[vOj. Mil.] m B NEMI-WEEKLrY. FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C., DECEMBER 11858. [NO. 771.] |K ' ii:i i: ■i . 'U." irt !M ;en I \ :: \ ; I U 1 % ^ 31 UK ■ ' “ K» 'olhlit . ■A... -If lu: IS •: j-1 ' CA ; .t ^ Ol. 1^ 1 ^ 111' 11._, I,.;' ‘‘p; att II U 1 i .11 ^ ‘ f r. 1 r. t I- ■uri.'TS tN»» I ' it ^ n I ; « UU , ... J r - ■ ill , isv eU'- ^ I rv-g‘^“‘ \1" !. \loVli\VS \Nlt IliruSD\Y8. I \V \ !1 \!J- A: S{)\. ' n ' \N - 1-':.‘-'KI!;Tc11S, ■ , ' . !■ 1\ ij. vv:n •>:! 0(1 if ji-ii.l iII * i il irhiir tin'_vvir'i!'bul'Si-ri|' •1 n’t: r • !if _v«'MI 1..1S o\|iiro'l. \V •'! i:kvi i; > ' per .imuiui, if jiiii'! in ■ '• ■ .'.urin^j tlit' yp.w of subscrip- ■ 0 _v. ;ir liiis exjiiro'l. \ ' , uTl:-'.:M KNTS insfrtod fur sixty cents per : li,'iiu-# f'T tlio iir:^t. .ukI tliiviv flits for tiich , , 1 i pU'iui :it'.iiii. \ i‘:irly ;i'lvi‘rtiseniciitsliv spo- . rai't". ;it rLM^'iiiai-ir r;itt‘S. Advoi tiseis aro ■ 1 to ■- -ite till' iiuiiilH'r of iiiiTtion!« ilosired. or ■ i-e •-iiutiiiuod till f'Tliid. uiid charged aci'ord- *. ;vortieineuls to bfinserted i, charged oO p«r ■ xtra. m:\i firm nil m;\i liooiis. I''hi; siii 'I'lihiTs havtj fonued Copartnership under ;;n' iiaiiie of laM.DSrON M I.LEU, V .1 r’.or I't bale a lar>re and well selected btock of hr., ■■ / /.7/ //.I /.7 HI A’A'. ll‘Ll.O ir- ^Al‘ULFl?Y. m>'>rs. SIfnEs:, roTTvy > ,1/. SIJLLTIXOS. ,3V. tl: 'V ca’.l the attention of their friends and c:. ' '! iV; ^.u- raliv. tstoro uno door Ea»t of H. & E. T WADDILI, Has tal;eii ciiarse of tlio F vY!vn'!:\ iLu: hotel. A \\. 1. L'^T'jN L-V. w Fillkk. )-lai \i:w FAIJ. AM) WINTEK DRY J(t01)S. ALEX JOHNSON, Jr., 1^ 2 roioived and is this day receiving a Inrge r.nd s rilH'lv COODS. cm brae ins: all the nuwc't styles of l.;ivlit's Dross (Juotls. C’loiiks. Sliawls, Ija^tjUrs. fioniu is. lvil)l)ons, I'luwors. and ’I'riiiiiiiiiiiis. of all kiiitls. rot: (Mr..vTLE,fn:.v. A very dcsirai le stock of Kca>,l\-Made Ciotiiiii'j. Cloths. C'assi- iin'n's. \ ('stinir. llats. Ca])s. lioots. Siuics. I'mbrcllus. \c.. vS;c. either with many articles nit deemed necessary , ■ ;r - rate. A r which will lie ■.■fl'ered It.w for CASH, or uu > ; > to »>u:u iis puv when calle 1 in. ALKX. JiiUNSON. Jr. Kuyittevil!e. N. C , Sept. ’JO. 47tf M:KI.M) fill STOIK FOR 1858! S I AKU & Wll.I.IAMS. Are n w receiving their Slj'OND SUI’I’LV of staple aiKl Fancy llry 4n»od>, MAiS. CATS. U^iOTS. SH(K8. BkNNETS, r.MDKELLAS. AVI,- llEADV-MADE I L -* T H 1 N , " - a ^rcat varli ty >f .irtic'es nut enumerated. ; ■■ .'■ti ck i> very I trge and w‘.'ll assorted, compri- • i i" the latest styles a!: ! ]i itterns. ;in l will he olfer- : W: ,t.-a!e IJuyers on iiberai terms, eitlicr fur ' \.'H ir .approved paper. J li tT VUll,] [I. M. WILLIAMS. ; . .'r ; I. .:i-tf \i:\v ;ooi>s f jIHL -1 fi.Mrri^- T> u l"[>t thi' method of informing ■ ■ Ir t'rien i* and the public generally ; that they >»:« !.^w receiving into st-Te a very laige and geuer&i :>'rOCK OF (;iOODS, LMURAriNG a n o V i: K11: s, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, A: , &(.*., A.V . A ; if whicli they art* disposed to sell at reasonablw ir tir- f. r cash, or >ii the usual time to rispoueibiu ■ urolidpers wh- ar« in the h ibit >'f paving. GEU. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Ju’y 2*'. 31- G. & L. BRANDT, W'holrsiilv itHff MSftail Mtralrrs in srjJ‘LL' AXIJ FAXcy I>RV CUODS, V, aij'l Fanii.-hiiiir lools; 15 lOt.s :ui'l I'Sln’es; uiiil 'aps; Trunks; Carpet H.igs uud Va!isi''.; Hardware; ('utlcry; Criickt-ry; .'lu'ical Jijstrumi'nf.s; Iiup Tred Hu- vanna and Principe St>;:ar-'; for sale by tho Hox only. A larire a>sortnii T)t of Xo>zro lilau- kft.s, M:;i kiiiaw>, iViiv \i*. ^ ; ii:; in all "iie - f th** lar'.:c«i, handsomest and ■ ‘ 111 t lii i.j'igh a'S'^rtmcnt of li ...1~ cvir cxhiliited - i:i irket, an 1 will In* soi l die l]i ' ir t 'a'h. oi- oi. • t., t' wiio ]iay their aco oiiit;- av lirst [iresen i,.t 11. ^■ ir liN. n Ii an 1 the puK’iu irenerii’ly' are very r'- '‘ .'^y invite-l to iiivo us an early call and secure a .„ 1 ; ai L' liii. ''itl' cf’iri. !it aid ill thu different depart- nii'iit*, nil.I (lis own tiupervision of thaentira K-it iti’ii.^iiment, he hopes to give »jiti*faction to th« Patrons of tho iiou«e. 5k^' Haleigh and Warsaw four-hor«i« lines of iitagei arrivi- an I depart from this llous* Daily, and tho Salem .Stage Tii-weekly. P'nyettevillo, N. C., (^ct’r 1. 