mmm ipi m Cull ■ VV»i,w iW ‘ F « '-bttTci , (I..*:.!ral AlAOA/l^t I lor^ , ‘I llie I bn .- CTeai , i d H i or « “T' ou s,.j “• '«•■> stand, aa ,^ : .fleUeVs , H’ ;es. EKTs 1-| Ih, ■J in t!; Miul V. ■ Ificw • i/ rn, h 'urce. , '■mis;, ' ‘‘n;nuu. i„ *'■'1 UUfc ^3 wj 5 Ou 7 :,;> « U-, •i IMJ * (K» lO W u rtce Dl. T, fotu- Tim nil ■ , . ur K . i‘e aboT.. priee ■■■■p'-'-'f'l'ies of ^ -r copie* ‘ '■'• one ad- an>l Hlack- ^ 'i' ■''as. the-- TAO;. When-,nil,- wiU y«*«r: ir-Hiaekw. )d.'’ 'T CR of tli.. K„ ^^irki ■nt bj ■/ tfi' Jivt . ■ 'itium. P - ' -^'HtiDUs -ihou’d «’■•! i vV r. Did ,tr i. N.„ Plow*??! *rvls i, »n:- ' E .-EETL' r« il t racker*. raclc-T* t !>:kte 7a- ne Xffiue. I- I.Ltl'E nvaift. tl- {8ia;uu^ IE.\T UL’K; »oaiieii . I', jiei tl evti_. tbiiij' in the leap r..i -sH or ex . f-uv. • -(-ir ;iitler>, , Act*. in^ ” ft® g»snt»- ttii- a .V, I ,- ai.. ja. 'FKEt: r '! , :- >: ' P and trta jti:i t>e had :t iko\, fcc if I‘ -X and (,'oukin^ ^ea'; I'i: _ Also Votf€ ^MK' MARTINE. KI.NT. IJl.. )ii Flaymouni, ■ ji, u iir- ‘nquire M. MI-BELL. *tl m KSK. Firkiu of vorj nic* L'HLL.'F. ' 15. ■ jOK. r>l-tf L %KOLI.\A, rv. reri'., i 'ei‘ - i ' Jonei y 'uiiJ . 1'*^ Sophia, ttl-- v' Pow«.-rr>, Neill ie, ■ : liiue, Helen Eu_-.'iia 1.!: •, Lul^® , V\ III VV.,.jd. and jd ‘ i^e name.-* ara itj. iHt uM Neill Blu«, ill! iiiue. H-jlen Blue, ilue, ;.ukf Alburtii Wo d, and ilie chil- ^t^nle^ V ■- unknown. Hi e !: Tcby notified C'(jurt ‘>f E4uity for it the ' Durl House fty ill March next, »aid iiiii, or the same^ 1 ex parte as to them- N( ■ . A: M. E. -J,i ^ $4 luroliua, MV. ssiuii , December S. J • - vn, versui iO/1. -ti Fropert/ i^ = oit 1 tL( linm ■i.urt *ihai the A. .M;iii;hi9i>n, ti, ,t itit* ordinary h, : It tb' refore 01 -ix wrcl^s in the Wj i.ii A. Murchi- I oi. Plean and ( ;uiy ol Cuiuber- u, ou ihe tirsi mi f,en : ::i ther* It tit! ' will be re»j- ijti'ic-iiil: ;d to Stttiafy >r our mid Jourt, al »> ii: De^.^iuber, A. S’ \K1*KS, ':ierlL H SPERLING. W* IPAlrEWIBTIiyLIE se:iii-iveekl.y. [Vol.. VIII.] fayettp:ville, n. c., February 3, is59. [NO. 785.] PRINTED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EUWIRD J. HALE & SON, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS, price the Semi-Weekly OBSKKVf R S3 (X) if paid in !i 1 ance; S-l oU if paid during ;he year of subncrip-, or $4 fttler the year has expired. For the Weekly Obsekvkb Si! (K) per annum, if paid in ndvunce: S2 50 if paid during the year of subscrip tion; or S3 00 after the year has expired. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted for 60 cents per -miare of lt‘> lines for the tirst, and 30 cents for each «,..-ceeding publi'Htion. Yearly advertisements by spe cial contr.Hct.s, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are ■ (•qiit'Sted to state the number of insertions desired, or thev will be continued till forbid, and charged uccord- ind\. A'lvertisements to be insertetl umidf, charged 50 per nnt extra. nor.^TAi:v m:e'\ery. Til* Si’i lien/ of \urt/i Cdrolintt ani South CaruliiKi. BY HENRY E. COLTON. V\\i)RK upon the Scenery of the Blue Ridge and its l>llow ranges of Mountains will be publi^ied early u Jauusiry. The following will b« its couieiits: rii:ip. 1—Introduction. II—Asheville. III—Routes to reach Asheville—the Swananoa Koail. ( hup. IV—The Hickory Nut Gap Road. V—The Routes from South Carolina—Salem u U’ !ind Jones Gap. Flat Rock. Hendersonville. Ctesar’s Hoad. Whiteside Mt. and (.'ashler's Valley. t'lmp. VI—A Route via Wilkesborough and Lenoir; tlie Valley of the Yadkin; Wilkesborough; Happy Valley; Lenoir; Hi bri'ten. etc. :'Lap. VII—Morganton and its surroundings; the Piedmont Springs: Hawk's Bill and Table Rock. ('•lap. VIII.—Linville Falls; the Gingercake Rock; N. rih Cove and the Cave. ('hap. IX—The Vicinity of Asheville; the White Sul- ,uv; the Million Springs; Pleasant Drives. (.'hup. X—The Black Mountain; the Mountain House; Journal of a Party, t'hap. XI.—The Roan Mountain; the Bald Mount. ('hap. XII—The French Broad River and the Warm Springs. I'hap. XIII—Pleasant Country Stopping Places; Car- '■■n on file Catawba; Ilarris’s at Chimney Rock; SherilPs a' Hickory Nut Gap; Penland’s at Flat Rock on Toe Rivt-r. in S’ancey; Alexander's and A. E. Baird’s on the Fivn(.-h Broad: Alexander’s on the Swannanoa. ('hap. XIV—The Western Counties; Haywood, Jack- ' pu. .Macon and Cherokee; Pigeon River; Franklin; a Winter Trip; Valley River; the Nantihala; Cherokee ludiau?. ('hap. XV -Productions of the West, Agricultural and Mineral: Wild Flowers; Tree Growth; Wild Animals and Repfiles. .Vi'ftMnx.—Tlie Pilot Mountain; Salem; Piedmont s; ling' cii' .Stokes; Shocco Springs; Kitf^ll'.« Springs; Lt-:’, : s if Dr. Christy on Mouniaitis of North ('arolina. The Work will contain four views of Mountain Scenery sii i il Map of that section of country, showing all Roads, ijie Lines, Stopping Places; Noted Plates, etc. It will t.i> got up in the liest style of art, and sold at 00 cents copy. When sent by mail, 6 cents. Pensons wish- ciipies, will address W. L. Pomeroy, Raleigh. N. C. A liberal discount to those taking a number of copies r'- v 'ule or distribution. .V number of adverti.sements of Hotels, Livery .''