SFiSHl-WBEKL Y ' >1. \ IN.] FAVF/r rFAlIJ.E, N. C., PECFMBER 0, l«r,S. [\0. 770.1 \; M(>'I'\NS \\!> IlirUSl'WS " UWA] A SDN. !'-K> W'l i’i'ti'iiii:T>i:s. ■ . .-ki' 1 ;■ .tci- 1 : ■ I I! on it' nnM ni '■iviv. ' h.' yiviv i>r -iiilisci i)) ■ r liu' c\| iri il. ' (Ml |-n- -(nninii. if jiniil in iriii^llu' yc.vr of sui)scri]>- i Saloni Stupe Tri weekly 1 Fiiyotteville, N. (' , (lot'r 1, 1858. 61-3m V, . . ',‘ V ^ J 'iiS it I'-ii'l ■ : 'ti'i' il:c yivir li:is exjiirC'l. .Tl'KMH-N l’S iuricrtoil Tir sixty cents per ' 1 'iiu> t\ir ilieiirst, :in»l thirty cents for ciich I u'^iiiMtiuii. ^ t'ai'l v :\'lvortisvinentsl>y :it i-e:i' 'nal>lc I'.itos. A'lvoi tisoi s are .1 t ' -^tate t lie n\imlH-r lit' i usert ionilt'sireel, or ;r w • lias taken cliar'je of the F r iLLi: iio ricr,. , n '\itli i tll. ient a>'i in the ilifferent depart- iiHTiri. tiM.i !iis own supervision of tli« enliru l''t it.ii-,iiincnt, he hopes to givo «ati«faction to th« l’:itrons of the Hont>e. Krtlfiph anil W ursAW four-hor^iu lines of iitta^es arrivt' an.l depart frotti this Mouso Daily, and. tlio Salem Stiiirt' Tri-weekly- ■ fit'll the year 1 s;V,», tour yontijr men and two women, -M- smart, aetive anil cleanly, for 'I’aljle and Chamber Servants; one jjnod ('oitk, (a man prefcrreil.) strong and healthy; an t also one ■oher, iionest and indnstri- ons U'llow tor nstler. For !>ui'h "t'rvants, (slaves l»e fontinued till forliid. anil charged accord- ! would lie preferred.) liberal jtrice.* will be iiiveu, and j wages paid 'Hiarterly T. WAl'liIlil,, Faj’cttevile Hotel, lyetteville, \ (’., N..v, ti7-tlst.l (’arolinian copy. A iv.-rtiseinents to be inserted extra. iu/c, charged •'>(> per I \i;\i i iini i\ii ,\i;\i liooiis. - i -i ribors bavt) formed Copartnership under name uf (.Ol.DS'l’ON .V i FIJ.FU, : r sa ; a larce and well scle'’iod stock of / //■>. // l/.7>-MM/./.-, //^L/ - UAA'K . ■ -■ L i: " h'S. CuTTO \ > lA.N'. Sl/tL'T/yf.S. Jv . !■ th y the attention nf tbeir friends and ' •iim 'v Store uno door Fast i'f II. •!: E. siii:>iwi:jj, iioijjsi:. r.vvi:TTi:vii,i,i;, r. Lmt ^ide ut irtt n a fVw Doors \orth of th>‘ Marlci t House. Subscriber ilesire* through this mu M. dium to ai'knowledire the liber; e past Si'lK'DL BUOKS FOR THE UNION. A. S. I5A11.\F,S iSo CO, 51 AND 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK, PrBLISIIL'llS \\[) WII(ILKS;\Ll' BdllKMiLLEKS, WOll.Li INVITE ATTKNTION TO THE N All OX A I. SFRIFS —OF— sT.i\oii{i! mmi iiftORs. ri ui.isnKi) nr thkm, amonu which ark The yi:ifional Si'hool Ri‘(i(/fni, in 5 iVc».s., and I ’rmioiiitcini/ SfKiler. Price 'J'), -ji', 7-^ cts. and ^j;l. Speller, 2'j cts. l!y Uicl.ard (i. I’aiker. \ M., of Host ui. and J. Ma lison Wat.Mn, of New York. These are the latest rea ling books yet brought out, and it i? confidt'ntl^’ believe 1 surjia^s all others in general plan and irrangiMuent, lieauty of illu.str.ations and tynography, character of selections, and adapta- WIUGHT & FrLLKH. Attorneys aiitl (-ounse!lor.‘ nt I/iw, Fuyvlleville, 51. tILEMENT G. WRIGHT and 15MlTIIOl.OMF,W ^ FULLi^R Lave associated themselves together for the practice of their profession. I’rompt attention pi ‘J to all business committed to their charge They will practice in the counties of Cumberland, Harnett. Sampson, llobeson and Liladen. Aug. 18.'j8. 3'J- TKOY & FLI.I^FU, Attorneys and ('niinsellors at Law, Robert e. troy ami john r. frti'med an association for the profession in Robeson County. Tiie o., li. €\ '. FULLER, have practice of their tion to the wants of M'h> .'s Thev are already in ex tensive use in th,‘ I’ubrj,- .Schools of Now Vork. I’rook Ij’n, .Mbaiiy. Ne" irk. l.ani'isti-r. -ind other important j places ' I I Davtn' It’IIS'd A lifhr.iificn iiii'l Ili'jhrr Ma- tilt nutli 'i. I I’rici'sof \ rithnietii's 1'i, I 'l and 75 cents. \ri' daily i'''Tfa'iiig in p 'pn! ui‘y :ii:d cirijnlat’oa. dium to a.'knowledge the liberal pa- ; ' ' - ‘rdi d a- the mo-t t tn.ri.ngh and prac- trunage bestowed upon his House the past ■ '** '•' bcl re the pn'ilii;. .Vn e.