p.- pit ^ a?. ?■■■'■ - , s, , lOU ]en , ^ . .,.,, Is !-i Hi. " ■ ail i.’ : l»iii ; CHANTS. he K (dUsnW 1,326 28. lOv • :f;it 1' i. I. \s i. S' K . I;- lii.. Bcn tOL.) I >;: ‘ \\a:. fciiiVe ' - ,.r -.Ui >U! >D*1- * ::■ 5 ‘ "WI' V (ecii : I ■; * ati - : ' ' - ton-i t in* aU - u 1 be* LLi M n>! ii\ h:i. :ut;- h.,- 1 lili- iie , ^v. t; - ■ ro; ■ ni nil. be M f *i). ,1. til !lt,^ i {■ \ '' , , are . I- ■ ■ . Ui.J 4 ■ li. , II ,ia» t. ,.' li- l O^^K. Ui! •n Uartf^o* Lon ■. : .-.r iuppv *. . JALilAMO-S. IB*A Tf m»r?Wl W1 fl r^TUIK S E M I-W E E: K L, Y. [\(U. VIII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. OCTOBER 18. 1858. [NO. 755.] ! lUNTKI) MOVD.vrS AND THURSDAYS. i'!)W\IU) J. HVLE & SON. i;i>lTOUS AND PROPRIETORS. ■,-c •" r tht* '^emi-Weekly Odservkr $3 00 if paid in i ivaiii o: ■*■'! ■'«*' if paid during the year of subacrip- y 1.; 'r $4 :ifter the year has expired. ■ rthe Weekly Obskrver $2 00 per annum, if paid in It iVMU'o; "'0 if pai'l during the year of subicrip- I r,. r iOu after the year has expired. Al'VniTISEMKNTS inserted for sixty cents per i irt' >f 10lines for the first, and thirty cents for each line publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- ,'.mtr'\ct«. at rO!iS"nable rates. Advertisers are - lesio 1 to state the number of insertions desired, or ,>v w' V. be continued till forbid, and charged accord- A lv>’rti«ements to be inserted intidt, charged 50 p*r i NEW STOCK! Svbscribart ar« now ractiviDe their 3MVV M. Stoak of BOOHS and ST^iTMO,\*ERV, which lhaj offer at their cuatomary raa^onabla priaes for Mah, or on aredit to punctual cuatomara. Among the gooda reaaivad to-dav i* a larga stoak of CAP. LETTER, and othar PAPERS. E. J HALK 4 SON. Sapt’r 27, 186S. i iSHEMWELL HOUSE, FA1ETTEVII.I.K, V. j iiUit oj Grttn Slrt«t^ a few Doort North of ' Slarket fjovst. »’E1HK Subscriber desirea through thia ma- i liS* dium to ackoowledge the liberal pa- I JWvirlJSil Tonaga bestowed upon his Housa tha past i yesr—and as he has just created New Stables and t ('Krri;igo Sbed aonveniect to the House and to water I he tiiVfcs pl‘-.isure in saying to hia patrons and the I p’lb’.ic generally, that he ia still prepared to acconi- j luodata them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully ailicita a continaance of the liberal pa- ' tronage heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be u«;ed to render them comfortable durinp their aojourn with him. Hia table ia always supplied with the beet the market affords P SHEMWKLL. March 24. Siltf L1\D FOR SHE. I OFFER for sale C40 .\ores of LAND, lyiug- oa tha Waat side of Cape Fear River, two miles ba’ow Fayattavilla. »nd extending from the river into the sand-hill*. This tract is about equally divided into river-ridge. swamp and sand-hill Land About 80 aarea, adjoining the river, are under cultivation aivl are well suited to the growth of Com and Grass; non; of the Swamp baa been cleared. There are several good sitaa for a dweliine house on the sand-hills. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make early appiieation, as 1 have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBLVSON Sept 8, 185«. 44-tf AND Fire Insurance. refer oar readers to the annual statement of VT the .T'.tna Insurance Company, of Hartford, »r. oh w- 'l he found in another column. This success- f. in-i tutiou was incorporated by the Legislature of . pi;neciicut in 181'J, with a perpetual charter. Its n; .tftl i-i *io0ii.0'*O, :icd its accumulations exceed >'■ more, making its entire assets ever SoOO.- .. iiivfxted as detailed in the statement referred to. ;. t ;e i c«uits indicate that during the period of nearly r r:\ vfitr« since its or^aniiation, (without a single r. in?' 'f-t-* chief officer.) its business has beeii con- ri -ted with ju'iiment and prudence. It has been ;■ :’:ir 'ucces«ful in an eminent degree, dischp.rging, .1' we nre ’tif''rm- d. all its obligations by the payment • ■! >,•( •xi'ihot dollars for losses, without ii-'Ving a . « ■' .y in a'.'" ii'stance. It has had but little lit- . ■ . n"twi:h^t it* ling the immense number of trans- id>'. lu orler to a'tain as much rortainty as - ‘ . i 1 ~ach a business as insurance, it has been ■ ^ - ’ •• t. t' for several years, at ■ «i'u ly I > c!a>»ify ani arrange their ■ -'Ntinct classes, so as to ascertain liv i ou e-ioh class, the amount of pre- V. i th>'i--on. ani the amount of