ft] • '*' l« c«lucai’i..i, * of bt, foi* »*«ighWhood « «•! »i>'l Ughu. ‘^! r'"’ .VOUi„ -1- P«r Wis wxaiuiantion •^•i*4t ■ R\o\ t*\ A U V ■Wl, -iiuHteU a’l ,b. ;Hco..e„eeontb: 1‘riacipal b branches; Anoie^ Muaicoii I’iany, w^th Pu.jil^ clmrsr^,, from ■ '■''*"■'■ '-'ur ii, c '* ^’"incipa! •l*ptJi [A.H Academies. 'lii.McAl 00(» Of.otled (Je-?,.'gy 11 comtiienoe on th, incij,al. or Dr. C, C iru^to^s. ^y-^8(pd for Ic. oi! >Hiiiruav, r A( Kh> VJF LA.ND Kocliv I nl ou .Sh Mj l>. MoH.i,!,, in half a mil^ ,){• bout 4:1 aen- c'earlj L>v-.!l;ng and dessnible location Ui » well I. caU :,neiih»r oleftiure in showing »liOn address either l>e,ou coun: V, N. (j ARCH D M.-GIUT FLuka \k-kay 7S‘4i >0». HKAi> OF DHT bter furo doiiars per ^ouiiv' calves; and in nil be made. A de- U all cases vrhera 1 1 ihat i.0 winter th«m '»!ut* of :he Catde. ic , JNU. V. JONtS Nale. 'Fivt Hiiiiiii'ed Aor» ? of Raud -l'^h, fifteen ;ii, 1\ii.g ou Uwiiari» )cpot. Olio uiile of N ctivfe to I'orn. Wheat, two hundJcJ acrts o! tom and it vei_v ricL. t clears;J that 13 ?or» ■use u’ld Kitchen 'ou- II is tioce-iary, urchase -uch ■ Farai NOAH HKILES. I5S. 7:)*-t}.a U»M f>tr Sfftf. I of Cape r t'ur lUver, reii'L/ii I’.- .■ .n- J. L. .,! lilUDS- lanin^ ni!^_T apulv tu LSKK. Afa: ITH, h-M [RE r •lrl» ?i:h's l«iiig^la(s. I c 1.1:, e»l for WINF JELLIES, e^erves. in put in small )M t'V all t!ie jirinci- out til ng '!ii r . New Vor’o 71 Oinj.d ENS, IRS, kc. iiieii', Hud those 1p- e -ihouM ee He.'ili'd wit h tlie lull (> \S ‘ ' as rahility uf the po.ul.-i. ly iK'Cf^sary a- large Liiii-ri- :ire prep ii'fJ- li the n:inie of KI, H- •eg.inll'’" of tliP iti" tricaii consumer and »o‘ls. Will not readily fliile ['urctiasers can tJilo cluir.'icter J. J’,. LX KK, roll St.. N •« vfl'WiioS f Jp jr ^ -i? P ! try Book [ 'J'»» , of octavo page.s i ff.d h-'lter variety tiical end Mincel- j jfher book selling >■ , cuntaitis greater | Fcred; ma^ltd /'’f* j . a CO., I’ublishers. y. New Y’ork City. i**imoK.erwpd :royer. article nver »U oiIk**" j follt w-: I i.s not f • danf?er>ju» llutH. .Mice, t.'iowd, '.-'t ifectuul remedy he vvcji Id. aiinlactui*^ of min- iimur ■^tiitf'- found in r> “dry up” so soon, number of yean». re »£r..fdily. while * ISut purchae** a boi 'fjrrct -^(loiiig- il addi-ess ae loUows fLliKV. • and I’rof.rietor. -ockinjrhain. N- C. -K, Fayetteville, N- also, by numeroui lut the South, lar to th* *boTe ad- “i»«itroyer” b/ 6l*tf 'Air:iTOIETIIMLIE DIB SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOL Mil] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JANUARY 20, 1S59. [NO. 78L1 PRINTED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. EUHIRI) J. II.4LE & SO.^, EDITORS AND rr.OPBIETORS. Price for iIr* Semi-Weekly Obsekvkr S3 00 if paid in advance; S;) 60 if paid during ihe year of subscrip tion; or S4 arter the year has expired. For the Weekly Observer S- 00 per annum, if paid in advance: S- 60 if paid during the year of subscrip tion; or $3 00 after the year has expired. SScjf ADVERTIStMEXT.S inserted for 60 cents per aquare of Hi lines for the first, and 30 cents for each succeeding publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requested lo state the number of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged accord ingly. Advertisements to be inserted intidt, charged 50 per cent extra. HA3 1/ ;£X CHARGE OF THE FAYF/Jl . EVILLE HOTFL.. With efiij n? aid in the ditiferent departments, and his c~ i siir>ervision of the entire Establiah- J.1 i.JL ment, he L 5j'3w to give satisfaction to the Pat- Li\D FOR SILK. T OFFER for sale G40 Acres of LAND, lying ou tho 1 w, - rons of the Ho :se. Raleigi. and ' arrive and depai fr^ Stage Tri-weely. Fayetteville, N. C., NEW FAM. AND WINTKR DRY GOODS. | ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr., | H-\.S received and is this day receiving, a large and * desirable STOCK OF GOODS. 1 embracing all the newest styla* of j t’eat side of Cape Fear i^iver, two miles below Fay etteville, and extending from the river into the sand- ! hills. This tract is about equally divided into river | ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land. About 80 acres., adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well I . ^ ' suited to the growth of Corn and Grass: none of the ; ■■C ; Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites ' LudlCS OrCSS Ooods, Oloaks, ShawIs, '.as House Daily, aud the Salem j dwelling houst! on the sand hills. Any person ■wishing to purchase will do w^ell to make early appli cation, siu 1 have determined to sell. THO.MAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 18.0X. 44tf ,;t’r 1. Th Price Bv SrilOOL BOOKS FOK THE UNION. A S liAfiM.S & CO , 51 AMD 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. PLULhllliliS ,^.\D wniLESlLE BflOK'ELLEK'i, WOl’tD I.VVITE ATTENTION TO THK NATION AL SlMilES —OF— NTtMllHD SCliOOL BOORS, ^PUBLISHED BT THtM, AMONG WUICH ARK Xational School Headers, in 5 N^os., and Pronoanchuj Speller. 