1S9HM r>Kv ’Md^s I s. l>:»-i I iN> ,,, ^ '- ■" ” '0 ■ ■' •■ >1 . '»'* "^- ' I SEMI-WEEKLY FAVKTTEVfLLE, X. C.. niX'EMHKR 'MK 1858. [NO. 7T5.] Na 1? % . C Dj. ia irf. >apt’ I • r w. .. a r; . i V'' J. i - be ,w.i.-i. -er ^ - Aib ' ■. N i A , 0!>I? \[>. M lit- T'.WIlir, ti.■#>-■ " "*■* !;'i MiE. Wh.-n ,r f'-r , . I!' . .r for ev';''! . :,a •lioul'i 1- t ;-h. rs. 1 ;v iJO., , • W'-'. Vork. ;;\ii:ii Miindws \\d iiii i;si>\vs. KUWAUD .1. half: k S0\. W’lS'j'i'IJ V \i \ \]. IJOAl). i'i:s \\ij 1 IKM’llil TdIJS \v... ‘>if • l;- h ; it' (I'liil in • it Sti . h'.'i iivKi; ■ 111) iii'i In' ■ V liU' ex j.ii , l. !. H> ]ier aiiiiiiui. it']>nil la 1-: ; i if pai'l iluring tin' yojir of xultscrip- ,,]• ■? ' III) •iftcr tlie yi'fir lins exjiivi-il. ,\I'N'ERTISKM KNTS insorted for ()0 cents jier of I'i litiO': for the tir-^t. iiii'l .‘^0 cents for each •od'.iii piililiL'.uioii. \ early a'ivertisenicnts bv sjie- .)nirnct-i, at rea':on:ilile rates. Aihertisers are i—tfil ti> state the numhor of in^erlioii"; ilesireci, nr «i'.l be c.MiiiniuHl till t. rbi'l. aii'l I'liMrirt''! aecord- . rii'^oinent' to t>,- iuserti-d oxtrii. '/. charjred oU jier •L '* ON and litter Munday, llild day ol November, the Freiirhi Train will run I! 1!( i T L.\ I! LV between I'av- ettevilh" and Mci’leiiahan ~ Station: b'aviny; Kavettevifle every niorninji at 7 o'clock and returninfr at 1 o‘cloc-k in th(‘ alteriiixin of 'iav. oniirnor irc icijnc'^ted to -^I'lid tickets witli articles, statin^' coii'i^nee. desimaiion. »Vc. W. A. Kn>Kl{. (,’liiet Kn>^'r V Siiji't. \\ In'iicvcr tlu' aiib'iiii' uf freijrlit tnnv rc'iuire. an ex tra Irain will leav> I'ayctteville and retui'n in the a fternooii. Nov r -\1. |N i>. R!IL iiinil \OTI('|{! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. SCHOOL BOOKS FOK THE UNION. A S HARAi:s iSL CO, 51 AND 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK, i’LBLISllKKS AM) U li(IL!:SALi: HdllK'iLI.LKIlS. WtUM* IN VII K A r n:NTIUN To TliK x\ AT I ON A L S1-:RI KS NTlMHIll) MllOOL BOORS. DRS. IJKNIiOW scorr AVINli :i'ociated theniselvc- toe-elher in I hi- (pSMci ice of i> e: \ 'I' a s r it v, tender tliei'.' iirofe'^i. na! ■i(‘rvif*-« to thi- C'>nmiiiniry. (>tie or lioiii of tiieni ni-iy be f.^niid at liifir II...'in'; near the Maiket ilurinj riieir reirular oliice hinirs for ihe wliii’e year. Siiu e tlie ;ib.)ve a'oci:Uinn has been formed, it will becmiii' necc--;iry t'lr tlie old bu^itic'S of Dr 1>. to be cliiM-d. \il who iiwe him will ]p1c:'.sc call and ■-etllc. 'fli"-c havinir •Mii|ior.uy sets i iiniviid fori are re'jtie-ted t.' -etlle wiih (ii'-li i>r note. NKW FALL AM) WINTER DRY GOODS. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr., II ^>1'^ >■* rpceiN iiiiT. a larire ;ind S'l'OCK OF (iOODS. etiil'racintr .-ill Mi.' newest styles of Ladio? Dn-ss (’loak^, Sliawl?;. Hasniu's. I>»niu‘ts, lvil»l>ons. l'lo\N('rs. and ot all kinds. toK a t:.VTM. A vi-ry d.-'irable St i k nf K ati\-.Mad(‘ C'lotliiiii!:. Cloths, (,'assi- iiu res, \ t'stiiiii. 1 lat: Shoos. l"mhr'IIas, .m:\v. ( !ir\r. ami i xi’Kiiitiors kih ti; rou Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. l'.l> II \ \ I ;ind : lii'i ' ab."If iiuri'lia'iiiij t heir Fall l‘l iu.!siii;i> l;V '! 'Fill .V //.• / */ ./..•/ I’ri'''- J’. :'T '. . T'> r.v bi'h.ir'i I*:ivl \bo;i~,.n ..r 'I'he.'.e :ir>' I he l-i! i"i and it 1' c.ntidi'iii i_\ >ir ••rai jdan an.! ar; iiii^ I \ 1 I'^ii aphy. i-li racli I 1 he u :) nl' 'i\' . il'^e i’1 the t‘ II. b.iny Ni'W.iik. I,It, /: .1 ]’r;.-. of A- id, ■■ ■ WillCll \tu. 'ct'r r,9- Sjiidler. I; ,-ton, ai .1. s lionk' yet brought out. I'.I" a'l oIIkm'' in ^en- I ■:i!iry of libi'trations ai.d ui .oil', and a iaptation to ■III' ri'iluad;. ill I'Mclisive N « N ..r iv. brooUIyii. .Vl- 1 ■ io'i iiii;. •rtant [ilaces. ' ' " /((/ Hijhi /■ M’l- M • _eiher w''’i many articles >; 'Ull.erate. which will be otieredL.w - ]vi_\ when callfd on. C’a|)s, Hoot: .Vc.. cVr. di'eliied liece- alid \\ iiilc! liy lln‘ (•' :..ii - t ■|iarl.