losses up- ' ^ c'-i'Hifuviti. n, extending over a long ■ r'-ij: J roj ertj. toavcry la^geamount,fur- , i..;e .and prest;nt3 a sound, substantial > experieuce, upon which to conduct its Insur.iuce isnotamstter of luck or chance, -uppose: its hazards are ascertainable, and - t s I'apa'^’e of being reduced to a system, the w,irking a:ul results of which are as certain • ■ >tiier busines- The .ttna Company, • : ■ ri .g rigi'ily to its system, anJplneing its busi- ' u a healtliy basis, h>is •_l't-iined the confidence •' ■■ I :ii. i;i;ty to 111! extent surpassed by no other . -ij\ the L'. States, and has increased its busi- : .luJ Its iuc"me ir.'m year to year with a steady j:: wtb. ('ue great source of its security is the wide ■ '•i i'iut!..u of its riiks—a p'^licy which it pursues i great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov- J ;u each locality. By this course it has passed, .lii comparative impunity, through some of the most - ' eeping and destructive tires, which have swallowed up •-her companies leas cautious in their business. It is system like this*, based upon experience, which gives s'.abiiity and soundness to a company, and to the aa- ured confiJence and security.—Bahttnor* Fatrtut. STATEMENT OF THE m\ l.\Sl:RlM'li (OMPIW. HAKTPORD i OAW. ■ Ni.ORPORATED 1819 CR\RTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $13000,000. 1'. G. RIPLEY. Presideut. [. A. AL£.\A.\Dt'R. Vice Pm’t. T. K. BRACE, Jr. SWf. A!!»SE:TiS> JIL.Y 1. Market Value. $ 40,122.50 EARTHEN-WARE, t W. ir. TlLl.i:\GIIAf«T £8 now reaaiving his Fall supplies of the abovft j articlaa. He can supply Country Marohanta at i prices which he is sure will make it I'heir interest to ' deal with him. He has for aale, | 80 China l^ea-Sets, 1300 Dot, ComiuDD Cup? tod Sau«*ri, 500 “ Fine Do. D«. 100 “ Dishes, 200 Covsred Dishes, 100 D()«. Pitcher*, 800 “ Plates, I 1000 Tumblers and Goblets, 750 Looking-Glasses, Coffee Mills, Toy LocomotiTas, and Yankee ' lock?,—by the box. And other goods in proportion. 8S^“/n lo ytrf ti'ne to h>i\ t goodt ^ELL PACK ED. country mtrrhantt tKould biky thttr Crocktry FIRST. Aug 80. 41-2m ■'ash in Land and in Phienix Bank, ' a^h on .Special Dep site in Banks, with accrued interest. 1*9,001 ^6 ujii iu hands of Agents and in transit, 144,71'.^ 05 K;tate unencumbered 55,383 01 rtgage Bonds at 7 per cent. interest. 44.U00 c “ 28,000 ‘■“rf^ey City Water Bends at *’ per ct. interest. 24.000 .rtfd “ “ “ 6 .1 I. 25,000 .Mi.waukee “ “ “ 10 X •! 5.000 Bri; iklyn “ “ • 1 •• 10,000 li ":heiter “ “ “ 7 . 25,250 States Treasury Notes 5 .. . 2,500 •“'■‘ite of Tennessee « 9,000 “ Kentucky, e .. 10,300 *■ Missouri, r, .» 1. 21,000 “ New York, fj “&int 28,750 “ Ohio, 6 “(1860) “ 51,000 “ “ Ohio, 6 (188C) “ 2ti,500 Money due the Comp'y secured by .Mortgage 4,418 04 :s Receivable, 64,49't 34 i! iriford it New Haven Rail Road Co. Stock 60,000 i '"ton i Worcester “ .. . 10,272 nnecticut River “ • 1 •> 12,.S00 ■ nnecticut River Companv, 1,250 .fford Bank Stock, 5,250 t.zens “ “ Waterbwry, 5,250 ■•e.e “ Proviclence, 1,872 l‘:.'enix '• Hartford, 30 000 i-.nners A .\Iechanias “ • • “ 46,0)0 K'r'hanga “ “ “ 13,500 '•ite •• • •• 27,600 • ty •• •• 11,.S(K) ’inty '• •• 5,500 ii:.ecticut River “ •* •* W,7«7 60 Hartford “ ** ■ 66.125 ■ ■ iiiter i»ak “ • 10,300 Merchauts & Man«f. “ *• • 10,000 Vt-tna •• • • • 10,000 'lechanics ^ Tradera “ • Jeraey City, 1,500 Merchants Eichang* *• “ New York, 10,100 N ■. th River “ • * 10,000 'lechanicfl •* • • • 34,500 ''■•■rth Ameriaan “ • • 21,600 •Naisau *• • • 80,000 •\merica •* • • • 84,200 ib ladwey •> •• • • 25,000 I'e' pit* “ • * • • 10,100 ^l-pubiio “ • • • 28,400 11 y t. 4* • • 11,750 Liaon > • 1 21,900 Hanover “ “ • • >^,000 '..ommonwealiii “ •• .. 9,600 l’;ia'nix n • I 10,800 .danhattau •* • .. 26,500 New Ynr'i .. • • 32,400 .NbirUet .1 • • 20,800 Ocean .. • • 18,400 Metr'>p..'it'i.: ■ . 43,400 Butcliers ,v 1'rovers ‘i 22.400 Inifmrtfr'; T ader’s •• • * 31,800 A .f'ii ?i I'.xchange “ •• •• 41,400 M r.'s “ • *• 44,690 T: uat Company “ ‘ *• 11,200 > ^ L In. & Trust'Co “ • “ 24,750 BLS No. 1 HERRING; 25 bbli. No. 3 MACKEREL; 2-j ^ “ do. do.; 26 “ PORK. —ALSO— Chaeaa, Lard, Butter, and Box Herring C. E. LEBTE. 8»pt'r SO. 50-1 m GROCERIES. 50 Bags Rio, Laguiraand Java Coffee. 25 Bbls. Crushed and Granulated Sugar. 50 Kegs Nails. 10 Boxes Starch. 25 Boxes Tobacco, assorted. 