SEMI-WEEKLY MM FAVKT'rEVlLLE, N. C., NOVKMl’.Kli j:>, I8:>S. rni lisuAVs. .V SON. t . !.1_\ ' >!(-! i \ Ki:>> i 1 ill - : ■ill il jir-.iil luriiiL^ lilt'vivir ipf subscrip- 1 111 t. r I lu“ y -:i r lias h \ v; ri" I. . \ *ii> C'.i I'K -V J ^H pi'I 'iiiiiiiui, i f' piiiij ill - '* it p.ii'l luriiiLMI't' vp;ii- ,if siitisi'rip- ; i"' il'liT tin; viMV litis oxjiirt'']. SiMl'N TS iiist'Vt.'.l sixty i-ciits por ' : I- ti.i- ;ii r, .u l tliirly . ;•llt^ I’mi- Luch pi‘- ■ks; rsi:iri. ^■^Lril*. Mil ;i!il L:iivl l’'ritt;ini(i mtmI llrn-s ('•m Ihwti Sii[)« ri.'f St.'cl S!iiit!iT>; llril ti Ilia rs. l’ot' :unt t’olloe !‘ r*r.itiiii:i . I’lio n:i,t 1, \ ULD.S; I'rillniiiti ('('iiiniu’.iii'ii Sots, (Mib'u ts :iiul Cups; li"i Sp -ii' iii'l 1. lies: its; IMH'i ri:uii>lu’.l Tin ' ; i\ s(.-r Mil'! litM'f \V \i ri- US. ,)t H'.i: hi- I’ots; 'overv; : Ml •'■ration. i.ivcrti~fnu‘iits)i r u I'. rL-;>si'ivihK‘ r:iti‘S. Ai|\fi lisoi s uro •,1 ; 't;ilf till' uiiiii! ’.'r il i iisim li.'ii!« .losiroil, or , C"lltillU*‘il ti ■ I tu! h'.tJ. uji'l i;liuru,P'l :u'Ci>Vii- >r'i-' iiu'ntd to iiisfrto.l \i:\i Fiini nil \i;\i iiiioii^. Imvo t'Hiiii' : t '.II ttu'i'hip nii icr I n ;!ii' oi i.OLl>s i’()\ I l i.I.KIi. t-r Il iHifTO (ui'l w. Vi s.'ii'i tt'l sl..i:k /. I IS. U. 1 iC L> It.!/; ^ 11 - It 1 A’ A'. ,-i . ' >// '/ -- riA'A'. >7//.7-77.\ .V icii llii'y ci’iI tlif attention 1' tlieir frieniN mil ,-IS ;.i‘ii''r;i: V St 're uiii- 'l""i' Kist t' II \ K, i !’ .*■. I'. :ni'l i>isli si/.i's :iii'l Ji'ipi's Sdi!S; bii'iH' cuttiiig. siiinU iVji-eiiiin'i : li*Ty; ll.-izoisi :iinl Pocket Knives, t'. l' fl’’ ; 11 [■ . ■ : Ir- i: !Uiil St,'IK- M'lri.irs; Stouo I’ri'ik.s; 1 ill Ware; ir 'I’lihs, I’ails, (iinrns ui i I’wiwls; (’ouiitlM- S'-lU'S. to WOitrll i tol! |0 Ills; Family S'alcs, to wci^rli every oiiiicf to t Hi; ' 'tia l i)iis; Hair ami Wii'i' Si'ivi's; I’aiiU' Mats; I'catluT l.'iisH'rs; Unst I’aii-; 'iii t: 'ii I’iiis; I'ami 1 n 1 I e.a IW I's; I’orlI’lilitis: I.a'iifs' W r!; Ilox, U'ls^wooil '1'oiU‘t r>'i.\t‘s: I Jliiit's' Leatlii’f lla^s, |larife:) Wiiit- Satin li-’ atiil U liiic I'ut, l'»r I iiu'v woik: ’'ifto .Moiiaii' . i-'.it-.rely "I' I' ailu”', i suiiiTinr avlicle; KlO' tr’e l’olisli!i).jr I’ .wilcr: I?"v 's S.iws; ‘'oi k'i'rt’ws *:rf it variety i.*' ;itli. r uss'iul arti''U-s, ino te.lious II lii»-iiti ti t ' lne ati'i see I' l .'Ui s"! ,.t t i f ' •!' r>)ck rv Store '• W.'.N 1 1 LLl.\'(i 11 .VST. Sept oO M U:?i \olire fo Nollier«^ IVilou>. '51II!'' \\ iil'iws ol .\lexican SoMitrs, iiml the Willows • >t'S.i'ilii IS \vho Mil' ll IN ii KvicK in the war of e iTi h.ive their pi-iisioii.s e'>utiiiue'l l>y c:illinjr on ti.e iinilci ,sij:Tie,l_ Coi L'res-i liavin>r mu le iiilJitionnl provision tor them (iive tni the ui-vii iH'^'inciit o( your claims, uiiJ the lu ‘ii;.\v .-hall e,,me >it inoe, (;r n . char^rr JN(» M KOSI'l, Agt. I'or l‘euuioug. l'\iyetfovilli>, June I'J, I!S')'. I'J- r. i:. r.oiiNs’n:ivr, • for 4'iiirherui^'''s /*ianos, Of which he iways some on li/iiul Wilmiiigton. N. Oot'r ‘J, liSod 51-lypJ 'vvvi)\ ^ i rijj:!;, At(ornt‘v.s ;'nd ri)!iiiselli)r.s at Liw, g^^OlSKiri' K TI!()V an.l .lolIX IV \vi:s'n-:u\ u \u. koad. ■ van* aravnv » '’i 0.., ir. c\ V Kl'LLKR. havi) practieo of their ON ami after Momlay, 2l!J ilay ot Noveiuher. the Frei'.'lit Train will run 1!I'.'-1'[.\ I! l.\' fietwei>n Fivyetteville ami McClenahan’H Station: leaving Fay etteville every iii' :nin/at 7 o’.;l. ek .'Ui.l returniii;' at 1 o’c'ock in the af'terii'.'in of same ilay. *'onsip:iors are r'' pi. tei| f) s?ti I tickets with arti cles, statinsr consignee, lestiir.tion, >\e w ,\ Kri'Ki:, ('hief i;tij;’r X Sup’r,. Whenever the amount of frcijiht m.iy re'piire. an extra Train will leave I'ayetteville an I return in tlie al'ternoon. Nov’r ‘-'‘J. C5- Ll ITKULOirS IJNI-: t'>rine | an assoi-i.i imi for *he prele.S'i-ii 111 Kolies in I 'Hiiity I'ht.- t.,rmer will also at'eti * ;'ie I'oiirts of lila'Ien aii l »''ihiiiitius: the latter will ak'O atteiiil those of i'umlierlaiiil. The t iiiice in l.iiaitmrt -u will l e kept open at all times. Jan'v 1, Isjs; SIDNEY A. SMITH. MtortM'v .