 1 at the Post Ofiice. S. S. SOI.OMON'S, Eug’r an 1 Sup’t ,\ug. 3. 34tf FAVETTKVlLLt: MLTIAL LVSI RAXCK COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. r ■ 1 H IS (’ompany has ’)een in Dperation I. five years, and has paid its Id* 1>11M20 'j5. without any asse^smen aging its members .-.biiut i per cent. Policies i.s.-^ue.l to 1st nf M ly, 1''.jS, •_'7'i^. .■\mr-unt of property now insure!, ^ 1.47 1 .'’2'-’ 34. Amount premium notes new on hand. >>221,'oiS L’:-!. Cash premiums received, $ i2,317 41. Directors. T. Hawley. more than amounting to insurance aver- JOHN M. CLARK, ('onmiission & For\varliriiT .Merchant, WILMLVGTON, N. C. W $l,';06,14O 10 liabilities: l or claims ad; i^ted and uiia ljusted and L'lt due •'?108,714 68 OoJ- .\gent of the above Company at Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. UANNER'S on. DRV HIDES. Bl’LS. Tanner s Oil.—a Buperior article; also, a line lot of Dry Hides. For sale by JAH. (i. C(tOK. The i*r(‘sl)vterian 1‘salniodist, Char- I* f r aiil R'.und .Not0s. A further supply just rec’ii. aept 27 E. J. HALE & SON. ILL give prompt attention to sale of Country Produce. Naval Stores and Cotton f^H^And Ai/ent f’lr liuthand Orrtii't Lint of Hnn.it .\ugust I'J, l>5b. 38tf W. H. TURLINaTON, ~ ConuiiLsiion Merchant, No. 4 North Water St., WILMINGTON, N. C. » *^ILL give his prompt personal attention to the ▼ W sale or shipment of al! Consignments of Naval Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8. 1856. tf Worth & Utley, Forwarding and General Coininission MERCHANTS, Fayetteville^ .V. €\ J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. tlTLBT. T C. & B. G.~WORTH, roniiiiiJision &; I'orwardincr Merclianti, O ^ Uroten’t Building, Wut»r Sirtei, H'il»ni»igton, »V. C\ Usual advances made on coDiignmeDti. Not. 11, 1857. 5W-tf DEEP RIVER COAL. Bituminous had by the Ton. Mining Engineer, VALl AliLE REAL ESrA'I'E t'OK 1 OFFER for sale my RESIDENCF^ on Hay-mount. For healtti there no place to excel it There is a fine well of water in the yard Description is use less. Alsj, the LOT East of my Store. The above property, if n't disposed of at private gale, will be soid at auction on Tiiurs lav, 'Jl st (Jctober. JAS. G. COOK. Fayetteville, Sept. f'. 4»- i\Ei.iio!';s ,iMi im fo!i>\iTe. ^I'HL subscriber wishes to sell iiis ilOUSh and LOT j[ in Fayetteville, known as the "Farm House,” containing ahout iiO acres. .\lso, THREE V.-XLU- -\BLE NK(jRO .ME.V, Edward. Frel and Charles. Fred and Edward are excellent Spirit Barrel Coopers, —all Toung, sound and healthy. For terms apply to C. E. LEKTE, or JOS. BAKER. Jr, Att’y for John Eccles. Aug. 18. 38-tf HOUSE, LOr, AND NEGRO." ri'lHE ur-.-^rsigned wishing t'> cl'>8« up their old busi- ness, offer for sale the IIOU.'^E and LOT on Hay- mount, formerly occupied by .Major Gilrni)re. .\lse>, a NEGRO BOV 14 years of age; having tried him for the last five months, we can rccommcnd him as an excel lent servant, both for house or out of doors, sold for no fault, but to close old business F. N. & J. H. ROBERTS. May 3, 1858. 7-tf OLD BILLS. I A LL persons indebted to the concern of FR.\Nt Ji i'm JERRY and J. H. ROBERTS ^ CO., are re quested to come forward and settle th«ir bills. If not settled by tLie last o*' this mouth, they will tind them , in tlia hands of a Lawful Collxctor. J. H. ROBERTS ^ CO. .Mav 8, 1858. 7-tf COTTON BAGGING. DUN1.»EE and GUNNY B.VGGING in quantities to suit purchasers. For sal* by ^ JAS. G. COOK. Sept. 17. 4iitf TAKEN~IT! tND eommitted to the Jail of (,'hatham county, two Negro Boys by the name of HENDERSO.S and EDO.M, who say they beiong to J. H. Piiichett, of Lumberton. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay prison charges, and take them away; otherwise, they will be dealt with according to law Pittiborough, July 14. W. D. C. RIDDLE, Jailor. IINOUS COAL of the beat quality can be ^ at th* works at Egypt, at,*a reasonable price i MUSICAL WM. McCLANE. | just r«««ived. The Souihertt Hartno^ CO.MP.-vMO-N, a turtner supply E J. Hale at son. leo. McNeill, 1>. A. Hay, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, A. McKethan, S. W. Tiilinghast, J. D. William*. Henry Lilly. ,la«. Co 'k, N. A. Stedman, \ 'V. '-'ti'c!. S. J. Hinsdale. .las Kyle. T. S. Lutterloh. ,1. t«. .'^ho].hord. Wm. McLaurin, R F. Bro.vi, Wilmington, A. E. Hall, Wilmington. ('FFICEK-'. GEO. "McNKll.L, Pies'ident. D R.\y. \’iee I’resi lent. C -\. >!(.■ Mii.i.AN, Soiretary. John Collin* and C. C. McCrummen. Travelling Agf'nts. The Companv invite application*. •May 21, 18.58. 18-V COrPON liONDS FOR ^ AI.E. ^ 1"^ H E Western Rail Road Co. have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers. S20,U00 of the Coupon Honds of the County of Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, iiiterest, pnysble semi-annually on the 1st June aud the 1st of Deoem- : ber, and running 20 years. | 51.M),000 of tho ('.lupon Hoti'ls of the Town of, Fnj'etteville, bearing 6 per cent interest, payable semi- j annually on tho 1st January and the 1st of July, and \ runninn 20 years These bonds were issunl in uccor lanee with law to ; the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and | Town subscriptions respectively. , I Persons having ’noney will find these ‘ •.*'ds (at the ■ price the Co. is seili' g them) a better iuvesiment than any Bank Stock in tlis State. ' For terms apply to B. M.\LLETT, Esq., Pres’t or : i t9 JNO. M ROSE, Treas’r Western R. R Co. i Fayetteville. Feb’y 26, 1853. 80tf DENTISTRY. I Dr. j. D.WIS h.'iving decided on per- j manrnth' locating in the Town of j I Fayetteville, respectfully olYers his t'Crvices to the cit- ; izens f f this place and surr’oinding country. In ali j the variou.s branches of his Protes^ion, including the ^ uianufHCture of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an e.xtensive esperience, to which is uddet* a thorough Dental education, that he Cjiu give entire satist'action as far r.s is in the power of Dentistiy. All irregulari ties of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful man ner, as well as diseases of the trioiUh. None but the proper metals are made use of in the various opera tions. Charges will be moderate, loat the benetits of the Profession muy be placed withui the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. Office over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10, 1858. 'Jtf Cider V’ineirar, tor sale bv W. H. CARVER. Aug. 18. 38- tht>mnticx Prices of Arithmetics 15, 25, 45 and 75 cents -Are daily increasing in popularity and circulation. They are regarded as the most thorough aud prac- ! tical of any before the public. .Vn exceedingly v.alu- able addition to this course has just been made in the publication of Da vitf.' I niver&ity Alyehra, t^i'ce SI An entirely ne%; work, designed to occupy an inter- ; mediate place between the author’s Elementary .Mge- bra and l$ourdon. It teaches the Science .and .Art of j .Algebra by a logical arrangement and classification of tho principles in their natural order, and by illuatrat- | ing their application in an extended series nf carefully ; arranged and gra^led examples. It is Prof. Davies’ ^ last and best work. Mo/itetfh ttTi'j .Mc\al/i/'s SVr»V. u/' (^7\tnfniphie», 1 Prices 25, 40, 00 cents., and >1. i Seem to be fast superseding all others. The plan I on which they are arranged, their intrinsic merit, con- i ciseness. beauty, and peculiar adaptation, render them ■ great favorites with both teuchors and pupils. They have been orticially recommendc