lo. •i- Jr.. T L.t\v t" !l H \p,. . »U w; i ' uru mp*.,n -un- 78tf i*er. ""*•««t«„ ect-: V ; U 11 i {j I-], Johnit. n . ;f lAMU, ors at l.aw, • o., \ ^ "• - *r w.: , , * o . « rii ; g- t u U,i ’ •> *U., •• i-..- .. mith, Ht Law, CouutT (ll,,l u, I ' i!*r. •ntru.;.= ,,. ack, -• Ulu.Jai,', "^otice. ' *■' a An- or M«i»r» ^ fo.ui .jr :■ , -j,. it:, M. 1)., C. /1, ,v. C. " wiiiiij n._,. *f. ^LL, PECTOR. t* T .. ; •r^tl:.. roul, .... *nr«r'u at iln^ - ■■# V LLETT :hk\\. 'N MERCHANT, R E k v'jfcTl.f 'H & Co., «w ami For- 'Chants. N. « «tl«of 'KR.LU.M- J ^1: » III ' i’rt Jit* Iong;^f . 9 ,‘,i. ^iraii*;. -.a k if atar#. ip«! F«*. J .11.!* Daw- 6 T OX I , lerchant, i£T(on, \. C. TKi; , fjroi. ; * %c'i to him ^ f ■ ^ 7 j:,l lark, Murchant, , *N on .n i §ti 4 :unlrT 'it ' -Uf :ngton, Uaipr St-, . N • -,n t' the [>n» % ,'i f NaT»’. ’tley, al ( TS. .V. r ORTH, iriir \{, ., h.iiits, [#r fton, .V. 4'. Ohii ;g. .= if CO \L h«iir , ;n tr can b« it'a •:*'■ !« j>ri«» \i. V ; ANt: Uiu:.-. ji L'igin««r, (5-tf A \ 1 i:n. , hj M .-.'h, or t on : .'’..uth S«c- at • Mrif.ntter i Itlc , r*r 1!: ; ige- LJi;= . - ^ ‘ UHlf HAS ■ ml - e f"i making fra . i-' 1 * Jc i'J W ; J: la iiK. art- > f)i at tation, M«B* id I . 31. li>; M:\ PAG 8. SEMI-WEEKLY. [VO\. Mil. FAYET'rE\ IIJ.E, N. C., OCTOBER 25, lJ5f,8. [NO. 757.] iNTi”' MONDAYS AND ’mrRSDAYS. I H\LK & SON, FD T wn rKOPKl KTORS!. I> ■■ ' ,;• t‘ !• .oiiii-Wefkly OusKRVKR ^3 00 if paid in ;. i’ -c; if I'aiil (luring the year of sulncrip- ^ : 11 :iftor tin' yeur lias pxpireil. ■(. I' U ('i’;\v iiiisKRvtn A'i OOjior annum, if paid in , >- '>0 if pai'l during the year of subscrip- V; r i iit'tor the yciir has expired. \ ['\ llRTl.''l''n'M inserted far sixty cents per ; i;-; .'f I" lines f.'T tlie first, find thirty cents for each , I't' pul lif:itiiai. Yearly sidvertiseinents hy" spe- ntrii ts, at ro;iS'in;klile rates. .Vdverlisers are -• i t‘- -fite the nnnil'or of insertions desired, or V ;! bt? ci>ntinuod till forbid, nnd chrvrged accord- \ i^ements to be inserted i’lsuie, charged 50 per . 0\tr:l T. WADDIH. Has Ttiittn «har^e >f the K VMVr rEX ILLE IIO TEI.. ^Vith «id in tin; d*part- ii!*!iti, and Ir* ■ wii *upxrTi»...n of th««ulir« '!•> is £iubaiani«!u. h p i to giva latiifidion ^ ; ■ t!io r*tr i:a of th« H -u»a U.s’eiv'h Ml ! \V*rt*w four-bor»9 linei of aitagrei nrr VI' au i dej -irt fr, ui thi* liout* Daily, audj tlie :» • Tri-wewkly | F»yi-tt- vi! 0. N f'. '>cfr 1, I'^oS. 61-lm .N I .'^tan iai-1, tireenilmri.' I’atrii.t. Wll Jourual, ! T wn j »p«r*, will copr • mouthi and .. . ..s. T. W. it TIliXT SILL i V virtue n Deed of Tru»t to me 8x«*ut9d by U : .. li, i; It.'11. I 'trer for sale any or all of tbo r;y c ■uveve I in Slid Truit. c 'niiiiiig in p^rt of r,*;in the B'lily L.VND. on (’ro*s Creek, the ;’r. p 11 sai 1 l.an 1, or DWELLING HOl'SK - hy himself; 111''5 .Vl'Kt.S ab'iui milai ! vu >11 McPl.eiK^iU l.'rijxk, kn 'w:i ati hi* Mill \ rc» l..\ND kn wn as th« Terry T>an 1 on Car- ■ ri'-k. '. in H-irsi*. ’ rrel ’'laro, A LS(), • an ! Kii>r. II useii d I «:i 1 K tclion Purnitura, ;> i: r 's. t'ne H >« K.\'V.\Y. i)ne CAilllTAl.L .\i>T :Hi i 'iMVice ain.'uiu of r-'r.’.ze. •iM ! '>.■!.' : purchusin^ «;iy :f ths pro; «r- V-V.'1 in si Trust '.v.-uM ' ■ wed tn call »n .Mr. r luytoli AS bargains m ly ■ iit i. I- Ll^KTE. Trn!t«« t ■ '. I''")" .Vi-8i>d rsi:rri. aim icles. Jl,'1 i.L'lL*, nil and Lard Lamps; Rrittania and Rruss 'andlesliok*; Superior Stwel SnulfiTi; itrittania t'ik»t"rs, Ten I’ot* and (.'otfee I*olm; lirittania .-'I*tX)NS and L.VDLE.S; I’rittania (.':'niinuni"n Sets. Gobli-ts and Cnp*; Tinn>‘d Ir"n au 1 La I'ei; r aul.hed Tiu i’-.ffee I’ros ;a 1 I’.iti, Tea Pots; ■; rtter lui 1 Beef Steak Di.-^h.-s. an i l)i»h ( 'uvwi; \V.\1TFRS, "f all sires and sliapei. FI.NK St’lS.''! )RS; large f r eutiing, -Mia'' fi r embroidery: Rm'T* anil I’ocktl Knives; Ua»ket»! Ua«k«li*! fi;r al! purposBJ; orn:i: .viii. Ir'in and Stonu .N1 irtar*; Stone C’r.'cks; Tin Ware: '« Iar Tubs, Pa:!?, 'hurns and Counter Scales, to weigh J to U4i> Jti; Fatiii’iV Sc i'; eg. t- weigh every ounce lo 4 fti; C'c a Id} I i ts; Ila.r and AVire SeiTws; Table Mats; Feather Dusters; Dust Pan?; Curtain Pins; lUn 1 and 1 ea BaHs; P rtfuii. i; Ladie.s' W irk Boxes; Ri'nwood Toilet Piiixes; Ladies’ Leather P.a.;s, ’arge; ] ■ .''Stir. Beads and 'V'Mte Cut B«a Is, f >r fancy wu k; M iiiiiitts. entirely "f leather, a siip«rior articla; r;c 1‘ I'ir^hing Powder: Huy’s Saws; Corks«rewi 1^ t Taritty f >th«r useful articles, loo itdioua in. Como and s«e f^r v.jursalf at the “Croek- . ” W.'n. TILLIN'*;tr\t>T. Wi \ I KX1\ ES AM) rORKS. IHTi' H.iSD, with 2 prong stkkl FORKi^, at ?1 and 1 2-j p*r !