‘iiiil 1'ouii-(‘llor al I^uw, ^Sn:MWSi:!,K IKMTSE. /'-isf Sill': n! (Irren Sh'ii'f. n h w Ihmr\ \urth n/ fill' Miriit IliiitSf. HIF Siibscriher ilesires tliroucli this ine- iliuiit to ackr.ow!f>ilge the lilieral pa- fronace liestowo'l upon his House the j ast • eir—.m l us he h is just erecteil New Stables aii'l • ’irri.ire Sheil convenient to the Koine and to water he takes pleasiirt; in saying to his patr"iis ami the piih i,' jrenerally. th;it he is still prepareil to accotn- ni'ulate them with transient anil permanent hoaril, ami lespe- ilully s ilieits a continuance of the liberal pa tronage her-'tofore receiveil. F.very exertion on his part s!:all be useil t" reii'ler them comfortable ilurinj: their sojourn with him. Mis t:ible is always supplied with the best the market afforils. r. SHKMWELL. 'larch - I, 18'>5 80tf ). sfous'roA T OL'LI) inform his frietnJs anJ former customers SriIOOL RUOlvS FOR THE I XiON. A S IJAllXKS vV ( ), 51 AND 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. Pi i!i.isiii:iis .ni) wiKiLiisii.K r.(i(ih'i;i,i.i:ii>. WiH I.I) INVITE .\TTKNTHIN T(' TllK N A r I (> \ A L S i: K I 1: s —OF— NTl.MllSn NdlOOh BOOK'S. IM liY THKM, .AMONi; WIlH'll \I;K 77in ^itlioniif Si'Jiudl lirmlfm, in ;’) .\".s , and I 'run miito mj Sj.rifrr. Price 25, cts. iiinl ^1 Sp.e'.i*. ' 7”) cts. iiinl lly Richard (.1 1‘aiker, A M , of |l.,st ,u, :,ui Mailison Watson, ol New Vork. These are the latest reading book.s yet l.rouzlit and il is confidently believed surpiir(.s all oi'iers in "ener.'d plan and arranijement. beauty of illnsrrations aii'l tyiioeraphy, chavarter of «electi m-;, and 'i laiiia tion to the wants of schools Thev are air • iv in ex cts i J ait. that he may be found 2 doors below the Tape | ti'n.sive use in the I'ubHc Schools of New \ ..rk. i: ^tkami.r “Fannv -MomJav and Tl.urs la. w. Fl'i.I.EK ► -1 Mi \rW F\M. \M) WINTKK DRY ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr., II ' ' ru'civc'.i and ; this day rcceiviiii: a lariie and I B. ic'irablc STK K OF (;OOI)S, cnibracint; all the newest style- ■! !.J ;1C' iM'f'SS ( I'Aaks. Sliauls, It'S. IJoiificts. ivililioii.'. rifiucrs. ;uul I riiiiminus. >t :iH kimls. to it u \ very 'iesira >!e st'-'k of Kr-.i'lv-Madij ('lolliini. Cloths, (.’asisi- 1; \ (‘.^tiiiL^ 1 lals, Caps, >liois. I iiibri 11:*'. Ovc. ' .'■•■th'T with iii'iiiv artic'es not iceiuc'l iiecessarv k.VUI'.S \.\l) I'OKKS. HITK H.\N1>, with 'J pi'onjr sikki. FOIIK^, at > 1 and I ’J'l per Set; 1*0., with prong d. , at 5^1 u'l. >1 7*>. and per set; .\nd ;i variety o;' otliers at 7'> cts to 2 oO per srt: nu' of whieh are ;:f -i i>i \i.iiv. Iv -rv han l’e Knivs, w'tli '!i'i:i ■>: im.aiko Forks. U/"ILL attend re^'iil.'uly iho (''lunty and Superior ('oiirts Ilf Wake. •! diHstoii. ('uiuberlami, Har nett, .tnd U'il.,011 \I1 till iiiess entrusted to his car« will rcccivf pr .iiipt attciiti'iii. • lan'y U. 7t>-ly Mr. K. ill.\4'K, FFli I, Front l’.ooi>i>, over Dr. S J. Hinsdale's ( hcrui.-t an I Dru^ .store. Ftb'y 7, ! - O' . 7ti If WKKillT A: ri'LLt:!!. Atloriil'vs aiiii l^'oiui'ellors at liHW, ill**, ■. or \i.(i\i . Fer S'll 'Cpt. ut ti ‘ -It the -1,1 '.'k,- ■V >t"r TlI.l.lNuH AST. Go 'Jni (H' - ll.KMKSr FUl-LHll the j.r ■.•tiei 1 jliveii t'.' a ' ' II will pr.'ii'ti' e ii Sampsiin Auir - t., Ul’li.IlT at. l t; MITHOLOMF.W have .'iss.iciate l themselves toj;cther fur f their i r 'fi—-ion. I'rompt attention C'iiiiai e i t . their charj:a. They 1 t.n- c i'aatu"J of (''I’uberlaud , Haruelt, ll' ''fs,jn and Iba len. 3y- t' wiiietl wi ’ ’ 'jH iUl'Ii us jiav when cai ei '!i Al.i \ •.i'). Is-. i I''w ! ir 1'A.'' 11. lUlNS • N. .Jit. I7it ■iteviile. N •' , S>'p i.KI.M) I’ILL NTOIK roil 1H.)8! s r VKK vV W ll.LI \ \is. \ri n'lW receivinir their >NI> Sl’PI’LV of ^laple and I’aiioy llry ■ \TS. r\l>s, l>,i)oT. slfoKfc. I’.oNNFTS, . Mr.UKLI-AS, and Iti:\DV-M\I'K r Lo T H I N 1; , a ::reat V'lriety ''f ir^^ es n .t enunier.ite 1. - St' i k i' very 1 tree an'l w" .^s 'rte l. c .nipri- iV t!;e !;itC't 't^ C'-: 1 - r;.s, ; iw'lbe iler W:. lU'sale I’liiyer- i.n r i' t'T’i pit ,er f"r - ;!'