61-3ia I'K the 3 ear 1 t.'ur young nieii and two women, smart, active and cleanly, fiT TaMe and (,'hamber .''ervants; one good Cook, (a man jireferred,) strong and heaithy; and also one sober, honest and industri ous tolloiv fir For .'^ui'li serv.iiits, (slaves woiiM 1,0 preferred,) liberal jirices will be given, and wages jiaid qii.irterly T. WAL>1»ILL, Fy_vettevile Hotel. Fayetteville. N. C., Nov. i.j, IHoS! (i7-tlstJ Carolinian copy. SIM.MWI-MJ/IIOIISI-:, I \. j hutt ISide ut ft ran Str>pt. i feie Doors North of fhf M irki t House. ^B^Hh Subscriber desiren thrgugh this me- | diuiu to acknowledge the liberal pa- ! jipJaSS bestowed upon his H-.mse the past year—and as he h .s just erected Ncrt- Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the HoU'e and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the }iublic generally, that he is > ill prepared to acconi- niodattt them with transient and permanent hoarvi, and respccttully solicit* a c^ntinuaii e :if tlie liberal pa tronage hcr't"fore receive L livery ex rtinu i n his part shall be used ti> render them comf rtablu diirinir their soj 'urn with him. His table is a’ways tupplied with the best th« niarkut at! 'rds P. SHEMWELL. ■March 'J-1, 18.j5 st.tf SCI 1001. BUCKS FOK THE UNION. A. S BAIIAES &L CO., 51 AND 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. FLBLISIIKKS ,^NU WlKILl-S.lLI: [{(KIKSl-LLliKS, woL'i-Li ixvrriL aitkntion to teie XA riox A I. SERI ES —OF— STIMI.ilil) SI'IIOOL BOORS I IIOI!l!l\ liOISi:. nms CONVENIENT ANl> WELL FL'RNISHKU Establishment wa-^ opened for the reception of Hoarders on the I’Jth in.-t. The subscriber will spare no pains t.i m.ake all coinf.n-tatiie who luay stop al her house I’.i gu'.ar boarders will here find the '(uiel com- f"rt uf hi 1110. ci.m'iiuwd wi;h the u Ivantages tu L«i»i- ncss mcu of a Hotel. The stablf-i of Mr. W. C. 'I'roy are in the rear of the H.itel, and travellers may ei;tru»t their horses to his care, with the as-urancc that the lu'»t treatment will be bestowed u{> ii t;i*(m. MAP.Y ANN I’liTTl-R. Oct. '.’1. 5*')-3m 'FO 'F!!i: I’FULK'. ^■^HE Subsi-rib>r having KENTEl) tlie Extensive -M. S'l'AHLES c.miie. ted with the l>obbin House, ik nuw prepart-1 to b"ar.l H uses by the day r mouth. He li.is si .-ure 1 the service- of an experienced hii'tler, and j>roiuises to give sat;»facliuu to nil wh.> may pat ronize hi» establiyhment. W. C. Ti;oY. Oct. Ill, iruiTTuuK ON and after M mday, -'J i d iv Freight Train will run IlEtil'LARLV if N 'Vetnber. the \i tween Fayetteville and .Me!'lenahan's Station: leaving F.iy- etti'ville every m rnin.r at 7 o’c'. ■ck 1 rerur!;ing at 1 o'clock in the afternocn of •^ame day. ('oii^ifTnnrs ire re juested to send tickets with arti cles, stating couiignce, debtiuatim, .V'' W. A KUl'KIl, • 'hief Eng r Ci Sup’i. Whenever the amount of freiclit may rcpiire, an extra Train will Iwave Faycttevi Ic and return iu the afternoon Nov'r J’J. IllIL llOlll NOIIlFi TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. d- i! ,• L HKANIT. V etleviile. N ol tf NEW. niEii’. ,^M) i:\ri:i)ni(irs roi tf: for Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. ^11 EK('HNT.'' and others al .iut jiurcha.«in}: their ^TB. Fall and Winter Suj'plies, are requc'^ted to notice, that liy tho cumpletioii uf the .North Eastern Hail Rii.id from t'harleston. to Cheraw, the ad vantages of a CHl^.M’ and EXl’EDII'l'-tLUoute from the Seaboard has tieen opened to them. .411 freight consikrne 1 to the care of tlie .\gpiit of the Niirtli Eastern Rail lioaJ will be forwarded FUEi- oF COMMISSKJN. No charge will tie male fur Sturago at ('Leraw. All goods will be taken care of in the Coinp.my's Ware house until hont for. A schedule of charge* for tran»port.ition of freight will be found at the I’oKt Otlice. S. S. S'iL»MoNS, Eu'r’r and .'^up't. Ang. 3. Ultf U 'F'Fi:!JLnirs Ll\i:. iaill.ISIiKl» I!Y TliKM, AMiiNi; WHICH ARK TUt National School Rraders, in j Xos,, and ProuDUHvirKj SjitUer. Price L’.'), o7i, jO, 7.') cts. and •'iil. Speller, ‘J~> cts. l!y Richard (I. Parker, M., of P.ost .u, and J. Ma lison Watson, of New Yerk. These are the latest reading books yet broujrht out, and it is coiitidently believed surpass all otiiers in general jilan and arrangem..ut, beauty of illustrations and typography, character of selections, and ad.apta- tion t ' the w.ar.ts of “chools They are alrcndv in ex tensive use in the PuMie Schools of New York, I^rook- lyn. .