>'■ , '.N ill 8 pr ing do., at ij^l 50, 75, and per S!'t; ■! V'lrii'Sy others at 7') cts to ‘J r>0 per s»t: ■■ w'iich nro 'f si'i'KRii.K oi .vi.irv. V hind'a Knives, with uriti, or i-i.AT*r> Forks, M, at t') 0 ].iT s«t i>r dn7.en. '» -= III ilie ‘-( 'r lekerv Sti'rw" 'W. N. TILLIN(iH AST. 5II :^m P ()(t N S Sll.V EU I’f. V I'El) ^ A.''p!In )i!ittern‘,; Cake Baekets, ('andla- 'ui.«. Ten Se’^, C Mot.s, Sj.oon I|i)ldeiH, • ■Hr i) ' •■>. i'liHter Kuive*. Moias«i-s ’ups, Napkin , I fH IW'lU. Pic Kn'.Yes. .'u/ar roiiir* and Scu.ips, FRLNt'll F » R 1\ .' , rtf .lii sizes. For «ale lo s Ht tlie “Civ.rkery Store.” 'V. N. TlLLl.NiillAST. TO IJv\SK. ''•'illi; Spring FAMILY RKSll.ENCL, with the M. j.renii-'-eji and g.-irden attached, lately oocniiied ■ Mr. T. WiiiJ.iilL Apply at the Hotel. ' -t'r-J. .',i.tf IM Rl’M VX (iCWO. ^^i!L undersigned has made arriingeniQnts by which I tie is jirepared to furnish at siiort notic»>, any re- 1 .juiintity of Ao. 1 Peruvian li«iiaiio, - "t wi.:c!i wiii be from direct iinfiortations, into the 1 ■ r' Wilmington, and warranted pure and genuine "r'lHrx ti r the iibove Bxoellent fei tilizer ai-e solicit- ' !" prompt jitteiitiun will be gireii As ilii.' i.s .in Hi'tiole which d'n^s not aduiit of being 1 '^n time, cash or its e'luivaieiit must accompany liEViCKLT ROSE. J«:y b. 26tf FILL ,l\l) WINTER. •V\*w Goods! iVew Goods! J. O. POE Is reaaiving ths [.argast Sloek ol’ staple and FanvT Dry iood«, Krar bafore otfaraJ by him, whiah umbraaa all tha I LATEST 8TYLKS OF j Ladies’ & Gentlemen’s Dress Goods. I Among tham will be found,— I RICH SILK AXD DKLAINE PATTMRNS, of the latest style. ; \ large lot FRINCH MERINOS, togethar with evary shade o^SOLID DEI,AIN ES, all wool I A large .sssortineni of French, English and Aniariaan I PRl.NT.'', DKRAOES. and other goods for 1 Tr:'velling l>resscs .\ large lot of ' HANDSOME EMP.ROIDERIES. A great variety of Ladies’ .'^1I.\\VI,.S and (''LO.MiS, BONNETS, French AUTIFICIALS, RlP.P.oNS, .ta A handsome stook of Kemlif-tnaffe f'lothin;s^^ HAT.'. CAPS. BOOTS and SHOr S: KKR^EYS, NKGRO 15LA.NKKT.'', and all otlieri goods belonging t,i a Dry -Goods Store. All ihe oitisans, and every bndy that tisits the old Ti'w^n. will aonfar n by csliiriiT on the i.ibsoriher and lookinjf th’’.:ugii his stock, wheihar they purciiasa or not J. C. POE. Sept. iit», 185'. 47-‘im .\i;\V FALL ,\M) W|\T1-K DIJY GDOD.S. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr., H.AS received and is Uiis day raoeiviug a Urge and . desirable ST«)( Iv OF GOODS, embracing all the nawast itylas of Lndir.ai I)r«'ss (ioods, Cloaks, Slm^Tls, Has(|iio8, Bonnets, Ribl)ons, rioucr^, :iud Trinniiinirs, cj!' ;ill kind^. Fote .\ vary desirable stock of Rwady-Made Clolhintr, Cloths. Cftssi- inercs, \\;stin^, Il:ils, C'aps, Booti, Shoos, l.'inhrt.‘ihts, iVc., vVc. Together with many artiola* m l deaiuad naaassary to enumertiie. ■All of which will be ofTaro l low fnr C.\S1I, or on time to tuoli as pay whaa at'. e 1 'n. Ald;.X JOHNSdN. .III. F*.yvtteviI!o. N ’ . Sej't I'.'i'. d7;; TliK Oi.D HO.MINKJN i*o i \ nR. H.\LL, .>r Naw Y.jrk, in his J^urnd i,/ //••lii f r July. !''•')>. sayp:—“We comnicnd the >ll '■n'ji fi /’ i to alt liivers of good coffee, is we personaliy know that it is one of the “new things’ ('tiered to the public in wiiioh no imposition is j’nic- ticed, and wiiioh h;ks tha doubla vouchers of soiauca and common sense.” For .-^ale at the CROCKERY STORK. I'rlofi: — 1 gt.AKT, Nl.-I'j; li yL AKTS. >?1.7o; ■i UL’AHTS, a (iUARTS, :?tJ 8.5; 4 UL’AUTS, Buy one if yon like guod e ftt. N. TILLINGHA.ST. Sept. 1, ’58. 