‘'ton. >. (ti and i;.\l>i;i»ri'loL,’ ojielle 1 lo niclii. ■Vll freiulii i-oT;-ij. Norrh Ka'ti-rn l!a ' foMMIS.vluN, .No i-har”'- w ill b, jro.Mi^ w i'l tie t.-ikrii uniil 'el!' : ir. .V ..f - i.: lo ,ud ai -'o. 1>... .oiili, (iiiri arc H .|i;"';cd t N-t:!, i;:,';.-,n l{i I'v, I le a l\ antairi" it.' tVo|!l tho Sc.'lb, I he b. • »th f V St.'ra^c iII I h.- I' nil', MuN- ■\U: - notice, that i il 1! laii friini ■ofa Cili; \l> ! lard loi' lieeli I ! ,\reii' of ihe j d KIM'.K OK It 'heiaw. All ii_\\\ aretuiil'e ■ n ■■■' ■■ ei-ht will • r and Su|i't. ;i 'f ■lid T‘| i ent'. , and circulation. : ;^li -nd ]irai-l ii-'il :ii;.;ly valuable ad- di- in I ii>‘ j'lililica- lli:\TI*^TKV. I I!. .1. 1»\\'1S haviii'j di'cided on jierma- !ienil\ lo.-iiiinp; in tin- Town of I'ayette- re-jiecifully otl.-r !ii' 'crvices to the l iti/.eiis of ilii- |i!:i. o ;in I suiroiiii liiiti’ country. In all the v.’irioii-; Sirani-he' of hi- l’iof.---ioii. iacbidin,^ the i!i.iiiitfr;cruri' ol' Mineral ’'’•■■•di. ho i 'ati'tied. afieraii exteii'ive cx]'cl'i-'li e, lo whieli i' ad h'd a lhorollL''h l)ell- I tal educl'ioii. thal ho eaii jiivi- eiiMi'e -ati'faction as far j a- i' il', the [luw. r .it 1'••u:i-'iry. .\H in'‘'rillarilies of the 'I’ofil'. .1 in a ;p;o].i'r and earefid manner. well as dl-i a'C' ot the nioiii!i. .None but the |iro|n i' metal' are iii.i'le ii'C ot in 111,- v.irioii' .iiK-r.itioii''. V'hariri'S will bi> j iiiod.-:a'e. that th" bom.jii'ot' the I’rofe'-iioii may be I |.l, 1 uithiti ilif rea.-ii of all who iii.iy feel an interei I in l!ie |11 .'';'i v:i;of :'|I- r,'ctii. otlice o\iT lloii';.!;!''; .ioweiiy Store, where he m.i\ b.,' t' liind at :ill liiin" . >l^y in. I^.'i';. Otf i ! 'n»*‘ i'frrriftiif’ t'ariortf in I t!tr Soifihl WRIGHT & FILLER. Attornevs and Counsellors at Law, / ti.KMKNT (I. W r.KiilT and I'.A KTHoU >Mi:W FUJ.- \ LKR have associand them>elve tofrether for the jiractice of tiieir ]irot'e"ion. rioiiint atteiitioii iriven to ■d! hii'iness ciiinmitted to their cliarire. They vill jirac- lici' in the eoiinties ol Cumberland, llarneit, .Samjison, 1\ iboson and Pdadeii. .\nr. j;;, is.')s. TKOV IT LLEK, Atiorni'vs and (Counsellors at Law, i.r viki:kt>>, koisi>o\ «»., l>oi;KltT K. NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. ^pilE mider-iijiiied have this day formed a coT' ii'tnershij) 1 iiiider the style and ttrm of .loiie« A: Sperliii;;’, For the imrpo^e of curving on a general GKOCKll\. I'KOVISION and PUOl')L'rK lil'SINKSS, in the Stores formerlv occu]>ied by Messrs. .1. T, Uaddill. on Hay 'treet. UHUHEN .!(»>:KS. (iKOKGE WALTKK SI’EULINC. Fayetteville. Oct. '17. 1S58. SEW CA8I1 STOHIi. jOXF.S vV .Sl’EllLINU hej: to aciiuaiiit their triends Tl;oV and ,K»HN 1’. FL'LLF.R, have I ^ formed an a^'oi, ialinii tor the jiractice of their jiro- tes^ioii in ll ibe'on County. 'I'he foriiii'r will also at tend the t'oiirt-; of I'ladi'ii ind Columbii': ihe l.itter will al'o .ittend tho'i- of iiiiibei lan'l. The ( Hlice in l.iiiiiberton w ill be ki'jil open at .all times. .Ian 1. iS-'iS. id- SIDNBY A. SMITH, Attoi'iu'v. and C’oun'^i'llor at f.aw. ■'ILL attend reLfiilarly the 'oiiniy and Sujierior Court• of Wake, .loinistoii. Ciim'ieiland. Harnott. and Wil son. ,\11 bii'iiie"- eiiii'U'ted to hi-i care will receive ]irom(ii attention. .laifv 11', T'i-ly w ;V Ill'« N'I I'-'*'-' d- 1 1 oi'iT.j.y an int. r ' iry Mjrebra ali'l ,\i : Mirelisa ■iiioii ,ii iin' jii'in- tili;^ thi'ir ■ • tiiily :i! r.'ilhj. d ivie bi'i and b; 't i.r rrEiii/>irs line. :ie. N. c iHNSoN. .Jb. ■t7-!f Mid Th . liicrii, lonri'o "! lor I i' -:n L'foa Tmi'V h ive licei n li ni- ot i'ubli l.v •:ii"ii‘i'oii I'lan on >icKsrrnA.\ LUVKIil) KhUlillXib:. • itiontetf at Xl'^nd- atii'iid iln‘ CoLii'i' of .lohii'toli and Samjison W Couiitic'. .'^mithheld. .