SEMI-WEEK.L.Y. \ I!!. TAYH r rEVlI.LE, X. C., DECEMIiEU (i, 1858. [NO. 769.1 \\i> > fnu: .1- so\. "> 'K > ■'’ >() if j %icl in : ' u-Mis" the yo'.kr of sul.scrip- " I \ i iV cxiiire'l. - f.'.v m: > J ! I jn'r :uinnin, if j>;iiu in ' I'll ii’;; tlie \ !“>n‘Ilf dul^^i Iy.. '■ :■ y.- .!■ l exi'ircil. ! -rMcl f,ii- sixty coiiti |M'r '• .1.= iih'l thirty c> .'Its f r enoh ■ '■■11 ^ :u-!y Milvvrtis-iiii‘iit>- by sj't* ro ■-•!; i ;■.,■ A^lvcrvisoi s are i1 inMM tii"'* lesiroil. or •ic i t f •'•li;i|, anil cliur^;eil aooortl- 1 ■ ; ♦ i t. .1 charg:'il jd ji*r • m siLi:. tu'■' A^’r.t of F.ANl*. lying od •' ' «: • K.** lVv»'. IVT t'Ofj : exti Ti r,- ■ 11 riv^r ialo the ;r i -j .1 ■ ut T .liT-'ioJ iritii .. ■ an . e*ii i !ii J About hO ■ii- r V. • are in i'r cultivation niul i- ; ■ nf >’ ri^ r ! (.ii'ii.; uotiu ■,i> bi i-.i I i. TiiiTe ur« i>‘ver^l ■ uT tllU SiiU ' i - !l 111 * , - u *1 .*rii wi’ •! . well ; lu ike .. I iiu\a iK’iv'nniiif i to iell. THi.*\lA>^ J. liOIUNSON’ 4-4-lf il L!^l!FO!S ^ILL - r fur sdl* TlilRTV-KlVE ' LatiJ ia at heaiiLy » itc- »■ 1 ro PI.AN'J’LIIS AM) FARMERS. C N I >1'KS I(}N LL> iiftt bteu *p}>ointe1 ioliJ " Agent in Nutih t'ar,)rK,a. f,„. tli^ (aU i.f K«ttle- r» •.’•ItttrKlMti k'trtiiimrg .tuil l’.«n"»*tor« of wurn I ui 'aii'itf i'tiey c in'prii* hi« \o 1 ^n.I l! ■ ItiM )T*rou." iduun 1 a: t Lan^l t,i No I ;inil - "Kn ; Ltwei.i.'* S>'’ and ••La.nb of »u- j »;’.or q .aiitv 'iiti’lu'll Si (’rotilale’e Iiijhlv impri'ffl ‘•>’uriu 1 MUX1B -, I'H iT I LMl " I'ljwie fvrti’i/.^*ri5, whi--« ibi-y bf»t: lr:’J r ijnir* no r ■• ■niiuHri lHtiuiia. but t.'.K t!!' >»•] ;>t Cu .no »:;ij a'l vhw Kwrtiiizmi ami Lei.uvat Tii of li’.e 'il I' unj ii'ets iic». ri[iii V* cf Uii* ivrtic’.t'S, wi;!i o*r;i ft*at«« f Llf.'ir TirUit's, ) rie.t, « , wi!', b« fun i hu i ujr iii ii'u I • luah an lliMiu, bv aji ■ ;«»tii; : tj II MTl', Sii'.i! Aji't for ihe St «ii> oi' N. 'a. iiluiiigtoi). ly oiu. i III HKiii Morv i’ 'r\N\i:'!v. rrt'ATKL* 4 Mll.K^^ (•.- W A I-liUKO’. AN- . SON COI N . N ( . i (>V« «1)« p:vt!\c viul nob ■■ ly killr'l in tVu'so j >.li^^iu8, th« un liM-^iciu d Ht- ' i 'lit’tiiios to inn- ! ■i.iot tiie ^i-uf'rul 'I'lUiT.;■ ■.' itu'l M.iiiiir.-i. , .Miir nf a'! I kin^l* of l.,falhiT. llurin.'.s:^, Ss l.lio.'^ Mrbr.i.,. IJoot? ! uT. 1 '^hoe.'-. of every si/.« uti l 'ioscriin •• ' tlif' very bfit tuiittrial. r,\ 1 . 'N I'llo i V?>S, i N 'T to be >uri'iiS-1' i. .VII cl’ Tvli^ ii li- ollcv'' ;in 1 }.ro- ! I'leii to lio!' or i-i- hnMira t'jr i’.:tvs ih i ili'c-, Tuib'W, atul all kiuii' :f ■.■ .uiitry | rwliico, oii terms to just;fy !i!i l acoo’_iiu : i (I.* ii;» ^Ue'. .lucr. ncjor il;.g ti the times. Hitviiig ,ii liHipl c^'iis'antl}' a lar^e supj:'y i>f Stiic*-:, a«i is jirei lire 1 t.i cvfciit-j ^i!l nr.b rs ueitly siiiii [ir I'u, ;,y. with suoli iiifiteriiil iin'l vs orkMi i'i'liip -i m o ii'-: tn ■ • cx- ,'l by uti; es;iiMi»liiiie:it of tue kiuii iii lii^ )'avt uf the country iii atyic. i)'i i.ity or price, r . ouali or in punctu^il cunt' Liici d. Ai. 1 i); ifurjii;.; i- ■ i«rt* t.iun'wi ti_' hi* ouatijUK-rs H'l'i fi ict i.'iio.'.er !■ ..4 .ri.ioir former i \trou.*ire. iie 3u.icii» :*ii » t,. * -nt a coutinuauo# of k.ioir fav. r*. ..- V. Mtiri U 4 ■t’ONVKNlENT AND WKLL FUIlNISFIiD s' ('gt-il'liitiHneiit wfi* opene l for thu rwoeptioti of IJoar'lers on the 12th inst The subscriber will ipure rin pftins to niiike ail C(>infort%ble who maT atop her bouse lle"u!ur licirii^rg will here fiiiii iha quiet O'jm- fi>rt )f home. rcmbiM^d with tUe adTantngwi lo ba»i- ne.s^j men nf ;♦ ll itel. 'rii‘‘ sf Ilf \!r \V. r Tr ij (ir« in tho r#*r of ih« Hiiti-l. and traveller* tuny autru>it their horses to hid C'lre. with the uiiuraiieu that tb.; be*t trwatmank will bo bejtowe.l upon thgui MAI;Y ANN I’OTTtn. .>ot. 21, 50-3in '!'?