\ceedin(jly valu- year—and as he has jusi erected New Slables and ! :id lition to this eouiso h.as just been made in th« (’arriage She i convenient to the House and to water • pnb'iioatii)n of he takes pleasnn in sayinjj to his putrons and the | Ihn iii I uit public generally, that he is still prej ared to accom- I nio.lattj them with transient and permanent I'oard, and . [A. W. Fillsr. *'•5-1 m ('lv;n'.i a large and \KW VMl .VM) WIXTEH DRY GOODS. ALI3X JOHNSON, Jr., 3 [j fi ;ve i aiui is ',h\.' d : S I 01 K OF COODS, ■ n ■ raciiisr all the newest styles of I :uiit ' l)r*'ss (iiXKls. C'loiiks, SIuintIs, r. s|iu s. F»(*mic'ts, lvihl>ons, I'iowors, and 'i'rimiuiiiiis, ut all kiiuU. ion a iWTij A very desirable stock of llunl\-N' ulc C'lotlnMu:. Cloths, ('assi-' iiu rcs. \ (‘stimr. Hals. C ap', liouts. Sh()o., Fmhrellas. vVc. .retiier with many articles nut deemed necessary : ":^fiate A 'f wh h will be ofl'ered l.iw for C.\SH. or on .1' I" fill'll ns pav wUcn called nn, ALF.X Johnson. Ju. •\;ytttev;.lo. N. Sept. 20, l''.'i". 47tf \i;HI.M! FILL STOtk TOR 1858! S'l'ARR^V WILI.IAMS, Are ni-w receiving their SF('’OND SI I’l’LV of staple niid I'aiic’v llry ln'oo(l*>», ii\rs, CAPS. r.ooTs. shoks. r.oNNin's, IMIHIKLLAS. and RK \ 1>V-.M VDK r L o t h I N ;. *• irri-at v tri-ty 'f articles n"t enumerate 1. i ..;■ Stck is very large and wv'l assorted, compri- • •_ ul; the latest styles and patterns, and will he oller- • - ' . Whi'lesale r>uyers on liberal terms. tit:.er fur A'H " ippri'ved paper. - r. T\RU.J [.T. M. WILLI VMS. ■ i r U. '‘'l-tf XEU .>OI).s ^■Tll L -ubscribers udnj.t this method i-f infnrming ■ their frienils land the p’llilic generally! that tiiey ^r- I, iW receiving into stor« a very large and general sroC’K OF (;i()(>!)S, EMr.R.VClNt; f.i IS (I V i: K11: K. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, «Vc. A 'f which tht-y are di.sj, ;se 1 to sell at reasonable : f-r,,r ,.n the usual time to resfionsibiu . rs wh urw in the h-ib't p iyin.;. GKO. 'V WILLIAMS ('O. Ju y 2-;. 1^>. 31- G. & L. BRANDT. respectltilly s >licits a c uitiiiuan 'C of the liberal pa tronage heret'ifore receive I. Ilverv ext>r:ion on his part shall be use t to ren lor them cnmf 'rtablo dur.ni: their soj lurn with him. His t iblo is always supplied w;th the best thd market atl',.r Is r. SIIK.MWIILL. March lil. l''^'>.') i^t'.tf .\n rntiri-ly in'\- me liat*' J biCi' bc;\ br'» aII 1 JJiimd ^n. A’g. l ra by a b gu- rniif// Alijihr't, I'rii't SI 'Ih. V rk. d.'si^nrd to occupy an inter- I'cn the author's Kletnentary .\lge- It te.'iches the S'ience .'Kid Ari of il arr'Hiirenii'nt and classitication of the jiriiK-iples in their n-itural order, and by illustrat- thelr ipplicati'Ui in an extended s,-ries of carefully Prof. Davies’ e \ uin j'!es It f|^HlS roNVKNIENT ,\ND WKI.L ''rKNISHED B. F'ta''!ishme:it was opeue'l lor the reception of lloarders on tnc lllth i;ist. The subscrilier will sp.are no 1 ains ti' m.-ike all i-oinfurt.ible who may stn|i at her house r.cirular bnardcr' will hero fui i the '[uiev .•,im- fort of homo, fombiuo l with the advant'iges to busi ness men of a IL'tel. The stables of Mr. W. Troy are in the rear of the Hotel, and travellers may entrust their horsis to his care, with the as-urance t-i ,t tiie best trcitment will be best I wed up n tiicm. M.UIY ANN potter Oct. ‘Jl. 1’)'i-;>m 'I'o 'ri!F 1‘rr.LK . ^■'IIIK Subscrib.'i haviii:^ P.MNTIID the Extensive H STAP.LK.'^ I inncctcdw'th the li.ib'..'’i IL.usc. ik now prepari'1 !e ’■ ar 1 M n^es ^y the d .y ^r monlh. h i« sccu’-. d the services of an experienced hostUr, II and j romises t • give s iti>faclinn roniie his establisiiment. all who may pat- W. c. TROY. 6C-i»m Oct. 21, WFSTKliN UAII. road. ON and after Monday, 22d day of N->vember, the Freiirht Train will run KK(»LL.\RLV b-tween Fayetteville and McClenahati's StaiMiu; leavinir Fay etteville every murninir at 7 o'clock an 1 ri.ii;ri.;ng ut 1 "'clock in the afternoon of same day. ''onsignors are rci|uested to sen i tickets with arti cles, statinir consi;inee, ■iestination. ^Vc. U A Kn>LR. ('I'.ii f Kng'r v'i Sup't. NVhenever the amount nf frei;:ht may require, an extra Tr:iin will Nave Fayetteville and return in the alternoon Nov'r 2'J. ?.j- IMIL UOlll .MITlli;! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. arranire I nn I gi l»st and bf-t w irk. Afonfi'i'h 'I ;i'/ I/. .Vu/'y'i Srn'i at ^ r’ny ritphira, Prices 'J.'), .}i). i.tl oent - , and ••»!. Sect! fi' be fi^t . i;j cr*"iiiiir aU others. The p’an c.n which they :ire arr ..;^;'' 1. theii 'ntrit-.si,- merit, con- Cisciies'. b.