- Mi Tr>.. ; U: -T»‘iL i, ' ureau , ill - ■rai. I- Pntor. •:„( Sf in! •>‘> ^ - 1 •1 h“*^l'-nlur.,r. li. ' t ,{.. tlOII; n J H ‘M ...1 k. it •urr. •Jim upoi ■ wh-ui, ■n.. I ,i. . ^> ‘"^^11, anu-.l t'.f th=- hin u^ i.un ‘^'ark. n ,i„ Ml- e t)i I- = V sm-c ,- »{//■ i rel V . , is ;r .:.. • ablf iuii w ' ! ’ rsr . " ii. I Utli;-' i'-. ,, j,. >>o u[ ...V, Kx. in!a; .. i : , to ti,- • u , : >’ ercv a; ur n ( ' ; , >rdi; i-> ht;r ir. s h\ ' ‘ihiii_ S.ltl n i r iwii h, . lis 111. M" JD W idl. : ; «> i elt‘( lit;. —/ Bcul* t i> ■ u ncial ' enii' KW 'it!k n, r rt * r«->' iulJ .1 at tt' ueiif i:t\ ' .lu; |)ient ssiii_ • !i inc- '■ ^ th^ r ticrt j itit ^ri ^pr’u.t' ■ V. 1 Ti,- : U: tb - !C;ii The auJ •tit ■rit tt' . r '1'^ 11 th Vi-.i nill.-l itlrh idc tbra of : r V • UIl- i tmiii I t:a~ of ■ ; }.li vn. ~'*- INi/. - ’. l\ i Ui . ie>, '! tj»r ndit' aev ' )8, w ' ■‘L- f-’- I, (Mi • • A’, ,ei,t, t -ri , 1 . - 40; »ton - e foi. eclij >arti lOtll* 11—ir eriiii real i. ;he ii. on ! ih-‘ :-nd •’Iv'r t ot :;*.n i'.ill ^ooii; -I) fir *- total, i- ’K’ill o’cl‘ - 'I i' th- (juar ■ lot > •. • li-’ ■ itJil . in y> li' >ftli' ■ 1 IM l|! rth u . ill. £'rj: :;itrr. fth- \1= n rt ut ii. > [»u‘ ' f>rint- the of CO.«t :-'>r "ne )Uifln -Hon. eli-ot d f'. H. icolii. biiit iVi ex- jt(; fli ^ ‘Tf^- the Iwuperor, oven alf‘ iii^^rest 8 til- treasury OBSERVER. t'AVETTEVIL.L.E. MOVDAV KVEMNCJ, JAXrARY 10, 1S.)9. \ ■ t TIt'E.—vuiHi' will he iintorvd on our Hit irithout pii^rnttnt in advance, nor tkr ji'ipcr he writ tu nnw ttuhtcrihvrs for a i(jrij>/'tini' than is paid for. Si'ch Ilf our old rubieribnn a* jiasire tu take (he f'r'f on tht Cush si/stt)n tuill pleust notify us irh'II mi’kiitg remitfanrt.s. 'I vit, (\>N'TU.w’'Ts.—The, Raleigh Standard i(,iir;iiu> the usual advertisement for proposals to , :in \ the mails in this State, i'or four years, from Julv I't l>^-*)9 to July 1st The schedules ,t till' various routes from and near this place, in \vhi(.'h this coiumunity is interested, are generally iiiRiianged. The mail to R;Ueigh is to leave at o r >1.. instead of 8 P. .^I., and that to High Point It 1 P. M., instead of 12* P. M.; whilst the War- siw mail is to be carried t'very day instead of six times a week. So far as we can see the contracts are to be made without reference to tlie vehicle in which the mails :*!*e to he carried. So that, if a person liiiost's to take the yontraet on any present stace line, he may carry the mail on horse-back if he [ileases. This wiU probably work a very serious iiimiivonience in many y>arts of the country, es- j.i rially in the South, where facilities .of travel :trt‘ ni't so general as in other sections. .'^T.vTisTics.—An esteenjed correspondent sug- the propriety of obtaining, in the Census ..II to be taken, more reliable statistics than we have heretofore had on some j»oints. IFe thinks that il tlie questions usually propjunded as t> ag- riirulture were directed to tlu‘ ascertaiumeTit of the - jihtu production, in^^tead of the total produc- r.Mii. the intbrmation obtained would be more cer- t:(iii and useful. Instead of asking a farmer liow iiiMi li wheat he made, let him be a-sked how much 'iiid. So of corn, hay, cotton. \'c. The whole luaiitity of corn produced is paraded in the (,'en- -iiv SO is tbf pork. But that very corn was ooii- 'iiiiied by the lujg^ yielding the iKirk^and. thus ap- ptar twice in the report, once as corn and agaiii pork. Again, a j»rodigiou'J display of the hay ; ']! is made, but nin^tenths of that very hay is ■ii'unied upon the farm yielding it. and without the next crop could not be made. It Is rus much il fleiuent in farming as tht*lmplenients ued, and • r> •npt;;r, like the pork from the corn, in tin 1 and horses fed upon it. All the world, sav^ ■■>rn 'pondent. reali^^ that our people live web • i ' is a fat-: which we may safely tjike as con- . i- 1. The (jue-;tion of interest and im|Kirtance h"W much surplus to the wants of others do V tfi>rd‘/ in; 2\urth'Carolina having su manv points • .r 'h' irlivery of produce into the marts of other iloes not rc(;eive her proj>er portion uf t. It i> considered that we sell 78,000 bales ! ^ 'ttMTi; but this probably does not embrace the |i.tntity manufactured in this .State and Virginia, ai;'l pf^rhnp-; not that shipj>el from South (’aro- lin.H So of tobacco, and perhaps other products. W'f scarcely know how it would be besi to ac- iiuplish our correspondent’s object. Ten years ^ I.' " thert was n»anifestel in (’ongress considerable | > iitht rn Opposition to all these statistics, as tend- j in_'. fmm the imperfect manner^in which thev ^ itre U'Ually taken, especially in the South, to exalt ' r'l r Mctiijlis and to dwarf the South. l>ut these '.‘•'Were overruled, anl a far larger scope, of iti'l’iiry jTovided in the Census act than had ever been thought of. it may be that (’ongre.'S, iL ihf act providing for the Seventh Ceusus, to jia^eii It this session, will again extend the ra;;_-' >^f inijuir}’, and embrace, not only the pro- diu tion. but also the sur^dus sold or exchanged. *r. is it not worthy of consideration whether ur .''tate >hould not herself provide for an oc- censup. as many of the otj^er States do, v\ hi( h any branches of information peculiar to ■ii!'' lve>i. or of importaticc to local interests, might ''■ 'ibtaincd;' • .