41--Jm S111C 1^1 VV 1C LI. TIOUS i :, rAVKTTi;vii,i.i;, e. hast of Gv«tn Sfr»4t. a ftw Doors North of thu Mirket House. rSi^IlE Subsoribar desires through this ine- P dium to acknowlodije tha liberal pa tronage bestovk’ed upon his House tha past vear—and as he has ju*t created New Stable# and Carriage Shed convenient to tha Housa and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom- modata them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal pa tronage heretofore reeeivad. Flvery exertion on his part shall be used to render them comfortable during thoir goj mrn with him. His table is always suppliad with the best the market atTor 1r P. S HEM WELL. March 24, I85.>, yotf J. W . BAKER Is now receiving from the North the lai ii st. tincBt, and most oarefu’ly selected St ■ of rc K^iTi Kr. over (db'r ■ 1 i:. thi' ni'irki.'t; which, added to his c'vn manufacture, make.f hi.-* ribsortment com plete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cn-;i or on time to punctual customers Fashionabie p.ainted cott.ige bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and -hack, aii'i cotton Mattresses; I..ook!nc Glasie.s; Wiilow Wagons and i’radles; .“'ide Boards; l^.jreau-; Secretsries and liook-l.’ases; What- Nits; Tubles, all sorts; Wash Stand.s; ( andle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Ci'riiices: Curtain Band*; S.ifas in Mahogony and Walnut; Tete r. Tetes; (Mtomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine l Piari'^?, ono with /E ilian At- taidiment; Rosewood .^Ieloc^i,•^r!S, from the best manu- f.ictories in I'CW \ ^ vk aiiil lii.stun, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be .-^old at New Vi'rk jirii'i s - fre’^ht on’y al leiL .■^epttiinher 15 tf 'riir f'trrriffn f t'tir/orf/ in tUv South! THi: sriiSCRlBER ^I'^.VKES this method of informing tiie public that ha I has taken the .''tore reoantly occupied by J. Davis, ono door below J. W. Lett’s and oj>posite tha Ciifie Faar Bank, whcra he will be pleased to see all his friends and customer*. Ho will keep aoi stautij on hand a good assortment of GROCERIES. DRY GOODS. hardware and cctlery. PROVISK»NS AND LKtT'oRS, Whiah he will sell low for 0 !?h or on time t > punctual eustomert. J.V.MES W. SELLERS. Fayvttaville, N. , .-\u5. 31, 1 >o8. 42- AliW .’OOI)S f BillE subscribers adopt this method of informing M. ihair friends and the public generally ) that they ara now raceiving into stora a very large and geaaral ^roCK OF GOODS, E.MBR.VCING K 0' t.lllWlH, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, iV. V., «V c ., «V c . All of which they are disposed to sell at reasonable profits for ;:ash, or on the usual time to responsible pBrchasars who ura in tho Jiabif of paving. GEO. W'. williams & CO. July S'*., lt>58. 31- UM^.UO WIEj. ri'^HE subscriber has Removed to the Store one door ^ Uast of H. .t E. J. Lilly’s, where he hojies t ■ meet all his old friends and to make manv new friends and customers. G. W'. I. GOLDSTON. August 25, IJ'oS. Imf EAIJ. AM) W IX TER (iOODS. JUST received a Inrga and «plendid Stock of STA PLE DKY OOODS. H.\IUV, A1!E. BOOTS and SHOES, H.\TS and CAPS and S.VDDLEItV. I C. E. LEETE. I Sept o) 50-1 LI i sri*EKIOU in 'I' r’r'.ii. A Nl'.W supply of that Superior BUTTER, so very [lopultir with all who have been buving from me. _ALSO_ Inrgo .«upp!v of Oi'ori’t'ica antf i*rovisio»is^ coiisisting in part of; 2f) I>af;s l‘rimc llin (’offec; lO }>l)!.s. (lofTcf'all'! l>r*ivti Sutrars; *J5 l{bl«. K.rtrn No. .‘5 15 H’lf anJ ,Juarf''r bbls. lOxtra No. 1 do. •20 H’lf bbls. Mfss tSh'i'f, (vary fino;) 50*i(j lbs. choice Halt. Hacon; 4000 lbs. “ Familj- Lani; 75 boxes Extra Dairy Cho«.-»p. All of which I will sail cheap fi'r C.VSII. W. C. TROY. Off. 4, IH.'jB, 51-lni Tl RBEN riXE AM) 11 i. ./ C K S .Tf I TIM TO O J. S. -5 iJoz. lirycos’ Haeker.s. “ Rouud Shaves. “ Scrapers. Hiicker-Stones. Round Shave Stones. Hacker-l’iles. ALSO, A a.wsortmenf of Cooper’d To-*ls. I would call tlie attention of purcliasars t» iny Hftsk- crs, Roumi Shaves and Scnifiers, as they excel any ‘2tt I.*) 10 10 25 ever offered for sale in this market. Kept. 30, 18o8. C. E. LEETE. 50-Im 31( IvKTilAN ■jj ESPEtrTFl LLY informs his friendp and the ■ % public, th.at he !ris built u]i large substantial Br.ck I’.uildings at his OM Stand, exjiressly for man- ufacturing ('arriaces. Thankful f.r tiie very liberal patronnge he has received fir tha last 21 years, ho hopes t y strict attention to businese, wi;h ii desire to give satisflet. in, t ■ merit a continuance of the Bame. He warrants h-« w ir'^ t > be male of the best material and by esperifnced workmen in ea.di branch of the business His work will compare favorably with any ma le in the Unit.