JI^KMI-WEEKL, Y [N‘ •(. MW.] F VYF.TTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBEIl 22, isr,8. [NO. TO.").] VUINTKO MdMt.VVS ANH TlirRSI*AYS. ’:i>\v\?n» J. H\Li: a son. an'I' 1’i:0?UH:T0US. Pric* for the Soiiii-Wt'pkly I luiitRVKii S8 Ou if jiaid in »dv»ncu: 'I'l it'paiil 'i'.iri'ig the year of subscrip- uon; or $ 1 nft?r the year hj.d esjiired. For th« 'Veekly Ouskrv kh 00 per aiuiuui, if j>aii] in aJTMii'e; 50 if paid during the yeiir of subscrip- tiuu; t-T $:! OO after the yeiir has cxi>ircd. Al’VKRTISl'NirN r^' inserted fur sixty cent* {>er iquitre of 1»> lines for the first, and thirty cents for each luooeedinc publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial t'.'ntraets, at reaS''na>)K* rates. Ailvertiseis are requested to state the number of insertions desirctl. or the/ will li« coutiuueil till forbid, and charged aoooril- i;iglv. Advertisements to be inserted nmtJe, charged 50 p«r cent, extra. FKESIJ AKUlVAi.S. I am now receiving niy usual FALL STOCK OF GOODS, consiitin>: in part of— KAlSiywhole, halr'iinJ qimrttr Boxfn; Cit ron; ('urriinfs; Dried J*rune.; J'li'kleii and fauces of tiU kiiid>>; (\intun (linjtr andulhrr /^resrrrts; ^ardine!; Loh- *iers; \t'rmictfh; Miuxanini; Cinnaai'in; M:ico; Clovo^; Nutuiig.-j C^'coa aud other Nuts; aud iiideed, eviTVtLing kept iu a Store of this kind. CONFECTIONEKIES of all kinds constantly on baud, ai wholesale or retail, an J for sa’e low f,.r c.viii. MK6 M ilANKS, Green Street. Not. 11. '--•it I'he Fanners and IMantors', and Tur ner's North Carolina ALMANACS, (or 1859. idowB of Mesican Soldiera. and the Widows j * of Sold;, rs who uiKU i.v iiKKVica in the war f I lyi-. can have their pensions cotitiiiued by callinu; on t!ie uniierHiiTned, (’of.grni-i liaving iualrt additional , provision for them *jiT«j me th« iimuHjceineiit of jowr oluinis, and the tuouey ^hall oomt at juot?. or uo sharj^t*. JX> M ROSE, for I’entj'otu. Fayetteville, June I'J, I'j- r. A, E. iioiiNs’i'Kiyr, •■igi'ttt for f'hickerin^'s M*iunoH^ Of wh:eh he h'ls .ilw.ivs somiu ..n h*nd Wi’minctoti. N P., Oot’r 2. .M-lyp.J V\iO\ 6^ IT LLEU, AKnrnpys and Counsellurs at Law, i.i >iKi^:is'ro\, KOisi:^on t o., .■¥. v. B»01iKKT E TllOY and JOHN P. FULLEIl. have formed !«n associ:i*.ion f^r the yructioe of their ' profession in .Kolu-son (’ounty. The f >riuer will also I attend the Courts of IVia len and ('oluiabus; liie latter will also .'ittend those of ('uuiberlanJ. I The Otiicu in l.umberton will be kept opan &( all ; times. Jau’y 1, 1858. 73. SIDNEY A. SMITH. ^ Attorney :uid (’onn'sellor at Law, C'., T^ll-L attend reg^ulnrly the ('ounty and Supcri' r F>t sale by Oct. -1, 1858. L J. HALE 4- SON. AI )-M 1NI s r R A'!'() U S > A LI mm'lLL be sold on the •J4th inst., at the late WW residence of John Wiight, deceased, at public vendue, the perishaide property ct the baid dcci-ased. Consisting? of the following articlcb. vii.— Household and Kitchen KL'KMl'LllE; Farming and Oooper'9 TOOL^>: Four MULE."' and three HoHSn.''; about Ninety or (Jue llunJrei heal of llOt!.'', partly fattened; about Five Hundred l'-»rreli oi COllN; a laree lot of FODDEH and I’tl.VS; T*r 1 tw > horse Roa i VV.VCJONS and Harness; «.>iie 15L0UY and Harness; Onet>xC.VKT; On* Yoke of OXEN an.i Five or Six COWts and Calves; and a small b't of TL’lirEN’l'IN E Together with a variety of articles too tedious to men tion. Sale to continue from day to d ly until clos'-d. TERMS:—Six months ere lit; note and approved security required uf purchasers before deiivering iL« articlfS. ISA.\t' (’ WUI(3HT. A im’r. Oct'r cJO. 6-tN-4 MOLASSES. 4 FEW HHDS , bright and sweet, suitable for re tailing, now receiving and tor sale by B. ROSE. !foVr 16. eS-iJt THE GLOBE: The Official Paper oJ C'o:isre>i. 1 SHALL publish the Uaiiy tiiobe and the Con gressional Globe and .\ppendii during tiie nest session of Congress. The l»ai;y G:obe wiU contain a report of the debates in both branches of t'ongress as taken d >wn by reporters equal, at U-ast, to any jrps of short-hand writers in this or in any other country. When the debates of a day do U"t make more than fjrty-five columns, they shall appedr in the Daily Globe of the neit morning, whic i will conta n a’s.i the news of the day, toge her with suca eiitori.il ikriioles as may be suggested by p:is.