■ 'f :ppr"Ve 1 pa* er. : ■ s i Mill J ' .1. \|. U II.1,1 A MS ■ 1 I. ' 'J-tf \n\v diooD.s ^ iihacribprs adopt tliis nietli 1 of inf"rmiiie ■ ■ : :.iends and t;.- i -.ibl’c irener.i'i.y ; tliat tlu j. '• w receivinj: int'^ st ire a very la^tre and peneral ' S’l'OCK Ol' (.(M>J)S. FMl’.RAriN!; ii 1C ov e: ic ids, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, A: «•.. A.V .. A •. A. •; which they are disposed t'l »c!l at reasonab'e : • !' r cash, or on thi‘ u-ua- t.ime ; • re-jmiibib « I’.r wli-i ar« in th'‘ h b t f iiivin.i Gi:u. W WILLIAM.'; .S: ('0. I 1 'J*', 1 1 ■ SIIAKU P ^ i XSToK.-^ 'Is I atterns ^ stii-ks. I'u; s. Tea Sels. ( r.utter Dishe.s. liutter K'.iv.-s. - \'i'):i) Cake llaskfts, Candlc- I b t->, .Spy,,11 ILdders, M., \ .ps. 'il i.ovKiti) !;M)iiii)(a:, 11.L .'iirc i tiie I'-' iifs of .lohnston and Samp- ( ountie .■smitlitu-;.', .Xj.i:! ; y.-if , Pie Kn ves, Su.: ir long Kinirs. i FUF.NCH F (.* K K P 00 N f all sizes. ••I'ri.ekerv .'^t'lre T'.LLlNi.'llAST. Tin: iioi’SK-KKKPKirs Hu:ssi\(i. Herrick’s Patent Carpet-Sweeper, Xlli'aTKD, -.11 1 "f lers I A I tct’r (i. llav V.' i f the L. P.KANI) , Favettevil TIN PLATE, Iron, Iron \Vir', HT>\ l> \\ n TI'S-W \Ki:. .Always "i; han'I. at ^\■h "T lieiui!. i:t>onx;. rrri'Uisc. ,\n'l all kin ls y( Jobt iiijf, 'loi.e al sii'Tt notiee, by •Iiilv y. (' W ANDP.KU: Market S'luare, Fayetteville PETER MALLETT wnii 1). CiiLDHN Ml RRVY. GENERAL COWnilSSION MERCHANT, '.i •_* S *• L . 11 i R i: K T , yt y‘)HK. .iu'.y U.i, 30. JAh- C. hMilH. MILKS rosTlN JAS. C. SMITH & Co., i'aciors^ 0'oitimission and i'or~ ivnrtiin^i' • fierrhaufs. WlL\HN(.iT' N, N. ('. i^Ho\!Pl ',-teiiti .ii-iv.'ii t. sale 01 TIMIIKH. LL'.M- l’>LP, N .\ \' \ 1. S l'( )i; LS and ;ill kinds ot Produce. i..iberal a iv.iiua lacats m i le >11 l’onsi;;nm«nts. Refers t.^ F.. P. li\i.i.. Pres'i IJranch P>auk of St.'ite. II. K .''.vv'.u' . i'asti'r I'liuk Cape Fear. JuiiN D.\w- SdN. ,\l ril J’), 1 ■''i*'. *>-1 V JOHN M. CLARK, Coimiiissiini I'nrwardiiiir .Mercliaiit, ILL ;:i\e prompt attention (o sale of Country es and C.jtton Wl LL ;:i\e prompt Pro'luce, .S.ava! .'^tores and C.jtton A I,./ A All'TUst '.t oStf !eave.s Fayetteville every day niorninir. at I'* minutes after; an i 'iVilminut 'ii I'lics lay and Friday, at o’clock,—carryiu;; p i.-"en^i'rs an ! frei;rht. ^'teamer “SOCT11 LI’>Nl^l!,” with a full conipleinent ot Flats, makes on ' or more trips per week, as cir- cuinst.mces may reiiuire. The acciilent to tlio Steamer ‘-ROW AN" will be re paired in a tVw 'lays. She will then take Ip r jdace in the line. T. S. LCTTKItLOH. . Ocfr 1, IM.'iS. .')l-tf T. ~ Has taken ciiar^fe of the FAYivn'KA ifjj: no i'kl. With eHicient ai'I in the ditl'erent 'lepart- ments. and his o\vn supervision of the entire ijjs F-'t iblisbment. he h ■ - s t . ii've liatisfacliou M to t!ie Patr'iis of th'' House. fcaJl"’ Raleigh aii'l Wars ;w Aiur-Iiorse lines of St-ip:es arrive an l depart from this Il- uso Daily, ati'l the Salem Stajre Tri-weekly Fayetteville, N. C , Oc.t'r 1, 1 ('jl-Sm UKAi, i:sr\ rK rou -Arj:.~ ^^^’ILL be sold, on Wclnesiiv, December -2d, at V W the Market House in Fayettevide, .n PJ o'clock, r' i\ii'TOR\\ containing Kipht .''pinninsr Fratnts and Ten Sets of Cards, with widow Wiiipper and Mckcr. aii'i al! other ii‘arinp bel"nirinr !•) the same, with a first r.itc Lathe. This lot contains Five .\cr-‘s of L-an 1. on whicii arc all of the Out-buil lin^s I ir l.ict ay purp i-e^ 111 1 a lar^re Dwelling; Hoiis.' m l Wcl! ■ f exce'lciit w;iter in tiic yard. .Also, ONK LOT in \:in .Sirc'-t, on whieli are Three Doubltj ||.ius.~ A so, i'lllvLl! lUvi''k Sl'OllHS on Ptrs iri Stie.-t. a ljoiniim Mio C'lp-; Fe ir Hunk let on the F.ast, with a larjre l^o: in the rcir aii'l ' .(iniuo- . diuus Wareb'jiisfs. Here is an opportunity f')r inve-tinir ni'i'iey th it will pay n (fool per cent, on the iove-iirn.n'. Persons wishing tj pujcbasc will b'-' sh- " n the property by calliiiir on the s'lbscriber Terms m.i le k'l' wn on the 'lay of sale. JAMLS K\LL, Jr. Nov'r 1 bijs •)■>- WILLIAM .). IMiK’i:. Mtisfprclor of ,Y(traf Sforfs^ , M //.