■;il)les ami Springs will be inserted upon fly-leaves, if t ii'warded immediately. Papers of the State will confer a favor by giving iliir me or more insertions, bet-'r liT. 7*5- PROWPECTUS OF THK N 0 R T II C A K O L I N A JOl RXAL OF EDI CATION FOR 1859. 'pHE Second Volume of the Journal will commence 1 with the next year, and the first number will be is- -a(*d about the middle of January. It will be published : titlily. ami each number will contain not less than , nart_v-iwo pages of reading matter. j Tlie Journal will be neatly printed, on fine paper and ] in style eiual to the present Volume. The aim of i •h '-e wh'i have charge of it, will be to make it a valuable j iiixiliary in the cause of education. j It i> the property and organ of the State Educational AD.TllI%l«TKATOR’M 5>^ALE. ON the Itith day of February 1859, I will sell to the j highest bidder at the Market House in Fayetteville, ; ONE HOUSE AND LOT, in good repair, on the West ! side of Robeson Street, adjoining the Methodist Protes tant I’burch Lot. The reversion (after the w^idow’s dower) of the HOUSE and LOT on Haymount the residence of the late Willie F. Moore. One Negro BOY (.\lfred) aged about 14 years. Terms ij months credit for notes which will negotiate. E. F. MOORE, Adm’r of W'. F. Moore. —ALS(^— At the same time and place. One Fine two Horse (.'ARRl.\GE; One BAROUCHE. Terms at sale. E. F. .MOORE. .iHii’y 2'2 82-ts T. WADDII.L I HAS TAKEN CHARGE OF THE ■ FAVETTEVILi^E HOTEL.. With athciuiit aid in the di)Ter«ut depai-lmenl*, j and hi« own >-upervikion of the entire Eattablivh- | ment, hu hopwii to give iati«fa(;tion to th« Pat- | rons of the House. j Raleigh and Waruaw four-hors« linaM of Stages | arrive and depart from this House Daily, and the Sal(tm iitage Tri-weely. Fayetteville, N. C., (^ct’r I. 51-ly Sni'LYIWELL HOUSE, FAYKTTEVII.Li:, C. Valuable IVomaii & C'liil- ilri si { »r ^ale. II^ILL be sold at th >! ^ ’ House ou Mond^v, .ne 7th day'of Febriiai',^. 1 “ a V.VLUABLE W'OjI,\N AND THREE CHILDKi.:>, to close a deed of trust made by G. W. McDonald tc me. Terms of sale, 90 days credit,—notes that will di.sco’.int at either of the Banks in Fayetteville. E. L. W'INSL()W\ Trustee. C. E. LEETE. Auct’r. Jan'y 1. 1H59. 76-ts LUIIFORSM ^ I OFFER for sale 640 .Veres of L.YND, lying on the West side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay etteville. and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about ei{ually divided into river- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land. About 80 acres, adjoining the river, are •inder cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and Grass: none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sit ex for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 185H. 44tf LIND m SALE. The Subscriber offers for sale THIRTY-FIVE HUN DRED -\CRES of Land in as healthy a section as there is in Alabama. FORTY ACRES, on which are a good Dwelling and all necessary out-houses, in good repair. ONE HUNDRED and SLXTY .\CRES. good river bot tom land, 100 acres of which is under cultivation and produces fine crops of Cotton and (?orn. NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES Creek and Pine land, on which is some good farming land. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED and FORTY ACRES Pine land, w'ell suited for Turpentine getting. This properl}’ will be sold cheap and on acoummoda- ting terms. Address the subscriber at Mount Pleasant P. 0., Monroe County, Alabama. WILLIAM W. ENGLISH. March 11, 1858. i^'J-ly Ajdst ahle nf (Jrvirii Strnf.t, i (/oom North of th*' Mtirhiit. . .A rpHE Su))si‘riber desires through this medium a ackowledge the liberal patronage bestow- JJsSsi ed upon his House the past year—ami as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed conven ient to the House and to water he takes pleanure in say ing to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accommodate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage lieretofore receiveii. Every ex ertion on his part shall be used to render them comforta ble during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the bust the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1>58. 8tj-tf FAYETTEVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. fjlH IS CompHU^ias been in operatioti more than five ears, and han paid its losse-^. amounting to Sl9,12*‘> %j, without any assessment; insurance averaging its members about X percent. Policies issued to 1st of .May, 1858, 2709. Amount of i)roperty now iiifureii, SI.474,922 34 .