-in(^ events. The i.onsr' ssional G obe and .\ppeiidix will contain a report "f all debates in Cungre.-.-, rcv;sf J hy the speakers, the tnessagt s of the I r' ai leni ot tiie L 11 t ‘ i Slates, the annu il rej’Orr, of the li :i is of the l.iccu- tive Departments, tae r*-porU ol vJoiuniutees of • on- gress ou important sutj‘‘Cts t>f general interest, tne laws pass'.'d during tiie session, and c 'pi lus ui i;ces t>> ail. They will be printed 11 a donb.e royai aiicet, in b . ik form, royal q'J irio siz'-. each number c >i, lainiiig sixteen pages, avertiging 2.-TJ7 w t Is per p tge. whole will m ike between 1,70 ) in I ~ p iges It is believed that no book has ever been pafiii'iicl at r . ow a rate. Last year I alvi-rtisel in th- Dii.y Globe or six months, and in ab >ut one hun Ire 1 otner ucws- papers in the United Stites, a reward of to be paid to any pers 'n who would produi'e a i>ook j>ub- libhed at so low a rate, and none was produced lue large number of copies subscribed for by C.mgress enables me to alford the debates to saoscritjers so cheap. The Congressional (il ibe an.J Appendi.\ pass free through the niiils of the Lnite l Siat s, as wi:: be seen by reaiing the f i lowing joint resol.i i jus pas.sed by Congress the 'ith ot .Vu>:uit, l^oiii: Jji.ST RKSOLfTios providing for the di.stribat 'in of the Laws of (,'ongrcss and the Deiriles thereon. With a view to the cheap circulation of tlie laws 4 ('ongre^s and the debates cotitnbuting to tne true in- terpretati-'ti therejf, and to mike frc! tht; ciniuiuni- cation between the lepresentaiive an I constituent bodies: lie U Tnnhed 6v thf Senult ami ILjUH. >f Jhprf.sinUi- )ve* n/ thi L'ttued Stana AnKn- i in b^*d. That Iroin and alter the pres' ut str.Sr^iwb of (;on- gre^" the Congressional Giobe an l .Appendix, wlncii contain the laws and the dC' ates thereon, shall pass free through the mails s * long as the same shad be published by or ier of Congress; Fr' Cidtd, lliit ao- thing herein shall be construed to auth"n»e ih« cir culation of the Daily Globe free of postage Approved, .\ugust 0, IH52. TtR.MS;, For a copy of the i»aily io/be four m lufhs For a copy for a less timr, 1 tier month) For a c.ipy of the I'ongrc-^i.oual Globe and pendix during the s'■-^sioll, Bank notes, curi«nt in thu section >jf the coutifry where a •uJigcnber resides, will be riceive l at par. The whole or any part of a subscript! 'ii niav be re initted in p"-tnire st«inps. which are pitferab'e to anv currency except ^ . 1 or si.vli-. Wi,eie ti,.ni n..tes under citnnot t,i pi.-cure I I w! «c; 1 t *.i c .i/- s b.r $u. A paper will 11..t hi; »tnt unless t.u- minev accom panies the oriler fur it I cannot alford to exch w.th ,id th. newspapers that desire the (Jlob-.-; hut I w.,i during the session to all wh'. sii.l; |.uti,isn il'i:-) pro spectus three times helore the hist M .n,|:iy ct' December. Tliose who m (jub.isu s.i.ju 1 papers containing it to me, mark.-i witii u p. n. t.. .1-. rect attention to it The CnngressMn.il (i,o!>e ai.d Appendix will be steieotvptd; and, therelor.-, t sim.i be able to send the buck numbers f-r this s>iijn to all who may sub.'Crib^ alter the s.-s.'ion 0'"nm-i;c but if the first edition sliall have been i-.\hauste'( bp fore the subscription money is received, 1 sn.ill charge $1 additiiinal p'-r copy to p-iv the expi nsu (jf ]'ntting the plates on the press. >ubscri]'tioii8 sh ould reach me as early as the first week f December to insure • omplet* copies at the prices adverti.-ied ub .ve JOHN : HIVFS. Waiui.kuto.':, Not. 7, ld')8. l»lajjkrt for sale at thia Office. Courts ot Wake, Johusii'n. Cuiabpriand. Har nett. and \N ilson. Ail busuiea* enirusted to his care will receive ] r.-iupt attention Jan’y 1’08. 7u-ly »i*. K. A. BLACK, OFFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. ai J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug Stsre. Feb’y 7, 76-tf WRIGHT & FILLER. Atturnoys and Counsellors at Law, rayvtteville, C. tILEMENT G, WRIgHT and nARTHOLOMF^▼ F ULLER have 'isaociated theui'^elvos together *.’or the practice of theii- profession. Prompt attention given to all bu-lness ... ui'itte i to their charge. They wil! practice la the coat ^les of Cumberland Harnett, Sampson Rot.’C-on and LJladea. Aug. -Z, 185f>. $j. LdVKRI) HLIiRlDGE, •iftornetf at ’^^riLL attend the (’ourts of Johnston and Saa^- w W son t'ouiities. Soiitbtjeld, .'