\[)iil lo. 1 "'itj. '.'tllf .lOSKiN I h\KEU, A S' T O il \ B: V A T S. \ U , H\S taken an otiict' next dooi to Win. I!. \\ iiy:hl's La w Othce on l.hceii Streei. lie will atteni; and iiractice .■^UJii-liol t Samji'on. ill the County lilaileii. Iiobe- .March !■ lurt'' o? Cuiiiberl.'in'l. T'.ttf hi' I W ILLIAMS. ;li- Vi receivinir their .''l.t oND ."'I 1’1‘L^ aiKl Fniiov llry V!' Al'S. Bc'iT.v. .|jul:s. llnNNKTS. i MP.KELLAS. ,v llFAltV-MAl'F. t l.ti'Hl\C.. A ■. J ,' \ai i«':y of :ii ;not i-niimcrate.l, i' \erylai>:(' -iti'i .vi-;! i-'Oitcl. com(.ri'inj: 'tylo' and i'i::orn', ui'l will be .tb'i'i'd to 1 .I" ■ r.uvci' oTi li'fi':ii fiiii', either tor I II I A. in S' ANNV ■I \ V M'.n- iiiu-'ii 'I ! 1 ■ '."..rer' .' ' ; • i niKf.Ni I'. '1 Kri'l I it.il 1!. ,1. M WILLI \M^ ‘iill ronii'li'iiietii \.••■k. a' circiini- \N wi': b- re i.. '- 1 ’ i.'o in .1 1 1 i;t;Loii. M tf l.-ii'l- an'! the iiut.rK'. ’ .'I iiiii'il I’/i ii k Ibiild ; ii::iniit.ii':uiiiiz Car 'I'.'ii |.a;ri.n'iir>' ne hu' loj.i - liy 'tii‘ ' -irten- : i'l'u.-tioii. to ' I! ■• V. II1 11' - hi' Work ; •■It. t tiy e\perieiice.l ; ■W.;--'. Ill- w .rk will in I !ie I iiii. .i St.ite-. i- .l.'tfi mincl t.. -;e!l _ : .'I ii riii' a' any ;] .loll.'. lie n.iw Ini' r Sl'oi K oF THO. C. FULLER. tit tor Hi’!/ anil f'tfttnsrffor at ijair. l'"F|i K at i^ccle-^'' I’.ridsi'e. receijly occii]iied by .L-imes I’.'ink'. L'.!-. Fayetti'vill . N. 0 1. 1' that they have just returned from l^h iliiilrljiltiii iiiiiJ Unit! nt"i‘ , where I hey Jiave jiurchasod a mO'^t Si-: i: tm: u s to # a of a o o ^iiitabl‘ for Jlurk«'t. ('oiii]iriinji, in i>art. Fancy Uress and nionrniii" Calicoes; English iiiid Scotch Giiijjhimi^; Wooleii'-, Kerseys: Lin- -^e\'; Jeans; I'rctich iKd.aiu.s: Fancy I’obes; Hroadcloths; Ca'siniere>: S)iitinetts; Tweed'; i’daiiki'ts; Hedtick: Slieet- iiiu;':: .''hiri in^>; iMaiiers; Irish Linens; \ civets: Hosiery; Fla'^tic liiid Enameh'.l IJelt'; Horn, Silk and \elv('t l>iit- tiiii'; Comb': Whalebone: Toilet. Fancy and Sliavinjr So ni>; I'erfuincry. ’)• ca'cs heavy and light HroirHiis; Water-tiirht and Calf-skin Uoot"'; l-'idies’. Misses' and Chi'Iren's Shoes and (iaiters, of latest fa'hioiis. .\ mo-it superior U'sortmeiit of l>e-iver. Woolen, Tyjier and Neffro ilats; .Military and Navy silk, irlai.'.i and cloth C:i]'S, tbr (ieiils. !5oys aiel ^ on;! -. -Vxo'; Uatchei Ti :iee haiii'; .■'jia.les: Shovels; F.'fks; Fryitiir l’an>; •.'oti'ee Mili'; Sitters; T,'it>l(* laitlery; Pock et Knives in great variety; Hoop Iron; Hollow-ware; i>() kegs a'.irted Nails. -Nlonvimenlal. Jaeksoii, Ol.l live and N. I’aroUna Whis key; Sclieidam iiid Domestic (iin; French ('ognac an-l l>om. l?r.indy; .Vpple and Peach lliandy. loo bags Pio. Lagnira and Ja\:i t'otiee. 1‘orto llico. ll;iv:iiia Hii.i Stuart's retined Siig.ii', in all gr.ndcs; .Mo lasses; Candle-: Soaj -: .''tareh; l*owd'..'r aii.l Shot: To bacco: R. j;. and K. .NL Sniitl'. ^1).(»(>(» Hav.'ina and domestic Seg.irs of various brands :uid jirices, from 7U cents to a box. Ham. l?acon. l*ork. i)i'ie.l )'>■■"', Fish. Salt, lliitter ami Lard. Liu:ht, me'liiim and heavy weight (Jak-tanned Sole l.,eather. l.'irge assortment of W ooden an.l U illow Ware, eic., etc.. to.I numerous to mention. .All of wMiich we olFer for sale iit tin* liOHcsi l’ric(*N lor ( ash. .Io.nKS .S, SPI'PLINC South ,'si.l.' Hay .Street. A: the .''tore I'.iriiierly occupie.l by .t. \ T. Wad.Iill. /'. ,s'. S/i III s mill utlnr I*roilnii fii/,-tn III Iill I/if iiiiil j)H nhii !ii‘l tm' ('its.li. Ilr. li. A. over 111. .''.,1. Hin-.lale'-Cliemi't l»e.'-r 1. .1. .V tis- r '•1 !l:w.';, tilli': " I. Till: 1. MIt.l. (arnaJi^s. Baruiirlus. iiofkanay and 1 SEW b.: • ' ad..].T -h;' v.etb.:.! of in?'..!'! - "I'l ihe p.ii'lie ”.'rii'l:ill_\ tlia' tiie 't.iie a verv lai’irt' aiel irt neral iiiL' I heir ar.- II..w ■ int. s roc’iv or (ioops. EMliUAClNC K or k i i:k. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, A r., A: •.. A. •. '• wliich they are di']> ^'. d to '.■!; at rivi'.iiiatih' ].ro- • •- • ('ri'li. or on the U'll'it t ine ; 1'- p •!!'. '':e I'Un ha- ■' wh ■ are in the 'ia>.it ot j.a .in.'. (ILo.’w. WILLI \MS \ o. ' J.i. 1-0-, ;l-:f G. & L. BRANDT, IVholt safe an*f iletail I9ealers hi siwr/j.'A FAX' y mn' /i>>i>s. ' :'ttiin'_ .iii'l l'tiniis!iiii_ 1 1'; 15 -t' \ .''huf', H it' .'(ti'l t’a]‘s; 1'ntnk'; t'arin't IJau- ;iinl \'alis,s; litinlwaro; Ciitlcrv; (’rnck.'rv; .'Iiisic:il 1 ii'tnniKMit'; Iin]'"rti 'l II.i- v.'iiia titi'l l’riiici]if 1'>r sale liv t1u‘ 1?"\ mily. lar-'' assortment id' Nc”ri> l>l;itik- t't', .^!a■killaws, iVc. iV'-. ■' .iiiiiri'iii'i in all one >if the l.n-gc't, han.l. ;iii.l J.' il...'! ' i. iii'.^h a", lit iiietit ofi ...'I' i-ver exhibited in - t'.ar ;.'t. and v\iil be - il I cheap fn' • .i-!i. or on time I'l' wh'i p;iy their accoiiiit« at firt jireseiitation. Mi;r fri.'iid' and the put.lie generally are very re'pf.'t- t - invite.I p. giv i;- an e irly c;.ll and -ei'til e a g io'l ' (;. ,V L laiANDT. S ic'h 'iue H.'ty St.. l.ij.e" " . .N'. . M 1''. l'>. ' ' N'r;W AND C III'. \i“ (iO >i>>. JAMES KYLE 11 I- received a Lar^e and (ietieral .''Up]'!y '•! itit\' tiOOi9S, aiitl Slioow, Hat**, Koll- I AlV. ^ whii h ha- been pmciia-. "1 b\ p:; ' :>i ■ for r I 1 II. I. o\L 111 M'lil. ■II;' 1 ill i'.... I .. I.--- V'- . l~ II.' Il \Ni' I II rv •iiii I'.., : )|tt i,l,l,..l main in'W N MKIN \l. SlMMhs; i : ! W in :.li: l.v t.a'I ire.I t' W.W 111- li-iill'lll: t 'ii'la! ioil'. 1,'d I’J Illohlll- I .rkiiiaii'liip all aii'l ex- ^ iis -.nVA}. rwil lioilKS A15lt\K ('. T. ll\li;il\ SO.\,S‘ STIIRF. illf, ■%. .I.m’v 20, 1' '' T\ki:A I I*. ^p\KLN up an 1 I'.eitm’tte'l I I , lie .l.,il ..t 1 I'oiintv oil 111.' i'.iii ill ^ I Nl.tiKo : .hijlN liflA' 1. ..I- .I'i i frei'. ali'i = hat i e .■ ! 'lilah. a I are ■. ' I K. . iia: I : ■ ■ .Un '! t'l l -yp.j V iili ill"' I’ti' '\ • ; ; V wi'h t !»h>« KII’TI\ K in r.' Mil I Ol l»()\ Vli; U.''e:li i: . ...liint' !■> 'I.; .i_’ii,( iMi ‘ ’r.Ti. b... : i: \km:' \ ( '» ..I- ^ Si'hoot TfaflH’t'Si’ till l .'Ui l proin].tly attende.l to. .rr ,. .U'l ..Il verv rea'..n- liONDS I'Oli ^ALE. Il..:i.i Conip:,;iy have tor 'ale in : I piir.'I.a'.'i '. ' ?'i.!i|iiin r*iiii'l' Cl!'the C'Hi’itv ul' . 7 I'.-r I 'Ut. re'l. ji.iyable 'enii- .1 'lUe I I'l . f I '.eel liber, .'ind liili - iiiberl'tti'l 1 . iiaiiii'.l -a \ ' lie i' Uhrarif. P.i'iail 1. • MJiiiIl iM ,b IJ.iII'I' il. ini.-n .'ili'l t. . Wiiite W""- o ni'l '’e.'i-ii i\." l':ie owner .it ' li'l -N' ur.. i' n prove ].; .periy, pa_\ en i ,;e', ai w.l; tie dealt w;::. :i- liie l.iW til.I Oct l l-'l. I'-'i" Hand' ^pHF- 'Ub'. riiie; ui'lii" m Ini I '1 hiri_\ N.'_. w. i h .ill We'KM'Il IJ.'ii! llo., l. Fill t'i;i r hi r par' C ■ f' i Ir, i)!iice. Fa KlUO For ':i ept. ■r .if me t on w ,..'U t 11..'II i;p .'I .'"'It aii'l I'aiii if,.'l t.i c'lme ioiw;ir.|. i ake him av. iV, or he "K. i 1, M KA^. ,l:iiler. U aIIlt d. : 111- Moll! il. .ir I'ay. " Ninth Sci'tioii m the !r.‘ i! t!ie Lngillee,'' • i'i .■ 1.':ver I'liiilge. I I l.K\ .\N \ ». .11 1 Th. 11 bv K. .1. HALE •my liank F-.i ;i'i 111' a Vetlevilli 111' tllf 'rnwii 111’ ''I. payable --emi- I't .if .I Illy, and l.iiu'.' with law t.i I' lUiit V and T iwii w ill till'! I l;i'S.' t.i .11.1' at tin' iei:i :i tieiti'r iiivc'Uuent tliaii ; .M.\] 1 1;TT. r.'ii.. Prc' t. ..r ,!Ni NL la >SK. Tre i' r \v..-i.,rn i;. i; C l. 1^9tf OFFICE Front lloum and l)ril'_ .Slo.t'. Feli'y 7. 7t'.if r. A. i:. noiiNsTEDT, • i^ent for i'hirlk'erht^'s i^iattos^ Of which 111 has alwav' 'oiiie on hand. W ilmington. .N. C.. Icl r l!. !>'•).'. ;>l-lypd PETER MALLETT u iTii I). roLDEN Ml KHAY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, c, l’ .S i. t T a T tt K K T, A/; II' yonK. .July L*'.', 1^.'.'^. •l.\s • SMIl ll. MILKS roSTI.N. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., i\irtorSj f 'ommissioit ami For- irartiitis^ • firrrli a nts. WILMINCTON, N. C. 1)l’vOMPT attention given to sale of 11 MIlLll. 1..L M- P.i:U. N.W.VLSfollLS and all kind of I’roduee. l.,ilieral a.lv.inci'Uieiil' madi on ( on'i^nment'^. Ket'el-' to L. p. 1! VI I., i’re' t Ib-.aiu-;: I'. ink of State. H H S\\ ■ I'h'i Kank Cajie Fe.'ir. .Imis 1).\W'h.n. H-l. April-J-'. l-'->s. ->-n JOHN M. CLARK, Coiiiniission ».V rorwurdin^ .Merciiani, W IL.MLN(iT()N. N. ('. Tlio liviiiii^ and of the .Methodist t'iiurch. new supph .ju>i received. Oci'r p:. i;. -I. H.\LE .X SON. srCiAR IIOl SE SVRl l*. Few Bbls. excellent 8. H SVUUP. Al^o, prime \ •street .MOLASSES. Oct. M. C. B. (’OOK. r>i-tf W Till li kki> iiH I'-; ' n; inii, ( ompouii(l(*«l oiitirely from (.1 .>IS, [''ILL trive proiiijit attention to "^ah* of ('ountry Pro duce. N.ival Store> .ind Cot ton. All'/ .V ti,-,/r.- /..... o/ "liia .■\u;;ust O, is.'is, o>tt A i.AMA I'lON, .\v. -It I w aBti W . ■ I U il I: f * ' >:‘n. lo i:. r. .\ o. ti.M- t,f n>.-'t • .,fh- W.-.v .-u- - will t»trft;irthen hii-I Tht* ' htinm:. . rt'e. ■ pi ' Wf r*. : 'I tin* 'N ’'If liM il np w it n ' ihe (»| t‘ir* ut the o.;. I' • i.'rale i n«1 nip :iT\ M ■ - ( 1 tl 1 r.i:\«.(., r'l'. ' iiiii . ■ I to me that one 1 the '..iiiity ot uii;- ' tiru :ry I:: t. in >.^ai 1 I .Mimr.u'. ati.l th.it 1; .11 ju'lice, .'ind h.i-^ Mate. \i"l.ibild M. |t..u:.;aM 'i' '.lid otfen.'i'. W. H. TURLINaTON, (onijuh.''ion Alerciiaiii, No. -4 Norlii Waier St., \Vli..ML\;'rn.N. X. «' w -ILL 'nvi 'hipmetit iiiniry i'r l''ofi. pi iiiipt jiersoiial aMeiition to the s ot al! »'on'ignmeiiis ol .Naval .''tjre.' idiicc. tf .I,.)..'.! llii mv i« nl:i r.tirt- tl.- p. -’11 fit- all if whi'd. i'- .h ' lle or retail . L l"-'^. .itl.M'i' l at the lowc't market price. •'il-it' TIN PLATE, ^liec*l Iron, Iron %Vii*‘, (ooKiXii \\i> Ti\-w \iwa\ ' on h.'itiil. at W holes:ile or Ket.'iil. '/!ni)i-n i;. /;/ -\:. I 'i ' ’.^ind' . ’ .1 it.tiin;^. dom* at 'liort notice. ti\ C. W. ANHP.EWS, Market S.iiiare, F.'iyetteville. ! . •J7-tf \NO. ' l»v wliicli ii*‘ :iuy A .\li:\10IR Or Ki:v. \ tiit:aii:f>L, ». i> , I.Al K l’i: 'KK>'Ol; 111- illEMiSTP.V, .MlM'.i: M.oC'i , A M) (i EOLO*: V, IN THE 1 NIVKi:.'. l \ «iF N. ('. ' j TOtiETII El; with the’;';t.!iiv'.. rv- pect to his meiii- I orv, tiv various pubii. lueetiiie' an.I literary as- .-.iciuti.iiis, an.I the lid'lr.'.^.'es delivered at the re inler- meiii of his remains .m \lount Mitchell, t.y liie Kt. Rev. .Iame 11. "tey. liishop of' Teiiiie"e.-. ali'l llm,. David Swain, Prosi b-ii; ..f tae Cniver-iiy of N. i . This i.itere'tmg little t k. giving ;i graiiiiic -ketch ol'tho life und the 'iiijy c.ti death of thi' irre.ii aii'l go II. H- li titr* u!i ot Ol:# .--h:. •!..■ Uti-r- For il »• ot thni . li.iH il liis stml>. ill K t • fij.il -*m»* i*mrdv iuHii> '! 1 to whicit T(* pn>\ »• thH? t!i bir.i IA\* bn** out to tiv ji Tli. ;!I V plT’*!'!! Iron .tij k! itf foruis, ‘fluiiti. 1 in>iUt*r from lira. tto Ilf Tw o il un'b '.l ■ry lo I lie Sheritl Hi.Si l;il' I 'lUN jii !i" i’ ! i' abo II titty _\e ;.> of age, ol' light ..ii'i.;e\loii. til'i.' eyes, of .p/ick 'jieecli, ha' ;i 'car oil the 'ae . ii"'i.' one of his j-iv. . \\i i_!;.' :>t.o:it ]i|.i or 1 J. j'.oiiiid -. i' id.lieied to inToxica'i 'i.. ;il d while drnnk is t u'tiiilelil aiel li outde-iimn-. .Ml i.'lir aii'l w»ll. IihhJ t«i ..I . I'.-h'-I. I- M >>f the il'^rrtee- MMIK nil. Fi UTMAN (il ler'ijrned h.'i' m.-nh II. at 'hort 111 ired lo furn i iiitiiy of \o. I Peruvian iMiiano, ; o| whieli will tie from direct im]iot'ta'i'iiis. into the ' ; ! W iliniii'.:f'in. and wiir.inled pure 'ind genuine. • irdei'i f.1,1 the iitiove (■'(•■elleiil tertilizer are Milicite.l, w iiii'h ]iriiiap' alien:ion will tie given. ,\s thI' i'i .in 'iitiele wnieii .l.ie' not a.lniit of being .i'l on lime, ea-li or ii- e.juiv:i!eiit mii't accompanv e:ich ’del. P.EVERLV ROSE. .1 '■ ' :>(•’,If l>oe|> Kivi'i* .Ml.Nol'S t'OU, ,,f the ti.".:| iinalily can lie h;id ■II a re i'oiiatile priee tiv the UM. McCLANE', .