> 'v\*E n iiijc. Subsi-ribet h'lviiicr KI'^N l’Ivi the KitensiTe ,1 "I'A p,I.Kc i;itie. ti.d with the Dobbin Home, ;« u IV pi-i (.:.ri'.t te b (ir i lioises y the dar or month, bun .'i*. ur',ii the *«irvicea ■f lin ex[)«rieuce 1 ho»tlwr, i rrmiMii t' givi' g:iti»f.iOtiou lo all who uiay [lat- Ai:W STOCK! rS^HR S«bterib»r« ar« uow r**«iving their ^ Btook of iiOOMl^ and ^T.tTtO.VEKT, whi«h thaj oti'er at their custotuarj reaaonablt pri*«i for cash, or on aredit to punctual cuatomer* Aaiong the ^ood* re«Miv«d ta-d-iy ii a larga i;o«k of I Cap, LhiTTEil, and other PAPKIl.'^. U. J. IIALK ;ji i»UN. ie^t'r -27, IbSS. riii;i.o bis uitiiblisliment. *.>et 21, \srjH, W C. TR')Y. iC-Stu (,'Ai; A"' \ Y :-ii i tis I WiT. ;i are a eood D'Te'ling II r ■! ri'pair. d >1 \ 1 V AC I. !CS. f ■ .'J rivar bot- Ahi,-':i il u:; ier ^UiiiTatijU and ' C '! :i r. I • \>r:i. i i .■'i \ r\' Craek aad • • ■ u ■ J far'. ;n£ 'ia>' 1. :! iM>i-l.‘ a:i i t'Oi^ l V .KCKt"^ i . v;-. !^:e g^triniT. ' i cL-ki kn.ibua;.' uiHivda- • ' ai 'I U'at P!aaiaat P. 0 , r ■•I 1 beinj iiav.* d ' pUli-'SJ Ilf W^^OL^SH. ■J • - ▼ rr-'Tii 'i I.,? ra;: \fj;. r r §•'o a p irii'H^ of ItT of Cutii'r..-r'>tiiii »l: i »b Ut 1 ^ )ui > « entire Bwa.ii:. b • iy ■!’ w.iter i I'Lie 'i ap- w.iii'h ^I'B Wo V, '; '.r I her': is an W'lter can be s’- ; .r; u f 7 y -.n. an i .-.i'lr t ti.e iaii i i iu tl.:» St kt- i iieij:!! bor ■ a:'.'l ''Vii- i 1 J I'si’eB in -1 ie* tbi*. it ’ ...r-, U}. : wr a .r.-. ( AROLIN \ 1 i ?’V. V, At:nntiL- nn'! N irth (' irjlin;i K.i Uijw completed to Hesufii-t lliirb r teraiined to '.uc*te at Carjana i.'ity f.r :i; diiiiii^ a Forwarding and General Ccmmission a « B B -1.^ *5^ % iir;d hope bj pri.i!nptnesj i:i 1 strict fttteiit; mi tn ni> r'T pMtr.ju:ij:e liiid supi'iirt P.eini: th“ .Acei t riutat’;* l..lNaiT Flli^T Cl.iii PA ’iirrlti Iti.' li. 1 'I .•,••‘^"1 1 i-itv, 6Tery eilurt will li.> m . ic to m ik. t^ t,..- ■ h.-an - att sii:d ;uost fxpe .!Mi>’'s r^'Ute :>) Si'*' V .rk. \ ■wiil La li;adft.l au I iriai'har>:i I at tuy \% li:Lrl' adj in'ng the UailrLiai Whurf. liU 1 thereby « ,ve C irt i.;c .m I liiT^'era^-- P't«-l\'u'ir a:ii.;itijn wi'. be ;;i.i-:i ts n'.\ wr«i> ri, auJ to :b* su e »u 1 i.i ...•iii ■/ iue •. U M Li. (M:\NT. 2'J, J-' iy FAV MLTIAL IXSriiAM’E (M)MPANV. AS3F.TS $233,326.28. 11 IS Company been in iperntioH more than J_ live y ;ind has [i.iid its losses, umouuting lo Vr.bl2'i with 'It uny ii¥SL'.--siiieiit; iuauritiice aver- aginj; its mem' ers iibi ut i per cent. I’o.icies is'Ui 'i to 1st ot M.iy, 1S53, 270'.*. Am iunt lit pi\;pi-rty U'lW in^iure 1, ^>1,174,‘.♦22 34. AiiiKUKt fireiniuiu imtes now on hand, ci»22t,'.nj8 23. iikli J recei.ed, ^J2,oIi 41 DlKtCU'R.S. S. T. Hawley, \V. N. Tillinsihasi, A. A. Mi'Kethtin, J. I). Williams, G. Coitk, A W. '•:teel. Jns. Kyle. .1 (i. Shepheid. K F. Piruiwn, Wiluiiiigtoti, A. t. H ill. \Viimin;;ti.a. (»K F 11 ■ K I’. «. (JI'.O. >b-.\ i'.l l,L, l‘i e'si'leat. 1 . A. 1\\T, Vic>- Presi iei;i. C .Nil I.LAN, Sei ret'iry. s HU'i C, M I. lamnien, I'l availing .■^geetB. ;i.'.;; u a -■ 1-.ii'iti' -list '■o. l:?-Y (i“o. McNeill, n A. K iv. ii. L. .NiM'uver, S tV T. ;.!Ujjh.i:il, Henry i.iiiy, N. >-e )':• in, S. J. liiu- rile. buf.i r. i!i. "ijj. .M.-l.surin, J.ib'i c- 11. (^RAilAM la uow receiving >i fine Stock of | CJolhlag To *uit thw Fall and Wintfcr, oi' iiit Latkst SivLtu : Ha would solicit his customi'is nid frien is to give ium jv aill, as l\o oti'era his I'l fthinp! Low vou Cahu. ; or CM reason ible tenus to prompt p.'iyin^r customers, j g«^(iAHME.SrS ('i r IN-TtlK i.ATt.ST F.'.SIUOX | Hu may b« I'oun I Ehsi jaiu ou Market Squnre. ] Oct y. j ])r. Fr i/t!: il!i>n/is':> Itiic H hiskty. ] M1T(’H!’I.1> hus made rrr;»nj:eme:ita with Dr. .T Q • Frdtik Williiinix. to be coustunt'y s ipplie'l with Lis celebrated liVli WHISKIjV. wliicli c^ii be had at Li* More >it all tiiucg, by wholeials or retuil. Cut’r 11, Mrf ~ hivkpv coal. Bituminous of th» b«it i|ua,iiy *au t# had at the wisrka at L'gvpt, at'a re»S'inftble price by the Ton. ’ WM. McCLANF. Miu'mg Kagineer, May 21. ISjti. ti-tf R. H. BATTLE, Jk.. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL pay prompt attention to all business en trusted to him, ia Auaou and the adjoining Counties. Nov’r 2'j. 67-3m MiO ifTS 4V SilOES^ AT WHOLESALE. JNO. M. WALKER, of WORTH CAROLINA, WITH f. P. SHAW A: CO., ol AND 6'6 Dev tsxREEx, New York, •^A/'ILL be hfjppy to see his Southern friends at ▼ ▼ the !ib jve est;iV»lish!ueiit, wliere, either per- !!oniiHy or by order, ilfjy m ly be su]>plie i from an extensive .'ind well tissorted Stock of Goods in thiit line, gotten up expressly for t!ie Southeru trade. Nov'r 2'J, 18 j8. tj7-Iy spixiAi. couirr. STATE OF NORTH CAROLLVA, 1 (Jl'mbeklamj County. j Superior Court of Law Fall Term, 1858. His Honor Komllis .M. Sai .MiEUi Judge Preaiding. 8 T is (,)rdereil by the I'lourt, ThM u Special Term of fi- this Ci>urt be held ou the secou'i Monday iu Feb- ■ ruary, \. D. Juror*, Witnedse* and Saitjra in Civil Cauaee are I hereby notifie I lo atieivl. Witne**, Joh'i W. I5:iker, Jr., Clerk of our Slid Court, at otlice. the seventh Moii'lay after the fwurth I Monl»y in .''eptember, D. 1868. I bbtv''] John \V. B\KKK. t.lerk. NOTICE. rpHE iubsoriber, expecting »o remove his Negroes South-west during the next yeiir, offerd for sale or rent bis very valuable Plaututiouon the C*ipe 1* ear Kivar, miles below Fayetteville. Sii'id Tract is very valuable, and contains no waste laud, lOU acrea beinjf of fine ewainp and 100 acres of river land, the swa^pp laud near'.y dried Also, will bi hired out for the next year, t'ae Negroea belonging to said Plantatiou, and several others, con- aiating of Cooks, House Servants, The subscriber algo wishes I'j dispose of — 30.000 Iba. Fodder aud Hay, 400 or fiOO bushels Corn, a.OOO lbs. Pork, Stock of {logs aud C.attlo, i Mules and 1 gjod Farm Horse, Wagons, Carts, ilarne*s and r'armiug Utensils. T. 11. PEMliKRTON. Nov’r 24. G’j-ow FjRESH .\08F0LK «VSTi;ilS! WILL 1>E aKUVED UP D ULY. ISy the Fiate, 4(iiat*( oi* 4«:)iloii, And Families supplied lo order, at J. 11. LEE’S, Motel Building. Nov’r 24, 1858. t)ll-6t TillK'l'V !IVN!>S vVVNTK!). subseriber wishes t-j hir* by tha M-uith. er ' Day, Thirty Negrofs, lu work »u the Niutk aiee- j Christmfi»: ChrisimasS A L.AUGE nuii well selected lot of T«]^s aaid f ancy ArlicJet, IHANO FOR'l'ES. JAMES Pll’.a.iUN rcspecifuliy ini'.inus the jiublia that he has arrived at tVihniiigtii'.i an'l will shortly visit Fayettevill« and vicinity, fjr the site of his Bujierior Piano Fortes, and n'so for the purpose of Tuning uni Kepuiring I’i-m'i roiti-s For all those who lUMy requ;re his services, orders le!t at the Wateh aud Jewe.ry Store 'jl Mr. Green, or at this Otlice, will be uitendel t .. Nov’r J4. 66- r? ^ . II,’-’ I i^uitable lor the Christmas Ilulidiva just leeeiveil and For further inquire at the i^ngineer s ; ^ h^NKS. F ayetiev:lle, or \jf me at I^:tt's itr: Ige O'iUiYAN Aug 16. i CO. JStf Nov’r 37. Town papers ! weeks. -1 Tin: LA!JGi:ST MAXrrAl’TORV i’sss-: WATKR WilKKLS: WATKU WjlKllLM! E are ni'W ujaiiuf'^cturin^ \ n..vle'*"ki>T'» iw- prn\ I '1 JOaVAL TURBIiVE W4TER '.^'IKEL, ~n' t;i i a tin 1 11 .'I.ll : dr;v ‘II. ir, V. .. 1 lii the Bu!' ‘i. mas- ■i «in.i . 4 if !' )R Si Li’ Tiir. [I I.: I'iu*; l.u;id» ,e r.aantity xce. ■rc is i'll ■:? • -j-.iry . ■*, ^ !0- B il •: Turi- le" r .(le •» t.’it- ''irge ! . 1« Hlid '’■■r >'il's an l Fa.-''ni-.s cf ev'jry leM'rij.t. th' bx wi'i;iii:; t j iiUjirove tl;.'.r **.'er p .w.-r f th'-ir ii:tere.;l :■ ad Iri'S- 1 y .i r. nninber .■r'l'i rt. hvn 1 liii 1 f*!!: K iter; the kin i of ui ». l.:’.ery t.i '■ ■ then ^:ive tlici:; j n e . f » :i r a )' Wiieei and J riii.ji’(. a f-r. w;t t.iin uTii 'Uiit of w irk ■ if it c Uirt up t': • ieMr.