* ! States, for neatness and durability. Ha is derermined to sell and do any w.irk iti Ilia line oq .i,- g :o i tarms as uny work d no elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on haad, FiMsiir.li, the L.Vl’J’iEST STOCK of Carrin^'Ci:, Ihtroiirh/ s. Iiockau:(iyi>^ and F.ver otfered in this f! ice, and a very large stock of Work nearly tinishe I. whi'di wil! be finished daily. ■\ll of which wil! lie sold very ’ w f.iv ('a«ii. or on short til.ie to pu’)iit;i il cu-t iiuer-i. He has on han 1 nure than 'N r, lUX.iRMD .\ND FIFTY Vehi cles linished and in course of c..n.->tru. tion. .VII w o , i;i i'le i>y him is warrauted 12 months w;th iair ns and it fail by ba 1 workman-hip or material wi.l be repaire 1 free of ehnr;; ‘. Peison.s wishing to b'ly would do well to call and examine tor theni'elvo";. .»rders thankfiiMy rC'-eivo I and pr >»npt’y attende I to. Re] airing execui.; 1 at-^ii 'rt notice and on very rei-ona''le terms. May 2', 8'i-tf i'l fUJC XO'i’ICE Is HEREBY GIVE.N, that Books (if Subscription to the capit.al stock of tiie Central Rail Road, fr()in Beaufort Harbor vi;t Kenansville, ’linton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened oh Thursday, the ItJih day of .\firil ISo'i, and remain open according to the terms of the (’barter until further iiotiee, at tiie following places and nn ler direction of the following named persons, C«mnii».'rioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of Onslow, nt tlu“ oflice of ibe Clerk of the County ('ourt at J.aeliso iviile, and at the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville. G. J. Ward. J. H. Foy. Robert White, John A. Averitt, -Ir., (»wcn Hug gins, L W. Hiimphrey. hi Caitcet county, at the of^ce of I>r. M. F. Aren- lo'ii ni Be iufovt. Dr. M F. Arandell, .1. F. Beil, L. T. Oglesby. At lie St ire of 0. W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Win. N. Deni*;s, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesliv, Bridj;o .\rendell. In Duplin county, at the (dTi^e of the Coaiity Court Clerk at Keuaiisville. — .Major »\\en R. Kenan, i>Hiid Reid. Isaac 1;. Kelly, 'A’ln. L. Hill, Win. J. Houston, Stephen (iral.nin. In .'^aiiipsMii county, at the office of the ’( i;nty Court Clerk at rjiiii 'ri,— I’liomas 1. Faisoii, iJr. Thomas Bunting, W ii 'vl -Ko . , -’.iti ii k .Murjdiy, Wm. Faison, .1 1{ I’eaM i!i .\’‘iel .1 o’li!.-^ :i. In ( tun cr ;Uu eo"n.y. nt l'ay*tt'vil!e, at the oflice of ,\. .A MeKetiiau,—Tiion, IS Pi. Underwood, Randal McD.iiiiel, Edwnid L. 'V’.n.>-..nv, .Johntl. lUocker. Foriii of sub.'" rijit ■ n; The Uii'iersi^rne 1 :,_>rei! to tnke the number of shares of NIO'l I' leh, Set op; i »:[e to our iitiines re.“pectivel^ in the t'enrial R.iil ;i'>ad t’oinpaiiv; and in al! rosjieet-' to C'lni.ilv with the forms •!' tlieUharler. SCHOOL B(X)KS FOR THE UNIO??. A. 8 HAR\i:S ife CO, 51 AND 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. PCBLISHERS AM) WHOLES.Uli HOIIKvMLLliBS.. WOULD l.NTITK .4TTK!»TI0; TO TIK N A T I O N A \. SERI i: S —OF— ST1M)MI) SCHOOL BOORS, I’UULISUEi) DY TUBU, ASiO.’^U WniCH AF.U Thg National School Reairrs, in 5 2ii>s , and Fronouncivif tSjiellrr. Price 25, 37J, 50, 75 cts and !jl. Spellar, ‘2^ ats. P>y Richard G. Parker, A M., of Boston, and J. •Madison Watson, of New York. These are the latest reading books yet brought o«t, and it is confidently believed surpass all others in general plati and arrangement, beauty of illustrations and tynpgrapliy, character of selections, and adapta tion to the wants of schools They are already in ex tensive use in the Public Schools of New York, Brook- lyn, .Albany, Newark, Lancaster, and other imnortant jlaces. Day let' lievined Arithmi’firs nn1 Ilujhm Ma thematics. Prioes of Arithmetics 15, 25, 45 and 75 aants Are daily increasing in pojiularity and circnlatioi. They are regarded as the most thorough and prao- tical of any before the public. An exceedingly valu able ad'lition to this course has just been muda in the jiublicfttioD of Davici’ f 'iii^ersify Ahjtthr i, /Vil. e ?1 25. An entirely nav work, designe'l to occupy an intar- mediate jdace between the author’s Elementary -Mga bra and Bourdon. It teachas the Science and An of •\lgebra by a logical arrangement an 1 olassifiaation of the principles in their natural ordar, an 1 by illustrat ing their application in anoxtendad sarie* of earafullj arranged and graded axarnple*. It is i’rof. L'aviaa' last aud best work. Monteith and .UcAt///y’s Scrieii of Otoyrnphies, Pricas 25, 4(>. t’.ij oenfs-, aii l i)il. Seem to be fast siij^ers ding all others. Tha plan on which they are arranuod. their intrinsic marit. eon- c;sanes5, beauty, .and peculiar adaptation, randar tham gre.at favorites with both teachers and ]oipiU, Thry have been ofiiciapy reco’.nnipnde I by the .