\lbany, New.ark, Lancaster, and other important I laces. ihiyies' JiCLi'stJ AnfJimi firs nitu /lii/her Afa~ fhrnKilics. Prices i.f Arithmetics 1 "), •J.'), 4.') and 7-5 cents. ■\re daily incre.asinn; in pojiularity and circulatiou. They are rcirtirdt'I a- the most thorough and prac- tic il of any t'efor'- the public. .Vn exceedingh- valu able ad'lition to this course has just been made in the 1 ublicati' n of Dun’i I u i'rrrsiti/ A/'/rhrd, /VV« SI 25. .\n entirely new wi rk. b"-ignrd to occupy an inter mediate j.lacc between the author's Elemi'iitary Alge- br.v .all i I'.iiurdiin. It teaches the Science and An of ,\lg ‘bra by a logical arran^reirent and cla>siticatiori of the j'l iiicii.le-i in their iiaiural order, and by ilhiyjrat- ing their npplicati'Oi in an exten le 1 series of carefully ftrr.aiiize i Mid graded examples. It is I’rof. Davies’ !a;-t and best work. M'lnteitli, III f M’-y>j^'i/'i .SVr/V. tf firoijruphifii, Prices 'Jo, 10, ',(• cents., and il. SeeiB t‘> tie fast super.--eding all others. The plan on which they are arranged, their intrinsic merit, con- cisciic.', beaaty. an I peculiar adajitati in, render them great favorites with !■ ah teachers and pupils They hare been ott-' ially recommended t>_> the Superinten dents i.f I’ljldic IiistriK'ti m of very many States, and liy nu'iieri.iis I'e-i.hers .Vssociati'ms and Institutes ihr ughuut the cnuntiy, and arc in successful ube iu a inultitu'le of j.utilic and private Schools iu every State of the L'liion. ('hirk's Li rif mtn'irs, in tiiio .V s , prir^s 40 find 0'.' ' nt.*. iind \\elrft's ^\u'i/^sis, prtcc 75 i'l.nfs, It i- tifiieve 1 present tht; only true uud successful nieth' d ■ i' teachiii;; the science of the English Lan guage. They are the St.in iard Test-Books iu the New . ViM'k. Michigan and nther .''tate Normal Schools, and i-. very many of the best Schools and Academies iu th» cuntry. P’lric’ rs S'-h'iol Ph''jsoph^, pri'e ^\, Is regarded as the mo-t ci.niplete, cori,'i»e, and prac- i tical i'las I!' ok on that sut.ject yet published. It \» mure exten-ively n-ed than any other, which fully de- ' uioustrates its pre-eminent worth aud superiority. P>rttr's S' ho'i! L'}i> mistry, prift SI, Is I’lie jf the ni' -t a lmiratde works prepared for Schi 'Is, and requires only a limited amount of ap paratus to iliu'trate all the experiments described. A. S. li. vli: Co. have reccutly added inauy ntw and valuahle wnrks to their ATIO.lf .41.. ! a full d escriptiuii (if which will be found in their If i.t sTi.iTt:n v\n\.i- t K jtist pubii.she 1, containing: a complete lescript;on, with imtices and rccoiumeudation*. of all their Sch d and Library I’.ooks. Teaclierii and Sch'iol Olliccrs throiiirhout the coun- trv are re.jiic'^te 1 to bend f"r this . If * Ifl-JS- i M:, and corres pond with the Pubiishcrs in r- gard to any of their Works they may wish to examine or introduce. Addrci* A S. 15ARNE3 .t CO., 51 and 53 Ji'liii Street, New York. A. S. liAFtNE.'' ..t CO. are also publishers of tb« School Tearhtrs' LtiOrary. I Ketail price. Northend’s Teacher and Parent I Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching 1 -6 ; Mansfield on .\inerican Education 1 -5 UeTocqueville's American Institution* 1 -’> Davie.^' Logic of Mathematics 1 -5 j -Mayliew on Universal Education 1 -o 1 Rtiot on Schiiol Amusements 1 -o The ab.ive Books uro told by E. J. HALE ij‘ SON, Fayetteville N C. Oct'rl, ls>oS. ol-'JmO.S;D Tin: i.ivi:k IWKiOUATOK! I'HKl'\KK!) nV UK SA.SKolU', Coiiipoiinded entirely froni (il MIS, WRIGHT & FULLER. Attorneys and Counsellorj^ at I.iivv, i'ayvltevillc, CJ. t'lLEMENT G. WRIGHT and DARTHOLOMEW / FULLER have associated tUemselvcs together for tho practice of their profession. Prompt attention given to all bu.iuess committed to their charge. They will practice ia the counties of CuiuberluuJ, Harnett, Sampson, Robeson and Bladen. Aug. 23, 18.58. 