2-5, 37A, 50, 75 cts. and $1. Speller, 2o cts. Richard G. Parker, A. M., of Boston, and J. Madison Watson, of New York. These are the latest reading books yet brought out, and it is confidently believed surpass all others in gen eral plan and arrangement, beauty of illustrations and typography, character of selections, and adaptation to the wants of sctiools. They are already in extensive use in the Public Schools of New York, Brooklyn, Al bany, Newark. Lancaster, and other important places. Davies' Revised Arithmetics and Uifjhtr Ma thematics. Prices of Arithmetics 1-5, 25, 45 and 76 cents. Are daily increasing in popularity and circulation. They are regarded as the most thorough and practical of any before the public An exceedingly valuable ad dition to this Course bus just been made in the publica- tioti of- Davies’ University Aljebru, Price 81 25. An entirely new work, designed to occupy an inter mediate place between the autisor’s Elementary Algebra , and Bourdon. It teaches the Science and Art of -Algebra by a logical arrangement and classification of the prin- i ciples in their iiatural order, and by illustrating their apjilici tion in an extended series of carefully arranged and grtded example. It is Prof. Davies' last and best Work. ; Muntc'th and Mey^ally's Series of Geographies, 1‘rices 2.3, 40, tiO cents, and SI. Seem to be fas: superseding all others. The plan on wliich they are .arranged, their intrinsic merit, concise- I ness, beaaiy, and peculiar adaptation, render them great . favorite.« with both teachcrs and pupils. They have been officially recommended by the Superintendents of Public Insiruciion of very many States, and by numerous Teachers’ Associations and Institutes throughout the I country, and are in successful use in a multitude of pub- ' lie and private Schords in every State of the Union. j Clark's Grammar.i, in two y^os., prices 40 and i 00 cents, and Wf^lch's Analysis, price 75 cents, i It is believed present tlie only true and successful ] method of teaching the science of the English Language. Tliey are the Standard Text-Books in the New York, ' Michigan ai»d other State Normal Schools, and in very | many of the best Schools and .Academies in the country, i Parkers Shool Philosophy, price SI, Is regarded as the most complete, concise, and prac tical Cla.ss Book on that subject 3'et pi.blished. It is more extensively u«ed than any other, which fully do- moa.nrates its pre-eminent worth and superiority. Portf.r’s School Chemistry, price SI, Is one of the most admirable work.s preparei for Schools, and requires only a limited amount of apparatus to illustrate all the experiments described. A. S. B. & Co and valuable works 61-ly siTT^mi ifs J7iroli s if. F.4YF,rTJiV(i,i4j;. Uast side of Green Street, a few doors Aorth of the Market. rpHE Subscriber desires through this medium j Jl to ackowlodge the liberal patronage bestow- | rtKJU*, ed upon his House the past year—atid as he j has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed conven- j ient to the Hotise and to water he takes pleasure in say- | ing to his patrons and the public generally, that he is •till prepared to accommodate them with transient and ' permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuanoo of the liberal patronage heretofore received. Every ex ertion on his part shall be used to render them comforta ble during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affoi ds. P. SIIEMWELL. March 24, 185!^. 8(>-tf I Ll\!) FOllSll;!:. ; rpni] Subscriber offers for sale THIRTY-FIVE IIUN- I DRED .ACRES of Land iu as healthy a section as tiiere is in Alabama. FORTY .\C11ES, on which are a good Dwelling and .'ill necessary out-houses, in good repair. ONL HUNDRED and SIXTV ACRES, good rivor bot tom land, 100 acres of which is under cultivation anl produces fine crops of Cotton ntid Corn. NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY .\('RES Creek and Pine land, on which is some good farming hind. TWENTY-THUKE HLNDUED and FORTY .\CR£S Pine land, well suited for Turpi.ntine geiting. This property will be sold cheap and on accommoda ting terms. Addresi the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. O., .Monroe County, Alabama. WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. March 11, 02-1 y liasques, lionnets, Ribbons, Flowers, and 'I'rinimings, of all kinds. Fon OK.XTIjEJflE.ir, A very desirable Stock of Keady-.Made (.'lothin", (Cloths, Cassi- ineres, V’estin*!;, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, L’mbrellas, «!tc., !^c. Together with many articles not doomed necessary to enumerate. All of which will be offered low for CASH, or on time to such as paj’ when called on. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Fayetteville. N. C., Sept. 20, 1858. 