\iinin*r l'!nrineer. .•sfi.KI, PL^ of I'r. .Mitclieil. ' ;iou r IJookotorts lit \le- Po .Mallell ,X '.I., ill iiapel licat ion. Price, ill i’aper, ■ cofiy. I'opic-i Mil paper p.'trl of the counlry. tree Ilf :!■') cent- in coir or j.os 'tvle. i tor 'i-') cents per ■I account of the tragic nan, toi;elher wit h a line LIKENESS and m.'iy tie had at ihe >y .\ 'I'lirner, in Kaleigh, and at the ollice of pub- : ill loth, -I't cent]ier I's, I 'em by ni'iil to any o-;a^e, uiion the re.-i i].! 't iiiij)'; in cloth ilitirary ,Vd Ire-- Li \Iav L’1. 1^0'). -MAY STOCK! .'ire now receivinjr their NEW ^IMIE SI IISCRIP.ERS I Stock if Kooas a tiff sy.f r/o.vKff I*, wiiieli tlie_\ iirt'er at their customary reasonable )irices tor • 'i'll, or on credit to ]iunctiial ciisiomers. Aiiion./ ilie froii.l' I'ceeive.l to-dav i-^ a huge stock of ' Al’. LETTER, ami other 1*A1‘ERS. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept’r‘27, 18G8. , \i. HEM»ERS(»N. /'ii/i/i:s/ti r. hnpel Hill. N. C. ' lOWNLoW \ PRUNES |.‘i'. .I'sioii mi Slavers; K. N. Pepin-r P.iiiei'-;: Veriioii (imve. or He.irts as they In and .Vroiin.l imti.iiil. t.y .Mrs. L. Hornby: Liv ing and Loving; I'iie bellow Plu'^h Pajier; .\fier li.'trk. Ii\^ W . Collins; Davenport D'lnn. Iiy L'\i'.': Sclm.il P.ook'-: I'atiei ' Dr.-nving Pencil' in i’a-e-''; >Vc. .N„v', o}, K. ,i. H \LE .0N. ^iiinlf l*o\ l^rad! i i EN TLEMEN. >ou iliai wi^h to sell likely ^OlNii NI.CiRc ii;.'' - .Men, Roys, Women :iiid (jirls—tiir the highest ca-ili prices, would do well to give Uie H call, >r address me at Clinton. N. J. A. McARTHL’R. •hine •'>. 17-Smi>s.)id lu tti-:r and cheese. I'.ST received pr Fanny, ;i few Firkins of very nice BUTTER, mid 25 Boxes jirime CHEESE. C. B. COOK. Oct. 14, 54-tf ‘•teiu. snppV ;n^ it' • invi^roi Htin^' tl stt'iM.i- - k.'ti^ imiifyliiu tl»«‘l>1ool. ■■ whole niHciiinery, i*'n thv cm e^TrrtiiiL'H rnihcHl n;'f. |{1II«>IIH h'.* (IM'-I. hf'llrr. '•> pT-j IjIvi’I* 111vl^oratoi*. One*!'"-*-* ■••nt t ati'l |»r«*VHijt ih'* f' -J.! Tl" • J > (»!ily otJ«* d> -I* t.vl.i-li l«‘ii 1.1 innrr. t»tiiy f>nr ’iiU**. at ti:,rnt. gently. h?m1 (O'*- thie dovf t«kon Hi -lo^f* >f t-vo t.‘u k SIt'k ll**a«la li‘. 1^ Otie hott:>‘ tHn«'h Vor fi' .»t llu* aii'i >!»ly 4»ne OnedoNe often rt*p' ’‘‘‘ ‘i Morbii'*, ^ pi>-v»*mi\i- o».e hoitltt IS system the etftH’l** lai'd: «»iic l.ottlf iHk.-n tor . iowne'iH or iiinmti>r>il coh i Oi>e dose tHkrn k *^hoit^^J Ijor to ill** HJ p»*tiit‘. 4in»l niak**- One ilose often repented 0k^ in wnr«t 1 tn--. ■■ conipluitits yiehi i Mie or two th*ses ciir»*'‘ Ht ChiMren • there no sun i . ^ the wori-1. ;ih it gf^ A few botllf** cnie- nbv>rf>eiitH. We lake pleft«»»re in reroTM r ^ preventive lor K«*v*r niMl Rni all F«-v«-rs -d ii Kit- “ with ceiiHiniy, Hnti thou.’>Hna«‘ wonflcrtiil \irtufc-*. All ho iiHV it nrv c;lvln|2^ tholr iinntiliiiaiiA V In ll«( f'nvor. .Mix \Vnt«'^r In tin* iiKiiitli thr lii^l** ^ornl(»t% niHl swallow Im>I1i to^t tlirr. THE LIVER INVIGCRATOR IS A PriKNTIFIC MKI>T(’AI. 1>IS OVKKV. aT..i is dnily wurkiiijf cnres, almost toi» ^Teat to l*ehe\e. It rtnrv. hs if l*y erfH the ./irh-i hikI nehlotn nioie thHti t>ottIe in re«|inrel to ci:rt* atiy kinl of lj|\ c*r t oni^ilnint. 14 t i V*IM‘HM. lii, \\ ill cure i)j -J -rifoN v.-ill h1 V*. i \ •* leltev e n strnctjon re!no\ es ilie niaki-v H pei le'’t cnri*. ' i-li.-'.«* ||oil‘, vhile li •^riiw (Mire toi l'liol*rn • ; ( h»l« rn. TMMMleo to throw ot;t of tlie .me Htter h l..njr Hwkv.r^-. •In iiiicll4-«‘ removes all »ul triiin tti*- 'kin. ;iji!e letore e/tl!n|c ci\e^ vi • \ .liK- 't well. run'M tiroiilr* V. hile S tl III III 4* i‘ and ahi. 't to the ti-'^t •‘.