■\mount premium notes now ou hand 224,908 2S Cash premiums received, 152,SI7 41 DiREcrou-i. NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr., Has rooc’ved and i this day reoeiviug, a large and dusirauie STOCK OF GOODS, embraoing all the new(»st styUs of Ladies Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, ■ Basques, Hoiiiiets, Ribbons, Flowers, and Trimmings, of all kinds. ' Fon CtKJy^TEjKJfMEJW \ very desirable Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassi- meres. Vesting, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c., A^c. Together with many articles not deemed necessary to enumerate. All of which will be offered low for CASH, or on time to suih as pay when ballad on. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jk. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 20, 1858. 47-tf SEi:Oi\l) FALL STOCK FOR 1858! ST.\RK Wlf.t.IAMS, Are now receiving their SECOND SUPPLY' of Staple and Fancy Dry (lioods, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS, UMBRELLAS, & READY-.MADE CLOTHING, With a great variety of articles not enumei'ated. This Stock is very large an l well assorted, coinpi isiug all the litest styles and patterns, and will l>e offered to Wholesale Buyers ou liberal terms, uithur for -‘CASH’' or approved paper J. B. STARR.] [J. M. WILLIAMS. BRITMSU PERMOMPMC\i£,S. L. .SCOTT & CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz: 1. THE LONDON QU.XRTERLY (Conservative ) 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) 8. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) 5. BLAt^KWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) way:\e houise, GOLDSBORO’, N. C. The undersigned announees to the public that he has taken charge of the above Es tablishment. and is prepared to accomm(3daie Boarders, by the day, week or month. And he assures all who may favor him with their patronage, that he will endeavor to give perfect satisfaction. Table supplied with the best the market affords. J.\S. G. SMITH. Goldsboro’, Jan'y 28, 1859 84-lyr Jan’y l;i Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. My rover. S. W'. Tillinghast. Henry Lilly. N. .\. Stedman. S. J. Hinsdale, Luiterloh, .McLaurin. A. E. Oct. 14. 54-tf IVEW (iOODS T. S. Wm J Land for Sale. OIIN T. GILMORE now otfers for sale a portion of his swamp lands in the county of Cumberland about 14 miles below Fayetteville, and about li miles East of the Cape Fear River. The entire swamp has been suc cessfully drained, of the large body of water by which it was heretofore covered. The land is apparently level, being free from ridges (which are so common to swamp lands generally,) whiUt there is an abundance of fall, by which the rain water can be carriel ofT by ordinary ditches. A small portion of the land has been in cultivation about 7 years, and those persons who have seen the crops regard the land as e«iual in fertility to any they have seen in this Stale or el>ewhere. Tlu* location is healthy, the neighborhood good, and the ac cess to Fayetteville and Wilmington easy by means of a good road IJ miles in length leading directly to tlie river. Besides this, it is within 5 miles cf a beautiful little village, upon a high and healthy Bluff, at the river, with a Store, Ware-house and first-rate landing. .\11 which afford many conveniences to the neighbor hood. -\s several persons have spoken of purchasing, this is deemed a proper time to call their attention to the subject, inasmuch as there is a crop now growing upon a small portion of the land, by wlufh they can judge of its production, ttexf' Reasonable terms will be given to the purchaser. .Sept. 10. 185«. 45tf Laii(ii^ for iSale. 1 OFFER for sale about 600J Acres of Pine Lands near Fayetteville, containing an immense quantity of Mill ^niiniiinicate with the School officer^ and teachers of the 'rutc. and other friends ^'•uriation. and is under its control. Through its pages | Timber, and a number of Turpentine Boxes, and several General Superintendent of (’ommou Schools will j new ta.'^ks may be cut. There is on the premises a fine Dwelling House, ami all necessary- out-houses,—.Scup- pernong and Isabella Grape Vines,—1000 young Peach and Apple Trees of Lif lley's best varieties; also, a good FARM of about 150 acres cleared; and also a GRIST and SAW MILL; and :i fine large Meadow of about 140 acres. The Fayetteville and Coal Fields Kiiil Road passes through these lands about a mile from the Mills. 1 will sell in parcels to suit purchasers, but would pre- | fer to sell the whole together. Apply to Thos. S. Lut- terloh. Esi)., Fayettevil'ie, or the subscriber at Pitts- borough, N. C. J- H. H.Al GHTON. Nov. 12, 1857. ^'Otf .Vriicles are solicited from teacher f'lucation. TER.MS .INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE.) Five Copies, or more, onlered at one time, or to one s idress. ONE DOLLAR each, per annum. Additional copies at the same rate. Single copy, S2 (H» VII teachers and school officers are rei'iuested to act as agents. The Teacher who sends us the largest number of sub- ■icritier'i (not less than thirty,) before the 1st of Januarj', will be entitleil to half a page of )Mlvertising for the The one sentling the next largest number will be •'iititled to tlie fourth of a page: .Vnd each one «*.