\pril 15, l.Sot). ^»J-cf PETER MALLETT WITH D. CDLDE.V MI RRVY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 62 jioUTH SsTRKET, A'i, JK roRK Jaly 2'J, 1S58. 3_*. JAS 0. K.MITH. MILES gO:»TI.'f JAS, C. SMITH & Co., Factors, Commission anti For- ivarttius •Jierchants. WILMINGTON. N. C. PROMl’l' attention given to sale of TIMBER. LU.M- liER, NA V ,\L S 1 Ohl^S auJ all kicd» ot Prwduoe. Liber*, aivancements ma i« uu Consi..;uments. Refers to E. P. H.m,l, Prcs't Braneh Rank of ;itate. H. R. 4AVAUE, Cafeh'r Rank Gape Fear. Juux Daw son. Esq. April -o, I8o?i. 6-1 T JOHN M. CLARK, Commission vS: Furwardini^ Merclmni, W roN, N. c. nousi^. rAVs;TTt;vii.»,s;, .\. v. Etiit Side nj (h'l “H Sh- ^ ti ft 10 Ddurs \orth of 'h‘ MirUft Ilmnfp. jS • I .Subscriber d(“sir-s through this me- dium to ai-kriowlpiige the liberal pa- trona^a* Id'stnwed ’.pon his House the past year—and a- he h iS jnst (■r^'cted .N'etv Stables RJid ('arri^i^re Shed ciiveiiii-n! to the ilouse and to water he takes ple.asure in s.ivirig to his patrons and the pu>>lic generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with trau.^ient and permanent board, and respectfully s 'licits a eot!t:noani’e of tlie liberal pa tronage her.-t‘''’'re received. Every e.xertioii on his part shall be useil to render them comfortable during their ,~oj 'urn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market atl'ords. IV 8HEMWELL. March L’l, 1 8‘i.'> 8'3tf l)i(S. (V SCO'l r .■\VlNi as.'ociated themselves to- getlier in the practice of ' rrTTT |> 1: \ T I ^ T l« 1', tender their i>rofrssional services to this coinmunitv. One or b(,th of them may bo fotind in their Rooms ne.ar the .Miirket luring their regular office hours for the whole year. Since the above a^soc'ation has been formed, it will become necessary for tlu old bu';iness of Dr. R to be closed. ,\ll who oww him will pleasf? call and settle. Those having temporary sets (unpaid for) are request ed to settle with cash or note. Oct _y 59. ’’IH L sabsct ioer has i.emoved to the Stors one door £ East of E. J. Lilly’s, where he hopes to meet uH his ol.l friends and to make many new fricadi and ist.iners G W. I GOLDSTON. August-j:). i8.:s 40tf \orici:. ^JE.VLED Proposals for the Stewar I’s Hall at Floral College will he rec- ive I until the first Saturday in December next, v.-hun an election will be held. .^l. C .'IcN-VlR. Sec’y. 'jl*tlstSD. Nov. .'i, ISG8. O. l!OUST().\ t >l'Ll) inform his friends and formercustomers w w that he may be found - doors below the Cape Fear Hank, and ; dioirs above h is old »tand south side Person Street, wiiere ke intends to keep on hand, Harness, Saddles.. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing bolijntciiiL'- tohis trade. H« respectful ly invite-^ his 1 rierid"! irom the country to call and ex amine h: s st ock before purchasing. He wiil attend t.) Repairing ot Harnessand Saddles punctunlly, and hie charges shall be moderate. He would re jiicat ail indebted to the tirm of HOUSTON iOVKRiJi to r^ctrle with W, I'verby or himstlf, as they are comp.ftli* ; > se'tle the firm’s debts. \UgUSt iAt't. tf COl I’ON ilOM)S I'OR SALE. ^ IH L Western Rail Roadt'o. have for sal* in amo«»ts to suit purcha-ers, S'jO,K»o Ilf the (’otipoti Hondi of tli« County of Cuml'srlaiid, bearing 7 per cent, interest, {>ayabl« semi-annu.ally on the 1st June and th« 1st of Decem ber, and running li*' years. S'.M»,UtiO of the 'oupon lionds of th« Town of Fayetteville, bearing C per cent interest, payable ienii- annually on the 1st January and the lit of July, aid running l!0 years. These hi)uds were i>«u* 1 in accordance with law to the Western Rail R^a l ( 0., to pay the County and Town sub.->ctiptioni respectively. Person* l.mving money will tind these bonds (at the price the Co. is •eiling them ' a better investment than any Rauk Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. R. M.VLLETT, Esq., Pres’t or to J.\(J. >1. RO.''E, Treas’r Western R. R. Co. Fayetteville. Feb’y 2p>. 1''5''. BWif LF I'n:KL(>II\s IJNE. ^.^ILL five [u-"nip W W Produce. Nava. ■itten: 1^:1 to Si’o of Country !t 'res an ] f •ti"ii. A'jtnl J'jt liutK uud Orr»it 4 Lvi* vf Bifitt. ■ \ugu-t 1'.