-aiity. .'iti l j.cculiar adapt ition, render them great faviiritc' with b ‘th teachers and pupils They have I'Ci'ti i tli.'iaily t cci nimendi-d by the Sujierinten- deiiTs .if Pu’lie liistructi >n of vei'y many .'tates, and by nuaieri.us Teai iier^' Associations an 1 hmtitutes throuch'iut the c .untry. and are in successful use in .a mnliitu 1> of j.uMic and private Schools in every State of t(\e [’:ii .n. ('/ark's riin»i'tr., in t too X >d , prir^:^ 4(J 'ind OU 'tnd H/(■/*’. Annl^ais, price ~'o i'tnti, It is b -:icvc 1 present the mily true and succes.«ful method I’f teachiiiir the » ience of the English Lan- gua,:e. They are ttie .Sfmdard Text-Hooks in the New Vork. .Michigan an! "ther State .Nurrsal Schools, and in very many of the best Sch :.ds and Academies in thw O'lUiitry, r.ivh.r i S' h'lul price SI, Is regarded as the most complete, concise, and prac tical t'lass 11 1 'k on that subject yet published. It is nioro extensively used than .'iny ether, which fully de- menstrates its pre-eminent worth and superiority. P'>rtir\ S''h'i'il Vh‘ mi^tri/. prirt , I»'.ine of the most a Imirable w>irks prepared for .Sell" Is. and re j'liri • only a limited amount of ap- ^ par lias to iHnstrato ail th« experimenti described. A. S 15. iV Od. li.tve recently aildctl many new and valiialde works te their ,\ A'I'IO.H.41.. a full descri]ition of which will be tbund in their i.t ST/t.tTt:i9 C,H\t- Just published. Containing u completo ilescription. with notices and recomruciidations, of all their School and Library Rooks. Teacher* and School Hficers throughout the coun try are reijuested to send for this IP§2S- Cieil*Tif§: C,iT.trfKj! t t:, and corres jiotid with the Publishers in recar i to any of their Wur^is they m^iy wish to examine or infoduce. AJdrcss A. S. liAKXES .V CO., Gl and Juhu tftroct, New York. former will also attend the (,'ourts of Bladen and ('olumbus: the latter will also attend those of (Cumberland. Th« Offict* in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. Jan’y 1, IH58. 73- SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attorney nnd (’ouii'='llor at F^aw, WILL attend regularly the County and Superior (a)urts of Wake, Johnston, (’umberland, Har nett, and Wilson. All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Jan’3’ 12, ’oM. 70-1 y L0\ FKD e:lukii)(;e. • tUor»ieif at Ijntr^ ILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samj) w ■■■■ ■CTygwwwr \n\. (Ill'll’. \M) lArEiiniurs roiti: for l\*hol*'salv om! Krfttil iPettlrrs in Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. ''lA! LL A^ I> /• J A ^ 1 Phi fiOj/>S, LRCH.VNTS and others about toirc hasing their i.!!':: and Furni'liin;: Gu" i-; li i'X.s an'] Slioi's- !'f"; anil Caps; Tiunks; ('arpet outh Fall and inter Sujiplies. ;ire requested to . notice, that by the completion of the N'ortli Eastern ; Rail Road from i'harlest in, .s. (’.. to f'iieraw, the ad- . vantage-! of a('HH.\Pan l EXPEDITIor s P. lUte from the Sc'ibo.'ir J hys been o|iened to them. ■ All freight consi.;ned to the care of the .\gent of the | North Eastern Rail Road will Vie forwarded FREE OF i COMMISSION. I No charge will b« made for Storage at Cheraw. All I f ViVe largest, handsomest and i care of in the Company's Ware- I house until sent for. ' A schedule of charges for tranip irl^tion of freight i will be found at the Po*t _)flice. { S S. SOLOMONS, j Lng’r and Sup’t. j Aug 3. a4lf I l.r r rKULMlI s M\K. Tiunks; ('arpet Ha;is and Vali'cs; llardwaro; ('utli-ry; Crockery; .'lu'-ieal Instriiinf'nts; Imp irtod Ha- vanna and I’rincipe Scirar.--; f ir >,a!L‘ by til" IJii.K Miily. A lar^'C usxirtineiit nf Xeirr.i Hlan- k'fs, Mackinaw-^, i\:f Miprl- >iir in all one n; • t th -rough ass rtment of (iood' ever exhibited market, and will be sold che.ap for *’ash. or on -■ t . *h' se wii ! pay their ace oints at first preson- ai. • ur friends and the j.uMio :ene-a!Iy are very r ■- - !'u' \ invite i to oive us .'I’t early call and secure . barL''iin A. S. ]>A11NI^S vt CO. are also jmblisliers of tli*» School Tearlirrs' Mjibrary. Retail price. Northcn I's Tcii’her and Parent ^!l^2-') Page’s Theory and Pr-ictice of TeacluB^ 1 25 Mansfield on .\merican Education 1 25 De rocquevilleV .