39- FUOY & fl[>li:k, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, koisi^o-v TROY ami JOHN P DRS. HEXIJOW di SCOTT AVING associated themselves to gether in the practice of i> i: :>! r i 'i' k v , tender their professional eervices to thi.'i community. One or both of them may be found in their Rooms near t f the purpose of carrying on a general GROCERY . NOTICE OE COPAUTNEUSHn\ iindersigned have this day formed a «opart- -B. nership under the style and tirm of .roller A: Spei’liii:;, ’o., If. C. Robert E. troy ami JOHN P fuller, have formed an association for the practice of their profession in Robeson (’ounty. The former will also attend the Courts of Bladen and Coluiulius; tho latter will also attend those of Cumberlaud. The Office in Lumt»ertou will be kept open at all times. Jan’y I, 1858. 73- SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attorney and CouiHellor at Law, «TiiTiirii:i.i>, c., ILL attend regularly the ('ounty and Superior w TIIK HKsr ri H'IATIVK AND LIVER MB- NK> now the I'libiio, il.Al a-. :• aa « f utharHs, l.i^r, rn'>r«- «fT*cluai a’lV *itL«r m«1irlre known, •tiiv A t 'otLn (i'\ blit a r«nicdj. Hctin|c flrti on th« itl morbid tlicti ->11 tlu* lU-mach ai d ir ihut matter. lhn» a* fonjpH>ihin{f two fcllv, iht- painf .1 «xp«riei.cal lu opaia lloii* ,f ni. nt r/rh'Vtf* Iv kfei n’ti.eui ihe ty*um at the »anni HiuH ti ai it I'Uttf*« il; and when iak«n daily In moderate dok©^, will Kthoi. tiiid b ;iid il up wivb i-nuiMftl raindll/. M^ler. Il lu. i,ii«r I' \i'\\ A.M) (iOODS. JAMES KYLE 11 X'' r. . ve i -1 l,:in;e and (ieiiera' Siij'iily > ' aoons, Itoot^ and Itoli- iii;; i Xv. ' 'f vli;i!. has been purel>,is,-.| ',y t lie package for ' • ■ "1 ' whil 11 is oilcrcd ui tiie lowest markit pii«.e ^ 1^’ Gilf The human b-idv , th« pi>tvi*r» >r ■ !« almi'St e-ui ’ th- S' tin plate, Mn-I'l Iron, Wire, OOK|\; K'rovi> \m»m\.w\ici:. Always mi b ind, at W l,,,;..>.„le or Ret.ail. h'l in FI \I,’. (;L'T tf /,* /. V ?;. And all kind ot .lol'biiig. d r.e ;,t |.y C. W. ANUllKW.':. ' ' Market S'juare. Fayetteville. July y :;7- i»MM \!\.\ (;r\xo. r I ■'HE undersigned has ma le arrangeo.ei!ts by which f he is [irepared to furnish at short notice, any re quired juuntity of -\o. I Peruvian Miiaiio, ai. of which will be from direct impui tations, into the P'.rt of Wi!uiin ;iou, and warranted pure .and genuine Or lers fur the atiove excellent fertilizer are solieit- el, to wtiiidi |iriinij't attention will be given •\b this is an article which lioes not aliiiit of being luld ou lime, caoli or its eijuivalent must accompany •aeh ..rder. BEVEilLV UOSE. July b. 26tf I’E.VMLR “FVN.N\'’ leaves Fayetteville every .Monday au'l Thursday morninji, at 1^ minutes after .Sun-rise; and >Vi!mincton 'I’uesday and Friday, at o'clock,—carrying passengers and freight. Steamer ‘•-''OT11 IMiN I-R,’' wiili .a full C'onplenioiit of Flats, makes omu nr more trips per week, as cir cumstances may reiprre. The accident to tlie Steamer “ROW.\N" will be re paired in a I'vw days. She will then t.ake her place in I he line. T. S. H TTEKLOH t)ct’r 4, I.S.-(8. 5l-tf mftarbie IMriorij* 1.1 when il ijniejn •'Uiifly d*p«iidei I /,!• f •; ihc I I e-' 'ini iUini»» 'h it at ilicb''»*’’» •} •tem in congejjurncy ba^ k' coak-id I'- do its duty jpati. . fi« *f the propririor* practice - f i;i' re ll.an lw«nly w!ier«'cith to counieracl lb# it i« ;iA>>le. To prnve ibat tbi« remedy it bltsl vsitb Llv‘r rmi- ;Kt* but to iry a tioitle. and l.ptf ierno»« all V-.e •teni. «nppl\ ii.K' in tli**ir tnvijf-irniinK lUv tton-.arb |Mti'lf> lii4£ wtiole n»athine'y. leinyvuifcr •irecliiiK a in iii'al mhc. Kllloit^ ntlnc-kn ure Im'I Irr. i i y l^lv«-r IIIviKoi’ntor. Hit* nfiiM cAtin^cii) ^uf- and prevent the f"‘"l frouj ^ Only (jne d""'s taken bcf iiiarr. nnly onr taken at gently, and ’ni (»ne d'»se tHk«*n after ench (Icide of two lua 0i‘k ll«‘nin‘lir. oii^ botilti tHkttii fur fe- of tbt? dib('H>e. Hu«i ()idy one dote inunediaieU (>Tiedo!te oft«n re]»t*atfd if Morl»us, and H pr*v«ntiv* 0^Oiiiy one bottle it ■jfcj'in the ertVctt of medi te>:“(hie bottle taken for l,.v.ne«in (»r untiftlural color One dose taken short f;>r l>- the appetite, and nmke" Ot • di»!*e often repeated rli4t a i«» it« worst forni', Bowt‘1 rom])l!iii:t» yi»dd ( hie or two dopek cnres at Children : there \h no purer, ♦he world, as it Au7*. 