^up.eriutan- dents ot Public liistiii^njn of very many .''tati s, and by numerous Teachers' .Vs»'Cia;ion an 1 iiiiiitutes j throughout the country, and fire in su.'Ctff-sfui us" in I a multiti; le ot public and private So!i'ols ;n a\ary ■ State of th** Union. I ri„rk's ^rr(nnmn'!i, rn (%to Yos , prices 4G .mil j C0jitii, 1)1,1 i\c/i'h's .1/i'/ Vila', prli\' 75 reti'i, I It is believe i pres. iii tha i iily trun a;;d succtksTul inatho I o'' leaciiiii;^ the sci«;i'‘ - of lh>- t'n-lisb I »-i giia.:e. They are the Stan'iar'J Text-Bo. ks in the ‘ vw Vi rn, Michi.iw:i an i other State Nnrir.al Schools, and ill very many of tJie l*est Ijiyol* and .Voji'iamies in t' a Country. I’lriitr's Schoo) ip}iy, jiri>'4 j?l. Is regariled as the most complete, concise, aii'l j raa tioal ( lass Book on tliat subject yet puKdished It is more extensively usa'l than any other, which ful’y ila- monstrates its pre-eminent worth aud superiority. Portitr'i School ('Jumittrif. jiric^ ^\, Is ono of the most a imiratila works preparf'l f'^r Schools, and requ.res "iily a limited amount of ap paratus to illustrnro a'! tha exparimant-s desaribad. A. S. H i Co. h.ave recently ad.lod inanj- new and valuable works t'> tlieir A'ri(>\’% I.. KI:K«I>, a full description of which will be found In their .Vf: If' MFM.f STIt.l TKn M’J just published, containing a compiate iiescript'on. with notices aiel recommendations, of all their Sehool and Library Books Teachers aii'l School Officers throughout the coun try are reqnestC'l to sen'l for this II'* WU.S- V.IT.HAHH t:, and corres pond with the Piiblisliers in regai'i to any of their works they may wish to examine or iiitro'luc*'. Address A. S. BARNl-^S i\; CO., 51 and C)3 Joiiu Street, New Vork. A. 8 BAllNfc^S it CO. tire also publishcrb of iho School Tearhcrs'^ Mjibravff. Hatail prica. Northend’s Teacher and Parent *1 :i.3 Page’s Theory au'l Practice of T. tahing 1 'JS Man-field on .Vtnerican F, In.'ation I 25 HeToc^uevjHe's American Institutions 1 25 Davies' Logic of .Mathematics 1 25 i Mayhew on Univers.il Education 1 25 I Root on School .Vmusetnents 1 25 I The above Books are sold by E. J. II.VLE .j' S)N, Fayetteville N C. Oct’r I, 1858. 5I-2mO.'tD CAi‘1-: EEAR Bank srociv FOR SAI.K, S^’IIFTY shsre* of Cape Fear B.tnk Stook arf offered for sala For further informa'ion apply to A. McLE.VN, Cashier. Fayattevillc, .\ug 9. 1S">S. CllAiliS. (HAiRS. A L.\RGE lot o^ Stool-b .tt iiu (’hairs, made at Cool .4. m. Jipriiig Mill, and f'lr sile bj A. M. CAMPBELL. March 24, ’58. BOOK-iijN!)I.S(; |E N all it* kinds, exucut^'l with neatnes. an'I de 3 spatah. Small jobs w hen done iinut be pai I belore delivero^^l. THoS. H. TILLINGM.VST. Anderroii Strwot. G. & L. BRANDT, 9iVio/i’s/f/r a»n! KletnU tPeafers in STAPLE AXD FAXn’' DfiY tiOODS, Clothing and Farnishin; Goods; Boots and Shoes; Hats and Cap.s; Trunks; Carpet Bags and \ali>ep; Hardware; ('utlery; Crockery; Musical Instruments; Imported 11 a- vanna and Principe Seirarsi; fur sale by tlie B'l.x only. A large a.ssortinent of Negro Blan kets, Mackinaws, &e. &c. Comprising in all one of the l.-irgest, liandsomest and the most thorough as.sortment of Goods ever exhibiteil in this market. an'I will be sold cheap for Cash, or on time to those who pay their accounts at first presen tation. Our friends and the public generally are very re spectfully invited to give us an early call and secure a good bargain. G. k L. BRANDT. South side Hay St., P’.avetteville, N. C. Oct. 18, IS5H. ■ 54-tf I-OR Ri:XT. ^^/'ER^ LOW', luy HOUSE near the .Mile Branch. .lOIIN KERSHAW. Oct’r IR. 55-41 A I' inc to V A iiiiniiK w Blessmjr! n Mht 1 t 185#^ 11-lY Names. Kesidence. I .No. siiarns !i' (’ash. Work. Siibscriptioi;s may be m.'i'lf* jeiyable in work, and mav speeify whether f'lr ;rai!ing or crf'.'