mmm « « 'RouaT «*>INIY. * i^«ceaib«r - -er. ■' Mex. ■ -::i!t~ , -i 111. 1 ii i \ Sll'. ri : .-■'' ■ ” F^vet ..’ '. V'unt^ • .. . "'I ^he •I th- yew- .: ;.. prT. ti.- . F . . , , n ' ; u u, S'*! Ai5CJL! \ V D ' cr S. 5^;>' Ini' iie li-: I •1.1 K.' [y 1 i' ■ - p: '('■ ■ . ; -::.; (Cc • I- V J ' I . \ M !* :.y ’-'- .-j ■■urt, i! rii %i:oLi.\ v I) r .: tt-r ' l^:>v U-. ■*'■ h:, i. ■ ' 'e. \ i i \ ( ( ,; , y »‘ » l1 N .\ , h‘t N >vf m '.r . ; ..-Llld, T5 h; ■' - .i:- ■ ■iidin jim a*‘’. : ( urt iii 1.. . . if* . . . ■ ; . 1, 1 -.,■1 . • ■ • !■ ■ ■ V*T = “• ; - l.;l I, ^ : ■ . ■■ , V C I!. .- '^■■■ > ■ I'M r St. >i. N - -- > i \ r ' '-.oii.', > 'V r ; ^ S. vs 1 ;n ^• til J, .;. '-I M -filill 1 ■ ”. I!;i- ' t-. I thercl"r iji.i :■ ; r "■■ I.-- •' '**’ : T h r !f .i li. . !' !• t;i- • Iijy s.- •■ !■: n. on tlie iiexl. I - II • J.cri: i" ■^J . .lU'i-Hear i . , ,.r - . K II 1 *■ - '■ M v-. ' ril ^ \ M)LlV . r 1 If’' ,..!■• all'A ■>! =*C1" ■ ..i rf . A : . ^ ^ • !• ^ li,. W o: i~r“' k: in M.v :‘.i. «' , ' it . -a', in i ^ .; n il! oQ reniK'i'' , . . ?■ .,.-1 s. i'i i'OU!!. : . .. U. 1^'" -.i, i A -.VvI..\, Clerk- 'n ’ I lul; 7, -'Vi r I- ,.... p :.J r. l!: A. -M-Oy- - ■=, uu.l c’.il.'ren , , .- , , il.'reii - \F . : M. 111. >!•'■ ".. ; ...1 tl.t h- ‘i ^ ■ • 1 ■■■^ , , i (I eivr. ' . . ’’’ ii: ■'• c-a ^ !1 '• tL. V i . Nov'r • i...xvX:dA^, wlcrJt- SEMI-WEEKL Y. [ .« L VilL] PAYKTTEVILLE, N. C.. JANUARY 24, 1859. [NO. 782.1 PRINTED MONDAYS AND TIIURSDAT3. EOWAUD J. HALE & SON, KDITOUS and PKOPRIETORS. Price I'-'f the Semi-Weekly Observer S3 00 if paid In advance; S3 50 if.paid during ‘he year of subacrip- tioii; or S4 after tho year has expired. F r the Weekly OB.'icnvEn S‘2 00 per annum, if paid in aiivuacc; 50 if paid during the year of subscrip- ilon; ur i3 00 after the year has expired. ftajT* ADVEKTISi'MENTS inseried for 60 cents per square of IG linos for the first, and 30 cents for each succecling publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial *c'aitracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requested to state the number of inaertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- ing'.y. A'lvertii.cmeats to be inserted intidf., charged 60 per cent extra. T. W.\l)Dn,F. HAS Taken charok of tfie FAYETTEVILLE DOTEL. A.-jA With efficieut aid in the different departments, ^iSSll supervision of the entire A‘’.:d,bliih- «-n ment, be hopes to give satisfaction to die Pat rons of tho House. Raleigh and Warsaw four-horse lines of Stages an-ivc- and depart from this House Daily, and the Salem Stage Tri-weely. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct’r 1. 51-ly M IIODI. Bi)()KS FOR THE UNION. V s. I5AU\I:S CO , 51 AND 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK,! their sojourn with him. ’ I supplied with the best the market PlBLInUI-RS A.\D \VIIOLES.\Lli BOOK ELLEli>\ WOfLD INVITE ATTENTIOS TO THE N A riON A L S HR ICS —OF— XTIMIIRD Sl'IIOOL BOORS, PIBMSHKD Ur THEM, AMO.N'O WHICH ARE Th’ Xati'-md S:hool Readers, in 5 Kos., and Pronouncing Speller. Price 2-5. 37i, 50, 75 cts. and $1. Speller, 25 cts. By Richard G. Parker, A. M., of Boston, and J. Madison Watson, of New York. These are the latest reading books yet brought out, and it is confidently believed surpass all others in gen eral plan and arrangement, beauty of illustrations and lypogrnphy, character of selections, and adaptation to ti;e want%of schools. They are already in ertensive U'e in the Public Schools of New York. Brooklyn, .\1- bany. Newark, Lancaster, and other important places. Da- ics Revised Arith7ne(ics and Higher Ma thematics. Prices of Arithmetics 15, 25, 45 and 75 cents. ■\re daily increasing in popularity and circulation. They are regarded as the most thorough and practical o! any before the public. An exceedingly valuable ad- ! a:!Ion to this course has been made in the publica- : tion of ■ Darias’ Cniitrsity Algebra, I^ice ?1 25. An entirely new work, designed to occupy an inter- .'liediste I'iace between the author's. I'lementary Algebra Hii i iiourdijn. It teaches the Science and Art of .\lgebra f>y ti !i._ical arrangement and clas-iification of the prin- i i. ;p’ in tiieir natural order, and by illustrating their R, s.i'- 'ion in an exieuded series of carefully arranged a;i i graded example. It is Prof. Davies’ last and best ! work. . j ALiitc 'h a)i'l Sfrics of Ocograjihifi, I Prices 25, 4'^, cents, and fl. •S»em to be fast ,-uper.seding all others. The plan on ‘ wjich they are ai»an;:pd, their intrinsic merit, concise- nei'. bea'.uy, and peculiar adaptntion, render them great , ;:i ,rit‘-5 with botii teacher.s and pupils. They have been ially rccijnmieii'l‘-d by the .Superintendents of Public ! in-;:rucii‘in of very many States, and by numerous * Ti-actier;' A'-ooiation.s and In.stitutes throughout the i c untry. .ind are in successful use in a multitude of pub- i.: and privatw Schools in every State of the Union. ''I'trk's Gnnntnar.