^f/\frr'KV, X. li^iy'-S'ilicits the !'itr .na^'c of his c'Untry friends and ail oth'.T.s enjrafre I in the Turpentine business. \Val*r Nov'r-J-J. 1^'iH. Cl-ly I . F. M. hizzi:ll ' li K (I C t R A N II (' (I M 111 S S 1 (I )1 K II (' Il \ M I No. ’il' Nokti! Watk.k Stkekt, WILMlNliTON. N C, ' B^ROMPT anl pers"nal attention given ro the re- JL ception of all kiii'ls of country produce, either for sale or shipment. Or lers for jrr iccr’es frani ettst'oner; will re- ! ceive iinme'iiate attention, fV-je of co:nnii.ssions. i Nov. ly, 1>-‘.S. bJ-ly ok- lyn, Albany, New,'irk, Lancaster, and other imi'ortant [laces. JJmlis' Iii’ciaeif Arifhmi'fhs anl Ilhfhtr Mu tfteniiitics. Prices of .Xrithmetics 1-^, ‘io, 4-> an.l 7‘> cents .-\re daily increasiiif: in popularity aii'! circul ition. They re renr.'irded as the most t horoii!/h .ind i'ri'-- tieal of any bef ire the pip'iic. \n cx' e'"ii>.'_''y valii able ad lition to thi.s course has just been m ' !e in the publication of Jjiin'rf,’ / aivemiti/ Alijcbrn, 1‘rirp '2.y. I'I 11 ’ P 4 V lil >Vn l-'l '•All' entirely nev work, desifrned to occupy an inter I, I M 1 IV Iv ► ..\IjIj. mediate place between the author’s Hb'iaentaiy .\i>ie ^j^HL Western Rail iload Co. iiave for sale in amounts bra and l>onrdon. It teaches the .''ei>nce ai. 1 .\rt of I lu suit purchasers, ! .\l}:ebr!i by a logical arranrenient and classitie ifion of ?’_:0,()0U of the Coupon liomls of tlic I'nuntyof ! the principles in Hieir natural or'Ier. a' I l,\ il o-ir it- Cuniberlaiid, bcarinjr 7 per cent, interi st, payable ajijilicafi'iti in an ext‘ii le 1 serie s 'i-. iully arranged and grailed examples. It is Pr.if. Davies' Fear, and i door^ above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep ou hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his tra>le. Tie respectful ly invites his friends from the country to call and ex- aniino his stock before purch.-.-ing. He will atteu'l to Repairing (>f 11 arnessand Saddles punctually, ar.'l his eharjres shall be moderate. He would re [uear all indebtC'l to the tinii of H0L'S^0^. AtOVKKRV to r.fcltle with W. Overby or him-.elt', as they are couipelic'! to settle the tirin’s debts. •Vugust:'';, tf semi-annually on the 1st .lune and the Is! of Decern ber, .'iti'l running ‘JO years. ;Si((l,)UD of the Coupon lioitds of tii« Towti of Fayetteville, bearing j percent interest, payable senii- anniiallj' on the 1st .laiiuary and the 1ft of -July, and running years. These bonds were issueil in accord'ince with lavf to the \Scstern Rail Ro.'i'l Co.. to pav the County and j Town subscriptions respectively. j Persotis having money will find th'-se bonds (at the | priee the C'o. is selling thenn a better investment than 1 auy liank Stock in the State. For terms applj' to C. P>- M ALLKTT, Esq., Pres't or to JNo. M ROSE, Tref.s’r Western R. R. Co. Fnyetteville. Feb^y '2(\, 18-SS. TIh’ i'arrias:*’ i'ttrfovif in the Sonfhi &. >icKiyrsiAA il' I'DU SAI.I', 01; i;i; \ 1'. Horsi;. T riii: SI !is( uiHi.ii .\KLS tliis metho'l of inbinirur.: the pu^.lie. tiiat he !..i'liken the Store rec t-at'.;, : . eui'icl b\ .1. Davis. 1 '.r below .1. W. Lett's au'l >piiosite the Cape I ;;>nk. where he will be rleasr 1 t" -ec all his 11-^ ati'i custoiners. He will kee.: c iiist iiitiy on ! a goo'i assortment of I' ERIBS, DRV 0O')DS, hardwark and CI TLLiIV. PROVISION-; ,\Ni» l.lijroRS. ii !i.: will sell low for c i.-li "f on time t'l jiunetual ,1,JAMi: w SFI.LKR-' * . • :r-vi^le. V. (' , \uar 'II. I ■ i". 1. im !U \l\n (.rw). 1’ilL undersigned has ma le an aiigemeats by which he i- prepare 1 to furnish -it .-h n't n :iee, an\ 1:- ' i (uantity of '^o. I Prrii>i:ifi Miiaiio, w -h will be from lireet irnf' rtat’oiis, into the i ‘ ’ ilmin'."nn. aii'l wari ante 1 ::ure and irenuini;. - r' t'T tiie abiive excellent fcrli.i/c'r are solicit- • Ai ••h prompt attention will be driven \ tl. s is all article whii.'h 'loes m,t admit f being i n time, cash or its e-iuivaler.t must ;-^r 'liii'anv - rler. r.LVKRL^ i:".-;|.;. ‘ - u’y s. G-. & L. BRANDT, ll'holf‘sttlf> anft fSvlail ift'a/rrs in sTArf.t: .!.