^s-tie»; aii'l st'-ckhoMers shall in every case have preference in taking 'ontr.icts, when bids are th . same or at Engi neer’s e«timate. As Soon ;is one hiin'lre l thousand dolUrs are sub scribed. the C(immi«'^io;iers of Ciislow county are to he notified, and t’o -ue rei|uired t'l call a meeting of Sfocklmlders to (>i';rani/e the Comjiany March 15, 185*; IStf I'oii s.vf.i: OR Ri:.\T. 4 (’ON r EM ENT D’.'. KLMNt; lioUSE, on Hay- ni'iunt, near Mr. J. C Thompson’s For parti- eiilars cmiuire of J. G. Shcpher'l, Esrj , or A. M. CAMPBELL. Mav 7. '.i-tf coi’Fi:u, rix, v\: sheet-irox %\(1 «'A€TOItV. f ,\S. MARTINE still continues to manufacture every thing in the above line, at his old stand on Hay street. Job work done with despatch. S«pt. 10, 1H5«. 46-8m nvE ('!!r:\vi\{; roj{\rco. 25 r.S r received, D) boxes of tlri: FINK ROCK •S> ’.\NDY r0BA(,'’0. W. !I. CARV’rlR. Sept. 1. 12tf C’idor \ megar. lor hv W. li. CARN i.R. .\ng. 18 -+8- VAl.rAlU.i: RI’AL ES'i’A'l’E 3F OKF.KH for s.n'e my RE.^IDE.Ni’H on Hay-mount M For he iiiii there i:s no pbioe to excal ii I'liere i. fi^i ' weU of water in tlu) yard. Description is iise- •• «s s . the L'• r Ivist "f my St'ire. file nl'ove j-roperty, if n'lt disposed c“' at jirivafe sale, will be soM i.t a ucti on'lu'i'hnrs la .. 21 st (», tobcr. •I.\S. t. COOK. Fayetteville, Sept. ',1. Ui. i\is m;,l. r I''111'. -tihseri''ar \vis‘>>s ro ;,>|1 his lioU'E sui i I.of I in Fayetteville, knox'^n is the “Farm House.” containin;; ahouf 10 ,icre- .Also. THiSEE V.lLU- .\BLE NlltJRO ME.\, IMward, Fr»'l an'I Ch-irl*''; Fred and E'lward are axcellpiit .''pirit Barrel 'Mp-M j;, —all youiig, sonnd and henlthv F >r terin-i *l'!‘ v t'. C. l; I.EKTE. ‘ or .lO.'^. 1! \ K E It, r . .\tt’v for Joir; 'le':!'";. Au- 18 ■ 3>-tf corrox B\(M;fX(;. H'^UNUEE and GUNNY BA(»(!ING in quantities to JBlW suit purchasers. For sitle by JAS. G. COOK. Sept. 17. 4itf roR sAu:. in'.r .\ClvE> (*F lj\NIi r iip 'i.tine St per'ilaiient resideiie iiei --lib trhood; eiiur .i|iplie i for soon a 1 Oct 1>'5S. T ' 1 p.-rs ,.i VC , tili-i is a >11 bos an 1 si-ho ugain will lie Bav Horso for Sale. A|)j)lv JOHN KERSHAW, -\t Blount’s Creek Factory. Fayetteville, Oct’r 15. 55-It TO ( U r W ()()!). ' E want 8 or 10 HANDS, to cut wood, cither by V ¥ the month or cord,—par everv Saturday night. ROBERTS'^ HOPKINS. Oct 15. 1858. 55-.it Carolinian copy. roli SAi.i^^ ~~ £ ?|NE prime I^nuigut and (Jarriage H )!l.SK, eiglit * f years old. goo'l size, aiol well built; one iwo- liorse W.AtiON and Gear, all in j.riine oi'ier, bridles, line. ^j c. .Vlso. one j'air M I LI. RoOKready dresse 1 and furrowed; balance-iron i'l, rea'lv’ f.ir use, large aii'l thieli.; best Northern grit. (Utier fistui es. if de sire,1, .ill ^o together. .lOllN FORT. I). W. C. BEXBOW, I), n. s., Cit'adtiate of' tftr Haiti more MJeitt«l €'oltcffe, [l.\KES great pleasure in giving his friends and those in need of his pro fessional services notice that he is now at home and prepared to perform all Dental operations. Hr. B. has the honor of introducing to his patrons anil friends. Dr. R. SCOTT, who is associated with him in practice, being a regular gra luate of the Balti more College of Dental Surgery, and a practitioner of several years experience. Fayetteville, (Jct’r 11. 53- -\EW AXI) CflEAi‘ (iOODS. JAMES KYLE IL\S received a Large and General Supply of M9KV OOOOS, ISoofs and Mlioes, llatM. ClothM, cV:«*. All of which has been purchased by the package for '•'/.v/z; all of which is offered at the lowest market price by wholesale or retail Oct. 14, 1858. 5Itf Sl't'OMI F.ILL STOCK FOR 1858! s r.VltR & \V1I,1.1,\MS, .Are now receiving their SECOND SUPPLY of Slaple and tt'ancy l>ry >;ood!«., i HATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SHOE«. BONNETS, j U.MBRELLAS, AND RE\DY-M.VDE I CLOTHING, I With 11 great variety of articles not enumerated. I This Stock is ver_v large and wel; assorted, compri- j sing all the latest styles and j'atterns, tuid will be ofl'or- I ed to Wholesale Buyers on liberal terms, either for I “C.A.'^H” or approved paper. I J. B. STARR ] [J. M. W ILLIAMS. Oct’r 14 5-)-tf I ” Flil fT TRIIKS FOI! SALK. \FTER t’;ie "joth of November, the subscribers will be prepar.