*, 808. :')'^tf W. H. TURLING-TON, ‘iHe Luiimiuskiu ML'rcliaiil, So. 4 Norm Water St., WiLMlNtiTUN, N. C. rf ILL give his prompt personal attention to tue gale or thipnient of ali Conb;j;aiucuts of Naval •■Mol es or otner Country I'rouuce Nov. 8. i8ji>. tf JOSEPH liAlvEil, Jr., A M TCI K A E V A i' I. A W , AS taken an otlice next door to Wm. B. Wright's Law otlice on Greeu Street, ilc wi,. attend and practice in tlie County and superior Courts of Cum- Oer.and, Riaden, Rjbosou aud ;:}ampson. ■March - i, IS-ji. 7Vtf THO. C. F(7LL£:H, .ittornvy ttntl t'onnseitor at Littiv, OtFlLE at E»cics's Liridye, recently occupied by James Baiiiis, Esq., iay»iteviiio, N. C- I jany i, iQ-'jl. I inter (Jala on (Jon.'>i^/unc/it. I S ilL.S. LN.\ilXED svl.'ii'ER »>.vlS, just received and tor sale oy Oct'r ‘.i-?. j^TE.VMER “F.\NNY” leaves Fayetteville every Monday and Ttinrs lay morning, at 1» minutes after .^un-rise; and Wilmington Tuer-iay and Friday, at o’clock.—carrying passengers and freight. Steamer ■'.'^OUTII ER.N'ER,” with a full complement of Flats, makes ona or more trips per week, as cir- cui.-ist iiicos may require. The accident to tlie Steamer “R(>W,\N” will be re paired in a few days. She will then take her place in the line. T. S. LUTTERLOH. (.)ct’r 1, 18.')8. 61-tf TIBi: I.BVriS IWKi» H A TOli! ri;t;r RKf* i.s hi; vNFnun. rompounitod Piillroly from tr;>IS, IS ONr TIIK lU: I uirLNi-:> i.nw niil-l»»r II not o!il> //• I .'T ihHT 1 It - M Mvi r !. JAS. ii. COOK. 58- IM R«;\TnE AM) LIVFR MB tlie tb«t artu as » Cuthnrtits^ riijs! il.nii fttiv other nn*iiicliie ki»«»vrn. fc/!»'*» te>nv ly, He i;r c first on th« I ii '’*1 *u>rnn ]. and ih 1- •rijph'iliinkr two purp» «*freotii- P-iinf jl f* *t..: Kh • erjfi.re.l in ihe ih '•> Il tho ut the *»me K’. l nrh*-tt tnken (lit'ly ii. ttioii*>rate loi>es, iil-t it lip w.ih rapi'iiiy r i]i»* • prill' ijml re^'Tilat'-rn of 4h« pt‘'-rnrinH ii^ NnirtjejtiP w^ll, nili^ oevelypf-i. *ti ihe h«nlthj action *>f ih* Rnr-e of it*'^iniriioTit wh«»nth« Hre Ht fflult. tlie nj.;]* >f one TKftn~ the I.«|Ter~ For tie of ilint or* nm1e it hi« U> a »o fitnl loine rfmeilT nkHh> 1rt Ai>Ketnent« to whicn vhen It •ifliH'bie 1^'ucioru* +1 Ap ^ f rwii IIW8S iiwui r. t. .4 siivs sTcst, Ja. I'ay*tl€ville, m.'H tW ypd LAM) FOK SALi:. 3 \m ilesirous of seding A'HIK"' OFJ.vND « ui the t’ounty of Robeson, two miles from Ran lalsviiie P..^;t t HHce. There is o;i the tract a comfort able DU hLLI N( i anl all nec.'SHny n.it house-', also. Siiw and tlrist \lill, 'otto>i Gin .and Press 7) acres ele.nred and und'T . iittiv ti on ,Vll t'lf I'nct is fine farming lain! No better pla •! cin be fiuiid for a 1 urpentine Stili. 1 o rt raoa who wishes to make a permanent resi l.Miee, tins is a lino di inc.j. .Mor il neighborhood; churches an I s, |,,joia convenient. If applied for soon a bargain will be given. J.\». G. COOK. Oct. 18, 185id. 55tf ’^irnHcIi is .*{ iHult. n.tler* in c"ti«eiinencf ••♦•av* i to «l«' its ilutj ot.e «'f tlie pn>)»ri pra«*iicf* of in*'te th»%n tw« !-ty whet^witli to •iiunterR' l Iho it i-* hnMe. T'» pr«n f t)iallhi«» renif-!y is blei \«itli Ijlvft'r Com* hfu hrjt Ui tiy a ie, hi,.) Theiie r**nio»r ni, ‘“ybteni fnipply in*^ iti *h- tnvi>f-»i ntit.if tlif ht niA. *> |>iirlfyliiu tli‘ lilood, wh'»|** niHchr.*-! v, i* •. > ’ elTr. 'o.c H riu\.rA\ .• Ililloiis )ifta’WM H' t>« t t« r, |»i*r\ « Ilf • l. hj |jlV4 ■* 1n% l{4»rafoi'« i »lic «h''' mUT -> *•!* aii‘l pie\■ -t i!i»* !• 'f ni *1 ly -Hf I« ‘•r tilKrU l>t-: niarV. Oiilj one il'i***’ tnkm fit gently, hjuJ i'os* Otm* do>«* taken ’ ' *n*r -luM' of uv - tr:i 9l‘k Ol.r iniuh (Hktili for ft' •iius** f)f t]i»‘ Hrtij i Mily one 'i'jHe iinnu-'liat#*! \ 0?tr’Mfti'lJ n-p* Htrl is >loi'llii4, Hiitl H ptevinliv«‘ utiiy one hot»l»* i« lh«* etlfct»« of hottio tnken t’> or nniiMlurHl t’olor Otit* «io»e iHkcn H «l»orl IfOr to the Hpp«*tilf. at.tl innk#- »i.e lo-e «*ftfn rrp**at«-i| rtira in it« w(*r*»t llowcl romplHiiitff >iehl >hi* or t wo iic«e‘» ctin*^ at ChlMreti ; iht-re >•> :* ■ iLe worM, ft** it ftrin A few boUlt-a cfJtes ftbyorln-iits. We thke ple»i«nre in rernm- pre^entlre tor Kfcvrr niut »nd all Kc*vers ‘>1' a Hil- with certainty, and tboa^un(i6 woTulerful vir^iieii. All \tIio It nre thrir niiaiilmons ientlinonv favor. Water In