- f ee 'Ji'livero'! t j U' at t!i.- •:' tji.' ilst tKa.Ni'l o.VC.' AM' I;C>'MKk.l). ill'Mii STiiVKS: L iure’ K* TV. Pri ' o G'- r,r . ■ KoLiEi.r :'\li.vl'. AvT':it. U BUY EAULV ('t)Pli:S—N AV KEADV. I'lK* \^'orkh ««f EDG-AH ALLAN POE, lu-ftunfully I 'ustrfttc i w'.;’. m r# in is O N I-: H U N I > K E I> M I! n; I N A L U il S ! (i N S ii/ Da.i:lwt, AiutLh.T, V.^ Kk}K-ni l, I'kSNiaL. ne ! Hs?-. raciii A Fi:\V iiARRLLS ^ lHUlCik«/W \PPLE liil^.NDT, fau^A^le for QtaKing M ' wiue aud puUiiig up braudv frait For ta'e by W fl CARVUPw A«jf IH 18- A '■ 111. mb-.’iiler bugs leave to re turn hi.' thanks f'T tlie liberal p;itrii;:u^|' h- n-t itore exiendi-d lo him, i and ir't' ii..- liie p'lb’io tha: he has j i; » .'.I.It \si!i I iitinui- to have an in- ; ei' iiB* ! ; .ri-e '■! •xperieticed Saddle ! 11’ ■: liaiii S' MiikiTs, w hos*- work he V 1 ■ rra'i!: i ili it tie is pre[i ire'i ‘T'T lo tLi- J ulilj.' a 'v.rK'‘ aii'i va- ry thi z kept in his line. His ■s, llai Urid’i's, Trunks. Tra- , , i« uiifiurjinsse 1 for w^ork- i'', til l V. I'.l c :..]'ure faviiraily fo' !i''r \1'V ii‘’.. t .’•y, either N.irtli or w. iitii'C Hiiv ti.inir in his line will d't : :>■. ! I'Xamine his stock riefore pur- ' i!;- .1-1 il 'vi,'. lint faU to please l'U?lii,iii:t wi'l be found tivo «loor8 D i m . on Person Street. - Worth 8c Utiey, 'orvturdin^ and (Jcncrui ConiniisiiioiJ mi:rcua \ r>, C'. A. Wf RTII. (72tf i JdS. t.TLBT. soviErriivG i LL the F.\NCY (iooDS in the Store one door Ea*t of the Cape Fear Uaiik. will be sold otf at COJjT after this date Th ise w »uing to purchase ChriBtmas Presents and Toys for Ctiildr.’n, would do well t ) eail aud save a huu'lred per eeut , as the subseriUsr i* determined to cb'Se out JAMES KVLK. Jr. Nov’r 2tf. t)7-3i NEW liOOKS. 5 ft ROW'NLOA’ i PHVNE S Di-icussion on Slavery; ■B J K N. Pepper Papers; V't-riion Gruve, or Hearts as they are; In and Around Stamb..ul, by .Mrs. Iv lloDiby; Living aud Loving; The Yellow Piush t’apers; •After Dark, by >V. Coiliiis; Davenp. rt Dunn, by Lever; School Books; Faber's Urawiug P‘ncns in t,'ases; ie. h. J. liALE 4f SON. Nov'r 24. A H. A. Mc.SWAlN has take i an OtEen ou An- Pesrce s St.ire, where he can be foind t»y tlieie de siring his Profes6ioual serviees. August 24. 18o6. 4Utf J. WILLIAM R\GE,~M.'uT~ PI TT S B O ii O V Si. ii. D Ii. P.'VGE may be found at >• oftiee wheu uwi A FRE'Il SEJ‘i^LV jF l.'NSL.VCKED LIME, suitable for building as well as fanaiug purposes. — ALSO— . Calcined and Laz:ii I’laitxr; iiydraulie Ceoient and Plastering Hair. For saiu iu quauiitiet to sait by BIlVERLI R08Ji. Nov’r 2V. 67-*t prefesflionaliy ejgageJ. May i», l3.'>7. 5tf Fayetl ■*'' i ii^. e with neatness W. ti’t. 25 di'i'iatch OVKKBY. S7 ^m R. M. OliRELL. TURPEMTIIVE mSPECTOR. flHObS seinling their Spirits Turpentine to SUNDRIES i;^OT \5H. (flrst s .rt;; t’oliiate's PALE WOAP; Pure Extra Winter SPStl.M OIL. —ALSO— Neatsfoot, Tanner’s. Laiup, MaeUinery aud Linseed OILS. Likewise, Pure WIilTii LE.VD iu Oil,| aud other Painli For sale on favorable terms Apply to B. KOSS. Nov'r 2U. t)7-3t me I- 'ot.l >ut a n p‘!rc' ■! to •iKt pur- ti e wL- e t'l-elher. .. Favutievi''p. i.r the J. 11. HAU. ;ht-n. tiM-tl l.K iickr, I'.i KW!’.' i . i-.i.i'. .*M> *IaLiii1; Aiui eiit;rav*"l ill the fines! *!vV f Wo.t iinifravitm; P.y ■ koi'ru, Ljm 'N. L'. A 'S. Ac. S li^uud—1‘u't J‘ , 'irt. 4 ,Vr C-j} \u m M ’■.c.':. .\v,' !>. 1-. Ale I. t)i!‘ !'ift--i;Mt': : I ill "f i*> t‘ ’ • 4 o iBi f> I o I e W i* y K *, IN FOUII VOLU'.:i.S. 12nin PUIi'!: ^1 -Mi. C "Ut^tln•.I;^ ti * 'l -les of the (ii-. ti-s ;ui- an I Ara- ■ ri'ierfu, ';.ri ■ ■ Ci ■ l;:i.i.'':i •i'i’i: Mi his Poe’r\: Tr;-- .St '''y .,f Artiiur C, ,p 1 in I’yui. nt; 1 n c‘m pi tt! cjHecti 'Ti fa'i hi,'^ ci';f"i '.;i' ns tn t;; 'I iir*. ’'le-, E lite i by RUFU'-^ W. G ILIS vV‘-I.l;, D I> , wiC, N .!i,e“ Ilf hN i.i e bv J. il. Lu'vti i, au 1 N P Wfi.i.ii Sent by n.' iil. rni~iaire :i% : . .1 i ; .