50 M Cigars ?6 to 860 pr M. ALSO, Spice, }*epper. Ginger, Sugar House Syrup, Vinegar, Snuff, Butter, VV'iiterand Soda Crackers C. E LEETB. Sept. 30. ^^50-1m VOXICeT ~ WO. 1 PERUVIAN QUANO; 400 Casks LIME; 60 Bales HAY; 6 Bbls. GLUE. For sale by July 10. WORTH & UTLEY. 27- lOOO •isl ,CGt5,140 10 liabilities: F .r c 'l'rns adjusted and unadjusted and ■ •’ 'uo ■'$108,714 5« ,U«iU Agent of the above Company at Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. !■ A.NNKU.S OH, & DRV HIDES. B1 L.'. Tanner's Oil,—a superior article; also, a fine lot of Dry Hides. For sale by JAH. G. COOK. 'I'lie Presbyterian Psalniodist, Char- st'.'ter and Round Notes. A turther supply just rac'd. - E J. HALE t SON. CAROLINA CITY, X. C. ^■^HE Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad being jB. now completed to Beaufort Harbor, I have de termined to locate at Carolina City for tha purpose of doiug a Forwarding and General Commission J. W. HAKKK Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carwfully aelactad atock of FI R’WITl'Rr. ever offered iu this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment com plete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage beil-room Furniture in setts: curleii hair and shucH, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons .anil Cr>»dleH; Side Boards; P'ureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, a!! sorts: Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobe.®; Picture Franiesand Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain B.inds; Sofas in Mahogony and Walnut; Tete a Tetes: )ttomans: Divans ami Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine R'^se^oud P;ano.«i. ou? with yBolian At tachment: Ri-sews'o l Me'.oJjaijs. from the best manu factories in New Y"ik and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the C'juntry, and will bo sold at New Vork prices—freight only a ided. Saj tembor 45-tf T/ic Mjur;iett l^uctory in the SoMlh! LAM) FOR SALi:. i JOHN T. GILMORE now offers for sale a portion of his swamp lands in the csunty of Cumberland about 14 miles below Fayetteville, and about 1^ miles East of the Cape Fear River. The entire swamp has ! been successfully drained, of the large body of water ■ by which it was heretofore covered The land is ap- pnrently level, being free from ri Iges (which are so common to swamp lands generally,) whilst ihere is an abuniJance of fall, by which the rain water can be carried off by ordinary ditches. A small portion of the land has been in cultivation abjut 7 years, and those persons who have seen the crops regar(i the land as e>')ual in fertility to any they have seen in this State or elsewhere. The location is heilthy, the neighbor hood good, and the access to Fayetteville and Wil mington easy by niaans of a cood road miles in length leading directly to the river. Besi'les this, it Is within 3 miles of a beautiful little village, upon a high and healthy Bluff, at the river, with a Store. Ware house and first-rate landiii;;. .\11 which afford many conveniences to the neighborhood. As several persons have spoken of purchasing, tliis is deemed a proper time to call their attention to the subject, inas much aa there ia a crop now growing upon a smill portion of the land, by which they can judge of its production. Reasonable terms will be given to the purchaser. Sept. 10, 1858. 45tf ~ liEuri^T AT^“i oTrs ^B^HB DWELLING HOUSE, recently occupied by M. Mra H. P. Lain, and as present occupied by the Rev. James McDaniel, near Haymounf, will be sold privately by the subscriber. It is located in a good neighborhood; convenient to business: in a healthy sectirn of the town; good spriniit water convenient; and has all necessary out houses attached. A gteat bar gain osay be had, as I am determined to sell Tkkms libibai.. j. R. McDONALD. Agt. FayetteTllle, May IW. 12ts and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit patronage and support Being tha Agent of Mcrrat’s Li.-^ki or First Cl.^ss P.\CKsrs to this and Morehead aity, etery effort will be m.-ide to m.iko this thechunp- est and most expe'.ltiijua rouia to New York. Vessels will be loaded and discuargrd at my Wharf ^aij dning the Railroad Wharf, and thereby s*va cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given ta aU urders. and to the sale and shipment of Produae. WM. B. GRANT July2W, 1&5S. SJ-ly nrPLANTKRS AM) FARMERS. ^■IHE UNDERSIGNED has been appointed pol* -I. Agent in North Carolina, for the sale of Kettle- wall's Celebrated Fertiliiera and Renovatura of worn out land a. They comprise his Mampul.