i by the Superinten dents of Public Instruction of vi ry many States, and by numerous Teachers' .Associations and Institutes throughout the country, and are in successful use in i a multitude of public and I'rivate Schools in every ; State of the Union. ('liirk's Grammnrs, in firo Ao.., prirrf, 40 and C»0 cents, nnd Welch’a Analysis, prirt 75 rents. It is believed present the only true ami successful methiid of teaching the scien-'o of the English Lan guage. They are the Standard Text-liooks in the New York, Michigan and other State Ndri;..al School.s. and in very many of the best Schoolb and .Academies in the country. Rnrher'i^ School Rhilo^dphy, prirc SI, Is regirded as the most complete, concise, and prac tical Class Book on that subject yet published. It is more extensively used than any other, which fully de monstrates its pre-eminent worth and superiority. Purter s School Chemistry, price SI, Is one of the most admirable works prepared lor Schools, an'l requires only a limited amount of ap paratus to illustrate all the experiments desuribed. A. S. 1> it (’o. liAve reccutly added niany new and valuable works to their !>i .I'l'80!% I. a ful 1 descri|'tion of which will be louiid in their .Vf: PI' #i.l'STH^MTKU C.IT.I ;ust published, containing a comp'et' >tesoription. with notices and recommendations, of n". their .''chool and Library Bonks. Teachers and School Mlicers throughout the coun try are recjueste I to seii' 1 f..r thi^ .f'fJII* /9M:S Cnif Tif'K and corres pond with the Publishei's in regard to any of their works they may wisii to examine or introduce. Address A S KARNES CO., 51 and Oo John Street, New York. A S ]>AKNKS fc CO. are also publishers of the Srhool Teachers' M^ibrary. Retail price. Northend's Teacher and Parent .■»;1 25 Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching 1 25 Mansfield on .American Education 1 25 , DeTocqueville'i American Institutions I 25 • Davies' Logic o=f .Mathematics 1 25 .Mayhew on Universil Education 1 25 Root ou School .Amusements 1 25 The above Books are sold by E. J. H.ALE ij- SON. Fayetteville N C. Oct’r 1, 1858. 51-2mC&D ALSO, f)ne Seine and Flat, Household and Kitciien Furniture. Farming Tools. One lUX’K.VW.AY. One CARRT.ALL One (’.ART and large ;imount of For.»go. Persons desirous of purchasing any of the proper ty conveyed in said Trust would ilo well to call on Mr Bolton or myself as bargains may bo had. C. E. LEETE, Trustee. Sept. ;?0, 1858 60-30d LSEEIJL ARTK’LES. jL^LUID, Oil and Lard Lamps; M. Brittania and Brass Candlesticks; Superior Steel Snuffers; Brittania Castors, Tea Pots and Cotfee Pots, Brittania oPOONS and L ADLES; Brittania Communion Sets. Goblets and Cups; Tinned Iron Spoons and Ladles; Planisheil Tin Coffee Urns and Pots, Tea Pots; Oyster aud Beef Steak Dishes, and Dish Covers; WAITERS, of all sizes and shapes. FINE SCISSORS; large for cutting, small for embroidery; Raiors and Pocket Knives; UaNketii! Baskets! for all purposes; corrrE .nil Iron and Stono .Mortars; Stone Crocks; Tin Ware; Cedar Tubs, Pails, Churns and Bowls; Counter Scales, to weigh } to 240 tbj; Family Scales, to weigh every ounce to4Ib. Cccf'Si Idjpers; Hair and Wire Selves; Table Mats; Feather Dusters; Dust Puns; (’urta'n Pins: Hand aud Tea Bells, Music Portfolios; Lailies’ Work Boxes; Rosewood Toilet Boses; Ladies' Leather Bags, (large;; White Satin Beads and White Cut Beads, for fancy work; Porto Monaie:, entirely of leather, a superior article; Electric Polishing Powder; Boy's Saws; (Corkscrews. A great vbrifety of other useful articles, too tedious to m nition. Come and sje for youiself at the “Crock ery Store’’ W. N. TILLINGHAST. .“^ept. UO 5)-2m KMV HITE H V >■■1 :.U D ' 1'. •.» i I !i I i : • p prong ■’ iUKS. sTKiti, Forks, at -■t, •it .