•■ec • ■ .’it '^f pri,-'. J. S. Asouf, ‘di iil'.KKNL\N .■■/ , NkW V-)!tK Nov. 4. ' uaay relv ui'du it le have iir.,>mpt au'l tsreful at- _ _ , tention. Mv \V*r.h.>uses arefr.utiug tue Wharves and the year I8i.'y, four young men and two women, Jt smart, acl've and cleanly, for lable an« Chamber % f^'fcll. il \l.L, i f New York, in his Journai of lUaUh il ^ Tr.!:!'. i-‘‘We commend the >Ll I) mnif 't /’ • to all lovt-rs of good cotFee, «s we per-‘."i.4lly ki:. w that it is one of the “new things’' no i’.np.isition is prac- 0 voucher! of science near the River !»ept’r 13. IHijS, 4i-tf Nov’r C. FOR SALE. B.\GS ,\LL'\1 SAl/r—2 bushels eaoh. By GEO. W. WILLIA'J'S A CO. 'iltf .Norici JO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO; 40> CnsUs LIM L; Hales H.AY; 5 15b!s G i. V E For sale by Jul}- 10. VroPvTH t UTLEY. I'lTere I t- tU-- V'l^Uv; i: tii-ed, un i till !i Ii k t an 1 ci.inmnri '.'iiSi> ' A SI-PPLY JUST 1 T-'i; 2 jiiar;g c 2 Un at 2 lo, at the “Crockery St re” \S . N 0(;t I'J ■■''l!l\'l’D, of IJ Qnarts at (j'l irt.s fit 2 -ib and 4 (Quarts TILLING HA ST. 5'itf CORN AND RUSHl-l.S l.'iO bb’i« 80 15 F'or sale for C.\SH by \Vill.-lvl-'V. iTiio I White Corn. Whi-ikey. Apjile br.sndy. N E. Rum. Sept. V, 18r>8. K F. •MOORB CO. 44-tf •'ervants; one good Cook, man preferred,) strong and healtliy; and also one sober, honest and industri ous fellow for Ostler. F''or .such servants, (slaves would be preferred,) liberal prices will bu giveu, aud wages paid quarterly. T. WADDILL, Fayettevile Hotel. Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 25, 18i8. ti7-tlstJ Cariilinian eopy. LAND ON ROCKfTsTi FOR S \LE 6 BY Virtue of a J>ecree of tiie (,’ourt of Equity for JI.JP t'umberland County, upon the petition of Mal- com Shaw and Alfied Jackson, Gutrdiaiis of Souther land and Charlotte Muuroe I will sell at the Court House Door in Fayetteville, on Friday the lOt'j day cf December next, a Tract of LAND eotitaiuing Acres, lying "u the waters of Kouklish, joining the lands of the Kockfish Manufacturing Co. There are buildings an l a fence ou the land. Terms cf sa’e. $10 in cash: balaaco 6 months with j interevt from date. Boud and security required from I purchaser. W. A. IIUSKE, C. J- M. E. : Nov. 26, 1868. G7-ts ■■ t!ic al' (uaniity I;' ,i>- ' , ’ hree '. I ■ ^ (• i.aii i; >»'i. . -r. in.- L-'i'l .8 Weil . i I '!'ou i'iinbcr ■ u 1 '.irher a iv^tua^es. .,1 ; . fcU ;iie pre- ■ ^■i.iii i.l r. jr any .u- i.-e 1 ANuU*; McGll.L. . i, 1^''.7 4 ^-f J03SPH n. i: o n i AND FORWARDINCi Ml'. -DuOZSO^/i. %% i o ? i\('W l)rv (b00(1 s. \V. M \('l\rVRE Ha« rei' ivp'! — Cloths, (,'n im> res. S ittiriet.-j, I'weed?, Keut’ky Jetui; K tb"'.* F'.ititi' is, l’>'a:iK tr: Miii.'i!i I'.' I.i.' I -. IS. ('nlicn“s. (lir.ghams; I'r'!i 1HII 1‘w, S1 1' ^ elvrt', .^lik 1. bes. .Jaconets; Mil ; s. |! b ;•=, I rie-Miislin E !};in,;fs, luswrtine^. !i;u''iv ,M'-i i d ,'Vfs, Co!l:i:'.s, (J ives. Mitts, Gaunt- n I’i. x . i .\ : r S , I- the PL \NTATI0N . . ■ he I.'• w r I ai 1 b 11 i» ,t1i .f Li i‘ -■ «'i‘ in ' a- i . i ; v ■ i: the Carav, : .1 liver. . an 1 it'.ii t il. :ii :i;T ')!•) \' rr.j, 1 I'.i'i a lUt '')} aCi -H f - i;^ i; i't"i;i i'iie imi rovi'- 1, ^ !'TV-.';.in^, a firs; ri»t- ' r 2't hea l of hordes: Cow i'li re i-5 ;poU the place a ,i ; lir Ilf Burr and a j'air .N Riiironi pns-e-j I 1 ,it i.j 1 K'ate 1 U[ il) it. ! ii!i in this Section of the exc .• 1 f . NeLT 'CS A. W V, IL.itjN. 67-tt Pi'OTapt pei'ioiiiii ig-nweuts, aod 'as^ a'i •; 6iii; [.ed to 'ithcr •^ort« u- t. 1 i, 1 ^*#5. 1. ^ K'ust c *ina-!ie\"i II i.’■'Ill i;:'U». iHb'.; Ifi'ilri Ii. :■ >lik T' we! ug; Irinih Lit!en, Siiiriin>r, Sheeiing, I 'ill!uicr) .in. s. lie I ; i''n: 'IiiM ks, 'I at fillas. .' ha 's: Mcriii'. Skirt'-, J -V P. C,,'i>s’ Spool Cotton; i; .,|'I1'I ^ Co'.1 F: i:.'