(iENERAL ASSEMBLY OF N. CAROLINA. ('ondrnscd jrom Sntvrday's Stotulard. In the Senate, on Thursday', Mr. Bledsoe, from the committee on linance, reported in fa vor of the pa.ssage of the bill to increase the sink ing fuud. Mr. McDowell, from the committee on education &.C., in favor of th^bill to prevent the sale of spirit- ous licjuors within a prescribed distance of David son College. Mr. Donnell, from the coa mittee on the ju diciary, in favor of the bill to abolish the Mor- ganton term of the Supreme Court. The engros.sed bill from the House to prevent horse-stealing (by whi{)ping, branding hang- ini:) wiLS itidefinitely postponed, 42 to 1. The engrossed bill making husbands respon sible for the debts of their deceased w'ives X)a.ssed its »iec(jnd reading. Un Friday. Mr. Edney from the jj^nt select committee on the executive maxision, reported the furniture ami buildings to be in a most de plorable comlition—the one unlit for use, fur the most part, the other almost wholly untenantable. 'I’be committee reccunmended a .s;ile by auction’ of such portions of the furniturQ.as may be reject ed by the (Governor, and an approjiriation ol‘ -^2000 with any unexpended moneys in hand, for new furniture and necessary repairs. Mr. lirown thought the amount of the appro priation too small. He was not prodigal or pro- tuse ii! his notions of jiublie expenditures; but it was the duty of the Legislature to make necessarv ajtpropriations. The house and grounds in cjues- tion did not comjiort with the dignity of the sov ereign poojde of North Carolina. Mr. Miller, relying on the report of the com mittee. did not think the house lit for new furni ture. The whole matter was referred to the Committee on Public Puildings and grounds. Mr. ].,each introduced a bill to give the election of Trustees of the T’niversitj to the Board of. Trustees of that institution. Mr. Hlodsoe, a bill to amend the charter of Xormal (’ollege, by changing the name to Trinity (’ollege. and for other purposes. Mr. I^each, a bill to increase the salarv of the Comptroller S.50O to pay a clerk. The bill to e.-^tablish Alleghany County, (part of Ashe ) after debate by Messrs. Dobson, Brown, Edney, and Lane in favor, and Pool, Carmichael, Miller, and Leach against. p;is.sed 2d ri adinjr, 24 to 2.i. Ashe County is SO miles long, and the county seat is 55 miles from the lower end, with a rapid stream and a mountainous region between, [ts population is statoJ to be >uDicieat for 2 mem- })ers. In the (.'umnions, on Thursday, Mr. Simp«on • Democrat.) introduced a resolution that a message be sent to the Senate, proposing to give thi opjjo- sition four out of the 12 Trustees of the Cni- j versity to be elected. Tabled, i A number of bills pa.s.sed their 2d reading', j .Vnn>ng them, the Senate bill to amend the charier I of the Cape Fear Bank. The Senate bill to a’liend i the .‘5d sec.. 2-';^th cbap. ol the Piev. Code, entitled : 'ouiity [{evenue and Charges. The bill to aui» nd ! the charter of the Fayetteville and Albemarie ! Plankroad Comjiany. The bill to charter the I'niversity I’ailroad (’ompany. Mr. McKay introd iced a resolution that the committi;e on Finaiu e on«juin' into the expedii-nev of allowing the difi'crciit ]>anks to is-^ue five per cent, of their capital stuck in one dollar bills, and 'dve pt^r cent, in two dollar bills, 'i'his priv ilege to be extended to all the IJanks upon their paying into the Treasury such tax a may be fixed ly law. Adopted. The bill to establish the new county of Lillint:- toii, wa.s rejected on its third reading—yeas .')1, nay> ’>H. On Friday, the resolution appropriating .S20mi to refurnish the (iovernor's llou-f; passed it.' reading-i. ,'lr. Harrington introduced ri bill in fa\or if Martha Sjiear-;. .Mr. Fries. to incorporate the town of Salem. Mr. Hill of li^ilifa.v. tj prevent the circulation ol'cifunterfeit bank bill>. Authorizes bank othcers to >tamp ’‘counterfeit'’ on the face of them. Mr. Reeves, to declare Vacikiu river a ^lavitra- ble .stream. Mr. Walser. to aiiu nd the law of I'ivorce. Mr. Benbury. a resolution instructing our Sen ators and Representatives in Congress to vote against the repeal of the laws prohibiting the African .ilave trade. CoxoRESS.—In the Senate, on Wednesday last, Mr. Seward moved an inquiry whether further legislation is needed to restrain the slave trade. A speech by Mr. Bigler on the Pacific railroad wa.s checked by the announcement of the death of Gen. Quitman. Mr. Iverson presented resolutions from the legislature of Georgia, asking for the establish ment of a national armory in that State. On Thursday, the Leavenw'orth Constitution of Kansas was presented and referred. Mr. Iverson's resolution of inquiry as to the propriety of establishing a XavaUDepot at Bruns wick, Gu., was adopted. The bill reported b}* a special committee last session for the satisfaction of the French spoliation claims came up and was ably discussed by Mr. Vrittenden in its favor. The di.scus.sion of the Pacific railway bill was resumed aiid continued until the Senate adjourned. In the House of Representatives, on Wednes day. the death of Gen. Quitman was announced, and the usual eulogies pronounced; after which the House adjimrned. On Thursday, Mr. (Colfax introduced a bill for the organization of the Territory of Colona. '!'he House went into committee of the whole on the Tariff bill, which fills 28i* printed pages. Mr. Cochrane, of New York, spoke on the sub ject. and was followed by several other members on both sides—the di.scussion involving the topics of slavery, secession, >S:c. The Indian bill was next di.scussed, but the House adjourned without action. On Friday nothing of interest occurred in either House. Adjourned to Monday. Hampden Sidney Mauazine.