lli«* tnoiith with th« g^oratcir, aiifl w\%all»w lo^etlier. THE LIVSR INVIGORATOR IS A SCIKNTIFI' MKDICAl. DISCI iVKRY, *iil t« l»tlT Working cure*. Hlmon too ^^liere. It cnree »• if bj ei^n the if“tr f/n tnjy anil »e|lf»m more ihwi oii«* bottlti iH leqniiel to ciiru an}' kind of l.slv«‘r i'omplaint, Trom ihi* wotst J-iunU-e or to r i n»mon H9\i»iache. all of wbicli are the reonlt a iJlMeaKeci l^lver. PUirr ONK DOLlAK PKR BUTTLI. Dr. SANFORD, Proprietor, 'Ait Bro»4w*y, NfW Yoffc JUMltd b7 all DmfglvH, Said atio ftl ]n foinid. %ny person troti- piHllit, in any ot it« forms, -MivicijnTi certain, tuoriiiti nr l.a«J niAtter from l-la. e a healthy of bil©, ‘a'if:n(f f'M'd to di>r«*fct ^ell, and health tu tha the cause of th« di»eaiie~ fu-ient to reliere the itoniach r*tiiinK. pie\etU niiflit, Ii'otens th« liowelt tl\ riir«)t. -:..'hI will i-iiie l>^«p«'|i(la will reii«T« male o‘ •ti tn tlon remo*©e tba mAke*^ a i-* -r«*ot ruie. ( tiollc, while a .T¥ cnv« lor ( liol«ra ot i'li4>h*ra. T cr iftl to throw nnt of tb« rint* at'it'r a loii|; ^i«.’kne»>s •In lenioTes all tal from the skin. time before eatinff givea ri foMl diK^**t ^cll. I'hroiilr Olai^ while S 11 in in e r and Hln.« •*1 to the firj't dohe iM k» canned )«y Worms io safer, or speedier remedy in l>ro|»sy* by excitin^f mendinp this medicine as a A^iie. I'lilll Fever, loU4 Tvpf'* It operate* are willii.^ U) t^^tify U> it« LAM) FOR SAI.K. subscriber offers for sale TWO HU.VI)RKl> *L .\rRKS of L \N1>. l3’ing in the count; of Robe son, on the Kast side ('f Long Swamp, adjoining the ‘ Lands of A. Leach and others. This land is well adapted to Corn, Cotton, Wheat and Oats—very little j cleared—and well Timbered ami iy near the Wilniinz- ; ton A Charlotte Railro.ad; those wi«'iing to putchas' ■ said land by calling on Mr. McCormick who li-^es on j the premises will take pleasure to exhibit it or give | any information if desired; a bargain mar be had if : applied soon Terms moderate —for further p.irticu- lars address the subscriber. Gibson’s Store, Richmond | County, y C. A. S. McNKILL. Nov. .5, f»l*Ct-p’t-piL j 'FO IH RCIIASFUS. 1 «»f :il! kiu(l«: Ii«‘uvy ' . H.ARDWARL:; IKiLLOW-W\RK; nkgro SFIOKS .\NI) BL.XNKETS: S.AU- 1>LKRY. (.some verv fine Mex ican:) SOLK LKATHKR; F'ine atiil (’oinmon TOR.\C(JO; ■And in fact, % very complet# Stock of (Joods in ray line for sale low for oash. (Jive me a call. G. W. 1 GOLDSTON. Oct. .30, 6'jtf s rA G i: I) IU VI: rs \v aTvf f T>r ^■IWO or three skilful and sober Drivers will meet H. with employment and good wages on application to tho subscriner. A'on* l>u( tul/tr men neeii dpplt/. M. M«K1NN0N. Fayetteville, Oct. ‘J8. .0H-4w THE HOrSH-KEEPKIfS BLESSING, Horrick’s Patent Carpet-Sweeper, I I^XllIlUTEb. and orders received for the same, at ' J G. & L. RRANDT'S, ; Hay St., Fayetteville, N. C. i Oct’r 2*'. 58- ■ NFAV AM) CIIFAP (iOODS. JAMES KYLE II.V.S receivecl a Large and General .'Supply of mev fioons. Boots and MIioom, Hats, llolt- iiijf C'lotli!«, A:o. .Ml of which has been purchased by the package for cath\ all of which is ofT'ered at the lowest market price by wholesale or retail. Oct. 14, 1«.')8. .54tf TIN PLATE, tihc'Pt 11*011^ Iron Wire, COOKmo KTOVi> AlfO Tl’V-WAKE. .\lways on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. HOOFIXG. GCTTF.Riy(r, I And all kinds of Jobbing, 'ione at short notice, by C W. ANDRKW.S. Market Square, Fayetteville. July y. ‘J7- ' A PROCLAMA ri(X\, his Excellency, Tho.M.AS Hr.AOO, (So»prnor \ of Sorth Carolina. ^^rilERE.^S, it ha« been represented to me that V w one .Archibald McDoucald. lato of the County | of Cumberland, did on tbe 27th day of February last, i in said County, kill and murder on* Thomas Munroe, j and that the said McUougald is a fugitive frmi justice, and has escaped beyond the limits of this i'tate. j Now, to the end that the said .\rchibald McUougald | may be arrested and broQght to trial for his said of fence, I do hereby ipsue this mj Proclamation, off'eriiig ! a Reward of Two Hundred l>(dlars for his apprehen- I ■ion and d«liv«ry to tiie SheritF of (’umberland County. DKSCRII'TION. •McDougald is about fifty years of age. of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, has a scar on the face near one of hi. jaws, weigh* about Ibo or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given uniisr my hand and th« Great Seal of [l. •■]the State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of March, A. U. 18i8. By the Governor, TH08. DRAWti. Pt LASKt Cowi wa, Pr. Bec’y. March 1"). 