1^^ A few bottles cure^ ab»»orl>ent«. We tnke plenp'ire in reec.m preTentive lor Kc vc*r and pritidi al rejcnUtors of th« perfornis Its fnnctions well, rally dcTsloptd. The»l >fruirA on the h«althy action of the 1 >ri:«runctions whenll.e at faull. and the whoI« o' on* KlTtr— ^'or the d;««ates of that >r* } mtidn it hit Hiudy. !n a T-Art. to find son:© reme*iT ti aiiy derai Kcnieni* to whirn at lapi found, any pers(n Irou* plaint, in any of lu forma, cotiTiciion iP certain, ujoibid or bad matter from pla' 6 a h«u)thy flow of bile, causing t'lod to digest w«ll, ^ivin^ ’one and ht-alth to lh« ihe cause of the disease— flclent to relieve the stomach rising and touring, letirihg. prevents Mgltt- idtrht, pens the bowelJ C‘4>«- flvencsw. % By LAijf>i:K, TWfl DOOllS \nOVK r. X. Illll.li ,>1 son’s storh, Fayetteville, i\. l\ Jan’y 20, 1858. 64-ypd men! w{)iourel>^f|>'pal« ppoonfuU Hill al»u\s relies* male o>)structlon remoTM Itie tn^kes H jterfect rnre, rell»*»eB 1 liollc* while a ^nre cine for l'liol«ra :of ('liolri'fie ii«eled U> throw ont of the cine after a long pickness. •lauiidire removes all sal- from the tkin. time >»efore eating give* fotwl di^e>t well. cuif« C'lironic l>lar- wliile S It IU III e r and HlmO!*l to ihe first do**e. la* k« caused by Worint Id sAfer, or speedier remedy Id Droi>«>% hj exciting ih« mending tbin medicine as a t'lilll Fever, and all Fever* «'f h HU- ^ ioiii* Ty|K*. It opera*^ willicertHiuty,audthou»Hnds, .ate willing to uglify Ut i(« wonderful virtues All %vlio uHe It are kIvIii^ their unanlmoas teHtliaony In lt» favor. ft^Mlx AVater In tlie moutli wltli lli« liivl" gorator, ninl h>%u1Ic*\v both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IP X StTKNTIFir WKDIt’Al, DISroVliriY, and Jb datly working cures, almost too great to beliere It curee as !f by magic. «rm the Amt j/ivini/ bcnt^t. and seldom more than one bottle i9 required to cure any kind of Ijfver romplainv from the worst Jaundi'-e or to a common i/eu^iue^ all >f which are the >e«uli of h I>1«eaiiel I^lver. rkicK U5K noLLAK riR buttle. Dr. SANFOKD, Proprietor, 545 liroadway, New Y«r^ BvteiM by ail Druggitifl. Hotd ahn Iff JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HIKSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov’r 11. 62-17 Courts of Wake, Johnston, Cumberland, Har nett, and Wilson. All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Jan’y 12, ’58. 70-1 y LOVEIII) ELl)RIl)(iK, • ittorHPif at ijftir, la ILL attend the Courts of Johnston and SaiMji ▼ w son Counties. .Smithtield, .April 1'), IH.'iO. y*‘>-tf josKiMi BAi>:h:u, Jii., \ r TO K.\ k: V A r b. a \\ , ■ ■ AS taken an oflico next door to Wm li Wright's ■ M. Law Mlhce on (irceli Street. Hii wili attend aud practice in the ('ounty and Sujierior ('ourts of Cuin- tierland, Hlalen, Robeson aud Sampson. ■Varch 2'J, 1853. 7'Jtf THO. C. FULLER, ^ittornetji and Counsellor at Mjaic. OFFICE at Evcles's Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Ls>j., Fayetteville, N. C. Jan'y 1, 1S.')7. the Market during their regular office hour* for the whole year. ; Since the above a'^soci.ation has been formed, it will 1 become necessary for the old business of Dr. B to be i closed. All who ow« him will please call and settle. I Those having temporary sets (unpaid for) are request- } ed to settle with ca*h or note. ! Oct. 2'J. GO- I DKNTiSTUV. ~ j '■'aR. J. DAVIS having drcided on per- | manently locating ;n the Town of j Fayetteville, respectfully offers his services to the cit- I izens rf this jilace and surrounding country. In all the various liranches of his I’rofession, includinc the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Dental educ;ition, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregulari ties of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful man ner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None l»ut the proper metals are niaie use of in the various opera tions. Charges will lie moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may tie placed within the reach of all who luay feel an interest iu the preservation of the Teeth. Ofhce over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he niaj' be found at all times. May 10, 18.38. 9tf Thr t^arfi /■at 4'arriassv the .SouthI t^artorif in KF/niA\ the i l>r. K. A. KI.ACK, FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale'^ Chemist and Drug St»re. Feb’3' 7, 186ti. 7tj-tf O K. ItOIINS'l'KDT, Chirherin;;^'>s Pianos^ T. A. •i'ient for Of which ho has always somo on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Oct'r 2, 1858. 