^, in two -Vos., jirices 40 and 1 0 • c-.nfs, I'.nd \^'elch’s Analysis, price 75 cents, It is believed present the only true and successful mptii a of teaching the science of the Engli.ih Language. T.’ifv are tin- Standard Text-Books in the New York, ; Michii; ;n und other State Normal Schools, and in very inauy ..i iii." '>est Sciiools :uid .VL-ademies in the country. ; J'l.rk'r’^ S' hool Pkilo.^ophy, prire j li i' vrardcd as the most c'»rnplete. concise, and prac- : ur-l (.'1'i.r^ P' )k on tli'tt subject yei published. It is m ex' !i vLiv u-ed than any other, which fully de- ci:.i'trH;. - it' {;r( ciuiui-nt worih and superiority. Portir's ,S 'hdoi 'hrmiatri^, price 1‘^ "1. • o: t!iv nio-t ftdi '‘rable works prepared for \nd requires only a limited amount of apparatus t'*' iliusirate ull the cxpcrim>^nts described. ; A.: Hr. 1 V iluubie Works ti» Hi.-ir MTIONAL SERIES, a full ■ riiitiori of \s'liich will b? lound in their XEW IL- Ll^TuATKD AT.\LO(il E published, coutuLuing a c..n;jilete di->cription, wiili notices and recommendatiuiis, '! 'ill their Sidioul iind Library Books. Veacln rs and Sciiool Oilicovs throughout the country Hie rique'teil to send for this >'E\V DESCKII’TIVE lATALOl.lE, and correspond with the Publishers in re- (: I' d to any oi their work.-% they may wish to examine or intrv'i'.ice. A. 8. V .ASES \ CO., 51 and J. Street, New York. SIIKMWIOLI, IIOUSi:. FAYETTi;VII>I>K, >■. C. £ast fide of Green Street, a few doors North of the Mark*:t. MrpiIE Subscriber desires through this medium i to ackowledge the liberal patronage bestow ed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed conven ient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in say ing to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accommodate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore received. Every ex ertion on hiw part shall be used to render them comfona- His table is always i affords. | P. SHEMWELL. ! March 24, 1S58. 8»j-tf ! I iilM) FOR SILL I OFFER for sale G40 Acres of LAND, lying on tho W'est side of (Jape Fear Hivor, two miles below Fay- • i etteville, and extending from the river into the sand- i : hills. This tract is about equally divided into river , ' ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land. About 80 acres, i adjoining the river, arc under cultivation and are wall : j suited to the growth uf C orn and Grass: none of the 1 j Swamp ha'i been cleared. There arc several good sites : for a dwelling house on the sand hills. .Any person j wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli- j cation, as 1 have determined to sell. | THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 185S. 44tf T This convenient and well FURNISHED Estalilish- ment was opened for the reception of Boarders on the 12th inst. The subscriber will spare no pains to make all comfortable who may stop at her house. Re gular boarders will here tind the quiet comfort of home, combined with the advantages to business men of a Hotel. The stables of Mr. W. C. Troy are in the rear of the Hotel, and travellers may entrust their horses to his care, with the assurance that the best treatment will be be stowed upon theoL MARY ANN POTTER. Oct. 21. • 6G-8m To the Public. The Subscriber having RENTED the EXTENSIVE STABLES connected with the Dobbin House, is now prepared to board Horses by the day or month. He ha'^ secured the services of an experienced hostler, and pro mises to give satisfaction to all who may patronize his establishment. W. C. FR>Y. Oct. 21. 5*j-3ra FAVCTTRVILLE MUTUAL IXSIRAXCE COMPANY. ASS^.TS $230,326.28. ^pHI.S Company i •■a b.-cn in operation more than five 3Ses, amounting to S19,12tj •nv. insurance averajing its years, and ha y5, without an\ members about ^ Policies issued .o i ^ ' M-.y, ISOS, 2"f'jO. Amount of prop'-ny r. jw i.'snred. 51,474,922 34 Amount premium no?c- now on hand, 224,0t>8 23 ■ 1, 82,al7 41 Cash premium;, recei L Oeo. McNeill, D. A. r. iy, H. L. Myrover, S. W. Tillinghasi, Heru7 Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Will. McLaurin, /.rCToKS. S. T. Hawley. W. N. Tillinghast, .A. A. Mclvelhan, J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Cook, A. . .Steele, J.»s. Kyle, •I. G Shepherd, P«. F. Brown, Wilminjfion. Ll!\U FOB XlLi:. llHE Subscriber offers for sale THIRTY-FIVE HUN- DllED .ACRES of Land in as h'jalthy a section as tliere is in Alabama. FORTY ACRES, on which are a good Dwelling anil all necesMir^' out-hoiises, in good repair. ONE HUNDllHD and SIX TV .\CRES, goo.i river bot tom laml, 1(10 acres of whicli is under cultivation ami produces fine crops of Cotton and (.'’orn. NINE HUNDltED and SIXTV ACRES Creek and Pine land, on wliich is .sonio good fainiing Innd. TWE.NTY-TliilKi: 1! C N DllED and FORTY ACRES Pine laud, well suited for Turpentine getting. This property will be sold cheap aii'l on accommoda ting terms. -Address the sub^^criber at Mount Pleasant P. O., Monroe County. Alabama. WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. Marcli 11. lf^'i':. 