. i: ..•he.c. \r!iliri.»ls; (■'xtun-r II .''i/iris. >kirt C'.r i. Kaltiin, 'Vkaleboue; ;,,"i :y Mk'Iv s’I'lliii’i;:, Hats, C Gait. I ';, P> ■ Slioe^; Co tun S- i' e Twill'.'. (JilHng Vets: t'oit.iii c tfl.s, Frctirh I’uskets, Eiismled'■'atoheli; F ine_\ /. '[ liyr Ijoo '• l.;t 2-1, ! »• lU iLi la; i Ha . h»l. n'.i \ V .33, I.IV : L'lccs 3'5VOrdS, fiiisli93, S iM) LVliii\ l*LSi iliTSii 1 ill' iLli ArOiiUM.Mi fii IKC SCJILYLKK, ILaRTLKV ^ liHAlIAM, I »l Ti^Si^ &. ilf 1.'^ 5 I”.\ I'i . S Ito MAIDEN L\NK, IV "S'" a >* . 67tf June 39. .s\LU>L F*'X tNTLLMK.N, you that wisi ' I \ 'D \;u;ru. : I ' i‘ U|i tiH'ir ni'l liu«i- j I- ’ iloi .-i. a: I 1 1)1- ie i l>y >l'ij'‘i' c,ii:« ,r.. ^ "f a;*: :ng liiu t hiiu t m fhr !i reciiiiimei.d him an cxci-1 1 ,f nr out of door*. Hold lui Id ’'U iness. F. N. & J. H. ROBKICr.S 7-tf Ol.D I.' in b'bti.’d to the cm.cerB of FRA!’?K & uh 1 J. H. RoBLHTS Jf CO.. Hre re- i;.i f • w.i •! and Nettle their bil s. Ifnat II Sal o' this luoiitii, they will tind tLeiu of a i.swfnl Collector- J H. ROBER18 .j- (;0. &■ 7-tf C>r NEGRDK.S. Meu, tke highest e.nsh pr;#es Call, or aJdre* Bovs. al 1 'jje at C'iniou. D-. \ D. ! t" Si'll Li' 'Vo.uen aiid • lo well t'j giv N. I' J. A McVHT' J atm 6. 1 ^8 s. lv)l' li>v 'i I P- Mi a «j w AN'rr.i^ N'kiGKOES fora Mi»sissip:i P’.; ntation. Men, Boys, Giris, aud Si me od i ifcPn i. 18«S. fa.-, etteviHe, May I’i, i’AKi-.V n\ f ^ S AKEN up aud coiuia'tte I to the iA'ir;. 8 tf of C'tmher- laiid County on the L'nli inst , a .NL'iR » BOY, named vOllN BR.\Ci; (,i J'‘HN FRANKLIN, nh S.iV* he is free, an I thut ' • c-iin.- from Co’.u'.'.i'i’.a, S. • ■J i!.ii is p .lall, a bright ui'i.att ,. "an i had on wiie tak«n up a white wool hut and 8tO''’.-!nixe'l frn'k co:it and pauts. The owner of saiil Negro !■' n'j ifie'' to c ine forward, prove property, p\y ciiM->: s, au'l he will be dealt with as the law iv6 lor ijalc al lliib Oiiice. taxe Him away, oi j direct s. 1 Oot’r 16, 18o8. GEO. E. McivA'i, Jailor. 35- j'jij'.si! \!.‘;aVAi.S. p UST receiv“il pr Sif'aincr Fiiiiny. 4 !’>b s Eitia No 1 M ACKEUEL (for retailitig.) 10 .] • iL). •• 1 D >. 1) j •' o 1 Do. 10 i •• 'IK'.--’ SH Ui; ^0 Il'iiL’S ' I ii:-’.''ii; IC'I ..o.” Il.illi-d BU''KW:n;VT '-M.OUii: F'uil'iii '1 'ri. (Je'f: \l:‘-^s I’ork; *io>*iieTi Butter P, U t S , u .•ii-:nr; C 'tl'-’e; Mo is.: n:i 1 ev.'ry thing ill the i- IV :-'o 1 li e; which 1 wiii pell elieap for CASIJ or exct-aiiiT'; f ir ooiiniry I’r-' luce. \V. C. TROY. Nov. i. l'^.')-i ... . i :ai:s w wholesale. 11 ■ VE .i'jft rpc'dved in stjre my FaU Itftoek, eua- l.raciiiL^ the fullowii.g arlie’.es, vis; j C oT''^' I [)o !5.'i-i. iin.l IHiili. Sugar—assorted. I I),') “ I’lirk. '■ ;)G Boxi-S go'ni Tobacco. 73 “ Oat.'ly. i iii) i .''iiulT—Englti Mill*. I 73 1> "xes (’rackors. All of whirh will be sold for CAafl, or &n sUort tima to the beS' of K. F. MOORE & CO. Sept. 9, 18-58. 44-tf ( ' ( ) i ! O .V i > \ ( I (;r LN* ( V , UNDER tt'ul GUNNY B.\G(.USG in qu'jkutitles to sail purt-rhaser*. For tale by JA3. G. COOK.. Sept. 17. 43tf CAPE FEAR BVNK SroCK~ FOR 8ALW E^'IITTY shares of ('njip Fear P.aiik iitoak are offered fwr gale. t'«r further inforiiia'iou apply to A. McLE.VN, Cashier. Payrttevilie. ,\u.r. U, 18’>'^. CHAiRS, CiLVJRS. A L.XllGF, lot e' Stool-b' ttom Chairs, made at Cool Spring .Mill, aad for sale by A. .M. CAMl’BELL. .March 24, ’58. V >» LIFE l\>rRVV i:. Und er^i;TMe I been spp-'iiiitc i .\;T-.