-nding 25 or more will be entitled to a cai^l not e.vceeding eight lines. All communications relating to the Journal sliouM be ■I'Mresned to J. D. C.X.MPBELL. Resident Editor. Greensborough, N. C Uec'r 29. 75- A MKMOIK OF Ki:v. Ef.INlI 1 1>. D., LATE PBOFKSSOR OF rilEMISTUY, MINERALOGY, AND GEOLOGY, IN THE UNIVERSITY OF N. C. ^(XiETHEK with the tributesof respect to his mem- ry, by various public meetings and literary as- ■"’i-iaiioiis, and the addresses delivered at the re-inter- tueiit of his remains ou Mount Mitchell, by the Rt. Hfv. James H. Otey, Bishop of Tennessee, and Hon. I’ l'id L. Swain, President of the University of N. C. This interesting little book, giving a graphic sketch ■t'he life and the onjy correct account of the tragic ifath of this great and good man, together with a fine STEEL PLATE LIKENESS of L»r. .Mitchell, is now ready and may be had at the Bookstores of .Messrs. Pomeroy & Turner, iu Raleigh, Nbillett \ (;;o., in Chapel Hill, and at the office of pub- !i'ati,,ii. Price, in Paper, 30 cents; in Cloth, 50 cents per t i|'V. Copies I in paper covers,) sent by mail to any I'art of thi* country, free of postage, upon the receipt of ;>5 cents in coin or postage stamps; in cloth (library '^vle. :■ for 55 cents per cop^. Address J. .M. IIENDER.SON, ' I.upel Hill, N. C. 74- S. T. Hawley, W'. N. Tillinghast, A. .McKethsn, J. I). W illianiii. •las. (i. t,'ook, A. W. .'^teele, .Jas. Kyle. ■I. (5. .''hepherd, R. F. Brown. Wilmington. Hall. Wilmington. >Ff irK.Ks: GEO. ,\1 NEILL. President. D. A. RAV. Vi(.e 1‘resideut. C. .V Mc.MILL.VN, Secretary. John Collins and C. C. .Mci.'rummeii, Travelling Agents he ('omi>aiiy invite applications. May 21, 185H, ^‘iY OI RT. STATH (IF NORTH (’\ROLINA ) ('IMHKRL.X.M) foiNTY, ) Su]>erior Court of I'all Term. 18 >. Hi» Honor Romih s M. .S.m ndvh-* Judge Presiding. IT is Ordere'l by the t’onrt. That a Special Term of this Court be hel l on the second Monday in February. A. D. Ib5'.t. Juror^. W iinc''es ami .Suitors in Civil ('auses are here by notitied to attend. ’ Wiineb;^. John W . Baker, Jr.. ’lerk of our said Court, at office, the seventh M«»iid.iy after the fourth Monday in Sept«-mber. .A. D. 1>'5S. tiiitC] .lOHN W. li.VKER, Clerk. Water Wheels! Water Wheels!! AITE are now manufacturing V.ANDEW.ATER'.S IM* >> PROVED JONVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, for Mills and Factories of every description; and all those wi>liing to imjirove their w.iier jjower will find it lor their interest to address us by letter, stating the number of feet, head an«l f;ill; their u.'uiil amount of water; the kind of machinery to be driven. W e can then give them price of wheel, or what we will furnish wheel and prin- gears for, warranted to do a certain amount of wurk. Tinif ijiren to thf wheel, and if it does not come up to our figure, the wheel ami gears to be deliver ed to us at the mill ot tlie purchaser. fiKfif*Reference given and re>iuired. HEATH .S: STEVENSON, Laurel Factory, Prince (Jeorge Co., Md. ROBERT 15.V1RD. .\gent. Richmond, Va. ti-y THE I.IVEU iiWIOOKATOK! PRKI’ARKD KV PR SANKOKl), ('oiupouudt'd entirely from (»l .^IS, IS ONK OF THK HH-ST I’L'ROATIVK AM) I.IVKB II 1 rm iN'BS now hafore the publir, lh»t acn m » ,'u^rhr 1 The Aew Edition ol* Devereux & Battle’s law Reports, Vol. 1, I^ECEIYES the approval of those w'ho have examined lit. Cliiof .histice Nash says, “I have looked through it— it is earefully and well got up. * * * l think to our * uiirt it will be invaluable—and to the Profession equally It will save the labor of deciding the .same points i;rain and again; for there will be no excuse for Counsel 'I'ji being ajiprised of points already adjudicated.” u-ntlemen of the Bar who have purchased .and ex- mu ne>l it concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. ^or sale, with sets or separate volumes of North Ca rolina Reports, and Law Books generally, by E. J. HALE & SON. Valuable Plantation ! FOR ! rpHE subscriber ofl’ers for sale the PL.ANT.ATK^N and i I improvements where he now resides. It is located • i just below the month of Liles'Creek, in Catawba county, ' I near Lewis’ Ferry on tb“ (’:itawha river, adjoining Hen- i derson Sheri, and cont^' n'* 15 .Acres. 15(1 of which are in cultivation and «' 5i> acres of that is good , (.’reek and Branch Bottom. Tlie improvements are a | comfortable Log Dwelling, a first rate Barn, St.ibles and stalls for 20 head of horses; Cow shels, and good Fences. There is upon the place a good GRI.ST >I1LL running a pair of Burr and a jiair of common Stones, j The W. N. C. Railroad pa-ses through the Farm and , the Depot is located upon it. It is the most valuable ; farm in this section of the Slate. Will be sold for ('ash or exciianged for Negroes. | A. W. WILSON. I Oct. 15, 18.58. 