92-ly lor JOHN T. Gll>\i(UiK now otlors for sale a portion of his swamp hinds in tiu* county of Cumberland abou! i4 miles below Fayeitevdle, and about lA miles East of the I'ape Fear River. Tlie entire swamp has been suc cessfully drained, of the l.irg.* of water by which it was liereiofore covered. Tiie land is apparently level, beinjr free from ridges (which are so common to swamp lands g‘ lerally, j whilst there is an abundance of fall, by wliith the rain water can be carried oil by ordinary ditch( s. .V small port ion of the land has been in cuhivaiion about 7 years, and those persons who have seen the crop-j reirard tlie land as e.'iual in fertility to any they have seen in this Slate or elsewliere. Tne location is healthy, the neiglihorhin.d good, and the ac cess to Fayetteville and Wiln.ingti.n easy by means of a good r.jad 1 .J niiles in length leading directly to the river. Besides ihi', it •>. within -i niiles of a beautiful little village, ti]n.'n a liigh and healthy Bluff, at the river, with a Store. Ware-house and hrst-rate landing. All which atlord many conveniences to the ueighbi>r- iiood. As several persons have yjioken of purchasing, this is deemed a proper time to call their attention to NEW FAII, AND WINTER DRY GW'DS. i ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr., i Has received and is this day receiving, a larga &nl i de.sirable !ST4>( K OK COODS, embracing all the newest styles of j Liidios Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, j liijsques, lioniiets, Ribbons, riovrcrs, and 'i'rimrnin^s, of all kind^i. i-OK a E.YTtjE^fME.V. A very desirable Stock of THE LARGEST MANUFACTORY THE ST\Tr. T lie a large and v.aried as.sortment of every thing in his line. His assortment of Saddle.s, Harness, Bridle.-", Trunks, Travelling Bags, Valices, v^c., is unsurpassed for workmanship f.nd material, and will compare favorably for neatnes-j with any other Manu- , . i factory, either North or South. Persons wanting any Kecldy-.\1 ad.e C,lothinir, dotilS, Cassi- ■ thing in lua line will do him a favor to call and examine meres, Vestinjr, Huts, Caps, I300tS, ! stock before purchasing, as he is satisfied it will not Shoes, Unibreilas, kc., vVc. Together with many articles not deemed necessary to enumerate All of which will be offered low for CASH, or on time to such as pay when called on. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 20, 1858. 47-tf coni’ov |{)M)S KOU .-ALK. The Western Rail Road Company have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers. S:iO,OUO of the Coujiun Boniis of the County of Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable semi annually on tho 1st June and 1st of December, and run ning 2') years. S00,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the Town ol Fayetteville, bearing b per cent, interest, payable semi annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 20 years. bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Piail Roiid ('o., to pay the County and Town subscriptions respect ivel3'. Persons having money will find tiiese bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. B. MALLETT, Esq., Pres’t, or to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r Westurn R. R. Co. Fayetteville, Feb'y 2t), 185S. 80tf The Subscribers adopt this method of informing their 1 A I Iv OC. 1\I . V 1 »1 ) , friends (and the public generally) that they BJ9 now I his Excellency, Tno.MAS HraQO, Governor of Xorth Carolina. THERE.\.S, it has been represented tome that one .Archibald McDougald, l;»te of the County of Cum berland, did on th« 27th day of February last, in said Si:i’0.\0 F ILL STOIK FOB \W. S'PAHKAj WILLIAMn Are now receiving their SE('OND SUPPLY of Staple and Eaiicy l>ry Croods, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS. UMBRELLAS. & READY-MADE CLOTHING. With a great variety of articles not enumerated. This Stock is very large and well assorted, comprising all the latest styles and patterns, and will be ottered to Wholesale Buyers on lib«r*l terms, either for “C.ASH” or approved paper. J. B. STARR.] [J. M. WILLIAMS. Oct. 14. 54-tf TRIST SALE. By Tirtue of a Deed of Trust to me eiecnted by W. R. Bolton, for purposes therein mentioned. I will offer his thanks for the liberal patronage ■ *br sale at the Market House, at 12 0 clock on Tuesdty, heretofore extended to him, andiniorms ] the 1st February, the following propertj’: the public that he has now and will | HOT.SE AND LOT occupied by W. R. Bolton. The continue to have an increased force )f j House is two storicp high, contains ♦> rooms, 4 fire- experienced Saddle and Harness Mak- i pluoes; and all necess'Sry Out-houses; ers, whose work he will warrant; and ■ One-half im crest in the Bailey Place, having on it ttiat he is prepared to offer to the pub- j one of the best Seine-holes on the Cape Fear river— the whole tract will be offered: 12t>3 -\cres of Land on McPherson's Creek, (known as the -Mill Tract,) has3*J,0’K) Turpentine Boxes, also ft Gri'it and Saw' .Mill in good order; 250 Acres of Lund lying at the head of Carver’s Creek, known as the Torrey Land. —ALSO— One Seine and Flat in good order. 