“nt oi me North Caril'tiM 'duf.t i! I^ife Insurance Com- p'any. Every ntembcr lor life j' lrlicip.vt..m tue pro fits of the Ccini'any: and (he .'inii'ial iinriii'im fi.r life membersliip, whf-ro it amounts to ^r^O or morf', mav be pai 1 one-iiaU' iu cash, and liif oluer hah iij a note at 12 m.mths Debtors' liies m>\y be insi:r'‘ l by ere l;tors. \ man may iiisui'c Irs .ywn lilV l.)r i‘ie e'c; :i-.ive b.’UcTit oi his family The lives of in.iy be insured. This syiiem is i-iipi iij, .n' I'viii;' ni'o I'avor, all over the civil;/.ed v,i rid. It is one liy which a f.iuriy, for ;i sii.'ill >uiii n!iii'i i:IV, Ml iv be provi.ieil for. .i ier tho FOR SAI.E. * ttflLL bo soi l at the .Market House, in the Town # W of Fayetteviile. on ,'»londay 0th December, EIGHT SH.VKES of tho t’apit il .Stock of Bank of Cape Fear Teritis c»sh. ' RuB’i’ T. II.ALL, Adui’r. Nov. 27. C7ts FURS WANTE*) B7 H. B. FSRGU30N. Till* •iVice ii'aid F«)R t'oON, FOX. O.OSSUM, .MJNK AND oTTER. g^^P. S. Don’t sell. your Furs until you try thi. uiaraet. Nov'r 2L 66 2w PROSFEC'l'l S. V^.rT9f'*i:i.L\'i JL,m' fiUlCTH E. ■ a ' ilK UNDEKSIGNliD rer>pecti'uil> in-, ites subscri- JL bers to tLe publication .if h ? treatise upon tl.e fruciic* uf Law the C't^urtt oj NvrihCaTijUna lo hani in their uauies by t!ie let January; aud he solicits for tue work the patronage of the Bar and the Public generally. The first volum'9, now nearly ready fjr the press, is devoted ex .lusively to the considei ation of Lejiilative aud Extculmt Powsrs. Ui:der tho first iiaiued title, thM following titles and ehapters of the Revised Code, with the aecempanyiag decisions, will be found eiibr.iced, vii; County Bouudaries; County Ri-venue and Charges; Court Houses, Prisons, etc ; Couaty Trustee; Fairs; Geueral Assemoly; liispeetiuus; Poor; R:gisteis; Riv ers and Creeks; Roads, Ferries, elo ; Idio.s aud Luna tics; Ordinaries aud Retailers; Mills aud .Millers; Prisoners; Weights aud Measures Under the seceLd named title, Ertcuiive Vou'tra, will be fotttid itie followiug ckapters and titles ot the Revised Code, vii; Attorneys at Law; Courts, County aud .'Superior; Conrt Supreme; Guardian aad Ward; Aduiiuisiralors; Auetioneers; Clerks; Constables; Coroners; (^unty Boundaries; County Trustee; Deeds; Entries and Grants; Fairs; Literary Fund, etc ; Patrol; Pilots; Processioners; Registers; Revenue; Rivers and Creeks; Roads, Sheriffs; Raugers; Standard Keepers, U recks. The design of tha work is, uuJer these various titles, to present the stu'leut aud practitioner with an intelligent and connected view of tha Statute Law of of North-Caroiina, applicable to eacii, together with till the dtcuwnt of the Suprtme Court therfon up to the last term, au'J to accwmpany each chapter with the ap propriate Forms for proceeding. It is also proposed to add, in the Appendix, a num ber of Forms and Precedents usua’.ly re'juired iu Coi;- veyancing and Office Practice: the whole being intend ed as a general guide to the practice of Law in N. C., and mauual for ttte use of the sludeul aud lawyer. The beok will reseiuble in appe.araiiee aud executioi. “Cantwell’s Justiee;" and will be delivered, postage prepaid, to subscribers, at per copy, casa: payable on delivery. EDWARD CANTWELL, Raleigh, N. C. Oetober 19, 1858. do”th I ; been di p.-iiilci: t l of ni'.iii'.’y. oven u'lt u I.i;'..' Pi'l.' ueuessjiry IS'-.tnks. f.u-iisiio l 1. -ju .'. .lose exertion.s I liey iii;iy have ior '» sUjijioi i. I i is a gooil u\ e.-»lnieiit one liou. i l;v‘.‘ iC-it ta- in? L? . .Jiii .ory j'tiinpliie!'. an i tl-.«i on application. Fl I HALE I'ilE NE%V Ei)irL>>, OF i)!:vi:Ri:r\ .v BATriK's inv uiiiM'iiTs. v:il. i, ►iJJ KClilVES tlie approval of those who have ex- amiued it. Chief Justice Nash siys. “1 have looked through it it is CHrtd'ully and well got up. * I think to our Court it wi;l be invaluable—atid to the Profet^siou eijuaily so. It will save the labor of ileciding the same I )int ajain and again; fi>r there will be no excuse for Coup.sel not being apprised of j>oints already adjudi cated ” Gentlemen of the Bar who have purchased and ex amined il, concur, so far as we know, in praise ot it_ For sale, with sets or separate volu:nes of Nortii Carolina Repoits, aud Law Books generaliy, by E. J. HALE & iBOI^i. JEST Ri:ci:ivEi), GO)l) issortmeut of — KKRS.OY.''