57tf j 690 ACRES OK I .A iM> l-'(Jlt .S.M.K. , I^HE Subscriber offers for sale the above iiuantity of j Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmington i'i Charlotte Rail Road, and | four from Lumber RiveV. This Land is well adapted to j Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purjioses, liaving ' a good range and other advantages. Those wishing to i purchase may find me on the premises, who will be ; happy to exhibit it or give any information concerning it desired. ANGUS McGlLL. Philadelphus, N. Sept. 1, 1857. tOtf FAR.VI FOR SALc:. i I OFFER for sale my PL.ANTATION on tlie East side | of Cape Fear River. ‘A miles above the Clarendon ; Bridge, known as the Toomer Lands, containing about 800 Acres. The Plantation is in a good state of cultiva- jion, and is susceptible of being made one of the most profitable Farms in the County. 1 Address JNO. D. WILLIAMS, Esq., Fayettevilh?, N. !• vho is authorised to sell. L. J. HAUGHTON. ; Oct’r 14. 1858. 54tf j IS ONK OF THK BH-ST I'LROATIVK AM) I.IVKB ME a pul milder, •ml mor*effectu»l than any other medicine kii Il i* not only k (.\tOifirtir. but » Littr remedy, actinir flrit on the itcer to elect iu morbid mattoi, then on the •tomnch >nd bowel, to c»rrT off that matter, thiie accotnpli»hin)c two purposes effoi tu ally, w’ilhoiit anTof ib© painful fe€llnr« nxpcrieurad in the op.?'h tioiit of mo8t Cathaftir,. Il htren#rthen* the at tb® *an ^ time that it puriCM It; »in«i when t*kan daily In moderate will •irengthen and build fi up with aniiiiual rapidity principal rrgiiUlom of the perfurnie its fonctioTit wril. fully develuped Thet>tou*uch on tbtt heaUhy aciion of ih« unt'eof it«functiOTit, whet»th« are at fault, and the wbolr of one or^fan—the L»lv«*r— The UlTer it one of the hatnan body ; and when it the uowert of the ^T»tem are il almoai entirely ilei»endent Liter for the proper perform- •tomack it at fault, the U>weU ■y»tem suffers in oontequenoe haring ceased to do its duty gan, one of the proprietorii practice of more than twenty wherewith to counteract the it is liable. To prove that this remedy ii bled with L.lver C'oin* has but to try a bottle, and Thete Gumi rerDOve all Uie syetera, tupplyiuK their tnviicoratinR the itomai'h, purify 1 UK ttie blood, W whole machinery, reruoviug i effecting a radical cnre. I Bilious attackf better, preveiitefi, by L«lver lia'vl|Corator. | Oue doie after ^ting it snf- •nd prerent tht food from 1 Only one dote taken before ] mare* i OS (Jnly one do«e taken at gently, and cnre* Coa^ llvetifH** One dote taken aft^r each . meal will cure Uy S|>epfllB i^One doM of two tea- spoonfuls will alwaj§ relieve Sick lleadacbe* One bottle taken for fe many derangements to« at last found, aiiy perton tron plAllit, in any of its formii. conviction hi certain. .morbid or bad matter from place a healthy tiow of oile, causing food to d>gt*^t giving tone and health to me the cauMe of the disease- cured, and, \«'hut Is ;the occasional use of the ficieQt to relieve the stomach ! rising and touring, retiring, prevents Nlght- nipht, looMni the bowe1« rpHE Sukiscribers adopt this method of inf jrniing their X friends (and the public generally) that th«y are now reoaiving into store a very large and general sroc K OF GOODS, EMBR.VCING t.} K O € i : R 11^: w, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, All of which they are disposed to sell at reasonable pro fits for Caiih, or bn the usual time to responiiible purcha sers who are in the habit of paving. GEO. W WILLIAM.S & CO. July 20, 1858. Hl-tf NEW AND CHKAP GOODS. ” JAMES KTLI3 Has rttceived a Large atid General Supply of DRV €^OODS, Bouts and Hats, Bolt ing Clothe, &:c. ,\11 of which has been purchased by the packag# for Cash; all of which is olfu'ud at th« lowest market price, at wholesale or retail. Oct. 4, 1858. 54-tf THE LARGEST MA.NL'FACTORY ■ > THE STATi;. rpHE subscriber begs leave to return I his thanks for tin- liberal patronage heretofore cxtcmled tu him. an'i informs the public that he ha^ now ami will continue to havi- an increased force of exi»eriencel Saddle and Harness .Mak ers. whose work he will warrani: and that he is prejiared to uti'er to the pub lic a large and varied a.'Sortment of every thing kept in his line. His assortment of Sadilles, Harness. Bridles, Trunks. Travolling Bags. Valices. iVc.. im unsitrpassetl for workmanship and material, and will compare favorably for neatness with any other Manu factory, either Noith or South. Persons wanting any thing in his line will do him a favor to call and examine his stock before purchasing, as he is satisfied it will nut fail to please them. His esiahli-;liment will be found live doors East of Cape Fear Bank, on Person .'Street. Repairing done witli neatness and despatch. W. OVERBY. Fayetteville. N. C., Oct. 23, 1858. 