1 4 Horse Wagon “ “ . “ 12“ " “ 1 Cart. * 1 Rockaway “^nd Harness. 1 Carryall and Harness. —ALSO— Corn and Forage, (a large quantity.) Fanning and Blacksmith Tools. Terms at sale. C. E. LEETE, Trusted. Jan’v 11 71Hs fail to plea-se them. His establishment will be found five doors East of Cape Fear Bank, on Person Street. 4lgi“Repairing done with neatness and despatch. >V. OVERBY. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 2r!, 1858. 57-Gm m:w re««iviug into store a very large and general sr CK OF GOODS, EMBRACING 4,; H « it e E HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, A:c., &c.., A.r. I .\U of which they arc disposed to sell at reasonabla pro fits for Cash, or on the ujual time to responsible puroha- w ValiiaRile ^"es**o Woman & Chil dren for l*ial^. \17ILL bc! sold at the Market Hou«e on Momlay, tho W 7th day of Febiniarv, 1S5H, a V.\LT.'.\BLE WOMAN AND THLEE CHILDREN, to close a deed of trust made by G. \V. .McDonald to me. Term.s of sale, 90 days credit,—notes that will discount at either of tho Banks in Fayetteville. E. L. WINSLOW, Trustea, C. E. LEETE, Aucfr. Jan’y 1, 1859. 7C-ta JAMES PIRSSONj riano Forte Manufacturer, from Xew York, 1^ ESPECTFUl.LY informs the public that he has ar- rived in Fayetteville, and offers his services to those who may want their Pianos thoroughly tuned and repaired. He has a splendid assortment of his Piano Fortes for sale in Wilmington. Old Pianos taken in ex-hange. jiS^Onlers left with R. D. Green, watchmaker, will meet with prompt attention. Jan’y 12, 1859 79tf A. E. Hall. W'ilinington. OkkICKKS; GEO. McNElLL, President, D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. McMILL.VN, Secretary. John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Travelling Agents. He^The Company invite applications. May 21, 185b. 1:;Y SPECIAL C'OI RT. STATE UF NORTH CAKOLIXA » CUMBEIILAXD (.'OLVTY, j Suf.erior Court of Law, Fall Term, l>S->8. His Honor Romi lis M. S.msdiiiis Judge PresiIing. IT is Ordered by the Court, That a Special Term of this Court be held onthe.seconJ Monday in February, A. D. 1859. Jurors. Witnesses and .Suitors in Civil Causes are here by notified to attend. Witness, John W. Baker, Jr., Clerk of our said Court, . B. cV Co., h ivc recently adJeJ many new at office, the seventh Mond.iy after the founh Monday in ^ ‘ September, A. L>. 185H. GotC] JOHN W. BAKER, Clerk. Carolina Citify C. The Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad bein^ novr completed to Beaufort Harbor, I have determined to locate at Carolina City for tlie purpose of doing a Forwarding and General Ccmmissioa mm mjf mig ■;mr h-c: and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit patronage and sui>port. Being the .•\gent of Murray’.^ Line of First Class Packets to this and Morehead (.Mty, B AHXE.'r^ cV C). u also publishers of the every effort will be made to make this the chea])e't and , , _ most expeditious route to New York. Vessels will b>‘ : loaded and discharged at my Wharf (adjoining tlic Rail- Retail price, road Wharf,) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. $1 25 Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shipmeni of Produce. WM. B. GRANT. July 29, 18.58. :2-iy the subject, inasmueh as there is u crop now growing j sers who are in the habit of paying, upon a small portion of the lanl, by which they can judge of its production. Reasonable terms will be given to the purchaser. Sept. Id. l'^^fc. 45tf l^aiids tor iSale* 1 OFFER lor abi.ut tjtXJ'J Acres ol Pine Lands near Fa\ citf'villc, C"iiiaining an immense «juantity of .Mill 1 iniber. and a number of Turpentine Boxes. hihI several iiew tasks may be cut. Tiiere is on the premises a fine Dwelling Hou^is and all neces>ary out-houses,—Scup pernong and IsaVe!la Graj.e Vines,—1hMi young Peach Jiud .Vpplc Tree' of Lin ili'\ s bc'l varieties; also, a go-.d F.VKM of about 15i» acres cle;trcd: and also a GRLSF and .S.\W' .\liLL; and ji tine large .Meadow of about 140 acres. The Fayirttev.lle and Fields Rail Rond passes tlirougii liie.-e l .iijs about a mile I'rom the Mills. 1 will sell in parccis to suit purchaserbut would fer to sell tiie whole togciiier. Apfdy to Tiio'. S. I.,ut- ttrloh, En.. I'ayetteviKe, or the -ub-icriber at I’itts- borongli. N C. J. il. HAUGHTON. Nov. l‘J, 1857. 6otf Gyo ACJ4ICS\)F I.A FOR S.