nr ■Mm m IS! mmm mi CAi Hflif * lU .. * :- (aui \o\ i \ ilU.. mr: . hte i Bch t on i ade o; *. JlIlK 1. . ■V-i.. »i.-i - liV.'- 1 l> LA it on. tto • AH ull 1! 'K ' K. , h ll I K* * in;;' L K or N i. , 1 >y th. ■^lii NT , blU. JOI u* lli:. ,er •n- e ii ri jii jT" Book 1 r ■ Of)' el oyer. ii-ii- IN )i -. »4» V. it \ i . \ tl. iPAir TOIET1I1LIHI2 (DIB S E M 1-W E B K L Y. © [VOL VIU.] FAYETTEVILLE, X. C., JANUARY 17, 1859. [NO. 780.] PRl.NTKD MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. EDWARD J. HALE & 80X, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Price tor the Semi-Weekly Observer 5)3 iX) if paid in ailvaiice: S3 50 if puiil during ’.he year of subscrip tion; or ;?4 Hftcr the year had expired. !■' ir the \'eekly Observku 00 per aniiuui, if paid in advance; JlJ TiO if paid during the year of •jubscrip- 'iun; or 53 k) after tlie year has expired. .Vi»VEKTISK.MENTS inserted for GO cents per square of 1*5 lines for the first, and 30 cents for each succeeding publication. Yearly adverti.sements bv spe cial contractf^^ ut reasonable rate^. Advertisers are re.iuesied to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be.coutinued till t'orbid, and charged accord- in^'ly .Vdvertisenients to be inserted intide, charged 50 per WRIGHT & FULLER, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Fay«;tt«vill«, C. CLEMENT O. WRIGHT and BARTHOLOMEW FUL LER have associated themswlvus togoth«r for the practice of iheir profassion. Prompt attention giv«u to all business comiuitted to their charge. They will prac tice in the counties of Cuuib«rland, llaru«tt, Sampson, Robeson and Bladtn. Aug. -_>3, 1S.58. 8y- TROY cV: ™TlEK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, LH.^BEKTO.^, KOBE§Oir Co.. C. Robert E. troy and JOHN V. fuller, hars formed an association for the practice of their pro fession in Robeson County. The former will also at tend the Courts of Bladen and Columbus; fhe latter will also attend those of Cumberland. The Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. Jan’y 1, 1858. 73- LAW IVOTlt E. rpHE undersigned has remi>ved to Newbern, with the X intention to devote himself wliolly lo the practice of the law. He will attend the Courts in all of the sur rounding counties, and will also practice before the Su preme Court at Raleigh. D. K. McRAE. Dec’r 22, IB-”''^. 75-6m DE!’*TAli ]\OTlC’E. Having engtged in another business, I find ray time too much taken up to attend to the duties of my profession; and having n partner (Dr. R. Scott) who is in every way competent to please all my friends, I take great pleasure iu recommending him to all with whom I have the slightest influence. His prices will suit any who are desirous of having their teeth operated on in a skilful manner. ••\nd with my best wishes for my tuccr^tor, and this connuumty, 1 withdraw from the firm, having no fear but that Dr. Scott will give the most fastidious entire satis faction. D. W. C. BENBOW. Jan’y 10, 1859. 7Stf M’HOOL books for the union. V s. BARARS &L CO.. 51 AND 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. PI liLlsHERS \.\D WIIDLKSALE BOOKSELLERS, WOCLD I.NVITK ATTEXTIOX TO THK .V A'I'IO N A L S ERIE S . —OF— .W.l\Dt!ID SniOOL BOOKS, 0 PIBLISHED HY THE.M, AMONG WHICH AKK Tht School JituUers, in C> At/s., arid Pninounciny SjMflltr. I’rioe lio, 37i, 50, 75 cts. and $1. Speller, 25 cts. By Richard G. Parker. A. M., of Boston, and J. Madison Wutsoi^ of New York. These are the latest reading books yet brought out, -ind it is confidently believed surpass all others in gen- ernl plan and arrangement, beauty of illustrations and typography, character of selections, and adaptation to riie wants of schools. They are already in extensive Use in the Public Schools of New York, Brooklyn, Al- ^'auy, Newark, Lancaster, and other important places. Danti Recised AnUmiftu'S and lliyher .l/u- thrmatics. Prices of .Aj-ithiuetics 15. 25, 45 and 75 cent-i. ■Vre daily increasing in popularity and circulation. Thk V an- regarded as the most thorough and practical ■ t'liny bt-f' re the public. Au exceedingly valuable ad- to this course has just been made in the publica- JOSEPU HAKER, Jr., \TTOK\EV AT LAW, xt door to Wni. B. Wright’s Law H.