57-tim O. HOI liTOULD inform hi>i friends and former customers that \\ he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear B.ank. and 3 doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles, Kridles, Whips, (ollars, and every thing belonging to his trade. lie respecttiilly invites his friends from the country to call and examine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness ami Saddles punctually, and liis charges shall be nuxlerate. He would request all indeliteil to the firm of HOUSTON \ OVERBV to .»iettle with \V. Overbj’ or himself, as thej’ :ire compelled to settle tlie firm's debts. .\ugust 27. 18-')(). if Caroiiiitt sV. C\ rpHE .\tlantic and North Carolina Railroad being now I completed lo Beaufort llarlior, I have determined to locate at Carolina ('ity for the purpose of loing a Forwarding and General Commission ami hope by jiromptness and strict aitetition to merit' patronage and .support. Being tlie .\geni of Murray's Line-of First (Mass Packets to this and Morehead City, every ellbrt will be nuidc to make this the ciieajiest and most expeditious route to New Vork. Vessels will be l)aied ami discharged at my Wharf (adjoining liie Uail- 1 road Wharf,) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. I Particular attention will be given to all oitler^. and to I the sale and shiimieiu of Produce. I WM. B. (iRANT. ! .hilv 1858. ;^2-Iy These Periodicals ably represent the three great poli tical parlies of Great Britain—Whig, Tory and Radical, — but politics forms only one feature of their character. As Organs of the most profound writers on Science. Literature. Morality and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being considered indispensable to the scholar and the profes sional man, while to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and .satisfactory record of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of .\DV.KNtE .SHEETS from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, in asmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of sub scribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. ' I)igtrict. Per ann. j For any one of the four Reviews S3 00 I For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 } For any three of the Four Reviews 7 X> I For all four of the Reviews 8 (X) ! For Blackwood's Magazine 3 OU I For Blackwood anil three Reviews j Four Blackwood and tlie four Reviews 10 H) 1 Pdipnentx to h» iiiaJe Monty current in thi rrreirei/ at jtnr. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above price will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or nioif copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus; Four copies of Blackwood, or of oue Review, will be sent to one ad dress tor S9; four copies of the four Pieview!. and Black wood for S:50; and so ou. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, FREE OF PO.ST.VGE. When .sent by mail, the Postage to anv part of the United States will be but TWENTY-FOUR CENTS a y. i;- u.r -Blackwood,’’ and but FOURTEEN CENT.S a year for each of the Re views. X. H. The pri f in (ircot Britain of the fic*, FerioJicah uhovt-nnincii is per annum. Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LKONARD SCOTT .v CO., No. -A Gold street, New York. The I iider!«igned. Agents and owners of Steam Boats navigating the Cape Fear River, agree that from this date, the Rate of Freight ou Guano shall be TWENTY CTS. per Bag, n«.i. .\nd further, that the system of free passage be abolished. B. G. WORTH. Pres’t, W. P. ELLIOTT, JAS. T. PF.TTEWAY, -Agt Dawsou’v Line D. A. LA.MONT, R. M. ORRELL, Aet. Sun Co., T. S. LUTTERLOH. .lan'y 81. 84-f?w Constable’s Election. • . T ANNOUNCE myself to my fellow citizens as a Can didate for Re-election for Constable in Fayetteville Election on Tuesday, Feb'y 8th. S. A. PHILLIPS. 80te Cruano. I* l \ TONS No. 1 Peruvian Guano. For sale by OU C. T. HAIGH A: .SONS .Jan’y 2t), 1859 83-3w in oU in mtcance. State where isaved iriU he ^o. 1 PeruTiaii Ciuaiio. UST received, ou consignment, 5 TONS A NO. 1 PERUVIAN GU.\NO, for sale in quantities to suit. JNO. H. COOK. Jan’y 81 84-.3t Potatoes! Potatoes!! Potatoes!!! BBLS. YELLOW' PLANTING POTATOES, just receivsd by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y .31 84-3t .1 50 English Breakfhst Tea. ^^QOUCHONO,”—a mo«t superior article. Jtist iv ^ ceived and for sal**. * GEO. W. SPERLING. Jan’y 81 84-3t 50 corpox BONDS FOR SALE. for sale in N eaute of the diteaHe. and Only one dose immediately I One dote of^en repeated is Morbus, and a preventive i W^Only one bottle it j tyitem the effects of me^li-1 4^ One bottle takeu lowoett or unnatural color One dose taken a short' jor to the appetite, and miUiei; One dose often repeated! rhcea In Hb wor»t fonuK, I Bowel complaints yield One or two doses cures at ; Children : there is no Kurer, I ^ Ihe world, at it nefi*r faih. 9^ A few bottles