\LK. The Subscriber offers for sale the above quantity of Land, situ.itei in a healthy neigiitiorhood, three mile.' Irom tiie W ihiiiti',;tou C iarlotte Rail Roa.l, and four from Lumber River. This Land is well .>jd'ip'ei to I’aiuiing. Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good range and oth-‘r idvantagcs 'i'iiose wi..hing iu purchase may hnd me on the ] remises, who will be iiappv to exhibit it or give anv ini'ormation concerning i. desired. ' ANGTS McCili.L. Phihideli'hus. N. .''ept. 1, 1S57. 4iif Valuable Plantation Foil SALK. lUE subscriber oilers tor •‘ale tli' P1,.\.NTATlt'N and improvements where h.' ii''w reside'. It i.s located ; just belovN tiie moutii ol Lilc-^' Creek, in Catawba county, near Lewis' Ferry on tiie t.'atawb.i river, ndjoining lien lerson Shcrl, Jind containing 5!5 .-Veres, i.jO of which are in cultivati.'ti und about 50 acres of ii t'reek and Branch Bottom. The improvements are a comfortable Log Dwelling, a tir-it r.ite Barn, Stables .ind stads lor heaii ol iDr.'c-.; sheds, and j;o(>d Fences. Th.-re is ui-on the place :i g >od Gill.ST .'IlljL I'lin’iing a I air of Bui-r and a pair ol cornnion .'stones, i'lie \V. N. C’. Railroa I jia'^ses through the Farm and tiie Detiot is located u;ion it. It is the most valuable I'arin in 1 ins -ectlou of tiie .>:ate. Will be s“l.l I .r I'a.jii or eiLehange ! .'"..r Neproi*-'. A. W. \VlL>ON. Oct. 15, IfS'jS. 57if T SU tol T/^achers^ .Vorihend's Teacher and Parent Page’.s Theory and Practice of Teaching Mansfield on .American Education I»efo'j.jueville'ij .American Institutions D.' Logic of Matli.-maiics .^I•lyllf'^s on Cniver.sal Education il'. 't on .S. liool .\inu«eiiienis 1 25 I'liC aliove Books are sold by E. J. HALF, i SON ^ v.fTtfville, N. C. 'vt’r 1. i^'53. A M KM OIK OF iir.%. cLisiit ^iirciirf.L, ». »» L\TK PKOFF.SSOH OF CHEMISTRY. MINERALOGY. AND GEOLOGY, IN THE C.MVERSITY OF N. C. I'’ofjl.THER wiiii the tributes of respect to his mem- 1 ory, !jy varii^iis ))ublic meetings and literary as- sociutio'is, and tiie addresses delivered at the re-inter- ' ment of his remains on .Mount .Mitchell, by the Rt. Rev. .Uines H. utey. Bishop of Tennessee, and Hon. 1 Divjil L. Swain, President of the University of N. C. 1 riiis iiitere'ting little book, giving a graphic sketch of Mie life ;ind the onjy Qorrect account of the tragic deatli of this great aud good man, together with a fine STEEL PLATE LIKENESS of Dr. .^llIchell. is now rea.Jy and may be had at the . tlool{5toies of .Messrs. Pomeroy & Turner, in Raleigh, -M.dlett s. Co., iu t’hapel Hill, and at the office of pub lication. Pri.e. in Paper. 3o ••cnti; in Cloth. 50 cents per ''T'.'■ Copies ;iii pn;>er covers,) senf by mail to any ;’?irt of the country, free of postage, upon the receipt of fents in coin or postage stamps; in cloth (library otjle,) lor 55 cents per copv. .\ddress J. M. ‘HENDERSON, Publuher. ''hnpel Hill, N. 74- Bookis. pHOWNLijW ,'c PRYNE'S Discussion on Slavery; K. 1.) N. Pej.|,'er P.ipers; Yeinon Grove, or HeaHs as they ' In itii l .\r‘i,Hid StamlKiul, by .Miv. E. Hornby; Liv- ‘ii;i and Loviiix; The \ ellow Plush Pa[iers: .After Dark, '■.V A. (b.ivi np 'rt Dunn, by Lever; School Books; i'.iberri Drawing Pe;ii il.s iu Cases: ho. -'"■v rlil. E. J. HALE A SON. The llyinii!4 and Discipline of the Methodist Church. A n«w suppl}’just received. Oci r la. s;. J. iULK & SON. Water Wheels! Water Wheels!! | ll’^E are now manufacturing V'AN'DEWATER'.S I\l- 1 >V PROVED JONVAL TURBIWE WATER WHEEL, | for Mills and Factories of every description; and all tiiose j wisiiing to improve their water power will find il for : their interest to address us by letter, st;;ting the number ; of feet, heail and fall; their ii.sual amount of water; tiie J kind of machinery to be driven. We can then give th.-m 1 pi'ice of wheel, or what we will furnish wheel and prin- i cipal ge.Ars for, warranted to do a certain amount oi' work. Time yicm to test the wheel, and if it does not come up to our figuie, the wheel and gears to be deliver ed to us at the mill of the purchaser. Reference given and required. HEATH & STEVENSON, j Laurel P'actory, Prince George Co., Md. j R(>BERT BAIRD, Agent, Richmond, Va. G-3’ j o. iiou»To:v I ll^OL'LI* inform his friemls and lormer customers that . W he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear Bank, j and 3 doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully invites his friends from the country to call aud examine , his stock before purchasing. i He will attend to Repairing of Hanie-s and .S.'iddles : punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He woul'I request all indebted to the firm of HOLSTON i OVERBY to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they , are comj)elled to settle the firm’s debts. 1 August 27, 1850. tf A'otice to Koidiers’ Widows. 