-d to furnish their friends with a suppl;.' I of Fruit Trees of the most estimable v.irieties ciilti I vared in this country, coiisjstinir of Ipplo, \ j Cln‘rri*s i We shall have no inferior kinds for saV. .All will b«' of approve'! excellence. an'I soil on .is t'lvorablc terms a~ the s:ime si/.-'i trees c iu ’oe iun-e',.1 ,,.,i wh. ve in tiip Unite 1 State.. (Mir stock ‘if Peir Trees w'M be p.irticnlai-ly tine, an I of a ■pialiiy for frnit wiiieh caru.ot bp excellcl. W I* shall be 'iblc, hereafteiv to meet riy ■lem ind' in onr ;;i;e, either in fh' pomo'o jji- i: .ji- orn inient.il 'le- p irtmenf. and trust tli if our hiisiuo.-s u-ill ln> .ci • liicted as to secure the coiifideticc ot our tiieii'is All oideis 111 ij' be :i'l iresseil ;o Lni is II. U i:ni{. .Agent of the P.'oiuii tors. STAN'ILL, STEELE .v ('o Rockingham, Oct 5, l'>58. 5'>-.",t (’arolini in copy. The Housekeeper’s % i‘«' H f l> o iti t i * I fs \ o II ( i o II! R. H. H. H ER i> K'K has just perfected a highly valuable invention for sweeping carpets, liy w hich every particle of du.st. scraps of paper, threa l, {■:n.s, nee lies, ii.iir, tjc , are taken up aii'l deposited into tin rcceptacles, with perfect ease The Mach;ne cir.si.>ts ot a box fourteen inches long, twelve inches wide, ml f')ur inches deep, c onnected to wiiich is a circular hair brus'.i. which revolves i>v the turniirg of sni.iM wloa-ls, aii'l two tin compar*- nients, into wiiich the sweepings .'in 1 dust are conveyed; on th.* top or centicof the box is connecte.l a long h'lt'11 ‘, similar to th.it of a broom, by which the bo.x is pr'jpelied along the carjiet; the wiiole .'l.ichine weighing scai.'cly four poun is It is simple iu its construction, and Inrable, as ono machine will last fir many years; th roujrli in its operations, ;in I can be use 1 as weli bv a chihl as an adult. It prevents the rising of dust -that sure co;npaniou to every other me-iiis now U'e l for sweeiiing e.irpets, and 'I) aiiiiovlng to housekeepers who have t' j chaige o: valuable I'lirniture, draj.ery, curtains, chandeliers. VC. It will srive its cost in a short time in the wear o’.' the carpet; one jior-ion with this machino can do the work of luanv servants. For Churches, Hotels. Steamboats, Saloons, uti'l for every car[>eted dwelling, ;t is admir.ibly a'iapted, and it has only tj be trievl to be appreciated. Jrir For sale at «. A I.. rt«\'\'nT*S. Hay .-^trett. ^ole Agents for North and South Carolina. L:i'lies are very respectfully invited to c.ill ;uid see for themsehes, and le.ive their orders, as the price is very mo’er-ite. Will be exhibited nt the I'ounty Fair the 1st week in November next. (J. L. B. Fayetteville. Oct. Is. I'^oS. 55- ri:al ESTA i'i: for \ Virtue of an Or'ler of the Court of Pleas and (.^•uarter Sessions f 'r tiie Coiitity of Cumberland, I made at Sept. iiibcr term. 1S5''. will be soM at the ( ourt House door in the to .vu o'' F lyetteville. on Mondav of Superior C iiirt, tlK' I5th November next, the foMowin'.: RE.\L LSrvTil. hel ingiiig to the Estate ! of the late Dr 1! •nj.imii; liohinson: I The rENF.NIEN'l'.'s on Gr- en aa l Oi>l Street, known i as the .“shop I'l oper'y One L(»r on Roivnu and Hillsborough Streets, con- t::iniii2 a'‘"Ut I i 'fs i (>ne LO T i:. (' iiap . ' 'i. -"iif lininc ibiUit acr ' A TiUVC'l’ OF L\ND vii’ject to the Dow(>r of Mr.s lio'dnsoii, .I'ijoining thv' lat.t residence oi Dr. Berij ilobiiis'iii. aii I on ilie N.'rtii un I S. wth si les ol iiob- inson Stieet. C"ntaining ribi.nt 17o acr'2s, of which 15 acres are in the t iwi of F lyI'tteville. S’erias of s.ile: — Hmds with .ipnrove t secur'tv, p.av- ' able ill SIX nionths. bc.'iriii" intercs' fr)in dite , BL’NJ. R. IIUSKM. .\dm’r. ' O.t’r 15. 55ts 1 I'.VUM KOK SAI.r,. OFFER for sale my PLANT.Vl'loN on the East side of Cape Fear Uivcr, o miles'diove the Claren don Bri'lge. known as the Toonier Laii ls, containinii ; abijut 80(1 Acres. Tlie Plantatioi. is in a good state • of ctiltiv.ition, and is siisceptib’e of Iieing iii'ide one of I the most profitable Farms in the tbmnty. I -\ ldress JN(J. D WlLLl.V.MS, Es'j , Fayetteville, ; N. C., who is authorised t) sell. ^ L. J. HAUGHToN. ; Oct. 14, 1858. 54tf ' A I’lXI*: FARM 1'7)R .