\7> rt.W')' />/,»)' f;oo/).s, ' at'd l“’.trnis!iiri^r tio el-; H iot-j and Sh'”’-; Hat- and ‘-'ips; Trii!!!: ; (’arpof |>i^'s and \ aii'Os; [lardwiirc; (’iiil"ry; ('rock'r}; Mu^u'i! Iiistniin' tif-; Imp'irTod ll'i- vaiiK-i anl l'rin-.| ■ .''‘oir-; for -a’o by the ii >x 'iiily \ lari.'" airtii:' iit of NV^rn Hlan- ke!, .'laekitiaws, vtc. CONVKNIKNT DWKLld^t. HorsH. on Hay- * w ni'iiint. near .Mr. J C Tii.iMj s .1 a i'.-r ’.' trji culiirs eii'iuirc of .1 i. Sheplier l. I! [ , '.r A M. c.\m]>];i;ll. .May 7. '.'-tf coimm:!;, '!'iN. v.v suij:r-iiio\ ^1 t^MrVTTOISV. 9 .vs MM.TINL stil; eontinues ;n ma:.nfaiture ev. ry thiiii: in tht i'"ve lii.e. at bis .'1 staii 1 on 11 ly Ktreet. .lob w irk d .ne wuh 'U-sji iteh. .'sejit 10, 1>'''H. 1 :!ai lu ] ANi) JU.'^T receive'! j>r Fanny, a few Fii’-;; - .f very nice 15UTTLU, and Roxe.s prime CH LK.SK. W. H. TURLING-TON, l’umnii>Nidji .McrLiimi, Xd. \ .Nortli Wilier Si-, \Vlh.^lL^'(;T)^, N. c. w ILL give his prompt jiersonal attcnti'.n to me -ale I- sinj'Mient of ai; Consignments of Naval ■t ires or iit;;er Cmuitry l’'-oducB. Nov. I,'-'.!;. if Till: II i T a n f I'llKC kKK:' , l i; ' \M ' .1'. roiM{K)iiiil‘l riHlrrly I'roni (il llS, s nNK n!' 1 H L Iii:>r I" \U.\\'W'K \M> LM'Ki: VK Uh’lNKS H'>\v tlit* p«r ..r, tr nt art- h- ^ f,.\ >if!, liiiMei. Hinl t • li • c a* \ f; iMr.iicit.t' ki..-\vti. •JOSiJMi 1 >.VIv 1:^li, i r a. \ \v SI w Oct. 1 1. Cl M »K .')l tf -\.S taken n otti ■ Law ' llicc ;:ii (> pr u'ticc in l he i '..iinty beri in 1, P> .i Icii, Il i ic .^L■^rcll li !. IS-j.J. c ne.Kt ' t" Win H Wright's ceil .Stie'.t, lie wi n attcii ■! aU'l and .suporiT ( ')urts of Cum- ' i:i an I Sanij'-'jn 7'Jtf .» carry oJ* llint man ,My, w’»th*-in Hi V ift ii.iiS of in *-*! f if :lint ,• !■ . s il. -{rfti»:iht*ix Thf I^lv4-r I li'iil.l it t>{) M'itli II ..... - • lb- • p : 1- tkM I - \ 'tfin at !lu* icij.'d r«»r.:’at' of Xhf IU)OK-lilM)l\(. N all its kinds, executed witli neatnc'^i ntol de spatcii. Small jobs when done be pai l before ieu vered .• 1 i If'. Cider '• Aug. IS. ■ ^’Aw: CiMii '4 pr by Mr. ' ' (;ct r TID'S. II. l'if.ilN(..l AST. Aii'ierson Street. 11 -1 \ iueu-'ii', lor j«alH hv W. li CVKVKR. ro Livvsi:. pring F \\11L\ Rll.-lDl'lN '11. Ill Ii.i r l''ii .1' ’■ ,i'’lie 1, ;;l t'*!}’ the I! .t.'l. THO. O. FULLER, • ittornvff unit i'onnseltor tsi OFFll'li at Li»' l'-'s llridge, recently ociupied by .lames liinks. Ls.[., F lyetteville, N. C ■I in'y i, 1 M Dltcr ()i(/ .V on ( '(>/(siriiin(ut. 1 didfe DL'S. '.'.S \11.\11D W IM LR OATS, just rcccivcd and for sile by ,I.\S. Cl. COOK. Ofr ■>- 5g. I.i for thr j.i Mf.f: j.ei I*'i m kt -niHch is >it laalt. ill '• • s) ►f. m HutJci •« in con-n iiii»*!.« liaviif^ ti. i t j;an. *»no «>f the pjoji' |>!Hi’lic*f "f lhaii iut'iilv whf'iHWiih 10 Com.lcrrfri tlie il i linl'le. To prt)ve tliat ilii' rem»*»ly ih hlt'l Uh «‘|- oiii** lijis Iml to lr> H >i- vIk-i iK. . 'ui, - til.* IjI f rln- ■ H o» tiiat or- iia'> liiaiii it I.:-*-- >li4d\, ii. u fitnl '■•■me iiiUii} iltriaiiKi’UK-nth iu whicn ESl’KCTFrLLV informs his friends and the public, he has built uji l.irge substantial Rr ck IJiiiMings at his Ohi Stand, expressly for man- ufai'turing Cariiages. Th inkful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last lil years, he ilopcs by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfac.tioii, to merit a continuance of the same. Me warrants his work to be n; ide of the best iiritcrial aii'l by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with anj’ made in the Unite'l States, for neatness and 'lurability. He is determined to sell and do auy work in his line on as good terms us any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, Fisishkd, the L.VIKIE.ST STOCK of -V, liaroKc/ics, Hockawaija^ and Ever ofi'ered in this \ lace, and a very large stock of work nearly finishcil, which will be finished daily. .\I1 of wliicii will be sold very low for (,'.