—We are in debted to the Editors or tu the I^uhlisliers for the iirst \o. of this new College Magazine. W e have had no time to look into it, but it is gotten up in such a style as tu be plea.sant to look at. it is from the press of Messrs. A. F. Crutchfield & (,’o., of the Petersburg Express. New \ urk.—Go\. Morgan's Me.s.sage to the Legislature on the ;Jd inst., states the funded debt of the ;*tate at S80,yl3,2.'j>5. A Pkomisinu Beoinmno.—The New Year was inaugurated in New York city by three mur ders and as many mure shooting affrays. Madder and Madder—theW ihuington Jour nal. It wou t correct its untrue statements, either the old ones or tin- new ones, but snaps and snarls at the Ol'servi r and abu.ses its Editors because the y w ill not allow misrepresentations to gu unex- jKjsed. 1 bis sort ol thing does ju;t hurt u.; we have no reply to make to silly declamation. But when the Journal makes another untrue statement concerning us we shall expose it as usual. It would be plea>ant tu hoj^e that the Journal would not render thi.' necessary. But experience has shown the folly of such a hupe. Everv now and then, say once a week or siimething like that, the Jour nal makes uj) its mind to ha\e nothing more to say oJ' us or to us. But it comes ba«L-k to the charge as regularly as clock work; we have to go through the same process of exposing it, then have its a buse and its "wun t notic*; us any more” to laugh at, and by that time the thing is about ready to i)‘gin again. The Juurnal is always sure of one thing, happen what may—that its “Kaintuck ” and "Holly Shel ter" readers, whom it allows to see nothing else, are bound to believe its .storie.s, even though thev directly contradict t'ach other, such as those we arrayed from its columns last Summer. It tells them that we ]>lay dog-in-the-nianger. \\'e show that the charge is groundless, that we sent the l^epurt in que.ition to the Standard, which re ceived it before we published it. Oh but, says The bill to establish the Rank of .'^alisburv the Journal, “the Standard is dated Saturday fllK IIllES of the HoI^SE of liEPUESENTA- riVKs.—It ha.s very often occurred to us, in read- ’ir_ the proceedings of the House, that the Rules art- calculated, though probably not intended, to UbTuct and not to facilitate business. Such .seems l to be the opinion of experienced .Members; t"r at the last Session a select committee, consist- ■iiir of, Messrs. Bocock of Va., Win.'low of N*. C., ' Committee Mr. Winslow appears to have been working’ member, for on Tuesday last he of- I to pre.>>ent the Report, but it required unan- ■ii> eoiiM'nt and a member objected, .so that it 1 riTted. We recently heard, as coming from the !■-liest authority in the House on that subject, ^iiHt Mr. Winslow is the best informed Parliamen- ' Tiari in Congress, and for this reason he was put '11 the committee. hen Mr. Ritchie objected that there wa.s not ’ iii in the eight weeks of t his .-5e.ssion to coiisider I Hew Code of Rules, 3Ir. Washburne replied'that '! ‘lit iirueiidments were adopted they would save ■lin e lays of time for every one required in their ' 'ii'ideratiun. Mr. Ritchie persi.sted, saying that •'>e amendments were ‘•euuiv.ilent to making a passed 2d remlinfr, to 40, after debate bv Mr. Fleming in its favor and Mr. (’aldwell if Cuilford against it. In the course of his speech Mr. Flem ing stated that the :imount of goods sold, mechan ical labor and manufactures in Salisbury, amount ed last year to 8i*n4,000. yet their bank capital was less than ?12.^,.M»0. ile stated that the peo- }>le of Salisbtiry have encouraged public imjirove- ments to the utmost extent of their means, and were now crippled in consequence and were the victims, for two years past, of sharpers and shavers —to relieve them wa.s the object of the bill. Tlie bill was amended so as to ro(jtiire a branch at .'It. Airy, whenever S7.*>,00U may be subscribed at that place. Ijiitest— From our Reporter. R.^LEion, Jan y H. The Senate lid very nearly nothing, ahhoufrti it clos.ed , its .“session.s after 11 o'clock to-iiifrhi. .All tliai time from w of Penn., and Washburne of Maine, was i 1 o'clock was occujiied in discus.'^injr the election.-of cer- ointcd to revi.se the entire body of Rules. Of j Magistrates, an-l so tar as f have hP.ar.i there is no •' ■' very great jiroriability of their settling u before .Sumlay conies on tlieni. The only niatier of interest wliich 1 coiiM imtice previous to the election of Magi-trates wa-j the introduction of a liifl from the Coinniittee on .Military .\tFniis to revii^e and improve our whole Militia system. In the House, but a sinjilo bill waii passud eitlici- its . IV ■ u -1 -d or :Hd rcadii.gs—n bill lo give the election of Clerks Hot y!