■'e tHck" Worms in r, ’’F spee-iuT reni'-'lr in l>ro|»^y, hy exclline the till** medicine av u Aiiiu*, fhin K«‘ver. iiiiH |M*. It npeiatew Hre wilUnK i- testily to Ts (;i\ .1;m riKis V\ lEI.lA.M .). PRICE, iaspvrtor of •'\*avat .Stores^ ll7/..t//A ^ 7V/.V, .V, r. .'Solicit the ]..ilr.iii:ige of hi-: country irieiid' and all oilier'^ engaged in the I'lirpeiitine tni'ine.". '.orlli Wafer .N.iv'r Ji:, ''^-1.' F. M. mu:iL li K 0 (■ K K \ .N li niMM I S S 1(1 N )1 \i \l C 11 A \ T No. Ndivrii \V.\Ti;t! Siiu.t;T, W IL.MINt.ToN, N. C. IjR'iMP T an.I per'onal attention given lo thi' reception of al! kinds of coiiiitry jirodiice, either tor s;ile or 'liipmeiit. Orders for ..ii'.icerie' trmi ‘-i/sf: cii'tomev- will rect'ive j immediaie atleiilion. tree ut'ciiii,nii"ion>. | Nov. P.*. lS->. I THE iioi SK-Ki:i:pi:i{ s BLi:ssiN(i,l Herrick’s Patent Carpet-Sweeper, B%i4i:K I'iviii I’r.itii tin ■ North tllf idlv selectcl l-'NIilRlT I. »Ict'r d>. .'ind orders rei'eived I'or liie s.mie, at L. lai.VNDT'S. li.iv .''I.. Fayet;eville. .N. C TiS- fiiira tlic worst .tnun-Urr or 1" ri. .-.inilm.n W. «!l of uliich »re tin* rt*«iill of ii I.lvrr. PRICK (i.NK noi.i.AK i-r.i: nOTTLr. Dr. SANK'>KI>. I’roprivl.ir, ."MS Hma.iwAy, >'«w York Relniled t.y *!l I1niKpii.ts. M l aim In JAS. X. SMITH and S. .1. HIN.'slbVLE, I'.iyetteville. N. ( Nov'r II. * Jf’li'SJ ^ ITS '55 r. '.er ..tl'er.'I in :bi- markel; wliicli added to ! hi-^ own niMU'il ic: lire, m.i'iM'' hi-; a-'oriment coini.lele;-— ' .'ill .it wtiieh !..• will sell oil ihe lowest po"ib'e ieriiis for : cii'h or on time to i.ntii'lual eii'romer'. j Fa^hionati’e painied cotta;.:.' 1...1-room Furniture in l^elis: curled hair and -^hi; :!ii l c..tio;’ M ittressc^; ! Looking 'aa-'i'-: W dbiw \S':"_;oii' a:; I ('radlc':: .''ide ■ P>o:ird-: P-nr. ao-^: .■'•vreiaiie' :Mi l I'mok-Ca^e'; Wiial- Nois; T:itiles, all -ol:W'i h Sl;tii.t>: ('an.lie Stand': j Wardrolie: Picture Frames ainMa'i";: W iii'low .''^ha.le': ' Cornici":; (''iiriain P.ands: .''^ofas in .Maliogony and Wal- I niit: 'I'eie a TetC'; Oitomaiis: Divan- and Stools; Chiiir-" of every v.iriely. l-’itio Kusi'WoikI I’iaiiiis, one with civilian ;it- lachmeiit: Rosewood .Mclodian-^. t'roiii ihe best maniitae- toiies in New York an 1 15o'ion. warranted a- good a ativ made in the couniry. and will b' sold at New ^ ork pi'ices—freight only added. ,'e]itember l!. I5tf .J Cider \ inegur, tor side by w. Aug. 18. H. CARVER. 38- hacon. e^IlOlCE North Caroliim BACON, Also. We-tern Sides and Shoulders, Oct. 14.—o4-lf] C. B. COOK. I'OK SAL5' OK iM'-N F. t ( ()N\ ENIF.NT DW ELl.INC HOUSE, on llayinount, lie ir .Nlr. .1. Thniii'Oii ^. F..r ii.iriicular- eiiiiuire ot .). C. .''llEPJil.RD. E'.p. or A. M. CAMPBELL. .May 7. -'t*' IU)OK.lUM)IN(i IN all it-; kiti'i'. ex.-ciited with iie.mie" and de-ipatch. .'sm.'ill jotj «heii done mti'l l>e piid tietore delivered. THOS. H. Tli.I.INMlAST. Hay Street. .May M. IS.'.S. i’-'j FARM FOR SALi:. 1 OFFER for - lie my Pl,ANT.\TlON on the Ea'^t side of C.'ipe Fear Pwiver. o mile-; aliove the Clarendon Bridge, known as the 1'oomer Latid, containing abmit StHi Acres. The IMantaiion is in a g.iod -^tateof cultiva tion, and i' snsceptilile of t>eing made one ot the mo't profilalile Fariii> in the (.’ounty. .\ddress . INO. D. WILLIAMS, Esip, Fayetteville, N. C., who is authorised to sell. L. J. HAUGHTON. Ocfr 14, 1858. 04tf *\olirc* to Soldiers’ \Vido%»>. ^S5HE Widows of Mexican Soldiers, and the Widowa .M. of Soldiers who dikk in skrvu'K in the war of 181‘2. can have their pensions continued by calling on the undersigned, Cor.gress having made additional proviiiion for them. (jive me the irnntmeraent of j’our claims, and the moue3’ shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE, Agt. for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 12, 18-58. 