47-tf X ment was opened for the reception of Boarders on the I2th inst. The subscriber will spare no pains to make all comfortable who may stop at her house. Re gular boarders will here find the quiet comfort of homo, combined with the advantages to business men of a Hotel. The stables of Mr. W. C. Troy are in the rear of the Hotel, and travellers may entrust their horses to his care, with the assurance that the best treatment will be be stowed upon them. MARY ANN POTTER. Oct. 21. -SG-Sm To tiie Public. rpHE Subscriber having RENTED the F^XTENSIVE | X STABLES connectc'l with the Dobbin House, is now j prepared to boarJ Horses by the day or month. He h.is 1 secured the services of an experienced hostler, aud pro- | mises to give satisfaction to all who may jiatronize his •stablishment. W. C. TROY. Oct. 21. 50-;>m Land ^ale. |OHN T. .illj.vi01tK now utters for sale a portion of j Siil'OM) F ILL STOIK FOIl 18a8! STARK & W 1I,I.1A,\I.S, Are now receiving their SECOND SUPPLY of SInple and Fancy l>i*y fronds, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS, U.MBRELL.VS, & READY-.MADE CLOTHING, With a great variety of articles not enumerated. This Stock is very large and well assorted, comprising his swamp lands in the county of (Cumberland about i patterns, and will be offered to allies below Fayctie> ilie, and about IJ miles Last ot j ^vl,olesale Buyers on lil FAYETTEVILLh: MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ASS.F.TS $230,326.28. | This Company ha.« been in operation more than five | years, aud has paid its losses, amounting to 519,126 ] 95, without any asses-sment; insurance averaging its { members about ^ percent. \ Policies issued to 1st of May, l^-ji, 2709. Amount of property* now insured, SI,474,922 3-1 .Amount premium notes now on hand, 224.VfJ8 23 Cash premiums received, 32,317 41 Directors. Geo. McNeill, D. a. Ray, H. L. My rover, S. W'. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, i4 miie the ('ape Fear River. Tlie entire swamp has been suc cessfully drained, of the large body of water by which j it was heretofore coverel. The land is apparently j level, being free from ridges (which are so common to j swamp lands generally,) whil'^t there is an abundance | of fall, by which the rain water can be carried off by j ordinary diichcs. \ small portion of the land has been iu cultivation about 7 years, and those persons who ; liRve seen ilie crops regard the land as equal in fertility ! I to any they liavc seen in this State or elsewliere. ’Ihe 'location is healthy, the neighborh »od good, and the ac cess 10 Fayeltevilie and Wiiuiiiigion easy by meaiis of a good road li miles in length leading directly to the river. Besid.vs this, it is within o miles of a beautiful little village, upon a high and healthy Blijt!', at the river, with a .Store, Ware liotise and first-raie landing. | .\U which atiord many conveniences to the neighbor- j hood. As several persons have spoten of purchasing. ' thi-> is deemed a proper time to call their attention to j 1 the subject, inasmucli as there is a crop now growing upon a small portion of the land, by which they c.m ' judge of its produciion. Reasonable terms will | be given to the purchaser. | Sept. U). 1H.:,8. 45tf I Buyers or approved paper. J. B. STARR.] Oct. 14. liberal tcnns, either for “CASH” [J. M. WILLIAMS. 54-tf THE LARGEST MANUFACTORY Ii^ THE »>Tj%Ti;. THE subscriber begs leave to return hi.s thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and informs the public that he has now and will continue to have an increased force of experienced Saddle and Harness Mak- eiij, whose work he will warrant; and that he is prepared to offer to the pub lic a large and varied assortment of every thing k:pt in his line. His assortment of Sad«iles, Harness, Bridles, Trunks, Travelling Bags, Valices, ic., is unsurpassed for workmanship and material, and will compare favorably for neatness with any other Manu factory, either North or South. Persons wanting any thing in his line will do him a favor to call and examine his stock before purchasing, as he is satisfied it will not fail to please them, ilis esuiblishment will be found five doors East of Cape Fear Bank, on Person Street. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. W. OVERBY. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 23, 1858. 57-6m S. T. Hawlfcv, W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Cook, W. Steele, Jas. Kyle, J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, Wxlmington. A. E. Hall, W'ilinington. Officers: GEO. McNEILL. President. D. A. R.AY, Vice P’-esident. 0. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. John Collins and C. C. McCrunimen, Travelling Agents. ®Sf“The Company invite applications. May 21, 18.j8. 13Y Lati€l^ tor Sale* IOI flu loi- s'l.e nbout t'lAt'j Acres of Pine Lands near Fayet:ovillc, coniaining an immen>e quantity of Mill Timber, ancl a number of I'urpentine Boxes, aa>l several new tasks may be cut. There is on ilic premi>.es a fine Dwelling Hou-rC. and all necessary out-houses.—Scup- peraong and I'abeila (irap*- \'ines,—1X>} young Peach and Apple Trees of Lindley's bc.