. BLA 'KiM’S, TWEEDS, ^JEv-SS, S.\TI "i E r rs. C.VSSI U Eiii.S, PRlNl’S, .'‘ilOCo, .to M.S» — 18 DOZ. HOOP S;viR;'S. 50 “ LINEN A'. J M vlt'EILLl-o .^iHiUr.S. SfARR it W ill; \ M = . Nov'r 25. f’ALs'rS, Oli.'^, ^:c. t^PERM, [{etinel, 1, Liiiieei an ) T tuner’s OIL; WHITE LEM); iSurning Fiaid; Putty; Windo-* Giasb atid S^sh of all - 2 -s. —ALSO— Afresh supply of POND’S P.\IN UE.'^TROVER. For sale by J.V'IES .MARTl.S K, .Nov’r 21. tjOtf BRl'lTSll PERIODICALS. L. SCOTT ^ CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish , the following leading British Periodicals, vis: 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY ^Conservative). TH'i: EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). ;i. THE NORTH BP.ITISH REVIEW (Free Church). 4. I'HE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) 5. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). These Periodicals ably represetii ti,.-three gre >t poli tical \iartie:- of Great initniu — 'A hip’, T.ry, and Laiii- .'•al,—but p jlitios forms one feiit nf i.t tln ir ciiiir- icter. AsOiizans of the most prufound wiiteis on Seieuce, Literature, Metaiity, nii'l Le i^i io tluv st>;r.d, as they ever have stood, uni'ivaMej in th: rtor d oi let ter", beiiiif cons'; .ore.I i;i li'-p'.-i’.saiii" to l . >it.d ;iic tirofe.'Sional m iTi, whi'e t > 'i..'i;-eii > j.der jf every class tiiiy 'UriH;>ii .a m ire corj >'C! -.i: 1 M’,tir>- t'aclory reC'>rd of the current Iiteiat(ir>' tilr'Ugiioot tiic world, thau cau be poa.-i:l ro:u au\ olUt r f^'iuice. EagLV copies Tl'.e receipt of Aj'V.VN'CE .s.t J-'.K I -■ f. oiv itibiisliers gives additional val’ie ti tins- r>l ii' I'i iiON, &v, hmd, a large a-s'rtuient f B ix and t'.io«:Dg Sto'-s': Tii;-v.are: ahic-t Iron; L nd Pipe A s 7/j* ‘•(fi'fil iSotuinlon Coffee For sale by J.AMES MAiill'^E. '• ov’r 2'4 ( «;f l!A}::)-\VARi:, (;i 'l LERY, &c. 3 A'-IKS MARTINI’ is uow receiving a large and 'eiieral assortmcM of pverything in the aUove line —ALSO— .V prime artie’e of Ui's 1 aeuira and Java COFFEE: ('ru'hed au'l Brown .SUGAR; Sugr.r House SIR -P and MOLAS'^ES. ■Ml of wiiicb i'i I fferod on ai ,;eoi terms as oaa b had jn tf>i^ market. Nov’r ^4. flftlf 't t le u.y, out I. d iscnuch lis th‘V can ’i')w h, i J. ribers ;ib iiii as S'jo.; 'is the i L ii; •ei r*ie T?rit’sh ei i;r tj in- • f au.> Tr- r.' r. • 0 5 t 0 7 "• 8 00 3 !'0 9 t;t'» Ml GO ■ J// ij v.rr :it. rin t!;i ■J i'or auy one of the four Revievs or any two of tb* four Ri-v.e^a por ar y three of the !''onr lievicws -'or all fjur f f tin* Kcviews ■ v^r 'iia‘k wood’" 'de.irar ;:»* .'or Blackwood a?i'l ture*- Reviews For Bliitkwooil and the four lie views VtijTixenii to bf mut/f- in nil cmc: in Monfy rut rr;it in fht ai.trc ii,>i.ft i icih 6« recriccd af ^nir ( L!MiHIN(; .\. iiS'^jTunt i)f twenfy-fjVv> pei Of'''* *il'i Lo aPi 'We I to ;'Lfi:f viip; "f.iuy 1 i.e ir ?nof ; ''Vi ur co; ies of ’’l.-u-kv.o > ■ r of «‘.‘i!t to on** .address f'.r .S": ffiur .•-■l ii-f ^ii ws and Blackwoo I for tivi) aj e:;. 1 O.' i A ' r . In ail the princip't. c,tit..s ht. I Ti'o";.. th »e works '.vili be .k'’:ver> d, FiiiOL t'F I'OSTA' '''.. '• ! en t ", tlie pr.sfH/e to r,fi-t of the L' ited tes wV;l lie .''••t ; WENTV FOUR ctNT ’ >i y. r f “Black- wo.i'i,” r.n l but FOURT.-.E ■ CI-JNT." a ; ar frr ^-ch of ?be Reviews. A'. Ii. Th- prire in f/rif n - of th Jii€ ic/tla if 's Remittances fin-nny of the nti.-v jiu'-bcatior.s si.ould I always be addressed. j)c.-:t FuL.i'ji.ei s. I.E»' \'.1> ■'CC.T't .Vi I o , No. (t i *>'d .“^tr* et, New Y(.rk. fi.ur Re- r>hmke ior .sal.* at tiii.'* Oilice

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