\merioan Institutioni 1 25 D.ivie.s' Logic of .\[atiienntics 1 25 Mayhew on I’niyors’.i IMucation 1 25 Root on Schocjl .\musemeiifs 1 25 The above P.ooks ;*re bold by E. J. H.\LE j' SON, Fayetteville .N. C. »ct'rl. iSo!^. ol-2m0.tl) Tin: i.ivi:k IWKiOliATOtt! ri;Ki'^KKi> iiv nu sANK'>iu>. ' 'om|>ouii(t‘d rntlrrly from (il HS, F OSK MF T!iK MKST !TR‘;MIVK ,^V1> I.IVER MB niriN'K.-s i.„w iirlore tlie toibi'c. ihM ac’.* At » rur/wrn#. . ap'i inor**o!T^«*tnul iKati miy otL«r ni«»i:ciii« kii"wu. 1» In iiMt .>nly a V.ul n / urr rnnedy. actiTifc firil on th« L%itr to fVi’t iu niorl)i'l mailer, ihvii :>n U»o ttoinach and bow«I» ■ >4rrr •ifihHi th .* iw.- i.uri>os«« eff«ictu- ftli V. w'lih nit any • / the g ainful ju the Op«ra ti>-' n f m m i II «tiei.,ftl.^u* tb« at MUi* that It t'Uiaf' k it. a!t«l ^hvu tuktn daUy in niotieiaie will MrcnpTtheii aii*i hull'l it up witi: u'!u»ual rapjdltj II ay I., IIRAND'I'. I'a ctH-viWc. N ’. tf M.u A.M) rm: \ i’ ;( >o!>s. JAMES KYLE IA.^ !• .',.-1 ,1 I,111 -m l t"nura' supply if iPiiV aOOKfS, Ifiools aiitl Koll- iiiU 4 «V‘. f wlicli iiM- .iCet! t urcli : el by the [itckagc for "tiered at the biwei-t market prie^ l»t wlliee Oe! 1 I..U olil tin PLATE, Slirel Iron. Iron Wirr, t’OOKIX; M’4ivr.- \ M> l’|\.W \I4 .\lwa\s -n harel, at W liol,.s:i’,,. or Retail. linni ixt;. f. i I / And Hi kilids 1 t .lolibiiii:. done at short notice b» C. W. ANDREWS.' ' ■Market S'juare. Fsyette\i l,*. Jn'r 'J 27- ri iM \ I \N (a wo. ^ I^HE undersigned has made urrangcii.ents by which 1 t>) fiJ qiiire.J .|u-intity of I I*r3’iiviaii 't which wi I be from dii 'ct importations, info the P rt of \\ ilmiheiou. and warranted pure and genuine Orders lor the above e.scelicnt fertilizer are boliait- «l, to which pruiiijit attention will be given .^b thi-' 1-- an article which does not admit cd' being I 'id on time, ca»h or its e'juivalent must ai’compauy ,1 lei. liEVEKLY ROSE. Ju.yS. 26tf The l.lvcr i- -u.e ilir hMTnftn ! iy . ai *i wlifu ii th« aM> enliM'ly J.\r^r f-p; ih** •toinac'h it at taiift.tlie b -woU i>*tvm t'jrtert- iu liariii*: . fAt.-.l to d I itt -Itity pan. one "f tho pr«|»rivt«*r^ .‘f whejtjwith l«: • •nnitvrnrt th« It liah't*. To prove that th1« rfm^'dy i* bled with ljlv^r ( ciiii* baa but t'> tiT a hottie. aitd IhfkM renu».- all in tljni Invi tl.> S'' T('.\MKR "K.VNNV" Iciivt's evilh* every .Moii'Ifiy Hivi 'I’liurs.lay inontinir, nt 1 ■'> miiiutey nftt-r .-m i iiniiMirtoii Tue.*'I;iy )trul Fii'I;iy, ' ut o'clock.—oanyir. an 1 fi'**iL*ht. i MfanuM* *'St JL TH hil.N KU/’ wiili :i lull v’.nii|>!' iiU’nt i of Flais, innkc.s cmu or muif trij j t*r wtvk, jis cir- | 'uiMsit:inct*H m.'iy r '.upro • The acci'U'iit tlio Sh*:imi'r \N*' will lie re- * d in :i >lto will iIumi l:iki‘ lu r plui'e iu ' whole •tf'i lii.tf H radi'-ttl rnr**. ItllioiiA nttac’ks htp I7 I/lv«*r 1ii« lu'»rnfor. X »ne df -“'I HftiT CHTiii>r I*. ati'i prev.-i'.l thf food fi-MU i Miiy one dose taken before ninrV. Only d'-^«' tnltfn h* irctitiy, nnd ‘oh- prin'ipal regtiUtort oT tb« iietf- :nit Ita functiui.t well, fijJJy deTtJ'.ped. Tbe#{»»/*arA the btalthy acll-'U of tli« an e of it» funi'tiont. when ih« ar« at fault, and the whnl« ■ if one orjfin—the l^lTcr— for the diitea*et of that or- fiat made t hit ffludj. iu a j»*a;ii. 1‘* find ■ •me rwmedr luanj dera to wbirn at la*t finind. any person iron* pliiiiit, in a’ljr «>f iu futiuB, ron\ H tion i(» reitain. morbid or bad mailer from plare a h»»althT tiow of bile, 1 t'- di^?*’»t well, tone and bt*alth to tha the caufltf of the diteate— i tk-A n«*i«*nl to lelifTe th« ttomach ritii.K anil touiin^'. retiring, pivTenu nipht. lo^veni tbtt buweU II veiienfs. njfMl wiil« ur» lijrnprpsln 'f»>onfulft Hill al«ayt reli«i^o I ho ;ine. )ct’r 4, T I s.',8. LI I’l’l 1.1,011 51-t: «y . in Hi II k SON'S STORK, Fayetteville, i\ Jan’y 20,1858. 64-ypd ft »ne dost* of IWIJ !(irk ll«‘nliic'li€. nne boiile tnkon for fe •atife of tlie dijieH-'f*. and Mily on»* do^t* imniediai«dy One dot*? often rei'* att l \s «nd H jir«*venli'‘. unlT one b«»ltie it •y»tem the «f1Vct8 f rnedi Uuti )H)it]H takun for or tjtinatur»l cidor' >ne dottf tnkeu h f>b‘>rt ^or lo llu* appftite, and nmke- »ne to«« often repeafetl rlicrn in it^ worst i.irni- coinplHinte yind One or t wo dcure* at Children: ther« in no purei. the world, as il tiev^r /tiHn 9^ A few bottles curcf ftb^or^teiiU. We take plea^nre in reroni preventive for aii«l and all K«*vtT« -‘f »» 1511- % ith certainty, and thoiibandt; wonderful virtues. • All whci It nro Chelr iiiiaiilmout its ravor* 9^ Mix \Vnt(‘r In tite mouth with the liiTl* ^ui*atoi\ aitil ii\%aU>\v both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A .'