51-Iypd RESPECTFL’LLY informs his friends and pulilic, that he has built up large substantial ( Brick lJuildings at his Old Sian 1. cjwpressly for man ufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal , patronage he has received f ir the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the ' same. Ho warrants his wor'i to l>e made of the best i material :;nd by experienced workmen in each branch | of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the Ur.it^d States, for neatness and ; duratnlity. He is determined to sell and do any work in liis line on as good terras as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, Finishki), the LAIiGEST STOCK of (\irriarcs^ liarourJic PROVISION and PRODUCE BUSINESS, iu the stores foimeriy occupied by Messrs. J. & T. Waddill, on Haj' Street. REUBEN JONES, GEOROE W'ALTER SPFRLINU. Fayetteville, Oct'r 27, 1858. f'S- NFA\ CASH STORE. I ONES it SPERLING beg to aciiuaint their friends th.it they ha»’e just returned from Xtw ior/:, liitston, IViilndcfphtd and Baltimore, where they have purchased a most SF.tjF.CTi:n STOVMlofUOOi9S for tliis .^larktrl. ‘ ('omprising, in part. Fancy Dress and Mourning Cali- ! cocs; English and Scotch Ginghams; Woolens: Kerseys; { Liiiscys; Jeans; French DcLains; Fancy Robes; Broad- I cloths; (’assimeres; Sattinetts; Tweeds: Blankets; Bed- tick; Sheetings; Shirtings; Diapers; Irish Linens; Vel vets; Hobieiy; Elastic aud Enameled Belts: Horn, Silk : and Velvet Buttons; Combs; Whalelionc; Todet, Fancy ' and Shaving Soaps: Perfumery. 50 cases heavy and light Brogans: Water-tight and Calf-skin l’>oots: Ladies', 1 .Misses’ and Children's Shoes and Gaiters, of latest fashions. A most superior assortment of IJeaver, , Woolen, Tyger and Negro Hats; Military and Navy ' silk, glazed and cloth Caps, for Ofnfs, Roys and ' Vouths. Axes; Hatchets; Trace Chains; Spa'Ies; ' Shovels: Forks; Frying Pans; Coffee .'Mills; Sifters; ; Table (jutlery: Pocket Knives in great variety: Hoop Iron: Hollow-ware; 5(J kegs assort'd N.ails. Monu- . mental, Jackson. Old Rye and .Verth ('arolina Wlii.s- key; .'^cliiedam and Doiuestii’ Gin: I’lench (' ign.ac and Donis. Brandy; Apple and Peach Bran ly. I('*> Bags Rio. Laguira and .lava (’otfee. Porlo liico, llav.m.a I ami Stuart’- rehneil Sugars, in all gr.a les; .M'das.scs, (.'.indies; .'^-aps: Starch: Powder .m l .Sliot; Tobicoo; R R and E .M Snuff. oO,)Oi> Havana and d ime.~tic Se- g.iis of various lir.ands and ju ices, from 70 cents to ¥ ) a bos. Ham, Bacon, Pork, l»nel Reef. Fish, Sail, Butter and Lard. Light, medium and heavy weight 'Oak-tanned .S,,le Leather. A lar;j;e assoriment of Wooden aud Willow Ware; Etc., etc , too numerous to mention. All of which we offer for sale u! tin ' Loirest tor Cash. JONFS & SPERLING. South Side Hay Street, At the Store formerly occupied l>y J. & T. Waddill. P. S.—Xaval Stores and otlur Prodiir, taken in Barter and purchased for c(ish. J. « Dec’r 1. bH- i ahiahle Fanninir Land Cajjc Fiuir. j||N pursuance of a h'or Sdlc, o/t Decree of the Court of E juity. upon the Petition of Randall .McMillan and wife. I will sell, on Monday December 2it, that \'alual)le FARM on the east side of ('ape Fear River, now in llockfticuys, and ! the possession of Randall .Mc.Millau Trustee, formerly owned by David S. Williams, and adjoins the lands of Neill McDugald, John Wadtlill, aud James .M. Smith PETER MALLETT WITH D. COLDE.V MURRAY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 6*2 SsouTU Strket, YORK. July 2'J, lSo3. 32- JAS. «. bMITH. MILES COSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Factors^ Commission and Por~ ivardin;^ •fierrltants. WILMINGTON, N. C. Prompt attention given to sale of TIMBER, LUM BER, NAVAL Sl t)RES and all kinds ot i’roduce. Liberal advancements ma le on Consignments. Refers to E. P. H.^LL, Pres’t Branch Bank of State. H. ii. S.4V.\(JK, Cash'r Bank Cape Fear. Juuv Daw- liON, Esij. April 25, 1858. 6-1 Y JOHN M. CLARK, Coniniission Si Forward ini; Alercliaiit, WILMINGTON, N. C. ^iM/'ILL give prompt atteution to sale of Country ww Produce, Naval Stores and Cotton g^^jrAiiJ Ajmt j\>r Ruth and OrreWs Lint of August '.t, 1H58. 