-^t varieties; also. « good FAf’M of about l-iU acres cleared; and also a GKLST ' and .'5.\W MILL: and a hne large .Meadow of about 140 | acres. The Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Road | passes through iiicae lands about a mile from the Mills, i 1 will sell in parcels to suit purchasers, but would pro- j fer to sell the whole togetlier. Apply to Thos. S. Lut- i lerloh, E-i , Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pitis- borongh, N. J. H. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12, 1857. GOtf NKW ;001)S fPlIE Subscribers adopt this method of informing their i. friends (and the public generally) that they are now reaaiving into store a very large and general S'lMMJK OF GOODS, EMBR.VCING a IC o a: *•: k i i: ^, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, A:c., ^c., All of which they are disposed to sell at reasonable pro fits for Cash, or on the usual time to responsible purcha sers who are in the habit of paving. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. July 2C, 1858. 31-tf nT:av and chi:ah goods. JAMES KYLE Has received a Large and General Supply of II#; I* Goons, Bootat and Blats, Bolt ing 4 lolh«, Alc. All of which has been purchased by the package for Cuih; all of which is offered at the lowest market price, 54-tf COUPON HOND.S roR .'-ALE. The Western Rail Road Company have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers. §20,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the County of Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable semi annually on the 1st June and 1st of December, and run ning 20 years. S90,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the Town ot I'ayetteville, bearing per cent, interest, payable semi annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 20 j'ears. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County aud Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the Stale. For terms apply lo C. B. MALLETT, Esq.. Pres’t, or to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r Western R. R. Co. Fayetteville, Feb’y 2R, 1858. 89tf ai wholesale or retail Oct. 4, 1858. JSiPECIAI^ C RT. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) Cumberland (,’ounty, | Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 18-58. Ilis Honor Romulus M. Sai ndeks Judge Presiding. IT is Ordered b*y the Court, That a .Special Term of this Court be held on the second .Monday in February, A. D. 1859. Jurors, Wiineasid a.ni Suitors iu Civil Causes are here by notified lo attend. Witness, John W . ?jal:er, Jr., Clerk of our said Court, !o., have recently added many new : at office, the seventh loi.d ly after the fourth Monday in is to their XATIOX.IL SERIES, a full ; September, A. D. 1S/.S. G'jo Acur.s or i.aaj) I'OU SALK. The .Subscriber oilers for sale the above quantity of Land, situated iti a heal'hy iieigliborhood, three miles ti’oni the Wilmington & Charlotte Rail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Land is well ailapied to F.arming. Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good range and other advantage-s. Those wishing »o purcU.ase may find me on the premises, who will be lifippy to exhibit il or give .»ny iiifonuaiion concerning it desired. ANGLES McGILL. Philadeljdius, N. C., .'^ept. I, 18-)7. 4Mf description of whicli will be found in their NEW II- ‘ LISTIUTEI) t'.VT.\LOGrE just published, containing a , complete description, widi notices and recommendations, | of all their School, and Library Books. Teacheuf- and School Officers throughout the country ■ are requested to send for this NEW C.VT.4L0GIE, and correspond with the Publishers in re gard to any of tlicir works they may wisJi to examine or introduce. Address A. S. P ..INES & CO., 51 and 53 Street, New York. 6tttC] .lOHN W. BAKER. Clerk. A. S. BARNES & CO. a also publishers of the Sfhvot Ti’acherti^ £,ibrtiry. Retail price. Nor.hend's Teacher and Parent rage's Theory and Practice of Teaching Mansfield on American Education DeTocqueville’s American Institutions Davies' Logic of .Mathematics M.ayhf*w on Universal Education Root on School .\musemeuts The above Books are sold by E. J. HALE A Fayetteville,*N. C. Jcfr 1, 1858. CaroiiHH C\ The Atlantic and Nor ' Carolina Railroad being now completed to B 'lufor II irbor, I have determined to UtSl'KIl'TM t I locate at Carolina C. y fo. Jic purpose of doing a Forwarding a a*’ G- oeral Ccmmission B « «. J 9^ ffl ja: j «9 and hope by promptne : ;in 1 strict attention to merit patronage and supjtovt. 1^ .ng the .\g'nt of Murray's Line of First Class P.'Xf kc: to this :ind .Morehead (.'ity, every effort will be made to inR’;a tiiis the che;.pe.st and most expeditious route to New York. Vessels will be loaded and discharged at tiiy \Vh.irf ( idjoining the Rail road Wharf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shipment of Produce. W.M. B. GRANT. Jnly 29, 1858. 32-ly Valuable Plantation H)R SALE. The subscriber offers for sjile the PL.