\S taken an office Otfice on Green in the County anu Bladen, Robeson aiiu March 23, 1853. »K\TlJiiTRV. R. J. DAVIS having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville, respectfully offers his services to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all •ei. He will attend and practice i ’»';“‘ches ot his Profe.ssion, im-ludinp the ir^erior Courts of Cumberland. ! I extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den- I tal education, that he can give entire .satisfaction as far I a«'s in the power of Dentistry. AH irregularities of the ! Teeth treated in a proper and cai’cful manner, as well as , di.'^eases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are ’ made use of iu the various operations. Charges will be ■ moderate, tliat the benefits of the Profession may V>e I placed within the reiich of all who may feel an interest ! in the jireservation of the Teeth. JSioy* Office over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he j may be found at all limes. -May 10, 1H58. 9tf jj^erior Courts of Cumberland, uiipson. 7'Jtf THO. o. PULLER, Hint V.ngnttellor nt Wjutv. FFICE at Eccleb ■■ Bi Banks, Es(]., Fa . • Jan’y 1, 1857. recently occupied by James He, N. C. A. A. TlcLEAA, Attorney at Mjaic^ LUMBERTON. N. C., AV^ILL attend the (^>unty and Superior Oouits of Rob*- f V son, Richmond and iiladcn Counties, and ihe Sup>»- rior Courts of Moore Coinuy. Dec’r y, 1858. 71-3m LoTerD ELDRIDGE. •Ittometf at tjaw^ 'ILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Sampson w Counties. Smithfield, April 15. 1850. y6tf D'l'-ias' L nil trsitj/ Algebra, Price 25. An entirely new work, designed to occupy an inter- iiiediute place between the author’s Elementary Algebra slid Bourdon, ^t teaches the Science and Art of Algebra •■y a logical aiTangenient and ela-isilication of the prin- ■jipl'.' in their natural order, and by illustrating their aj ji.i'-'diion iu an estended series of carefully arranged iu i k'ruded example. It i- Prof. Davies’ last and best "■irk. M'juftilh and M XaUy s Sprits of G'f>Mjrajjhies, Prices 25, 40, 60 cents, anu 2^1. Seem to be last supersediijg all others. The plan on .iifh they Hr(»arranged, their intrinsic merit, concise- >>eauty. and peculiar adit]>tation. render them great ;aviiriri‘s with both teachers and pupils. They have been ;h rocjmmended by the Superintendents of Public In? riiction of very many Stales, and by numerous I'ettoiiers’ A>-ociations and In^^ute- throughout the • imtiy, and are in succe"-!i'ul u-e in a multitude of pub lic m'l ]irivate Schojls in every State of the Union. ' s (Jratnmnrs, in tiro ^irir/’it 40 and •I" nmf ]\t(rh's Anilyxis^ prirt 75 crnts. It i-i bei*eved present the only true and successful iiiftliod ol teaching the .science of the JEuglish Language. T;.’V U.I, tlie .'^iandard Text-Books iu the New York, Michig^^n other State Normal Schools, and in very oiany .«t' the be-»t Schools and .Vcaiiemies in the country. P'lr/i'ffii Sfftool Pitdoaopliy^ pru f SI, vegardcd as the most couijdete, concise, and prac- ;;- d I'lii'S liook on that subject yet pul)li.shed. It is :n'-: (• exten'-ivclj' useil than any other, which fully de- mi'tistrnt its iny-eminont worth niid ■^iiperiority. r'n SrUool (,7/ m’.s/ry, 81, I' 'III of tiie most admirable works prepared for .>^fhnn\. and rei|»ires only a limite'l amount of apparatus to illu'ifrate all the experiments described. A. S. li, A' (’o., have recH-ntly addcl many new ^iii'i viiluiiiilc w.irks to the ir N.ITION.VL SEKIKS, afull •l‘''fr.[.ti(iri which will be found in their NEW IL- LInTKITEU C.VI.iLOIil E just published, containing a '■'■’ii|iVte de-cription. witli notice-* and recomtnendations, ■it all their School and Lil'rary Books. Teiiciiers and School .>thccrs througrhout the Countrv .n- r-.,,.e-t.-d to send for this >E\V UESl'KlFTlVE (iTAUMil K, and correspond with the Publishers in re gard to any of their works the/ may wish to examine or intr.^iuce. .