38tf W. H. TURLINTG-TON, Coiiiiiiissioii .Merchant, So. 4 Norlli Water St., WILMIXGTON, X. C. WILL give his prompt personal attention to tlie sale or &hipnient of all Cousiguiueuts of Naval Stores or other Couiitry Produce. Nov. 8, Ihotj. tf Ull.iJAAl J. IMiiCi:, Inspector of *Varat stores^ n iL.^iLvoToy, c., fltay Solicits the patronage of bis country friends and ail otliers engaged in the Turi'entine busincas. %Val«>r Nov’r 22, 1S58. i.l-ly F. M. BiZZKLL li K 01; K R A .V1) r 0 >nii s s 10 \ ii k k r ii \ n t No. 'il) Ntmrii Water .'^tuekt, WILMINGTON. N C. U PROMPT and jersonal attention pivcn to the re Jl. ce| tit-n oi ,-iU kinds "t coiinti v p>,,.iiuo. oilhei fir ‘■■•lie III' ' hij.Mient. Or iels for groceries fro;a t.'iijtoai. i-i w '1 ru- ceive immediate attcniioii, t'rc« ol'« i nia ssinns Nov. I'J, t;i-ly THE ilOl Si:-KEi:PEi{’S BLi:sSl.\(i. Herrick’s Patent Carpet-Sweeper, H 1 X !; I !'• IT i’. 11, ainl orders receiv'' 1 for tin. 'i,iin», nl JI^ G. L. r.RA.NDT'S, Hav St , Fayetteville. N. I'ou >\\a: {>!{ \u)S'v. Ct.NVEMENT D'.VELLING HoUSE, on Hay iii'Oiiit. iieur .Mr J. (' Thompson's Forparji s riHjtii!e of .1 G Siiei lierd, E« j , or A. M I’AMPIU-I.L Ever otTered ill thi.s place, and a very large stock of above the Clarendon Bridge. Persons work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. | Jesiring to e.xamine the land can do so by application All of which wiU be sold very low for Cash, or on | R.andall McMillan. There is in the tract about sfiort time to punctual customers. He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in course of construction. .Vll work made tiy hiiu is warranted 12 months with fair usage, anI should it fail by tiad workmanship or material will be repaired free of chargo. Persons wishing to liny would do well to call »nd examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonatilo terms. May 2H. Kh53. J. \V. i^AKKR Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of ri’ISMTl RK ever oflered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment com plete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses: Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards: Bureaus: Secretaries and Book-('ases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; fkndle Stands: Wardrobes: Picture Frames and Glass: Window Shiides: Cornices: Curtain Band*; Sofas in Mahogony and Wfilnut; Tete a Tetes: Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Kosewond IManns, one with .Eolian At tachment: Rosewood Melodians, from the litst manu factories in New York ami Boston, warranted as good as any made iu the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. I'i-tf (Ori’ON liONDS I'OK iWLK. ''HE Western Rail Koa.l Co. have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers. 0‘20,011(1 of tlie (’oupon limids (tf flie (’ouutyof ('umberland. bearing 7 per cent, interest. p5\yablo senii-aniiuall3' on the 1st .lone anu the 1st of Uecem- ber, and running 20 years. S1MI,000 of the (’lU’.jian of flic Tuwi! of Fayetteville, t.earing C jier cent interest, pa\al>’e semi anntially on the 1st .lanuary and the 1st of July, and running 20 years These bomis were issued in accordanco with law to the Western R.ail Roa I ('o., to pay the County aj.d I'own sub,..criptions respectively. Persons having niutiey 'vill find the^e lioniis lat the price the Co. is sel!ii g theini a bctrer i v“tiiieiit than any Bank Stock in the St:ite For tcrius aj'jdy to B. M.VLLiri'T, Efi i , Pres't r to .INO, M. HOE. Treah'r W Cr lerii R. R (’o Favetieville. Feti'y 2i). S'.'tf llit'i Acres and most of it is valuable river land. Terms of sale 0 months with interest from date. Bond and security required from the purcuaser. W’. A. HUSKE, Clerk & Master. Nov. :i0, 1858. b8-ts Be^rTIIE ABOVE SALE will take place at the MJrKet House at 12 o'clock. ?j>50 reijuired in cash. RKAI. ESTATl’: FOR .-ALI*:. J ILL be sold, on Wednesday, December 22 1, at the Market House in Fayetteville, at 12 o’clock, CROSS cisem:m£: i\icTOii\% containing Eight Spinning Frames and Ten Sets of (’ards, with willow Whipper and Picker, anii all other Gearing belonging to the s^4me, with a first rate Lathe. This lot contains Five .