9Stf I'OR SALi: OR RF.Vr. A CONVKNIKNT I'WKLLING IlOl’SK. on liay mount, iiear Mr. J C Thomj s"n's Fur parji- culars eiKjuir# of.) G. .'^Uepherl. Ksj . or A M. (WMPRKLL. May 7. '.'-tf COIM’FR, riN. vV sm'JVr-IRON .n IM I' ArTOKV. MMITINF. still continues to m-vnufac^ure Gr. 8c L. BRANDT, WVtolpsalp antt Krttiil MPealers in STAPLE AND FAXCY DRY GOODS, Clothing and F'urnishinfr Good.'; lioots and Shoe?; Hats and Cap.; Trunks; Carpet acd Valises; Ihirdwarc; Cutlery; (Jrockery; Musical Instruments; Itnportod Ha- vanna anu Principe fie>:nr?; for sale by tho l?ox only A large assortment of Negro IJlan- kets, Mackinaws,&e. &c. (’’omprisine in all one of the largest, handsomest and the most thorough assortment of Goods ever exhibited in this market, and will he sold cheap for Cash, or on time to those who pay their accounts a; first presen tation. Our friends and the public generally are very re spectfully invited to give us an early call and secure a good bargain. G. .t L. RRANUT.' South side Ilay St., Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 18, 1858. ' 5t-tf TIIF Si;HS(’RHrKR ^I'^.AKF.S this Tnethod of informing the public that he 1 has taken the Store recently occupied by .7. iJavis, one door below J. W. Lett’s and opposite the t'ape Fear Rank, where he will be ideased to see all his friends and customers. If« will koep constantly ou hand a good assortment of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, I HARDWARK AND CUTLERY, PROVISIONS AND LIQUORS, j Which he will sell low for cash or on time to punctual j customers. J.VMES W. SELLKRS. ! Fayetteville, N. C., .A.ug. 31, 18GS. 4l'- ‘ NEW FALL AND WI.NTER DRY (JOODS. i ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr., ' U.\S received and is this day receiving a Urge and ' desirable i STOCK OF Cioaixs. embracing all the newest st; 'es of | Ladies Dross Goods, Clonks, Shawls,, Basques, noiinets. Ribbons, Floweib, - aud 'JViniininirs, f)t’ a!) kinds. FOMi \ very desirable ■•■toc’c of Ready-Made Clothinir. Cloths. Cassi- nieres, \ estinjx. Hats, Caj)s, Hoots, Shoes, Uiiibrellas, ^^:c. Together with many articles not deemed nee«s»ary to enumerate. .\11 of which will I c offered low for C.V.^H, or on time to such as pay when called on. ALKX. JOHNSON, Ju. T. W.\JH>n.L Mas taken chargo 'f the FAYl'/rTFViiJj: L. With efficient aid in tho litV.*rent depart ments, andhis own supervision of tlii i'iiiirc il( JEst:iblishment, he h'lp s to give satist'-iotiuri to the Patro ns of the House. Sidf Raleigh and Warsaw fnur-hor'e line.' vf Staores arrive and ilejeirt from this llnusc U.uiy. ami tlio .Salem Stage Tri-weekly. Fayetteville, N. C , Oot'r 1, 1''•'>8. &l-;lin I SFFFL Ali rirLFS.~ I^'^LUID. oil and L.-ird L.-iini Rrittania and Rrtiss (' indU -ti(;i;!j; Superior Steel Siiuifer'; Rrittania ('a.ti>rs, Tea rot> and Cidfoe Pots; Rrittania >POt)N.'> and LADl.l'S; Rrittania ('omnituiion Sets, Cin't'. ts ;uiil t'ups. Tinned Iron Spoons and Ladles: Planished Tin (’nlVee Urns un 1 l’.:t>. Tea P.its. Oyster ar. 1 I’.eef Steak Dishes. :ind Dish ('..vi.r*; WAITI'RS, of all size- anil s'.ape FINK St’lSSC'll.'^: laii^e for ciiitir.g, .small for embroidery: ll.'iznrs and P"cl;ut Knives; Basiiit'tsi! ISa»ki‘ls! for all purposes; Tiai. i.v: Iron and Stone M.Ttar,-: Stone Crnek.-: fin Ware; Cedar Tut'S. Pails, •'liiirns ai^I P.owl-;: Counter .''e.'i'I s, tci wIl'Ii 1 *■> ‘JP* lb'; Family ^e.a' e-. tu « t iirli ev. i v (ninee ti^ •! !'•; (ill!. 1 i] J 1 1"^; Han- and Wire .'eive;; TaVile .Ma'.-; I'l niln i I'o?-! -rs: Dust pans; i nrt I'li Pii.>. Hand and Ti :i lleli -; Music Portfolios; Ladies' W.ir^; P. ixe -: Rosewood Toilet l’.'i\es; Ladies' Leather Raz-^, I'ariri';) White Satin Reads .and White 'ut Re.ids. for fancy work; Porte Monaies, entirely of ' .itlier, a superi 'r av'o'e. Electric Polishing Powder; Roy's .'> l\vs: t’.irksei "'\\ s. .\ great variity of I'ther nsefni .artieie-, to-., teiiioin to m'ntion (,'ome and see I'or v.mr-ieli' it the rock ery Store ” V..'N TII.LINiill\ST. Sept 30. aU-'Jni Fayetteville. N. C., Sept. 20, Ix-ji. 47tf mm FILL STOIR FOR 1858! ST.AKK & W lt,l,IA.