^tbd Gu.aso, No. 1 and 2. “Rixotator.” iGuano and Land Sa t) No 1 and 2. “Kkttlkwbll’s Salts” and "La.ni) Plastsr” of su perior quality. Mitchell & Croesdale’g highly improved “Slpie PuospHATi 01 LiMi.” These fertili*ers, where they have been tried, require no reoommendations. but take the lead of Guano and all the Fertilisera and Ranovatora of the aoil. Pamphletsdescriptiveofthe article.s, with certificates of their virtues, prices. &c., will be furnished by mail, to auch aa desire them, by application to H. NUTT. Sole Ag t for the State uf N. Ca. Wilmington, Sept. 25. 4W-3m. GROCFRIFS AT WHOLFSALi:.! IIl.WE just received in store my Fall titock, am- . bracing the following articles, vis; 125 Bags Coffee. Q5 Bbls. and Hhdi. Sugar—a*iort«d 65 “ Pork. 50 Boxes good Tobacco. 75 “ Candy. , 80 i Bbls. Snuff—Eagle MilU. 75 Boxes Crackeri. All of which will ba sold for CASH, or on short tim e to the best of men. B. F. MOORB & CO. Sept. S», 1858. 44-tf ' FISH aJ^D liACON. ~ ; A. A. McKETHA.N RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he hat built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for man ufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best j material and by experienced workmen in each branch ' of the business. His work will compare favorably ; with any made in the United States, for neatness and j durability. He is determine! to sell and do any j work in his line on as good terms as any work done j elsewhere that is r.s well done. He now has on hand, ; Fj.vishku, the LARGEST STOCK of ('arrifj^cs, Harouchea, llockawuy^y and j Ever offered in this |.lace, and a very large stock of | work ncarlj- finished, which will be finished dail3'. All of which will be sold very low for C \sii, or on short time to puDstuil customers. hand more than ONE HUNDIIKD AND FIFTY Vehi- ■ cles finished and in course of construction. , All work m.ide by him is warranted 12 months j with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship ' or .n aerial will be repaired free of charge. , I\‘tsons wishing to hay would do well lo call and | examine tor themselves. Orders th.tnkfully received and promptly attended to. * Repairing executed at short notice and on very i reisonable t-Tms. -A'ay 2S. is.j3. 89-tf j PI BI.IC NOTICE I Is HEl i!!'V GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the 'Mi)ira! «fock of the Central Riil Koad. from Beaufort H ir^'or via Kenanaville, Clinton, Fayetteville, j aail Wy.^r, wi.l be opened on Thursday, the lOih day i of Af.n' lR5tl, und remain open according to the terms of the Charter until turih*-r notice, *it the following places and under direction of the lollowing namcj persona, C«mmissioncr« in the Charter, viz: In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk | of the County Court at JacUsoiville, and at tiie Post j Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward. J. H. I Foy, Robert White, John A. .Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug- j gins, L. W. Humphrey. j In Carteret countv. at the office of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort. Dr. M F. Arendell, J. F. Bell, L. ! T. Oglesby. ' At the store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. i Wm. N. Dennis, JJ. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Uridge Arendell. i In Duplin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk %t Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill. Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKoy, Patrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, J. R Beaman, .■\lfred Johnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A. A McKethan,—Thomas K. Underwool, KanJsl McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. lUocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of $100 each, set opposite to our names respectively in the Central R.iil Koad Company; and in all respects 10 c .mply with the forms of the Charter. Names, i Kesidenco. j No. shares. CORN ANJ) WIIISKFY. RUSH ELS good White Corn, 150 Bbls. Whiskey. 80 “ .\pple Brandy. 15 “ N. E. Rum. For sale for CASH by E F. MOORE & CO. Sept. 9, 1858. 44-tf KEROSFNK LAMPS. (1 L.