11HE Widows of MeXican Soldiers, ami the Widows of Soldiers who diei- in sf,r\ ice in the war of 1812, can have their pensions i; 'uiiiLi. d by culling on the nnder- •igned. Congress havi- _r, M ilo additional provision for them. Give me the manig tnciit >f your claims, and the money shall come at once, or i.o charge. JNO. M. ROSE. I liaiiil 1*01* Sal€^ 1AM de'irous ol ' -.h'lg .\(,iii-..S i*K L.VNI) in the County ol llobeson. t\vo mile.' from l’.:indai.'V ille j I'ost Oilice. Tl ore i^. on ihetrai'i :i (.■•mit'ort.ihle DWFL- ■ I.l.Ml an I all ii 'Ce" iry out-house. .al'O. Saw and !> i.',t I .Miil, I’ottoii tiin an I Pre'S. 7-j aerc' ele.ired and uuii-. r 1 culti\.ation. .-\il ti'e Tract is tine l.u”'iinj; ' No ; lietiei- 1’.ace c.-m tv foun.l l..r a i'uriienline .iill. To a I person wiio wisiifs to make a piTiii me;it residc-nc*-, tli!.; I i a tin'- cliiince. ' neighborlio .d; chure^e*^ aiel ! 'chools coiivenitMit. If applied fo.' -■-.oi'n a liargaiu uill I 1..? piven. J.VS. G. t.'UOK. i Oct. 18, 1S.5H. .'';'>tf GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. i July 2t). 1858. 31-tf j ~ SEW' A.ND ('H!: \ P GO()DS. | JAMES KYLE | Hm received a Large and General Supply of j MPith* €iOOiPS, I Boots and Mtioes, Hats, Botl- | tnt;: 4 lulii«, ^c. j All of which has been purchased by the package for ' Cash; all of which is offered &i the market price, at wholesale or retail. Oct. 4, 1H5S. 54-tf " (iilOC CRIES rTwUOLESALE. 1H.WE just receivci] in store my Fall Stock, etubra«- ing the following urticleH, vii; 12.') Bags Coffee. 05 Bbls. and ilhls. Sugar—assorted. 65 ‘‘ Pork. 50 Boxes good Tobacco. 75 “ (.'andy. 30 i Bbls. SnufF—Eagle Mills, 75 Boxes Crackers. .All of which will be iold for CASH, or on short time to the best oi men. E. F. MOORE X GO. Sept. 9, lh:'H, 44-tf IM Ta VlAN GV \S). 'PHE undersigned has made arrangements by which he I. is prei>area to lurnish, at aLuri notice, any required quantity of i\o. 1 Peruvian tiiisano, all of which will be frora direct importations, into the Port ot Wilmiugton, and warranted pure aud genuine. t)rder.s loa the above exccll'itU fertilizer are solicited, to wiiicti prompt attention will be given. As thi.s is an article wliich >loes tiot admit of being sold on time, cash or its equivalent mu-t accompany each order. BEVERLY ROSE. July 8. 20tf •fust Keeeived, k GOOD assortment ol— A KERSEVS, blankets, TWEEDS, JE.VNS, S.VTINLTT.', CA.S.SiMERE.S, PRINT.-?, .lloES, >“.c. —ALSt.t — IH I»»Z. HOOP .^KIRTS, fyj “ LI.sEN AND MMiSKLLES SIIIRT.S. STvRR vV UlLLLVMS. Nov'r 25, 185S. ij'>- County, kill and murder one T..•■:n!i- .Munroe, and that the said McDougald is a fu^iiive irom justice, and has ■ escajwd beyond the limits of mis Siate. Now, to the end that the said .Archibald McDougald j may he arrested and brouj'ht to ttial for his said offence, j I do hereby issue this my Prc;lamation, offering a Re ward of Two Hundred Dollars ’or his apprehension and delivery to the Sheriff of Cumberland County. DF-l’JiaPTION. •McDougald is about fifty years of age, of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, ol quick speech, has a scar on the face near one of hi> jaws, weighs about 165 or 170 pounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while drunk is turbulent and troublesome. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the ' [l. s.] State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth day of March. . A. D. 18.',8. By the Governor, TIIOS, BRAGG. . PuL.vsKi Cowi'LR, Pr. .Secy. March 1.5. 93tf NOTICE. I rpAKEN up and comnntted to the Jail of Moore County, j 1 N. on the 19th of December 1858, a negro man . wno m;vs lii.s name is CH.ARLES R.ANSOM, and iie .says he is free, but failed to sho-w .my evidence of his freedom. He is a Mattress-.Niaker by tr.ade, writes a good hand, about M7 years old. weiglis about 170 lbs., 5 feet 8 inches high, very dark complection, quick spoken, r.ather stooped shouldered. The owner of said negro (if there be any) will come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or otherwise he will be dealt with according to law, W. K. NUNNERY, Jailer. Carthage, Jan’y 8, 1859 78-Ot Takea ll*, TVKEN uj) and committed to the Jail of Cumberland County on the 15th in-:t., a NEGRO BOY, naiiied JOHN BR.U'E or JOHN FRANKLIN, wiio says he is j free, and that he came from t’filumbia. .S. C. John is I small, a bright mulatto, and had on when taken up a I wliite wool hat and steel-mixed frocii coat and pants. I The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges, aud take him away, or he will be dealt with su, the law directs. ii;J. L. McK.AY, Jailer. Oct’r 1-5, 18.-)8. 5.5- 50 Plow**! Plows!! Plows!!! NO. PLOWS; 50 No. 10 Plows; 50 No. II “ 25 No. 50 “ 25 No. 60 “ Points, Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For sale by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 7V- Biitter, Clieese and Crackers. 