-t befoi^ the House ofhcially, though j ^nd .Masters in Equity to the people. It was diicunsed for ab')Ut an hour and a half, and then passed its 3d reading by a large nmjority. Soon after the House wt*nt into the election of uiagiiilrates. Mr. McKay introduced a series of resolutions concern- 1 ing l>eep lliver Coal. Iron, inc., which were nnauimoiisly j adojited. They affirm ti e qiianiity there, state the no- ; fessity of some niCHns of access, and also urge onr nieiu- I ber« of Congress to use all mean's in their power to pro- ' cure the establislinient of the National Foundry and ; Workshops thare. Mr. Jones, of Orange, introduced a , memorial concerning the suuie. | The Revenue Bill was reported to-day by Mr. Fries. I It proposes to raise .'f^l70.(HtH additional; ifl!K),o(>il for j the Sinking Fiind and STO.OCK) for prsstnt expenses, j Il is to lit* printed. On yesterday .Mr Fercboe. from tiie ^orwmiitee on the , Geological Survey, reported ay;ain«t abolishing the oftice j , of State Crcologist. and also submitted a very interesting I ' oustitution. ’ And so the Report eotlld not ! statement of what the committee think has been done, | lie _ I how much good has been and may be accomplished. Correction.—The New Haven Journal is re quested to say, that a statemeut made in the Hartford Times, and copied in other papers, re.s- pecting the will of the Hon. H. L. Ellsworth, is premature. The will has not been “approved,” or oft'ered for probate. No direct legacy has been made to Yale College. W’hatever of this kind exists is resii!uury, and is contingent on the settlement of au estate lying to a great extent in wild lands. Hence no just estimate can be put on the value, and the one given in the Times is certainly a very great exaggeration. The total distance between St. Louis and San Francisco, by the new overland route, is two thousand seven hundred and sixty-five miles. The Wanderer Cum.—»^r. Seward in the Sen ate on Friday called for the correspondence be tween Mr. Dallas and the Briti.sli Goverumeut. which, it is said, will exhibit some startling facts in regard to the continued abuse of our flag to cover the slave trade—showing that the Waml* rtr played a prominent part in that traffic on the Afri can eoaiit. co:!i:tiercial record. ARRIVALS. Cape Fear Line. Jan'y 7.—Str Flora McDonald, with goods for G W Williams k Co, Murchison. Keid & Co, K P Atkinson, W Clark Agt. S T Hawley & Son, J Lum, RockfiSh Co. W J Anderson, C T Haigb & Sons, Brown & Macon, J N Smith, D .Murphy, A A McKetban, Deep River Co, T Waddill, Jones & Sperling, H Parks & Co, R Mit*hell. HL .Myrorer & Co, W McIntyre, J A Worth, C H Cotield.^^V Lett. Jno McRae. Lutterloh’s Line. Jan'y 8, St’r Rowan, Jan’y 9, St’r Fanny, with goods for K C Chambers, I> McLaurin, J H Hall, 1) Murjihy. J & D G W'orth. T Waddill, D McDiar- mid, A A McKethnn. Sahi’l Crutchfield. A Johnson, .Jr, J Breece, G Thornton, Beaver Creek Co, Worth & Ut ley, Miss Isaljella .McLaurin. Imagination in I)iseas>\—A good story is told by a physician of Cincinnati about oneof his patients. 'I he sick man had rheumatic pains, which the fJoctor thought would be relieved by nitrate oj potash. The patient took the medicine for some time, but was not much benefitted, and asked for another remedy, which the Doctor prescribed. A few days after he met him, and asked after his health. “(Jh, I’m getting well. Doctor,” was the reply, “but 'tain’t your medicine. I tried that some time, till a neighbor told me of .something he took fur his rheumatism, a very simple remedy. I tried it, and it’s done me a great deal of good.” “W'hat is it'/” said the Doctor. “Oh, it’ s so simple I’m afraid you’ll laugh at me if I tell you.” T^‘ Doctor promised to control his risibles, and the patient, after much urging, informed him that it wa.s sahpetre! The Doctor wa.sn’t true to his promise. He laughed quite heartily, and told the a^itonished patient that nitrate of }>otash wa.s the chemical name of the sub.stance known to commerce as saltppfrd A pretty fair illustration, that, of the influence of the imagination on dise:i.se. Lord Petcrboruugh remarked that if an English lawyer was in danger cd‘starving in a market town or village, he invited another and both thrived. westek:\ kailroad. •Votire lo Contrartots. . OKaLEI) PROrOSALS will be received until the 20th inst. for furnishing the necessary Cross-Ties to lay seven miles of the Track of the W. R. R.. extending from 1 about 3 Lower Little River to S]>out Spring. .'specitications can ha setjii upon application at the En- giucer's Office in Fayetteville. W. A. RI PF.R. Ch. Eitfc. & Sup’t. Jan'y 10, I80O. '78t2(iJ M A K U I E D, On the ‘jth inst., by Rev. Dr. Deems, at Sunnydale, in Sampson County, Mr. JAMES S. HLNES, of New Hanover, to Miss SARAH HICKS, daughter of Isham Hicks, K.sq., of Sampson. (Ill the yoth, t)v S. W. Neal. Esq.. Mr. .JOHN C. SMITH, to Miss'ELfZABKTH LIVINGSTON, all of .Vn«ion county. On the 2d instant. }y .M. B McRae, Escp, JOIT.V ('KOI’CH, Esq., of Richmond, to Miss MARTHA ANN .i.U'KSON, of .Marlboro District, S. C. In .>alum, on the 4th inst., by Rev. F. R. Holland, Rev. G. F. BAHNSON. formerly pastor of Salem con gregation. to .Miss Lt)CIS.V BELO; both of Salem. .\x Unfokti'x.vte JoKt.—We have received the fol lowing note from a gentleman in Harnett county. It e.xplains itself Should any of the parties desire a more particular contradiction, it will be cheerfully given:— J.\st AKV 4th, 1S'.