\Jdre.s.s A. 8. •*>1 and ’>8 .fc. ir Street, New York. .V. S. HAI^NES (’U. a al.HO publishers of the Srhool Teaekers^ M^ibrary. Retail price. Northend's Teacher and Parent $1 25 I’^e’s Theory and Practice of Teaching 1 25 Mnii.'field on .Vmerican Education 1 25 D.'roc'iueville’.x American Institutions 1 25 l>Hvies' Logic of Mathematics 1 25 Mtiyh**w on Universal Education 1 25 ll' iit on .School .Vmuseinent.« 1 25 Tlie above Books are sold by E. J. HALE & SON, Fayetteville. N. C. Oct r 1. 1858. A MEMOIR OF ili:Y. ELimi I TIITOIII^LL, ». u, LATE PBOl'ESSOR OF 'HKMISTRY. MINERALOGY, AND GEOLOGY, IN THE L’NIVERSITY OF N. C. ^j'0(iETHER with the triVutcs of respect to his mem- 1 ory, by various public meetings and literary as- ="tiations, and the addresses delivered at the re-inter- liient of his remains on .Mount .Mitchell, by the Rt. l>-ev. .lames II. otey. Bishop of Tennessee, and Hon. L*svid L. Swain, President of the Liiiversity of N. I liis interesting little book, giving a graphic sketch ■it the life and the onjy correct account of the tragic death of this great and good man, together with a tine STEEL PLATE LIKENESS ■>f br. Mitchell, is now ready and may be liad at the I’-ooksioros of .Messrs. Pomeroy ic Turner, in Raleigh, M ill,-It \ Co., in Chapel'Mill, and at the oflice of pub- acatiun. Pri(;t*. in Paper, .% cents; in Cloth, 50 cents per copy. Copies i in paper covers.) sent by mail to any part ol'the country, free of po-'tage, upon the receipt uf feiits in coin or postage htaiups; in cloth (library 'tyle.; for 55 cents per copy. .\d(lress J. M. HEND^:RS0N, ' hapel Hill, N. (’. 74- i\ew Books;* j^ll* »\\ )\V \ PRYNE'S Discussion on Slavery; K. 1.) N. P>‘pp^ r PajnTM; Vernon tJrove, or llcaits as they In anij .\rounil Stamboul, by Mrs. E. Hornby; Liv ing and Loving; The Yellow Plush Papers; After Dark l’’ ollins; l>av»:iiport Dumw by Lever; School Book.' rwbcrV Drawing Pencils in Cases; itc. LITTLK A: BATTLE, Attorneys and founsellorsi at Law, WaDESBORO', n. c.. 4 LEXANDER LITTLE and R. H. BATTLE. Jr.. A having associated themselves in the practice of the law, will give j)rompt attention to ail business entrusi*d to them in the Counties of .\nson. Union and Richmond. Jan’y 1. 1859. 76-2rapd •lledlcal %\*otiee. Dr. H. a. McSW’AIN ha« taken a i offic« on .Vnderson Street, ia the rear of .Messrs. Ray .V Pearce's Stors, where he can be found by those dssiring his prufwssional services. -\ugust 24, 1858. 40if .milh'arv goods, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, .WD EVERY DESCR1PTI0.\ OF MILITARY GOODS. -\CCORl>IN(J To THK Lutmt L. .S'. Ar^ny iinl Rnjillations. s(;huyler7haktlky & Tints & AirrFACTURJEltS, 1 y .M AIDE N L A N E , I'orlc. Jutie 3t(. 24-ly r, A. E. iu>n>Ts'rEi)T7 Agent for V hie leering^ s M*iano»^ Jf which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. t '., tjct'r 2. Ih58. 51-lypd 0 Or. K. A. BLACK, FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hin»dalo’sCh*nuit and Drug .^tore. Feb’y 7, 185H. 70t.f J. WILLIAnrPAl;! PITTSBOR(J(:IH, , TI. D., X (V Dr. PAt.SE may be found at his office when not pn>- f fessionally engaged. May 6, 1857. •Itf WORTH A: ITLEY •V r 24. K. J. HALE & SON. The Byiuiis and Bii^icipline of t-ne .Methodigt Ciiuicix. A new supply just received. 18. E. J. HA.I.E 4 SON. Forwarding and General l'oniniis$iion Merchants, Fayetteville^ .V. J. A. WORTH. (72Tf| Jos. UTLET. K. n. ORBELL, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. IlOSE senJliig their .Spirits Turpciitiue to me may rely upon it to have prompt and c.nreful attention. -Mv warehouses are fronting the whari'es and near the ri^er. Sept’r 13. 1x58. 45tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V n 11 I H « I o i\ A N I) Forwarding Merehant, t%*itminston^ .V. f,’. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign- mentJ, and f'ash advances made on I’rwluce to Vje shipj>ed to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. *;7tf JOHN M. CLARK, Coininission & P'orwardin^ .Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. II7ILL give prompt attention to sale of Country- Pro- duce, Naval Stores and Cotton. 9eif And Agent for Rush A OrrelV* Line of lioatx. rVugust 9, 1858. 