\SS FOOT, plain, at lo cts. and $1 00; ^ Marble do. “ ut 1 25, 1 50 and 1 75; Do. do. cut, gilt itc., at 1 75, 2 60 & S 60; * jll^lNEYS—plain 15 cts., ground 20 cts.r Wl(,K—15 cts. per doien. tor sale by yV. N. TILLINGHAST. 48-1 m small pox UK ad. i EQROES, Men, Boys, Women and Girls, for liighett «afb prices, would do well to give me a •all, or address na at Clinton, N. C. ^ A. MeARTHUR. J«B« 6, IMS, 17*8«ei.pd $ Cash. Work. Subscriptions may be ma'Ie payable in work, and may specify whether for ^^rading or cro.ss-tif's: and stockholilers sh%li in every i-ase have preference in taking ('ontracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer's estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they are required to call a meeting of Stockholders to or^ani^e the Company. 2Harch 15, 1850. IStf FOR SAfJ-: OR RHNT. 4 CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, on Hay- mount, near Mr. J. C. Thompson’s For parti culars enquire of J O. Shepherd, Esq , or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. &-tf COPPFR, riN, & SMKi:r-IRON JAS. MARTINE still continues to manufacture every thing in the abova line, at his old stand on Hay street. Job work done with despatch. Sapt. 10, 1868. 46-Ib NOITCF. M ILL BE SOLD, nnder a priivision nf the Will of * w John McLean, dec’d, Iste of the County of Johnstun. TWO TRAI'T.S OF L .\ N D , in H.irnett County. One Tract, on the South side of Cape Fear River, oontainiug One Thous.in 1 .\cres, kuowu as the Ochiltree Tract,—this tract is valuable, either for Farming or Turpentine purposes. The other Tract is fine land, and lies on tho North side of Upper Little River, and contains Eight Ilitndred .Vcre^. Said Laml-» will be sold on TilL R:^D.VY, the 2bth of OCTOBER, at the Court Hoaic in Summerville, on a credit of six and twelve months, purchaser.? giving bond with approved security, with inteiest from Iste. J. T. LLACH. Ex r. Sept’r 2. 47ts FARM FOR SALF 1 OFFER for sale my PL.\NT.\TION en the East side of Cape Fear River. 3 miles ibove the CUreii- J*a Bridge, kncwn as the Toomer Lands, containing .*oout 800 acres. The Plantation is in a good state ot cultivation, and is susceptible of being male on« of the most profitable Farms in the County. I will give a bargain iu the lands, and make the tim» of pay most easy if application is ma le in a few weeks. •Address me at Gulf, N L. . H.VUGHTON. Oci'r 16. 52- LANDS FOR SAl.F. I OFFER for sale about tiOOO .\cres of Pine Lands near Fayetteville, containinz an immense quantity of Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine i?oxfS, and several new tasks may be cut Theie is on the premises a fine Dwelling flouse. and all necessary out houses,—Scuppernong and Isabella Grape Vines. — 1000 young Peach and .\pple Trees of Lind'.ey's best vari- ties; also, a good F.VR.M of about loO acres cleaied; and also a GKIST and S.\W MILL; and a fine large Meadow of about 140 acres. Tiic Fayetteville atid Cobl Fields Rail Hoad passes through thesje lands about a mile from the Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but would prefer to sell the whole together. Apply to Thoa. S. Lutterloh, Esq., Fryetteviile, or the subscriber at Pitisborough, N. C. J. II. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12, 1857. tiO-tf EDGEWORTH FRMUiKSE^llXmV. grm:e.^\sbosio\ .v. c. fniHK Scholastic ytar is divided into two Sessions, ■ commencing 1st Augu.=t and 1st January The course of study is thorough and systematic, em ' bracing everything necessary to a complete, solid, and ^ iruamental education. The buildings are s . arranged as to combine the comforts of a home, with the a Ivan tagcs of a school. Instructors of the highest qualifica tions are employed in each of the Departmei ts. No Institution in the country possesses advantages supe rior to Edgeworth. TERMS; Board, including washing, lights, and fuel, p«r Session of five months, SCO 00 Tuition in the Regular Classes. 20 00 The next Session will commence on Monday, .August 21, 1858. Pupils are admitted at any time during the Session, and charged from the time of entrance. Catalogues containing all necessar}* information re specting the Conrse of Instruction, Terms, ic.. wilt be forwarded on application to RICHARD STERLING, Prinexpal. Greensboro’, N Carolina. May 28, 1858. 