\cres of Land, on which are all of the Jut-buildings for fact jry purposes and a large Dwelling House and Well of excellent water in the yard. Also, i)NE LOT on .A.nn Street, on which are Three Double Houses. Also, THREE BRICK STORES on Person Street, adjoining the (]ape Fear Bank lot on the East, with a large Lot in the rear and commo dious Warehouses. Here is an ojiportunity for investing money that will pay a good per cent, on the investment. Persons wishing tD purchase will be shown the property tiy calling on tlie subscriber. Terms made knowu on the day of sale. JA.MES K\ LE, Jr. Nov’r 20, 18i8. 55- TARM FOR SALF. 1 OFFER for sale my PL.\NT.\TlON m the East side of (Nipe Fear Uiver, ‘i miles above the t’laron- d«)ti Bridge, known as the Toonier Lands, containing about SUO Acres. The Plantation is in a good state of cultivation, aud is suscejitible of being ma do otic of the most profitalile Farms in the (Jounty. Address JNO. D. WILLIAMS, EsiJ, Fayetteville, ' N. C., who is authorised to sell. L. J. haU(;hton. Oct. 14, 1H58 54tf J A.N'l) ClIHKSi:. Fanny, a few Firki: ' lU r i'FR USf received pr nice BUTI’ER, and 25 Boxi s I'rime (1IKE>I^ li. I Oct. 1 J. liAC’ON. ^HOll'E North Carolina BACoN Sides utid Shoulders ( o(»K .'iJ-tf W e^tf*rii Oat 1 1 '( »oK r,i If SI (iA!t IIOIISI', S'l ltl I' r'ew Ubls c.vcellent s. 11 SYR’’!'. («■» MOL.\SSES prime Oct It. ( t>oK ;.i tf \olico l«ii rS^HE Widiiw-. Ilf Mexican ildiers, and the Widow- Si- of .'^(ildiers who OIKO IN •iKvii K in the wsr of Isi j euii have thi'ir peti-i’ilis cc.titiiiMe l I - (• i’''ii • .,ii the Mtidiisitrned. Coi.gress tiaving made alditi-.iial pri>' ixi ;ii for them May Ii()Ok'-HI.>DI\(; kinds, executed with neatness and dc Small jobs when done must be paid before THOS. H. TILLINGIIAST, Anderson Street, Vnvll 11-lY IN all its Rpatch. deliverp'l Chronology of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1858, by 1*. K. Bennett. Just recceived. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 21. Cider Vinegar, for sule by W. H. CARVER. Aug. 18. 88- A riJoci.AM \ rio.\. My /us t'nc!/, ilIOM.\a (luitirnni o/ Worth ('anJina HERE.'iN. it ha tieen repre>ented to me that one .\rchit)ald ,McDoui;.ild, late of the ('ounty .if ('iimtierland did on tiie 27th day of February last, ir. sai I ('uiuifv. kill iind miir ier n:ie Thomas .Munroe. .ant that the .'aid .McDi.ugald isafiiijUive fr .m ja~tice, a:id Ins eseape-i beyond ih“ limits of this State. Now, t.i the .'n i that the said Archibald .McDougald ma_\ 1 e arrested ai.d Ijroujrht to trial for tiis said of fence, I do berel>3’ i.“sue this my Proclamation, olieriiig a Rei ar.l of'JWo Hundre.l D.^ll.ars for his ajiprehen- sion and d.»livery to tii«- Sheriff of Cumberland County. DESrRIPllON. I McDouga'd is about fifty years of age, of light hair and complexion, biue eyes, of i.,uick .speech, has a scar on the face near one of his jaws, weighs about lb5 or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while drunk is turlmlent and trouti'esome. Given under my hand ami the Great Seal of [l. i.]the State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of March, A. D. 185tt live O' ■ ti man i>remeiit o*' .m>* at )iice, ijr n viiur cluais. • I the die, June 12. l.'^'iH JNO \>:t. M I. r OK' III! I'J (>. !l0iIS10\ a7^ OULD inform his friends and formereiistomers ^ ^ that t:e may be fnun i 2 door-. IipIow tlie r^n.p Fear 1 • I Ilk, a nd i doors atiove h is oM “t an i huo t li -ide Person Stieef, where he intends to keep on liaii l. Harness, Saddles. Brid.lis, Whips, Collars. and every thin^r t elonging to his trade. He res[ cttul- ly invite- his ;r'endf rooi the co'intrv to caP and ex amine his ■'lock h( fore p'ircha«iiig. He wi i at tend to Rep.'ii ri ng of H arness and >addies piinct o.a iy , i; m] h is cii :i r;; es slial I !.e laolei :i'e lie w lu. i re.juebi all indettt ed to the f. i m of i 11»1-1 o \ X ()\ hllBV ro vvitli W'. )vei'ti_\ '.r h rn-'df, a« they are comp .: i: : ^ett e ffie firm s ii * ts. >mp-.: K : A 111-list 1 5'>. tf By the Governor, Pllaski Cowpkr, Pr. March 15. Sec’y. THOa. BRAWQ. 93lf Blank Warrants for salo at this OlHce * The \ oic‘ ol'Clinstia.i Lilo in Sonj; Stand Up for Jesu-. a hri.*t‘an R ilia.;; .'eruK.n ,n the .Mount, i.y D. H. Hdl; Sprague’s Annais of H e American Pulpit, I’resbyterian volumes: Trench «n tt;u New Testament. E. J. IlALE fcUN. Nov. 1, 1858. I I from thtiM '1 '1 ■ I. J i!.\LL & SON-

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