11>- CIIAIRS, CHAIRS. A L.VPiGE lot of Stool-bottom Chairs, made at Cool Siiring Mill, and for sale by A. M. CAMPBELL. March 21, ’.jH, PIANO FOR rES. S\ME.S PIRSSON respectfully informs the putdic thut he has arrived at W’ilmingt lu iii.l will j shortly visit F lyettpviiic -n i vicinity, i'"' th ■ s-ile of j his superior Pi ino Fortes, and also f>r the purpose of Tniiing and Rep-uriiis Pi'i'i) K.irt‘S For all those who in'iy require hi.s services, order.s lelt at the Watch iiu.l .lewelry Store of .'Mr (ireeu, or at this Office, will be attende 1 t i. Nov'rl!! b*i- NEW liOOivS. AN UPON THE SE^; or History of .Maritime Adventure, Exploration and Discovery, Irotr, the Eti'liest .\ges to the Present Time, by Frank B. Goodrich. Just receive.! b^’ E. J. H.\LE A SON. ) m^Ufsrox ' OL LD iniorni iiis friends and former customers '? w that t;e may be found 2 doc.rs below the Cape Feyi R ink, and i loors above his old staii'l south side Pcr.'-eii Street, where he intends to keep on haini, Haruess, Saddles. Bridles, Wiiipa, Collars, ana every tiling iieionging toJii-s tra'ie. lie re.'pecttui- ly invites his triends from the country to call and ex- iiuiine his stock before puriMiasiiig. He will at tend to He pa i ring ot 11 aruess and Saddles punctually, and l is ctiarges shall be moderate. He would re'^uesi all indebted to the hrm of H>L>(TON ic lALKLiV to o;tie with W. Overby or himxelf, as tiiey .ire comp ; i., •.) -leit.e tlie tii'iu's aebt.s. Vu,.u.st . . I i. M STA.\U.\lil) & .MISCULL.V.VKOL'S ii OOJkS. Ol!. K.\NE'S .\rctic Expkrations.—cloth, sheep au'l htilt' c'llf; Prescott's Ferdinand aiul Isabeila, C i;i.|ue.-,t of IVru, Phillip 2d, and Conquest of dexico; lleiirv Clay’s VVor':s, *1 vols ; Benton’s'I'hirty ^ ear.s in the U. S. .'senate; Daniel Webster’s ^V-lrkH, vols.; Memoirs of S. S. Prentiss; Iriving’s Works. I-> vols., cl'ilh aod sheep; Memoirs of Wm Wirt; Irving’s Liff* *-.f Washington, clotii and sheep; Lite and Coirespon- .le;ice uf Welister; f'om. P,*rry's J ip'iu E.Tp titioii; .\b- biitt's .Nap'leon; The Indigenous Races of the Earth, tty Nott \ tilidd.m; Recollections of .V Life Time, b_\ (tO'i Irii-li. I Peter Parley;) Hnine :ind .Vacaul ly's His tories of Endian.1; H ili.'im''^, l\otiertson’s, John-on's. Piurke’.s. .V'l iisiin’s. Hannah .M'.ie's and Dic'pi'j- rks. Soutliev’s 'ominon Pbu e Hook; Historicn’, ( oll'"clioii:. of Virginia; Dickens’s 'oniplete Works, l:!vfes tr ite i; LaMartine’s History of Turkey; The ,‘>teens f .Scetlan 1, tiy .\gnes .'-trickland; Ci.ii.lsniith's .Animate 1 Nature; N.i. tes .Untir isianne. 5 vols.,—editP l ‘.v Dr’ McKen/ie; !?oPin's .\ncient HisMry; (’on'titntiotr.i. Text Book; Millnian’s Gibbon’s Rome; Th''.‘t.'itesni:iir Maninl; Tates and Novels of Maria Edgewoith; Prrc. tor's History of the Crusades: Cl ambers' Irformntion f.ir the People; Tytler's* Universal History; Ibisweli's I.ife of Dr. .Johnson; Chand.ers’ .Miscellany. 10 vi'ls.: Appleton’s Cyclopedia of l5iogr;iphy; The Scott, b Gael; FncycloppiMa \mericana. 11 vols; Wavei') Novels in 12, 24 and 27 vots.; Wilson’s T.i’es ot the ; Bord''rs an.l of Scotland; DeTocj'ieville’s I)einocr;i' y I in America; Knight’a Half Hours with the ties, \utlio: . Biilwer's Novels, coaiplete in one vol; Plutari li's Liv; s; j Modern I’.ritish Essayists; LyelPs Principb-^ "f G ..|o- 1 gv; Tales of the .\rabian Nights. 4 voN. ii ustr.ned; ' >iaurv’s Physical Geography of the .\'he!itiires i of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse; >Irs. • Family Monitor and Gui.le to Social Fiipj'ine-^-:; i h Bachelor of Salainanci, by I.e ."ape: history of thv Revolutions in Europe; luickhart s Life of Walter , Scott: Hogg’s Winter Evening Tales; Woo.lfali .s Junnis; McIntOBh’sMisceUanics: Hamilton's Philo.-.ipiiy and Literature; Mc\.it.v's .Misecllanies; Mar.shail's Wash ington; Life of Pinckney: Bran le’s Encyclop edia; The Prince of the House of David; The Poetical Works of , Hemans, Scott, Campbell, Milton, Byron, M#.re. Burns, I Shakspearc, &c , in various styles. ^