1 A Goshen Butter; 25 Boxes State Cheese; 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan'y 12 79- Kiil y6ct and Seine Twine. •“A LBS. Gill Net Twine; 190 lbs. Seine “ Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan'y 12 • 79- DRIES. >URE White Lead in Oil, and other Paints; Linseed, Lamp and Machinery Oil; Hydraulic Cement; Calcined Pla.^ter; Land Plaster; Plastering Hair. For sale by .1 I'AiUI SVi.V',. IOFrEll for . I’e my ! L.\N T,\T10N on t!ie Ea of r.ij'j F'ar i;iver. o miles .'tbove ili:> (.'lai iL 'ide FajsttttTiUe, Jani 12, Agent for Pensions. iver. iJridue. known as t,‘\.- To' :'ier LarrN, Ct)nial!:ing about 8'>0 Acres. 'I’lie'atii.*n i-- in a good .-i tte of eubiva- jion, a;i 1 is susceptible oi l.-dii^ made one of tlie protitable Farms lu il’.t Couniv. Addre.-,s JNO. D. WILLIAMS, E?q., Fayetteville, N, C., who is uuthoriscd to sell. L. J. HAUGHTON. Oct’r 1 », 18-5K 5ltf ~ iim SE, i.o r~A \ ito. rpIIE uudersigned wisliiug to close up lli'.'ir .,ld bu-'i- X n.-'ss, offer for sjIc the HOUSE and LOT on Hay- j mount, formerly occupied by .Major Gilmore. .\lxo, a NEGRO BOV 14 yeii S of age: having tiied him for the i 'ast five monihs, we can recotnincnd him as an excel- j lenf snrvant. both for house or out of doors, sold for no lauit, but to close old bu.~ine.‘-s. F, N. & J. n. R(BERTS, | May 3, 18-58. 7tf | 01.0 Bli.I.S. j VLL persons indebted to the concern of FRANK K. ; JERRY and J. H. ROBERTS C(b, are re(iuestel i to come torwa’d and settle their bdls. If not f*ettled | b^ the l.xst of this mouth, they will find them in tiie hands of a Lawful Collector. | J. H. ROBERTS K CO. } Mav n. 1S58. 7tf * _ _ , I TEiirt% Bands Wanted. i ri^ilE riubijeiibei- wishes to hire by tlie Month, or Day, | X Tliirti, Negroe.', to Avork on the Nintii Section of the | Western Rail Road. 1 For further paiticulars inquire at the Engineer’s ; Offics, Faycttttvillft, or of me at Little River Bridge. > O’BRYAN & CO. Aug. le, l&ib. 88'tf F'resh rr i tals\ r.'i f received ] ■ .'-i.'amer I-.inny, } r>Ms. E.'vir.'i No. 1 .M.VCKEiiEL ;for roiaiiing.) lo “ iJo. *• 1 V.10. lo ^ - do, “ 1 do. 10 i. .MESS SH.VD; ;:'l Boxes CHEL.-sE; Kf) P.ags New Hulled i'.Lt KVIl E.VT 1 LOL'R; Fultoii Market Beef; .M.'ss Poik; Goshen Butter. Poi:ivt;t ■Salt; Sugar; Coffee; Moia-sc'; and eveiy l!:iii- iu tiie provision lire; wliich I will sell cheap for C’.\SH or ex- cliansp for country Produce. W. C TROY. .Nov. 18.58. ••'•-tf Hardware, Cutlery^ V, Xv. J.\MES M.ARTl.NE is now .-eceiving a l.irge and gene- r-i assOrtrueut of every thing iu tlie ab^.v ■ liiii'. — .VbSO - V prime article of Rio, Laguira and Java COJ FEE; t'nished an.i iliown SUGAR; Sugar House .SIRUP and ■dt.>LAS-5i:S. All oi wiiic)! is offered on as good tert-n* a« can be Lad i;; tliis marki;t. N.'iV'r'Jl, lt'58. f^tjtf a T s," o IL s, & c. Ml'Ei’.'I, F.ftfined, Lard. Linseed and Tanners Oil.: White Lead, Biiruinx Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and .Sash of all size.-. — ALStI— A freKh ?upplv of POND S P.MN DESTROYER. For sale bv' JAMES MARTI.sL. Nov r 21, i^5H, r,i;ti TiA:c. N H.VND, a largf' assortmen: of B'\ and Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. .Vlso Jfte "(Hd ttnmtnion Coffee For s.ile by JAMES MARTINE. Nov'r 24. GCtf THE ElVEK liWlUOItATOIt! PKKt’AllKl) IIY DR S,\.NKORl>. ('ompoundfd entirely from GIMIS, IS O.N'K OF THK IlKSr PLK(»ATIVK AND MVKR HE l>ir(NKS tiow tiofure tliP ptiblic, thnt acu aa a «a^)e>, mil tier, ami mnie o.T»*cihhI iKau an> othor medicii'e knowr. il IS not a t'.:lhurtir. but a Z,ir«»r lenietly, aclinK on tha Lic*r to l?« morhitl niHtler, ihen on rlie ttfmach and to carry off that matter, thus HcconipHiiliinK two pii'powaji effertn ally, aijyof the paiuf'il fe©lin»f« •JtMnenca*! in the oj*«fra lioMi* of ni(n»i CafhfutirA. It Htienjrthen* tlir at tl«e «itn • litne that it piirrt"' : •*n'l when takati daily in luoderato dvf'v*. will Btret^gth^ii kuJ build il tip wivli ununual rapidity. The I.Srer i" oneofthr: • p!inei[>al refputatora of the perfornia hi (ut.ctiona well, fiiily developed. 'I her4uiuitrK Oil th^ healihy action of the •nee of iiiiiiinctioi>e. when the aie at fault, and (hr «hul» ol O’le orjfan—the I^lvtr— For the liKeaf»es ot th^i or* hxM Riade it his atudy. In a years, to bmi m>me leniedv many deiani^enjeiite to wLivIi at lawt found, any person troa- pinliit, in ativ of its foiuis. B. ROSE Jan’y 17. 80-3t Planting Potatoes. VFEW Bbls. 01 superior quality for sale by B.' ROSE. Jan'y 17. 80-3t 100 Casks ol* Einie, J N prime order, just received and for sale in quantities to suit. B. ROSE. .Tau’y 17. 1S59 80-3t To Tanners. VFEW P'bls. TUAlN OIL, ot extra quality and in first raie order, for sale by B. ROSE. Jan'y 17. 80-4t Turpentine Hackers, Scrapers, Pullers and Dippers, ^LL of the fii’st quality, can be had at M. A. BAKER’S GUN SIUjP, Fayetteville, N. C. Jan’y L5, 1858. 