38tf W. H. TURLINGTON, Commission Merchant, No. 4 North Water St., WILAJTNGTON, N. C. Il/'ILL give his prunij pc;’Si)!ial attention to the sale W or shipment of all Cf i-ignments of Naval Stores or other Country Produce. PETER MALLETT w ITH D. I'ULDEN .ilURKAY, OENERAL COMMISSIOIV I«[ERCHAI«T, 0 ‘J South S t k e t t , .VA'Jr YORK. July 29. 1H58. 32- JA>i. C. fl.MITH. MILES CUSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Factors, t'ommission and For- trantins^ •ftereliantH. Wll,^^N(;TON, N. c. 1)H0MPT attention given to sale of TIMBER, LUM BER, NAVAL STtjRES and all kind^ of Produce. Liberal advancements made on Consignments. Refers to E. P. Hall, Pres't Branch Bank of Stat«. H. R. Savaue, Cash'r Bank Cap* I'Mtr. Juh.n Dawsox, Esq. -\pril 25 1^58. 5-lY TIN PLATE, IroES, Iron Wir«*, COOKI^Cii *»TOVI> .A\i> ti'%.w.%re:. Always on hand, at Wholes.-ile or Retail. o i ttkinm;, .\nl all kinds of Jobbinfr. ilone at short notice, by C. w. ANDREWS, .Market Sijuare, Fayetteville. Julv 9. 27-tf A Nov. 8. 185ti. \V1LLIA> inspeetor of WII.M/XO tf J. PRICE, j ival fitores^ >X. X. c. ! Solicits the patronage of his country friends and : all others engaged in the Ti'.vj»entine business. Office ^orth Water Nov’r 22. 1858. 04-ly ! l^lirBIZZKLU i GROCER A i\ I) COMHl S S 1 (I \ .ME R C II ANT i No. 29 North Water Street, ! WILMINGTON, N. C. and personal attention given to the reception j of all kinds of country produce, either for sale or ■ sliipment. ' Orilers for groceries from cash customers will receive ^ immediate nttetition, free of commission.s. Nov. 19, 18.58. 64-1 y j nooTs^* I AT WHOLESAI.E. j JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, { W ITU P. P. !$BAW Sc CO., 31 AND 33 Dey Street, New York, ILL be happy to see his Southern friends at the above establishment, where, cither personally or by order, they may be supplied from an extensive and well assorted Stock of Goods in that lizi«, gotten up exprwsily for th« Southern trad«. Not, 29, 1868. CT-lj. FOR SAl.E OR KENT. CONVENIENT DWELLING HOCSE. on Haymount. near Mr. J. C. Thomson’s. For particulars einpiiro ot J. G. SHEPHERD. Esq.. or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. '.*tf noOK-HlNDJNG IN all its kinc\s, e.xecufcd with n*atne.«s and despatch. Small jobs Afhen done inif»t be paid before delivered. THO.S. H. TILLINGHAST, Hav Street. .May 14, i l-]y ~ AOTICK. All persons who desire the “(’larendon Bridge” by the year, must call on the Collector at the Bridge or myself and make immediate payment. The annual assessment hus becu made. JNO. M. ROSE. Sec y. Dec’r 20. j:}- \OTICK. A PPLK'.ATION will be made to the Legislature for a Charter of a Savings institution in Fayetteville Also, for a Charter for a Gas Light Company. Dec'r 20. 73 ^O. 1 PERL'VI VN GUANO; 40) Casks LIME; 50 Bales H.VY; 5 Bbls. (iLUE. For sale by July 10, 185S. WORTH & UTLEY. .TIOL ATAIA ^CEAERY. T/it Sctneri/ of Westurn S'orth ('arolinu and South Carolina. BY HENRY E. COLTON. A WORK upon the Scenery of th« Blue Ridge aud its fellow ranges of Mountains will be published *arly ill January. The following will be its contents: Chap. I—lntroluction. II—-\shevillc. “ III—Routes to reach Asheville—th« Swanauoa | Gap Road. Chap. IV—The Hickory Nut Gap Road. ‘ V—The Routes from .South Carolina—Salem Gap and Jones Gap, Flat Rock, Hendersonville, Cwsar’s Head, Whiteside Mt. aud Cashier’s Valley. Chap. VI—\ Route via W'ilkesborough and Lenoir; the Valley of the Yadkin; Wilkesborough; Happy Valley; Lenoir: Hi'bri’ten, etc. Chap. V^Il—Morganton and its surroundings; the Piedmont Springs; llawk's Bill aud Table Rock. Chap. VIII.—Linville Falls; the Gingercake Rock; North Cove and the Cave. Chap. IX—The Vicinity of Asheville; the W'hile Sul phur; the Million Springs; Pleasant Drives. Chap. X—The Black Mountain; the Mountain House; Journal of a Party. Chap. XI.—The Roan Mountain; the Bald Mount. Chap. XII—The French Broad River and the Warm Springs. ('hap. XIII—Pleasant ('o)intry Stopping Places; Car son’s on the Catawba; Harris’s at Chimney Rock; Sherill’s at Hickory Nut Gap; Penland’s at Flat Rock on Toe River, in Yancey; Alexander’s and E. Baird's on the Fri'iich Broad; Alexander’s on the Swannanoa. (;hap. XIV—The Western t'ounties; Haywood, Jack son, Macon und Cherokee; Pigeon River; Franklin: a Winter Trip; Valley River; tlie Nantihala; Cherokee Indians. (.'hap. XV—Productions of the West, .Agricultural and Mineral: Wild Flowers; Tree Growth; Wild Animals and Rei)tiles. .Vppknui.x.