\sii, or on sliort time to punctual customers. He has on hati'l more than ONE HUNDRED ANI) FIF1\ Vehi cles tinislied .ind in course of construction. .VH wiirk m ide by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, ai.'l shouM it fail by bad workmanshii. '■r materi il will be ro|i.i;r_'1 Iree of charg'.-. i’eisoiis wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for tlieiii'eives. ((r'iers th inklii'ly re.'eive 1 an i pnimpfiy nttended to Repairing execute I at sh.irt notice aU'l on very reasonable terms. Mav li'. IH.j:!. .‘'“•'-tf last and best work. Monfctfh nnti Mi:SaUt/s Si'rioi of' n-ir tfihii’s. Prices 2-'>, -in, b(> cents., and ^1 SeetH to Vje fast sujierModint: all others. The plan on which they are arraii'red, their intriiisie merit. e ii ciseness, iieaiity, .and peculiar n'laptati'iii, icn ier them great favorites with both teachers ui:'l put'iis The\- hare been ofhcially reconimende l by ihi‘ Sii) erinten- dents of Public Instructun of very many Mates, and by numerous Teacher.s’ As.socialioiH an! lusi'tuies thr'jii^hout the country, aii'l are in suece-si'; ■ u- in a multitude of public an l private .Schools in e»ciy State of the Union. ('lark's f-roitnnarx, in tii'o .Vo.s’., pricrx |D anil C)0 I'tnis, anil W'eh'h'k Anah/sis, j>rl> ,' 7"i i:/ifs, It is believed present the only true and siiei-es..t'ul meth'>'d 01 teachii.ji the scieni-e of the Ln^lisli Lan guage. They are the'iar i I'cxf-Iei'iks in the .New \ ork, Michiji in an-1 other State Si-h"ols, and in very many of the best Schools lui'J .\ca'iemies in th« country * J*ar/t’‘r's Sclninl l^hJo>i>phy^ prut' 81, is regai'iled as the most complete, incise, aiel p ;ic tical Cla-.s Pxi 'k on that subject y t publi^he 1. h is more extensively used than aiiv oilier, whicli fii 'y de inoristrates its pi'e-eminen! worth .ind suiier;"iity I*iirlt:r s Sr/iool ('/irtms^r//, jirn r , lb one of the most admiraiile works prepared for Schools, and rcpiires only a liinit"d amount of ap paratus to illustr.ite all the experiments described A. S. H. iS: Co. have recently added many new and valuable works to their ii. a fall descrij tion of which will be 'ound in ti*eir .»•#;►»* fyP i. t STit,iTSJSP I .IT.I- ( '§■] just pnlilishe'i, containintr a C"iiiplet.' ■letc-iiiition, with notices and rtcoimueu'l.itions, all their School and Library Rooks. 'I’eachers and School Ofiicers throughout the coun- trv are rei|ucste'l t'l send for thi t f and orres pond with the Publishers in regard to auy of their works they may wish to examine or introduce. Address A. S. HAilNlCS iV; CO., 51 aud 5U John Street, New Vork. A. S. BARNKS i.t CO. are also publi'^hers of the School 'rearhers^ M^ibrttrif. Retail pi ice Northend's Teacher and Parent •'^1 -.■) Page’s Theory and Practice of Teaching I 2.'» .Mansfield on .\merican Educ.ition 1 li-'i [>eToci|ueville';- .\merican Institutions I ~ > D.'ivics' Logic of Mathem-itics 1 -■' May hew on Universil Ediieation i -o Root on School .Vmusements I - > The aliove P> oks .ire sold by L. .J. H.ALE .j S';\, Fa'.etteville N C. (>ct'r 1, lS-r>S. -M- Jnii I.. D H! IhhI fo!ll Th.- ^11 •' all 1 u: ir l''ii I l il t. ^I'o’y with the iiccuI'ii 'i liA(().\ ! iHojl'L North C.iro' na P.\''' I Sides and .shouMcrs Oct It. ol-tf W' storn COOK, •jl tf Comprising: in all 'ii.e of the ’-.rj the ni' St thorough ass .rtiiieiit ..f in this 111 irket, an.I will be s .1 tiiii' t th ise who ji‘-y their ■■■•: •>i'' III. Our fri''ii'l« an'l the public e-i • y l etfuliy invite'l to giv-- ns an a ^ijod bari-^ain. (i. i"..utii si'lc H.iv Si , (■ I I 1. hau l-.iiiiest an'l 1 .j ev.-r exhibited ( ‘"1' I 'ash, or on Is 1' first J,;-...,,.,.. SI (JAK iior.Ni: in i’. Few !>bls e.xcellent S II. .S^ Rl P. .Also, prime ■rt \loL.\SSi:.' .er i'' •ari V C( I' iK. I tf .V L 1;RAN! Fa\ ettevi' ■. N ( A I tf M.w A.M) ciii:\i' (;ooi)s. JAMES KYLE ll.X.-^ receive.] a L.-irge arri Oencral .Supply of iPUi* uoons, iloot^ aiifl .^lior^, ISoit- i lolli«, o if which has been purchased by the [ .ackage for 1. i!1 ! w hich is .fien d at the V wh'iiesale or retail. 0'!t. 1.1 1858. Oct. Id. s(’ilo;»L l{(»oivS. ;^\lirirs [iiiistrated \stroii"my: Smith’s (tc'ofrrarhy and \tlas — Revise.l an l Killarj.'‘I: .