^9. A/f.tsrj. Editors:—On the 23d of Dec'r I sent you a notice of a marriage, which 1 hare since found to be a mistake, and which 1 now correct. The mistake aro.se in this way; The gentleman wishing to pass otf a joke on a friend, introduced a lady with whom he was riding as liis bride, at the same time asking him to a party at his house the next night, and telling him that he was mar ried the night before; ainl I. thinking he was really married—it being reportel that he left home to get mar- riel—.sent vou the uotice. A. Miiiniiiglon, Charlotte & Ruiherford Rail Road Company* IT i.s ordered by the Board of Direolors, thattGe eighth instalment of TEN PER CENT, upon the capi tal stock of this Coni]>any. be called in, and be due and payable on the 7th day of February, IHoG; that the ninth instalment of TEN per ccnt. be calleil in and be due and payable on the 2d day of May, 18-59; and that the tenth and last instalment of FIVE per cent, be due and payalile on the 2d day of .August. 1H.59. H. W’. GUION, President. Jan C. 18.V9 78-*jw Town papers copy. -\otice To i'oiiiity Creditors. i LL persons having claims against the County of Xi. Cumberland are requested to hand them to the Clerk of tb^ County Court on or before the 1st day of Feh>ruary next, for the purpose of being passed upon by the Com mittee of. Finance. By order of the COMMITTEE OF FINANCE. Jan'3’ 8 78-4t DE\TAL. IVOllCE. Having engaged in another business, I find my time too much taiven up to attend to the duties of iny profession: and having a partner 'Dr. R. Scott) who is in every way comj>etent to please iH m>i frieuds. 1 take great pleasure in recommending him to nil wiih whom I have the slightest inliiience. His prices will suit any who are desirous of having their teeth o[)eratcd on in a ''kilful niaiuier. ’ : And with my best wishes for my and this ! comniunity, I withdraw from the linn, havii'.g bo fear but ! that Dr. Scott will give the most fastidious entire satis- 1 faction. D. W, BENBOW. | Jan'y 10, 18-^9. 78tf Cutters, an 1> ^aiisagre JiJtuiiers, Just received and fos sale bv D' W. McLAURlN. Jan’y 10, 18G0. 7H-2t THE sale of the House and Lot lately occupied by Mr. Robert Johuaon, is jjostj.oned to Wedne.sday, 16th l-ebruary, at 12 o’clock. •S. J. HINSDALE, Trustee. Jan’y 10 7fe-ts For ^ale. 100 C.A.SKS LIME, in good order. Jan'y 10, 1H!)'.i. REWARD. ON the 27th of December, ]8»ib, OBED LEE entered my dwelling and stcde ?152, and a pocket book with a good many papers not recollected. He made his way on the 28th to Wilmington and thence towards Georgia, as he said he was going there. . Obed Lee ie a native of Harnett county^ N. C., six miles east of Averasborough; is about 19 or 20 y^ars of age, about 6 feet high, pale complected, thin visage, dark blue eyes, very full eyed, nearly pop-eyed, very slow spoken, narrow front teeth, and bad countenance; supposed to be well dressef. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me, or for his confinement in any jail in Ihe United States. W. W. HILL. Harnett county, \C., Jan. 4, 18o5i. 78-lm ^OliCEf T.\KEN up and com uitted to the Jail ot Moore County, N. C., on the 19th ol' l)ecembei^l858, a negro man who says his name is ,'H.\'t{i..E.S RANSOM, and h& says he is free, but failed to show any evidence of his freedom. Ihe is a .Mattres«-Maker by trade, writes a good hand, years old, weighs about 170 lbs., 5 feet" 8 inches higii, very d^rk complection, quick spoken, rather I stoo];)ed shouldered. The owner of said nejjro (if there he any ) will come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or otherwise he will be dAlt^ith according to law. W. K. NUNNERY, Jailer. Carthage, Jan’y 8, 1859 78-Ot Ll'TTERLtJlI. 78-3t C two days after the Observer was issued.” It is remarkable fact that this is tru*i, the Standard ira. dated on .Saturday, two days after, iKic. liut what ha.>J that to do with the matter^ The Stand ard actually had a j>roof from as be foie the (Ob server Was issued. And the Journal doubtle.ss knows as well as we do, that the tjtandard, though dated on Saturday, is usually i.ssued in lialeigh on Friday morning, about the time, perhapn even before, the )bserver of Tliursday reaches there; and of course if we had not sent an advance pnxif, the Standard could not have printed it in its paper of Friday, “dated Saturday’.” W hat we meant to show is, that we did not, “dog-in-the-uianger like,” withhold ilkes’s lie- jiort, but sent it to Raleigh in advaoce of our own jiublication ot* it. And this we have shown, all the jiretences ol the Journal to the c utiary not withstanding. 7ow/i Ehriion.—On Monday lalst the follow ing persons were elected town officers for the present year; Mat/or.—E. A. \ ogler, Es(j. Conimif-siont rs.—1-r. Fritzs, I{. [j. Patterson, Lewis lielo, T. Keehbi, J. N. Bliun, (reorge Foltz, and J. (t. Sides.—Sahm t^rei^s. Ohio.— (Joitruor's Mcasaije.—The Message of the (.iovernor of Ohio relates chiefly to the social condition of the State. Ile devotes but eight lines to the slavery |uestion. In ISoU the population of Ohio was ],9S0.00J; it is now 2,Il!U,UU0. In isr>;> the common schools 01 the State were .’>,U>?4; they are now lli,6U0. lie recommends the establishment of normal schools for the education of teachers. The number of the poor in lIoiLses of Refuge is estimated i\t 2,8UU, and th« number receiving i ' out-duor relief at more, which i.s about DIED, ■\t his residence in Chatham county, on the Ibth of November last. Mr. AARON EMERStJN, in the t>4th year of hi* age. TRIRUTE OF RESPF’.CT. ■\t a calleil meeting of Cane Creek Lolge. No 142, held in their Flail on the '.