\NTATION and improvements where he now resides. It is located just below the mouth of Liles' «'reek, in Catawba county, near Lewis’ Ferry ou tlie Caiawba river, adjoining Hen derson Sheri, and containing .'>15 Acres, l-'Vt of which are in cultivation ami about .50 acres of that is good Creek and Branch Bottom. The improvements are a comfortable Log Dwelling, a first rate Barn, Stables ■ind stalls lor 2n head of iiorses; Cow shed, and good Fences. Th«’re is iii on t’ne ])lacc a good GRIST MILL running a j air of Burr and a p.-iir of common S'ones. The W. N. C. Railroa I jmsses throti^li the Farm and ihe Depot iS located unon it. It is the mo“t valuable f.arm in I his j-ectioti ot tlie Siate. Will be sold lor Cash or ci.chaugcd for Negroes. .V-. W. WIL'^ON'. Ojt. 1H5S. 57tf 1 I 1 25 ; 1 25 I 1 25 i 1 25 i 1 25 j 1 25 ' SON, Water Wheels! Water Wheels!! AITE are now manufacturing V.VNDEW.VTER'S I.M- VV PROVED JONVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, for Mills and Factories of every descr-ption; and all those wishing to improve their water power will find it for their interest to address us by letter, stating the number of feet, head and fall; their usual amount of water; tlie kind of machinery to be driven. We can then give tliem price of wheel, or what we will furnish wheel and prin cipal gears for, warranted to do a certain amount ol work. Time given to ttil the wheel, find if it does not come up to our figure, the wheel and gears to be deliver ed to us at the mill of the purchaser. Reference given and reqtiired. HEATH STEVENSON, Laurel Factor}*. Prince George Co., Md. RORERT B.AIRD, Agent, Riciimond, Va. 0-y O. HOl»TOi\ I'l^'OULD inform his friends and former customers that V\ he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear B.uik, and 3 doors above his oli stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hanJ, Urtrness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully copj'. Copies (in paper covers,) sent by mail to any j invites his friends,froui the country to call and examine '! A Ml-:VIOIK j OF Ri:v. I »ii rcfi TLi., i>. d , LATK PROFKSSOi: Of ! CHE.MISTRY. MINERALOGY, AXD GEOLOGY, ' IN THE UNIVF.RSITY OF N. C. ' ''OGETHER wiih the iribate.- ot respect to his mom- | ory, by various public nieeiings and literary as- j oociations, and tlie addres-es deliveied at the re-inter- j ment of his reniaius on .>lount .Mitchell, by the Rt. j Rev. James II. *>tey. Bishop of Tennessee, and Hon. ! David T.. Swain, President of the University of N. C. 1 This interesting little book, giving a graphic sketch of the life and the onjy correct account of the tragic i death of ihis gre.it atid good man. together with a fine ; STEEL PLATE LIKENESS j of Dr. Mitchell, is now ready and may be had at the ‘ Bookstores of .Messrs. Pomeroy & Turner, in Raleigh, ' -Mallett & Co., in Chapel Hill, and at the ofiice of pub- ; lication. i Price, in Paper, 3U cents; in Cloth, 50 cents per EiSind tor {Sale. I .AM desi; >nis ot soiling I 00;> .VCtihS (»K L\ND in tlie County «>f Robeson, two miles from liandalsville I'o.et tiRiue. There is on ih^ tract u comfo»''able DWEL LING .’.ad all neoo'-'aty out-lionses. also, .Saw and Gii-t Mill, Citt««;i Gin and Press. 75 acres cleared and und.^r cultivation. .•\11 t!ie Tr.ict is fine tanning ’.and. No better pl.nce c:in b*- found for. a Turpentine Still. To a person who wishes to make a permanent residence, this is a fine ch.-ince. .Moral neigiil'orhood: ciiurelies and schools c mvenicnt. If applied fo.- soon a b.itgain will be given. J.AS. (j. f>ct. !8. 1858. 6-')tf 1'au’m roi; svij:. If)FFEIi for sal-j my PL.ANTATION on the East side of (Jape F'-ar River. 3 miles above tlie (, laren Ion IJridfc-e, known as the Too-ner Lands, containing about 8i)0 .\rres. The Plantation is in a good state of cuhiva- lion. and is suscejttible ot being made one of the most profitable Farms in ihe County. .\ddress JNO. D. WILLIA.MS, Esq., F'ayetteville, N. C.. who is authorised to selL L. J. HAUGHTON. Oct'r 14, 18.58. .')ltf GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE. IH.WE just received in store my Fall Stock, embrao- ing the following articles, viz: 12.5 Bags Coffee. O.y Bbls. and ilhda. Sugar—assortad. ♦55 Pork. 50 Boxes good Tobacco. 75 “ Candy. 30 i BbLs. Snuff—Eagle Milb. 75 Boxes Crackers. All of which will be sold for C.\SH, or on short time to the best of men. E. F. MOORE & CO. Sept. 9, 18'.8. 44-tf PHaiVlAN GL’ANO. rplIE undersigned has made arrangements by which he X is prepared to furnish, ai short notice, any required quantity of .\o.' I Peruvian tiiuaiio, all of which will be from direct importations, into the Port of Wilmington, aud warranted pure and genuine. Orders foj tiie above excellent fertilizer are solicited, to which prompt attention will be given. As this is an article which does not admit of being sold on time, cash or its equivalent must accompany each order. BEVERLY ROSE. Jnly 8. 