80tf io!! .Ian’ Wlii4key! Whiskey!! ^‘>B1.S. pu''e Corn Whi'.key, warranted to be tree from noisonous dru(r«. Just received bv E. F. MOORE*. ■11. himian bMly ; aud tl»‘% powers of the svstein are ! It almost entirely J«f>endei;t Lirer for ihe p*oi>«r p«rtoim stomach l»at fault, theboweSii systi;m si'.rTet A iu L*o«ise|uence having rea^el to do its duly, ipan, otie of the piop(letorf> practice of more than twenty : wherewiili to counteract the ! U i^ liable. I To prove ihaT this rem»^1y i»*' blel with Klvcr has bill to tiy a bottle, aiui. These tsiinis 'Sniove all the nvKteni. supplying tu thetr l lri»iiCoratl*'f( tite stonia‘l). ’ piitifylnie flic bliMtrt.j whole nta4‘hinery, tentuvintr •ffeeiini^ a radical cure. Rlltoii« nflarkft nre : belter, preventicl, hj L«lver liivl)^orator. hie dose af>er eating is Kuf- aui prevent itie fo(»d fron; Only un« do^e taken befuie innre. Only one done taken at Cetitly. and cures ’o*- hie doAf) taken after each w h>e doxe of two tea- Sick llefiilnrlir. One boitle taken for fe* cau^t of the dlNeft^e, and (Hiiy one dose immediately (hie du»e orteu repeated in ftforbut* ttnd A preventive J^thily one bottle is systrna the effects of medi- 4(^Oue bottle takeu for lowness or unnatural color One doee taken a short for to the appetite, and make'* One dose often repeated rlioea iu Its worst tormn. Bowel complaints yield One or two doses cures at Children : theie is no sorer, the world, as It ncrer •9* A few b«*ltles curei> absorbents. We take pleasure in recoro preventire tor Kever aud all Fevers of a Bll- with cenalnty, and thousands wonderful virtues. All who use It are fjiardeu .^eeds. of LHndroth's LasiifretSi' II ,ST vive ', a gi-nerxl ati.-oi imen: a:leb;'.ii d (jar;.,'u .^»'eds, fi-esli and genuine, ws ran'ed of th’ crfin of ls58. S T. I:AV LEY SOV. Jan 12, 7‘.*-4w lOll’ alii. inurhid or l>ad matter fron t>lace a healthy flow of cau^in|r to«>d to •'ij^t^t well, t^iviti^ tone and aith to tii« the cauM of thn disen»e>-> 'cured, iiiul, it the occanionnl Ube ttl the Bclent to rel-eve the stoiuach rifJtj*' and itoiirhip. 'letiriiiK, pie\ents IVIglit- GOO nioiaii. U \e^v I'rcp ]flola?^ves. iHIDS. CHOICE NEWri’.OPCLl A MOLAS- Sl S e?;pected,‘dircci from '’u)>a. during this For sale by n M H W. AV V (.’O. Imin^rton, .I.-..ii'v 10 -Iriipl .\ew OrleasBH Suj H i! i>S. ol priiiK- to ,nlj;ht, loosens the bowels tiveiiesa. menl willcntn DyspepsiM fpooufuls Kill aUa>s ie«;eve male obstrnctioo removes tbs niHken a nerfect cuie. relieves Cliollr. while a Muie cui» for C'bolera of Ciiolern* needeii to throw out of ths -rine after a lot^c sickness •laiiiitllce removes ail sal ; from the skin. ^2 time before eating gives ?i ;fooddiire*t well. 0k0 cures C brf>itlc l>lar*- pH while Summer and almost to the flr^t dose. :m«ni1init tbit nietfclne as • C'hlll Kever, Ions 'I'yiH-. Il opa’nim |Hr« willlijg to tcatlf; to it. Iviiig tlieir aiianlmoua ;ai' floiasses. HMi'S. ol pniiK- to ehoico New t.'rop Sng4r; I'i.I !’.trroi.s o.'’ oLoiceNuw Cr ip .N'ew tt;leain ‘^vrin. and M.'.la- -is. diilv exoe^'f -d from .New Oriean.s. For sale V ' ' HATH.\V.'AY .V CO. Wiimini'-tori. N. .’nn’y 10. 79-2wpd f*iiigar lIoii«e Syrup. VFEW Rt.’; cJC'dlent .S H. >'VRUP. Also, pr’me fir.'ft M tI,.\..SSl S. C. Oct'r IS. B. C'*oK. 5Uf fer, or speedier remedy in I l>rop*yt ^7 exciting the 30!) \ov. Eor !!ialc. LlAtjS ALL .d S.^LT—‘J bushels each, 1 GEO. W. WILl.lAM'i \ e. 18^?-. 0 testimony lii Its fnvo^. •9* Mix Wat«-r In tlte mouth with the g;i>i'«tor, aiifl swallow butSi toKcther. THE LI’VUR INVIOORATOR 18 A Rl’IKNTIFtC MKIiItTAI- DIRCOVEKV, «r.d I. rt.'ty working cures, iiImMt too (treat to bclicTe. It cure* II b; mairic, ecea t/i4 firat ditut gitiufi and seldoni triore than one bottle is required to cure a:iy kiiid of Liver ('>ropla4Ul. from the worst Jnuntii''e or to a con^mon Bt^idack^, all of which arc the result of a Oltettscd l^lver* PRICK o.**! OOLLAK rsK »orri.B. T>r. SANKORH, Troprietor. M5 Hroadway. New Tork ftet^led by all Drn^ists, .So,M mlm hg J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov'r II. b2-ly J ill ; ■ X N UST ’■(’ceiTC't pr Fonny. a few Firkin*^ -if very nice B' TTER. and “5 Boxes prime CHEESl'.. C. B. COOK Oct, 14. 51 tf rvlOiCK Nonh Cni and Shoulders, Oct. 14.—5J-tf] rjaa BACON, Also, Wtstevn Side> C. P.. ’0(tK. JAS. N. SMITH «nd CHAIK)!»! CHAIK^i!! VL.VRGE lot of Stool-bottom Cnairs, ir.aiie Spring Mill, and for sale by A. M. CAMPBELL. Miu-ch 24, 'h%. Naiiall Po\ Oead! Cl EN'TLEMKN. you tiiat wi-h to soil likely YOUNO I NEGROES—Men. Boys, Women and Girls—tor the t Cool highest cash prices, would do w«ll to give me a call, or aSdress me at Clinton, N. C. J. A. McARTHUR. Jape 6, 186SL 17'8moa.pd I'ldcr Vinefiar, Tor sale !>> W. 11. C-ViiVER. Aug. 18. A I’ew Barrels r^IIOICE OLI» Al i’LE BRAN l>^. suit.oblf for n.aking wine and cutting up br.tndy fniit. I-oi sale by • W, II. C.UIVUR Ang. IS. 1S58. 2«- Sfe^Tlie>>oiithern iiarniony, and MUSICAL COMPANION, for eala by E. J. HALE & SONi

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