17-6mospd O ”lIOUSTO\ OULD inform his friends and former customers that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear Bank, and 3 doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectful ly invites his friends from the country to call and ex amine hia stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harneesand Saddles puuc;ually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would request all indebted to the firm of H)USTON A 0^hllDi to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they Hr>- compc!;'*' ; ) se'tle tha firm’s debts. Vuguit ..:53, tf HIGH >I(^T\l^~TANNi:RV. SITUATED i MILES WEST OF W.M>L.-^I'.oRO’, AN- S j.N COUNTY, N. C. OW the panic -s over ami noboiy killed in these diggins, the undersigned sti.l continues to con duct the general Tanning and Ma-.ufacturing of all kinds of Leather, Harness, Saddles, I’ridlei-, Boots and Shoes, of every size and description—of the very best material. PLANTATION pienium BROGANS. Not to be surpassed. .All of w,.icii he r.ffors and pro poses to sell or exchange for Raw Hide-, Beeswax, Tallow, and all kinds of couutry produce, on teiuis to justify and accommodate hia customers according to the times. Having on hand constantly alarge supply ofStock. he is prejiared to execute all orders neatly an 1 promptly, with such material and v /kniunship as are not to be ex celled by ai!}- e'5ta*>!islime;it of the kiud in this part of the c iuntry in style, quality or jjrice. for cash or to punctual customers .\n l in returning his sincere thanks to his customer* and frietds generally for their former patronnze. he solicits andhopts to stili merit a coi.tinuance of their favors. JAMKS C CARAWAY March -1 !0-tlJapd WA'l'ER WHEKl>TlvaTt¥ WllEEL^ ^^’^E r.re now m.Taufacturiiig Vandew«.ter’s Im- w * proved JOWVAL TURBIWE WATER WHEEL, for .Nlills and F.act.jries of every description; an 1 all those wishinu to improve tboir ivater power will find it for their iiit«-rp-;r f j nddvfs>i u« ly If'ter. st it ng the numVjer of feet. h**ad ari.J fall: their usual amount of waiei'; the kind of machinery to be linven. We t;iii then give them price of wheel, cr what we will furnish Wl'.eel ar.d principal Gears for. warrante I to d > a cei- t.iin amount of work Ti-ne gr to test (he Wktel, and if it does not cmne up to our figure, the V* lieel at:d Ge.»r:s to We deliverod to u at tiie mill ot the j>urcha9« r. UkFKKKNCL GIVLN AND RKQLIEED. lltATH .V STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Prince George's count’’, Mi' ROBF.KT BAIRD. Agent. ‘ • ATrs. C. Wiley will take a few Music SCHOL.ARS at her residence oa Howan Street. Oct. 11, 1858. 53-3t A .NOTICE. PPLICATION will be made to tho next Legisla ture to establish a new County, nut of pTtiocs of Wayne, Dap’.in. Sampion and Johnston. MANY CITIZENS Oot’r 9, 1858. 63tGA Just Received. B.ARRELS SUG.AR, Crushed and Granulated, 5 Bags COFFEE, Rio, Laguira and Java; 700 Sacks SALT; 20 Bbls FLS.'f; 5 Kegs N.AILS; Tr^ce C'ha'ns: Steel Hoes: Leather; RuCr»ets; Brooms; Twine: Plough-Lines; Bed-Cords; Bagging; Rope- Hoop Iron; .Ale; Porter; Candies; Candles; Cheese: Fine Tea; &c., Ac. For sale by 0. T. HAIGIl 4 SON'S. Oct’r 4, 1858. 52 6w Clot h ing ! H. GRAHAM Clothing ! ! Is now receiving a fine Stock of Readf^^made Cloth in o To suit the Fall and Winter, of the Latest Stvlf.s. He would solicit his customers and frlemls to give him a call, as he offers his Clothing Luv for ‘'asu, or on reasonable terms to prompt paying customers. ^^“Garmests Cct i.v the Latest Fashion He may be found Easl jam on .Market Square. Oct. 9. 53-8m S1M)RTSMFN. A rTFXD! f HEREBY give due notice to Gun-dealers and others, that 1 now ofl'-'r my b:a'tmmie stock of Double and Single Barrel .SHOT GUNS. Double and Single Darrel lUFLFS; Frenth Saloon Guns nud PISTOLS: Colt's Repeating Pistols-, with a lariic lot ( f I severil different makps of Repcititic Pistols; Alien s Kevolvers; .Allen'.s Double and Singie Pistols: with a : largo lot of Double and Sinzle German Pistols. Game B^igs; Shot Belts; Powder Fl.asks; lO.OOiJ.dOO I’ercus sion Caps; Bowie Knives; Hunter's Knives; Powder \ Horns; Blowing Horns; together with a larje lot of GU.V M \TERI.ALS. suit:ible for Gua-smitl;s Vll of the a'oove 1 ofi'er *it .V«pir lt*ork M*riccg. Call and see for yourself, and don’t let a coo 1 bar I gain Slip, at M. -A. BAKER’S, Fayetteville, N C. Oatr 11. 