2Gtf Just Keeeived, VG*OD assortment ol— KKRiSEYS, BLANKKTS. TWEEDS, JEANS, S.VTIN'KTTS, tJASSIMERES, PRl.NTS, SHOE.S, \c. —ALSO— 18 DOZ. HOOP SKIRTS. 50 “ LINEN AND M.\RSELLES SHIRTS. STARR i WILLIAMS. Nov'r 25, 1858. OG- I'resh •/tais* JU.S r received pr Steamer Fanny. 4 Bbls. Extra No. 1 .MACKLRLL ("for retailing,) 10 A “ do. “ 1 do, 10 i “ do, “ 1 do. 10 i MKSS SHAD; 3 t Boxes CHLESE; 100 Bugs New Hulled BUCKWTIE.VT FLOUR; Fulton Market Beef; .Mess Pork; Goshen Butter, Pocket Salt: Sugar; ('offee; Molasses; and every thing in the provision line; which I will sell cheap for C.VSII or ex change for country Produce. W. C. TROY. Nov. 3, 1858. oo-tf A IMiOC LAMA'l'iON, his Excellency, Tho.maS Bragg, Governor of North Carolina. TtTjHEREAS. it has been represented tome th^lone VV Archibald McDougald, lute of the County of Cum berland, did on th« 27th day of February last, in said County, kill and murder one Tl;omas Munroe, and that the said McDougald is a fugitive irom justice, aud has escaped beyond the limits of this Ssaie. Now, to the end that the said .Archibald McDougald may be arrested and brought to trial for his said offence, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, offering a Re ward of Two Hundred Dollars for his apprehension and delivery to the Sheriff of t7umberiand County. DES.^RIPTION. McDougald is about fifty j'ears of age, of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of quick speech, has a scar on the face near one of his jaws, weigits about 165 or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the [l. s.] State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of March, A. D. 1858. By the Governor, THOS. BRAGG. PrL.\sKi CowpER, Pr. .Sec'y. March 15. 93tf j^OTICE. T.AKEN up and committed to the Jail of Moore County, | N. C.. on the I9th of December 1858, a negro man | who says his name isCH.ARLES R.ANSOM, and he**aj's | he is free, but failed to «how any evidence of his freedom. ; He is a Mattres.s-Maker by trade, writes a goxl hand, ; about 37 years old, weighs about 170 lbs., 5 feet 8 j inches high, very dark complection, quick sjwken, rather i stooped shouldered. The owner of .said negro (if there I be any) will come forward, prove pro{)erty, pay charges, i and take him away, or otherwise he will be dealt with according to law. W. K. NUNNERY, Jailer. Carthage, Jan’y 8, 1859 78-»'>t TRUST-SALE. By Tirtue of a Deed cf Trust to me executed by W. R. Bolton, for purposes therein mentioned, I will offer for sale at the Market House, at 12 o’clock on Tuesday, the 1st February, the following property:— HOUSE AND fcOT occupied by W. R. Bolton. The House is two stories high, contains 6 rooms, 4 fire places; and all neces.sary Out-houses,-* One-half interest in the Bailey Place, having on it one of the best Seine-holes on the Cape Fear river— the whole tract will be offered; ^ 12C3 Acres of Land on McPherson’s (3reek, (known as the Mill Tract.) has3fi,0KJ Turpentine Boxes, also % Grist and Saw Mill in good order; 250 .Acres of Land lying at the head of Carrer’t Creek, known as the Torrey Lt>nd, —ALSO— One Seine and Flat in good order. 1 4 Horse Wagon “ “ “ 12“ 1 Can. 1 Rockaway and Harness. 1 Carryall and Harness. —ALSO— Corn and Forage, (a large quantity.) Farming and Blacksmith Tools. Terms at sale. C. E. LEETE, Trustee. Jan’y 11 79ta Valuable Xe^ro Woman Chil dren for Sale. TTTILL be sold at the Market House on Monday, the \ V 7th day of February, 18-59, a VALUABLE WOMAN AND THREE CHILDREN, to clo.se a deed of trust made by G. W. McDonald to me. Terms of sale, 90 days credit,—notes that will discount at either of the Banks in Fayetteville. E. L. WINSLO>V, Trustee. C. E. LEETE, Auct’r. Jan’y 1, 1859. * 7G-ta Plano Forte Manufactorer, from NeV Torli, RESPECTFUI-LY informs the public that he has ar rived in Fayetteville, and offers his services to those who may want their Pianos thoroughly tuned and repaired. He has a splendid assortment of his Piano Fortes for sale in Wilmington. Old Pianos taken in exchange. a®“6rders leT. with R. D. Green, watchmaker, will meet with prompt attention. Jan’y 12, 1859 79tf 50 Plows! Plows!! Plows!!! NO. 6 PLOWS: 50 No. 10 Plows; 50 No. 11 “ 25 No. 50 “ 25 No. 60 “ Points, Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For sale by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 . 7V- Butter, Cheese and Crackers^ 1 A Goshen Butter; XU 25 Boxes State Cheese; ' 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by C. E. LEETE. .Jan’y 12 79- Cfill Met and Seine Twine. p'A LBS. Gill Net Twine: 190 lbs. Seine “ .Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79- SUliDRlES. 7RE Whit« Lead in Oil, and other Painta; Linseed. Lamp and Machinery Oil; Hydraulic Cement; Calcined Plaster; Land Plaster; Plastering Hair. For sale by I Jan’y 17. ROSE. 80-3t TAKElf I P, ! T\KEN up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland ■ County on the l.'»th inst., a NEGRO B0\, named JOHN BRACE or JOHN FRANKLIN, who says he is | free, and that he c.ame from Columbia, S. C. John is j small, a bright mulatto, and had on when taken up a : white wool hat and steel-mixed frock coat and pants, j The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward, i prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he I will be dealt with as the law directs. i GEO. L. McKAY', Jailer. I Oct’r 15, 18.58. 