cures; absorbents. | We take pleasure in recom ■ preventive for Fever atid I and all Fevers of a Ull-j with certainty, and thousands male obstrnctlon removes tbs makes a perfect cure, relieves Cbolle* while a mire cure for I'holera ot Cholera* needed to throw ont of the cine after a long sickness Jaundice removes a’i sal from the skin. time before eating icives vl food ditc^t well, cnrrtj (lironlc Olai- while Summer and almost to the tiist dofe. tacks cHusel byA^'oruis iu safer, or spetrdier remedy in Dropsy, by excilinir the mending thin meiicitte ss a A|cue, C'htll Fever, lous Type. It of»«rat«s are willinit to testify to its I.OT IVEC>iRO. THE undersigned wishing to close up their old busi ness, offer for sale the HOUSE and LOT on Ilay- mount, formerly occupied by Major Gilmore. Also, a NEGRO BOY 14 years of age; having tried him for the last five months, we can recommend him as an excel lent servant, both for house or out of doors, sold for no fault, but to cloae old business. F. N. & J. H. Roberts. May 8, 1868. 7tf woBdetful virtues. All 'wrlio u»e St are tcatlmoiiT III Its favor. 49* Mix 'Watrr In the mouth with the Iiivl- gorator, »■•! swallow hoth tof^etlirr. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR 13 ▲ SCIRNTIFIC MKI>I4’AL UISrOVKRY. and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by majfic, sren th» Jint dofe giving and seldom more than one bottle is required lo cure any kiod of llvcr tComplaint, from the worst Jaundirt or to a common all of which are the reeult of a iMseased l^lver* rKICB ONB DOLLAK PPR SOTTLB. Dr. SANFORD, Proprietor, Broadway, Sew York Ratailed by all Pruffjrists. Sfi^ ■ by J.\S. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE. Fayetteville, N C. Nov’rll. 62-1 y Carlyle’s History ol* Frederick the Great; Miles Standish's^Courtship, by Longfellow; W’hile it was .Moruing. by X- F. Town.send; .\rabian Davi Entertainments: White’s Edition of Shakspeare. Dto’r 28. E. J. HALE & SON. A PKOCLA.MATION, Hi/ hi'i Kiril/rnci/, Thomas O'orrrnor | oj' Xorth ('(trohno. Il’^HEHE.VS. it has been lepre.sonted tome that one \\ .Vrchibald McDnugalil, late of the (.’oiinty ol Ciiiii- j berlnml, did on tliu 27th day of Februaiy la^^t, in >aid | County, kill and murder one Thonias Munroe, and that ! the said McDougald is a fugitive from jiislice. and his j I escapcd beyond the limits of this Slate, j Now. to the end that the saiil Archibald .Mt Doiigald ‘ iiiuy be arrested and brought to trial for his said ofl'etice. : 1 do hereby issue this my Proclamation, offering a Re- ; ward of Two Hundred Dolhirs for iiis apprehension and i deliverv to the .Sheriff of Cumberland County. , i ■ DESCRIPTION. ■ McDougald is about fifty years of age, of light hair ' and complexion, blue eyes, of miick s))oech. has a sc tr I on the face near one of hi* jaw«. weiglis about H>'> or ' ; 17(.i jiounds, is addicted to intoxication, and while drunk 1 i» turbtilent ami troublesome. i (iiven under my hand and the Great Seal of the i [l. s.] State, at Raleigh, this the .Sixth day of .March, : A. D. 18.)8. By the Governor, THOS. BR.\.GG. i PrL.\SKi CovrPER, Pr. Sec’y. March 15. j I^OOK-BINDING IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGH.\ST, Hay Street. May 14, 1858. H-ly IlHE Western Rail Road ('om]j»ny have amounts to suit purchasers. | ^2U,000 ot‘ the Coupon Boniis of the (’ountj of I (yuniberlaud, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable semi annually ou the 1st Juue and 1st of December, and run- j ning 20 \-ears. | |^S90,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the Town ot | Fayetteville, bearing G per cent, interest, payable semi- j annually on the 1st January aitl the 1st of July, and I running 20 years. The.'C bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and Town subsci i[)iions re-^iiectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the (’’o. is selling tliema )>etter ijivestment than any Bank Stock in the State. For term.s applj' to C. B. M.VLLETT. Esq.. Pres't, or to J.N'O. M. ROSE, Treas r Western R. R. Co. Fayetteville, Feb'y 2(i, 1858. 89tf I THK .\OKTH «'tKOLI.\A .HITI AL LIFE I.\SIR.1SCE COMP.lM,| ■^OW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con- ; fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per- I sons from 14 to *)> years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the jirofits. j All slaves from 10 to f>(» years of age are insured for ; one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. ! -\11 losses are punctually paid within days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the public is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts of the .'