-^1 50, •'il aud >0 per sot: w.t.i per St*I; ■And a variety of ‘th‘'i-i ;i: 75 c»s to 2 some of which .ire of si q' ai.itt. Ivory haii ilo Kniv(>s. %\;t!. mlli. or platel> Forks, or ,\i,o.\r. at to '0 p.-r set or d-.zen. For sale at the "Crockerv Store" 'w. N. TILLINGHAST. Sept. 28. 60-2m School Aoticx*. WILL open my Schioi for B.^ys on MOND \Y. the ‘ st 4ru L>.VY OF OCl'«>l>KR pro.ximo, at the Ph»nix Lodge—first tioor. North entrance. My ternis of tuition will be. fur quarter of ten weeks, twelve dollars and fifty cents (SI- »'>;) cun- ; FRENCH tingencies, twentv-five cents. Pa . ible in aivance. THOMAS J ROBINSON. , FORKS. Sept'r 20. 47-4w Presbyterian copy 4 weeks. , SII.VER PLATED TOHS (18 patterns.) (')tk' Briskets, Candle- sticus. Cups, Tea Sets. Gi>biet-5, .Spoon Holders, Butter Dishes, Butter Knives. .M );a.sise« Cups, .Napkin Rings. Tea Bells, Pie Knives, Suzar Tongs and Scoops, WANTED. JJ MMEDl.ATELY—a good Copper Smith. For sale i.ow at the W. N. I Liberal i wages will be given and constant employment. M. A. BAKER. ' Oct’r 4. 51- ■ AND S POON d, ••( rockery Store.” TILLINGHAST. 50-2 m i'AKE NOriCK. Gun-makers and Others. OFFER my entire stock of Guns, Pistols and Tools at New York C 'St, as I wish to change my business Sept r 28. EALI. AND WIN'FER (iOODS. JUST received a large and splendid Stock of STA PLE DRY tOODS, hardware, BoOI'S and SHOES, Il.CrS and CAPS and SADDLERY. Sept 30 C. E. LEETE. 50-1 m .M. A. Oct'r 4. BAKER. 51- i .NOTICK. -- I fUST RECEIVED, a fresh supply of COPPER. 1 atn fully prepared to execute all orders in the Copper and Sheet-Iron Work, such as making Turpen tine Stills, Brandy Stills, fic. .All work warrantei to be well done Call and see for yourselves at .M. A BAKER’S. Fayetteville, Oct’r 4. May 21, 1860. 6-tf BlaokB for sale at tbig Otlic«. 'The Cam Business, ness, aud Black-smith Business, usual until further notice liy Oct’r 4. 61- Copper liusi- will be cuiitiniied ,a.- M A i:\Ki:u 51- □Cf“ Webster’s Elementary Spelling Books, juat TMeivad. h;. J. UaIiE & SON. Stpt’r 2t. 'i'o li:ase. ^■^HE (’ool Syiring F.^MILV llESIDEN 'E, with the fi premises an t garden attache L lat>*:y i-ou[.ie'l by Mr. T. Waddill. Apply at the Hotel. Oct’r 2. 51 tf FI iU'VUN (;i \\o. ri'^HE undersigned has made arrangeinents by which I he is j)repared to furnish at short notice, any re quired qnaniity of .\o. 1 Peruvian fwiiano, all of which will be trom direct importjtioTis, into the Port of Wihn:v;v;-I>ri. ami warranted pur.- an I genuine. )rd«rs f"r the abuve excellent fertilizer are solicit ed. to which ])rumpt attention w^l be giten .As thio is an article which does not admit of being sold on time, cash or its equivalent mutt accompany each order. BEVMRLY RuSE. July 8. 26tf sri’ERioR liu r rER. NEW supply of that Superior BUTTER, so verj popular with all who have been buying from me. —ALSO— \ large supply of ^rocerieu and M*rotitiiontt, consisting in part of; I’lime Iliu Coffee; lU Hbls. (’offeoaud Jirowu Snj;ar.s; 25 liij|s. Rjctrn No. IS Mackerel; 15 Fi’lf and O'j-artcr l.hl.s. Kxtra No. 1 do. 20 H’ll bbls. Mtss Sk(td, ■ 'very titie;) 500'^ If'd cln>iae Hail, liaeouj 4UO0 lbs. “ Faiuily Jjard; 75 boxes Extra Dairy Cheese. .All of which I will sell cheap for CASH. W. C. TRuY. Oct. 4, 1858. 51-lm TURPEN'l'lNE AND H i. C Ja S .Tf i T ii /, is. *25 Doz Jiryci's’ Hackers ’i'( “ “ Round Shaves. 15 “ “ Scrapers. 10 “ Hacker-Siones. 10 “ llouii ! .'-lia-.t; .-'toues. *25 “ llacki r Files. ALSO, A Large as.sortiumi i t ’ooper’s Tools. 1 would tall I 111-aSt^nf,.'.! ‘. j . ers, P.f und Sli.iVf > ar.d .'.;rar'ei.-. .i ever ofiered for sale in thiu market. Sept. 30, 1858. .sura to luj Hack- ‘ tlit-y excel any C. E. LEETE. 60-lm

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