—The Pilot Mountain; .‘'alem; Piedmont Springs of Stokes; Shocco Springs; Kittrell’s Springs; Letters of Dr. Christy on .Mountains of North Carolina. The work will contain tour views of .Mountain Scenery and a Map of that section of country, showing all Roads, Stage Lines, Stopping Places; Noted Places, etc. It will be got up in the best style of art, and sold at tiO cents per copy. When sent by mail, (I'i cents. Persons wish ing copies, will address W. L. Pomeroy, Raleigh, N. A liberal discount to those taking a number of copies for sale or distribution. number of advertisements of Hotels, Livery .Stables and Springs will be inserted upon fly-leaves, if forwarded immediately. Papers of the State will confer a favor by giving this one or more insertions. Dec’r 27. 70- WESTERN RAH, road. N and after Monday. 22d day of Noveudx-r. the Freight Train will run REGULARLY between Fay- i etteville and Mcf.'lenahan's Station: leaving Fayetteville | every morning at 7 o’cloci: and returning at 1 o'clock in i the afternom of same day. 1 Consignors are requested to send tickets with articles, i stating consignee, destination. &c. ! W. A. KUPER, ' Chief Eug’r & Sup’t. j Whenever the amount of freight may require, an ex- j ira Train will leave Fayetteville and return in the i afternoon. | Nov'r 22, 1858. t35- j RIIL Roll) .\OTIflv! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. NEW, (’HEAP. ANH EXPEDITKICS ROUTE FOR Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. MERCH.VNTS and others uliout purchasing their Fall and Winter Supplies, are rejtie.«ted to notice, that by the com])!etion of the North Eastern Rail Itoad from (.'h.arleston, S. ('., to (,'heraw. the advantages of a CHE.VP and EXPEDITItjUS Route from the Seaboard has been opened to thein. ■Ml freight consigned to the cure of the .\gent of the North Eastern Rail Road will be forwarded FREE )F CO.MMIS.'^ION. No charge will be made for Storage at Cheraw. .Ml goods will be taken care of in the (Jompany’s Warehouse until sent for. A schelule of charges for transportation ol' freight will be fouml at the Post Oflice. S. SOLO .MON'S. Eug'r iiid Sup’t. ■\ug. 8. IK.')^. :^4-tf f XL urs 1 .i\ e* PROJ^PECTIJ^ OF TIIK R T II C A RO L 1 N A JOf RNAL OF EDIC ATIOX FOR 1859. ^pHE Second Volume of the Journal will commence X with the next year, and the tirst number will be is sued about the middle of January. It will be published monthly, and each number will contain not less than thirty-two pages of reading matter. The Journal will be neatly jirinted, on fine jiaper and in a style equal to the present Volume. The aim of those who have charge of it, will be to make it a valuable auxiliary in the cau>e of education. It is the property and organ of the State Educational -A-Ssociation. ani is uniler its control. Through its pages the (ienerx’ Su|>erinten'lent of Common Schools will communicat'; with the .''cho(»l oUicers and teachers of the State. Articles arc soliciteil from teachers and other friends of education. TERMS ,INV.\RIABLY IN ADVANCE.) Five ('opies. or more, ordered at one tim*», or to one, >NE DOLL.VR each, per annum. Additional copies at the same rate. Single Copy, $2 (JO All teachers and school officer-J are requer^ied to act as agents. The Teacher who •‘ends us the largest number of sub scribers I not less than thirty,) before the 1st of January, will be entitled to half a jiage of advertising for the year: The one sending the next largest number will be entitled to the 1‘ourth of a page: .\nd each one sending 25 or more will be entitled to a card not exceeding eight lines. ■\11 communications relating to the Journal should V>e addres.sed to J. D. /.\MPBELL. Resident Editor. (Jrcensborougli, N. Dec’r 20. 