!'IKNTIFIC MKKH'.M, 1>1S'(iVKhY, «iii1 in dally workinR cnres, ahnt)»l too Rreal to baliere. It rur»a at !f by miUfir. tren the Arst d'>Me •jivinq htntfit. and teldom mor« ihan one bottU i» re^tiired to cuie any kind of ('otnplaiut, from the wuitl or to a conimon •11 wf which are ibe re«ult of a Olnenii€t l.«tv*r« rttICK 05B DOLLAK rCK BoTTLB. l>r. SANTORD, Proprietor. 545 Hr«>*dwajr, Iftw Yorte ]|WtoiI»l bj All DnitftfitM. iMd alto b§ JAtf. N. S.MiTH and S. J. HIIJSUALE, FayctteviHe, N. C. Nov’r 11. C2-ly male ob^tnjction remoToe tL« makes aj>erfe*t riire. rclie»»« hollc. while a ^iire nne lor ('hol«ra ol C'holcrii. nvodett to throw oi;t of th« *in9 after a 1*I’K hicknets. •Inuiill€‘«t removes all tal- frcni the akin, time before eating fiK>d d'jfest ell. cijreH i lii'oiile l>lnr- while SII miner and alnlo^l to the first do“e. lju kh tans. d byAVormBlu wifer, or tpeedier rcruedj io l>ro|My, by exciiinf Ui« m«ndirm; tbl>« m«die1ne at a lilll Kcvcr, Ifilitf Typr. It operated aru willing to toetifj to ItB DRs. liKxnow oj scorr j ■ ■ .'VVINO nssociated themselves to- ^ M I gether in the practice of ''n'l-: .>! T I J* T K V, ' teniler their professional services to this community. One or both of them may be found in their Rooms near the Market during their regular office hourii for the whole j’ear. Since the above association has been formed, it will become necessary for th« old business of L)r. B to be closed. .All who owu him will please call and settle. Those having temporary’ sets (unpaid for) are request ed to settle with ca«h or note. Oct. li'J. 50- DKNTISTKV. I. D.WL'^ having drcidcd on per- M.W manently locating in the Town of Fayetteville, respectfully offers his services to the cit izens of tiiis place and surrounding country. In all the v.'irious br.itiches of his ProfesHion, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an e.xtensive exjierieiice, to which is added a thorough Dental ediioafion, tliit lie cm give entire s.-itisfaction as far as is in the jiower of Dentistry. .Ml irregulari ties of the Teeth treated in a projier and carLful man ner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the projier metals .are made us« of in the various opera tions. (’harges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession maj’ be placed within tlie reach of all who may feel an interest iu th« fireservation of the Teeth Office ov«r Houston's Jewelry istor«, where he may be found at all times. .May 10, IMjS Jtf T/ie i'arriitssr rarlorif in I hr. South! \\ son I'oiinties. .''mithticld, Af)ril lo, IH.')*!. 'j.-tf .lOSKIMI Jk.. ITT'O K .\ i: V A 1’ I. A W II AS taken an oflico next door to Wai B Wright's | Law office on (Irren Street He will attend and I practice iu the'ounty and Superior llourts of Cum- I Uerl.'iud, Hiaden. Robeson ^nd tiampsou. j .March lJ >, l&oo. 7‘Jtf >IcK I'/rSIAA THO. C. PULLER, titiorneif and 4'onnseitor at tjau\ FFICE at Ei^cles's Bridge, recently occupied by his friends and the ■ P large substantial O James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. J. Jan’y 1, 1857. o l»r. K. \. FFITH Front Rooms, over Dr. S J. Hinsd.'ile’s ('hemist and Drug Store. Feb'v 7, l8.5ti. 70-tf XOTICI-: OF coi’AirrxKusMip. rmiiiE undersigned have this day formeiJ ;i cojmrt- I. uprship UDtler the style and firm of .foiiriii X' ^perliii.;;, for the purpose of carrying on a general (JROCERY, rR(.)VLSlON and PRODUt’E BUMVE8S, iu the stores formerly occupied bj* Messrs. .1. & T. Waddill, on Hay Street. REUBEN JONES, OEORr.E WALTER Sl’FRLlNU. Fayetteville, Ocfr :27, ISOS. tiS- .M:w CASH STOIiK. fONKS A SPF^RLING beg to acijuaint their friends th.it they ha.’e just rcttirned from Ac’ir \nrk, linxfon, l^hihvlclphm nnd /{•dtiniore, where they have purchased a most i: M. t: c tm: mp s to tti of a o o i# s Kllilal»l4^ f»i‘ Comprising, iu part. Fancy l)ress and Mourning Cali- ci>cs; Mnglish and Scotch Ginghams: Woolens; Kerseys: Linseys: Jeans: French DeLains: F.incj' Robes; Broad- cloth.s: Cassirneres; Sattinetts; Tweeds; Blankets; Bed- tick; Sheetings: Shirtings: Diapers: Irish [.inens; Vel vets; Hosiery: Elastic and Enameled Belts: Horn, Silk and Velvi*t Buttons; Ci,nil>s; Whalebone; Toilct, l-'ancy ancl Shaving .Soaps; I’erfumwy. ”>0 c ises heav}’ and light Brogans; Water-tight and Calf-skin l>oots; Ladies', ' .Misses’ and Children's Shoes and Gaiters, of latest fashions, .V most superior assortment of !