-ale. ■ f OFFER for sale, my PLANTATION CON I’MNING : * -1410 .\CRES, on the East side ot Lumber River. ' 1 miles from Lumbcrton and the s.iioe distance from i the Wilmington, Charlotte .V Rutherford Rail Road j riiere is on the premises a DWELLIN'; HOU.SE aii'l I all necessary Out-houses; a new .S.\W'-.M 1 LL an'I new I G U IST-AlILL,—the Grist-.'Iill is the m ist ■ prohtrible I iti the County. ri';d wh'se large Poii'l :'urni“!icsa rich 1 abunlaticB of very line Fish. The lao i is «d i[ited ' to the growth ' f Cotton, (.’orn. Wiieaf, Oits 'ind otiier I groin. In the mi'lst. also, (d'the Plantation is a large I convenient MARL BED. Persons ivishing a goo'i ' Farm would do wall to call soon. THO. J. .MOiUSEY. I Oot’r 14, 1858. 55-4t j lirTTER AXI) ciii:i:si:, ! H UST received pr Fanny, a few Firkiu- of very . nice BU'I'TER, an'I 25 Boses prime (’HEESE. i C. B. COOK. I Oct. 11. .54-tf SIGAR IIOL'SE SVRLI\ Few Bbls excellent S. 11. SVllUP. Also, prime i ^ su'tel MOL.VSSES. Oct. 14. BACOX. lHoI(''E North Car'd'na B.VCON. ly Sides and Shoulders. Oct. 1 L C. B. COOK. 51-tf .Uso, Western C. B. COOK. 51-tf 'The Lilo (»r Bi- diOj; (.’ajMTs, !»y i )r Wii;hturiii. .lust receivel. E. J. ll.ALE I'e SON. t»et n. i'h(‘ ilxain.' and Discipline o(" the 'delho'liiit Chiirch. .A ni w snj'p'v jnst receiv ! ' K.Udl .V >ct’r 1 '■> E. .1 K.Udl .V .-oN. 77/C n t!tiihi j loti, f tr anil Uiitla r- LAXn Ani desirous of se' ’• in the Cou’ity of ilolies'in, two mile- fr.im t’an '1 I’sville Post (•‘lice. There i‘'‘ oo the tract a comfort- atiie D.VELLING 'in 1 -I'l ’njcess y iiit ii'oise'^, a'so. S.'iw and Grist ^Iil'. (’.itto.-i (iia ;t:i i Pres-; 75 acres ele ir> d an I uii'b'r • ulri v itiom \ t i - I’ri-' is line I II inin ' l.ind No b.ofo- pi^ cm lie I'jini'l for .i I"*' ford, iidil ii rid (.'()iaf)‘inii. • r'lerded V>y tiie Boar l ol Direct..rs wi'iii'a to make .a e ch ince. XI oral Is convenient. If :i ven. JAS. (i. COOK. 55tf ’I'AKEX I P. -\I'.!1\' ir. iii'i Ci'iniMittel to ti.e .Tail of Cumber- S l.iii'l County on the 15th Inst , TWO N EG R() r.oY.’s; one ne.med J‘i«b. who s -ys he belong-to .losepb R KcMop. of Bla'b*n C.oj; ty .l..sb js n!> eit 2! ot- '.ears old, abou 0 feet higii, and li'nl on when :.tk''n 'ip. ;; S itinet tr .'k cotit aii'l stripcl cott"M I'.iiits oi.:! I'.race or John Fni; kbii. wim I •!; :t he r ini” fr'cn C •'' C. "•i'.rhr miil i”!. ar. I h i i "-i w;,on wo'.j hat a:i'l s'eel-niixed tr 'k c nt '.viiej'S of said ,S» i:r. es -.re ii i ilied 1 i-eve I ri>! erty. p i.V charges, ;,,id II thev wi i b“ di'i ■ with n-j the i.'iw (iEO. L. .McK.AY, .laib r. .55- t'oiiip.uiy tli.-it :i .S'V .|ith iiiS'iilm' i’t of I'l'N’ fier cent of the ’ t ilal .■'f'lCk ‘iat -crilie.l fi- ciljcl i’l. • i I that the sam* SM ill be due and pavi*’•• on f'.e j.ilh •lay if N "V*-mb"r nex H. W tlUloN. ’’rest. b:t'r 7, i 51-' in riw n papers 1 m. TIN PLATE, Si’on, Iron Wire, ri\-u iS£«:. .Aiwa; s on hand, at " holesale or Rotail. noonsc. r.i"ni:ins}, \ii'i a’l Vi- 'ls ol .Ubhii;g, doi'e at “hurt n. tice. bv ANDRI WS. C Market W Squarr F.i vet t'-ville Till .1, ■;er, ii i:i.- I e is free, ;ii s siom'!. a Op a wl'it'‘ lilts ']';io ' to come !('i:i I'.l. i t ike them away, , 'iire'-t' i Oct'r . 1, 1 COOL SIMU.\; MK.f.S, 'J^ME Priprietors are pi eparp 1 t.iiRIND ('Oi';".,’ on » ttip 'i«ua' t*T?n«. The lied-^t^i'l .Mannfacfnre is still c:rriei on ^t I he K irne n’ace. ak«n i>id !• Inii’y 11,1 H5S. W'chstt'rV • >'... jil't re-"ove I Se| t'l J.-i. -tf J. ’! \'i K SC! fOOL I’.OOIvS. 'Afj c.Clintock an 1 Crioks’ Fir-t B.iok in Latia; Par- . y B ki.'r’s Wood Bnil'b'r; Ila and Em ‘rs''n s .Arithmetics; .Me tu ers. ('orne’;’^, .Mitciiei,'! au I \1 Davies’ (jieoraetry; Bullion’s and : mars; Davies’ Algebra, A:c., &c. NEW IU)OK>. XN UPON THE SEA: "r A H:( rv -.f M .-i .A';ventiire, Lxpl- ration an i D'.'-- •■: v. !:'Oi> the E ii'ucst .\ges to Ihe l’ie'C!;t 1’ . I'rio . (lOOiirich THE CITY OF Till' GRKA'i’ KlN'i: o’ as it Wrt9. )i« it 1 . Htiil as d i- t'l be, by .' 'i I’, ir a- rsc's t.eogr iphies; i \p d, ^!issionarv t'» Jer is:ilem mith’s Eng. (iram- ; \I1/PAH. Pr.ayer .and liieinlship, ly L. C. I .inii'-, V. M. StO'Mard’s, Smith’s r.-v’s Eclfctic liead- E. J. HALE ^ SON. Just received bj E. J. HALE .4 SON.

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