55- I THE ElVEK I.WIOOKATOK! I PKEf*.\RKn UY DK S.\.NKOKH, I i'ompouDiipd entirely from Gl'lIS, j fS ONK OF THK BtST Pl'RO.XTIVK AVI* I.IVF.H MK ' 1 III!I.VK,S now before tlie pnblie, ihM »cl» u a nahritir. | «Rjiier, miiler, and mor# effrclUHl tlmu other medicine known I It it not oi:lr n but a Lirer rMneily. mciwt/c fSr*l on lb« Lie^r to eW't its morbi>l miktter. llian om atomarh And bow»«» j lo cftrry off ih»t mutter. tb*it »wo piirpo»«fe effei'tii •liy, irUhOU liny of tite painful iii tke 0|*rrft j tioiiJi of mom Oithn'tic*. Il utreiipr'bens ihe »i the ••ir • t Ume Ihftl it purges It ; ««id wliet* inkan daily Iu moJeiat« do^ef. •ill stretiiftheti *iid build fl up with .mutual rftpldliy. I Planting Potatoes. I FEW' Bbls. of superior quality for sale by i B. RO>SE. Jan’y 17. 80-3t A lOO Casks of Einie, IN prime order, just received and for sale in quantities to suit. B. ROSE. Jan’y 17, 18i>9 80-3t To Tanners. FEW Bbls. TRAIN OIL, of extra quality and in first rate order, for sale by B. RO.SE. Jan’y 17. 80-4t Turpentine Hackers, Scrapers, Pullers and Dippers, 4 LL of the hrst quality, can be had at M. A. BAKER’S GUN SHOP, Fayetteville, N. C. J.an’y 15, 18-58. 80tf Whiskey! Whiskey!! BBLS. pure Corn Whiskey, warranted lo be free from poisonous drugs. Just rec.'iived by E. F. MOOitE. Jan’y 11. 80-St 150 Tbe L«lver In one of Oie| huiuaii biNly ; aiul alien it tb« powers of the nytteni are is alniitst eiitirely^ies-endeiit . Lintr for tli« pro^»«r r>«rrorin-1 •toiuach isai (ault,theb«>weU: •}»teiu suffer* in couaetiuence bavin|{ cetksed to do its duty , Ifftn. one of the pioprietorM i practice of more thim twenty wherewith to counteract the To prove that this remedy is bleft with L«lver Com* bas but to tty a iKiiiie, an] Thtfse Uunit remote mII the syMem, supplying In theit luviKoratinK the st«miai'h |>nrlfyliiff the blQHl, wtutle machinery, renioviuK •tfecdng a radical cure. Bllloits attackn are bel |»rrveiitrfi, by L*lv«r litvl|(orator« One dose af^er eating is suf and prirtci|>al r^ulafors of the prriorms i:s fuictions wetl. fully develu(»ed. 1he«OMMirA on the heahhy aclluii ot the sBce of itslunciioi>s. when the are at fauU, and the wh^^U of one organ—ilis ljlv«r— For the dn^eases ol that or> has made It his study. In a years, lo find utima remedy many derangenieota to wblco at lant fonnd, any person trou ptnlilt, in any of its fbru s I’onvictlou hicertahi. Diorhid or ImuI mattpr froa place a healthy floii of uile .cauHing l(K>d to digest well, ’givinfc tone and he>uth to the .lUe cau»e uf Uie Landretii’s (jiarden Seeds. rl .ST received, a general assortment of Landroth’s celebrated ('ianiv'n Seed.i. fresh and genuine, war rant ed «'f tlie crop of 18.58. S T. HAWLEY & SON. Ja;. 12, lb59. 79-4w .\ew Crop ITIola^ses. HHDS. CHOICE .N'EW CROP CUBA MOLA.S- \)UU ^1-^ expcciod. direct froiij Cuba, during this month. For sale bv H.ATHAWAY .'tt CO. 79-1 mp'l rtrevent the food from | y ono dune taken befoie i part of the country, free of postage, upon the receipt of 85 cents in coin or postage stamps; in cloth (library style,) for 55 centp per copy. Address J. M. HENDERSON. Publisher. Chapel Hill, N. C. 74- his stock before purcha' 'ng. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would request all indebted to the finn of HOCSTON & OVERBY to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the firm’s debts. j\ew Kooks* I August 27, 1856. «f ^ ROWNLOW' k PRYNE'S Discussion on Slavery; K. '■ ]Votice tO Soldiers’ %%'idOWS. N. P.'pper Papers; Vernon Grove, or Hearts as they mHE Widows of Mexican Soldiers, and the Widows of aie; In aud Around Stamboul, by Mit». E. Hornby; Liv- j ^ Soldiers who pied in service in ihe war of 1812, can Yellow Plush Papers; After Dark, ; have their pensions continued by calling on the under- B II4K SE, LOT A.\D AEl^^Kil. rnHL undersigned wishing to close up their old busi- X ness, offer for sale the IK>LSE and LOT ou Hay mount, formerly occupied by Major Gilmore. Also, a NEGRO BOY 14 years of age; having tried him for the last five months, wc can rccoinniend him as an excel lent servant, both for house or out of doors, sold for no fault, but to close old businc-'S. F. N. &. J. n. ROBERTS. ’ May 3, 1858. 7tf OLII BILLS. \LL persons indebted to the concern of FRANK i JERRY and J. H. ROBERTS & CO., arerenucstod to come forward and settle their bills. If not settled by the last of this month, they will find them in the hand.s of a Lawful Collector. J. H. ROBERTS .t CO. Mav 3, 1S;»8. 