^niith's i^biart'# (leonraphj-; Monteith's • ieographii's; Waylari'I's Poli Kcon'uny, abri'lgC'l for scliools: Webster's t^uarto Dictioi.ary, .ve , in. E. J. H.iLE SON, Nov. 1. ls.')S. i he l ariiuM’s an.I Planters', ainl I'lir- ner’s .North Car.ilina Ali.MAWCS. b,r IH-'iO. For .sale by K. J. H.\ia: j( SON. OcC 21, I8')8. lovNttSt market {irice ; 54tf i Blank VV'arrauts for salo ut this ()liice Hy L TWO niMiR'; \r.ovK t. iniiiii y stdiie. .lan’v 2f>, IR'iS. H4 ypd I.AM) FOK S\\/v:. a Am desirous if seUing .VCRES OF L.\ND in the County of Robeson, two mile.s from Ran- lialsville P 'St Ofli' e Tliere is e-. the tract a comfort able DWEId,lN(i an l all necessary Out house.s, also, S iw and Grist Mill, Cotton Ciin au'i Pres.s 75 acres cleared nn l under eiiltiviti'm .Vll the Tract is fine farmiiig land .No better place can be found for a Turpentine Still To a person who wisheii to make a {u-rmanent resi'lence, this is :i fine chance. Moral neighborhood; churches nn l schools 'onvenient. If applied for soon a bargain will be given lJif»hy«-tt*nj itic iti t!.-' iu\ Ip-i Hl'lit: ll.f 'l:ri piirlfyiiiu tlx' wiiole mM’ti::nTy, ifiiiov.i. H«’Hl *'r IdliotlM atllK'kH )Ut‘ Ix ltt r, h\ l,lv« r IIIvl:;oi'a1or. i Mu* ilo'.r* a’lfv i- iT and piev.Mil tlie Iiio.l fi-m i Utly *ne iKki-rj iK'f"-.- Ojily il a’ gently, aii«l c*ir«*s »nt* .lohf lak.-ii nfit! • . ! One ii'>’'t* of two IfU Sick «>ii«» l)otlle taken for fi- fH1l^e of ai.'l i )nly one ‘h-Kt* iinni»-*liHt»-| v Utit*di..«‘0 .iftHtj ropv.tU‘1 i> Hii'l a 4f^*unly one IxiHit* i* xysivm tlu* er!fcl>> of la.-!: ;pj^)ne iKitlle taken for lownei*' or nnuatnral *olor (»n» dost* taken a sliorl p«>r to the Mj'pftite. anfl niak*- One ilo>e ofU’U repeaUal rlia^n in it' «ors? f**tni«‘. ooniplaiitti* yit* 1.1 *!. aiul. any person trou , aLy l il^ loiIV.'*, s eertain. i.-i'i mattfr fi-’ni i; h \ I't I'llf. 'I t* Wfll, a}iit healtli lliO jf the — t r«*ru \»- ih«* stomach •1 mniiT. pn*\eiitf* . .i.tuN «le o>-'‘trtn*tiott I * the laK. (>ni‘ • t w. at i. K liolfr, V 5'il** ,i - I'tt fl.:,- i.>i i laoU-ra of 1 . !'• t!': ,\v i.fjt th« riitt- .iftri a *'i‘ kn*—*. •f n 4‘ t• nu>\e" nil sal tii'Hi 1t'*‘ '‘kin tinn* l.e! nr iii^r k'''-** f. .» "••II (-UI-" ( hi'oiii‘ Oiai** ubfle II 111 III i' r -.nft aWu'*>t to Klir t.t**! ;;i'-k> ra i- i Woriii^ m nnfeJ, or frpotaiier remedy in by excitinj; tlie nit'niiM)f thiH nit‘li('ine hr> h ( hill h'# v«T, It MiMMau-.#. itc Willii.t. : tr.-.tify lu ils JAS. G. Oct. 18, 1858. COOK. 65tf Cliildifii: llifirt is no srnrer. the \vorl*l, a» it nn-^i f'nils St£r A few holt leu cure^ fttMM hent**. We take pleasure in m*oni prertntive for F« v«‘r and and all KfVt ‘>f « HII* with cfriHint \. ami ihou.'-M’. ;• wonilerfnl virtnrt*. All Iko ii«* It ar«‘ ;;ivlii4; thrir iinaitliiious (e*4niii«>iiy III faivoi'. Q’tP'.'^lIx \Va1c‘r III tli4- iiioiitli \%ltli 1lu‘ lii^l* ^uiat(»i\ aii«l !H\vallo\% liolli t4>;*4lhri'. THE lilVER INVIGORATOR TS A SriKNTIFItT MKlilCAL 1>1S 11\ KR V. an.i .iaily ^orkin^: cnre^, a1m(”*t to*. I: ftut-* r> if t.v niHkfit'. rrm t/'t: f}i-f il‘t/ir i iiff f’ftf nf, and nio.-f than one U)tt}« i> r»*qnii-'l t'> cure nny kind o\ «‘■•ntjlH :*t. Ironj lh»* wor*t J'tntntife or t to a I'l'niTnun all »*r which are the ret-nll ol h IMsrai.seil I-lvt r. TKICK ONE n.)Ll.K I’J.U BOTTl.K. Dr. S.ANK(>KI». i'l.)prit-tnr, U. -vn^'iy. Xew York Retailed by al! JAS. N. SMITH, Fayetteville, N. C. Chronology of \orth C-aroiina, from 1584 to 1858, by D. K. liennett. Just re.ceived. E. J. H \LE S. SON. Oct. 21. Tlie Presbyterian l\alino(list, (Char acter and Round Notes. A further supplv just rec’d. Sept 27. E. J. hale & SON. .1. W. I’.AlvKR [s now rccciviiijT t'r"tn thi' North the l.'irirest, finest, and most carefudy selected stock of I'l ice: ever otl- re'! in this nrirket: wliicIi, a'lded to his own III inufaeture, makes his ass'-rtment com ;ill ,if which he will sell on th * lowest possible terms for c: sh 'ir on time to punctual cnstoniei.s Fa^hionab'.e painte'l .; 'ttage bed room Fnrnituie in setts; curle'l hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking (Jlasses; Wilbiw W.'igons an l Crailles; side P.oardsr r>ureaus; Seer: taries and l!ook-('ases: What- Nois; T'a'oles. a” sorts; W i-h .''’taii ls; I’aniile .'