75- Tlie A'evk Edition of Derereux & Battle’s Law Reports, VoL 1, ECElVI'jS the approval of those who have examined ^TEAMEFi ••FANNY■' leaves Fayetteville every Mon- ^ day and Thur>day morning, at 15 minutes after Sun rise: and Wilmington Tuesilay and Friday, at o’clock, —carrying passengers and freight. Steamer "SOUTH E!!N ' with a full complement of Flats, makes one or more trips per week, as circum stances may require. The accident to the Steamer ■•RoW.VN ’ will be re paired in a few ilav-. She will then take her pl.ace in the line. ' T S. LUT"PERLOH. (>ct’r 4, 185s. 51 -tf 'The f'ftrriafir F'artory iK the South! \\ ESTERr^ RAILROAD. mWttice to Contractorn. nEALED PROPOSALS will be received until the 20lh inst. for furnishing the necessary Cross-Ties to lay seven miles of the Track of the W. R. R., extending from Lower Little River to Spput Spring. Specifications can be seen upon application at the En gineer’s Office in Fay«ttfiville. W. A. KUPER. Ch. Eng. & Sup’t. Jan’y 10, 185V. 78t20J Wilniinglont Charlotte & Rutherford Rail Road Company* IT is ordered by the Board of Directors, that the eighth instalment of TEN PER CENT, upon the capi tal stock of this Company, be called in, and be due and payable on the 7th day of February, ISo'J; that the ninth instalment of TEN per cent, be called in and be due and payable on the 2d day of May, 18-59; and that the tenth and last instalment of FIVE per cent, be due and payaVde ou the 2d day of .\ugust, 1H50. H. W. GUION, President. Jan 0, 185'.i 78-Hw Town papers copy. Aotict* To County Creditors. VLL persons having claims against the County of Cumberland arc requested to hand th*m to the Clerk of the I'ounty Court on or before the 1st day of February next, for the purpose of being j'assed upon by the Com mittee of Finance. By order ot the COMMITTEE OF FINANCE. Jan'y 8 78-4t ITIPORTaIvT TRtST^^^^^ A hare Opportunity for Profitable Investment. By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed by Daniel Clark on the 10th day of July, A. D. 1858, and registered in the Office of the Register of (Cumberland County, in Book D No H, page 271, I shall sell to the highest bidder, at the Market in Fayetteville, on TUES DAY the l.^^t day of FEBRUARY, A. D. 18.59, ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE TRACTS OF L.\ND IN N. CAROLINA, situate, lying and b«ing in the (,'ounty of Cumberland, on the waters of Big Rock- tish, six miles from the town of Fayetteville, aud con taining about Two Hundied Acres—seveuty-five or one hundred acres is Swamp Laud, which for depth and fer tility of soil, and lor easy cultivation, is fully ecjual to the rich loam lands of the Mississippi valley:—the whole Tract is highly improved, and, from the judicious course of husbandry the jiroprietors of this land have uniform ly pur:-ued, it is believed that there is no laud in thLs State which w^ill yield to the farmer a more a1)undant return for his labor. There are on the premises, good wofnis, ways anii wat**s, a comfortable Dwelling aud commodious out-houses. ■\t the same lime and place 1 shall sell, either as part aii'l parcel of said Land, or sepiirately, ; as I may then deem most advisable,) the celebrated McNEILIi .SAW MILL.S, and Seven and Two-fiflhs Acres of L.and, adjacent and apjmrteuant thereto. These Mills are built on Big Rockfish (Jreek, three miles, as the stream flows, from the Cape Fear River; they are iti excellent running order, and the two saws cut FOfR Tiiors.^NU fEET OF LiMUER per day: the sup ply of water is con-^tant and never-failing, logs way b« rafted from any point above directly to the mills’ slide, and the Lumber may be put into the Wilmington mar ket in thirty-six hours after leaving th^ saw-carriage. Taking into consideration the great natural advan tages and the very valuable improvements of the afore said property, this sale is recommended to the attention of all persons who wish to invest money in that which will produce Urge profits and give quick returns. Terms at sa’.ti. ROB’T W. HARDIE, Trustee of Daniel Clark. Jan t‘>, 18-5!*. 