63-3t I Sncourage Home Industry! fAM fully prepared to make Turpentine Stills, Erandy Stills, Whiskey Stills, and do any kind of I Copper-Smith Work or Sheet-Iron Work. ! at as low a rate ns any other part of the State, and \ Warraxt all Work to bb Wkll Done. Call and see tor yourself at M. A. B AKER’S, Opposite lo Post Office Ocfr 11. ;;t 090 .iCUIiS.or LA.M> FOK SALK. ''■''HE Subacriber ofl'ers for sale the above quantity I of Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmingtcn nnd ('liarlotte Rail Roaii, and four from Lumber River. This Land is wtdl adapted to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good i.mge and other advantages. Those wishing to purchase may fiud me on the pre mises, who will be h;tppy to exhibit it or give any in formation concerning it desired. ANGUS McGILL Philadelphus, N. C., Sept. 1, lSo7. 40tf G,5UU ACRES OF LAND FOR SALF. TMIHE Subscriber desiring to move to the West ofl^ers JL to sell the following tracts of valuable laud. 1 Tract containing 25tiG acres in Harnett County 18 miles North of Fayetteville. There is on this tract, two large and comfortable dwelling houses, with all necessary outhouses, together with a good mill running two saws and grist, with about 300 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation: the remainder is excel lent farming and turpentine land. Also another tract containing 4000 acres of turpen tine land, about 100 acres of which is cleared. There is on this tract one good dwelling with all necessary outhouses and a good grist and saw-mill. I will take pleasure in showing the above property to any person wishiug to purchase. H. S. McNEILL. Manchester P. 0. Nov. 7th, 1857. 67-ts \imm LAND FOR n\M. rP^HK Subscriber offers for sale THIRTY-FIVE -S. HUNDRED ACRES o^ Land in as healthy a sec tion as there is in Alabama. FORTY .ACRES, on which are a good Dwelling and all necessary out-houses, in good repair. ONE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRIIS, good river bot tom land, 100 acres of which is under cultivation and produces fine crops of Cotton ami Corn. NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and Pine land, on which is some good farming land. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED and FORTY ACRES Pine land, well suited for Turpentine getting. This property will be sold clicap and on accommoda ting terms. Address tho aubscriber at Mount Pleasant P. O., Monroe Co«nty, Alabama. WILLIAM W. E.VGLISH. Maroh 11, 1858. l*2-ly “Two Millions,” by the Author of ‘•Nothing to Wear;" Jacobus’ Notes on John; .Norton's gcitntiic .Agriculture; Webster's Dictionaries; Web- atei’a Speller and Definer; Greenleafs, Davies’ and Emerson’ii Arithmetic; Cooper’s Virgil; &c. S«pt’r 18. E. J. HALE & SON. Ci3.i.fMt*iO,V'>S J E would call the attention of persons afflicted with Cliills and Fevers lo this ceicLirrtt«d i'i.l. wbich owes its popularity to no putfiug, nor to long, windy certitic:ites—but solely to its own merits as ■ remedy wliich never fails to cure when taken accord ing to (Jirfctioiis .TC'jompaiiying e.ich bos. This I’iii. unlike many others, cont.ains no mineral, nor any in jurious ingredient, and may be administered with per- lect safety at all times, to young or oid. As a preventive against Chil a. or an' other type of Fever, it is recominendr 1 us ui;surpassed; and in treat ment of Fevers generally it is far nuperi^r to Q linine. or any preparati'in ot i’eruvmn b irk .A tri il of its merits 13 alt th.-it is needed to iusure it a favoraOle , position in the estimation of even tue m-jst inveterate opposer of Proprietary or i’.itent presci'iptions. j CHAM no S'S AXTI-BlLlOi'S FILLS ' Enjoy the rejiutation of being at ic'isi a.^ good, if not better, thaa any of the various cathartic I’iils of the age, aU'l are entirely free troni all poisonous, mineral, or other injurious properties, and are highly recoin- | ■■■jendwd in Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, tfick lleaJ- : •iche. Sick Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Indigestion. I &e , and diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels ami ; Blood generally, they being by thtir composition | equally adij«ted to either of tne above cases as a gen- j era! c.'ithartic, good at all times when such medicines . are required. We recommend them to the attention ! of all persons. Prepared by | F. M. SWYER At CO., j Relltiville, Illinois. I Sold by S.AMUKL J. HINSD.ALE, Fayetteville, N. C. j Also, in all the towns and cities, and by numerous country agents throughout the southern and western | States and Territories. F. M. SWYER & Co., Proprietors, Belleville, Ill’s. June 3, 1858. 