7tf by W. Collins; Davenport Dunn, by Lever; School Books; Faber’s Drawing Pencils in Cases; &c. Nov’r 21. E. J. HALE & SON. The and llisripline of the .Methodist Ctiuich. A new supply just received. Oai’r la. E, j/ u AI.P. t SON. signed, Congress having made additional provision for ihem. Give me the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent for Pensions. Faj«ttaTlll«, Juaa 12, 1858. 19* Thirty Hands Wanted. The subscriber wishes to hire by the Month, or Da^', Thirty Negro's, to work on the Ninth Section of the Western Rail Road. For further particulars inqnire at the Engineer’s Office, Faytltcviile, or oi m» at Little River Bridge. O’iiiiYiJS' & CO. Aug. 16, 1868. 88-tf Hardware, Cutlery, V, J.\MJ].S MARTINE is now receiving a large and gene- rai asdortmeni of every thing in iho above line. —ALSO — .A prime articlc of Rio, Laguira and Java COFF EE; •.’rushed and Brown SUGAR; Sugar House SIRUP and MOLASSES. -All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov'r 21, ltf.)8. , Ctitf FAt.\TS, OILS, Arc. mPEUM. Refined, Lari, Linseed and Tanaeo’ OIL; W'hite Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and .Sash of all bL .s. —ALSO— A fresh supplv of POND’S PAIN DE.STROYER. For gale by* JAMES MARTINE. Nov r 24. iSTi8. O^Jtf Ti:\-WA!si:, &c. ON HAND, & large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pip^. .Also i/ie l3ontiuton Coffee For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov’r 24. 66tf ch.iTi rsTch A A LARGE lot of Stool-’ootlom Chairs, made at Cool Sj'ring Mill, and for sale bv ' A. M. CAMPBELL. March 24, ’68. 867 t>ii mare , Only one dose taken at i und cure. Co«-|^ One dose taken after ea4*h i (hie d>M»e «f two tea- k. Sick Hradaclie. j One bottle taken for fa-1 eause of tli« disease, and | Only of»a dose imniediaiely I One oHeu repeated is | pHI flIorbuSy and a preventive 1 tinly ona bottle Is •ysteni the effTects of medi- ' 4^ One bottle taken for lowness or unnatural color Oue d>M taker, a short gor to the appetite, and maket* (hie dose often repMited rUoea In Its worst forniM. Bowel complaints yield (hie or two cures at Children ; there is no surer, Ibe wtirld, as It nee^r /niU. 49* A few bottles cuxe« absorbents. Wetakeplaasnrein recom prevaiitlve tor FeTer and and all Feirers of a Hit-1 with certainty, and thousands wouderfal virtues. I 'Wj cured, atid, M’liat la the occasional u»e of tbs Ci'ient to relieve tb« atomacb jrisiiig and souring, retiring, pietenis IVIglit* flight, Irmsent the bowels tl-veneMa. , nieal will cure Oytpepsla l^puonfuls will always reiiavs maleoVf^truction rMnovestbe makes a perfect cute, lelievea C'liollr. while a sure cuie for Cl&olcra of CHolera. needed to throw ont of the cine after a long sickness. Jatttidlee remo%es all sai from tbe skin, tmie before eating gives vl food digest well. 0^ ,cure« Cliroiilc I>lar* while S$iiinmer and 0>almo«>t to the fiiM dofe. I tacks caused by Worm* In |»r ■ ■ Wl a Wihningion, .lan’y 10 ,\ew Orleans Sug^ar K floiasses. —/V H!II)S. of . rime to choi«> New^ ('rop Sugar; 300 Bnrrel** of clioicc New Crop New Orleans .Syrup and Molssses. daily expected from Now Orleans. For “ale by HATHAW..\Y &. CO. Wilmington. N. C., Jan’y 10. 79-2wpd A Sujsrar House ^»yi*up. FEW Bb!s. excellent 3. II. SYRUP. Also, prime rtcctt MOLASSES. C. B. COOK. Oct’r 14. 51tf fer, or speedier remedy Ic Oropay* by exelting ib« mending this medlclr.e a • Agae, ClilU Fever, louA Type, It opsiaies ara willing to testify to its For Sale. 0/1/1 ALUM SALT—2 bushels eatii,—by .jl/U GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Nov. C, \858. 01 il All who itM It arr (riving their ananlmou* testimony In Ita favor. a^MIx 'Water In Ihe mouth Mith Ihe Invl* gorator, an«l swallow both to|;-ther. THE ItlVER INVIOORATOR 18 A 8«!IKNTIFIC MKOICAI. PlfiiUJVKKY, aixi l» dkil; workfiis cur*., ftlmoat too icrcftt to 11 curc* a. if bj evm Ot* Jkrwt tloM gioifig hem*-Jtl. »nd wldom mor. thai. OIK botil* l( raqiiirfd to cnr» »ny kind of Liver r>nipi«inl, from th« wortt Jntintii^ or Dy^p^pnti to • cnniinoB Utaiturht mn of whlcli arc 111. rculi of > DIacased 1.1 vcr. rRicc o.-ic oollak rsR ■ottli. Dr, SAKFORl>. l*roprt»»or. MS tt;o«aw»x. N.w Tork by »II DnigBi.n. M.l atm by JAS. N. SMITH and 8. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. i Nov’r 11. f’2-ly I Small Pox Dead! 1 /GENTLEMEN, you that wish to seR likely YOUNG i j \ J NEGROES—Men, Boys, Women and Girls—for the , ■ highest cash prices, would do well to give me a call, or i j address me at Clinton, N. C. J. A. McARTHUR. I Jma« 6, 1868. 17-8moa.pd J Iii i FK : AN 5) CilKKSjv UST received pr Fannv. a few Firkins of verv nic« BUTTER, and 2;', Boxes prime CHEESE. C. B. COOK. Oct, 14, ' 64-tf U.\('ON. riHOlCE North Carolina BACON, and Shoulders, Oct. 1-L—51-tf] Also, TV•stern Sida C. B. COOK. Cider Vinegar, for sale h%' W. H. CARVER. .\ug. 18. 38 A tew Barrels i pHOICE OLD APPLE BRANDY, suiial.le for making i wine and pulling up brandy fruit. Ang. 18. 18.'->8, W. For iMila by H. CARVER. 38- ikj^The Southern Harmony, and MUSICAL COMPANION, for sal# by , » £, J. HALE k BON.

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