^tate. and to * R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, .Agent at Jan'y l^oU. Fayetteville, N. C. I Aotice to Soldiers’ Widows. ^11HE Wi'low-! of Mexican Soldiers, and the Widows of j 1 Soldiers who iuel' ix skrvick iti the war of 1812, can have tlieir |)Ciisions continued by calling on the under- j signed. Congress having made additional provision for them. Give me the management of your claims, and the j money shall come at once, or no charse. i JNO. M. ROSE, Agent for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 12. 1>58. 19- llarflware^ Cutlery, &v. I A.MES MARTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of evcrv thing in the above line. —ALSO— 'prime article of Rio. Laguira and Java COFFEE; j Cru>,!!ied and Brown SUG.\R; Sugar House SIRUP and MOLA.SSES. ■Ml of which is offered on as good t«rm» as can be had in this market. Nov'r 21. 1858. b'‘-if PI liUVlAN (nWO. rplIE undersigned has made arrangements by w'^iicli he I X is prej>arel to furnish, at idiort notice, any reiuired ijuantity ot' :%o. 1 Peruvian fwiiano, all of which will he from direct importations, into the Port of Wilmington, and warranted pure and genuine. Orders fo.i the above excellent fertilizer are solicited, to which prompt attention will be given. .Vs this is an article which does not admit fif being .siiltl on time, casii or its equivalent must accom))aiiy each ,„aer. BEVERL\ HOSE. ■Inly S. '26tf JuHt Received, \(rOOD assortment of— , K ERSE VS. BLANKETS. TWEEDS, JEANS, S.VriNETTS. t^ASSIMERES, PRINTS. SHOES, &c. —ALSO - 18 DOZ. HOOP SKIRTS. r,() “ LINEN AND MARSELLES SHIRT.S. STARR X WILLIAMS. Nov'r 2o, 1858. Flows! PIowk!! P1ow«!!! NO. 6 PLOWS; 50 No. 10 Plows; 60 No. 11 “ 25 No. 50 '• 25 No. tjU “ Points, Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For sale by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79 Butter, Clieei(e and Crackers. -j ^ FIRKINS Goshen Butter; XlJ 25 Boxes State Cheese; 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan'y 12 79- Cfiil ^'et and )$eine Twine. /k LBS. Gill Net Twine; 190 lbs. Seine " Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79- IVOTICE. \T0. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO; 40r> Casks LIME; 50 Bales HAY; 5 Bbls. GLUE. For sale by July 10, 1858. WORTH & UTLEY. 75 WAITED, *■ NEGROES for a Mississippi plantation, men, boys, girls, and some good families. EPHR. PAGE. Fayetteville, May 6, 1858. 8tf 1000 Corn and Whiftikey. BUSHELS good W'hite Corn. 150 Bbls. Whiskey. 30 “ Apple Brandy. 15 “ N. E. Rum. For sale for CASH by E. F. MOORE & CO. Sept. 9, 1858. 44-tf Ur. FRANK WIllIAMS’S RYE WHISKEY. F) MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to be constanti3' supplied with hi celebrated RYE WHLSKEY, which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct’r 11, 1858. ' 5:i-tf CHAIRS! CHAIRS!! L.VRGE lot of .Stool-bottom Chairs, made at Cool Sj)ring Mill, and tor sale by March 24, ’68. A. M. CAMPBELL 9fiy ^imall Pox Dead! /'(1-2NTLEMEN, you that wish to sell iikelj- Y(>UNCf \j| NEGROF.S—Men. 15oy». Women and Cirls—for the cash jirices, would do well to give me a call, or address mo at Clinton, N. C. J. A. McARTHUR. June 5, 1858. 17-8mos.pd c A lew' Barrels GlOlCK (»LD APPLE BRANDY, .suitable for making wine and putting ui> brandy fruit. For sale bv W. H. (•'AP.VER. Aug. 18. 18.-.H. REWARD. ON the 27th of December, 1858, OBED LEE entered my dwelling and .stole §152, and a pocket book with a good many papers not recollected. He made hi.« way on the 28th to Wilmington and thence towards Qeorgia, as he said he was going there. Obed Lee is a native of Harnett county, N. C., six I miles east of Averasborough; is about 19 or 20 years of , age, about 0 feet high, pale complected, - thin visage- dark blue eyes, very full eyed, nearly pop-eyed, very slow spoken, narrow front teeth, and bad countenance; j supposed to be well dre.ssed I The above reward will be paid for his deliverj’ to me, j or for his confinement in any jail in the United States. W. W'. HILL. Harnett county, N.C., Jan. 4, 1859. 78-lm C'itler Vinegar, lor >>1310 l»> W. H. CARVER. Aug. 18. j\ew Book^ii. I^KOWNLOW PRYNE'S Discussion on Slavery; K. 1) N. Pepper Pnpcrs: Vernon Grove, or Hearts a.-- they ar,'; In and .\round Si.unboul, by .Mrs. E. H'irnby; liiv ing and Loving; Thi* \ ellow Plush Papers, .\tter Dark, by W. Collin“; Davenjiort Dunn, by Lev«r; School Books, Faber’s Drawing Pencils in ,'a'es; &c. Nov'r 21. Fi. J. HALE & S(»N. \e:w^ bookk. Man UPON THE .SE.V; or \ History of Maritime A venture. Exploration and Dls‘oveiy, from the Earliest ,\ges to the Present Time, by Frnnk B (ioiKirich. Just received by ' E. J. H.ALE i'-: .^OS. Webster’s Elementary Hpellinj; Books. .\ further supply just received. Jan’y 8 E. J. HALE SON. ChroDOlog^j of >'orth Carolina, from 1.W4 to l by D. K. Bennett. Jnst received. Oct. 21. E. J. HALK .'i SON. an«l j|@“The >^outiiern Harmony, ! .MUSICAL COMPANION, for sale bv E. J. HAF.K .^ON. Harper’w A: for February. Jan’y 24. (wodev’iK .Vla^axine;^ E. J. HALE vK SON. W ebster’H Elementary ^pellin;; Book, for sale by E. J. IIALE k SON. Jan’y 5.

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