78ts R' A. MciviyriiAA I'^SPECTFULLY inforni^ hi-; friend-; and ilie puldic. that lie ha^i luiilt up large substantial Brick Build ings at his (»ld Stand, expre-ly for iii.inufact uring ('ar- ; riages. Thankful for the very, liberal jtatronage ho ha» , received for the last 21 years, he hope'; by strict atten- I lion to busine'^s, with a desire to give satisfaction, to I merit a continuancc of the same. He warrants hi-i wor' to be made of the be-^t material and l>y experienced i workmen in each bratich of the tmsine-'s. His work will compare favorably with any made in the L'nited Mates, for neatne-is ami dur.-ibiliiy. lie is determined to sell ;uid do any work in hi>; line on ns good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as we!) done. He now has on hand, fini^^hcd, THE LAIKJEST STOt'K OF ValiiaV>lti Property Ibr «alc. TN OBEDIENCE T»» A DECREE OF THE COUR'l OF J Pleas and C^uarter Session? of Cumberland County, hid at December Term, 1858, I will expose to public Bile, at the Market House in the Town of F.'iyetieville, on Tliursday, the 27th of..fanuary, a NEGRO M.IN, named Whittington, the property of Patrick Muuroe, dec'd. And at the same time’and place, 1 will also sell 107i ACRES (.>F L.A.ND, lying on the North side of the Yadkin Road, the property of .Miss .Mary and Annabella Munroe. .J. T. W.VRDEN, (’ommissioner. Jan. 5. 77ts Hcrrick% Carpet Sweeper. 11 It. Cliief Justice .Nash says, have looked througii it— it is carefitily ami well got u]». * ^ » j think to our Court it will be invaluable—and to the Profe'sion eiiually «o. It will save the la>)or of deciding the same points again and itgain: for there will be no excuse for (Njunsel not being apprised of points already adjudicatel.” Gentlemen of the Bar who have purchased and ex amined it, concur, so far a> we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or separate volumes of North ('a- j iniine for thenwelve';. Carriages, Barourhes, Rockaways aud Buggies, ever ollered iii this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will l>e tinished daily. -Vll of which will be su'.d vt'ry low lor ca-h. or on siiort time to l)unctual cu-^tomors. He has on more than ONE ir. NDREi) AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of construction. JliS^All work made t>y him is wan-r.nted 12 months with fair usage, and sliould it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be rep.iired free ol'ciiarge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex- TUST RECEIVED, •J PATENT CARPET SWKEPEIl. Dr. FRAXK WILLIAMS'S RYK WHISKEY. MITCH.ELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank W'llliams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. (.(ct'rll, 1858. 5o-tf R. A A‘W RarrelK ^'^IIOICE OliD APPLE I»R.\NDY, suitable for making win^ and putting up brandy I’ruit. For sale bj' Aug. 18. 185S. W . II. CARVER. 38- 1000 Corn and Whi««key. BUSHELS good White Cora. 150 Bbls. Whiskey. 80 “ .\pple Brandy. 15 “ N. E. Rum. For sale for C.\SH bv E. P. MOORE & CO. Sept. 9, 1858. 44-tf rolina Reports, and Law Books generally, by E. J. HALE & SON. iXjTh^^TOCIv! ^pHE SUBSCRIBERS are now receiving their NEW X Stock of ROOKS and STATMO.^^Eit\% which they oti'er at their customary rea.sonable prices for Cash, or on credit to punctual customers. Aniimg the goods received to-day is a large st.jck of CAP, LETTER, and other PAPERS. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept'r 27, 1858. ALMAi\AC8, for 18.59. The Farmer’s and Planter’s, and Ti^ier’s North Caro lina ALM.VNACS F(JR 1859. For sale bv E. J. HALE X SON. Oct. 21, 18.",8. ~AE\V BOOKM. Man upon the SE.V; or History of Maritime A1- ventuie. Exploration and Discovery, ft'otn the Earliest Ages to the Present Time, by Frank B Goodrich, just received by E. J. H.VLE SON. AVel>!!iterN l^iementary Spelling; Book, for >iale by E. J. HALE & SON. Jan'y 5. Chronology of Xorth ('arolina, from 15S4 to 1H5S, by D. Jv. Benuett. Just received. Oct. 21. E. J. HALE SON. For Christnia^ii and Aew Year’w Pre!sent«. Si OSE-WOOD and Pupier-Muche Writing-Dusks aud W'ork-Boxes; Lady's Reticules, Money Bags, &c.; Annuals for 1859; Poetical Works: Albums. &«.; Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books; JUVENILE Books: i.c., ic. Dec'r 20. E. J. HALE & SON. Orders tiiankfully received and promptly attendeil to. Repairing executed at shc'rt notice and on very reason able terms. .May 2«, 18.5.3. HU-tf large supjily of IlERlllCK’S ■Vll tliose having left their orders at (/ur oflice, will please to -end Ibr the bweeper, and those desirous of having that great do mestic blessing at tiieir house, may get them now with out delay. Try it. Ladies, and you will say that this ‘•new brooin sweeps clean" and leaves no dusiing to be done after wards. (i. & L. BR.