*th day of November. A. D. Is.'is, A. L. i’iS.oH, ttie following preatnblo and resolutions were adopted: Whkrkas. It has jileased Almighty Jod in his un- search.ible wisdom to romo\e from our midst our highly j esteemed brother, Ririt.\ B. Riciiakdso.s: Therefore, | Resolved. That while we bow witii becoming submis- ! si.)n to this atHiciiug decree of an all-wise Providence, j we deeply feel the loss we have sustained in being de prived of one whose amiable dfsposition .and many gf>od ijualities as a friend and brother had won the greatest esteem of all who knew him. Resolved. That in the death of brother Hiclia B. Richanlson. the Masonic Fraternity has lost one of its atrongest and nio^t faithful members, a true Mason a:id ail upright man in vverv sense of the word; that in his death a noble Mason has gone to take his j>lace as a per fect stone in that eternal Teinjde in the heavens. Resolved. That it is ever with pride we greet such men as brethren in our mystic art, and with a feeling of sorrow we view their departure from our midst: and with such feelings in our minds, who liave known him only in tlie holy ties of .Masotiic brotherhood and .as a fellow- member of Society, what must be the soitow in that im mediate circle from which he has been removed. Resolved. Tliat the Secretary >ie reijucsted to forward a coi'v of these resolutions to the family of the decea.'(*d, and lender them our sincerest sympathy in their great affliction. Resolved, That the members of this Lodge wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to tlie Fayetteville Observer for publication, and that they be spread on the minutes of the Lodge. JOHN M. STOUT. M. MI RCHLSON. 'ommittee. FAYETTEVILLE MARKET.—January lu. 11 tOCO.V; CllufOLATE; FRESH TEAS; GARDEN SEED.S; (iKASS SEED: CA.NAKV SEED; Ju-i received by Jan'v 1) S. J. H1NSD\LE. 78tf Second Supply ol'Harper^ azine for January, Iboy. .Ian y 8. E. J. HALE & SON. \Veb«ter’!« Elementary Spelling’ Books. A tunher supply just received. Jan'v N E. J. HALE A: SON. a iMi 2') a 00 2( > a 00 28 a 82 50 a 00 12J a 13J 15 a lf» 20 a 00 103 n 11 00 « 00 t presented. . , ^ ,, • 1 ■ I have never known so complefp a change upon any.sub- one indigent for every 1()2 of'the population. The lie of Its provisions is designed to confine de- ! ject ns ui.on thi. I think the office will be retained. proportion of the same cla.ss in England isoneiii Pi: to elie subject before the eomnftttee of the : ^ ,*li(,l.. ...1 tV,... » « * a-1 1 • I * I “An Occasional Correspondent” writer us. un- ■ifie. iuid thus to cut oil the long and irrtdevant i M'^>^ehe,>. which it is the habit of many members ' Saturday last, that -.Nothing of interest >.itlict upon the House, fbr the l>enetjt of thei; ' ^^:iusy>'^red. On Monday I.presume the Coal "on.ritueuts. . j tields biU w^ p^s. ’ ■\ RaH-KOATi FllOM ( ul.UMBlA, S. C., TO Au- (ti KTA, CIko.—It appears that the late Legislature Kt ; i M. TKKS i»K the I’mversitv. (iov. Ellis . Haii.Mim, Esq., of Xorthainpton, were ; flei tod 1 ru.^tees i»n ThurHjay last. There were 1 . . ""«t mo ),uudn..l oa.,.lidute.. Cor the'tweivx' va-' tlH.«.,wo o„ly .ucWeU i>. .bbim.if- i f.™”.":" In; ioiitinu Ti ^ !• .1 1 1 ‘ Ibspateh says that the only remaining gap to be '"■.'."iities. Ihe names of the others voted for . e c F ■lie nut ronnrt«,i !>,. 1 .n Danvillc tonnection, rfo or -10 miles, not reported. J^rohably manv of those nomi- , , . . , . of South Carolina granted a charter for a railroad ‘■ated and voted for are not candidates, but have jeeu merely brought forward by their friends in Legislature, With this, says the Dispatch, the air-line from Augusta (b Richmond would s'weep the travel, to and from all the Southern States but Florid^. in N. V. according to the census of one in 5U; in Massachusetfs one in (>5. 'I’he number of in- dictinentij for crime during the pa.st year was alrout 3,600. The murders duVing the year were iSO, and the suicides tio. In view of the belief thai four-fifths of all the police oflTences tire due to the int?mj>er!ite use of ardent spirits, the (lOvernor recommends the es tablishment of an asylum for inebriates. .The total receipts of the State for the year 180s, were S3,7oS,7:_'I, and the disbursements leaving a balance in the treai^ury of! The total State debt is 317,169,973, of which ^6,413,5:^5 becomes due after Dec. 31 st, 1860. The public works are in a pro.sperous con dition, and the agricultural interests of the State are also recovering from the depression of the past year.—Jbur, Com, B.VCON, BEESWAX, CANDLES, F. F Adiim.'itiiinu Sjierm COFFEE—Rio Lagiiira Java COTTON— Fair to good (Jrdin. to mid. COTTON B.\GGING— tJunn^' IH a 20 Dundee 18 a 20 COTTON YARN— No. .'i to 10 20 a 00 DO.MESTIC GOODS— Bro. SheetitijTS h 00 Osimburgs lOi ii 00 FEATHERS. a 40 FI.OUH— Family f> 50 a 0 00 .'supei . •*> 35 a 0 00 Fine •* Scratched 4 GRAIN— ('orn Wheat Rye )HtS Reas HIDES—Dry Green IRON— Swedes, com. bar a 0 Ditto, wide 7j a 0 00 '.t5 !'0 (■>(» a o 0(* a (Ml H IH» a 1 00 a oO, » IK) 8 a 10 5 a t'l American t English .j LARD, 13 LEAD. i MO I.ASSES— Cuba aO a 31 N. Orleans 4!