\IS, .Vre now receiving their SECOND SUPPLY of itttaple and Fancy l>i*y >>ods>, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOEiS. BONNETS, UMBRELLAS, AND READY-.MADE C L O T H 1 N G , With a great variety of articles not enumerated. This Stock is very large and well assorted, compri sing all the latest styles and patterns, and will be otter ed to Wholesale IJuyer.s on liberal terms, either for “C.\SH” or approve‘1 paper. J. B. STARR.] [J. M. WILLIA.MS. Oct’r 14. 54-tf KXIVFS AND F( :;ks. ^rillTI' HAND, with 2 prung sT:;i;i, FORK.^, •>1 and 1 2o per Si‘t; Do., with 8 [irong do . a' >1 ’^0. •'Si 7;'>. and per set; And a v.iriety of others at 7'> cts to 2 "> > jier set some of which are of si fcnioi? qcaliiv. Ivory handle Knives, witli r-rKi:i. or i-L.iTiLi l';'rks, or .\LONE, ut %3 to i -'O per set "r dozen. For sale at the “CrMcktrv Store’’ ’w. N TILLINOHAST Sept- 2^. •'(> 2111 f- BA ( 'OX. r 1H()1CE North Carolina BACON. L Sides and Shoulders. Got 14 Also, Western C. B COOK. 64-tf The Mjargttt Varria^e Fart or tf in the South! siiA KR PLA ri:i) t1AST(.>RS (18 patterns.) ;ake Baskets. Candle- ' sticks. Cups. Tea Sets, (i >blet>, S[mi >r. Hidd r--, Butter Dishes, Butter Knives. Mo' vs3“> Cu; v, V.ijjk'ii Rings, Tea Bells, Pie Knives. Su;:.ir Tongs aud Scoops, FRENCH FORKS, .1 every thing in the above line, at his old stand on Hay street. .Job work done with despatch. Sept 10, IK.'iH. SUGAR IIOFSK SVRtP. A Few Bbls. e.xcellent S. II. SYRUP. Also, prime stcefC MOL.VSSES. C. B. COOK. Oct. 14. 54-tf FARM FOR SALF. 1 OFFER for sale m3’ PL.VNT.VTION on the East side of (’’ape Fear River, .'1 miles above the ('laren - don Rridge, known is the Toonier Lands, ountaining about 80i> .■\cres. The Plantation is in a good st.ate of cultiv ition. and is susceptible of being made one uf the most protit.ihle Farms in the tJounty. Aldres;* .INo D. ^V1LL1VMS. Esq, Fayetteville, N. C , who is authorised to sell. L. J. HAUGHTON. Oct. 14, I'^oS. .->4tf lU r i'FR \M) ClIi'JLS!: (UST received pr Fanny, a few Firkins of very nice BUTTER, and 25 Boxes prime ('HKESE McK irriiA AND S P 00 N S Oct. 14. prime (' B. rooK. •j4-tf liOOK-IUXDI Bn all its kinds, cT«cut,-d with neatness and de spatch. Small jobs when don« must be paid heforo deliverrl. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Anderbon Street. Mavll 11-lY ('ider \ iue^ar, lor sale bv W li TAJiVER. iwg. 18. *S- ( OOL SPRI\(; MILLS. ^'^HE Proprietors arc prepared to GRIND CORN on J tlie usual t«*rtu3. The liedstead Manufacture is still carriad on at th« same r>!ace. .Jan’y 11, I 8o« 7r.-tf DFNTIS PRV. R. J. DWIS having drci led on per manently locating in the Town of Fayetteville, respectfully otl'ers his services to the cit izens of this place and surrounding country. In al’ the various branches of his I*r.ifes'‘ion, including the manufactur# of .Mineral Teeth, he is sntisfied, after an e.xtensive experience, to which is added a thorough Dental education, that he can giv» entire s atisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregulari ties of the Teeth treatcl in a proper and careful man ner, as well as i.lisea'ies of the m luth. None but the proper metals arc made use of in the various opera tions. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the I’rofession may be placed within the reach of ali who may feel an interest in the prfcservation of the Teeth Othce over Houston’s Jew«lry Store, whc-re be may be found at all time*. May 10, 1868. 9tf ESPECTFULLY informs his friendp and the piiMic, that he has built up large su>>stanti,Tl Br‘ck I?uildings at his Old .Stand, expressly for man ufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the verr liV>* ral patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes tiy strict attenMon to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, 'o merit a continuince of the same. He warratits h^s w 'rk to be m i ie of the best material and by e.Tpefienced w -rkmen in each branch of the business Hi«j work will compare favorably with any made in the Unitrd .''tates. for iK-atness and durability. He is determined to s-11 and do any j work in liis line on as good terms as any work d ne ; elsewhere thit is as well don» He tiow h:is on hand. 1 Finish»;i>, th* L.MKJEST STOCK of i f'(irrins^f s, Ihtroitrftf s., Kock'(tu)fni.t, itid\ Ever ofTere l in this flace, and a very large stock of work nearly finished which will tie finistied daily. .All of which will be soM very low for C\sn, or on short time to puiwtu il customers. He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED .\ND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in course of constructi.>n. .\ll work made by hiiu is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail hy t>ad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to b iy would do well to call and examine tor themselves. Orders thankfully receive land pr impt'y atten b* 1 to Repairing executed at short notica «nd ou very re.nsonabltj terms .Mav 2>, 1H.3:?. f-9 it i is. ^ la'r---J J. W. HAKFR Is now receivinjr from the North tlio largest, finest, and most carefully selected Stoi-k of B'8 ie\3 TI U I' ever offered in this tnarket: which. Me I to his own manufacture, makes his nssnrtinent com plete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers Fashionable [^ainteil cottage bed rooin Fur/iiruro in setts; curleil hair and shuck, and C 'tt'iii \lattr',*sses; Looking Glasses: Willow Wagons and Cri I’es; 'e Bonrds; Bureaus; Secretaries .and Book-’a‘^es; Wlpit- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash .''tands; t’andle .'^taiid-; W ardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; \Vind>w .'>h Ie--; Cortiices; ('urtain Bands; Sofas in Malio'.: iny aii i Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divatu an i ^Uio.~: Chairs of every variety. Fine Ro.sewnod Piano.s, one with ilian At tachment: Roiewood .Melodians, from the best m-.nu factories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will bn iold at New York prices—freight only added. 8ept«mber 2. 45-tf I of ull sizes, *^For «ale i.ow at the ••( 'rockerv .-^'.nro ! W V TILLINO'II VST. t Sept’r -M n> _’m ' ro Li: \ \.. Si'HE 'ool .''prine FA'OlL\ iMISIDl.N 'E. w;tli tlm ht premises an 1 gardeo .itta-^ed. iaie:\ , o. .; I j by Mr. T. 'tVaddii!. App*y af the H 'fe] i Oct'r 2. '‘I tf PI IU \ L\X (.r \ NO. t j '1IF> undersigned has n.,tde arraii.ie ■ ents by vvriieh f he is prepared to furninh a' short notice. Miiy ri- quired ijuantiry of i\o. I Peruvian >iiiano, ali of which will be fiom ‘I'.rect iniportatioi int... the Port ot WilniiKiton. and w^irr inte i pure ^iii I -1 imi:;. ■ (>rder.' for the above cxei lienr I'erti • r ii e ?••• ;e;‘ e l. to wl.ieh p.rompt attention will be given .As this is an article whieh does i^ot 1 bui' ;i’ he'",- sold ou time, cash or its eijuivao.it ino-i ii .10'';iiy each or ler. BI.\'h'’L\ I. 1 Julv 2''.if FILL l\il UiVi.'iL Aew ^iluotls! A('>v J. c. poii: Is rtce;vin;r the l,:uL'”'^t 'Joi'-: of !*)>(a|>i«: and Ever l.iefore 1 tier I tiy him. vvlrch cin'irara >i tiiw L.\ll.ST STYLES OF Ladies’ & Geiitlemen’s Dress Goods. \mong them will he fourel,— KH’H SILK AND DEI,.\INi, PATTEi;SS, -d th« lat. ,'t ‘^tv’.e, A large lot I'RENfH MEHIVO'. t / ,t,.T wi-!i ev-ry sh;id« of .''OLID I'i.L.Vl Nh.'. .1 : wool ■\ large a- "itinet^t d' i-reneli. iiid .'.nierican PRINTS, DER\;i;.'. in I ''ii g'«' is f.r Tr.iveilinc Die^ - \ .0; oi 1IA.\D.'0\|;-, 1,\liil.oII LRli:s. A great variety il I.; d. ■' ! I ;.S r, 1 i i.o \ BONNETS, r'relieii K ! 11'1C 1 \ L;:, Ull-i-.ON,-^ \ liiiiidsoiiie stor!; ■ Sit t:fijf~ma4le ^'ioihi, II A". ' t VI'S, !!0’•rs ar. I '.;0 ' VS NEi!!o 1!L.\!■ KI’.T.''. ard a ' oihe;' jro.iJs l>i-: '’if; !!-: to a 1'r;,-Go i.ls St ,i.-. \;1 the citizen.', and e.-. r h ■ Iv th i* ''i-it' tli ■ •. 1 I'oun. will c nf.T a fiv ,r b c i ;i tiie -ao-T ' • r a:. 1 looking ;li-i;gh his -t whelhev taev ! ; or not. J i' Sept. 2’J. l.^*'^. t, -Jni MAS ;>)»)■ ^ ; H E suhscrib'Ts a lor't t!ii- ro'-tii "i ,f i- 1 >•. ■: their fii»i! IS :an i ?h‘- li'’ : er •. ; ’ -••• are nos. receiving into >torf a vety ' i ' •n ' ■.‘-nen s r t c K OF (. o o l> .. EMKR ii n 4M - i{ 1 HARD WARS, CUTLEIIY, SADDLEIiY, tV?'.- 4V«’. .\ll of which they are d: [. . tj .'11 f 11^ profits f .r e.ish, or «n the u-m .1 t.oie lo re-|. .'.-. o purchasers who are in the h ibit if p ivin.: GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. July 1858.

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