>caver. Woolen, Tj’ger and Negro Hats; Military and Navy ■ silk, glazed and cloth ('aps, for (ients. Boys and '\ouths. .-Vxes; Hatchets: Tr-ice Chains; .'spades; Shovels; Forks; Frying I’ans; Cotfee Mills; Silters; Table Cutlery; Pocket Knives in great variety: Hoop iron: Hollow-ware; .50 kegs assort'd N’ails Moini- mental, .(ackson. Old Rye ami North ('aro!in;i Wliis- kcy; Schiedam and l)omestic Gin; French (’ogii'ic and Donis. iirandy; .Vpple and Peach Br.uidy. Inu Bags Bio, I.,aguir:i and .lava Cotl'ee. I’orto Itico, Havana and Stuart’s refined Sugars, in all gr.i le.s; Mnhisses; Candles: .Soaps; Stari-h: Powder .in 1 Shot: I’obacco; K , R and E M Snutf. ritl.OOii Havana and donii'stic .Se- ' gars of various br.inds and jirices. from 70 cents to a bii.x Ham, Bacon, Pork, Dried Beef. I'ish, .Salt, Butter and L-ird. Light, medium an l heavy wdght , Oak-tanned Snle Leather .V large assorlmi’nt of I NV'oo len and Willow Ware; Etc., etc., t»o niuiierous to mention. .All of which we oiler for sale fft Hit Lotrent i*rites 1'ov Canh. JONES .S: SPERLING. South Side Hay Street, At the Store formerly occupied by J. T, W.iddill P. S.—Xaviil Stnrea and other I'roiJnn tohvn in Harter and j>nrvh(tscd for ctsh. .1. .j- .s. Dec’r 1. 08- T. A. K. iU)llNS'n:i)T, •Mgent for i'hirherin^'s Pianos^ Jf which ho has always somo on hand. Wilmington, N. (^, Oct’r 2, 185S 51 lypd PETER MALLETT D. I’OLDE.N MURR.VY, GENERAL COWMISSIOW MERCHANT, 6 2 South S t r k e t , A'A’IK YORK. July 2:>, 1S58. :12- JAS C. ^MITH. MILES COSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., t-'aelors^ Vomniission and For- ufardin;a^ •flerchants. WlL.MlNt'.T>N, N. C. ■ ^PkOMPr attention given to sale of TlMBEPk, LU.M- JL BEli. N.WAL STORES and all kinds of Produce Liberal advancements made on Consignments, Refers to E. P. H.^i.i., Pres’t Branch Bank of State. H. R. siAVAGu, Cash'r Bank Cape Fear. Juuk D.a,w- HON, Esq. April 25, 1858. 5-1T JOHN M. CLARK, Coniniission I'orw.irdiiii; Murchuiit, WIl.MlXGTON, N. C ILL give prompt attention to sale td' Country Produce, Naval Stores and ’otioii Aij' nt for Hash and Orrelis Liuii v/ Buats. 'vjJH .August 185b. S8tf W. H. TURLINGTON, Coiiiiiiisiioii Merchant, No. 4 North Water St., WIL.MINGTOX, N. C. HZ’ILL give his prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of all Consigniuenta of Naval Stores or other (.lountry Produce. Nov. 8. I8'»ii. tf WiLLlA.M J. l>KlCi:, Inspector of •'%'ava! Stores, niLMJ\0 7’0.\, A'. C'., Solicits the patronage of his country friends and ail others engaged in the Tui'pentine business. Voi'lii \V;il*r •‘•Iriw'l. Nov’r 1*2, l,s58. Gl-ly F. M. IHZZELL, G R 0 I' K Ii AN I) C (I >1)1 I ,S S Ml \ >I V. R (’ II A .\ T No. 2U Noam Watkk .Stkkkt, V. ilmiN(;t.‘\. n c. IJtBo.Ml’i' and personal attention given to the re cej tinii ol all kinds ot Cionitry jiioda o, cither for sale or sliij rui'iit. Or lers for groceries from Cd.s 'i ctistom.'i's « 1 re- Cc.vl- iiiiin'‘di.-i:e allcnli in. frc^ oi g on n; ;si >:i» Nov. I'J, 1858. i;.M_v THK IIOI SK-KKKPKirS WlKmSU. Herrick’s Patent Carpet-Sweeper, ■ » ESPECTFl'LLY inform ■ public, that he has bui'i. Brick liuildings at his Old Stand, expressly for man ufacturing (Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received f ir the last ‘J1 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his wor.: to be m.ide of the best material and V>y experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will comjiare favorably with any iwide in the UiiitfJ .states, for neatness and durability. He is determineil to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now ha« on hand, Fixishku, the LARGEST S'J'OCK of liurouclus^ Rock'awuya, and Ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be liuislied daily. .All of which w'll be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to r-in«tual customers. Ue has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED .AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in course of construction. gfeij’*' .Ml work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmaniihip or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wi.shing to buy would do well to call and I House a*tl2*^’clork examine for themselves. • Orders thankfully received an 1 promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notion and on very re.tsonablo terms Mav -2\ 185;{. 