16-6m j A PROCLAMA riON, By his Excellency, Tho.masj liRAGO, Governor of Xortk i'arolina. HERE.AS. it has been represented to me that ! one Archibald .NicDougald. late of the County of Cumberland, did on the 27th day of February last, in said Couii'y, kill and murder one Thomas Munroe, and tliat the said .McDougald is a fugitive from justice, and has esoq.ed beyond tht^ limits of this State. Now, to the end that the said .Archibalil .McDougald may be arrested and >)rought to trial for his said •!'- fence, 1 ao here^'y issue this my Proclamation, oilering a Reward ol' 1 wo Hundred D.i.lars for his ajij)rehen- sion aud d^divtrs lo .iie .>hentf of Cumberland County. descrh’Hon. .McDougald is about fifty years of age. of iight huii and Complexion, b!ae eyes, ot'qniC’\ .speecli, iias a sc ir on the face near one of his j-iws, weighs about l'i.'> or 1(0 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, aud wii.ie drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given under my haad and the Great Seal ot i [l. a.]the State, at Raleigh, this the Sixtti day of .March, A. D. 1858. By the Governor, TllOS. BilA'JG. Pi'laski Cowpkr, Pr. Sec’y. March 15. 93 tf iX'otice to Soldiers’ \%'idowr. ^■IIIE Widows of Mexican Soldiers, aud the Widows -I of Soldiers who uikd in stKVics in the war of 1812, can have their pensions continued by ealling on the undersigned, Cotgrass having made additional provision for them. tiive me the management of your claims, and the money shall acme at ouee, er no ch-irge. JNO. M. ROSE, Agt. for Pensioni. Fayetta^ill*, June 12, 18&8. 19- NOIICF! ''f'lO TURPENTINF, G TFERS I have on hand 1- a ’arge lot of TURPENTIN'E HACKS, of a supe- linr qu\5itv. Turiientine PULLERS. DIPPKRS a'id S''R\PiiRS; a’.l ot which ari- of my own m vxp ar I warranted .Any pattern ot Hacks, Scrapi-r.s. D^ppe:S an] Pullers made to order at the shortest notice. .\11 ■ r iers promptly attended to. All of the above I offer at wh lies lie or retail. M. A, B\KK,R. Oct'r II. 53 -i: Dr. Fr'ink Willlmns's JlifC ^^h>.s/tty. 33 MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. H% • Frank Wil;ixm«. to he constantly s ipph>-d with his c‘ie 3r.it(»d IlYli WHISKEY, which can be hid at his .'^tore at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct’r 11. 18‘.8 53 f Town p;ipers copy tf. , Gciifi al (Artier No. ' ilead-UuartcriS 311(1 ) ; N C 'ill.lliA j I ’ Commi-is'one 1 and iion-C'>mmissiij'H‘d (i;li“Ts M. (.f the 33rd lle:'!fneut ut N’ortii I'.iro'i.ii d i:i.a ■ are hereby orderod :o appear ;.t th>‘ .'ouit lluuse in ' Fayetteville on Thur.^d.MV the 28ih of Oct at 10 o'clock A .M armed and equipped as the law directs I for drill. j They are hereby further ordered to parade their : lespective Companies at the S;iine place on Friday the 29th at 10 o'clock. A. .M. for hatt-ilion l>rill By order .,f C. K. I.KI TE, Col THOS. C. FULLER. Adjt. I Oct. 9. 53-3t DEN IT VPRY. Tiios. .^1. \« al«o», 0 .^VING decided on permanently locating at 3 I. Floral College, respectu ly mfoiius t.ie cit.zens of this place and surrounding coun'i v thit he is pre pared to operate in all the viriom branches of bur geon Dentistry, and will ba happy to .ittend all calls in his Profession at any lime. Prices moJeiaie. .Satisfaction guarantied. July 20. S3tf •Itarble Paciora^ iiy LAilDKJi, TWO DOIIiJS IBOVB C. T. HilKII Jt SI).\’S STORi;, rayeltcTiile, C. ?4-ypd Jsu'v 20. 1^0^. NFAV BOOKS. ■AN L IN TilE SE.A; or .A History of Ma-itime AdvHutare, Fxpl .ration nii 1 Di-scovery. Iroui the i. iiie-t .\gcs to the Present Time, by Frank B "drich. Till-: CITY OF THE GRKAT KING; or, Jerusa’em ‘is it was. as it is, and as it is to be. by J T. I!arc!ay, .\l. D , Missionary to Jerusalem MlZP.All. PiTkver and Fiieiwiship, bv Ij. C. Lo^jmi" A M. Just received by E. J. II.VLE s SON W'ehsler'sj Eleuientaiy Sjx'liing Book». just received. E. J. H.ALE it SON. Sept'r 28. SCHOOL iiOOKS. cClintock and Crooks’ First Book in Latin; I’ar- ...fM. ker’s Wood Builder; Ray’s, Stoddard’s. Smith’s and Emerson’s .Arithmetics: McGntfey’s Eel* ctic Head ers; Cornell’s, Mitchell’s and Morse’s Geographies, Davies’ Geometry; Bullion’s and Smith's Eng. Gram mars; Davies’ Algebra, die., &c. E. J. HALE ^ SON. Sept. 2, 1868. ii

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