^tands: Wardrolies; Picture Fr;imesa:id Ciass; Window Shades; Cornices: Curtain Rands; .s t)as ic Malio'.r'.ny aiel Walnut: ieteaTetes; Ottoniaiis; ITuaiis and .Stoolr*; Chairs ol every variety. Fine R'lscwnoii I’iaiins, one witti 'lian At tachment; R' sewood Melo'liaiis. from the best manu factories in New Vork and Roston. warrnntPil as good as anv ma'le in the ci>untry. in I will be soM at New York prices—freight only added. September -. u ui'.Nr»i oc >( * > I r AVl.Vd as-ociate I tiiei'/-''; ■ - ti.- getiier in the prac’-uc of i> s; > I' I ^ X' I , lei.'ler their pro|es-ional servic' s t'l l.ii c oMla' I 'y. One or both of them may lie t .un 1 in then- I- ."in-- n- ■: r the .Nl.iiket 'iunng tu--ir i.'..rii ir -Hie.- n oirs i..;- ‘in: whole yc-.r. Sli ce the ab.)V'.‘ a s ic; ition h is bi> -i. fio in 1. i '.v iieome necessary lor the ohi bii-iMe-s i!' l;' t. 'c e os*'d. .\d who ow>( him wiP plei'.t- eill an i '-ti '■ Those having teiii|"'rary sets i unpa 'It'iri-u-e re.pi.'si- ed to settle with cash or note. Oct. li'J. I 45-tf DKXTISTRV. 11. .). UWIS having dccided on jier munetitly iucating in the Town of Kavi tteville, respec!felly > tiers his sei vicps to the cit- izeii'- f this piac-' an'l sMtroiin l'ng cmntry. In al the various branches of his Profes i.iii, including the manufact'ire of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, :ifier .it. e.xtensive e.'cperieiice, to whieh is ad le 1 a thorough Dental e'lucation, th,-it he give entire sitislaction as fur as i- in the power Deiitisfrj-. .Vli :rre'.;ul'iri- ties of the Teeth treated in a projier .an I en-etul man ner, as well as diseases of the ni'iuth None but the proper metals are made us; of in tiie various opera tions. Ch.irges will be m'l lei.i;-', that the benefits ot the Profession m'ly be place I within ttic reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth Office over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he may be found ai all times. .M.ty 10, 185H. 9tf TANNLK’S on. & Din hidhs. UBLS. Tanner’s Oil,—a superior article; also, % A/.' A K.n a fine lot of Dry Hides. For sale by JAS. 0. COOK. I- AiiM I'OU S \ ! » . (iFFKK for sale my PLXNTAIION on the •■■i ' .si'le Ilf Caoe Fea:' Mil -r. •! miles ab.ive |i'.' lare;, don Rii ljrc. known as tii>' 1 ■ .ijier La' I- c. i.'.i in about S'i!» .\cres. The IV iiitit' .i. is in a _ i if cultivation, and is sns.-.-fitili).. n, b.-i m i i - the III St profitable F.irnis in the C'lunty A'ldress .INO I> WILLIAMS. Ks.|', 1'.. t.-vil'c. N. C . who is authorised t i sell. L. J. MAI ;ilT"N. Oct. 1 », IH.-.s. '1:1 NV, unit ,\ll.Slt;.VL CkMPAMwN. a further -u p v nst r«?eeivel. L- -I H VLt., 'c S » s OfJr" \\ 'l)s!crV I’Jcinoiitarv Spclliirj RooV.. just receivc'l. t-. J- H.VId'i \ S».N. Sspt'r 'JZ. IMIOCI.AM \'J'10\. Ilfiirjj, TuO.M.\a ' lomr/rn of ^arth ('arnlliiit iir.RIi\>. it h;is been repres-'iited t' one .Vrchibald Mchi'Uirald. late of the ^oiinty • it ('iimberlatid. did on the liTth 'la}’ of Febro iry ’ in sai'l t'ounty, kill and mur'Ier one Thom;i- Mm i ■ ■iirl th:it tiie said Mi Dougald is :i fugitive Ir m josto and has scaj'ed beyond the iiniits ol this . Now, t'l the etrl that the s-iiii .Vrdiibi I \I loiu^' 1 m ly be arrested and brought to trial tor hi- s.. i ' ♦ ience, 1 uo here>.\ Issue tliis in\ PioC^iniat'"n, ■ a ilewar'l of 1 wo Hundred l>"!iars for his a: |0' .;. sioii and l«'livcrv to tiie Sh'Tiff i»f ’uniberlan ' 'oinr DKSt Rl P j ION. McUougii' 1 is about fifty years ol age. "i ighi hair and I'oinplexion, blue eyes, of ipnck S[ eecli, n.a-^^ a scar on the face near one of his j iW>. we.gij- about l’:'j or 17' pounds, is addictc'l to int. xicatioa, aii'i wiii'c di unk is turbulent and ti oub'esoiiie. Gi'Pti uti'ler niv hau l and the (ireat Seal [L. s.]the State, at Raleigh, thi.-, the Sixth day c* March, A. lb By tke Uovciuor, ^ THOiJ. Pulaski CowrtB, i’r. ti«c y. March 1-3. lue thai BRAGG. ystf