89-tf 1 alnahle Fttrmhur Ijtitid I'or Sale, nn V(ij)c Fenr. IN pursuance of a Decree of the Court of E'luity. ujton the I’etition of Randall McMillan and wite. I will sell, on Monday December 20, that Valuable F.ARM on the east side of Cape Fear Kivcr, imw in the possession of Randall McMillan Trustee, formerly owned by David S. Williams, ati l adj.iins the lands of Neill McDngald, John Waddill, and .L'lmes .NL Smith and others, above the Clurendon Bridge. Persons desiring to examine the land can do so by ap{>lication to Randall McMillan. There is ia the tract about D)>) Acres and most of it is valuable river land. Terms of sa’.e 0 months with interest from date. Bond and security required from the purchaser, W. A. HUSKE, riork .V Master. Nov. ;10, 1858. 08-ts ftS^ THE ABOVE SALE will take place at the ^50 reijuired iu cash. at o’clock. .1. w. |{.\ki:k I? Tiow recciviiip from the North the ; largest, finest, and most carefully selected | stock of I ri'K'%i’ri Ki] I Over oflorcd in this market: which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment com- 1 plete:—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. j Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in | setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; I Looking Glasses: Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side , Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- , Nots; Tables, all sorts: Wash Stands; ('andle Stands; ! Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; j Cornices: Curtain Batids: Sofas in Mahogony and Walnut; Tete ,a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; i Chairs of every variety, I Fiue Rosewood Pianos, one with ^Til ilian At- j tachment; Rosewood Melodiaiis, from the best manu j factories in New York and Boston, warranted as good j as an^' made in the country, and will be sold at New i York prices—freight only added. September 2. 45-tf ki*:ai. kstath tok -aij:. la ILL be sold, on Wednesday, Decemb»-r 22d ¥ w the Market House in Fayetteville, at 1 CKOSS tJtEF.K F.i€TOil\\ containing Eight Spinning Frames and Ten Sets of ('ards, with willow Whipper and Picker, and all other I Gearing belonging to the same, with a first rate Lathe, i This lot contains Five .Acres of Land, on which are all I of the Out-buildings for factory purfioses mi I a large j DwcJlling House nnd Well of excelletit water in the yard. .Also, ONE LOT on .\nn Street, on which are Three Double Houses. Also, THREE BlilCK STORES on I’erson Street, adjoining the Cape Fear Bank lot on the East, with a large Lot in the rear and commo dious Warehouses. Here is an opportunity for investing money that will pay a good per cent, on the iiivestmeui. Persons wishing tj purchase will be shown the property by calling on the subscriljer. Terms made known on th« day of sale. JA.MES KVLE. Jr. Nov’r 20, 185s. 55- (’orpox iu)xi)s I'OK a[j:. f'|''HE Western Rail Road Co. have for sale in amounts , to suit purchasers, : S’iO,OOU of tlie C(>upon Bonds of the County of ' Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable ' semi-annually on the 1st June and the liit of Decem- I her. and running 20 years. | 8HO,()0D of the Coupon Hondi^ of the Town of : Fayetteville, bearing 0 percent interest, payablw .semi- , annually on the Ist.lanuary and the Itit cf July, nnd i runninii ’.It) _ye)irs These lionds were issued in accord-ince with law '.> the Woicrn Riil R ial I’o., !o pay tli'* ♦''oniity aid Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money '^■ill t'.U'l these bonds (at th- , price the Cti. i.s .seiiii g llicni) a better i;ivi*stmeia than any B inU Stm'ii in tlie. Sl;it ' For terms appl^' to tl. B. ,'i \ LI.11 I T, Es j , Pre.s't or to JN'O M, !’iO,'^l',. Treas’r Western R. R Co. i Fayetteville. Feb’v -0. 