> a 60 NAILS, 4^ a 5 Olli—Linseed j Tanner’s 70 a 1 00 SALT— Liv. Sack 1 50 » 0 00 Alum t;0 a 0 iK) FLAXSEED, 1 00 a 0 00 SHOT— .('om. pr. bag 2 25 a 0 00 Buck 2 25 a 2 50 SIM R ITS— 1’. Brandy 1 00 a 0 OO N. C. Apj)le 7t> n 0 00 Northern do. 70 a 0 N. C. Whiskey oo a O 55 Northern do. o5 u 0 0(i SCGARS— Loaf 15 (.'rushed Coffee 10 Porto Hico 10 New Orleans fK) TALLOW, 10 WOOL. IS TURPENTINE— Yellow dip 2 .“^O a 0 tiO Virgin 2 30 a 0 OO Hard *1 10 a 0 (Xt Spirit? 42 ii 0 42J Valuable Land Tor ^ale. 11HE sub.-cribers will otter lor .sale, on Saturday, tfie 22d inst., oil the pieinises i if not previpu.slv uisposcd 01) ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES (')F LAND in Riciuuniid County, li.M ated near Rocky Ford on bhoe Heel SwHinp. iidjoining the lauds ol D. McBride, .Mrs. .Southerhind and otheis, and withiu tiall' a mile of the W., C. iV 1{. li.'iilroiid. Tiicre is about 40 Hcres ch ared and under cultivation, with coml'ortable Dwelling and out-houses. Persons wishing t) purchase a desirable location to live, and a good small tariii, will do v,.jli lo call on either : ol the subsi.-ribors, who will tiike pleasure in showing the preniises. For further iiifonnation address either of the subscribers at Gilopolis, Robeson countv, N. (J. ARCH D m'cGIRT. FLORA McKAV. Jan'y ti, 185‘J 7H*4t Town papers It. IHPOUTA.\T TRl>iT A Kare Opporiunity for 1‘rutiiable Investment. BV virtue ot a Deed ot "i riis-t e.x^cuted by Lianiel Clark on the UJth day of July. A f*. and registered in the Otiice of the Register ol Cumberland County, in Book D No 3. page 271, I shall sell to the highebt bidder, at the Market House in Fayetteville, on TUES DAY the 1st day of FLBRL’ARY, A. D. 1^.V.^ ONE OF THE .MOS I' V.VLUABLL TRACTS OF LAND IN N. CAROLINA, situate, lying ami* being in the County ol Cumberland, on the waters of liig Rock- tisli, six miles from ll\e town of Fayetteville, and cuii- taining al»out Two Hundred Acres—s-eventy-tive or one hundred acres is Swamp Land, which for depth and fer tility of soil, and for easy culiivation. i» fuliy e^ual lo the rich loam lands of the Mississippi valley;—tiie whole Tract is highly improved, and, from the juuicious cuurse of husbandry the proprietors of this land hsve unitorm- Iv pursued, it is believed that there is no land in this Stale which will yiild to the’ farmer a more abundant return for his labor. There are on the premises, gooi^ woods, ways and waters, a comfortable Dwelling and commodious out-liouses. At the same time and place 1 shall seil, either as part and jiarcel ol ^aif Land, or separately, (as I may tly?n 00 a I'J 00 deem most advisable.) the celehrait^ McNElLL jSAW .MILLS, and Seven and Two-tifths STATE OF !\ORTH €AROL.l!%'A, CUMBERLAND COUNTS'. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, December Term, 1858. A. G. Thornton vs. Alexander B. Walker. Attachment Levied on Land. Judgment Conditional IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Alex ander B. Walker resides beyond the ‘limits of the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinAy process of the law cannot be served on him. It is therefore ordered, tliat publication be mad^ for six weeks in the Fayette ville Observer for the said .^lex. B. Walker to appear at the next Term of this Court, to l»e held for tlie County of (Tumberland at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the lirst Monday in March 185i, and then and there plead, answer or demur, or judgment final will be rendered, and the land levied on condemned to satisfy the Plain tiff's claim. Witness, Jesse T. Warden, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the first Monday of December, A. D. 1858. 78-«t] J. T. WARDEN, Clerk. STATE OF .'VORTH €ARoEir¥A, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, * Court of Pleas and Quarter Se.ssions, December Term, 1858. John Winslow vs. John McLeran. • Attachment Levied ork Land. Judgment Conditional. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that John McLeran resides beyond ilic limits of the St.ate, or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served oji him. It is tlierefore ordered, that puhlication he made in the Fayetteville Observer for six weeks, for the said John McLerfin to appear at the next Term ot this Court to be held for the County of Cumber land, at the Court House in Faycttevil!?. on the first Monday in March 1859, and then and there plead, an swer or demur, or judgment tinal will be rendered, and the land le^ed on condemned to satisfy the PlaintiflF’s claim. • Witness. Jes.ae T..W'arden, Clerk of our .said Court, at Otfice, the first Monday of DecemVier. \. D. 1H58. 78*01] ‘ J. T. W.AUUEN, Clerk. ST^%^i^oi'\VoRTlil[ A^^^ CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Co'jrt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, December Term, 1858. Thomas M. McLeran vp. John McLeran. Attachment Levied on Land. Judgment Conditional. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that^ohn McLei-an reside.-* beyond the limits of the State, or so conceal^ himself that the oi\linary jirocess of law cannot be served on him, it is therefore ordered, that publica tion be made in the Fayetteville Observer for r,ix weeks, for the said John McLeran lo appear at the next Term of this Court, to be hel3 for the County of Cumberland at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the first Monday in March 1859, and then and there plead, answerer demur, or judgment final will be rendered, and the land levied on condetaned to satisfy the Plaintitf’s claim. Witness, Jesse T.'Warden. Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the first Mondav of December, A. D. 1858. 7K*tit] * J. T. 'WARDEN, Clerk. 3f01T;Er 1 LL Persons indebted to me bj’ Note or Account, are earnestlj* requested to call and settle the same. Those who have long standing accounts, cannot expect further indulgence. Those who have accounts against me are requested to present the same for payment. J. PEMBERTON. Jan'y C, 1859. ■ 7 7-1 mis TUST RECEIVED, a large supply of HERRICK’S •J PATENT C.\RPI:T J^WEEPLH. All those having loft their ordrt-s at our office, will please to send for the Sw.'pper. and those desirous of having that great do mestic Vilesfling at their house, may gel them now with out delay. Try it. Ladies, and you will pay that tlii-. “new broom sweet)s clean" and leaves no dusting t'l be done after wards. G. \ 1.. BR.\NDT. Jan’y 3, 1859. 77- a 0 a 0 i 14 a 8i J Fresh Teat*, us r received and for sale by J. IllNSDALE. JaRI>EA !!iEEI>. I^REiil and genuine 4jtanleu Seed, growth of 1858, just received and for sale by Dec'r .‘{0. 1858. **. J. HINSDALE. a 00 a a 11^ a OO a 00 a 10 a 19 REVIEW OF THE MARKET Cotton—Firm, but no animation. Flour—Receipts light. Corn—No difficulty in obtaining quotation. l*ork—The first droves brought to m irkct arrived \es- terrlay—one drove to Tomlinson of 3.57. another to Mitch ell of 220. Most of if has been f»old at 8^. Corrected by .Tvs. G. Cook. WILMINGTON MARKET—Jan’y 8, ^ Spirits 45. Rosin, common 1 05, No. 1 $1 62i to #2 60. Cotton Hi to 113. Hay $1. Timber,! raft sold at 6 60. At N«w York, Goitou steady; middling uplands 12. Spirits in fto inquirj at 49 to 49^, Acres of Land, adjacent and aj-purtenKnt thereto. These .Mills are biiih on Big Rockfish Creek, three miles, as the stream tlows. from the Cape Fear River: they are in excellent running order, and the two saws cut foi it THot s.wit FEET OK i.i MWEU per day; the suji- ply of water is constant and never-faihng, logs may be rafted from uiiy jioiut above directly to tlie mills slide, aii-J ihe Lumber may be put into the Wilmingiou mar ket in thirty-six hours atier leaving the t-aw-carriagc. Taking into consideration the great nalural advan- i lagc.-i and the 'ery valuable improv'Miieut^ of ilic aiore-j ; said property, itiis -ale is rccouimended lo liie attentiou 1 of ail persons who wish lo invest money hi that which I will produce large piolils and give quick reiui-ns. Term* at nale. ROli T W. HARDIE, I Trustee of Daniel Clark, i Jan I), 1859. 7bt» j Hal, Siitudard cop_\ till sale, and send bill lo this \ office. I !^ETTL.E3IE:\T)Si. in J. HINSD.VLi, respectfully iiitorms his cusionierB that their accounts are made out and ready for set- I ilement, and he would be glai to have them cloned as j soon after the Isf .lanuary as possible. Persons having accounts against him will please hand ! them in for settlement, i Dec’r 30. 18.')8. 7.5- :\OTICE. rpHE biisinc.'s heretolore carried on by the undersiigned X under ihe firm and'btyle ol ‘-Jones Ci Sperling, " has this lay been dissolved by mutual consent. G. W. Sperling is alone authorized to use the name in liquida tion. REUBEN JONES. GEORGE WALTER SPERLING. Fayetteville, Jan'y 1859. W, SPERLING having purchased the interest of \jf, Mr, Jones in the late Firm, will continue the busi ness on his own account, and will be jilensed to disp^c oi' his exfensiv* stock at a small advance on th? cost tor ciJsh, or in exchange for country produce, ^nd invites tlie attention if the public to liia Btx;k, which nt all !ime.- Util f'-Uftat vf thoit articlef rti/u'red for ute tn lh» market. Hay Street. Jan, 3, 1H50, i 7- Valiiaiile Propevty at Auction. Wedni-day, January 12th, ni 12 o’ch.ck. at liie W Market House. I will ^jfFer for-ale the lati-re-idenc^ ol P.obert Johnson, (on Haymouni. ,* The lot contains .about two acres. Terms:—approved negotiable notes at 90 days. SAM'L J. iliNSD.\.LE, Truptee. Dec’r 13. 71-ts W, AiWJI.^N,] [k, m. .MTRi hiso BOVVMAX & MLRrHISOX. eonmtasiox laerciiAx\t^. NO. 104 WALL ST., NEW YORK. IBER.VL cash advances mau« on .^'onsigiunents of £nen 47itf T Ii . ('otton. Naval Stores and Southern Proliicf g.-nerally. Valuable Properly Ibr ^ale. IN OBEDIENCE TO \ DEt'REE OF THE Col RT OF Pleas anil Quarter Se»sious of Cumberland County, had at December Term, 18.7>8, I will expose lo public sale, nt the .Al.irket Hnu.se in the Town of FayetfcvilJe, on ThursdHv. the 27th of .January, .i NKtJRO M.\N, named Whittington, the property of f’atrick .Munroe, dee d. Vnd ut the same time and place. 1 will also sell lf)7^ ACRES OF LAND, lying on the North side of the Yadkin Road, the property of Miss Mary and Annabell* Munroe. j. T, WARDEN, Commissiouer. J&Q, 6, Sept'r 17, 18.')8. Billiard Tahlen I'or Sale. rpHE 8ubscriber,wishing to chan)ie hi> busine-s. -wiU 1 sell his Tinu^: BILLIARD TABLES AND FIX TURES on reasonable terms. Wilmington, N. C., Dec’r 31, il I?. Bl'RNETT. 77-i w Devereiix’s Kinnle’s Black^lone, 1‘eituved to Questions and Answer;* uj.on the plan of Kiunie's Blackstooe, on« Volume; Ditike on Attachment, For Bale by E. J. HALE & SON.* • Dec’r IC, 1858.