\NDT. Jan'y 1H59. 77- .T. W. BAKER Is now roceivitijr from tlie Nurth the largest, finest, aud most carefully selected AOTICK. i rpHE business heretofore carried on 1:iy the undersigned : 1 under the firm anI style of ••Jones it Sperling,” has ' this day been dissolved by mutual M)n''ent. (J. W. Sperling is alone authoiized t.i use tlie name in liquida tion. REUBEN JONES, i GEORGE WALTER SPERLING, j Fayetievilk', Jan'y o, 1^59. •stock of t jl, .Mr. .Tones in the late I-inn. i»jri continue the ^usi- I'fi; |j» |.^ i ness on his own acci'Unt, and will ba plea.--ed to dispose ever otl'ered in this m.arket; wiiich added to ' *‘Xtensive stock at a small advance on the cost lor his own mauufacture, makes his a>-ortment complete:— ! •'.* exchange for country produce, and invites all of which he will sell on the lowest pos'ible terms for ' attention of the public to his stock, which at all ca.^h or on fitne to punctual custouiers. j reqvired for m lh* Fashionable paiiiteil cottage bcd-room Furniture in ) narket. setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses: : Looking (ilasses: Willow Wagons and Cradle.;: Si lc Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-(.’ase.s; What- ! Nots: Tables, all sons; Wash Stands; Candle Stand -; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and (Jlass: Window Shades: Cornices: Curt.iin Bands: Sofa.- in Mahogony and Wal nut: Tete a Tetes; Ottoin.ans: l>ivans and .Stools; (''hair^i of every variety. Fine Ru.sewoO'l J'iatn>s, one with .^Koliiui at tachment; Rosewool .Mi‘lodi-in. t'rom the best n.anufac- tories in New York and Boston, warranted as gt>od a.- any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight otily added. September 2. 45tf jllarble Factory, Deep River Coal. w Carlyle’s Ui$«tory of* Frederick j the Great; Miles Standish’s Courtship, by Longfellow; BITUMINOUsT’OAL of the best quality can be had ! While it was Morning, by V. F. Townsend; Arabian at the w orks at Egypt, at u reasonable’ price by the ; Entertainments; White’s Edition of Shakspeare. Ton. WM. McCLANE, Dec’r 23. E. J. HALE & SON. May 21, IB.'));, .Mining Engineer. ♦j-tf _ t WAATKD, ^ ^ NEGROES for a Mississippi plantation, men, boys, ttsT'Tue l^oiitherii llaruionv, and i ;j giris, and some good faoulias. MUSICAL COMPANION, for sale by | EPHR. PAGE. E. J. HALE Jt SON. Mkj 0,1868. By I ^ TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. HAIGH ^ S«.\y STORE. FayetteTille, A'. C. Ju’T 20,1858. «4-jpd Hay Street, Jan. 1H.59. 77- i vN the 27th ol Dcocmbcr. lh jr. OijKI) LEH entered my dwelling and ■'tole !?1 and a pocket book wiiJu a good many jiapers not recollected, lie made his va? on the 2b>(h lo Wilmington and tl cnce towai'ds Georgia, as he said he was going th>'re. Obed Lee is a native of Harnett county, N. .-lix nules ea^t of .Vverasborough; in about 1‘.) or ' yuais of age, about H feet high, pale coyipl-cted, t.iin visage, dark blue eyes, very full eyed, liearly pop-eyel, very slow siK)ken. narrow frotu leeth, and btvl counteaanotf: sui)poBcd to be well dressed. The above reward will be paid lor his delivery to me, or for his confinement in anv jail in the United Simcs ‘ W. W. HILL. Harnett county, N. C.. .Ian. 4, 18.59. '^-lm For Nale. 1 (,'ASKS Ll.ME, in good order. iUU T. S. LUTTERLOH. Jan'y 10, 185^. 7K-3i Second Supply ol'ilarperN .^la^- aiine for .lamiary, 1 Jan’y 8. ' K. -I H ‘.LE "ON \Vel»«ter’» Klenienlary KpeHin^ Books. A furtlicr supply jc^t r.-c ivtd. Jan’y 8 E. J. HALE v SON. DeTereiii’« Hinnie's Black«^tone, reduced to (Questions aud Answers, upon the plan of Rinnie'g Blackstona, ont Volum«; Drake on Attachment. For sale by ‘ K. J. HALE & BON. Vf'T IG, 1868.

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