8.*tf I'ARM I'OU SALK. I OFFER for sale my PL.ANT.ATlO.N' on the East side of Cape Fear Uiver, miles above the « 'laren- don Uridge, known as the Tooincr Lands, containing about 800 Acres. The Plantation is in a i'oo 1 stale of cultivation, and is susceptible of being male one of the most profitable Farms in the County. Address JNO. D. WiLLl.X.MS, E ij , Fayetteville, N. C., who is authorised to sell. L. J. HAL'GHTON. Oct. 14, 18.58 5Df IU T ri:i{ AXi) cnKKSK. JUST received pr Fanny, a few Firkins of very nice liUTl’ER, and 26 Boxes i>rini>* ('HKESE. C. li. CO»K Oct. 1 1. UA( OX. iHoD’E North Carolina B.AClN. ’ Sides and Shoulders. il-tf ■Also, Wei»t«rn B 0«t 1 1 (' »()K. i M't; Ali Few Bills xi .\10L.\S, lUU’.SI'l s'i clients H SYRl ;ks ii I \is . prime i’. • U' »i\ 1 i,. ■^o'iee f B^l! K U j.( . M. of ."'oldii 1 81 2. cun li.ivt Io *^ 8«!»>% Iif .Mexlciin .''iddicrs, a!id th.- VS rs who iiiro I'l fci'iivic'i. in the v t!o‘ir o.-iisi.ois -ont i nuf'l In '-i.gri h'lviii',' ni:i-ie liiii. .^XIIlBlTllD, :ii.d or.lei re(t(‘iv.'1 fur the (..ime, G. A- L. i‘.K,\NDT'S. Hhv St . FdUtfeville. A Oci'r -Ji'., \'i)K SAi.K Oil iii'.N V. 4 CO.WEMENT DA|;lI,IVG IlnC.n;. „n I J_^ mount, nciir Nlr .) nciir ei.tjuirtt of .1 Thoni] S'lTi’ G. .siiepli(‘r,l. i;s.| . A. ^I, i' .Mu F -r j.-irji- ir A-''Pi FI.L 'J-tf IN all its kinils, executed with neutnet>i anj Je spatch. Small jobs when done must he j)ai l before delivered. THOS. H. TiLLlNGilAST, Anderson Street. May li 185?'. 11 -1V Cliroiiol(»ov )(■ North Carolina, Irom 1581 to 1858, by U. K. Bennett. Just reccrived. E. J. M.ALE i\c SON. Oct. 21. Cider Vinegar, tor sale by W. H. CARVER. Aug. 18. 38- I’KOC'LAM \ riON, his llxfi'Urnc^, Thom,\s (hiutrnui !>f y>iirlh i 'nrn/1iiii Vi’ ilFRE\s. it has been repr»' 'tiled to me thit ^ y I'lie .\rchibaM Mc 1 >ci';i!ril 1 ite o'' t1i'> '..nnlv of Ci.inberland, did on the 27th l.iv } I-'tjhi u.irv last ill s-.id Coiiiry, kill :in l niui-b'r one Thomas Mnnroe. anitli.it tlie said \Ic I >■ i;Z'i H is !■. 1 i-i l i ve tr in j istige, and ha» escaped beyu. ! tin: lim.ts .■! diis .''tate. Now. to the 'tl I th'it the siid .Vrcliibi d McDougald inaj t e i»ri'est-d :ind brought to tri'ti tor liis s:iid of tVnce, 1 lo herel.y issue this tiiv Pri'cliiniatinn, ofl'eriiig a Ivtwar l of 1 wo Hundred D.olais lor his ajiprehen- bion and delivery to tiie Sheriff of i'uiiibcrland (Jount r. DESi’lUPlloN. McDougald is about fif’ty yenrs of .age. of light hair aiid complexion, blue •■y> s. of .puck s] eech, has a sc ir on the face ne:ir one of his j;iws. weighs about l')5 or 170 pounds, is adilicieii to i'ltoxication, and whil« diunk is turlnileiit and troub:esome. Given under niy hand and the Great Seal of [i, ».]the State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of Mattth, D. 185'i. By the (iov«rnor, THOS, BRAtolO. Pulaski Cowpkk, Pr. Sec’y. March 15. 93tf Blank Warrunts lor salo at this Office the undersiirtieii, orovisj in fur tlieni • iivu Ml. ilie mull igeni.'ot of \our >i,.i in,I ti n i lu"liev -.li'iil (;olili it >ncf. nr n i clrii i; .INo 'I, I!.I. , i .\/l. t- r i'l !,-■ ,is. etieville, June 12. Is5S. >. iioiisrox ^ ^ or LD in! orm h I s friends and former eii s* .ii er-' j V that l;e may be found 2 doors lieluw the(':i|i(» ! Fear Bank, ani S doors above his old sfan'l sontii side i Person .Street, where he intends to keeji on Jiar‘i, : Harness, Saddles. Bridies, Whips, Coiiars, ; and ever}’ thing belongitig t- his trade. He resj ectiul- j ly invites his friends from tiie country to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing. He wi.i attend to Repairing of H arness -ind .Saddles i punctually, and his char/es sh;il: i'« lao lei :it«. He would re4ue3t all indebted to tiie firm ot HoL;.- lo\ &OVERBV to 6..-tilo with W. Overby or him.elf, they are coirpe. ^ . .o sett e ttie firm's debts. .August 2/, 13>K. tf The \\)ice ol'Cliristia.i Lite in Snjg; j Stand Up for Jesus, a ( nri.'-tiau B iliui; .sermon i; 1 the Mount, by D. H- Hill; .Sprague's .Vnn.i!-; ot t,;e i American Pulpit, Presbyterian volumes: I'runoh on tfie New Tesfament. Ji. J. H.ALL it SON. Nov. 1, 18ob.